animystsoul · 6 months
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To queen up, is to speak up
If you sit with this dark
Warrior queen archetype
She will show you
That this is the form of women
That men fears so—
She holds the power to give life—
The authority to wield raw power—
Commanding the laws of Nature
To rain or not
By the blood synchrony cycle—
She entrains with the interlocking,
& co-regulating seasonal cycles
& patterns of Nature
This dark feminine
Was the first magician,
Through the entrainment of cycles
Because she embodies the moon cycle
Of oscillating light & dark periods
(& light intensity regulates the pineal third eye
& the endocrine-autonomic systems)
She could enter the cycles,
& in turn effect the patterns
Man felt betrayed by this unequal
Command of power,
felt humiliated by the women’s
deep seeing
(the story of Lilith & Adam)
So the story began of man opposing
Women’s spiritual power
They entered women’s sacred space
By overpowering with physical force
They took for themselves
What does not naturally
belong to them
they abuse & misuse
because they cannot feel
its subtle flow
Entering the domain of women
The menstrual blood hut temple
Of regulating with the laws of Nature & Spirits
Was the first act of “colonisation”
Claiming the power, the source of wealth
Removing the women from blood magic
taking them away from the red hut
& putting them in patriarchal households
to labour domestically
has weakened women’s power
to stand up strong
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lunesoleil23 · 6 months
La Lunaception (1)  
Une méthode pas très connue chez les francophones qui consiste à aligner le cycle des menstruations avec les phases de la Lune, mais aussi de programmer une grossesse ou de s’en préserver. Continue reading Untitled
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tides-of-truth · 2 years
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Moon, Mind & Law quotes from The Great Cosmic Mother by Monica Shoo & Barbara Mor
1…women were the first observers of lunar cycles. As first agriculturalists, women related moon phases to planting and reaping times. It is women who live the lunar cycle in our bodies. Becoming and changing are the lunar order of things. The moon exerts an identical influence on the magnetic serpent current of the earth, the tides of the sea and women’s menstrual flow. The lunar body is mirrored in nature, and it synchronises with the flow of menstrual blood. (P142/143)
2.Women originally went into menstrual huts in order to get gather the dark moon power, to focus it and study it, in solitude. In both group and solitary meditation, moon power became mind power.
3.In most languages there is a common root word for “moon” and “menstruation”. Our own word for menstruation comes from menses, the Latin word for”month”, which was measured originally by the moon. And both words are related, through Indo-European roots to the Old English, mona (moon), deriving from me, which meant both”mind” and “measurement”.
4.All are cognates-moon, mind, measurement, month, menstruation- since it is the moon that establishes measurement, including calendars.
5.Menstruation also means “moon-change”, also mind-change. P151
6.Light is a potent trigger of biological rhythms. (Lunaception.)
7.Human life begins with birth. …the female’s experience of surviving pregnancy and bearing children and keeping them alive. From: Monica Shoo & Barbara Mor The great cosmic mother P145
8.There is a resemblance between Moon Mothers everywhere. In this form the Great Goddess is always the law-giver, the orderer of time, the judge of the dead, and the eternal source of wisdom and ecstasy.p155
9.The Hindu Moon Mother Kali sits in her lotus posture, breathing the rise and fall of our earthly tides.155
Birth Death Rebirth
10.The moon is the Goddess who dies and rises again. The fruit that produces itself out of itself, with the power of life over death. The moon dies and then conquers darkness to rise again as the new moon, small at first but with energy within to recreate herself. These are all the original, ancient, and matriarchal ideas of cyclic birth-death-and-resurrection…
11.The cup of soma is also the mind (mens:mind:moon). It is mental perception and knowledge conveying the psychic-cosmic inspiration of the moon when the understanding, of its own motion, forms ideas within itself, it then comes to be called mind. Soma is distilled from the primordial waters, and is the dark fruit of the moon tree. Soma is the mind-fruit of the spine-tree.
12.Women were everywhere the original mantics-the shamans, the ecstatic oracular prophets, the visionary poets. Mantism is the natural art of prophesying, divining, receiving, and channeling psychic-biological energy from the earth and moon. This is woman’s original and organic province.
