judithan-xing · 4 months
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Silven & Hymica
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senig-fandom · 1 year
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Oh, amigo, este dúo tiene una historia:
Sinaloa el hijo menor de norte y Baja california del Norte el nieto de Norte. Desde el nacimiento de Ángel (BCN) Ulises (Sinaloa)  fue aparte de su tío, tambien un hermano para Ángel, por que ambos eran jóvenes y podían entenderse el uno al otro.
Sinaloa fue junto a Sonora el apoyo de Baja california Sur, quien tras la guerra contra Estados unidos, México no fue mas que a peor, intentando sobrevivir y viendo como eran vendidos como mercancía de una deuda para el vecino del norte. Sinaloa ya era un poco mas grande que Ángel, por lo cual las desgracias de la guerra no lo afectaron tanto, mas porque aun tenia a Sonora como su guardián, pero BCN era muy pequeño, y esos traumas lo persiguieron hasta la actualidad.
Sinaloa cambio mucho con el paso del tiempo, tras separarse de Sonora, busco su propio destino, busco maneras de hacer crecer a su gente volviéndose al igual que muchos de sus hermanos un amante de la agricultura, pero tambien alguien muy luchador, con bailes y música que hace explotar de alegría arte por todos lados, pero su destino cambio cuando el NARCO entro a México.
NARCO cambio la vida de todo el norte de México, pero principalmente a Sinaloa, quien ahora tenia una nueva meta, y era controlar todo lo del narcotráfico y cuando todo el narcotráfico de México lo obedeciera, los destruiría a cada uno como esclavos de sus sembradíos, animales y minería. 
Y te preguntaras, ¿Por qué los esclavizaría? porque no lo hace como si fuera un trabajo y ya, pues para Sinaloa, aun con algo de hipocresía, el ve a todos los narcos como escoria, que merecen sufrir por las atrocidades que causaron. Y el por una parte, cree que podría ser perdonado por todas las atrocidades que hizo y hará si no llega a su meta, por eso no tiene escrúpulos y no le teme meter balazo a quien se le interponga en el camino, incluyendo a su propia madre.
Lo que no cambia es su lealtad a quienes se las gana, y BCN es uno de ellos, Sinaloa conoce todo por lo que paso su pequeño sobrino, y de la enfermedad de los ojos negros y su falta de emociones causados por los traumas de la guerra contra el gringo.
BCN no es tanto un problema, pero a sido muchas veces que su capacidad de demostrar su emociones lo llevan a demostrarlos con acciones y no tanto con palabras o expresiones, y eso a llevado a que golpe a otros o a golpear cosas por mostrar que esta enojado o furioso, llevándolo a que la gente piense que tiene un problema de ira cuando el en realidad no sabe que esta enojado. Y lleva a que lo suspendan de clases o lo expulsen.
Eso lo llevo a aislarse aun mas y alejarse de todo el mundo, por evitarse problemas, y eso le preocupo a su madre BCS, que cada día se arrepiente de no haberlo tratado cuando se dieron los primeros síntomas, pero era rara su enfermedad por allí en los 1900 y no había ningún registro medico hasta años despues, así que su hijo iba a terminar así sin importar en que año empezaron.
Y Sinaloa lo vio crecer así, ambos veían el mundo de manera diferente, para BCN era todo mecánico, un teatro, una falsedad, para Sinaloa, todo era por dinero y poder, mientras mas poder mejor, así que ambos empezaron a entender el punto de vista del otro, y Sinaloa quería experimentar con su sobrino.
A BCN lo volvieron a meter a una escuela despues del 2013 con todo lo acontecido, puesto que deseaban que siguiera desarrollando sus métodos de socialización, que eran mejores cada vez, aunque aun era inexpresivo, lo bueno es que consiguió dos amigos, que eran muy pacientes con el, y aunque no lo pareciera, si se divertían con las cosas que BCN mostraba, hasta formaron una banda y tocaban por el momento covers de otras canciones por diversión.
En su tercer año de preparatoria, nuestro BCN paso por un acoso escolar constante, proporcionado por una maestra de filosofía, pues BCN no le parecía correcto que metiera ideologías trasformadas en clase o tareas, BCN sabia bien lo de la filosofía, no era ingenuo como lo hacia ver la maestra. Pero ella empezó a burlarse de el en clases, a reprobar cada tarea que e tenia, a interrumpirlo y lastimarlo con cualquier objeto que tenia, y con las acciones de esa maestra, sus compañeros empezaron a hacerlo tambien.
