#look I don't know there's something about Douglas Adams works that even when you get romance it's not about that
alexjcrowley · 1 year
Dirk Gently Holistic Detective Agency is just peak aromantic representation. That's exactly how aros spend the time they don't dedicate to romance: acting as tools for the chaotic functioning of the universe, solving cases about time travel and magic kingdoms and just destroying things with their friends. Hope this helps non aro people out there to understand us better.
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snickerdoodlles · 2 months
Feel free to just ignore this if you really dislike the phrase that much, and then I will just try to remember never to use that phrase for your stories again, but I wanted to let you know that I consider "crack taken seriously" to be one of the highest accolades to give an author. Because they took something that anyone else would have made into a one line gag and filled it with life; with joy and fear and insight and inspiration; brilliant worldbuilding and inspired character development.
I don't like most humor. It usually just comes off as mocking and mean to me. But crack taken seriously is when someone takes the bitter absurdity of those "funny" bits of our world and cracks it open to show that there is an entire story full of beauty and hope inside, not just the momentary embarrassment and frustration I expected.
And also, it's just really hard to do. Most people don't have the imagination to find an entire universe in a silly joke, much less the skill to write it. Douglas Adams is crack taken seriously. And Terry Pratchett, JRR Tolkin, William Gibson. Anyone who thought of something radically different than our reality, and then wrote it so well that we all saw our own lives reflected in it. In fact, it showed us ourselves reflected so clearly that it taught us things about ourselves we never thought to look at; changed us in ways that a story that pandered to our expectations of how the world works never could.
Done right, absurdity and silliness leaves the reader receptive to considering radical ideas they might have ignored in any other context. I find it an amazingly powerful literary device. Most cracky fanfic doesn't go that far, of course. But even when it's just used to give a different interpretation of a cannon scene, not political commentary, it hits me harder than more conventionally structured works trying to do the same thing. And I can't write it at all so I find it really technically impressive when someone pulls it off. The timing and pacing is really hard to do!
( crack taken seriously tends to be something that makes me giggle or go "WTF?" at first, but ends with me sitting in stunned silence, thinking "OH." I mean, there are variants, it's not like a rule, but that's kind of the core feeling I get from it.
It's an actual unique genre in my mind, not literally something silly treated as serious)
Oh friend it's okay, I don't actually need anyone to change up their tagging systems for me! And thank you for sharing your thoughts on the 'crack taken seriously' tag 🥰 I do objectively know most people mean it in a good way, it just also catches me off guard every time because the pieces of my writing that I think people label me as a 'crack' writer for aren't what I'd label as 'crack', so there's a disconnect for me (ie something like my necromancy AU I haven't written yet, where Chay can just raise the dead as he pleases and I use that to dig into Big's relationship with personhood, is crack taken seriously to me; stuff that just plays off silliness like an accidental pony-play or ridiculous friendship shenanigans i'd just tag as humor). plus, the definition for 'crack' is all over the place-- I always assume the nicer definitions for my own sake, but I'm not entirely sure sometimes.
so in a combination of my own writing insecurities and the definition mismatch, I feel very...odd? ig? about the label. it's very much a me thing, I know that, but sometimes the specific combination of tags left on my stuff feels more like "this person's a crack writer BUT--" and it kinda feels like I'm being put on the backfoot/dismissed, or that what I like to write is somehow 'less' and needs to be justified to be liked. this is still a me issue, but sometimes the disconnect hits strong and I just feel baffled for the day.
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mrslittletall · 4 months
Well, here are my thoughts for Final Fantasy 14 Endwalker, so of course there will be spoilers for people who still want to play this game or are in the middle of it. First, I got told that the expansion was meant to be two but thanks to Covid got condensed into one and wow, you can FEEL that. I still don't think the expansion is bad, but it doesn't reach Heavensward or Shadowbringers and I think even the story of Stormblood is more coherent. Now, let's get into the different zones. I thought the expansion started a bit slow, with us going to Thavnair and the Labyrinthos. Thavnair at least had the goal with the talismans but Labyrinthos was pretty much "Hurr durr, the council is up to something but we won't find out what." At least we had the hilarious "Estinien is bad with money" scene and the thought of him having to take care of three very motionsick friends was fantastic. I also had a good laugh at Urianger just collapsing xD Okay, after we got the introduction out of the way, it was time for Garlemald. Wait what, already?! We had like one tower dungeon and we are already going against the big one? Yeah, that is where it is obvious they had to condense the story. The whole thing with the towers could have been its own expansion and end with a final boss against Zodiark and then they could have used another expansion for the Dynamis stuff. More on that later. Garlemald was... difficult. Mostly because of how close to home it hit. The garleans are pretty much fascists and well, I am German. It always stings to be reminded of the crimes of our past. However, I also figured that the garleans are kinda brainwashed and that the rift between Garlemald and Eorzea is just that high. It felt pretty powerful honestly. And then got ruined by Alphinaud and Alisaie being completely ooc! Like when the legatus asked us "Why don't accept garlean rule?" all my thoughts flashed to Stormblood, to Fordola and to Yotsuyu and what garlean rule means. Of course it can be argued that the twins just thought it was just pointless to discuss, but they looked like they legit thought Quintus had a point and I really really wanted them to at least say something. For Alisaie to go "Damn you, I have seen what garlean rule does" and for Alphinaud to stop her. Or for our WoL to have a little chance to say something and even if it was just "angry glare." And I also think the character of Jullus was underused. Yeah, you can feel in the Garlemald part that the story was condensed. We then go fight Anima as a dungeon boss instead of a trial. It was a damn good dungeon boss, but having freaking Anima as dungeon boss felt really bitter. And then the whole thing gets cosmic and we hit the moon. The moon had massive nostalgia, but it felt pretty stretched out to be honest. I figured out in five minutes that Sharlayan helps the Lopporit and well, there was not a big reveal or anything, it was played completely straightforward and I don't know... Oh forgot about Zodiark. Great trial, felt a bit anti-climactic. Nuff said. I liked the optional quests there though. The Lopporit are kinda wholesome and I loved how much they tried despite failing a lot. I also ate the blue carrot and got a reference to Douglas Adams which came back in the very last zone! Amazing! Then we had the second half of Thavnair. That was fire actually with the apocalypse and all! I also liked how the weather reflected it and how the theme was "Don't give into despair" but of course it was a violent cycle. I liked this part. Okay, so Elpis. First thing first, I don't consider the time travel to be a copout. It was clear it was difficult, there was no chance it would work and we wouldn't be able to save the source of the first final days.
And then... freaking Emet-Selch and Hythlodaeus in their original Ascian form! Fanservice? Yeah sure, but I don't mind it, Emet-Selch was fantastic here and I loved loved trolling him. Seriously, speak to him each time he just stands around, it is glorious ^^ I also liked to see the world of the Ascians and what and how they were. Meeting Hermes and Meteion... and the puzzle slowly being set together. Honestly, I think Elpis had the exact amount of time it needed to set up and let you figure out what the final days really are. And I had to do the dungeon with trusts and I don't regret it ^^ Loved that they discussed the second boss as if it was their work. However, that Venat solo duty?! Too difficult! I had to put it on very easy and I STILL struggled. Sure, I am not a pro at playing my class, but I at least can get enemies down in proper time and do my part in dealing DPS in trials and dungeons. The orb phase was just cruel and evil, they should nerve that. Even on very easy Venat got to like 67 % and people who bested it in normal said she is getting to 87 %. And that means they couldn't beat like 8 or 9 orbs. Yeah, that is a lot. So, we are done with Elpis, we know the truth and honestly, I don't think Meteion was pulled as the villain out of the ass. She had a proper build-up and it was more a concept. EW made this very clear. Hope vs. nihilism kinda. The second part of Labyrinthos was.... not good. That they changed the upbeat normal music with a song that felt like powering up and we had to listen to it on loop was annoying and it felt so stretched out... I agree with the people who hate the quest where you have to find eight scholars with fakes thrown in. Uuugh... I liked the dungeon there though. And I died a lot in the Hydealin trial.. sorry for failing you Venat. And then... Ultima Thule. I enjoyed this part, especially how the music was building up. However, after the second scion "sacrificed" themselves, I was figuring out it was a fake and they would be back. It still made me feel, so much that at the end I told the twins to not do it! Not you too! Because sure, I, the player, could see what was coming, but my character has no guarantee they come back... I liked the three civilizations on Ultima Thule and what happened to them. The Ea were especially interesting and apparently their truth is a truth for us as well? Eh, I don't think we should just sit and wait for the end and besides, I want to die one day. I want to live a good life and then go when it is my time until I can live another life, even though I won't remember this one. Then the trial. It was a fine one, but I was more touched by the cutscene after that. "Let's go home, Meteion." Just a child having to search for an answer that was too much for her... at least we could give her a flower. And that Zenos solo duty? It felt a bit like "Oh wait, Zenos was there, wasn't he?" At least the fight against him was amazing and not as frustrating and difficult as Venat's. I had fun dodging all his attacks and fight him to the death and even though at the end it was a simple fist fight, as a monk main I had to laugh. I am still good without weapons! Hm, now I forgot to talk about the Dynamis. I kinda liked the concept of "hopes and feelings" as energy. And that is what I think they could have used as a whole expansion. It could have started with the final days happening and then travelling to Elpis and it could have been... more.
But meh, I won't complain too much. I enjoyed the story still. The music in this? I actually prefer the zone music of Shadowbringers. Not that it was bad, but it didn't have the same impact as Raktika or Ahn Areng. The battle music however, THAT was fire and a lot better than Shadowbringers which was too samey. I really liked the dungeon mid-boss and final boss themes and the trial songs and the solo duty songs. Okay, I think that was it. Feel free to ask questions or give your own opinion. If I would have to rate the expansions and ARR, I would go like this... A Realm Reborn Stormblood Endwalker Heavensward Shadowbringers (pure perfection)
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sevilemar · 3 years
Sorting House of Cards
Yes, I know, we do not talk about this show because of Kevin Spacey. It's still a good show, though. It's my comfort food on a bad day, my treat after a long day at the office. And it's incredibly hard to sort because of all the politics involved. I'll do my best.
