#love the implication that one of those is an actual gender. i feel like there were more logical jokes that could have been made there
schadenfreudich · 5 months
There were flag ballon thingies at the store and three of them were in the order of Germany, rainbow and Italy and someone in this brain said "Ah yes, the three genders."
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mitch-the-silly · 3 months
Hi! I'd love anything Husk related. My heart bleeds for this guy ♡
Drunk Husk confessions
Husk has a nightmare about lover and comfort
Husk can't find his crush after the extermination
His crush falls asleep on him during movie night with everyone
Any or all of them. Whatever you have time for. Thank you! ♡>.<♡
Hiiiii!! I cannot begin to express how much I love Husk, man. He's my favorite character in Hazbin (it's actually a tie between him and Vox bc Vox is so baby girl, but I digress). I'll gladly write for him any day!!!
I decided to do Scenarios about three of these (I sorta combined two of them because I liked the idea of Husk getting protective over his lover; you'll see o^o) because I just CANNOT get enough of this silly cat old man <3!!
Also, hope you don't mind I made this gender-neutral since no gender was specified! HOPE YOU LIKE IT!
Warnings (just in case): Nightmares, emotional manipulation, buildings burning down, implied harm to a loved one, Alastor being a bit of an asshole.
Husk x gn!Reader
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Scenario 1: Drunk Confessions
It was very late, and you presumed that the hotel's bar was closed, but fuck it. You figured that sitting on the stool wouldn’t hurt. You couldn’t quite sleep but could anyone blame you? It’s not like they’d kick you back into your room. So you descended the stairs in hopes that the hotel lobby would be more inviting and lacking in boredom, unlike your current room. Now this boredom was not to be mistaken for a dislike for the room itself. 
You made your way towards the bar area. Since the entire lobby was very dimly lit, you couldn’t see much, but only when you heard a noise from behind the bar, did you proceed with caution. The clanking of bottles alerted you but the moment you saw those white claws and that pair of red wings, you let your guard down. With a slight smile, you approached the bar, a chuckle escaping your lips.
Emerging from behind the counter, Husk stumbled a bit, clearly drunk out of his mind. Admittably, it was quite adorable to you. The dazed look he gave you. 
He squinted and hicked, suddenly realizing who he was looking at. “Fuck, don’t… ya scare me like that…” He slurred as he leaned on the countertop. 
“You’re fucking fried aren’t ya?” You chuckled at him.
Husk gazed at you, then looked down at his hands. Feeling himself get a bit dizzy, he let out a drunken laugh. “Y-yeah~” He spoke with a stupid little smirk. 
You couldn’t take him seriously when he was drunk. But you culdn’t help but stay here with him. “So, what’s on your mind, Husk?” You asked him. You know, just for funsies.
“Honestly…” He slurred, pausing for about three seconds, “Right now… I was just thinkin’ right now... that there’s a cute person in front of me… and that I wanted to buy them a drink… but then… then I thought… ‘Fuck… I can’t buy ‘em a drink… I’m the mother funkin’ bartenda’!’ It fucking… it fucking pissed me off.” He dunkenly complained. His eyes looking up at you since you sat atop the stool and he didn’t. His pupils were extremely dilated and his gaze seemed like one of absolute adoration. But it could also be how drunk he was.
The mere implication of his complement made you blush, but you tried to keep your composure, “Why aren’t you bold?~” You chuckled at him. “If you weren’t so cute, I would be able to resist those Kitty eyes.~” 
He pouted at your comment, “You’re a damn angel…” He slurred, after which he let out a stupid little giggle to himself.
“Oh, you’re the one witht he wings, baby~” You chuckled, leaning over to place a kiss on his cheek.
He froze in place, his face red as a beet. His pupils dilated again and he involuntarily let out a purr at it. Reaction which (even while intoxicated) he hated. He drunkenly hit his chest as if scolding his body for reacting that way. ‘Stupid fucking… cat body…” He muttered, maintaining his slur.
You giggled at this; it was sure going to be a hell of a story to recount to him tomorrow.
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Scenario 2: Husk has a nightmare about his lover + Comfort
It began with darkness. Of course, it did. Last he remembered was closing his eyes in some way. He was bound to be alright, he figured. But boy was he mistaken.
He was finally able to open his eyes. Before him, a fire had broken out. But it wasn’t just any arbitrary fire, the Hotel was on fire. It didn’t quite register in his mind just yet, but the building was violently burning down. Everyone around him was in a panic and he moved with them. But not by mandate of his body. It was as if he didn’t have control of himself. Just then, he snapped into consciousness, he began to think properly. He couldn’t find them. Where were they? His lover… He stopped at the hotel’s main entrance and instead of running out like everyone else did, he turned around immediately.
Running back inside, he called out their name at the top of his lungs. The smoke was engulfing him. And just as he was about to give up and assume you’d made your way to safety, he heard their cry for help. Not wasting a second, he ran from where he could hear it: the second floor. They were probably stuck up there. He had to save them. He just did.
He used his wings, flying up and landing on the very few unharmed spots of the blazing carpet. He called their name out again, he couldn’t find them and every second that passed in which he did not lay eyes on them, he grew more and more anxious. Finally, upon receiving a response to his frantic cries, he found you.
Before him not only was not only the love of his life but the person he held rancor for the most… Alastor. The Radio Demon held you in his grasp, dangling you over the fire. Laughing maniacly as he stared right into Husk’s eyes. With his most intimidating voice, the overlord spoke to him. “You should know much better than to defy me, Husker.~ You wouldn’t want your little darling to suffer the consequences of your transgressions, now would you?” He taunted. “You let go of them! My soul’s the one that’s yours, not theirs. You ain’t got no right to harm her!” Husk exclaimed.
Alastor laughed as if he’d heard a joke. It was obvious he didn’t take Husk’s words seriously. “You’re quite mistaken, my friend~. I can do as I please!” He responded.
The hotel burned brighter, and before Husk could say anything else, Alastor threw them into the fire. Husk tried to jump in to save them. But his body didn’t move. As much as he tried to move it, he wasn't in control of himself anymore.
Alastor cackled, “You belong to me, I’ll be damned if I don’t teach you the way things are!” He grasped at the air. Husk’s chains manifesting around his neck. They cut the airflow, and he clawed at the shackle on him. Desperately trying to breathe. He closed his eyes, still attempting to break himself free.
When he opened his eyes again, he saw the ceiling of his room. He panted as he calmed down, feeling a gentle hand beside him. He turned to his side, his lover beside him. The second he realized they were safe and sound, he knew what he’d just witnessed was a dream. No, not a dream. A nightmare.
“Husk, are you ok? Were you having a nightmare?” They asked him, reaching to caress his face. Without a second thought, Husk placed his face in their hand. The comfort of their touch significantly calmed him.
“I… I don’t want to talk about it… But… I’m glad you’re safe.” Husk muttered, reaching to plant a chaste kiss on their forehead.
His lover smiled, “Of course I’m safe. And hey, you don’t have to tell me anything… Just know I’m here for you, ok?” They mumbled, kissing his cheek in reciprocation.
“I… can I hold you…?” Husk asked, his voice a bit shaky. As if it was the only thing that would make him feel better.
“Of course…” They chuckled, a gentle smile on their face. Husk drew them closer to him. Holding them in his arms. There, right there was the one place he knew they’d be safe.
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Scenario 3: Husk's crush falls asleep on his shoulder during movie night
If there was an activity everyone at the hotel loved to participate in was “Friday Night Movie Night”. Of course, it was something that had taken Charlie some time to establish, since she took a long time to filter out the movies she deemed went against the hotel’s goal, but alas, she made it happen. 
So today was Friday, 7 pm hit and everyone knew exactly where to gather. The lobby was crowded (by the five employees and two guests) with souls waiting to relax after a week’s worth of work toward redemption. Angel set up a blanket, and in his pajamas, he lay down in front of the old TV (a spot he was willing to fight someone over). He held Fat Nuggets (a baby hell hog Angel loved like a child of his own) in his slim arms as he waited for the movie. It wasn’t his turn to pick the movie, so he didn’t care much what they watched. Nifty was often times very easily distracted, but she was willing to sit for a movie for sure (or at least half of one). Sir Pentious on the other hand, always sat through them, marveling at the videography of each film. As for Charlie and Vaggie, well, they always cuddled next to each other while they watched the movie. Most of the time it ended with Charlie falling asleep on Vaggie’s shoulder, or in the opposite scenario, with Vaggie lightly snoring on Charlie’s shoulder. As for old Alastor, well… let’s say he was more fond of other mediums of entertainment and chose not to join them. But there was one sinner who would always watch from the foot of the lobby’s couch: Husk. He’d normally end up falling asleep during movie night, but he had nowhere better to be, so he simply attended them without issue. 
However, on this particular Friday, they had a newcomer. A new guest who despite having about three weeks in the hotel, hadn’t attended a movie night. They swore it was never out of disinterest. Forgetfulness was truly a curse they had. So today, they’d asked Angel to remind them that it was movie night, and Angel sure kept his word. So there they were, trying to decide where to sit as everyone waited for Charlie to pick a movie. 
They looked around. The simplest option would be to sit with Angel, but… what if they didn’t? Charlie had encouraged them to socialize more with the employees and guests, and they liked to believe that they spoke to everyone quite well. But even they had to admit that it wasn’t quite true. There was one sinner in particular that they didn’t talk to as much as they hoped and it was Husk. So, the obvious decision was to sit next to him. And it was exactly as they did.
As they chose the spot next to him, setting up their blanket and pillow, Husk turned to them. Almost a bit surprised anyone would choose to sit by him.
“Hi Husk, ya mind if I sit here?” They asked.
“Not at all, go ahead.” He responded casually. He couldn’t help but smile ever so slightly. Unable to contain the soft spot he had for them. 
“I found one! What about The Sound of Music?” Charlie exclaimed, immediately getting a groan from Angel Dust. But he didn’t care enough to elaborate on his complaint.
“I think that’s a great option, sweetie.” Vaggie reassured, smiling at her in agreement.
