#lorelai and sookie’s friendship is amazing
monzabee · 11 months
Yess and again yess I love their friendship it’s so sweet !! Alsoo I just got done with s1 I would definitely give the show 5/5 I’m so happy Rory and dean got back together !! And from time to time I do keep rooting for lorelai and Luke but her and Max are cute too !!
Ohh I’m happy that you’re exam went well and that you wrote your answers well too so proud of you🌟💖!! And thank you again 🥺💖 !! Exactly even I was reminded of Harry Potter the first term they explained the grading system to us I love it though haha
I did have a nice day thanks bestie and I hope you too had a nice one and have an amazing week too !! Alsoo your new theme is v pretty !! I love the colour scheme 💜
i love that they are always there for each other no matter what happens, and sookie is just the sweetest ever and she's so clumsy and cute😭 i think your rating for the first season is so accurate!! it's my fav season out of all 7🤭🤭 and the way rory and dean gets back together is so cute but i feel kinda bad for tristan😭
i am a max medina fan, but i will always be a luke girl😭💜💜
it's over, yay!! and thank you for your kind words bestie⭐️⭐️💜💜 it's kinda similar but i guess it's a funnier way to go about it😭 but it's kinda cool that we automatically thought of the same thing😭
i'm glad to hear you had a good day, and thank you for your kind words bestie! thank you so much, i wanted to do something special for when speak now tv comes out (even if we still have some time until then)😭💜🫶
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lukecanwaltz · 3 years
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ahh I love this picture so much
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literatikoo · 3 years
Lane Kim deserved better
I mentioned a couple of weeks ago that I would only write Lane Kim meta when I am very very angry because I need to be powered by spite and petty energy to unravel exactly how much of a disservice this show was to Lane and by extension any Asian kid with a similar life. And, well, it's happening now, so buckle up kids, this is going to be a loooong ride because I have a lot to say.
Before we start on the negative aspects, the show got a lot of things about Lane right, which is why I care so much about her character. Yes, ASP obviously didn't know how to write a POC experience and it's seen in the way some very harmful stereotypes were propagated (the tiger mom trope, Mrs Kim's religious beliefs, the depiction of the Kim extended family etc) but at the same time Lane was beautifully written as a character, unlike her plot which left much to be desired. Lane Kim was an Asian girl with rock n roll dreams who had an extremely fraught relationship with her mother and had to fight for even a semblance of independence. And I hate to say it but a lot of daughters of Asian households are forced to hide a part of themselves from their families, so Lane's story was authentic.
Not only was Lane amazing as an individual, she was also a great friend. She was the only one who was really in Rory's corner; she never judged her and supported all of Rory's relationships (my favourite example of this is when she barely tolerated Jess in S2/3 and then did a complete 180 like 5 episodes later, all because Rory decided to finally accept she liked him). Lane never pointed out what Rory was doing wrong not because she was afraid of doing so but because the two of them had been friends for years and Lane believed that Rory would figure it out one day. Lane shows this unconditional kindness not only to Rory but to everyone. She takes in her Korean cousin and teaches her to have fun even when she's afraid that Mrs Kim has replaced her, she lets Gil be in the band because she empathises with him, she takes care of the band and prevents it from breaking up multiple times. And these are only a few examples of Lane being the kindest character on GG.
One of the best things in Gilmore Girls is that the most unproblematic, amazing guy is given to Lane. Dave Rygalski is the best love interest on the show hands down (Sorry to my boy Jess but Dave was LEAGUES ahead of him at 17) and Lane definitely deserved someone like that. Their story was adorable and I would have loved for them to be endgame. However, what grates me is that when I see people talking about Lane "deserving better," it's usually about Dave vs Zach. When Lane actually deserved better as a WHOLE and not only in terms of love interests. I always thought it made more sense for her to end up alone at the end of the og series. Because Lane was a person who craved independence and she was not going to get that while tied to some guy (even if that guy is boyfriend extraordinaire, Dave Rygalski). It's even worse when we see that Lane is the only female character on the show to be treated this way. Rory rejects marriage for her career while Lane ends up with marriage as her storyline. Lorelai and Luke get back together but their relationship is still left open ended, though arguably it would've made more sense if they got married when Lane and Zach did. Paris gets into Harvard Medical school and gets a great relationship, similarly Sookie gets the family she wanted and continues to be amazing at her job. But Lane... god Lane is the only one without an open ending, without any space for speculation of where her life might lead her. Not only did they marry her off, they also gave her a terrible first time and twins, effectively locking her to Stars Hollow. The show even cut down all hope of her being a rock n roll mom as one of her S7 storylines is choosing the kids over going on tour with Zach. She doesn't get to be her own person for more than ONE season; she's stuck with being a daughter and then a wife and then a mother.
Something else that angers me about Lane's storyline is that we never really get to see how badly her relationship with her mom affects her. Don't get me wrong, I adore Mrs Kim's redemption arc and I think it was beautifully juxtaposed to Lorelai and Rory's crumbling relationship, but having a mother like that is hard. Not only did Lane have to hide 90% of her personality from Mrs Kim but she also lived with the fact that one day she might have to choose between her dreams and her mother. In the end, Mrs Kim makes that choice for her and deals with it by kicking Lane out in S4, and yet we never really see how that negatively affects Lane. Hell, Jess acts like a broody teen for two seasons, Rory wastes six months of her life away at the DAR and they both come out of it successfully. Lane gets kicked out, figures out her own living conditions, gets a job, works insanely hard for her band and... ends up having to give her dreams up completely.
Lane and Paris shared a lot of similarities too, even if they both had different friendships with Rory. They both came from terrible families and looked to Lorelai as a mother figure, they both cared deeply for Rory, and they were both incredibly passionate about their careers. Paris made calendars and flashcards and went crazy studying for both pre med and pre law. Lane was a walking, talking music encyclopaedia, she bought CDs obsessively and organised them by genre under her floorboards, she taught herself to play the drums and then found a band to play for. And yet... only Paris becomes successful in the end, whereas Lane takes over Kim's antiques. Lane was still a musician in AYITL and she can be rock n roll even with kids but this is all hypothetical and we never see it on the show.
