linkspooky · 11 months
Hello! I Just discovered your blog and you did a lot of interesting work on jjk(I want to fully read your Fanfictions soon!) Since you did a lot of work on jjk side characters I wanted to ask how did you come to the characterization of the secondary/background characters especially the members of Zen'in family and If you had any tips about writing them. I'm plotting a Fanfiction with them as the main villains(except Maki and Mai that are "positive" characters) but I'm a bit scared to make them ooc.
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Thank you! If you do end up reading my fics soon let me know what you think and leave a comment. As for the Zen'in, Gege killed them a little too fast before we could ever really learn what the Zen'in family was like in story, so I can describe my process for writing them if that helps!
There are inspiration I took from other media when expanding upon the Zen'in Family dynamic, the first is the Washuu Family from Tokyo Ghoul. In the manga Tokyo Ghoul the Washuu are an extremely rich and traditional patriarchal family who are also the heads of the CCG or Commission of Counter Ghoul the government sponsored organization that hunts down ghouls. Basically, they fight ghouls like the Zen'in Fight curses, but ghouls are sentient with human emotions so they're an even more brutal and unsavory family.
Over the course of the story we learn the Washu isn't just the main house, there are several branch families who are all considered a part of the "Washuu." The house in order to maintain their power commits the ultimate taboo of arranging marriages, some of them even consanguineous marriages in order to breed for stronger child soldiers to fight ghouls. These children were then raised in a place called the "Sunlit Garden" solely for the purpose of becoming ghoul investigators when they were over. However, only the really good ones got to join the CCG, the rest of them had to be secret agents only working in the shadows. They also, as a curse only got to live short lives.
So, you can see the parallels with the Zen'in Family right away.
"If you're not a Zen'in then you're not a sorcerer, if you're not a sorcerer then you're not even human."
If you're a member of the Zen'in Clan you basically have no choice to be a sorcerer, according to Mai the other option is being treated like a household servant, which also implies women are seen as second class citizens who are only there to support the home if they don't become sorcerers.
Which means just like the Washuu, if you're born into the Zen'in you are going to be a child soldier, you'll be sent to Jujutsu High with little choice for the direction in your life. The Zen'in are also the most militarized of the three families. It's one of the few things Gege emphasizes about them in extra-canon materials.
"The Zen'in Family: Sorcerers who place an emphasis on ability above all else. They will even oppress their own family and relatives. They hold a self-righteous and old-fashioned ideology but their battle strength is high: they construct their unique battle organization in order to support the Jujutsu World."
Here we have more parallels to the Washuu, they are basically producing sorcerers / child soldiers to support the Jujutsu World the same way the Washuu creates ghoul investigators. There's also a very regimented caste system, only the best of the best get to be actual sorcerers, those without cursed techniques get shoved down to the bottom while the elite serve in the Hei with Naoya. The Zen'in also value inherited technique above all else, which is why they cast out people like Maki and Mai and yet elevate Megumi who's a complete stranger to clan head. This is an extrapolation but considering that Naoya makes offhand combats about marrying his cousins, then arranged marriages to produce children with better cursed techniques is probably a thing too.
The only reason I draw long comparison between the Washuu and the Zen'in though is because they are both families that basically exist to produce sorcerers / ghoul investigators and raise them up. All of their power and privilege in their society is given to them because of their ability to do this. All prestige in the clan comes from sorcerer technique and ability, which is why if you're not a sorcerer you're not even human. You weren't born as a child to be loved, you're born to be useful to the family.
The Zen'in is a place for raising sorcerers not children, which is why it's such an extremely loveless environment. Men marry women to take care of the household and raise up children, men only pay attention to their children who are sorcerers, children are all raised with the expectation of being a sorcerer or they're failing their parents. The Washuu and the Sunlit Garden particular have a theme that it's such a toxic environment that every single person who's raised there is poisoned. Everyone. There are no exceptions. No matter how kind or soft a person you are, if you are raised from birth to be a child soldier and shown no real empathy or love you're not going to be able to function as a person. There are characters who actually rebel against the Washuu, but they're still very much showing signs of the environment they were raised in, they're still toxic, violent and use power to get what they want.