Francis "Frank" Underwood
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All of this started because Walker screwed him over for Secretary of State. He says it himself, they have freed him from his loyalty to his party and its leader, the ideals that prevented him to become corrupt until then. Once he's made up his mind about something, he's going to pursue it no matter the cost, just look at America Works. And he definitely puts his revenge, and later his campaign before Claire at multiple times, and also before his own desires like being with a man. He is a lion primary who cares about revenge and power. A dark lion, if you will.
For secondary, snake is obvious. He lies and cheats and manipulates and he uses everything in sight that is remotely useful, and there is not a shred of remorse to be found. But there is also an awful lot of planning going on. Maybe that's just politics, but I think he has a bird model which helps him along nicely.
Claire Hale (Underwood)
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Claire's snake primary shines brightly. She chose Frank as her person a long time ago, and she never looked back. She fights at his side, she doesn't care about anyone or anything else, she sacrifices her own work time and again for his revenge or campaign, first with the Clean Water Initiative, then her various bills, etc. She also sacrifices both Adam Galloway and later Tom Yates. They were in her circle, she opened up to them, she was making herself vulnerable and wanted to be seen by them. But she sacrifices them without question once they threatened Frank and herself.
But when Frank forces her to give up her own power, the one thing she needs to survive in their world as an independent being, she turns against him. "Me and mine" still puts "me" first, and so she fights against him with the same ferocity she usually uses in his favour. And she doesn't seem much bothered by it, which is odd for snake primary. When Frank gets shot, she says she feels nothing. When he dies, she says her ambition and hunger ate him in the end, which she seems to accept. She even discards his name. I think especially the last season has her out of character where Frank is concerned, for obvious reasons. She acts more like a bird who has left her old self behind, especially with the name change. Or maybe she was a bird all along, with a very snake-like system.
For secondary, I think burned lion with snake model. Most of the time, she is like Frank, lying and cheating and manipulating right along with him. But there are moments when she falters, when her model overwhelms her. When she talks to Trish Walker on the phone, after she came back from dealing with Meghan Hennesy, Trish tells her honestly that she is a good person. Claire is actively using her to work against her husband at that point, and after that phone call, she cries for a moment on the stairs. I think she is feeling the weight of her manipulation.
She demands honesty from Frank multiple times, when she forces him to confront his anger about being overlooked for Secretary of State, or when she demands he shares his plans with her. And just like Frank, she is very good at looking at her surroundings and coming up with clever, improvised solutions like "disorganised labour" for the teacher's strike, or planning an impromptu party on the front door of the hotel rather than in it, or exaggerating the ICO terror threat to manipulate the election. That could be snake or lion, but it's definitely not bird or badger.
Douglas Stamper
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Doug is a snake primary that burns in later seasons, and explodes in the last season. Obviously, Frank is his person, and he tries with Rachel and Laura, but both don't work out. And that is when we see him burning: He takes himself out of his own circle. He starts drinking again, he doesn't care about his apperance any more, and he is ready to sacrifice himself, first for Frank, and then for Frank's reputation. When Frank dies, his primary explodes, and he becomes obsessed with clearing Frank's name.
Secondary, I think he is a bird. He is always planning and strategising with Frank, and he is happy when his plans work. But when they don't, when unforseen things like emotions enter the picture, he tends to not really know what to do. Both Rachel and Laura are complications he hasnt forseen, and he does not handle them well.
Frank Underwood: lion/snake with bird model
Claire Hale Underwood: snake, or bird with snake system/burned lion with snake model
Douglas Stamper: burning and exploded snake/bird
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rhetoricalrogue · 2 years
Tagged by @ejunkiet for a WiP word search, thank you!🧡 My words are hurt, comfort, crush, hold. Leaving this an open tag, but if anyone wants to play, show me your WiPs for the words velvet, sunrise, and water.
Hurt: from the unnamed Adam/Astrid WiP pile I throw all my snippets in
"Why are you on the floor?" Adam was vaguely concerned when Astrid didn't respond, her hair loose and around her hair like a copper halo, eyes closed, and arms at her sides. "Detective?"
She didn't move as he approached, her heartbeat slow and even. He could hear the loud bass notes coming through her headphones, practically feel them vibrate in the soles of his boots, even if he didn't recognize the song.
"Don't disturb the floor music," Astrid told him without opening her eyes, holding up her index finger. "At least not until this song is over."
"And here I thought you were hurt."
She slipped off her headphones. "Not exactly." Opening her eyes, she watched as Adam folded his legs underneath him and sat down next to her. "Just tired from a rough day at work."
"And this is, what? A recovery position?"
"Yeah. It's something that I've always done since I was a kid. Sinking down on the floor and focusing on whatever music I wanted to listen to always made me feel better."
"Hm." Astrid didn't react when he moved to lay beside her, bodies close but not touching. All she did was put an earbud in and offer the second one to him.
"Rough day at the Facility?" She turned the volume down considerably in consideration of his preternatural hearing before scrolling through her phone and finding something to listen to.
"You could say that." He turned his head so he could look at her profile. "Although, it is improving."
Comfort: from another WiP snippet pile with cousins Ravena and Rolfe
"I'm going to murder that woman."
"Get in line," Rolfe closed his eyes and sighed as Ravena ran her fingers through his hair. "I think there's several people ahead of you."
"It must have been a surprise, seeing your mother show up here."
He gave a noncommittal shrug before settling his head more comfortably on his cousin's knee. "Not particularly. Flora is a glory hound hungry for any crumb of prestige being associated with the Inquisition could bring her. The only thing that's surprising is that it took her this long to show her face."
Her fingers ran in comforting circles against his scalp. "I'm heading out in the morning to the Frostback Basin to reconnect with an old colleague of mine. Professor Kenrick wrote to me and said he had a breakthrough in his research. You could come with."
Rolfe snorted. "What, and ruin your little romantic vacation with Ser Blackwall, if that even is his real name?" He winced as the soothing scalp massage turned into a brief, sharp pull at his hairline. "I'm just saying, who names their kid Gordon Blackwall? It sounds made up."
"Says the man named Rolfe Aloysius Trevelyan."
Crush: from an unnamed Lucas/Morgan piece, featuring a hero-worshipping Douglas
"Doug, we've got to have a chat." Lucas propped his hip on the corner of Douglas' desk. "Man to man."
He brightened up at that. "What kind of talk?"
Lucas sighed and ran his hand through his hair. "This...thing. Crush, whatever, you have on Morgan. It's gotta stop, man."
Douglas straightened up in his chair. "Worried about the competition?"
That made Lucas laugh. "One, that's cute. Even if there was any concern about that, I know I'm hotter than you by a longshot. Two, she's not interested. You've got a snowball's chance in hell to even get her to give you the time of day, let alone a chance for you to ask her out."
"A snowball's chance is still a chance," Douglas replied stubbornly.
"Keep that sense of optimism, it'll keep you from getting bitter. And three, if there was even the tiniest, smallest, molecular level small chance that she was interested, she'd eat you alive."
Douglas sighed wistfully. "And what a way to go."
Lucas really couldn't argue with that sentiment.
Hold: modern AU featuring Rolfe and @alittlestarling's Roz
What does a girl have to do to get a hot guy to take her to a farmer's market?
It had been a random thought that had filtered through her head this morning as she scrolled her social media, her eyes falling on the weekend event post for the local farmer's market. She really hadn't expected a response when she'd posted that tweet, and yet, fifteen minutes later, there was a knock on her front door.
"Hot enough for you?" Rolfe asked.
She laughed, standing on her tiptoes to give him a brief kiss. "I wasn't exactly expecting this kind of response." She nipped at his bottom lip before he could reply. "But I'm not complaining."
"Good, because I have cash to burn and some veggies or pickles or whatever people sell at these things to spend it on."
"Something tells me that you're not a regular at markets."
"Nope. Always was too busy with work to go." He looped an arm around her waist and pressed a kiss to her forehead. "Teach me the ropes?"
"Always." She pulled back enough to look at the canvas bags he was holding. "Does Vincent know you borrowed his shopping bags?"
"Um, no? I sort of went to his place and got them? I did leave a note though."
Roz locked up her front door as they walked hand in hand towards Rolfe's car. "That's clearly a misuse of sibling house key privileges."
"Can't be a misuse of key privileges if I didn't use a key to get in." He opened the passenger door for her, his jacket opening enough to show the lockpicking kit tucked away in an interior pocket. "I'm a man of many talents. Besides, I'll make it up to him by buying him something once we get there."
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dong-hyucks · 7 years
Hello, may I please request an imagine for nct dream Chenle with an evil-Peter Pan au if that makes sense? If it doesn't then just do a normal Peter Pan thing, after all I do want you to enjoy writing this. I don't mind if he's a lost boy or Pan himself. As for the gender I'm She/Her but it's fine if you don't want to use those. Thank you and take your time I'm patient and will happily wait until 2076 if that's the time you need. Lots of love a girl that loves your writing.❤️💘🥀
The Lost Boy ; Chenle
Characters: Chenle / Reader / ft. NCTGenre: Peter Pan!AU, adventure, suspense, fluff, angst (happy ending)Warning: implications of death and a rough home life, slight swearingA/N: dEDICATED TO THE SOFTEST CHOONLOO STAN TO EVER WALK THE EARTH; @chenlays HAPPY EARLY BDAY SAM ILY
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“I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I needed to be.”- Douglas Adams, The Long Dark Tea-Time of the Soul
1902, London
   The streets were cold, empty. Dank cobblestone clip-clopped under your scuffed and water-ridden shoes. Your arms, uncovered and unprotected from the cold, were covered with goosebumps, little hairs standing up in response to the sheer coldness of the night. In the distance, you could see the large clock tower. The building was rundown, as was practically every other building in town. The clock chimed and chimed, you could almost see the rickety building tremble with each vibration, alerting you and the townspeople of the hour. You swallowed thickly. Hairs on the back of your neck stood rigid, not from the gelid air that surrounded you, imprisoned you in its freezing hands, taking you as it’s prisoner. No, the hairs that stood, your knees that shook, your breath that caught; they all did so out of fear.
