#lmk yandere headcanons
yanderelmk · 1 year
Can I request some Yan Azure x Gn reader headcanons please? 👀💗 I think I'm not the only one who simps 🥺 thanks a bunch!
- 🎧 Headphones anon (I'm new here and glad to discover this blog!)
A/N: I am ushering you in out of the rain and feeding you this cup of content as you warm by the fireplace. I am the old crone in the woods who will give you this content ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Protective lion. Very protective of you and might or might not have this thing where he growls at people he doesn't like while holding you close - Very gently, very delicately, he will use his tongue to groom your hair/keep you clean (he has to be careful b/c lion tongues are very powerful) - Will appear behind you to put his arms around you in a show of ownership as he intently stares at the person he's trying to ward off - Those claws and teeth can be used to effectiveness if he doesn't have his sword on hand, or if the person who earned his ire has pissed him off in a particular way - Imagining someone who's harmed you is walking down an ally you see Azure's eyes glowing in the darkness. The second they stop he's on them, his teeth digging into their neck - If he's very proud of his kill he'll leave you a little treat on your doorstep like a cat bringing you food. He wants praise. Praise him - Azure is so in love with you that whenever he's proud of your accomplishments Yellowtusk and Peng will be treated to him rambling about it and just gushing over you "And they have just the sweetest smile!" - Chivalrous Knight all day every way he will hold open every door and carry everything for you if you would let him he will also kneel and kiss the back of your hand - Although if you return the favor he will have to calibrate but he will get THE biggest smile and be so excited - Actually, going on that, if you return the favor by doing a murder for him in return he will literally be so happy and will assist you and will show you all of his resources (where he hides the bodies)
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itsabouttimex2 · 2 months
PRIMAL MOON BULLFAM SOUNDS SO GOOD.. but also since their minds get muddied during the moon do they remember everything that happened afterwards? or is there just suddenly going to be a human in the fortress PIF is attached to? Not to mention how bad MK would feel after the moon..
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Primal Moon
Bullfam Drabble Monkiefam Headcanons
Okay, so… when it comes to post-viridescence memories, there’s a definite ‘muddled’ state of recollection, sort of like how you act after drinking. Some people will remember just about everything, others have a foggy haze to sort through, and then there’s always people who wake up totally hungover with no memories of the last week.
Demon Bull King is the definite final category. He wakes up covered in fresh scars and blood, exhausted to the very bone. All signs of a successful hunt. And there’s a thrumming satisfaction that rumbles his chest, knowing that he’s just as powerful now as he was before, if not more so.
It takes a moment for the bull to compose himself, stretching out a newly aching body. Bandages are wrapped along his arms and the length of his chest, tightly wrapped and tied at the end with bows.
Red Son’s work, no doubt. He always got weepy when his father came back from the hunt. Whenever on end he would tend to his father’s wounds, his hands shaking as tears of worry filled his eyes.
And speaking of the boy, the taurine demon can feel his son’s fiery form, nestled into a thin layer of purple…
His fur was regrowing, finally.
That wasn’t too unusual- the Primal Moon‘s impact was more than simply mental- it also sparked physical changes of many kinds.
Fur growing thicker, hair growing longer, horns sprouting from your scalp, skin hardening to thick hide, teeth sharpening to fangs, nails hardening to talons, pupils thinning to slits.
The Demon Bull King had seen so many of these, and lived through a few himself. More than a few times had those enhanced attributes won tipped the scales towards his favor in a fight.
As he sits up slowly, the euphoric agony of a new scar jolts across his waist. The demon gazes down to see his family nestled in his cupped hands, cushioned by the newly grown fur. Red Son fitfully clings to one of his fingers like a child, his sleep wracked with nightmares. Princess Iron Fan laying across his palm on her back, her countenance dignified even in sleep.
And… one little newcomer. You’re curled into a tight ball, wrapped up underneath Red Son’s torn long-coat. You’re squished as far into his son’s back as possible, drinking in the warmth he offers. One of your hands is enfolded in Iron Fan’s own, her grip tight.
One of the king’s eyebrow raises sharply in confusion, his brain still muddled by slowly fading viridescence. Were it not for the rest of his family resting soundly around you, he would have considered dumping you onto the ground below.
But he wouldn’t dare risk the health of his wife, nor that of his son.
So; reluctantly, the Demon Bull King settles back down and waits for the sun to rise, feeling the last remnants of ancient bestial instincts fade from his mind.
It’s his progeny who wakes first, though- some few hours after the taurine demon has drifted back to sleep, Red Son slowly opens his eyes.
The Primal Moon has a varied impact on everyone, shifted bodies and minds unequally. No two people are impacted the same way
Red has always hated it- being reduced to a little blubbering heap, desperate for warmth and affection.
Every year he proclaimed that this time would be different, and every year he was wrong.
No matter how hard he pushed to stay strong, Red Son was soon reduced to desperate whimpers for affection and praise, clinging to his parents desperately.
And finally, Princess Iron Fan had decided to look outside the family for a solution, giving up on potions or mental wards that never did more than barely dampen the problem.
So she had gone and snatched up a cute little mortal slinking around in the alleyways, catching you as you went to restock your family’s fridge halfway just a day into the week.
One moment you had been trudging across the paved stone and muttering about how your family was incredibly stupid to have not prepared better and been better with their resources, the next you had been spirited away to a demonic fortress.
A powerful gust of wind had blown you into the side of a half-taurine demon, who had been rubbing at his fresh horns and whimpering.
“This will be your new sibling, Red Son.”
Then she was gone in a whirlwind, left to tend to her own affairs as the demon clung to you and begged for attention.
It had been a lot to take in at the time, thrown suddenly into the affairs of a brand new family, expected to play caretaker to a fiery ‘sibling’.
