#listen can they give them 5 minutes of screen time in s3 and can it be the hc of crowley crashing at their place being the mopiest 3rd whee
clumsycapitolunicorn · 9 months
I love all those fics/posts about gabriel and beelzebub spending 5 minutes on alpha centauri before going back to earth to their pub and finding a house there, experiencing all the human stuff, because they love it there and don't really give a f*** about what heaven and hell want them to do.
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please. i can’t do this alone.
Titans 3.01
thoughts! thoughts! thoughts! some red hot thoughts!
1. one episode in, and this season already looks set to give me everything i want. its abandonment of plot and storytelling conventions as it goes from one point to the next at breakneck speed; its cheerful bastardisation of iconic storylines from the comics; the ‘as-you-know-bob’ clunky exposition on one end and extremely restrained, subtle explorations of complex character dynamics on the other; endless shots of neon bleeding into black and blue corridors, shadows and silhouettes; my delight in seeing it celebrate and deconstruct the dark nolan-y batman aesthetic at the same time; my bafflement that it’s so fucking goddamn obsessed with the batfam when it’s supposed to be about the TITANS; kory just... saving every overburdened, clunky scene that she’s in by her sparkling charisma. just... *chef’s kiss*. muah. my show is back, in all its glory.
1.5. i mean... this show is so artful and weird and not afraid to go absolutely bonkers in exploring its characters’ psyche, but can just about barely stage a passable comic book fight when every tom dick and harry and their new streaming services can deliver ones that are far more exciting. i love this show with every atom of my body.
(there’s something to be said about rooting for the underdog as well. a pleasure in finding something to love about what other people dismiss. but! enough navel gazing! i have fictional characters’ navels to look at! metaphorically! and maybe literally!)
2. i expected jason’s death to come about pretty early in the season as soon as i heard rumours that red hood was showing up, but for it to happen in the first five minutes of the first episode... that’s a record. 
(well. “happen.” still don’t know what exactly went down there.)
2.25. GOD. jason is such a tortured and tragic character in this show, used and passed around by people with alleged good intentions, never really fitting in anywhere. he’s veritably bleeding vulnerability and the need to belong, the need to be known, and yet the tragedy is that his death proves that nobody in his life knew anything about him at all; that they only saw the flimsy walls he put up to protect his soft core, and thought that that was all there was. that they say they loved him, but blame him for his own death. 
dick is flabbergasted that jason can read, though we know from last season, from what jason revealed to rose, that he has a love for plays and music. barbara is quick to dismiss his actions as ‘impulsive’. bruce has no idea that his supposed son was building his own little chemistry lab right under his nose, and beyond that, no idea that jason needed structure, stability and validation beyond being left alone in a huge house with a treasure trove of dangerous weapons. kory thought his decision to fight the joker was from not learning and growing when the guy tried to kill himself last season and nobody apart from dick even tried to talk to him about it! did you consider that he might still be suicidal? especially after the titans admitted to having “given up” on him because he was just “too hard”?
2.5. the one thing that’s been consistent across all three seasons (so far) of the show is the unreliable narrator trope. there’s a reason why the characters’ dismissals of jason’s actions as impulsive is so repetitive; why jason’s death is a mystery dick feels compelled to solve. it’s a flailing attempt to know his brother much too late--but with red hood, maybe he gets a second chance, just like he got one with the titans. this is what jason’s arc has been building up to. this is ‘death in the family’ but more fucked up in some ways. it didn’t linger on the death because the death wasn’t the point. the joker isn’t the point. everything that came before it is.
this way it will also make perfect sense that the red hood’s main enemy becomes the titans rather than batman.
2.75. goodness knows what’s going on with jason’s little chemistry project. at first i thought he was immunising himself to joker gas or something, but maybe it’s what passes for lazarus pit juice in this universe? 
anyway, it’s pretty impressive that jason learnt all of that from a college chemistry textbook. STOP BRINGING UP THAT HE READ SOMETHING, DICK--
2.8. i’m glad that dick doesn’t immediately sink into self-loathing and guilt and tries to investigate jason’s death while also acknowledging how he failed him. it’s like he actually learned something from the last two years! 
anyway. more about dick later. 
3. oh how i love titans!bruce. a lot of characters had a lot of Opinions on his reaction to jason’s death in this episode, but again, i ask you to consider that they’re unreliable narrators, and this universe’s bruce is a product of how it shaped him. bruce wayne has become a phantom to himself--an artifice borne out of vigorous discipline and crushing self-denial. 
bruce has been batman for a very long time, and without a robin for much longer. (dick must be... in his early thirties? so he was robin for about, say, 10-12 years according to the timeline of the show. that still makes bruce pretty old when he took on his first robin.) things have... calcified (possibly parts of his brain). the personal cost and the collateral from the mission he’s taken up for most of his life is too much to countenance; it has to be a war, and war requires sacrifice. 
on some level bruce knows that’s a lie. he’s so goddamned alone. what’s he going to do? sit down and cry? who’s going to listen to him now? oh, is he going to just stop being batman? who’s going to stop gotham from consuming herself then? he’ll just have to forge ahead, do better next time, maybe he’ll be firmer with them, or kinder with them, or notice more things, or train them harder, or spend more time--
3.25. don’t get me wrong: titans!bruce is an asshole and a half. his roster of potential robins was honestly bone-chilling. the fact that there’s a twisted root of compassion makes it more disturbing. 
3.5. alfred’s dead! it must’ve been pretty recent, because i could’ve sworn that dick tried to call alfred in the very first episode of season 1, or at least considered calling him... 
what a devastating double-blow for bruce then, losing his father-figure and his, uh.... son-figure so close together.
4. i don’t know about barbara yet. i mean, i like her, but she had so much clunky expository dialogue to deliver this episode, and for an episode that was named after her, she only showed up halfway through it. but i like the weight of history behind her interactions with both bruce and dick and her compassion to bruce before he cruelly crossed a line. i also like the implication that she and dick have been in touch recently, and that she didn’t immediately try to guilt-trip dick about some perceived abandonment. it’d be too repetitive.
4.5. there’s also a sense that she ran interference for dick a lot whenever there was something Too Big and Emotional for him to confront directly, and i like and appreciate that character beat.
5. dick, my man! it really does feel like a substantial length of time has passed between the end of s2 and the beginning of s3... kory’s got a new costume, they’ve become celebrities in SF, working missions together, and dick’s actually smiling! genuinely enjoying his work and having fun with it for possibly the first time in the entire series! it’s really a far cry from the fractured, dysfunctional mess that they were at the end of the last season.
i just hope this doesn’t mean that they’ve magically reached a resolution off-screen to all of their fucked-upness from last season, and that the repercussions--for gar in particular--are actually addressed on screen. 
5.25. i mentioned this briefly above, but it really is so refreshing that dick doesn’t wallow in guilt and self-loathing after jason’s death; he acknowledges his and the titans’ failure, is able to admit to barbara honestly that he’s not doing great, and is actively trying to reach out to bruce to make sure he’s ok, is trying to investigate what made jason seek out the joker on his own, and is probably the only person not immediately buying that it was jason’s recklessness that got him killed. i love that dick is finally beginning to trust his instincts or just employ them at all after years of guilt and paranoia and self-loathing. we love some positive character growth!
