#many merry-holic
lindsaywesker · 1 year
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Good morning! I hope you slept well and feel rested? Currently sitting at my desk, in my study, attired only in my blue towelling robe, enjoying my first cuppa of the day.
Today is December! The final month of the year. Where did that year go? No, seriously, eleven months done already?
On Sunday, I noticed that the variety boxes had been reduced to £3.50. “Right,” I thought, “I’ll have four of those!” So, I bought two Heroes and two Celebrations. In my house, we are choc-a-holics! Firstly, Eclairs are a waste of space! Who eats them? Secondly, they are not two-bite bars anymore, they are one-bite bars! Rather like those crap bags of Walkers Crisps which are just cheese & onion-flavoured air and a few crisps, if you’re lucky! The funny thing is: these companies don’t think we notice. I’m never going to buy poor quality food to save money, but I’m always on the lookout for bargain. If the price is right, you have my custom.
Yesterday was my final lesson with my Wednesday class. They were NOT happy that they won’t be seeing me next term. The ten-week module is called ‘Music Industry News’. A different music industry news story each week followed by spirited debate. To be honest, our classroom made Prime Minister’s Question Time look like the retirement home embroidery class! I shall miss it.
I’m trying not to get too excited about the World Cup, as I have very negative feelings towards Qatar as a country, but the emotion of the games is getting to me. Imagine being a Tunisian fan? You’ve just been eliminated from the World Cup but at least you’ve beaten the world champions! All decided by a VAR decision that happened about two hours after the French equaliser was scored! You can’t help but get caught up in the tension and the drama. Senegal will be properly up for it on Sunday, so I am not assuming a walk in the park. I will be in front of the TV with bevvies and all manner of foodage!
A beautiful friend of mine needed a DJ for her company Christmas party but the posh hotel told her there were restrictions on volume and a member of staff would be checking noise levels EVERY FIFTEEN MINUTES! I said to her, “You are wasting your time hiring a DJ! We’ll never be able to create a vibe in there with all those precious jobsworths looking over our shoulder!” I said to her, “Let me come to your office and put a Christmas party playlist on your Spotify account and you can run your iPad through the house system.” So that’s what I did on Wednesday morning. Almost seven hours of Christmas party favourites. The ravers in her company will probably get a little frustrated at the low volume but my friend always lays on a superb spread of food and plentiful supplies of drink. They’ll be too merry to notice! Yes, we are in company Christmas party season! Many of my DJ friends will be dreading it; good money but nightmare punters! Here’s hoping someone doesn’t spill drink or vomit over your gear!
Have a throbbing and thrusting Thursday (with hopefully a few thrills through your thoroughfare?) I love you all.
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aoimori · 7 years
02.26.2017 MERRY Morning Live @ Holiday Shinjuku
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So Merry had a morning show in Shinjuku. Doors at 7:30am, show at 8:00am. (They also had a fanclub only show that night too, report is over here)   As you can probably imagine, it was incredible and just such a Merry thing to experience. Here is my report including VIDEO EVIDENCE of a little something called radio calisthenics with Gara.
I’m amazed that this even happened. But I guess if anyone is going to do a show at 8am, it’s Merry. They actually started a little late but I had a feeling they would lol. It was an interesting feeling standing outside of this tiny tiny venue so early in the morning, in Kabukicho, with a bunch of other fans. I loved it 
Before the show started they were playing rain sounds with their own rain-themed songs mixed in. Reminded me of Shinjuku Blues! 
I was in front of Yuu for this show, started about 5 rows back and ended up in 3rd.
While we were waiting there was suddenly an announcement over the speakers. Small venues like this generally don’t play that generic pre-performance announcement (honjitsu wa) that lists the rules of the venue etc. So it wasn’t that. It was Gara. 
He very politely told us that we were going to do rajio taisou (radio calisthenics - the kind that old people do in the park in the morning lol). He asked if we had a little bit of space to move around in, with mixed responses, so he said even if you don’t have space it’s okay lol. Today’s calisthenics will be led by… Super Merrys’ MAMURASAKI (aka Gara)
So Gara/Mamurasaku comes out wearing his Tenga shirt and rabbit head mask, the music/instructions come on, and we all followed his lead and did calisthenics together at like 8am in a tiny livehouse in Kabukicho…
There’s actually video of all of this (looks like it was livestreamed) so I HIGHLY RECOMMEND you all watch it and have this experience. It was wild. I laughed so much lol. We actually tried our best to follow him!!
