#madara drabbles
sleepy-hawks · 9 months
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uchihaharlot · 5 months
Once again, tumblr is holding my drafts hostage. I don’t understand why I can’t edit anything. So screenshot it is! 🤷🏼‍♀️
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Now I am scared to even draft on here. 🥲 Probable typos, I’m in line getting tacos 🫠
Anyways, sorry this took so long! I find that during the week I’m not capable of allowing myself the creative freedom to write. Too many stressors!!
This is suuuuuper cute and hilarious to me! Lololol. And some of this might be short because I am actually still tired asf. Sort of tailored this their characteristics — prideful Madara, Submissive Obi, catch me if you can Shisui, and proper Itachi.
SFW; superiority complex Madara; shy Obi; enthralled Shisui; whipped Itachi.
Immediately is thrown off center by this girl’s audacious behavior. Did she just spit at him? Ah hell no! Makes it his personal mission to take her down a few pegs. Absolutely does not tolerate a woman with more balls than him. Tries to subdue her, but she is too quick it seems. ‘Another Sharingan wielder, I see.’
Heh. Yeaaa, he is going to pretend like her insubordination or her being almost equally matched isn’t a huge turn on, this girl is just so brazen. She wears male captains livery and it drives him wild to no end wondering what she would look like in his. Madara will not admit any of that though, it would be accepting defeat. Oozes clan pride as she counters his every advance on her. If he was two steps ahead, it felt like she was six.
Lol. Why am I like this with him? The second this girl overpowers him he is embarrassingly hard and emotionally stunted. She just gracefully kicked his ass and made a fool out of him! So he is going to avoid her at all costs, watching her from the shadows. Just…waiting to be her personal punching bag again. Lol. Anything to feel her soft hands on him. She is smart, Obi not so much. Catches on to his little game and says, ‘I think you just want me to put you out.’
‘Yes.’ Which is a complete understatement.
Let’s not bullshit here, Shisui was a bit worried when she made to fist him in the dick. He yielded as a last resort, those are incredibly sensitive and precious to him. They hold his next of kin, that and, he memory served him well. That shit fucking hurt. Offers this girl his hand as a truce, and then pulls her in to ask if she would go on a date with him. Heh. Yea, she would. A girl that wasn’t afraid to get a little dirty and even fight a bit unfair was someone he needed to have close. Not make an enemy of, probably almost falls in love with her if she picks some of the gravel off his shirt too.
Oof. Did this girl really tell him to eat shit? That’s the most profane language he’s ever heard out of a woman’s mouth. Itachi is good mannered, a genius and a gentleman. Though some weird feeling in the depths of him has his interests piqued. She didn’t act anything like your average kunoichi. Enjoyed pushing his buttons and Itachi liked the push and pull. Purposely widened the threshold of how far he could play this little cat and mouse game.
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person-behind-books · 5 months
kakashi has been choking on flowers for longer than his lungs have been without. the seet developed when a small boy kicked him into a tree and grinned visciously at the victory and a flower bloomed when said boy, now a bit taller, yelled at him that leaving comerades behind made you worse than trash. not even two hours later the boy was dead. the flower didn't die with him but also didn't continue growing. kakashi, unable to let the memories go, kept it. with time he got used to the pain and found ways to work with the lessened lung capacity. then on a battlefield many years in the future a mask cracks apart and to flower stirs for the first time. there is hope, obito is alive, and despair, obito is trying to kill everyone, and the flower neither whithered nor bloomed but simply stirred. her roots having made kakashi's flesh their home too long ago. when the war is over and his team and his friends and obito are all miraculously still alive, kakashi collapses. more so for his lack of breath than his chakra exhaustion or his injuries. obito, limbs shaking from the strain is the one to pick him up and follow sakura along as she makes her way to naruto and sasuke. sasuke and obito, after an uphill battle with only the support of the kazekage are given in the sole custody of konoha, to deal with and punish as they deem acceptable. their case, especially obito's, are difficult ones. sasuke because he betrayed his village, killed a council member, and attacked the five kage but also helped stop the war. obito, because he played a big a role in starting the war as he did in ending it. in the end sasuke is released on probation, to be accompanied by an anbu guard at all times for at least a year, at which point his case will be revisited and re-examined. obito, meanwhile, has a permanent home in the detention cells for at least the next five years. most people know this is only because obito accepted the verdict. with his sharinganhe could eseasly leave even the most secured cell and sealing a persons chakra for more than a month was considered too inhumane even by shinobi standarts. so kakashi is the new hokage and the uchiha are dealt with. life moves on. the flower in kakashi's chest isn't contend with that, however. it's roots start to bury deeper over the coming months and the flower begins shedding petals that kakashi coughts up in bloody puddles. it's a whole now agony, to have the roots move and extend after his lungs had spend almost two decades growing around and fusing to it. it'd even worse than when they had first pierced found their home in his lungs.