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Which is why whenever writing the Zen'in I used the maxim "There are no good Zen'in" which means no matter how good-intentioned they are, even if they have more sympathetic traits, no one can come out of the Zen'in unscathed. Y
Yes, even Maki. Remember, she murdered a whole bunch of people. She recreates the violence of her clan the same way everyone else in the clan does, even when she's trying to break that cycle she repeats it.
The exception would be Mai who never wanted to be a Zen'in in the first place and only wanted to a normal life, but Mai can be toxic in her own way. She's codependent, she blames others, she's incredibly self-loathing and dysfunctional and in canon in the end she chooses to kill herself. So the one example we have of an "innocent" Zen'in literally dies and is consumed by the whole clan.
Now, this is the part of the post where I'm going to blow your mind, a character doesn't have to be good or even redeemable to be a good character. They just need to be complex. The biggest problem of Gege's characterization of the Zen'in is not that they're all irredeemable people, but that they're irredeemable and one-note.
Ogi wants to kill his daughters to become clan-head. Jinichi was apparently Toji's brother, has a face scar, and wanted to go along with that plan. In extra-canon materials it's mentioned that most of Jinichi's direct subordinates think he's a nicer guy than Naoya.
Naoya's the most complex character out of the bunch, and he works as a good example to outline how you can make a character complex while having them be completely unsavory. Naoya, despite being spoiled is as tragically a product of his environment as much as any other Zen'in is. As I outlined above no one comes out of the Zen'in untouched, if you're raised in an incredibly insular clan with no access to the outside world, and every male figure around you is a misogynist then you're going to turn into a misogynist too. You are educated and taught to behave by the adults around you in your life.
Naoya is really the ultimate foil to Maki in that they are both the ultimate products of the Zen'in Clan toxicity, it's just Naoya was the golden child of the entire clan and Maki was the scapegoat. It's obvious Naoya's upbringing has ruined his entire personality and made him the embodiment of entitlement. One thing I like to say is that Naoya acts like Gojo, but he doesn't have the swag or charisma to back it up so while Gojo gets away with it Naoya continually gets his ass kicked. But in that sense Gojo is also the person who he is because he was spoiled and the golden boy of the Gojo clan.
Let's look at who Gojo is. Emotionally stunted. Incredibly lonely. Thinks no one can connect to him because no one is strong / good enough. Despises the sorcery world and the clan system. Full of barely restrained anger that comes out in fights. Isn't particularly liked by the people around him but they all still need him. Has no life outside of being a sorcerer.
Naoya has all these qualities too he's just an asshole so the audience is less inclined to sympathize with him. Think about Naoya this way, he despises everyone around him, his own family, his fellow sorcerers, he has no friends and no connections to other people. He openly mocks everything and laughs and constantly makes quips like "my brothers should just hang themselves and die" but a person so full of hatred isn't really enjoying their life. He wants to become clan-head beause he thinks he's entitled to that position and he's been told since birth that it's his... but why does he even want it? He hates the Zen'in, he knows their full of shit for looking down on Toji, he hates the other sorcerers around him. He follows and repeats the toxic Zen'in Ideology despite knowing that it's bad for him, but why?
Naoya becomes a very nihilistic character in that light, there's no love or happiness in his life, there's nothing he likes, he just believes in his elitism because that's all he has. He's the perfect Zen'in set to inherit the clan but he's nothing else, he's nihil as a person, he has no identity outside of being a sorcerer and he doesn't even seem to really like anything.
He longs to be as powerful as Toji and Gojo, but once again why? Does he think being able to look down on everyone from above would at least liberate him from the toxic cesspool he was raised in? Would that validate him somehow because he derives no real enjoyment from life?
