#maka x dtk
melodrangea · 7 months
halloween never really ends for me so could i request maka, soul, and dtk with a vampire s/o? thank you :>
absolutely my dear, all reign halloween!
Soul Eater Characters with a Vampire S/O
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Soul "Eater" Evans
-would think it's mad cool, only adding to his 'cool persona'
-I mean a cool guy like him should have a cool S/O too
-only thing that would worry him is the whole "drinking blood" thing
-but once you explain that you usually only get blood from vendors (like Sarah in My Babysitter's a Vampire) or from bad people you fight (technically kishin souls still have human blood I think)
-Soul absolutely love your sharper vampire teeth, he has pretty sharp teeth too so he thinks it's fun that you two match
(plus he thinks it's hot to leave bite marks on him and the same for you)
-wouldn't let you drink his blood if you needed too out of fear for his lack blood spreading but he will either find someone else to help you or figure something else out
-do not walk on the ceiling around this man, he will scream and cry
-only thing he isn't a fan of is the whole 'never sleeping' part, like Soul needs sleepy cuddles to function, so you're being dragged whether it's you staring at the ceiling at night or not
-overall 8/10; isn't really bothered but it's not like he absolutely adores for the sake of being a vampire, he just likes you for you
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Maka Albarn
-oh ho ho she thinks you're hot
-if you have the stereotypical "vamp goth" fashion style, she will do anything you ever ask of her
-she will be staring at you with red tinted heart glasses
-(and don't even get me started on when you bit her lip with your vamp teeth while making out)
-does find you being a vampire very interesting and will often ask you a lot of questions about what it's like
-it has crossed her mind more than once that you will outlive her by a long while but you always just kiss her until she forgets; deciding to save that issue for a later time
-she doesn't mind a lot of the you being a vampire quirks
-like you'll be climbing the wall and she'll just hand you a duster
"can you get that spot in the corner for me babe?"
-would probably be the only one on the list to let you drink her blood if you needed to
-but would also offer you other options and solutions first(let's be honest she has you on a schedule so you know when you need to feed so situations like that don't happen)
-Maka often stays up fairly late studying so she likes that you don't really sleep so you can keep her company
-overall: 11/10; Maka loves you so much and would do anythgin for you, please just cuddle this poor thing
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Death the Kid
-probably the most apprehensive about you being a vampire out of the three
-once you get into a relationship he will actually learn to appreciate it
-I headcannon that as a grim reaper Kid doesn't really sleep much either, maybe a few hours but he doesn't need more than that
-so you both will be able to spend time with each other during the night when most are asleep <3
-will not under any circumstance let you drink his blood, as much as he wants to help you, there is no way to make the bite marks even on both sides of his neck or both wrists etc...
-but he will personally purchase blood from a blood bank or pay someone to regularly donate for you (rich boy privileges)
-another one to have a calendar or schedule to make sure you get the blood you need but will be less obvious about it then Maka though, would probably just make a light handed comment
"it's been a few days do you think you will need blood soon?"
-Kid will also be so happy that you're a vampire for the same reason Maka is worried, you will live a lot longer than a normal human being
-when Kid takes over as Lord death he will be semi immortal so he's so thankful that you will live just about as long as he will
-the rest of you being a vampire...not so much unfortunately
-like you will terrify him to his soul if you walk onn a wall
-and heavens forbid if your fangs aren't symmetrical
-but just love on him until he forgets about whatever he's rambling about and you're fine
-would be another to appreciate goth fashion, he would get you two matching outfits as your styles are similar <3
overall 9/10; I cannot think of a better part for Kid than an immortal being like himself, you guys will get to spend the better part of a thousand years with each other <3
that's all my loves!
hope you enjoyed anon
-Melodrangea <3
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lxvenderdreamy · 11 months
🍓♡𝘋𝘦𝘢𝘵𝘩 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘒𝘪𝘥 𝘞𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘢 𝘚/𝘖 𝘞𝘩𝘰 𝘐𝘴 𝘈𝘭𝘸𝘢𝘺𝘴 𝘊𝘢𝘭𝘮𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘏𝘪𝘮 𝘋𝘰𝘸𝘯 ♡🍓
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Oh lord..how do you deal with it?
Everyone is just like wondering how your still sane. Dealing with Kid’s obsession with Symmetry that also involves his tantrums that come with it is hardwork. Liz and Patty know.
But you just say that you don’t know and how you have to be patient. Patience is key.
When your boyfriend is stressing about how the painting in his living room may be tilted to the left a bit…
"𝘕𝘰, 𝘥𝘢𝘳𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘨...𝘯𝘰𝘸 𝘩𝘰𝘸 𝘤𝘢𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘱𝘢𝘪𝘯𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘣𝘦 𝘵𝘪𝘭𝘵𝘦𝘥? 𝘠𝘰𝘶 𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘢𝘭𝘸𝘢𝘺𝘴 𝘮𝘢𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘺𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘴𝘰 𝘱𝘦𝘳𝘧𝘦𝘤𝘵, 𝘥𝘰𝘯'𝘵 𝘴𝘵𝘳𝘦𝘴𝘴. 𝘐 𝘢𝘮 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘴𝘶𝘳𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘱𝘢𝘪𝘯𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘪𝘴 𝘫𝘶𝘴𝘵 𝘱𝘦𝘳𝘧𝘦𝘤𝘵." -Said by you as you caressed his cheek.
How about when he’s stressing over how he didn’t fold the toilet paper correctly?
"𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘵𝘰𝘪𝘭𝘦𝘵 𝘱𝘢𝘱𝘦𝘳 𝘪𝘴 𝘫𝘶𝘴𝘵 𝘧𝘪𝘯𝘦. 𝘐'𝘮 𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘳 100% 𝘴𝘶𝘳𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘧𝘰𝘭𝘥𝘦𝘥 𝘪𝘵 𝘤𝘰𝘳𝘳𝘦𝘤𝘵𝘭𝘺." -Said by you as you pat his head, trying to hide the disgust on your face.
Kid is really thankful for this. He has never someone care for him in the ways that you do. Usually, people would laugh at him or yell at him for this but you made it seem like you care. Which you did. He had Liz and Patty but they didn’t comfort him like you did. They only did that just to get back to what they were doing.
He would lean into your embrace as you said sweet nothings into his ear. Despite how your fellow friends always ask you how you deal with him, he is glad to hear that it all takes patience and understanding. It was nice to hear that from you cause he knows your not just saying that just to be saying it, you say it because you love him just the way he is and you will still love him despite his flaws.
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Soul Eater: Dating The Trio x (F) Reader (Lime/Angst/Fluff)
For those who don't know who the trio is (in my view at least). It includes Death the Kid, Blackstar, and Soul.
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To be honest, almost the entire class is excited, a new student at this time of the school year. You must be a really good weapon or meister to be allowed into Dr. Stein's class mid semester. The jittery buzz just couldn't be contained, as students tried to guess whether you were a weapon or a meister, what your weapon was if you were one, if you were a boy or a girl, and most importantly of all, if you were hot.
"Tch, why's everyone so excited it's just a new kid." Soul shrugged, as he threw his feet up on the desk in front of him, a few papers falling to the ground.
"Don't be so judgmental Soul, you haven't even met them yet." Maka rolled her eyes, as she shoved his legs off the table.
"It doesn't really matter who they are to me." Blackstar interrupted quite loudly, "because I am Blackstar, an assassin who can defeat even a God."
"Shut up Blackstar." Soul grumbled "you're literally yelling in my ear."
"Both of you shut up, I can't concentrate if you're bickering with each other." Kid interrupted, placing his pencil down as he rubbed at his temples.
