#little idol au
lunarwednesday · 1 year
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I had a small little brainrot of a hsy idol au lol
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bitwein · 2 months
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idol ink and their biggest fan who always seems to get pictures with them...
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h0u-h0u · 4 months
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a jackal ready to strike !
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saltiestbread · 10 months
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Sandwich idol edition >:3
ya'll it Sanswich! stack so nicely.
idol au: @zucchiyeni
idol ink: @kwai0 idol dream: @tuxibirdie idol blue: me me me!
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movedtodykedvonte · 11 months
I think it’s be funny to have a Spider-Man that is genuinely just a kid, not like a teenager or a kid who understands the gravity of his abilities but a kid who does heroics simply because that’s cool to a kid.
The gimmick is that the villains think it’s a gimmick and Spider-Man(?) fucks with them by acting like a kid to make ‘em feel bad or embarrass them only for them to realize he’s a literal child due to a forced team up where they like offer him a brewski afterwards and he’s legitimately like “Mr I am 9 years old, I just do this cause my aunt can’t take me to the park every afternoon.” And they grill him on adult things and he sits there just blanking cause he’s fucking 9.
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0rchidm4ntis · 2 months
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hey lol *pmmms your 2wink*
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yellowocaballero · 9 months
ORV Characters Ranked by Least to Most Likely to Commit White Collar Crime
You guys said you wanted my ORV takes, and I try not to say things unsolicited, so I'll drop the good meta-analysis and literary criticism that I'm known for. For comedy purposes please pretend that ORV is American.
Omniscent Reader's Viewpoint characters broken down by likelihood to commit white collar crime, least to most:
Lee Hyeonseong: he's convinced that he's never committed a crime in his life. Intentionally, of course not. Unintentionally, he takes shopping for groceries extremely seriously, and is sometimes so wrapped up in the fruit inspection experience that he'll leave without paying. Due to his innocent face, bulk, and sheer confidence, he's never caught. In an economically thrifty maneuver, KDJ always sends him on snack runs for parties and texts him math problems while he's there. He insists it's like couponing. It's not couponing.
Jeong Huiwon: similarly, of course she would never choose to commit a crime. Also similarly, when KDJ says, 'Hey, wanna commit a crime?' she always participates. Since the crime is normally targeted at rich people, KDJ can usually morally justify it to her. She calls this harm reduction. It's not harm reduction.
Lee Jihye: would love to commit a crime in theory, almost never in practice. She has an idealized image in her mind of the ideal high school experience and it involves grand theft auto. However, the worst she ever gets is breaking & entering and trespassing, mostly because she didn't stop to wonder if the building was abandoned or not. She can't even shoplift from Claire's.
Shin Yuseung: the kind of kid who sets the dissection frogs in the school laboratory free. Looks up illegal exotic animal trading on the deepweb and sighs in longing. But exotic pet trading isn't very Animal Rights of her, so she just leaks information to the CIA and busts the rings. Lee Gilyeong convinces her to track down shady sellers on Craigslist and bust their kneecaps. Neither of them view this as significantly different from the dissection frog liberation. KDJ gets her a rescued exotic cat for her birthday as a reward.
Lee Gilyeong: self-explanatory.
Han Suyeong: she's been pirating media since she was eleven and has never stopped. World-class expert in pirating everything. She's the unsung hero who rips the CDs and games and puts them online. Runs the pirating websites. Has never paid for a webnovel or manwha or manga in her life. Despite this, she insists that pirating books is immoral and that people should support small authors. The FBI knows she exists and has been trying to catch her for years. She brags about this constantly.
Yoo Sangah: has committed tax fraud before, will commit tax fraud tomorrow, is currently committing tax fraud. Embezzles her company's embezzlement. Insists that she's only committing victimless crimes, mainly because she doesn't view business executives as people. Her ability to evade the IRS is mythological and it's how KDJ got a crush on her.
Yoo Junghyeok: does not understand adult life well enough to knowingly commit any sort of white collar crime. He is this high on the list because he enables and helps KDJ in literally everything he does, especially using his clout as an influencer. This is because KDJ has convinced him that these things aren't crimes, and he doesn't understand adult life well enough to figure it out.