And without another thought, Charlie inserted the VCR into the VCR player (anything newer and Alastor would freak and destroy it himself), turning off the lights and immediately running back to sit next to Vaggie. 
Y/n sat comfortably, their eyes glistening in the TV’s dim light. Husk couldn’t help but admire the gorgeous sight for a second. But alas, the movie progressed. The musical numbers already too bearable due to Charlie’s daily song outbursts. 
About mid-way through the movie, however, was when Y/n started getting a bit tired. They scoot a bit closer to Husk, their eyes tempting to give in to the exhaustion. Until finally, their eyes closed and they leaned gently on Husk’s shoulder. His cheeks flushed red as he looked around to see if anyone was witnessing this. Upon seeing no one noticing this, he took their blanket and covered them gently. He’d rather not wake them up, they looked so entrancingly precious this way. So he continued watching the movie, smiling at the soft sound of your gentle breathing. He could stay like this forever. He definitely wouldn’t change this for anything in the world.
Eventually, he himself felt as if he was going to give in to his own tiredness and ended up losing the battle against himself. Husk closed his eyes and leaned his head on yours. Slumbering away, your breathing lulling him to sleep.
Needless to say, the second Charlie saw this, she ran to get the camera. She had pictures of it and she would never even dream of getting rid of them. To her, a moment of peace like this was proof that the hotel was definitely working.
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philsmeatylegss · 1 month
Can I talk about Cat King because no one else will???
I haven’t finished the show yet so this might be wrong or age like milk
I could talk about his role in the story for hours. Tbh I overly identify with Edwin because I’m gay with a lot of problems in the past and Edwin’s historical typical internalized homophobia already makes a history nerd like me giddy with glee. And Cat King easily can be written off as a gag character, which I do think is part of his purpose, but he also represents the aspect of this story regarding Edwin’s sexuality not solely being sexual, but also still being sexual. As in obviously Edwin sexually fantasizes about men, but there’s much more than just that. That implication, acknowledging the fact, feeling free to tell Charles and the others, acting on that, just day to day life. Edwin had gotten by for thirty years ignoring his sexuality until cat king came along. Edwin acknowledging his sexuality, acting on it, and discussing it (in his own way) is a large part of his character growth which is fully pushed on because of Cat King. I know he’s supposed to be the bad guy, but I genuinely believe he is an anti hero or something along those lines. I think at first it was to just tease Edwin, but it grew into something deeper.
Don’t even get me started on the cuff. It is SO symbolic I could almost cry. It’s a physical representation of how limiting and claustrophobic it is to be in the closet. Specially not being out of the closet to close loved ones. You couldn’t have a closer relationship than the relationship between Edwin and Charles, but it doesn’t seem that way before Edwin comes out. And that’s multiple reasons on both of their parts, but part of it is that complete shut down to that side of himself. People don’t realize how much sexuality plays into day to day life. And Cat King made Edwin realize how much he’s missed out on. And also that he can’t put off his problems forever. Slay relatable.
I think the addition of Crystal and Niko also makes Edwin realize that he needs to at least recognize his sexuality. I think they help him realize how much he is missing out on by not being himself in general, nevertheless outing his sexuality.
And all of this goes back to the cat king!!! It drives me insane no one talks about it!!! There’s also the aspect that, on the surface, cat king is just supposed to represent lust. The difference between his feelings for Monty or Charles is that there’s emotions there while cat king is purely lust and a giggle. But when you think about the story, that’s just not true. When media deals with a character’s sexuality not being straight, it’s usually over sexualized or not acknowledged as anything sexual. Cat king gives that balance to his feelings for Charles. Because being gay is partly explicit. As is being straight, bi, pan, whatever (other than asexuality). Saying you are ___ sexuality is implying that you are sexually aroused by whatever gender(s). And cat king is that reminder while Charles and Monty are the reminder that love and relationships are also part of it. Cat king adds balance that makes Edwin’s character feel way more authentic and actually gay.
I haven’t even gotten to cat king pushing for Edwin to admit why he solves cases. WHY DOES NO ONE TALK ABOUT IT?!?! I was gnawing at the bars of my enclosure during that scene. It is arguably one of the most important scenes of the entire show. And it’s entirely brought on my cat king. Every single time Edwin either decides or is forced to reveal something vulnerable about himself, it’s Cat King!!!! Edwin’s confession that it is about preparing a justification as to how he should be allowed into heaven even though he is gay is such an insanely important moment and I’m gnawing at my enclosure again!!!
I may be studying history, but I’ve always been an English kid at heart and symbolism about religion and childhood trauma brings me to my knees. And Cat King is scratching an itch I’ve had for years that I had no clue was there anD NO ONE IS TALKING ABOUT IT WHILE IT IS DRIVING ME BANANAS.
Anyway, that’s my case for talking about cat king. I just finished episode 4 and it’s gonna be really embarrassing when something happens the next few episodes that completely invalidates all of this
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eff-plays · 3 months
People get really defensive about "writing Astarion with women" when what people are actually annoyed/upset about is that people are putting him in heteronormative relationships with women.
And it's not like, "YOU, INDIVIDUAL WOMAN, WROTE HIM WITH A WOMAN? A POX ON YOUR HOUSE!" and more like "a majority of fandom is writing him in this specific way with this specific type of character that doesn't really reflect who he is in the game and shoehorns him into a generic booktok dom daddy."
Which. Yeah. People are allowed to feel annoyed/alienated by that type of trend. I think. Maybe. I've seen several fics where Astarion being with big burly men (implied to have been penetrated) was portrayed as traumatic, while being with little virginal female Tav was "healing". And yeah, you're technically acknowledging his pansexuality ... But the implications aren't great. Ya know?
And there's a LOT of conflating domming/topping/being on top. Which ends up only highlighting the heteronormative approach to a lot of fic about him. "He gets on top > so he always tops/penetrates > so he's a dom." Because for some reason penetrating others is less traumatic to him than to be penetrated? Which is a whole bag of worms that people seem reluctant/unable to unpack.
Now, the other side of this argument are people who go "lmao those delusional wamen think this homosexual twink would top them" which is. Also not great? But in the end reflects the same type of reductive and heteronormative argument, it's just coming from the other side of the spectrum. He's flamboyant and pretty so he MUST be incapable of putting his dick into someone else. And he's MORE feminine than the women he gets paired with, so obviously that's unrealistic and he must be paired with a big strong man instead. Which is like. Well you're paired him with a man but you're still being just very heteronormative about it. Even gay relationships must have a "man" and a "woman", is your argument? And Astarion, being beautiful and a presumed bottom, is "the woman"?? Hmm. Don't like that.
Maybe. Astarion is. Pansexual. And can both bone down and be boned down. Maybe he does have a preference. Maybe he doesn't. Maybe he doms, maybe he subs. Maybe he switches depending on mood/partner. Maybe he likes different sex positions where he's on top and ones where he's below. Maybe he's down for whatever as long as it's with someone he loves. Maybe he's neither "the man" nor "the woman" in a relationship and he's simply Astarion, a man in a relationship. Maybe in the end it doesn't fucking matter and putting him into rigid binaries is doing him a disservice.
Anyway. My nonbinary Tav's gonna upgrade his gender to Man+. Cis premium. They're gonna explore his gender and preferences and expression together. I think that might be fun and freeing maybe. And they're gonna take turns topping and bottoming and both will be soooooo healing because um. They're having consensual sex and are in love. So it's healing by default. Regardless of who's putting what where.
Well. Anyway. All I'm saying is. Stuff.
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yanderes-galore · 9 months
Transformers Prime Yandere! Ratchet concept?????
Sure! I love Ratchet :) This is me spilling my thoughts on various things more than an actual plot. I just hope I nailed his character since I like him so much- Probably could've made this longer but was unsure how/what to add.
@trashysimpaa gave me inspiration for how to do this here!
Yandere! TFP! Ratchet Concept
Pairing: Romantic/Platonic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Denial of feelings, Cybertronian/Human and Cybertronian/Cybertronian pairing mentioned, Stalking, Overprotective behavior, Trackers, Manipulation, Isolation, Kidnapping, Violence, Forced companionship, Brief mentions of jealousy, Vague implications of murder, Drugging.
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Ratchet is definitely the type of yandere to act different depending on what you are.
When it comes to an Autobot darling he'd be more comfortable to feel fond towards them as they're Cybertronian and an Autobot.
When it comes to a human he'd take time to get used to you before considering anything.
Ratchet hasn't always been the biggest human person until he spent more time on Earth.
He'll come around eventually.
When it comes to a Decepticon! darling you'd get something similar to angst and enemies to (one-sided) lovers/friends.
It would depend on how loyal you are to Megatron and if you're even capable of change.
He can't shake the fact he cares for you despite your beliefs.
Ratchet is a slow yandere in terms of obsession.
He's slow to care for anyone new due to being older.
He's lost so much he doesn't like getting attached.
Although when it comes to you he can't help but worry.
Ratchet would definitely be a yandere who is in denial of how he feels.
No matter how he sees you it happens.
Yet the strongest cases of this would be romantic feelings towards a human or any sort of feelings towards a Decepticon.
Ratchet would be the type to try and ignore how he feels.
Like most Autobots Ratchet is protective of you and his mind often drifts to your safety.
Be it missions or every day life, the fact the world is so dangerous is a truth that sticks in his mind.
Can't really blame him since he's bee through war-
It happens when you lose everyone you love... including your entire home.
Ratchet would try to be subtle with his care towards you.
All Autobots tend to have trackers to see their vitals and location, Ratchet can check it at the base.
Soothing his concerns and checking where you are is easy when you're an Autobot.
Even though he'd prefer you staying at base with him.
Decepticons probably have something similar.
With a hack or two he could probably track you if he really looked into it.
When it comes to a human things are harder.
He can't track you as easily as a Cybertronian.
Which means Ratchet either sneaks to your house in vehicle mode... or sneaks a tracker onto/into you somehow.
It seems very invasive but he tells himself it's for your own good.
In fact that's his driving factor most of the time in his obsession.
Ratchet feels his main responsibility is to keep those he cares about alive.
He doesn't care if that means invading your privacy or locking you away from the world.