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THIS VIDEO: https://twitter.com/merry_official/status/835628885647597568
Please enjoy his antics
After he walked off stage he got back on the announcements and asked us to wait a liiittle while longer
SE: Merry March Oriental BL Circus Charlie TOP
Lost generation Atama ga zakuro Zetsubou Jiishiki kajougata deku ningen Tick tack Heijitsu no onna Kasa to ame stupidxcupid Carnival Japanese modernist Chiyodasen democracy
Encore Touzasareta rakuen Happy life Violet harenchi Kasa to ame (acoustic)
THIS SHOW !!!!!!
I thought that since this was a morning show that they would either A) do calmer songs/acoustics or B) go abnormally hard.  
After the SE they immediately came on stage and exploded into Oriental BL Circus. Clearly B was the correct prediction lol
Yuu looked REALLY CUTE. He had his hair styled all crazy to look like bedhead and had heavy black makeup under his eyes to look like he had extreme dark circles from not sleeping. He walked out with this big grin like he was proud of his look
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(from his twitter)
Oriental BL Circus is always really fun and I love the call and response parts in the beginning (I finally learned all the words HA) But it was also a REALLY EXTREME way to start a show in the morning – Gara and Yuu yelling, all of us yelling back lol
I GOT TO HEAR CHARLIE LIVE!!! AAA!!! It’s so so so so so fun and super high energy from start to finish. And so is TOP!! Seriously this show was HYPEEE from the very beginning.
Thennnn atama ga zakuro is actually the first Merry song I ever heard and TO THINK I GOT TO HEAR IT LIVE!?
Also lord help me all I did was watch Gara perform this song and I feel full of sin. Actually during this entire show he was a little nastier than usual lol. Putting his mic between his legs multiple times and enjoying himself, having REAL QUALITY MOMENTS up against his mic stand… he is committed to realism tbqh. IS THIS HOW YOU ARE IN THE MORNING ? ? ? 
ANYWAY. I also got to hear Tick Tack for the first time!! What an old song!! It’s so nice live, everyone was swaying back and forth. And I’m going to love Heijitsu no onna until the day I die, so. You can probably guess what I have to say about that. Gara putting on lipstick and rubbing it off with the back of his hand with the saddest smile…
I just wanna say right now that I LOVE KASA TO AME. If for some reason you haven’t listened to it, please go do it right now. Both versions are great. I own 5 copies of this single. Listen to it. Buy it. LOVE IT.
I forgot my towel for the morning show so I had to participate in Carnival without one for the first time!! Carnival, Japanese modernist and Chiyodasen are ALWAYS fun though. They just kept hitting us with JAMS.
During one song (don’t remember which) when Yuu had a speaking part he ended up just making comments about the show instead of following the lyrics, it was pretty funny lol
I love Touzasareta rakuen live. The vibe is just so good? Gara said something about this being an older song but it has the kind of energy they want to have as they work toward Hibiya Yaon
And then Happy life gets me EVERY TIME. Gara sang the last line without his mic. I’m always really impressed by how he expresses such raw emotion. He just puts it ALL out there as strongly as he physically can, every time. He had the biggest smile right after this song. Like really genuine. Have I mentioned... that I love this band...??
During Violet harenchi Gara and Yuu were back to back in the center of the stage!!! Yuu was in the center and Gara saw him and immediately rushed over. Yuu also likes to go sit on Gara’s desk lol. Later Tetsu was standing in front of me on a monitor and Yuu came over and was standing against his leg and it was REALLY CUTE. Tetsu is an actual mountain btw
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(from gara’s blog)
Gara and Yuu both said good morning to us a few times (and said wow, saying good morning at a live house feels good huh…)
Gara asked each member what they did the night before...
Nero: so worried that he’d oversleep and get a call from the band on stage asking where he was that he could barely sleep at all
Tetsu: eating meat (this is all he said lol, at first Gara didn’t understand him)
Kenichi: Hesitant to answer, but… said he went to Mankitsu (a manga café?) Gara asked what he was reading and Kenichi was just silent… so Gara asked AGAIN and Kenichi still said nothing LOL
Yuu: Nothing out of the ordinary. He went home, then took the first train in the morning to the venue. Gara said he was sorry he asked
Gara: Didn’t sleep at all because if he slept and then woke up in the morning before the show his voice wouldn’t be in good condition.  He said he actually went home the night before just… never slept lol . ((He posted on his blog about eating mcdonalds actually... but are any of us really surprised by this??))