Kim Dokja: has done every white collar crime under the sun. I can't emphasize enough how much crime he does. He's currently blackmailing SYS's college tuition out of a US Senator. HSY makes the shell companies and launders so much money with him. Alternates between running a pyramid scheme and a ponzi scheme depending on the month. Started a cult that one time but we don't like to talk about that. Runs the betting ring for YJH's esports games. Fixes the games. YJH does not know he does this, but KDJ splits the profits and Yoo Mia also needs a college tuition so he decides not to think about it too hard. Big into crypto and runs every crypto scam you can possibly think of, which is normally where the the ponzi schemes come in. Steals YJH's identity often. Somehow everything he does is technically legal. The only crime he does not commit is pirating. Exclusively targets the wealthy and ultra-wealthy and has never stolen money from a poor person. Sugar daddies all of his friends and pays all college tuitions. Anonymously yet obviously sponsors huge amounts of money to YJH's Twitch streams, mostly in apology for the ID theft. Would really rather be living a quiet life in a big house with all of his friends, but that big house ain't gonna pay for itself.
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quinn-pop · 17 days
actually what if i just posted this. no context
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(jk it’s an idol au lol)
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minty-bunni · 2 years
Okay, but stuntman Danny making one hell of an entrance into the world of professional stunts.
He skips over all the "small" stuff and heads immediately into "a human has a 99% chance of death if they attempt this" type stunts. Either he goes the Hollywood stuntman route (safer but popularity could ensure a paycheck there) or grows his own fanbase (doing way wilder stunts) with videosharing sites and public stunts.
Either way he just straight up goes "normal humans can do that, but I'm a superpowered crime against nature so I'm going to show them how it is done" and then immediately makes use of immortality/quick healing/powers. Just shoves himself in a woodchipper and walks away fine.
The episode in ZLS when Tae literally falls to pieces and the other girls put her back together while hiding the fact they are all zombies from an audience? Yes, he does that kind of stuff.
People mistake him for being an illusionist or some sort of magician when stuff like that happens and his secret never gets revealed because who would think a guy flaunting his ability to survive stuff would actually be dead?
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flowery-king · 2 years
Oops forgot i had these
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prylc · 9 months
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Killer loves cats so naturally, Idol killer probably would to right? So why not make one that idol killer would have?
And if you wanna see the design I made for og Killer... Its over here 👀
Idol AU/Idol Killer belongs to @zucchiyeni
Fun Facts and Bonus Doodles below
Imagine Idol Killer just snuggling up with Streak after a long performance 👀💖
Decided to make the design more sharp compared to patches since idol killer is in a rock band and all
She's still really fluffy though ^^
Don't worry about the spikes on her legs, they're flimsy so it won't hurt em
The name Streak is actually a synonym of patches, Killer's cat's name from another post
I can also imagine Streak being more tolerable to being picked up, just so she won't make idol killer look bad
If given the chance, she'll 100% try to steal anything soft you have though. Eg, stuffed toys, towels, etc.
I feel like idol killer would be the type to be very gentle when interacting with her, in contrast to how he is on stage
Imagine Streak just appearing on stage thooo like, performing with killer. Doing tricks and stuff that a regular cat wouldn't do sjshskhsjs
Streak is also really fast and agile, similiar to patches
If Streak is ever tired of walking, and is not being carried, she might latch onto Killer's leg and resort to being dragged around or hang like a koala. (I'd imagine Idol killer would sometimes just carry her if that happens tho XD)
More headcanons coming soon 👀
Bonus Doodle
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demigod-of-the-agni · 4 months
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Peter Parker if he got bit by a radioactive sword ☢️🟢⚔️
if I had a nickel for every time I made a Spider-Man au based off a video game, I'd have three nickels, which isn't a lot but it's concerning that it's happened three times. This au is the spidey/final fantasy vii mashup, where Peter becomes the Unreliable Narrator
anyway someone pretty please write this au for me <333 I'll pay you <3333333
bg variants under the cut
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the BIGGEST dilemma(s) was figuring out if I should
A) keep the eyes in my art style (no colours, just the highlight), bc ngl it makes him seem more babey (pic 1),,, or
B) add the mako-glow to the eyes so i could be lore-accurate.... also I spent a lot of time!! on colouring in those pixels!!!!! dammit!!!!!!!!! (pic 2) and
C) OF COURSE i was struggling to choose between the white and red backgrounds!!!!! evil me!!!!!!! making difficult creative decisions!!!!!!
i will,,,, try to draw the other peeps as well (mj as tifa and gwen as aerith ,,, mmm yesss esysey yes ssss) but i fear the monkey brain has already died........ i will try tho,,,,,,,,,,
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anxious-dumpling · 2 months
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Image Board for my fic, 'Sunshine Playcare'! 💛♡
(Yellow Ver.)