There is a lot of terrible, lazy writing on the show and a lot of characters get ruined because of it but with Lane, her character stays the same, they just ruin everything else for her. I think she'll be an amazing mom and will probably make her best out of doing music casually. But the writers also took something so special and destroyed it just because Lane stopped being as important to the plot as she was in seasons 1-3. Lane and Rory drifting a little after Rory leaves for Yale makes perfect sense, that's just how relationships are, always changing. And yet as Lane's importance to Rory decreased so did her importance to the writers.
Lane wasn't the kind of character that needed character development or a redeeming character arc- she was never a bad person and nothing about her had to be fixed, unlike Jess or even Paris. All she really needed was for her dreams to come true because for the first 4 seasons her dreams were the biggest fixture of her personality. Like how Jess needed to overcome his trauma and Rory needed to figure out where she fit in and Paris needed to become a girlboss, Lane needed to realise her dreams because that's where her arc was leading her. But it just didn't happen. Instead, Lane becomes 2-dimensional; a large part of her screentime is taken up by Zach problems, her dreams fall flat and she becomes tied to Stars Hollow for the rest of her life. Not to mention we see less of Lane in favour of Logan and the dickhead posse.
This is not me hating on all the other characters I've mentioned in this meta, I'm just pointing out the lack of respect the writers have for Lane in comparison to all these other people who fulfilled the role they were made for. Why would you write Lane to have all these dreams and make her struggle so hard for 4 seasons just to smash them to pieces? And why is it that one of the only POC characters on this show is treated like this?
And you can't tell me the writers didn't know what they were doing, not when this is a direct quote from Lane in S7:
"It was such a small window -- a peephole, really. For years, I was this repressed kid, and then there was the briefest of windows. And then -- slam. All of a sudden, I'm this overburdened mother. I barely got to do it, Zach. I barely got the chance to be a person."
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14. "I don’t have the words right now so here’s a kiss" -- Luke/Lorelai.
Happy fifth night of Hanukkah to my Ander.
Luke x Lorelai, Gilmore Girls. Also on AO3.
“Thanks for coming over,” Lorelai said as she escorted him out. “I’ll get Rory to help me understand my notes next week when I can’t read my handwriting.”
“Here’s an idea: type it up. Helps you remember, and takes care of the handwriting thing.”
“Good tip. Seriously, I really appreciate you talking me through everything, Luke.” She dropped down to sit on her porch, smiling over at him when he joined her.
“Anytime. It’s nice. Reminds me how far I’ve come since I started.”
“God, I can’t even imagine life without your diner. The town wouldn’t be right without it. And if Sookie and I can be half as successful running our inn, that’d be amazing.”
“You will.”
She shook her head. “New businesses are tough. It’s going to take a lot of luck, even with our obviously brilliant talent and hard work.”
“Nobody–and I mean nobody–is as persistent as you, Lorelai, when you put your mind to something. You’re going to make it happen. Believe me.”
“Thanks.” She leaned into his shoulder a little. “It’s so weird that summer’s almost over already.”
“Rory excited for school starting back up?”
“Oh, you know. She spent a week organizing her school supplies by color and anticipated level of use…and that was before our Harvard trip. She’s even worse now.”
Luke made a noise in agreement as they listened to the leaves overhead rustle. The air was starting to change, bringing the chilly autumn snap that New England offered along with colorful trees and small town festivals.
Lorelai broke the comfortable silence, her eyes trained on the carved archway he had helped her move a few days ago.
“I think you were right, about marriage.”
He followed her gaze across the yard to the chuppah and shifted uncomfortably. “I really wasn’t thinking, when I said that. I never thought you might hear it and…” Luke cleared his throat. “Well.”
“Hey, no, I didn’t mean your rant. I’m used to your rants. I like your rants.”
“Oh. Okay.”
“It was the other stuff, about only getting married once. I couldn’t stop thinking about it after we talked. That’s the only way to do it, right? Where there are no doubts. It’s what I want, to wait until I’m absolutely certain.”
He’d never intended to ask exactly why she and Max had called it off, though his policy of avoiding town gossip meant it still wasn’t clear to him. But refusing to stick his nose in on principle didn’t stop him from being curious.
Luckily for Luke, Lorelai rarely needed prompting to spill her secrets. Especially to him.
“It was me who ended it,” she confessed. “It just wasn’t…right. I wanted it to be, I wanted him to be the one, but he wasn’t.”
“You seemed happy.”
“I was! That’s the worst part, Luke. I was happy. I really liked Max. I know what you think of him, but he is a great guy. He was nothing but good to me. And I thought…well, when he proposed, after I got past the shock of it, I thought, there are worse things than marrying a great guy you like. I even convinced myself I loved him. I talked myself into it. Does that sound crazy?”
He considered it before replying. “No. No, it sounds like you.”
“Gee, thanks.”
“Didn’t mean it like that.” He turned toward her. “Lorelai, listen. You love everybody. You’re one of those people who genuinely likes the world, and can be really annoying about it.”
Luke smiled, to make sure she knew he was teasing. “I know, because I’m not like that. People bother me. But you want to love them–and you’re willing to take risks to be happy. Those are good things.”
She shook her head. “Tell that to the man I just left at the altar.”
“You didn’t leave him at the altar. You broke off an engagement. It happens.”
“If it happened to you, wouldn’t you be devastated? Max will never forgive me, and I can’t blame him. I can’t forgive me.”
“What else could you have done? I mean it, Lorelai–what was the better option? Marrying him when you didn’t love him, just to avoid hurting his feelings? He’ll be okay, eventually. And so will you.”
Luke put his arm around her. “You don’t have to settle. You deserve more than that.”
She hugged him from the side, burying her face in his shoulder.
“You deserve everything you want,” he promised her.
