#maow is tired
softkuea · 2 years
Some people are so weird about "fanservice" and is kind of bothering me. They will go and point at a BL couple and scream that what they are doing is just for the "show", assuming the actors feelings and creating drama on purpose. Then they will go out of their way saying: "don't assume their sexual orientation 😭😭😭 it's their private life... However, ofc they are straight" and it baffles me, how obtuse you have to be??? They don't even consider the option of them being bisexual bc y'know... that's not a real thing (sarcasm).
I'm tired of people acting like they know better in this industry, nobody does unless you are part of it. But yeah, its crazy how the heteronormative narrative appears here, considering that is BL lol y'all can talk so much about "delusional fans" but the other side of the coin is just the same thing, no any better.
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silversupremacy · 10 months
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mr the floor
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so2uv · 2 years
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villain dude pt. 2
what couldn't be shown in the first picrew: small scar over his left eyebrow, blonde streak in his bangs, his hair is more of a brownish tint, also bruised knuckles
what couldn't be shown in the second picrew: blonde streak in the bangs, scar over left eyebrow, skin is warmer in tone
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guobasbutt-blog · 2 years
Haloo! Can I please have cuddles hc with Mika? Thankss uwu
Cuddling Headcanons with Mika
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Cuddling starts by asking each other’s affirmation. This can rendered through tugging one’s sleeve or brushing your hands with the other.
You would likewise be the first to cuddle. Gently intertwining your hands with his, as if you were unsure if the other party would welcome it.
Eventually, the two of you become confident about each other’s touches. In private, Mika would hold you in different ways. One is through letting you rest in his lap while he stitches fabric. He also hums you a song and as he feels your breathing become slower, you see a small grin on his face.
Two, as mentioned earlier, is by linking each other’s hands. This may seem the most basic. However, this form of cuddling is how the two of you started showing physical affection. Thus, is also a means to dispel doubt since you seek affirmation.
The last is by snuggling in each other's embrace when you sleep. This could be at any time depending on how tired the two of you are. Mika will lean into your touch and pull you closer to him. Entangling your limbs together as he doesn't want to be separated from you during your most intimate times. You're so close to each other, heartbeats becoming sober, eyes exhibiting longing, but this is how you'd like it to be.
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maow's note: mikami is too precious💕💕 can i put him in my pocket pls
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word-wytch · 1 year
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All my love to you and moobear 😭😭😭
Man I feel like all I’ve been doing is self care. Is it weird that I’m tired of it?? I just want my motivation back. It comes and goes. I had it last night and this morning. I can find it again. It’s within me, just buried temporarily.😩
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gingerkingfisher · 3 years
Is there like, any way to unfollow featured posts from tungle ajsdjasdflasdg
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spinaroos-47 · 3 years
Made from the same wood - Oneshot
Summary: turns out being made of palistrom wood has its perks
Post canon, Hunter is now living in the owl house and it's after getting into okay terms with Amity, him being a grimwalker and being made of palistrom wood makes him able to understand other palismen
It’s not something I 100% have as a headcanon or expect to happen, I just think this concept is neat! I got inspired by other fanfics delving into Hunter being a grimwalker changing some things on him. Also I’m testing out a placeholder name for Lil Rascal
That small cat was starting to get on his nerves.
Always asking for food when she was on the first floor of the owl house, smacking his face with her little white paws demanding cuddles always when he was wearing his black shirt, filling it with fur, going way too far when playing with Pascal, he always had to get them away from her before her claws did any damage.
And today, she was on his lap making biscuits on his knee, his hands tensing up at every claw almost piercing his skin, using all his might to not scream at her. No matter what, do not scream at her . She wasn't doing it out of malice, she's just a cat palisman. It still hurt like stinging sand but he held out every yelp.
But his limit was inching really close.
He closed his eyes, hands balled up into fists resting on the table, and took a deep breath.
"Can you stop??" Even so, his voice came out harsher than he intended, looking down at the palisman, who flinched and stared at him with her icy blue eyes, paws now stopping the kneading. "You need to tell Amity to cut your nails again, you’re kneading my leg raw!"
She scrunched up her nose, answering him with a rude meow.
"Don't call me that!"
"You're the one who did that!"
"Oh you little-"
"...What are you doing?"
Looking up, Hunter found both Luz and Amity staring at him from the other side of the table, with puzzled faces. He looked away for a second, passing his hand through his hair, accidentally waking up Pascal and making them get out of their little hiding spot there.
"I'm sorry, I...I should have asked her to stop before, I-"
"... I'm not talking about that - though you better not repeat this - just… what are you doing?"
"Uh...doing what?"
"You were talking to my cat like you understood her."
"I do understand her, what’s so weird about it?"
The two furrowed their brows even more, looking at eachother for a moment.
"You understand??" Luz pointed at him with the spoon she was holding. "She's not even your palisman!"
Slowly the gears turned into place in his brain
"...I guess other witches can't really… do that, right?"
 "We don't. Is that another one of the Grimwalker things?" Amity tapped her fingers on the table, calling her cat, Ghost going from his lap to hers.
"Eh, maybe? I'm still trying to find more about it" 
He looked down at the page of the book he was taking notes about, before being rudely distracted by Ghost. It was hard to find anything about what he was, it's not like it was something really talked about like other magical creations. Kinda hard to bring up a lot about how you artificially create a witch to be used for not really great things without getting some weird looks. 
"There's palistrom wood in the middle of the ingredients, maybe it does have something to do with that." He continued, fidgeting with his loose hair strand. 
“So you’re like, a witch palisman?”
