#mal de ojo bracelets
aabidhussainn1000 · 2 years
mal de ojo bracelets
Evil Eye Bracelet For Women
Stink eye Arm bands for Ladies Mens,Ediseng High quality Charming Beaded Emotional Bracelets,Evil Eye Dabs/Variety Changing Temperament Dots/Hematite Precious stone Globules Hand tailored for Halloween/Christmas Presents
Stink eye Arm bands for Mens Women,Ediseng Adorable Beaded Chakra Bracelet,Mexican Gem Jade Wristbands Tigers Eye Gemstone/Hematite/Dark Obsidian Beaded Wristbands for Thanksgiving Day/Christmas Presents
Most current Triple Security Bracelets:This adorable stink eye wristbands configuration incorporates Eastern and Western cultures.Evil Eye globules idea comes from western Turkey and Mexican culture,Crystal dots comes from Vedas/Tibetan Buddha/Fenbgshui culture,so this arm band offers triple insurance for you
Fiendish Eye(Nazar Boncuğu) is additionally called BLUE EYE, Stink eye is viewed as one of fundamental talisman in Turkey, as well as numerous different nations. Turkey individuals accept that Hostile stare not exclusively can shield them from negative energy(like envy), yet in addition bring them best of luck.
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Tigers Eyes Precious stone Rosary Beads:In Vedas Era(1500-2000BC),Indian specialists get illumination by and by that various gems has different healing&protecting capability on individuals. In the beyond millennia, Tigers eye gem stones have been viewed as a mending &protecting stone which not just reinforce your certainty and courage(good for sun powered plexus chakra), yet in addition bring you fortune and best of luck.
Dark Obsidian Gem Beaded Bracelets:Black Obsidian gem stones have been generally viewed as a protecting&healing stones for root chakra, India Vedas, Chinese Fengshui Hypothesis, Tibetan Buddha Hypothesis accept it as a heavenly thing, which can not just safeguard us from being impacted by encompassing negative energy, yet additionally assists us with lessening our deception, getting more internal inspiration and power,and change our channel to make a move to make our points work out
Movable Handcrafted Style: This stink eye jade arm band is unequivocally made, wound with premium string, with flexible design.It likewise accompanies present package,it's an extraordinary present for Christmas/Thanksgiving Day presents for men/ladies/high schooler young lady/adolescent kid
high quality arm bands
In this very quick universe of today, loaded up with virtual associations, we want to regard and value the connections we have with the people around us. A straightforward token of offering a hand tailored wristband can be accused of an incredible and good energy, welding our social associations and feeling with our dearest ones. It might be the gravestone for another shaped relationship, both desirous or fellowship.
A high quality wristband can be the portrayal of a people creative mind and character characteristics. There are no limits while making a hand tailored wristband. So permit yourself an invasion into this world, as it is exceedingly difficult not to find a wristband reasonable for yourself and another that will fit entirely the individual you appreciate most.
Find an image that you will wear, under the state of a high quality arm band. The round state of the wristband represents time everlasting and progression. However long you and the other picked individual, will wear it, you will be limited by sensation of genuineness, trust, and bliss. Also that a high quality wristband is an extremely stylish ingenuity, which can finish any closet, for however long it is picked by character characteristics of the carrier. They are little and individual subtleties, which are not important to be seen by others. The simple truth that such an article was given to us, by an individual who typically possesses a noticeable spot in our souls, having a critical importance for us is sufficient. Wearing a handcrafted arm band got as a gift shows are appreciation, acknowledgment and appreciation for a basic motion that communicates a significant connection.
So track down a high quality wristband as a proclamation of your character, or, even better, offer one as a gift for somebody you think about significant in your reality. It is a method for keeping recollections alive, regardless of where the street benefits you, far away from your loved ones. It can check your most memorable love, your experience growing up closest companion, your secondary school darling, or simply a unique individual you only for imparting your opportunity to. Little items can mean something extraordinary in the event that they are presented from the heart and with an extraordinary feeling of happiness. So quit searching for noteworthy items while you're attempting to make a gift.
Visit for more info. http://www.amazon.com/dp/B0B87SVWCJ?ref=myi_title_dp
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urboymutual · 2 years
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Mexican Benny Lafitte 💕
sorry i answered this so late 😔 but i'm digging the vibes!! i <3 agua fresca also the traditional dresses!!