   You were late. Five minutes late, to be exact.
   There was a sudden, muffled thud. You stopped, quickly moving to hide behind a nearby building.  A man, a man you recognized as Mr Percy from two roads down, exited your home as he fixed the collar of his trenchcoat. He looked around as if to see if anyone had seen him, before quietly sneaking off into the darkness. It wasn’t long before his form disappeared into the dark fog that always followed London’s nightfall.
   Your doorstep drew near, and you dreaded each step closer you took. You could practically hear your adoptive mother, Madam Iva, screaming– her voice raspy from yelling so vehemently. Her eyes were what scared you the most, the beady, coal black pairs of eyes that would stare you down as if you were prey. They’d narrow as she screeched, her irises almost disappearing under her wrinkled eyelids. She was always like that. A hawk compressed into human form. Watching. Always watching.
   In fact, you could see her now, glaring down at you from her bedroom window. Chills ran up and down your spine as your hand clasped around the doorknob and twisted. You waited patiently, patiently yet with an immense amount of fear, at the door. As if on cue, her heavy footsteps came stomping down the creaky wooden staircase. You had to remind yourself to replace the wood tomorrow.
   Soon enough, her face, red with anger and vexation, came into view. Her puffy cheeks and dropped eyelids obscured her eyes in an ever so familiar way. As she made her way down the stairs two at a time, loud thuds sounded within the household. With each step, the ruffles on her evening gown fluttered slightly due to the astounding strength she used with each step. The only thing on her body that remained still was the bun atop her head, her hair tightly twisted and tied in such a way that made her eyebrows arch upwards.
   “You!” she sputtered, her eyebrows knit together as she jabbed a stout finger in your direction. “Do you know how late it is?” Her tone demanded answers, and you could tell she wouldn’t like yours.
   “I was only–”
   “I don’t want to hear any excuses coming from you! This is the fifth time this month you’ve come home late, you ungrateful brat.” With each sentence, she took another massive step toward you. “Who do you think you are? I work day and night working so you can have a good life and this is how you repay me? Staying out late when you have a reasonable curfew? I bet you were messing around with those disgusting groupies of yours.”
   You frowned a frown that almost mirrored her own. “Madam, my friends aren’t groupies, but I really didn’t–”
   She took a quick step toward you, raising her arm in a feinted swing. You flinched, backing into the door as you shut your eyes tightly. Eyeing your trembling form, Madam Iva scoffed. She relaxed her arm for a moment, crossing them as she looked down on you. “Insolent, weak child,” she spat, turning on her heel. “I should’ve left you to die on the streets when I had the chance.” And with that, she walked back up the stairs, this time her steps softer as she attempted to walk in a ladylike manner – though, to you she still looked as much of a cross elephant in a dress as she did before.
   You stood in the foyer, waiting to hear the noise of Madam Iva’s door clicking as it locked. When you did, you made your way up the stairs as quietly as you could. Today, you were lucky. Madam Iva stuck to using words and didn’t go any further. Perhaps she was too tuckered out to do much, you had seen Mr Percy leave just before after all.
   When you got to your room, Ms Lula was gathering her things. You quietly greeted the cleaning lady, ignoring her presence as she made her way out into the hallway. After she left, closing the door behind her, you collapsed onto your rock-hard mattress. “I hate this,” you mumbled tiredly into your pillow. Though you were used to Madam Iva’s discourteous behaviour, you absolutely detested being on the receiving end of it all. You always had to watch as she pretended to be the perfect mother in front of others, though she was everything but.
   Turning onto your back, you stared up at the cracked ceiling. Your room was always cold– there was a hole in the corner of your ceiling, one that let in all of the frigid air, rain, snow, and just about every mouse that required shelter in the winter. Madam Iva was always too cheap to pay for a repairman’s work.
   As you stared, your eyes tracing each imperfection, you wondered. You wondered what you had done to deserve such a life. You always saw other kids your age getting along well with their mothers, their fathers, their sisters, their brothers. Though they still lived under the poverty that everyone in the area suffered through, their lives seemed perfect to you. You, on the other hand, were a reject sob story. You were left in the streets by your parents at birth, almost experiencing hypothermia in the coolness of the city. Madam Iva’s late husband, Mr Howard, was the one to suggest taking you in after finding your basket. After his death, your life spiralled into hell.
   Hot tears burned your eyes, tears that you wiped away roughly. You weren’t one for tears. They didn’t fix anything. Shaking your head, you took out the pillow from beneath your head and covered your face, pressing it into your skin gently as to allow yourself to breathe.
   “Poor, poor child. Living a life of such hostility.”
   You jumped, throwing the pillow in the direction you thought you heard the voice from. You looked over, watching as the pillow thumped against the wall. “Too slow,” the voice whispered into your ear. Scrambling off of your bed, you held a hand against your mouth. If you screamed, you’d be in more trouble by Madam Iva– something you would rather not face. Once your eyes landed on the figure in your room, you let out a gasp.
   A male, perhaps in his early 20s, was standing in your room. Rather– he was floating in your room. Your eyes quickly darted from the space between his dark gray slippers and your splintered wooden floor to his face, one with sharp features. He stared back in amusement, leaning back on some invisible surface as he raised a brow at you. You noticed something glittering, something glowing right above the fabric of his shirt, one that matched his slippers.
   You shut your eyes, smacking your cheeks lightly. “Wake up, [Y/N]. You’re having too weird of a dream–”
   “A dream? Is that what you think I am?”
   You yelped, hastily grabbing the nearest object and holding it before you. The man snorted at the sight of your outstretched arm. You were tightly grasping onto a stuffed bear, it’s fur visible in the spaces between your clenched fingers. He raised his arms in mock defense, smirking over at you as he floated toward you. “I’m so scared,” he drawled, sarcasm heavily evident. You glared.
   “Who are you and what’re you doing in my room?” You paused. “How are you floating?”
   The man paused mere metres in front of you, floating about a foot off of the ground. “I am Pan,” he greeted nonchalantly. “You can call me Taeyong.” He tipped the front of his black cap, your eyes travelling to the red feather that came from it. His attire reminded you of some old fairytale you had heard before, one that told the tale of three siblings who travelled to a faraway land. “And you are?”
   “[Y/F/N]. That doesn’t answer all of my questions, Taeyong.”
   “Impatient little thing, you are.” He clicked his tongue before twirling in the air, quite literally, staring at you upside down. You noticed the glowing, glittering something once again, this time below his hat. Is that, you thought, what’s keeping his hat from falling? “I was bored, your window was unlocked, so here I am.” He glanced over to your window, “You should lock that, by the way. Wouldn’t want some weird stranger coming in during the night, now would you?”
   “… Right.”
   Taeyong moved forward, though he kept his feet pointing upward. “Your mother,” he began, “is very rude.”
   “Tell me about it.”
   “I was trying to sleep up here, and there she went running down the stairs as though she was racing for gold.” He rolled his eyes. “Her little toy was annoying too. Wouldn’t stay quiet while he was here.” Before he could continue, you quickly shushed the flying male, not wanting to hear any more. Pushing your hand away, Taeyong sent a smirk your way, turning in the air to land on his feet. “I have an offer you can’t possibly refuse,” he sang, clasping his hands together behind his back as he moved away.
   You stayed quiet, still feeling incredibly distrustful of the seemingly magical man. You shook your head, the thought of this all being a dream still very liable. Taeyong, noticing your doubtfulness, chuckled. “Then, I guess you don’t want to escape from here.” You looked up at his words, your eyebrows coming together. You could feel your hands getting clammy, your interest piqued. You would give anything to leave, to escape. He chuckled, the noise as deep as his voice. “Would you be willing to fly away with me?”
   As if on cue, he began to float up toward your ceiling. You backed into your dresser, your legs shaking. “I can’t fly,” you prompted. “Not sure how you think I can go about that.”
   Taeyong laughed, bending over as he held his stomach,as if you had just said the greatest joke known to man. You glanced at your door, an image of Madam Iva bursting in, as red as a baboon’s behind, and you shuddered. Turning to Taeyong, you brought a finger to your mouth in your silent way of telling him to be quiet. “Of course you can’t fly,” he said with the wave of his hands. “You need a little something to assist you.” He then grabbed at the air. You frowned in confusion. Hovering over to you, Taeyong held his hand above your head before shaking it as if he were adding salt to a dish. “All you need is a little pixie dust,” he smiled.
   “Now, fly!”
   You rolled your eyes, stepping away from the madman. “Taeyong, whoever you are, I can’t fly.” You looked down at his floating feet. “I’m not sure how you’re doing it, but whatever it is, I can’t.”
   Taeyong groaned, moving in front of you. “No, you can’t, not with that attitude. You need to believe! You need to want.” He looked at you as if he were urging you to try. You sighed. “Just close your eyes and wish to fly.”
   This is just a dream, you told yourself, what’s the worse that can happen?
   As if to just humour him, you closed his eyes. I wish to fly.
   Nothing happened. You opened your eyes, deadpanning at Taeyong. He groaned yet again, flying over to shake your shoulders. “You aren’t trying enough! I can barely feel your energy and I’m just over here. Try again.” You leaned back. His tone no longer sounded kind nor boyish; but demanding. He must’ve noticed your sudden change in demeanour, because he smiled nervously, moving away. “Just,” he tried again, this time with a gentler tone, “try.”
   Not wanting to anger him, you closed your eyes tightly. I wish to fly. I want to fly.
   You kept your eyes closed, not wanting to open them to Taeyong’s annoyed expression. To your surprise, he started clapping. “You’re doing it!” Opening your eyes, you looked down. True to his word, you were no longer on the floor. Your legs shook as you got higher, your inexperience blatantly obvious.
   “So,” Taeyong grinned boyishly as he turned to face you. He held out his hand as he jumped onto the sill of your window. “[Y/F/N], do you trust me?”
   You looked down at his outstretched hand. You glanced at the door again, before your eyes darted to your floating legs. Slowly, you took his hand.
   Taeyong’s grin widened to the point where it was almost devilish. “Then!” he exclaimed, taking an alarming step out your window. “Off to Foreverland we go!”
