dedios1111 · 4 months
¿Alguna pregunta para pensar?
1- ¿Qué hace una pirámide egipcia en un billete de dólar estadounidense?
2- ¿Por qué 56 países firmaron un tratado para no aventurarse en la Antártida?
3- ¿Por qué los aviones nunca sobrevuelan la Antártida?
4- ¿Cómo "perdió" la NASA las imágenes del alunizaje, probablemente uno de los momentos más importantes para la humanidad?
5- Si Neil Armstrong fue el primero en poner un pie en la luna, ¿quién sostenía la cámara?
6- ¿Por qué nunca hemos vuelto a la luna?
7- Si los monos evolucionaron en personas, ¿por qué los monos siguen siendo monos?
8- ¿Cómo existe el 95% del ADN "basura"? ¿Quién decidió que esto es realmente "basura"?
9- ¿De qué manera fueron creadas estructuras gigantes, simétricas, detalladas, sagradas y geométricamente sólidas como catedrales y edificios del parlamento por personas que vivían en chozas de madera, montaban en carruajes tirados por caballos y no tenían máquinas ni láseres?
10- ¿Cómo es que esta misma arquitectura pre-luviana se encuentra en todo el mundo?
11- ¿Por qué hay imágenes en el arte antiguo egipcio que parecen representar "naves espaciales"?
12- ¿Por qué se encuentran restos e imágenes de seres humanos gigantes? ¿Y por qué se habla de gigantes en varios escritos antiguos de culturas distantes unas de otras, incluyendo la Biblia?
13- ¿Por qué hay imágenes de hongos en todo el arte cristiano antiguo? ¿Y por qué papi se viste como hongos gigantes Amanita Muscaria?
15- ¿Por qué las obras de arte antiguas egipcias representan pinos y es coincidencia que hasta la glándula pineal se parezca a un pino?
16- ¿Por qué hay representaciones de dragones en todo el mundo y en diferentes culturas, con miles de años de diferencia y también se menciona en la Biblia?
17- ¿Por qué hay tanto simbolismo descaradamente demoníaco en la industria de la música y el entretenimiento?
18- ¿Por qué la mayoría de los videojuegos giran en torno a matar
19- ¿Cómo es posible que películas y dibujos animados como Los Simpson sean capaces de predecir eventos culturales específicos con tanto detalle y precisión?
20- ¿Cómo derriten los incendios forestales los coches dejando los árboles intactos?
21- ¿Cuál es la deuda pública? Si hay un deudor también hay un acreedor: ¿quién es?
22- ¿Cómo es que la llamada "deuda pública" está creciendo a pesar del aumento de impuestos? ¿A dónde va el dinero de los contribuyentes?
23- ¿Por qué el envenenamiento regular con alcohol y tabaco se considera "normal" y eufemísticamente llamado "beber" y "fumar"?
24- ¿Por qué el alcohol y el tabaco están representados en casi todos los programas y películas?
25- ¿Cómo los presentadores de noticias alrededor del mundo y en diferentes canales dicen y repiten el mismo guión a la letra?
26- Si estamos más avanzados e informados que nunca, ¿por qué tenemos las tasas más altas de obesidad, cáncer y problemas cardíacos, sin mencionar la depresión?
La verdad te hará libre
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falangesdovento · 4 months
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Algumas pergunta para se pensar?
1 - O que faz uma pirâmide egípcia em uma nota de dólar americana?
2 - Por que 56 países assinaram um tratado para não se aventurar na Antártida?
3 - Por que os aviões nunca sobrevoam a Antártida?
4- Como a NASA "perdeu" as imagens da Lua, provavelmente um dos momentos mais importantes para a humanidade?
5- Se Neil Armstrong foi o primeiro a pôr os pés na lua, quem estava segurando a câmera?
6 - Por que nunca voltamos à lua?
7- Se macacos evoluíram em pessoas, por que os macacos ainda são macacos?
8 - Como existe 95% do DNA "lixo"? Quem decidiu que isso é realmente "lixo"?
9- Como foram criadas estruturas gigantes, simétricas, detalhadas, sagradas e geometricamente sólidas como catedrais e edifícios do parlamento por pessoas que viviam em cabanas de madeira, montavam carruagens puxadas por cavalos e não tinham máquinas nem lasers?