Adjusting hasn’t been too awful- you simply doted on the red-haired demon and tended to his horns, and he laid his head on your lap and begged you not to stop. His father out hunting, his mother busy with her own matters, Red Son had wholeheartedly accepted you as his own family, in spite of the strange circumstances.
And Princess Iron Fan had quickly taken notice. You were useful, a gentle and kind soul who took pity on her boy, of all things.
There was no hatred or spite from your end, merely confusion and worry. Some genuine concern for Red Son. The most negative reaction they got from you was fear, and you mostly reserved that for the Bull Clones.
And… she grew mildly attached in her own stoic way, only realizing it when she watches you cook something filling and comforting for the fiery demon. You had left portions for her and her husband too, boxing them up for later convenience.
Even if you were a squishy little human with a little too big of a heart… you were admirably kind.
So, why shouldn’t she keep you around? Not only were you surprisingly mature and put-together, but you aren’t all too concerned about running back home to your parents or siblings. Nor were you desperate to escape their clutches.
Clearly, you were in no rush to return. Maybe you didn’t care for your blood.
So be it.
You could be part of their family, instead.
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Sun Wukong is the standout yandere in all of Primal Moon (except for maybe Azure), having an obsession for; in order of severity, Y/N, Macaque, and MK.
Y/N has to call him Bàba/爸爸, no exceptions. If they deny this demand, then the Monkey King smothers them in forced affection. It’s easy to think you can continually refuse his order since he’s not actually laying hands on you, right? It’s not like you’re being hurt. But eventually it’s the sixteenth hour straight that you’ve been sitting on his lap, getting forehead kisses and hair grooming without a single word or noise from the simian. They’ll crack eventually, needing food or water or simple audial stimulation.
Calls you ‘cub’ constantly, but might spring a ‘hun’ in softer or more lucid moments. MK is still ‘bud’, obviously, but he’ll occasionally get one of the first two monikers. And Macaque; though he doesn’t want a nickname or any doting, receives a simple ‘Mac’. If there comes a time that he’s tending to the Six-Eared Demon’s wounds, Wukong might just drop a ‘Xiandi’. Secretly, Macaque really likes that.
Group naps are a must. Everyone squishes together to fit in his lavish bed/a sunny patch of lush grass, all of you pressed flush to one another in a warm little heap.
Grooming. So much grooming. Pulling leaves and twigs from your hair as he hums, snacking on bugs and salt crystals he pulls from your hair/fur. Then he shifts around and turns his back it you, expecting the same care.
Macaque isn’t immune to the moon’s call… but he’s still pretty in control of himself throughout the week. The worst symptoms he faces are overeating, stereotypies, and mild possessiveness. Lots of gorging himself when things get stressful, stuffing down the sweetest things he can find. He paces his feet raw and plucks strands of fur, or beats his tail into the ground and pulls on his ears.
Because of the above, Wukong is severely protective of him during the week, frequently checking in on him. Any wounds are promptly cleaned and patched, then he’s resigned to an hour or so of TLC after he’s all bandaged up. The Great Sage may well resort to restrictive clothing in a well-intentioned attempt to prevent further damage.
Poor guy is always trying to advance his rank in the troop, even though he’s not entirely sure why he wants to climb ranks instead of escape. The answer is that the moon is influencing his mind.
Y/N is grateful for his care during the first Primal Moon they spend with the Monkiefam, and gives him an audiobook player to repay his kindness. He uses the hell out of that little machine during any further viridescence-born anxiety fits, shedding many of his harmful behaviors.
MK; the poor guy, has lost his mind. It used to be that he was one of the ‘normal ones’, hiding out in his room and the noodle shop all through the week.
When he was just a kid, Pigsy would stock the fridge with lots of noodle bowls for the kid to reheat and snack on, and more than a few sugary drinks that the kiddo wouldn’t normally have access to. Lots of coloring books and blank papers and crayons, ensuring that he’d keep busy. And seven full changes of clothes left on his drawer, each outfit chosen to be cozy. And then he’d endure a full week just about all by himself, watching his surrogate father down four bowls of noodles and dose himself with sleeping pills.
Spending most of the week alone as your guardian renders himself comatose, and when you’re so young, too… Primal Moon!MK has definite separation anxiety born from this event. And, speaking in Pigsy’s defense- this is about the best he can do for everyone. He will not risk hurting the kiddo, won’t risk hurting Tang, won’t risk damaging his restaurant in a fit of rage.
So MK’s only experience with the event is hiding away and trying to distract himself with art, fighting back sniffles as he draws pictures of happier days, him and Tang and Pigsy holding hands and smiling. Those photos always end up stained with tears by the time he done drawing, but Pigsy hangs them up in the restaurant anyways.
When his true self comes to light in Season Four… he’s left totally unprepared and has literally no preparation or acclimation to the lunar cycle. Frog in a pot, I suppose. No acclimation to something bad makes your reaction to it worse.
Poor kiddo.
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snakewithawitchhat · 2 months
Jealousy Headcannon
Sun Wukong x GN Reader
Includes: Two bonus endings at the bottom :P
♤Wukong would most definitely get really jealous super easily. If you get too close to someone (or they you), he'll probably intervene. Most of the time, when he gets jealous, it's because you're relying more on someone other than him. He's supposed to be your partner! It's his job to make you feel better!
♤At first, it would be very unnoticeable. He'd just get a little quieter around you. He'd brood more. If your relationship with this other person continues, he'll start sending glares and intimidating them with threats. He'll be obvious in his dislike of them, openly explaining it to you, them, and anyone that will listen.
