#lucien ssr
xingxueyue · 4 months
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Xumo Spring SSR [Free]
Date: 22 February 2024 to 19 March 2024
66 notes · View notes
laxmiree · 3 months
[CN] MLQC’s Lucien Ice Flowers Date English Translation
This post contains a detailed spoiler for a date that has not been released in EN yet! Feel free to notify me if there are any mistakes in the translation~
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Lyric Poetry Free SSR Event | Prologue+Day 1-3 | Day 4-6 | Day 7-9 | Day 10-12 | Day 13 (Ice Flowers Date)
[T/N: before reading the date, please read the prologue and event first. they're pretty short, plus the date references the event a lot and will make more sense with the event.]
✧ [Subbed Video Ver - Turn On CC!] ✧
✧ [Transcript Ver] ✧
—[Part 1]— Video Timestamp: [00:02]
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The sound of the alarm clock wakes me up from my dream.
There is a faint sound of drizzling rain outside the window. I squint and glance at the dark and gloomy sky leaking through the gap in the curtains, then turn around to snuggle up to the soft warmth beside me.
MC: Lucien... the alarm is ringing…
My brain is reluctant to kick into gear, so I let instinct take over, wrapping myself around Lucien like a koala clinging to a tree.
Strands of my hair are gently teased by his breath, carrying a hint of nasal sound as it grazes past my ear.
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Lucien: Do you want to get up now?
MC: Let me lie down a bit longer…
I bury myself deeper into Lucien's embrace, and a trace of warmth falls onto the tip of my ear.
(🥺 he's pecking her ear)
Lucien: But this Miss specifically instructed me last night to wake you up on time today to find the last specimen material.
Lucien: Do you plan to postpone the plan?
Memories struggle to surface in my mind, and I bury my head deeper in embarrassment.
MC: How about... ten more minutes?
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He laughs softly, his hand gently patting my shoulder. Not sure if he's urging me to get up or coaxing me back to sleep.
Lucien: Collecting material shouldn't take that long. You can give yourself a few extra ten minutes.
His nearly indulgent tone makes me snuggle closer to him even more unscrupulously, and I rest my head in the crook of his neck.
MC: Today is perfect for lazing in bed…
Lucien: [hoarsely] After all, the temperature dropped last night, and now it's only four degrees.
Lucien: [whispers] Compared to the cold room, it's indeed more comfortable here.
MC: Hmm...? Wait, four degrees?
I open my eyes in surprise, reaching out to fumble around the bedside table.
MC: Didn't it warm up yesterday?
MC: I specifically loosened the soil in the flowerpots, thinking about planting the seeds I collected...
Lucien leans over me, fetching my phone and considerately opens the weather app.
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Lucien: The cold wave is more severe than anticipated. The temperature dropped overnight yesterday. But if today's weather forecast is accurate, it should clear up by noon.
I stare dumbfounded at the plummeting temperatures on the screen. Instinctively, I shrink back into the blankets.
As if he has read my mind, Lucien smiles and tucks the blanket around me, snuggles close to me affectionately, as if he too is a little afraid of the cold.
Lucien: (whispers gently) Since the weather isn't cooperating, we can just stay at home today.
Lucien: I happen to have a few movies I've been wanting to watch with you. We haven't found the right opportunity before, but maybe today is perfect.
He looks at me with a gentle smile, his warm body heat enveloping me along with the soft blanket, inviting me to sink back into the gap between dreams and reality.
—[Part 2]— Video Timestamp: [02:28]
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Staying in bed for the entire morning has provided comfort for both body and mind.
As noon approaches, sunlight begins to filter through the overcast clouds, signaling a clearing in the weather. The plan to go out and search for specimens is once again put on the agenda.
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MC: Shall we just look around the neighborhood?
Lucien: Sure. Given the weather, there might be another rain shower later.
I retrieve two thick sweaters from the wardrobe, while Lucien brings matching scarves and coats.
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This late spring chill is indeed quite fierce.
Despite the increasingly radiant sunlight, we still fully bundle up, and the air remains cold enough that I can't help but huddle close to Lucien.
As I nestle into my scarf, I scan our surroundings in all directions.
Although we're not going too far, I still want to try to find something sufficiently special to mark the end of this collection journey of over ten days.
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MC: Those fallen leaves look quite beautiful! But considering we started with leaf specimens on the first day, wouldn't it lack a bit of originality?
Lucien: Hmm, plant specimens already make up a considerable proportion. We should indeed consider materials from other categories.
MC: Should we buy a butterfly specimen material kit to revisit the "original intention" of making specimens?