   Foreverland? “Wait, Taeyong–”
  Suddenly, he shot himself and, by extension, you into the night sky with the push of his leg. You almost forget that you were just floating, a scream ripping from your throat as you watched the ground get farther and farther away. Taeyong glanced over at you, “Come on, [Y/N], relax! Believe.” You glared up at him, your eyes watering from the wind. Believe– the word was starting to sound annoying coming from him.
   Once you were very high off the ground, to the point where fog heavily obscured your view of the old buildings below, Taeyong stopped midair. To your luck, you didn’t plummet to the earth when he let go of your hands, but instead, you remained afloat. “What’re–”
   Taeyong shushed you, his hand going moving to a small sack that was attached to his waist belt. You watched curiously as he took out something minute. It looked like a simple fountain pen, one like the ones you used regularly whenever Madam Iva had you create a list and go to the market. Suddenly, he began moving his arm in an oval, one almost as long as the length of his own body. “What are you doing?” you questioned, tilting your head in confusion. Before he could even answer, the oval he had drawn in the air became something else. It was as if he had cut a shape into the sky. You gazed through in astonishment, looking down at an island that was just as far as the city was.
   Without warning, Taeyong pushed you in.
   “Welcome to Foreverland!” You heard his voice bellow from above. You could barely stabilize yourself, nowhere near experienced in ‘flying’. Taeyong raced passed you, moving in a much more comfortable and smooth manner. Your heart raced as you looked down at the almost pitch black ocean down below. As you neared the island, Foreverland as Taeyong had called it, something struck you. A searing pain erupted from your shoulder, shooting down into the nerves of your arm and more. You let out a yell and suddenly you were falling. Whatever magic Taeyong had used on you seemed to leave you as you got closer and closer to the sea. You turned midair, looking up at the sky in hopes of finding Taeyong. You could barely see the fletching of an arrow within your quickly fading vision.
   The last thing you saw before you hit the harsh surface of the freezing water was Taeyong as he watched you.
   Was that a smile you saw etched onto his features?
   A boy clad in ripped and dirty clothing smiled happily as he gathered fruit from the highest of the trees. Down below, he could hear his friends singing to themselves in harmony, their voices soothing to the ears. The boy hummed along to the familiar tune, his head bobbing slightly as he picked one last mango. Content with his pick, he slowly made his way down the tree trunk. He passed his youngest friend, the only friend younger than him, and jokingly pushed himself off of the trunk to nudge him gently. The vines he had tied to his waist kept him up as he manoeuvred around the tree. “Chenle,” his friend poked, softly throwing a small mango at him. “You picked them all up there?”
   Chenle grinned with a nod, easily catching the thrown mango. “Slowpoke,” he teased, sticking out his tongue as he continued his descent. The voices got louder as he reached the ground, his bare feet landing upon the damp dirt. As they picked berries from bushes, Renjun, Jeno, and Donghyuck were singing the same song they always sang together – a song of loss and acceptance – the song of the Lost Boys. As he neared them, Chenle even joined in, dropping his mangoes into the large basket in which numerous other fruits were contained.
   Jeno looked up from his bush, inspecting the basket. It was almost full, which meant they had to go back to the house soon. “Last batch,” he called loudly, loud enough for Jisung in the trees to hear.
   It wasn’t long before the humongous basket was filled to the brim with a variety of fruit– mangoes, oranges, apples, strawberries, blueberries. Mark, the oldest of the six, came out from the thick vegetation with two wooden buckets, each filled with water. “Are we ready to head back?” he asked, carefully placing the buckets on the ground. When the five boys nodded, Mark moved to help the older of the few while Jisung took hold of the buckets.
   Then, the six began their trek down the path to the house in the trees. The older members noticed how much harder it was to hold the basket with only five people, as it was big enough to hold each of them with extra space. Chenle glanced over at the gap between Donghyuck and Jeno, where another boy had once stood. Similarly, there was another space between Mark and himself.
   They didn’t make it far before the familiar sound tinkling of bells invaded their ears. Jisung stopped and the boys put the basket down, happy to take a break. “Yuta?” Renjun called, looking around for the little faerie. Before long, they all spotted the tiny faerie, a faerie only visible to beings of Foreverland.
   Yuta didn’t even bother greeting the group, instead heading straight to Chenle and landing on the set of arrows that hung across his back. “You need to shoot a predator,” he told the boy, his voice urgent despite being small. “A killer bird is after Taeyong, you need to shoot it once they get back.”
   Chenle frowned, his hand involuntarily going to the bow at his waist. He didn’t like shooting at animals. Yuta knew this, but he also knew that the others couldn’t aim as well as he could even if their lives depended on it. “If you don’t do it,” Yuta started, narrowing his eyes, “you know how Taeyong will react if you let him get hurt.”
   Chenle flinched. Nodding, he quietly agreed to shoot the killer bird. At his submission, Yuta grinned. “Good. I’m glad we don’t have any conflict here.” The faerie glanced down at the basket. “Now hurry up. He’ll be back within the hour, and he’ll want those fruits home by the time he is.” With that, he flitted away, the only sign of him being the trail of dark blue faerie dust he left behind.
   Donghyuck lent the younger male a small smile, patting him on the shoulder gently as if he were saying it’s okay. Chenle merely returned the smile before moving to his position around the basket. Getting the hint, everyone aside from Jisung went to their past positions and heaved the basket up into their arms. They kept moving.
   Luckily for them, the fruit trees weren’t too far from their treehouse. The only struggle was bringing them all up into Taeyong’s room. They had built a contraption using buckets and rope and despite the convenience, the operation was a strain on their muscles. “First batch ready,” Mark called to Chenle and Donghyuck, who stood at Taeyong’s window. They nodded, simultaneously reaching out to pull the rope that brought up the buckets of fruit. Below, the boys helped.
   “This,” Donghyuck huffed, “is a lot harder without Jaemin and Hansol–”
   The boys flinched at the sudden voice, almost letting go of the rope. Yuta impatiently jumped on Chenle’s shoulder, though to Chenle it felt like a mere tap. “Taeyong’s back and the bird is with him!”
   After Donghyuck took hold of the rope, Chenle took out his bow and arrows. His eyes searched the darkening sky, looking for Taeyong and the killer bird. Soon, Donghyuck pointed toward the Treasure Cove. “There!” Chenle looked over, and sure enough, Taeyong was flying away from another flying figure, though whatever it was wasn’t clear.
   Yuta tugged on Chenle’s ear, noticing the way his arms tensed in hesitation. “Shoot, Chenle!”
   Feeling pressured, Chenle held up the bow and aimed. Within seconds, an arrow was fired.
   Taeyong chuckled, watching as the water began to grow flat, the ripples that had followed your fall dispersing. He looked into the distance and saw the treehouse. He could just barely make an outline of two of the Lost Boys. He mentally commended them before heading toward them.
��  As he neared, he pulled a straight face. He gracefully landed on the balcony of the treehouse. Yuta came to him quickly, landing on his shoulder with ease. “Good job,” he whispered to the faerie. Yuta’s bells sounded quietly, only loud enough for him to hear.
   He walked into his own room, watching as Chenle and Donghyuck pulled up another bucket of fruit. “Thank you for shooting down that bird,” he acknowledged, though his town sounded anything but grateful. He looked down at the growing pile of fruit. “That’s enough,” he commanded. “Get out and bring the rest to your rooms.”
   “Yes, sir.”
   The two scrambled out of the room, and climbed down the ladder to the rest of the Lost Boys. Mark quickly told the two to head up to the shared room, glancing up nervously at Taeyong’s room. They didn’t argue, climbing up without a word.
   Night came quickly, the orange light of the sun soon disappearing as navy blue bled into its colourful hues and, eventually, taking over the sky completely. The Lost Boys lay in their beds, too afraid to make a noise. Yuta always flew around at night and if they were too loud he would most definitely tell Taeyong.
   Chenle went to bed that night wearing a frown. He felt like a mere fish swimming in a sea full of bloodthirsty sharks. He always did. Shifting under his thin blanket, he stared across the room. The two empty beds made him feel uneasy.
   The next time you awoke, you were warm. It was an almost unfamiliar feeling– you could barely remember the last time you felt so cozy. Light flooded into the area mercilessly, too bright for your dazed being. Once your eyes adjusted, you realized you have washed ashore, lying on a bed of dead grass. You were so far away from the sealine, however, that it was as if you had been placed there.
   Upon further investigation, perhaps you were.
   Barely a foot away from you, you found a silver ring. It hadn’t been affected by the water as it was still shining brightly without a single bit of rust, so you assumed it had been dropped recently. That wasn’t the only sign that someone had been near you, as there were footsteps all around you, each unique footprint stamped into the sand. However, not a person who could’ve left those behind was in sight.
   You moved to get up, only to gasp out in pain. Your shoulder was still sensitive from your injury. Glancing at it, you notice how it was wrapped with ripped cloth, a poultice of seaweed just barely peeking out from beneath. Whoever had brought you to shore had taken care of you, delicately so.
   Staying flat on the ground, you moved your head to look around. You had no idea what to do. Panic began to bubble from within your soul, making your breathing heavy as you realized how severe your situation was. It would sound insane to anyone else– saying you were taken to ‘Foreverland’ by a magical being and then shot by an arrow? No one would believe you if you lived to tell the tale.
   That is, if you could even get back home.
   This time, you moved slowly, picking yourself up off of the ground with such care it was as if you were holding a newborn. The entirety of your upper left body was sore, but you tried to ignore as you trodden slowly around the thick vegetation. You kept close enough to the trees that no one would be able to spot you if they were up above, like Taeyong, but far enough from the forest itself to see sunlight. Your eyes darted back and forth from one point to another, wary of your surroundings.
   Your, now, bare feet felt odd against the soft sand and the damp feeling of your clothes was plain uncomfortable. In fact, everything about Foreverland was making you feel insatiably antsy. It was quiet– too quiet. You had only been near the sea once, but you could only remember noise, the loud rush of water as it pounded against the white sand, the whispers of the wind as it passed by, the lovely voices of birds as they flitted across the sky. But here, it was deadly silent. You could only hear a high pitched ringing in your ear, though that wasn’t unusual.