While not sympathetic a person like that is pitiable. It's impossible not to feel bad for someone miserable, even if that person is the architect of their own misery. Anyway, you can draw a lot out of a character even Naoya who's basic role in the story is just "Naoya always talks shit and then immediately gets his ass kicked."
As for the rest of the clan, like I said they have no canon material so it's basically impossible to write them as out of character. They have no characters in canon.
For Jinichi I chose to focus on his relationship with Toji, because it would serve as a good parallel to Mai and Maki. My idea was to show Toji and Jinichi actually caring about each other as rothers to show how the Zen'in can ruin relationships even when there is love. The Zen'in Clan is a poisoned earth, everything that grows in that garden is poison so even loving sibling relationships are poisoned.
Jinichi can care about his brother, he can be much nicer to him than their father, but eventually their father's mistreatment of Toji and their father pitting them against each other is going to drive a wedge in their relationship no matter what. As much as they want to be they can't be a proper family, because the Zen'in Clan aren't a family they're a bunch of soldiers.
Which again parallels to Maki and Mai who love each other clearly, but are inevitably driven apart by their family circumstances. All the love in the world doesn't make a difference for the both of them because number one they are pitted against each other by the clan and outside environment and number two they are two different people coping with their trauma in different ways.
For Toji and Jinichi, and then Maki and Mai I chose to basically show that these are two twins who are inevitably unable to have functional sibling relationships with each other despite the love they might have because despite being twins they are not the same person. They are inevitably two different people reacting in different ways and therefore they're driven apart by it.
Ogi is the last one I gave any real characterization in my fic, by not actually giving him characterization at all. That makes sense I promise just let me explain.
Ogi's the kind of man who is willing to murder his own daughters for what he thinks is a shot at getting him clan head. These are children he's spent sixteen years of his life raising, and he has no hesitation whatsoever in doing that. Sure, Jinichi goes along with it but those aren't his kids so he's at least got a reason for being impersonal.
What kind of person can do that?
Well my idea was that Ogi's just not really much of a person to begin with. At least Naoya is grappling with inner turmoil and negative emotions whereas Ogi just seems to only care about his standing in the clan and his desire for clan head.
He probably never formed an attachment to his daughters, so he handed them off to his wife to raise. He probably didn't want daughters and twins on top of that in the first place, but when they turned out to both be worthless as sorcerers he probably stopped regarding them as his children whatsoever.
So everything in Ogi's life is just about playing a role in his clan. His marriage is probably arranged, and one where he has all the power in the house considering how Matsuko is scared into just going along with his plans. He only had children out of obligation to produce more heirs to raise up as sorcerers, and those failed so they're not even his children anymore. He doesn't have anything he wants, besides his desire for clan leadership but only because he believed he was unfairly passed over.
He's someone who perfectly fits the role of a traditional man of the Zen'in, but he's absolutely nothing else. He's got no personality, no motivations beyond ascending the ranks, he's just a cog more or less. Which is why in the end he's not even that important or complex a character, Maki just kills him in an instant because he's a nobody.
Those are the ideas I came up with in fleshing out the Zen'in as a household, I hope that helped you even a little bit, anon!
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papa-abel · 6 years
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sketch comm of @maki-washu ‘s D&D OC Yusolis
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A writing commission for @maki-washu featuring @mellon-collie ‘s dnd character Maxwell Gascoigne and (my dnd  OC) Antigone Astmai.
Tagging: @yesitsmejt @mellon-collie
Word Count: 3066
"We've been traveling for how long now? I’m exhausted," the taller man of the group yawned.
"We've been traveling for two days and you haven't done a thing to be tired over,"
"Come on Antigone, we fought devils, hellhounds and whatever else decided to get in our way. Why are you being such a hardass?" Max scoffed.
"Because I was the one that made sure we didn't get lost on our way here," Antigone shot back.