“...Not exactly like that, Luz. But I suppose palistrom wood has anything created from it able to communicate with other palismen and things like that.”
“Kinda ironic, don’t you think?”
His ears burned while he stared at the book, feeling Pascal perch on his shoulder, avoiding looking at the human.
“You’re never going to let the Latissa thing go, are you?”
"... That's fair."
"And why did you, you know, never question this before?"
"It's not like I got to interact with palismen a lot before Pascal showed up. And then after that, i just didn't think much about it, i thought everyone kinda understood them." He pet the cardinal’s head, smiling softly at them. "They're pretty chatty actually..."
"Must be nice to understand them."
"Eh, it's questionable." 
A quiet meow came from under the table after Hunter said that, making him chuckle.
"Aaaand there's my proof"
"A palisman whisperer" Luz snorted "you can add that to your titles now"
"I'll think about that"
The three went back to the silence that was there before, returning to what they were doing. The book talked a little about the ingredients to create a Grimwalker, similar to the one Belos had on his personal library, that he never could get a good look on, but there wasn't much more than that on it. 
Thinking about this still made his head spin, it was really advanced magic and did not really have much about anything after creating a being like him, besides some few annotations about checking through how far in development it was. Great. Just absolutely great. 
He just wanted to know if there’s anything he should know about himself. He wasn’t made like other witches, he was made from wild magic, it must have done something else different on him besides understanding palismen and being useful on the Day of Unity, something, anything, that could happen in the future. He needed to know.
And the research kept on going nowhere and repeating everything he already knew.
"Do you think the other ingredients also affect you?"
“Huh?” Hunter raised his eyes from the book, head supported by his hand.
“Like this thing with palismen happening because you’re made of wood, could the other ingredients do something like that?”
“Probably, but I’m not sure about what is or isn’t caused by all this” He wiggled his fingers towards the illustration on the book. “There’s barely anything here that isn’t what I already know.”
“We could try finding other books about it if you want”
“Thanks, Luz” he sighed, closing the notebook. “But I’m getting tired of running into dead ends.”
“You don’t need to g-”
“It’s okay. I’m fed up with it and...maybe it’s good to know where to stop. And I’m stopping here.”
“...Okay then. I won’t push you.”
He got up from the chair and got to the other side of the table, looking at the recipe list.
“Is this another recipe from the human realm?”
“Yeah! It’s chocolate cake! Want to help?”
He smiled, rolling up his sleeves.
“I do.”
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harveywritings92 · 3 years
Oni! Dabi x reader Pt. 2
Summary the is vaguely based on the Yomawari games: Your best friend Touya disappeared during the last Summer festival you both had together, you swore up and down that whoever took him away wasn't human! but everyone dismissed this as you being traumatized, a few weeks later your family moves away, ten years later you've come back, determined to find out who or what took Touya...
Y/n sighed as she slowly sat down the tub the hot water felt nice on her aching limbs, after a few moment s of relaxing Y/n started to feel antsy hearing nothing but silence she looked at her phone resting on the small table next to the tub and went on YouTube and put on some random videos not for a laugh or because they interested her. No, She played them for the background noise, The [y/hc] woman just didn't want feel alone right now after what happened in the forest, her whole head was in disarray... that man was he really an Oni?
She heard a lot about them from her grandpa (who she inherited her sight from.) growing up, apparently back in the old days yokai were very powerful type of creature and were very common; their origins were gruesome as they would start out as humans who willingly or unwillingly gave up their humanity to gain the powers of a supernatural... Y/n always wondered how that would be possible? And tonight the [Y/hc] woman got her answer!
… Albeit in a disturbing manner, she took her hand out of the water to examine it she was still shaking still feeling those cerulean eyes staring her down, Y/n hugged herself and slipped under the water. As she thought back to what happened on that summer night ten years ago...
{{You were 15 and Touya was 16 You were wearing your favorite sundress and tights You and Touya were at the meet up spot on the overlook watching the summer fireworks going off, the atmosphere was somber as this was going to be you last time doing this with as, you dad had gotten job offer and were moving out and far away from town...
You and Touya barely talked but as the night wore you hadn't noticed his hand closer to you until felt something curl around your pinky and ring finger almost flinching thinking it was bug only to looked and see Touya's pinky and ring finger slowly inter locking with yours, you looked up at him and saw him looking away from you; the tips of his ear were pink when he realized you caught him! You smiled and closed your hand keeping the two fingers inter locked as Touya hand rested on top of yours, it wasn't long before his voice broke the silence.
"...I hate this Y/n, I don't want you to leave!"
"You not alone there Touya, but my parents have made their decision, we're moving and there's nothing I can do to convince them otherwise."
"...Then let's leave! hit the road together!"
You gave the redhead a look that told him how much of a bad idea that was, Touya sighed he knew you wouldn't go for it and besides his old man was pretty big deal! his idea was a media circus and a manhunt waiting to happen! He sighed and looked back at you...after a few moments of silence the red haired teen spoke up. "Y'know there is something I wanna do before you go." you looked up to ask him what? only to be met by a pair of lips on yours. It took a few moments for you get over the shock a kiss him back.
You felt Touya nip on your bottom lip you let him in as the red haired teen hand rested on the back of your head deepening the kiss a he pulled away to let soo you two could breath before claiming you lip again... your arms found their way around his neck as Touya gently pushed you down on the table and felt his free hand go up your dress...
Touya pulled away from you and snapped his head towards the woods. "Touya?" you gasped bemused as he brought his finger to his lip and shushed you. *snap...rustle...snap* You shuddered hearing footsteps moving around in the woods getting closer! but what really sent a chill down your spine; Was the giggling... 
