#louise hammond
llovelymoonn · 2 years
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cheng hao the sudden coming of spring (tr. louise s. hammond)
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sophaeros · 4 days
if i told you that i had two characters who'd written a song about a secretive doomed relationship together and released a poster for it featuring the two of them holding hands as they drove off a cliff together you'd probably tell me to stop being so on the nose but no. it's real and it's called one way trigger by the strokes
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Louise Verneuil featured in a photo with Amanda, Katie and Justyna.
Via littleamandablank instagram stories.
(16/02/24) not sure quite when this photo was taken I think it was during Arctic Monkeys The Car tour,
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sesiondemadrugada · 2 years
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K-PAX (Iain Softley, 2001).
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perfettamentechic · 5 months
9 gennaio … ricordiamo …
9 gennaio … ricordiamo … #semprevivineiricordi #nomidaricordare #personaggiimportanti #perfettamentechic
2023: Melinda Dillon, Melinda Rose Dillon, attrice statunitense. Dillon lavorò in teatro, in televisione e al cinema. Fu candidata due volte all’Oscar come migliore attrice non protagonista, per Incontri ravvicinati del terzo tipo (1977) e Diritto di cronaca (1981). Fu sposata con l’attore Richard Libertini, dal quale ebbe un figlio: il matrimonio terminò con un divorzio. (n.1939) 2022: Bob…
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metamorphesque · 10 months
🌼 poems (and a love letter) that helped me live through july 🌼
One Or Two Things, Mary Oliver
Kitchen Song, Laura Kasischke
The Breathing, Denise Levertov
Trapped, Charles Bukowski
Precognition, Margaret Atwood
Rain, John Burnside
Looking, Walking, Being, Denise Levertov
At Joan's, Frank O'Hara
You, Carol Ann Duffy
Time, Louise Gluck
Effort at Speech Between Two People, Muriel Rukeyser
Still, A. R. Ammons
Sonnet XL, Edna St. Vincent Millay
Sonnet XLIII, Edna St. Vincent Millay
Listen, W. S. Merwin
A Thin Line, Ryuichi Tamura (translated by Samuel Grolmes and Yumiko Tsumura)
Driveway, Richard Siken
The Sentence, Anna Akhmatova
Wanting to Die, Anne Sexton
Eating Together, Kim Addonizio
The Look, Sara Teasdale
The Starry Night, Anne Sexton
Hammond B3 Organ Cistern, Gabrielle Calvocoressi
Richard Feynman's love letter to his deceased wife, 1946
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poemaseletras · 11 months
Envie sugestões. Leia uma citação no modo aleatório.
Autores Desconhecidos
Adélia Prado
Adrian Tchaikovsky
Affonso Romano de Sant’anna
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Albert Einstein
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Alexander Pushkin
Amanda Gorman
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Andy Warhol
Andy Wootea
Anna Quindlen
Anne Frank
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
Arnaldo Jabor
Arthur Schopenhauer
Augusto Cury
Ben Howard
Benjamin Alire Sáenz
Benjamin Rush
Bill Keane
Bob Dylan
Brigitte Nicole
C. JoyBell C.
C.S. Lewis
Carl Jung
Carlos Drummond de Andrade
Carlos Fuentes
Carol Ann Duffy
Carol Rifka Brunt
Carolina Maria de Jesus
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Cecília Meireles
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Douglas Coupland
Dream Hampton
E. E. Cummings
E. Grin
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EA Bucchianeri
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Roald Dahl
Robert Schumann
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Sage Francis
Sérgio Vaz
Shirley Jackson
Sigmund Freud
Simone de Beauvoir
Spike Jonze
Stars Go Dim
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Ted Chiang
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Truman Capote
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Veronica Roth
Victor Hugo
Vincent van Gogh
Virgílio Ferreira
Virginia Woolf
Vladimir Nabokov
Wale Ayinla
Warsan Shire
William C. Hannan
William Shakespeare
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Yasmin Mogahed
Yoke Lore
Yoko Ogawa
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"It is that which turns my soul to water."