10 - Como é que essa mesma arquitetura pré-luviana está em todo o mundo?
11- Por que há imagens na arte antiga egípcia que parecem representar "naves espaciais"?
12- Por que restos e imagens de seres humanos gigantes são encontrados? E por que se fala de gigantes em vários escritos antigos de culturas distantes umas das outras, incluindo a Bíblia?
13 - Por que há imagens de cogumelos em toda a arte cristã antiga? E por que o papai se veste como cogumelos gigantes Amanita Muscaria?
15 - Por que obras de arte antigas egípcias representam pinheiros e é coincidência que até a glândula pineal se parece com um pinheiro?
16- Por que há representações de dragões em todo o mundo e em diferentes culturas, com milhares de anos de diferença e também mencionado na Bíblia?
17- Por que há tanto simbolismo descaradamente demoníaco na indústria da música e do entretenimento?
18 - Por que a maioria dos jogos giram em torno de matar?
19- Como é possível que filmes e desenhos animados como os Simpsons consigam prever eventos culturais específicos com tanto detalhe e precisão?
20 - Como os incêndios florestais derretem carros deixando as árvores intactas?
21 - Qual é a dívida pública? Se há um devedor, também há um credor: quem é?
22- Como é que a chamada "dívida pública" está crescendo apesar do aumento dos impostos? Para onde vai o dinheiro dos contribuintes?
23- Por que o envenenamento regular com álcool e tabaco é considerado "normal" e eufemisticamente chamado de "bebida" e "fumar"?
24- Por que o álcool e o tabaco estão representados em quase todos os programas e filmes?
25 - Como os apresentadores de notícias ao redor do mundo e em diferentes canais dizem e repetem o mesmo roteiro à letra?
26- Se estamos mais avançados e informados do que nunca, por que temos as maiores taxas de obesidade, câncer e problemas cardíacos, sem falar na depressão?
A verdade te libertará! Despertaaaaa...
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sentimentosdemim · 4 months
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Algumas pergunta para se pensar?
1 - O que faz uma pirâmide egípcia em uma nota de dólar americana?
2 - Por que 56 países assinaram um tratado para não se aventurar na Antártida?
3 - Por que os aviões nunca sobrevoam a Antártida?
4- Como a NASA "perdeu" as imagens da Lua, provavelmente um dos momentos mais importantes para a humanidade?
5- Se Neil Armstrong foi o primeiro a pôr os pés na lua, quem estava segurando a câmera?
6 - Por que nunca voltamos à lua?
7- Se macacos evoluíram em pessoas, por que os macacos ainda são macacos?
8 - Como existe 95% do DNA "lixo"? Quem decidiu que isso é realmente "lixo"?
9- Como foram criadas estruturas gigantes, simétricas, detalhadas, sagradas e geometricamente sólidas como catedrais e edifícios do parlamento por pessoas que viviam em cabanas de madeira, montavam carruagens puxadas por cavalos e não tinham máquinas nem lasers?
10 - Como é que essa mesma arquitetura pré-luviana está em todo o mundo?
11- Por que há imagens na arte antiga egípcia que parecem representar "naves espaciais"?
12- Por que restos e imagens de seres humanos gigantes são encontrados? E por que se fala de gigantes em vários escritos antigos de culturas distantes umas das outras, incluindo a Bíblia?
13 - Por que há imagens de cogumelos em toda a arte cristã antiga? E por que o papai se veste como cogumelos gigantes Amanita Muscaria?
15 - Por que obras de arte antigas egípcias representam pinheiros e é coincidência que até a glândula pineal se parece com um pinheiro?
16- Por que há representações de dragões em todo o mundo e em diferentes culturas, com milhares de anos de diferença e também mencionado na Bíblia?
17- Por que há tanto simbolismo descaradamente demoníaco na indústria da música e do entretenimento?
18 - Por que a maioria dos jogos giram em torno de matar
19- Como é possível que filmes e desenhos animados como os Simpsons consigam prever eventos culturais específicos com tanto detalhe e precisão?