Speaking of which, kidnapping could happen with Ratchet but it's uncommon with him.
When it comes to an Autobot darling he could convince you to stay out of missions but even that has its limits.
He wouldn't really kidnap an Autobot.
A human or Decepticon? Most likely.
Kidnapping a human darling would be him convincing you to stay at the base.
It's all for your safety, just for a few hours...
Hours turn to days...
Days to weeks...
Perhaps even months.
He just doesn't let you go.
A Decepticon! darling would be taken in under the guise of prisoner.
In reality it's a way Ratchet can be close to you without much issue.
Ratchet can be seen as either a platonic or romantic yandere for any partner.
He works really well for both roles and would still do just about anything for his darling.
Ratchet may be a medic, one meant to heal... but he is definitely capable of violence.
He can fight and hold his own, he'd be even more willing to do it if it was for his darling.
It doesn't matter how much Energon must be spilled...
As long as he has you he's the happiest he could be.
Ratchet is definitely one to act like he knows more than you.
If you're having arguments he claims he knows so much more than you, that he knows how to take care of you better than yourself.
It's frustrating for the both of you.
Ratchet is stubborn and will not change his mind on things.
If he decides isolation will keep you safe, that's final.
End of story.
That's his form of manipulation.
He won't really make you feel bad, he'll essentially parent you until you comply.
Fighting him is a losing battle.
I can see Ratchet getting jealous at times.
He isn't very vocal about it so he silently thinks on it.
You can tell there's an edge in his voice and he makes small comments on it but he won't kill anyone.
Ratchet isn't the most affectionate Autobot but he'll try.
It's actually a bit funny (and creepy) to hear him grumble about it.
[Edit] I forgot to mention this awhile ago but Ratchet, along with characters like Knock Out and maybe Pharma, would drug his darling.
If you're Cybertronian he bumps up some anesthesia.
If you're human he does research on what drugs affect the human body and how.
He'll give you just enough to make you compliant, he knows exactly how to make you docile.
If he's romantic then he'd try to kiss his darling, often trying to be as gentle as possible.
Especially if you're human.
If he's platonic he's much more like a guardian or parent.
He gives words of encouragement and tries to take care of you.
Overall I believe Ratchet is one of the more stubborn and slower yanderes.
It takes him time to accept the fondness he holds towards you...
Once he does then he doesn't plan on letting you or those feelings go, no matter how hard you try to change his mind.
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olderthannetfic · 10 months
I used to think Seme and Uke were like a heteronormative thing based on a vague sense that these stories are bad with no real reason why, and the knowledge that the Uke is both feminine and literally the way in which the female audience projects themselves into the story. But now I don't understand why I ever did think that. Being a projection point for women does not mean that a character isn't literally a man actually, and women don't write characters like this to appease homophobes or perpetuate queer oppression or the heteronormative model of relationships, it's just what appeals to them personally in fiction.
I never would have suggested this about a story with a femme gay man and a masc gay man, I love stories like that and write a lot of them myself. I just sort of heard people say things that vaguely carried this implication with it and internalized that without thinking critically on it or trying to see if this fit together with my other beliefs.
The thing I think is missing from a lot of seme/uke discourse or slash fandom discourse is that it's not as simple as identification.
Shallow analysis tends to treat BL like a stereotypical het romance novel, which probably does a disservice to het romance novels and their audiences as well but definitely does a disservice to BL.
It appears to be reasonably common that people do identify with the bottom and not the top... But it does not follow that they're attracted to only the top.
Often, they're absolutely rabid for the bottom in a "Do I want to fuck him or do I want to be him?" way, which is an incredibly queer form of attraction whether we're looking at AFABs working out their gender issues via BL or clueless girls at boarding school wondering what all these feelings for sempai are.
One does occasionally see some of this vibe in (nominally het) stories about female characters crossdressing to enter some school/the military/etc., but it's a dynamic that's not typically present in a het romance novel of the type people seem to liken BL to. It's a very queer vibe even if the art contains a f/m ship, and it seems like a lot of fans of BL are actually seeking this in preference to something where the lines of identification and attraction are more set in stone.
I just don't think you can do any real analysis of BL without confronting this two-part attraction, but it's missing from all those "You made this one The Girl" critiques.
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comradekatara · 7 months
hello! I’m rewatching atla atm, and I’m on the s1 finale. I was wondering if you’ve ever imagined what an extra northern water tribe ep could look like? personally I feel like they could’ve easily scrapped the great divide and added another ep to this mini arc, after the ep where katara slays paku. I’m just not sure what the conflict would be. a sokka ep would be great, maybe some of his warrior training & socializing with the average nwt man. the way this could contribute to sokka & masculinity & protection I would Die. ofc more time with yue. but anyway, I’m interested in your thoughts
oh this SUCH a good question!! the nwt is my favorite mini-arc in the show (yue being the absolute scene-stealer that she is) and i have always secretly wanted an extra episode set there, whether by removing “the great divide” (objectively bad episode apart from the aang lying stuff which is great) or by simply adding one extra episode to s1 at no cost.
if i could rework those episodes as self indulgently as possible, i would make “the waterbending master” more katara (and kanna) focused and then make the extra episode more sokka (and yue) focused. yue could still be introduced to us and sokka in that episode, but time spent on sokka’s subplot could instead be afforded to flashbacks of kanna in the nwt. we only get very limited glimpses of kanna, in flashbacks or otherwise, and i think seeing more of her, especially in an episode that sheds so much illuminating light onto her character & thematic role as she informs katara, would have been really cool to see. kanna as a child, giggling with baby yugoda as she would later do with hama. kanna at age 16, looking like a slightly older katara, hesitating over her marriage to a younger pakku, ultimately making a difficult choice. katara’s arc in that episode wouldn’t change (i mean, it’s already so perfect), but for the audience, seeing kanna would help contextualize that chiasmus and further move us.
a common criticism i see from detractors of sokka/yue’s relationship is that it feels too rushed, and i agree to an extent, but we also know that they did develop a sincere friendship during the timeskip between “the waterbending master” and “the siege of the north.” we simply do not know for how long that timeskip actually lasted. we can assume that it was a not insignificant amount of time, considering that katara basically mastered waterbending in that interim, but we never actually see that friendship develop, so to some, it can feel cliched and insincere (because they simply do not understand the power of uhaul lesbianism). so on a very self-indulgent level, i would love to see more of sokka and yue’s relationship development, since we are only privy to the most essential beats (which, granted, we can extrapolate from, but im being selfish rn shut up).
an episode where sokka and yue (both separately and together) comprise the a and b plots (and the c plot can be katara and aang adorable training montage) would be really nice to see, especially, as you said, wrt the gender politics of the nwt. it would be cool to see yue directly interact with arnook and/or hahn to provide a starker contrast between the burdens placed on her as a girl/daughter/wife/princess versus how sokka treats her (because that implication is already crucial, but framing it more overtly would be nice). and then seeing sokka in the throes of his “warrior training” being like “i don’t think any of these dudes have ever actually seen battle…” and having to deal with the tension of being denigrated and disrespected as a southerner, but also clearly having more experience than them and being frustrated by their myopia (realizing that not too long ago, he also had no experience, and oh god is that what he sounded like??????? yes.) .. and then of course sokka and yue together, flirting as “just friends” (over pai sho perhaps????) and being in their own little totally platonic rom com world. but sokka and yue’s relationship is obviously very thematically significant on top of just being lovely and adorable, so using that extra space to explore their parallel commitments to their (patriarchal) Duty, the burdens and expectations placed on them, and how it reflects their societies and the role colonialism plays in shaping them. would love to see it!!!!
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descendant-of-truth · 3 months
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So, these two pages from chapter 88 have been causing a lot of confusion due to inconsistent translations, and I've decided to set the record straight as best I can with the knowledge at my disposal.
Starting with the first page, this is where Mitsuki says that he and Eida are similar. In the next panel, he says: 「どうしてカワキを好きなのか。。。その理由が自分で分からない」
This is the first point where fan translations and the official VIZ translation differ. Fans generally seemed to agree that he's saying he doesn't understand why Eida loves Kawaki, while the official version has him say that he doesn't understand why he himself loves Kawaki.
And unfortunately, both of those are understandable translations. The first part of the sentence contains no indication of whether he's talking about himself or Eida; the most literal translation I can do is "Why is Kawaki loved... that reason, [I/you] don't understand."
The reason it's "I/you" is because he uses the word 自分 (jibun), which depending on context, can be equivalent to either "my" or "your." It's not really the same deal as 僕 (boku), Mitsuki's primary first-person indicator, which makes it extremely annoying to translate.
So, which is it? Well, as vague as it is, my best guess is actually based on the dialogue of the second page.
Thankfully, this one is much easier to answer. In the largest panel, Eida says: 「あたし達。。。超恋バナしてるね」
The conversation around this line seemed to be, "she clearly said they're talking about romantic love!" "No, she's just using a slang term akin to 'girl talk,' so she only means that they're bonding!" And guess what? They're both right!
I consulted a friend of mine who speaks Japanese natively on Eida's word choice, and he said that while "girl talk" is closer on the basis of it being a casual/slang term, it's gender-neutral and is more about people "talking about their love."
In other words, "we're both chatting about love" or "we're having a love talk" would probably be the most accurate ways to translate it.
At this point, I want to bring attention to Daemon and Mitsuki's reactions to what Eida just said:
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Daemon is flabbergasted, only able to say "Huh...?" while Mitsuki blushes for a second, then turns away and says "Well... I guess it didn't matter."
What exactly would Daemon be surprised about, if not the implication that Mitsuki loves someone who isn't Eida (and a guy, no less)? Why would he be showing that surprise now, instead of when Mitsuki allegedly announced that he loved Kawaki a few pages ago?
Likewise, while Mitsuki blushing around Eida isn't unusual, he actually spent the vast majority of this conversation remarkably composed. He only blushed for a single panel when he first noticed Eida was in the area, so having it come back after he's basically called out for being in love (real love, as it was already established that they both knew his feelings for Eida are fabricated) is a very deliberate choice.