Era raro, porque en otras clases eran buenos, pero cuando llegaban a la clase de filosofía y la maestra entraba, el ambiente cambiaba por completo, a expresión de sus dos amigos, toda la clase empezó a acosarlo, a golpearlo y a humillarlo, Sinaloa quien lo visito para ver como estaba fue quien presencio mas las atroces cosas que el pasaba, pero como un maniquí el no mostro ningún signo de dolor, llanto o miedo, asiendo sentir algo mal al propio Sinaloa, los amigos de BCN le contaban todo a el, para que hiciera algo, pero cuando Sinaloa le preguntaba si quería que hablara a la escuela, BCN dijo ‘‘ no, que hueva tener que ir a lo legal’’.
Pero eso lo llevaría a arrepentirse, debió haberlo detenido antes de que el daño fuera no solo a el, si no a sus dos únicos amigos, a BCN no le importaba como lo trataban, no sentía nada y nada cambiaria, pero eso le costo casi la vida a uno de sus amigos, quien fue golpeado con una roca hasta casi morirse, por defender a BCN de ese golpe. La madre de su amigo, maldecía a BCN porque por su culpa su hijo tenia un traumatismo en la cabeza.
Y fue allí, que Sinaloa hizo de las suyas. 
-Bien...aquí están los culpables- Frente a los ojos de sus secuestrador, estaban una mujer joven y unos muchachos, con la boca tapada y ojos vendados, encadenados a un poster en medio de la nada.-Míralos, que tiernos se ven sacando moco y babeando del miedo, no te da alegría ver a los malos verse así...-dijo con sarcasmo el mas alto.
-...-el joven californiano saco un revolver de su pantalón.
-No te lo vas a plantear,  quiero saber que es lo que pasa por tu cabeza, antes de que hagas algo, no tienes miedo, coraje, ira, dolor o llanto, por recibir las apuñaladas de una madre desconsolada por su pobre hijo, cuando debió desquitarse con esos de allí, venga, dime que sientes...
-...-El joven empezó a apuntar a la mujer y luego a los chicos.
-No sientes tristeza, o quieres llorar, tu amigo tiene un trauma por defenderte, no sientes la culpa, sabes que si disparas, todo tu mundo se viene abajo, jejeje aunque supongo que es la ventaja de no sentir remordimiento. 
Tras esa ultima frase, un sonido de lloriqueo empezó a sonar, por reaccion vio a sus victimas, pero ellos solo se quejaban con la boca tapada, cuando ve al que esta a su lado, vio a un niño pequeño de nuevo. A su sobrinito con quien jugaba todo el tiempo, quien le decía hermano en vez de tío, soltando unas lagrimas mientras apuntaba con la pistola.
-...cuando vez el mundo desde el limite, no hay enfermedad que no haga que exista el arrepentimiento-dijo El sinaloense quitándole el arma de BCN- Se que te pedí que lo hicieras tu, pero veo que no quieres, así que, porque no te vas al auto, yo me encargo, pero no te preocupes, hare que el gallo nunca cante, jejeje...
Después de eso, paso lo de Tokio, y las emociones que parecen perdidas, salen a la luz nuevamente, poco, pero salen.
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gregpostok · 1 year
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Ez mi a tetves lófasz? Maeste színház ipaden.
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docpiplup · 2 years
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Day 3: Book moments or quotes -> Bran in Winterfell's rooftops
Bran looked back down. His wolf fell silent, staring up at him through slitted yellow eyes. A strange chill went through him. He began to climb again. Once more the wolf howled. "Quiet," he yelled. "Sit down. Stay. You're worse than Mother." The howling chased him all the way up the tree, until finally he jumped off onto the armory roof and out of sight.
The rooftops of Winterfell were Bran's second home. His mother often said that Bran could climb before he could walk. Bran could not remember when he first learned to walk, but he could not remember when he started to climb either, so he supposed it must be true.
To a boy, Winterfell was a grey stone labyrinth of walls and towers and courtyards and tunnels spreading out in all directions. In the older parts of the castle, the halls slanted up and down so that you couldn't even be sure what floor you were on. The place had grown over the centuries like some monstrous stone tree, Maester Luwin told him once, and its branches were gnarled and thick and twisted, its roots sunk deep into the earth.