Little moments from Granada's The Return of Sherlock Holmes S2Ep5, "The Abbey Grange" (1986). Dir. by Peter Hammond. Jeremy Brett as Sherlock Holmes, Edward Hardwicke as Dr. Watson, Anne-Louise Lambert as Lady Mary Brackenstall, and Oliver Tobias as Capt. John Crocker
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One Art - Elizabeth Bishop // October - Louise Gluck // On Reading An Anthology of Postwar German Poetry - Lisel Mueller // Fairy-tale Logic - A. E. Stallings // Introduction to Space Opera - Brian Aldiss // Yellow Glove - Naomi Shihab Nye // Hammond B3 Organ Cistern - Gabrielle Calvocoressi
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lobinilo · 3 months
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Dear Mr. Hammond,
I am Kate Louise Pemberton. Or Bird - a name your son gave me. Before you throw this letter away, please read it all. It's taken me several months to put pen to paper trying to find the right things to say, but the truth is, I'm still not sure what to say. Yes, I am the one who invited your son to New York and I am the one who was waiting for him at the airport. I thought we were gonna spend the rest of our lives together, not just those few short weeks. Love at first sight as the clichè goes. Luke and I met at a party and after that he was the only person I ever wanted to spend my time with. But I am now left with nothing. I have nothing to hold on to but memories of him. Just like you, I am now confronted with the pain of trying to move on. The truth is, if he hadn't met me, he'd be alive today. I know that. And that is something that I will have to suffer with every day for the rest of my life. For now - and I hope you understand - I wish to mourn alone. Maybe a time will come when I can think back on those precious memories without pain and life can start again.
The Last Photograph, dir. Danny Huston
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pers-books · 2 months
Sapphire & Steel have been reassigned! 
Big Finish’s acclaimed audio dramas based on the ITV Studios sci-fi/fantasy series Sapphire & Steel are now available to buy as downloads for the first time. 
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All irregularities will be handled by the forces controlling each dimension. Transuranic, heavy elements may not be used where there is life. Medium atomic weights are available: Gold, Lead, Copper, Jet, Diamond, Radium, Sapphire, Silver and Steel.  Sapphire and Steel have been assigned. 
Sapphire & Steel, created by P. J. Hammond, was originally broadcast between 1979 and 1982. It starred Joanna Lumley and David McCallum as a pair of “interdimensional operatives” tasked with protecting the flow of time. Each story would see them take human form as they showed up in a new location, to investigate a dangerous anomaly. 
Between May 2005 and August 2008, Big Finish released 15 full-cast audio dramas based on the TV series. The late David Warner took on McCallum’s part to play the stubborn Steel, whilst Susannah Harker slipped into Lumley’s role as Sapphire. 
For three of the audio stories, original TV guest star David Collings returned to recreate his performance as Silver. Other notable guest stars in the range included Mark Gatiss, Colin Baker, Sarah Douglas, Richard Franklin, Angela Bruce, Arthur Bostrom and Louise Jameson. 
The audio series was only ever released on CD and has been unavailable for more than a decade.  
Now, in association with ITV Studios, all three series have been re-released as downloads, giving fans the chance to relisten or indeed discover the adventures for the first time. 
Each series comes packaged with a brand-new 30-minute behind-the-scenes featurette, offering an insight into the production of these beloved adventures. 
All three series are available to buy at an exclusive early-bird price for the first month; Series One (comprising five stories) is available for just £19.99, Series Two (comprising six stories) is just £24.99, and Series Three (four stories) is £19.99. 
Big Finish chairman Jason Haigh-Ellery said: “We are delighted to have reached an agreement with ITV Studios to bring back our Sapphire & Steel releases as downloads. We have received regular requests over the years for it to be made available again, so we’re pleased that a whole new generation of listeners will be able to hear the late, great David Warner as Steel and Susannah Harker as Sapphire.” 
