#marcus valdez pines
vulpixen · 2 years
Forever Falls Prologue
Synopsis: A year has passed since that one fateful summer. Seasons have come and gone and now Dipper and Mabel return to where their journey began for another unforgettable summer in Gravity Falls. Some things changed while others stayed the same. Families growing with one or more new members, friendships formed, and love blossoming among many things have happened. And new mysteries around the corner. 
Since that summer, Dipper and Mabel face the consequences of their choice of having not only their minds erased everything of who they were, but having much of those memories returned thanks to the efforts of their friends and family. However, despite their best efforts, the Mystery Twins face memory issues that’ll affect the rest of their lives. And the power they wield in their beings since Bill, like it or not, became a part of them. Now it’s up to them with what they want to do with it. Together. A/N: Hey all! Been a good while since the last story. Life happens as usual, but I am back and getting into the swing of things again and keeping the promise of a sequel fic to OBWHF. There is something else I want to add as well. There are going to be some changes to the story and a few less notable characters. I honestly don’t want them in the story anymore for this au such as Fiddleford’s raccoon wife. And this story will be significantly shorter than the first. After this story, that’ll be it in terms of giving this a conclusion as I, Vulpixen, have been moving on to different stories but I'm still going to write Gravity Falls related stories. Hope you all enjoy this one. The character Adeline Marks belongs to @hntrgurl13 and @scipunk63 (Purpledragon6 on AO3) and thank you.
Here's the family tree with the Pines going forward as they'll make an appearance in future chapters: Stanley and Carla ---> James and Jessie Pines (41) Stanford and Addi ---> Shauna, Shannon Pines (30) and Shifty Pines (37) James Pines and Tara Grayson ---> Cormac (20), Arya, Aria, and Anais Pines (16) Jessie Pines and Lillian Prescott ---> Tanya (22), Stanley Jr (17) and Tyrone “Ty” Pines (15) Cormac Pines and Evangeline Tremblay (engaged) ---> Xavier, Colten, Gweneira “Gwen”, and Rose Shauna Pines and Marcus “Spriggs” Valdez ---> Quincy Pines (8) Shifty Pines and Tate McGucket ---> Isaac McGucket (15) Shannon Pines-Bone and Clyde Bone (married) ---> Drake Bone (6), Conner and Connie Bone (4, adopted). Tanya Pines, Frederick "Fred" Palovich, and Kyle Harper ---> Cadence Pines, Matthias and Mordecai Pines Prologue on Ao3 
Night in Piedmont, California…
It had only been a week since Dipper and Mabel returned home after that eventful summer they had with their extended family, and all the adventures they had together. Dipper and Mabel had returned to school for their eighth grade year. There was a stark difference between the towns. Piedmont is nowhere near as small as Gravity Falls; too many faces seem to blend in with one another and can’t distinguish someone in a crowd almost.
And there was the challenge of remembering old friends and classmates. Hell, even navigating through their middle school became a maze of unfamiliarity in their eyes when they should be able to know the campus by heart in the years they’ve attended. Nothing much changed with the school, physically, but specific landmarks they’d recognize became a blur in their vision.
Dipper and Mabel remembered on the fifth day the concerned looks they got from their peers who’ve known the twins for years, or at least seen their faces, asking them if they’re alright when the pair couldn’t recall which class to go to next they shared. And didn’t recognize the faces of the teachers who’ve started teaching them, and the other students. Something that warranted a parent-teacher conference. Something Alex and Dana Pines find concerning as well. 
Now, Dipper compiled a list of reminders on his notepad for himself and Mabel to use if they were to forget again, turning on alarms on their phones in case they forget the list. Mabel slept soundly with Waddles on her pastel sheets. Dipper rubbed his tired eyes and thought of his grunkles and graunties, considering the idea to call them for advice. He took his phone and pushed back the intrusive thoughts to not call them and speed dials the number. He lets the phone ring until he hears Stan on the other end. 
“He-Hey, Dipper!” Stan greets on the other end of the phone. Stan, Carla, Ford and Adeline have yet to make their trip out to Antarctica, but will be soon. “How’s it hangin’? Are you and Mabel adjusting alright at home?”
Dipper lets out a tired sigh. “Things are going pretty well, but when it comes to things like school, we’re still getting pieces of those memories in middle school back to us.” Dipper picked up the goodbye letter Wendy gave him and Mabel, looking at it as he misses where his and Mabel’s lives changed forever. For better and for worse. “And it’s been overwhelming and… we miss you, Grunkle Stan, and the rest of the family.”