When he got out from under it and scrambled up near the sky, Bran could see all of Winterfell in a glance. He liked the way it looked, spread out beneath him, only birds wheeling over his head while all the life of the castle went on below. Bran could perch for hours among the shapeless, rain-worn gargoyles that brooded over the First Keep, watching it all: the men drilling with wood and steel in the yard, the cooks tending their vegetables in the glass garden, restless dogs running back and forth in the kennels, the silence of the godswood, the girls gossiping beside the washing well. It made him feel like he was lord of the castle, in a way even Robb would never know. It taught him Winterfell's secrets too. The builders had not even leveled the earth; there were hills and valleys behind the walls of Winterfell. There was a covered bridge that went from the fourth floor of the bell tower across to the second floor of the rookery. Bran knew about that. And he knew you could get inside the inner wall by the south gate, climb three floors and run all the way around Winterfell through a narrow tunnel in the stone, and then come out on ground level at the north gate, with a hundred feet of wall looming over you. Even Maester Luwin didn't know that, Bran was convinced.
His mother was terrified that one day Bran would slip off a wall and kill himself. He told her that he wouldn't, but she never believed him. Once she made him promise that he would stay on the ground. He had managed to keep that promise for almost a fortnight, miserable every day, until one night he had gone out the window of his bedroom when his brothers were fast asleep.
He confessed his crime the next day in a fit of guilt. Lord Eddard ordered him to the godswood to cleanse himself. Guards were posted to see that Bran remained there alone all night to reflect on his disobedience. The next morning Bran was nowhere to be seen. They finally found him fast asleep in the upper branches of the tallest sentinel in the grove.
As angry as he was, his father could not help but laugh. "You're not my son," he told Bran when they fetched him down, "you're a squirrel. So be it. If you must climb, then climb, but try not to let your mother see you."
Bran did his best, although he did not think he ever really fooled her. Since his father would not forbid it, she turned to others. Old Nan told him a story about a bad little boy who climbed too high and was struck down by lightning, and how afterward the crows came to peck out his eyes. Bran was not impressed. There were crows' nests atop the broken tower, where no one ever went but him, and sometimes he filled his pockets with corn before he climbed up there and the crows ate it right out of his hand. None of them had ever shown the slightest bit of interest in pecking out his eyes.
Later, Maester Luwin built a little pottery boy and dressed him in Bran's clothes and flung him off the wall into the yard below, to demonstrate what would happen to Bran if he fell. That had been fun, but afterward Bran just looked at the maester and said, "I'm not made of clay. And anyhow, I never fall."
Then for a while the guards would chase him whenever they saw him on the roofs, and try to haul him down. That was the best time of all. It was like playing a game with his brothers, except that Bran always won. None of the guards could climb half so well as Bran, not even Jory. Most of the time they never saw him anyway. People never looked up. That was another thing he liked about climbing; it was almost like being invisible.
He liked how it felt too, pulling himself up a wall stone by stone, fingers and toes digging hard into the small crevices between. He always took off his boots and went barefoot when he climbed; it made him feel as if he had four hands instead of two. He liked the deep, sweet ache it left in the muscles afterward. He liked the way the air tasted way up high, sweet and cold as a winter peach. He liked the birds: the crows in the broken tower, the tiny little sparrows that nested in cracks between the stones, the ancient owl that slept in the dusty loft above the old armory. Bran knew them all.
Most of all, he liked going places that no one else could go, and seeing the grey sprawl of Winterfell in a way that no one else ever saw it. It made the whole castle Bran's secret place.
His favorite haunt was the broken tower. Once it had been a watchtower, the tallest in Winterfell. A long time ago, a hundred years before even his father had been born, a lightning strike had set it afire. The top third of the structure had collapsed inward, and the tower had never been rebuilt. Sometimes his father sent ratters into the base of the tower, to clean out the nests they always found among the jumble of fallen stones and charred and rotten beams. But no one ever got up to the jagged top of the structure now except for Bran and the crows.
He knew two ways to get there. You could climb straight up the side of the tower itself, but the stones were loose, the mortar that held them together long gone to ash, and Bran never liked to put his full weight on them.
