#love this wet rat of a character
akascow · 2 months
so i fucked around and made an Adam Stanheight doll
Adam Faulkner Stanheight from Saw 2004
(fake blood warning)
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stevethehairington · 1 month
ALSO you know what i find just absolutely wild? how few people i see talking about patrick zweig. like. maybe im just missing it, but it seems like EVERYONE is talking about art and going on about what a sad puppy dog art is — and that's TRUE that's SO TRUE — but you know who is an even BIGGER sad puppy dog? who is even MORE pathetic and sopping wet? PATRICK FUCKIN ZWEIG PEOPLEEEEE
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constantineshots · 11 months
the opinion for today is that john’s never really needed to be fixed and pairing him with any character for the sole purpose of “fixing” him belittles both the character and john himself. john does care a lot for people, but a lot of people want to ‘fix’ him in ships when in reality, he does care. he can be a great boyfriend who understands boundaries ( as shown with kit, for example, and dani ), but he does run away when he thinks that significant other might be in danger because of him and he’s aware of that fact ( like with oliver, in the newer constantine: the hellblazer run ).
is he an asshole? absolutely. but does he need to be ‘fixed’? no. he’s fine. he’s a decent guy, who’s willing to do just about anything for his friends and feels immense guilt if anything happens to them. he’s never needed to be a hero. he doesn’t want to be a hero. don’t force his hand into being one in the dc universe. keep him his little chaotic neutral self. has he saved the world? yes, but it’s more of a “well, no one else was going to do it” mentality and at one point, he only saves the world because there’s a lack of cigarettes and the shipments of cigarettes weren’t coming in, but that’s also because of his “well, i keep saving the world, and it keeps ending. there’s no point anymore”. poor guy, honestly.
anyways, in sum, i don’t like the whole “they can fix him” ships with john. i think it’s demeaning. can someone be with john without needing to fix him please. thanks.
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manofthepipis · 8 months
Sometimes I wonder what would have happened if another Addison somehow went down the spamton route and become a puppet. Like Clicks or something. The pink one witnesses the horrors.
you know i think about that too however i'm cautious about "role swaps" in fandom cuz i'm so used to like the personalities of characters being swapped rather than the roles that were intended
cuz like spamton is the best target for what happened to him. He's beyond desperate, he's the black sheep, he's smaller and isn't successful, whereas the rest of the addisons are the opposite of those things. If the roles were swapped and another addison got picked, I think they wouldn't fall for what they'd think is a "too good to be true" scam, seeing as they're cons themselves. They may doubt it when they see what happened to spamton, but truly they wouldn't be swayed.
OR in the event of one of the addisons ACTUALLY getting to "big shot"dom, top of the mansion, untold riches, etc, they'd fall back when the irons get too hot (like they wouldn't pursue more knowledge, spiraling into religious insanity, but would just focus on sales and their profit/reputation). That, and if their benefactor left, they'd be able to hold their ground (or at least somewhat) while spamton is destined to crash and burn because he just is a really obvious con and his businesses fail regardless.
like, spamton lost the idea of the value of money, instead favoring the things that can make him [[Big]] like the Soul. As soon as he had everything in the world, he wanted more, and I believe this hubris is unique to him because of how much he stands out. He's never satisfied, and will continue to be unsatisfied until everything that was meaningful to him has lost meaning in the pursuit of something grander.
What would be REALLY messed up is that, if that happens and one of the other addisons is chosen, I still believe spamton would end up failing big time, since he was found at the end of his rope presumably (but this time he doesn't have Heaven as a motivator). Thinking of him being the little white addison in the streets nobody associates with, and he's still doing his whole "garbage living" thing except while relatively sane and still his ol addison self. He's bitter and down on his luck, going to shadier means of making a name for himself, and it's not great to see
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guppyduo · 21 days
in many ways i am like a nervous house cat
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sparkyblizz · 11 months
I think everything I'm interested in needs a Hallmark Christmas movie parody. Pascal/Nervous fic that just has the Hallmark Christmas movie plot except it lampoons it to hell and back
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soulfirespam · 1 year
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My very tired but very determined Scout rogue from the current DnD campaign I am a part of. Theros based setting.
She may be cursed by one of the gods but she is very determined to help!