obito notices when kakashi's visits trickle down from twice a week to weekly to bi-weekly. how he looks worse and sicker each visit. he isn't told that there is anything wrong with the hkage but even someone who hadn't stalked kakashi for years, someone who wasn't as obsessed with the man as obito was would be able to tell somethign was wrong. then, one day kakashi stands in front of his cell, his breath coming in loud, wet rhasps and tiny conculsions making their way through his muscles. technically obito could activate his sharingan and the chakra blockers on every wall wouldn't be able to stop him form seeing the injury but it seems wrong. to look at him with his sharingan without kakashi's wish to do so. obito had taken so much from kakashi in his lifetime and he daren't take more. "i have hanahaki." kakashi talks in a voice so hoarse it can barely be heard but a tone steady and composed. "i'll die within the week either way so i was commanded," a wry chuckle "to try the last option. I'm alright with dying and this isn't anybodys fault. do you get that, obito?" obito is frozen in shock but he's been a shinobi for too long to let that hinder his actions so he hesitantly nods. if kakashi wants him to not enact revenge on whoever he loves for not loving him back obito will accept it and mourn kakashi like he failed to for rin. "i'm in love with you." becasue it's kakashi the words are spoken with a calculated moncholance that stops obito from understanding their meanings for a couple of seconds. then he activates kamui and vanishes from his cell. the guards aren't fast enough and kakashi to ill to stop obito from grabbing kakashi when he re-appears and taking him into kamui with him. he doesn't love kakashi. not like that. there's only ever been rin and even his obsession with kakashi isn't love. obito is fond of him and needs him to keep living but he's not in love and now that will be what kills kakashi after years of surviving whatever the world threw at him. obito can't accept that. he has trained for years to only send some parts of his body to kamui. he has precice control and an almost perfect understanding of his body. and kakshi also has a sharingan. his sharingan. they are connected in a way no other two people are. he tries but when his chakra flows along and inside kakashi's ribcage he understands that to cut the flower out now, to leave it behind in a bloody, wooden pile would be to leave half of kakashi's lungs open. he would drown in his own blood before even suffocating. still, he manages to leave some part of the flower behind. and goes to the second plan. it's disgusting how madara's influence still haunts him. how it shapes his actions and guides his thoughts but in this situation he's grateful for it. kakashi is too smart to fall for it if he hesitates for even a second.
obito moves just fast enough that kakashi can see him move but not interfere and before he can act they're in the kamui dimention. his breath, inexplicably comes a bit lighter but hsi lungs are still being torn apart by flowers. obito takes a step back from him. then another. the he turns around and just screams into the void for a good moment. kakashi has no idea what's going through his head. at one point obito's shoulders begin to shake, his voice breaking, and when he turns back around he looks so vulnerable. "you love me?" his voice is tiny, small and terrified in a way kakashi never heard from him before. he nods because he promised naruto to do it and by now it's too late to back out. "and you're dying?" another nod "because of me." kakashi shakes his head because this is no ones fault. not his for falling in love. not obito's for not returning the feelings. "i- i'm sorry." kakashi has seen obito cry a thousand times. this time it's no different. big blubbering tears and a snotty nose are running down his face. kakashi doesn't understand how but something in his chest stirs at that, his chest filling with warmth. obito is an ugly crier, always has been, but to kakashi - for some reason - he is still beautiful. "i didn't know. i didn't know. if i knew i wouldn't have. i didn't know." he's still standing out of touching distance but everything in his body language is screaming a yearning to reach out. "i'm sorry. i love you, i'm sorry. i'm sorry. please stay. please don't leave don't die. i'm sorry. i love you i love you i'm in love with out. i didn't know i'm sorry. i would have told you. im sorry." obito is flinching further into himself with every word and pulling himself away, without moving a muscle. the flower in kakashi's lungs grows smaller, leaving chakra in it's wake that heals but not vanishing completely. kakashi believes obito when he tells him he loves him but he knows the rest is bullshit. obito isn't in love with him. it's obvious. still, it feels so good to have the pain vanish kakashi is floating. if obito want's to lie he'll accept it. he'll help him. they'll both just lie. it's enough for now. kakashi reaches out with his left hand. his right having entered too many ribcages between them to be considered neutral and at the brush against his arm obito collapses forward and his arms snare around him. this is fine. for now it's enough.
he'll keep lying as long as he needs to. as long as the other needs it. as long as the other accepts it. for the rest of his life if he needs to. to be able to keep the other's warm bodie in his arms. maybe they'll one day be in love maybe they'll die as liers. it doesn't matter as long he stays for now.
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dabilove27 · 10 months
Hi Rach 🥰🥰
Could I request prompt #3 with Madara Uchiha, mayhaps? ❤️
Or honestly write whoever you want for that prompt, with a little dash of angst. I love that prompt so I’m excited to see what you do with it!
Congrats on your follower milestone my love! 💕
Hello lovely Lauren!!!! I am sorry this took me so long! Life and kidney stones completely destroyed my schedule! Thank you so much to @lady-lunaaa for giving this a quick read through!
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Link to the masterlist
Warnings: hints of intimate moments, established relationship, pet name “my love” and a hint of angst. Let me know if I missed anything!
At night, the moon shines high and bright, casting its rays through your open window and illuminating Madara's skin. The weight of unspoken words fills the room with an uneasy silence. The two of you lay naked in your bed, the covers half strewn across your bodies.