Luke didn’t realize that they were overly close on the step until Lorelai pulled back, when she was still watching him seriously from only a few inches away. Her eyes dipped down to his mouth and lingered there before she looked back up.
It was too soon, he told himself. It was all wrong.
He knew how to be her friend. He’d gotten really good at it, supporting and encouraging and maintaining the deliberate distance between their friendship and what he wanted beyond that. He was happy just being in her life.
So it was one thing to talk her through a breakup, or family drama, or work stress. He had the script for that, and could usually predict how it would be received because there had never been anyone he knew as well as he knew Lorelai Gilmore.
But in that charged moment, Luke didn’t have any words. To stop himself, or explain it…or turn it into something else.
Whenever they froze in the middle of their usual banter, whenever they almost crossed the line, Lorelai looked not only conflicted but a little bit scared. He had to admit now that there was some fear involved for him, too. He didn’t want to lose her. He’d always been afraid to risk it.
How many moments would there be? Luke wondered, with the chuppah mocking him in his peripheral vision. How many chances would he have before she really did find it, that mysterious thing she’d been looking for since he met her–with another man?
He would lose her then, in one way or another.
That was the surge of urgency and panic that pushed him past his usual hesitation.
Sure, it was a risk. But if there was any possibility that this was his moment, the one moment they were going to get, he had to take it. Surrounded by the quiet light of sunset, Luke turned toward her, and leaned in.
He gave her time to back away, but she didn’t. Lorelai watched him, eyes wide, until their lips met.
Her little sigh before they kissed was his new favorite sound.
The timing was terrible. They would hear all about it from Miss Patty, Taylor, even Sookie. None of that mattered right now.
Pulling away, Lorelai rested her forehead against his and took a breath. With all of his worries rushing back in, Luke braced for a gentle let down.
“Babette is probably pulling out her binoculars as we speak,” she whispered. “Unless you’re ready to be the stars of Kirk’s next photography exhibit using one of those paparazzi zoom lenses, we might want to take this inside.”
He should’ve known, Luke decided, kissing her again before standing up. Lorelai had a habit of doing the opposite of what any rational person would expect. It was the most reliable thing about her.
He finally found his voice again as she shut her front door. “You, uh…you want coffee?”
“Well, Luke, now that’s a truly silly question.”
But she understood what he wasn’t saying, what was harder for him to express. He didn’t use words like she did–one of a million ways that they were different.
Some things were better than words anyway, like the look he shot her on the way to her cupboard, the affectionate hint of a grin. Or how easily he moved around her kitchen, so at home in her company it was hard to remember there had been a time before they met.
Kissing Lorelai quickly became a new kind of language for Luke, one that went beyond what he did–and didn’t–say.
Their first kiss was the most important one, though, when he stopped trying to talk himself out of loving her and she stopped trying to use nervous words to hold him back. That was when they both realized that after years of conversation, they didn’t need words at all.
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femnet · 6 years
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The show “Gilmore Girls” focuses on the realistic, everyday lives of Lorelai and Rory and it really highlights their mother-daughter relationship. The show is full of powerful and complex women who each have their own individual stories, which is something that isn’t shown very often on TV. On the show, the men who are involved in Lorelai and Rory’s lives play more of a minor role, leaving the girls to get your full attention.
Lorelai Gilmore is the best place to start when talking about why “Gilmore Girls” matters. Lorelai embodies strength and independence. She got pregnant at 16 and raised her kid all by herself, all while holding a job as a maid at the inn she eventually ran. After years of rising through the ranks, she ended up opening her own inn. Through her persistence, she showed that strength is everything. Even while doing all this, she is a great mother. The needs of her kid are always first over everything and her fierce protectiveness throughout the series highlights this greatly. While Lorelai is silly and fun, she is also very wise and she knows her daughter Rory better than anyone and she knew, even at a young age, that she was the only one who could raise Rory the way she wanted and the way she felt was right. She raised Rory to also be independent and strong, and as the series goes on and Rory gets older, we begin to see Rory embody Lorelai more and more. She also shows women everywhere that they are capable of thriving on their own. Her mother, Emily, heavily relies on her husband, but Lorelai has no man in her life (at least not a long lasting one, and especially while Rory is young), and she proves that she is more than capable of being stable on her own. Her most important relationship is with Rory, and not a man, which is a situation that needs to be shown on TV more and more.
Next, Rory Gilmore. While Rory was very smart, hardworking, and loved reading, she was never a stereotype. She had boyfriends and spent time with friends outside of school, proving that you can be bookish while having a life as a teenager/young adult. Also after doing badly on a test, she works her way to becoming valedictorian. Her nonstop motivation in school is all internal, which I relate to greatly, proving her importance. I feel like people can relate to wanting to do well in school, and not being forced on by their parents. I was one of the few kids in my class who didn’t get punished for doing badly in school. Just like my childhood, Lorelai was proud of Rory no matter what. Rory saw Chilton and Yale as challenges, yes, but thrilling ones that were extremely rewarding. I think this sets a great example for girls who enjoy rigor in academics, much like Rory. While Rory is quiet, kind, and beautiful, she is also a powerful leader of her peers (as proven when she was vice president at Chilton and chief editor of the Yale Daily News). She treated those under her with kindness and fairness, but she is also tough, carving a way and proving that women can make great leaders. These qualities are important to be displayed in popular culture because of the lack of leaders who are women. Overall, she is an incredible role model for those who want to become a leader.
Last of the fabulous Gilmore women is Emily Gilmore, Rory’s grandmother and Lorelai’s mother. While I stated earlier that Emily relies heavily on her husband Richard, in the “Gilmore Girls” revival, Emily shows her ability to be strong and independent after Richard has passed. She curses out the women in the Daughters of the American Revolution group (which is a big feat and a dramatic and wonderful scene), moves to Nantucket by herself, and starts a new job that she ends up loving, but is very unlike her previous duties of arranging parties and meetings. Even though these parties sound frivolous, through watching Emily’s life, we learn to her, they are nothing like that. They mean a great deal to her and she shows that through her dedication and nonstop work. Unlike Lorelai and Rory, Emily and Lorelai do not have the best relationship. At one point, Lorelai calls her a cobra, amongst other nicknames of similar taste. But her angriness and cold attitude toward Lorelai are justified. She thought once her daughter ran off with Rory, she would never come back (this is seen in the first episode where Lorelai and Rory go to Emily and Richard’s house and both Rory, Emily, and Richard ask if it’s a holiday, showing that their appearances there are rare). She breaks the stereotype of women having to be perfect all the time and if they’re not they’re a terrible person by her justified coldness towards Lorelai. 