13.The moon fruit is the highest transformation form of the Earth-seed, the discipline designed to help the group channel and direct the real power of the universe, radiating into and from all of us.
14.Women were the first bearers of this technique, since it emanates from our own bodies and psychic processes.
15.Women are tied directly to the mantic moon by both a mental and blood cord.
16.And what were those children like who were born with the blessings of both the Moon Mother and their human mothers? Were their psyches wide open, communicating easily with the greater Self? Was the psychic/astral/lunar body more vibrant and aware? Were they able to communicate and resonate with the animals and plants, the stones and whole earth, and also tune into cosmic vibrations of the moon, sun and stars? What were moon minds like? (p152-3)
17.Goddess was the judge and giver of law. Crimes, challenges, problems were investigated by the women by moonlight. Bright nights were spent sitting around the fire thinking, contemplating, envisioning. This is why words that have to do with mental activity are, in most languages, cognate with names for the moon, e.g., mens, mental, measure, month, mind.
18.“They call the the moon the mother of the universe”, having both female and male powers and reproducing herself alone. (p152-3)
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rp-the-elysians · 5 years
So because I feel like it I'm gonna expand the list of ocs I'll use on this blog. So along with Octavius and Aurora we now have the rest of the theater kids. Kimiko, Luna, Juliet, Jasper and Chase. So you want to get to know those guys then go right on ahead.
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pro-birth · 4 years
I was thinking of using melatonin to help me sleep, but then i heard its used as birth control in Europe? Now I'm wondering if it would eff with my hormones.
That’s bizarre??? Melatonin might interfere with birth control, but it would make no sense to use melatonin AS birth control. In fact, when melatonin levels are optimal, it can have a positive affect on natural hormonal production for ovulation.
If you want to improve your sleep but avoid the supplements, I highly recommend looking into Light Elimination Therapy — I.e., sleeping in natural darkness. It’s also called Night Lighting or Lunaception.
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also do you mind me asking what happened to the brunette girls lower arm? xxx
i didnt want to finish it gfndkgjdf there wont be any disabled girls in the game because i dont want to misrepresent it
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lovemeofficial · 7 years
sorry if this has been asked, but where does the game take place? ♥
Hi ! Indeed it has already been answered ; Love Me is gonna take place at an university-preparatory school that you attend after high school.- Fatcat dev
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pretty-idol-hell · 6 years
Lunaincarnation Lunaception something something Sparking... 
This is like... Luna doing a song as more of her real self and not her stage personality.... freaky.... 
Also I LOVE this rainbowy stage ahhh! I hope they release more songs on it. 
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kink-tomato · 6 years
When I was in high school I read this book
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In it women took up the practice of lunaception where through womens’ natural tendency to match cycles and idk meditation or whatever they all synced up their periods to the phases of the moon. When I was sixteen it sounded like some amazing new age ancient-wisdom-rediscovered shit. Now I realize it’s just a big ol’
This was written by a man
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sudhachandar · 6 years
Изучите это видео и улучшите свое здоровье и даже шансы забеременеть. Помогите растворить кисты откуда. Попытайтесь спать в полной темноте от начала вашего цикла до тринадцати дней Практика lunaception может помочь вам отрегулировать ваш цикл через два-три месяца. Лучшее натуральное диетическое лечение, такое как органическое масло, чеснок, лук-шалот, пажитник, женьшень, касторовое масло, корица и многие другие помогут вам оправиться от жизни СПК. Травы и добавки и йога. Полицистическое заболевание яичников очень распространено у женщин, и у них есть свои симптомы и первопричины, но не стоит беспокоиться, поскольку к ним относятся. Это видео поможет вам с PCOS или PCOD легко. Регулярные травы, такие как алоэ вера, базилик, кора манго, Vitex, Gymnema, солодка, красная малина и чай чайной чашки могут помочь вам растворить кистозную форму и сохранить ваше тело в состоянии даже забеременеть. by Natural Cure
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animystsoul · 1 year
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“I cannot tell what I said to the Moon, or what the Moon said to me, but all the same, I got to know her very well. And this was the impression I got of her--that she ruled over a kingdom that was neither material nor spiritual, but a strange moon- kingdom of her own.”
