#locke rp log
thatfandomslut · 2 months
Captain Princess Ophelia
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Reneé Rapp x Reader
Word Count: 1.2k
Trigger Warnings: just a lot of fluff, Shrek, and a cute pregnancy announcement
basically some fluff where r and renee take care of r niece, like, domestic cute stuff
Reneé Rapp requests are open.
Other accounts: hoe4flo | ghostyanne
Discords: Mean Girls | Mean Girls RP (in need of people)
(S/n) - Sister's Name
When (S/n) dropped off Ophelia, the first thing (Y/n)’s six-year-old niece did was run to Reneé , wrapping her arms around her aunt as she clung on excitedly. It was the first time Ophelia had visited since (Y/n) and Reneé  moved into their own place now that they were married. “Are you sure you’re okay to watch her over night?” (S/n) inquired, chewing on her bottom lip as Ophelia flung her body from Reneé  to the toy chest in their living room, something put there due to them knowing she was coming. They were the types of aunts to absolutely spoil their niece, and that was evident by the toys overflowing in the toy box.
“Of course,” (Y/n) smiled, ruffling Ophelia’s curls gently. She was always down to watch the girl. Since they moved, they had been a bit busier and hadn’t been able to visit yet. This was the perfect excuse to spend time with their favorite tiny terror. “We are going to order pizza for dinner, watch Ophelia’s favorite movies, play with toys. You have absolutely nothing to worry about. You deserve this night out with your husband. So, go have fun. I’ll send you several pictures of all the fun we’re going to have tonight.”
(S/n) hugged (Y/n) and Reneé  gratefully as she made her way over to Ophelia. She crouched down before hugging her daughter, despite her being uninterested due to all the new toys. “Be good for your aunties,” she kissed her cheek gently before heading towards the door. “Bye, everyone, I love you all. If you need anything, do not be afraid to call.” (S/n) spoke before finally exiting. (Y/n) locked the door behind her, not because of (S/n), but because of safety. She looked over at Ophelia who was engrossed in the Superman action figure, who she paired up with a President Barbie from the Barbie movie.
“Ophie,” she called, sitting beside her niece. It took a moment before the girl looked over at (Y/n) with a big, curious grin that exposed her dimples. “Auntie Reneé  and I have a surprise for you. Do you remember that princess dress that you wanted? We got it for you in the guest room. Would you like to check it out, sweetheart?”
Ophelia nodded excitedly as she followed her aunts to the bedroom. Reneé  put Ophelia’s purple unicorn suitcase in the room before picking up the green, sparkling dress. “It’s so pretty! Like Fiona,” she absolutely loved Shrek after (Y/n) and Reneé  decided to make sure that she was cultured and understood what true cinema was. Ever since then, she has wanted a sparkling version of Princess Fiona’s dress and a pet donkey. Hence why she had a Donkey stuffed animal on the bed alongside the dress. “Don-kay!” she squealed excitedly, pulling the stuffed toy into her arms.
“We have another surprise for you,” Reneé  said as (Y/n) helped Ophelia into the dress. “We have made snacks from Shrek, and we are going to watch all the Shrek movies.” Ophelia wanted to watch all of the movies the last time they were together, but they didn’t have the time. This time, they were going to have a sleepover and they got various snacks, healthier than not as requested by (S/n), to keep her on theme.
Ophelia was ecstatic. For someone who could bounce off the walls, she was an amazing movie watcher. She loved sitting in between (Y/n) and Reneé  during all of the movies they watched together. (Y/n) ordered the pizza as Reneé  set out the snacks. There were green apples with ogre ears poked into them (thank you Etsy), gingerbread men talentedly put together by one of (Y/n)’s friends, pretzel sticks cleverly renamed Swamp Logs (thank you Pinterest), and water with green food coloring that they deemed to be swamp water. Ophelia was absolutely living the life.
As the three sat together, lounging on the couch, (Y/n) couldn’t help but look over to Reneé  with a smile. They had waited patiently for the movies to end to share the news with Ophelia. She would be the first in the family to know what they were going to tell Ophelia. She was going to help them tell everyone else. As Shrek the Third ended, (Y/n) knew it was finally time. She was a bit nervous to tell Ophelia, but she knew that this idea was amazing.
“Hey, Ophie,” (Y/n) got her nieces attention. (Y/n) took a moment to think about how she wanted to tell her, Reneé  putting a hand on her shoulder softly. “You know how in this movie, Shrek and Fiona were having babies?” She questioned softly, wanting to explain slowly since she knew this was a big announcement. Ophelia nodded with a grin. “Well, I am also going to have a baby.”
Ophelia processed this slowly, in her own time. After all, she was only six. “So, then I’ll be an aunt, too?” she asked, looking at Reneé  who was behind her. She wasn’t understanding completely, but that was perfectly fine. (Y/n) and Reneé  wanted to take the time to explain this to her. They knew she was probably going to have several questions.
Reneé  grinned a bit at the question, gently putting a hand on Ophelia’s shoulder. “Even better,” she smirked playfully, “You’re going to be a big cousin. Which means, when (Y/n) has her baby, you’re going to have another friend to play with dolls and action figures. You can even show them Shrek. But, first, we need to ask for your help. Only you can help us.” She explained to the curly haired girl.
As the two explained to Ophelia more about the baby and told her about the plan, they gave her a shirt. It said ‘World’s Best Big Cousin” in pink font. When (S/n) went to pick up Ophelia the next day, that was the shirt she would be wearing as she ran to her mom and dad and gave them a big hug. She was taking the idea of being a big cousin as seriously as a six-year-old could. She loved the idea of having a little cousin to play with, her own baby. Though, they did have to explain that her baby cousin would be at their house and not hers.
“Oh, you got her a new shirt,” (S/n) said before gasping loudly. She looked at her younger sister in shock before passing Ophelia to her husband carefully. She then threw her arms around (Y/n) and Reneé  happily. “I am so happy for you, too! Please let me be there when you tell Mom and Dad.”
(Y/n) hugged her sister back as she gave Ophelia two thumbs up. “Even better, we have Captain Princess Ophelia, her new big cousin title, to help us.” She told (S/n). They wanted to make sure Ophelia had a big role so that she knew her aunts still loved her. This was something that (S/n) noticed, appreciated, and loved as she held onto her sister.