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alwaysvivid · 2 months
𝐝 𝐮 𝐥 𝐜 𝐞 𝐭
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sweet and soothing in all aspects especially in regards to a voice. delightfully pleasant.
PLOT chan is beyond sweet, he’s everything sora has ever wanted and more. she can feel herself falling for him but that was never part of the plan.
CHARACTERS lee sora ˒ bang chan & im changkyun
﹙ mentions kelsey @inter-stellar-jyp.⠀﹚
GENRE angst ft some smut
PLAYLIST s o r a.
﹙ send in songs that remind you of sora.⠀﹚
a/n i haven’t written in literally 2+ years & it’s unedited so please PLEASE be nice to me. i’m proud to finally be writing again and trust there’s many more wips to come !
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[ sept. ‘19 ]
sora needed a distraction and she needed it fast.
she hadn’t realised how far she had fallen until it was too late, until she found herself waking up in chans arms for the 9th consecutive morning. She had lived in chan’s dorm - and skin- for over a week , and yet she still wanted more. she could stay with him forever.
both vivid and stray kids were on vacation leaving chans dorm empty and sora available to keep him company. the vacant dorm allowed them to play house the full 2 weeks, ignoring the fact that they had barely even admitted having anything more than a sexual attraction to each other. within those walls they were soulmates who couldn’t be separated for even a second, she loved him and he loved her and they lived happily ever after.
they get to play pretend.
when it came to sora she had 1 golden rule that she made sure she never broke no matter what and that was don’t stay the night. waking up together was too intimate , that was how it started to get complicated. the domestic cuddles and sweet performing kisses always warped the boundaries of their relationship and sora did not have the energy for any of that. she just needed passion and attention then to be walked to the door and never spoken to until the next time she needed a warm body at night. she had become an expert in the game , and that was because she never broke her number 1 rule. but yet there she was day after day draped in one of chans oversized hoodies, hugging his back as he made her scrambled eggs just the way she liked them.
there werent words that could accurately explain how she felt about chan, the closest word she equated it to was obsessed, she was absolutely obsessed with every little detail about him. on the rare mornings that she woke up before him she found herself watching as the sun streamed through the miniscule gap between his curtains. she’d lie cramped into his bunk bed staring at him. she would watch the way his lashes fluttered ever so slightly against his soft pink cheeks. she should be embarrassed by how long she spent just looking at him, but to her own concern she did not care. she attempted to snuggle even closer to him as she connected every freckle on his face. his freckles were all faint and easily missed but sora noticed them early on. she would count every single one of his moles, they were only visible when she was this close to him. he had 7 scattered across his face. chan was a breath taking type of beauty, you don’t even realise you hadn’t taken a breath in 5 minutes until you’re passed out conveniently in his arms.
every time she’d sense him stirring beside her she’d act as if she had been asleep just like him, only to be ‘“woken up” by chans soft lips on her forehead and his rasp filled whisper of “good morning.”
every morning and every night she’d wait in anticipation for the gentle touches that always grew rougher , the sweet kisses that escalated until they were desperate and deep. she was obsessed with the way he’d look at her just before she came , like she was his absolute favourite thing to ever exist. her brain would fog as she begged for a kiss , his hands tightly gripping at the flesh of her thighs as he pulled her impossibly closer. He always whispered the prettiest words in that moment. sora sometimes felt like he kissed her like he actually was in love with her , like he was just as obsessed as she was
when people spoke about butterflies, sora never imagined them to be so overwhelming and nauseating. yet ,her heart never let her get up and leave thus stopping the weird stomach flutters. it all felt so real, she almost believed it too be real, almost. sora liked to believe she wasn’t delusional enough to think they actually were anything more than fuck buddies. but there she was lying awake almost every night hoping one day he’d roll over and say the words that scared her the most.