It sounded like a girl but you weren't sure... You heard Touya growl in annoyance. "Fuyumi?!" he barked making you jump as the giggling now sounded like two people instead of one. "You and Natsuo better not have followed us!?" he huffed you watched Touya walk towards darkness and squint trying to see where they were, as the giggles got more distorted and deeper, it became clear that whatever had been out there watching them wasn't his siblings, you watched Touya’s shoulders stiffen.
"Y/n...Hide." He hissed looking back at you. "I'm not lea-" before you could finish protesting a giant hand that looked like it was made out of shadows jutted out from the darkness and wrapped itself around your friend! You ran and manage to grabbed Touya's arm as the hand started dragging both of you into this red looking mist! Touya was yelling at it to let go him! as you held onto him... 
Then it was like everything went into slow motion.
Touya was almost completely covered in the mist as he brought your arm up and bit down hard! Your eyes widened in horror as the realization sunk in... Touya wasn't telling the hand to let go of him, He was tell you to let him go...You cried out in pain as you instinctively let go of his arm, the last thing you saw was Touya smiling sadly before disappearing into the red mist....]]
While she was underwater y/n felt a chill go down her spine her eyes looked up and she nearly had a heart attack upon seeing a shadowy figure with blue horns staring down at her! Y/n gasped and accidently swallowing some water she sat up in the tub coughing and wheezing before looking around her bathroom to see...Nothing. There was no one standing over her tub!
Y/n caught her breathe while running a hand through her wet hair, she looked at her phone was it was playing random reddit stories about haunted houses no less! *Okay, I'm way too tired for this crap!...and I really need a drink!* She thought pulling herself out of the tub and grabbing a towel and wrapping up and headed to her kitchen to get a can of hard lemonade from her fridge, but before she could open a sudden sound of glass breaking caused Y/n to she whipped her head in the direction of her office, the h/c woman swallowed nervously as she approached the closed unsure of what she'll find....
"Maow!~" Y/n blinked and looked down to find a cat, sitting at her feet? the (y/ht) woman crouched down to examine the feline, he was black as nigh with odd purplish brown brindle markings on his body, particularly around his body and face. And he had blue eyes... *He must have some Siamese in him...* she figured the cat's tail flicked as if he was waiting for her to do something. 
The (Y/hc) held her hand out to him and muttered "How'd you get in?" as the cat nuzzled her hand letting her scratch him under the chin, *No collar...A stray?* she smiled then looked around the office window was slightly opened and saw her flower pot broken on the floor...
"I guess I didn't close it all the way." She got up and went to close the window... only to yelp when the cat suddenly grabbed onto Y/n's towel nearly pulling it off. "Whoa! what are you doing?!" the cat yowled at the h/c woman who thought the cat wanted her to pet it some more, before realizing she was about to walk bare footed through broken glass! *Okay... that's trippy!* Y/n hummed fixing her towel and picking the cat up he seem to settle down immediately purring and nuzzling her cheek as she carried him out of her office.
Unbeknownst to Y/n the cat's cerulean eyes stared over her shoulder in to the dark window glaring at the weaselly Akaname* that had been spying on her in the bath, the tiny red purple imp shuddered under his glare and ran off crying...
Mineta is a Akaname: It translates to "Filth licker" it's a yokai that waits around watching people in the bath, then when they're done it moves in and licks the filth and grim off the bottom of their bathtubs.
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softkuea · 2 years
The word "fanservice" is slowly losing it's meaning. I'm tired of y'all thinking everything znn does is "fanservice", and not considering that there's genuine love and care between both of them. Yeah, the "fanservice crowd" lost its credibility the moment they said "fixing NN's hair is fanservice", however, they are still the loudest everywhere. If you dislike how znn acts with each other, you can just leave? It's not that deep. There's also no need to overanalyzes what they do... "he hates doing this" "he hates doing that" "he dislikes x or y" Nobody knows the actors personally... so why behaving like u do? Anyways, i prefer just to vibe, enjoy the content and not pretend i'm so smart™ that i can read minds.
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silversupremacy · 10 months
guys what should I draw
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so2uv · 1 year
okay first of all I’m going to apologise for how basic and how many errors there are in the fics (_ _) I wrote two to make up for them but ehhh TT I hope you enjoy them though :’))
You were tired and burnt out from all those months of studying and having to wake up early. Finally, it was all done. You didn’t have to worry about school for a while—you’ve earned a moment of rest.
A sigh leaves your lips as you entered your house. The silence welcomes you with open arms, similar to how she walks in with a smile on her face. “You’re done?” Xander shouts and wraps her arms around your waist, picking you up in the process, “finally!”
The sound of laughter bounces off the walls as you two share smiles. The shapeshifter makes quick work to smother your skin with kisses, smiling into each one. “I told you you’d make it,” he grins with his eyes looking into yours.
Xander’s eyes move from your gaze to your lips briefly. “I’m proud of you, babe,” he presses his lips to yours, “you have no idea.” He murmurs his words in a hushed voice, laced with sincerity.
“You deserve a break, sunshine” Xander giggles, setting you down with an extra kiss “Now, what do you wanna do to celebrate this? Go out for food? Get some rest? Or do you have something else in mind?”
He’ll spend all day doing whatever you want. It’s only deserving after living though hell all that work.