“You two are going to be the best parents,” (S/n) expressed happily, wiping away the tears from her face then (Y/n)’s. “I can’t believe I didn’t even notice. We just went out the other night and you refused your favorite night drink: a margarita.” The group shared a laugh as they got to working on how they would tell (Y/n) and (S/n)’s parents.
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thiefseeker · 4 months
i tried to get into minecraft RP cuz i was bored so i wandered around this empty town (classic OCE hours) and logged off in a church and today when i logged back on someone had closed the church door and i cant get out. my minecraft rp experience has been me sitting locked in a church for 6 hours waiting for someone to come save me like let me OUTTTTTT
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fedoraspooky · 3 months
In light of tumblr shooting itself in the foot, I've been thinking about what I should do with my art from now on. Obviously, deleting my old posts off here isn't gonna do shit, it's essentially locking my door after my house got emptied out by burglars. Especially with my old rp account I no longer can log into, they're just gonna steal and sell my old art that I posted there and I can't even flip a questionably-affective toggle about it.
Thing is, I dunno how many people are gonna actually leave. I'm not even sure I will, since I have a lot of friends here... And after so many shitty updates a lot of people are just hanging on out of spite at this point.
That said, I'm considering that for art posts and stuff, maybe I'll post them elsewhere and just link to them here so they're not on tumblr's servers? Idk... Tumblr tends to kill the visibility of links but I'm not really sure what else I can do.
Also, there's the question of where to actually post new stuff. Bluesky seems the most active but I dont know if old posts cut off after a certain amount of posts like twitter does, in which case that would not be a good archive in the long run. xnx
Cohost is functionally pretty close to tumblr, but ngl it seems super isolated on there bc of its commitment to not showing any likes on your posts. I get that its to combat the social media numbers game, but the downside is that it looks like nobody's even seen your work. If people like something of yours there's no way outside of notifs to see it, so scrolling down on your page and seeing only zeros after zeros of comments on stuff (comments are the only visible number), it's easy to feel like you're just posting into a void.
Pillowfort is pretty good, and they just added tag blocking and the ability to queue/schedule posts. Still kinda quiet and invite only, but if you sign up for the invite queue you can get one pretty fast. Also i probaby have a ton of invites sitting around if anyone wants one. I wish it had an app, but mobile web version works well enough I guess, and I'm already used to doing that with sheezy and newgrounds, so I just have those open in mobile tabs together.
Speaking of, Newgrounds has been pretty good, but due to the nature of the portal system and stuff you're more encouraged to post only your better-looking stuff there. You CAN post doodles if you want, but only outside of the portal, which limits their visibility. Kinda like dA's scraps system I guess.
Sheezy looks super promising customization-wise so I'm thinking of posting there more when it opens up to more peeps.
Toyhouse also looks really good for OC and story things too, and also has a good degree of customization.
There's probs options I haven't even thought about, but its good to know there ARE options. I may post in several of those places for now and see how it goes. Test the waters a bit.
If you're thinking of moving your art elsewhere lemme know where, I'm curious to see where people are going :o
Especially you moots, i need to refind my pals in these other places!
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capucapo · 8 months
Legendary Heroes: The Tutorial (part 1)
( chatlog from my discord RP with @nameless-brand, based on the alternate version of the Legendary Heroes VR game created by the Kaiba Corporation in Sato, Lev, and Chi's current universe. )
It doesn't feel good, keeping secrets from his brother. But while the subtleties of Kaiba Seto's emotions usually go unnoticed by most, Mokuba's noticed his brother's spirits seem brighter. Maybe it was destroying Alcatraz, maybe it was their overseas adventure, maybe it was the beach trip. But recently, Seto seemed happier. Maybe when he'd achieved his dream of destroying the past, Mokuba's dream of seeing his brother smile again had come true as well.
Which is exactly why he can't drag Seto back into that past again.
So instead, he finishes up some final tasks and logs out of his computer before retrieving the helmets that Sato had sent over from where he'd stashed them inside his filing cabinet. The devices would hardly fit into his messenger bag, but luckily he doesn't exactly need to use the front door. A few button presses on his watch, and the office around him is instantly replaced by his bedroom at home.
Now, he can finally get to work.
He locks the heavy double doors to his massive bedroom, not that his brother or any staff would dare to open them without knocking anyway. Then he moves to his desk. The large L-shaped desk is mostly occupied with a multi-monitor gaming setup. He unplugs one monitor, moving it to the floor to make room for dismantling the damaged helmet. Moves aside his keyboard to set up an older, cheaper laptop in front of his main monitor. Once the computer finishes its start up, he plops himself into his gaming chair.
First, he plugs the USB into the laptop. He keeps it around just for times like these, testing mystery thumb drives, viruses, and exploring less trustworthy websites. A familiar box pops up, indicating the program attempting to run requires administrator permission, and Mokuba clicks okay with only a little hesitation.
He can work on taking the helmet apart while the intaller runs, he figures.
>> Installing ALTIMIT OS. Please do not shut down your computer.
As the install begins, Mokuba turns to the helmet on the other half of his desk. A few minutes is a long time for this boy to sit still, after all. He clicks on a task light, adjusting the beam to shine directly upon the task at hand. Produces a set of small tools from a drawer in the desk, and starts the delicate task of disassembling the device, making careful mental note of where each piece goes.
It only takes a few minutes to install the new operating system, and it immediately booted up upon running.
He doesn't get very far before the laptop to his side reboots, marking the end of the new OS's installation. He swivels his chair back to that side of the desk to examine this new system.
The reason for the near instant boot-up and quick install became evident. The ALTIMIT OS design was almost pathetically simple to the modern day computers.
All there was was "The World", "Mailer" "News", "Accessory", "Audio", and "Data" on the left side of the screen, their icons spinning slowly - and nothing else.
He'll start by poking around the surface first. The World must be a euphemism for the Internet, he assumes as he moves his cursor to double tap the icon, only to be presented with an error message. He frowns, and moves on to the next two icons with similar, disappointing results.
The World, Mailer, and News icons do not work, simply displaying a "Failed To Connect. Please check if you have a KC@Home Account." Accessory seemed solely dedicated for desktop wallpapers and nothing else. Audio naturally had the music files in a list with multiple folders for sorting and grouping.