He made an extended bandoman joke that continued into the next show... something about introducing himself as “bandoman A” from a tabloid story about a celebrity having an affair. But then said instead of having an affair he actually wants to be served by blonde foreign women... and if the tabloids come to him for an interview, he’ll tell everything.
I feel like I missed something here lol but he said he’d better stop talking about this because there were foreigners in the audience (me?? the most blonde foreigner of all?? lol) 
The singing MC was set to the beginning of Kasa to ame (it used to be heijitsu no onna). So each member would start playing as Gara introduced them and did a really short mini solo. Merry has the best MCs.
Gara said that this morning live felt really good so if we liked it, please tweet them, and they’ll show the tweets to their company, and then maybe they can do more events like this. They are always trying to get us to promo them to someone lol
He also wants to do a 24 hour show. The rest of the band did not seem into this idea. He said everyone could have their own little space where they could sit or stand, bring a TV or something, leave and come back whenever they pleased, etc. The band would work in shifts sometimes so someone could sleep. Or go to the onsen. But Nero couldn’t come with them (tattoos) so he’d just have to watch while they rest of them relax. POOR NERO.
They were talking about where they’d be in 20 years? Gara said he’ll still be singing but he might need to sit down… and need someone to help hold him steady as he walked… and to whisper the lyrics in his ear, and tap him on the shoulder when a new song started lol. Yuu just called him an ojiichan
Gara turned the page of his setlist with his foot and it was cute
Between songs Gara said all of us that came to a show this early in the morning must be ACTUALLY crazy. TRUE. During an MC he also told us that we all must be a little atama ga okashii nee… crazy/touched in the head lol. ALSO TRUE.
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The band had a dokudoku campaign for this tour. The idea was to create more Merry chuudokusha (addicts) so at each show a certain member was tasked with doing something fun. Giving things away, taking pictures with fans, etc. Gara was in charge of this show.
He gave away his tenga shirt (signed) which he had also worn during the radio taisou spectacle. He was giving it away on behalf of Mamurasaki, of course.
So before the encore he came on stage and said it was dokudoku time, but then found out that the staff still hadn’t collected all the ticket stubs for him to choose one winner from. So he stalled for a while and just talked about random stuff, asked us if we had any questions, and then would occasionally look back to the staff and be like STILL??? STILL NOTHING? Awkward and angry and adorable lol
One of his topics of conversation was his tenga shirt. He read it out loud and explained it lol. He also said that he received an egg type one from a fan for Valentines day, but he still hasn’t used it. He’s thinking about using it in March for White Day…
Eventually staff brought an envelope to him and he chose a winner. While he was looking at the stubs he said these aren’t all Core tickets… they’re not Core tickets~ in this cute irritated singsong voice lol. Anyway he picked one stub and gave away the shirt. Then he gave away the paper Mamurasaki signed (he said it looked like Mamurasaki had written “iwai/celebrate” wrong and crossed it out and wrote it again… and now it looks like it says “Nero”).
Since he didn’t have a photo to give away too, he decided to do something special. So he turned around and went to find his lipstick that he uses during Heijitsu no onna, came back to the front and put some on. And then kissed the paper. And then chose someone to give it to. He understands a fan’s heart so well…
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After the show I was watching all the members throwing things to the crowd. I think I was watching Gara in the center of the stage when I decided to turn around and face forward again and SUDDEN TETSU RIGHT BEFORE MY EYES!! He was standing up on one of the monitors looking down at us. HE IS HUGE. SUCH A TOWERING MOUNTAIN!! But so kind lol
Gara was standing on a monitor and then jumped up to his desk and did the LONGEST HEADSTAND + FOOT CLAPPING COMBO I HAVE EVER SEEN. He was up there FOREVER. We were all watching and clapping but then gradually starting to think like… Gara… Gara are you okay… GET DOWN FROM THERE GARA!!!
He was SO INTO this entire show lol. The mood was SO good. Maybe the band + the fans were kind of overcompensating for the fact that it was such a strange hour, but we all went REAL HARD.
I then left the show not knowing what time it was, went to Starbucks for breakfast (apparently Gara handed out sandwiches!! But I didn’t know / didn’t see anything even though I waited in the venue for a long time), then went to Shimokita where I spent the rest of the day until the CORE SHOW. Which was really fun, but then turned emotional...