   Without realizing, you stepped on a branch.
   In a split second, there was shuffling. You could see the movement of bushes as something small ran past them, toward you. Your heart began to race, your feet subconsciously bringing you away from the treeline. Suddenly, something jumped out at you and landed on your chest, bringing you flat against the sand once again. The fall brought another shock of pain up and down your arm, making you cry out in agony. It took you a moment to realize what had jumped on you, but when it did you nearly screamed again.
   Laying atop your chest, was a fuzzy, black and white creature. You had never seen one before, but you had heard stories and inspected drawings of the small beast.
   “A panda?” you questioned, your voice cracking in pain. Sitting back up, letting out yet another set of groans, you took the panda in your hands and looked at it. “What odd place does this Foreverland have to be to have pandas of all animals?”
   You barely had time to process the fact that a baby panda was in your arms before there was more shuffling from within the thick forest. Without thinking, you held the panda against your chest and scooted back toward the water. To your complete and utter surprise, a boy began to speak. “Who’s there?”
   You stayed quiet, hugging the surprisingly calm panda to your chest. You were about to back right up, into the calm water, when a boy walked out from behind the trees. Your breath caught in your throat at the sight of him. You had seen boys dressed similarly before, in dirty and ripped clothes, but this boy still managed to look clean somehow. He laid eyes on you and you watched as he tripped over his own feet. He landed on his knees, luckily on the sand.
   There was a silence, as you weren’t willing to speak to the strange person and he was staring wide-eyed at the ground. Finally, you opened your mouth, though you inched away ever so slightly. “Are you okay?” you stuttered, your words slow and unsure. Your shoulder and arm were pulsing in pain, but you were still trying hard to ignore it.
   The boy smiled up at you over his dark brown bangs and nodded. “Peachy,” he mumbled, although he was wincing. He shifted to look at his knees and there were bright red marks. The skin hadn’t broken but there was some irritation. “I’ll be fine in a few.” He looked back up at you. “I’m Chenle,” he paused. “At least, that’s what I’ve been told.”
   You raised a brow. “You aren’t sure?”
   He shrugged. “I can’t remember much,” he confessed. “We were named by Taeyong after he–”
   You droned out the rest of his words, your body going stiff. He must’ve noticed because he slowly stopped talking and looked at you with concern. “Hey, are you–”
   Without a word, you got up as fast as you could, your shoulder burning in pain, and bolted. Your feet slipped beneath you constantly atop the sand, but that didn’t deter you. You could hear Chenle running after you, calling after you although he didn’t know your name. You held the small panda close to you as you ran; its claws digging into your shoulder and adding to the pain.
   Suddenly, another boy, dressed similarly to Chenle, jumped out of the forest holding a spear. The sight of him and his weapon made you halt in movement, which gave Chenle enough time to catch up to you.
   “What’s going on, why did you run?”
   You tried to run in another direction, only to meet the eyes of yet another boy. Then, one by one, three more came out. Chenle looked at you with worry, stepping cautiously toward you. With each step he took forward, you took one back until your feet touched water. “We’re not going to hurt you,” he murmured, glancing at your, now bleeding, shoulder in worry. “We want to help.”
   “You know Taeyong,” you grumbled, your voice shaking. “I can’t trust you.”
   The six of them looked at each other with wide eyes. “How do you know him?” one of them asked. You could barely respond before Chenle shook his head.
   “Guys, they’re injured. Let’s get their shoulder patched up before we start asking questions.” He turned to you, holding out his hands as a way of showing no harm. His posture reminded you of Taeyong, back in your room when he had asked you to trust him. Sensing your distrust, Chenle offered a small smile. “I promise you, we won’t take you anywhere Taeyong is.”
   You looked down at your own arm, where blood was trailing down slowly. The panda looked up at you innocently, blissfully unaware to your distress. Your shoulder wasn’t in good condition, you could tell– heck, anyone within eyesight could tell. Swallowing thickly, you took a cautious step closer.
   The boys brought you into the forest and to a waterfall. You looked up at the open sky warily, scared that Taeyong would suddenly come out of nowhere. One of the boys, Donghyuck as he had introduced himself before, smiled warmly at you. “Don’t worry,” he said nonchalantly, “we’re safe here. We’ve hid here a lot since we got here and Taeyong has never noticed.”
   You just nodded, petting the panda slowly. Another boy, Renjun, looked at the animal with affectionate eyes. “What’s it’s name?” he asked, cooing at the panda. You shrugged; you weren’t sure to be honest. Naming the panda hadn’t exactly crossed your mind since you stumbled upon it. Renjun hummed. “How about Wren?” He smiled down at the baby animal. “Do you like that?” The panda reacted in such a way that couldn’t be described as positive or negative, with the baby just yawning and resting its head against your collarbone.
   You smiled at him, “Wren is good.”
   Unbeknownst to you, Chenle had looked over just in time to see your smile. He coughed, looking away. Busying himself with grinding together a poultice, he tried to ignore the invisible strings that were pulling his lips up into a smile. Jisung, who had been helping him, noticed this and laughed quietly.
   “Okay,” Chenle said, holding up the makeshift bowl (which, in reality, was just a large piece of bark that had been cleaned). You handed Wren to Renjun and sat on a rock across from Chenle. Slowly, he peeled away the cloth from your shoulder and used it to wipe away the old poultice. He gasped at how deep the wound was. The boys all gathered around and had similar reactions. Chenle began to frown, his suspicions ringing clearly in his head, though he kept them quiet. Using water from the waterfall, he cleaned the wound despite your flinches and wrapped it with care.
   “How did this happen?” Jisung asked, gesturing to your wound.
   “Actually,” Jeno cut in, “how did you even get here?” The boys seemed to all want an answer for the latter, each looking invested in words that had yet to be spoken.
   You sighed, fiddling with Wren’s paw. “Well, to begin…” Then, you began to tell the story of how Taeyong appeared into your room, lead you to Foreverland– everything up to the moment you lost consciousness. One by one, each of the boys looked at Chenle with rounded eyes. You did as well, curious. Your eyes darted to the set of arrows on his back to the bow that hung from his waist. “You,” you mumbled, “you shot me, didn’t you?”
   There was a pregnant pause, tension grew thick in the air as Chenle struggled to answer. “We were told,” he started, “that you were a killer bird going after Taeyong. If we didn’t comply with orders, he’d…” he trailed off, not wanting to finish his sentence.
   “He’d what?”
   Mark frowned. “If we disobey orders, given from him or his faerie, Yuta, we get taken away.” He looked down. “He’d take whoever went against his word and we’d never see them again.”
   Sensing that you had hit a sensitive topic, you zipped your mouth closed.
   Changing the subject, Jeno frowned. “How do you think you’re going to go back home?” he asked, leaning against the large boulder behind him. “You said Taeyong brought you here with a portal. We can’t exactly do the same.”
   Your expression mirrored his. You hadn’t thought of a how and true to Jeno’s words, you had no means of creating a portal yourself. It’d be absolutely mad to try and take the pen away from Taeyong, suicide even. And after hearing about what he does to Lost Boys who don’t follow orders, you weren’t about to send them away for theft.
   “Why don’t we eat first,” Mark suggested, taking out a mango from his sack. “You’re probably starving and our minds won’t work as well on an empty stomach.” When everyone agreed, Mark tossed you the mango, which you luckily caught.
   While everyone idled and went away at their fruit, you wandered off. Nearing the waterfall, you fell back against the waterfall’s cliff, sighing in exhaustion. Beside you, Wren fell against your thighs, pawing up at the mango in your hands. Do pandas even eat mangoes? You glanced around. You hadn’t seen any bamboo anywhere and you weren’t sure which leaves a panda could eat.
   “Hey,” Chenle said as he made his way over to sit beside you. The rushing noise of the waterfall almost drowned him out. “Are you not hungry?” he asked, eyeing the way the panda began to gnaw on the mango.
   “Not really.”
   Chenle suddenly looked like he had just remembered something of significant importance as he looked over at you. “What’s your name, by the way? You know ours, but yours remains a mystery to us.”
   He repeated your name once, twice, then thrice, the syllable(s) rolling off his tongue easily. Something about the way he said it made you feel giddy. You couldn’t place your finger on why– after all, people had been calling you [Y/N] since birth, so why were you feeling like this now?
   He paused. “What’s it like? Living in a real home with a real family.” You looked over at him as he stared wistfully up at the sky. It couldn’t be more than an hour past noon, based on the sun’s position.
   “Do you really not remember anything?”
   “No, not completely. None of us do, actually. The lot of us, we only remember random snippets of anything. Donghyuck, he remembers his mother and how she wanted a cheque book, whatever that is. He wants to buy her one,” he smiled sadly, “if we can ever leave this place. And Jeno, he says he can remember lots. Like how everyone lives in these big houses and how it only ever rains once in a ‘blue moon.’” You raised a brow at the fibs, curious as how he came to even think of those.
   “Mark remembers,” he stopped, trying to remember what exactly Mark remembered. “He remembers painting! Yes, painting.” Chenle started to laugh, the noise sounding like heavenly bells to your ears. Something about the boy next to you was calming, soothing even. “We tried painting once. It didn’t look to good and I don’t think we were supposed to run berries against stone tablets, but it was great fun.”
   “Jisung, he remembers writing. He’s not sure where or why, but he can remember bringing pen to parchment and just letting ink flow.” He chuckled, “That’s what he always says. ‘The ink just flows from the pen, just like that!’” A smile came to your lips at how fond Chenle seemed of the others. “Respectively, Renjun remembers reading. He can faintly recall the tale of a dragon, a knight, and a royal stuck high up in the sky.”
   Turning to you, Chenle hummed. “Do you think that’s what we are? People stuck in the sky?” After hearing himself talk out loud, a light pink hue took over his otherwise light skin. “Ah,” he mumbled, scratching the back of his neck in an embarrassed laugh. “That doesn’t make any sense, does it? Never mind.”
   You smiled, petting Wren gently as she began to fall asleep, a half eaten mango laying on the ground next to your leg. “No, no. It makes sense. In a way, we really are just people trapped up in the sky. After all, I had to fly to get here.” You glanced over at him curiously, your gaze catching his eye almost instantly. “What about you, Chenle? What do you remember?”
