lockenhearted-blog · 6 years
wipes a tear, its beautiful. that art
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lockenhearted-blog · 6 years
Send me a drawing prompt | OPEN 💖- with another muse they have interacted with and like 
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Halier @winterfollows he looks very very pretty and i approve 
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Pascal @dragonagechef god bless cakes 
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Asher @seeker-trevelyan my bois are badass
+ one bonus whoops
💔- with another muse they have interacted with and dislike
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Esen @nekropolii(It’s kind of a principled dislike tho dw) 
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lockenhearted-blog · 6 years
👔 draw ur boy bein fancy
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I commissioned my best friend (@Sidlaux – she has amazing art pls check her out) to help me out with his outfit and it’s coming along!! I’ll def be painting it when we’ve finalised the colours haha 
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lockenhearted-blog · 6 years
Some drawing prompts for the roleplayer
Draw the muse with…
👩‍👧‍👦- mun with the muse 👔- in formal clothes 👗- with an outfit for a date 👚- in an everyday/casual outfit 🎒- as a student 👘- in a kimono/traditional outfit 👑- as royalty 🕶- with sunglasses 🦊- an animal 🦅- with wings 🐬- as a mermaid/man 🐉- as a dragon 💐- with a flower crown 🎖- as a character/species from another fandom 🎭- in cosplay/Halloween costume/disguise 🏝- in a vacation outfit ⚔️- as a class from a JRPG 🔑- in modern times 🏺- as a god/goddess 🎀- as a super hero/super heroine/magical girl 💖- with another muse they have interacted with and like 💔- with another muse they have interacted with and dislike ❤️- With an NPC they like 🖤- with an NPC they dislike
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lockenhearted-blog · 6 years
But Orlesians, former nobles whose pride has been dragged through the ground , their anger giving ripples of effect within the nobility-
“Like I said, we do not have the most bountiful of ingredients when it comes to baking. Or rather, this is still a military organisation yes? But perhaps if you were to supply the ingredients yourself. I would comply.”
“But would you prefer a cake? It is much simpler to bake and would be ready by dinner time if I start now.”
“Oh, that is no issue at all,” Kylian waves his hand, a dainty gesture. “I am already providing the Inquisition with supplies regularly -- whatever Sister Leliana demands at the time,” he says with a playful chuckle. His words somehow soften as he mentions the Nightingale. “I will simply have my seneschal include whatever you need in the next shipment. Just pass a list to my men before we depart. 
“A cake would be wonderful!” Kylian brings his hands together in a light clap. He dusts off one of the benches against the kitchen wall, before perching on it. “You do not mind if I stay and watch? The Fereldans do not know the delicate techniques necessary to fine dessert preparation.” He grins. “Perhaps I can keep you company as well?” 
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lockenhearted-blog · 6 years
((oh goodness i commissioned a friend for a design for Kylian’s court wear and she’s showed me a WIP and I am EXCITEDD it’s so very pretty)) 
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lockenhearted-blog · 6 years
Kylian let his expression fall, the downturn of his lips visible under his ancestral mask. An expression of childish petulance, cultivated from a very young age, so that he could get his parent’s servants in doing what he wanted. His old chef back in Churneau had been working for his family for more than thirty years, and Kylian had that lady wrapped around his finger.  “Truly? It would be a spectacular feat, no? I’ve never known any chef from my fair country to back down from a challenge. We are prideful people, wouldn’t you say?” 
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liked your post
“What am I doing with my life.  starter ca//”
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 “I apologize deeply. But we…cannot make such a complicated recipe with the ingredients we have.” Of course they can but that would take days. The giant biscuit tower was something he did not plan on doing, no matter how tempting it really is. Still it was just a curious question.  “May I suggest some biscuits with blue cheese? Or…something else?”
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lockenhearted-blog · 6 years
You’re an introspective person who’s content with their own company. But even though you’re introverted, you’re not a loner. People often seek you out for advice or even good conversation because you’re thoughtful and analytical, and you’re happy to help them out — in small doses.
Tagged by: @nekropolii (!!thanks!!)  Tagging: @winterfollows @seeker-trevelyan :DD 
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lockenhearted-blog · 6 years
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((ends up painting instead of doing what i should be doing oOPS)) 
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lockenhearted-blog · 6 years
"I'm in it for the aesthetic of pretty dresses. Clearly." (consider: sarcasm. also pretty dresses.)
While usually level headed enough to easily pick up tone and atmosphere, the sarcasm goes completely over Kylian’s head at the sight of the elf in draping silk. “Oh, that looks absolutely darling!” He gushes, probably getting too close into Halier’s personal space to feel the fine fabric between his fingers. “Is that the latest Givenchy design? I’ve been meaning to commission a dress from him for months, but his wait list is forever! Goodness, that’s royal sea silk! The iridescence is gorgeous! Oh, I adore that waistline; the bustling falls so nicely around your hips.” 