I will never forget this show though 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏
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fymerry · 7 years
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MANY MERRY-HOLIC HOLIDAY SHINJUKU 2days 男女限定含め4本完走!!! ありがとうございました!! 次は2/24.26 HOLIDAY SHINJUKUでお逢いしましょう。
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crashhhhhintome · 2 years
Christimas over years
He holds Steve tightly, feeling his weight in his lap, at closes his eyes, taking a deep breath.
He remembers the first Christmas Eve together. Stolen glances and playful legs under the table.
The Christmas times during War. Also stolen glances and tight hugs pampered with loving whispers inside their tents.
Then... there's a big blank space in Christmas memories for Bucky. Years and years that weren't celebrated. He knows Steve hasn't celebrated during some of these years too and feels even worst.
But they found each other again. And they had a blessing: another first Christmas together. Bucky was a mess but they ate in his little house back in Wakanda and hold hands while stargazing.
Now, many years after that, they are okay. Steve is sitting in his lap, wearing the ugliest sweater he's ever seen, feeling bloated from eating so much.
"Merry Christmas, Buck," he says.
"Merry Christmas, Steve. Luv' u, Buck answers back, leaning his forehead against Steve's back.
Inspired by this drawing, by otp-holic.
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monomijo · 7 years
Oh oh bruiseshipping! And greencheeleader/Chen and Lloyd I don't even know name :'p And congrats for followers!
Bruise and greencheerleader for you, dear anon!
1. Who drinks all of the coffee?
They are both coffee-holic
Jay: *walks into Cole’s room and sees so many coffee cups*
Jay: How many coffee you drunk?
Cole: I don’t know, you tell me.
Jay: *remembers that he have coffee cups on his work table as much asCole have*
Jay: Fair enough.
2. Who brings up adopting a pet?
Again, both of them
Kai: *hears yelling from Jay’s room*
Kai: *walks in* Hey, what’s goingon in here?
Jay: I say we adopting a cat!
Cole: NO, I say we adopting a dog!
Jay and Cole: *starts yelling louder*
Kai: *leaves a room*
3. Who kills the bugs?
They both don’t like to kill the bugs, they just bring them out ofbounty
4. Who cooks the meals?
Cole but we all know how this ends
Jay: *walks into kitchen* Is something burning?
Cole: *leans on a corner* Just my desire for you.
Jay: Cole, this toaster is on fire.
5. Who starts getting into holidays waybefore they should?
Jay: Happy Halloween!
Cole: It’s August…
Jay: Happy Valentine’s Day!
Cole: New Year was yesterday…
Jay: Merry Christmas!
Cole: Seriously, it’s June!
6. Who initiates the couple selfies?
7. Who forgets the birthdays andanniversaries?
Cole, all the time while Jay remembers everything
One time, Cole forgot about Jay’s birthday and was apologizing to him onnext day but he had no idea that Jay wasn’t even mad(he just can’t be mad atCole for long).
8. Who always ends up with too muchjunk food after grocery shopping?
Cole, of course~
Jay: Oh hi, you’re already back?
Cole: Yep.
Jay: Is that a little box of muffins?
Cole: *hides box in a shelf* No…
Jay: Is that a big box of donuts?
Cole: *hides this box in another shelf* Totally not.
Jay: Is that a cake?
Cole: *hides cake in a refrigerator* I don’t know what are you talkingabout.
9. Who nicknames the other?
Cole loves to give Jay a cute nicknames~
GREENCHEERLEADER (yay, my second otp :D)
1. Who drinks all of the coffee?
2. Who brings up adopting a pet?
Lloyd is the one who loves animals but Chen is the one who brings upadopting a pet
[the door bell rings]
Lloyd: *come to open the door*
Chen: *holds up a kitten* Hey, babe, let’s adopt this cat!
Lloyd: Chen, I-
Koko, who was just literally walking by: Oh no, not another one… Lloyd,I like your boyfriend, but this is a thirteen cat in this month!
Garmadon: :D
Koko: No, we not gonna drown that kitten… again.
Garmadon: D:
3. Who kills the bugs?
Chen is really afraid of bugs, so Lloyd is the one who kills them
4. Who cooks the meals?
Both of them but…
Chen: *shows his ugly-baked cake* Hey, darling, look!
Lloyd: It’s great, babe!
Lloyd: *shows the most beautiful chocolate cake that Chen have everseen* I bake it for you! Do you like it?