"I thought you weren't going back," you finally muster up, your mouth dry and throat aching from the noises that had recently escaped you in an intimate moment with the man staring blankly at your ceiling. 
"I wasn't going to, but I must finish what I started. I can't allow this failed experiment to continue any further." Madara’s words drip with contempt.
You release a slight hum of acknowledgment even though there's an ache in your heart. You didn't anticipate developing feelings for the enigmatic man who arrived in town one day, brimming with animosity and rage. After spending a few unrestricted nights together at your home, you witnessed his passion and brilliant mind. He was definitely unlike any previous partner you've had.
Madara shared his aspirations for Konohagakure and how they were shattered when he witnessed his clan being suppressed by the Senjus. While he exudes confidence and cockiness in his ability to combat Hashirama, you feel apprehensive and concerned that the outcome could be fatal.
You wish he would stay by your side and abandon his plans to attack the village, but Madara is resolute. Is it foolish to desire a family to attain happiness with him? If you were to reveal your knowledge about him to others, they would definitely answer in the affirmative. The heart can be fragile when it comes to love, sometimes overlooking the flaws, especially when Madara manages to captivate you so swiftly.
The first time you saw him, he appeared like a shadow in the night. His long, dark hair that glistened in the moonlight. Scars littered the hard planes of his body. There were deep stress lines beneath his dark eyes. All of it drew you in. To put it mildly, he was handsome. 
Despite the logical warning to not pursue this elusive figure, your heart couldn’t resist his beckoning. The thought of him departing and never returning was too painful to bear. So instead of pushing the issue, you let your fingers trace over his toned stomach, following each scar slowly. 
That was your intention, or so you thought. Instead of controlling your emotions, you blurted out selfishly, "But what about me?"
Madara shifts his gaze towards you and carefully observes the anxiety and exasperation visible on your face with his intense, dark eyes. "My love, what about you?" He repeats the question you asked earlier. As he pulls you towards him, his face draws nearer to yours. His lips are against yours for a moment, and you can taste the remnants of you on his tongue. Just a reminder of how close the two of you were just moments ago. 
Madara pulls away from you too quickly and lets out a short growl as he whispers, "For you, my love, I would destroy the world." 
Thanks for reading!
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sapphicgren · 11 months
For @squidpus this was something I couldn’t fit in the fic proper, but thought of anyway.
“But I don’t understand!”
“What’s not to understand boy!? She doesn’t want to be your girlfriend.”
Obito pouted. He tried really hard, he did, and he was nice too. Kakashi wasn’t nice but Rin kept looking at him with hearts in her eyes. Grandfather was frowning at him again, the crease in his forehead deepening.
“But I’ve done all the right things.”
“You can do all the right things and things still won’t go the way you want. Nothing to be done about it, it’s just a part of life.”
“I feel so much. I don’t know where all of that is supposed to go, Grandpa.”
“Obito, loving someone is never a waste. And sometimes, a friend is really what you need.”
Madara was staring at him quite intensely and Obito shifted self-consciously under his gaze.
“You still want her to be your friend, don’t you boy?”
“Of course.”
“Then go on. Get on with your day.”
Obito rushed out of the house and Mikoto, visibly eavesdropping, snickered at him as he went past.
“Told you he’d do tough love.”
Obito stuck out his tongue at her and they began to run together.
“What do you think he meant by ‘loving someone is never a waste?’”
“Baba’s been around awhile. I suppose he’s loved someone he couldn’t have too.”
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silverutahraptor · 4 months
“Don’t take any unnecessary risks,” Madara shouts, hands cupped around his mouth and yet barely audible over the distance and with the wind rushing past the both of them.  Izuna throws his head back to laugh, waving back at him. It’s just like his overprotective brother of a king, he thinks, to feel the need for some late and entirely unnecessary orders.  Then he raises his whip. Beneath him, Amaterasu responds by stretching out her long scarlet wings even further. Madara’s dark blue Susanoo is larger, to be sure, but no other dragon can beat Izuna’s own in speed. “Dracarys!”
Drabble (100 words) for Day 2 — ASoIaF AU for @izunaweek
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lordsecondsenju · 5 days
A soft 'oof' left Tobirama as a wrapped package was plopped into his lap. A surprisingly hefty, wrapped package.
"What is this?" He asked as he sat up from the couch, turning so his feet rested on the floor.
"You could open it to satisfy that curiosity instead of asking, you know." Madara responded as he sat beside the albino man.
A playful huff came from the famed swimmer as he tore into the simple, blue wrapping paper, before opening the box to reveal...
"Snow boots, to be precise."
"Why would I ever need snow boots?"
"For the vacation I'm making you take to the Americas. It's cold this time of year, and you don't own a pair."
Tobirama was surprised, as he turned to Madara, a small smile tugging at his lips. "The thought is much appreciated."
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pachu09 · 1 year
MadaTobi Drabble.
Madara is shivering from the intense cold. " Damn. My hands are cold. " He forgot to wear his gloves as he rushed to get to his meeting point with his mission partner.
Tobirama hated people who's late for mission appointment and Madara, because he didn't want the Albino to sneer at his lateness again had made sure he wasn't.