The best way was to start from the godswood, shinny up the tall sentinel, and cross over the armory and the guards hall, leaping roof to roof, barefoot so the guards wouldn't hear you overhead. That brought you up to the blind side of the First Keep, the oldest part of the castle, a squat round fortress that was taller than it looked. Only rats and spiders lived there now but the old stones still made for good climbing. You could go straight up to where the gargoyles leaned out blindly over empty space, and swing from gargoyle to gargoyle, hand over hand, around to the north side. From there, if you really stretched, you could reach out and pull yourself over to the broken tower where it leaned close. The last part was the scramble up the blackened stones to the eyrie, no more than ten feet, and then the crows would come round to see if you'd brought any corn.
Bran II, A Game of Thrones
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arrestdujour · 6 months
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Maestas, Anneca Sharrel
Boise, ID
JID Number: 01108920 Age: 40 Arresting Agency: Ada County Sheriff
Charge Count: 3
 Register for notification on changes to inmate's custody status.
F Controlled Substance-Possession of Extradition Warrant $25,000.00
M Drug Paraphernalia-Use or Possess With Intent to Use Extradition Warrant Included
This individual will not be released from custody due to a nonbailable charge(s)
Bail Total: $25,000.00
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Anneca Sharrel Venegas Maestes
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writingsofwesteros · 2 years
What if Criston does actually get his chance to beat Harwin. There is a tourney about to take place. Lords are all coming in pregnant yn and royal family are at the pre tourney celebration. A fight breaks out and Harwin gets rhaenyra to safety but leaves yn trapped. Criston obviously goes back to get her and Alicent insists she sees a maeste. Yn gives Criston her favor, people think cause he saved her. During the tourney harwin/Criston happens like in the book and breakbones becomes brokenbones.
Oh i actually love this idea so much!!!!! Harwin's first thought is unfortunately always Rhae and his guilt eats him up..probably allows Criston some hits in
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lya-dustin · 1 year
Someone will remember us
Chapter 42
Cw: anxiety, past attempted murders
Gif by @alicentloyalist
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Where Queen Rhaenyra never once worried even after several attempts on the life of her then unborn children, Princess Aemma developed an almost unhealthy anxiety during her first pregnancy.
Facing at least six confirmed attempts on the life of her unborn son during her progress had made her protective to the point of being wary of any foodstuffs offered to her.
‘He is the prince the gods promised my grandfather, my Aemon is destined for great things and these fools playing kingmaker with Aegon will do anything to see him and I dead.’ The princess had told me when I asked her why she asked to know what ingredients to watch out for.
When the civil war broke out, I realized the girl had been given the gift foresight and it was because of her that the Conqueror's line was not cut down by the ‘fools playing kingmaker’.
---Grand Maester Orwyle on Good Queen Aemma,
Alicent means to kill her and her child.
“Do not confront her, do not tell your husband, niece. Do not lose the advantage you have gained by the spy.” Vaemond would have advised on this.
And because Aemma cannot stop thinking that the queen is out to kill her, she ignores it and runs to Aemond.
Aemond who is groggy and hissing when she opens the bedroom door too loudly. He had slept in because his eye had been bothering him with headaches and pain, she hates ruining his sleep, but this is an emergency.
“Your mother means to kill me.” She shakes him awake, to his great displeasure.
“Mother?” He can’t seem to make sense of her words from her crying. “Why would she kill you?”
When he says it, Talya’s words sound far fetched and insane.
But Aemond hadn’t been the target of his mother’s irrational hatred like she had been.
It had been subtle, keeping Helaena and the boys away from her and her brothers with excuses.
And then when Aemma tried to do nice things for her, she would turn up her nose and say things that always stung.
A shame your brothers do not look like you, a shame your dragon didn’t grow, a shame you weren’t a boy.
And yet all that could never compare to what she did to her because she didn’t believe Aemma nor her own son.
“One of her handmaids said the queen asked to buy tansy and pennyroyal for tea yesterday. They came to warn me.”
This sobers Aemond up.
But he doesn’t believe her, of course he wouldn’t, Aemma is asking him to consider his mother as a fucking murderer.
“No, the maid has to be wrong. Mother wouldn’t murder her own grandchild.” He tries to calm her down, but only succeeded in making it worse.
“And yet six times someone tried to poison me during our progress, six fucking times, Aemond!” she practically shouts at her husband.
Aemma was terrified of dying, of feeling her child die inside of her and he fucking knows that. The first attempt had been in at the Crossroads Inn, another when she was giving alms in Atranta, and the sixth one had been in Hayford where Lady Hayford slapped the tea cup from her hand after tasting tansy in their tea.