Stan let out a husky sigh. “It’ll be okay, Dipper. If not right now, it will be later. I really can’t imagine how much the memory wiping affected you and Mabel. Wish we were over there to give you two a hug, but pretend we’re there, giving you and Mabel a big one.” Stan couldn’t see it, but Dipper smiled at the mental image of everyone there with him and Mabel again.
“Thanks Grunkle Stan, that helps more than you know right now.”
“It’s no trouble, Dipper.”
“Have a good night. Don’t want to keep you up.”
“Alright. Night, Dipper.” 
Dipper placed his cellphone on top of his dresser, inserted the cord of his charger in it, and falls asleep in his bed, hoping tomorrow will be better. 
Within Dipper and Mabel’s dreams...
Dipper found himself within his own dream, fully aware like he and Mabel discovered not too long after coming back home. He gazes upon the world he created for himself in his dreams: orderly, filled with many creatures he’s come to learn of within a forest, and town nearby. The sky was cloudy and there was a breeze. Dipper takes a walk on the brick road he created towards the town when suddenly, a colorful pastel door poofs into existence and out comes Mabel and Waddles. 
“Dipper!” Mabel exclaimed and her pig squealed in delight. “Took you long enough to get to sleep.”
Dipper laughed with ease to see his sister, making his dream brighter as the clouds disappeared. He opened up about what was on his mind.
“I was talking to Grunkle Stan before bed. I miss him and everyone in Gravity Falls. The memory lapses, and Bill’s power. We’re more fully aware within our dreams than we’ve ever been and can manipulate and enter other dreams too, I bet. Something we haven’t tried. Yet..” Mabel listens to her brother and thinks. Instead of trying to distract him like she would have before, she expresses her own feelings. 
“I know exactly what you mean. I miss them too and these powers, like Uncle Maurice warned us about, are pretty cool when used the right way.” Mabel makes a family photo appear out of thin air. 
It had everyone in the large family present in the photo: James and Jessie, Stan and Carla’s grown twin children. Tara Grayson-Pines, James’ wife and mother of their own children, Cormac, and the triplets Arya, Aria and Anais. Lilian Prescott and Maurice Pierce-Pines, Jessie’s wife and husband and parents of their three children Tanya (who is expecting a child of her own), Stanley Junior and Tyrone. 
Then there’s Shauna, Shannon and Shifty, Ford and Adeline’s own grown children where the latter had been adopted long ago. 
“Yeah.” Dipper sighed sadly while looking at the picture and he got a bright idea. “You thinking what I’m thinking, Mabel?”
“We should totally use our powers to traverse distance and enter the dreams of our friends and family?” Mabel paused and showed her bright grin. “Heck yeah!” Neither knew if it would be alright to just appear in their loved one’s dreams, but they won’t know unless they try. 
Dipper and Mabel together manifested a door to appear before them. The twins held hands as they entered through the door together with Waddles in tow, closing upon the three entering. They enter what appears to be a central hub within a cosmic landscape containing many, many doors -- unique to each and every person -- that lead to a multitude of people and animals' dreams. The twins have their mouths agape in wonder of it all. Dipper, Mabel and Waddle’s feet were no longer touching the ground as they simply floated within the space. 
They almost didn’t know where to start. 
“So many doors!” Mabel’s voice echoed, making her giggle. “It would take an eternity to open them all.” Dipper gave his sister a telling look that she shouldn’t do it. “Which is something we don’t have!”
Dipper created a console with his mind before him and his sister and pet pig with the intent to make searching for their family member’s dreams less of a hassle. He touches the sphere of the imaginary machine and inputs the names of each person into the memory. Then suddenly, he felt a jolt of shock run through his head that made the console turn staticy. Mabel felt it too as she held her head. 
“Ah!” Dipper groans. “There’s… there’s someone I’m forgetting!”
“Me too!” 
Waddles, being quick to act, used his pig brain to create the scrapbook from nothing with his mind from memory, squealing and showing it to the twins with his hooves turning the pages for them. Dipper and Mabel squinted at the image of the whole family gathered, voices echoing in their minds that told them of each one; starting with the older and young adults and then to the teens and a young child. Stan; Ford; Adeline; Carla; Jimmy; James; Jessie; Shauna; Shannon; Tara; Lillian; Maurice; Spriggs; Tanya; Cormac; Stan Junior; Arya; Aria; Anais; Tyrone; Isaac; and finally Quincy. 
Seeing all their faces and names in the picture, it brought back memories of all the adventures they had together. For better or for worse. Their adventures with their Grunkles and Graunties, learning the deep and dark secrets of their family members, and how they all became closer through the best and worst moments of that summer. It hurts that Dipper and Mabel were looking at the picture not too long ago, only for their mind to have blanked their memory. They’ll never get used to this. 