Nigel Fairs, who produced the series, added: “I’m absolutely delighted that people will be able to hear our version of Sapphire & Steel again, as it really was a labour of love. Re-imagining such a visual television series for audio was no easy task, but I think my decision to concentrate on the emotional story arcs of the characters who encountered ‘Time’ and our two agents bore some really tasty fruit! Dear David and Susie were the perfect leads, and the recording sessions were amongst the happiest I ever had at Big Finish. Creative times indeed. ‘Roll back time, Sapphire…’” 
The four-part stories in each series are: 
Series One: 
The Passenger by Steve Lyons
Daisy Chain by Joseph Lidster 
All Fall Down by David Bishop
The Lighthouse by Nigel Fairs 
Dead Man Walking by Nigel Fairs (based on a story by John Ainsworth) 
Series Two: 
The School by Simon Guerrier
The Surest Poison by Richard Dinnick
Water Like a Stone by Nigel Fairs
Cruel Immortality by Nigel Fairs 
Perfect Day by Steve Lyons
The Mystery of the Missing Hour by Joseph Lidster
Series Three: 
Second Sight by Nigel Fairs
Remember Me by John Dorney
Zero by Steve Lyons 
Wall of Darkness by Nigel Fairs 
All three series are available exclusively here. Series One is available for just £19.99, Series Two for £24.99, and Series Three for £19.99. 
All the above prices include the special pre-order discount and are subject to change after general release.
-- Well bugger me!
I wonder if this means I've got access to the downloads now, since I bought the CDs way back when?
*goes to check* No, huh. Guess I'll go on using the rips of the CDs then!
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sophaeros · 3 days
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one way trigger - the strokes // thelma & louise (1991)
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justforbooks · 1 year
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The dapper and sagacious Ahmad Jamal may have looked more like a UN delegate than a jazz musician, but he was recognised as a truly great jazz artist by some of the music’s most notable pioneers. Jamal, who has died aged 92, was hailed in the 1940s and 50s by Art Tatum and Miles Davis, and more recently by McCoy Tyner and Keith Jarrett. In the 90s, when a jazz piano-trio renaissance was being led by gifted newcomers such as Brad Mehldau, Jason Moran, Geri Allen and Esbjörn Svensson, Jamal did not retire to the sidelines but played better than ever. The former Wynton Marsalis pianist and composer Eric Reed has said that Jamal is to the piano trio “what Thomas Edison was to electricity”.
He was a fascinating philosopher of contemporary music and a lifelong critic of the entertainment business, which he accused of fleecing African-American artists. Although he recognised the structural and technical distinctions of jazz and European classical music, he was adamant that there was no superiority of one over the other in what he called “the emotional dimensions”. “You have to know what the hell you’re doing,” he told me in 1996, “whether you’re playing the body of work from Europe or the body of work from Louis Armstrong.”
Jamal was born Frederick Jones in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and regarded the eclectic musical culture of his birthplace as crucial to his development. His father was an open-hearth worker in the steel mills, but his uncle Lawrence played the piano and at only three years old Jamal was copying his playing by ear. He took lessons from seven, and would recall “studying Mozart along with Art Tatum”, unaware of white society’s widespread prejudice that European music was supposed to be superior to that of African-Americans. Significant influences in his early years were the music teacher Mary Cardwell Dawson (founder of the National Negro Opera Company), and his aunt Louise, who showered him with sheet music for the popular songs of the day. Pianists Tatum, Nat King Cole and Erroll Garner were among the young “Fritz” Jones’s principal jazz influences, and he also studied piano with James Miller at Westinghouse high school.
At 17 he toured with the former Westinghouse student George Hudson’s Count Basie-influenced orchestra, worked in a song-and-dance team, and wrote one of his most enduring themes, Ahmad’s Blues, at 18. Two years later he adopted Islam, and the name Ahmad Jamal. He also joined a group called the Four Strings, which became the Three Strings with the departure of its violinist, and caught the ear of the talent-spotting producer John Hammond, who signed the trio to Columbia’s Okeh label.
The public liked Jamal’s distinctive treatments of popular songs, and so did Davis. Developing his new quintet in 1955, Davis sent his rhythm section to study Jamal’s then drummer-less group. Davis liked Jamal’s pacing and use of space (the prevailing bebop jazz style was usually hyperactive), and he noticed that Jamal’s guitarist, Ray Crawford, often tapped the body of his instrument on the fourth beat. Davis told his drummer, Philly Joe Jones, to copy the effect with a fourth-beat rimshot, which became a characteristic sound of that ultra-hip Davis ensemble. Davis began to feature Jamal’s originals and arrangements in his own output, including New Rhumba (on his 1957 Miles Ahead collaboration with Gil Evans), and Billy Boy (on 1958’s classic Milestones session).