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I’m wearing and ankle bracelet and i can’t decide if it makes me look cool or like a douche
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ethereal--enigma · 1 year
I had a dream I went to a Halsey related event, but I was with my ex? We got split up only for me to end up at this Castel with other H stans, one asked for my number then proceed to tell me about how everyone got the feeling my ex was not there for the right reasons and that while we were split up before I got to the castle he was burying a photo of me? The guy explaining all this to me starts walking fast through the castle where we end up in a stairwell and I am drawn to a Mal De Ojo bracelet in this stairwell corridor place, and then I woke up
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miss-nob0dy · 2 years
pls alejandro plssss he’s so underrated
He is very underrated I barely see anything for him SHOW HIM SOME LOVE GUYS 💔💔 anyways enjoy the headcanons!!
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Alejandro Vargas
He’s so nice to you, and also pretty lovesick.
He feels a little bad for stressing you out whenever he comes back with a bunch of bruises or cuts. But you always reassure him that it’s nothing, and you would do anything to keep him from being in pain.
Once he comes back from a long mission, he definitely wants to see you as quickly as he can. Mans is desperate.
He’s pretty tired, so expect him to be vulnerable for a good while.
He is such an old romantic, but it’s so sweet. His ranchero ass will send you letters when he’s away every day, talking about how he misses you and loves you so much.
But he isn’t too lovable when it comes to board games. You’re automatically his enemy and nothing can stop him from winning.
Even when he loses in lotería, he’ll call it rigged.
“Pinche cosa. It’s fucking rigged.”
“It’s not, Alejandro. You just suck.”
He’ll always beat you in Monopoly, though. No chill.
On the topic of whores, he’s a whore for your attention and affection. When you two are alone, he will NOT leave your side.
Whenever it’s your guys’ anniversary, he likes to spoil you. He is a giver AND receiver.
Has definitely gifted you Mal de Ojo bracelets before. You probably have an entire wrist decorated with them.
Alejandro LOVES to dance with you. Mf knows all the fiesta dances.
As I’ve said before, he is a cook at heart. You’ll wake up to the stinging sensation of chile in your eyes.
He finds it funny when you walk into the kitchen with teary eyes because of it.
Alejandro will sometimes have nightmares, considering what this guy sees daily, so be ready to be woken up at an ungodly hour.
He searches for your comfort at those moments. This is one of those moments where he’s more vulnerable to you.
In the end, we all love Alejandro here.
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miguel-owhora · 6 months
i love making miguel ooc. i love projecting onto him.
yeah miguel's trans. he's also gay, mlm flag and everything. he's never been a believer of catholicism, even though he's tried to believe in order to appease his mom but eventually gave up; but he still has a couple of rosaries and mal de ojos bracelets he keeps stored away. he was a picky eater when he was younger, and while he eventually grew out of that, there's still some thing he refuses to eat. don't give him mole, he'll gag. when he was a child, when he was growing up and figuring out who he was, he struggled. there were times where he believed he was something else when he wasn't, where he tried to be a girl so bad so he wouldn't have to struggle - it was all for nothing. he's a boy. he's always been a boy, always will be a boy. born afab, die a man. sometimes, the burden of carrying the world on his shoulders make him feel like atlas - sometimes he gets crushed, sometimes he stands tall. but he'll always get back up on his feet. he did well in elementary and middle school, but high school was his downfall. well, it tried to be. miguel forced himself to make it to the top - and he did. the burnout still lingers in his soul like smoke; it never truly leaves. he likes cats. loves them. but not as much as he loves hia daughter. sometimes he can't get out of bed and cries from all the mistakes he's done, the guilt gnawing on him, the remorse and regret of being unable to change anything eating away at him. he cries like a little boy who just wants his mama - but his mama has never really been a mama, has she? more like a mother.
i love him.
ill slit him open and curl up inside of him and zip it shut, and ill curl around his beating heart and keep it warm.
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shelltasticday · 2 years
Superstitious Leo
So one of the things that I feel like we should talk more about is Leo having a lucky rock. I feel like perhaps it's not the only superstitious things he does or has...