"Whatever Kid." Blackstar grumbled, as he pushed Kid's pencil on the floor.
"You blue-haired idiot, my pencil was perfectly symmetrically placed and you ruined it, ruined it I say." Kid sobbed, as the three boys began arguing with one another.
Suddenly a loud creak from the classroom door silenced everybody, and there it was the moment the trio's and everyone else's jaws hit the floor. Shyly you walked into the classroom, your shoes clicking as they hit the floor, your hair shiny and silky, and your pretty skin seemingly glowing from the classroom lights.
"Class." Dr. Stein announced smoothly. "Meet Y/N L/N, our new student." Dr. Stein nudged you softly in the ribs, quietly asking you to introduce yourself.
"Hello everyone as Dr. Stein said my name Y/N L/N, I hope we can all get along and grow stronger together."
"Does anyone have any question for L/N." Immediately, almost everybody's hand shot up.
"I really don't wanna deal with this" Dr. Stein began walking out of the class, "well Y/N find somebody to sit by and answer their questions if you want I'm going on a smoke break."
"Umm alright sensei." You mumbled awkwardly, and as soon as the door shut you were bombarded with replies.
"Sit here pretty girl."
"I have a seat if you want it."
"No, no Y/N you should sit by me."
"You guys are loud." You murmured under your breath as the roar of children continued talking, as you made your way through the isles looking at desks and chairs to find a suitable seat. Quickly your eyes landed on the trio, and you dropped your bag between the middle of them on the table, plopping yourself in a chair.
"Now questions, you the girl in the bottom row what is it?" You pointed a finger lazily.
"Are you a weapon or a meister?" She timidly asks, her voice squeaking in embarrassment.
"I'm both, depending on my partner."
The entire class awes in astonishment, as you nonchalantly shrug. "Anything else."
"If your surname is L/N, does that mean your apart of that infamous tribe that's known for having that ability." You heard a voice somewhere in the back of you ask.
Closing your eyes, you nod, remembering your family. "Mhm."
"That's me Y/N L/N, daughter of the current leader of the L/N tribe."
"You know I'm apart of a clan too." You heard a voice scream on the side of you.
"You don't say." You hum quietly, as you open your eyes to look at the now grinning Blackstar.
"Yup, the name's Blackstar only heir left to the the Star Clan, but you can just call me your God." He laughs loudly, as he flexes his muscles.
"Calm down Blackstar, your gonna scare her and that's so not cool." A boy with sharp teeth, rolls his eyes hitting him on the back on his head.
As the two boys bickered you felt a hand touch your hair gingerly, "So symmetrical." He drooled, measuring you hair with a ruler.
"Umm okay." You thought to yourself, a little flattered and slightly weirded out as the boy brushed his hands through your hair.
"Any more questions." You asked, as you threw your feet up.
"What's your type hottie." A voice chuckled, the entire class agreeing with him.
"I don't really have a type I suppose." You shrugged "I just gotta like you for you."
Eventually the bell rung, and you made your way to the main hall having to pull free from the boy with black hair and white stripes as he murmured something about being asymmetrical garbage being compared to you.
Quietly, you stared at the mission bulletin board until you heard a group of footsteps behind you. "Do you need something?" You asked, plucking a paper off of the board.
"We just wanted to introduce ourselves properly, and we wanted to apologize." You heard a soft voice call.
You slowly spun around to meet face with the trio and their female friends (Maka, Liz, Patty, Tsubaki). "Apologize for what exactly?" You rose your eyebrows a little confused.
"For these three." Liz points her fingers at the trio, "More specifically him." Liz sighs heavily as Kid places his hand on your boobs.
"There perfectly symmetrical, why can't you both be more like her." He sobs, groping you rather roughly. Quickly you pull away from him.
"Umm, I don't think I have your names, besides Blackstar at least." You wave at him, as he pulls a cheeky grin from you remembering his name.
"Well I'm Liz, and that's my little sister Patty." She points towards the smiling blond girl.
"I'm Tsubaki." A girl with a long ponytail puts her hand out to shake yours quickly,
"And I'm Maka." A girl with light taupe ponytails smiles, quickly hitting a white-haired boy in the back of his head "and unfortunately this is my weapon Soul."
"Sup pretty lady." He grins cheekily, rubbing the back of his head.
"Don't flirt with the new girl." Maka yells at the boy, as he ignores her smirking at you.
"And the boy who just finished groping you is Death the Kid." Liz sighs once again, as he sobs into her shoulder.
"It's been decided I'm nothing but garbage asymmetrical garbage."
Feeling a little bad for the boy, you pat his shoulder softly "I don't think your asymmetrical garbage Kid, your actually umm...quite symetrical to me."
"Really." He sniffles.
"Mhm." You nod sweetly, as Blackstar and Soul glare at Kid quickly pulling him away from you to teach him a little "lesson". (They totally didn't get their asses beat)
You giggle as you watch the three of them argue, Patty pulling the paper you were scanning out of your hand "Are you looking at missions Y/N."
"Mhm." You nod "Gotta find a partner though." Quickly all the boys turn their attention to you, surrounding you in a love-sick daze.
"You know Y/n I'd love to be your weapon, Maka is kind of a brute." Soul grins.
"No, no you definitely would want to be the weapon of Blackstar." The blue-haired boy puts one of his arms over your shoulder.
"Get off of her you oaf, she called me symetrical she would definitely would want to work with me." Kid kisses the center of your hand dramatically, bowing slightly. But, suddenly the three of them collapsed around you their female allies annoyed, except for Patty at least.
"You all have partners already." Maka screams loudly, as the boys sat solemnly while being reprimanded.
And seemingly out of nowhere you let out a laugh "You guys are funny, I think I'll stick with you guys."
You kiss each of the boy's foreheads before you walk off, laughing to yourself as you realize you might have a little fun here.
It's been 10 months since you met the trio, 10 months of pure and utter chaos. Having to deal with Kid's OCD, Blackstar God complex, and Soul's constant nosebleeds have given you the power to do anything. In fact, you’ve had to start buying black hair dye to cover the strands of gray appearing throughout your hair due to the three musketeers who's only fulfillments in life seemed to correlate with you.
Around the eleventh month mark, though, your relationship with them began to feel a little different. They were all a little touchier with you and each other, past teasing, which consisted of being tripped or pushed into a puddle of water, bloomed into random sexual touches and innuendos, and light playful glares had turned to yearning and longing stares.
And then it happened, truly it was so casual and smooth that the moment the four of you became an official couple, you hadn't realized until a few hours later. You lay there, sprawled across the entire trio's lap, scrolling through your phone, your mind foggy.
"So Y/N.." You heard Soul whisper.
"Mmh." You grunted, shimmying on his lap a little to indicate your listening, body sore from a mission you had just previously returned from.
"We all like you, so to keep us from causing any unneeded drama we want you date all of us, that sound cool." Soul placed his hand on your stomach tapping lightly.
"Huh? Yeah whatever..." You grumbled softly, placing your headphones in your ears as you closed your eyes.
To be honest when he asked you, your brain was really muddled from a tiring mission so in your head all you heard was "like" "we" and "cool", so to get them to leave you alone you agreed to "whatever" they were saying.
Later that night as you laid in bed you suddenly shot up "Wait did I agree to be their girlfriend." You rubbed the back of your neck tiredly, as you flopped back down into your sheets "Welp can't be that bad I suppose, what's the worst that could happen."
Scenarios/Headcanons with "Soul Eater"
★ Really likes to have you lean on his shoulder while he plays the piano, he finds it really comforting.
