#lulu x tristana
metalichotchoco · 1 year
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Two nymphs chilling down by the river.
A lot of fae in media get depicted this way and it feels peaceful, like yeah I’d like to be a little guy in a lazy brook and light enough to sit on the lily pads
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odekoyma · 3 months
Got a question.
Do you have any other ships aside from the ones usually in your comics and main universe that you like? As if only with the main group? I am curious to know your opinion
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I-I mean…yeah! I do…of course I do..!
The main group accumulates MOST of the ships I have including others champions. I guess Kayn is the biggest victim of that, his character is very versatile and fun to throw him into many situations.
But if you curious to know about lesser known LOL pairings I like that doesn’t include them, I have:
M/F: Jinx x Ekko, Ez x Lux, Sona x Jhin, Sona x Hwei, Syndra x Zed, Teemo x Tristana
F/F: Diana x Leona, Cait x Vi, Vex x Lulu, Neeko x Nidalee,
M/M: Ekko x Ez, Graves x TF
Yeah, most of them are canon, and I get why they are canon. They are good.
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kindredjoy · 2 months
Biografi Champion
Daftar di bawah ini disusun berdasarkan abjad. Konten bisa bertambah seiring waktu.
Aatrox | Ahri | Akali | Akshan | Alistar | Amumu | Anivia | Annie | Aphelios | Ashe | Aurelion Sol | Azir
Bard | Bel'Veth | Blitzcrank | Brand | Braum | Briar
Caitlyn | Camille | Cassiopeia | Cho'Gath | Corki
Darius | Diana | Dr. Mundo | Draven
Ekko | Elise | Evelynn | Ezreal
Fiddlesticks | Fiora | Fizz
Galio | Gangplank | Garen | Gnar | Gragas | Graves | Gwen
Hecarim | Heimerdinger | Hwei
Illaoi | Irelia | Ivern
Janna | Jarvan IV | Jax | Jayce | Jhin | Jinx
K'Sante | Kai'sa | Kalista | Karma | Karthus | Kassadin | Katarina | Kayle | Kayn | Kennen | Kha'Zix | Kindred | Kled | Kog'Maw
Leblanc | Lee Sin | Leona | Lillia | Lissandra | Lucian | Lulu | Lux
Malphite | Malzahar | Maokai | Master Yi | Milio | Miss Fortune | Mordekaiser | Morgana
Naafiri | Nami | Nasus | Nautilus | Neeko | Nidalee | Nilah | Nocturne | Nunu & Willump
Olaf | Orianna | Ornn
Pantheon | Poppy | Pyke
Qiyana | Quinn
Rakan | Rammus | Rek'Sai | Rell | Renata Glasc | Renekton | Rengar | Riven | Rumble | Ryze
Samira | Sejuani | Senna | Seraphine | Sett | Shaco | Shen | Shyvana | Singed | Sion | Sivir | Skarner | Smolder | Sona | Soraka | Swain | Sylas | Syndra
Tahm Kench | Taliyah | Talon | Taric | Teemo | Thresh | Tristana | Trundle | Tryndamere | Twisted Fate | Twitch
Udyr | Urgot
Varus | Vayne | Veigar | Vel'Koz | Vex | Vi | Viego | Viktor | Vladimir | Volibear
Warwick | Wukong
Xayah | Xerath | Xin Zhao
Yasuo | Yone | Yorick | Yuumi
Zac | Zed | Zeri | Ziggs | Zilean | Zoe | Zyra
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blehblarghblah · 2 years
I play LoR too!!! What's your deck? I like to run Swain + Darius Decks. Though my fave follower card is the Ruthless Raider. Tough + Overwhelm on a 1 Hp is not too powerful but just enough to make cool plays! but I don't get Zaunite Urchin, discards don't usually do too well unless you have Deep cards, right?
Oh boy!