and that was delusional.
sora needed to feel grounded again, she had been floating for far too long she was losing herself. she had to get him off her mind and out of her system. she needed a distraction or maybe a reality check , whichever came first. bottom line was whatever she needed, she needed it immediately before her delusions lead to heartbreak and betrayal once again. which is all to explain how she found herself pressed against the door of a random club bathroom ,changkyun thrusting into her with the birthday dress he’d bought bunched at her waist.
the details of everything that lead to the current events hadnt yet registered in her brain. Somewhere between her tequila shots and martinis she found kelsey and asked for the tiny pill she knew she always had. honestly the details were lost in her brain but at least she wasn’t counting the moles on chan’s face.
“missed this. missed you.” changkyuns words came out choppy and muffled, his rambles almost incoherent due to his head being buried deep in her neck.his lips barely lifted from her skin as he spoke.but his words felt empty, he didn’t mean it and he didn’t bother trying to act like he did. at least chan felt genuine when he’d say the same thing , whether he actually was was a whole different story.
the bass boomed so loud that sora felt it against her back, the white wood doing very little to mute the music blasting on the other side nor was it any good muffling the obnoxious sound of skin slapping together. if anyone was within ear shot they knew exactly what was going on in the tiny-dirty- bathroom. it also didn’t help that changkyun decided to be particularly loud that day.
“you miss me too baby?” he lifted his head to make eye contact, his eyes dark and hooded. sora lifted a hand to brush the hairs sticking to his forehead to get a better look at him. he looked as good as she remembered. same sharp features she used to drool over, his stare just as hypnotizing as the last time, his dick filling her just the way it always did. there was a reason changkyun had sora under a spell for years, he was addictive.
sora nodded her head yes as her thumb dragged along his bottom lip pulling it down ever so slightly. changkyun had truthfully barely crossed her mind for the past 2 months but she agreed, hoping it would boost his ego and have him finish faster. changkyun chuckled as he nosed the strap of her dress until it fell off her shoulder, giving him just enough room to properly sink his teeth into her clavicle. “say it.” he demanded.
“missed you too.”
some twisted part of sora really did miss him. there really was something so familiar about the whole experience: the hollow feeling in her chest that she’d self medicate with alcohol and fickle relationships, the way every moment melted into each other as the bass of the speakers had her ears ringing, the way that changkyun looked at her and how their bodies moved together on the dance floor and the rushed kisses and movements against any surface they could find. even the emptiness of his words left some odd nostalgia in her.
she missed the way he would push her into the mattress till she felt like she disappeared, the shot of dopamine she’d get when he’d finally text her after disappearing for almost a month. changkyun kept her on her toes, had her wanting more every time. sora was never bored when it came to him, she never knew what to expect. the never ending excitement was also their downfall, the instability becoming all she knew.
sora wasn't stupid, she knew changkyun wasn’t good for her no matter how deeply in denial she was. she was aware it wasn't healthy to always leave his place feeling like a shell of herself, like it a piece of her was left behind . it left that ache in her chest that she grew accustomed to. but that was exactly what she needed, to be consumed by his meaningless touches, and let herself sink into the door. maybe then she’d wake up from the deluded dream she was living in with chan.
changkyun kissed up sora’s neck, pausing to bite into the flesh just under her jaw. chan usually sucked that spot. she couldn’t help but whimper ,slowly refocusing on the man in front of her. the tips of her long acrylic nails dug into his broad shoulders - chan was broader. she whimpered loudly as he started to suck on her neck harshly, definitely trying to leave a mark. he wanted everyone - chan - to know.
the words that changkyun whispered against the shell of soras ear didn’t register but she reacted by arching her back nonetheless. she used to fiend for moments where changkyun paid her this much attention but now all she could do was compare him. sora tried her hardest but she couldnt push away the sound of chans voice calling her pretty. she felt the ghost of his finger raking through her hair in the morning. she could feel him kissing her like he loved her. sora felt her eyes fill with tears as she forced them shut. trying to make the image of chan disappear. how did she let it get this far? why did she let anyone have this much of an effect on her. she hated it. she hated him and his stupid sweetness.
changkyun sped up at the sight of sora’s teary eyes , assuming it was his doing.