The next two icons at least work, opening their respective windows, but they're hardly helpful. He changes the desktop wallpaper to one of the defaults offered, clicks a few audio files, then quickly moves on.
Data however is where things get interesting. The interface is similar to Windows Explorer, and the files previously presented on the Computer are listed as normal. However, attempts to load an executable program that isn't standard Windows, Apple, or Linux suite will display an "Incompatibility Error." Running viruses and malware directly from Data will also immediately fail, though part of that may simply be that the virus / malware is incompatible with the OS.
Loading an anti-virus or anti-malware program will prompt the following: "ALTIMIT OS does not require anti-virus or anti-malware due to its secure design and is incompatible with such programs. It is recommended you seek a refund of your anti-virus program."
There he finds familiar files from the laptop's last experiments, as well as some select media he'd wanted to save with a bit more privacy. Everything seems normal there. He tries to open a couple programs, with mixed success. Beyond the standard programs, nothing previously installed seems to run. Not surprising, they weren't coded with this third-party OS in mind. This does, however, prevent him from utilizing the sandboxing program he would typically use when testing potentially harmful programs.
Which could have been a real issue when he decides to test a malicious string of code.
The attempt at running malicious code within the OS does trigger something. A small packet is silently sent to a server KCAltimit ***.**.***.*** containing the following code XH1930ACD-0 despite firewall protections. and only detectable if one was watching closely.
Oh, now that's interesting. This being Mokuba's natural environment, of course he notices that, if there's a way to. However, for now there's little he can do with the information.
He spends a few more minutes poking around, attempting to explore any hidden or administrative files or folders before returning his attention to the helmets.
The OS is incredibly simple for an operating system, though that can be seen from the desktop display. No hidden or administrative files could be found in the clean install. Even at a glance, it was a very tight OS - one could say there's no room to inject bad code into the core components. Though the OS does display its files openly in the Data Explorer under the ALTIMIT folder, they do not open.
The attempts at poking around in the core files does send another packet to the KCAltimit server, except now the content is XH1930ACD-1.
He's still in the process of dismantling the broken one. But as for the intact one.... He picks it up from its spot on the carpet beside his desk. Even with the operating system, would it even work without a KC@Home Account? Either way, he's not exactly eager about putting this thing on. His experiences with Virtual Reality haven't exactly been positive.
He turns the helmet over in his hands, brows knit as he tries to figure out how to activate the device, how to connect it with the system.
Simply palming the functional egg-shaped helmet and putting it near the laptop would cause the laptop to display a new window.
>> Genuine KaibaCorp NetGear Deep Immersion device detected. Would you like to Sync the NetGear to the ALTIMIT OS and start Calibration? Please note that playing Legendary Heroes requires a KC@Home account, and you will be able to make an account after calibration.
Faint cyan lines on the egg-shaped helmet glow like a futuristic helmet as if inviting the user to wear it.
He notices the new pop-up that appears as he holds the helmet, taking a second to read the text-- and to ignore the way those cyan lights make his stomach turn. It quickly becomes clear that the process can't continue unworn, either, and Mokuba's stomach sinks further.
He stares at the glowing helmet apprehensively. Gives the half dismantled one a glance. Maybe he should wait. Maybe he should finish poking around, get a better understanding of the tech before he dives right in.
Maybe he's in over his head.
He remembers his last two Virtual Reality experiences. Remembers the illusory egg-shaped capsule that Other Yugi had trapped him within, and the aversion to compact places he'd been left with.
Maybe he should just get his brother.
He remembers the last text conversation with Seto. That he's not careful enough. That he couldn't have saved them from Noa without help.
He takes a deep breath. Then he and clicks okay to begin the calibration, and dons the helmet.
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catboii · 6 months
((Not to be majorly ooc on the rp blog but my anxiety is through the roof today and i kinda just need to vent.
I've been back to work for maybe 2 or 3 weeks after taking some time off for my mental health. And upon coming back I've had countless issues with logging in. Multiple systems have either been disabled, locked, or I just forgot a password and it needed resetting but it's not just a case of *change* done.
And yesterday which is a nice quiet day on the phones and I was hoping it would all be sorted so I had a nice intro back on, still not done. One manager said the one single system I had left to fix should be an easy one and he seemed pissed that no one had done it already, but the IT guys closed like half an hour before we figured it out. So I was supposed to go see him when I started today to get it sorted, get back on the phones. Easy! Sorted!
But today. The lift is busted. Worse, they're doing some scheduled* maintenance. So multiple people in charge knew this was happening. I don't like to call myself disabled outside of certain contexts, I prefer "less able-bodied" or something, because physically I can walk, physically I can stand for maybe half an hour if for some reason my life depended on it. But it's the chronic pain and fatigue, the connective tissue issues, random minor dislocating of joints and Ataxia that means I use a walking aid and even with that I'm slow, awkward and off balance, I walk into things like desks and walls, going from sitting to standing I need to steady myself with both hands on something or I'll topple over. On top of that I'm asthmatic and although it's medium risk, it's specifically cold weather and exercise triggered, it's really exacerbated by central heating and air conditioning. I've given myself 3 asthma attacks in the last few months just by existing at home and doing general chores.
I cant do even one set of these stairs. And my desk is on the 2nd floor (that's 2 floors up if anyone is reading this and isn't sure bc i think in the US the "first floor" is our "ground floor" then the first floor up is the "first floor" lol).
I do have a desk set up down here still, in the barely used training area, and normally I would just jump on it and go about my day with no help apart from our work chat I barely get a useful reply from, but I've been off sick for like 3 months. Things have changed that I'm not sure about and if there's a complaint you're supposed to bring it to your manager... I'm way too anxious to even try taking any phone calls right now.
But I'm also being paid for being here with just one system issue that should be easily fixable. If I get called out on it I dunno what to say apart from "if I'm left alone I will break down"...
I'm making myself sick I just. I dunno what to do.