While Mitsuki doesn't always emote very much, we can assume he was taken a little off-guard here - and again, if he was already confident enough in his love for Kawaki, why this reaction? Why all the talk before now about how he wasn't sure he'd know what romance felt like without Eida's ability?
The only conclusion I can make is that, in the first page, he's not saying "I don't know why I love Kawaki" like in the VIZ translation. It's much more likely that he's saying "I don't know why you love Kawaki." That's the only way that Mitsuki's feelings for Kawaki can be treated as a reveal, to both Daemon and himself.
And given that his love for Kawaki stems from his love for Boruto, due to the memory swap... yeah, if his side of Mitsuboru wasn't canon before, I think it's safe to say that it is now. Now excuse me while I go be extremely sane and normal about this information
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gay-jesus-probably · 1 year
(Feel free to ignore this-! I’m just happy to hear someone’s deep takes on Zelda)
I really love your deep dives and interpretations/discussions on the Gerudo people and their history, influence and life in BOTW/TOTK (I totally agree with all you’ve said)
I just want to ask/Point out (after reading your imperialism post about TOTK) didn’t the Zora for many years like- not want to serve or be a part of the Hylian families army either? Like, even before Mipha’s death, weren’t the Zora very much against conforming to the Hylian’s rules and such? (In every game?) I’m a bit confused on how Hyrule is split up, the Zora’s having their own kingdom(s), the Rito and Goron’s having elder’s/their own leaders but still serving the royal family??
It’s always bothered me how these separate races all still have statues to the Goddess Hylia (Started in BOTW) and not their own deity’s to pray to or follow (Like the Zora praying to Nayru makes sense, or even something like Jabu Jabu to bring back- or the Rito could’ve prayed to Valoo, a great dragon or something.)
It just feels like Nintendo COULD’VE put so much care into all their races stories and histories! But oops no this game will be for Kids(TM) and we can’t put anything too deep or serious. Makes me sad :( I wanted to see them in a deeper context.
Oh yeah, it's very weird that they just put zero effort into explaining some of the worldbuilding. I mean, in BOTW it makes perfect sense to have the races be off doing their own things! It's post apocalypse, Hyrule does not exist anymore, these different communities have no real reason to interact with each other! And I really liked that BOTW outright showed that there was no particular effort for diplomacy, but people still got along as individuals - I liked that we saw different races hanging around each other. I loved that there were Gerudo in Goron Town to trade for their gems, I loved that Goron were allowed into Gerudo Town because they're a race of rock people that legitimately don't have any real need for gender and just use masculine terms by their own choice, and the Gerudo understood that. And I loved the whole Tarrey Town sidequest, because it actually felt really satisfying to build up a new town that had inhabitants from all the races, not for any particular reason, but just because they were people that wanted to live there and work together. They didn't need a big central government to make it a whole Thing; they were just getting by.
And we also saw the less good side of these things, like that one guy in Hateno that greeted you at the gate, and decided Link was trustworthy specifically because he was Hylian, making it clear that xenophobia still existed. I like that Kass was kind of thrown by Link asking if he was a giant bird, and the implication that Link was being kinda insensitive there and Kass was choosing not to be offended. I liked that there was a Hylian couple on their honeymoon in Rito village because the guy genuinely loved the town and its culture, while his new wife looked down on the Rito and hated being around them. And I liked that the older Zora still held a grudge against Hyrule for many things, up to and including the fact that Mipha died defending it, and the older generation would rather risk everyone's wellbeing than accept help from a Hylian that had been involved. And I like that you can run into other Hylian's near Zora's domain that outright tell you Zora have been trying to recruit them to do something important, but they all refused to get involved because they don't think that those weird fish people could have anything serious going on and it all seemed really sketchy.
My point is, BOTW really did feel like it'd been a hundred years since the end of the world, and everyone was just trying to get by and live their lives. You saw people being open minded and accepting other races for no other reason than the fact that they were all people, and you saw people being petty and bigoted just because they didn't trust people that looked and acted differently from them, but for the most part people were all just getting by and doing their own thing. BOTW gave the impression that Hyrule had been an equal alliance between the Hylian's, Zora, Goron, Rito and Gerudo (and with the Sheikah having a considerably less equal role, specifically built on the Sheikah having been forced to submit to cultural genocide to save their own lives, and the Yiga clan being the survivors that fought back instead), with Hyrule acting as sort of the core of the alliance, if only due to literally being in the geographic middle.
I mean fuck, the existence of the Divine Beasts suggests that things are equal! Yeah, Hyrule has a royal family with holy powers due to literally being the descendants of a Goddess, and they're the ones that always get the reincarnation of the Hero that's the only one who can wield the bullshit OP magic sword... but they don't get a Divine Beast (Link's dinky little DLC motorcycle doesn't count). The Divine Beasts were specifically made to be weapons of mass destruction, and they were specifically made for the non-Hylian races. That really does suggest an active effort being taken to balance the scales, that the ancient people saw that only Hylian's were granted divine favour, and so if the gods wouldn't give that power to other races, they'd fucking make it themselves. The existence of the Divine Beasts feels like a promise to keep everyone on equal footing, and say what you will about pre-Calamity Hyrule, but they didn't even question keeping that promise.
...And then in TOTK, all of that's just gone. The Sheikah aren't their own people with a complicated relationship to the throne, now they're just Hylian's with a different aesthetic. The 'alliance' between the races turns out to be built on Hyrule's first King and Queen pointing their stockpile of magical nukes at everyone and asking them politely to become their subjects, and pretending not to notice the implied threat that they'd magically nuke anyone who refused. In BOTW the Sheikah race being sworn servants of the Hylian royal family was acknowledged as a fucked up situation, and that power imbalance being horribly abused in the past was what created the Yiga clan. In TOTK, we're outright told that Rito, Goron, Zora and Gerudo all exist for the sole purpose of serving the Hylian royal family, and that is framed as a good thing and the proper way of the world; the first sign of Ganondorf being evil is that he refuses to submit.
And even putting all that super gross ancient past stuff aside, the present day is equally fucked. Hyrule has been gone for a century. In BOTW, few people even remembered that Zelda had ever existed, and of those people not many of them cared. Nobody was really interested in having a central government, they were all getting by just fine on their own. And again, it was made pretty clear that the pre-calamity situation had been an actively maintained collective alliance between independent nations. There was a reason that people were predicting that Hyrule's monarchy would be abolished in TOTK, and that's because we all saw that there was literally no reason for anyone other than the Sheikah to respect Zelda's authority as a ruler - the Zora were the only other people to still remember her, and they were completely done with the Hylian royal family anyways. If Zelda rolled up declaring herself the Queen of Hyrule anywhere else, she'd be laughed out of town, because that's the standard response to a random teenager showing up and informing you she was actually the highest authority in the land. Zelda had no inherent authority left at the end of BOTW, if she wanted to be in charge, she'd need to earn it. That's the state of the world that we were shown.
Except nope, nevermind, Zelda's the almighty God Princess of the world and literally everyone mindlessly accepts her ultimate authority. She can order people to strip naked and walk into a monster den to die for her amusement, and they would immediately do it without asking any questions (yes I know the underwear thing was a misunderstanding, but the fact that everyone jumped to follow the misheard order without a single question is horrifying). And the imposter Zelda arc just hammers home the point that Zelda is in a completely unearned, lifelong position as dictator of the world, and literally nobody cares if she abuses that power. Zelda brainwashed Yunobo and forced him to ruin his own business and nearly destroy his own people? He's just worried she'll be angry that the mask keeping him brainwashed was destroyed. Zelda summons a giant monster to attack Yunobo and Link then walks away? Oh my god, the giant monster Zelda just summoned to kill us might hurt her, we have to save Zelda from it! Zelda literally openly attacks King Dorephan and tries to murder him? He'd rather go missing in the middle of a crisis and suffer alone in hiding than let anyone know that Zelda just tried to kill him. I don't understand why they bothered with the fake Zelda arc, because literally nothing the fake Zelda does is allowed to have consequences.
It just doesn't make any goddamn sense. Nobody feels real anymore, there's no politics between the races, there's no reason for anything being the way it is now. The entire world of Hyrule has been reduced to just Zelda's Fanclub, and nobody would ever consider doubting her for a second. I don't understand why the fake Zelda arc is in the game, because it's never actually allowed to be part of the story. Nobody actually cares about 'Zelda' tormenting people, and so we're told that there is literally nothing that can possibly happen to make Zelda lose her authority. There's no stakes. We're not supposed to care about anyone who isn't Zelda, we're not given any real reason to care about Zelda herself, and so why the fuck are we still here?
...I've distracted myself a lot here lmaoo, I'm not really sure where I was going with all of this beyond just rambling about shitty writing and bad continuity. The point is, BOTW had some really good writing and worldbuilding. That Hyrule felt like a real place inhabited by actual people, and the different races were their own, independent people. When they worked together, it was a sign of them putting time and effort into reaching out to each other and meet on the same level. Meanwhile TOTK feels like it's made of fucking cardboard most of the time.
(Also for the record I agree that the Goddess statues being Literally Everywhere was kinda fucked, BUT I'm willing to let it slide as a matter of just game design; that's where you go to trade spirit orbs for upgrades, so you want a spot to do that in every major town for player convenience. And using different deities in different areas wouldn't work, because the players are introduced to the mechanic with a goddess statue; they're not gonna naturally assume that the statue of a giant fish can do that too, so most of them would assume the statue is scenery and just ignore it. I thought it was at least a nice touch that the goddess statues had different decorations in some towns, and that some towns put the statues away from the main areas; it gave the impression that while everyone while worshipping Hylia was widespread, everyone was doing it differently, and in some places it wasn't very popular - just look at the Kakariko statue being in the middle of town with a well maintained pond surrounding it and torches to draw more attention to it, then compare that to the Gerudo Town statue being down a side street on the edge of town, away from the main gate, with nothing of any real importance nearby, and nothing to get people's attention. It really works with the Sheikah's culture being built on their devotion to the Goddess, while the Gerudo's history with Hylia and her followers is a lot more complicated, and so their statue's location implies that worship of Hylia is pretty unpopular among the Gerudo.)