“feel that good baby ?”
sora didn’t reply just lulled her head back as the tears rolled down her cheeks taking her liner with it. it always smudged , it never lasted until the end of the evening.
she let out a small hum to appease him and it appeared to be exactly what he wanted.
“that’s right, better than that stupid boyfriend of yours?” he grumbled as he grabbed her jaw , his grip forcing her to face him. sora opened her eyes staring directly into his.
“i don’t have a boyfriend.”
her sentence came out short, her lack of breath abd already emotional state had her on edge. changkyun chuckled as his thumb pulled at her bottom lip jus as she had done earlier smudging her already messy lipstick. he pushed his thumb into her mouth slowly. “thought i lost you for a moment but you’re still mine. all mine.”
sora distracted him by sucking on his finger just as she’d always done. his eyes focused on her mouth as his thrusts sped up. she hated when changkyun said she was his. he’d go on and on about her being his but he was never hers. he made sure she knew that.
“i’ve never seen the point in exclusivity, no one keeps to it. someone always ends up lying to the other and cheating. just resentment and hatred everytime. why deal with all the rules and complications of relationships when you could just get what you want and leave.” the words once repeated to sora years ago rung loud in her ears as she tried willing away the tears.
changkyuns grip on her waist grew tighter as the strength that kept her up against the wall faltered slightly. “fuck, can i cum inside?”
“no.” she spoke quickly much to changkyuns surprise, she always let him cum inside.
sora tapped on his arm signaling for him to let her down. changkyuns face remained puzzled as he lowered her to her feet, the jelly state of her legs was the last thing on her mind. sora fell to her knees in the least elegant way possible, a bruise was sure to blossom in the morning. she tucked her hair behind her multi-pierced ear before opening her mouth slightly for changkyun to cum in. with a loud huff he tugged his fist up and down his shaft as he placed the salty tip on her tongue. his orgasm came in hot white spurts accompanied with changkyuns grunts. sora was thankful only a little bit got on her cheek, she really wasn’t in the mood for a full facial.
changkyun let out a soft sigh as he attempted to level his breathing. he watched as she crawled on the floor towards to roll of toilet paper, taking a bit and wiping at the sides of her mouth in an attempt to look presentable again. changkyun took note that she used to lick it up and open her mouth to prove she swallowed it all.
the tiny bathroom fell silent in a way that wasn't comfortable, it was agonizing. the sound of changkyuns zipper was all that could be heard in the small confines on the room. loud knocks filled the room as both their heads snon the door.
“just a minute.” sora yelled , surprised her voice wasn’t as horse as she thought it would be. she took a deep breath using one hand on the cool tiles of the wall and the other on the lid of the toilet for leverage to lift her up to her feet. despite being slightly unstable she managed to get up and look at herself in the grimey mirror.
sora looked at her reflection for far too long , she could feel changkyun staring at her in confusion. she couldn’t look away , the girl in front of her felt almost foreign. she hadn’t felt or looked like this in months and she didn’t like it yet she felt she deserved it. this is what girls like sora do. they don’t play house with sweet boys. they get get fucked in disgusting club bathrooms.
sora never felt like anything. she was just hollow and destructive. everything she touched felt like it was destined to fall apart.everytime anything felt good it would end leaving sora even more empty than she was before. a fun time until they get bored and move on to the next one. the constant rotation taking a piece of her until she had nothing left. the girl in the reflection looked hollow even with tears stains she looked devoid of emotion, devoid of a heart.
chan was good and kind and sora didn’t deserve all the good he had in him. she would ruin him just like she ruined everything else in her life. she didn’t want to ruin him but she couldn’t imagine leaving him. the come down was always more intense than the high and sora was feeling it. it was like withdrawals but from a person. she couldn’t breathe. fucking changkyun didn’t even work. she couldn’t escape him, her old ways weren’t working. there was no escaping anymore she was too deep in and her heart was doomed.
the knocks against the door were louder the second time pulling sora out of her haze. with a huff she swung the door open not even warning changkyun as she stood staring blankly, “oh my fucking god, here have the bathroom! fuck!” she pushed past the girl as they exchanged looks. sora could tell that she said something back but she didn’t care, she needed to get out of there. changkyun followed behind her as she walked off. fixing his hair as he wrapped an arm around her shoulder forcing her to stop in her tracks.