The gifted young Chicago bassist Israel Crosby joined the trio in 1955, and the following year the percussionist Vernel Fournier – who fulfilled Jamal’s requirements for a subtle hand-drummer as well as orthodox sticks-player – replaced Crawford. The group became the house band at the Pershing Hotel in Chicago, and one night in January 1958 they recorded more than 40 tracks there. One was Poinciana, which had been a hit tune from the 1952 movie Dreamboat. Jamal modernised its Latin groove, maintained a catchy hook throughout the improvisation, and found himself with a pop hit that stayed in the charts for two years.
Eight songs from that night, including Poinciana, made up the million-selling album At the Pershing: But Not for Me. Jamal’s newfound wealth led him to branch out into club ownership by opening the Alhambra in Chicago, though the venture barely lasted a year. Crosby and Fournier left for the pianist George Shearing’s group in 1962, and Jamal recorded the Latin-influenced Macanudo album the next year, with a new trio and a full orchestra. He also explored his cultural and ancestral roots in Africa, then recorded Heat Wave in 1966 – with a new group (Jamil Nasser on bass and Frank Gant on drums) and a more contemporary feel, reflected in the funkier approach to his old piano hero Garner’s Misty.
Jamal’s knack of keeping audiences mesmerised with unexpected modulations, time changes and catchy riffs, while never losing the undercurrent of the tune, was still unmistakably intact. His trademark device of insinuating a song – through toying with its bassline or its characteristic groove, but endlessly delaying the appearance of the tune – was adopted by many later jazz pianists, including such contemporary masters as Mehldau.
In 1970 Jamal recorded Johnny Mandel’s M*A*S*H theme for the movie’s soundtrack, and with the albums Jamaica (in 1974, which included Marvin Gaye’s Trouble Man as well as M*A*S*H) and Intervals (1979, which included a Steely Dan cover), showed he was not averse to toying with pop forms and even electric pianos. But he soon returned to the jazz of his roots. In 1982 he made the live album American Classical Music (it was the term he always preferred to the word “jazz”), sustained a steady output through the decade, and with Chicago Revisited (1992) sounded as assured and inventive as ever.
Now in his 60s, Jamal began to develop a higher profile in Europe. Sessions for the Dreyfus label in France led to The Essence (issued in three parts in the 90s), and found him in full flight with the saxophonists George Coleman and Stanley Turrentine and the trumpeter Donald Byrd. In 1995 his version of Music, Music, Music and the original take of Poinciana were featured in the Clint Eastwood film The Bridges of Madison County. He made what he regarded as one of his best recordings with Live in Paris 1996 (featuring Coleman again), and returned to the city to celebrate his 70th birthday in 2000 with Coleman; he was in inspired form on what would be released as the album A l’Olympia (2001).
With the exciting James Cammack on bass and Idris Muhammad on drums, Jamal’s composing blossomed. Striking originals dominated his 2003 album In Search of Momentum, and he even made a faintly stagey but soulful foray into singing, amid a raft of virtuoso keyboard displays, on After Fajr (2005).
Jamal’s alertness to an irresistible riff, like his keyboard contemporary Herbie Hancock’s, made him a favourite with hip-hop artists, and De La Soul’s Stakes Is High and Nas’s The World Is Yours were among many unmistakable testaments to that. Mosaic Records’ nine-CD set of his game-changing work in the late 1950s and early 60s was released in 2011, his group made a spectacular live appearance in London in 2014, and his last album releases came in 2022 with Emerald City Nights: Live at the Penthouse, parts one and two, featuring live recordings made in Seattle during the 60s. A third in the series is due for release this year.
Jamal was married and divorced three times – to Virginia Wilkins, Sharifah Frazier and Laura Hess-Hay. He is survived by a daughter, Sumayah, from his second marriage, and two grandchildren.
🔔 Ahmad Jamal (Frederick Russell Jones), musician, born 2 July 1930; died 16 April 2023
Daily inspiration. Discover more photos at http://justforbooks.tumblr.com
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servants-hall · 11 months
ACGAS S4 Press Release & Article Round Up
PBS: All Creatures Great and Small Season 4 New and Returning Cast
Radio Times: All Creatures Great and Small casts Shetland and Doctor Who star for season 4
TV Line: All Creatures Great and Small Season 4 Cast: Who’s Returning? Who’s Not? And Who’s New at Skeldale?