5.5. another thing i love? the bruce-dick interactions on this show. every scene they’re in together is so fraught with tension, both of them holding themselves back, their emotions on a whipcord-tight leash. dick wants to reach out to bruce, is even somewhat familiar with this brand of denial in the wake of grief, but wants barbara to make the first move because he genuinely does not know how to get bruce to open up. his instincts are right, and wonderful, and genuine, but his expression has been smothered by years of trauma, emotional and physical self-discipline, and what i suspect is poorly treated mental illness. 
it takes a lot for him to finally explode at bruce at the end of the episode--in a way he hasn’t done even when his only opinion of bruce was ‘fuck him’--and it’s all the more startling for how subdued he’s been through the episode, how much he’s been holding back his emotions for bruce’s sake. love it.
5.75. it sort of hurts my heart to see the flying graysons poster in jason’s room. there are a few implications:
a) jason settled into dick’s old room despite living in a giant mansion with dozens of other rooms he could’ve used
b) he didn’t take down dick’s poster--not when he moved in and was idolising him, not when he moved out of the titans and was sort of hating him. i wonder if the reminder of what dick was before robin--that he was forged out of unspeakable tragedy--gave jason the connection to dick that he so desperately wanted in real life
c) dick moved right back into the room and slept on the bed that was now jason’s. grief can be so quiet and piecemeal sometimes.
6. i spy the beginnings of actual arcs for both gar and kory! i just hope that with the move to gotham their stories don’t fall to the wayside...
6.5. i’ve known tim drake for less than ten minutes but if anything were to happen to him i’d kill everybody 
7. this review has gone on for too long and i am tiRED. however, before i leave: i miss some of the dedication-to-aesthetic that titans season 1 used to have. remember how the first few episodes didn’t really feel like a superhero show but something out of gothic horror? there was something gorgeous and raw about that, about open landscapes and the road and creepy buildings looming up at the end of it. moving to titans tower in s2 really ruined a lot of that for me, given its ripped-from-architectural-digest aesthetic, all smooth and clean and artificial. 
i hope that we really explore gotham’s hellscape in interesting and innovative ways instead of camping out in the batcave all the time and indulging in the show’s unending love for long corridors, neon backlights and silhouettes.
9.  wait, fuck, HOW CAN I FORGET ABOUT HOT PSYCHIATRIST GUY (TM)??? NONE of you prepared me for his return! NONE OF YOU! i gasped! i got up and did a happy dance! 
listen, titans writers, if you’ve had a peek at my titans s3 wishlist, please go ahead and give the other items on the list a go too, thankyouverymuch.
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lightsandlostbells · 4 years
wtFOCK season 3, episode 5 reaction
This whole episode I kept doing that Marge Simpson groan. You know, the one that’s like tight-lipped and this low, exasperated mmm from deep in the throat? That was me constantly.
Episode 5
Clip 1 - Jens gives Robbe sex advice
Robbe texts his mom and says to her he can’t visit, lying that it’s because he’s sick. One repeated element that does exist in this season is Robbe listening to music on his headphones, which is him retreating into himself, or using music to cope. The song lyrics reflect that: “I used to feel so alone, now I’m feeling better on my own.”
Since I’ve been trying to think of ways to rewrite this season, they could expand Robbe using music as a coping strategy even further. Music should have been something that Robbe bonds with Sander over. And not just Sander’s recommendation of Bowie, either, which is all they’ve done so far - it seems like Robbe should give recs or insight as well. Talk about how important music is to him with Sander. Make it a serious point in their developing relationship.
Jens skates up and talks to Robbe. Robbe wants to get high, but Jens doesn’t have weed with him at the moment. He asks Robbe if he’s thought about the Brrrothers, because they’re not the same without Robbe. Robbe snaps and turns away from him, then lies and says his bad mood is about Noor. Jens has already heard that they’re fighting.
Jens’ talk to Robbe, knowing that Noor wants to have sex and Robbe doesn’t, is actually pretty sweet. Even though he doesn’t understand the real reason why Robbe doesn’t want to, his talk is thoughtful and not shaming Robbe for being a nervous virgin, it’s considerate of him. Considering the Brrrothers have been obnoxious about sex and girls all season, this was a refreshing change. One question I do have is how Jens knew that Noor wanted sex and Robbe didn’t, but I guess it was implied that this explanation was part of the rumor mill. 
Of course, the downside is that Jens’ advice prompts Robbe to text Noor about how he misses her and wants to meet up. Bad, Robbe! I don’t know if Jens’ talk encouraged Robbe to text her because Robbe was like “Yeah, I’m supposed to like Noor, better get back on that,” or because maybe he genuinely told himself, “I just don’t want to have sex with her because I’m nervous, yeah, that must be it,” and decided to just move forward with it. 
I do like drama that comes from characters trying to be helpful but unintentionally saying or doing the wrong thing - that’s what happens in the locker room scene with Isak and Even. When Isak says he’s better off without mentally ill people in his life, he’s telling Even this as a way of saying that his mother won’t cause problems for them, he doesn’t care what she’ll think of them dating. So taken on its own, I think this scene is fine.
HOWEVER. The pacing of this season is again, SO SO weird, because this scene would have fit right in around episodes 2-3? Right after Robbe tried and failed to have sex with Noor, you know ... the first time? Or the second, or the third? Like … have it be in line with Isak’s episode 3 sexuality crisis, all the “why does he have to be so gay” stuff. It would’ve worked well to have this talk at like, the beginning of episode 3, and then have Robbe making the “that guy is so gay” comment as an unintentional result of this - by trying to convince himself he is just straight and nervous and distancing himself from being gay. We had three entire scenes of Robbe failing to fuck Noor, so narratively, why did we need to wait this long for Jens to talk to him about it? 
Clip 2 - AGAIN?
Robbe invites Noor over to bone. He’s lit about a million candles and is trying to make this a big romantic deal, except lmao, he has on David Bowie’s Life on Mars … Robbe … what u doing…
Actually, I’m not sure if this is diegetic music or not, if Robbe is blasting Bowie from his phone as mood music or if he’s only hearing this song inside his head. I think we’re definitely meant to take away that Robbe is hearing the song since it gets distorted as he slinks down Noor’s body, and that it’s not just there for the audience. In either case, Sander is supposedly the shadow hanging over this sad hetero affair.
Tbh listening to Life on Mars is the best part of this season and I wish I could just like … listen to this song play against a black screen instead of watching poorly written, repetitive clips.
They start to get it on and he takes off her shirt, unhooks her bra, yadda yadda, he doesn’t look happy but he soldiers on and it’s implied they went All The Way. On the one hand, I will rage if they actually had sex. On the other hand, if they don’t, it’s yet another clip where the same shit happens, Robbe tries to bang Noor and fails.. 
Clip 3 - Robbe’s not turned on by Noor and this is BRAND NEW INFORMATION
… okay, so he didn’t have sex with her AGAIN? He couldn’t get it up?
For fuck’s sake. I mean, on the one hand I’m glad it was actually Robbe’s choice (apparently) to put a stop to the sex instead of like, someone else walking in and interrupting yet again, but on the other hand, I feel like we have done this scene SO MUCH. We KNOW. About the only thing that’s changed I guess is that Robbe kissed a boy and now he’s trying to be straight? If this was only like the second time this scene had happened, it would have been fine.
I just don’t have a coherent idea of Robbe’s arc. This season is going in circles. 
Anyway, Robbe couldn’t get it up, Noor is sympathetic, she asks if it’s her, Robbe says she’s amazing, he looks sad and haunted blah blah we’ve already seen this play out.