● Leo freaking out for a millisecond when someone at the table knocks the salt, and quickly picking a bit to throw over his shoulder
● One day he found a four leaf clover and brought it home with him, he may press it inside one of his comics to keep it safe
● I imagine that if he feels weirdly unlucky, he'd ask Señor Hueso for help (I think since he watched latino tv maybe he also watched paranormal shows and heard of the "mal de ojo"). He feels better with the red bracelet Hueso gives him to shut him up
● Donnie has tried various times to explain to him that "lucky rocks" are not "a thing", and that luck is actually just a bunch of probability and statistics in which a random object is not a variable that makes it more likely to have positive outcomes... but yeah Leo stops listening about three words in ● "You're just jealous that I'm the lucky twin, Don"
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gucciwins · 2 years
Hey Babe! 💌
So Yk How Bel Is A Latina I Am Wondering If She Wears The Evil Eye Bracelet? And If She Does I Expect Harry To Be Like, “What Are You Wearing Love?” 🤨 And She Explains It To Him Bc He Notices She Never Takes It Off (You’re Not Supposed To Unless It Unbraids By Itself For Those Who Don’t Know) Just A Thought! I Love My Babies 🫂💗🤝
I loveeee this. (as I wear one gifted to me by my sister, let's imagine a bit together)
I imagine….
Bel and Harry are resting in bed after a long day of traveling. Harry is surprisingly wide away while Bel is fighting sleep. He has his head rested on her chest with one hand rubbing his back in comforting circles while the other rests on her belly. Her hands are bare of rings so Harry plays with her two bracelets. A purple threaded bracelet she got at a market two weeks ago from a sweet vendor telling her it matched her earrings. The other is a red bracelet with a blue bead in the center—-or what looks like an eye. 
Harry knows the bracelet well; it's one he’s always seen on her. She’ll remove all her other rings and replace bracelets but this one always remains. 
“Bel?” Harry calls her name not knowing whether she's fallen asleep yet or not.
“Why do you always wear this bracelet?” 
Harry doesn’t feel her move to look at what he is talking about, “my red one?”
“Yeah,” Bel feels him pull the ends of the threads lightly. It seemed as if the bracelet had seen better days. 
“It’s called mal de ojo.” 
Harry repeats after her.
“It means evil eye.” 
He nods, waiting for her to share more.
“For my family, we’re introduced to mal del ojo when we are babies. A lot of other cultures use mal de ojo and have a different explanation to their culture. How I was taught is that days after we’re born we are gifted a bracelet either by our parents, godparents or grandparents. Honestly, anyone can gift you one with good intentions.” 
“What does it do?” Harry asks.
“It’s given to babies or anyone to ward off ill intentions or jealousy. It’s a protection that no harm will come its way from people they meet either family or even strangers on the street who give them a bad look. An added protection from forces beyond us.”
“When do you stop wearing it?” Harry has shifted now no longer laying on Bel but turned to look at her. 
Bel smiles at Harry, happy to see how curious he is. “Well, once the bracelet falls off it means that there was this large evil directed towards you and the bracelet has done its job in protecting you.”
“Can you gift yourself one?” 
Bel grins and nods. “You can. Though it’s more common to be gifted one for protection or because someone wants you to be safe.”
“Who gave you yours?” 
“Sarai. They gave it to me when I arrived in St.Paul.”
“You’ve had it that long!” He states surprised. 
“It’s doing its job.”
“What happens after you lose it?” 
Bel shrugs, “it’s recommended to get another but sometimes you don’t even realize it’s missing.” 
“Do you believe in it?” 
She sits there pensive looking at Harry, “I think if you believe in it then yes there’s another power watching over you. I do believe in it. How could I not? To know someone is looking out for me gives me comfort.” 
“Could I wear one?” 
Bel laughs but Harry remains serious. “You could, but if you don’t believe in it then it’d just be another bracelet.” 
“What if I gifted you one?” 
“If you had the right intentions to protect me and because I believe in the evil eye’s protection it would keep me safe.” 
Harry takes in the last bit of the conversation, sending you a sheepish smile. He leans in to give you a quick kiss. “Thank you for sharing those stories with me.”
“Always, mi amor.”