Our angry friend Paris Geller is next. Out of all the women on the show, I feel as though I relate to Paris a lot, which if you know about Paris, is a little scary. But, even as my mom and I were watching the show together (a great mother-daughter bonding activity, might I add), she told me that I reminded her of Paris. She is a lot like Emily in the sense that, as the show goes on, she becomes sensible and likeable. I have grown to really love Paris’s character, and I am so glad we got so much of her. Paris is originally Rory’s enemy when she arrives at Chilton, and to Rory, Paris is a crazy and irrational mean girl. But, over time, they end up becoming really great friends, and she is Rory’s set “angry friend”, but we all know she really does love Paris. Paris doesn’t really have any friends at school until Rory, and in one episode she states, “Rory’s my only friend. She stays in the room until I’m completely done saying something” showing that her and Rory have a true friendship, despite their original hatred towards one another. At first, Paris is very insecure, despite her friendship with the popular girls, and her academic success. Rory is the first person Paris really connects with and she shapes her into a better person, showing that she can move on from her distant parents. They become such good friends over time, and Paris really does want to see Rory succeed. Paris is unlike anyone seen on television, she’s super ambitious while being extremely sarcastic. 
Next up is Sookie Saint-James, Lorelai’s best friend. Sookie made her job her livelihood, and her now husband, Jackson was simply an afterthought. Lorelai and Sookie have a great friendship, and much like Rory and Paris, they never argued over a guy, which is rare in female-female friendships on TV. All of the characters on this list are unique to television in some way, and for Sookie, it’s the fact that she’s overweight. Over seven seasons and four revival episodes, the fact that she is overweight is never mentioned once. She breaks down the stereotype that if you are overweight, you’re automatically ugly and cast to the side. But, she gets married before Lorelai, who is called all the synonyms of pretty countless times on the show by a large amount of characters. Sookie had the same amount of self-esteem as the other characters on the show, and it is so nice to see that her weight was never even discussed.
Then, we have  Rory’s best friend, Lane Kim. Despite being muffled by her strict Korean mother, Lane was another incredibly strong female character on the show. Lane loves music, and she spends a lot of time learning about music, specifically rock, to become a great rocker chic (which she does). Rock music is heavily dominated by men, and once again “Gilmore Girls” is smashing stereotypes when Lane becomes a drummer in her own band (I mean, how badass is that??). Asians are always portrayed as being the smart and academic ones, and Lane is intelligent, but her passion isn’t school, it’s music and she does what she wants to do. She was so cool and badass, nothing like a lot of Asian-American characters in television.
Now for “Gilmore Girls-A Year in the Life”!! The revival of “Gilmore Girls” left something to be desired for some, but for me, I tried to savor all 360 minutes of new “Gilmore Girls”. I feel like the revival really showed us what getting older felt like. While I’m only 17 (about Rory’s age during season 3), I can’t really talk about getting older, but I can talk about what it felt like seeing the characters older and what that taught me.
The revival showed me that it was important to take time for yourself. Lorelai was having doubts about what she was doing with her life, and she wanted to go off and be alone. Completely understandable and good. She was overwhelmed and she didn’t know what to do, so she went hiking, which is nothing like what original “Gilmore Girls” Lorelai would do, which is why it was needed. Just step back and take a second, smell the roses, if you will. It also shows the pitfalls of Rory’s career. When we see Rory again, she actually isn’t doing too well. She had the perfect life in the original show, which isn’t a realistic depiction of what life is like. She comes back to Stars Hollow struggling, she has new experiences that she wouldn’t ever think she would have, but she became more human because of it. Next, after speaking to one of her ex-boyfriends, Jess, Rory finds what she’s truly passionate about, seeming to have lost it amidst the floating she had done earlier in the revival. She decided that she wanted to write a book about her and her mom, which is perfect because Rory is never seen without a book, and her mom is her best friend. This idea gave her a new wave of momentum to keep going and it allowed her to come full circle and create “Gilmore Girls”.
The creators of “Gilmore Girls” have created amazing, complex characters and a classic show. It is a feel-good watch that has a broad importance and created an impact. The show is around the two amazing women of Lorelai and Rory, which demonstrates a deep and complex mother-daughter relationship. Rory is a realistic and wonderful, but flawed role model for young women. She is someone you can look up to, but she has made some mistakes that others might face. Also, Lorelai’s perseverance and persistence shows us that there is hope for everyone and you can do anything if you set your mind to it, which may be cliché, but is good to remember on your harder days. It also showed that women can build up and support other women, not tear them down. Paris wanted Rory to succeed just as much as she did, which was a lot for Paris, and it made each woman succeed and want to succeed. “Gilmore Girls” does focus heavily on relationships, so we do have to talk about the men that shaped our favorite girls. All of the men showed how people should be treated in a relationship, and it showed how they shouldn’t (when Max is trying to control how Lorelai raises Rory). Overall, “Gilmore Girls” is my favorite show, and I feel like it’s an important show about success and failure that all girls (and guys, but it is an empowering show for girls) should watch to see some realistic life experiences and see some great role models. 