★ When the other two boys aren't around he'll most definitely play a jazz vinyl and slow dance with you
★ Has an identical replica of the headband he wears for you; he won't force you to put it on but he thinks it'd be really cool if you did.
"Soul" You giggle softly as you bury your face in his shoulder as your feet softly make it back to the ground. For the past twenty minutes he's been spinning and waltzing you around the entire room. "Yeah, what's up pretty lady." He chuckles, lifting you into the air once again. "Kid and Blackstar are gonna be coming over soon you know." Breathy laughs escape your mouth as you watch his eyes widen. "Oh yeah, guess that's enough dancing for today huh babe." He strolls over to the jazz vinyl that's currently playing and stops the music. "Which reminds we why don't you want the other two to see us dancing." You flop down onto the couch on your back. "Because...." He mutters "Blackstar wouldn't let me live it down, and that'd be so uncool."
★ Almost ended your relationship with him because of how nonchalant he is; ended up allowing another girl to flirt with him while you two were on a date; he realized his mistake and apologized but deep down you can't seem to forget it
★ He tends to make you insecure without even knowing; whenever he drools over another girl's boobs he tends to talk about it all day making you wish your boobs bigger to match his expectations.
★ Whenever your both arguing and he gets annoyed he just walks out on you; thinks its a rational and cool way to avoid more irritation but it hurts you and makes him look arrogant and rude.
"I'm telling you Y/n, Blair's boobs are chef's kiss." He makes a smooching sound. For the past twenty minutes he's been going on about the cat witch Blair's boobs and you were becoming a little upset. "Umm Soul can we talk about something else now?" You looked down at the ground to avoid his gaze. "I guess we can, but I'm telling you babe her boobs are just perfect." He smiles toothily. "That's great Soul, that's great..." Your words die off as you fold your arms over your chest, wishing that your boobs could meet your boyfriend's expectations.
★ Randomly bites you whenever your going anywhere this includes school; sometimes it has a sexual implication behind and sometimes it doesn't but at this point you've stop covering them up because you can't afford to spend any more money on foundation.
★ He lowkey likes seeing you angry and being told off by you; he just sits/stands there grinning as you scream for the third time that day; eventually gets so turned on that he just pulls you by the collar and starts biting your neck as you whimper softly; he might start doing things that purposely piss you off so you get on his ass.
★ If you've met his family, he'll sometimes get insecure that you'll leave him for his older brother Wes (the family prodigy) so if you wanna make sure he doesn't get insecure be real touchy with him in front of his family and I mean real touchy; rub yourself against him, casually sit on his lap, tug his hair, the whole combo they'll probably just think that you're an affectionate person but he knows the real motive behind it.
"Soul Evans are you even fucking listening." "I swear on Lord Death's name if you put your mouth on the carton one more time, I'm gonna strangle you." You groan exasperatedly as you watch Soul grin at you even harder on the couch as he runs his hands through his hair. The entire time you've been yelling at him he's been doing nothing but staring at your lips and tits as you complain. You watch as he stands up from the couch, and grabs you by the shirt, surprising you, as he whispers in your ear, "Fuck babe~ keep nagging I love it when you do." You stutter over your words when he starts to bite down on your neck harshly, "Soul don't b-bite so hard." You whimper as you wrap your legs around his waist and tug in his hair "I'll see what I can do pretty lady."
Scenarios/Headcanons with "Blackstar"
★ Loves to spar with you, doesn't matter if your stronger or weaker he'll still go at it with you; if your stronger than him he takes this as an opportunity to learn so that he can become the best; if your weaker than him then he gets to show off his skills and make you stronger alongside him (10/10 Stan positive Blackstar)
★ Calls you royal like nicknames like Goddess, deity, Aphrodite, and Queen; rarely refers to you by your real name anymore because that's how important you are to him.
★ Will most definitely randomly pick you up during different times of the day and spin around as you squeal and yell at him; doesn't stop until the two of you fall to the ground dizzy and nauseous but laughing nonetheless.
You stood in front of the sisters as Liz complained about how they failed another mission because of Kid's Symmetry habit; all you could do was laugh as Liz complained more and more until you were suddenly spun around in the air from who you automatically knew to be Blackstar. "Blackstar put me down." You hit at his back playfully as he went even faster losing his balance slightly. "No can do Aphrodite." A playful grin plastered on his face like usual. Suddenly Blackstar tripped over his foot from his dizziness causing him to fall as you landed on top of him. "Your an idiot." You snickered quietly, as he tried to steady his breathing and sight, a goofy grin on his face.
★ Most definitely has a superiority complex so trying to talk to him during serious situation is very difficult; occasionally disregards your feeling when you confide in him
★ Always charges into battles without thinking causing him to get really injured sometimes; you despise seeing him in such a state so you try to talk to him about it; ends up missing the entire point of the conversation making you feel ignored
★Always thinks he's right, and I mean always even if the true way is in plain sight; there's usually no point in arguing with him when he gets like this because it ends in a heated argument and you hurting each other (emotionally)
Blackstar the scroll literally gives us the answer don't go screwing this up for us." You state sharply, annoyed by Blackstar's antics. "I know what I'm doing Aphrodite." He screeches loudly, as he stands on top of an old rune, pulling at the emerald, green gem in the dead center. "Your gonna hurt yourself." After one last harsh tug he pulls the artifact out, smiling triumphantly as he throws it into the air, catching it. "See told y-" His words are cut short as the roof of the temple begins to rumble, large stone bullets pelting down at the two of you. "Shit." You both say in sync, before running down a hall and out of the temple trying to avoid being hit. You eventually get out, but unfortunately not in very good shape (for Blackstar at least). As he groans in pain, you wrap his obviously painful flesh wounds with spare linen bandages. "Blackstar you have to be more careful on missions." Tears threaten to escape your eyes as he lays his head against your chest as you both sit on the ground. "I hate when you put yourself in harm's way." You wipe your eyes with the back of your hand. "I'm so awesome I told we didn't need that dumb scroll to pull the gem out." Blackstar fiddles with the gem in his hand, obviously not hearing what you had said. All you can do is sigh.
★ Loves to have some type of physical touch with you; whether it's just hand holding or his arm around your shoulder he gotta be touching you; but he especially loves when you full on sit on his lap and make out with each other during Dr. Stein's lesson; this boy craves PDA, he's gotta let everyone know who's your man.
★ He loves when you praise him in general, but sexual praise just boosts his already fat ego so much; most definitely brags to the Soul and Kid about it and becomes your personal slave for the rest of the day to hear more praises from you; give them to him sparingly.
★ Likes when you claim him in front of other people; he obviously claims you a lot so when you do it back makes him really proud and turned on; just kissing his cheek in front of everybody makes him really excited
The whole class is silent as you sit straddled across Blackstar's lap as he sloppily makes out with you. You moan into his mouth as you feel your body tingle from all the stares and silence. "Blackstar people are watching." You whisper into his ear, as he wraps his arms around your waist pulling you tighter to him. He shrugs uncaringly "Let them watch Goddess, you deserve nothing but praise and worship." He pulls you back into his mouth for a few seconds before being hit in the head by Maka. "Can you two quit with the slobbering for a while some of us are trying to learn." He scoffs under his breath, quietly. "Your just mad that nobody'll kiss you, you ogre." He ended up with a few bruises at the end of the day.
Headcanons/Scenarios with "Death The Kid"
Fluff ★ He's now officially in charge of your make-up, skincare, and hygiene routine; he wants you to stay perfectly symmetrical at all times so hair grooming "his", nail care "his", eyebrow tweezing "most definitely his"; honesty it's just you being pampered 24/7.