♤If you ask him what's wrong, he'll say it's nothing. He's not going to try to be a "burden" to you. If you keep pestering him about it, though, he'll tell you that he doesn't like how close you are to that person and how he hates how little attention he gets now. He'll feel a lot better with that off his chest.
♤If you ignore and/or don't notice it, his jealousy will grow and grow. He'll get more agitated, quiet, and much less of the laid-back Monkey King everyone knows him to be. He'll ignore you a lot of the time and snap at you easily.
□Good End (mostly fluff)
Wukong looked on the brink of tears as guilt burned his throat. He hated to be a burden on you. He didn't want his problems to weigh you down. He expected you to be angry or annoyed… not so… sympathetic. He froze in place when he felt your arms wrap tightly around him, squeezing away his stress. "I-I thought you'd be angry…"
"Never. This is bothering you, love. I'm not gonna get mad at you for your own emotions. After all… I'm your partner, too…"
His expression softened as he buried his face into your shoulder. His arms shakily snaked around you, pulling you closer as his body eased.
■Bad End (angst, yandere-ish themes)
Sun Wukong's claws dug into the bark of a tree as he glared holes into your back. How dare you. He thought you loved him! He thought you'd never betray him. That's what you promised, after all. But, no. You were busy and couldn't hang out with him again because of that stupid, stupid friend.
His breathing quickened, a small growl rumbling in his throat. That idiotic friend of yours would pay for this. It was all their fault. They brainwashed you. They took away all of your attention. All of your love.
If only he could get rid of them.
If he did, he could make you love him again.
Just a quick little thing. I'm good at writing dark themes like this, but I tried to add some fluff, just in case. I love me some obsessive Wukong.
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silkythewriter · 1 year
Hello! If you are still open can I request these two characters from LMK (Lego Monkie Kid)?
YANDERE! Sun Wukong and YANDERE!Macaque the six-ear monkey (together) with a Y/N who extremely fear people who are stronger than them so they always hide when meeting one
Y/N: they are a person that has Social anxiety and overthinks alot even in small situations and they always hide behind something that is big enough to hide them (EXAMPLE: BIG Rock) (when their trust one is not there) and hide behind their trust one (EXAMPLE: Hiding behind pigsy) (when their trust one is there) when meeting a stronger person. And it took REALLY long to get their trust.
Sun Wukong meet them beacsue M.k introduced them to him
Macaque meets them on accident (which you can choose how /3)
I hope you can do this!! :D (NOT FORCING)
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꧁𝐂𝐫𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐭𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬꧂
𝐖𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐧 𝐛𝐲: silkythewriter, formally known as weirdowithahat
𝐀𝐫𝐭 𝐦𝐚𝐝𝐞 𝐛𝐲/𝐫𝐞𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐛𝐲: reposted by: unknown on Pinterest and crated by flying bark
𝐁𝐨𝐚𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐝/𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐩𝐢𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐛𝐲: sublieu
𝐀𝐥𝐥 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐨𝐰𝐧𝐞𝐝 𝐛𝐲: Simon Lucas
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠: yanderes, Obsession, stalking, toxic relationship, OOC macaque, OOC sun wukong . ALSO JUST WANNA AGAIN, thank you guys so much for the request!!! <3. You guys and this fandom are truly awesome!!!!
Swk: sun wukong
𝐌𝐮𝐬𝐢𝐜 𝐬𝐮𝐠𝐠𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐝:
Headcanons began now
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I feel like sun wukong and macaque would find it adorable. Yet they would try their best to help you in the situation.
Like for example gaining your thrust, even if it takes a good while, it better for you to try hiding behind them then pigsy or anyone else. These two monkey boys get jealous at the smallest things
The swear to protect you no matter the cost so when anyone villainous or to powered shows up you know it’s about to be a show not to mention how sun wukong and macaque like being show offs while doing so
If both of them know the person will be a bit of a struggle to put down if they are a threat. One would carry you off to MK as the other fights. They only trust Mk with you cause he is the only one with powers such as theirs and well he’s the one they know the most of course!
When Mk introduced you to sun wukong, sun wukong was immediately memorized, especially by your cute little movements no one else but him noticed. Like the way you clutched mks sleeve while nervously, or the way you but your lip when you thought hard, or even when you played with your fingers to distract yourself from uncomfortable situations
But to sun wukong dismay soon macaque learned about you one way or other. They both budded heads with each other constantly due to you
They did come to a resolution after one incident that made them work together to save you from a outta control demon. I know sun wukong is immortal but holy hell did that give him a death scare
They keep you close and follow you anywhere, where ever you go they go. Even if your just rounding a small street Conor to a store they’ll never be too far behind always trailing right behind you.
They usually like teasing you when you hide behind a rock or anything, mainly sun wukong but if it actually turns out serious and you end up hurt these boys are going to go CRAZY
Whenever you get hurt they are most differently fighting and blaming each other, while also smothering you and making sure your okay
To be honest their like your personal body guards anywhere you go. Like I mean anywhere 😭
Macaque is horrible at social situations even with his slide guy mask. So he understands your pain, aswell as sun Wunkong a bit, but he’s more social then both of you so when it comes to talking or anything it’s usually up to him
Pigsy catch up’s to this and tries standing up to them but….let’s just say he stayed silent real quick -_-💧
Over all these two monkey boys are very overprotective of you so you better get use to two magic monkeys following you around 24/7 💧 I wish you luck reader -_-💧
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yandere-chocolate · 11 months
For the LMK requests maybe a MK one? I dont see much on him and I think it would be interesting to see maybe headcannons? 🤔
(Okay! I’m not too sure how good this is going to be, but let’s go!)
Yandere MK Headcannons (but not really because it’s basically a scenario) ~(romantic)~
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Now, I feel like MK is fine at first, but it really depends on what season we are talking about.