Chen: Marry me.
5. Who starts getting into holidays waybefore they should?
6. Who initiates couple selfies?
Chen: Selfie~!
Lloyd: Babe, it’s your practice right now.
Chen: Selfie~!
Lloyd: Chen, we have a class right now.
Chen: Selfie~!
Chen: Awesome, isn’t it?!
7. Who forgets the birthdays andanniversaries?
Lloyd and Kai: *talking about something*
Chen: Hey, Lloyd, guess what day is it today?
Lloyd: Friday?
Chen: *tries not to cry* It’s our two weeks anniversary! How could youforget?!
Lloyd: Oh my god! No, don’t cry, babe! I love you! Forgive me!
8. Who ends up with too much junk foodafter grocery shopping?
9. Who nicknames the other?
Send me a ship and I’ll tell you
Already done:
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aoimori · 7 years
02.26.2017 MERRY Core Limited @ Holiday Shinjuku - Hi no ataranai basho
Nero and Yuu decided to let us film one song! This is the recording I took from second row. This was a GOOD SHOW 🔥🔥🔥
Enjoy!! 🐑 🐑 🐑 🐑 🐑
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aoimori · 7 years
2017/02/11 新宿ブルースin真冬の北海道
Gara and Yuu held a mini acoustic live on the street after the show in Sapporo last night! Yuu posted a video here. Nero shows up too and helps out some lol. They called it “Shinjuku Blues in Hokkaido in the middle of winter”.
Setlist: Kasa to ame Bluesy night Chiyodasen democracy Tick tack Last snow
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aoimori · 7 years
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MERRYさんありがとう🐑♥ That red piece of fabric is KENICHI'S POCKET SQUARE BY THE WAY. FLUTTERED DOWN FROM THE HEAVENS TO //ME//. 👼 (トレカを交換して頂ける方いらっしゃいませんか…? 😂) #merry5月5日野音 #merry #manymerryholic
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fymerry · 7 years
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MANY MERRY-HOLIC HOLIDAY SHINJUKU 2days!! 1日目女性限定&通常ライブと無事終了を致しました。 ありがとうございました!! 明日2/15(水)男性限定&通常ライブと2本かましますのでついて来てください!!!
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fymerry · 7 years
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<MANY MERRY-HOLIC> 2/14(火)HOLIDAY新宿⏰19時開演 #MERRY毒毒企画 テツが企画で悩んでたので、私シャドウがこの日の毒毒企画をジャック。 終演後にMERRYグッズ販売を手伝ってあげようではありませんか。 題してシャドウジャーック!! シャドウ
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fymerry · 7 years
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MANY MERRY-HOLIC HOLIDAY SHINJUKU 本日CORE Limitedにてツアー終了致しました!! アクシデントはありましたがかなり成長に結びついたツアーファイナルだったと思います!! 3月東名阪、5/5日比谷野音 楽しみです!!!!!
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aoimori · 7 years
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My first ticket for this tour came in the mail today! And yeah, doors open at 7:30AM, show at 8:00AM. A M 😂😂 Breakfast is included (I am serious)☕🍳 #merry
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fymerry · 7 years
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<MANY MERRY-HOLIC> 2/14(火)HOLIDAY新宿(女性&1時間限定)⏰17時開演 ペアチケ三千円※2名迄OK #MERRY毒毒企画 ライブの感想をTwitterでくれたら一言返信します。 是非ライブに来てメッセージ下さい。 @merry_kenichi 健一
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fymerry · 7 years
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MANY MERRY-HOLIC HOLIDAY SHINJUKU 男性&1時間限定ライブ熱く、熱く終了を致しました。 全身全霊一体感… 最高でした!!! 男限定出来るように応援お願い致します。 この後は通常ライブとなります。女性もご参加頂けます。 当日券も販売を致します!!
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fymerry · 7 years
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MANY MERRY-HOLIC 女性&1時間限定ライブ終了致しました!! 明日は男性&1時間限定ライブ!! 久しぶりの男性限定だー まだ物足りないあなたにはこの後、19:30より通常のライブが行われます!! 若干ですが当日券も販売致します。
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fymerry · 7 years
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MANY MERRY-HOLIC HOLIDAY SHINJUKU ONLINE Limited ありがとうございました!! またONLINE限定ライブやりましょう!! 残すはMorning Live、CORE Limitedのみとなりました。 全身全霊でお願いします!!!
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