- tired
i- im starting to realize how nice it could be to have an s/o and then remember that fictional characters are forever and that im LOYAL TO XANDER MAOW MAOW RAHHHH NEVER GIVING UP SUNSHINE :DDD PERSON
xander hugs bro let me just get swept into one and be swung around a bit ARFDLKJHGKLRTJHGLKJTH
mhkdfhkjdhkl xander is love xander is life
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noodles-07 · 3 years
Rating my verbal stims out of ten 
-literally just meowing: 8/10. Mom hates it and I’ve had to actively work to make it sound less realistic. Good stim tho, sometimes you just gotta maow.
-Mario theme: BAH DA BA BA DA BAH BA 9/10, again mom hates it but it’s a banger song and a great stim
-”Honestly, if I saw that damn thing in my living room I’d stomp on it until it was a small brown stain”L 6/10. Why did I pick this up as a stim. Just why. Fine but random. 
-a breakoff from the above, “small brown stain” in a semi-musical voice: 7/10. I usually do it when I’m falling asleep and too tired to say the full one and do the monotone thingy with my voice
-”UwU”: I picked this up from a streamer and I want to die. 5/10 because it actually makes my brain go brrr but it’s UWU COME ON BRAIN
-*BARKBARKBARK*: also picked this up from a streamer. 6/10 because it’s better than the UwU but still.
-”Hello everyone this is yourrrrrrr daily dose of internet”: 9/10. banger stim. I draw out the ‘your’ as much as it feels right 
-BEEP: I deadass just beep. 2/10 annoying for everyone involved. 
-”Who the hell is GEOREG?”: 8/10 doing the angry voice bugs me sometimes but still a top tier stim
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guobasbutt-blog · 2 years
Helooooooo! Can I request a scenario where Ritsu's s/o falls asleep on Rei's shoulders? I thought it would be cute to see. Thanks!
“Let’s get lots of sleep as we grow old together.”
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"I'll be running a 'lil bit late thanks to a certain errand. My bad 😥😓. ILY & IMY lots and lots."
(Y/N) was already inside the Sakuma residence when they received Ritsu’s message. It had left them dispirited, as they’ve been wanting to see Ritsu for a while now. Their difference in schedule disabled them to meet regularly.
To keep (Y/N) from feeling dispirited, the older Sakuma offered them stories from Ritsu’s childhood. He handed (Y/N) an entire album displaying his little brother’s growth, an album dedicated to Ritsu.
“Ritsu used to depend on me and call me Onii-chan with all his heart but now....*sob *sob *sob” (Y/N) handed a handkerchief to Rei to keep him from weeping further.
“It will be fine, Rei-san. Ritsu is taking his time, since he may feel awkward about the past.” Just as Rei consoled them earlier from missing their beloved, it was (Y/N)’s turn to console him from his brother’s coldness. Listening to his rants about how Ritsu is in his adolescent stage.
A little later, (Y/N) was feeling lethargic because of their job. But they rebelled against it since Ritsu hasn’t arrived yet. Without their awareness, they had fallen asleep on Rei’s shoulder while he rambles about Ritsu’s childhood.
“Oh, dear. What am I supposed to do to you?” A sigh escapes Rei’s lips since he couldn’t move a muscle. Fearing that it may disturb (Y/N)’s sleep, he resigned and imitated them. This is so that they would not feel shame later.
When Ritsu arrived home, he was glaring at the scene he was seeing. To him, (Y/N)’s sleepy face was benign, but them resting their head on his brother’s head was a hideous sight.
In response to jealousy, he wanted to rip (Y/N) off from Rei immediately. However, Ritsu cannot uproot his brother’s head away from (Y/N), since his lover might wake up.
Ritsu then opts for the better choice, which is to keep (Y/N) asleep. So, he taps his brother’s face to wake him up. While Ritsu waits for Rei to wake up, he sits on the vacant side near (Y/N). He also placed (Y/N)'s head on his shoulder for better comfort. Once Rei had opened his eyes, Ritsu mouthed him to get lost, which then earned him a pout from his brother, but did so anyway.
And finally, the two of them were alone with no bugs present. He pecked (Y/N)’s forehead as an apology for being late.
“It’s not your fault, though.” (Y/N) reassuring him as they awaken from a couple of pecks they've received. “Ritsu, I’m sorry for falling asleep.”
“And I’m sorry for being late,” Ritsu included. “Say (Y/N), are you still feeling sleepy?”
After hearing (Y/N) yawn, he lifts them up from their position. Bringing them to his room while he adds another set of pecks to deliver.
“Haven’t had enough from your fill?” (Y/N) ruffled Ritsu’s hair as they tease him. Ritsu clings harder and lies on top of (Y/N). Refusing to let them go even if they become tired of him. “Nope. You belong to me, after all.”
The distance between them was undeniably close. There was also heat arising from the couple’s bodies as they become inseparable. Both were feeling harmonious, bidding a joyous night while they wait for another day to begin.
“Let’s get lots of sleep as we grow old together.”
