richardmurrayhumblr · 10 months
The 29th edition of the 2023 Richard Murray Newsletter
topics Cento poem series- round 8 Astrology dates Joseph Bologne Malenga Mulendema Films from Rosie Mbakam Shacarri Richardson Artistic Truth
#rmnewsletter   #rmaalbc
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Supa team 4:
Supa team 4:
I have never felt more seen by any show.  
I would like everyone to know something about me, and my physical form out side of tumblr (yes I do have one actually). I am African-America,  and I shaved my hair. I also struggle with the feeling like I’m not black enough, one of those reasons being because of the fact that I don’t have enough hair to lock or braid. ‘Why am I telling you all this?’ You may ask, because with all this, a single show managed somehow help me and my struggle. When I tell that this show in eight episodes talking about teen girls becoming superheroes made me feel more seen than any (black,lgbtqia+, neurodivergent) focused show I’v seen so far I am telling you the TRUTH. For me it’s a 10/10 and I will recommend to anyone. 
I’ll be honest with you. I see no flaws with the characters. In fact dare I say, this show has some of the best made characters i’v ever seen. With like actual depth, since the character are not only used for representation; writers can focus on the characters themselves. Which is rare to find, especially with black characters. 
Right now my favorite character is Marjory. For multiple reasons but the main one being that she has no hair. Her hair is actually similar to mine, the only difference being I use designs (so people can differentiate me from others boys). The other being, she’s so rude(/affectionate). She always has something to say and often comments on the four main girls and of the girls don’t really like but never comment on her hair because it’s normal. We don’t see much of her character through out the first season but I’m (REALLY!!!!) hoping that we get to see her more and have the writers add more depth to her character. 
The main 4/ The Supa 4/ Momma K’s team 4
I love them all so much. They are all such amazing characters. The Supa 4 consists of Komana, Monde, Temwe, Zee, and Mama K. These writers KNOW what they’re doing, this is  a middle school; this is the experience. Each of the characters feel like an extension of myself and it hits hard.
First up we have Zee. Zee is the tall, skinny, athletic girl which I love because her body type is basically mine. I can understand her when her episode comes up and she becomes over confident, in a way it shows that in the future she might be insecure, because people who get overconfident that quickly are often insecure. Zee plays for the schools football/Soccer team and is very good at. She also seems to love it as well because that is her weapon when they power up! 
Next we have Temwe! Temwe our short queen, she is represented as an empty hole who is willing to eat anything. Apart of her character is that she has some anger issues and is a bit of a troublemaker. In middle school I felt/feel like I always was doing something wrong even in primary school it was always me doing the wrong thing. I do headcannon that she has ADHD sense in one of her episodes she had to studying to prevent getting kicked off the team. I also believe that she maybe a favorite of the principal, despite how hard he is on her.
even in the last episode he states how he sees himself in her. 
Monde is nextttt! Monde is the plus size queen.  This is once again a thing with the character designs, she is chubby not slimed down, not sexualized(she is in middle school btw.) she is just chubby, and this one character probably impacted so many people. She struggles with feeling left out in the friend group because of her being new to the school which is quite relatable. I also love her relationship with her sister, she lives with her sister meaning she is growing up with a strong woman! She is also the most involved with my favorite character: Marjory. 
Last but not least Komana. Komana is the second shortest, and the smartest of the team. She brings her A game when it comes to her smarts and does lack in the creativity department. She also is the only character (so. far/excluding Monde sister) with a ‘love interest’ which I love. She struggles with her self worth, thinking that everything she does has to be great and if it isn’t then she failed. She spent an entire episode feeling like she wasn’t good enough showing so much of her character! 
How does this make me feel?
I feel so very seen by these characters. In a way I feel like I’m being talked to threw these characters and I feel heard. Zee being similar to my body type is just like clarification, that the writers see me and others like me. Temwe is not only a character that I feel like the watchers can put themselves into but can match a person too.  It has been far too long where (kid) shows have been to afraid to represent any sort of body type that’s similar to Monde’s, but not this show. Komana is the one showing not everything will be easy for you and that feels good to see. 