"Children calm down and let's find an Inn, some hot food, drinks and call it a night," The smaller woman sighed.
"A drink sounds perfect right now," Max sighed.
The trio of travelers had just reached a smaller town on their path to the capitol. They had traveled from the dangerous forests of Ulvenwald and continued northeast to avoid the forests. They reached the small and sleepy village of Evercall. The village seemed simple and quiet but even in their weary state, they knew danger slept in the darkness.
The group made their way to what looked to be an Inn, tied up their horses, made themselves comfortable in the tavern and ordered food and drinks.
"You should have seen the look on his face," Max laughed and almost knocked over his drink.
"You're shitting me, after all of that it was his sister and mother working together?" Shine replied with almost as much vigor as the man.
"That sounds super sleaze," Antigone commented.
"I know, I know," Max chuckled. "Believe me I got the hell outta there when I found out. I'm not dealing with that crazy ass shit,"
The man chuckled before he took a long swig of his drink.
"My, My, My old man you have so many adventures involving women," Antigone began.
"If there's a woman in distress it is my duty to help,"
"Unless she's a fucking vampire. You best believe I didn't forget that shit you got us into with that one woman," Zhine began as she slammed her giant mug down on to the table.
"Aw, come on Zhine, she was in distress, I had to help her,” Max replied.
"You didn't have to," Antigone smirked.
"Yeah until she tried to take a bite out of you," Zhine snorted.
"Yeah...that kinda ruined the mood," Max sighed.
"No kidding," Antigone sneered.
"Look, we got rid of the town's problem," Max laughed.
"You’re lucky the pay was good," Zhine sighed.
The trio were on their way to the capitol to decipher a dream that came to them and only when they defeated the man called Siegfried they discovered their dreams were connected to one another. One finished the other while another began another, and it all centered on the unsuspecting item they carried. For now, they would rest for a few days to recover and took smaller jobs from the townspeople.
"Alright, I'm heading to bed. Try not to drink yourselves stupid," Antigone said as she stood up.
"No promises," Zhine replied
"You know what Antig..." Max began.
"What?" Antigone questioned.
"You never drink with us...why is that?" Max questioned. The blonde haired woman took a moment before she answered the man.
"I can't hold my liquor,"
"Well shit. Who knew that our silent little sniper can't hold her liquor," Max chuckled as he watched the woman disappear up the stairs of the Inn and took a drink.
"I figured as much. I've only seen her drink tea every time we've been to a tavern," Zhine added.
"Hmm...the more you know," Max said and leaned back in his chair. Zhine nodded and took another drink.
"Say Zhine...when we get to the capitol...what do you think will happen?" Max asked somberly. Zhine arched an eyebrow as she shifted in her seat, it was unusual for the man to sound so somber.
“I don't know. I'm sure once we get to the capital we'll figure it out," Zhine replied. A sigh came from the man across from her and soon he downed the rest of his drink.
"I guess you're right,"
"Nervous about something?" Zhine questioned. Max hesitated for a moment and replied with shrug.
"Not really, it's just been a while since I've been back,"
"We're not going to be attacked by all of the women you've wooed and stood up are we?" Zhine arched an eyebrow at the man.
"Nah. I'm sure most of them have forgotten me," Max chuckled.
"Mmmhm. There will be that one woman who is obsessed with you and will try to kill Antigone and me just to have you to herself," Zhine said as she tapped her nails on the table.
"That's terrifying, Zhine please," Max chuckled.
"I'm just saying," Zhine shrugged.
"You two will be fine," Max smirked.
"I'll believe it when I see it," Zhine said and downed the rest of her drink.
"Have more faith in me Zhine. You're the only one that does,” Max laughed a bit.
Zhine arched an eyebrow at the man again, he laughed but she knew there was something deeper behind that laughter, a hint of sadness. They didn't know too much about each other's pasts but what she did know is that he had suffered something tragic enough to leave the church and whatever else he had behind.
