frolicadventure · 2 years
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Sarangkot hill station is one of the best places in Nepal to see beautiful Himalayas and the sunrise. . https://www.frolicadventure.com/nepal-luxury-tour . #nepalluxurytour #nepalluxurytours #luxurytourinnepal #viewfromsarangkot #annapurna #fishtail #sarangkot #nepalnow #nepalisbeautiful #lovenepal #himalaya #mountains #holiday #photography #travelling #tourinnepal #frolicadventure #travelwithfrolicadventure (at Sarangkot) https://www.instagram.com/p/ClA9_BNrjsA/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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rainsmussh · 1 year
Just love the view ❤️❤️❤️
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rajeshtg · 2 years
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Sarangkot hill station is one of the best places in Nepal to see beautiful Himalayas and the sunrise. . https://www.frolicadventure.com/nepal-luxury-tour . #nepalluxurytour #nepalluxurytours #luxurytourinnepal #viewfromsarangkot #annapurna #fishtail #sarangkot #nepalnow #nepalisbeautiful #lovenepal #himalaya #mountains #holiday #photography #travelling #tourinnepal #frolicadventure #travelwithfrolicadventure (at Sarangkot) https://www.instagram.com/p/ClA_IfeISIL/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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juliobicalho · 1 year
Hoje muitos relacionamentos são ornamentados por falas e juras de amor eterno, ou autoafirmações que mascaram as incertezas de relações superficiais. Inseguranças recíprocas que formam o vago tempo "eterno" de sonhos, gestos e palavras fofas, mas que são completamente esvaziadas de sentido. Quando a conveniência da lugar a insatisfação, essas paixões acabam, aí tão falada eternidade de juras e promessas se quebram e os sonhos "em alguns casos" se convertem em pesadelos.
Desde da pegada rústica às preferências diversas, as pessoas selecionam seus pares dando ênfase a perfis estéticos, religiosos, preferência musical, cor dos olhos, estatura física, usos e costumes ou uma futilidade qualquer.
Com o passar do tempo vem a realidade onde percebemos que pessoas precisam se relacionar com pessoas, é nesse tempo que as mascaras são quebradas e os "castelos de areia" se dissolvem. Aí percebemos que é hora de encarar as consequências das próprias escolhas.
Muitos se esquecem que raramente os relacionamentos começam numa paixão fulminante, naturalmente eles começam com uma boa amizade, onde a sinceridade abre as portas para cumplicidade, e a natureza de cada um não incomoda o outro, assim a relação humana começa sem trocas, cobranças, insegurança ou desconfiança.
CONFIANÇA é o entendimento de que a liberdade total do outro é um voo livre rumo ao imponderável, na certeza de que em cada pouso existe um porto seguro de paz e segurança, onde a compreensão guarda os sonhos e alimenta a cumplicidade.
RELACIONAMENTO é a entrega de um sentimento puro e absoluto que existe em nós, é a certeza de que podemos doar de modo incondicional, algo que transpõe essa realidade tão pequena e limitada que vivemos. É o incondicional eterno que motiva a vida, sem a cólera das dúvidas conjugais, mancha sentimentais ou embaraços. Pois o amor é uma predisposição recíproca da alma humana.
Julio M. Bicalho
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29elevenbnb · 1 year
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A perfect room for you #lovenepal #travelgram #travelnepal #bedandbreakfast (at 29 Eleven Bed and Breakfast) https://www.instagram.com/p/CliKgB9jmha/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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storeanything999me · 4 years
Beautiful Nepal :)
Must Watch...