It brought a sense of relief to the twins as they started to remember everything again. Dipper finishes the process of making the doors of each family member appear before them; each door is unique and set apart from one another that reflects the person they belong to. Dipper and Mabel didn’t hesitate to start from the oldest members to the youngest members of the family. 
The first dream Dipper and Mabel and Waddles enter within their montage of dream-hopping is Stan’s. Stan dreams of the adventure at sea with his brother, wife and sister-in-law onboard the old Stan O’ War; they'll soon get to go on. Stan fights sea monsters, pirates, and singing shanties no matter how bad his singing was. Dipper and Mabel were pleased with what they were watching and got them excited to see more, but they had to move on to the other dreams and left through a door they created. Stan took notice. 
In the next dream, that being Ford’s, and the twins and pig watch to see Ford dreaming that he ended Bill before Dipper and Mabel could make the deal with him. It brought some unpleasant memories in the twin’s minds so they quickly left as soon as they came. Ford, too, took notice of Dipper and Mabel’s departure, presuming to him that it means Bill’s power has begun to manifest within them. 
Dipper and Mabel move on to their grauntie Carla’s dream where she is in a field of white and purple flowers with the sun in the horizon still in a permanent sunset, creating a lilac sky above. The twins find their grauntie sitting on a red and white blanket surveying the land before her. Carla appeared younger with her wrinkles nowhere to be found on her face, her gray hair back to its original brunette, and a flower in her hair. Then suddenly, a younger version of Stan appears, in a red suit and tie, his own brown hair in a mullet fashion, and a bright smile on his face. It endeared the twins while watching Carla interact with the dream version of her husband. And then, Carla and Stan began to age until they appeared as they do in the real world. Dipper and Mabel found it time to leave and move on to another dream. 
The twins and pig find themselves in Adeline’s dream. The scene depicts a forest on a summer’s day with the sun shining through the trees. There was a noticeable amount of deer that grazed on the grass and stags butting heads against each other. Dipper tries to look for his aunt, but he sees that familiar blonde doe nearby who was utterly frightened and running away from the yellow demon triangle that cackles madly. This is a nightmare. Dipper and Mabel exchange looks, knowing what they felt to do was right, and fly to catch up to the triangle and Adeline. Dipper and Mabel punch the triangle together and put an end to him tormenting their grauntie. The twins and Waddles leave quickly before Adeline has the chance to approach them as she returns to her human self. 
Dipper and Mabel and Waddles enter inside the dreams of their uncle, James Pines. The twins and pig watch him appear to be comforting a younger version of himself after pulling him out of the Bottomless Pit, looking no more than ten, and tending to the wound on his arm that will leave a mark. James reassures himself that things will get better for him. Something James needed to tell himself time and time again. Healing is not a straight road. Witnessing this made Dipper and Mabel feel relieved it wasn’t a nightmare, but a healing dream. They take their leave for their next dream. 
Jessie was fighting her own demons within her dreams. Dipper and Mabel watch their aunt fighting against a shadowy manifestation of Thistle Downe in his ragged siren form. But Jessie wasn’t so much as fighting and showing that boastful confidence she often gave off, but running away from him in fear within the setting of the Woodstick Festival at night and no one but her, Thistle, and the twins and pig present. Dipper and Mabel knew they had to do something for her, too. Mabel makes two axes appear before Jessie on the stage and Dipper warns his aunt to get them and gives her morale in encouraging her to be much stronger than him. It gave Jessie enough motivation to run up to her axes, raise them high, and charge at her nightmare, cutting him in two. But before Jessie could thank the twins, they vanished. 
Inside Tara’s dream, the twins and Waddles immediately witness Tara herself running across a vast distance within the woods in pursuit of an elk in her wolf form with red fur. Tara was getting closer and closer to her target. Mabel verbally encourages her aunt to keep going, but realizing she spoke, she covers her mouth. Tara reaches her goal and a bright light flashes, Dipper and Mabel’s cue she was waking up. The three take their leave to the next dream. 
Within Lillian’s dream, Dipper and Mabel and Waddles find themselves on a highway on a moonlit night. And driving on that endless highway was Lillian riding on a polished white Harley wearing a pink helmet, having the time of her life, driving with no destination in mind. It was just Lillian and her train of thought wandering with not one obstacle coming into view. Seeing they were not needed, Dipper, Mabel and Waddles take their leave. 
Dipper, Mabel and Waddles enter inside Maurice’s dream, finding it wasn’t like the other dreams and nightmares of the others they entered through thus far. It was the living room of the house he shares with his wives and sons. Maurice himself, a tall man with long blond hair, bushy beard and orange eyes was watching tv on the sofa. He turns and faces the twins and Waddles with a welcoming smile on his face.