He’s probably very sweet during the first season, showing off what Monkey King taught him to impress you. Probably stumbles and embarrasses himself a few times.
Maying even is far more conflicted on giving up his “invincibility” because he is worried it might make you less interested in him.
He mostly just wants to impress you. He’s excited and wants you to be just as impressed by his powers as he is!
Then the insecurity worsens as time goes on…
At first, he just wanted to show off. But as time goes on and he feels as though the Monkey King chose the wrong mentor…he begins to feel as though he needs to work twice as hard to even be worthy of you.
He puts you on almost the same level of importance as his mentor (if not more) and generally put you on a pedestal as time goes on.
Then the Lady Bone Demon attacks. Officially, that is.
As you all look for the Samadhi fire, MK is practically stitched to your side.
You’re his first priority and when Macaque attacks, it may go much worse than what happened originally in the show.
…Macaque doesn’t make it out with a lack of scars that will permanently paint his body after threatening to harm you.
Now, after defeating the Lady Bone Demon, MK becomes a bit…obsessed with the idea of destiny. More than he should.
He sees it now…maybe…just maybe…it’s destiny for you two to be together.
I’m going to skip to the Ink MK battle because I’m lazy.
Actually, Ink MK approaches you. And you’re confused as the ink creature begins to go on deranged rants about how you’re his and that you’re perfect and how he’s the only one who can protect you.
It’s…horrifying, to say the least. The creature barely even tries to hurt you, instead trying to pull you close, almost breaking your arms with its strength.
When MK defeats it, he seems to truth and distance himself for the first time.
While talking to Macaque, MK mentions his unhealthy obsession with you.
Macaque tries to help and MK leaves, feeling like he’s better. He feels like he can control his feelings now.
MK is wrong.
When he turns into his monkey form, he becomes…more sadistic. More deranged. Like a wild animal out for blood.
No one noticed this until Azure Lion was defeated and MK…was still in his monkey form.
He began to laugh maniacally and look towards you, his sharp canines gleaming in his golden light.
Luckily, you and his friends managed to make him come to his senses, and you all weren’t harmed…too badly.
Finally, MK was normal! He could go back to his happy life with his friends! When you all went to the beach, he finally felt at peace!
…but were the dark desires inside him really destroyed?
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missshirophantom · 7 months
Yandere Macaque Headcanon
Warning : weak blood, hints of forced feeding, hint of isolation, delusion (from the side of the Macaque).
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Macaque was soft by nature. Only a few people knew about it. Wukong and the brotherhood, for which Peng often mocked him, and the others just shrugged their shoulders and told him to be careful.
Macaques knew without them. It was not for nothing that, even before his acquaintance with Wukong, he built a cold, stone wall around himself. He was wounded more than once when he was worried about others. Even after getting to know Wukong and the brotherhood, he did it. Because of what he had to hide the wounds from the monkey, because he did not want to bother him when there was a rebellion against the Heavens on the nose.
But he knew they would lose. It's been a long time. He tried to warn them, to protect them, but they didn't listen to him. No, not all of them. Yellow Tusk and Azure would definitely have taken his words into consideration.
Macaque was as hurt as they were that Wukong betrayed them. But he knew why he did it. He was angry at his own impotence that he could do nothing to save Wukong. Every time he touched the seal, it burned him with the strongest flame. Therefore, he reluctantly decided that he would try to ease Wukong's imprisonment.
One single time was enough to break his heart. Angry words of Wukong, refusal of food, refusal of his help.
It was worse than all the wounds he had received before. Worse than Peng carefree bullying.
It was so painful.
Macaque was not hot-tempered and emotional like Wukong. But... He just ran away, before shouting out what he regretted for another 500 years and threw out a peach — a symbol of their friendship. Their affectionway
He was always close to the brotherhood of that time. Keeping an eye on them from the shadows. He felt safer that way.
However, he heard rumors about the release of Wukong and his capture by a monk. The macaque then barely plucked up the courage to talk to him. He hoped to apologize and restore what had been destroyed, but... Everything didn't go according to plan. He was beaten to death, smearing his head into a bloody mess.
He was crying. Shouted. He resisted, but Wukong did not stop. His heart stopped only after he left, staggering, to his monk
After his resurrection, he could not come to his senses. It was so painful and fresh in his memory. The macaque was able to change this fear into hatred for this monkey, which did not listen to him in the past and did as he wanted.
He hated him.
But at the same time his heart ached with longing and sadness, and tears welled up in his eye.
That is why he will do everything so that his starlight or sunshine does not go down this path. So as not to become as cruel and cold-blooded as Wukong.
He will protect them, even if he has to keep them in the Realm of Shadows. But this is an extreme case. He's not so cruel as to imprison them there for mistakes, right?
Everything was for their good. The macaque takes care of them. Does not bind. Feeds good food. Spends time with them.
So what else do they need?.
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blutulip · 1 year
Yandere Wukong Headcanons
Here is some headcanons for Wukong in this Yandere AU, don't worry I'll do one for the Jade Emperor AU as well ^_^
How is Wukong different in this AU? He is still the chill, goofy, lazy, confident Monkey King we all love. Except, he is also possessive, overly passionate, jealous and extremely lovestruck!
Did I forget to mention he has an underlying bloodlust???
First meeting Tulip he thought she was another grouch trying to ruin his mood, but as time went on he saw her as the kind hearted person she is.
He felt he could just be himself with her, never having to put up walls or masks just to fit a mold. Everyday was bliss with her.
Boi is a SNUGGLER, once he has her in his arms there is no letting go. There have been times where he almost squished Tulips back due to his excitement.