They had a food taster now, a handmaiden who’s mother and father had trained her to identify ingredients by taste and smell.
A handmaiden she won’t have tomorrow when she has tea with the queen.
“I need you to be honest with me.” Aemond takes his mother’s hands in his own and forces her to hold his gaze.
Alicent had missed her son dearly, her dutiful son who did everything right and should have been born first.
“Did you have your handmaiden buy tansy and pennyroyal to murder your own grandchild?”
The question stuns her, how could he ask such a thing?
“What madness has possessed you?” Why would she commit such a sin? To murder an innocent baby still in his mother’s womb was unthinkable to her, never mind that the baby was of her own blood!
“Your handmaiden, whoever she was, believes you intend to kill Aemee and our boy. She came to warn her this morning and Aemma has been in such a state, that I had to ask her handmaiden to fetch the maester when I left.” He dropped her hands and begun to pace in worry.
He calls the unborn child a boy, and while all the signs were there, to hear him speak such things as if they were fact made the queen worry for them more.
She prays the birth will be easy for Aemma, Aemond would not be able to survive without her, his attachment to his wife was worrisome.
“There were six attempts on her life these past four months, mother. I know you would never do such a thing, but I just need to know the truth.” He explained.
Six, she had heard of bandits attacking them near High Heart, of some poor fellow in Atranta who tried to hurt Aemma outside a sept.
No wonder the girl was so on edge, Alicent could count on one hand the attempts made on her when she was with child those four times.
“The moon tea is for my handmaid, Lily of Oldtown, your brother ruined her a month ago and came forward yesterday. She drank it at my suggestion and was sent to work at a motherhouse near Stokeworth.” The queen admits.
Aegon had a habit of forcing himself on girls when he was drunk, some of the girls had come forward to swindle money or protection from her, and others begged her for a way out of their forced motherhood.
“Do not tell your wife, these tidings would harm her and the babe.” The queen hides her order in this advice.
“How is she?” Alicent asks Lady Alarra who keeps Aemma company now that Septa Teora was gone.
“Sleeping, thank the gods, the poor girl was shaking with fear. The Grand Maester gave her a small dose of dreamwine to settle her.” the statuesque woman answered as they drank tea.
Aemma did not lack protectors, she had allies, friends, women who gave her support where women kept their distance with Alicent and refused to treat her as anything else than the Queen.
Alarra was as stern as her husband, but had a mother’s softness about her.
“Just so you know, I would never hurt her and my grandson.” The queen feels like she has to work twice as hard to prove that was just a calumny.
Criston had been wary, reminding her it was one of the greatest sins against the seven.
Criston who had mixed feelings about Aemma not being his child. He had been relieved when she told him Rhaenyra had been given moon tea by the king.
“I know, your grace. I believe the handmaiden, who Aemma cannot remember, was just preying on her anxieties.” Alarra said calmly, reminding her of Aemma’s unflappable Septa. “She has not had an easy life, you know.”
If her children were born with a silver spoon in their mouth, Aemma’s was gold, the queen wanted to scoff.
But she concedes, “Yes, the Stranger has visited her more times than I can count. I pray for her health and that of the babe’s every day.”
“I as well, we have gotten news that my goodbrother has fallen ill, a blood fever the Maester says.” Alarra was included in Vaemond’s schemes, it had been nonnegotiable to her father’s chagrin. “We fear the news would be too much for her tender heart.”
“And yet, the gods see fit to try her with such things. Will your husband come forward to claim his rightful inheritance, Lady Alarra?” Alicent cuts to the chase.
The woman smiles enigmatically, “Depends on what Princess Rhaenyra offers him, your grace.”
Vaemond was only on her side for a price.
You are asking me to betray my own blood for you, if you want my house to follow you, it will not come cheap, the man had said and made his demands.
Convenient marriages for his daughters, lower tariffs placed on Spicetown and Hull, Lord Tyland’s post in the Small Council and the assurance that Aemma will be Princess of Dragonstone, even if Aegon has two sons.
The Strong boys are not to be harmed and will be legitimized as Strongs.
No blood has to be spilled, Ser Otto, the Velaryon second son had said.
But he had warned, if the Whore of Dragonstone offers me a better deal, I will not hesitate to take it.
Her heir is my blood after all.
Should Corlys die, he will be her Hand.
Otto was never going to win the Velaryons to his side. They value loyalty over greed, unlike him.