“Oh hey, kids!” Maurice waved at them. “I see you figured out the dreamscape.”
“Sure have, Uncle Maurice!” Mabel took a seat next to him. “We’ve been missing you guys so we thought to see you all in your dreams.”
“We’ve only been going in their dreams, no one else's.” Dipper joined his sister and pig on the sofa.
“Good.” Maurice turned off the tv to give them his undivided attention. “I’ve been watching how their dreams have been playing out from here without interfering. I’m no dream demon, but I can see other people’s dreams of my choosing from within my own dreams. And I’ve seen what you have been doing.” Dipper and Mabel frowned, believing they were in trouble for it. 
“We were trying to fix the ones with nightmares. Is that bad?” Mabel asked. 
“I don’t think so, but I’d be careful. What happens to you in the dream will affect you in real life, too. People’s nightmares can get pretty nasty. It’s not your job to try to fix anyone’s dreams. You two deserve a break.” Maurice lets out a sigh as he can’t stop them. “But I know you guys will want to try all the same.”
“We don’t like seeing them go through those terrible things.”
“No one does. It’s up to you what you want to do.”
Dipper and Mabel nod at each other and get up from the sofa. 
“Thanks for having us here,” says Dipper, keeping in mind what he said. 
“It’s all good. Stay safe in the dreamscape.”
“We’ll keep that in mind,” Mabel smiled as her, Dipper and Waddles take their leave.
Within Spriggs’ dreams, Spriggs himself was flying across the forest as a fairy on a sunny day, resembling a Spanish moon moth in terms of the colors of his wings. Spriggs was carrying a piece of metal with gloved hands as he brought it to what appeared to be a metallic gateway of alien nature. Spriggs was engrossed in his work to not notice the twins and Waddles nearby behind the pine trees in working on his project. Dipper was interested in where it would lead. Soon enough, Spriggs finished and turned on the gateway and shines a great blue light upon activation. Spriggs flutters into it as if compelled to. But before he could enter it, Dipper, Mabel and Waddles see everything turn white and fading, a familiar occurrence when they were in Stan and Ford’s dreamscape all those months ago. 
Dipper, Mabel and Waddles couldn’t get into Shauna’s door when it faded away from their view. It was telling she must have woken up that got Spriggs, her husband, to wake up as well. They hoped she was okay as they entered into their aunt Shannon’s dream. 
Shannon’s dream was a spectacle. Dipper, Mabel and Waddles found themselves at a night club full of colorful lights, upbeat music, and familiar faces that danced on the floor or mingled at the bar. At the center stage, Shannon was the center of everyone’s attention as she danced with what appeared to be her boyfriend Clyde. She seemed happy and in her element. Mabel was digging the music and dancing with Waddles. Dipper, too, nodded his head to the beat of the music. But it didn’t last long with Dipper focusing back on the rest of the dreams he wanted to visit before the night ended. He tugged Mabel’s sweater, taking her out of the groove and followed him as did Waddles.
The next dream is Shifty’s. Shifty dream involved himself exploring a vibrant field of an array of colors Dipper, Mabel and Waddle have never seen in their world. Trees that stretch towards the red-orange sky with a blue sun shining above them. Definitely not of their world. Was it a genetic memory? Much of Shifty’s origins still remains a mystery. It is unlikely Shifty himself will ever know, but these kinds of dreams leave him to wonder what could have happened all the same. There wasn’t much the twins and pig could do but take their leave. 
Within Tate’s dream, he was fishing out in the middle of Gravity Falls Lake. Everything was quiet, save for the ambient sounds of nature around him and the light breeze on a sunny day. The perfect day to fish. But he wasn’t alone as his adoptive son Isaac was fishing with him without a care. They waited for something to happen, but nothing of significance. It was just a pleasant time without disturbance. They couldn’t blame him for desiring this after everything that happened. Dipper, Mabel and Waddles leave the dream on a positive note. 
Tanya’s dream was another story. Tanya, an intersex young woman with long blonde hair and partially toned skin, faces across from her a huge wolf with piercing yellow eyes and black as night fur. It was a face off. Dipper and Mabel knew better than to interfere in this as Waddles cowered behind Mabel, shaking in fear. They watch Tanya approach the wolf slowly. She was afraid, but she had to face it. Something unique to her since her lycanthropy awakened and began throwing her off her composure. On top of being pregnant at that.
“Okay, bud. This is how we’re going to do this.” Tanya stares down the wolf who gave her his undivided attention. “This body is my own. I don’t want you to do anything that could harm me and my child, or any children I have after. We share control of it. Got it?” The wolf narrows his eyes before he gives a snort as if agreeing with her. “Heh. Simple as that.”