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Lucien: But there's already a butterfly on the display shelf that you praised as special before.
Lucien: [with a hint of grievance in his tone] If your attention is taken by other similar specimens, it will hurt its heart.
The person next to me deliberately reveals a slightly distressed expression, yet he softly raises the corner of his lips.
Remembering the butterfly he made with clean and white fish bones, who knows how long it took him. I can't help but laugh and pull him away from the neighborhood.
MC: Let's go check out other places and seek some new inspiration!
Unfortunately, even after we leave the neighborhood, the situation hasn't changed much.
We went to our usual café, and took a stroll in the bookstore, but apart from getting a rosy nose from the cold, we came back empty-handed.
Seeing that it's about to drizzle again, I thought today's search might come to an end. However, Lucien quickly takes a couple of steps and leads me into the convenience store on the street.
The warm air, mixed with the aroma of cooked food, instantly dispels the cold from outside, like a small campfire amid a concrete jungle.
I relax my shoulders, which had tensed up from the cold, and lean in close to him as we walk to the counter, picking out a few skewers of fish balls, radishes, and other items for a warm hotpot.
MC: Convenience stores truly are an important part of the city…
MC: They provide warmth in winter, coolness in summer, and offer coffee and boxed meals for every working folks.
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Lucien: It also serves as a resting spot for the little explorer who's been searching for a long time.
I hear the sound of a payment code being scanned. When I turn around, I see him grabbing two hot chocolate from the hot beverage section.
Lucien: Sugar helps activate the brain, encouraging people to make better decisions.
Lucien: After searching for so long without making a decision, do you have any particular thoughts about today's collection item?
He hands me one of the hot drinks, gesturing for me to sit at the bar table. Those calm eyes of his seem to have already seen through all of my thoughts.
I wrap my hands around the warm package, sipping the hot chocolate slowly, one gulp at a time.
The mild taste of milk softens the richness of chocolate, and the lingering sweetness dances on my lips and tongue. Normally, it might seem a bit too sweet, but at this moment, it tastes just right.
Perhaps because I’m back in a comfortable environment, the emotions that were lingering in my heart melt into the faint background noise, escaping from my lips with a shallow sigh.
MC: Do you think I'm too fixated on the idea of the "last specimen"?
MC: I always feel like what I find isn't special enough, and in the end, I come back empty-handed, spending the whole morning in the cold breeze for nothing.
The light rain pitter-patters on the window, leaving long streaks of water behind.
Lucien also opens his hot chocolate, speaking softly.
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Lucien: Although it may require more time and effort, I believe this kind of perfectionism is also an indispensable part of life.
Lucien: Since these specimens capture fragments of our lives, I'm not willing to compromise when it comes to matters related to you either.
A light and tender curve graces his lips as he reaches out to re-tie my scarf, forming a neat and beautiful knot.
Lucien: Moreover, better options might unexpectedly cross our paths in the future.
Lucien: Just like the surprises you've brought me time and time again.
He rubs my hair.
Lucien: So, stay with me a little longer on this road to the future.
I smile at him, then half seriously point to the convenience store loyalty card that came with the bill after he paid.
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MC: If we still haven't found the right collectable by the end of today, let's turn this into a specimen.
MC: Let's use the blank squares to remind me that better things always await us in the future.
—[Part 3]— Video Timestamp: [06:35]
Returning in the afternoon, we add a new stamp to our loyalty card, and in our hands are snacks and drinks bought from the convenience store.
I was about to turn on the air conditioner when Lucien seemed to recall something and asked me to wait for a moment.
After a thorough search in the storage room, he brought in a small tea table with a built-in birdcage-shaped heater.
MC: What is this...? How did I not notice that we had something like this at home before?
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Lucien: It's a gift from when the Bioultima Research Institute purchased machinery before.
Lucien: Thinking that you might enjoy the atmosphere of ‘gathering around a fire’ together, I stored it in the storage room. Finally, I have the chance to use it this time.
MC: What kind of machinery comes with a small heater as a gift?
Two completely unrelated things being connected caught me off guard for a moment.
Lucien: It’s from the manufacturers who provide constant-temperature incubators.
Lucien: During that period, they planned to expand their product line and started making electric blankets and heaters.
MC: Pfft…
I couldn't help but chuckle as I watched Lucien shrug his shoulders, plugging in the heater. I lay out a cozy "nest" with a blanket and waved him over to join me in one corner.
MC: Please step into the trap~
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Lucien: I'm more than happy to fall into this trap.
He brought another blanket, further reinforcing our little corner.
The knob turns, and the heater lights up with an orange glow. The surrounding slightly damp and chilly air gradually warms up, becoming fluffy and cozy.