He spins the elf around by the shoulders in order to get a better look, before stopping as Halier faces him once more. Kylian breaks into a wide grin. “You really should dress like this more often.” 
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lockenhearted-blog · 6 years
send one for my muse's reaction!
“I can’t believe I’m apparently dead.” “There’s not even an emoji for juice boxes I feel cheated.” “I hope my older self comes and tries to murder me.“ “Self care is burning your feet because you didn’t bother to check how hot the water was.“ “I’m gonna die tonight at practice for sure.” “Wednesdays are cancelled.“ “I need sugar, I can’t stay conscious.” “All knights are valid!” “I’m dying I had three hours of sleep.” “I’m hurt I tried to stop at the cafe for something sweet and the sign said open but the door was locked.” “Would [Name] wake me up by just stabbing me?” “I wasn’t coherent when I woke up for some reason my first thought when I heard my alarm was “Caster will turn it off and let me sleep longer if I let it ring”. I don’t know who Caster is or why they’d be doing that but you know I’d appreciate it.” “The last thing I need right now is another gacha game.” “Prove the theory of conservation of energy wrong.” “[Name], I would slap you but that would ruin the sentimental mood.” “We don’t vore friends.” “Sleep is….. A myth.” “Can I get Takeuchi to pay me for advertising saber faces?” “[Name] can kill me however and whenever he wants and I’d thank him.” “Our entire practice consisted of shouting YEET.” “I’m in it for the aesthetic of pretty dresses.” “There’s nothing in particular to shame but have some shaming anyways.” “Your thirst knows no bounds.” “[Name] I would slap you, but that would ruin the sentimental mood.” “Spite is a very good motivation.” “I’m not stalking.” “If you do that I’m going to have to materialize next to you and stab you.” “ I can destroy myself and nothing more.  I’m on an extreme sugar crash right now already.” “I might be dead but still ready to shame you.” “We’re back to communism once more.” “I have no social skills anymore.” “I refuse to participate in your kink.” “I can’t believe it was communism all along. Maybe the true code was the communism we made along the way.” “I believe in the power of lots of candy and stress right about now ” “A sudden craving for doritos has woken me up.” “[Name], we’re fugitives now.” “[Name], what are you planning? That sounds ominous.” “…. [Name], I thought you were better than this.” “This is….. Ultimate relaxation. I’m warm and content. I just need to lie here for the rest of winter.” “I’ll officially become a cryptid.” “I’ll get a beetroot soon.” “This looks like supreme rick roll material.” “No! Not my weed farm!” “I can’t wait to see all of us die.”
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lockenhearted-blog · 6 years
I want to rp w someone that will be so invested in our ship/rp that we eventually become rp best friends and talk every day and not only talk abt our thread but abt our actual lives and all that fun stuff u know ?? is that just me ?? or ?????
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lockenhearted-blog · 6 years
Maker’s breath…the man was a warrior, no doubt about that. A loud one too. Asher couldn’t help but chuckle as he watched the dynamic of the situation change within a moment.
Ah, Orlesian’s…take them out of a palace and they’re as subtle as a boot to the face.
Watching Kylian fight was remarkable. The way he blocked, attacked, reset, adapted and then began again was nothing short of inspiring. Asher hadn’t met very many Chevalier’s in his travels, but the few he had worked alongside all appeared to have the same natural talent within battle. Perhaps it was simply an Orlesian thing. He was lucky, politics wasn’t a high concern for a Seeker, especially not one from the Free Marches, but he supposed there was little difference between the infamous ‘Game’ and a battlefield.
Staying quiet and approaching from his side, Asher wrapped his arm around the neck of one Templar and squeezed until he heard a crack before throwing his knife into the chest of another.
He stayed in the shadows and smirked at Kylian. Holding up one hand to show the number five and pointing to his chest, he bowed his head slightly before looking to the remaining creature.
“I’m going to assume you’ve got at least one more in you.”  
...Sneaky son of a bitch. So they were turning this into a competition now, eh? Two for him,  five for Asher... that wouldn't do...
Kylian kicks the remaining Red Templar in the knees, hard enough for a meaty crunch, sending him falling right into the point of his sword. He withdraws it with a spray of blood that he sidesteps, and the creature gurgles before falling over.
Underneath his helmet, Kylian's grin is fierce, the fight getting his adrenaline pumping. Asher's good humour was making this easy. He tips his head and brings up a hand in a mock salute.    
"Oh, absolutely," Kylian says. "I have to admit an appreciation towards your skills, though." He sweeps his sword out beside him with a sharp motion, flicking the blood off. "Certainly much cleaner."
Send a symbol for your muse to find mine…in a dangerous situation
The water was rising…and it was rising fast.