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yfukuoka · 5 years
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‪【2314日目①】2019-05‬-19 見た目は女性誌に出てきそうなおしゃれカフェですが、スタッフはみんな笑顔のネパール人^^ . Sajiro Clove サジロクローブ@西荻窪 _______________________________________________________ #マトンカレー #本日のカレー(挽き肉と茄子) #ナン #ライス . 一度振られていたので、念願の入店です。 まず、接客クオリティがインドネパール店とは大きく違いました。ここはジャパンクオリティ。見回せば、若い女子から年老いた女子まで、歳を重ねてもときめいてしまう空気感があります。 外の光が強くて、店内に光りと影が差し込むお店って僕も好きです。 . そんなゆったりした雰囲気のなか、僕らは急いでいたので、考えずに注文をしたら、どちらも羊肉カレーになってしまいました。 とろっとしていて濃厚で、あまりネパール感のないカレーでしたが、シンプルで分かりやすいおいしさは、万人受けしそうですね。 . スパイスの濃さに負けないくらい玉ねぎの甘みもしっかりしていて、旨味が舌に残ります。ワインで言うとボディ感のある後味といった感じでしょうか。 ワインを飲まないので知りませんけどd(-x・) . 夜には、ネパール料理があるみたい。 また来てみたいけど、西荻窪は、おいしいお店がいっぱいあるからなぁ… . _______________________________________________________ 🇳🇵 #nepal #spice #curry #sajiro #cafe #clove #lovenepal #ネパール #西荻窪 #ランチ #カフェ #カレー #毎日カレー #ふくすたぐらむ #フクドローン #年老いた女子っていい響きだ (Sajilo Clove) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bx-EoGagcXU/?igshid=1rvnsf7a3iczn
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frolicadventure · 2 years
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Nagarkot is the nearest hill station from Kathmandu from where you can see unblocking sunrise, sunset and long range mountains. . https://www.frolicadventure.com/chisapani-nagarkot-trek . #chisapaninagarkottrek #shorttreknearkathmandu #nagarkotchangunarayanhiking #sunrisefromnagarkot #langtanghhimalaya #frolicadventure #travelwithfrolicadventure #nepalisbeautiful #lovenepal #lovemountains (at Nagarkot) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ck2VAOJq2AK/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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7-namita-ghimire · 3 years
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Our organization Human Harmony Nepal is conducting a Health campaign every day in Kagtigaun through a volunteer from Romania for one month. We are very proud to get a hardworking and diligent volunteer like him to help in some villages of Rular villages of Kagtigaun and Kathmandu. Our organization is very appreciative of his Harmony and we truly grateful to have Alex, a volunteer. who came from so far away during such an epidemic to check the health of about fifty people per day. #healthylifestyle #humanharmonynepal #volunteers #voluntering #voluntariado #givingway #lovenepal #followforfollowback #travel #travelingnepal #bagpack #lovequotes #facebook #instagood #instagram #beautifuldestinations #kathmandu #womenempowerment #donations #organization #takecareofyourself #covid_19 #increadible (at Kathmandu, Nepal) https://www.instagram.com/p/COPTz9tnU1W/?igshid=55e6fwu4sgkb
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rajeshtg · 2 years
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Sarangkot hill station is one of the best places in Nepal to see beautiful Himalayas and the sunrise. . https://www.frolicadventure.com/nepal-luxury-tour . #nepalluxurytour #nepalluxurytours #luxurytourinnepal #viewfromsarangkot #annapurna #fishtail #sarangkot #nepalnow #nepalisbeautiful #lovenepal #himalaya #mountains #holiday #photography #travelling #tourinnepal #frolicadventure #travelwithfrolicadventure (at Sarangkot) https://www.instagram.com/p/ClA-zW_qBL7/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Trekking in Nepal
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Trekking in Nepal is the best way to experience Nepal's unbeatable combination of natural beauty and cultural riches is to walk through them. One can walk along the beaten trails or virgin tracks. Either way it is assured that you are in for an experience for a lifetime. Along with forests of rhododendron, isolated hamlets, and small mountain villages, birds, animals, temple, monasteries and breathtaking landscapes, you will also encounter friendly people of different cultures offering a fascinating glimpse of traditional rural life. 