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theweeklydiscourse · 5 months
Have read all the ACOTAR books? Who is your favorite character and least favorite character? Would love to know what do you think overall of that book considering it's so huge in the book community.
I have! I read them one after the other back in 2021-2022 and I definitely came away with many thoughts about the series and the implications it had for the book community.
My favourite character among the cast is Nesta. Although she is certainly influenced by Maas’s incongruous and shoddy writing style, I find that she presents a compelling point of contention for the rest of the characters. To me, Nesta seems to be one of the only characters in the series who is able to point out and articulate the madness of what is happening within the Inner Circle’s dynamics. She’s tenacious and unafraid of voicing her opposition even when doing so leads to ostracism and mistreatment from those around her. She’s far from perfect, but at least the text acknowledges her flaws and had her grow from her mistakes instead of sweeping them under the rug. I’ll always feel inclined to defend her because I don’t like the way she’s bullied by the narrative and on some level, I think her nasty qualities make her more interesting.
My least favourite character is Rhysand on the basis that his existence in the narrative makes reading ACOTAR a frustrating experience. It’s clear to me that Maas harbours some immense authorial favouritism towards Rhysand and it SHOWS. This means that Rhysand must always be morally justified, the most powerful, the most righteous, the most beautiful, and so on. The story can’t just sit with his actions, it feels the need to profusely explain them away so his image never has to change or develop into something else. Rhysand has a reputation of being morally gray, but it’s abundantly clear that Maas is averse to taking any risks that would actually cement him as a character with that level of complexity. As such, if you’re able to recognize his faults and contradictions, reading ACOTAR is akin to swimming upstream in a raging current. You have to fight the narrative in a way that is both unrewarding and needlessly frustrating.
As for my opinions on the series, I’ve always thought it had potential, but that it was also undeniably bad. It’s popularity in the Bookish community is expected because it’s very easy to read and get absorbed into the world. The very “teenage” dialogue and character dynamics could appeal to a wide variety of people and a number of people have stated that the series pulled them out of a reading slump. That being said, the series is bogged down by a long list of Maas’s flaws that make me resent ACOTAR’s popularity. Not to mention that some fans will hound you if you point out the flaws in the writing.
Here’s some of the things that stick out to me: Gender essentialism is rife in her stories and it’s very “males will be males” coupled with a rigidly heterosexual model for all relationships in her stories. Also, Maas’s use of feminist rhetoric butchers the values of that ideology and uses it as a flimsy tool for her male characters self-actualization and pseudo-redemption. Furthermore, the books are way longer than they have any right to be and would benefit from being cut down by 100-200 pages. Her plot lines are full of contradictions and are not harmonious, she retcons so many things that people convince themselves that many characters are “unreliable narrators” even when that term doesn’t apply in the slightest. *sigh* it’s just bad writing.
All in all, I get really annoyed whenever problems with ACOTAR are dismissed with “it’s not that deep” or “just don’t read it!” Because I think that engaging critically with these stories is important and that they should be subject to review.
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zmediaoutlet · 4 months
happy wincest wednesday!! what's an example of an episode or storyline that you think would play out differently with sam/deanna? and is there a trope you think would suit the hetcest dynamic better?
hello, my femme deanna-truth bud, happy wincest wednesday to you. and perhaps it's proof of how fantastically well Deanna cleaves to the actual characterization and canon of the show that every storyline that's popping to mind is just enhanced by the sex/gender change. Like -- soulless!Sam letting Dean get turned into a vampire and how that vampire sire was absolutely a creepy rapist? That but with Deanna? Identical, just more... obvious. Sam having a relationship with Amelia, while Dean has a "relationship" with Benny, and how that's written as a dual affair where they have to dump their mistresses? If Deanna's in Purgatory with Benny, there is absolutely zero question that they were fucking, and it's just actually explicit instead of heavily implicated in subtext.
I think one thing that would maybe genuinely feel different would be the time when Mary came back. You can play it a lot of ways, but it doesn't seem unreasonable that Deanna might have a much more complicated relationship with the absent sainted mother than Dean did. For one thing, Mary doesn't get the safe madonna-distance due to gender difference -- and while Dean's mother-and-wife replacement status for John is subtextual in canon, Deanna gets it with both barrels. When she sees what happens when Mary makes that deal to bring John back -- when she sees that Mary wants to have a 'normal' life -- when she knows that Mary's choices have doomed not just the family in general but Sam in the specific (and setting aside that destiny and literal God have conspired to bring Mary to the place where she would do those things) -- Dean clearly has some resentment but manages to set that aside for the beloved mother on a pedestal. I think Deanna might be significantly more pissed off, and overtly. Rather than simpering big-eyed at the lovely mommy in the white nightgown, I think she'd go quite frosty and resentful and thinking, yeah? You weren't the one who had to deal with what your choices actually meant.
How interesting it'd be to have Sam in the middle of that particular weirdness. Imagine Mary coming out with those little nitpicky 'mom comments' about how Deanna wears her hair or how she dresses or wondering why she cleans her shotgun that way and Deanna getting ready to fucking explode, lol. I wouldn't have given you the damn thing if I didn't think you'd take care of it but times a hundred, a thousand. Imagine Mary making that deal with the Letters and Deanna not just icing her out but fucking decking her in the jaw.
...This actually isn't all that different to canon either, is it, lol. Deanna just always makes whatever textually happens to Dean more intense, more overt, more there, in a way that isn't the lovely interpretability of canon but just IN YOUR FACE. Our little object without agency, parentified and wifed, battered on all sides.
Oh, and for the trope: legit D/s. More obvious on the face of it, but actually more subversive and alarming if you think longer.
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zeddimusprime · 1 year
Trans Man Noah Diaz
The first time I saw Rise of the Beasts, I read Noah as a Trans Man, and that headcanon just solidified after my second viewing.
I’ll get the heavy reasons out of the way first, and work down to the most silly ones.
The section that was here before has been removed, because I was overstepping and someone rightly called me out on it. However. I’m not going to lie and pretend I didn’t do what I did. I deleted the comment that called me out because it made me feel bad, I panicked, and deleted it to save my own ego. It was wrong, it was cowardly, it was fucked up, and I shouldn’t have done it.
I truly am sorry, and have spent the last day sitting with myself until I stopped trying to excuse my behavior and just acknowledged what I did. I am not asking for forgiveness, I can only try going forward to be the kind of person deserving of it.
For now, I’m taking a break from this blog, leaving it on a queue, and I won’t be posting here for a while. Even though that isn’t the kind of person I want to be, I need to reckon with the fact that that is the kind of person I am. I’m sorry, once again.
1994 was also the year Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell was put into place, which, for those too young to remember, was basically a policy allowing queer and trans people to serve in the military so long as they remained closeted, and prohibited superiors from forcibly outing them. Given that we’re never actually told in the film why Noah was discharged, it’s not unreasonable to think that it may have been because he got found out as trans.
The part that’s particularly personal for me is his relationship with Kris. I’ve also got a little brother that’s quite a bit younger than me, and I acted as an extra parent to him, practically raised him since we were both latchkey kids, and yeah, there’s no doubt in my mind that I’d face the apocalypse head on if it meant keeping him safe. All that to say, it’s comforting to think that Noah’s identity as a man is inseparable from his identity as a Big Brother, the way it is for me.
Most of my other reasons are less serious:
Noah wears a lot of layers and baggy clothes on his upper half, which yes, was part of 90s fashion, but it’s also how I dressed for most of my life, even before I realized I was trans.
Noah is also non-toxically masculine in a way that’s not unheard of but also not as common for men, especially service members, of that time period. Again, there may very well be a cultural component I’m missing here, let me know if there is, but this is just something I related to as a Guy Who Wasn’t Raised As One.
This last one’s kinda silly, but I’m a Car Guy, and one of the most gender euphoria inducing things I can do is work on my car. There’s few things that make me feel like Man quite like sweat on my brow and grease on my hands and a purring engine from a job well done. So for Noah to not only be a tech wiz but specifically a Mechanic? That was the thing that really sold me on this headcanon. (And that’s not even getting into the very fun implications of Noah being the one to repair Mirage, to get to know him so intimately, literally inside and out. Very nice.)
(I also love the idea that rather than being weirded out or taken aback at first like he is in some fics, Noah would be kinda weirdly affirmed to find out that not only does Mirage have some of roughly the same *equipment* while still being treated as and being a Mech, but his setup is the norm for Cybertronians. I can so picture Noah anxiously telling Mirage about his situation when they finally get together only for Mirage to be like “you mean other human mechs don’t have a 🐈??? Like, most humans only have one or the other?????”)
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Ship: Steadyhands x Reader Request by @bbygrill18! Notes: My very first request!! ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶ Featuring my favorite boys helping afab!reader with period cramps. I decided to stick with gender neutral pronouns so everyone can enjoy! (Hope that’s alright!) Warnings: mentions of blood/period things, some implications of Y/N being treated poorly on past crews (nothing more severe than canon)
You woke up feeling like you had been stabbed. 
Well, shit.
There go your plans to have a lovely day with your lovers.
You weren’t sure if it was better when you knew it was coming or when it was a shock. On the one hand, when it came slowly, you could plan ahead. But it also meant that the anticipation loomed over you like a knife. When it came quickly, you couldn’t plan but you also couldn’t dread it. Honestly it sounded like one of those annoying choices where you didn’t actually have a real choice. Between a rock and a hard place.
Of course your preference didn’t matter to your body so when you’d woken up this morning with a familiar dull ache in your abdomen, you hadn’t been able to plan (though considering that you’d been on cloud nine ever since starting a relationship with all three of your crushes, you probably wouldn’t have been able to plan all that well). 
The first time you’d gotten your monthly after moving into the captains’ cabin with your lovers and of course it had to be a bad one of course… And you already knew it would only get worse later in the day.
 It took a tremendous amount of willpower to wriggle out of Ed’s arms and away from Stede’s warmth and the soft silky sheets. Both because of how much they both cling to you in their sleep (adorable) and because you really wanted nothing more than to curl up in their arms for the foreseeable future. Izzy, being the workaholic he was, had long since woken up. Ed whined under his breath as you made your escape and you paused just long enough to plant a kiss on his cheek. “Sorry love.” 