Wukong LOVES food, the kind of guy who would send you to god if you touched his food without asking. When it comes to Tulip, however, he is willing to share his food in a heartbeat if it gets her to smile. Also, yes.... he would share his precious peach chips.
Whenever Tulip is around, Wukong will always have his tail around her. Yes, Wukong is known for wrapping his arms around peoples shoulders, but being very protective, likes to keep his tail around her. is tail is extremely sensitive so having his tail always near Tulip is a real big show of trust.
Wukong is protective and possessive, he hates to admit it but despite being relaxed around Tulip he is always on constant alert of bad guys or potential rivals.
He enjoys scenting her, whether it be on her neck, hands, clothes, ANYTHING to keep others away from her and to show Tulip is his.
Tries to keep distance with Tulip, he understands everyone needs their space but he can't help having this overwhelming feelings of loneliness whenever she is not around. He will make as many excuses he needs to keep her close without raising suspicions.
Despite Wukong being lazy, he actually has some troubles sleeping. Sometimes he'll have nightmares of before and during the journey, having Tulip sleep next to him washes all that away so he can get a goodnight sleep.
Wukong has yet to shed blood when it comes to Tulip, but when his anger gets out of hand, you bet your life some blood is going to be spilt. If anyone DARES to harm her, well... Let's just say not even reincarnation can save you from his wrath.
We know our boy Wukong tends to lie a lot but he's like a running faucet when it comes to Tulip, he can't seem to keep anything from her. However when it comes to his Yandere intension that could impact his relationship with her, he says not a peep.
Overall Wukong is just looking for someone he can be himself around.
Fun fact, while Wukong was away in Season 2 it was the hardest time of his life being away from Tulip. Luckily he stole her cardigan before he left, so he could have a piece of her when he was away.
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This was fun! Let me know if you want more, I may or may not do some NSFW later :3
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emelinstriker · 1 year
random funny (yandere?)nezha x reader headcanon
talkin to a friend rn about the nezha pic i’m workin on and i started complaining to her about shading and how actually fucked up shading should be within the celestial realm-----
LIKE imagine the reader is gettin mocked for their looks by another human and a pissed off nezha brings said mortal to the celestial realm for EVEN JUST A BIT. he essentially places them in an area that is just fucking FILLED with any surface that can reflect the realm’s pure light and basically tries to blind them, or even succeeds-
Nezha then just simply goes: “If you can’t see their beauty, then you don’t deserve your vision. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯”
even better if he also adds other lines like
“You do realize the gods did not give you eyes to view my lover in such a little light, right?”
“You can see why I brought you here, right? Oh wait, you can’t.”
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devourable · 1 year
Out of the delinquents who do you think would be most likely to go on a cute little date where you are just cuddling,reading a book I wanna say aaron but im a bit too influenced by his name and Aaron Warner(the actual loml)
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out of the delinquents? you'd have the best luck getting judas to have that sort of date, he's the most content just watching you enjoy yourself/passively enjoying your company. so something soft like cuddling and reading would be right up his alley!
aaron would be open to it, but he lowkey has adhd so he'd need some extra stimuli like music or a podcast lol. unless it's a book he's REALLY interested in. but he'd still try regardless if you really wanted him to 🫶
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venus-haze · 2 years
yeah im not the same anon but it would be cool to see some headcannons!
No worries, then! I’m sorry for any confusion.
Yandere!Austin!Elvis x Naive!Reader headcanons
Warnings for dark themes such as emotional blackmail, obsessive and manipulative behavior, and abuse of power which some people may find disturbing or triggering. Do not interact if you are under 18 or post thinspo/ED content.
🖤 You’re incredibly flattered when Elvis of all people takes an interest in you. The relationship moves incredibly quickly, like in the romance novels you always had on hand and not the disappointing and lackluster relationships that had let you down
🖤 Being with him seems like a dream come true, you have free reign of Graceland and he gives you all of the love and attention you could have wanted. You hardly notice that your world is becoming smaller and smaller until you can’t remember the last time you’d left the estate
🖤 It’s for your own safety, though, Elvis assures you. You have no reason not to believe him, he’s taken such good care of you so far. Even when he tells you that your friends are no good and you can’t trust your family because they all want to keep you apart. It’s better that way anyway, the less time you spend with people who aren’t him, the less likely he is to become jealous
🖤 So you go through your routine of gardening and reading and cooking, day after day, pretending there isn’t a slight restlessness inside you. It’s as though he can sense it every time and nips it in the bud. Graceland needs you, Elvis needs you, the beating heart of his retreat from stardom. It gets you every time
🖤 Still, you figure inviting your parents over for dinner can’t hurt, right? Except when Elvis arrived home to unexpected and unwanted guests, he makes it clear that if you choose anyone else, you lose him. You don’t want to lose the love of your life, your fairytale, even though everyone else can so clearly see the nightmare
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yanderelmk · 1 year
Okay uhm hmmm
How about headcannons with MK, Mei, Red Son, Macaque, Wukong, and maybe Syntax
What if the reader kinda just disappeared for like a month. No trace of them left
Then they come back from vacation because they needed a break from the yanderes. Of course they would never know that
(You can ignore if it’s too troublesome-) ✨