★ Definitely loves when you pamper him during his symmetry breakdowns; and I mean the whole package baby-talking, ignoring Blackstar and Soul for a little as you whisper sweet words in his ears; planting kisses on his cheek; loves it so much that he has fake "breakdowns" so that he can have you baby him; you can totally tell when he's faking it though
★ Likes when you play with his hair finds it very comforting and relaxing and doesn't even mind if it becomes asymmetrical; he won't voice out what he wants though; however, he will place his head in your lap and bring your hand towards his hair
You're sitting down on the couch watching a movie as you hear the front door opening, you look towards the door to see Kid staggering tiredly, but not hurt. "Hey baby, how'd your mission go." He shrugs, half-assed and sits down on the side of you. You take no offense to it, assuming that it's because he's exhausted, and eventually he lays his head in your lap as you turn your attention back towards the Tv until you feel your hand being moved. You don't look down, but you feel it move towards Kid's hair until it suddenly just lays there. You smile to yourself. "You want something Kid." He moves your hand back and forth in his hair to suggest what he wants as he shuts his eyes. You oblige, pausing your movie and running your hands through his white and black hair until he completely dozes off.
★ It's really frustrating and tiring whenever you go on dates with him because he insists everything has to be perfect; even if you express that it doesn't need to be perfect; he feels that perfection should always be be strived for; if it isn't feel be in a sour mood for the rest of the week
★ He judges you really hard when you wear clothes that aren't symmetrical; and he gets really mean about it to, but he doesn't know he does; so in about 2hrs when he's done with his tantrum and wants to talk to you he doesn't even know why your refusing to even look at him.
★ Blames you if for any reason you both fail a mission; because he's Lord Death's son he doesn't think he make mistakes ; so if he thinks your 'screwing up" a little to much for his liking he'll just ignore you and try to get the job done himself muttering "useless" under his breath
You had just picked up a beautiful ivory white shirt at the mall today and you were so excited to see your boyfriend's reaction to it. Quickly you run upstairs to his room and open the door, causing him to look up from his book. "Kid," You giggle excitedly, as he puts a bookmark in between two pages. "What do you think." You twirl slowly, to show off your new top. "I got it at the mall today, Soul and Blackstar thought it was cute, but they think I look cute in everything, so I came to you instead." You watch as he eyes you up and down, a disgusted look creeping onto his face. "It's disgusting." "Yeah, I thought it was cute- wait what." You backtrack your words as Kid gets out of his chair walking over to you. He roughly pulls at the shirt not tearing it off of you but damaging the material and the hemming of it. "It's not even symmetrical you idiot, can't you at least try to look good sometimes." Tears fill your eyes as you slowly back away from Kid, who's engulfed in frustration. "Do I need to feed you as well Y/N, considering the fact that I must dress you also." You shook your head no, as you tried to speak. "I just wanted your opinion on it Kid." "Tch I'm not dating a baby Y/N, wipe your tears and come and speak to me when you've matured." You sniffle, quickly, running down the stairs to sob in a nearby bathroom. After about an hour you left the bathroom, eyes puffy, and red, and throat sore as you bumped into Kid. "Dear why are your eyes so red." He places his hands on your shoulders, having calmed down from his tantrum. You sniffle and pull out of his grasp, leaving him confused as you head towards the front door.
★ Look me in they eye and tell me this man doesn't scream body worship; if you say no your a pathological liar because he does; he compliments your appearance so often that even if you were insecure those feelings completely disappeared; hates when you cover yourself during intimate moments so if you do he praises and worships whatever your covering so you feel more comfortable.
★ He's lowkey a bondage man; but won't use ropes or anything harsh on your skin it's more likely that he'll use soft black and white binds to suspend you in the air so you aren't uncomfortable.
★ Loves to see you in pretty lingerie, very gentle and delicate when he's peeling it off of you; goes absolutely feral when your finally fully bare though; your not leaving the bed with without a limp; the color white is one of his favorite colors on you because it seems to radiate innocent and niaveness, black however is a pretty close second.
You stay buried under the sheets, lacy panties and a plain bra being the only covering your naked body as Kid neatly hangs up his shirt, pants, blazer and almost everything else he's wearing. You can't help but feel a little insecure, well, a lot insecure as Kid stands in front of you practically bare, his cock semi-hard in his briefs. This was the first time you had been naked together and you were a little nervous. What if Kid thought your body was gross? What if he gagged in disgust? Or worse vomited. "Kid I don't think I can do this." You gripped onto the sheet tightly, as he walked towards you in confusion. "Are you feeling worried, we don't have to do this of you don't want to, I won't feel upset." You shake your head, no "It's just that what if you think it's gross." "What's gross..." He reaches over to you, causing you to quickly pull away. "My body..." Your sentence trails off, as Kid roughly yanks the sheet off of you, trapping you under his frame. He hurriedly kisses your body as you squirm underneath him, wrapping your arms around your neck. "You're so beautiful dear, you don't ever need to insecure around me beautiful." He kisses down your stomach roughly. You tilt your face to the side to try and hide your embarrassment as Kid kisses dangerously close to your cunt. "Don't look away dear." He tilts your head towards him lovingly. "Allow me to kiss those insecurities away please." All you can do is nod, as you squirm and arch from his lips kissing you all over.
Headcanons/Scenarios for "The Trio"
★ It's always chaotic when all three of them are around; definition of "crackhead energy"; most poly dates are at an amusement/water park, Soul and Blackstar's idea not Kid's; he actually kind of hates them but enjoys them for your sakes; you most definitely will be thrown into the water by the Soul with Blackstar as an accomplice of sorts; but with a few blinks of your puppy dog eyes you can get Kid on your side to dunk Soul as payback.
★ Everybody in the house has their own chore; Kid does all of the cleaning; You do most of the cooking (don't worry even if it isn't good the boys will still eat it); And BlackStar and Soul do most of the manual labor like cutting the grass or repainting a room.
★ Soul, Blackstar and Kid are all good with kids but for different reasons; Blackstar relates to their energy and hyper activeness if not even more and gets them tired and tuckered out pretty easily which makes him perfect for nap time; Kid is more of the orderly type of parent meaning everyone's birthday is memorized, favorite foods and drinks are always kept in stock and constantly has the upper hand on sports dates and other hobbies; whilst Soul is like the cool laid-back uncle who tells kids how they should deal with bullies, how to stand up for themselves and picks them up out of school early so that they can go hang out at some dingy arcade and eat greasy pizza.
"Blackstar, I swear on Lord Death's name I will kill you. Don't throw me into the water." You screamed loudly at Blackstar who was too busy laughing at you as laid thrown over his shoulder. "Don't worry Goddess, I wouldn't drop you." He easily throws your limp body over to Soul as if you were a ball and their playing a game of catch. "But Soul might." You squirm and whine in Soul's grasp as you tug at his hair in a futile attempt to make him let you go. Yet, if anything it seems to get him more pumped up and before you know it, you're beneath the pool water surface you hand easily touching the bottom of it, until you find your balance and push your way back to the top. You scramble and sputter as you cling to the pool side wall as Soul smirks at you, the image of you closely resembling a drowned rat. You let out a shaky sigh and hop back onto the poolside, your hair waterlogged, and your clothes soaked, as you lay your wet body beside Kid on a towel as he glances over at you, witness to the whole scene momentarily. " Are you alright dear." He reaches over to rub your back as you curl into his touch and sigh. "Stupid Soul... now my hair is all wet and frizzy." You yank at your locks of hair in pity and curl into Kid's body who's still gently soothing you with his hand. You pout and look up at him with the most innocent doe eyes you can muster, tears threatening to spill from your eyes at any given moment. "Help me get back at him please Kid." All Death the Kid can do in the moment is gulp, nod, and look away because who knows what he might do next of he doesn't. And it may possibly include fucking you right on the poolside until you're too weak to even go back into the water.