MC: Not bad, not bad. Indeed, it reflects the "scientific research standard"~ And using a small heater for warmth is much more romantic than turning on the air conditioner.
Under the blanket, I embrace his arm, his body temperature more comforting than the heater and snugly pressed against my side, we're all wrapped up tight under this flowery blanket.
MC: Since the heater comes with a small tea table, should we grab some things and warm them a bit?
MC: There's probably some oranges and snacks at home, and do we still have a big half-bottle of rice wine in the fridge?
Lucien: Mm. Besides the rice wine, there should be a jar of dried osmanthus in the kitchen cabinet.
MC: Sounds good!
I nod in satisfaction, already able to imagine how enticing this tea spread will be. Even the placement of each item is meticulously arranged in my mind, perfect in every detail.
Lucien: Aren't you going to get them?
Lucien's voice, tinged with confusion, pulls me back from the fragrant reverie to reality.
I sheepishly lift my head and stick out my tongue at him.
MC: It takes courage to face the cold head-on, and it also requires a bit of determination and time.
As I speak, I purposely blink at him and put on a pitiful expression.
MC: Or... could Professor Lucien do me a small favor?
Lucien: Well, that's a bit tricky. I'm reluctant to leave such a comfortable spot myself.
MC: Huh?
My tactic of being coquettish totally bombed, making me blink in a bit of surprise.
The gentle laughter ripples through the confined space. Under the blanket, he tightens his embrace around me, and with a sudden force, he lifts me to my feet.
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Lucien: [whispers playfully] Since neither of us wants to leave the warmth of the blanket, why don't we just go together?
The blanket securely wraps us together as he takes slow steps forward, allowing me to move along with his stride.
His body warmth seeps through the fabric and onto my skin, providing a comforting warmth but this closeness also makes us stumble in our movements.
MC: We can't walk with you like this.
I laugh and try to poke him as usual, but almost lose my balance. With Lucien's quick eyes, his agile hands swiftly pull me back into his arms.
Lucien: For safety's sake, it's better if we stick together and move in unison.
He candorly spoke the childish suggestion, and as he looks into my eyes, they are sparkling with a bright smile.
I've always been helpless against him when he's like this, so I simply hug him tightly, raising a smile on my face.
MC: Then I'll take the lead~
MC: Left foot, right foot, left, right....
He cooperatively sways left and right with my "commands" as we move forward together.
The distance that was usually just a few steps away is lengthened as our body rubs against each other. Our laughter warms the blanket that gently brushes against our cheeks.
We move and drag our way slowly to the kitchen, teasingly hindering each other as we attempt to get the rice wine, fruits, and dried osmanthus.
With silent understanding, we wrap ourselves snugly in the blankets once again, nestling and rubbing against each other, as we slowly make our way back to the heater.
He doesn't release this prolonged hug until we both settle onto the sofa.
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MC: It feels like you're exceptionally clingy today.
Lucien: [in husky tone] To ensure ample warmth, it's only natural to diligently protect the heat source.
MC: [laughs] Hmph, that's nonsense!
Although I say this, I happily share my body warmth with him, finding a more comfy spot as I lie down on his chest.
Snacks are placed on the tea table, carefully and slowly warmed. The mildly sweet aroma of heated rice wine mixes with the scent of osmanthus and citrus.
Lucien reaches out for a book, while I shelter inside his embrace and swipe my cell phone, allowing tranquility to sink and float along with the warm air in the room as we comfortably mind our own bussiness.
Occasionally, I take a few pastries and snacks to share with him, or pour two cups of rice wine. The delicate sound of clinking cups accompanies the smooth fragrance of the wine before it glides down our throats.
People are always particularly prone to indulging in sweet moments.
Whether it's the rhythmic flipping of book pages or the gradually equalizing frequency of sound in videos, my consciousness becomes entranced without me realizing it.
I don't know when I fell asleep, I just remember having a peaceful dream while wrapped in soft, cloud-like fabric.
As I stretch and yawn, I hear a soft voice coming from my side.
Lucien: Good Afternoon.
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I look in his direction.
The late afternoon sun has sprinkled over the entire living room as if the previous cold and gloom were things of the distant past.
Amid all warmth and tranquility, beams of light shine generously and cordially, outlining his figure and casting a soft glow around him like a veil.
Lucien lazily props his hand against his face, the corners of his eyes and eyebrows gently curved into a soft arc.
The heater raised the indoor temperature, and his shirt was unbuttoned, showing off a lot of skin on his chest.
The blanket that was wrapped around him remains dutifully covering his body, cocooning him in coziness.