20 - Como os incêndios florestais derretem carros deixando as árvores intactas?
21 - Qual é a dívida pública? Se há um devedor, também há um credor: quem é?
22- Como é que a chamada "dívida pública" está crescendo apesar do aumento dos impostos? Para onde vai o dinheiro dos contribuintes?
23- Por que o envenenamento regular com álcool e tabaco é considerado "normal" e eufemisticamente chamado de "bebida" e "fumar"?
24- Por que o álcool e o tabaco estão representados em quase todos os programas e filmes?
25 - Como os apresentadores de notícias ao redor do mundo e em diferentes canais dizem e repetem o mesmo roteiro à letra?
26- Se estamos mais avançados e informados do que nunca, por que temos as maiores taxas de obesidade, câncer e problemas cardíacos, sem falar na depressão?
A verdade te libertará
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kerrkez5ec · 4 months
¿Alguna pregunta para pensar?
1- ¿Qué hace una pirámide egipcia en un billete de dólar estadounidense?
2- ¿Por qué 56 países firmaron un tratado para no aventurarse en la Antártida?
3- ¿Por qué los aviones nunca sobrevuelan la Antártida?
4- ¿Cómo "perdió" la NASA las imágenes del alunizaje, probablemente uno de los momentos más importantes para la humanidad?
5- Si Neil Armstrong fue el primero en poner un pie en la luna, ¿quién sostenía la cámara?
6- ¿Por qué nunca hemos vuelto a la luna?
7- Si los monos evolucionaron en personas, ¿por qué los monos siguen siendo monos?
8- ¿Cómo existe el 95% del ADN "basura"? ¿Quién decidió que esto es realmente "basura"?
9- ¿De qué manera fueron creadas estructuras gigantes, simétricas, detalladas, sagradas y geométricamente sólidas como catedrales y edificios del parlamento por personas que vivían en chozas de madera, montaban en carruajes tirados por caballos y no tenían máquinas ni láseres?
10- ¿Cómo es que esta misma arquitectura pre-luviana se encuentra en todo el mundo?
11- ¿Por qué hay imágenes en el arte antiguo egipcio que parecen representar "naves espaciales"?
12- ¿Por qué se encuentran restos e imágenes de seres humanos gigantes? ¿Y por qué se habla de gigantes en varios escritos antiguos de culturas distantes unas de otras, incluyendo la Biblia?
13- ¿Por qué hay imágenes de hongos en todo el arte cristiano antiguo? ¿Y por qué papi se viste como hongos gigantes Amanita Muscaria?
15- ¿Por qué las obras de arte antiguas egipcias representan pinos y es coincidencia que hasta la glándula pineal se parezca a un pino?
16- ¿Por qué hay representaciones de dragones en todo el mundo y en diferentes culturas, con miles de años de diferencia y también se menciona en la Biblia?
17- ¿Por qué hay tanto simbolismo descaradamente demoníaco en la industria de la música y el entretenimiento?
18- ¿Por qué la mayoría de los videojuegos giran en torno a matar
19- ¿Cómo es posible que películas y dibujos animados como Los Simpson sean capaces de predecir eventos culturales específicos con tanto detalle y precisión?
20- ¿Cómo derriten los incendios forestales los coches dejando los árboles intactos?
21- ¿Cuál es la deuda pública? Si hay un deudor también hay un acreedor: ¿quién es?
22- ¿Cómo es que la llamada "deuda pública" está creciendo a pesar del aumento de impuestos? ¿A dónde va el dinero de los contribuyentes?
23- ¿Por qué el envenenamiento regular con alcohol y tabaco se considera "normal" y eufemísticamente llamado "beber" y "fumar"?
24- ¿Por qué el alcohol y el tabaco están representados en casi todos los programas y películas?
25- ¿Cómo los presentadores de noticias alrededor del mundo y en diferentes canales dicen y repiten el mismo guión a la letra?
26- Si estamos más avanzados e informados que nunca, ¿por qué tenemos las tasas más altas de obesidad, cáncer y problemas cardíacos, sin mencionar la depresión?