You all but ran into the bathroom. Sighing in annoyance as you gathered your things, you quickly switched out your sanitary products. (Of course as soon as Stede had found out about you, he’d gotten you all the best supplies money could buy, making sure to buy each kind since he didn’t know what your preference was.) You’d usually stay and eat with your lovers but you wanted to get some work done before your cramps got worse so you grabbed a quick bite of breakfast and then went on your way.
You knew that it wouldn’t take long for your partners to notice that something was off, but you could delay for a bit longer. 
Honestly you had no idea what to do. You’d been on different crews before joining up with the Revenge and back then you’d just work through the pain. Both because time off wasn’t a luxury you could afford and because you knew most ships weren’t too kind about women on board. On the rare occasions that it got unbearable, you managed to play it off as an illness.  
You'd have been able to just take a day or two off on the Revenge, courtesy of Stede’s generous vacation policy. But you usually just worked through it. You hadn’t been a pirate nearly as long as Ed or Izzy but you certainly knew how unforgiving the world could be about weakness. And even though you knew that you were safe here, it was a hard habit to break.
Izzy stared at you with a raised eyebrow as you walked on deck, clearly surprised that you were awake so early. He returned your overcompensatingly chipper “Good morning” with a mumble of “morning…?” which sounded confused enough to be a question.
You tried to ignore both him and the building throbbing pain in your gut as you went about checking the rigging and redoing a few knots.
You could feel Izzy looming. But you wanted to avoid the incoming conversation so you did your damndest not to think about it as you adjusted the rigging. As you finished that up you turned and nearly barreled into Izzy, who had apparently been looming over you this entire time.
“Are you alright?” His tone sounded closer to an accusation than a question but you knew Izzy well enough to know just from the look on his face that he was worried. “Are you sick?” He added before you could answer, glancing down at where your arm was wrapped around your midsection.
“Yeah, I’m fine! No worries.” You immediately dropped your arm, trying to make it look casual as you instead leaned back against the railing.
Izzy narrowed his eyes then, after a brief pause, grabbed you by the arm and all but dragged you towards the cabin.
“Izzy!” You yelped in surprise. You tried to pull your arm free but, while Izzy’s grip was gentle enough not to hurt you, it was unbreakable. You gave up rather quickly as you knew full well that in a battle of strength, Izzy would win so you allowed him to drag you into the captains’ cabin and all but threw you in.
Stede seemed to be in the middle of preparing breakfast while Ed was still huddled up in bed, only his hair and one arm visible from under the covers. Stede beamed at your sudden arrival. “Good morning, loves!”
“Morning.” You couldn’t help but smile when you saw that expression on Stede’s face. It was adorable.
You were all ready to drop the subject of your less than stellar condition but it seemed that Izzy was not. He stood leaned against the doorframe, notably blocking you in. “There’s something going on with them and they’re not telling me what it is. They might be sick.” He reported, the edge in his tone barely noticeable. “Do the talk-it-through shit.”
Stede’s face immediately fell and Ed’s head popped up from under the sheets. 
“Oh darling, come sit.” Stede patted the couch and smiled, concern clear on his face.
You sighed. “It's really not a big deal…” You waved your hands dismissively. 
“Pish posh!” Stede exclaimed and gently pulled you into the couch and pressed a cup of fresh tea into your hand. “If it’s bothering you then it most certainly is a big deal.”
You were about to dismiss again when you were suddenly grabbed from behind, a curtain of dark hair blocking your view as you tried to look around. Ed leaned against you from behind the couch. In a shockingly graceful movement for a man who had just dragged himself out of bed, Ed clambered over the couch and positioned himself at your side and wrapped his arms and legs around you. 
You were officially trapped. Well, honestly you had been since the moment Izzy had grabbed you but now with Ed clinging to you, Stede’s unfairly convincing smiles and Izzy guarding the door, escape had officially become impossible. You sighed and relaxed fully, accepting your fate of a rather awkward conversation.
Izzy still lingered by the door, though whether he was more worried about you running away or someone sneaking up on you while you were vulnerable, was hard to guess. It may very well be both.
Stede dropped down into a somewhat awkward squat to be on eye level with you and put his hands over yours on the cup. “Well love? What’s the matter? You know my rule on this ship. We talk it through…”
“As a crew.” You finished with a small smile. You resisted the urge to minimize again and just stated flatly. “It’s my time of the month and I’m in quite a bit of pain.”
You managed to avoid laughing when Izzy raised a brow and whispered a soft confused “That hurts?” to himself, seemingly genuinely confused. But your composure didn’t last.
Ed mumbled a sleepy “What time?” He buried his face into your shoulder and added, “Tuesdays? Bet it’s a fuckin’ thing.” You couldn’t help but snort at that. You were fairly sure Ed was grinning as well, probably hoping to make you laugh.
“Oh honey,” Stede soothed. “Is there anything I can do to help? What do you normally do?”
You sighed, gently sipping your tea. “I don’t usually do anything actually. Just do what I do everyday.” Poor Stede looked heartbroken. “Most ships aren’t all that excited to have a woman on board.” You reminded. “I couldn’t exactly say what was really wrong and if I was ‘sick’ too much I’d probably get tossed overboard for the trouble. What kind of ship would want a crew member who got bedridden every month?”  
Izzy hissed in sympathy. You had no doubt he’d worked through illnesses before. Even Ed clung to you a little tighter.
“That’s horrible, dear.” Stede sympathized. You shrugged in response. That was just how things were. “But you know that here you can take all the time you need.”
“You always make me rest. Rather hypocritical.” Izzy added.
“I know. I know. But it’s an old habit. Sorry for keeping it from you.” You responded.
“I could take a nap.” Ed mused. You almost rolled your eyes. Ed was the only person you’d ever met who could sleep for a million years and still decide to go back to bed when he woke up. “Might make you feel better?” He offered.
“How about a heat pack as well? They always seemed to help Mary.” Stede offered.
“Never tried one. I’d like to though.” You smiled lightly.
“I’ll get it.” Izzy jumped at the chance to help and all but ran out of the cabin, mission acquired.
You chuckled, finishing your tea. Stede was quick to take the cup. Ed, seeing that you no longer had a breakable cup in your hand was quick to stand, pulling you up with him. You yelped in surprise but were smiling. “Ed! Careful!” Stede softly reprimanded. 
Ed ignored him and curled up in bed with you in tow. He was quick to pull you up against him, being the big spoon for once. 
Stede stepped in and gently wrapped both of you in blankets. Stede planted a kiss on Ed’s cheek then yours. “You rest. I’ll get you something to eat alright? And some chocolate?”
“Chocolate.” You mused. “Yes please.” 
Stede smiled and left the room with a chipper “Be back in a moment.”
Mere moments after Stede left, Izzy returned. He’d been so quick you were wondering if he’d run all the way to the kitchen to get the hot water and the water skin. Knowing Izzy, he probably had. He paused just long enough to grab a very soft towel to wrap the water skin in and knelt by the bed so he could gently help you rest it against your abdomen. The heat was heavenly against your skin, the cramping going from painful to barely uncomfortable. You breathed a sigh of relief. 
“Better?” Izzy asked, almost hopeful. 
You nodded, “Much better.”
Izzy hesitated, his fingers twitching towards your hand from where they were on the bed. You took the initiative and grabbed his hand. He gently caressed your hand. “How badly does it usually hurt?” He asked, clearly still upset that you were in pain.
You tightened your grip on his hand. “Depends. Can be really bad or just annoying. Kind of feels like getting punched in the gut to be honest.” You admitted. “Sucks.” It honestly felt kinda good to vent a little.
Izzy sighed. “I have to go back on deck. Someone has to make sure those idiots don’t sink the ship.” Even though he said idiots, his tone was softer. You smiled, glad that he was warming up to the crew. “I’ll make sure to get you another heating pack when this one gets too cold.” With Izzy in charge of that, you doubted you’d have even a second of not having a good heating pack. “Ed,” Izzy addressed. “Make sure they don’t try to go back to work.” He was almost verbatim quoting you the last time he’d gotten sick. 
Ed grinned and released you with one hand just long enough to give a somewhat snarky salute. “Gotcha.”
Before Izzy could leave, you gently pulled his hand up to your lips, planting a soft kiss on his knuckles. “Thank you so much Iz. You’re the best. I love you.”
Izzy, just like he had the first time you had kissed him, turned every shade of red and stood up so quickly he nearly fell. He mumbled a mix of ‘thank you’, ‘fuck’, and ‘love you too’ and bolted. You chuckled lightly.
“And you always tell me not to tease him?” Ed mumbled into your neck. You could feel his breath on your skin. “Hypocrite.” 
You chuckled breathlessly. “How is it teasing for me to tell one of my boyfriends how much I love him? I love you too, of course. Is that teasing?” You teased. You adjusted, leaning against Ed more and hiding under the blankets.
Ed laughed and planted a soft kiss on the back of your neck. “Love you too.” The two of you sat in silence for a moment. “You know…” Ed broke the silence and you could tell from his tone of voice that he was about to be a menace. “We are all bloodthirsty pirates after all… If you’re still up for it.” It took you a moment. Then Ed said “Wink wink” out loud and it clicked.
“Edward fucking Teach.” You tried to sound disappointed in him but it was severely undercut by how much you were trying to hold back your laughter.
“What?” The menace in question replied, feigning innocence. He planted another kiss where your shoulder meets your neck. “You love me, remember?” He teased.
You groaned but laughed. “Of course I do, you menace.”
You relished the incredible situation you found yourself and could hardly believe it was real. Here you were, one of your lovers holding you, another fetching you your favorite food, and another making sure you were safe and bringing you heating packs. It was such a difference from all the times you’d been curled up alone on other ships that it may well be heaven.
A/N: Hope I did the request justice!
These ridiculous, adorable, and unhinged boys are so fun to write.