★ Accuse you of having a favorite boy when the seeing you hanging around somebody for unusually long periods; you try to explain that's not the case, but it doesn't really help when the boy in question has a smug look slapped on his face as he sarcastically answers their questions; everyone goes to bed hurt and upset.
"Why can't you two understand that there's nothing more special with Kid than there is with you two." You scream at a Soul and Blackstar with your head between your hands. "Then why have you been spending more time with him than you have with us." Soul's accusatory tone and Blackstar's mindless agreements sets off a spark in you as you stand up abruptly and get in their faces. Pointing a finger at them you poke Soul and Blackstar in the chest. "Maybe I spend more time with Kid because whenever I'm with you, you slobber all over some other girl's boobs." You turn your attention towards Blackstar "and maybe I'm never with you because it always ends up with me getting your ass out of trouble or with you bragging about your huge ego." You punch a nearby wall out of frustration and let tears leak out of your eyes until you hear Kid snickering under his breath about how Soul and Blackstar aren't good enough for you anyway. Shaking your aching hand off to the side, you stomp up to Kid and grip him by his shirt. "Stop saying shit like that, I love all three of you equally and if you can't get that through your thick skull then maybe..." You turn to face towards Soul and Blackstar "I shouldn't be with any of you." You wipe your tears with the back of your hand and trudge upstairs, slam the door shut, and let your soft cries whimper through the house as the three of them look at each other and then at themselves in shame.
★ 24/7 group sex; you can't escape them even if you tried; if you were really really adamant about not letting them, take you all at once; they'll each wait and stroke themselves as they wait their turn to fuck you; they'll still nag you about constantly though to convince you to change your mind; trust me you will eventually give in because their really annoying.
★ 10/10 would definitely try to fuck while you were out on group missions; It usually starts with you minding your own business and you kill and eating kishin egg souls; when usually Soul or Blackstar decide you look way to sexy, eating and killing for your own good; Kid ends up noticing their lustfulness and mocks them for a few moments before falling victim himself; they'll eventually convince you that your the needy one and they'll each take you one by one as the the other two deal with the mission; (Lord death has stopped assigning you four group missions)
"Come on babe, just a quickie." You hear Soul whisper in your ear as you chow down on another kishin egg soul. "No Soul, not right now." You push him away firmly, "If I give you one, Blackstar and Kid are gonna ask to." He grumbles something that you can't quite catch under his breath and grabs you by the waist. He rubs himself against his backside so that your forced to feel his hard-on. You swallow thickly and squirm away from away from. Unfortunately, his grasp is a little too strong and you're only riling him up. "Come on baby, I know your just as horny as I am." "But if your serious then I'll leave you be." He slowly starts to remove his hands of you and pull away to which you quickly protest. "Soul.... more please." You mumbled pulling his hand back in you. Quickly he turns you around so that you're facing him and sticks his hand underneath your clothes fondling at your breasts with his hands being weirdly cold. "Soul..." You whimper as you erratically grind your hips into his crotch. "Shit...mhm... I'm right here baby 'm not going anywhere." You can feel your panties getting stickier as you come close to your orgasm, but you suddenly interrupted by two other voices.
Two voices pull you out of your babbling mind space and back into the ancient runes that you had forgotten you were in. "No fair Soul, how dare you try to have My Goddess without me." Blackstar quickly rushes over dropping a cloth bag out of his hand that most likely contained the artifact that you were sent to retrieve. Your head flinches in the direction as the object almost hits the ground, but luckily Kid is nearby and reaches out to grab it before it falls onto the ground. You huff a sigh of relief and flick Blackstar in the middle of his forehead for his carelessness. "Blackstar be careful... that artifact was the entire..." Your words slur off quickly as Blackstar licks and sucks at your neck leaving red marks in place. "Not s-so much teeth Blackstar." Your words die in vain as Blackstar immediately bites down onto your neck causing you to arch you breasts right into Soul's face. "F-Fuck let go." You pull out of Soul's and Blackstar's grips and rush over to Kid's side. Wrapping an arm around Kid pulls you in front of him as she scoffs at has two other lovers. "Do you to have any decorum at all." Soul clicks his tongue at Kid, slightly insulted. "Oh please, we know you want her just as much as we do." Kid rolls his eyes as his other hand reaches down and cups your pussy causing you to lurch forward. "I meant that if you're going to touch her at least be swifter with your movements. She's quite a bit needy when it comes to her clit." The three of them only look at each other, smirk, and begin to surround you. You only whine as you know it's going to be a long mission.
You definitely can't tell which of the boys are my favorite........
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chambelan · 6 months
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unfinished stuff from my twt
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bcbdrums · 7 months
"now the anime i felt diminished Soul's character in the second half... that's another topic though, haha."
What do you mean, his character was diminished?
Hello! Sorry it took me so long to answer!! Spoilers ahead for anyone who hasn't seen the whole show.
Let me approach this a different way... We know the running joke about Tsubaki, that after the Masamune arc she gets no character development. Her lines are just screaming Black Star's name, and that's about it for her.
That's how it feels for Soul after Crona shows up. Except with him it's just...silent brooding and watching his meister put all her focus onto someone else. The meister/weapon relationship that seems like it's kinda supposed to be the whole point of the show...? We don't get much of that for Soul and Maka anymore until the finale. And then it feels just kinda...forced in at the last moment, since we haven't gotten much of that.
He's not the only one whose arc gets skewed, and a good lot of that is due to the anime ending so abruptly and not getting to tell a fuller story. It needed at least ten more episodes in my opinion, whether it followed the manga or not... It just ended too fast.
But Soul specifically got supplanted by Crona, and it makes no sense to me. To have his relationship with Maka just...set aside entirely. Or rather, the issue is that they tried to pretend it wasn't. They tried to pretend all was well, and then bring it back at the very end as if things have been fine the entire time. But no.....no they haven't been.
For some idk like fifteen episodes or so? The only glimpses of Soul are him brooding, pining, trying to be himself toward Maka, being a good friend and weapon, but Maka only has eyes for Crona. Even at their apartment her only thoughts are for Crona, even telling Soul to leave her alone one time. She puts this wall between them and doesn't even know she's doing it, and Soul... His devotion to her never changes.
And... He never gets resolution with Crona for himself. So Maka just...forgave Crona I guess for almost killing Soul? Remember that huge giant plot point that started back in episode 7? That started the entire black blood thing? We never see or hear them talk about it but I guess Maka just....let it go, after purifying Crona? Which makes NO sense but okay I guess. But what about Soul... So since Maka decided to forget about Crona almost killing him, Soul is supposed to just forget too? Since his meister has decided to obsess over this poor mixed up kid who desperately needs professional help NOT a friendship that's doomed to unhealthiness due to the kid's issues, and Soul's supposed to just...be cool with it?
I was really glad that Kid brought it up that one time at the courts, even if it was just for a moment. At least somebody remembered what Soul went through. But it should have been his meister.
So yeah it's just...messed up. In summary.... Soul gets ignored second half of the show till a last-minute dramatic thing in the finale, but it feels out of place since Maka has ignored him for who knows how many episodes except to tell him to leave her alone. Soul has remained devoted and loyal. Soul's devotion to her has him repeatedly use the black blood for the sake of all of them, risking himself. And Maka just forgot I guess about her "new project" or whatever almost killing her weapon. And Soul just gotta deal with....all of that. Deal with what looks like the slow losing of his meister.