A/N: Got so long I had to make a Part 2 sdighidof ---------------------------------------------- MK: - Absolutely inconsolable, constantly trying to message and call you to find out where you are -Extreme anxiety over whether you're safe or not, worrying if one of the demons got to you -Begins to fall into a depressed state thinking he got you hurt and/or killed -Can't sleep because all he can think about is that you might be out there waiting for him to save you but he can't find you. This is literally his nightmare scenario -The SECOND you come back he's clinging hard like a puppy and not letting you go. Constant calls and texts. I imagine especially during/after LBD he has serious separation anxiety so you just dropping off the face of the Earth for so long was massively bad MEI: -She tried to use every tech trick she knows to track down your location, the second she gets a ping she is going AFTER you, if you avoided her for a month it was likely at a place with no cell service -Would've been heavily stalking your social media for any tiny hint about where you were, analyzing whose posts you recently liked to see who might know where you are -Second you enter city limits she is going to ZOOM when you cell phone pings off the nearest cell tower -Clinging. So much clinging. Your arm is hers and she's not releasing -She may or may not bet trying to figure out a way to bug you so she can track where you go RED SON: -Red Son had bull clones sweeping the city and surrounding area the second he realized you were gone -Started going through a whole mourning arc thinking that you must have died, swearing that whatever brought about your end would know no peace so long as he had breath in his body -He's going to be FURIOUS when you come back and reveal that you went traipsing off without telling him - "I THOUGHT SOMETHING HAPPENED TO YOU! Do you know how many enemies my father has accumulated over the years?! I could not sleep or eat, I worried that somehow in some way they knew of your connection to me and were torturing you!" -You're gonna have to do a lot of making up to him, though of course he would never leave you, he'll just demand to know where you are every second of every hour of every day until his anxiety over the matter calms -He's gonna get so fed up with worrying that you're going to run off every time you leave for the store, but he has a solution! -WOE, INTO THE BASEMENT YE GO MACAQUE: -When he notices you're gone after the first few days, he began sending out his shadow clones to find word of you -He begins panicking more and more when he realizes you're not in the city -If necessary he'll have as many clones as he can make scouring the whole country for you -When he does find you and realizes you're safe, that you just left without telling him, he's going to be enraged -Just keeping you tied up in his cave isn't good enough. Oh no no no. -You'll be kept in the Lantern as punishment until he feels like you've learned your lesson, and then you'll be kept in his cave for the rest of your days
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itsabouttimex2 · 13 days
This can be for anyone you think would best fit.
I have a personal comfort item that I cuddle to sleep. I get pissed if I am not cuddling it so what would ANY of the yanderes do about this?
Stuffie Reactions
Sun Wukong, MK, Azure Lion
What does this character think of your comfort item?
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Cute, cute, cute. Sun Wukong considers your attachment to be simply adorable, and doesn’t interfere with the attachment you have for the thing. We get to see that he’s a little nostalgic for the past, so I think he’d understand the love for a long-standing comfort item. If it’s a plushie of some kind, the Great Sage will probably have a few commissioned in similar fashion to give you a ‘troop’ of cuddle-buddies.
That being said, he still wants your attention! Cuddle your plushie all you’d like, but come and lay your his in his lap while you do. Clean and brush it, but let him wrap an arm around you while you’re at it.
As long as he gets the same amount of love that you dish out to the personal possession, Wukong won’t complain. Start ignoring him I’m favor of it… and he’ll find a nice little cranny to hide it in. Maybe a few sleepless nights spent looking for it will drive you to his arms… eventually. He can wait.
He’s not the one losing sleep over it, after all!
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MK is, in a word, jealous. He wants to be your hero, the one who scoops you up and delivers you to safety, the one who comforts you and wipes away tears. And instead of him, an actual hero, you have… a toy.
Regular MK wouldn’t care- in fact, he’d sympathize with you, given he’s got a massive monkey plush of his own! But with obsession to bog the mind, he’s more demanding of your time and attention- as well as your affection.
He wants those cuddles you give to the precious plush you’ve kept since childhood! He wants to be the pillow you rest on! Honestly, MK is more than a little hurt that he’s being one-upped by a literal object.
He briefly considers stealing and trashing the stuffed animal, but settles on an even better idea that won’t break you heart- his power to transform.
MK slips the worn plush under your bed and stealthily takes the thing’s place, shifting into an exact replica- every bead, stitch, and discolored patch is just as you remember, left right where you always put it before leaving your room-
So you don’t hesitate to give him it a good cuddle.
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Azure Lion has a tendency to view his obsession as much younger than they truly are- you having a stuffie only reinforces this incorrect view.
Anytime he sees you holding your plush, it’s as though ten to fifteen years drop from your age. He can’t see a teen or an adult in you- just a child that needs him. (If you are a child, he spoils you with plushes and dolls to make up for his frequent absence. It’s not like he’d allow you to have real friends, after all.)
It’s not like Azure is going to grow jealous over a stuffed piece of sewn fabric- he’s just happy that you have something that makes you happy. He can just steal away into your room at night, settling for stroking the hair from your face and tucking the blankets tight.
(And a forehead kiss. Always. He’s never once forgotten it.)
Unlike the monkeys above, though, Azure Lion will remove your plush as a punishment. Not out of jealousy or desire for affection- but as a method of keeping you in line.
To him, it’s a particularly beloved toy, not really an object worthy of respect or love. And since taking it seems to be a good way of getting the response he wants, Azure is prone to snatching it away without hesitation- and returning it promptly once you’ve “learned your lesson”.
Thankfully, he’s not cruel enough to destroy it.
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snakewithawitchhat · 2 months
Hi, welcome to the hell hole that is tumbler -
I was kinda wondering how the jealous headcanon would be for Macaque - because you are sure as hell it would end up bad-
I'm all for doing some twisted, jealous Macaque heheh. Also, thanks! <33
Jealousy Headcannon
Macaque x Reader
TW for violence, yandere-ish themes, etc…
♡Macaque would be possessive from the start. Wherever you go, if he isn't doing something super important, his eyes will always be on you. So, when he notices you starting to get close to someone else, he'll immediately take action. He takes no time to examine from afar. This new person is a threat.