Extra Headcanons: You send the boys to get supplies (modern au)
Ed at the store, talking loudly on the phone, 100% seriously: Babe! I’m in the pad aisle, what size pussy you wear?
Hearing you laugh over the phone is 1000% worth all the weird looks
He makes a very interesting picture, decked out in leather with a thick beard and tattoos with a small pastel colored box under his arm
Stede, returns with a shopping cart full of products (he bought one of each size and brand): I wasn’t sure if the colors meant different things ( ; ω ; )
Also bought snacks, three different heating packs and probably anything else in the store that claimed to help.
Izzy, the only one who already knew what you needed since he spotted the box before and made a mental note, walking back to you with a death grip on the shopping bag since this is for you and you need it and trusted him to get it: *intense focus*
Modern!Izzy would complete any task that his partners gave him with the same steely determination as Canon!Izzy handling a raid
Would 100% stab anyone getting in the way of him getting you what you need
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missmastectomy · 5 days
"Sooo many radfems on this site especially just hate men and trans people. The love for women is superficial" this, so much this. It's something I've noticed years ago when I first started lurking radfem spaces on tumblr, and it's honestly so bizarre to me; I mean like they claim to love women, but the way they talk about some women(read: het women in relationships and with kids, and detrans women, as well as those that are still trans) is more than mean. I'll admit that I can sometimes fall into the pitfall of being somewhat overly critical of trans people and also trans identified women and women that one may call a pick-me, but I do always try to correct myself, and remind myself that actually so many of them aren't these evil, devil's little minions set on destroying all our lives - I literally told once a trans activist that I can see that she genuinely believes in that ideology and means no harm but that she's spreading misinfo - so ulitmately I always try to go with asumption that many of them mean no harm. And you know what, honestly, I don't have issues with people id-ing as any flavour of trans, as long as they don't try to erode women and gay people's hard earned rights, plus changing the language that's quite honestly dehumanizing, and also as long as they don't harass people about their stances on trans ideology and the fact that we don't believe in gender identities, and last but not least as long as they leave gay people alone; I realise many of them are struggling and I've got nothing but sympathy for them(agps and other fetishists are of course a whole different story, but even then I try not to stoop to their level of virtol).
^ Yup. If someone has good intentions, even if I think their ideology is harmful, I’m not going to treat them like a villain. It pushes people away. We all grow up learning harmful, stupid things and the best way to get people to reconsider their beliefs is to treat them with grace. Do I think transitioning is inherently regressive and bad for women and gay people, because of its ideological implications? Yes. Do I think all people who transition are bad? No. Every single person on this planet engages in activities that have very bad runoff effects on other groups, but usually we do this unknowingly.
I think many trans women don’t consider why women feel unnerved about MTF transition. To many women, it comes across as a man trying to become something he cannot be, a woman, and that by altering himself he therefore understands women as a woman and has rights to all women’s issues.
In the Transsexual Empire, Raymond discusses how the ability of TW to get “female characteristics” through transition is a commodification of the female body. It implies that womanhood is superficial and that a male can obtain it through surgery and hormones, which cheapens what women go through. She states that “through transition, all transsexuals rape women’s bodies,” because she sees it as a violation/degradation of womanhood.
I agree with many of her points. I do think that many TW, including HSTS, show their entitlement to women’s bodies and validation very clearly, in a way most TM do not. However, that also doesn’t mean these HSTS transition for the purpose of malignantly appropriating womanhood. As I’ve said before, many suffer greatly from GD and many are basically brainwashed into this path from a young age. Further analysis about transition and why they want to transition are not conversations the trans community has. You just have a “gendered soul.”
I’ve gotten to the point where I basically think of being trans as a religious system. Like other spiritual beliefs, people cherry pick what they want and ignore the rest. There are many violent laws/actions in Christianity that most Christians are appalled by, but they still ardently identify as Christian. It’s human nature to cling to ideology that explains humans and our place in the universe, and trying to stamp religion out of our species is like trying to stamp out greed. So, as long as trans people don’t force others to use the language they want and respect that they are different from bio men and women, and accept their sex and it’s immutability, then I’m probably not going to have an issue with them.
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elvisabutler · 2 years
summary: you are the sort of person gladys should have never let her son interact with. elvis will always listen to his mama, except when it comes to you. you like taking advantage of this. fandom: austin butler | elvis ( 2022 ) | elvis presley pairing: austin butler elvis x female reader rating: m. word count: 3058 warnings: corruption kink. religious undertones. religious overtones. comparing elvis to a cherub. defiling a church. sub elvis, tbh. unprotected p in v sex. mild breeding kink implication, i think. author's note: welcome to a late day 21 for kinktober, corruption kink with austin!elvis. okay so. i'm unhinged just a little this month. sometimes you can't pick what you want and then someone chooses 50s elvis ( cough @blurredcolour ) and you think i want to wreck that man then this happens. yeah. i don't mean anything bad by it, so if you are religious, sorry about this. also yes there is a difference in pronunciation of mama and momma when elvis says it in this. one means you, the other means his actual mother. also almost made this gender neutral, didn't because i haven't quite mastered the art of full sex with gender neutral so i chickened out, but i have a few more austin elvis parts of kinktober so don't worry it'll happen. and you know the usual you can imagine real elvis with this i don't mind.
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Elvis is a good southern boy, all manners and charm wrapped into a drawling package. You've known from the second you laid eyes on him that he is a good boy. Except, Elvis is also a bit of a brat, and you'd like to blame his mama for that but- well, deep down inside of you there was a good southern woman who knew how to mind their elders lest you get your ass whooped from here to kingdom come so you can't very well talk bad about her. Elvis- he's innocent enough, all blushes and mild stutters as Scotty and Bill and DJ are making lewd jokes. Elvis a good church going boy and you used to be a good church going girl yourself- a different denomination but honestly your daddy would have never taken you to anything but a Catholic mass- but you had stopped a while back, finding it more suffocating than anything comforting. Still, it doesn't stop you from leaning against Elvis's pink Cadillac waiting for him. You know there's a chance his fans will swarm you and him but your plan means you'll take the risk gladly.
"Darlin'?" Elvis's voice is questioning as he managed to force his way through a small crowd of fans at the church doors. His face- his smile at you despite his confusion makes you remember all those paintings of cherubs and you find a grin blossoming on your own face. Your little cherub, pleased as punch to see you just as you're pleased to see him. "What're you doin' here?"
"I came to see my favorite person." My favorite boy. "And I know it's Sunday so of course you'd be-"
"At church. Oh mama, missed me that much?" His cheeks flush as he looks down at the ground, and then up your legs, eyeing how your skirt errs just slightly on the side of too short and gulping. "You know you shouldn't be wearin' somethin' like that. They're gonna- you know what they're gonna say."
Your answering laugh has him biting his lip as he watches the line of your throat. He just got out of church and you've got him thinking every sinful thought under the sun already. "That I'm a loose woman and that you really oughta stay away from me? Please, we both know I'm irresistible to you. Besides, we both know you love how loose I am."
Elvis has to choke back a groan, especially as he feels your hands pull him closer to you, grasping at his butt and squeezing. "We're in public and outside the church, baby." He says trying to gain control of the situation, all while his head nuzzles into your neck. "God you smell wonderful. New-"
"Perfume." You finish his thought before your allow one of your hands to slide up to his head, running your fingers through his hair. There's a hum that comes from Elvis that causes you to smirk as you pull just lightly on his hair. A part of you is aware his fans are staring, the churchgoers are staring, but Elvis is your boyfriend and you'd like everyone to be vividly aware of it. "How was church?"
Elvis's eyes are hooded when he looks at you, all heat and hidden promise, because he knows you're teasing him. He knows you're teasing him right after church because you think it's fun. He wonders if you're going to ask him what you always ask him when you show up like this every month. "Good. Enlightening, they were talking about resisting temptation. How it's hard nowadays especially with me and my gyrations."
Your laugh sounds downright sinister as the last bit of Elvis's fans and the church goers walk by the pair of you. It earns you a few looks and glares but you choose to ignore them, instead focusing on how Elvis is murmuring apologies to them as they walk by. He's not apologizing for you, you know he cares for you too much but he has to keep up appearances or else he'll hear it from his manager. "Resisting temptation?" Your hand that had been used to pull him close moves to his front, starting at his torso before you slide it down to the front of his pants. "From whom, the devil or everyone else?"
Elvis whispers your name and it comes out practically as a hiss as he can't help but buck his hips against your hand. "Baby. Don't- we're in front of the church. They'll see."
The last word, his last word comes out as a whine, and you move to kiss him, allowing yourself to cup his quickly hardening cock through his slacks. You had him inching toward where you wanted him, just maybe a few tiny pushes left and he'd be exactly where you wanted him. You'd both be exactly where you want to be. Your hand squeezes just a bit as Elvis gasps and grabs at your wrist.
"Mama." A pause. "Darlin'- you're the temptation for me right now. It'd kill my momma if she heard I did something like this after church. In front of the church." He sounds almost pleading, but with whom you don't know. He's had sex before, told you in a rush of apologies about the one girl on the road and while you'd have killed him for it, you find it didn't mean anything. Not like how it would mean between the two of you. The road had taken so much already and you'd be damned if it would take much more. It was your job to ruin him, not a Carny manager and Bill's stupid need to a stimulant that he thought your boyfriend needed.
Your eyes dart around the area, noting that in the time you've been standing there people have found their way to their cars and to their paths to walk home. There is- in short no one still left on the property but you and you imagine the priest- pastor- you forget what Elvis calls the person leading the congregation. It is exactly what you want to see, it's exactly what you need to see. Your mouth moves to his ear, nipping at his earlobe just slightly. "Who said anything about being in front of the church. I wouldn't let everyone see you like this. They might think they could make you feel as good as I will."
A gust of wind blows by the two of you, forcing you both to tilt a little toward the door of the church. The next words out of your boyfriend surprise you in ways you hadn't thought he was capable of doing to you. "Don't suppose you think that's God's way of telling us to go in there, do ya?" He asks, his face still the picture of an innocent cherub sent to charm you but with his tone- oh his tone- rivaling that of the Devil himself, sent to defile you and and anyone you wanted.