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artfuhly · 7 years
re: gilmore girls, do you have any favorite ships? (apart from Sookie and Jackson, who are just the cutest ever). Also, isnt Stars Hollow at Christmas magical? Oh, and do you like or dislike Taylor? I say he grows on you bc he's not really that effective at being mean and is more funny than cruel, but I have friends who are annoyed by him.
nice questions!! soo hmm ships YES SOOKIE AND JACKSON!! but hm luke and lorelai!! i cant wait for them to be together i sweaaaaar its killing me. lmao im honestly not sure about jess and rory?? i like jess and rory as characters and i was DYING for them to get together bc i loved their friendship and the plot with them and idk before they actually got in the relationship i loved it but now idk?? they had such a good slow burn and i loved them sm before they actually got together but idk anymore (im on s4 i know he comes back but idk when but lets see what happens i guess?? idk if anything major is gonna happen although i saw some spoilers asdjoas). lane and dave!!! lane and dave!!!!!!!! maan i loved them so much and i dont think hes coming back is he :( but they were soOOOooo great and i loved them sm!! stars hollow at Christmas is amazing!! in the second season when they had that dinner in the inn and then went around the city it was so pretty!! aaaand i agree with you about Taylor,,,, like he’s kinda annoying but its funny honestly and i dont mind it plus i love when luke and taylor get into arguments its amazing lmao but yeah i dont mind him at all. ah thank you so much for these questions!!                                                 
tell me about your day, about your pet, ask me questions, anything
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Ok but let's think about the direction asp probably meant to take gilmore girls. Really think about it. She has said she wanted to go for 9 or so seasons. So consider where we left them and where we find the girls in AYITL.
We left Rory telling Logan goodbye as he accepted his fate at his father's company in a London position. She's sad. She's confused. She doesn't want to let him go. She just figured everything out and has pulled herself together and now he's leaving. Still, he leaves. And realistically, they don't see each other much if at all. He's busy. He's schmoozing all the big businessmen and using his effortless talent and charm to fit right in. He's not distracted by his college buddies or Rory and he is out from under his father's constant watchful eye because of the distance between them even though he's still at his company technically. He does so well.
One thing I think is important that the 7th season did well is that Logan and Rory never did talk much about how they would handle their long distance relationship. But instead of her pining for him, I think she would immerse herself in the stress of her senior year. Without the distraction of Logan or his friends' antics and knowing that he's doing well, she is able to crush it as editor again and she succeeds in school as always. She stays in Logan's apartment for a while. Maybe she takes on an internship (or she keeps at it with her job at the SEG). Over time, as graduation pulls closer, she finds herself missing Logan less and less when they are apart but still feels crazy for him when they are together. She feels the same complacency in Logan. Her graduation comes even closer. Logan's lease will end soon. Both of them avoid this fact. Then she breaks down and asks her mom. What should she do? Lorelai does her usual hey kid it's your life I don't want to push you thing and Rory prompts her to give her opinion. She agrees. You're living in his apartment and working for his dad's paper. You have always been strong enough to stand on your own. Maybe giving up that comfort to find your own way would be worth a shot. The struggling times in Lorelai and Rory's life together were always their most fondly remembered. So Rory has Logan end his lease after she graduates. She finds a few paid internships throughout the country. She decides to travel and write wherever she finds a story. She has some money saved from her graduation and the few paychecks she's scraped together from working the past year. It's enough to give her a cheap year of traveling before she finds a permanent job.
Logan receives a promotion. Not a major one but one that means he will be locked into London for a little while longer. Although Rory wants to feel disappointed, she can't help but encourage him to stay. It's a great position and he has no real reason to return, being that she'll be traveling and he has no other interest in the US.
They continue to be together but evetually the hard talk has to come. Logan flies Rory out for an extended weekend and they discuss her plans. That's when she plucks up the courage to tell him how distant she's been feeling and how guilty she feels because of it. He tells her not to be silly, he's been busy too and it doesn't mean they don't care about each other, just that they have tons of other exciting things going on at hand. That's when he tells her hey, don't stress out, let's just say that when we're together we are together and when we're not... We're not. No hard feelings about missed calls or going off the radar. Rory agrees, somewhat reluctantly but mostly relieved.
I'll come back to them later. Let's start with Lorelai.
So she wakes up at Christopher's house, horrified with herself and gutted about all of the events the night before. She leaves without saying much. Her first instinct is to go to Luke's for his rejuvenating coffee. Then she remembers. So instead she goes home and drinks her own, less helpful coffee. Luke tries a few times to call her. She only answers once to tell him not to come to her house.. Eventually he calls in reinforcement and Sookie comes in to find Lorelai sitting in her kitchen. She asks what she's doing sitting there and lorelai explains that it seemed easier after the first couple of coffee and pop tart trips from upstairs to just stay on the ground and save time. She let's Sookie help her up and she tells her. I slept with Chris. Luke is never going to marry me. I was crazy for thinking he would. Sookie stares for a minute, unsure of how to help her. Then, she grabs the nearly empty box of pop tarts and sits on the floor, motioning for Lorelai to do the same. She lays her head in her best friend's lap and that's all we see of her until we see her post meltdown. She marches across town and casually strolls into her usual spot weeks later. A backwards baseball cap seems surprised at first. Lorelai asks if she can have some coffee. Luke obliges. They silently size each other up before also silently agreeing to this new arrangement. Every day, she comes in and gets her coffee. They don't speak much, if at all, but it works.
She hasn't answered any of Chris's calls. One night Lorelai feels particularly gutsy and decides to eat dinner at Luke's. She slowly eats her burger. It's the best she's had in a couple of months. People begin to filter out until it's just the pair of them. They get into apologies. Not reconciliation necessarily, but more hey look I'm sorry i couldn't run away with you no no I'm so sorry I pressured you that was wrong.. Well I guess we just needed different things. It happens. Eventually Luke gets it out of her. She went to Chris that night. He isn't angry though. He understands, although the hurt is still plastered on his face. He asks if it's still going on. She furiously shakes her head. No way. It was just a stupid mistake. It was never him, it was always Luke. He sighs. She can't say stuff like that anymore. Finally he makes a new agreement. Lorelai, you can come in here and eat whenever you want. Order your usual garbage. I'll deliver. But you need to get him out of your system. It hasn't always been Luke. It's always been Chris. Even if she can't admit it yet, he has always been a backup plan to her and she will never make it work with anyone until she gives Chris her all and really tries. So she does. She dates Chris. They click as usual. Things get serious over months of being together. They have a cushy life together. They're happy. They even talk about getting married. Rory's graduation begins pulling closer. One night Rory asks her mom what to do about her choice between staying in her comfortable spot in easy bliss or chasing the unknown. Lorelai tells her she should chase her own dreams and worry about comfort when she is picking a retirement home. After Rory leaves, Lorelai considers her own advice. She needs to be uncomfortable again, to feel something again, to be challenged as passionately as she is loved. So she ends things with Chris. Both of them are heartbroken but at the same time, relieved. They really tried this time. And now they will always know. It just didnt fit. Rory's graduation comes and Lorelai asks Luke to come at Rory's request. He helped raise her, after all. No matter their past he deserved to be there. He comes. So does Chris. It's awkward but fine overall.