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maow's notes: sleep sleep date with ritsu is another way to energize. do remember to take a lot of rest 🍁
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whatdoesshedotothem · 3 years
Thursday 16 August 1838
4 ¼
9 ½
fine morning F73° at 5 ½ and breakfast – A- and I off for Lourdes to consult an avocat in the affair of Cazos on horseback with our 2 guides à pied at 6 20 A-‘s stirrup broken – delayed in Luz to get another – off from there at 6 ¾ - very fine morning – I walked from 7 20 to 8 27 and remounted not far from the Pont de Ville-long – passed thro’ Pierrefitte and alighted at the hotel du commerce at Argèles at 9 42 – engaged a calêche and 3 horses to take us to Lourdes and back for 10/. tout compris – and to Tarbes and back this evening (if we wished it) for 24/. – the guides breakfasted – A- had a mouthful of cold water and I a glass of eau sucrée – left Pierre to take care of the horses. took Charles on the box with the cocher and drove off at 10 25 – A- had seemed rather tired at Argèles – it was hot, but the double bedded room we were in was really very good and tidy – the carriage knocked her up – we could not see anything in front (thro’ the 2 men) and not much out of the side windows .:. I dozed slumbered almost all the way – from not far out of Argèles we had a good view of the Piméné and Marboré – Alighted, as we near as we could get to the market people, at the hotel du nord at Lourdes at 11 ¾ - shewn into a good double bedded room which the stirring mistress of the house soon made comfortable by taking away the remains of somebodys’ breakfast and leaving all clear – A- lay down on the sofa – of the 2 avocats named by Charles, it seemed Mr. Latapis was the older and more important so sent Charles to ask him to come to me – very civil message back but begging me to go to him as he had always people going to him etc. etc. did not much like this on the 1st mention of it – but very well satisfied afterwards – all right – A- doubted whether to go with me or not – I thought it would be no amusement to her – she would understand nothing – I should not be long away – she therefore remained on the sofa – and I off with Charles at 12 20 – Lourdes full of people and stirring – the market day – marché tous les quinze jours – in the place opposite our hotel and between this and the poste aux chevaux and its better looking hotel, corn and pulse (beans etc.) in sacks in the great place shaded with trees at the Argèles-end of the town a cattle market – 2 or 3 minutes walk to the good looking port cochère and little garden court and house of the avocat, perhaps as Charles said about 50, rather rotund au milieu, and of the agreeable lawyer-like manners – told him I should be glad of his advice – that the grievance was not serious being merely une affaire de sentiment mais que je me sentais une peu blessée, and I hoped he could tell me how to set all right – explained briefly – that I had really reached the summit of the Vignemale (he said the queen of Holland (Hortense) had done it some years ago – knowing he did not understand the thing I said nothing to the contrary – she went en chaise à porteur as the duchesse de Berri did from Gavarnie by the glacier de Vignemale to Cautertz [Cauterets]) but that Cazos had afterwards denied it for the sake of getting the price for the 1st ascension from a person at Luz – called in Charles to confirm my statement – the avocat asked him to sit down – and poor Charles delighted and uninterrupted ran on at length beginning from my first meeting Cazos on the Piméné to his leaving us after our return to the cabane – however poor Charles lengthy simplicity of minutiae convinced the avocat – I asked him to write me out a proper and sufficient certificate for Cazos to sign and he did so – saying he thought Cazos would sign for the sake of the money he the avocat agreeing with me and advising me not to pay till the certificate was signed – but said I, if he will not sign, what then – if I was in England I could le citer devant le juge de paix and oblige him by x examination to own the truth – well, said the avocat, and you can do so here – But will you monsieur come over and manage this affair for me? yes! – agreed that if the man would not sign, I should send Charles over with the certificate to Mr. Latapis and he would arrange the procès – we parted very good friends – I thanked him – saying I would do nothing without him, and should pay with pleasure whatever expense might be incurred rather than let the matter rest without being cleaned up – M. Latapis said it was an escroquerie on the part of Cazos and that the prince had not shewn much génerosité
I said générosité était une chose fort rate, and not to be expected – but that he had not shewn much justesse and but in that engaging Cazos for the Wednesday might be the weather good or bad, I having previously engaged him for the 1st fine day, the prince had compelled me to hurry my own ascent and had not acted en gentilhomme – M. Latapis said he certainly not acted like a prince – no! said I not like a prince d’autre jours – but il y a 2 or 3 sortes de princes et quant aux princes moderns, c’est une autre chose – on my return found A- still on the sofa – she said she had been asleep, and asked why I had been so long, when I had said I should not be long – I replied without thinking much about it that I had really only been to the avocats’ – that I had been 50 minutes there but could not come away sooner – Charles’ story being long, and then, in noting in my rough book the time I had been away, I unfortunately did not (and the noise of the people in the street was enough thro’ the open window to drawn all sound of A-‘s low voice at first) hear her ask what the avocat had said – I immediately however gave her the certificate to read – to my surprise, she made no comment! I saw something was wrong, but not knowing what nor having encouragement nor motive for forcing conversation, I had only to inquire to order to eat – nothing – to go or not – to go – I had told the cocher we would wait till the heavy rain was over for I had hardly got back from the avocats’ when big drops of thunder rain with a peal or 2 of thunder drove the market people helter skelter to shelter themselves and their sacks as well as they could – the heavy rain had abated but it still rained rather smartly when we gave the maitresse d’hotel a franc for the use of her room, and drove off from Lourdes at 2 5 by and by fell into a slumber and when I awoke near Argèles it was fair and fine – perhaps it had rained about ½ way? alighted at the hotel du commerce à Argèles at 3 40 – the guide had to ‘boire un coup’ – A- not inclined to take anything nor I – Rode off from Argèles at 4 5 the Pic de Vicos and its 3 lower pics on the same crête and the whole mass of this mountain very fine – as also the pic de Bergons, and as we rode along, its top crête stretching out into the fourche or hourquette de Brada and the Maow copperat etc. all gradually hid again as we neared the village of Pierrefitte at the foot of the mass de Viscos – the vale of Argèles very beautiful – the rain very seasonable the bled du Turquie (Indian corn) was [withening] at the root for want of it, and la farine (Indian corn meal) had risen Charles said 4fr. the sack since we went into Spain in consequence of the continued drought – the day of our arrival at St. Sauveur (9th ultimo) the last day of the rain – none since, at least not more than a drop or 2 not with naming – had passed thro’ and a little beyond Pierrefitte at 5 10 – thunder rain came on and several flashes of lightning 200 or 300 yards before entering Luz – rode with our umbrellas up all the rest of the way – home at 7 35 – I thought A- was dressing for dinner – but after waiting some minutes and trying the door twice and getting no answer George thought perhaps Miss W- was gone to take her bath for Josephine was not in her own room – I sat down to dinner at 8 till 8 ¾ - George had taken the things down to the kitchen fire to keep hot just before A-‘s return, and she dined in bed – on trying her doors at 8 ¾ I found all fast, and all silent – so had Josephine, and hurried into bed – very fine hot in the valley of Argèles day till thunder rain at Lourdes (vid. line 15) and afterwards from near Luz (line 29) and rainy evening and raining now at 9 ¼ pm and F72 ½° - A- and I never spoke in returning but just when I asked her to or three times to take a biscuit or to trot up to the guides
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bixbythemartian · 5 years
Hi! Im relatively new to your blog, found you thru the princess & warlock story today. Happy 1300! Prompt; cats are always meowing at (character). House cats stray cats friends' cats even that one time at the zoo. They figure hey, cats are just cute chatty little friends, but really they always had something important to say.