Yeah. That's what I meant by Soul being diminished... Everything about him was just kinda forgotten except what he could do for the rest of them.
Gonna take a left-turn here and compare Maka to her father again... Wonder if this is what Stein felt like watching his weapon go off with someone else, slowly losing him to some new, interesting person for whatever reason...
Yeah Maka, your weapon deserved better from you.
All that said? Oh I still ship it. I can be annoyed as heck with canon and still use it, lol.
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Hi! It's been a while! I don't know if you know anything about Hollow Knight, but I wanted to ask for Death the Kid, Maka, and Crona with a reader who is basically Broken Vessel from Hollow Knight? Feel free to message me if you need more information, I'd be happy to elaborate/explain!
Dtk, Maka and Crona x Reader who is a broken vessel
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Death The Kid
★ Dtk would try to do some independent research on what exactly you are in the academy's library before asking you himself. he got the just of it with the name, as a broken vessel is defined as  "A person who is destroyed or forgotten, or who feels flawed or broken." in biblical terms.
★ He takes the opportunity to show you around the city after you officially become a student. Showing you the sights to see and places you can hangout, like the basketball court. The whole time he's just trying to get a good idea of the kind of person you are.
★He thinks the mask you wear is beautiful and gushes about how perfect it is. Not a single crack and perfectly symmetric, as all thing should be! Unless you managed to crack your mask, then he tries to get you a new one.
★ Similar to Dtk, she tries to figure out what you are but unlike him she just asks you outright, however she walks away without an answer. Your soul looks dull compared to the other ones she's seen, its more wispy and pure white with a honey orange center.
★ She ended up asking Stein about you, seeing as he is close to lord death and knows more about souls. He sat her down and gave her a long talk about how you were made and what your original purpose was. After that she tries to befriend you, seeing as you have no friends. Quickly adding you to her friend group like she did with crona.
★She would try to get you to pick up more Hobby's and try to find things you might enjoy. Even let's you borrow some books from her collection if you find that you like reading. She reads around you a lot because you're pretty quiet and don't bother her without a good reason.
★ I feel like the two of you would bond over the unfortunate circumstances surrounding bolt of your creations. They were made to be turned into a Kenshin and you where made to be completely empty inside. And being considered "broken" is something they are more than familiar with.
★ Crona really enjoys sitting in a quiet room with you, just enjoying your company. If you take off your mask when around them they might stare a little bit, but just because they want to remember what you look like. Even Ragnarok starts to stare at you.
★ The almost complete lack of personality is no trouble for them, if anything they sort of enjoy how quiet you can be. You're pretty low energy and they like to be around you more often because of it. Low energy people hanging out with other low energy people.
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cup1dvalenl1na · 1 year
Death the Kid with a Male s/o thats surprisingly strong. Liks Maybe he'a older than him by a year or something so he didn't see him when he first joined DWMA, but male!reader got transfered to stein's class. Kid thought he was weak until they were assigned a misson together.
Death the kid with a male!s/o who has a partners who are actual twins and are twin swords???
⤷ ♤ anon
This is very interesting! I'll do the first one, if you want me to make a seperate post for the second one you can tell me.
Prologue first ⬇️
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So I'm pretty sure at the beginning if the manga he's like 13-14 (Don't take my word on that, the ages of the soul eater characters were never really confirmed.)
So you would be around 12-13 ?? ANYWAYS MOVING ON
So I'm going to guess that originally you were in the NOT class, not because you weren't strong but because people never really expected you to be strong, since you look like ":3" (kinda weird considering patty is in EAT but whateva)
So Kid never really knew you then, but you would know who he is. I mean he is DEATHS legitimate son, how wouldn't you know who he is.
Later on, when you join the EAT class, Kid sees you and is a little interested in what you can do since you look about the same age as Patty. It's not like the DWMA had any age restrictions of who can join the EAT class, but it's very rare to see someone super young in there. (He says, as he's only one year older.)
He would snoop around lowkey, tryna figure out stuff about you, and when you go to take a mission he would "coincidentally" take the same one.
He is pleasantly surprised when he sees your abilities, and he's like "damn I see you I SEE YOU🦅🦅💪🔥🔥" He would compliment your abilities after the mission, and would offer to train with you if you ever wanted or needed it.
Romantic Hc ⬇️
During these training sessions, you two would get closer. Him offering advice to you and bandaging each other after training. (Bros gonna put a band aid on both sides even if you don't have an injury there to make you symmetrical.😮‍💨)
Because of these moments you two would start to fall for another, although Kid isn't really familiar with romantic stuff since he's never seen or experienced it. He was born asexually, so he doesn't have two parents to really base the idea of love off of?
So he would be a little confused at first, but dw, once he figures it out more I think he would be very sweet as a lover.
He has a lot of faith in you, and always wants to fight by your side.
Lowkey he would go off on a tangent after missions of how elegant and exquisite you seemed while fighting. Has probably tried drawing/painting you in action but ended up destroying it bc it wasn't perfect.
Would probably make you do a two person pose when you're about to fight someone, he's kinda corny like that. But he thinks it's cool, let him be. (Remember the 3rd ep where he Patty and Liz were posing before he started scolding them for not being symmetrical 💀)
However if you somehow get injured during battle he would be PISSED. Lowkey grabs Liz and Patty and starts BLASTING (Que the scene where he starts fighting that unsymmetrical Egyptian Kishin in ep 3)
You guys are a total power duo, you guys help protect others and each other during battles. Many people count on you guys. (black star makes fun of you two, teasingly calling you two his power couple before Kid shoves him off and scolds him)
He is grateful to have you by his side, and you guys can count on each other no matter what happens.
Why was Kid actually so fun to write about omg
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bridge-demon · 10 months
3 and 4 for the hc ask board?
for the SOUL EATER ASK BOARD. (p.s. tysm holly for making this it was such a good idea)
3. A romantic headcannon about your favorite SE ship! Ex : Domestic shenanigans or, even what struggles they might have becoming a couple.
so if youve been around on my blog long, its probably p obvious that deathstar / kidstar is my fav SE ship gjsjflsj i just have. so many feelings about it,,,,,, like they are foils for one another. they hold so much respect for each other (kid sees blackstar's drive and determination and feels inspired by his passion, while blackstar recognizes kid being a god and appreciates his powers and abilities) and while i agree to some extent that they would have a "you idiot" "but im your idiot" type of relationship, i dont think kid would be quite as annoyed / irritated with him as some people portray them. there would absolutely be things about blackstar that gets under kid's skin, but it would be a lot more silly or trivial than people believe. and blackstar is a lot more compassionate and thoughtful than people realize i think, too; if he thought he was genuinely upsetting kid (or anyone really) i think he'd chill.
there are times when he goes too far (like while he was arguing with maka when they were trying to resonate souls) but he's more perceptive than ppl give him credit for imo. uhm but as for struggles when becoming a couple, ive seen a lot of different takes on this and i like p much all of them and i think it could go a number of ways, but i really like the idea of blackstar being adamant to make it work and kid having deep reservations (being immortal while blackstar will age, all of kid's responsibilities, feeling that blackstar could and should be with someone else, etc.) but blackstar would be like "kid. you like me, and i like you. isn't that enough?" for domestic cuteness, i love the idea of kid showing off (intentionally or not, be it fighting, training, skateboarding, playing music, or surprising star with a random skill he has from being lord death's son and growing up virtually alone as a demigod) and blackstar hanging slack jawed in awe and going from "i have to kill this guy he's too cool" to "im blushing so hard i have to kiss him right now only the most awesome dude can date the biggest star". they are both enraptured by the other and soulmates and in love and and and i rambled a lot but i could ramble more they make me so normal.