Lucerys would go to the Citadel, he had no wish to be lord nor he and Rhaena desired to wed each other.
But they remained betrothed because Rhaena liked not having suitors calling from here and there like they did with Aemma.
“Gods, I forgot Aemma taught you to lurk.” Rhaenyra grumbled and motioned for Rhaena to join her in her solar.
Her stepmother and cousin and aunt was good woman, but Rhaena sometimes felt like she was just filling the void Aemma left. They were more alike than Rhaena was to Baela. Both liked the ladylike things, like dancing, fine dresses and books and all that.
Baela likes to say that maybe Aemma should have been her twin when she is cross with her.
“Nuncle Vaemond is spying for you.” Rhaena concludes and Rhaenyra nods.
“It is necessary, Rhaena. Ser Otto wishes to have my own half-brother usurp me and Aemma because we are women, he intends to kill us to secure his reign. A reign my Aegon does not even want.” She explained with a scoff. “Hightower has promised Vaemond Driftmark and countless other things if he challenges the succession and your grandfather’s will now that Corlys is ill.”
“They say grandfather will die, aunt.” Rhaena and Baela do not feel comfortable calling her mother, and their stepmother bristles at the word stepmother ---bad memories of the queen calling her that when she insults her, or so Jace and Like had said--- so they settle for aunt.
“That is what we have told everyone, but he is only a little ill. The princess confessed and added as she fixed Rhaena’s bonnet like her mother used to do. “Takes more than just a fever to kill the Sea Snake, sweetling.”
And yet they will go to King’s Landing to ensure his will is honored should he die.
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quinntamsin · 2 years
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She frowned, the noseguard of her helm was bent from battle and obscured her vision. Even worse was the blood leaking into her mouth from the cut on her cheek. "What is you wish to say to me, My Lord?" The old man glanced at her and shrugged. "Kwyn, an Iron Born raid struck the west recently. Your cousins Lisbeth and Ryan were slain, I just wanted to tell you first." The young redhead grit her teeth and swore quietly to the Old Gods, that soon a sacrifice of blood would be hung in the Gods Wood upon the Weirwood.
Out of no where we decide to watch Episode 3 "Second of HIs Name" of House of the Dragon.
We open to several pirates following the Crabfeeder as they burn a ship from the Velaryon. Prince Drahar of the Triarchy stakes a man by his hands as he's insulted. Suddenly a dragon comes out of the swirling sky above and Carxes begins his assault while stomping on the poor bastard being eaten by crabs. Hundreds of Free Cities soldiers burn as the prince takes his vengeance. Even the caves appear in danger as the dragon's fire finds all it touches. Daemon is hurt in battle by a fire arrow and forces Caraxes to flee. Three year have passed since the War in the Step Stones has come, so it's been two years since we saw everyone in Episode 2. We appear to see that Aegon II has been born as a son of Alicent and Aemon has found some happiness in his family. I really like how Caraxes is very long and snake-like compared to some of the other dragons. It also appears that he felt the attack on Daemon. Back in the Redkeep the King is celebrating at a massive feast. The new Crown Heir (which will be decerned in the coming years) Aegon the Second is two years old. The Grand Maest and Hand speak about the fact of a Male Heir. Lord Lannist interrupts with stories from the steptones as the King ignores it. Yu, Viserys the fucking trying to keep his shit together. Criston Cole has definitely aged with longer hair and a more evident beard. Alicent Pregnant again as Rhaenyra reads in her family's godswood. Alicent goes out to find her former friend ignoring the festivities while reading. The Princess and Queen are certainly at odds, Rhae ignores the wish to join the hunt. Dammit, Viserys really is letting things fall apart. He should definitely be finding a better way to situate his kids. She makes a point that the king is basically celebrating his lost child of Aemma and likely can't make up his mind on how to treat Rhae as the heir. His adisors by this time might have even argued him into almost changing his mind soon about the succession. Our massive wheelhouse arrives at the grounds for the hunt at the Kingswood, and yes. They are kind of ignoring Rhae here. She herself likely has hadn't formed any bond with Aegon and thus there's that as a problem as well. I think that this really shows how the King himself was while a man trying he kind of fucked up royally with his family. Oh and the Princess burns lady Redwyne, seriously I don't like the Redwynes much. Heh and one of the Lion's approaches the Dragon and we get a interestingly witty man with some of the prettiness of Jaime. Just not as good hair. Oh