Why were these separate clips? In the first clip, we have Robbe seemingly determined to have sex with Noor, and then in the second, he can’t get it up. So why not SHOW THE MOMENT OF CHANGE? Are these filmmakers on drugs? This is storytelling 101. Like there’s no reason to split up these clips except to cause a bit of anxiety if you happen to be able to watch the clips at the exact time they’re posted, and from a real-time perspective I get it, but that’s ineffective for the vast majority of people who will have to watch later and then will watch these two clips together at the same time. I mean, the fact that it’s not even 10 minutes in between clips … just SHOW THE WHOLE SCENE. Holy fuck. How are they this incompetent?
The pacing of the scenes themselves is so weird. So many of the clips are oddly short, we don’t NEED them to be split into parts. It makes me really appreciate Julie’s pacing: Skam S3 episodes had 4-6 clips each, and in those clips, we got rich scenes packed with details, often multi-tasking within different story threads. wtFOCK’s pacing is simplistic and choppy and unnecessary.
Clip 4 - Milan gives Robbe a pep talk
Robbe is Googling erectile dysfunction which is honestly kind of funny (but again, probably would have been a better fit for earlier in this season, before Robbe had already kissed a dude ...) Milan comes in wanting advice on two shirts, Robbe is annoyed.
Milan tries to get Robbe to talk to him. It takes some prodding (and I do like how Robbe is swiveling in his chair and not looking at Milan) but Robbe admits there’s a guy who likes him and, after Milan asks, admits that it’s mutual. 
Tbh … I don’t find it so hard to believe that Robbe opened up to Milan even though they’re not anywhere as close as Eskild and Isak, because I do think another gay guy is a “safe” person to talk to about this situation and I can see Robbe doing it. What I do NOT get is why, here and now, Robbe is now openly admitting it. Why did we go from Robbe trying to fuck a girl and, before that, calling the boy he kissed a pervert and a homophobic slur, to admitting his attraction for a boy? Why the sudden turnaround? Based on the clips themselves, all we have to go off as a turning point is that he couldn’t fuck Noor, BUT this is nothing new for either Robbe and the audience, AND not being able to fuck a girl does not actually mean that Robbe would be able to fuck a guy, or that he’s into guys, and it especially doesn’t mean that Robbe would accept that he likes a guy.  I mean, he’s Googling “erectile dysfunction” not “am I gay?” which tbh seems still more like denial than anything. He’s blaming his lack of arousal on a medical issue, not his sexuality.
This scene would feel more true to me if Robbe was like, downplaying his side of it, or playing it off as only Sander had feelings and it wasn’t requited. That’s more in line with the characterization we have just been given, that Robbe is denying his attraction to Sander.
Another way would be to not split up the sex clip and to show like, Robbe flashing back to his kiss with Sander while he’s making out with Noor, so we get that it’s not just that he’s not into Noor, it’s that he’s very into Sander, and we see him grudgingly admit to himself that yes, he’s attracted to Sander (at the very least.) which would make it believable that he admits it to Milan. Cause and effect, etc.
MIlan is like, are you so nervous to tell me you have a crush on another guy (...????? um, yes, Milan, you have to know it’s hard to come out???) but is pretty supportive and says Robbe’s lucky to have him, Milan would have wanted himself when he was going through this. Robbe is just like, I don’t know what I feel and I want everything to be normal, there’s too much shit going on right now. Milan says Robbe IS normal and he doesn’t want to bottle up who he is, the pressure will get too real and he’ll explode, he’ll hurt people. Robbe seems to take this advice seriously, so hopefully this scene will actually lead to cause + effect.
Again, this scene is fine on its own? There’s just something about the pacing of the season as a whole that feels strange.
I don’t know if this is supposed to be the equivalent of the Pride clip, because Robbe doesn’t say anything offensive and Milan didn’t get upset. Milan’s advice is good about not pushing away who you really are, but there’s nothing specifically confronting internalized homophobia, which Robbe desperately needs seeing as he’s had some extremely homophobic outbursts. I think it’s a shame to lose that part of the scene, because it’s got a very pointed and urgent message. (EDIT from the future: We got the Pride clip later in the episode, so that’s good.)
Clip 5 - Robbe tells Jens he likes someone else
Robbe is sitting on the sidelines listening to music again. Jens comes over and asks how things are, Robbe says he took his advice with Noor and Jens is happy that he’s a matchmaker. Robbe is like no, there’s someone else. He says he thought it would go away, but it didn’t. 
For a moment it seems like this might be a sudden coming out scene, but Jens finally asks who it is and Robbe clams up and finds it hard to get out. Jens asks if she goes to their school. Robbe is saved by Moyo wanting to play a game against some guys.
This is some plausible conflict, at the very least, Robbe not being able to tell his friends that he’s into a guy. It would have been way better to focus on this instead of Robbe flinging a slur at Sander. Robbe’s friends seem like the clearest explanation for his internalized homophobia. 
Now Jens needs to follow up on this development, or else turn in his Jonas card. Because there’s dropping the subject if he senses Robbe doesn’t want to tell him yet, and then there’s forgetting about the subject because Jens isn’t that engaged with what’s happening with Robbe, and unfortunately the latter vibe has come across far more than the first. Like why does it seem like Jens is always walking away?
Clip 6 - Robbe breaks up with Noor
Old Town Road is playing as Noor meets Robbe in a cafe. One thing I do notice is that there are a fair amount of gay musicians on the soundtrack this season, so that’s cool.
Robbe is stressed because we can tell he’s gonna try to break up with Noor. He doesn’t order anything to eat. Noor is sympathetic about him not getting it up with her, but Robbe says he needs some time for himself, he has so much shit on his mind. Noor says she can help with that, he’s like nah, Noor is crying and reaching for him desperately. He gets up and walks out.
L O L I heard all about how Robbe supposedly handled this better than Isak, and I mean … on the one hand, I certainly agree that he did Noor a solid by officially breaking up with her and not just running away from her in the hallway. But er ... first of all, Robbe went wayyyyyyyyy farther with Noor than Isak EVER did with Emma. Robbe and Noor had an actual relationship for what, a month? Isak and Emma made out twice and flirted a bit. They were not exclusively, seriously dating. So yeah, Noor is owed this breakup. 
Second, Robbe still cheated on her with Sander before he broke up with her. The fact that they were naked while they made out in the pool frankly adds an on-screen sexual element to the cheating. And technically Isak making out with Even in the pool was not cheating … for sure it was a dick move to lead on Emma and then ditch her like that, I’m not going to say it was NBD, but like I said, they weren’t exclusively dating. I mean, in all my years of Skam fandom, it’s pretty rare that I’ve heard anyone refer to what Isak did as cheating - it’s usually talked about differently than Even cheating on Sonja. Robbe and Sander BOTH cheated on their girlfriends here. 
Third, it’s nice he did this with Noor but lmao, kinda small potatoes considering what Robbe said to Sander. 
Fourth, Robbe just gets up and leaves while she’s crying, lol. He let her order soup and then he ditched her! That’s cold as ice! Bro, you need to stick around until she tells you to leave, or you needed to pick a breakup location where both of you can leave ASAP without someone coming by with the meal you ordered.
And to be clear, I don’t think Robbe not handling this perfectly makes him a terrible person or anything. It’s more the comparison to Isak with how Isak is supposedly worse and Robbe is much nicer. Nah.
Sucks for Noor and all, but whyyyy are they making the Emma character so tragic and emphasizing this het relationship so much? We don’t even end the clip on Robbe’s POV. Because how he feels about this breakup doesn’t matter, I guess. Does he feel guilty? Free? Unsure? Conflicted? IDK because we close on her, not him! I’m sorry, but it’s not her season!