The cave-in had came out of seemingly nowhere. He hadn’t heard any of the tell tale signs that a natural collapse was going to happen: no groaning rock or cracks along the walls.
But then again, a massive explosion isn’t exactly a natural occurance.
Now his only escape route was a small hole in the roof of the cave, and the red Templars had clearly known of it. Two large wooden planks had been laid over the opening and from his position there was no way to get enough leverage to move them.
“You’ve had worse moments, Asher, calm your sen down.” He threw his weight against the planks as best he could as the water rose over his boots. “I mean…I think I have.”
He looked up through the gap between the boards and sighed.
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lockenhearted-blog · 6 years
He nods in agreement.
Keeping low behind the trees and moving to slightly higher ground, he notches an arrow and waits for one of the monsters to move away from the others. After a few minutes, the arrow is set loose and embeds itself in the targets neck. The body falls into the overgrowth as his weapon is once again loaded. He manages to repeat this twice more before the patrol patterns of the men left no longer allowed for the tactic.
Signalling to Kylian, he motions that he is going to move into the camp before drawing one of his knives and changing position.
Asher handles his weapons with the ease of long experience, and Kylian watches from his hidden position as his arrows fly straight and true, so swiftly dispatching three of their enemies. Kylian had suspected as much -- the way the seeker carried himself, he was used to working alone, and thus, was more than competant. But that doesn't stop him from feeling a swell of respect.
With the long-range weapon, it made sense for Asher to act first, and so Kylian was intent when he spies the seeker's gesture or moving in. Kylian braces himself, and enters from the other side of the clearing, drawing the attention of most of the Red Templars as he drives his sword through one's back.
He is thankful that Red Templars lacked so much humanity that his code of honour did not need to be upheld. No mercy did not need to be dispensed, as there was so little left capable of sparing. Kylian lets out a cry as he uses his shield to bash another monster's head in, turning to deal with the remaining ones. As the Red Templars closed in, none were aware enough to notice the Seeker. Kylian adjusts his stance, the Chevalier tactics drilled into his brain allowing to form rapid fire decisions on how to deal with the threats.
Send a symbol for your muse to find mine…in a dangerous situation
The water was rising…and it was rising fast.
The cave-in had came out of seemingly nowhere. He hadn’t heard any of the tell tale signs that a natural collapse was going to happen: no groaning rock or cracks along the walls.
But then again, a massive explosion isn’t exactly a natural occurance.
Now his only escape route was a small hole in the roof of the cave, and the red Templars had clearly known of it. Two large wooden planks had been laid over the opening and from his position there was no way to get enough leverage to move them.
“You’ve had worse moments, Asher, calm your sen down.” He threw his weight against the planks as best he could as the water rose over his boots. “I mean…I think I have.”
He looked up through the gap between the boards and sighed.
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lockenhearted-blog · 6 years
“More interesting peers?” Esen repeated in mock offense. He turned to the awaiting crowd that were perhaps far too drunk to be insulted, or they were just the right amount of drunk to keep themselves in their seats unless there was a call to action. “My, my, it seems that he does not know how to make friends.” He had the bar, that was certain. They ate up his words, responded to him in their cheers, agreement, and laughs that a true entertainer could produce. His father once told him that such charisma would make him a formidable politician.   Ah, but look at me now, father. Holding the ear of the degenerates! Still, he returned to the other and shook his head. It seemed this man did not quite understand the desire for adventure and what it brings in the long run. To see things in one’s own travels before coming back home, to your rock, to where you may rest your feet at the end of the day as you find nostalgia in all that you have witnessed abroad. To live with it all would be to take away that very special feeling one had when coming upon it. It would sully the mere idea. “This is my home,” Esen spoke simply with a smile upon his face. “I care naught for women, or men, that can warm my bed just for one lonely night. I care naught for the riches either. I love the thrill, the exploration, the ability to know things that many people do not because they are stuck on this same land for years and years. My friend, listen, everyone can be interesting in their own right. All you have to do is listen to their stories, either real or fake. Truthfully, the faker the better.” A loud roar of ‘HEAR-HEAR’ came up and Esen winked at the man with all the questions. As much as Esen is able to hold a crowd, the crowd is also able to forget quickly and go back to their games, their drinks, and their own private conversations the moment they know that the main event had filtered out. That was when Esen pulled up a chair and sat near the other man. Call him interested, it was the theme of the night, was it not? “Tell me, who are you? You do not look like you have been in Nevarra for long.“
Kylian had to force himself to breathe evenly as the other man talked. Chevalier training dealt more with the body, pushing physical limits. He could hold his breath in freezing water. He could pace his breathing after a fifty kilometre run. But this, the thrill of the Game that came from working so intimately with people, using people... he didn't think he could ever get used to it.