♡He'll pop out of the shadows and be an absolute ass. Your little monkey boyfriend gets as close as possible to you and even closer, being touchy and taking control of the conversation. This person has to know you're taken. And not just taken by anybody, no. By him.
♡If they don't get the hint or you keep on chatting with them, he'll be absolutely pissed. He WILL shut this down. He'll probably grab your arm or wrap it around you, digging his claws threateningly into your skin. Not hard enough to do any real damage, but it's a clear warning he's getting irritated.
♡If you take this warning and finally give in, letting him drag you away, no one will get hurt. He'll probably make you cuddle him before apologizing about anything.
♡If you don't, however… well…
Someone's getting hurt. Not you, of course. Macaque would probably be grumpy and distant with you for a while, though. He'd just make a few threats to this person. Maybe rough them up a little when you're safe at home (aka his home).
□ Good End
Macaque buried his face into your shoulder, holding you close and clinging to you as you laid on the couch. He breathed in deeply, savoring your warmth and the scent you gave off. After a long moment of hesitation, he sighed.
"I'm sorry I got possessive… again…" he mumbled awkwardly. He just couldn't help it. "I'll make up for it, I promise…"
You frowned, but the twinge of sympathy in your heart made you, too, sigh. You gave a playful, weak smile. "Okay… you'd better."
■Bad End
Macaque hissed under his breath. His claws dug into your side as he pressed you closer against him, nearly drawing blood. This person had gotten way too close. And you had just let them!?
His eyes narrowed in a malicious glare. He knew exactly what to do in a situation like this.
Back at home, you yelled at him. He didn't care much. You always looked so cute when you were mad, anyway. He ignored your frustrations and fears, dragging you into bed and forcing you to lay under him for some (in his eyes) well deserved cuddling.
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sugaryapplepie · 4 months
Hiiiiii Sugar
Mind giving me some domestic headcannons for Phantasmal Tryst?
💜Phantasmal Tryst Domestic Headcannons💜
Tags: Non-con/dub-con, SFW, domesticity, light yandere behaviors, OC x Canon
Pairing: Mayor x Xingshen x Macaque [Phantasmal Tryst]
While Xingshen does pride starself on stars maturity, the Mayor likes to do his fair share of helping out around the Bone Palace
She'll be making dinner for the three of them and he will appear with a faint woosh behind her before she'd feel herself gently nudged by icy cold fingers
"You work too hard, Ankaa. Allow me."
Thus star'd quickly back up
Whatever the dinner is will be absolutely banger, though
The Mayor makes a mean-ass meatloaf he knows how to SEASON
Macaque can't cook. Flat out isn't allowed in the kitchen. He'd just try to steal from the dessert cabinet and Xingshen would have to run in like a linebacker
Considering Macaque's often out doing missions on the Bone Demoness's behalf, Xingshen has a lot of time to herself in the Bone Palace. Owing to this cooking's become a newfound hobby for her
This means she also bakes the desserts Macaque tries to pilfer
If you don't look too closely you could almost call this a very wholesome relationship
At the very least the Mayor's very attentive to both Macaque and Xingshen's needs (without ever letting them go, of course)
Bed time consists of the three of them sharing the Mayor's bed
He understands that they need their individual space but bed time cuddles in his room are mandatory
What normally happens is Xingshen's in the middle with the Mayor and Macaque on either arm with their heads on her chest
The Mayor likes to be Xingshen's big spoon while she's being the big spoon to Macaque
However if the Mayor's not present for a cuddle session then Macaque insists he can be the big spoon
Kinda funny considering Macaque's 4'3" like Wukong is but let the lad dream, I suppose
If the Mayor's back is sore from his work, Xingshen will end up giving him backrubs to soothe his muscles, leading to a rare instance of her being the big spoon when he eventually is spoiled to sleep
Sometimes if they can't sleep either the Mayor or Macaque will tell a story, with Macaque using shadow puppetry to illustrate
The Mayor can't do shadow puppetry but even still he can paint a vivid picture of what he's describing
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silkythewriter · 1 year
Hi there! I wanted to ask, if the request are still open can I request Yandere Macaque x Female reader where Reader, feeling persecuted, decides to escape or hide from him, but he only takes that as a game of hide and seek, being able to see her using his shadows
When I think of a Yan Macaque I always think of him using his shadows to his advantage, this jerk XD
I don't know if it's a good scenario 😅 but I would like to be able to see it in your interpretation if you want of course ☆ thank you! And have a nice day! 💗
❤︎︎Yandere macaque x fem!reader❤︎︎
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꧁𝐂𝐫𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐭𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬꧂
𝐖𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐧 𝐛𝐲: silkythewriter, formally known as weirdowithahat
𝐀𝐫𝐭 𝐦𝐚𝐝𝐞 𝐛𝐲/𝐫𝐞𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐛𝐲: Jossy Rodriguez and Fasha <3 on Pinterest!, art is produced by Flying Bark Productions
𝐁𝐨𝐚𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐝/𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐩𝐢𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐛𝐲: sublieu
𝐀𝐥𝐥 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐨𝐰𝐧𝐞𝐝 𝐛𝐲: Simon Lucas
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠: yanderes, Obsession, stalking, toxic relationship, OOC macaque, ALSO THIS HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THE POLL JUST A WARNING!! I will still be waiting for results and I will still be writing a character! This is just a cool requesting just couldn’t wait >_<!!!