I mentioned this in an earlier reaction but I’m just super tired of gay storylines that have this intense focus on how much someone being gay hurts a straight person. I believe I mentioned Love, Victor as a prominent example, because Victor’s relationship with his girlfriend seemingly gets more screen time than the relationship with his actual male love interest. And I get why this storyline is relevant to a coming out arc, of course I do, but it really bugs me when the het relationship seems to overshadow the gay relationship, as it does here. At this point I feel like Robbe/Noor has been given equal plot relevance as Robbe/Sander, if not more, and that should not be the case. It’s not about shipping, it’s about wanting a story about a gay kid’s journey of self-acceptance to focus more on the life-changing love story that is the catalyst for embracing his sexuality, than the fake passion-less relationship that is doomed to failure that is just a momentary stumble in said journey of self-acceptance. There is no need to demonize Noor, but there is actually a middle ground between treating her with respect and empathy and making her the real victim of this story.
This narrative choice also does not exist in a vacuum. It is completely fair to be skeptical of the prioritization of a het relationship over a gay one. It’s fair to wonder why we’ve gotten multiple scenes of Robbe getting hot and heavy with a girl, why Robbe spends a pivotal clip being so sad about Noor that he doesn’t seem to really notice or care that he’s alone with the guy he supposedly likes. 
I mean, fuck, Robbe seems more upset about hurting Noor’s feelings by breaking up with her for legitimate reasons than he does about hurting Sander’s feelings by calling him a f*g and accusing him of sexual assault.
Clip 7 - Robbe tries to speak with Sander
Robbe goes to school (not his school, Sander’s) and asks where the art room is. He’s in a way better mood, a spring in his step, but LMAO you better pray that Sander actually wants to talk to you rather than kick your ass or avoid you for all eternity because of what you said to him.
Sander is sketching a nude male model. Robbe seems happy just to see him. He walks away and goes to the bathroom, fixes his hair, stares in the mirror, takes a deep breath. Then he goes up to Sander after the bell rings. Robbe wants to talk, Sander is not having it and walks away. Robbe is sad, angsty music plays. 
Uhhhhh, serves you right? No offense but I can’t even feel sad for Robbe in this scenario, because what he did crossed a line. Internalized homophobia is a hell of a drug, but there’s such a difference between Robbe just denying that the kiss meant anything or blaming it on being drunk or whatever, and essentially accusing Sander of sexual assault and calling him a slur. It’s not an ignorant mistake, it’s a malicious one. I feel bad that Robbe ever had such self-hatred that he made those comments in the first place and I certainly don’t hate him or think he should be forever alone, but it is 100% understandable why Sander would not want to speak to him after that.
Also, going up to Sander at his school was not the best move, because he’s basically ambushing him. Sander doesn’t have a choice whether to deal with Robbe in that moment. It would’ve been better if Robbe sent him some kind of apology text or voicemail first and left it up to Sander whether he wanted to meet. I get that’s not as good for televised dramaaaa, but it’s kinder to Sander. (And if Sander doesn’t respond, or if he’s blocked Robbe, well, those are just consequences of Robbe’s actions that he’ll have to live with.)  EDIT: Robbe actually did contact Sander first via text, wanting to meet up so he could explain. That does make it somewhat better, although I still think he shouldn’t have approached him at school. If Sander doesn’t want to talk to you? Then give him space. Maybe he’ll be willing to hear you out in time, or maybe he’ll decide he’s better off without you, but Robbe’s the one who did something wrong and it’s not up to Robbe whether Sander forgives him.
Clip 8 - Robbe and Sander make up and kiss
Angsty music keeps playing as Robbe walks home. He sees a mom and her kids playing, more sadness presumably due to his own family troubles.
Sander has followed him and says he has five minutes. Robbe’s like “Why don’t you want to talk?” LMAO IDK ROBBE, WHAT COULD IT BE. 
Robbe says he’s sorry and that he loves Sander. LMAO WHAT. Is this a nuance of translation where “I love you” isn’t as strong as it is in English? Are you kidding me? 
First of all … he LOVES Sander when they’ve barely interacted? They’ve spoken only a handful of times. Hell, they only met in episode 3, and this is episode 5. It’s been like two weeks since they’ve met, and while I could buy that some ships fell in love in that short of time, this is sure as fuck not one of them.
Second … Robbe goes from shoving Sander and calling him horrible things and trying to fuck Noor, to professing his love for Sander, WITHIN DAYS? And this is the character who’s supposed to have a big coming out arc? What is nuance, what is good writing, what is a coherent idea of this character’s struggles with his sexuality and himself... The talk with Milan might convince Robbe to accept his feelings, but it would make way more sense if Robbe was more tentative about them. He doesn’t need to come out swinging the big epic declarations in order to accept his romantic interest in Sander.
Like this isn’t even based on what I personally think is believable for a romance, this is based on what wtFOCK has told me about this character! They made the choice to make him say more viciously homophobic things. They made the choice to have him go back to Noor and try to have sex with her for the millionth time.
I’m glad that Sander doesn’t buy the confession at first, at least. 
Robbe says that he was really fucked up and hat Sander is the first dude. There is a cute moment where he’s like “that kiss (mimes fireworks)” but then things went Chernobyl. Would have been great if we saw exactly what made him go Chernobyl and make him regret the kiss. He says he’s sorry but asks for one more chance.
Sander steps in, leans in for a kiss. “What about Chernobyl?” “Fuck Chernobyl.” They kiss, it’s really sweet, but lol they’re kissing in public??? Robbe is ok with this?? I just have abso-fucking-lutely no idea where this kid’s head is. Like ... how is he so cool with this considering where he was just days ago? Apparently Robbe’s internalized homophobia was so extreme that he was all “get away from me f*g” toward Sander with no clear catalyst, but also not so extreme that it couldn’t be fixed with a pep talk from Milan? Okay!
This scene would have been totally fine if Robbe’s mistake was less cruel and amounted to blocking Sander or telling him to stay away or w/e. It doesn’t feel satisfying for what Robbe actually did say.
Also, sigh, because Sander did forgive Robbe just like that, and I don’t buy it. I mean, if anything, it makes me sad for Sander. I want to tell him that he deserves better. I suppose I can buy this as part of his fear that no one will ever love him, that he’s desperate to be accepted and loved and so is quick to forgive.
It would have made more sense for Robbe to have a longer period of self-reflection, have him come out to his friends, etc. and then reunite with Sander an episode or so later, similar to how Isak and Even reunited at the end of episode 7. Or to have Sander take some time before letting Robbe talk to him, during which Robbe works on his own issues.
Sander gets a call from Britt, which he ignores, saying Britt’s the past, he and Robbe are the future (as the song lyrics talk about the future and the past … they’re going pretty on the nose this season. Fine by me, OG was also on the nose.) Lmao but Robbe has no right to be upset about Britt after he explicitly told Sander to stay away. I mean, it’s dubious of Sander to keep dating her after cheating, but he also thought Robbe was no longer an option sooo don’t be surprised Sander is still with her, dude.
Sander goes to meet Britt, but not before some make outs, some handholding. I think their chemistry is good! It’s just that I don’t really buy the depth of this relationship. It legit makes me sad that these actors are getting served this half-assed material. 
Clip 9 - Zoë gets a letter
Robbe goes home and gets a text from Sander, with a sketch of them, saying their kiss was Chernobyl. Well, that’s cute.