he seems to be trying to tame Rhae, and we can see he's not very good at it. It's a bit to forward and I did like her shushing him. He informs her she has to marry. The hand seemingly defuses the argument, but we can see that the Princess has left. Sir Cole breaks his post and rides after her in a furry. Deep in to the Kingswood and at a hard pace. She is stopped by Criston Cole who catches her and eventually offers to kill him as a joke. I wonder why he changes his mind as he supports her. They both seem to be fine checking out the Kingswood. Walking their horses along as they speak of Cole's background. The hunt gather's for the Prince's nameday. Otto lays on the support for his part of the line to inherit thick. And we switch to Viserys sitting alone atop his little throne as Jason who appears to be in on the Hand's schemes. He pushes the idea of himself marry Rhae. He decides to fuck up, insinuating that Aegon would become King. And the King decides to step up and shu these fuckers up who want to continue their misogyny. Fucking Andals. Godsdamn it could a while. Otto slyly suggest that Rhae marry's Prince Aegon. Yup, marry the two year old to the fucking seventeer year old. Heh, I love how this mand just pushed a boundary. I am curious how Laeron will play into this.We watch as the King sees his subjects and their push for Aegon and their mockery of his family. He falls into a drunken stupor to what appears to be deafen the dpression of his life. Even seeing his son and pregnant wife doesn't appear to help. Lyonel steps up and we can see he's likely aligned with House Velaryon. It's not a bad idea as both Houses -have- Dragons. Rhaenys rides a dragon as will her two children. More dragonseed means more riders and a stronger fucking Targaryen line. Side Note: This really to me shows how if the Targaryens had followed with a more traditional British set up of peerage having each non-Heir having separate inheritance might have worked. First. Cadet branches spread the blood about and prevent inbreeding and establish back up if one dies. Plus, in a way they could have used their own Dragon's to decide perhaps for who was heir. The most Dragonriders of a parent = the strongest Dragon mayhap. Switching back to Criston and Rhae, we see the Horses are spooked. Cole takes his sword as he creeps away from the fire.I'm calling it white hart! And it's just a boar. ONe big enough to gore Ser Criston and Rhae. Criston ends the fucking thing and I think Rhae get's a bit of a wake up on how dangerous shit is. And, the girl's pain in her family is taken out on the pig. So, hello misplaced progress and mince pork. Here we see how the King's Dream for a son have caused problems. And he sees how his remarrying has brought more anguish. His Dream and fixation killed his wife and Baelon. We see Alicent is seemingly trying to be supportive of both her husband and her former best friend. He comes out for the last of the hunt to see the stag restrained in place for him to kill. Viserys appears reduction and then decides to kill the creature. His blow doesn't end it though and he watches it in pain only to hesitate. The killing blog pushes the creature over as his screeches its last. We see Rhae standing on a cliff overlooking the Kingswood and she sees the White Hart. A massive elk of pure white color who comes towards her. This seems to infer in fact she is the True Heir the Gods seek to wear the Iron Crown. She brings home her kill with Ser Cole and everyone witnesses the blood covered Queen. Her body mussed and messed up, but we see that she's walking high. Directly past the King and then we return to the Red Keep. Otto continues to lay it on thick he wants Aegon to rule, and goddammit. Alicent is definitely not all the way on board with screwing over her best friend. Otto is honestly the reason that his line dies via Alicent. Its Aegon III, son of Rhae, who will eventually claim the throne for the Blacks over the Greens. Vaemond Velaryon, brother of Corlys, sends a message calling for aide. Vsierys is set on not appearing weak. Alicent gets blunt with him and we can see he finally makes a fucking decisive. The Princess arrives just as it happens, and I think maybe we'll see a little of that divide healed. She tells him how she is not really worth it. Viserys is serious with her as he remains in her defense. Maybe, she'll pick it up and he gives her the right to choose her own match. "Strengthen your claim." He's being good here, that is -what she should be donig-? Why just languish when you could have been building all the connections to defend her claim. Which she's not since you know she's a FUCKING CHILD. No one seems to have been there for Rhae and while Alicent is manipulated by her father her best friend is out to dry. Back to the Stepstones, and we see that Vaemond is being a piece of shit. And I also noticed that there are several dar skinned soldiers serving driftmark. Which makes me happy. And