lockenhearted-blog · 6 years
Send me a drawing prompt | OPEN 💖- with another muse they have interacted with and like 
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Halier @winterfollows he looks very very pretty and i approve 
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Pascal @dragonagechef god bless cakes 
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Asher @seeker-trevelyan my bois are badass
+ one bonus whoops
💔- with another muse they have interacted with and dislike
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Esen @nekropolii(It’s kind of a principled dislike tho dw) 
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dwarfvader · 5 years
Tifa’s boobs look great. A little smaller but they look heavier which is much more important. And those abs.
This has been Dwarfvaders final fantasy 7 analysis
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koelns · 2 years
book challenge !!
found this though @hklnvgl and absolutely loved this so i thought i’d give it a try!
favorite book from this year: so far- a house of sky and breath.
ebooks, audio books or prints? in the past i was always one hundred percent prints because of literally a plethora of things. the smell of a new book, turning the pages, being able to decorate bookshelves, having another excuse to go to barnes and nobles... now though, i think i’m leaning more towards ebooks because they’re so much more convenient easier to keep with you. paper books get really difficult to lug around during moves and with ebooks you can adjust the page color, font size, and other things to make it really personalized. 
top five of all times:
oh my goodness what? okay so this is illegal to ask of a book reader but if i had to say, my top fives would be.
we are liars by e. lockeart
house of earth and blood by sarah j. maas
fallen by lauren kate
savvy by ingrid law
matched by ally condie
faves for:
sci-fi: the lunar chronicles by marissa meyer most definitleyyy
contemporary/romance: it ends with us by colleen hoover
historical fiction: a night divided by jennifer a. nielsen
fantasy: lore olympus by rachel smythe
queer: a song of achilles by madeline miller
top 3 book couples: 
this is also illegal to ask a book reader?!?! so many tricky questions gah-  okay, so there they are:
percy and anabeth from percy jackson and the olympians
noah and allie from the notebook
abigail and preston from collared
top 3 book characters:
okay. so this is going to be a tough one... first my baby cameron briel from the series fallen. though not a main character he went through so much development and i’m so proud of him. next is the one and only, lilah from lilah. she’s so incredibly spunky and bull headed like me. her story and development all while figuring out her love life? chefs kiss. last but certainly not least is ivy from kissed by an angel. she goes through loss and supernatural occurrences and just her emotional journey and everything tied with the plot- love her.
book(s) with potential that didn’t quite pull it off: yeah yeah i know that there’s a netflix adaption and it’s really neat and all but i could not get behind six of crows and or shadow and bone. it felt like every other fantasy story with certain bloodlines having magic some elemental and some solar. it was like a newer mix of a court of thorns and roses with throne of glass.
book(s) that got you through something: most definitely the percy jackson and the olympians series. i read that series while my home life wasn’t the best growing up and i still own all of uncle rick’s books. well- maybe not the demigod files but all of heroes of olympus, percy jackson and the olympians, the kane chronicles, and the magnus chase series.
book(s) you’d recommend: omg so i know everyone knows about a court of thorns and roses and throne of glass but sarah surely hit the ball out of the park with house of earth and blood aka crescent city. it’s such good world building and without a doubt one of the most beautifully intricate books i have ever read. she ties in murder mystery, romance, fantasy, action, and so many other genres it’s crazy. i’ll recommend this series any day. i just actually bought the sequel!
a genre you want a book recommended from: honestly anything and everything! feel free to dm me with books you feel passionate about or want to share. muah.
alright! that just about wraps this up. i’ve linked the books with links to their barnes and noble or amazon pages so feel free to check these out! 
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nimbostrxtus · 3 years
Arranged Marriage au for @starlightbrawler​
The skies were clear for flying as an airship adorned with silver sliced through the clouds, carrying the banner of a grey wolf, the symbol of the House of Strife. On the deck stood a young man leaning over the railing and glaring down at the vast green valley below them. His stomach lurched and the blonde bent over the railing, shutting his eyes tightly as he waited for the nausea to pass.
"If you're going to be sick go lie down," a feminine voice advised. Opening one of his eyes the blonde weakly glared at the older woman beside him adorned in a beautiful dress.
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"I'm fine, mother." the young prince growled as he clutched at his stomach. "I wish you'd let me take Fenrir instead."
“You are not showing up to meet the Lockheart family in your riding uniform.” Queen Claudia tut disapprovingly. "Come, perhaps taking your mind off the view will help distract you."
The prince barely put up any resistance as the Queen led him by the hand to the lounge room where he turned down the butler's offer for a drink and flopped on the nearby sofa, his mother taking a seat in the armchair beside him.
"Something is troubling you and it's not just the motion sickness," she said as she watched her only heir bury his face into an embroidered cushion. "Are you nervous about meeting Princess Tifa?"