   A frown took place of his easy smile. “I’m– I don’t remember a thing about the past.” Your expression dropped. Chenle had sounded so dejected, so miserable over the fact that he couldn’t remember anything. “I don’t get it; the others remember things. Why don’t I?” His voice cracked, as though the topic of his memory wasn’t something he liked talking about.
   Slowly, you moved in front of Chenle, gently placing Wren on the ground. He watched you curiously as you shifted. Leaning forward, you wrapped your arms around him in a gentle hug. Chenle stared over your back in shock– he could’ve sworn his heartbeat was loud enough for you to hear in such proximity. Then, inch by inch, Chenle raised his own arms before hanging them over the small of your back. Soon enough, he was bring you closer, reciprocating the hug happily.
   The feeling was so unknown to the both of you. You never received hugs, at least, not since Mr Howard’s death. Chenle, on the other hand, couldn’t remember if he had ever been hugged. The warmth, the contact, all of it was so odd to the two of you and yet neither of you wanted to move. Chenle buried his face into the crook of your neck, something that felt oh-so natural to him. “Thank you,” he whispered, his voice sending slight shivers down your spine. You pulled away slightly, smiling at him.
   Before another word could be uttered, Donghyuck started yelling, effectively gaining your attention. “Come here,” he called, “no– not you, Chenle–”
   You chuckled, standing up. Brushing your pants off, you looked down at Chenle, who had gone to play with Wren. “I’ll be right back,” you said. Then, out of habit, “goodbye.”
   You could barely take a simple step before Chenle was moving to grab your wrist. You let in a sudden breath, not expecting the sudden movement, nor his hand that was now clasped around your wrist. Chenle looked somewhat embarrassed as his eyes travelled to your wrist. He coughed, fumbling with himself as he cleared his throat. “Sorry about that but,” he looked away for a moment before looking you in the eyes, “don’t say goodbye, okay? At least not to m– not to us. Goodbye means going away and going away means forgetting.” He frowned, “I don’t want you to forget us.”
   You smiled, moving your hand so that it lay in his. “Don’t worry, Chenle. I won’t forget you guys– I don’t think I could even if I tried.”
   When you walked off, Chenle watched. Your words rang in his head, echoing effortlessly.
   You reminded him of something, though he didn’t know what.
   “Did you need anything?” you asked once you reached the group. At first, they said nothing and just laughed amongst themselves. You waited patiently, hoops of confusion swirling around your head.
   Eventually, Renjun spoke up. “You and Chenle are getting cozy over there,” he commented, faking nonchalance. Your cheeks burned. Only then did you realize that all five of them could easily see the small exchange you just had with the aforementioned Lost Boy.
   “I bet he knows your name too,” Jeno sang with a chuckle.
   Mark and Donghyuck laughed in unison, glancing over at Jeno. “You say that like knowing a name is scandalous,” said Mark. Donghyuck looked to you.
   “Speaking of, what is your name?”
   You barely had time to introduce yourself before all of you hear a familiar noise.
   The boys’ eyes widened, each of them standing stiffly. You froze, unaware of what consequences the boys feared. The hairs on the back of your neck stood stiffly straight as the rest of your body shook. A familiar glow, a shimmer even, appeared right above Mark. It was the same glow you had seen back in your room.
   “… his faerie, Yuta…”
   You’ve been found.
   Suddenly, Yuta’s faerie dust began to fall, fluttering over Mark’s head. Before any of you could reach out and grab him, he began to rise, and he rose much faster than you had before. “Mark–!”
   It was too late, Yuta’s glow disappeared and Mark was flying seemingly out of control to sea. Chenle came running, Wren hanging off of his shoulder. “Yuta?” he asked urgently, his eyes not leaving the screaming form of Mark. Jeno merely nodded, looking incredibly distraught.
   Jisung let out a shaky breath, tears lining his eyes. “Do you think Taeyong’s going to,” he stopped himself short, shaking his head fervently. Jeno brought the younger male into a hug to mask his own tears. The boys had experience this three times now and none of them were mentally prepared.
   “We have to get him before Taeyong can do anything,” Donghyuck stammered, staring down at his own shaking hands in fear. He turned to you and only then did you see his glossy eyes. Looking around, you could see that all of them were on the verge of tears in their panic. “Please, [Y/N], help us. We’ve already lost two Lost Boys– none of us can handle a third.”
   You nodded, shaken up yourself after witnessing the absolute terror in Mark’s expression as he realized what was happening. “Of course,” you stuttered, “I don’t know what I’ll do, but I’ll try to be as helpful as possible.”
   Without another word, the six of you began your trek through the thick vegetation of the forest. The only noise being the sound of branches and leaves crinkling beneath your running feet and the breathing of each and every one of you. Once again, Foreverland seemed eerily quiet to you. It’s lack of audibility disturbed you to no end. It gave the, otherwise beautiful, island a creepy vibe and you did not like it. Not one bit.
   No one spoke as you each ran, too focused on their thoughts. You knew even without them telling you what they were all thinking. Though you didn’t know the details about their friends, you knew they hall thought Mark would have a similar fate.
   You looked up, looking at the backs of each of the Lost Boys– at least, the boys that remained. You had only met them that day yet you felt emotionally attached. They were so kind, far kinder than anyone else whom you’ve ever met– from both Foreverland and London.
   Your eyes fell upon the first Lost Boy you had met. Chenle’s face of determination pushed you. It pushed you to keep going even though all you wanted to do was give up and weep. It surprised you, how much influence the boy had over you without even trying.
   You thought back to the conversation you had at the waterfall, then to the pen Taeyong had used to create a portal.
   Yes, you decided. I’ll do it. I’ll make sure these Lost Boys are finally found. You swallowed thickly. If anything bad happened to them solely because of you, you don’t know how you’d live with the guilt.
   Soon enough, daylight began to break through the gaps in between the trees thick branches until the six of you reached the beach. The sky was turning orange, tendrils of warm colours galore painting themselves over the soft, baby blue of the sky. Clouds cast shadows here and there, leaving their temporary mark on the world. To you, the world’s beauty was unfair.
   How could the sun set, the sky turn and the wind blow like usual when someone could meet an undesirable fate?
   “Look!” Renjun pointed outward, out to sea. Your gaze followed his finger out above the cool water, until it struck upon the side of a ship. You had looked just in time to see Mark drop onto the deck. “That’s Captain Johnny’s ship!”
   Chenle narrowed his eyes, focusing on the ship. Then, he let out a gasp. “On the stern, that’s–”
   Suddenly, you could no longer hear Chenle, or any of the other Lost Boys. All you could hear was bells. A dark blue dust fell upon you and without realizing, you started getting closer and closer to the ship. The Lost Boys, they called after you, desperately calling your name, but you had no control of your body– not your head, not your mouth, nothing. You felt as though you were in a daze.
   You blinked. From the corner of your eye, you could see a blue glow flitting back and forth. Yuta. You tried to move your arm, but it felt as though they were tied to your body with the strongest, most durable rope in existence.
   Straining every muscle in your arm, you willed yourself to break those invisible ropes. Moving as quickly as your injury would allow you, you hastily grabbed at Yuta. You felt him struggle against your curled fingers as you pressed him into the skin of your palm. However without Yuta controlling the faerie dust, you quickly began to plummet. You let out a scream, screwing your eyes shut. Despite everything that had happened, you found yourself repeating Taeyong’s words like a mantra.
   Just close your eyes and wish to fly.
   You opened your eyes just barely. A sigh of relief left you once you realized you were hovering mere inches above the water.
   “You’ve mastered flying in such a short time. I’m impressed,” a condescending voice said from above. You looked up and saw Taeyong floating, hovering as though he were lying down on a chesterfield bored out of his mind.
   “Pan,” you muttered disdainfully. You glowered as he came closer, to which you flew back a few metres. You could practically feel Yuta trying to shove his way passed your fingers, but you weren’t willing to let him go whilst under his faerie dust’s control.
   Taeyong chuckled, though you could tell he was anything but amused. “Pan? Why, [Y/N], you sound so distant with little ol’ Taeyong. I’m hurt.”
   “Stop acting as if you’ve done nothing.”
   “Oh, but [Y/N]. You see, the thing is– I haven’t done as much as lifting a finger since you’ve arrived in Foreverland.”
   “Bull. You had Yuta tell Chenle to shoot me and you watched as I fell to what could’ve been my death. You’ve taken Mark onto that bloody boat to do who knows what.”
   Taeyong grinned down at you, his constant look of amusement infuriated you to no end.
   Before you could say much else, Taeyong looked back onto the boat. Up on the starboard appeared a pirate, one with a hook as a hand and an eyepatch over his right eye. “John,” Taeyong started, “get them.” ‘John,’ who you assumed was Captain Johnny, nodded and disappeared for but a moment. Not too long after, men of all sizes and ages appeared onboard, each clambering into row boats that were then ejected to sea. You turned around in your spot with wide eyes, watching as they rowed toward shore.
   The Lost Boys!
   You moved to stop the boats from getting any further, but Taeyong was quick to grab your arm, pulling you flush against his chest. “You get to watch,” he murmured into your ear, “as they bring your little friends onboard.” He chuckled. “Though you may not want to see what happens next,” he clicked his tongue, as he dragged a finger over your throat. “Not that you’ll have a choice.”
   “Bastard,” you spat, “why’re you doing this? They’re just boys!”
   Taeyong chuckled, flying back onto the ship and bring you with him. “Why?” he repeated, roughly forcing your hand open. Within seconds, Yuta clumsily fluttered up onto Taeyong’s shoulder, gasping for air as he clutched his bent wing. “Why. What an interesting question.” With the single wave of a hand, Taeyong managed to push you against a wooden post, trapping you against it. Only then did you notice the blue shimmering on his hand that only shone against the fleeting rays of light.
   “I can’t think of any reasons why I should grow old, shrivel up, and die. If I do, what were my accomplishments for? My memories?” He rambled, talking as though what he spoke was common sense. “Even after being twenty-two for ten years, I will never grow sick of not growing. I hated growing up, and now I don’t have to.”