4. Offer a hobby-related headcannon for any character.
y'all already know how feral i am over dtk so this goes out to him, too. i think this boy can also play the piano (something he and soul have bonded over) and he can also waltz and slow dance. his father had him taught at a young age since he’s probably attended galas and such (once yk ppl were allowed to know he existed or w/e). in terms of music, soul can play just abt anything; brass instruments, the clarinet, guitar. i think blackstar would kill on the drums. maka can play the guitar too, i think. tsubaki can play the flute.
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yaoioioay · 1 year
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kristencsummerlin · 2 years
Chapter two for my Soul Eater fic. This one is more comedy than romance.
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genericsfan · 1 year
Hi thank you for 40 followers :) I wish I could follow some of you back but *insert side blog spiel *
Here’s my DTK shrine (?) 
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I’ll add a read more in case you want to know where everything is from!! :) <3
Kid plushie - depop
Liz plushie - Walmart dot com
Lord death cardigan - SteadyHands
Most of the ITA pins are from Amazon with the exception of the large one (Hot topic) and two are from Redbubble
Death the kid acrylic charm - https://www.etsy.com/listing/1389933947/
Kewpie Crona keychain - https://www.etsy.com/listing/1332147481/
Ita bag - https://a.co/d/d9ysnzL
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melodrangea · 7 months
Hi! Hello! Hope you are well!
Could I request the main gang with steins kid who is a weapon? But they have no meister and basically can fight by themselves or match their soul with their friends to fight with? If that’s ok! If not , then just the gang with steins kid lol
The gang: Soul, Maka, Black⭐️ Tsubaki, Patty, Kid, Lizz, crona and we can’t forget Ragnarok! I just got back into that fandom so I’m insanely rusty on everything 😭
Hi! I'm doing great, how are you?
I am totally loving the chaos of Stein's kid at the DWMA
andddd they're a weapon?
The Soul Eater Gang Meets Stein's Kid that's a Weapon
-if I'm being honest, you were probably at the DWMA for a while before anyone figured out you were Stein's kid
-not because you both are ashamed or anything, you just are both private people like that and you see no fuss in making sure everyone knows your dad is a professor
-but for story's sake lets say it's your first day at the DWMA and students just happen to notice that you and Stein have the same last name and look similar
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Soul 'Eater' Evans
-would be cautious around you at first learning you're Stein's kid
-like thinking about how sadistic and crazy your dad is (to him at least)
-let's just say if Soul sees you with a sharp object he runs (it could be a toothpick and he'd run away screaming lets be honest 💀)
-does NOT want to turn out like Spirit he's got enough scars already
-once he realizes you're fairly different from your dad (in that you aren't crazy asf) he's fine
-will ask you at least once a day how you live with your dad
"like how does he even cook? does he dissect the vegetables too?"
-won't openly admit he wants to fight you but he is definately curious
-so when he asks for him and Maka to fight you and you meister, and then you tell him you don't have one
-he is immediately shocked, jealous and crying on the inside
-it's not fair, how can you fight on your own and he can't?
-stays away from you for a little while because he is jealous and intimidated
-but once he learned it was because no one ever wanted to wield you because of your dad so you just fought on your own, he became a lot more empathetic
-you guys are close, both wanted to better yourselves so you spar with each other all the time
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Maka Albarn
-will also be slightly uneasy, but the feeling is washed away withing five minutes of meeting you
-especially if you're in the E.A.T class with her
-if you transfer half way through the school year she will offer to help catch you up and introduce you to other students
-if you like books (specificaly historical romances) FORGET IT
-hope you're ready for marriage
-asks forces you to join book club with her, Tsubaki and Jackie
-she probably won't go out of her way to try and wield you in your weapon form, but of you ask or offer she will be open to it (not for too long though because Soul gets mopey)
-if not she will help you find a meister and compile a list of the most eligible meisters in the school without weapons
-then she realizes you fight on your own (get it baddie) and she's interested all over again
-immediately analyzing your fighting style and figuring out how your are self autonomous
-tries to keep you away from Soul for previous reasons as long as she can
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Black Star
-everyone tries to hide it but somehow he finds out that Stein's kid is transfering to the DWMA
-same scenario as Kid, he's just waiting for you to show up and fight you 🤺
-probably figures it will be an easy win with just him because you don't have a meister yet
-oh how wrong he is
-Black Star is shell shocked when you attack frist WITHOUT A MEISTER
-he is completely thrown off and you end up winning fairly easily (he ofc says he lets you win)
-warns the others to begrudgingly to not mess with you
-Stein is just taking attendance when you walk in after Black Star (Black star is covered in light wounds while you're practically spotless)
Stein: "Alright is everyone here?- Ah I see one of your classmates has already found y/n, and it seems that they made quite the introduction for themselves. This is why we don't mess with my bloodline class "
Class; "WHAT"
-safe to say it was definitely one way to be introduced to your new class
-Black Star is fairly chill with you, in his own obnoxious way ofc
-will still try and fight you periodically
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Tsubaki Nakatsukasa
-has the most seemingly normal reaction to your arrival
-greets you like she would any other person, asking about your experience with fighting, why you joined the DWMA
-when you tell her you join becuase your dad was a professor she was a little shocked to find out it was Stein
-you just seemed so much different than him
-but you explain how he trained you all your life, which is how she finds out that you're a self autonomous weapon
-isn't jealous in the slightest (I mean she has several weapons forms so why should she)
-is slightly concerned for you as a person, you only really knew your dad and without a meister partner she figured you'd be awfully lonely
-so she tries her best to include you on a lot of things, inviting you to hangouts, to train with her, she's even had you over for dinner a few time
-(she let you have her special cookies even bfore black star)
-and since you're such good friends with Tsubaki you do get a lot of Blackstar, but with Tsubaki it's mamagable (even though you do ask her all the time why she chose him as her meister)
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Death the Kid
-interest is also peaked upon finding out Stein's kid would be joining the DWMA
-he wouldn't try and fight you like some others, he'd rather observe you from a (safer) distance
-is definitely worried about you being related to Stein like Soul was
-he ended up getting to know you at Maka's book club (he's an honorary member because he only reads obscure asf 1800's english novels)
-finds out that you're extremely normal calm compared to your dad and is a lot friendlier to you from then on out
-most talking about school, training and book club
-he figures out for himself that you're a self autonomous weapon when you've been at the DWMA for a week and hadn't requested a temporary meister partner yet
-at least that's what he tells himself, he really only found out when he fought you for a training lesson and you fought by yourself
-i'm sorry for the Kid fans but he would REFUSE to wield you since there's only one of you :(
-you guys aren't besties but respect each other and get along really well in group activities
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Liz Thompson
-scared ASF of you
-does not like Stein (he reminds her too much or a creepy ghost) 👻
-so when she learns that you are his daughter she isn't running, she's sprinting
-just imagine you walked over to the group, Soul slowly makes his way off while Liz jumps and hits herself in the head trying to escape 😭😭😭
-and when she learns that you’re self autonomous- you never see her again
-im just kidding, she would definatly be intimidated by you, and would watch you from a distance for a while
-but once she learns of your personality she'd definately a lot mroe comfortable around you
-invited you to sleepovers at the mansion and her painting your nails while you gossip 💅🏼
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Patty Thompson
-Patty on the other hand
-oh you're the one that's scared of Patty
-she's just so hyper and energetic, it's just the opposite of you and you're dad and it makes you uneasy
-the air left your lungs when she destroyed the paper giraffe she made during the meister/weapon exam
-it took you a while but you did get used to Patty (to some extent)
-she herself was very excited to meet you
-one of the the first things she called you was "the crazy guy's kid"
definitely got off on the right foot Patty 🙄
-she thought it was really cool that you were self autonomous as a weapon and would NOT leave you alone until you told her how
-you didn't know what to tell her other than years of training
-she got uninterested after you said years lol
-overal you two get a long fairly wel, though you have to admit you mesh better with Liz
-Patty is definitely more tolerable than Black Star so that's something
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Crona Gorgon
-also uneasy upon hearing that you're the kid of Professor Stein
-Crona already doesn't know how to deal with one of him and now to Crona it appeared there were two now
-AND you don't even need a meister to right?