Seeing as Tanya has it handled, Dipper and Mabel leave along with Waddles.
Within Stanley Junior’s dream, it was much more vibrant and quiet as if they were in a painting themselves of an open field next to a lake on a bright sunny day with little clouds in the sky. It didn’t take long for the twins and Waddles to find the sixteen year old boy who resembled much like his grandpa Stan as a teen, with the exception that his brown hair reaches to his shoulders and a full beard on his face he let grow out. Junior was painting a picture on a canvas of Dipper and Mabel and Waddles, having felt their presence the second they entered his dream.
“Oh! Hey Dips! Mabs! And Waddles, too.” Junior turns to face the trio with a smile on his face. “Dad told me to anticipate a visit from you guys.”
“Junior, your dream looks so pretty,” complimented Mabel. 
“Why thank you. Ever since, um, you know, I became more aware within my dreams and can make it whatever I want it to be, for the most part.” Junior makes the finishing touches of the painting, showing it to them when he turns the canvas around for them to see. “What do you think?”
“You captured our likeness!”
“We’ll be heading off here to see Ty’s dream, now, before our alarm wakes us up,” said Dipper. 
“No problem! It was nice seeing you again. It’s only been a week and we all miss you guys.” 
“We missed you, too, Junior!”
Dipper and Mabel waved goodbye to Junior as they left for Ty’s dream next. 
Inside Ty’s dream, the tall black boy with blue eyes, plays a white violin before a crowd of anonymous people with his right arm intact. Ty wearing a clean black suit and shoes. The melody on the strings was sorrowful and contemplative. Tears were shedding from his eyes when he concluded his song. On the final note, Ty let lightning strike him in a great flash of light, but he was unharmed and appeared renewed by the electrical energy brought upon him and his being. 
Ty was aware of Dipper and Mabel’s presence and walks up to them, his right arm fading away as he greets them with a small wave of his left hand. “Uh, hey, guys. Did you like the performance?”
The twins nod, showing sad smiles in making a quick glance at his missing arm. 
“We loved it!”
“It was electrifying!”
This made Ty laugh a little. “I’m glad to see you two and Waddles again. We all miss you back home.”
“We missed you and everyone, too, Ty.” Mabel smiled. 
Dipper couldn’t beat around the bush about it any longer. “Ty. How are you holding up without your arm?”
Ty glanced at where his arm was and showed a small smile. “I… I think I’ll be okay. Just not right now. Carrie and Fiddleford are helping me build a better prosthetic. Which is good since they’re hella expensive, normally, even with health insurance.”
“Hope it works out. Let us know how it goes.” Dipper and Mabel take their leave with Waddles and wave goodbye to their cousin. 
Within Cormac’s dream, the albino werewolf, with a long scar across his nose, was running across a grassy plain with no destination in mind on a full moon night in the middle of nowhere. It reminded the twins of Lillian’s dream. But this time, Cormac does come across a pack of wolves he joins. Cormac and the wolves howled together that sounded melodic and it seemed to carry a long distance. It was as if he and the others were singing. Dipper and Mabel leave the dream pleased with what they’ve seen. 
Within Arya, Aria and Anais’ dreams, more often than not, share the same dreams. No one knows why this is, but their strong bond could be a factor. This dream was no different tonight. The teenage werewolf triplets were enjoying themselves at the lake, a similar scene Dipper and Mabel saw before when they were saving the girls from their nightmare induced by the mares. A recurring dream. Arya was hesitant to go into the lake water, but Aria and Anais take each hand and all go together, reassuring their sister she’ll never be alone. Dipper and Mabel get closer to the end of their adventure. Only two more left. 
Inside Isaac’s dream, the teenage boy with long golden hair was looking at his reflection in the mirror. Despite having said he wanted to accept the image he was born with, he hated the possibility of looking like his biological father Preston Northwest, a man he’ll never call his father after all the horrible things he committed. A face he is ashamed of looking at. He missed what he used to look like, before the raccoon shapeshifter lifted the spell she placed on him as a baby to look like someone else. A complicated situation for not only Isaac, but for the family he was raised in. Isaac placed his forehead on the mirror and sighed. Dipper and Mabel walk up to him to share some reassuring words. 
“Hey, man, it’s gonna be okay.”
“No matter what you look like, you’ll always be you, Isaac. No one can take that away from you.”
Isaac lifted up his head to face himself again and brightly smiled at Dipper and Mabel. “Yeah. That’s right. I’ll try to keep that in mind. Just needed a reminder.”
With that seemingly settled, Dipper and Mabel and Waddles travel to one last dream. 