Everything is spread out in the sunlight, casting a sepia tone reminiscent of old movies.
Lucien: Why so quiet, are you still not fully awake yet?
He stretches out his fingers and waves them in front of my eyes.
MC: I'm already awake.
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MC: I just woke up and was immediately greeted by a sight that delights the eye and warms the heart; I can't help but want to look at it a little longer.
I hook my fingers around his, letting the strands of my hair cascading over my shoulders slide down my back with the motion.
Lucien: Although I'd love to continue admiring you in front of me, I'm afraid I need to break this distance for now.
The unexpected answer left me momentarily stunned, just staring dazedly at him as his eyes unabashedly revealed a hint of grievance.
Lucien: You've been resting on my leg this whole time. I didn't dare to change positions at will.
Lucien: But it's really starting to feel numb.
MC: Pfft... You could've woken me up too, you know!
[a big fox who deliberately shows off his chest just to enjoy his lover’s stunned look and still uses the chance to openly ‘grieve’ as if he’s being ‘wronged’ pfft]
—[Part 4]— Video Timestamp: [13:14]
The rice wine is still warm, and there's still half a box of snacks left.
Sweetness fills the entire space, and I let out a contented sigh as I pour a small cup of rice wine for both him and myself.
As I taste the wine, my gaze curiously falls on the screen of Lucien's computer—there's a paper that seems a bit beyond my grasp, and beside him, there's also a book with specimen illustrations.
MC: What book are you reading?
Lucien: Literature on specimen preparation.
Lucien: Among the specimens we've made recently, the less conventional ones seem to make up the majority.
Lucien: Since there's such an opportunity, why not take the chance to brush up on some relevant professional knowledge?
MC: As expected of you! So, what has our Great Professor learned?
Lucien: I realized that my understanding of specimens may have some misconceptions.
He sets aside the computer and pulls me into his arms, flipping to a page in the book with illustrations of plant specimens, and starts to speak.
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Lucien: In the field of collection, the significance of specimens mostly lies in preserving a particular moment of life forms, much like taking a photograph or recording a video.
Lucien: It can be understood as a record of the past.
Lucien: But from the perspective of scientific research, it mostly serves the research and analysis of relevant topics.
MC: From what it sounds like, it actually seems more like some kind of reserve for the future, doesn't it?
The person behind me nods and gently rubs his chin against the strands of hair on top of my head.
His scent, mingled with the fragrance of alcohol, fills my nostrils, as I attentively "listen" to his lecture, yet greedily rub against his neck.
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Lucien: The side branches we prune from the hydrangea will encourage more lush growth, and perhaps the seeds you've brought will sprout someday in the future.
Lucien: There are still many spaces left on the loyalty card waiting for us to fill.
Lucien: Compared to keeping records, it seems that our collection shelf has also unconsciously left many expectations for the future.
Lucien: I should also learn from these specimens to find the presence in life that will make you pay attention…
There's a dark undercurrent in his eyes that lures me to delve deeper, as if there’s a river flowing with honey, making me willingly and wholeheartedly drown in it.
Lucien: Then I'll put what I've learned into practice, and bring back home even more things that can make my little lady happy.
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Lucien: And not to end up like today, "spending the whole morning in the cold breeze for nothing”.
A speck of warmth touches the tip of my nose, bringing back memories of the cold, wind-filled morning.
Not to be outdone, I pinch his earlobe. The blanket slowly moved, causing the book originally placed on me to fall to the ground.
MC: I thought you were going to announce some groundbreaking scientific discovery, how did we end up here?
Lucien ignores the fallen book and just grabs my wrist with his free hand, then firmly holds it with his fingers.
Our already close distance is further reduced, and I can almost feel his breath brushing past my lips.
Maybe it's from knocking back too much rice wine, but the heart pounding in the chest is loud and clear in my ears, yet I can't tell if it's his beat or mine.
Lucien: I thought this conclusion hit the nail on the head.
Lucien: After all, it's only through practical application that theory can truly prove its worth.
Our breath intertwines and circulates with each exhale and inhale, floating amidst the gaps of beautiful dreams, as the light, airy sense of haziness envelops my body once again.
I simply lean forward, closing the last bit of distance between us, and affectionately kiss his cheek.
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MC: But for me, what leads me to look forward to the future is neither memories nor specimens.
MC: Rather, it's you.
His long eyelashes resemble the antennae of a butterfly, trembling ever so slightly as if confirming something, casting an alluring look.
MC: You gave me a hot chocolate, a little heater for warming the rice wine, a warm blanket, blank loyalty cards...