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hardynwa · 10 months
African animation hits new heights with Netflix series
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Netflix has debuted its first original African animation series, Supa Team 4. The eight-part series is set in a futuristic version of Lusaka, Zambia’s capital, and tells the story of four female teenage superheroes who are on a mission to save their city. Malenga Mulendema, Zambian writer and creator of the series, says that she hopes the series breaks ground for more African stories to be told on platforms like Netflix. “The story is similar across the continent - the talent is there and the stories are there but the opportunities are few and far between. “With partnerships with companies like Netflix, you have more chances to create and have the world see your stories.” Cartoon characterNetflixCopyright: NetflixMalenga Mulendema created the series after becoming one of the winners of a pan-Africa talent search by animation company Triggerfish and Disney. Zambian rapper, singer and songwriter, Sampa the Great, has also lent her voice to the series, singing the show’s theme song. “Animation series shaped our childhoods and to know young Zambians get to see what they’ve never seen on TV before is amazing!” she posted on Instagram. View this post on Instagram A post shared by Sampa The Great (@sampa_the_great) Read the full article
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historyhermann · 4 months
No. 6 on my list of top animated series for 2023: "Supa Team 4"
I only heard about Malenga Mulendema's Supa Team 4 on a whim, on social media. I'm glad I did because Netflix continues to inadequate promote this series. Although I don't always like computer-generated animations, this superhero action-comedy series remains one of my favorites for 2023. This series, produced by Trigger Fish Animation Studios, shares some characteristics with other teenage superhero series and classic 2000s series from the 2000s. The story is wholy Zambian and centers on four girls with different (and sometimes clashing) personalities: Temwe Chiti, Komana Mwinga, Zikomo "Zee" Phiri, and Monde Wamunyima. They are brought together by a former secret agent named Mama K.
Similar to other entries on this list, Temwe, Komana, Zee, and Monde feel obligated to keep their real identities secret. They have one of the coolest superhero transformations, with upbeat music and a distinctive flair. It is only rivaled by Sailor Moon, series within the Pretty Cure franchise, and magical girl works. Themes like environmental protection, family, work-life balance, value of art, and obsession with popularity are key. They face off against a villain who tries to steal the city's electric power, while masquerading as a "Black empowerment" capitalist. The second season premieres on December 21 and will continue centering African stories.
excerpted from "Burkely's Top Ten Animated TV Shows of 2023"
© 2023 Burkely Hermann. All rights reserved.
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thecastingcircle · 10 months
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The 21st century has ushered in a new era of super heroes across film, TV and comics. Now, Netflix viewers are introduced to the tech-fueled young African heroines of Supa Team 4 in the brand-new official trailer. Premiering on July 20, the stylish CG action-comedy is created by Zambian writer Malenga Mulendema, who originally pitched the concept to Cape Town studio Triggerfish during an open call for African creators.
Synopsis: Four teen girls living in the neo-futuristic African city of Lusaka are recruited by a retired secret agent still committed to saving the world… even if it’s on a budget. In their journey from school girls tackling homework to undercover superheroes fending off supervillains, they’re transformed from a motley crew of friends into Supa Team 4!
Supa Team 4 features the voices of Zowa Ngwira (Mpali), Namisa Mdlalose (Bypass), Kimani Arthur (Shimmer and Shine, Nella the Princess Knight), Nancy Sekhokoane (Abraham Lincoln, The Woman King), Pamela Nomvete (Andor, Gangs of London) and John MacMillan (House of the Dragon, The Great).
The series is produced by Ciara Breslin, CAKE Entertainment and Triggerfish, with animation provided by Superprod Animation Studio. Executive producers are Anthony Silverston, Mike Buckland, Tom van Waveren, Edward Galton and Amy Keating Rogers.
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Sharp eyed readers should remember when we posted about this when it was called "Momma K's Supa Team".