When I announced TMUT I expected a couple asks about the fic and its premise as well as the "OCs" (much like with Loyalty & Light) but getting a chance geek about Legends of Runeterra? Sorry y'all, time to be a gamer nerd. ( ¬‿¬)
I only recently got LoR about a month or so ago? Maybe less? Who knows, I'm so sucked in but I'm currently powering through the Path of Champions. I already finished Jinx's story and am currently finishing Vi's, though I keep switching back to Teemo because I like his play style.
Swain + Darius seems like a nice combo! Stuns and Overwhelm are good synergies when your opponent has lots of cards in play. And I think Ruthless Raider is a good card too, I feel like they're a must bring in any Freljord decks I make. But I'm also still learning Freljord cards and their synergies. I play PvP occasionally, but I'm not up to date on all things "meta" or anything.
I have a Jinx deck called "Get Jinxed" and I like her for the same reason I like Zaunite Urchin--the discard play style really shakes up how you play the match. She's low cost and balances well with things like Chompers or Jury-Rig cards. Plus, discarding a fodder card helps sometimes! My Jinx deck has all the Zaun discard cards so the synergy is great. I've won a good few matches with just constantly overwhelming with Mega Rocket and my opponent would just surrender early because of it 😅.
But to be a complete shipping nerd, I also have ship decks. I have a Lightcannon deck, a TimeBomb deck, a Piltover's Finest deck, a Garen x Katarina deck (I call that one "Romeo & Juliet"), a Tristana x Lulu deck (I call it "Support GF"), I'm currently working on a Lucian x Senna but I don't have enough cards for them. But I also have region based stuff like "Nation of Zaun" which only features Zaunite cards/characters and a "City of Progress" deck which consists of Piltovan cards/characters. As well as sibling decks like Jinx & Vi and Lux & Garen.
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Do most of these work well? Nope. But are they still fun to use and I enjoy using them? Yuuuup. ( ^‿^)
if you can't tell, I am a complete amateur still...
Until next ask,
- Bleh
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notoriouslydevious · 5 years
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League of Legends Art Collection by てろむ
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edgyspooks · 3 years
League of Legends masterlist
😳 better sooner than when i have 500 posts that i need to index somehow
It’s below cuz it made for a super long post
Aatrox NSFW alphabet - A, T, R, O, X
Ahri Adoptive mother headcanons
Akali S/O kicks a guy in a bar
Aphelios General headcanons Aphelios x Childhood Friend Reader S/O who hides in a barrel S/O captured by the Solari Aphelios x Solari NSFW Alphabet - A, P, H, E, L, I, O, S
Aurelion Sol
Darius SFW Alphabet - J Falling for a recruit NSFW Alphabet - B, K, X, Y
Dr. Mundo
Draven SFW Alphabet - J (x Tamara) NSFW Alphabet - I (x Tamara)
Ezreal S/O who hides in a barrel
Garen SFW Alphabet - J (x Katarina) NSFW Alphabet - I (x Katarina)
Jarvan IV
Jayce S/O who hides in a barrel
Katarina SFW Alphabet - J (x Garen) NSFW Alphabet - I (x Garen)
Kayn Dating Kayn headcanons
Lee Sin
Lillia Shooting stars (Lillia x Quinn meme fic) Adoptive mother headcanons
Lissandra Meeting a magical being who knows how to banish the void
Lux SFW Alphabet - A Ethereal being tells her about elemental planes
Master Yi
Miss Fortune
Nunu and Willump
Pyke “You’re not on the list” (Pyke x reader)
Quinn Shooting stars (Lillia x Quinn meme fic)
Rakan SFW Alphabet - A (x Xayah) NSFW Alphabet - I (x Xayah)
Sett S/O who hides in a barrel S/O kicks a guy in a bar SFW Alphabet - A NSFW Alphabet - K, S
Shen Shen as a father General headcanons 3 headcanons meme - 😳
Sona Adoptive mother headcanons
Soraka Adoptive mother headcanons
Swain SFW Alphabet - J NSFW Alphabet - J, M, W
Tahm Kench
Talon S/O who hides in a barrel Blackwood!S/O kicks a guy in a bar
Thresh SpiritBlossom!S/O who hides in a barrel
Twisted Fate S/O who hides in a barrel NSFW Alphabet - K, S
Vayne Vayne turned into a monster A slave to monsterkind
Viego The Endless Chase(Part 1) The Endless Chase(Part 2) Soulmate AU - Viego x Reader
Vladimir Academy!S/O who hides in a barrel Academy!S/O kicks a guy in a bar
Warwick Where the monsters belong
Xayah SFW Alphabet - A (x Rakan) NSFW Alphabet - I (x Rakan)
Xin Zhao
Yasuo S/O who hides in a barrel
Yone S/O who hides in a barrel Academy!S/O kicks a guy in a bar
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thisisbutts · 3 years
Muses and Rules
Coco Bandicoot - Crash Bandicoot remake Yaya Panda
Dixie and Tiny Kong
Ankha - Animal Crossing
Helluva boss Millie, Verosika, Loona.