“In it moved tides--ebbing, flowing, slack water, high water, never ceasing, always on the move; up and down, backwards and forwards, rising and receding; coming past on the flood, flowing back on the ebb; and these tides affected our lives.”
“They affected birth and death and all the processes of the body. They affected the mating of animals, and the growth of vegetation, and the insidious workings of disease. They also affected the reactions of drugs, and there was a lore of herbs belonging to them.”
“All these things I got by communing with the Moon, and I felt certain that if I could only learn the rhythm and periodicity of her tides I should know a very great deal. But this I did not learn; for she could only teach me abstract things, and the details I was unable to receive from her because they eluded my mind.”
“I found that the more I dwelt on her, the more I became conscious of her tides, and all my life began to move with them. I could feel my vitality rise and ebb and flow and ebb again. “
“And I found that even when I wrote of her, I wrote in time to her rhythms, as you may have noticed; whereas when I write of everyday things I write in the staccato rhythms of everyday life. At any rate, be things as they may, I lived in time to the Moon in a very curious manner while I lay ill.”
Dion Fortune Sea Priestess
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mireille-noyer · 4 years
via Feminin Bio
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Boulder, CO July 21, 2017
photo by Lunaception
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shiralbinah · 7 years
Did you know that before modernization all women's cycles used to be in SYNC, ovulating together during the Full Moon because of the moonlights effect on our endocrine system. Long ago, before indoor and artificial lighting women's cycles were in sync with lunar cycles, with most women ovulating during the full moon and menstruating during the new moon . Even today fertility doctors practicing Western medicine recommend that women with irregular cycles keep the bedroom pitch black throughout the month except for 3 days mid-cycle when you sleep with a night-light in order to mimic the glow of the moon. For women with irregular cycles, especially those who recently got off of the pill, sleeping without the presence of electronic devices or artificial light helps regulate cycles . There is no right or wrong time to ovulate or menstruate and although Lunaception ( aligning ones menstrual cycle with lunar cycles ) is practiced by some women , what is important for fertility health is a regular cycle that is typically the same number of days each month ( with variance , some women are every 28 days, others every 31, the importance is regularity) Wherever you are in your cycle today, give yourself the gift of a moon bath tonight and absorb those lunar rays into your body, allowing the moon to activate your pineal gland, secrete melatonin while you sleep, balance your hormones and regulate your cycle. By tuning into our bodies and their alignment with nature's cycles we gain wisdom about our fertility, the well-spring of women's health. 💜💜 #repost @birthofamama #selfcare #wombnwellness #healthandwellness #nature #blackgirlmagic #womban #fertility #pregnancy #pregnant #birthisbeautiful #holistic #naturopath #moon #universe #nutrition #body #female
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First of all, I’m not a doctor, this is just what I’m doing for me. Please do your own research.
So, apparently chemically-made contraceptive pills mess with gut bacteria. I’m trying to heal my gut bacteria, so I stopped taking the pills... today.
I’ve been taking these pills for almost two years, and my eczema has slowly gotten worse. I don’t know if this is because of the pills or not, but I’d rather not have something working against me while I try to heal.
But I’m married... and my husband and I aren’t ready for a baby... so I’ve been researching natural birth control. I plan to use a combination of both lunaception and rutin, and there’s more info about both here.
I’m pretty stoked that there are natural birth control options out there that can function just like a contraceptive pill, but they won’t decimate my gut bacteria (more than it already is).
I’ll be updating about what’s happening.
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why the fuck does senpai as a CLEARLY DEAD osana if she's dead... it ain't she gon be like "lol i was just playin now eat my food u baka"
reminds me of the time Lee Everett shot his first zombie’s head clean off with a shotgun and then screamed “HEY!!! ARE YOU DEAD!!!”
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