Perfect, is all Kylian can think to himself, as he is approached by the very man he sought out.
Growing up in Orlais, you learn to tell the genuine smiles from the fake ones, if only by sheer rarity. And, surprisingly, the smile the other man wore as he talked about his purpose was sincere. So now, Kylian not only had his interest... but his motivations.
"You can call me Kell," Kylian said, unable to lie. He held out a hand for him to clasp in greeting, a force of habit.
After that action, he practically contradicts himself, "I am not here to make friends." Push hard enough to keep his attention... keep him on his toes... "Though, I do have an offer that you may find intriguing."
Kylian then tried to give a foxy grin, but the stress of the events leading up to this has been hard. He has to lean back in his chair, steepling his fingers together at the right angle to mask his misstep. "For you are the notorious pirate king of the Waking Sea, no? You may find what I have to say concerning."
His Home, he says. Had he not been on the other side of the war front, Kylian would have liked this man. As it was, home meant something to protect. Home meant a story to tell, extravagant and magnificent, after saving the day. Thus, the threat of danger served as perfectly good incentive.
And if his half-truths only served to further his own goal...
Well, then Kylian only had himself to hate.      
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lockenhearted-blog · 6 years
((i just realised that in all my rps so far i keep going back to "oh in chevalier training they did this" but i swear to god patrick weekes did that with gaspard and michel first that was like half the book of masked empire))
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lockenhearted-blog · 6 years
Bounding up the steepening path and over a series of boulders, Asher couldn’t have been more happy to be wearing leather armour. What it lacked in protection it more than made up for in flexibility and manoeuvrability. This wasn’t the only route he saw, it just happened to be the most direct. He liked direct. As the path led them into the darkening woods, the tracks grew in number. They were getting close. He was almost startled by the voice…that’s when he remembered the poor Chevalier following him. He kept his voice low but couldn’t completely hide the humour in it. “Maker, I’m so sorry…I’d forgotten you were there.” He laughed as he remembered the route he’d just taken. “Oh…Maker, I’m sorry.” He sighed with a smile and a chuckle before answering him. “You’ve heard of the Seeker’s, right? You know how they get special abilities when they pass their vigil? Well mine is heightened senses. I see things like tracks that are days, maybe weeks old; I hear the slightest of noises…if I wanted to, I could listen to your heart beat. Not the flashiest, no, but it’s served me well.” He smirked. “So my official title, is Seeker Trevelyan.” Hearing the brush of leaves against metal, Asher’s expression changed to one of concentration as he turned back and just stared into the woods. He was still for what seemed like an eternity. Then he quickly drew his bow and sprinted silently through the undergrowth. Stopping a few moments later, he signalled to Kylian to be as quiet as possible and to look through the branches. 
Ah, Seeker. Kylian was acquainted with many a Templar during his time in Val Royeaux, and there was no more hated title.
"Certainly a useful skill," and Kylian was indeed impressed. Magical abilities were a tier above everything else, and seekers were one of the factions that could harness them without the risk of the Fade, that mages were succeptible to. "Truly? Well Seeker, I will defer to your judgement."
(He has to admit, Kylian was a bit miffed at somehow being completely overlooked, but he supposed Asher had to focus...)
...Hang on, Trevelyan --  
And the other man sprints past him like a silent breeze. Watching Asher run ahead without a by-your-leave, Kylian supposed he could sympathise with his Templar peers. Seekers certainly seemed prone to doing things their own way, huh.
Well, it was time for business. Well-oiled and well-fitted (and expensive) armour meant that Kylian could move just as quietly, barely distrubing the foliage. At least, as a seeker, he would know the Templar hand signs for silent communication.  
Kylian peers through the branches. ...Eight hostiles, Kylian signs to Asher, identifying the horrid, hulking figures of the Red Templars amidst a clearing in the woods. It seemed to lead into the opening of another cave, lights on the inside signalling that there was more to be found. So eight at the very least; total number unknown.
They seemes to be carting things out, transporting something in solid wooden crates...
Regardless, a stain upon the world, needing to be cleaned up. Flank on opposite sides? Kylian checks Asher for confirmation.
Send a symbol for your muse to find mine…in a dangerous situation
The water was rising…and it was rising fast.
The cave-in had came out of seemingly nowhere. He hadn’t heard any of the tell tale signs that a natural collapse was going to happen: no groaning rock or cracks along the walls.
But then again, a massive explosion isn’t exactly a natural occurance.
Now his only escape route was a small hole in the roof of the cave, and the red Templars had clearly known of it. Two large wooden planks had been laid over the opening and from his position there was no way to get enough leverage to move them.
“You’ve had worse moments, Asher, calm your sen down.” He threw his weight against the planks as best he could as the water rose over his boots. “I mean…I think I have.”
He looked up through the gap between the boards and sighed.
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