#losing weight quickly and being concerned about it isn't looking a gift horse in the mouth
hikeyzz · 3 months
i don't like my body changing outside of my control!!!!! i don't like it i don't like it i don't like it. i know some people would be grateful but i'm not. it's freaky and uncomfortable.
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fanpom-imagines · 5 years
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Requested by @infinity-war-heartbreak : I know Lord of the rings isn't as popular as it use to,but could you maybe do a Legolas x half elf half human!Reader? Maybe ,the reader is told to help with the quest to destroy the ring and at first Legolas and the reader bicker a bit,but when the reader gets hurt Legolas realizes that he could lose her and confesses his love?(sorry if it's cheesy)
Imagine being a Peredhil (half elf half human) and being with the fellowship while having a rivalry with Legolas.
Fandom: Lord of the Rings
Words: 2289 (got a little bit carried away)
Warnings: none
(Gender Neutral Reader)
(Translation: condo means prince in Sindarin)
In all honesty, I had no idea how I ended up on this long journey with four hobbits, one dwarf, one Dúnadan, one man, and one elf, but I guess it doesn’t matter does it? Since I’m already this far along with the fellowship.
It’s quite a peculiar circumstance, isn’t it? Kind of sounds like the beginning of a bad joke. All we need to do is walk into a tavern and we would be the joke of the realm. I thought to myself as I kept on walking not really paying any mind to where I set my feet which was a bad choice on my part. In return for not watching where I was going I end up tripping on a rock that stood out from the ground at ended up tripping which then ended with me bumping into the elf in front of me.
He looked back at me in anger with sharp pointed eyes that were almost as sharp as his ears.
“Watch where you’re going, Peredhil,” he growled the last word as if something foul tasting was stuck in his mouth. As if the word itself was disgusting to even think let alone speak.
“Oh, I’m sorry, condo,” I grumbled back in Sindarin which he only replied with a grumble under his breath as he moved along.
I huffed in irritation, but moved along nonetheless and followed in tow with the rest of the fellowship who by now had gotten used to mine and the elve’s antics.
After traveling for a good whole day once more, with gladly no interuptions, we set camp for the night to be able to rest and gather back the energy we had lost along the way.
I groaned out in relief as I stretched my back and my arms hearing a few satisfying pops and feeling my sore muscles starting to relax. I sigh and yawn as I lay down, but of course Legolas has to add in a comment once again.
Scoffing he says, “Do all Peredhil’s tire so easily or is it just you? I mean you haven’t even chosen to claim the Gift of Man yet you seem to already have the characteristics off a Peredhil who has.”
Before I could even reply Aragorn cuts me off and glares at the both of us before saying, “Can the two of you stop fighting for two seconds?! You fighting is starting to get unbearably annoying for all of us at this point. Both of you are my close friends, yet you do not seem to be able to get along.”
“How could I get along with this, condo, who can’t get off his high horse and actually treat me as his equal rather than as if I was below him?” I huffed out as I glared at Legolas when uttering the word ‘condo’ and then turning back to face Aragorn once more to finish what I had to say.
“All I’m saying is, is that the two of you need to find some common ground before you drive the rest of us mad.” Aragorn tried to reason as he massaged his temples in agitation and frustration.
“I got to agree with the girl on this one, even though she is half-elf, Legolas can be insufferable at times.” Gimli added in which only raised the tension in the air once more.
“Oh my God,” Aragorn groaned out as he just sat down as well.
Legolas was about to reply, but one of the hobbits, Samwise, cut in, “Could you two just not fight for the night? We all need rest and we won’t be able to get any if the two of you keep going on like this.”
“I don’t need rest,” Legolas muttered out as if he was a child which just earned a groan from the rest of the fellowship and made me on the other hand more irritated than before.
I honestly do not even know how we came to have such a rivalry. When we first started off on this journey. Legolas and I were quick friends, but it seems after he found out I was a Peredhil, he started to distance himself and become more snappy which in turn made me also aggravated and I guess from there the tension just started to build more. I don’t necessarily understand why he would feel the need to become more distant from me, but it may be the fact that even though Elves don’t have a specific social hierarchy, us half-elves have always been deemed as lesser by full blooded elves. I do not know if it’s because we have a choice to either live as elves with immortality or be able to live out the rest of our lives as humans after accepting the Gift of Man, but it has just never made sense to me. Though Legolas and I have a lot in common and not just our race wise, but also our culture wise as I as well had been raised by not just humans, but elves as well.
The whole situation between him and I was confusing to me and I believe to him too. It may be that because of how he was raised; he looks down upon me more just because that is what he was taught, but who knows really.
After a small glaring contest between the prince and I. We all ended up going to sleep seeing as there was no point in continuing any further in this unnecessary fight between the two of us.
It was a peaceful night with crickets playing their song of the night and the wind blowing from time to time, but it seems it wasn’t long lived. The world hasn’t seemed to be on our side as of late.
In the dark of night orcs had ambushed us. Though Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli had woken up before the ambush there wasn’t enough time to alert the rest of us quick enough. So the hobbits, Boromir, and I woke up to a rude awakening with Orcs surrounding us.