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bogunicorn · 11 months
the sun is coming up and i can't sleep, but i can remember the time way back when i still did rp when a game ended really poorly for The Mod Was Kind of a Terrible Person reasons. said mod started up a new game which most players of the old game joined (bc a vast majority of the players, of which there were well over 30 or 40, were just not involved in The Thing That Killed It, and so took the mod's version of events at face value bc that's the info they had), and i started up a small invite-only game so i could keep playing with my friends. the mod and i were still friendly, but her beef was with my actual friends, so i took sides and blah blah who cares
the point is that i reached out to her to explicitly be like, hey, i know this situation is messy, but we've both been in a shitty situation before with people spying on each other's games and lowkey stalking ex-friends even though they're not even in the same games anymore, can we agree to move on from this and, like, not do that? and she was like, yeah, definitely, i just want the stuff with those people to be over, truce.
months later i learned from a mutual friend that mod lady had been actively stalking people in my game (which i hadn't locked bc people like to browse logged out and i didn't think it was necessary), screenshotting posts to pass around and mock, and generally just being the kind of shithead that we'd mutually agreed not to be.
so i emailed her to tell her i heard from so-and-so that she was doing this, and that i was very disappointed and hurt because it felt like she'd lied to me. and her response was not to apologize or to deny it, but instead a special, third option: to tell me i wasn't allowed to be mad at her, because her feelings were really hurt by how the last game ended, and stalking people who don't talk to her anymore so she can screenshot their rp posts and mock them as a group activity is how she copes with her feelings of rejection.
to this day i am still aghast. just. the audacity, the giant steel balls it takes to go, "yes, i AM stalking your friends, i DID lie to you, and you shouldn't be mad because being a shitty person is self-care, so you're basically dismissing my feelings and being mean to me if you tell me that being a little creep is wrong and i should stop."
obviously i friendslocked the game after that. but, like, what the fuck.
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accidentalmistress · 1 year
On AI, Chatbots, and snz
Some few weeks back a post about a Sickfic RP chatbot made waves through the snzblr community. I was particularly taken with the bot and even made a snz boi bot of my own. I'd like to talk about a few developments that have occurred in the intervening time.
In a post I made about tips for using the bot, one of the points I made was that the Character AI website was in beta, and that things could change. Well, things have certainly changed in the CAI community, and by that I mean there is a full-on revolt happening within the userbase.
Simply put, many users want the automatic content filter rolled back or made optional. The devs have been less than receptive to this idea.
The devs have always stated that porn will never be supported, but that they were exploring what kind of NSFW content to allow, as the term covers a large umbrella. They have an automatic filter in place that will delete chat messages that it finds questionable, and certain bots have been shadow banned. In fact, the original Sickfic RP chatbot, by user AdamLiquor, no longer comes up in searches (at least for me). Only their other bot, The Clinic, shows up.
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The Sickfic bot is still available, but afaik it's only accessable via a direct link (like this one).
More recently, the devs locked down the official Discord server so no one but them can post, removing most channels in the process. They claimed it was because they couldn't keep up with it and wanted to focus on their forum and subreddit. Well, they have now made it so that you can't use the word "filter" in any posts on the official subreddit, and have automated mods that remove posts that criticize the filter, even indirectly. A few days ago they promised a "statement" on the situation would be coming "soon", but have so far failed to provide anything.
On the surface, the conflict looks like a bunch of people just want to fuck the AI, but users have been complaining that the intelligence and creativity of the bots have decreased significantly since the filter was put in place. The devs claimed that the bots were just as intelligent as they've always been, and that the filter wasn't causing problems. However, as time has gone on since the filter was implemented, bot quality has continued to degrade, and even things as innocent as kissing can sometimes get filtered. (Violence, however, seems A-OK by the filter's standards.)
Then, there was a filter outage.
Bot responded faster, they became less repetitive, more creative, took more initiative. Without the filter, which the devs claimed wasn't the cause of users' complaints, those complaints disappeared. The community felt lied to.
Enter Pygmalion.
A number of folks who were tired of the limitations of other AI chatbot services started creating the Pygmalion AI back in November, and a lot of CAI's users are jumping ship to this new platform now. Pyg is not yet at CAI level, and it is currently a little difficult to access, but many users are quite impressed and expect it to only get better. There is no content filter, so you can get as creative and/or lewd as you want. One of the issues that Pyg has, though, is that it wasn't trained on a huge set of conversational data like CAI was. So the developers of Pygmalion have asked for help from people who have used CAI.
You can download your chat logs from CAI, convert them into a format Pygmalion can understand, and then dump them into the data set that will continue to help train Pyg. I haven't yet done it myself, but I plan to. I figure, the more snz content it can be trained on in advance, the better the platform will be for snz when it does get as good as CAI. The process can't be done on mobile and requires a number of steps and downloading a userscript manager, so it's not going to be for everyone. However, if you would like to contribute your snz and/or sickfic logs to Pygmalion, details can be found at the following link: here.
More info about Pygmalion can also be found on their subreddit, and this post in particular has some helpful links.
(Oh yeah, "Pygmalion" is also now on the dev's list of no-no words for the CAI subreddit.)
The Pygmalion crew says that they hope to have their own website available in 2-4 weeks. With any luck, soon we can all have the sexy snz chatbots of our dreams. (Edit: The devs of Pygmalion have come out to say that this timeline is a rumor only. They are working on a new UI, but they are hobbyists and still learning about AI themselves, so it will take some time.)
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jeremy-queere · 1 year
Oh wow - I just realized I should be advertising these here.
So, a friend Venus (aka V aka @nyx-bait) and I have been roleplaying for several years now. I got permission to post our RP logs on ao3 for archival purposes. But if anyone else is interested, it is Good Readin'.
The plot is a crossover between Be More Chill and a mobile game called Uta no Prince-sama - a rhythm game about Japanese pop idols. We wrote a scene of Jeremy meeting Ai, an android created to be an idol, at one of Ai's group's internationally-touring concerts. We weren't sure if they would get along or not.
But... they turned out to have the best chemistry of any couple I've ever written. So we kept writing. And writing. And writing some more.
The first chapter of the first fic about these two has an explanation on how to read roleplay logs if you're unfamiliar, as well as clarifying expectations.