Work done by the fantastic
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zartha-z · 5 months
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Tfw you think the pathetic looking old man would be the easy target in the party and then he starts casting Eldritch Blast at the Highest level ( he was literally crying about being in battle 20 seconds ago)
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lambden · 1 year
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I know everyone has already said this but oh my . fucking god they really listened to what the netflix fandom wants huh
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I have never not picked the option to want to lay down in bed and eat ice cream all week after getting dumped by mortum
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arolesbianism · 6 months
Wendy 💥
#rat rambles#starve posting#thinking oh so hard abt my terrible son#god dont starve is so messed up for giving every character heaps of examination quotes to sift through I love it sm#its such an agonizing but delightful experience to scroll through heaps of dialogue thats just a character going yep thats a rock#only to get absolutely sucker punched by the random like super impactful piece of dialogue that ruins your life#or just the event sections where we get to see them be silly billies for a bit and it just makes me so happy#like wendy's cawnaval and hallowed nights candy dialogue make me so happy and sad at the same time#along with winters feast but mostly just because of the holiday cheer dialogue#the hallowed nights candy dialogue is my personal favorite tho simply because wendy is so silly#I love watching this kid get more and more excited abt the events throughout each ones dialogue its absolutely delightful#I also like wendy's general soft spot for food and its funny to me that this sad wet british boy actually likes spicy food#abby doesnt tho another tick to add to the shes just like me fr list#I sometimes wonder what abby's favorite food would be in a world where she was playable#realistically probably also banana pop but I think it'd be fun if it was smth different#in particular my personal hc is that her favorite food is jerky partially cause she just likes jerky and partially because her dad would#sometimes buy jerky for the twins and abby would always try to get wendy to give her half once she was done eating hers#I also wonder the same abt charlie and the og ds exclusive characters but thats less important to me#Ill have to go read through wheeler and walani's food dialogue for inspiration at some point tho I think thatd be fun#I know wheeler like scrambled eggs but thats not an option so rip to her#not a clue abt walani tho Ive only read like half of her dialogue#I should read all of it tho I like her a lot I just forgot where I left off#and the rest of the gang can explode ig idk#idk I might read through wilba dialogue at some point and I might reread wagstaff dialogue too but theyre not top priority#I think the next character I wanna do a proper sit down and read for is wickerbottom#Ive read decent chunks of her dialogue already but pretty scattered chunks#but yeah Ill probably not get to that for a lil bit since Im in too much of a wendy mood rh#Ive also been thinking abt roleswap wendy a Lot lately I need to design him soon#mostly because I need to one up that w3n-d concept design because I am. not a fan lol.#I will be taking inspiration from the almost bug like eyes tho its kinda ugly but I also kind of like it at the same time
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uselessidiotsquad · 10 months
Accidental lore is my favorite.
My tendency to call everything either "boy (gender neutral)" or "friend!" And being bad at saying Words Correctly has led to a character having a surprise boyfriend. That may or may not be a deep sea entity/deity they made a contract with to study a fallen civilization and ruh-roh fell in love.
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stevethehairington · 5 months
finished the terror show! and i gotta say — probably not a surprise but — i liked the book better. tbh i don't think the show was long enough. like the book was SO long and despite the slow moving pace it had SO much packed into it, and i think because the show was only 10 episodes it ended up having to smush a bunch of things together and skip out of others and that totally took away from it. don't get me wrong, it's a decent show! but i think it had the potential to be even better if they'd gotten to like, take the time to faithfully adapt the book.
also there was not enough tuunbaq!!!
#the monster scenes were some of the best in the book!!! and they SEVERLY underused that big dude in the show!!!#like removing him completely from the carnivale scene? Bad Choice!!#also i was absolutely not a fan of what they did with lady silence in the show#i feel like the changes they made to her character and the plotlines surrounding her character were HUGE changes that like.#fundamentally changed a significant chunk of the rest of the plot — to the shows detriment imo#ALSO for the love of god!!!!! bring back practical effects!!!!!!!#the creature would have looked SO much cooler if it was mostly practical effects and maybe a little cgi to help#what it ended up looking like was a WEIRD (neg) uncanny valley those-animals-with-human-faces-from-barbie-movies thing that LOOKED so fake#it was laughable really#it looked like a giant polar bear with a human face and it did NOT work#they had the chance to make that thing look TERRIFYING and they didnt and that is SO disappointing and SO upsetting!!!#OH also i feel like they made hickey WAAAAAY more pathetic in the show lmfao#like he was pathetic in the book too! but oh my god he was like a thousand times more wet rat pathetic in the show#and i think they couldve done better with his power trip like they couldve done MORE with it#(i will say tho. they picked an EXCELLENT actor for that role fhsjdid adam nagaitis has a LOVELY face to look at gjdkdk)#((and so does tobias menzies. somethin about that man in that hat was just 👌👌🥴😩))#N E WAYS#i liked the show but i could have liked it even more if it had been closer to the book#the terror#mack watches the terror
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bearsgrove · 1 year
im not even third of the way through but the batman (2022) is one of the coolest movies i watched in a While
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strawberri-syrup · 2 years
Do you have any book recommendations? Doesn't matter what kind, I'm very open to any suggestions.
it’s so fucking good!!!!!! modern day fantasy story based on king arthur. the main characters are very interesting! i think there’s supposed to be a love triangle (the people on goodreads seem to think so) but i read it w two of them being besties <3
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lostxmelody · 7 months
Fantome Iris jumpscare 👁👁
I am going insane over that art omg!! Have you listened to Stellagram :0
YESS! OMG!! its just like fantome iris 2.... truly the greatest thing to exist. i cannot even begin to describe how insane and unhinged i am over arthur lounsbery vocals.... he has so much fun playing felix and u can tell. they're identical. a seiyuu/character match made in heaven.
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