Gravity Falls Mabel and Pacifica
BNHA Ochako, Tsuyu, Toga, Aiba
LoZ Zelda - BoTW, Princess Ruto- OoT, Midna - Twilight Princess, Saria - OoT, Romani and Cremia - Majora’s Mask
Pokemon May, Dawn, Hilda and Rosa, Mallow, Lillie and Lana, Chloe, Nemona, Penny, Kirlia, Vileplume, Houndoom, Wooloo, Mawile, Lopunny, Scorbunny, Plusle and Minun. Assorted random male mons.
MLP Applejack, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Twilight Sparkle, Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom and Scootaloo. Gleaming Shield, Sunset Shimmer. Assorted males.
Sonic Verse Amy, Vanilla and Cream, Rouge, Sally, Tikal.
League Verse Poppy, Tristana, Lulu and Vex.
Others Amanda O’Neill, Ty Lee, Violet Parr, Peni Parker, Miko Kobuta, Nagatoro, Rayla, Gadget Hackwrench.
Rules Specify muse in ask, there’s a lot of them. Also who your muse is. RPs will almost be mutuals only.
Not wanted Kinks Vore, scat, watersports, diaper. Toilet play or something along those lines. No giant or mini stuff either. No traps/femboys. No bimbo fixation. No Futa. No real people muses, icons or face claims. 
Would prefer some asks with some descriptions. Will try to avoid replying to single lines responses.
Also as anon, you can give them a name/race or describe them a bit so I know a little more than just a blank face fucking my muses.
Make sure you add if there is some pre-existing relationship between muses or else the random people that aren’t canon are strangers.
I’d rather have rps, anon rps, and ask memes. Asks with ‘does x likes to do y’ or something like this, it bores me.
Also don’t reply to a post, if you want to get in touch, an ask is the best way or IM.
And please, don’t just ask “rp?”
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tamak0 · 7 years
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old sketches that never got to be a thing. Such a shame to be honest, but as you can see not all of my drawings are good
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Heeeeeeeeeeeeyyyyyyyy @onemainsettplayer If you're out there somewhere I'm sorry I lost your ask but I screenshot it instead but now I can't find you.
Sett x summoner reader
Since summer came early you decided to spend time on playing League with you friends before your parents force you to find a summer job.
Opening the game you found an interesting announcement, It said 'New patch notes 1.XX.XXX Download to experience the new gameplay'.
From the start of new year The Dev in Lol keep surprising their fans with new updates knowing them you gladly started Downloading the new patch.
Patiently waiting for it to download, you jump for your seat when you see your computer screen glitching, you stand-up and work on fixing it when a bright light shot out from the screen blinding you for a moment and then feel a force pulling you before you black out.
Groaning you feel an aching pain growing in your back, you slowly open your eyes and above you, you see different silhouettes of people blocking out the sun.
Wait sun? But last thing I know I was in my room
Raising a hand you rub your head with while hissing in pain, slowly letting you vision clear.
"HEY YOU OK?!" A voice shout out beside you.