MC: And there's also an exceptionally clingy Professor Lucien.
MC: [smiles widely] It's you who brought romance and anticipation into my life.
Lucien's breath momentarily hitches, and then a warm sigh flows out from his lips.
Lucien: Then let's leave the last space on the shelf empty, we'll make this sense of anticipation our final collection. And together, let's wait for the next wave of happiness to arrive.
MC: Sure, leaving it blank does add a poetic touch.
Following my heart's desire, I kiss his eyelids. The gentle kisses and embraces weave a finely knit yet dense web, slowly making us fall into a light trance.
We enjoy the blurry and dizzying moment peacefully until a faint pattern on the window catches my eye in the hazy light.
I look towards the windowsill and find a delicate pattern drawn by ice crystals as if it were a fragment left behind by winter.
Lucien: What's wrong?
Sensing my distraction, Lucien softly pinches the nape of my neck, attempting to bring back my attention to what we were doing.
MC: I've discovered a happiness that has arrived unexpectedly.
MC: Lucien, look, there's an ice flower on the window.
With a smile, I break away from his embrace and casually pick up the book that had fallen aside for a long time, handing it back to him.
Lucien's gaze falls on that place, a hint of astonishment lighting up his dark eyes, which are even more touching than the view on the window.
MC: I didn't expect to see ice flowers. I'm starting to quite like today's cold air.
The gaze that had captivated me suddenly shifts, and the only thing reflected in those eyes is me, gazing back at him just as deeply.
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Lucien: Then let's seize it.
His large hand covers the back of my hand, guiding me as our hands slowly glide along the window together.
The tips of his fingers seemed to shine with a faint, unnoticeable light.
Before I can ponder over it, starting from the point that we touched, ice crystals spread from the windowsill towards the center, spreading out into feather-like patterns.
I forget to breathe for a moment.
He continues guiding my movements until the entire window is covered with exquisite patterns we've drawn together.
MC: So beautiful!
I throw myself into his arms, my hands instinctively wrapping around his shoulders.
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The tiny fragments transform into graceful patterns covering the entire window, imprinting the intertwined warmth and cold, weaving a flower that belongs only to winter in the spring.
I've heard that ice flowers on windows, just like snowflakes, each have their own unique shapes.
The beauty captured by him must indeed be a mark that belongs solely to him.
Lucien: Is this "material" enough to become our final specimen and deepen your anticipation for the future?
With a faint smile, he pulls the curtains further apart, allowing this scenery to be fully displayed before us.
MC: There won't be a better specimen than this!
MC: Thank you for personally "capturing" the future in front of me.
I tilt my head up and place a kiss on the side of Lucien's face, unable to suppress the smile at the corners of my lips.
MC: In that case, I'll try to give you more "now" as a gift in return.
A pair of slender eyes gently curve, quietly awaiting the words I'm about to say.
MC: I'm not as amazing as you, who is always able to see so far ahead...
MC: Always able to move forward with such determination, turning that mere anticipation of the future into reality, surprising me time and time again.
MC: But just like today, I can find various little sceneries around us.
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MC: And then tell you, "Lucien, look, a flower is blooming over there."
The cold light outside the window filters through layers of ice crystals, refracting into tiny iridescent rainbows, and melting into his warm and flowing gaze.
A kiss, like an answer, lands on the corner of my lips, letting me taste a sweetness sweeter than all the drinks and refreshments in the world.
Lucien: [hoarsely] After experiencing happiness, people will naturally have expectations for the future.
Lucien: [x2] They’ll have the desire to relive the experiences they once had, again and again, or seek other happiness they haven’t yet experienced.
Lucien: [x3] But now, I feel that, compared to the distant future, the present moment is even more touching.
Lucien's lowered voice sounds a bit hoarse, reminding me of a big fox's subtle purring when it's in a pleasant mood.
Lucien: [x4!] After all, in the face of the immediate beauties, all hypotheses about expectations will seem too illusory.
Lucien: For example, the ice flower that bloomed in this window because of your attention.
The hand embracing my waist intimately confines me, and it feels as if the temperature inside the room has heated up again.
Lucien: And another example is you.
The heater emits heat that makes people cling to the warmth, and all the wonderful scents I can think of are blending and surrounding me.
Spring has just begun, and there are still many good days ahead.