As Rory plans her time away, Lorelai becomes more enamored with the idea. She takes a month of leave from the inn, entrusting Michel to help Sookie take care of things. The girls go off exploring the U.S., Lorelai dragging Rory to the most odd attractions, all of which give Rory amazing stories to submit to local and national papers. A few actually get accepted. After helping Rory find her footing, lorelai returns home. She needed that breath. It had been such a tough time lately and she needed to be with her kid. The first stop she makes when she gets home is Luke's. It's a struggle to get to his diner because Taylor's Lazy Hazy Crazy Days of Summer festival seems to have blocked Luke's off from town access. She finds a way, though, and finds an angry Luke ranting on the phone in an empty diner about the booths that completely block his diner from public view. He must have been hung up on because he slams the phone back on its hook and turns angrily WHAT THE HELL DO YOU WANT oh hey Lorelai. You're back. She is. They lock eyes across the empty room. She sits down and asks for a donut and some coffee. He quickly provides both. They talk about her adventures that summer. Over the next few weeks they rekindle their friendship. Then one day, they find themselves alone again. This time it's planned. She asks him to come over and help fix some household annoyance. Admittedly, being that he hadn't done her household honey do list for her birthday the previous year, there is a number of repairs to choose from. That night they reunite for real this time.
Also, Sookie decides she too needs some time for herself and goes on a short sabbatical. Running gag about how she keeps pushing back her return.
Back to Rory. After their talk (which I would assume is likely after the first of the year) Rory decides she is bored with her nomad lifestyle, especially since her mother left a few months back. She moves to Brooklyn and manages to continue to get her pieces picked up by smaller papers here and there. In the meantime, she gets by by working at a bookstore. She calls Paris one day in the summer and she tells her that she and Doyle have decided to get married. It makes since for their taxes and she is pregnant. At the sound of Rory's concern she assures her this is a logical decision and will not slow down her progress at all in med school. Doyle will take care of the kid at home just as soon as her body heals. No need to go all after school special. It's no big deal.
Paris and Doyle's big step, as casual as it had been described, still makes Rory crave the reliability of an unwavering partner. It's been months of seeing Logan sparingly and she knows he has been on dates. So she decides to do the same. A frequent customer of her store is a dark haired guy who has similar taste in books and is always polite. He comes in to the bookstore every Wednesday, the restocking day, from 11:15-11:45. Like clockwork. One day Rory asks if he would like to get coffee. He doesn't drink coffee but he knows about a great Asian inspired restaurant with genuine tea from Korea. She agrees to give it a shot. They have a lot in common and he is sweet. She feels incredibly safe. They begin to date. She still sees Logan but more sparingly. He has met someone too, although neither will admit it out loud. When they are together, they're together. When they're not, they're not. Rory eventually quits her job at the bookstore because she spends so much time going between London with Logan, Hartford with her grandparents, and Stars Hollow with her mom and Luke. Plus her submissions have been doing so well with the interviews she has been able to snag while in London that she doesnt need the money as seriously.
At Christmastime Rory brings Paul to meet her mom. It's been 6 months since their first date and she guessed it's time for them to meet. Lorelai forgets she's bringing him and forgets he's there half the time. Luke keeps calling him Pete. Rory indignantly insists he isn't that bad and begs them to make more of an effort. Luke agrees to take him fishing when it warms up. LorelaI invites him to breakfast at Luke's. He doesn't understand why they would go across town for food cooked by the man already in the house. Luke warns him to leave it.
So then jump to Valentine's day. Paul is away for work and Rory realizes she has enough flier miles saved up to surprise Logan. She goes to London and calls him. He answers and tells her he will try to get away for lunch the next day. She pressed him for why he can't meet before realizing. She's in town. His girlfriend. Logan puts Rory up in a hotel for the night and they meet at lunch. Then the truth comes out. He's engaged. Rory is extremely upset but holds back. This wasn't part of their deal.....or....was it? She gets a call from her mom. Hesitantly, (because overseas calls are expensive) she answers because she's upset and even though her mom doesn't know about Logan yet. Lorelai is distressed. Richard is in the hospital. She goes home, forgetting all about Logan's engagement.
Richard is sick for a while. He dies a few weeks later in March. I say keep everything else about his funeral, Emily's breakdown, and her growth.
Rory moves into her old room and ditches her Brooklyn apartment. She picks up the Gazette and settles back into the town.
Meanwhile Lorelai and Luke know they are in this for the long haul but they don't know if they want to go through the wedding planning again. They talk about kids again. Lorelai knows that being over 40 hurts their chances so they visit Paris at her residency-as an ob-gyn intern. She's not the best at bedside manners but she does have a way of scaring people into pushing hard enough during birth so it works. She connects them to the top fertility specialist in her floor. The doc helps them through options like IVF. Luke is too hesitant and ultimately refuses. Lorelai is understandably upset.
As much as I didn't care for the LDB sequence, I'd keep the sentiment. Rory cuts things off, Logan surprises her and gives her a long adventure filled night, and they hookup.
Somewhere in this mess Jess fixes her problems by suggesting the book but Lorelai agrees this time.
Rory works on the book, visits Chris, etc.