Your adrenaline activates and you quickly sit up punching the owner of the voice while screaming.
"Ow! What the heck lady!?".
"It was you fault anyway, Ezreal".
Panting you clutch your chest where your racing heart is while your head was filled with questions.
Ezreal, as in the Ezreal in Lol?
As your vision cleared you see a blonde boy few meters away from you in the ground holding his cheek, looking around you're met with different champions from League.
You see Lux standing near Ezreal scolding him. Tristana , Lulu and other yordles looking at you with curiosity while some who are a bit away from you were looking at you with interest.
"Excuse me but are you perhaps a new champion?".
Turning your head towards the soft voice you see Sona floating beside you, you decide to hide the fact that you're an ordinary person.
"I think? I don't know maybe my Head's a little mixed up". I mumbled before standing up.
She hums before gently pushing you somewhere, while walking you observe your surroundings and you find yourself in the summoners rift.
"Here take a seat and let's wait and see if your patch downloaded yet". She said before floating away.
you nod sitting at the stone stairs on the spawning point before putting your hands in your lap.
'wait?! My patch?!'.
You tense when you hear a deep voice causing you to leave your thoughts.
"Hey, your the new champion right?". facing them your greeted by Sett's handsome face.
Turning red you quickly shake your head yes before looking down in your lap, then you feel him sit beside you.
"Then what's your name?". He asked while looking at you.
You stammered before stuttering your name.
"Y/N? No title or anything?". He questioned leaning close.
"I don't think I-i have one yet Son- I mean the floating girl said my patch haven't downloaded yet o-or something". You look at him begging yourself not to look stupid.
"Huh, guess your like me that also happened to me as well". He explained telling his side of the story how the Dev took a lot of time on making him.
Time pass and the two of you got along well, you were surprised when he would still approached you when you said that you might be a human (same species as his father).
It's fun to watch when he got into a fight with Rakan or some tank champions and you get jealous sometimes when he get flirted by Evelynn or other female champs.
But who are you kidding his hot ofcourse he'll get flirted everyday by them.
Then a day came when you confess that you're not a champion to Sett and telling him how you got here.
"Wait so your not like one of us?". He asked in disbelief.
"Yeah sorry I didn't tell you at first". You mumbled.
"Hey it's ok you don't have to feel bad about it just because your alot different from us doesn't mean we'll treat you bad for it". He smiled down to you while putting a hand on your shoulder.
"Thanks Sett". You chuckled patting his hand.
"and if you're really a summoner then you gotta tell me all the best combo in my skills". He smirks punching his fist to his other palm.
"What?! No Sett that's cheating!". You laugh pointing at him.
"No it's not". He countered.
"Yes it's!". You shot back.
Guess staying there for a bit will be fun.
Stay safe out there guys!!
I forgot I opened my ask box🤣🤣🤣
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Which LoL characters are you not comfortable writing for? Just so I don't send in a request for characters you can't/don't want to do and my request can't be answered properly. Thanks! :3
I never thought of that actually, especially since I got requests even for characters like Rhaast or Galio!
But, let me think...
Urgot, Sion, Rek’Sai, Nasus, Renekton, Alistar, Udyr, Amumu, Anivia, Bard, Aurelion Sol, Blitz, Cho’Gath, Corki, Mundo, Elise, Fiddles, Fizz, Galio, Gnar, Graves, Gangplank, Hecarim, Heimer, Illaoi, Ivern, Jarvan, Jax, Karthus, Kha’Zix, Kled, Kennen, Kog’Maw, Lissandra, Lee Sin, Maokai, Malphite, Mordekaiser, Nautilus, Nocturne, Olaf, Nunu, Ornn, Pyke, Rammus, Quinn, Qiyana, Rengar, Riven, Rumble, Sejuani, Ryze, Shaco, Shyvana, Skarner, Singed, Tahm Kench, Teemo, Tristana, Poppy, Thresh, Twitch, Trundle, Veigar, Vel’koz, Lulu, Warwick, Wukong, Volibear, Xerath, Zac, Yorick, Ziggs, Zilean.