   You furrowed your brows together in confusion. Your mind tried to grasp onto frayed ends of his speech to no avail. Upon laying eyes on your confused expression, Taeyong threw his head back in a deep, bellowing laugh. He sounded completely insane. “You still don’t get it, do you sweets?” Beside him, Yuta’s bells tinkled as he quietly mocked you. “Here, in Foreverland, each day that passes takes a year off of your lifespan. But I, the oh-so wonderful, the ever so amazing Pan– have found a way to keep myself young. To live for years upon years.”
   Two boys walked out from the room under the stern. Their eyes were hazy, their skin pale as crisp, new parchment paper. They looked soulless. One of the boys, the shorter one, had a ripped sleeve. The cloth, you noted, had a familiar pattern. “All I have to do, is take.” With his final word, Taeyong reached into the same sack that he had taken out before. Instead of taking on a pen, he took out a clear flask containing an almost murky gray liquid. Within the liquid were strange, black blobs. The longer you stared at them, the clearer an image came.
   Screaming souls.
   In that moment, your heart dropped. Your eyes darted to the sea, where five rowboats were on their way back to the ship. In that single moment, you realized what Taeyong had done to the two Lost Boys and what he was going to do to the rest of them.
   You screamed, yelled for the Lost Boys to escape. To swim away, to hide deep within the forest of Foreverland. Taeyong grew more and more irritated with every sound that came from your throat, muffling your voice with the palm of his hand.
   Why hadn’t they listened?
   As the pirates began to flood the deck of the ship, you realized why. One by one, burly pirates climbed up the ship’s edge, each heaving an unconscious body over their shoulders. You struggled against Taeyong’s magic and his hand, but with no luck.
   Then, everything went black as Taeyong forcefully hit your head against the post.
   “… -joy the show, boys.”
   When you came to, you were tied to the post. You gasped at what you saw before you.
   The Lost Boys, all six of them stood in a line. Behind them were the same burly pirates who had carried them onboard. Each pirate had their hand to the hilt of their swords. You could tell the boys had been crying, their eyes red and puffy. Crying. As you glanced at each of them, that’s all you wanted to do. You felt weak under the scrutinizing glare of the pirates.
   You struggled to breath. Fear encased you like a prison trapping its prisoner. But, with the touch of a familiar paw, your vision cleared. Your breathing steadied.
   Taeyong came into view, tossing the flask back and forth between his hands. Both you and the boys watched him warily as he stepped in front of you. You noticed the boys turning away, but it didn’t take long for the pirates to redirect their gaze, forcefully keeping their heads pointing toward you.
   Taeyong brought the flask up to your lips. Immediately, you clamped your mouth shut and turned your head. He tried again. You did the same. The more you moved and refused to drink from the flask, Taeyong grew annoyed. “Drink it, dammit,” he spat, his strident voice making you flinch.
   “I’ll never drink it,” you glowered, “not while they’re still in Foreverland.”
   The boys’ eyes widened. Chenle moved forward, only to be held back by the pirate behind him. “[Y/N], what are you doing–”
   Ignoring Chenle, you looked Taeyong in the eye. “You want to live longer right? You already have their lives,” you nodded your head toward the two lifeless Lost Boys. “That’s plenty already.” You sounded desperate. “I’ve only been in Foreverland for a day. Them? Weeks. My lifespan is definitely longer than theirs, maybe even combined. You want my soul? Let them go. Bring them back to earth– let them be found.”
   Now, the Lost Boys struggled more and more against the pirates, their voices muffled. Taeyong, too obsessed with the concept of a longer life to think properly, looked as though he were weighing his options. Without hesitation, he took the pen from his sack and drew a portal. “Free them,” he ordered the pirates. The group looked at each other, unsure of whether or not they wanted to follow his orders. “Free them!” he repeated, seeing red.
   You gulped. Taeyong wasn’t in the right state of mind, that was obvious enough. You looked up at the Lost Boys, almost immediately meeting the teary eyes of Chenle. Your lips moved, mouthing a goodbye, but he beat you to it.
   “Don’t say it,” he whispered, smiling painfully.
   “Don’t say goodbye, okay? At least not to m– not to us. Goodbye means going away and going away means forgetting.” He frowned, “I don’t want you to forget us.”
   You smiled, moving your hand so that it lay in his. “Don’t worry, Chenle. I won’t forget you guys– I don’t think I could even if I tried.”
   With that, the last you saw of him was one last fleeting smile before he was pushed through the portal, back to earth.
   Then, you met eyes with Taeyong, who was in the midst of turning back to you. He held the flask to your mouth again, only to wheeze in pain once your foot came in contact with his stomach. He dropped the vial, the murky liquid spilling everywhere. The sounds of the screaming souls almost deafened every being on the ship, momentarily distracting them. You tugged hard at the almost broken down ropes that trapped you, covering your ears as you ran away from the post. You glanced back, finding Wren scampering toward you. Picking her up in your arms, your eyes darted from left to right in search of Taeyong’s pen. The portal the Lost Boys had gone through had disappeared into thin air mere seconds after Chenle entered. Finally, you saw it. It had rolled near the foot of the tallest pirate– Captain Johnny.
   He must’ve noticed your gaze, because he was quick to reach for it. However, not fast enough. A force sent him backwards, one that you weren’t expecting. One of the soulless Lost Boys had tackled him before kicking the pen in your direction. The other Lost Boy fended off pirates that neared you. The flask. Their souls, they must’ve returned to their original hosts!
   Wasting no time, you took hold of the pen and drew an oval just as you had seen Taeyong do. Without thinking, you jumped in, taking the pen with you.
2017, Seoul
   Chenle awoke with a start. He bolted upright, panting. He had broken out into a cold sweat, something Renjun noticed right away upon entering the bedroom. “Did you have a nightmare?” he asked, playing with the strings of the hoodie he wore. Chenle merely shook his head. “We couldn’t wake you up earlier. We’re going soon, so I suggest you get changed.”
   “Going? Going where?”
   Renjun chuckled at the boy’s memory– “To the zoo, Lele. You know, the one you’ve been rearing to visit since our manager said we could go?”
   Chenle made a noise of recognition, smiling at Renjun sheepishly. “Right, right. I remember,” he laughed as he spoke, ruffling his messy chestnut brown hair. “I’ll be ready soon.” Renjun nodded. He took one more worried glance at the still frazzled Chenle before leaving the room to let him change.
   Chenle ran a hand through his hair, sighing. “Weird dream,” he mumbled to himself before kicking off the covers. His mind conjured up an image of the stranger, [Y/N]. He couldn’t remember even meeting a [Y/N] and that left him with questions.
   Shaking his head, he bounced off of bed and got ready.
   At the zoo, Chenle grinned up at all of the enclosures. The rest of NCT Dream could barely keep up with his bubbly attitude and his rush to see the next exhibit. In truth, Chenle hadn’t been able to visit a zoo in a long while, and he always liked seeing the animals. “Wait up, Chenle,” called their manager as he trudged after the energetic group. Jaemin, who walked alongside the man, laughed. He himself looked on, watching with keen interest as his members rushed from one cage to another in an attempt in catching up with Chenle.
   Finally, Chenle had stumbled across the one exhibit he was most excited for. The others hadn’t yet caught up with him, still two or three enclosures down. After his odd dream, he hoped there would be an exhibit for pandas. To his luck, there were three pandas left– a small family that had grown within the enclosure.
   He stared at them, passed the glass with rounded eyes. He watched as they interacted with one another, their actions reminding him of the numerous families he had seen along the way. Then, one of the pandas, the mother he assumed, seemed to look at him. He blinked, small, quiet noises of awe escaping his mouth as the panda drew near. He laughed in astonishment when the panda sat down in front of the glass, placing her large paws on the smooth surface.
   “She’s cute, isn’t she?”
   Chenle jumped, having not heard anyone walk down the hallway. He turned and saw a person wearing a cap and a mask standing a little ways away from him. Slowly, he nodded. “Very,” he agreed.
   The stranger smiled from beneath their mask. “Her name’s Wren. She was found outside the zoo a few years ago. Odd, considering we’re in the city.”
   Chenle frowned, turning to look at the giant panda. Her paws still pressed against the glass, as if she suddenly longed for freedom.
   He looked back at the stranger, only to stop short. The stranger had taken off their mask to reveal their smile.
sO fOrCeD– i hope!! you all enjoyed this 10.2k worth of messy trash :) (esp u chenle’s wife ily i hope ur bday goes great !!!!)
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wetrumpfeed · 5 years
Election update: Trump Rally Tonight Edition! A quick election update for Kentucky and Pennsylvania!
Hello! I'm V_M and here are the upcoming elections this week! Tuesday May 21, 2019!
All polls for Kentucky open 5:00 A.M. Central Time and Close 5:00 P.M. Central Time! So get there early, bring family and friends, and VOTE! VOTE! VOTE!
Remember Complacency is Sin!
Great websites to use vote smart elections, us elections, and ourcampaign!
Important Information Regarding 2020!
Engage the Right
Election Countdown
IMPERATIVE: BECOME A POLL WATCHER(check your state for more information!)
Kentucky, Governor and Lieutenant Governor Republican Primary!
The surrounding areas includes Kentucky!
The candidates are Incumbent Matt Bevin & Ralph Alvarado
“Matt Bevin was elected the 62nd Governor of the Commonwealth of Kentucky in 2015. He is a husband, father of nine children, veteran and successful small business owner."
“Bevin Designated more than 1.2 billion to shore up shortfalls in Kentucky Employees Retirement System and the Kentucky Teacher's Retirement."
"Governor Bevin successfully launched the Red Tape Reduction Initiative, designed to cut through the “red tape” of excessive and complex regulatory burdens.”