Madara blew hot air on his hands again and he watches in dismay as his fingers turn pale again.
Tobirama suddenly piping up beside him made Madara stare at the Albino.
" Here, hold my hands Uchiha. I won’t let you be useless for this mission. " The Albino offered his hands to the Uchiha which Madara eagerly accepted but then the Uchiha slyly realizes something.
" My lips are cold too, Tobirama–san. " Madara intone glumly.
Tobirama stared wide eyed at his companion. He then slip a hand out the Uchiha’s tight grip and he uses it to quickly cover Madara’s lips.
Madara stared flabbergasted at his mission partner.
" Do you feel better now, Madara–san?. "
Madara sweatdrop. " Yes. " he mumbled beneath Tobirama’s hand. But internally he's screaming.
' Izuna!. You are so fucking right!. Why do I like this genius idiot? '
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inkstaindusk · 6 months
Hi there!! How about 7 or 27 from the prompt list? It made me think of double face. By which I mean the bye bye buddy mv. (But if that's too specific, anyone else is good too! I'm mainly interested in the prompts themselves)
Don’t worry, that’s not too specific! I am however real bad at action sequences so I rewatched an episode (or three) of Leverage for inspiration which is why this took a while lol 27. “We have five people trying to kill us right now, what are we supposed to do?” “Actually, it’s more like eight.” “Oh, sorry I wasn’t specific enough!” send me prompts!
Kohaku catches his breath with his back against the wall, watching around the corner as their pursuers run straight past them. They’ll figure it out quickly, but he just needs a minute to figure out where to go from here. For a unit meant to work in the shadows, they were noticed very quickly. He’s inclined to blame Madara for that.
Keeping his eyes on the hallway, he says, “We have five people trying to kill us right now. What are we supposed to do?”
“Actually, it’s more like eight,” Madara responds idly.
“Oh, sorry I wasn’t specific enough!” Kohaku whips his head around to glare at him, and pauses. “Are you on your phone right now?”
Madara flashes him a grin and tilts his screen for him to look. Building schematics. “Don’t you worry, Kohaku-san, I’ve got a plan.”
Kohaku listens to him lay out his plan, and is not very impressed. “First you get us caught, now you want us to go into an elevator?” According to the schematics, there do seem to be hidden passages they can reach if they just scale the wires. It would be child's play to escape with them, but Madara wants to use those passages to go up—away from any exits.
“Ah, you wound me! You know I wouldn’t be caught that easily. Someone set us up.”
Kohaku blinks. No longer running for his life, the fog in his head clears a little and he has to admit that he’s right. Madara can be serious when it counts and he is, unfortunately, better than Kohaku. They shouldn’t have been figured out already.
“Okay,” he says. “But why are we going up?”
Madara’s grin widens. “Where else do we go to take over a whole building?”
The control room.
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ttipsyy · 2 years
Look At Me || Madara Uchiha
Synopsis: in which Madara Uchiha is doomed from the start. until he meets Hashirama Senju.
Content Warnings: implied canon character death, referenced gore
Notes: This is for the amazing @thel0v3hashira143 for the Konoha's Founder Club Server. I hope you like it 🥰
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“If I disappeared,” Madara said. “Would you look for me?”
“Of course,” Hashirama answered, squinting up at him. The light from the setting sun hitting his eyes and catching them alite, twin amber flames searching through his obsidian depths. “Of course I would, Madara. I would never stop looking.”
And that was that. At ten years old, Hashirama had more resolve than most of the adults Madara knew. Crouching there, by the river they had met not too long ago, he looked no different than the other Senju Madara had slaughtered in battle. Sure, he was only eleven but Madara was no stranger to bloodshed. His father introduced him to the battlefield when he was seven, had awkwaned his sharingan the same year when he witnessed his elder brother’s deceased body being torn apart by coyotes. It was not a pretty experience but it had done its job — given him access to a power all true Uchiha should have. And yet the void within his chest had only gotten larger, a black inky swirl of angst and anger in the center of where his heart should be, spinning faster and faster each passing day until he could barely breathe.
“Oi, Mada-chan!” The brown-haired boy grinned up at him, wadding into the water. “You gonna stand there sulking all day?”
Madara frowned. “You know I don’t wish to get wet.”
Hashirama snorted. “Don’t be such a stick in the mud. We only have an hour till sundown, come here and play with me!”
The word had only barely passed from his lips when he felt a root sprout from the ground and slither around his ankle. His eyes widened.
“Hashirama, don—argh!”
The wood-user cackled as Madara splashed into the water, emerging looking like a wet cat. “Ha! That’s what you get Mada-chan!”
Madara glowered. “I told you to stop calling me that.”
“Stop calling you what, Mada-chan?”
“That! It’s unbefitting of me and—”
“Aww, I think you're a bit over your head, Mada-chan.”
“Hashirama, I’m warning you—”
“Mada-chan, Mada-chan, Mada-cha —” He let out a yelp as Madara lunged at him, dunking his head underwater.
Hashirama shoved him off, sputtering and giggling, his wet hair falling over his forehead. Madara watched, a small smile tugging on his lips.
The air passed easier from his chest.
“You are fraternizing with a Senju.”