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knxfesck · 18 days
forgot mal de ojo bracelets are supposed to mean something bc mine is so small but it just broke and I'm trying not to be superstitious about it 🫣
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steff-02 · 3 months
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Aujourd’hui c’était la journée des Uber…😂 après toute la route et la circulation d’hier, on c’est dit que ce serait plus simple.
Il est 10h et nous prenons notre premier Uber direction « el parque national Los Tres Ojos », soit le parc national des trois yeux. Ce sont des grottes souterraines, résultants d’une fracture tectonique, et dans lesquelles ce sont formés 3 lacs. Il y en a en fait un quatrième, plus grand que les trois autres mais qui est entièrement visible depuis la surface et qui ne fait donc pas parti des « trois yeux ». Les couleurs de ces lacs sont magnifiques, un bleu étincelant ! Il y a quelques poissons et une tortue qui passent de temps en temps. Apparement également des chauves-souris mais nous n’en avons pas vu. Après avoir fait le tour du parc et avoir descendu et remonté les 346 marches, on commande notre second Uber.
Nous traversons une bonne partie de la ville pour rejoindre le jardin botanique. Avec les embouteillages, il nous aura fallu plus de 45 minutes pour y arriver. On a faim lorsque nous y arrivons, on file direct à la cafétéria. Finalement c’est plutôt un petit kiosque qu’une cafétéria…on prend alors trois petites croquettes de poulet 😂 bon ça fera l’affaire 🤷🏽‍♂️😂. Il y a beaucoup d’école qui sont en train de prendre leur pic-nic sur la place à côté de la cafétéria, mais lorsque nous avançons un peu dans le parc, nous sommes seul au monde. Je me guide avec la carte du parc disponible en ligne mais elle n’est pas tout à fait fidèle à la réalité… lorsque nous trouvons enfin les serres et les pavillons qui nous intéressent il y a toujours quelques choses qui ne vas pas… « il n’y a pas beaucoup de papillons, ça ne vaut pas la peine », « les orchidées sont en fumigation, il n’y a pas de visite ». Dernier espoir, le jardin japonais. On espère vraiment qu’il sera ouvert car il faut marcher un bon bout sous un soleil de plomb pour y arriver 🌞🥵. Lorsque nous y arrivons, la surprise est totale ! Le jardin japonais est vaste, très apaisant et un peu ombragé. Il y a un lac avec des petits ponts rouges. De jolies sculptures en pierre. Dans le lac il y a des tortues 🐢. Après y avoir fait le tour, on rejoint gentiment la sortie. Il est 14h20 et nous appelons notre prochain chauffeur.
Cette fois-ci, nous allons au centre commercial, il n’est pas très loin mais à pied sous cette chaleur et avec toute la circulation, on était pas tant motivé. Le centre commercial est très grand et ressemble à un centre commercial européen, rien d’exotique. Même les enseignes sont pour la plupart celles que nous connaissons tous. On flâne un peu dans les magasins et finalement on ne trouve pas grand chose à acheter. Les prix sont parfois plus cher qu’en Europe, surtout pour les vêtements. On se demande même comment ils font pour ce payer ce genre d’habit. Nous nous arrêtons tout de même dans une bijouterie acheter un joli bracelet pour maman. Ensuite on file au supermarché. Là, nous savons que nous trouverions quelque chose. Du café ! Le même paquet de café est vendu 10US$ dans le quartier colonial contre 250 pesos dominicain au supermarché (soit environ 3,70CHF) ! A 16h30, nous sortons du centre commercial pour rentrer à l’appartement.
C’est la première fois que c’est aussi compliqué d’avoir un Uber. Je ne sais pas combien m’acceptaient la course puis, juste avant d’arriver, annulaient tout. Est ce qu’il trouvait une meilleure offre ? En plus il ne me restais plus que 20% de batterie sur le téléphone…finalement un chauffeur nous a tant bien que mal reconduit à la maison.
Après un petit téléphone avec Dan avant qu’il n’embarque dans l’avion pour rentrer à Madrid, nous allons prendre notre dernier souper en ville (merci Uber encore une fois 😂).
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soyfrijolesblog · 1 year
Broken Tongue
Her tongue is broken
I can hear their Judgmental whispers
¿No eres Mexicana?
Yes, I am Mexican! I want to shout.
However, I reply Sí one of the few Spanish words I know
Unsure of my own identity.