"Alvarado already had built a career as a physician. He did his residency at the University of Kentucky. As a public official, his work has included a focus on issues that affect the medical industry and public health. For example, he has been pushing for legislation that bans the use of tobacco products on the grounds of public schools."
and Robert Goforth with his LG Mike Hogan
"Robert grew up in poverty, enlisted in the U.S. Army when he became of age, and served as a combat engineer. Robert put himself through college at the University of Kentucky, and graduated from pharmacy school, becoming a Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm.D.). "As a pharmacist and business owner, Robert knows all about self-reliance, hard work, and what it takes to accomplish goals. He’s a proven job creator." "Robert built his businesses from the ground up, building his pharmacies in Southeast Kentucky up from zero to multimillion dollars in annual revenues. Robert created over 30 jobs in his businesses for people in our region." "Robert is committed to a people-first agenda that values working families, small business owners, and seniors."
"Mike Hogan is a native son of Lawrence County in northeastern Kentucky. Mike and his brother were raised by a single mother in humble circumstances. Mike learned discipline and leadership after he joined the U.S. Army. Thanks to the Good Lord, a great mom, and the G.I. Bill, Mike became the first generation in his family to graduate college and later law school.
Summary from users on the Kentucky race! Thanks for your valuables inputs on the elections! Full Credit goes to these users!
u/cl1ft >I'm afraid the teachers union in Kentucky has convinced many Kentuckians that Bevin is awful even though he is the only governor in ages with enough balls to get something done in this state and attempt to fund the pension and right some budgetary wrongs (no matter how painful). A lot of Kentuckians are registered Democrat but vote conservative, but very easily swayed by the state media. Most people don't understand that Dems have run this state into the ground for 100 years. It doesn't help that this state deems him an outsider... even a carpetbagger. He really isn't the smoothest politician. I look at this as a good thing, but most people aren't pragmatic enough to understand the difference between politicians (liars) and regular folks who speak what they think. u/UnitedSaltMineWorker >I’ve been telling people that on here for the last year and get labeled a shill. Robert Goforth is the only hope of maintaining a Republican governorship in 2020. The dems don’t have any ammo to use against him, their entire scheme goes belly up if Goforth wins the primary. It’s also time to oust Beshears and Grimes. They have been destroying our state for long enough, and Grimes is a key player in the dems election fixing schemes. I really wish someone could get word to President Trump to stop blindly backing Bevin via Pence. If Beashears or Edalin become governor our open carry is gone, hunting will be over regulated, and coal mining and manufacturing is doomed. I work closely with local offices, and the dem establishment want eastern KY bankrupt. Their goal after 2020 is to put a planned parenthood in the Hazard area, and remove gun rights. Any McGrath was a test to see what they could pull off, and it nearly worked.
Bevin does not stand a chance! People are done with him. Rob seems like a genuine good guy, give him a shot of upset!
Additional Sources:
KY News KY News
Kentucky, Attorney General Republican Primary!
The surrounding areas includes Kentucky!
The candidates are Daniel Cameron and Will Schroder
Daniel grew up in Hardin County, Kentucky. He graduated from John Hardin High School in 2004. He attended undergrad at the University of Louisville. While there, he was a member of the football team and a McConnell Scholar..
Daniel Cameron's professional career has consisted of serving as a law clerk to the Honorable Gregory Van Tatenhove, a United States District Court Judge for the Eastern District of Kentucky; private practice at Stites & Harbison in Louisville, Kentucky; service as Mitch McConnell’s legal counsel in Washington, D.C.; and a return to private practice at Frost Brown Todd in Louisville, where he’s been since June 2017.
"Will Schroder Prior to his time in the State Senate, Wil served as a felony prosecutor in the Campbell County Commonwealth’s Attorney’s office. In that role, Wil represented the Commonwealth of Kentucky and the people of Campbell County in hundreds of felony cases and worked closely with law enforcement and crime victims."
"Wil resides in Campbell County and is a lifelong Kentucky resident. He is the son of the late Kentucky Supreme Court Justice Wil Schroder and Nancy Schroder, both victims of cancer. Wil is married to his high school sweetheart, Marci. "
The two are members of the Next Chapter Church in Wilder where they served in various leadership capacities and where Wil occasionally plays guitar in the worship band. Wil and Marci are the proud parents of two children, Grace and Trey, who serve as constant reminders of what is at stake for Kentucky’s future."
Additional Sources:
Kentucky Secretary of State!
The surrounding areas includes Kentucky!
The candidates are Michael Adams
Since 2007, Michael has represented the Republican Governors Association, one of the nation’s foremost political organizations, ensuring compliance with campaign-finance, ethics and pay-to-play laws, and guiding the RGA’s efforts to elect Republican governors nationwide. "
"He has represented numerous congressional and gubernatorial campaigns and outside groups in races across the country, and currently is legal counsel to Great America Committee, Vice President Mike Pence’s Leadership PAC."
Andrew English
"Prior to his appointment, Andrew served in the United States Navy JAG Corps, deploying to the Persian Gulf with Amphibious Squadron 8 and the 24th Marine Expeditionary Unit onboard the USS Iwo Jima and eventually becoming lead prosecutor at the Washington Navy Yard."
"Andrew English most recently served as General Counsel of the Justice and Public Safety Cabinet for the State of Kentucky, appointed to the position by Governor Bevin and Secretary Tilley."
Steve Knipper
"Front runner candidate for 2019 Secretary of State. ~ Former Chief of Staff for Lt. Governor Jenean Hampton ~ Republican Nominee for Secretary of State: 2015"
Additional Sources:
Kentucky Politics
Pennsylvania State House 33 Special Election!
The surrounding areas are Hanover, Gettysburg, Chambersburg, Lurgan, Latimore, Arendtsville, Biglerville, Latimore, East Berlin, York Springs, and Shippensburg.
The candidates is Douglas Vincent Mastriano
"Doug was the lead planner for the invasion of Iraq by way of Turkey in 2003. He was Chief of Intelligence over the Afghanistan region,"
"An America First Policy means America is first priority. Our leaders must focus, first and foremost, on the issues that directly affect our lives. Your Second Amendment right must remain intact. It's time Americans have a voice that can be heard by our country's leadership. Doug can be that voice!"
"Over-regulation must be ended. Many working class citizens hold vocations in mining, farming and industry. They must be able to receive adequate wages that are not diminished due to government regulatory fees incurred by their employers or business owners. Obama Care must go."
Additional Sources:
(http://archive.is/nsYGT) (http://archive.is/10ikj)
Pennsylvania State House 11 Special Election!
The surrounding areas includes Butler, East Butler, Prospect, Chicora, Connoquenessing, and Karns City Saxonburg.
Rep Brian Ellis from Butler resigned in the midst of an ongoing sexual assault investigation
The candidates is Marci Mustello
“I am pro-life and I fully support the 2nd Amendment,” she said in a statement. “I will work to lower taxes and fight to bring our hard-earned tax dollars back to our district for infrastructure projects and to foster economic development. We need to work together to create more well-paying job opportunities here in Butler County and to ensure that our workforce gets the training they need for family-sustaining jobs.”
“I will work to lower taxes and fight to bring our hard-earned tax dollars back to our district for infrastructure projects and to foster economic development.”
Additional Sources:
Pennsylvania State House 12 Special Election!
The surrounding areas includes Potter, Tioga, Bradford, Susquehanna, Clinton, Lycoming, Wyoming, Sullivan, Centre, Synder, Union, Juanita, Northumberland, Mifflin, and Perry.
Keller was selected at his party's convention from a field of 14 candidates,
The candidates is Fred Keller
"Serving in his fifth consecutive term in the Pennsylvania House of Representatives, Fred Keller has a proven record of working hard to grow Pennsylvania's economy and attract jobs, standing up for taxpayers, promoting agriculture and tirelessly supporting local families and businesses.,"
"Keller’s service in the state legislature has been recognized by the American Conservative Union, Americans for Prosperity, the National Federation of Independent Business, the PA Chamber of Business and Industry, the PA Farm Bureau, fellow public officials (both Republicans and Democrats), educators, first responders, health care professionals, taxpayer advocates and many more.!"
Additional Sources:
*side note click on the link EU ban and 451 error!
Pennsylvania State House 41 Special Election!
The surrounding areas includes Armstrong, Butler, Indiana, and Westmoreland counties.
Incumbent resigned for health reasons.
The candidates is Joe Pittman
" is a candidate seeking election to the Pennsylvania State Senate to represent District 41. Pittman is running in the general special election on May 21, 201."
Jacksonville Republicans barely won, Inc. Tommy won his by 16%
Dan Bishop won with 47%, election in fall. Get out and vote against Mcready
I want to reiterate over and over again, Roy Moore is running again, don't let him win! Pick Bradley Byrne in the Alabama Primary Senate. The primary will be March 3rd, 2020!
November 5th, 2019 multiple statewide elections will be held in Kentucky, Mississippi, New Jersey, and Virginia!
Election Date! Election Candidate! Election District! Election Area! Tuesday, June 4, 2019 Jack Guerrero CA State Senate 33 - Special Election The surrounding areas includes Long Beach, Huntington Park, Cudahy, Bell Gardens Lynwood, Signal Hill, Sullivan, and Paramount Tuesday, June 11, 2019 Kevin Hughes Maine St. House 045 - Special Election The surrounding areas includes Gray and Cumberland. Tuesday, June 18, 2019 Jason Shoaf Florida State House 007 The surrounding areas includes St. Apalachicola, Port St. Joe, Bristol, Blountstown, Mayo, Wewahitchka, Monticello, Greenville, Altha, Crawfordville, Perry, Carrabelle, and Madison Tuesday, June 18, 2019 Randy Maggard Florida State House 038 The surrounding areas includes St. Leo, Dade City, and areas near Zephyr-Hills.
Remember to start registering yourself and at least three new people every ten days for the 2020 election! Thanks! MAGA 🔜KAG!
Please use these websites to keep up to date with election candidates, issues, ballot initiatives, election dates, and campaigns.
Keep the faith, work hard, and go to rallies (important to protect your identity though because of crazy NeverTrumpers) (NT)
Thanks once again to the beautiful people of the MAGA Movement! We love and cherish each and every one of you Deplorables'! 🐸🐸🐸
President Trump Accomplishments!
President Trump Donation Page
May you have a blessed rest of your day! God Bless You and God Bless the United States of America!💖🇺🇸😍💖😍🇺🇸💖
submitted by /u/Vernon_Mansae [link] [comments]
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