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cartoonrider-66 · 9 months
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deadlinecom · 10 months
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mwanagenzi · 1 year
Shughuli Za Malenga
Kalamu akichukua, nayo maneno kupanga, Kichwani yakishatua, maneno yake malenga, Mwishoni atagundua, shairi amelitunga. Maneno aweke tena, yale nayo kuyapanga, Aandike yake dhana, maneno kupangapanga, Vitiririkapo vina, Shairi amelitunga. Piga bongo kuandika, akihesabu mizani, Lote liweze tajika, kutosheleza mizani, Lote atakalotaka, kuandika shairini. Katu asimsafihi, yeyote kwa…
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celotehku · 2 years
Sebelum turun tahta pada tahun 964 Saka atau 1042 (seribu empat puluh dua) Masehi, ia dihadapkan pada msalah yang pelik yakni perebutan takhta kekuasaan antara kedua putranya. Maka untuk meredam masalah tersebut ia memerintahkan Mpu Bharada untuk membagi Kerajaannya (Kahuripan) menjadi dua yang dinamakan Janggala dan Kadiri.
Kejadian ini diperkuat dalam dua prasasti sebut saja. :
1. Prasasti Pucangan.
2. Prasasti Turun Hyang II.
Kemudian masing-masing diberikan kepada putranya. Namun dasarnya sudah tidak cocok per- seteruan itu tetap berlangsung, malah berlanjut jadi sebuah peperangan. Janggala dipimpin olehbrajanya yang bernama Mapanji Garasakan dan Kadiri (sekarang disebut Kediri) juga dipimpin oleh rajanya Sri Samara Wijaya yang bergelar Sri Samara wijaya Dharmasuparnawahana Teguh Uttunggadewa.
Keduanya tak pernah berhenti melakukan perang, saling berebut kekuasaan, serta saling mengalahkan satu sama lainnya. Inisiatif Airlangga melaksalan pembelahan kerajaan sebelum-ma mangkat terkesan percuma saja alias sia-sia tidak ada gunanya. Ternyata dua putra Airlangga itu tidak berasal dari ibu yang sama, artinya tidak satu kandung. Mapanji Garasakan berasal dari isteri kedua, sementara Sri Samara Wijaya berasal dari isteri pertama (permaisuri).
Adanya unsur nama "Teguh" pada gelar Sri SamaraWijaya itulah yang menunjukkan bahwa ia berasal dan dilahirkan dari isteri pertama*.
*) Sofyan Hadi,"Runtuhnya Kerajaan-Kerajaan-Kerajaan Hindu di Jawa dan Sumatra" (Jakarta, Laksana Triandita, 2007, hlm.44).
Kenyataannya Airlangga pada waktu memerintah Kerajaan Kahuripan diduga memiliki dua orang is- teri, walaupun hal ini tidak tidak diungkapkan da- lam beberapa prasasti. Dan dugaan itu semakin kuat manakala ditemukannya dua patung wanita pada Candi Belahan dilereng Gunung Penanggungan yang diyakini sebagai tempat pendarmaan Airlangga.
Diduga karena berasal dari ibu yang berbeda itulah perang tidak pernah berakhir hingga salah satu ada yang runtuh. Pada mulanya kemenangan di raih pihak Janggala, hal ini dibuktikan dalam pernyatakan Prasasti Turun Hyang. Prasasti ini menyatakan bahwa pada tahun 996 (semby ratus sembilan puluh enam) Saka atau 1044 (seribu emPat puluh empat) Masehi , Mapanji Garasakan menetapkan desa Turun Hyang sebagai wilayah Simaswatantra atau perdikan, karena para pemuka desatersebut setia mengerahkan penduduk untuk membantu Janggala melawan Kadiri.
Delapan tahun kemudian, atau tepatnya pada tahun 974 (sembilan ratus tujuh puluh empat) Saka atau 1052 (seriby lima i dua) Masehi, kemenangan juga diraih pihak Janggala. Hal ini terbukti dengan adanya pernyataan dam Prasasti Malenga, yang mengungkapkan bahwa Mapanji Garasakan memberi anugerah untuk desa Malenga karena sudah membantu Janggala mengalahkan Aji Linggajaya, Raja Tanjung yang merupakan bawahan Kadiri.
Kerajaan Janggala berakhir pada mss penerintahan Sri Maharaja Samarotsaha, yang memerintah pada tahun 981 (sembilan ratus delapan puluh satu) Saka atau 1059 (seribu lima puluh sembilan) Masehi dan berakhirnya tidak ada beritanya. Eksistensi Janggala sebagai kerajaan hilang seperti ditelan bumi. Sedangkan Kadiri masih eksis sebagai kerajaan sampai Sri Kertajaya atau Dandang Gendis pada tahun 1222(seribu dua ratus dua puluh dua) Masehi.