Am I Mexican if I lost my native language?
I understand  only simple Spanish sentences
The Women then began to burst out words that seemed twisted, almost like Brujas spewing curses so quickly,
I felt lost, like when playing the game of Lotería with older Señoras; I could not keep up. I wanted to say wait, but I was ashamed and embarrassed about not knowing my people's language.
I say loudly No hablo español
The Women give me an evil eye.
I have no The mal de ojo bracelet (The red bracelet around my wrist to protect me from their harsh glares)
¿Por qué no? ¡Estás hablando español ahora!
Yo ahora muy poco
Necesitas aprender espanol
I want to scream out that you need to learn English!
However, that would make me racist against my people
although they are racists against me;
I reply Sí
They laugh and mock me; I smile and play along,
they will continue to talk to me only in Spanish even if one knows some English because, to them, I am not white; however, I am not Mexican
I was not one of them, until I learned Spanish
I am a sin, a black sheep. I am a Chicana with a broken tongue
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waitingonavision · 2 years
Hola! I have a question. Could you write out the basic points of a Encanto Sleeping Beauty Au with Mirabel as Aurora? Sorry if I'm bothering you.
Hello~! Not a bother, anon! Just bear in mind that I'm Not Good at these in general, and because I also get bogged down in trying to do things with as much cultural sensitivity/relevance as possible, even while knowing that I, a non-Latin POC, will not get it right. But here goes (the outline might have shades of another fairy tale that made its way into my subconscious lol... “Sleeping Beauty” lite).
Oh, and there’s no love interest for Mirabel in my outline, but that doesn’t mean there shouldn’t be one.
Mirabel is fifteen years old. Her life has been relatively happy, if a bit sheltered. The most important rule enforced on her is that she must not take off the beaded bracelet she’s had (and has had adjusted) since she turned one.
The bracelet/amulet is designed to ward off el mal de ojo (the evil eye). Which is a common enough superstition, but which unbeknownst to Mirabel holds a far greater and more real power.
This is because, when she turned one, her Abuela Alma, the Madrigal matriarch, held a banquet, as she’d done for the grandkids who came before Mirabel.
At the banquet, Mirabel’s mamá, Julieta, as well as Tía Pepa and Tío Bruno each gave her meaningful gifts (which is also their custom).
Julieta and Pepa presented her with an arepa (not to eat, but as a symbol) and small sun-shaped stud earrings, respectively.
Bruno was about to offer his, when a creature (something from a Latin and/or indigenous folklore, perhaps) interrupted the party and placed a curse on the baby. The evil eye will always dog her steps, but when she turns sixteen, it will come for her and result in her death.
After the creature left, Bruno decided to (make?) give Mirabel the aforementioned bracelet.
I feel like the family might still have some version of their Gifts. Bruno leaves because he wants to find a way to break the curse on Mirabel. The townspeople spread a rumor that he (the seer) was the one who cursed her.
Mirabel grows up with the rumor, which her family dispels (though they are worried for/about Bruno, too).
Like in the canon story, Mirabel eventually goes out to search for her lost tío. This goes against the family’s wishes because they’re always afraid she’ll lose the bracelet or that the evil eye will catch up to her.
Cue adventure shenanigans. I think I’m forgetting how the rest of the tale goes...
Maybe the family ends up battling the creature at the end. I haven’t thought this through enough 😂 At the very least, they figure out how to break the curse together, and Mirabel brings Bruno home. OR in order to avoid the “big battle at the end” cliché, they do something a bit more in keeping with the themes of the original movie (something that better honors its Colombian roots).
Thank you for the ask, anon! Hope this is alright~
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mishwanders · 1 year
What's each OCs symbolism? (Poor question phrasing but like what are they associated with for symbolistic purposes is what I mean here)
Organ I absolutely love this fucking question - literally making my brain do zoomies in my skull rn.
Sorina Spencer | Hearts
Sorina’s story starts out like a love story, a fairytale of her own making. But as time draws on and the politics of Umbrella rage, she feels her heart being crushed under the weight of it all, being torn in two as she continues to loose everyone she cares about - starting with Edward Ashford and all the way to Albert Wesker. When she’s adopted into the Winters family she sees them as a chance to begin again, that maybe this time it won’t be so bad to let people in - and the events of RE7/RE8 will bring her to desperation for Ethan and Elena as she tries to protect them from the horrors of the world she knows too well.