Milan is telling Zoë about seeing some straight-looking dude on the bus who melted when Milan looked at him. Robbe is in a good mood and is gonna do the cooking. Milan observes that he’s happy and asks if things went well with his (Robbe looks toward Zoë) “lovely girlfriend”. At least Milan covered for him! (EDIT from the future: Ahahaha, funny considering how casually people out Robbe this season...) 
Robbe hands Zoë some mail that turns out to do with Viktor, the apparent Nikolai in this version, about the case going to court. She has to testify. She is upset and walks out of the kitchen.
I complained a bit about Zoë/Senne drama taking up time in Robbe’s season, but to be clear, I have no problem with them following up on this plot point from S2. It’s a hugely important story. But I also think it works best if you integrate it into Robbe’s story, by drawing a parallel to their situations, finding a common theme, etc. And it depends on whether Robbe’s story is otherwise satisfactory, because if the writing is pretty tight, I’m not really bothered by digressions in other characters’ subplots. 
Clip 10 - Robbe and Sander get cozy
Oh hey, it’s the big cuddling clip! Robbe and Sander goof off, pillow fight, smoke a joint, make out. Mostly make out. Sander shows Robbe a sketch of him (Robbe) and implies how good it would look on a wall (big). 
Robbe’s fave actor is Leonardo DiCaprio, because hasn’t Sander seen Romeo + Juliet? It’s fucking beautiful.
Man, on the one hand, sick Skam reference, and it’s just a simple, cute little nod to OG, not something complicated. I can dig that. But on the other hand, now I’m annoyed at how Isak got all of this beautiful development and watching R+J actually meant something for his character, and Robbe has absolutely nothing like that. Stuff like the fact it’s Robbe who likes R+J instead of Sander, WHICH IS FINE, but like … doesn’t say anything about Robbe’s view on masculinity or w/e, doesn’t do much for his characterization.
Sander takes pics of Robbe. Their chemistry is cute. Once again I despair at gifted actors being given subpar material leading up to this clip.
LMAO at them copying the dialogue from OG, Sander being all life is like a movie. Again, irrationally annoyed because this dialogue MEANT something to Even. Even was a huge film buff and an aspiring director. Sander hasn’t mentioned movies at all, he’s into art and David Bowie and photography. So why not have Sander quote some Bowie lyrics that explain his thoughts on life? Mention what art means to him? Personalize this dialogue so that it’s specific to Sander. Or, if you’re going to borrow this chunk of dialogue, at least establish Sander as a film enthusiast prior to this clip.
Also that Isak brought up the multiverse theory because he was smart and inquisitive, but I have no idea who the fuck Robbe is. Does this make sense with Robbe’s prior characterization? Shrug.
I do like the multiverse reference to Spider-Man because HELL YEAH Into the Spider-Verse!!! Fucking masterpiece! I could be watching that for the 20th time instead of the upcoming gay-bashing hate crime.
I do like Sander’s acting in this scene and his reaction, how the music (“Ocean Eyes”) stops when Sander starts talking about multiverse theory. His dialogue is a little different here than OG, about thinking about what he’s done and wondering why he thinks something, his thoughts never stop, which fits in with bipolar disorder.
Robbe notices he’s a little agitated, Sander says the only way to stop your thoughts is from dying. So I guess we’re putting in the suicidal thoughts in this version?
“Sometimes I forget how young you are.” Are they the same age in this version? Lmao. It’s a joke so it’s not a big deal.
Robbe starts kissing him and asks when Sander fell for him. Sander is like, before you! When Robbe was spraying the graffiti he knew Robbe was the one. Robbe is like … you were there??
I mean. this is cute and all, but doesn’t it kinda take away from later events, if Sander goes back to Britt, then like … knowing Sander has been Pining All Along should create way less doubt in Robbe’s mind? When Even went back to Sonja, there was room for actual doubt in Isak’s mind (and the audience’s) about the sincerity of Even’s feelings. I think people forgot that the “I saw you the first day of school” moment at the end of the season was a surprise. I was in the fandom and I don’t think a lot of people thought Even had fallen for Isak that early. So Robbe now knows that Sander fell for him well before they even talked, doesn’t that remove some of the tension about Sander’s motives? I suppose it depends on how the story goes from here, but if it’s similar to OG, then I think it slightly lessens the ambiguity and tension.
Also, another reason why it would have been good to actually see the graffiti scene play out in episode 1… and to see what Robbe tagged on the wall … come on. COME ONNNN. Let’s see what got Sander’s attention! Did Robbe create something funny or clever or insightful? Wouldn’t that have been a great detail to show their connection? This is basic storytelling, hello? 
I guess if I’m being fair, we don’t know exactly what Even saw in Isak that first day of school, either. But then again, we didn’t see the first day of school in a clip, while we definitely saw the graffiti scene. Just a missed opportunity, IMO.
They kiss and Sander gets a text from Britt. According to Sander, he told Britt about him and Robbe, but she doesn’t believe him, which is what I assumed of Sonja too, btw. At least, that’s what I thought at Emma’s party where she initiated the kiss with Even. Sander says Britt is so controlling. Robbe seems uncertain.
Sander says there’s probably another universe where Sander is still with Britt, but he’s glad to be in this universe. I do like this part.
Clip 11 - Milan schools Robbe on Pride
Robbe’s alarm goes off in the morning. He smiles a bit, though, presumably because he’s got Sander in his life. He gets a good morning text from Sander, which is cute and makes him smile more. Goes into the bathroom and Milan is there. Sander texts Robbe that he’s been thinking about him in all universes, Robbe is happy.
Milan is like, when can I meet your boyfriend??? Robbe says soon. Awww, this interaction is pretty sweet. Milan is like, welcome to the club! You know, “our” club meaning dudes who like dudes.
Robbe is like, just because I’m with Sander doesn’t mean I belong to some club, I’m not like you. Milan is like … and how am I? Robbe gives the usual Isak-ish response of dressing up and talking about BJs, Milan gets upset. Robbe says there’s nothing wrong with being gay but when people think of being gay, they think of that and it’s not fair to those who aren’t like that. Robbe’s not going to put on leather pants and dance at pride just because he likes Sander!
Milan gets very upset and goes into the Pride speech. I always appreciate this scene and I’m grateful that it’s one thing the remakes don’t really fuck with, since it’s so important (I think the remakes all recognize that it’s amazing, heh). 
Senne wanting to use the bathroom is kind of a jarring thing, they should’ve just let the moment sink in.
Robbe takes a Good Hard Look at himself in the mirror which is on the nose but like, better than nothing. I think there was a mirror earlier in the season? I confess that I’m so hung up on the basic writing fumbles that I might be missing stuff that’s actually supposed to be symbolic.
Anyway, all things considered, I think they did fine with this clip. Robbe coming out to Milan earlier in the episode did help pave the way for this talk since they didn’t have the close relationship as Isak and Eskild. Like, any issues I might have with it are related to the bigger issues in the season, but on its own, I felt like it was decent, and the “welcome to the club” comment is something I can believe Milan would say and something that would make Robbe reply with a boneheaded comment.
Clip 12 - This fucking scene
Robbe and Sander flirt in a bar and get touchy-feely with each other. For some baffling choice, we start with some rap/hip-hop song and then it cuts to “Two Men In Love” by The Irrepressibles … like … you could just start the clip with that song instead of this weird non-transition?