Jess comes in town to help Rory with her book.
Lorelai asks Luke to elope one night. Rory is home and Jess is in town. There's no better time. He doesn't hesitate this time. They get married that night. The next morning Rory and Lorelai drink coffee on the gazebo and talk about everything going on. Rory tells her about Logan. Lorelai is sympathetic which gives Rory the courage to say,
"I'm pregnant."
And for Lorelai to respond,
"Me too..."
Cut to black.
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What would you pick as your favorite season of Gilmore Girls? Your favorite ship? Your favorite platonic relationship? Just one favorite character? One favorite episode? I know these are impossibly difficult questions but I love learning what other fans love about the show!
My fave season is prob season 4! (this recently changed i used to love season 5 the most) There are so many great eps in that season and I like that luke & lorelai are starting to realize they like each other and it’s fun to watch. I also like how they show rory being without a boyfriend for most of the season bc she is strong and independent and doesn’t need anyone if she doesn’t want anyone!!! im also a sucker for season 1 bc high school rory is so pure and there are so many classic moments in that season
Fave ship is a no brainer- Luke & Lorelai. I’ve always been a sucker for them and always will be. They’re my ultimate OTP
Fave platonic relationship- I’m gonna move past Rory & Lorelai bc as the center of the show they’re obviously the best platonic relationship on there and probably most peoples! I’d prob say Rory/Paris (i know everyone thinks they should be a couple but i don’t) because i love their slow movement towards friendship and how they become so close. but i also love michel/lorelai/sookie bc of the back and forth between all 3 of them- it’s amazing how they get any work done ever
just ONE character? impossible but prob emily gilmore bc she is a QUEEN that we are not worthy of 
One favorite episode- i LOVE Wedding Bell Blues!! My sister and I watch it so often I think there’s just so many little moments that are GOLD.
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More GG questions for you because I love your answers! What are your 10 favorite and least favorite episodes? How would you rank the seasons? What would you have liked to see on GG that we never got? What's a storyline you'd have erased if you could? Who are your GG otps (aside from our Rogan!), brotps and notps?
Hey! Sorry for the delay. I’m a GG fan but not an expert at all so don’t expect too much from my answers. I’ll do my best though!
10 Favorite Episodes (in no order)
Friday Night’s Alright for Fighting (awesome episode, I love Rory and Logan saving the newspaper and the reality TV style Gilmore fight) 
The Lorelais’ First Day at Yale (this is the best Lorelai/Rory episode imo. Very endearing. Lorelai is actually a great mom and Rory is so relatable)
You Jump, I Jump Jack (I love the LDB’s scenes. I just love the fantasy element of it. It’s fun and artistic and Rory just shines in that environment. Logan is at his best too - passionate, charming and intelligent)
But Not as Cute as Pushkin (this episode is all kinds of hilarious. The scene Logan and co pull in Rory’s class is epic and Hannah couldn’t be more relatable and funny if she tried)
They Shoot Gilmores, Don’t They? (another great Rory/Lorelai episode. The dance competition is a great town event and it really shows the bond the Lorelais’ have. It’s also an important episode for Rory)
Girls in Bikinis, Boys Doin’ the Twist (I love this episode because of Rory and Paris. Theirs is my favorite friendship of the show and I adore everything about them in this episode. I also find it very relatable, not being a Spring Break person myself) 
Written in the Stars (I adore this episode for 2 reasons: the first being Rogan and Logan and the second being Paris)
Wedding Bell Blues (I don’t like weddings but that was a good one. The soundtrack is beautiful and Logan and Rory’s first kiss is a fave)
But I’m a Gilmore! (love all of the Rogan. That’s it. LOL)
I Get a Sidekick Out of You (Lane’s wedding is a blast! I have so much fun watching this episode. Everyone is happy and having a great time.)
Bonus: Partings (because I love the party Rory throws Logan and their goodbye is beautiful)
(Most of these are Logan episodes, so I’m biased. There are other episodes I would’ve liked to include, but... oh well...)
10 Least Favorite Episodes (in no order)
Tippecanoe and Taylor, Too (a pretty useless episode if you ask me)
That Damn Donna Reed (I’m not sure what the point of this episode was. It sends a confusing mixed message, and I’m not comfortable with Rory)
I Solemnly Swear (I didn’t like Francie’s involvement with Paris and Rory)
Say Something (I know this is supposed to be a great episode, but no...)
I’m Ok, You’re Ok (just JavaJunkie drama, which I don’t care for)
Summer (the worst revival episode. The musical is terrible and the pool scene is beyond offensive)
Spring (the 30 somethings gang is just not funny, nor is therapy)
Teach Me Tonight (aka the episode in which everyone acts like Jess committed murder) 
Here Comes the Son (not very interesting episode in retrospect)
Richard in Stars Hallow (it’s a bit boring and a tad sexist)
(This list was very random save for some episodes. My apologies. I don’t know GG well enough to remember the worst episodes.)
Seasons Ranked:
Season 5: plenty of Logan and Rogan, excellent individual episodes. Don’t like Luke/Lorelai but overall it’s a great season. 
Season 4: the funnest season. Rory and Paris flourish at Yale, Rory has an interesting arc. 
Season 6: I love Rory’s story, love Logan and Rogan. S6 is interesting and also has some amazing standalone episodes.
Season 3: Has some great standalone episodes and is good overall. 
Season 7: Less memorable than the seasons above but there’s plenty of fun. I actually like Chris and love Rogan and Logan. The lack of JavaJunkie is a blessing and even Luke becomes more bearable. I also find April cute. 
A Year in the Life: the only reason it’s placed above seasons 1 and 2 is because of Rogan and Rory. I am one of the few people that enjoyed Rory’s story. 
Season 1: a little rough around the edges. I don’t like mean girl Paris and the fact that Paris and Rory aren’t BFFs. Lorelai is very annoying. 
Season 2: the most boring season. Don’t find much about it particularly exciting.