Teguh Panji "Kitab Sejarah Terlengkap Majapahit", Penerbit Laksana, Cetakan Pertama, 2015.
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magaratimes · 2 years
#ParsToday. | Jumatano tarehe 27 Julai 2022
#ParsToday. | Jumatano tarehe 27 Julai 2022
Leo ni Jumatano tarehe 27 Dhulhija 1443 Hijria sawa na Julai 27 mwaka 2022. Katika siku kama hii ya leo tarehe 27 Dhulhija miaka 752 iliyopita alifariki dunia Sheikh Muslihuddeen Saadi Shirazi malenga, mshairi na mwalimu stadi wa tungo za mashairi na nathari wa Kirani. Saadi Shirazi alizaliwa karibu mwaka 606 Hijria Qamariya katika familia ya kielimu kwenye mji wa Shiraz ulioko kusini mwa Iran na…
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360artlife · 5 years
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Reposted from @malenga.art - Sculpture by Malenga . . . . . #malenga #malengaart #malengasculpture #makondeart #makondesculpture #woodcarving #woodsculpture #sculpturebois #esculturamadeira #contemporaryafricanart #contemporarysculpture #africanart #mozambique #makonde #africansculpture #sculptureoftheday #instasculpture #dailyart #africaninspiration #blackart #blackartist #blackcontemporaryart #africanartist #africanartcollector #artafrica #africancontemporaryart #africanartcollector #artafrica #africancontemporaryart #blackhistory365 #blackhistorymonth #sculpturefans https://www.instagram.com/p/B0Mx28SAQ_U/?igshid=1mx7ev8dtlci9
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profeminist · 5 years
“Netflix is adding to its growing slate of African content with its first original animated series, “Mama K’s Team 4,” produced by South Africa’s award-winning Triggerfish Animation Studios and British kids’ and family entertainment production company CAKE.
The series follows four teenage girls living in a futuristic version of Lusaka, Zambia, who are recruited by a retired secret agent to save the world. It was created by Zambian writer Malenga Mulendema, who in 2015 was one of eight winners of the Triggerfish Story Lab, a pan-African talent search backed by the Cape Town-based animation studio and The Walt Disney Co. The series is designed by the Cameroonian artist Malcolm Wope.
Mulendema said she was inspired by the experience of watching cartoons as a child in her native Zambia, where none of the heroes looked like her or lived in a world that resembled her own. “In creating a superhero show set in Lusaka, I hope to introduce the world to four strong African girls who save the day in their own fun and crazy way,” she said. “Most importantly, I want to illustrate that anyone from anywhere can be a superhero.”
“Mama K’s Team 4” is the latest African original for Netflix, which recently announced its first two dramatic series on the continent. The streamer is now collaborating with Triggerfish and CAKE on a pan-African search for local female writing talent to join the creative team on the series.
Read the full piece here
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animesuperhero0 · 5 years
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NETFLIX ANNOUNCES FIRST ORIGINAL AFRICAN ANIMATED SERIES MAMA K’S TEAM 4 Launches Continent-Wide Initiative to Engage Local Female Writing Talent Johannesburg, ZA and Hollywood, Calif. – April 16 2019 – Netflix, the world’s leading internet entertainment service, today announced its first original African animated series, Mama K’s Team 4, produced by Cape Town-based Triggerfish Animation…
Netflix Announces First African Animated Series, Mama K’s Team 4 was originally published on Anime Superhero News
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frencharrogance · 5 years
Malenga Mulendema crée la première série animée de super-héros africains pour Netflix
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"Mama K's Team 4" est une série écrite par la zambienne Malenga Mulendema,  produite par les studios primés d’Afrique du Sud Triggerfish Animation Studios et par la société de production britannique CAKE.
Le dessin animé raconte l'histoire de quatre super-héros vivant dans la ville néo-futuriste de Lusaka, en Zambie. Elles sont recrutées par un agent secret afin de sauver le monde. 
"Mama K's Team 4" devient la première série animée avec des super-héros africaines sur Netflix.
Malenga Mulendema est également une des lauréate du Triggerfish History Lab de 2015.