The second you hear those words you know you've won this one, you get to have Elvis where you want to have him. You get to corrupt this good Southern boy- this good church going boy into what you want- what you need. "I think that's exactly what God wants us to do, sweetheart."
The pastor is- you're assuming- at his house nearby on the property, unlike most priests you had known this pastor refrained from cleaning up after a service until the last minute, something about how he wanted the service to settle, whatever that meant. So you had some time, not that you or Elvis were going to need it from the way he's pushing you up against a bench, his lips igniting a fire in between your legs and on your skin. You're letting him take control for this original space of time- allowing him to think he's the one in charge, that this was his plan all along, that he wanted to fuck his girlfriend in a church. The truth is the exact opposite but as smart as Elvis can be about some things- he misses cues like this, misses knowing that you were the one who planned this that you're the heathen dragging this boy to hell by defiling him in a church.
"Wanna make you feel good, mama. Wanna feel good." He murmurs, his drawl slurring his words together like they're molasses. His hips rut against you, seeking some form of release before your hand moves to unbuckle his belt and undo his pants. "What- you're already undoing my-"
A laugh leaves your lips before you kiss his own, biting softly in order to make them just a hair redder and a little more plump. He looks- he's inching toward looking like the picture of sin. That picture has you groaning softly before you speak. "You can't fuck me if your pants are on, babe. Want my baby's cock in me. Want to feel your cock stretching me. You said you'd let me do this- said you were sorry."
That snaps his focus back from the ceiling where he had been focusing back to you, back to your pouting face and his own face falls. "Oh, mama, I- You know I am, mama, know I didn't- I shouldn't have, you're my girl, you're the only one I want to see me like this- like-" You can see his brain trying to catch up as he forces himself to pause even as his hips keep bucking against you. "Wanted to give it to you, only you, wanted you to have you do all those things to me first, wanted-"
"Me to ruin you?" You finish the sentence, taking pity on Elvis as you moved to try and shimmy out of your underwear. "Corrupt you from the inside out? Make you as bad as everyone thinks I am?"
He nods frantically, trying the best way he can to help you out of your underwear and only stopping when he sees them pool to the floor. His eyes focus on them when he speaks almost making him look bashful and embarrassed. The heat that was already curling in your abdomen grows just a little more as you have to bite your lip to keep from growling at his look, growling at the knowledge that this is all yours to keep.
"Yes." His words come out as a whisper that you can only hear because of the deafening quiet in the church. "Want that. I- Let me fuck you in here, mama. God gave you to me and gave me to you, wanna show him what good he's done."
It doesn't take you a second before you're pushing Elvis onto the bench, freeing his cock from his boxers and sinking yourself down. You're drenched and the noise from his cock entering you is almost sickening in how it sounds. You swear you feel a gush of arousal as he groans, low and making your entire being vibrate. Is this was a religious experience felt like? Was this what you told your father you never experienced at church? You don't know, but you know that Elvis needs to move, needs to buck against you as you ride him.
"Gonna have to help me, baby. Can't ride you and do all the work myself." You murmur against his lips before trailing kisses down his neck, stopping to make sure to suck just against his jaw line, knowing fully well he'll bruise. He is yours and you'd prefer people to know it.
His hands move to cup your chest, touching your breasts through your bra as he nuzzles them. He won't ask you to take off your shirt, not in here, not realizing that you two have to be at least somewhat discrete as your skirt hides his cock pumping into you, hides his hips rutting against your pelvis. "Wanna fuck you like this every night. Gonna marry you, mama ain't gonna like it, but you're my girl. Making me feel so wrong and so right. So perfect- so glad you wanted me- could have gone for those other boys-"
He's whimpering and it's feeding into your own desire to whimper back at him. He's so fucking pure sometimes it sickens you, he's so earnest in what he's saying and it makes you love him so much it hurts you. You kiss him, swallowing both of your whimpers in the kiss, putting all your energy into clenching around his cock, trying to milk it so that you can both finish, so you can tell him that he shouldn't marry you, Gladys would probably die if he did and as much as you want to ruin him, you know he couldn't take that. He keeps talking though- keeps muttering the filth you love to hear him say because it says it so rarely.
It sounds like a prayer, you realize, it sounds like he's muttering a prayer or a hymn onto your skin and you realize that you might be corrupting him, might be ruining him but there's still a part of him that's a good God fearing, church going boy and you can't take that away no matter how hard you try. The rush of arousal you feel after that realization startles you, has you clutching onto his shoulders for dear life.
If he minds your grip he doesn't say anything, instead choosing to buck his hips more as one hand moves in between you two to play with your clit. "She taught me how to do this, mama. I- Can I come in you? Wanna do that- I know I shouldn't but you're- I want it. Wanna claim you like that. You want me like that- don't ya?"
Maybe the road had done more to him than you thought, maybe you weren't corrupting him like you thought if he was playing with your clit like it was his guitar, skillfully earning a sigh and a whimper from you. Or maybe that was from the words he uttered, you don't know, you only know that you feel your walls tightening, feel your cunt fluttering on his cock and you should say no, you should tell him that he needs to come on the floor but you can't utter those words. Instead you utter the exact opposite.
"Come in me, show everyone that I'm yours baby, stake your claim in me like my hickies show mine on you. Show them that I've got you, not anyone else. Show them I've got Elvis- the good boy who loves his momma and his family and would do anything if I just asked. Would fuck me over a church altar if I asked."
He comes with a shout that sounds pained, like it was wrenched from the depths of his soul. You never come with or right after any of your partners but with Elvis, with him right in this moment you feel the warmth of his come and way his hands are gripping whatever part of your body he can grab and you fall against him, coming as quietly as you can, only letting out the tiniest of whimpers against his ear. You can feel his cock twitch afterward, thinking it's going to be interested in the proceedings.
The two of you sit there for a few minutes, attempting to catch your breath and your bearings. You shouldn't have let him come in you, but you couldn't help it. It should be fine, you hope. Elvis speaks first, a quiet whisper against your neck.
"I love you. Meant what I said- wanna make ya my wife. Maybe give my momma grandchildren. Wanna take care of ya like you take care of me." He pauses. "You gonna let me do all those things, mama?"
You sigh, moving to pull off of his cock. "Maybe. You gonna let me turn you into a different kind of man?" A man more suited for you, more suited to be with a girl half the city looks at in disgust.
He looks up at the ceiling and looks at a cross he sees in the distance before he answers with an honesty that startles you. "I think I'd follow ya into hell if that's the only way I could have ya."
In short, yes.
There is a silence that stretches too long to feel comfortable between the two of you until you finally speak, pulling off his cock completely, allowing his release to drip down your legs as you kiss him. "Ask me again next month, Elvis."
He moves to put himself back together, to make himself more presentable to the world as he tucks his cock back in his pants and refastens them. "I'll ask ya next week. I mean it this time, mama. I think- I think ya stuck with me now."
Good. You shrug. "That's just the temptation speaking."
Elvis stands up and moves to touch your stomach as he kisses you. "No, that's me thinkin' God's gonna force ya to let me be with ya after this. Can't have sex wit' ya in a church and not expect somethin'."
You feel as if cold water has been dumped on your head but still you smile. "Your momma won't like it."
His lips curl into a smirk you don't recognize on his face. It startles you and arouses you in equal measure. "To hell with her opinion. I'll ask ya next week. I wanna get an answer this time, mama. Can't keep ruining me like without letting me get a reward."
You open your mouth to say something before you hear a commotion signaling that the pastor is back. The pair of you make a quick escape, running out the opposite end of the church, only stopping when you reach Elvis's car.
"Let me take ya home." He murmurs against your lips as you push him against the car for a goodbye kiss.
"Just this once." You answer back, allowing him to open the door and let you in. "And only this once."
The only response you get is a hum from Elvis. He does ask you again the next week. And the week after. And the week after. You don't give your mostly good Southern boy an answer until the next month.
His momma hates the answer.
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kendrixtermina · 4 months
It baffles me that some ppl will still defend Chibnall because we actually 100% know for a fact, as in explicitly said in interviews, that:
Chibnall didn't even want the job, executives just thought of genre fiction as lesser BS anyone can do
He submitted first drafts
He had no plan for plot or characters
He decided to "simplify it for children"/ dumb it down (...by not thinking about the moral implications of anything??)
He explicitly told Whittaker NOT TO WATCH PAST EPISODES
As a writer, I am so angry because imagine getting such a big chance & then being so cavalier about it... If I got to be in charge of a beloved big-name sci-fi franchise, you bet that I would put in some fucking effort!
Like I've always been baffled by how ppl keep saying Whittaker was so good in her other shows when I only saw her being aggressively bad & forgettably meh in Doctor Who, especially considering that Colin Baker consistently managed to be the most interesting thing on screen even with bad script & hostile execs, to the point that he's one of my faves - and no, it's not to do with gender. I really liked Gomez' performance because she actually bothered to, you know, play the Master. You really bought that she's a dangerous inhuman creature but at the same time she still had nuance & depht going on like the Delgado incarnation.
but... now I realize that Colin Baker had the advantage that he was a fan before he got the job.
He knew what Character he's supposed to be playing; Whittaker only had Chibnall's superficial-ass scripts to go on, no wonder we ended up with what feels like a completely different character.
I wonder if Chibs wanted a lead author that wouldn't argue with him, especially given how he insisted on writing 80% of the episodes, the rumors that he turned down Capaldi's offer to stay longer & that he brought in someone who had previously worked for him. Capaldi would have called out OOC stuff. So would a new hire who was actually familiar with the show.
It's such a difference from having super-fan like Capaldi or Tennant on the job who deeply cared. (This is also why hearing that Gatwa had a similar background was actually the main thing that made me give the show a chance again)
But that said, Eccleston & Smith were new to the show when they got hired & still kicked ass. The difference being that, of course, Matt Smith DID watch past episodes & quickly decided that he loved & wanted to emulate Patrick Troughton.
As much as Whittaker sucked, there's no doubt in my mind that ANY actor in the world would have done better if they had seen past episodes, especially if she really is so much better in those other shows.
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