“we off to my place then?” sora kept walking as she felt his words like a weight on her chest. she couldn’t do it.
nothing. sora felt, heard, smelt and had nothing. the loud beating of her heart was the only thing reassuring her that she was, in fact, alive. she didn’t feel alive, she hadn’t for a long time.
taking deep breaths in through her nose sora tried to shut her brain up. she was spiraling she could feel it, but no matter what exercise she did that her new psychiatrist had taught her she couldn’t shut up her brain. her thoughts growing louder as her breathing became more labored.
“wait sora-“
before she even processed anything sora was walking. there were indistinct voices as she moved. it was as if they were screaming after her trying to get her to stop as she exited the club. she couldn’t tell who it was specifically,everything was blurred. she didn’t listen to them all she cared about was that she had to get out. the smoke filled room was suffocating her.
sora blinked slowly to adjust her eyes from the red neon lights to the dim street lamps along the road as she walked down it. she barely knew where she was going or what she was planning to do when she got there but she was moving and there was no stopping her. only after walking for some time did sora register that she didn’t have shoes on. they were definitely left in the bathroom but she didn’t care, at least she was out.
sora’s feet moved on their own accord,her mind still foggy. she couldn’t process where she was but it was familiar enough that even her overwhelmed and high mind was directing her somewhere.
her breath was still shaky and uneven as she stared at the same door she had walked out of just hours before. with whatever energy she had left she lifted her hand to hit her knuckles against the wood.
“sora?” the voice was soft yet strong. chan. she walked back to his dorm. she knew she hadn’t gone far when she left for the club. sora felt so embarrassed her stomach turned, why did she study the route from the club? she paid so much attention that even as fucked up as she was she still managed to somehow get herself back to the person she was running away from.
she didn’t reply, she couldn’t. his face was painted with concern yet he looked just as beautiful as she remembered. her beautiful boy. “come on let’s get you back inside where it’s warm and dry,” he spoke softly and slowly, not wanting to cause anymore damage than what was already done.
sora hadn’t even realized that it had been raining. her mind was too busy to notice that her body was soaking wet. she must’ve looked a mess , the tear stained look she had early barely compared to the state she was in now.
she tried to focus on his words and process what he was saying but the sound of her own heart beating in her ears drowned out anything and everything around her. the silence that filled the dorm was so loud sora thought she might scream. it felt like it was crushing her . why of all places was she there, with chan in his arms shaking. chan’s hands softly stroked her hair bringing her back to him. her breathing mimicked his as he attempted to help her as best as he could.
sora took a deep breath and allowed herself for the first time in months to feel at ease. she could feel him press his lips on her cheek like he always did when he tried to soothe her. it worked. she couldn’t understand why or how but chan never failed to make her feel at ease.
“you’re okay .” chan repeated in a whisper, continuously stroking her hair soothingly. sora forced herself to believe it even just for the night
in that moment chan didn’t care to ask where she had been or who she was with or where her shoes were or why she walked in the rain at 4am. he had to help her. he gently removed her makeup and changed her out of her soaked dress, his large sweatshirt engulfing her and surrounding her with his comforting scent again.
sora held him tightly that night, she pushed away the thoughts that she needed to leave, run away before the inevitable heartbreak. her heart was swelling and thumping the way she knew was dangerous,she was in love. and for the first time in years sora let herself feel everything. every nauseating butterfly, sickeningly soothing kiss to her face and headache inducing heartbeat; all of it. she wanted it all.
sora was in love and it was terrifying.
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junghelioseok · 1 year
00:00 | jhs
↳ just a lazy, late night.
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◇ hoseok x reader ◇ fluff (with just a sprinkle of spice) | idol!au ◇ 0.9k [1/1]
⇢ what! me! writing??? nahhh it’s really me just finishing up a thing that’s been in my drafts for at least a year and a half!!! 🫠 happy late bday to hobi, as usual!!!
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It’s well after midnight when Hoseok stumbles in through the front door, exhaustion creasing his face and stress shadowing his brow. His dark hair is shoved haphazardly into a bright yellow beanie, his ears folded beneath the edges, and you look up from your phone as he drops his bag onto the ground. “Hey,” he says as he locks the door behind him, his voice a low rasp. “It’s late. Why’re you still up?”