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yfukuoka · 5 years
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‪【2257日目①】2019-0‬3-23 ネパール帰りの真理さんが作る本日限定ダルバート。旅のなかで素敵な屋号に出会ったみたいね♪ . わけありだけどちゃんとしたもの市 in tray @参宮橋 ‪_______________________________________________________‬ ‪.‬ ‪"ダルバート"‬ ‪※上から時計回りに‬ ‪#ダル 豆のスープ‬ ‪#ラプシーのアチャール ※サービス‬ ‪#ネパリサラダ?‬ ‪#ムラコアチャール 干し大根のヘンプシード・ごま和え‬ ‪#サーグ 小松菜と人参葉の炒め‬ ‪#タルカリ 春キャベツ・大豆ミート・島らっきょうの蒸し炒め‬ ‪#バフスクティサデコ 水牛の干肉と野菜の和えもの(ニンニクのアチャールとスイカの皮のアチャール添え)※オプション‬ ‪#グンドゥルックサデコ 発酵青菜と野菜・大豆の和えもの‬ ‪#ゴルベラコアチャール トマトとネパール山椒のペースト‬ ‪#ダヒ ヨーグルト‬ ‪#バート ごはん‬ ‪.‬ ‪#ネパールのブラックティー(シナモンリーフ)※‬ ‪#メティのアチャール ※サービス‬ ‪.‬ ‪食前(?)に貴重な水牛のスクティをいただきました。水で一度戻しているそうで、硬いスクティではなく弾力のあるスクティ。うまいうまい。‬ ‪スイカの皮のアチャールも苦くて美味。‬ ‪.‬ ‪真打登場、スペシャルダルバート。うわ…ギーの効いた塩味ダルがうまい。。。一口目から、ご飯お代わりOKであることに安心しました♪‬ ‪.‬ ‪どこから食べようかな。‬ ‪グンドゥルックだ。‬ ‪カリカリに火の入った大豆バトマス、こんなにカリッとさせたのはネパール人の料理じゃ見ない気がしますが、これがうまい。グンドゥルックの苦酸っぱい風味とも合う。‬ ‪.‬ ‪島らっきょうの存在感が特徴的なマショウラのタルカリも美味しかったなぁ。‬ ‪ネパール山椒ティムールが香るムラコアチャールは干し大根。このタイプも好きなやつ。サーグも良かった。‬ ‪.‬ ‪どれもこれも美味しくて…。‬ ‪真理さんの副菜を食べるたびに思いますが、個性的な料理なのにぜんぜん飽きない味わいで、今日も明日も食べたくなるのが本当にすごいです。‬ ‪ネパールから帰ってきて、これからどんな活動になるのか楽しみだわ^^‬ . . そうそう、このプレートで使われている耐熱ガラスのカトリVISION GLASSは、インド・ムンバイの理化学ガラスメーカーBOROSIL社のものだそうで、電子レンジも直火もできて、しかもインド製ということもあり、わけあり市で我が家も購入いたしました。 自宅に眠る耐熱ガラス鍋VISIONSとは関係ないようですが…まぎらわしい . _______________________________________________________ 🇳🇵 #nepal #spice #tray #curry #ashmita #visionglass #lovenepal #ネパール #参宮橋 #ダルバート #アチャール #カレー #毎日カレー #ふくすたぐらむ #フクドローン (tray) https://www.instagram.com/p/BvhFFcDA5tw/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1ixsbt5jl8m4w
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godsavemefrommyself · 5 years
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#kathmandu #oldtown #nepal #nepaltravel #lovenepal #travellers #traveling #travelnepal #travelphoto #travelphotography #travellover #travel #worldtravel @sofiagood_photo https://www.instagram.com/p/Bve-ovnB4vZ/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1ajntypv6faj
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uzlover · 4 years
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It feels good to be lost in the right direction. . . . . . #nepal🇳🇵 #nepalguide #instanepal #westnepal #nepal8thwonder #ignepal #lovenepal #routineofnepalbanda #visitnepal #nepalitraveller #nepalheart #nipec #travelnepal #nepalpictures #dktm #nepalnow #nepaldiaries #nepshots #awesomenepal #amazingnepal #nepaliloveyou #nepalisbeautiful #Uzlover #capturedmemoriesnepal #ronb #explorenepal #nepalguideinfo #naturallynepal #nepalvisuals (at Nepal) https://www.instagram.com/p/CFJLHHJDem-/?igshid=dssctjubpa66
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gakutravel · 3 years
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定期的にやってくるネパールを振り返る時間 #nepal #trekking #onfilm #lovenepal #filmphotography #nikonf3 #35mmfilm #チャンプカメラ #日々フィルム #analoguemountains #ig_mountains #hikerlife #nepaltrekking #nepaltravel (Langtang Valley, Nepal) https://www.instagram.com/p/COSJh8ijhjE/?igshid=dh1igh6dxua6
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frolicadventure · 2 years
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Sunlights on Dhaulagiri mountain. Hundreds of people hike Poon hill to see this magnificent views every morning from Ghorepani. . frolicadventure.com/ghorepani-poon-hill-trek . #ghorepanipoonhilltrek #poonhilltrek #viewfrompoonhill #dhaulagiri #annapurnamountains #frolicadventure #travelwithfrolicadventure #nepalnow #nepalisbeautiful #wonderlust #lovenepal #himalaya #shortandeasytrekkinginnepal #travelnepal #photooftheday #photography #travelblogger (at Poon Hill) https://www.instagram.com/p/CkpHuVuKC8S/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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