La verdad te hará libre
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azeemrahal · 1 year
Hotel WordPress Theme
The clean and elegant design of Luviana makes this theme suitable for various hospitality establishments such as hotels, guest houses, BnB’s, hostels, resorts, or inns. The theme is powered by the MotoPress Hotel Booking plugin – an all-in-one reservation system for your WordPress site.
Thanks to this, your guests will be free to check the availability of your hotel rooms online and book them in real-time.
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Luviana has been on my mind recently. Like Lucy and Juvia during the tower of heaven arc or Cana and Juvia during fantasia and Lucy and Cana during the S class trials
Like Juvia falling to her knees and crying cus Lucy said they were friends. Cana bursting into tears and fighting Freed head on cus Juvia said she'd rather die then hurt a friend. Lucy being the first person Cana in trust with her father's identity.
I just love em so much!
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gaymirajane · 4 years
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Lucy and Cana were happy, that was an absolute fact. But when Lucy learned of Cana’s feelings for Juvia, instead of being upset, she embraced them.
There was nothing missing from their relationship, but when Juvia joined? They became inexplicably whole.
Not sure if @fuckyeahft-poly-ships takes late entries but I was sad and this cheered me up so...
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Pairing: Luviana (Lucy/Juvia/Cana)
Poly Ship Week Day 3–AU (read tags)
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entomjinx · 4 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Fairy Tail Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Cana Alberona/Lucy Heartfilia/Juvia Lockser, Natsu Dragneel/Gray Fullbuster, Natsu Dragneel & Lucy Heartfilia, Cana Alberona & Loke Characters: Cana Alberona, Lucy Heartfilia, Juvia Lockser Additional Tags: Gratsu is just mentioned again, Cana's insecurities, Cana struggles with self worth, Pre-Relationship, lucy/juvia is implied to already be together, Lucy and Natsu fake dated, Cana is both jealous and and depressed, soft girls, Dorks in Love, breaking mental walls is hard, badass lucy heartfillia, badass juvia lockser, Badass cana alberona, But she doesn't know it yet, Pre-Tenroujima Arc, Gildarts has no idea cana's his daughter, and it hurts her, ftlgbtpride2020 Series: Part 3 of PRIDE 2020 Summary:
Cana is insecure about a lot of things, and it causes her to tear herself down a lot. So when the two girls that she sees as impossibly strong and out of her reach say they care about her, it breaks her walls down a lot faster than she can handle.
AKA The moments Cana fell in love with her two badass girlfriends and had no idea she loves them because she thinks she's unworthy.
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fairytailesbian · 5 years
hhhhhh if you're taking requests then maybe,,, some luviana??
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i luv them !!!!
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fuckyeahlucyxjuvia · 5 years
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The hub for all things Lucy x Juvia is finally here!
What do we do?
We are dedicated to promoting wlw content within the Fairy Tail fandom, and Lucy x Juvia is wonderful pairing which deserves appreciation.
We reblog content, take requests for art, writing, aesthetics and edits, and should hopefully be running Luvia week 2019!
What can you expect from us?
As well as what we have outlined above, this blog is also a place for the polyamorous ships involving Lucy, Juvia, and someone else.
This could be, but is not limited to:
Luviana (Lucy x Juvia x Cana)
Liluvia (Lucy x Juvia x Lisanna)
Erluvia (Lucy x Juvia x Erza)
And so on! Everything is tagged as the above, so please feel free to block anything that you are not comfortable with.
Overall, our goal is to produce more wlw content and have fun whilst doing it. Our ask box is open, so please feel free to message us at any time!
- fuckyeahluvia 💧☀️
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xnovamore · 5 years
Sun, Moon, and Ocean
@ft-wwtdp Day 17 prompt: mortal bodies, timeless souls
At first there was darkness, then the sun
Burning bright and so beautifully, it lite up the world illuminating all aspects of the earth.
This is how the sun first saw the sea.
The sun peered down into the ocean whenever it got the chance.  It loved how its rays where reflected in its waters making it seemed strikingly beautiful. It loved the soothing push and pull of the waves during the day, the sound calming the sun in ways it never expected. But most of all, the sun loved the ocean for allowing all types of creatures to experience its waves. Animals, plant life, humans, the ocean opened up for the all trying to balance for all to exist within its waters. Watching from its place in the sky, the sun could tell that the ocean was loving.