Trust Jung Hoseok to worry about your sleep schedule when his own is completely and irreparably fucked.
“Couldn’t sleep,” you murmur, and it’s the truth. Some nights, you find it near impossible to fall asleep when Hoseok isn’t laying at your side. It’s almost alarming how quickly he’s become ingrained in your life—rooting himself in your schedule and in your heart—but you wouldn’t want it any other way. 
Slowly, you stand up from your spot on the couch, wincing as your joints protest after so many hours of sitting still. Stretching lazily, you pad over to your boyfriend to greet him properly, winding your arms around his neck and pulling him close so you can plant a long, lingering kiss on his waiting lips. His hands find your waist, settling comfortably there, and you sigh and nestle deeper into the familiar warmth of his embrace.
When you pull back, Hoseok’s eyes are still shut, so you take the opportunity to memorize his face all over again. There’s the sharp angle of his nose and the dip of his dimples, and the way his cheeks slope down toward a jawline that could cut glass. Then your gaze drops down to the soft curve of his mouth, and the freckle that rests atop his upper lip, just shy of the center. It’s your favorite part of him, and you can’t resist the urge to lean in and kiss it, smiling as you feel his lips curve up into a tired grin.
“C’mon,” he murmurs, soft and low. “I’m beat. Let’s go to bed.”
You blink and look up at him questioningly. “You’re going to bed without showering? You?”
“Hey,” Hoseok says, his hands sliding up until he can tickle you along the ribs. “I showered at the studio already, you perv. Were you hoping to watch?”
“I was hoping to join,” you correct, wriggling out his grasp and dancing out of his reach. “But, fine, I get it if you don’t want to shower with your super-hot girlfriend. Totally understand.”
Hoseok laughs, his eyes crinkling at the corners in the way you love so much. “Next time,” he promises, and you catch the edge of mischief in his voice even as he leads you to your shared bedroom and flops down onto the mattress with his eyes shut. 
Silently, you join him. The mattress sags under the added weight, your knees sinking into the plush as you kneel beside your boyfriend and start undressing him. You start with his shirt, unbuttoning the oversized white tee before slipping his arms out. Then you undo his belt and jeans, pulling the denim down to his ankles until you’ve freed his legs. 
Now only in his boxers, Hoseok opens his eyes again. He watches as you carefully climb into his lap, settling atop him comfortably with one leg on either side of his thighs. Gingerly, you reach up to remove his yellow beanie, freeing his mussed hair so you can comb your fingers through the soft strands. 
“You gotta help me out on this next bit,” you tell him as you reach up and pull aside the covers. “I’m not about to roll you into bed, and I definitely can’t lift you up without hurting myself.”
Hoseok chuckles. Then, in a surge of motion you were wholly unprepared for, he flips you—until your back is flush against the mattress and he’s hovering over you with a grin that can only be described as devilish. 
“Wouldn’t want you to hurt yourself, baby,” he murmurs, his mouth finding your ear and nipping at the lobe. “That would ruin all the fun I have planned for us this weekend, and we definitely don’t want that, do we?”
You can only shake your head. This upcoming weekend marks your one-year anniversary, and on most days, you still can’t believe you’ve made it this far. Not with Jung Hoseok, one of the most famous men in all of South Korea—if not the world, at this point. It’s beyond your wildest imaginings—and yet, here you are.
“Love you,” you whisper, and he returns the sentiment between kisses—one to your forehead, two to your cheeks, and a final lingering one on your lips. 
“Love you more,” he rasps, and you giggle and pull him down for one last kiss.
A glance at the clock on the nightstand would have told you it was nearing two in the morning, but you don’t need the numbers to know that bedtime is long overdue. Untangling your limbs from your boyfriend’s, you stand and head for the closet in search for your pajamas. Hoseok does the same, and it isn’t long before you’re both back in bed, tucked beneath the covers. This time, your head is resting on his chest, and he’s tracing nonsensical patterns into your arm even as he turns off the light with his free hand. 
“G’night,” he whispers into your hair, but you barely even hear it as you drift off, soothed by his touch and the steady drumbeat of his heart. 
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