Thank you! Also, you accidentally picked one of my favorite things in the world to write about, so this got loooong.
Cats. Cats always chat at me. It’s been going on for most of a year. I have no idea why. Every stray cat I see has to walk up to me and chatter at me. It’s to the point where I carry kitty treats. 
My friend, Tara, has three cats and they all have to come meow at me. Every time I come over. It’s a cacaphony of meowing for like five minutes. Tara says they’re usually pretty quiet, and they almost never meow unless, like, something’s up. (Sometimes ‘something’s up’ means ‘there’s a coat hanger on my favorite cushion’ because, well, cats.) 
Maybe it’s a pheromone thing? Cats think I smell like someone they need to talk to? They’re pretty friendly.
(Sometimes I think they’re trying to cheer me up because my old cat, the General, passed away. It’s kind of nice and kind of sad to think about at the same time, so I don’t think about it too often.)
It’s kind of fun to go to the zoo. Cheetahs meow, did you know? It’s cute as heck! “Who’s the fastest land mammal?” “Meow. Meow!” 
Tigers, uh, do not meow, honestly. I mean they are really big, like, chesty animals so they have a kind of deep growl, but they kind of... bellow at me? They yell. Tigers and Lions yell at me. It’s damn near human sounding.
The looks I get from zookeepers, I’m telling you.
And I swear at one point I had this bobcat, like, out of nowhere walk up and start meowing at me. I tell people about it and they’re like ‘yep, that’s our Ella’ but like seriously that was kind of a bowl quaking moment.
Like, regular house cats can mess you up if they lose their shit at you, and bobcats are fucking stacked, you know? They’re not, like, Lion big but they’re bigger than a lot of dogs, and when it comes right up to you and is like “hey” it is kind of frightening, let me tell you! 
It was clearly friendly, which was super weird. It actually did that love rub thing on my ankles as I tried valiantly not to piss itself.
It kept talking to me!
I said “I’m sorry, cat friend, I don’t know what you’re saying,” and gave it cat treats. What else was I gonna do? It did accept my offering of treats and gave me a mildly reproachful look as it wandered off.
Cats, right? 
Well, no, actually. This wasn’t a ‘cats, man’ type situation. 
So I went to another friend. A... witchy friend, shall we say. She’s kinda weird but in a good way. She’s got a really normal apartment but there’s this one closet that locks that I’ve only ever glimpsed inside of.
Well, I went to her and told her what was up. She owed me a favor anyway, you know? 
Well, I told her after her little tiny black cat, Squirt, got done talking to me.
The witch- she’s asked that I don’t name her, because of Reasons- nodded. “I noticed that,” she said. “I wondered if you’d ask me about it.”
“Do you know what’s going on?”
“No idea!” she said cheerfully, and unlocked the closet.
It was a storage closet? It had nothing weird inside. She dug around in it and pulled out a book, which she flipped through for a minute. It looked like a hand-written journal. “Okay, I think I can do this.”
“Do what?”
“Let you understand them. They’ve got something important to say, right?”
“Well, they seem to think so. I thought it was like, I dunno, a pheromone thing.”
“Yeah, that’s why came to me,” she said.
“Well... okay.”
“So we wanna facilitate interspecies communication, right? Do you have a cat?”
“Naw, not since the General died. I couldn’t...”
“Oh, yeah,” she said. “I gotcha. No, that’s fair.”
“Every stray cat in the neighborhood hunts me down.”
“Good, cause you’re not taking Squirt.’
I turned and looked at Squirt. “Hear that?”
“Maow,” Squirt replied. 
I followed her to her kitchen, where she started pulling all the spices out of the cabinet.
“I thought all your witchy shit was in the closet.”
“All my valuable shit is in the closet. I’m a kitchen witch. Any allergies?”
“Shouldn’t be an issue.” She mixed up a cup of tea, stirring. “It’s got a bit of a kick.”
“For real?”
“Try it.”
The tea was warm and floral at first, and then there was a sort of spiciness that was kind of floral as well? And then it kicked me in the back of the throat. I wheezed.
“I warned ya!”
“You did,” I wheezed.
“Drink past it, you’ll be okay.”