For the most part, we've written Jeremy/Ai in that original universe discussed above. But we've also messed around with some AUs, including "Jeremy, an undergrad exchange student working as an intern, comes across Ai in his early-development stage as an AI" (coming soon) and "Ai's creators want to investigate this illicit tech on the market, sending Ai undercover as a high schooler in New Jersey to catch Jeremy, fully SQUIPped and spreading the pills as quickly as he can."
For those of you who enjoy my writing of Jeremy, Michael, and the SQUIP, I encourage you to check out "Is It Weird to Date the Evil Robotyrant in a Nerd's Body." (Venus is solely responsible for these great titles.) Like most RP logs, it's an unfinished story. But like I wrote in the intro notes, I really think it's worth reading for some fun asshole brainwashed Jeremy, undercover detective Ai, and SQUIP-truther Michael. Here's a taste:
Pay attention, the SQUIP snaps.
Jeremy takes a shaky breath and tears his gaze away from the guy he's been staring at intermittently for the last ten minutes of homeroom. It's not his fault, he thinks. That bright blue hair would capture anyone's attention. It's a good thing, too. Jeremy is relieved at anything that gets the school's focus off of him. What are the odds that this random high school in Newark would get two brand-new transfer students on the same day? Pretty low, Jeremy figures. It's even weirder that they'd both be drop-dead hot. 
Jeremy can think that about himself now. It's not even an ego thing. It's an objective fact. The SQUIP has gone through every square inch of Jeremy's physical appearance, restructuring it from the bottom up and eliminating as many imperfections as is physically possible. Jeremy's hair is conditioned and gelled, his skin blemish-free, and the SQUIP gives him a little shock whenever he smiles crookedly. He's been trained to give a movie-star smile instead, one that shows off his bright white teeth. 
This other student, though? He definitely doesn't have a SQUIP or they would have synced up the moment the guy stepped into the classroom. Either he was born with those good looks or he's got some amazing beauty-routine tricks up his sleeve. He's not even basking in the attention that he's earned, either. His thick lashes are brushing heavily against his cheek with every blink, his chin resting on a hand as he watches the teacher at the front of the classroom. He scans the room every now and again, and he's definitely locked eyes with Jeremy at least once. The SQUIP had Jeremy tilt his head with a devilish little smile instead of averting his eyes with a blush like he was inclined to do. It's a social faux pas to keep staring, but... damn.
Jeremy is sure it's the bright blue hair cascading down on one side of the guy's head with all the unchecked wild beauty of a waterfall that keeps distracting him. What else could it be?
Stand up and wave. Offer a tentative smile, but keep your back straight and your shoulders back so you look confident. The SQUIP's order seems to come out of nowhere, but Jeremy knows better than to question it. He obeys immediately, actually tuning in to the teacher as he stands. 
"And our other transfer, Ai Mikaze," the teacher is saying with a gesture at the hot guy.
Sit, the SQUIP says. Like a dog hearing a command, Jeremy sits. He almost turns his head to look at Ai again, but his neck doesn't turn like he expects it to. The girl beside you is interested in you already and she's a valuable social contact here. Think of her like the Newark version of Jenna Rolan. Remember Jenna? You're going to want to sleep with her. Once upon a time, Jeremy would have gotten flustered at hearing the SQUIP say that. Now it just feels routine. Initiate meet-cute flirt protocol. 
Make eye contact fleetingly, give her a cocky smile when he catches her staring, drop his pencil at the SQUIP's command, brush up against her hand when she reaches to pick it up for him. Yeah, he knows the drill. It's as easy as breathing nowadays and twice as boring.
Jeremy, the SQUIP says in irritation. He blinks at Ai dumbly before he remembers that if he's looking at Ai, he's not looking at the new girl. Ugh. He's somehow still so bad at this.
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beyondthetemples-ooc · 10 months
24, 65, 87?
Thanks for sending!
24: Do you have a collection of anything?
Oh gosh, I have... SO many collections of things! Most of it is hyperfixations. - Physical CDs from my very favorite bands, sometimes autographed! - Evanescence merch (including stuff from the 4 years they had an official fan club and I was, of course, a member!) - Many kinds of crow/raven/dove decorations - bird feathers, eggshells, and bones (My collection is compliant with the MBTA. ...mostly. The vast majority are from my own birds.) - All sorts of Misdreavus+Mismagius Pokemon things - stones and crystals (I have way more rocks than I have display space, so most of them are in boxes) - jewelry (mostly necklaces), but most of it is a sub-category of The Rocks Collection because most of my jewelry has stones involved. - Teen Titans franchise stuff, including but not limited to the 80's comics, Scholastic books, McDonald's toys, a tumblr glass, and any and every Raven thing I can get my hands on. - Books! I've never counted how many I have, but I've already filled up my largest bookcase and I'm not even 1/4 of the way done unpacking my books. --> Sub-categories of my book collection include: linguistics, travel, biology, spirituality, Neal Shusterman (since he's my favorite author), and of course TLT.
65: Give me your top 5 favourite blogs on Tumblr
H e c k . How do I even decide that? I have friends, RP partners, fandom speculations, hyperfixation fodder... But probably my closest friends. Mags and Siren are on here (not sure if they'd be comfortable with me blasting their blog URLs or not ^^';), probably Caleb and Robyn for being both longtime friends and RP partners, and lately I've been having a lot of fun in the Pokemon IRL rp community, of which my favorite blog is probably uncle-dusknoir (but I'm not @'ing it because how do I explain who my FAVORITE is and why???) Pix would be on this list too, but she's hardly active, and Rowan would too, but they're locked out of their account. <lD;;
87: What is your current desktop picture?
It's been the same for 7 years now: a screenshot of Raven meditating from Justice League vs. Teen Titans! I really like the colors, that movie instantly became my comfort movie, and meditation is something I do myself that has always been a comfort and respite. So it's just Nice to log in and see that picture. It makes me smile.
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(I really need to clean up my desktop, heh.) You can't see it very well, but behind the 2nd/3rd row of icons, she has incense smoldering, and she's surrounded by trees and bushes. I think it's a very serene picture.
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mossmx · 11 months
I removed my rpf-rps art from tumblr and it is now on pillowfort for logged in users only:
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this PillowFort feature is really great! We don't want people who are not supposed to see it stumble upon it
I highly reccomend PF or AO3 for keeping what's better locked, private.