Madara sat kneeled in front of his father, a young boy of thirteen, head bowed low, almost to the ground. His tongue swiped over his chapped lips, fingers curling over his knees in an attempt to hide their trembling.
“I don’t know what you mean, Father.”
His father’s voice was dangerously soft. “Don’t you, Mada-chan?”
The nickname sent a violent flinch down his spine. It sounded different coming from his father’s lips — sounded cruel and twisted and terrifying. 
“F-father, I—”
“Look at me, boy.”
Eyes stayed trained on the ground, he tried once more to appease his father’s anger. “Father, I didn’t—”
“I said look at me!”
And so he did. His eyes were mesmerizing, red and spinning and petrifying and Madara found himself lost in them, every nerve being pulled from his body, into those eyes like knives, sinking into his flesh, cutting him open so that every secret he had ever kept from his father was now exposed for those very eyes.
“I see.” Said his father.
Madara screamed.
“I’m sorry Mada-chan.”
The Uchiha winced. The voice was Hashirama’s. But that was impossible. For one thing, he was in his room in Uchiha territory. Curled into himself, laying on his cold bed. He thought he might be shaking, but he wasn’t sure. He thought he might have stopped breathing. 
“I’m sorry Mada-chan.”
The voice was so much like Hashirama’s Madara had to lift his head and look around his room. But of course, Hashirama wasn’t there. Couldn’t be. Not after his father had promised his death.
And he never broke his promises.
Izuna padded into the room quietly. 
Mada-chan, Mada-chan, Mada-chan
His head was full of the brown-haired Senju. Of the blood sprouting from his chest as his father stabbed him over and over in his mind’s eye. A beastly sound ripped from his chest, smothered only  by his pillow and his will not to worry his younger brother, who was gripping his tunic, eyes wide and sad.
“What do you want, Izuna?”
The younger Uchiha regarded him carefully. He was sharp, even at the young age of nine. “Father has returned.”
Madara suppressed a shudder. 
“He claims to have slaughtered a Senju heir.”
Mada-chan, Mada-chan, Mada-chan
“He’s..brought back a spoil.”
“Get to the point, Izuna.” Madara spat. His head was splitting open, pounding so violently he was sure it would burst.
Any words he would have said were cut off by the harsh opening of his door, by the sound of their father’s heavy boots stomping towards him. There was a soft trickling sound following him, of liquid hitting the wooden floor.
“Madara.” He cringed away from the sound of his name leaving his father’s voice.
“One would think it was the floor calling your name, by the way you’re staring at it so intently. Look at me, boy.”
It took everything in him to sit up and meet his father’s eyes. 
“I’ve killed him.” There was no emotion behind the carmine of his father’s sharingan. “Do you hear me, boy? I’ve killed Hashirama Senju.”
And in his hands, grasped by brown bowl-cut styled hair, was a severed head of a young boy, too burnt to recognize.
Madara threw up on his father’s shoes.
He did nothing after waking up in the morning. He did nothing, wanted nothing, and was therefore unable to do anything. It never made any sense, anything, just laid there listening to the blood run through him.
He awakens to find Hashirama still dead with the sword remaining in his chest. He is unable to eat, sleep, sit still, fix anything.
Mada-chan, Mada-chan, Mada-chan
He was so young and so doomed
A boy.
Only thirteen.
It wasn’t until his father died and Madara was made the new head of the Uchiha did he meet Hashirama again.
It was the beginning of March, snow falling like ash around them and Madara was leading the Uchiha forces. He is twenty-two years old now. It was hours later, his armor dripping red into the snow, did he catch sight of auburn hair. It was longer than it was before, waist long and flying behind the man whom it belonged to. Madara couldn’t move. Could hardly breathe, even as the battle raged on around him. 
That couldn’t be Hashirama. Hashirama was dead, he had seen him die, his father had shown him all those years ago—
And yet Madara knew it was him. He would know him blind. That was Hashirama. That was Hashirama.
Those amber eyes met his from across the battlefield. His lips moved, and though he was too far to hear, Madara could’ve sworn that the wind caught his voice and brought it to his ears.
Mada-chan, Mada-chan, Mada-chan, Mada-chan—
The order was out of his lips before he could register them.
“Pull back.”
“But, Madara-sama—”
Look at me, boy.
Incoherent words fell out of his mouth. He took a step backward, eyes zeroed on the Senju warrior.
“Madara-same, are you—”
“I said pull back!” He snarled, saw the Uchiha next to him flinch. His head was pounding. What had he been thinking about again?
Look at me, boy.
Izuna placed hand on his shoulder, his calm voice anchoring Madara once more. “Let us pull back. 
He didn’t mention Madara’s shaking form.
His father had died when Madara was nineteen. Years of battle had finally caught up to him and he lay on his deathbed, breaths coming in raspy and battered. Madara felt nothing as he held his father’s hand.
“Madara,” He had breathed, “You will lead in my stead.”
“Yes, Father.” “You have grown strong…A worthy heir.”
“Thank you, Father.”
“Look at me, boy.”
He had. 
“It’s been six years since I—” His voice had caught, held hostage by rasping coughs. “I will release you now, Madara. Look at me, boy.”