The next sip was easier, and tempered with honey. I finally drained it all down, the last drop was honey sweet, though my lips still burned.
“Okay, go for a walk and see what happens.”
“Is this how you do all your magic?”
“Yep! Let me know, I’m curious.”
“Kay,” I said, and let myself back out.
I walked down the street, and then found a side path towards the park, and headed that way.
A stray cat came up to me, and rubbed it’s head on my ankles.
“Oh, now you don’t talk?” I asked.
“We talk,” it said.
I jumped.
“You listen now,” it said.
“Okay, yeah.”
“Come with me,” it said.
“I’m coming, lead the way,” wondering what exactly the witch had put in that tea. It led me to the park, and to the wooded area behind it, through a path that must be mostly used by cats and deer, to a little clearing. Around the edge was a bunch of trash you’d expect in a little clearing near civilization- beer cans and condom wrappers and food trash- and also an absolute herd of friggin cats.
“Oh. Hey. Everybody.”
One tiny cat, maybe still a kitten, came from the back, dodging and weaving. “Hello,” it said. “You have learned that you understand.”
“Sure,” I said. “Seems like y’all had something important to say.”
“The General has traveled to his next life.”
“Yeah. Y’all knew him, huh?”
“It is hard, when an old friend leaves. You have had time to mourn, yes?”
“Yeah. Wait, you want me to get a new cat? That’s the important thing?”
“Yes. New friend. Now you can understand, and talk to us.”
“Why is that important?”
They all kind of looked around, and an old fluffy orange cat that looked something like a matted cushion limped forward. It stared at her, one eye gone milky with age. “My mistress is dying,” it said, simply. “She is the cat witch, the one we speak to. She is dying.”
“You can understand us.”
“We knew you could learn the words.”
“You must help us.”
“Okay, okay, I can’t- settle, please, I can’t understand when you talk at the same time. Okay. So you want me to get a cat and talk to y’all because you need a cat witch.”
“Yes,” the ancient marmalade cat said.
“Why do you need a cat witch?”
“Tis an ancient bargain we struck, when the world was younger. Cat witches speak to us, help us carry our culture. We are so shortlived, you can carry it longer. They learn our magic. We protect.”
“So... I should go to the animal shelter then. No offense, but I have friends and whatever magic lets me get along with y’all-”
“Most of us are not tame enough to live indoors, you are right,” a really big tom said. “We have not elected. It is a choice between you and your next friend.”
“Well, okay. Um, should I- do you want me to talk to your- your mistress?”
The marmalade cat preened. “Yes. I will lead you to her. It is not far, even for humans.” There was a little snickering, which I ignored.
I followed the marmalade cat to a little old lady’s house and knocked.
She immediately scooped up the purring old cat. “There she is, Miss Betsy! Oh, you found her!”
“Yeah.” I glanced at the hilariously named Miss Betsy, but Miss Betsy was too busy purring and drooling. I sighed. “She said I needed to talk to you about this cat witch thing,” I said.
“Oh good, they found one. Yes, come in. Come in. I just made some tea, would you like some?”
I mean, I could go on, but long story short I have a new cat and an old book. Pookie is really taking to the harness, we go for walks every day and talk to the neighborhood cats. 
I try to talk to them about the dying songbird population but that’s... well, the progress hasn’t been great, honestly. I’ll keep chipping at it. I have gotten a few of them fixed, the ones who are tired of watching their kittens die. And I have taken in and fostered and rehomed so many kittens. Fortunately, stray cats are good at finding money. I don’t ask where it comes from, it’s probably better that way. 
I’m trying to get my neighbors on the harnessed cat thing and that is going pretty well, actually, especially since I am pretty good at convincing cats to wear them long enough to get used to them. Also I kind of have a... rep, now. 
So things are going as well as can be expected.
Let me tell you what, though, I am fucking pumped to go back to the zoo. 
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dragons-bones · 7 years
Entry #25: Assessments
FFXIV Write 2017 prompt #25: Obsolete
A/N: Shippy goodness and academic snobbishness! Score!
Aymeric rubbed his tired eyes as he walked through the Greater Library of the Vault, fighting back a yawn. He had spent the majority of the day deep in the stacks, going through pre-Calamity trade records in preparation for a related matter coming to the Parliamentary floor for discussion and debate. It was important, especially since he’d be mediating in the House of Lords (the Speaker for the House of Commons had similar headaches herding the coeurls there, and how often grown men acted like children, but he did not have to deal with a thousand years of carefully cultivated and maintained feuds and grudges), but he would be a liar if he claimed it was fascinating work.
At least it had meant he had not been bothered as he would have, had he spent the day in his office in the Congregation or at home.
He lost the fight against exhaustion, covering his mouth with a hand and yawning so hard he felt a muscle in his jaw cramp in protest. ‘And this is why the other Alliance leaders have a retinue of aides with them at all times,’ he thought as he passed through the mathematics and sciences section, briefly noting a spot of deepwood green and shining topaz out of the corner of his eye. ‘They are the ones keeping track of all the minutiae. Count Edmont and Lucia are, as always, correct; I need to begin delegating at least the minor tasks, else I’ll go mad before the year is out.’
He was nearly to the reference desk at the library’s entrance, when he halted mid-stride, blinking in surprise as his mind finally finished processing the colors he’d seen.
He turned on his heel and walked back to the mathematics and sciences section. He glanced back and forth between the rows, not pausing until- there!
‘Found you,’ he thought fondly.
There was no mistaking that particular form sitting hunched on top of a ladder, forehead in hand as she turned the pages of a book in her lap. Especially when it was combined with the sheepdog-sized carbuncle sitting patiently at the ladder’s base.