But honestly, these are just for romantic stuff, because for cutesy platonic x reader things or other reaction stuff, I’m fine with doing most of the ones I wrote above anyway.
I’d suggest just writing the request, because I don’t think the character you choose will be out of my comfort zone too much xD
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metalichotchoco · 3 months
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The gals being pals, bandle tale released a few days ago and here’s some sketches to go with that last hurrah from riot forge
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odekoyma · 2 years
Feel free to not answer if you don't want to, or if it was already answered (and I just didn't saw it) : Besides the ships you made in your AU, what other relationships do you have in mind for the champions? (Canon ones, non-canon ones, skin lines only ones, legends of runeterra ones, etc, etc.) (Could be platonic, romantic, "more")
I-I Have PLENTY of them, I just never draw them or don't have any ideas,or just look at it from the side. I won't tell you every one of them but I'll tell you somne of them if you are interested. Cait X Vi, Ekko x Jinx - Arcane moment. Tf x Graves - it's maybe one single m x m relationship that I truly enjoy seeing. It's so good and well made! I hope Riot will make something more of them! Teemo x Tristana, Lulu x Veigar, Poppy x Garen - Yordles!! Oh wait, Garen is here? I just think it's cute, okay?! Nothing weird. Diana x Leona - from lovers to haters, it's sad, but I like it. Ezreal x Lux - So sugary and boring, like it must be. Jhin x Sona - This one is just...mmm....~ if I worked on this one, it would be scary. Syndra X Zed - Dom momma with balls is always good. Also the cute comic I saw about them.
I'll stop here.
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incorrectlolquotes · 5 years
Your blog is sooo great!!! If it’s not too much to ask what are some of your ships? Right now all I have is lulu x veigar(your quotes for them are the best!) and I need some more haha
hello there!
since I started playing back in 2016 plenty of shippy stuff have passed through my radar. pretty much every popular ship at the time yknow garen x katarina janna x yasuo or lux x ezreal (then the star guardians event happened, ezreal got wiped and lightcannon is now one of my faves)
nowadays I mostly have crackships, like, poppy/tristana, tf/graves even swain/leblanc warwick/soraka, lee/sona, ashe/tryndamere, vi/cait and BIRB SUPREME xayah and rakan
but I would certainly say that lulu and veigar were my first ship. their dynamic is. too. damn. cute.
also remember when LaLaLaDemacia made me ship irelia and riven? yeah I remember that
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riceexe-lol · 5 years
I've just realized we haven't seen kled, rumble nor gnar in your art style. Yall tryna keep us guessing or something? I'm onto you bucko
Lmao oh fuck my covers been blown–! But for real, so let me explain the whole web and inner-workings that go into my yordles-universe! 
TLDR; it’s an au roleplay between me and a friend. The reason why some character I draw show up more than others is because they’re more prominent in the story. 
Click keep reading for more
So the thing is: I’m super into League and my friend isn’t (and we’ll call her Azu). But she is fascinated by the lore/personalities of the characters, and her impersonation of Teemo had me falling out of my chair
So Lulu’s my main (Gold 4 baby with 150,000+ mastery actually end me she isn’t viable at all) and really the only characters I shipped were Veigar and Lulu, but I had an obsession with Kennen since he’s such a weeb. Azu told me she really like Kennen X Teemo, and honestly I wasn’t really into it, but the more we talked the more obsessed I became (its a rare pair but the fanart of them is top tier).
So one thing led to another, and we ended roleplaying them through voice chat since we’re both voice actors. It was… really, really fun! 