“I’m looking, Father.”
“Look at my eyes. Look at me.”
It had taken everything in him to raise his gaze from the tip of his father’s nose to the scarlet swirl of his sharingan. The red of his mangekyo caught him in one final trance—one final torturous stupor.
The sudden change in pressure in the room had made his ears pop. Pain had burst through Madara’s chest, making him gasp, his hand flying to grasp the material of his shirt. Slowly, he looked down at his trembling fingers.
“Father, you—” But Tajima Uchiha was dead. And with him, the genjutsu he had placed on his first-born son. The recurring visions of Hashirama being stabbed again and again by his father’s sword, limbs torn apart by vultures, all because of him—
Mada-chan, Mada-chan, Mada-chan, Mada-chan—
The head in his father’s hand— had it been real?
Look at me, boy.
Had anything even been real?
He had spent the next three years in a maddened daze. Izuna had handled his affairs for him. Had done everything for him the best he could until it was time to face the Senju again. He couldn’t hide anymore. The Uchiha had needed their leader and so their leader Madara gave them. He had marched into battle, mind numb to everything but the sword in his hand. That was until he had spotted the Senju he had believed was long dead. 
They met again, three months later. The same battlefield, the summer sun just beginning to make its grand entrance.. More Senju blood adorning his armor. But this time Hashirama had fought his way to him, until he was standing directly in front of him, until those familiar amber eyes forced their gaze directly onto him. 
“Madara.” He breathed. “It really is you.”
Hearing his name from his mouth — his full name and not that nickname that had caused him so much pain — almost made his shoulders sag with relief. His sharingan-clad eyes swept over his form.
“You look well.” His voice came out dry, refusing to betray the hammering of his heart. 
“They told me you were dead,” Hashirama continued, eyes wide and incredulous. “I searched for you, I sent Tobirama to feel for you chakra—”
Madara vaguely remembered Izuna telling him that trees had randomly sprouted near the compound years ago. 
“I’m glad you are alive and well, old friend.” The Senju’s lips tugged into something of a smile.
“You’re wrong, Hashirama.” Madara spoke at last, fingers tightening around the hilt of his war fan. “The boy you once knew has long since died.”
“And the dream we once shared?” Madara could not bring himself to look him in the eyes, just like he couldn’t bring himself to look anyone in the eye anymore. 
“Madara, you once told me you wanted to build a village; a safe haven.” His voice was pressing against his hardened heart. Shoving against the cracks, making them grow.  
“We can do that still. Madara, I know you’re the head of the Uchiha,” He pressed a hand against his own chest, desperate. “I now lead the Senju. Madara, together we can end this war!”
“End this war?” Madara’s voice was soft even in his own ears. “This war will never end, Hashirama.”
“It can. It will. I know you believe that as much as I do.”
In truth, Madara was tired of this endless bloodshed. He had spent years in that godforsaken genjutsu, watching the man in front of him die in the back of his mind. He can feel the past all around him suffocating him, poisoning him. Did he want this war to end? Of course. Did he believe that it could end? 
He raised his eyes to Hashirama’s.
“And how much do you believe in it, Hashirama?”
The world stopped spinning. The trees around him, the very air seemed to lean in, anticipation heavy in the air. Something sparked in Hashirama’s eyes—a realization. He knew a last chance when he saw one. 
And the silence broke. A scream. A familiar voice.
“Tobirama, no!” Hashirama roared and Madara turned in time to see Tobirama’s sword slicing across Izuna’s side.
He didn’t know how, but somehow he was by his brother’s side, holding him up, holding him close. Not Izuna. An inhumane sound crawled up his throat. Kami, not his only brother.
“Madara—” “Treachery.” Madara snarled at Hashirama, holding his brother closer to his chest. “ Get away from us. Take one step closer and I’ll—”
“I can heal him.” 
All the Uchiha and Senju around them had halted, crowded around them. Madara stared at Hashirama. Froze really. That was until Hashirama wrapped his warm hand around Madara’s icy wrist, gently pulling him away. Izuna’s grip tightened on his, a cracked “Anijia” leaving his lips and tearing at Madara’s heart. He watched, helplessly, gaze breaking from his brother’s and back at Hashirama’s, who smiled at him gently.
“Let me show you how much I believe in it.” As if hypnotized, Madara stepped back, though his grip on Izuna’s hand never loosened. Hashirama placed two hands on Izuna’s chest, closed his eyes and a green glow emitted from them. Izuna’s faltering heart began to beat steadily again, and he slumped back, his expression that was once contorted in pain, now slack and peaceful.
“He’ll be asleep for a few hours.” Hashirama let his hands fall back to his sides, turning to Madara once more, grinning cheekily. “So. How bout it, Mada-chan?”
This time, Madara didn’t flinch away from the nickname.
“How about, The Village Hidden In The Leaves?”
Hashirama snorted. “That’s a pretty stupid name, Madara.”
Madara glowered at the man standing beside him, overlooking the plot of land that would soon become their safe haven. “I believe you said I could name the village.”
“Yeah, well that was before I knew how shit you are at naming things.”