Quincy, the young boy of age seven, was having himself a good dream in playing with his friends he made during the fateful summer. Dani, Jack, Kylie, Jill, Gus and Sebastian, kids around the same age as him and unique in many ways. The boy in the green shirt sprouted full green butterfly wings to fly without a care in the world, and all his friends flying with him in his pleasant dream where the sun shines bright in the sky over a flowery field in perpetual spring time. Dipper and Mabel marvel at the dream being shown, and Waddles takes delight in eating some flowers. 
Dipper smiles and lets out a sigh of content.
“I think this is a good dream to leave off on.”
“I wouldn’t have it any other --”
The sound of their alarms rang that cues their adventure’s end in the dreamscape.
Dipper, Mabel and Waddles awoke from their adventurous slumber, greeted by the sun that begins a new day. It was thankfully Saturday and they’re in no rush to get dressed yet. 
Dipper and Mabel’s cell phones, however, became the first thing they had to address as they started to ring and ring in addition to text messages from their family members. It was going to take a bit of time to answer them all. 
But there was one question they had on their mind: how was Shauna doing? Shauna, Shannon’s fraternal twin sister, having woken up before Dipper and Mabel could enter her dream. The twins imagine Shauna not having been well after what happened during Weirdmageddon, having been tortured alongside her siblings and parents by Bill before she and everyone else in Gravity Falls were rescued. In addition, residual trauma in her teens at the hands of Bill, or from scenarios unrelated when it had to do with her college friends and their adventures. 
The first call they answer is from Ford. 
“Kids!” Ford began. “Do you two have any idea what you’ve done?” He didn’t sound angry at the slightest, more so astounded by what the twins accomplished. 
“Enter your dreams and everyone else in the family; save for our parents and grandpa?” answered Dipper while scratching his head. 
“Yes! Kids, with this power, you have to be careful how you use it.” Ford paused to form his thoughts before saying. “Like Bill, I imagine you both would be more vulnerable in the dream and mindscape while visiting each person. If you get hurt in there, you get hurt in real life. I’m thrilled about this and… concerned, not going to lie.”
“Yeah, we get that. We talked to Maurice in his dream and we’re going to be careful with this power. We didn’t enter anyone else’s dreams besides you guys. We missed you.” Mabel replied while sitting next to Dipper in joining the conversation. 
“Good, good. We all miss you, too. Looking forward to seeing you both during the holiday breaks.”
“The only dream we didn’t get to enter is Aunt Shauna’s. Is she going to be okay?”
The twins hear an audible sigh on the other end and a heavy pause until Adeline’s voice could be heard on the other end. 
“After what happened to Shauna and Shannon’s eyes years ago, it was so traumatizing to Shauna she was having night terrors and couldn’t sleep at all. There’s reason to believe it’s happening again because of what Bill did to us. To put it short, he hurt us in more ways than one.” There was another pause. Adeline collected her composure to bring up the unpleasant topic. “Please don’t feel you have to fix everyone’s dreams like you did with mine and likely others. You and Mabel have already done so much. We know how to handle this with Shauna. Rest assured, she will be okay, even if not right now.”
Dipper and Mabel exchange concerned expressions and Mabel was the one to respond. “Okay, Grauntie Addi. Keep us updated, okay?”
“We will.”
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sailormew4 · 7 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Marcus Valdez Pines Owner: @vulpixen Age: 29 Parents: TBA Spouse: Shauna Pines Children: Quincy Pines (7) My Imagined Voice: Freddie Prinze Jr
I’m not dead! Sorry for the wait on both the chapter and OCs but I had time to draw Marcus and I’m almost done with the chapter. Also to explain why the voices they had a voice I pictured and they can speak fluent Spanish.