Aymeric smiled as he walked down the row, briefly glancing at the titles. Arcanima, of course; these were old tomes, however, and only one or two were ones he’d seen grace the shelves of Synnove’s office in Mealvaan’s Gate.
He did not attempt to step softly, as it was always a poor idea to sneak up on a warrior, but apparently Synnove was deeply enough engrossed in her text to not register his approach. Tyr, however, looked over as soon as he noticed the loud clacking boots heels on stone floor coming closer to his mistress. He perked his ears up and came over to meet Aymeric, shoving his face into the elezen’s hands.
“Maow!” the topaz carbuncle said, deep and echoing like a brass bell the way Galette’s voice was windchimes.
Aymeric laughed softly and obliging scratched behind his ears. Tyr thrummed happily, enjoying the attention for a few moments, before he disengaged and went back to Synnove. He braced himself on the rungs of the ladder and reached up with his paw to tap her foot, chirruping quietly.
“Hmm? Whazzit, honey?” Synnove said, voice distant and distracted. She did not look up as she turned the page.
Tyr sat back on his haunches and said, “Maow!”
He hadn’t the faintest idea of what he’d said, but Synnove most certainly did, as her head jerked up in surprise. (He winced sympathetically; as she had straightened, her spine had made an awful crack.) She frantically looked around until her gaze settled on Aymeric. She blinked rapidly, quite obviously not yet comprehending what she was seeing, until a smile finally bloomed across her features, her green eyes crinkling at the corners. “Well, fancy meeting you here,” she said, her cheerfulness tempered by the slur of exhaustion in her voice.
There were dark circles under her eyes, her hair was unkempt, and her fingers were ever-so-slightly shaking from too much caffeine and not enough sleep, but Synnove Greywolfe was still the most beautiful woman he had ever seen.
Aymeric grinned up at her, not bothering to disguise how besotted he was with no witnesses, and said, “What brings one of the celebrated Warriors of Light to Ishgard a bell before midnight?” He held out his arms.
Synnove winced as she closed and shelved the book she had been reading. “Thal’s balls, that late?” She slid to the edge of the ladder’s seat, pushed off, and unceremoniously dropped into his grasp.
He tightened his hold on her as he caught her, drawing her close, and he dropped a kiss on each of her eyelids, relishing the giggles the action elicited from her. Another kiss on her nose, one to the beauty mark at the corner of her mouth, and then he finally kissed her properly. Synnove, in turn, languidly draped her arms around his shoulders and ran her fingers through the hairs on the nape of his neck, practically purring as she did. He hummed appreciatively against her lips, and they both laughed into the kiss.
(Next to them, Tyr sighed, and rolled his eyes.)
Aymeric reluctantly drew away and set her on her feet, keeping Synnove steady as she wobbled and her spine cracked yet again. His beloved immediately leaned back into him, wrapping her arms around his waist and resting her cheek over his heart. He smiled and returned the hug, resting his chin on her head. He closed his eyes and swayed with her gently, enjoying the familiar and much-missed comfort of her presence.
Finally, Synnove sighed and said, voice mostly muffled against his coat, “To answer your question, I’m here on Guild business. The Scholasticate sent a formal request to the Guild, asking for assistance in assessing the current state of Ishgard’s arcanima program. Guildmistress Thubyrgeim decided to send me, considering my history with Ishgard, and the Scholasticate in particular.”
“And I’m certain it has nothing to do with the roof being blown off one of the laboratories.”
She reached up and swatted his arm. “Hush, you.”
Aymeric snickered into her hair.
Synnove swatted him again before wrapping her arm back around him. “I had planned on saying hello to you this morning at the Congregation,” she said, “but you were in a meeting. So I came here to get a look at the reference material they had, and…” She drummed her fingers against his back and sighed. “Well, it’s me. Lost track of time.”
He hummed noncommittally. Any commentary on his part about her work habits would be the pot calling the kettle black. Instead, he said, “And what is the verdict on the state of the Republic of Ishgard’s arcanima program?”
She shifted, and he tilted his head so he could meet her gaze as she propped her chin on his chest. “Do you want the truth?” she said.
“The whole truth?”
“Of course.”
“Nothing but the truth, so help you gods?”
Synnove stared at him and said, utterly deadpan, “It’s shite.”
Aymeric burst out laughing.
“I am completely serious, love, it’s a godsdamned travesty,” she said, gesticulating wildly at the shelf behind them. “Most of these books were years out of date when Ishgard closed itself off before the Calamity. Shite is being generous, I have texts in their fourteenth edition that you have in only their first. There aren’t even any carbuncle summoning arrays that I can find! Does the Church have something against carbuncles?”
He pressed his face into her hair in a vain attempt to stifle his laughs. “My dear Synnove,” he said once he had slightly calmed, “have I told you recently how much I love you?”
“I love you, too, Aymeric, but I see what you’re doing, don’t distract me, this is serious-”
That drew a fresh peal of laughter from him, and he pulled her back into their hug. Synnove grumbled into his chest, but she was returning his embrace, so she wasn’t truly cross with him.
Finally, once his laughter was interrupted by a yawn, he said, “I am sure the Scholasticate can wait to hear your report tomorrow. For now, let’s get some food into you and put you to bed, hm?”
Synnove yawned herself and snuggled into his side as they began to walk down the row of shelves, Tyr obediently trotting after them. “Only if you’re joining me,” she said.
Aymeric dropped a kiss onto her hair. “Of course, my love.”
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