Without another thought, as an orc launched itself at me, I unsheathed my sword and and jumped into battle slashing and stabbing my way at the enemy along with the others. As I was fighting off one of the orcs from the corner of my eye I saw one orc coming up behind Samwise. I couldn’t just let the poor halfling fend for himself, I had to do something so I ran up behind the orc closing in on him and killed him swiftly, but it was a short lived victory as another orc came to ram into my side pushing me over into the ground and falling right on top of me with its full weight. I groaned out in pain, but twisted my body and pulled out my knife and stabbed it in the eye to be able to get a chance to escape from under the large beast. Thankfully, my plan worked and I was able to pull myself out from under it, but before I could stand back up to my full height and send down my sword on the orc for its finishing blow the orc stabbed me with its weapon in my thigh. I screamed out in pain and clutched my thigh and in turn dropping my weapon. A stupid and grave mistake, but thankfully before the orc could recover and stand up to full height Legolas swooped in and swiftly took care of it.
Legolas looked around seeing as that was the last orc and he turned to me and was about to open his mouth, but then his eyes widened as he caught sight of my wound and quickly ran over towards me. He kneeled down next to me and examined the wound as he stared at it in concern and worry.
“Aww don’t worry to much, condo, ‘tis merely a flesh wound,” I tried to smile, but my face twisted into an expression of discomfort as more pain shot through my leg.
“This is no time for jokes (Y/N). We need to get this sword out of your thigh and stop the bleeding before I becomes anymore serious,” Legolas said sharply, but rather than it being his usual tone of irritation it was now laced with concern.
I just nodded as the others came to huddle around me as Aragorn and Legolas took charge as they had the most knowledge of herbs and medicines.
All I could honestly remember from those painful hours of recovery was just pain and the fact that throughout the whole process Legolas was always there at my side. Huh, I guess he doesn’t hate me as much as he lets on after all.
After resting for a few days not only for me, but for everyone else to patch up any wounds they might have acquired or to hunt for any extra game or search for any extra supplies or food to help us on our journey and help restock what we lost in the ambush. I was able to walk again seeing as my elven-side’s recovery kicked in to help save my leg and help save us time as well.
During the night before we planed to one again head off on our way I stared up at the sky not really thinking about anything in particular; just taking in the views the world had to offer, but my stargazing session was cut short as Legolas’ voice cut through the air, interrupting the silence along with it.
“Why aren’t you asleep?”
I just shrugged at him knowing I had no real answer to his question.
After that we fell into silence once more till my mind wandered back to the day we got ambushed and I then realized, “You called me by my name.”
“During the ambush you called me by my name rather than Peredhil,” I clarified for him.
“You’ve always called me Peredhil, except at the beginning of our journey where you did not know that I was half-elven, and speaking of why do you hate me so much? It seems like the fact that I’m a Peredhil makes you uncomfortable around me.”
“I don’t.”
“What?” Now this time it was my turn to look at him in confusion.
“I don’t hate you. I just don’t really know what to do.”
“What do you mean?” At this point my mind was racing with many different possibilities and scenarios, but none of them seemed to make enough sense to me so I just let him speak.
“I have a sort of, how do you say, uhm...admiration for you, but the fact that I’m an elf prince and you’re a Peredhil makes me also very conflicted.”
I blushed at his statement. Sure, I had suitors in the past and I had a few court me none of them were, well, Legolas. I guess you could say, that even with all this bickering, I still somehow ended up admiring him too and seeing him in a light of more than just a partner.
“My my mind is conflicting with my heart,” Legolas confesses, “I’m royalty and I should marry to royalty and to someone who is a full blooded elf, well at least that is what my mind is telling me, but my heart is pushing me more towards you so I in turn though that if I had you hate me then maybe the decision between what my heart and what my mind wats wouldn’t be so difficult, but atlast it seems it didn’t really do much, did it?”
I chuckled out at him and smiled at him as he also returned it while we made eye contact with the other, “No, I guess it didn’t.”
“You know I was worried the two of you wouldn’t ever confess, but here we are,” Legolas and I whipped our heads toward the voice only to see Aragorn smirking at the two of us before winking and turning back around to catch more sleep, but not before muttering, “Before you do anything remember, people are trying to sleep.” And with that he fell back to sleep leaving the two of us wide eyed.
After a pregnant pause we looked back at one another before we ended up laughing lightly, as to not wake anyone else up, at what he said.
“It is kind of ridiculous now that I think about it.” I laughed out as my mouth widened into a larger smile.
“Yeah it is,” Legolas sighed out as he leaned closer to me which somehow had made my body react in the same way. Compelling me to lean forward. I glanced down at his lips as he did the same and I smiled up at him, with him returning it, but just as the two of us were about to meet Legolas let out a yelp, and I giggled at his reaction. Legolas quickly turned back to the source that had kicked him and caused him the slight pinch of pain only to see a grumpy Grimli glaring at the two of us.
“Save it for when you’re alone, lover boy,” and at that the dwarf went back to his slumber leaving a baffled and aggravated elf and me, a peredhil trying to contain my laughter at the events that just took place.
“I guess we could continue in the morning,” I laughed out as I kissed Legolas’ on the cheek before also turning in for the night leaving a blushing elf as he looked on into the night trying to refocus on trying to spot any enemies that could attack us during the night.
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