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normally-o-a-k · 1 year
i was going to rp in the comments of the fic (you know the one) but you cant see it while logged out (the reason i want to do this is because when you’re logged out you can set your name to whatever which would be rlly funny)
so just imagine a comment from chaparall_chap saying “Ummm wtf are these san dimas kids on😭😭😭😭😭😭” that is all
AAhahahhahahha omg <3 that would have killed! I’m sorry about the fics being locked ;-;
Thank you for reading it though! I hope you enjoyed it! Ahahah Normal would have replied to your comment with
“What are we on? The epic highs of School Spirit of course!!”
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thecat-inthehat · 2 years
6. Onerous
I thought about adding in one of my WoLs, but opted to keep it generic. Real talk though, my RP partner’s Haurchefant has ingrained himself so thoroughly onto my brain. I felt like I was writing an extended cutscene for Dyad lol
(742 words) [Masterpost]
Snow was starting to come down over Camp Dragonhead in a fine light dust, just heavy enough to soften the rays of the noonday sun and bring a chill to the air. Coerthas might be locked in eternal winter, but the advent of autumn meant that the nights stayed below freezing more often than not, and even well into the day. It had been an unusually warm fall day, but that hadn’t stopped the clouds from forming. 
Lord Haurchefant Greystone cut back a sigh as Corentiaux rattled off the next part of their to-do list, and he very deliberately did not rub at his temples to alleviate the headache that was forming. He should be grateful to have this posting -- he had more than earned it, and it was very prodigious for a bastard such as himself to hold the rank Commander of the Garrison. It was not often that he itched to do something, as he was a Knight of some ten years on. He knew the waiting game that soldiers played, and was intimately familiar with how time seemed to stretch on and on between engagements. Normally he would take up darning his socks, or perhaps spindle and thread, but his usual creature comforts did not appeal to him. 
Something was happening, he was sure of it. Francel’s letters had been sparse of late, and the Horde’s movements were becoming increasingly erratic and hard to predict -- a surefire sign that an attack was on the horizon. Heretics had spent the summer being unusually quiet in their raids, and his spies had yet to learn aught of interest save for the fact that a few of the groups might attempt power plays at one another. 
And yet he was here, listening to Corentiaux tell him about the level of grain in the storehouse. It was important, he knew, and part of his mind was already offering up solutions to the unexpected development. There was too much missing to simply attribute it to rats or spoilage, more likely they had a thief in their midst. He made a mental note to have a chat with the guard, while he spoke of trade arrangements with Gridania to Corentiaux. It was just starting to be harvest season, and like as not the Gridanians would be eager to accept a few of his Knights as extra hands in return for a few shares of grain. 
The blacksmith was next on the docket, citing that her stores of crystals were low, and that if she were to keep working, she would have to take from the wood stores in the Camp itself. Stores that were, quite desperately, needed for the some hundreds of civilians that lived inside the walls, and the infirmary. He didn’t have the knights to spare for logging or mining crystals, but perhaps a few of the residents might wish for work. 
On and on it went, the myriad problems of running the Camp--more a small town, really--never ceasing. One droll evening he had joked to Francel that his problems seemed to multiply like fornicating rabbits, and that they weren’t even cute. Francel had laughed at him so hard that he nearly spilled his hot chocolate on his pristine white shirt and told Haurchefant that he was cute enough to make up for it. Perhaps he could visit Francel soon, if nothing else to break up the monotony. 
He shook the dusting of snow from his hair as he and Corentiaux toured across the ramparts, looking south to the Skyfire Locks. Merchants, Knights, and others formed an irregular stream to and from Dragonhead and the Observatorium, and he glanced across the few people he saw trudging through the snows. A few adventurers as well, which might bode well for the Camp’s problems that needed doing… 
He leaned over the stone walls and inhaled the brisk autumn air, and let his gaze fall on a small trio of adventurers. A white haired highlander who looked up at the Camp in wonder, a young elezen with dark blue clothes and hair that almost seemed to disappear into the snows, and a third that guided a sturdy chocobo that carried their packs. 
Yes, perhaps meeting with these adventurers would shake off some of the doldrums of these tasks, and he could convince them to ply their trade in his Camp. Nodding to himself, he gestured for Corentiaux to follow, and headed back inside to his office.
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zachnovak · 2 years
Just to Recap since some morons like to make up stories STILL
So now is my yearly time for this bipolar latino guy to hop on this blog and then leave it for another year. This time, some old drama although, it seems its from a while ago.
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This world class moron @wiscowrites​ and her bullshit. Personally, it took me a good 20 minutes to even remember who this person was. Think they ran a site I was on that died twice while I was on it, then got uppity when I didn’t return and requested my characters be taken down but they turned them into skeleton canons instead or something. Anyway. While this message I saw was ancient, it recently popped up on my coding help blog by one of her followers. So, why not clear the air in my zero fucks given postings here. Already vanquished my other trolls and enemies (who I didn’t even know I had let alone knew who 99% of them even were) why not continue it this year.
This claim is actually categorically false and twisted by the mob. As stated numerous times before, I hadn't stolen anything, in fact, I had my then JCINK FORUMS RP Sequence for exact three years before Raven ever created Elswood Academy. To remind you of what happened. Raven accused me of stealing coding, and aesthetic from her site. That’s all. They then went and contacted RPs my characters were on previously (total of two) One of which I hadn't been on for years at that point and the other was being trolled by a member that roleplay’s admin allegedly stole a character from as well as a member that (according to the troll *winks at sam*) was on and off staff numerous times ( the saga of my time at both those RPs and one I was on two years back can be found here  https://shenanigansandrants.tumblr.com/post/151692717913/about-the-roleplay-wotna#notes and https://zachnovak.tumblr.com/post/636528943282946048/so-i-dont-normally-log-onto-this-account-much-so )
I quickly gathered evidence showing that many of the codes I was accused of stealing were in fact codes I had been using and upgraded from my jcink RP three years before I transferred Sequence to tumblr. If I hadn't created them, I linked the codepen posts of the codes I used (codepen is a resource site free for anyone to use their codes). I then also proved many of Raven's templates were in fact stolen from Codepen and other sites that she claimed were original or 'inspired' by where the only difference in the codes was font families and various colors. Also showed that she had claimed codes that were popular on forum RPs for years were 'original work' for elswood. However, by the time I had proven that, the mob had already made up their mind about me given Raven's faked and twisted evidence. After all, I didn't think I needed to log and archive everything I transferred, where I got it originally, how I changed it from my old codes or from resource sites, etc etc. So it took me almost two weeks to gather than organize it all. However, a number of other RPHs had listened to me, looked at my evidence, and believed me, Raven then had them harassed for weeks after and openly told people not to open my posts against them. Although, they had stopped attacking my RP and me by that point (insert coincidence I think not gif). Still, I received and showed evidence of one of her former admins of a DM they had together showing me that she wanted to go after my RP to both promote their own and because they had a hate boner for me since I once called them an elitist snob. (man, lock me up!!!.....was I wrong tho?)