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Will Victor have a new event next month in Chinese server? I'm absolutely starving for some fresh content :( I hope it's not the main story because, from what I've read in the bai7_journey channel, the story seems mostly boring now...
hello!~ i’ll be able to give you an absolute answer when lovepro releases the June event schedule in a few days.
but from what it seems like right now, nope. b/c Victor began the doomsday themed solo event that’s currently running, and the event will be wrapping up in June with Lucien. the other event next month, aside from Shaw’s birthday, indeed is the main story update haha. besides the chapter SSRs, the next top-up ERs in rotation will be Gavin and Lucien. and the summer update likely is gonna be announced in July (the first week i presume). so it’s pretty much gonna be a short drought after the flood of Victor contents for a while there ahah— 🫠
on the bright side for me though, it’ll give me a little time to catch up on some translations ig LOL. also, i am currently working on one of his dates, so perhaps you can look forward to that~ (⁠・⁠∀⁠・⁠)
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night-chant · 2 years
MLQC Scenario - Miss. Love: King’s Choice (Role Swap AU)
Wait no hear me outt
Featuring: MLQC Guys + reader
Synopsis: There’s this new otome game but there’s no way he’d have any interest in these sort of things. That is until he saw a certain pixelated character through the screen . . .
Warning: None---enjoy the madness loool
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stage 1: denial
When Victor first heard of Miss. Love: King’s Choice, he was really put off by it---the title sounds ridiculous, the game mechanics doesn’t seem entertaining cuz really, why would he get excited over virtual cards?
stage 2: curiosity
Apparently the game is really successful, proven through the engagement on social media posts and promotions about the game online. 
The algorithm would constantly feature you---front and center with your beaming smile as you sat on a floral swing adorned in roses. It was your most iconic SSR . . .
aHEm forget his phone, he would still hear passerby talked about it---he would never admit how much his attention sharpened at the sound of your name whenever they talked about you, your elegance and courage found within your dates and chapters.
Eventually, he would download MLKC as a joke, ready to nitpick everything about it, internally promising himself to uninstall if---I mean WHEN it gets boring.
Although he complains about aspects of it, he never really did???
stage 3: embarrassment
Will hide it from anyone from a two-meter radius.
When Goldman walked nearby, Victor would stare at the calculator app so...stiffly…
stage 4: acceptance
He will get over his embarrassment soon (you bet he would get your top-up cards yesssss)
You know that lead board for every love interest in Momentos for Bond Points? Victor was always ALWAYS at the top for yours.
And so when it was your featured day in Box Office, everyone gotta watch out cuz he will be at the top in Box Office too XD
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The toys at the orphanage didn’t appeal to one of the children and she was bored out of her minddd
Lucien tried to offer ideas and the more the little girl reject every one of them, the more crazy his ideas got just to mess with her lolol
Like noo professor sir I don’t want to read that Quantum Physics textbook plz noo XD
He finally managed to make her happy when he offered his phone. He didn’t have any games on it, but she was welcomed to download some as long as he approved of them. (He wasn’t a dad but that didn’t stop him from acting like one lol)
He was expecting like dress up games or UNO but what she chose ... well..
“Are you sure?” Lucien asked as he carefully eyed the preview contents of MLKC. “It seems harmless but unfortunately, I don’t think you’re the target audience.”
The little girl pouted. “But this lady looks like a superrr beautiful princess!! Did you see her hair and dress? Look look!” She swiped to the image of your profile. Robed in a simple yet stunning lavender dress, you held elegance in your posture and innocence in your eyes. 
The little girl poked Lucien’s cheekbone. “Why aren’t you saying anything? Is that a yes?”
He smiled after recovering from his daze. “It seems that the princess has convinced me too.”
They were your firm loyal supporters from then on lol
He was always pushed into dealing with the gacha pulls especially after you came home to him many times aww
Even after visiting the orphanage, Lucien might admit he read all of your unlocked dates on his own lol
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He ain’t picky with any kind of games, his phone was full of all sorts of them (he had the dream phone storage space sighh)
He has rpg, shooting, ones where you just raise farm animals ,...webkinz?? So an otome game isn’t a strange exception. 
Although he didn’t really download it for the romance, he instantly gravitated to your charisma to the MC player. Your compassion made his heart swoon and now all he thought about was romancee
And when you sung happy birthday to him on his special day?? His heart almost couldn’t handle your angelic, lovely voice.
Screenshotted your dates all the time ---he demands new content asappp
Kiro consistently voiced his support to you like the biggest stan to anyone who would listen (i am so sorry Savin the car rides to the tour performances will feel much longer now)
Kiro got excited over any event and raved about how gorgeous the art in your karmas are.
His manager sighed as Kiro was nearly bouncing off the walls. “What are you going on about now??”
“Savinsavinsavin look at the new karma I got! Doesn’t Miss. Chips look perfect??”
“Kiro, that is a R karma.”