-safe to say Crona is the teensiest bit scared
-Ragnarok thinks you're arrogant for existing on the other hand
-him always wanting to fight or attack you and poor Crona just trying to get away
-Crona also gets more more comfortable with you via book club (it's honestly just therapy with really good cookies at this point)
-you and Crona would bond over you and him having odd parents (though Stein wasn't an abusive bitch)
-you'd both understand being looked at differently for your parents
-after a small while Crona would actually shoe you some of his poetry!
-you both would write side by side in silence (Tsubaki would 100% bake you both cookies to snack on)
-and when Ragnarok would come out and both you both you could just threaten him with your weapon(s)
-in summary you probably get along best with Liz, Tsubaki and Crona best as Stein's child
-it's extremely rare that you host hangouts for obvious reasons but your'e always invited to other group activities and train with the others when you want!
-the group even starts to look at Professor Stein differently as they watch the interactions between you and your father!
and that's all my dears!
I hope you enjoyed!
and thank you all so much for the support, I'm working to answer requests as quick as i can!
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lxvenderdreamy · 11 months
could you do a kinda pre-relationship fic between soul X m!reader X kid? where its like during the fight between soul and blackstar VS kid when he first gets to the school? except m!reader is there? maybe hes a weapon who fights on his own but as there fighting (and losing...) kid does his signature drop down to shoot m!reader and when he does m!reader gets that stereotypical nosebleed when smth hot happens? idk where it would go from there, if he would play it off or be laid out for the rest of the fight but yeah :)
🍓(and idk if it qualifies as this but🍋)
YOU ARE SO WELCOME!!! Thank you for requesting! But I am not able to do 🍋 because the characters are either 13-16 (not 100% confident on this). But hey, thanks again for requesting again, it makes my day! I also really hope that I set this up right!❤️❤️❤️
❤️🍓Soul x M!Reader x Kid pre-relationship🍓❤️
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This is all..really interesting and..exciting? Well at least for Soul, Blackstar, and you. And possibly Kid?
Anywho, Dr. Stein had informed the class about a new classmate, who was Lord Death’s own son. You and your two friends loved some action and a challenge so why not give this fellow classmate of yours a nice greeting?
You and Soul had your fair share with a battle together, you two are rather close to one another. If Blackstar isn’t there with y’all, then it’s just you and Soul. Soul prefers to be alone with you rather then Blackstar being there
So, here you three boys are, skipping Dr Steins class to go and take on this new classmate.
It wasn’t long before you came into contact with Kid. You were really stunned, you didn’t expect to see such a handsome boy..and he’s gonna be coming to this school? He’s gonna be in your class? That’s a blessing right there. Just…pure. At first you didn’t want to fight him at all because you didn’t want to damage that beauty of course. But you really did want to fight him though..just don’t aim for the face then it will be just fine.
When Blackstar ends up breaking one of the red spikes on the DWMA while giving out his awesome speech, this sets Kid off immediately. He’s complaining about the symmetry…
Your a lone weapon without a meister, upon seeing that, Kid couldn’t help but be all so curious. You’re a weapon that doesn’t have no meister at all, fighting on your very own. Shouldn’t you have a meister now..? That isn’t important right now, he has to take down the three of you.
All four of you got into fighting stance, preparing for battle. The tension between y’all was thick and intense as you all stared daggers at one another.
When Soul and you was going in to do y’all’s first move..you ended up getting pierced in the damn head. Blackstar jumped in and tried to pick Soul, who was in his weapon form up but..he couldn’t. If Soul was so heavy then how in the world did Maka swing him around as if he was a fidget spinner?
Yeah…this wasn’t going as planned as it should’ve went. Were you guys even taking this seriously one bit?? Even if you were it sure did not look like it..
This isn’t going to work out like it should. You guys can’t even sense each others wavelengths.
“Y/n…it’s over between us.” When you heard those words fall out of Soul’s mouth, you stared in disbelief..is he really breaking up with you at a time like this?
This is all so sad for the two of you. Having to spilt up away from each other like this..it’s heartwenching..it’s terrible.
Stein, Maka, and Tsubaki are all looking at the two of you as if they are watching a dramatic sad scene in a romance story.
Kid was just standing there with his guns, asking if he could shoot the two of them now. But Liz told him to hold it on back.
“Okay Soul…I understand..but..is it okay if we stay friends?” You asked him, looking away with a hand ok the back of your head. Your eyes widened when you saw Soul running to you, he wanted to be friends again!!!
You two began running towards each other so dramatically..so romantically. This was a dream come true, you two did NOT break up, you two are back together. Blackstar is running towards yall as well..
You all crash into each others arms as you all hugged each other tightly.
You all fall to the ground. This is due to Kid shooting his guns at the three of you, ending the bromance.
Y’all’s wavelength sucked like hell so you guys decided to attack Kid individually. Different and various moves were across the entrance of the school as you three were going right on at it.
You were trying to avoid hitting Kid’s face of course, you didn’t want to knock the beauty out of him.
Despite the three of you fighting with all your might, it was obvious that you three were losing as well. Kid was way more faster and flexible out of the three of you, as well as being able to have access to far distance with his twin pistols. It also didn’t help that the three of you were pitiful morons…
The fight is coming to a closure when Kid is so sick and tired of all the mess going on, fooling around. Kid decided to do his signature drop down to shoot you. You and Kid were so close to one another. Very close.
You felt heat rise to your face as your face was painted to red much to Kid’s surprise. You threw your head back as blood came out of your nose as you fell onto your back so asymmetrically.
Everyone just kinda stood there as you got a nosebleed. Kid just kept on holding his guns as he stood there staring at you. Now why on earth would you get a nosebleed? How did you get one? Why did it happen?
Black star immediately darted over to your body and started to shake you furiously, asking if you were okay and how they will kill Kid, shaking you all around. Soul on the other hand scoffed as he looked away…I think he knows why you got a nosebleed. He wished he didn’t. Feeling a little jealous…
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rosebudryot · 2 years
ive been in bed all day with a cold so i decided to begin my annual soul eater rewatch and it hit me... soul eater x the locked tomb. certainly someone has thought abt this before bc the parallels totally exist. cavaliers and adepts, weapons and meisters?? same concept different day. maka and soul’s dynamic vs griddlehark, dtk and the thompson sisters vs the tridentarii and naberius... lord death and jod as super old, probably slightly too laid back for their station characters who have Seen Some Shit. Lyctors and death scythes. crona and nona???? listen there’s layers to this that I haven’t thought of yet but... this could be something. 
“always your sword, my umbral sovereign; in life, in death, in anything beyond life or death that they want to throw at thee or me”
tl;dr i think gideon deserves to actually be a sword this time 
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skullywullypully · 3 years
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Order Up!
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fattymadiy · 3 years
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should be in everyone’s top 5
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