With that being said, I surround her with hearts - most notably being her golden heart shaped locket necklace that keeps a piece of the megamycete inside of it and has kept her living and youthful for so long.
Ricardo Luis Santos | Blood, Skulls, Eyes
Ricardo’s story begins in the middle of Sorinas and he basically becomes her eyes out in the field of everything, moving where she can’t, especially after the tragic loss of her leg. Things change though when he finds himself on the U.S.S. Alpha Team and gets attacked by mutated Birkin he loses his left eye. He had a bracelet he wears often - and evil eye with a red band to help protect against mal de ojo.
Skulls because he’s a brujo who serves/reveres Santa Muerte (keeps them on the altar) and because he’s in love with the Grim Reaper himself - Hunk. Blood because he’s constantly getting covered by it, sometimes willing - sometimes against his will. It just comes with the nature of his job as the USS and later on in the village of shadows.
Matilda Costache | Crow Skull
Matilda’s story begins with Ricardo stumbling on the door step of their cabin in the middle of the woods, to which they curate a friendship and a plan on how to deal with the on coming storm that’ll soon hit the village. They’re an interesting one for sure, because they are similar in relation to Ricardo, both being surrounded by images of death, but Matilda is an opposite image of Miranda - which is why I chose crow skulls. The most notable one that always stays with Matilda is the crow skull that sits atop of their cane.
Elena Winters | Fire Phoenix
Elena’s story starts at the beginning of RE7, on the road trip to find Mia with Ethan. She has a black leather jacket that she wears throughout the story that is based off of the ones Chris and Claire wear - the one Elena has is a red Phoenix with the Des Roc’s lyrics “Let Me Live | Let Me Die” surrounding it. Which is funny because it directly ties into what she becomes at the end of RE7.
She gets infected with the mold and Cadou at once by Lucas and the way it mutates within her causes her to have a large white scar on her left arm/neck (similar to Rose - looks like lightning) and a black one on her right (looks like tree roots). Her mutation is directly tied to her emotions and when she’s enraged her body morphs and turns into a molded Phoenix, destroying almost everything in her wake. I wanted her to have similar vibes to Miranda, considering that’s Miranda’s daughter. I want them to almost be a mirroring image of other with the wings and the mold but less spider like.
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wrestledreams · 1 year
omggg dg with the mal de ojo bracelet….protect him from the haters 🙏
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latinocas · 2 years
Half Latina Claire and her superstitious mother that has Claire on the verge of becoming a witch or a hunter by pure accident.
Claire and her jet beads bracelets and charms to keep mal de ojo away and the bottle of holy water and the other bottle of salt in her room ready to use if she feels there's something supernatural stalking her.
Claire and her tactic of insulting the elves in her house until they give her socks back and the monthly cleansings she realize with her mother where they burn a bunch of herbs to clean the house from bad intentions or spirits.
Claire and her Christian high school where she learnt how to pray in Latin because Jimmy wanted her to be truly devoted and her mom too and her devotion to Mary after Jimmy left because hey, so that's how it feels for a loved one to leave you in order to follow the Lord.
Claire and her rosary that glows in the dark and the cross made of silver she got when she was 8 years old and that she always wears, always.
Claire, who after losing her mother and her father realized that all the stories she has heard, all thw stories coming from her mother side of the family, they were true. She blames herself for not listening to them, blames Jimmy for teaching her false lessons about a God who is not there or doesn't care, blames her mother for waiting for Jimmy so long, even if she didn't admit it.
Claire, with a natural instinct to hunt the supernatural, who has been possessed by the same angel that took her father away, who hold an angel blade to defend her mom, who has tradition of her own to support her as a hunter and who won't hold on and won't care because she's not the only orphan out there trying to save others so they wouldn't suffer as much as her.
Claire, who follows the news to try and protect thw immigrants that no one else would care about, who keeps a close eye on the churchs that could be onto something sketchy, who tracks angels and the families of their vessels to let them know what is happening in case they need to defend themselves too.
That Claire.
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afterthedecay · 1 month
Got my flight to London this afternoon and I made sure to wear my St. Anthony medallion and mal de ojo bracelets
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