Offended, Kiro wrapped his arm protectively around his phone as he glared at Savin. “!! ANd I need to frame it on my wall.”
He had all your merch in his room. Your posters, your pins, your figurine, your body pillow--
Lately, his songs was all about one girl and fans had no clue who was his secret girlfriend cuz the only one he ever posts about was a game character??
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When it came to media, this guy lived under a rock. The latest movie’s gigantic, bright ad could be flashing in front of his face and a lone smol bird by the streetlight would catch his attention first.
So how on Earth was he gonna find out about the mysterious, subtle mobile game Miss. Love King’s Choice??
He was kinda peer pressured by Minor . . .
Minor: yooo brooo i know a girl who is sooo your type and she is right here!
Gavin: Really? Where? 
The only pedestrians in the streets were an elderly couple.
When he sees you in Minor’s phone screen, he was concerned. He had two thoughts:
1) Minor played dating simulation games?
2) Oh no why does this virtual character look cute?
Cute was an understatement. How you cuddled with big fluffy dogs in your SR or how you were very much embracing the look of your long veil in your wedding SSR.
Gavin acted/tried to convince himself he wasn’t interested in playing MLKC but nevertheless, he would look over when Minor was doing the dailies in order to get a chance to have a glimpse of you.
“C’mon, bro, drop the act and download the game!” Minor said when he caught Gavin low-key eyeing over at his phone. “Do it and I’ll stop tapping on your girl’s forehead.”
Gavin glared. “Stop doing that.”
(but then how was he supposed to read the next dialogue?? Anywhere else would earn Minor sthg way worse than Gavin’s glare QAQ) 
If Minor knew what was good for himself, he gotta make it clear his favourite character was NOT you.
Gavin maaybe did some research about a certain character…
”Huhhh?? I didn’t know she could control flowers and plants???”
”Minor, there were clear hints: lilies grew where she walked at the end of chapter 2.”
Eventually, Gavin ended up playing the game. He enjoyed the moments where his MC player gets to save you in dangerous moments of the story.
He always associated you with cuteness until he read your Valentine SP’s Mind Quest his face is completely red aAH 
He was a bit defensive when people criticize your character though so watch outtt
This is my second attempt to make you smile lol I hope you enjoy it!!
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ginkgo-shaw · 11 months
oversharing about mlqc
i’m so so so happy the new event in mlqc just dropped and i got all the karmas (cards) i wanted and more 😭😭😭
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so here are the karmas look at my boys!!!!!!!!!!! (in an asexual way of course)
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you have to know that i got kiro 3 times, lucien 2 times and a new SSR of kiro and gavin that aren’t from the event. it’s CRAZY i’m happy!!!!! saving for more than a year was so so worth it.
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amongtherose · 2 years
<Forbidden Sea> Event
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Victor SSR [汪洋烬燃]
Lucien SSR [秘迹纬度]
Gavin SSR [飓海囚心]
Kiro SSR [心向偏航]
Shaw SSR [颠覆彼岸]
Source: 恋与制作人壁纸杂货铺
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arabella-77 · 3 months
Lucien Solo SSR PV (MLQC CN)
This PV was released 20th Feb, but I was so busy. Sorry for late post
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cheri-translates · 2 years
[CN] Upcoming content in September!
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30 August: “100 Days of Feelings” event will begin, where the LIs will send players e-mails every day in preparation for the 5th Anniversary ♡
1 September: Lucien ER event
1 September: Mid-Autumn R karmas for all 5 LIs
Mid-September: West Moon update (4 ER karmas)
End-September: Main storyline update (4 SSR karmas)
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mlqc-gavinslove · 1 year
LUCIEN: Autumn Whisper (SSR KARMA)
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Lucien's Phone Call ~Breakfast Time~
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Lucien's Moments ~Maple Sugar~
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Autumn Whisper after evolution
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Lucien's Phone Call ~Maiden's Heart~
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theeillusi0nist · 2 years
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Please I haven't posted Ghost Marriage Idia cuz I didn't got him—;; But Im really sure to post it with defeat cuz gg Hia didn't got the SSR and is now gemless , anyway...While away and couple weeks and weeks back I made an OC (specifically a Twisted Wonderland one) Their name is Lucien , I was thinking of sticking him in Pomefiore or Diasomnia (Since I have like an art of him that gives him Diasomnia vibes rather than Pomefiore)
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itsmymindspeaking · 1 year
I have been waiting for these 🥺😍🖤 so happy I could get them !!!