They kiss and then move outside the bar and then kiss and cuddle some more (again … I ask, where did Robbe’s boldness with gay PDA come from ...) Robbe jumps on Sander for a piggyback ride. They kiss passionately in the street.
Some homophobes spot them and call them slurs. Robbe and Sander try to grab their bikes and quickly leave. The bigots manage to grab them and beat the shit out of them. It’s really brutal, like we get POV shots from the ground as the guys kick them. The guys call them f****ts once more before leaving Robbe and Sander crumpled on the ground in the fetal position. The wheels on the bike go round and round.
I mean … where do you even start.
OK, I’ll start here: worst decision made in a Skam S3 remake yet.
“Yeah, Skam season 3 was a masterpiece and all, but you know what I could have used more of? Violent gay-bashing,” said no one ever.
I don’t get triggered by media, not really, but boy am I glad I was spoiled for this. Because I do get fucking angry at media. And I’m angry now, but if I was watching this unspoiled? Man, I would’ve popped a couple of blood vessels. And I feel so, so sorry for people who watched this unprepared and were triggered. Because yeah, it is a remake and not 100% like the original, you can’t predict everything that will happen. But this isn’t something that you expect in S3, because you expect the writers to know enough to leave this shit out. This isn’t made with kind intentions for the audience, it’s made for shock value.
Consider that the WHOLE POINT of this very, very short clip is the hate crime, btw. It’s like two minutes long! They dropped a clip just for a cute kissing montage and then to interrupt it with a brutal beating! Something about that makes it even more repugnant than if it were like … a long involved scene about something else, and this happened. IDK, something about it feels even more tasteless, like this beating is their cinematic setpiece.
The first-person POV of the beating = not necessary. Like of ALL the fucking times in your season to actually give a shit about the importance of POV, lmao. This isn’t a video game. I’m not shooting zombies or getting jumped by bandits.
Remember when Skam faded to black on Noora’s blackout? And cut away from Even walking naked out of the hotel? Yeah, there are plot and POV reasons for those, but they were also ways to respect the audience and not include pointlessly triggering, exploitative material. 
There’s just so much to say about this bad choice that I’m at a loss. Why did we need to go here? In particular, why did we need to go here knowing how the rest of the season plays out? Because for me, that’s what clinches this as a terrible decision. This isn’t a shitty scene with a satisfying follow-up. The resolution - or non-resolution, as it turns out - of this plot development is what exposes wtFOCK’s true character.
There is an AMAZING Evak vid set to Two Men In Love and I recommend you watch it to get the bad taste out of your mouth from this scene.
This is just textbook bad writing for coming out stories, not to mention packed full of tired cliches.
Closeted gay guy is violently homophobic (Robbe calls his love interest homophobic slurs and accuses him of being a pervert) - I’m sorry but I am so tired of the “dating your bully” trope and this is what it fell into for me. Why should Sander take back Robbe after that? After Sander told Robbe he was afraid no one would ever love him? 
Gay-bashing For The Drama, to make sure you know homophobia is bad, really bad.
Overemphasis on the heterosexual love interest (“love interest”) and how it’s hurtful to her, like I get that it’s a delicate topic with not demonizing her, but I always feel like there is SO much interest on straight characters in these stories! It’s not about them!
The hate crime has to go. Really. What is even the POINT of it in this particular story? As if there wasn’t enough angst in S3? Especially if you consider: they wasted a few episodes on repetitive nonsense. Their pacing is fucked up. And now you have to insert this monumentally offensive storyline and its fallout into a season already full of problems? Next.
Okay, I will offer ONE way to incorporate the hate crime, and that is simple: Make the rest of the season about the fallout. Similar to Noora’s season with her assault, dive deep into the trauma, spend a few episodes with Robbe and Sander recovering, telling their friends about it, going to the police about it. Cut back on other drama from S3. Don’t fuck around with Sander going back to Britt, unless you tie it in directly to him being afraid to date a guy after the hate crime. Don’t fuck around with Noor outing Robbe considering he has enough shit on his plate. If you want to bring her back, make her support him through the trauma. Honestly? Don’t fuck around with the hotel incident. Like I truly hate to lose Sander’s mental illness as a vital part of the season, but adding a full-blown manic episode on top of gay-bashing is way too much misery porn. I think you could probably show how the hate crime and resulting trauma affect Sander’s mental state without pushing it into full-blown wandering the streets naked while manic. 
Do I particularly like this plot? I mean, no, not compared to the original, and I feel like this is better off as its own thing rather than a S3 adaptation. But at the very least, I can see the attempt to take the hate crime seriously. You cannot just throw in this type of scenario to shake things up and leave it at that. This show is specifically made for teenagers, to take their struggles seriously and to give them positive examples of how to handle problems. If you prioritize the violent act itself because it’s dramatic and shocking, rather than the recovery (because that’s like, boring and uninteresting, amirite), then you’ve shown your ass. You don’t understand the purpose or the appeal of Skam in the first place.
Jumping ahead, I think this is exactly where wtFOCK exposes its true intentions. wtFOCK does not care about helping vulnerable teenagers find solutions to tough problems. wtFOCK does not care about healing or educating. wtFOCK is about shaking the audience so hard that viewers get whiplash. If wtFOCK gave a shit about helping the audience, the rest of the season would focus on Robbe and Sander dealing with the assault, giving them options to report it, showing them ways to cope with the trauma. Things that might help audience members who unfortunately also found themselves victims of hate crimes or homophobic violence. Those are not present in the rest of the season. It’s just a fucking soap opera. 
If you MUST have a homophobic incident to go with your dark ‘n’ edgy season, you can still limit it to some assholes yelling homophobic slurs without resorting to violence. That’s bad enough, and it did happen to Isak and Even later in the series. Even if you decide you MUST have a violent angle to this incident for whatever reason, I don’t fucking know why but OK, you don’t need to film it in this super exploitative manner where our heroes are getting viciously beaten on the ground. But there are so many ways to incorporate external homophobia without this shit.
Wouldn’t this dreadful scene make more sense at least if it had happened after the pool kiss? Like they go out a few days later, the hate crime happens, and then THAT’s why Robbe pushes away Sander and calls him names? Because now he’s afraid and he’s internalized what the bigots said? It’s tragic and gross, but at least there’s some character-driven logic in that sequence of events.
Another thing that really doesn’t work is that they’re straying so far from the original script, but at the same time they keep jamming in scenes from the original, except there isn’t the same buildup. Or any buildup, sometimes. This results in an incoherent mess of a season and of a POV character, where Robbe is part-Robbe, part-Isak.
I think all the remakes do this to a degree: there are certain beats they feel they must hit, and they hit them even though they’re off course. You need to commit either to doing a mostly faithful adaptation of the original, or to doing a remake with your own spin on the characters, but you need to be very, very careful not to just haplessly mix ‘n’ match the two. Does a scene from OG make sense within this remake universe? No? Then drop it, rewrite it, do what you need to do, just don’t carelessly recreate it if it doesn’t fit.
The way they’re writing Jens is bizarre because he seems to care enough about Robbe to ask him how he’s doing, but also not care enough to stick around and listen once the next shiny thing comes along. From the beginning they’ve set up the friendship tension with the boy squad as not just Robbe’s fault, but as a failure of his friends to pay attention as well. Like in the first episode Robbe is trying to talk to them and they just ditch him! They really need to make Jens more aware of how he himself has messed up with his friend, and not act like this is all Robbe’s doing.