What to Watch: All Creatures drops huge hint major character isn't in new series
Deadline: ‘All Creatures Great And Small’ On Masterpiece Announces Return, New & Returning Cast Members
Yorkshire Post: All Creatures Great and Small Series 4: Star cast returns without Tristan actor Callum Woodhouse - but new vet Richard Carmody joins the team
Primetimer: All Creatures Great and Small Season 4: Everything We Know So Far
PBS’s press release is copied below:
PBS: All Creatures Great and Small Season 4 New and Returning Cast
Boston, MA; June 27, 2023: MASTERPIECE on PBS, Channel 5, and BAFTA and Golden Globe®-winning production company Playground (Howards End, Wolf Hall) today announce the casting of the much-loved drama All Creatures Great and Small as it gears up for its fourth season.
Based on the cherished collection of stories by best-selling author James Herriot, the critically acclaimed adaptation returns to the beautiful Yorkshire Dales for a fourth season of timeless and heart-warming stories, picking up in 1940 as Churchill takes office and Europe is under serious threat. The seven new episodes (including a Christmas Special) will air on MASTERPIECE on PBS in early 2024 and Channel 5 this autumn with All3Media International as the global partner.
MASTERPIECE Executive Producer Susanne Simpson adds, “I can’t wait for our MASTERPIECE audience to see this new season of All Creatures Great and Small. It continues to be full of the warmth and humor that has made it one of our most successful series ever.” MASTERPIECE is presented on PBS by GBH Boston.
Sir Colin Callender CBE, Executive Producer and CEO of Playground said: “We are thrilled to be back in the glorious Yorkshire Dales for a fourth season of family, community and, of course, animal hijinks. Our wonderful cast and crew are all delighted to be returning to adapt more of James Herriot’s joyful and life-affirming stories.”
Season 4 sees Nicholas Ralph reprise his role as young country vet James Herriot, now happily married to Helen Herriot, played by Rachel Shenton (White Gold, For Her Sins). Samuel West (Slow Horses, Small Axe) returns as James’ capricious and erratic mentor Siegfried Farnon while Anna Madeley (Time, Patrick Melrose) continues as Mrs. Hall, matriarch of Skeldale House. Patricia Hodge (Miranda, A Very English Scandal) also reprises her role as the wonderfully eccentric Mrs. Pumphrey, and Derek as her adored and pampered Pekingese Tricki.
With Tristan away serving in the Royal Army Veterinary Corps, Siegfried and James bring in some extra hands to help around the practice. Neve McIntosh (Shetland) joins the cast as highly efficient bookkeeper Miss Harbottle, alongside James Anthony-Rose (Slow Horses, Pennyworth) as studious undergraduate vet student Richard Carmody who arrives at Skeldale as part of his placement under the guidance of James.
A colorful ensemble of farmers, animals and townsfolk living in the Yorkshire Dales in the 1940s will also star, including Tony Pitts and Imogen Clawson as Helen’s father and sister, Richard and Jenny Alderson, Paul Copley as Ned Clough, Cleo Sylvestre MBE as Anne Chapman, James Bolam MBE as Mr. Dakin and Will Thorp as Gerald Hammond and Sam Retford as FO Woodham.
Louise Pedersen, CEO of All3Media International, commented: “Over three seasons All Creatures Great and Small has offered heartwarming, escapist viewing that has connected with audiences and become a firm fan favorite all around the world, and as Playground’s wonderful series enters its fourth season I am delighted to continue to build the brand globally.”
Returning for Season 4 is Executive Producer Ben Vanstone (A Gentleman in Moscow, The Last Kingdom) who will write the Christmas special. Writer Jamie Crichton (Three Pines, Grantchester) also returns, this time as lead writer and Executive Producer. Joining them for season four are writers Maxine Alderton (Emmerdale Farm, Doctor Who) and Helen Raynor (A Discovery of Witches, Call the Midwife).