Elle a déclaré avoir été inspirée par l'expérience de regarder des dessins animés enfant en Zambie, où aucun des héros ne lui ressemblait ni ne vivait dans un monde qui ressemblait au sien. "En créant un spectacle de super-héros à Lusaka, j'espère présenter au monde entier quatre filles africaines fortes qui passent la journée à leur façon amusante et folle", "Plus important encore, je veux montrer que n'importe qui de n'importe où peut être un super héros."
Melissa Cobb, vice-présidente de l’animation originale chez Netflix a déclaré :
“En plus de donner aux écrivains africains une plate-forme mondiale sur laquelle se faire entendre, nous sommes ravis de présenter cette nouvelle série d’animation puissante et divertissante qui donne vie à l’incroyable et unique vision de Malenga sur Netflix. L’équipe 4 de Mama K  a le potentiel de donner à toute une nouvelle génération d’enfants africains l’occasion de se voir à l’écran sous les personnages puissants et ambitieux qu’ils admirent “ 
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historyhermann · 4 months
Supa Team 4 Season 2 Spoiler-Filled Review
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Supa Team 4 is a computer-generated superhero action-comedy series. Malenga Mulendema is the series creator and co-executive producer. Trigger Fish Animation Studios, known for the recent animated series Kiya and the Kimoja Heroes, and Kizazi Moto: Generation Fire, and various television specials and films. The first season was released in July 2023.
Reprinted from Pop Culture Maniacs and Wayback Machine. This was the sixty-second article I wrote for Pop Culture Maniacs. This post was originally published on January 14, 2024.
The second season picks up where the first one left off. The four protagonists (Temwe Chiti, Komana Mwinga, Zikomo "Zee" Phiri, and Monde Wamunyima) are trapped in an abandoned mine. They are confronted by Bad Magz (voiced by John McMillian) and fellow villain Prof. Greenthumbs (voiced by Abena Ayivor), with the former angry they keep ruining his plans. Mama K (voiced by Pamela Nomvete) can't get in touch with Team 4 and thinks the Principal Nkwashi (voiced by voiced by Abubakar Salim) is up to something, until he admits he only wants to help Temwe (voiced by Kimani Arthur). The heroes use makeshift weapons and detain Prof. Greenthumbs. Mama K helps them escape, but not before Bad Magz photographs the van. Later, his assistant Ms. Prudent confirms that Zambinite was there. He is intrigued by the ring on Mama K's hand. And that's only the first episode!
The kidnapping of the four protagonists impacts all of them. It may have heightened Temwe's jealously toward Zee (voiced by Nancy Sekhokoane). The latter results in them "switching places," so they can recognize each other's struggles. There is no doubt that the kidnapping deeply impacted Komana (voiced by Zowa Ngwira). Later, she is comforted by Monde (voiced by Namisa Mdlalose). More directly, photographic analysis causes Bad Magz to track down Chi (voiced by Chi Mhende), a blind man who is Mama K's comrade, and snatch a computer, blueprints, and disc, even as he lets Chi flee. Also, this episode shows Temwe and Zee sympathizing with each other's struggles. That's something you don't always see in TV series.
Bad Magz is one of the most devious villains. His public form, Lee Magadzee, is outwardly an African nationalist who wants to return power to "the people." Later, he flirts with Monde's sister, Likando (voiced by Chipo Chung), who holds him to his promise to end load shedding. Putting aside his somewhat developed hacking skills, he can be harsh toward his subordinates. For instance, Alley Gator (voiced by Yinka Awoni), finds the Zambinite for him. However, Alley Gator wants to be with Prof. Greenthumbs instead.
The actions of Team 4, in Supa Team 4, are reactive. They resembling the Pretty Cure in the franchise of the same name. Team 4 fight villains, save people from sinkholes (called by Ally Gator), and promise to support one another. They don't face the one behind everything. Bad Magz is not a villain equivalent of Bell in Power of Hope: PreCure Full Bloom, a mysterious guardian angel who traveled back in time to prevent a town from being destroyed by humanity. The consequences of his actions matter little to him. He agrees to freeze Zambinite because it is combustible. This mineral gives off a bad smell before energy is extracted. He ignores Pro. Greenthumbs before she points out the hazardous and toxic waste byproduct.