We don’t need another Noor blue balls scene, thank you, bye. But if we keep this one, then we absolutely needed to see what exactly made Robbe stop in the act of sex with her, such as him flashing back to his kiss with Sander. Or even just letting us see him make the decision, because goddamn, what’s with wtFOCK not letting this young actor actually act out some of the meatiest material?
Overall, give Robbe more baby steps in his personal development, and not unbelievable leaps and changes in his behavior because the plot demands them.
I did try to think of a way to incorporate much of the same material from this week, including a hate crime, in a way that made more sense and was not ridiculously OTT or offensive. It’s hard because I really think you need to go back to the beginning of the season, but here’s what I came up with, borrowing some elements from the last episode as well.
Robbe wakes up the night after kissing Sander. He’s happy and glowing, he sees a cute text from Sander and smiles. Then he goes to the kitchen and Milan is there with a black eye or something, he’s talking to Zoë and Senne, maybe they’re tending to his injuries. Robbe asks what happened. Milan had a date last night and some homophobes started giving them a hard time, Milan wasn’t having it, punches were thrown. Milan is very shaken and upset. So is Robbe, who panics. Is this what he has to look forward to if he’s dating a gay? Will people harass him just for being out with his boyfriend? The implications of what it means to be a gay person in this world hit him really hard. He looks at Sander’s text again and ignores him and possibly blocks him. At some point we will establish that Robbe is also ignoring texts/calls from everyone else, too: Noor, Jens, his mom...
Sander shows up the next day outside Robbe’s place after Robbe has been ignoring him. He tries to talk to Robbe, but Robbe is freaked out and visibly nervous, his eyes darting around - he’s paranoid now about being seen with Sander, due to Milan’s incident. He’s worried about being a target for homophobic violence, understandably so. Sander doesn’t realize that Robbe’s frightened, however, and keeps talking and being nice. Robbe tries to play off the other night as just him being drunk, it was a mistake. When Sander physically gets too close to Robbe, Robbe yells that he’s not gay and runs inside, leaving Sander alone.
Robbe encounters Milan at home alone. Milan is still bruised from the homophobic incident. Milan is unusually subdued. Robbe says he’s sorry for what happened to Milan, it’s terrible. Robbe then sticks his foot in his mouth by saying something well-intentioned but hurtful and ignorant about how maybe Milan shouldn’t be so gay in public or w/e, since that will just attract homophobes, and that not all gay people act like Milan (meaning flamboyant, etc.) Milan gets really, really upset and snaps at Robbe about how gay people have been beaten and killed for just being who they are - basically a version of the Pride speech with a somewhat different context - and that it takes bravery and strength, Robbe doesn’t know what the fuck he’s talking about. So that ends on a bad note for them.
Now trying to get out of the house since he’s fought with Milan, Robbe meets up with Jens, or maybe Jens finds him at the park or whatever. Jens comments on how it’s been a while since they’ve talked. Robbe says he was just worried about what the guys would say since he blew up at them previously. Jens is like, dude, we’re your friends. You have to talk to the people who care about you, you can’t just ghost them and avoid facing your problems. Robbe takes this advice to heart. Jens tells Robbe that he’s ready to listen when Robbe wants to talk.  Maybe Robbe sees something that reminds him of Sander, like graffiti on a building, and despite his fears, we can see that he really misses Sander, and that his feelings for Sander are stronger than his fears.
Next he meets up with Noor. She’s really upset that he’s been ignoring her. He apologizes and a version of the breakup scene goes down. When Robbe leaves, we see him walk away with a conflicted expression. Sorry that he’s hurt Noor, but understanding that this was the right call, and relief that he doesn’t have to pretend any more. 
Robbe sees Milan again and apologizes for what he said last time. Milan accepts his apology. Robbe admits that he’s been confused lately because he likes a guy and he doesn’t know what that makes him. Milan says something like that’s great Robbe likes a guy and that Robbe doesn’t need to label himself right now, he should just follow his heart. Maybe that liking boys is scary (Milan points to his black eye) and sometimes you need to be careful, but at the end of the day, Milan has to be himself and live his life honestly, and so does Robbe. After Milan leaves, Robbe takes out his phone and texts Sander saying he wants to talk.
Sander meets Robbe somewhere and Robbe apologizes for ignoring him, says he freaked out because that was the first time he kissed a guy, but now he’s made up his mind that he wants to be with Sander. They kiss and make up, yayyyyy.
This is by no means a perfect solution (like the thought of then going into the shit with Britt next episode on top of this makes my head hurt), this is just an attempt to include stuff like homophobic violence, Robbe’s ghosting Sander, scenes with Jens and Noor, etc. in a way that makes a little more linear sense to me and doesn’t feel as haphazard, and isn’t super triggering or exploitative. I think if you have a hate crime happening to Robbe himself, that really needs to be the main focus from here on out, for at least a few episodes; if you have something off-screen happening to another character, you can address the topic of violent homophobia without having it dominate the season or featuring triggering scenes. And hopefully it would still have some emotional impact, because we see how it affects Milan, and some clear consequences for character development, because we see how it affects Robbe, as the situation he may find himself in one day.
If I missed anything, cultural notes, translation nuances, let me know!
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sunflowerdigs · 4 years
I get the frustration with Forlex and with Miluca. Because what's the point of cosmic soulmates if we never get to experience them? Tbh, I'm somewhat baffled by the people who now want an entire season of Malex pining. There are...not many shows currently on with diverse, adult queer rep where the actors have the chemistry of Malex. And where the poc isn't just a character brought on to be the perfect man for the white guy but is a character in his own right.
That said...these two relationships do have a function in the story (or at least Miluca did). There are two breakups in the finale, Echo and Miluca. And they don't happen for the same reason, but I do think they are connected.
Liz's reasons for doing unethical work in her lab are just excuses. In her heart, Liz knows that the rigorous process for testing new treatments is there for a reason - as the flashback showed, she was initially against Gynotech because they seemed to take shortcuts in their research. She has never been frustrated by the process, just by the fact that she could never secure grant money to get very far into said process. What changed for her, though, was Max dying and then her work bringing him back to life.
Liz has lost a lot of people in her life. But she seems to pride herself in being able to pick herself up and keep on pursuing her ambitions. But when she lost Max, suddenly she lost the part of herself that could do that, and that scared the everliving shit out of her. So she clung to the one thing she knew and she got lucky, so now she's using that thing to run away and put distance between herself and Max. Because she's scared of being so connected to someone that she stops being a whole person without them (fair).
But guess who just learned, through a failed relationship, that running away doesn't work?
Liz and Michael's plotlines have always...idk of it's really mirroring because they kind of oppose each other? As Liz flies, Michael falls, and vice versa. Liz came back first season and gave in to her feelings for Max; Michael got Alex back first season but ultimately ran away from his feelings. In second season, Liz was with the person she was meant to be with, Michael was not (fun note: the heart worked at first, the pacemaker didn't). Now, in third season, Liz is running away from herself and from her person as Michael is finally starting to find himself and run towards his person.
Anyway, the point of Miluca was to show Michael that, ultimately, he can't run away from who he is (and, in turn, Alex). Alex and Michael are kind of working backwards in relation to Max and Liz, I think. They're doing the hard work up front so that once they're together, they're just...together, no falling apart again. Michael and Liz got an extended honeymoon period, so the hard work starts for them now.