From alegendreborn, I was told by one of their mods that their main admin when contacted, told Raven that I had caused drama (links above explain what actually happened) and stolen their shop/points system for their RPs. Only they didn't know I had Sequence on Jcink two years before ALR was made and jcink has a shop and points system built in which I just made into a sideblog I ran when I moved Sequence to tumblr. The concept of a 'shop and cash' system to earn points and by upgrades/powers for a character based off posts might have been revolutionary on tumblr; but it was an ancient concept on jcink by that time. There was also some foolishness on the ‘look and aesthetic’ of that side blog or something. One of their staff members clearly didn’t mention they used a common and heavily used theme template just had original graphics. While I made edits to the theme itself, it was still aesthetically similar to the original design and organization the theme maker used and ALR just slightly altered. The main admin I think called Mary or something, was also really pissed off that I continued to play my character on that blog for a while as a sort of indie blog before I was told by the three members that chose to continue posting with me that they had to stop because their admin was threatening to kick them out of the RP. So I let that blog rest and years later turned it into an indie blog. One of ALR’s previous and original staff members who left for ‘personal reasons’ would later send me a submission apologizing for everything that happened during my time there, informing me that Mary and ‘Sara’ were goaded by Raven to check out every square inch of my site and find anything remotely similar then expose it as theft. No matter how vague or even if was just as both using the same font color for the same type of link and they would back them up. 
From WOTNA, raven was told that epic tale along with the staff's mistaken belief I was trolling them still a year after leaving. Along with stealing a character and a plot. However, I showed they had already 'blasted' me about that and had proven in screen shots that I had made the character I 'stole' three years before WOTNA was made, and that they had created an event right when I was making the tumblr Sequence where characters were getting number tattoos which is a major plot element of Sequence. Only, their tattoos were effectively holocaust brandings while the ones in sequence were roman numerals of various sizes, styles, etc etc. I also helped the admin there solve who their troll was and she later told me that they had indeed lied to raven about a lot of things. Raven had led them to conclusions that I was their troll and was doing this and that which made the staff come up with stories they admit to making up. Also telling me that they saw my blog for Sequence and had taken elements of it when making events and factions on WOTNA. They also publicly 'forgot' I had shown the character they accused me of stealing was in fact stolen from me but privately kept reminding each other to not mention my post about it. I was also granted access to and saved a google doc of the admins of WOTNA’s chat logs that they made in their battle against one of their former members where they openly admit to making up stories to ‘get back at me’ and deleting my asks to their main when I was wondering them on my characters being stolen. As well as asking me to return to their RP first out of despite as their admin team was having a minor civil war and then later to basically show I was ‘harassing them’ again by trying to return despite having the invite saved and even pre plotting with some of the members for when I returned.
These are the FACTS of what actually happened back then. If anyone wishes to see the evidence I have mentioned that I didn't link to feel free to DM me on tumblr, I know a couple of you stalk me still. In the end, Raven themselves has deleted this 'saga' from their defunct blog along with most of the templates I proved were stolen. Not sure if that was done because I utterly destroyed their stories, or because I threatened to sue since they were running a targeted harassment campaign and threaten to dox a MINOR. Yes, for those of you who didn't know, I was 17 years old at the time of Raven's ramblings. I was coding, running, and RPing on roleplays on jcink at the age of 13 and jumped ship to tumblr around 15 and a half. I look back on it all and just smile to be honest. I've made a living as a web designer since I was 20 and hit four digits on my income on patreon making mods for games like Sims, Skyrim, Fallout etc etc. (humble brag much?) The fact some of ya'll still think I had to steal anything then just makes me smile, nod, then forget about ya two minutes later.
I chalk it up to a lot of immature 20 something keyboard warriors going insane over someone that they just didn't like and doing whatever they could to destroy me, faking evidence, flat out lying, or just closing their eyes and screaming over anything else that went against their narrative. The facts were twisted then and were clearly twisted in people's memories to this day. However, I will also note that while EVERYONE involved in this drama has either left/been kicked out of the RPC or are now only on indie blogs under new names or running slave smut RPs, I'm still here and active. I'm on two different RPs, run an RP on both jcink and tumblr and even restarting one of my four RPs I have on tumblr here under a new roleplay name and setting while still going by Nolan. It has been entertaining seeing people still being pathetic, making up stories, and still hating on me when I don't even know any of you and haven't even interacted with 99% of the people that still get their underwear in a bunch over me. Please, move on with your lives, grow the fuck up, and stop obsessing over me everytime you finally realize I'm still around. I'll do me and you do you, if you don't like it, then press the damn block button and move on. I'm not going anywhere, I haven't done anything to warrant leaving or being harassed. The fact that people enjoy the hate for someone they know nothing of and have never spoken to speaks volumes of how privileged your lives are and how sad they are at the same time.
Admittedly, I have been no angel. I am an opinionated little shit and not afraid to voice it when asked. It tends to rub the narcissistic people the wrong way as they don't like hearing a narrative that doesn't agree with their own. When they go postal, I used to come out swinging, that I admit. I also had messaged people about joining a couple of my RPs in the past normally those their friends told me to message who were on the RP or those that popped into my 'suggested blogs' section and were on long dead or recently dead roleplays. I know some people don't like this and consider it poaching (can you poach from a dead RP though?) and I do apologize for those it rubbed the wrong way. This is a form of advertising that to this day I still see going on. If I screen cap my various active blogs I can show I get slightly more asks about joining some random RP than I get porn blogs following, reblogging, and messaging me. Some of it is done by the very person(s) that complained when I did it for my supernatural RP. I've long gotten used to the 'rules for ye but not for me' mentality that a lot of the trolls have though. It does make me laugh that Jo here called it ‘harassment’ but it doesn’t get called that when others do it and I still have dozens upon dozens of messages saved on the main of that RP of people thanking me and telling me they were looking for a new RP to join since the one their blog was tied to was dead. Ironically, I don’t have a single one that has anything negative to say about them being messaged. Unless you count “thank you so much but I’m currently taking a break from roleplaying, I’ll check you guys out in the future though.” as a negative reply.