What I would’ve liked to have seen in Gilmore Girls:
Anyone confronting Luke about what an asshole he can be to people. It’s not cutesy like everyone makes it seem. It’s rude and almost bullying. He tosses costumers out of his dinner, tells women off for breastfeeding or having babies, serves costumers the wrong orders and doesn’t let them complain, etc.
Anyone confronting Lorelai about her childish and irresponsible actions that got people fired or hurt. She clocked in for a worker at a store which could’ve gotten that worker fired, she rearranged Emily’s wedding book which got the wedding planner fired. Her actions had consequences but were always played for laughs, like the racist and degrading pool scene in Spring. 
Anyone confronting Richard about his manipulative nature. Emily was always blamed for being the bad guy but Richard was just as much of an arrogant snob as Emily was. Richard liked to pretend to be the good guy but he always went along with Emily’s plans and got away with it. 
Consistency in regards to money. People aren’t usually handed out loans and money from friends and family. Lorelai, for all her talks about being independent, never acknowledges the luck and help she has. Also, one minute she’s struggling, the next she has enough money to open an inn? And Luke buys a building? Where did he get that money?
What story I would’ve erased from Gilmore Girls:
Luke/Lorelai: they were terrible together, an unwatchable mess. Their love isn’t even believable. There was so much drama in their relationship. They didn’t communicate well, barely had anything in common and jumped head first into marriage. Just, no. 
Dean/Rory/Jess: I could’ve done without all of that posturing. 
The musical and most of the revival tbh: no explanation necessary.
Rory/Logan: duh
Paris/Doyle: love them together
Sookie/Jackson: they’re perfect
Lorelai/Chris: they can be messes together
Emily/Richard: they fit
Rory/Paris: big BROTP
Rory/Lane: great, consistent, friendship
Logan/Colin/Finn: funnest friendship
Sookie/Lorelai/Michelle: a great trio
Luke/Lorelai: big NOTP.
Rory/Dean: obviously not meant to be
Rory/Marty: I do not like Marty one bit.
Gosh, that was long. Thanks for the ask!
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YER A WIZARD RORY! (i just like saying it.)
every one of these comments is amazing, regarding my “what if rory went to hogwarts instead of chilton????” post.
thecrackshiplollipop: okay but this could work because trix lives in england and is so bossy she gets rory into hogwarts
insidiousmisandry: the gilmores and the haydens are both Old Pureblood Families so everyone's expecting rory to be this perfect pureblood heiress but she and her mom have been living like muggles for her whole life and honestly rory just wants to know how magic works in terms of muggle science, bc no one so far has given her a decent explanation for WHY waving a wand and saying some words makes things happen
insidiousmisandry: but despite her skepticism, she gets really great grades and the professors all love her and paris is all "get out of my school i h8 u" and their 7 years of rivalry/ust/friendship begins
insidiousmisandry: lorelai drops rory off at platform 9 3/4 wearing the same weird laundry-day outfit she wore during "rory's first day"
insidiousmisandry: *"the lorelais' first day at chilton" (i couldnt remember the name of the ep oops)
lbmisscharlie: But if it were at the same time as HP, can you imagine how insufferable Paris would be at all the class- and exam-disrupting evil shenanigans?! Way worse than Hermione. Esp if she's muggle-born; she would not at all put up with the general irrationality of wizarding school norms
savvyliterate: Oooh, they could live in Hogsmeade instead of Stars Hollow. Think of the diner in Hogsmeade and Luke is the one guarding the passage between it and the Room of Requirement because that's what he would do. Now you get to have fun sorting EVERYONE into Houses. My personal choices were Lorelai in Gryffindor, Rory in Ravenclaw, Luke in Hufflepuff, Lane in Slytherin, Sookie in Hufflepuff, Michel in Slytherin, Richard in Ravenclaw, Emily in Slytherin, Kirk in Gryffindor.
savvyliterate: I could not decide on Houses for Dean, Jess, or Logan though.
savvyliterate: And even Paris is tough because she has traits that could side her into either Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, or Slytherin.
frazzledsoul: Madeline and Louise at Hogwarts. The mind reels.
boleynns: She got in because Gran knows people
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rory-logan-shipper · 7 years
I'm answering questions I found online
Favorite character: Logan Huntzbeger Least Favorite character: Jess Mariano 5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): rory x logan, lorelai x luke, emily x richard and sookie x jackson Character I find most attractive: logan huntzberger Character I would marry: Logan Huntzbeger Character I would be best friends with: Logan Huntzbeger or Rory Gilmore A random thought: RORY SHOULD HAVE MARRIED LOGAN OMFG An unpopular opinion: I hate Jess Mariano My canon OTP: RORY AND LOGAN Most badass character: lorelai gilmore Pairing I am not a fan of: F***ing Jess and Rory (Rory and Logan were meant to be together Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): RORY GILMORE AND LOGAN HUNTZBERGER, because listen that revival was sh*t ( Only in the sense of screwing up Rory and Logan the rest of it was amazing) Favourite friendship: rory x lorelai, rory x lane, rory x paris, lorelai x sookie, LORELAI AND LUKE, and RORY x LOGAN gilmore FAMLY that’s like FAM GOALS
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brittaden · 6 years
Lorelai is the best. :D Now, what would you say your favorite is your favorite friendship in the show?
Oooh that’s tough because I love the friendships on this show so much! Lorelai and Sookie’s friendship is the cutest because you can see they both support each other in their decisions and wanted to badly to start a business together. I love how Paris’ and Rory’s friendship developed over the years, from enemies, to a general disdain, to actual true friends. Oh! And in the revival, one of the things that warmed my heart about it was the friendship we saw between Lorelai and Michel, I mean I never thought I would see Lorelai in tears over Michel unless she was laughing so hard at something that happened to him that tears came to her eyes. Also Lane and Rory’s friendship is amazing, I’m glad Lane had someone like Rory. And I hate to sound like a broken record, but I do love so much the friendship between Luke and Lorelai. Of course we know there’s much more to their friendship now, but they were really friends first, and cared about each other so much!
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