“Barely,” he huffed but he Queen was not easily fooled. “King Lockheart doesn't even like me and I haven’t seen his daughter since we were kids."
“And whose fault is that?” his mother frowned. “You can’t complain about marrying a stranger when you had until her 21st birthday to get to know her Cloud. Your engagement was announced when you were both fourteen, that was seven years ago. You're lucky I even managed to secure this union in the first place. King Shinra has been eyeing Lockheart's land for years now and was waiting for the opportune moment to announce his intentions for Princess Tifa to marry his son, Prince Rufus instead. The Shinras have more wealth and resources than our kingdom Cloud, a union between our families will both protect our territories and prevent a potential invasion from the Shinra Empire.”
"I know, I know," the prince groaned and turned to glare out of the balcony window. Truthfully, the young prince had no excuse for staying away from Lockhearts for so long. He had met the royal princess a handful of times during their youth, she seemed pleasant enough and was Cloud's only friend at the time, but as dark magic spread across the land and the kingdoms grew divided, Prince Cloud was kept within the Strife boarders for his own protection, and after learning about his eventual marriage to Princess Tifa of Lockheart, he flat out refused to go see her at public meetings, choosing instead to pretend the girl never existed.
A knock on the door distracted him and an older man in the royal airforce uniform stepped into the room with his pilot hat covering his greying blonde hair. "Your Highness, we'll be preparing to dock in thirty minutes," announced Pilot Highwind.
"Very good," his mother nodded and rose from her seat. "Cloud make yourself presentable and join me in the landing bay when you're ready."
With a huff, Cloud rolled off the sofa and dragged his sorry ass to his room where he splashed some water on his face and made an attempt to tame the spikes that passed off for hair. No matter how hard he tried though he couldn't get them to lay flat, so he settled for making it look as stylish as possible before tying his black ceremonial side cloak over his left shoulder and secured the Strife emblem to his uniform, a grey wolf holding a ring in its mouth.
The Highwind already landed on the docking pad when he finally made it to the landing bay where the royal guards and servant were lines up for their entrance. Cloud easily spotted his bodyguard standing at attention behind the Queen, his spiky black hair and overly large sword visible from over a mile away. Cloud slipped in place beside his mother, standing on her right side, who in turn squeezed his hand reassuringly just as the doors opened and sunlight spilled into the room.
Cloud had not been expecting much fanfare upon their arrival, considering the wedding was still a few weeks away, but this was the Princess's birthday after all and the fact her elusive fiance had finally graced her with his presence was probably something to be excited about. Steeling his composure, Prince Cloud made sure to stay one step behind his mother as they were escorted off the Highwind and walking across a red carpet to meet their guests for the next month.
"Wow, you didn't tell me she was beautiful," Zack whispered into his ear as they approached the Lockheart family. Cloud wouldn't know because he was doing his best to face forward while avoiding eye contact with everyone around him. He hadn't seen the Princess since she was a child, how different could she be?
"King Lockeart, it is good to see you again," his mother greeted courteously with a grace he could only one hope to one day possess. "Princess Tifa you have grown into such a strong and beautiful young woman since we last met. I'm sure you will lead your people into a bright future. You remember my son Prince Cloud."
Holding his breath, Cloud froze and almost didn't step forward if not for Zack lightly pushing him forward with a hand to his back.
"King Lockheart, Princess Tifa," he bowed respectfully and reciting the speech his advisor wrote beforehand. "It is an honour to be here on this momentous day and to celebrate the union of our lands. Happy birthday, Princess..." All words left Cloud as he finally looked up and stared eye to eye with the most beautiful ruby eyes he had ever since. "...Tifa."
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squadical · 9 years
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requested by frances
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pikachu-potter · 11 years
Just woke up and my hand and arm were like Harry's after Professor Lockheart makes Harry lose all the bones there.
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lockenhearted-blog · 6 years
👔 draw ur boy bein fancy
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I commissioned my best friend (@Sidlaux – she has amazing art pls check her out) to help me out with his outfit and it’s coming along!! I’ll def be painting it when we’ve finalised the colours haha 
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lockenhearted-blog · 6 years
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Very quick sketch of Kellan for appearances’ sake.
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lockenhearted-blog · 6 years
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((ends up painting instead of doing what i should be doing oOPS)) 
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kentrl-z · 8 years
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based on : http://inaccuratewarriorsquotes.tumblr.com/post/137520039808/sandstorm-see-this-this-is-my-i-dont-care
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kentrl-z · 9 years
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we gotta save petra we gotta
(lyinginbedmon’s minecraft story mode midnight stream was rly fun good stuff also petra must be sAVED)
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kentrl-z · 9 years
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super messy storyboards i did in a car
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