𝐌𝐮𝐬𝐢𝐜 𝐬𝐮𝐠𝐠𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐝:
Scenario and Head-canons began now
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His laughs filled the forest like venomous gas, each step he took made your heart pound like as if it was going to jump out of your chest. Your vision was shaky as your mind was Ingolf by fog of thoughts and scenarios that only made your body Trimble more. You knew this was just a game to him, a fun cat and mouse chase, but you still had little determination in you to keep hiding, to escape. Your chances were low and you knew the consequences of getting caught by the six eared macaque. “Y/n, you know you can’t hide” he sung as he walked with pride, making his tail swing excitedly behind him “I love these little games you play, truly, but cmon you really think you can get away from this?,from me?” He laughed as he taunted you. You only coward behind the large bolder surrounded by trees, praying to whatever god/gods out there to lend a hand in your desperate situation yet no use as your prayers fell on death ears as nothing came to your rescue.
The leaves and sticks crunched under macaque as he finally appeared to your side, you eyes widen as your breath hitched cursing every living being you could. You stood still like a deer in head lights staring at his smug face his lips parted as he let a out a low warning, “run” at his word you quickly crawled away before scrambling up to your feet and running away, laughs echoed out and bounced off trees, you could hear him giving chase behind you but you dared not look back in fear of the horrific sight. Your legs felt weak, begging for you to stop but the adrenaline kept you pushing forward not daring to stop for miles but at some point you would have to. God the pain coursing through your body was worse then ever, you only stopped when you noticed the absent of his running you let out a small shaky sigh of relief. As your hands went to your knees, now being supported by it as you let your burning lungs greedily inhale the air around you. You looked like a mess with snot and tears running down your face as your lips were dry.
“Y/n” he’s voice sung once again your body tensing at his voice. You looked around you trying to spot him yet you couldn’t, and the moon was already taking the suns place making your situation worse. “Please..no” you mumbled tiredly and scared you could hear his laugh in the distance yet. Your body was to weak to move his voice grow closer as your body tried using any energy left to start moving yet it was to late.
“Boo” he said his voice right next to your ear leaving it tingling because of his breath hitting it . You let out a scream as you scrambled away only to get surrounded by his shadow clones “nuh uh” he laughed as his clone mimicked him they all moved closer slowly in an antagonizing manner. You looked helpless, and overly defeated. “What’s wrong my small crow, to tired to run?” He cooed as he finally appeared from one of his portals, standing right above your already calloused body “looks like someone exhausted themselves” he humored as he crouched down to your eye level “it’s been fun,really,but it’s time to go” he said grabbing you chin between his thumb and pointer finger as he faced your head to make eye contact with him. He planted a small kiss on your forehead before scooping you up in his arms “I love playing these games with you, but when will you learn, you’ll never be able to escape. A shadows something you can’t get rid of my crow” he said laughing before taking you with him through the portal, you looked tiredly behind him only to see his clones laughing along and waving bye to you, you truly were just a scared mouse to him weren’t you?
Head canons cause I love this fandom so much! \(^ヮ^)/
As you can see him calling you “crow” has appeared very often in the short scenario, so I’ll explain that first!. It’s a nickname he gave you while stalking you at the beginning of his obsession with you, he saw a small crow land near you on a bench while you gave it a small peace of seed you were munching on. He found the little action adorable so of course this lead him to the little pet name. Some other common nick names are for example: little shadow, my moon, and other things like such
He’s prideful and full of himself some times sure, but he’s also quite and emotional detached sometimes. It really depends, one minute he’s cooing at you while running his fingers through your skin/fur and the next he’s despaired for multiple weeks or even months. Don’t expect him to even acknowledge it and it would be in your best interest not to bring it up
Don’t even mention sun wokung, this man won’t even let you think of him let alone met him. And in the off chance that you do oh boy, Mk and his friends are gonna have their hands full
He’s like a cat if anything, nagging you for attention but after awhile just becoming distant not wanting to be near anyone nor be touched before going back to you and your arms
For as smooth as he can be sometimes he’s also a bit awkward.
While he does disappear sometimes don’t expect to be left alone, oh no,no,no you are wrongly mistaken he’ll be watching your every move from afar and that Erie feeling of being watched you feel? Yea better get use to it cause it’s not going away anytime soon I can promise you that
He’s overprotective from afar, he won’t ever out right say he is but when you notice friends, family, hell even coworkers if you have job disappear I think you can connect the dots. He basically forces you into isolation in fear of not wanting to hurt the innocent
He’s a manipulator , he can easily do it to you if he wants to guilt you into staying or some other reason really
Out of all the yanderes in the LMK he’s the slowest in realizing or acknowledging his obsession and need for you, he tries hiding it in the deepest parts of him but in the end he lets it consume him. No point in fighting for a losing battle
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toxicoleander · 2 years
yandere macaque headcanons .ᐟ
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.ᐟ  he would be really emotionally manipulative. honestly i doubt he would do anything physically that harmed you or others, or he would try to avoid it. but if worse comes to worse, he’ll harm someone physically. 
.ᐟ  he doesn’t enjoy manipulating you or psychologically hurting you, it honestly pains him, but if it’ll make you stop being so trusting in others (besides him, obviously) then it’s what he has to do. 
.ᐟ  macaque makes up tons of excuses as to why you shouldn’t be friends with certain people, or why you should hang out with your family less. “mei has gotten a lot more serious recently, yeah? she might need less distractors” “mei has been acting like she’s above you the past few weeks, haven’t you noticed?” “ah well, wukong has been giving you random glares” are some small examples   .ᐟ  he has massive trust issues after what happened with wukong, so he stalks you with his shadow clones. he constantly has to know who you’re talking to, what you’re talking about, etc. because what if someone is talking bad about you to him? he can’t just let that happen.
.ᐟ  he does give you gifts though! just barely scratching the skin of spoiling you. but here’s the catch, most of these gifts have tracking devices on them, and/or audio recorders. he loves hearing your voice over and over. sure the real thing is better but sometimes he just cant get that.
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