Madara crossed his arms over his rippling chest. “I’m the one that named Izuna, you know.”
Hashirama rolled his eyes good naturedly. “And you went with the name of a mountain.”
“Fox spirit, actually.”
Hashirama placed a hand on Madara’s shoulder, eyes glowing with pride as he looked down at the soon-to-be village, the Uchiha and Senju milling about. “Look at it, Madara. Look at what we’ve done.”
And he did. 
The air passed easier through his chest.
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Rest Weary Traveller
Part 1
Madara trudged his way through the brush, using his blade to cut away most of the foliage and brute force to get through the rest. His limbs were covered in scratches and cuts, but he ignored the stinging.
His clan was in danger, it hadn't rained in months and their crops and livestock were dying at a terrifying rate. The only solution was to send out more hunters to cut down whatever animals they could catch. Madara had been out of the compound for over two weeks now. He would hunt, bring the food back to the clan, and then leave again.
Staying wasn't an option, and he didn't want to either. The elderly had started refusing food and serving their rations to the younger clansmen. Two elders had died already, and several more were at risk. It may be cowardly, but Madara didn't want to watch his kin perish so cruelly.
Tajima was agitated and aggressive and the whipping scars on Madara's back itched. He preferred the loneliness of the forest.
His last catch was a rabbit and he'd cooked it for himself. Now he was trying to find a body of water to bath and wash his tools. The late hour and cloudy sky had him a little confused and he felt like he was going in circles. He could have sworn he had just seen the lake through the thick brush.
Madara groaned and leaned back against a tree. He was exhausted and he desperately wanted to lay down and rest. His brothers were out hunting as well. Izuna had gone north, Rekka had gone west, Kato and Kenji went south and he had gone east. They were skilled hunters and he knew they could take care of themselves but...he still worried. There were other clans who were certainly dealing with a similar situation and there were bound to be other hunters out there.
Shaking away that thought, Madara pushed onward. He had to trust his brothers would be okay. Once the Moon peaked through the clouds he could regain his bearings.
The crunch of leaves and twigs were his only companion as he moved through the trees. Everything was blending together and he didn't know if he was going in a straight line anymore.
A sudden glimpse of movement to his left stopped him in his tracks. Pulse racing he peered through the foliage to see what it was.
Ten or so metres away, there was a large bull elk drinking from a small stream.
Fuck the water, an animal that size could feed the entire clan for a whole week!
Madara crouched down low and slowly withdrew his sword from its harness across his back. Most of the herd had left the area, undoubtedly scared off by the increased hunting, he hadn't expected to see any. Perhaps his luck was turning around.
He crept in a circle, moving to stay behind the elk so he could better identify where the beast who likely go when he inevitably heard him.
The bull was huge! It's pale fur was pristine and unblemished, it's antlers were long and without marks or breakage. This was a prized bull, one that was strong enough to keep all challengers at bay. This warned Madara of the danger it posed. He needed to move quickly and with precision.
When the water came into view, Madara realized that it wasn't a stream at all! The bull stomped it's hoove once and a puddle of water materialized in that very spot.
Madara gaped, there was no way that was real. He blinked a few times, but the water was still there. Was he hallucinating? In his shock, he wasn't paying attention to where he stepped, and he snapped a large twig. Immediately drawing the attention of the bull.
Madara winced at his stupidity and expected the animal to take off running. Instead, it turned to look at him with dark ruby eyes.
The bull turned fully towards him and cuffed loudly, bowing his head in threat.
Madara slowly put his hands up. "Okay, okay." He breathed, lowering himself closer to the ground. There was no need to start a fight. Especially with an animal this large. Without the tactical advantage of surprise, there was no way he would be able to take the bull down.
The elk eyed him, his gaze eventually falling onto his sword. The damn thing scoffed.
Madara bristled, bizarrely offended. "What? It's made of the finest steel the smith had to offe- why am I explaining myself to you?"
The beast huffed and took two steps closer. Madara's hand tightened on his blade, and he gulped. The closer it got, the more dramatic the height difference. The elk was easily six feet at its shoulders, maybe more.
Madara took a step back only to hit the bark of a tree. He was cornered, what an ironic turn of events.
"I'm sorry, okay!" Madara rushed. "Clearly you have the upper hand here and I'll leave you alone." Speaking to an animal like this felt so strange, but it seemed like the beast was listening. "I'm just trying to feed my clan."
A slight tilt of the beast's head encouraged Madara to continue. Maybe he was delusional from lack of sleep.
"The drought has killed our crops and live stock. My people are dying and I am just trying to keep them alive until it rains."
The bull stared at him for a long moment. Madara could do nothing but stand there and hope he would be spared.
The elk turned and began to walk away. Madara sighed with relief and slumped against the tree. That was an experience he never wanted to repeat.
A loud grunt drew his attention and he found the elk looking at him expectantly. Madara blinked and then slowly stood away from the tree. He should probably try to find his way back towards the compound but instead, he found himself drawn to follow.
Upon taking a step forward, the elk continued on.
Madara didn't know if he was being led to his death or what, but his curiosity was too strong to ignore. He sheathed his blade and followed along.