"I'm sure Antigone does...even if it is minuscule," Zhine replied. Max scoffed.
"Awww does out little hot and cold blondie friend hurt your feelings that much?" Zhine laughed and kicked her little legs.
"Sometimes," Max sighed heavily.
"You drama queen. She believes in you as much as I do," Zhine replied.
"You say that, but I’m sure she’d leave me to die if she had the choice," Max waved off the smaller woman's comment.
"Stop, she won’t and you two would be up shit creek if I got kidnapped. And you two better come to rescue my ass or I’m haunting the both of you," Zhine huffed.
“That’s a terrible thought…how about another drink?” Max suggested as he waved down the barmaid again. The woman smiled and approached the man with her tray, a smile on her lips.
“Hello, again Miss beautiful,”
Zhine sighed as she watched the man casually flirt with the woman, it was going to be a long night.
The next few days, the trio did small jobs for the village people too afraid to venture outside the safety of the village, they gather materials, herbs, rescued fellow villagers that had gotten lost.
Three days had passed since they arrived and today was their last stay in the village, the sun was barely over the horizon as the two women awaited the last member of their crew. Antigone bounced the shared party gold pouch in her hand before she securely placed the pouch in her travel bag.
“At this rate, you two can drink yourselves stupid,” Antigone commented.
“I will test that theory once we reach the capital,” Zhine smirked.
“By all means. We have enough to evenly split if we need to,” Antigone replied and adjusted her hood.
“Trying to run away Antig?” Zhine arched an eyebrow.
“Far from it. I’m stuck with you all until whatever….where’s the old man?” Antigone noticed that the man was missing.
“I went to his room to wake him up and heard something from his room. So I assumed he was awake,” Zhine began.
“You think something happened to him?” Antigone asked. Zhine shrugged.
“He’s an adult…” Zhine trailed off.
“Really Zhine…”Antigone began. Zhine sighed and crossed her arms.
“I’m mad that you’re right about this,” Zhine began as she started for the entrance. At that moment, the said man strolled out of the Inn and over to the two women.
“Morning ladies,” Max smiled.
“And here I was thinking that something may have happened to you,” Zhine began as she watched the man slick his hair back with a smirk.
“Couldn’t pass up a hot bath,” Max replied.
“I’m sure that’s not all you passed up either,” Antigone murmured.
“What was that Antig?” Max asked as he looked at her expectantly.
“It’s Antigone,” Her sharp blue eyes locked on to his green ones.
“So cold, c’mon you call me old man let me have some fun,” Max replied. The woman rolled her eyes at the man and crossed her arms.
“How are everyone’s rations looking?”
“I think we should be good. Antigone said that there should be one more town before we get to the capitol…” Zhine began
“I don’t know how long it’ll take us to get there though. With the weather it can vary,” Antigone spoke up.
“An estimate?” Max asked.
“Two to three days?” Antigone replied. The two nodded and began to check their travel packs for their rations.
“I think we should stock up a bit more just in case,” Max suggested.
“Sounds good to me,” Zhine nodded.
“Let’s meet back here in an hour?”
The trio agreed before they split up and gather what they needed for their travels, after an hour they were on their way out of the village. Just as they reached the village entrance a young boy ran over to them.
“Excuse me sir are you the leader?” the boy asked as he looked up at Max. Max glanced at the other two before he spoke.
“Not entirely. What can I do for you, my boy?” Max asked.
“I have a message from the winds that traveled through the village when you first arrived,” the boy began.
“The winds?” Max questioned.
“What do you mean?” Zhine questioned
“It’s a religion that focuses on nature, using the spirits of nature to tell them what the human eye can’t see or feel,” Antigone spoke up.
“The message…someone is coming for you…something bad. They’ve been following you since you left,” the boy trailed off.
“Since we left?” Max repeated, confused by the cryptic message.
“That doesn’t explain a lot,” Zhine commented.
A woman quickly ran up to the boy and began to usher him away from the trio.