it made me so happy to see that they FINALLY MENTIONED THE RHOYNAR in the fucking attestation of the King. Daemon reads his brothers message gives it back. Then he beats the living shit out of the messenger like the fuckboy he is. The new troops will help, bt you can see the asshole just wants to appear like a badass. Goes to shore, seeing the water logged banner of Driftmark and past the rows of those efed to the crabs. Holding up a white flag, it wonder if he's asking for Parley or to lure out the crabfeeder. He's offering his sword, yup, this appears to be surrender. Drahar glances skyward searching for soldiers and Dragons. HIs men creep out of the caves they hide in and head for the Prince. As a man takes his out thrust sword he attacked, all alone on the battlefield he runs through a hailstorm of arrows. Dashing strike and using Valyring Steel to share through his opponents. Matt smith is so good in this role, and as the Arrows whiz by his face he is just cleaving away at a run. The RNG seems to be screaming "CRIT CRIT CRIT CRIT" as he takes out the Triarchy soldiers. An arrow finally gets him in the chest and leg pinning him under more arrowfire. As they rain further down, we hear the subvocal rumbling of Caraxes, the Dragon was waiting. As the soldier's stream out of the caves we see them getting within Daemon's vision. He appear to be ready to die as they surround him. Out comes the Se Snake and his troops falling upon the bastards through the smoke. We see Laeron riding Seasmoke, the smallish grey dragon like a cute bastard kills the enemy as Corlys rushes in with a massive two-handed ax. The half-moon stabs and breaks the Triarchyman, and the Crabfeeder recedes to hide in his burrow. Daemon pushes further in to find his prey, walking out of the man's burrow he holds the upper remains of Drahar. Bleeding in his hand he drags the left side of the man's torso and proclaims his kill. The Sea Snake and the Rogue Prince have won the war.
Gay Canon
Okay, seriously, going on the THeory the Hightowers have Valyrian Blood, id' love to see a story where one of the Dragon's chooses Alicent as a rider. This causes a stir before her father can push further with her. She secretly swears to marry Alicent. Yup, I like this idea for a story.
The King dealing with his shit still.
Ser Otto is intent on seeing his grandsprog on the Iron Throne.
This show definitely shows the growing split in the Kingdom. How House Strong will eventually side with the upcoming Blacks faction.
The greens including the Lannisters and High Towers are on another side.
The pavilions of the hunt were nicely colored, but we could have seen brighter colors that were a little bit more evident.
Rhae is out rebellion and is definitely dealing with the agony of how she's basically a spare with only a small oath to hold her to the Throne.
The pained scene where the stag was slain by the King was - ick. Corlys putting his brother in his place was a nice scene
Seeing more difference in the Dragons is nice. Sea Smokes more compact form which appears closer to Syrax in size is interest. Caraxes meanwhile is long and lankky. His legs including webbing to help him glide.
Drahar was menacing without lines, but I felt he could have said something. I LOVE CORLYS Armor.
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ixcomco · 23 days
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jarwoski · 5 months
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imisolate · 6 months
Estoy muy triste
Estoy triste y no por las razones importantes; las socialmente importantes. Aquellas que parecen ser relevantes para todos, para ellos; la gente normal, quienes no están rotos por dentro, quienes pueden controlar sus razones y no vomitarlas, no como yo; como las fallas.
Yo soy una falla de esta realidad, a veces parezco un gran error, uno enorme y solo a veces, a veces solo… solo estorbo. Soy como un cartel publicitario, uno muy viejo, raído y feo. Contaminación visual lo suelen denominar ¡Sí! Eso soy; algo feo que no quieres ver en tu camino al trabajo.
Pero a pesar de ser una falla, no estoy triste por serla, estoy triste por no conocer a mi gente, convivir con los errores de la sociedad, y apiñarnos en un rincón a vomitar nuestras razones y solo estorbar; estorbarle a la vida.
¡Y que la sociedad se retuerza al vislumbrar algo que no quieren ver!
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jubaunetwork · 6 months
Kenbe m nan men ou - Maest. Jacob Jean louis Feat Tamarre Joseph Kenbe m nan men ou - Maest. Jacob Jean louis Feat Tamarre Joseph Demander les accords (chords) via whatsapp 👉 Lien vers : YouTube 👉 Lien vers : Facebook [irp] #gospel #music #worship #praise #news #musique #évangélique #actualités #bgospelmagazine #bgospel
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inakiway · 7 months
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usatoday00 · 2 years
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