The focus of the story was developing the relationship between Kennen and Teemo. As we dived into like modern AUs and high school AUs and assassin AUs and whatnot, we began incorporating other yordles to give us more characters to dick around with and add more interactions in the world. And the more we experimented, rules and relationships became kinda the foundation in our multiple AUs:
Teemo & Kennen are the primary couple
Lulu & Veigar are the secondary couple
Tristana is Teemo’s childhood friends and Veigar is Teemo’s cousin
Gnar & Tristana are the background couple (and how they got together is a story of it’s own)
Ziggs will hit on anything with a pulse, whether or not they’re in a relationship
Ziggs is Kennen’s best friend since middle school and most of the time they’re roommates
Gnar is foreigner from France (it just happened, maybe I’ll explain it later)
Teemo’s mom is the head of the Italian mafia
Kennen’s mom is head of a clan, Master Shen is his master, and Akali is like his metaphorical sister
Lulu isn’t a stranger to drugs
Pix is a persian cat that meows really, really loudly
Rumble is a sobbing mess because he can’t be with Tristana and has a one-sided rivalry with Teemo because they’re so close
Gnar initially has a crush on Teemo
Half the time we incorporate KDA since Azu (has her own universe for it) likes Akali X Evelynn
Etc. (it’s a long fucking list)
So Rumble really isn’t in the story too often because he’s not really a prominent character we incorporate, and Kled was like a gym teacher in one AU. Heimerdinger is like a college professor who dates Ziggs in 2 or 3 college AUs, and they end up breaking up because Ziggs was being too much of a bitch about it. Ziggs honestly gets with a lot of characters because most of the time, we don’t know who to ship him with: Jinx’s a frequent one, or sometimes we end up making him asexual (who will still hit on everyone because he’s an obnoxious lovable dickhead), and other times (in the multiverse/crossover AUs) we just have him get with himself because it’s hilarious!
So yeah, I will draw them at some point, but it’s really up to whenever I’m in the mood (and I do draw Gnar frequently tho)
Extra info:
Azu rps - Teemo, Tristana, Veigar, Ziggs
Rice rps - Kennen, Gnar, Lulu
Extra characters vary depending on mood
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the-faequeen · 6 years
Tristana x Lulu
Who is a night owl: Tristy is the night owl! UvU she stays up late doing whatever it is tristys do.
Who is a morning person: LU!
Are they cuddlers: Yes!! 
Who is the big spoon: Tristy’s the big spoon!
Who is the little spoon: Lu ;) she likes being cuddled by tristy’s beefy arms o3o
What is their favourite sleeping position: CUDDLING. Legs tied with each other.. i feel.
Who steals all the blankets: Ahhh LULU
What they wear to bed: Trist wears her tank top and shorts. Lu wears her night gown.
Who likes seeing the other wearing their t-shirt: TRIST LIKES IT! WAIT NO.. SHE LOVES IT.
Who falls asleep mid-conversation: Ahh Both !
Who wakes up in the middle of the night with nightmares: Hmmm, maybe trist ? i’m not quite sure with this one.
Who accidentally punched the other in their sleep: LULU! ITS LULU.
Who can’t keep their hands to themself: BOTH. HAHA
Who said “I love you” first: Ahhh -- hard to tell actually, any of them could come first. they’re both very straight forward girls.
Who would have the other’s picture as their phone background: BOTH!
Who leaves notes written in fog on the bathroom mirror: Trist would! Lu’s too much of an airhead UvU She needs constant reminders!
Who buys the other cheesy gifts: Lu would
Who initiated the first kiss: TRISTANA. Girl knows how to get what she wants.
Who kisses the other awake in the morning: Lu
Who starts tickle fights: TRISTY! i think its tristy.
Who asks who if they can join the other in the shower: TRISTANA DOES :^) 
Who surprises the other in the middle of the day at work with lunch: Lu
Who was nervous and shy on the first date: I think tristy would be. Lu’s excited.
Who kills/takes out the spiders: TRIST.
Who loudly proclaims their love when they’re drunk: HAHA TRISTANA. 
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gigi-the-drow · 7 years
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Tristana sketches!! 1) blep 2) trist x veigar (little thing for @trist-y) 3) trist x lulu (sorry but I ship them too) [I ship lulu with everyone ffff]
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