The trees bent away from the elk to allow its thick bulk and antlers pass through, and all other foliage ducked away from it. Like it was bowing to the might of the beast.
It was clear that the elk was not a normal animal. Or Madara was delusional from lack of sleep.
He didn't have much time to ponder what it could be as they soon arrived at a break in the tree line.
"Holy shit!" Madara exclaimed when he saw what was beyond. A massive body of water stretched far into the horizon. The Uchiha sprinted forward until he was knee-deep in the fresh water. How far had he gone?! The Uchiha almost completely relied on their crops and livestock, so they weren't immediately equipped to fish, but this changed everything!
It was too dark to see into the water, but he could hear splashing. It could be the waves, but it could also be fish!
He looked back at the elk and found it very close and looking down at him.
Madara took a few steps back, the edge of his pants getting wet as he did. "Uh... thank you?" It was weird thanking an animal. He wasn't sure if the elk was trying to lead him here in the first place. It could all be a misunderstanding.
The animal took a step forward, and Madara promptly stepped back. The water rose quickly around him, and the waves seemed to be getting stronger, pushing against his tired legs relentlessly.
"Uh, please don't drown me." Real fear coursed through Madara's body. In his excitement, he had put himself between the endless water and the elk, a very poor tactical position.
The water grew more aggressive, to the point where Madara had trouble staying upright. He caught one more look at the elk before his feet were swept out from under him, and he was ducked underwater.
Should I continue??
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lossie92 · 2 years
Chapters: 5/? Fandom: Naruto Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Senju Tobirama/Uchiha Madara Characters: Senju Tobirama, Uchiha Madara, Senju Hashirama, Other Naruto Character(s) Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Drabble Collection, One Shot Collection, Bad Flirting, Humor, Sexual Content, Kissing, Biting, Swearing, Orgasm Delay/Denial, Hand Jobs, Semi-Public Sex, Getting to Know Each Other, Developing Relationship, Secret Relationship, Additional Warnings In Author's Note
I’m back with the spicy drabbles, folks~
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ruris-world · 2 years
Ok, hear me out, madara in that cave i kinda dig like—heyyyy……👀
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sapphicgren · 9 months
"My lord father says that one day I am to be married."
Hashirama turned back to look at Madara as they wandered through the woods. It was the height of summer and the dead, dry heat of the noonday sun made it too hot to spar. Therefore, Hashirama had suggested that they go for a walk and collect mushrooms to steam with the fish they had caught earlier.
"Madara, we're only children, your father cannot mean to get you hitched for many moons yet."
The other boy scowled ferociously and Hashirama fought to keep his smile away. Madara really had a tendency to make things so much bigger than they were. If he was really from some important clan as he claimed, then he would have known that this was always going to be his future.
"I don't care how old I get. I'll never do it."
"Why? It'll be like having a constant companion by your side."
They walked in silence for some moments more, Madara sulking and Hashirama pausing here and there to examine the growth of the moss on the trees and the texture of the bark. When he got back home, he might be able to strip some of the bark and stew it for dinner.
"Have you ever kissed anyone?"
Hashirama felt his entire face go red and he whirled around to face his friend, who had lifted his chin in a haughty expression to mask his own embarassment.
"You heard me."
"No. I don't know. I don't really see anyone but you outside of my clan."
They stood facing each other, Madara tugging at his hair and Hashirama fiddling with a loose string on his haori.
"Do you want to try it?"
"I-I mean..."
They stood there and then Hashirama darted forward and pecked Madara on the mouth.
Madara inhaled sharply and Hashirama gasped audibly.
Then Madara took Hashirama's in his hands and kissed him back. It was messy. Madara's grip on his face was too tight, and both of their lips were chapped from being in the sun too long, making the movement of their mouths awkward. He didn't know what to do with his hands and eventually settled them on Madara's shoulders.
When they broke apart, Madara's face was so red, Hashirama thought that he might catch fire on the spot. He took deep breaths trying to get his chakra under control and wiped his mouth while Madara stared at the ground.
"If you tell anyone about this, Hashirama, I will kill you."
"I'm not going to share my supper with my potential killer. Find your own mushrooms."
The two boys rushed further into the forest. They did not speak of this moment again, but for a moment things were softer and more open between them than they would be again.
Not two months later, Tajima called Madara to the main Uchiha encampment for a plan of war and the assassination of the Senju prince.
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silverutahraptor · 11 months
HashiMada Week 2023, Drabble, Day 7 - “I didn’t know who else to turn to.”
“Hashirama,” Madara whispered. “Please.”
In his arms, Izuna had stopped moving. It was only the Sharingan that allowed Madara to see that there was still a weak, fading pulse on his brother’s neck.
He looked back up at Hashirama, his—his friend, above all, and then he lowered his head all the way. If it wasn’t for Izuna he’d be kneeling on the ground. Pride did matter so little when priced against his brother’s life. He’d beg. “Please.”
Hashirama was silent for one long terrible moment. Then— “Bring him in. Quick.”
Neither of them mentioned the relieved sob escaping Madara’s throat.
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motleydemon · 1 year
Hashirama and Inzuna should know better than to bother their cantankerous brothers. Tobirama does know better, and acts accordingly.
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