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goalhofer · 4 years
2020 Boston Red Sox Roster
#17 Nathan Eovaldi (Alvin, Texas)
#31 Austin Brice (Pittsboro, North Carolina)
#32 Matt Barnes (Bethel, Connecticut)
#35 Josh Osich (Boise, Idaho)
#37 Richard Hembree (Spartanburg, South Carolina)
#41 Chris Sale (Lakeland, Florida)
#44 Brandon Workman (Bowie, Texas)
#48 Colten Brewer (Canton, Texas)
#54 Martin Perez (Guanare, Venezuela)
#56 Matt Hall (Lee’s Summit, Missouri)
#57 Eduardo Rodriguez (Valencia, Venezuela)
#59 Jeffrey Springs (Belmont, North Carolina)
#63 Darwinzon Hernandez (Ciudad Bolivar, Venezuela)
#64 Marcus Walden (Fresno, California)
#65 James Weber (Clearwater, Florida)
#68 Zack Godley (Bamberg, South Carolina)
#70 Ryan Brasier (Wichita Falls, Texas)
#71 Phillips Valdez (San Pedro De Macoris, Dominican Republic)
#72 Josh Taylor (Peoria, Arizona)
#80 Yoan Aybar (Bani, Dominican Republic)
#7 Christian Vazquez (Bayamon, Puerto Rico)
#12 Jonathan Lucroy (Umatilla, Florida)
#25 Kevin Plawecki (Westfield, Indiana)
#2 Xander Bogaerts (Oranjestad, Aruba)
#3 Jose Peraza (Barinas, Venezuela)
#11 Rafael Devers (Sanchez, Dominican Republic)
#15 Dustin Pedroia (Woodland, California)
#18 Mitch Moreland (Amory, Mississippi)
#23 Michael Chavis (Marietta, Georgia)
#30 Tzu-Wei Lin (Kaohsiung, Taiwan)
#36 Jonathan Arauz (Alanje, Panama)
#5 Kevin Pillar (Los Angeles, California)
#16 Andrew Benintendi (Madeira, Ohio)
#19 Jackie Bradley; Jr. (Prince George, Virginia)
#28 J.D. Martinez (Pembroke Pines, Florida)(designated hitter)
#39 Marcus Wilson (Gardena, California)
#99 Alex Verdugo (Tucson, Arizona)
Manager Ron Roenicke (West Covina, California)
Bench coach Jerry Narron (Goldsboro, North Carolina)
Hitting coach Tim Hyers (Covington, Georgia)
Assistant hitting coach Peter Fatse (Hampden, Massachusetts)
Bullpen/catching coach Craig Bjornson (Tucson, Arizona)
Bullpen catcher Mani Martinez (San Pedro De Macoris, DR)
Pitching coach Dave Bush (Berwyn, Pennsylvania)
Assistant pitching coach Kevin Walker (Grand Prairie, Texas)
1st base coach Tom Goodwin (Fresno, California)
3rd base coach Carlos Febles (La Romana, Dominican Republic)
Infield coach Ramon Vazquez (Cidra, Puerto Rico)
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thewickedbohemian · 7 years
RedInstead Challenge Day 6: Autistic Characters
My favorite canonically autistic characters are Spencer Reid, Zack Addy, Narset, Julia and Symmetra. As for headcanons (which is why I don’t list Narset with the  Planeswalkers I headcanon as autistic and likewise with Symmetra with the Overwatch heroes, since they’re canon representation), here’s a bit of a giant list
Everyone in the Pokemon universe (and I truly mean everyone, I just consider Cyrus a bit of an embarrassment to autistic-kind)
All SBURB/SGRUB etc. players from Homestuck (I love someone’s headcanon I read somewhere that the game does that on purpose)
Every Warehouse Caretaker, past, present and future, from Warehouse 13 (from good ones like Claudia and Mrs. Frederic to evil ones like Paracelsus) and, as with SBURB, I headcanon the Warehouse does that on purpose, selecting for at least the most autistic traits (because they’re best suited to the responsibility) even if no one (like was the case for most of history) has a diagnosis
Broadway characters
Carrie White from Carrie
Tracy Turnblad from Hairspray
Alexander Hamilton from Hamilton
Nina Rosario and Usnavi from In The Heights
Matilda Wormwood from Matilda
Mark Cohen from Rent
Eleanor Fairchild from Starmites
Leaf Coneybear, Logainne Schwarzandgrubinierre, Marcy Park and Olive Ostrovsky from The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee
Elder Arnold Cunningham from The Book Of Mormon
Ariel from The Little Mermaid
Elphaba from Wicked
Zanna from Zanna, Don’t
Cartoon characters
Buster Baxter, D.W. Read, Fern Walters and Prunella Deegan from Arthur
Jackie, Inez and Matt from Cyberchase
Dipper and Mabel Pines from Gravity Falls
The Question from Justice League Unlimited
Arnold, Dorothy Ann and Tim as well as Ms, Frizzle from The Magic School Bus
the whole Botsford family as well as Captain Tangent, Dr. Two-Brains, Lady Redundant Woman, Miss Question and Mr. Big from WordGirl
Live-Action TV characters
Penelope Garcia from Criminal Minds
Douglas Fargo, Henry Deacon, Holly Marten and Jim Taggart from Eureka
Emily, Lorelai and Rory Gilmore, Sookie St. James, Lane Kim, Luke Danes and Jess Mariano from Gilmore Girls
Audrey Parker and Nathan Wuornos from Haven
Henry Mills from Once Upon A Time
Kara Danvers from Supergirl
Gilda Flip, Marcus Barnes and Manny Spamboni from The Electric Company
Barry Allen, Caitlin Snow, Cisco Ramon, Eobard Thawne, Harrison Wells (in all seen incarnations), Hartley Rathaway and Leonard Snart from The Flash
Cassandra Cillian, Dulaque, Ezekiel Jones, Flynn Carsen, Jacob Stone, Jenkins and Lucy Lyon from The Librarians 
Sue Heck from The Middle
the Bird-Kersee family from The Neighbors (granted, they are aliens, but they do display a lot of traits between them that could be thought of as autistic if they were human, and no, not all are from classic alien “stranger-in-a-strange-land-ness”)
Pete Lattimer from Warehouse 13 (Claudia’s mentioned with the other Caretakers above)
Characters from other forms of media (books, movies, etc.)