“I-I apologize for my son. Please pay no mind to what he says,” the woman began.
“Woah now. Wait a minute,” Max said as he slid from his horse. “Your son was explaining to us what he heard from the winds. Do you know what he’s talking about?”
The woman sighed and introduced herself as Cecelia and explained that the winds had told her and her sons that someone is searching for the trio. Cecelia also mentioned that the man that lived in the manor in the Eastern part of town had disappeared months ago and recently his body was discovered with his head decapitated from his body. The wife of the man had been looking for the killers ever since.
The trio thanked the woman for the information and her warning to take care while on their journey. The first night was uneventful, and as the second night was when they struck.
“Zhine!!” Antigone shouted as she tried to follow after the dark-garbed men that had snatched the gnome only to be stopped by another dark-garbed man.
“Get the hell out of my way!”
“Antigone watch yourself!” Max shouted and blocked a blade by one assailant and narrowly dodged an arrow aimed for his head. The arrow pierced through his hat and flung it from his head.
“My hat!”
A bright light seemed to explode from her hands as she charged the man, the man barely dodged the attack and missed the follow-up attack that came from her. Max impaled one of the men and savagely twist and ripped the sword from the flesh of the assailant. Max sensed the second man behind him and barely dodged the man’s attack. Though he was able to dodge the weapon he was not able to dodge the claws that sliced his side.
“S-shit!” Max cursed as quickly jumped back to avoid counterattacks. A loud whistle echoed through the forest, a signal to retreat and just as fast as they appeared they vanished.
“Fuck!” Antigone cursed as she tried to keep up with their escape path, and failed. She quickly ran back to the man distraught by the ambush and the kidnapping when she noticed that he gingerly held his side.
“Y-you’re injured,” Antigone commented as the man grunted and stumbled a bit. He took a blow for the woman, he used himself as a distraction so that she could land the killing blow to one of the vampires.
“Nope. I’m fine, it’s just a scratch. I’ll be fine we have to rescue Zhine. Who knows what they will do to her,” Max sighed as he slicked back his hair and held his side.
“Old man don’t pull this tough macho man shit on me. I can smell blood on you,” Antigone said as she watched the man retrieve his sword that had fallen from his hands moments ago.
“Didn’t know you were a bloodhound Antig,” Max grunted as he reached for his sword.
Antigone remained silent and fumed with anger at the man, she could clearly see that he held his side. She knew he was injured and yet he continued as if nothing bothered him.
“Those vampires…do you think they’re the ones that Cecelia’s kid was talking about?” Max asked as he turned to face the woman. ”What’s with the frown?”
“Those vampires had the same insignia that Lambert wore on his clothing back at Siegfried’s manor,” Antigone replied.
“Figures, you’re not hurt are you?” Max questioned.
“I’m fine,”
“Can you pick up their trail? Max asked as he winced.
“Yeah,” Antigone replied as the man placed his hat back on to his head.
“Let’s get a move on. We have to save Zhine,” Max said quietly. “These vampires are stronger than I thought they were,”
“Mm…” Antigone knelt to the ground as she began to look for traces of where the vampires retreated.
As the woman searched the area momentarily she disappeared into the brush, Max looked at his hand through the foliage of the forest some of the light from the moon trickled through the brush and gave him enough light to see the crimson liquid that coated his hand.
“They came from Evercall,” Antigone began. He quickly dropped his hand behind his back before she could see the blood.
“How long will it take us to get back to Evercall?” Max questioned.
“We don’t have our horses so…three hours if we push ourselves,”
“Then let’s go. We don’t have much time,” Max said as he started to walk and stopped and turned to Antigone.
“Uh…you should probably lead,”
Antigone nodded as she looked around the forest and began right, Max silently followed after her.
It took the duo two hours to reach the gates of Evercall and an hour to reach the manor.
“Listen, old man,” Antigone began.
“Hm?” Max glanced at the woman as he continued to survey the manor.