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I also have no more gems because of the stupid wish tree 🥲 and I pulled stupid Lucien’s SP 3 times now and can almost redeem twice 🥲 and now I won’t have any gems for the VALENTINES SSRS I DIDNT EVEN KNOW ABOUT AND I WANT TO CRY :)
I have made that mistake on both my accounts so i am even more upset …. To be fair it was like 5 am when I was checking everything and I was just so excited and as per usual inpatient and just wanted everything now ….. but I legit didn’t know we had to pay for the stupid SSRs and now I am very sad 🥲😭
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xingxueyue · 8 months
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Born To Be Someone XuMo SSR Wish Tree Event
Date: 12 October 2023 to 18 October 2023
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laxmiree · 1 month
[CN] MLQC Lucien's new SSR karma + Accursed Date blurbs
This post contains a detailed spoiler for a story that has not been released in EN yet! Feel free to notify me if there are any mistakes in the translation~
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"Everyone is accompanied by puzzles, it's just that some are ignorant, and some are fearless."
Date blurbs under the cut!
[Accursed Date]
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The terrifying barking echoed through the dense fog, and the bloody crime scene presented a horrifying welcome to us.
Under the clear and sunny sky, murderous intent lurks within the manor. Beneath layers of schemes, who will have the last laugh?
[Trivia: His story is very likely to be inspired by "Hound of the Baskervilles"]
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"The charm of thinking lies in that you will eventually come close to someone similar to you."
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y2ashlee · 11 days
Tops or bottoms twisted wonderland
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If asked what body part do they like on their lover or people they are attracted to.
This is all my opinion except for Jade I have hard evidence about that one. Evidence is his dorm SSR groovyed card.
I will not be including the Birdman aka Crowley and the keeper of Lucien aka Trein (he has a lovely wife).
Riddle- he would never lower himself to state what body part of someone is prefers especially if they were his lover. But he’d have a long think about it when he was alone. (Tits or pecs)
Trey- he likes a good set of buns he obviously wouldn’t say it that way though . (Bottom/ass)
Cater- he’s definitely not an open book. (Tits/pecs)
Deuce- don’t ask him that sort of question he’d freeze up and think really hard about it when he doesn’t have to. (Bottom/ass)
Ace- he’d straight up tell you even if you didn’t ask. (Tits/pecs)
Leona- it’s for him to know not you. (Hips)
Ruggie- offer him food and he might tell you. (Thighs)
Jack- personality. He’s actually not lying. (Hands)
Azul- he’ll tell you for a price. (Thighs)
Jade- he’d chuckle and give you a strange smile before walking away. (Feet/tail fin)
Floyd- he’d also straight up admit what he likes if he’s in a good mood if he’s not well you better run. (Legs/tail)
Kalim- if asked he’d think you meant shirts or pants. (Thighs)
Jamil- eyes he says full of lies. (Bottom/ass)
Vil- lips. (He’s telling the truth)
Rook- hands. (Like a the whore he is)
Epel- he’d be embarrassed to admit it. (Tits/pecs)
Idia- As we know all anime degenerates are know for liking thighs and he’d agree. But he’s a closeted boob guy. (Or pecs)
Malleus- All of Yuu just like the John Legend song all of me he’d want all of you.
Lilia- he’d chuckle and disappear before telling anyone anything. (Bottom/ass)
Silver- if asked he’d think about it before replying with a stone cold expression. (Tits/pecs)
Sebek- he’d yell at the person who asked never actually saying his answer. (Thighs)
Crewel- ass.
Vargas- Tits (or pecs)
Sam- He’d laugh before trying to sell you something. (
Chenya- he’d grin and disappear while humming to himself as he’d never tell. (Midriff/lower back)
Neige- he’d be confused at the question at first then think about it. (Eyes)
Rollo- he’d scoff and walk away not answering the question. (Ankles like the sinner he is.)
Anyway thanks for reading my garbage.
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threadbaresweater · 7 months
Lin…Lin pls. Idk if you had a chance to look today, but if not I’m bringing some of the SSRs to you
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these ones are my fave versions of each dgzjsjzks but you get both for Lucien cuz it made me feel like 🥴🥴🥴🥴🥴
Oh my godddddddd
I'm gonna need a full frontal view of Victor's tattoo. And is it just me, or did MC get a glowup? She looks a lot less innocent than she used to.
Thank you for sending these! I did not, in fact, get a chance to look but now I'm scrolling the mlqc tag and having the time of my life. ❤️❤️❤️
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munashikouta · 1 year
Ok i didn't wait till tomorrow and did 27 wishes so i could get enough flowers for the shop's lucien's SSR
i got 5 SRs and 22 Rs that i already had
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but atleast i still got that SSR from the shopp
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