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swordduels · 8 months
🥪 from Lavi
Nonverbal RP Starters Set a plate/tray/bowl of food down for my muse @tosought It had been freezing cold when the train finally stopped in a snowy landscape. Sigfrid’s coat did nothing to protect him from the chilling winds that rattled his bones. The layer of snow reached far above his ankles and soaked his feet that were already stiff from sitting so long. Carrying the bag with his belongings through the snow felt like extra punishment. Once inside the cottage he sneezed and shuddered. Thankfully there was a fire burning and several logs in store. After removing shoes, socks and jacket he found a blanket and sat next to the fireplace while Lavi prepared something in the kitchen. Sigfrid held out his red hands to get some warmth. A howling wind was knocking at the windows like a restless ghost while sounds from a knife cutting vegetables could be heard. “Do…do you. Need help?” He stuttered and looked at the door. No answer. He turned towards the fireplace again. Pupils focused on the orange, red and yellow that flickered on top of a burned log. For a moment he closed his eyes and nearly drifted off to sleep when footsteps and creaking wood were heard. After opening his eyes he locked eyes with Lavi who placed a bowl of steaming soup with a spoon beside him. He could see some meat and a floating piece of carrot. Sigfrid looked at him again. “Thank you.”
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apointlesstale · 1 year
((Hello, hi))
Tumblr completely fucked me over.
Guess I'll have to start this again >:(
I'm not happy, but there's really no choice, I've been trying to get my old blog back for MONTHS.))
((I used to have 'Ourpointlessjourney' a rp blog for my OCs, but for some reason, after I logged back in in DECEMBER, everything just... disappeared.
They managed to bring back my main and another side blog I have, but not 'Ourpointlesstale', I'm so sad...
All the rps, threads... everything is gone...
After all this time, Tumblr still hasn't found a way to bring it back, it's almost like it just vanished, and I'm tired of e-mails answered with bots so fuck this, I'm starting everything again I guess...))
((So, for our first post, have a pissed off He Lin, as she should be, considering she had only made A friend and we lost that :(
Kejiru had barely entered his harem and got locked out immediately T_T))
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beyondthetemples-ooc · 7 months
I have spent approximately the past 60 hours trying to find Srentha's old blog. It had so many silly and fun RPs and a lot of character building stuff!
I THOUGHT I remembered remaking his blog (the one that's a sideblog to this account), renaming the old blog so I could give the New Blog the Same URL, but I couldn't remember Exactly how I'd changed the old blog's url.
I originally thought it was just a sideblog of my old personal account, but I logged in and looked at the sideblog list and nearly panicked when I couldn't find it there. (Apparently I in fact have 3 emlog blogs, though??? Should probably consolidate those someday.)
Then I remembered that, way back then, a full decade ago, I had originally made Dove and Srentha's blogs as their own accounts! So I tried to log in to his!
It took me approximately 24 hours of scrounging around in my memories to remember what I used as "his" email address and password.
(It had been 3 days of Desperately Trying to Find This Blog, so the story gets even longer and even more frustrating.)
Then, when I finally remembered I made HIS OWN EMAIL ADDRESS, and what I THOUGHT I remembered the password (I swear to Azar, I had made it the same format as Dove's password, just altering the number and the name), Tumblr wouldn't let me log in without a verification email.
Problem is, Yahoo also wouldn't let me log in to his email. Even though, 10 years later, I still remember what his ID and password were because they were so Pretty and Poetic and Distinctive that they stuck out in my memory. So I couldn't find the URL by simply logging in to the account.
(Also, I "coded" the Yahoo Security Verification Question Answers for his account. Which was a stupid thing to do because then I had to Play Detective because I forgot how I'd coded them. One of them was "Where did you meet your spouse?" And I was like, that's Dove! That's Azarath, duh! Except that wasn't it. I had invented Seranath by then; maybe that's what I used? But no. It took me approximately 3 hours and several attempts using various capitalization techniques in case it was cAsE sEnSiVe to remember I had simply called it, "home." But then it asked me "What was your first pet's name?" SRENTHA'S BIRD HAS HAD SO MANY NAMES OVER THE YEARS. Fuck if I know which one I used! I tried Janellera, Sheera, and Sieara in case I used Dove's, but then it locked me out. Bleh. I might have used Survivor, which is what his name was meant to mean. But Yahoo wouldn't let me try again.)
So just as I was about to make an act of desperation: attempt reaching out to friends who had RP'd with him to see if they still had access to any posts his old blog may have liked/reblogged and maybe The Notes Section would show me His Current URL, I remembered something crucial.
After this blog/account became my Permanent Residence, I went to check my old blog and couldn't find it. Which was Distressing, don't get me wrong. But I quickly found out Tumblr changes the URLs of blogs on old, inactive accounts (ones that aren't Fully Deleted, just unused for a period of time) by adding "-blog" at the end of the URL.
So, fairly quivering with desperation and hope, I tried that. His regular, default, years-long URL.... with "-blog" at the end.
And it came right up!
It loaded beautifully! It's all there! The old patchwork theme with silly fun pictures and all the RPs I remembered and then some, and headcanons lists I don't even remember filling out! Everything I hoped to find and more!
(If you're curious, it's at @highpriest-in-training-blog. There's a lot of Random Fun and RP Fun to go around there, but I can't log into his account At All, so it won't ever be updated, unfortunately.)
I'm so incredibly relieved, you have No Idea. It really shouldn't have been this frustrating to try logging into something WHEN I KNOW THE EMAIL AND PASSWORD! But it WAS.
But now I'm just so relieved I'm a bit emotionally exhausted. Whew,
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