And so, preched in the sky miles and miles away, the sun fell in love with the ocean. It would glisten across its love but would never be able to speak to it nor hear its response. This was destined.
The sun gazed at its beloved as much as it could until the force the nature kicked in. Everyday the sun would sleep allowing the night to take control of the sky.
The ocean felt transformed at night. It felt stronger, more alive for some reason it couldn't't explain so it turned to look up at the sky for answers.
That is when the ocean first noticed the moon.
It had a large, commanding pressence but not threateningly so. And it was beautfil, the best picture the ocean could ask for. But what the ocean loved most about the moon was its generosity. It allowed room for the stars to be visible instead of attempting to overtake them. Most importantly, its presence heightened the ocean to where it's waves pulled stronger just at the sight of it. It made the ocean stronger and the ocean loved it for that.
Nestled in the earth millions of miles away, the ocean fell in love with the moon pulling off amazing displays at night to communicate its gratitude but would never be able to speak to the moon in order to know if noticed. This was destined.
Every night the ocean would attempt to reach out to its love to no avail. The moon was too far away caught up in its owns thoughts.
Every night the sun would lay to rest allowing the moon to rise in its place. Every night the moon would race against nature to try to get a glimpse of the sun. Every night it would be warmed by the residual sun rays, but fail at seeing the star itself.
Everything the moon knows about the sun comes from the stars. They would speak of its warmth, its size, and its brightness. But the moons favorite parts of those stories is when they spoke of its care of life. The sun brought life to all the creatures bestowed under it. It took care of the creatures on Earth as if they were its children shining down on them with a level of care the moon had never heard of before. The stories the stars told lets the moon know one thing, the sun was kind. And that, the moon thought, was beautiful.
And so, the moon fell in love with a being it would never see. Keep apart by their natures, the sun would rest every night allowing the moon to rise while not knowing the moon's longing for it. They would never get even a glimpse of each other for all of eternity. This was destined.
Then one day something changed. Suddenly the sun was no longer in the sky, but in a human. The sun still stayed high in the sky, but the earth knew that the soul that was once inside it now walked its surface.
The first thing the sun did was race to the ocean. It spent all day there speaking in a hushed soft tone to the oceans waters. The sun, now a woman, didn't make physical contact until a wave lifted from sea and pressed gently against the woman's forehead. Luckily there were no humans around to witness a rouge wave defying gravity to touch the woman declaring love to it. It was so intimate that the earth turned away to give them privacy.
He checked back in on the woman that night. He found her still sitting by the ocean staring enchantedly at the sky. Watching the sun first lay eyes on the moon shouldn't have been as amusing as it was. Still the earth stayed noticing the woman's lips move in a language of the beings present would understand. Surely she could not have expected the moon to hear her? The earth supposed it didn't matter, the moon was beaming regardless.
This went on for a few months before two more fimilar presences appeared in his soils. The earth gave them privacy at first but went to find them after a checking that the new sun, moon, and oceans were working properly. He found three women, hairs of gold, blue, and brown, embracing each other as they laid under the sky. The sun was the first to react to earth's presence turning in its direction. 
He wanted to warn them of their new human bodies, of the true cruel nature of mortals, of everything. But the smile the sun gave him was one filled of centuries of wisdom going beyond the earth itself's time. 
We'll be alright we have each other  
Smiling itself, the earth turned away silently swearing to watch other the three but knowing they would not need it. They would live out their lives as mortals together before reborn into their next forms together. 
This too was destiny.
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femslashfairies · 5 years
Official Ao3 Feed!