Bad Magz's harsh managerial techniques bleed over into his feelings for others. In the fifth episode, he plans to go on a date with Komana's sister, Likando, which the girls of Team 4 are happy for. But he stands her up! This makes her suspicious of him (she only knows him in his public persona of Lee), and his secrets, and mysteries. She even points out that secrets, like those of powerful people, always get out. This causes Komana to investigate and discover that Storm Drain (voiced by Ashley Zhangazha) is freezing the Zambinite.
Komana is the first one, of Team 4, to be openly suspicious of Bad Magz's public persona. Monde refuses to believe her. Likando's love of Lee causes her to assist him, throwing her logic out the window. This directly parallels Click. He is unhealthily obsessed with Temwe after the third episode. Clearly, the lesson is that obsession with other people can cause you to lose sight of what is important. Later in Supa Team 4, this all comes to a head, for Bad Magz, Komana, and Team 4.
Bad Magz sees everyone as toys to be manipulated. He says gaining control of the Mayor will be "automatic" with Likando's trust. In his public persona of Lee, he promotes "Magz Power" as the "solution" to the power cuts in Lusaka. He claims it will end load shedding and blackouts. He challenges his scholarship recipients to sign up, as many people as possible, for his Magz Power system, saying those who bring back the most signatures get an internship at his corporation. This too-good-to-be-true presentation makes Komana a willing pawn in his scheme. She is unaware that this power source has toxic waste as a byproduct (conveniently not mentioned by Lee). She sees the internship as a way to advance her own career.
The sixth episode is one of the best in Supa Team 4. There's a parallel between Komana's dad suffering from asthma and Lee turning on his "alternate energy source" which fills Lusaka with light. In one case, he is suffering from a chronic health condition. In the latter, Lee is hiding the truth behind an action which casts him as a "savior." Whether he is directly aware of it or not, he is responsible for Alley Gator dumping toxic waste, from Zambinite processing. Written by Gloria Huweiler, and directed by Valentina Ventimiglia, this episode is outwardly cynical of demagogues. While people in the crowd chant "power to the people," Bad Magz thinks of ways to gain more power for himself. Undoubtedly, he is worse than Huey Long.
The final two episodes raise the stakes. In the first of these episodes, Komana abandons Team 4 so she can work for Lee, distressing her teammates. The remaining heroes put together the pieces. Without a doubt, they are worried about the people of Lusaka. People are coughing, scratching themselves, have rashes, and inflammation in eyes. As a result, everyone is leaving because they are sick, in what looks to be a commentary on COVID-19. This is more direct than the "missing" episode of Cleopatra in Space, entitled "Quarantine".
In episode seven, Komana wants to warn Lee about toxic waste from the Zambinite. She is shocked out of her role as a willing pawn. She learns that he lied about his past. As a result, she comes to the conclusion he is behind everything. This happens at the same time as Mama K. She sees Bad Magz in front of her before he kidnaps her. In a parallel development, the girls decide to bust into his corporation. Likando agrees to give the contract (which gives Lee full rights to the city's electric grid) to Lee personally.
In the final episode, the girls fight against Prof. Greenthumbs (and her monster). Mama K and Chi are in Lee's office. Mama K calls him a "monster" and "worse than a villain." The truth is finally revealed. His mother was in the Intelligence Agency of Zambia. His real name is Limbani. He claims that Mama K "made him" who is is today. Elsehwere, Monde reveals her hero identity for the first time to someone other than her fellow teammates: to her sister Likando. Both agree to talk about her hero identity later.
He is confronted by Team 4. They demand he turn off his power source, saying it is hurting city residents. Instead of listening to Team 4, he ignores them and continues his own agenda. He blames Mama K for causing the memory of his mother, Towela, to be erased. Following this, he places the device on Mama K's head, allowing him to access her memories. While they are horrified, Team 4 can do nothing. It is only when the memory showing Towela was mind-wiped by Chusi that he realizes his mistake. He uses the same device to restore his mom's memories. She recognizes Chi and Mama K and tearfully embraces Lee. Following this touching scene, Likando rightly punches Lee (for being a lying jerk). She has the police arrest him.