Elsa from Frozen
Pip from Great Expectations
Luna and Xenophilius Lovegood from Harry Potter
Chandra Nalaar, Elspeth Tirel, Jace Beleren, Nissa Revane, Ral Zarek, Saheeli Rai and Tezzeret from Magic: The Gathering (yes, even villains can be autistic without being stereotypical and I have a couple more MtG headcanons but this is just the Planeswalkers)
D.va, Efi, Hanzo, Lucio, Orisa and Sombra from Overwatch
Annabeth Chase, Leo Valdez and Percy Jackson from the Riordanverse
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sailormew4 · 7 years
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Quincy Pines
Owner: @vulpixen Age: 7 Parents: Shauna Pines and Marcus Valdez Pines Siblings: N/A My Imagined Voice: Collin Dean
Sorry it’s been awhile. I’ve been very busy. This adorable cinnamon roll is Quincy Pines. Didn’t take too long to draw, though the portions were quite challenging. Shauna Pines and Marcus Valdez Pines are both owned by @vulpixen . Though Shauna’s mom is Addi owned by @hntrgurl13
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sailormew4 · 7 years
Sequel AU to Get Two Stans Get Two More. It all happened in 1960 something when a young Ford and Stan Pines find a tape measure and are sent to 2013. After finding out what is going to happen they go back and live out their lives undoing the accident of the Science Fair. Thus, causing a whole new events to happen in that fateful summer.
Chapter Summary: Let’s dive deeper into the many “normal” lives of the Pines Family.
Thanks a bunch to @vulpixen. Seriously, amazing person. All OCs in the chapter belong to her except Addi which belongs to @hntrgurl13.
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sailormew4 · 7 years
Sequel AU to Get Two Stans Get Two More. It all happened in 1960 something when a young Ford and Stan Pines find a tape measure and are sent to 2013. After finding out what is going to happen they go back and live out their lives undoing the accident of the Science Fair. Thus, causing a whole new events to happen in that fateful summer.
Chapter Summary: In this chapter we go back a year ago and find out what exactly happened between Quincy and Gideon. How Gideon got the Journal. And what made Quincy so afraid of him in Chapter 8: The Journal Theif.
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vulpixen · 4 years
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This is Marcus Valdez-Pines, but his real name is Spriggs that he uses as part of his human disguise. He is the husband of Shauna Pines and father of Quincy Pines, where he gets his fairy side from. Next to him is what Spriggs' true fairy self looks like (I did my best with trying to resemble a Spanish Moon Moth).
He's a loving, caring and a quiet person who has a fascination with human technology that inspired him to leave his former home and live among humans to learn how they made machines and get into engineering. How he met Shauna and Shannon as teens in West Coast Tech.
Spriggs is from me and @sailormew4 's fanfic and au of the same name, 'One Big Weird Happy Family'.
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sailormew4 · 7 years
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Lillian Prescott Pines
Owner: @vulpixen Age: 41 Parents: TBA Siblings: TBA Spouse: Jessie Pines (ot: @vulpixen) Children: Tanya (21), Stanley Jr Pines (16) and Tyrone Pines (14) My Imagined Voice: T'Keyah Crystal Keymáh
Whoa! Two OCs in two nights in a row! Yeah, here is Lillian Prescott Pines. I hope you enjoy her! Next up and the last of the OCs for a while is Marcus Valdez Pines.
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sailormew4 · 7 years
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Shauna Pines
Owner: @vulpixen Age: 29 Parents: Stanford Pines and Adeline Marks (owner @hntrgurl13) Siblings: Shannon Pines (twin sister) Spouse: Marcus Robert Valdez Pines Children: Quincy Pines (age 7) My Imagined Voice: Tara Strong
Thanks again to @hntrgurl13 for allowing me to use Addi for this AU that stars this wonderful woman thanks again. Next up is her sister Shannon!
A.N: Hmm wonder what’s under that bang of her’s….
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