“…Max…,” Her words whispered and the tug on his jacket shocked him and caused him to instantly stop.
“You called me—“Max began. She held up an ungloved hand to his mouth, her crystal blue eyes focused on his green ones.
“I…can’t do this alone….I need you to do this with me so please don’t get yourself killed,” The softness and sincerity of her words were foreign to him but welcomed.
“Antigone…you really are a piece of work you know that?” The man chuckled and placed a hand on her shoulder.
“You don’t have to worry. I promise,” Max promised as he looked down at her.
“Let me heal you,” Antigone whispered and placed the palms of her ungloved hands on the man’s wound. “Thank you…Antigone,” Warm flooded the man’s side as the wound on his side began to heal and the pangs of pain ebbed away.
“Let’s go,” Antigone said as she slipped her hands back into her leather gloves.
When the duo reached the inside of the manor, they were greeted by not Lambert’s wife but his sister along with the same dark-garbed men that attacked had them hours ago. The woman held the unconscious gnome woman hostage and was determined to have revenge for the death of her brother with the death of each of them, Zhine would be the first.
The battle was long and torturous and yet they persisted. Through the wounds and afflictions, they suffered the two continued they couldn’t give up they needed to save the woman. If one fell, the other was there to help the other up to continue to push them towards their objective. One by one, the vampires fell until the woman was left, with the last of her strength Antigone aimed her bow and released her last arrow, the arrow hit its mark in the throat of the woman. The female vampire fell to her knees and choked and gagged on her own blood.
“May you burn in hell,” Max growled as he brought down his sword on the woman’s neck. Instantly the woman was dead.
“Antigone you—“Max began as he turned towards the woman who collapsed. A soft groan came from the woman as she pushed herself to her hands and knees. Max quickly checked the unconscious woman and picked her up before he went over to the woman and extended a hand to her.
“We did it,” Antigone exhaled and took his hand.
“We did, you did good Antigone,” Max said as he helped her up. A faint blush spread across the woman’s cheeks as she stood.
“L-Let’s get out of here,” Antigone said and began to wobble out of the grand hall.
“Right behind you,”
“You two are friendlier now…what happened while I was gone?” Zhine sneered.
“I will not hesitate to make you walk Zhine,” Antigone threatened the woman that was situated behind her.
“Oh, so something did happen…did you two kiss? Was he a good kisser?” Zhine asked.
“He’s too old and not my type so I don’t know nor do I care to know,” Antigone replied tiredly.
“I like nice girls and not ones that torment me or call me old,” Max replied as he glared over at the two women. Antigone scoffed as the woman behind her laughed.
“It probably would have been gross…” Zhine commented.
“I’ll have you know I’m very talented with my—“Max began.
“Too much information old man. Please before I vomit,” Antigone gagged.
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vimeddiart · 7 years
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1st pic: commission of McCree and OC Moira for @maki-washu/ @moiracanoncruz
2nd pic: commission for @jordannwitt of their OC Darien!
Thanks for supporting me!
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alfheimr · 7 years
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@maki-washu commissioned me to draw a young vampire jack morrison for @natalievynguyen!! thank u!!
commission info
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mikasarts · 7 years
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commission of a gift for @fullmetal-frostbite from @maki-washu, @blackwatchbastet, and @natvymorrison!
Thanks so much for commissioning me to this gift art!! 
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harpbeats · 5 years
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rif-art · 6 years
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Commission for @maki-washu
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luccorvus · 7 years
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Character portrait commissioned by @maki-washu!
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mikaosart · 7 years
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˙·٠•● a commission for @maki-washu
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fullmetal-frostbite · 7 years
Soo, I got tagged by @cleverfoxhound and @maki-washu . Well, my main blog ( @mellon-collie ) was tagged, but since I don’t really like putting personal stuff there, I’m gonna do the tag over here.
Rules: Answer the questions and tag 15 blogs you want to get to know better.