Andy Hay (The Last Kingdom, Jamestown) is Lead Director and will direct episodes 1 and 2. Stewart Svaasand (Tin Star, Death in Paradise) will direct episodes 3, 4 and 6, while BAFTA winner Jordan Hogg (Ralph and Katie, Screw) will direct episode 5 and the Christmas Special.
All Creatures Great and Small is a timeless classic that continues to be much loved by generations. Never out of print, the books have sold 60 million copies internationally becoming a global cultural phenomenon with devoted fans around the world. With a sharp focus on community and its importance in our lives, Herriot’s world and spirit is a very much needed antidote to the challenges of modernity and reminds us all that belonging to a community makes us part of something greater than ourselves.
Season 4 is currently filming on location in Yorkshire.
All Creatures Great and Small is a Playground production for Channel 5 and MASTERPIECE in association with All3Media International. Executive Producers are: Colin Callender, Melissa Gallant, Jamie Crichton and Ben Vanstone for Playground, Susanne Simpson and Rebecca Eaton for MASTERPIECE, and Louise Pedersen and David Swetman for All3Media International.
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llovelymoonn · 2 years
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e.e. cummings uncollected poems: "longing" \\ li bai (tr. david hinton) mountain home: the wilderness poetry of ancient china: "drinking alone beneath the moon" \\ clarice lispector collected stories: "the foreign legion" \\ sylvia plath the unabridged journals of sylvia plath \\ simeone de beauvoir diary of a philosophy student: volume 2, 1928-9: "tuesday, october 9" \\ vahan teryan lullaby for myself \\ sarah williams the old astronomer to his pupil \\ wang an-shih (tr. louise s. hammond) night-time in spring
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Suicide Squad Members both Past and Present (Minus both Captain Boomerangs)
Amanda Waller
Rick Flag Jr
Rick Flag Sr
Bronze Tiger
Karin Grace 
Black Orchid
Killer Frost (Louise Lincoln)
Parasite (Rudy Jones)
Mr. 104
Captain Cold
Shade the Changing Man
Count Vertigo
Dr. Light
Lady Liberty
Silent Majority
Major Victory
Poison Ivy
Black Adam
Silver Swan
The Writer
King Shark
Sam Makoa
Cameron Chase
Manchester Black
Sgt. Frank Rock
Big Sir
Clock King
Major Disaster
Solomon Grundy
Power Girl
Star-Spangled Kid
Double Down
Atom Smasher
Mirror Master (Evan McCulloch)
Tattooed Man
The General
King Faraday
Thinker II
White Dragon
Yasemin Soze
Black Spider
El Diablo
Harley Quinn 
The Unknown Soldier
James Gordon Jr.
Power Girl
Black Manta
Joker's Daughter
Reverse Flash (Daniel West)
Parasite (Joshua Michael Allen)
The Hunky Punk
Killer Croc
Mad Dog
Killer Frost (Caitlin Snow)
General Zod
Juan Soria
Lord Satanis
Master Jailer
Rag Doll
Scream Queen
Tao Jones
Baby Boom
The Shark (totally different guy from King Shark)
The Aerie
Chaos Kitten
Deadly Six
Black Mask
Film Freak
Shrike (Boone)
Ambush Bug
Black Siren
Nightmare Nurse
Heat Wave
Major Force
Victor Zsasz
Madame Crow
Black Hand
Etrigan the Brainiac 666
Gentleman Ghost
Klarion the Witch Boy
Snargoyle (deceased)
Alchemaster (deceased)
Doctor Thaumaturge 
Black Bison
Johnny Sorrow
Doctor Polaris
Emerald Empress
Doctor Destiny
Doctor Psycho
Hector Hammond
Manchester Black
Maxwell Lord
El Dorado
El Gaucho
Zachary Zatara
Mirror Master (Sam Scudder)
Polkadot Man
Gotham/Bane (idk some dude named Henry Clover Jr.?)
Arkham Knight
Mr. Bloom
Mr. Freeze
Luke Fox
The Verdict
Ratcatcher II
Killer Frost (Crystal Frost)
Ten Eyed Man
@ednygmaaskme I'm sorry it's long as hell. I also want to apologize in advance if this list has duplicates. It's hard to keep track.
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