We are so pleased to announce an official Ao3 feed for the most popular 30 wlw ships on Ao3. This will mean that whenever something new is posted, a post will be made on this blog. The ships that this includes are:
Lucy / Erza
Cana / Mirajane
Juvia / Erza
Erza / Mirajane
Cana / Juvia
Lucy / Erza / Mirajane
Evergreen / Lucy
Lucy / Minerva 
Juvia / Lucy
Chelia / Wendy
Kagura / Erza
Cana / Lucy / Juvia
Lucy / Brandish
Levy / Lucy
Lucy / Kagura
Cana / Lucy
Yukino / Minerva 
Juvia / Lisanna
Kinana / Laki
Lucy / Levy / Lisanna
Irene (Eileen) / Anna
Flare / Lucy
Levy / Lisanna 
Lucy / Lisanna
Lucy / Mirajane
Yukino / Lucy
Minerva / Erza
Kagura / Millianna 
Yukino / Kagura
Jenny / Mirajane
We hope that this will help to promote content for the wlw ships within the fandom. Thank you :)
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ft-wwtdp · 5 years
Prompt: “I’ve Got the girls on my mind all the time”
I've Got The Girls On My Mind All The Time (Luviana)
“So Cana,” Loke began, and the aforementioned Cana glanced at the lion. “Do you have anyone on your mind?”
The card mage coughed as she quickly guzzled her beer, wiping her mouth with a huge sigh once she finished. “Of course I don’t! All i need is my alcohol and I’m set for life.”
Her tone was higher than normal, and she answered all too quickly, the Spirit deducted. She’s lying. Time to gather the gang and find out who it is.
“Oh yeah, she’s been coming to me for advice lately. Says she ‘want’s to impress a few someone's.’” Mira smiled cheerfully, her giddiness getting a hold over her for a moment.
Loke sighed defeatedly, this was gonna be harder than he thought. Even though Mira was excited, she wasn’t budging on their identities.
“Thanks anyways Mira,” The lion spirit mumbled before walking away.
Putting a finger to her cheek in thought, Mira walked up to Cana. “So,” Mira began to the card mage, “Who do you have on your mind romantically?”
Cana smiled slyly before finishing the rest of her sangria, “Well Mira, I’ve got the girls on my mind all the time.” the card mage glanced at Lucy and Juvia, and suddenly Mira understood why the alcohol lover was so secretive.
I know your plan Loke, and just because you want to help, doesnt mean i need it. Cana met the eyes of her two lovers, who smiled lovingly at her.
Submitted by @fineapplethepineapple
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heartletmage · 5 years
Slowly watching the stans/shippers of erlu/any femslash ship progress and get bigger is honestly the best thing ever.
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newgeht · 5 years
This is another drabble for @x4evermore! It’s the first ot3 of femslash feb. 18/28 
Luviana  Prompt: Hands 
“Ready?” Her eyebrow arched at her girlfriends as she held her hand flat out in front of her. With the spirits of the night and mood swings, Cana had decided that this was the best and only way to settle their arguments.
Lucy nodded. Her fist balled up and ears tinted pink as she stood near the bar. Her finger mindlessly swirling around the edges of her pink drink. “You two will lose!”
“That’s not fair, Juvia wants to win too!” The water mage swayed in her stool, her cheeks tinted a fierce red. Cana knew that she was the most intoxicated out of the three; Lucy not far behind Juvia either.
“Settle down, ok? We shoot on three alright?” She drawled and began to bounce her hand in place.
It wasn’t an everyday occurence to get locked inside Fairy Tail. Now was it possible to pickpocket Mira for the cellar’s keys. Yet here they all were. All three of them drunk and bubbly, vibing off one another. Who knew they would fight over the order of a simple card reading. Cana was hardly bashful from the attention they were giving her, she only joined in so she wouldn’t have to pull out her deck. She was hardly in the mood to speak with the fates.
“One. Two,” They all moved their hands to the sturdy beat. Her own eyes trained on the pink guildmark and glossy fingernails. “Three!”
They all shot out their hands, Juvia turning her head at the last second. “Did Juvia win?”
Cana’s laugh was deep and hearty which made Lucy groan. The blonde’s hand dropping in defeat. “You sure you don’t have a third eye we don’t know about?”
“Nope,” Cana chirped. “Seems like the numbers just worked out in my favor. Not my fault the both of you chose paper.”
She grinned and took a long swig as a reprieve. Her tanned fingers snipping from side to side in front of their faces. Looks like there was going to be no hard work tonight.
“Let’s just party! Wohooooo!”
Juvia whined as she filled up her drink once more. Lucy simply brewing in her drink. There were many rematches of rock-paper-scissors to come, but they were all won by her -Cana Alberona.
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