Nicknames: Lupa
Star Sign: Sagittarius
Height: 150 cm
Time right now: 10:30 am Eastern European Time
Last thing I Googled: Bill Paxton ;(
Last movie I watched: Lego Batman
Last TV show I watched: Either Luke Cage or Black Mirror, I’m not sure.
When I created this blog?: This one is rather new - September 2016. My main blog was made in February 2009.
Why did I choose my URL?: "Blessed with lucky sevens and a voice that makes me cry” (Placebo - Song to Say Goodbye). Main blog’s url comes from the Smashing Pumpkins album “Mellon Collie and Infinite Sadness”
Gender: Female
Hogwarts house: Slytherin
Pokemon GO team: Mystic
Favourite colour: Navy Blue
Lucky number: 6. It’s a perfect number.
Favourite character: From.. what? :D Let’s go with Margarita from Master and Margarita and Eskel from The Witcher games?
Number of blankets I sleep with: Usually one thermal blanket. On the coldest nights I add a second one. I don’t like being stuck under many blankets, no matter how cold it might get.
Now, I don’t really have 15 people to tag and most of the people I can think of have already done this, so I’m just gonna tag one person. @maufull
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“Just one kiss,” Yusolis stated firmly.
“And if I wanted more?” Harry smirked.
“Don’t be greedy,”
A patreon reward from @ruruthless of Yusolis Beasremmiard ( @maki-washu) + Harold ‘Harry’ Stone ( @mellon-collie ) sharing a quick kiss 
Ru’s Commissions || 
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maki-washu · 7 years
Got tagged by @cleverfoxhound
Rules: Answer the questions and tag 15 blogs you want to get to know better.
Nicknames: Washu, Dubbs
Star Sign: Saggitarius
Height:  5′2
Time right now: 10:39 AM Eastern Standard Time
Last thing I Googled: What time Autozone opened
Last movie I watched: The Handmaiden
Last TV show I watched: Spongebob...Don’t judge me
When I created this blog?: One year ago
Why did I choose my URL?: My usual name was taken, so I just slapped the maki in front of it
Gender: Female
Hogwarts house: Slytherin
Pokemon GO team: Mystic boiiiii
Favorite color: Blue
Lucky number: 15
Favorite character: Alucard from the Castlevania series. He’s my special boy
Number of blankets I sleep with: Just one!
My 15 people: I only have 10!
@mamasinpai  @millawong @fatedeniedhope @flipper-the-cat-lover-of-doom @maousamaluling @adilia-the-kouhai @mens-rights-activia @littlemissshortcakes @mellon-collie @equivocatingkoala
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rif-art · 7 years
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commission for @maki-washu
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drabblewatch · 8 years
the reason Hanzo only covers his right tiddy is because his soul mate is left handed. They write on his right side, but after the incident with Genji he's convinced he's beyond redemption. He doesn't deserve them. He doesn't deserve love of any kind. So he covers his right side. Never looks at it. Not even when he showers, he'll keep the light off. But when they finally met his Soul mate is so mad. "Why wouldn't you answer me!? I've been trying to talk to you for years!" (1/2)
(2/2) And it's just a bunch of cute notes and love letters scrawled all over his right side. Some of the ink faded with age. For the Hanzo soul mate au since he needs more love
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"I know those words, I know them well. They're the very same that the cult seared into my flesh as a child."
Harold ‘Harry’ Stone of the Alchemic Stone Shop in Shimmer Coast. This lovely angry boy here is @mellon-collie ‘s dnd NPC and the beau of @maki-washu ‘s dnd oc, Yusolis.
A huge shout out to @stupidere for this amazing commission of Harry. Look at those textures! The detailing in the ‘markings’ on his chest! The fiery colors and the dark vibe...I’m ( ゚▽゚)
Go check out @stupidere ‘s commissions! She’s super kind, quick and send lots of updates on your commission! :3
Stupidere’s Commissions here
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