Of course, this is not the end. In a strange juxtaposition, Prof. Greenthumbs' ZambiMonster causes a cave-in, and captures Komana. I found it awkward to have this after an emotional moment which could bring you to tears. In any case, Lee shows that he is not fully a villain. To the chagrin of Prof. Greenthumbs, he saves Komana (he recognizes her voice) after Greenthumbs' monster explodes. He frames his next steps as an attempt to amend his past wrongs. He says he will do whatever he can to fix things. In a coded manner, he hopes that Komana's spirits aren't dampened. However, no one believes his declaration at face value.
In many ways, Lee's declaration is one of restorative justice. Traditional / retributive justice systems are clearly stated throughout this series. They are symbolized by police arresting villains and keeping them behind bars. Surely, there are laws that have been broken, villains who broke the laws, and methods for punishment of said lawbreakers. Lee is attempting to repair the harm caused. He knows who has been harmed and how he can repair or address those harms. In response to one of the key questions of restorative justice ("who should address or repair the harms?"), that person is clearly Lee.
Lee will likely face criminal punishment for what he did and may face his victims. He is on the road to understanding the impact of his actions on other people, taking responsibility for his actions, comprehending how he harmed people, and behaving with basic respect for others. It would allow him to become a better person. This would make Supa Team 4 one of the few series which depicts restorative justice principles, apart from Steven Universe.
The episode ends with her teammates showing their camaraderie for each other. They comfort Komana. Everyone supposedly has a "happily ever after." The villains are locked up. The corrupt mayor is arrested. Likando runs to become the next mayor of Lusaka on an anti-corruption agenda. Komana's device makes the city's energy clean, and green. It runs on Zambinite but does not produce toxic waste. The episode closes with all of them meet at headquarters where they welcome Komana back. Mama K boldly says everyone is worthy of redemption (not sure this is entirely true). Chi says that Lee is trying to right his wrongs.
I also liked that in this series, characters such as Marjory (voiced by Celine Tshika) appear to be on the road to villains. She blames everyone for ruining her party (including Team 4), and causing well-known performers, like Click, to depart. The fourth episode emphasizes this. She said she disliked Team 4, even though they saved her, and harshly commanded the majorette team. Everyone else on the team picked Monde as captain instead. This left Marjory, under a lot of pressure from Principal Nkwashi, behind.
Although Monde comes up with a new routine, she tells her fellow teammates that even though Marjory bullies them, it isn't right to bully her back. The episode ends with Monde and Marjory, having a heart-to-heart about working together as a team, and they use this to take down the hypnotizing rapper, Snap Back (voiced by Sne Dladla) and saving them all. Marjory later apologizes to Team 4.
There is the possibility of a third season. In a final scene of the episode, Chusi says he is back, after 20 years. He declares he wants Lusaka to burn. He fades away, into the smoke. It is a bit of a cliffhanger, akin to the scene with the Triumverate in High Guardian Spice, a series which should receive a second season. A second season may focus on fighting with Chusi and Lee's attempts to rebuild the city from the damage he caused. Perhaps it could resemble the aftermath-of-victory concept that is present in Steven Universe Future, where the protagonists have no villains to fight, but are trying to make the world (and universe) better.
Although I liked this series, my enthusiasm was severely dampened, as compared to season one. It came at a bad time. Other anime series such as I'm in Love with the Villainess (ended on December 19), Kizuna no Allele (ended on December 21), Spy x Family (ended December 23), Stardust Telepath (ended on December 25), and The Vexations of a Shut-In Vampire Princess (ended on December 30), were ending. This series seemed too compressed. It should have been longer.
I wish 1-2 episodes were released weekly rather than a huge episode dump on December 21. This method makes clear that Netflix cares little about the creators, fans, or anyone else who worked on Supa Team 4. Furthermore, the binge model itself is a detriment to creativity itself. It encourages crunch conditions to complete series. If two episodes had been released a week, Supa Team 4 could have finished by January 11. If one episode had released a week, it could have finished by February 8. That would have been preferable.
Supa Team 4 can be streamed on Netflix.
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nehanda-radio · 5 years
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Since birth, Enara Malenga life has been in misery and dejection because his father wanted a son.
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