So in order to understand Miluca, I think it's worthwhile to look at what Liz is doing now. Liz is running from the overwhelming strength of her feelings, and that was what Michael was doing, too. Liz thinks that if she runs towards what she knows, she'll be safe. So did Michael - he got with someone who had only ever known the Michael who didn't have any dreams, got drunk, fought, and ended up in the drunk tank, so that he would never be forced to leave that particular comfort zone. Liz isn't being willfully destructive, and neither was Michael. Quite the opposite, they both think/thought they're moving towards some kind of clarity (ugh, verb tenses). But ultimately, much like Liz isn't really considering the possible consequences of her actions because she needs so badly to act, Michael had a hard time actually listening to what Maria wanted because he needed Maria to be this very specific thing (safe, uncomplicated). And, ultimately...she wasn't. And ultimately, she knew that he was trying to escape from something by being with her. And Michael really learned the futility of running away.
I will say, Miluca could have been great if there had been any time for character development in s2. We could have seen Michael really, really trying and Maria being kind of mystified by it. And we could have seen Maria not initially intending to get into anything deep with Michael (he's..Michael, after all) but ultimately giving in because he's so attentive. We could have seen that attentiveness gradually turn sour and become controlling behavior, because Michael's reason for being attentive is to keep his demons out rather than protect Maria. We could have seen Maria start hiding the use of her powers from him, taking off the bracelet when he's not there and putting it on when he is. There was...a lot of potential there.
Anyway, that's kind of my thoughts. While reading it...keep in mind that you can twist almost anything in media to suit a narrative you want, so. Don't take this as gospel or anything. It's just an interpretation - I may have a completely different one tomorrow.
(Ah, right, and Forlex, the point of Forlex is...to give Alex some actual happy dating experience to boost his confidence? On a really basic level, both Alex and Michael need to know what's out there in order to realize how unique their connection is. In some senses, yes, they could have dated Forrest and Maria at the same time. But since Alex was already "ahead" of Michael in his journey of self-rediscovery and Forrest is meant to propel him further forward on that journey (while Maria was meant to...not take Michael backwards, just show him the danger of standing still), Alex would have ended up leagues ahead of Michael instead of just a few miles (meters, really), and we would be going into S3 with a Michael who has just realized he has a lot of work to do and an Alex who has done all of his work and is just...now about to have to wait a really long time. It kind of sucks, but I also think this is why there's going to be so much time between s2 and s3. So that a lot of Alex's work with Forrest can happen off-screen, as can the boring parts of Michael trying to pick himself back up and live again (enrolling in school again, studying, making flashcards with Sanders, chucking those flashcards into the firepit when he gets frustrated, digging out their ashes in regret 5 minutes later, that kind of thing).
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austennerdita2533 · 4 years
I'm so happy that you love Folklore too! It's not just my favorite Taylor Swift album, but easily one of by favorite albums, full stop :) Here's a fun challenge: which Folklore songs remind you of a certain ship? So is there a Folklore song that makes you think of literati? Another one that makes you think of a Grey's ship? A third that makes you think of Elizabeth/Darcy? A fourth that reminds you of Klaroline and - I'll shut up, you get the idea :) Pick any Folklore songs/ships you want!
Taylor Swift’s latest album is a masterclass of musical poetry and storytelling. Rarely do I download every song a musician puts out on a new album (I tend to pick and choose), but I can genuinely say I never hit DOWNLOAD so fast in my life before than I did with Folklore! I love all sixteen tracks! I’ve been listening to them on a loop for two days straight and I imagine that’s likely to continue for the foreseeable future.
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Also, YASSS! That is a fun challenge! It’s also one I can manage because I’ve been thinking about how certain songs/lyrics apply to many of my ships since I first started listening anyway. Prepare yourself. This is gonna be long. 😁
Okay SO, for Literati... 
If I’m angling to lean into s3-s6 angst that was Rory and Jess at that point in the OG series, then I’d say the 1 is a good fit. That song has the same energy as someone who’s writing a goodbye letter to a loved one that will never be sent. It’s cleansing. Cathartic. An exorcism of feeling. It absolutely reeks of regret and longing with just a touch of look-back-over-your-shoulder-and-wish, just wish, that things could have been different:
“But we were something, don't you think so?”
“And if my wishes came true It would've been you“
“But it would've been fun If you would've been the one”
However, if I’m in more of a They’ll Come Back to Each Other mood with Literati then I think this is me trying screams Rory and Jess. That song emanates nostalgia! It’s haunting in tone (with the echoes, with some slight vibrato). The lyrics bleed with feeling, with emotion that should have rusted long ago but hasn’t. Love is still as red as it was at the beginning of everything only now...only now there’s realization and an attempt at atonement for past mistakes...
“I didn't know if you'd care if I came back I have a lot of regrets about that Pulled the car off the road to the lookout Could've followed my fears all the way down And maybe I don't quite know what to say But I'm here in your doorway“
It's hard to be anywhere these days When all I want is you You're a flashback in a film reel On the one screen in my town (the town, of course, made me think of Stars Hollow)
I just wanted you to know That this is me trying At least I'm trying
For Darcy and Elizabeth, I think seven works well for them in spots. If you listen to the song, there’s a little bit of an echoey timber to the way Taylor sings it and that gave me the sense of how classic love stories/literature kind of ripple across time, you know? How the pages may crinkle or yellow over the years, but they still leave their mark. Plus, there’s also the piano in the background. Almost feather light. It mixes with what sounds like violins in places. Idk, it has a slight P&P 2005 vibe about it to me:
“Please picture me in the weeds Before I learned civility” >> (Because did Darcy learn civility before or after Lizzie eviscerated him mid-proposal at Rosings? Did Lizzie learn to temper her prejudice before or after Lydia ran away with Wickham?)
“Passed down like folk songs Our love lasts so long“ >> (Elizabeth says herself she’s going to be happier than Jane because “[she] laughs; [her sister] only smiles.”)
I have a couple for Klaroline, too. hoax jumped out at me for them first because it’s layered with darkness and angst. The imagery pops. It’s all smoking guns and eclipsed suns and screaming on cliffsides; which, for a pair of supernaturals, and for an Original who has a history of leaving blood in his wake, I think some visuals of misery and violence are a fitting thing. I’m also obsessed with the piano in this. The way she strokes her fingers over the keys - quick tap, tap, taps then a slow one or two in places - gives you a sense of running. It’s a great parallel to her lyric about “sleepless nights.” Here are some other Klaroline-heavy lyrics in this song:
“You knew it still hurts underneath my scars From when they pulled me apart But what you did was just as dark Darling, this was just as hard As when they pulled me apart” >> (This whole section just booms with “I’ve shown kindness. Forgiveness. Pity. For you, Caroline It was all for you” energy.)
“Your faithless love's the only hoax I believe in Don't want no other shade of blue But you No other sadness in the world would do“
peace is the other song that had me crying in Klaroline. I like the softness of it, the vulnerability. I imagine it more from Klaus’s perspective, though, because it strikes me as more confessional in nature. Like it’s a revelation that’s being dragged across his teeth and he wants to scream. Almost as if these aren’t necessarily feelings he wants to share, or wants known, but there’s just no holding them back now. He’s thrown off the lid. Caroline needs to be able to walk toward him with her eyes wide open, so he only speaks truth, he only speaks honesty now. Similar to hoax, this song has darker imagery as well. There’s fire and fences and trenches and all that jazz:
“Your integrity makes me seem small You paint dreamscapes on the wall“ >> (Same energy as “you’re strong, beautiful, full of light.”)
“And you know that I'd Swing with you for the fences Sit with you in the trenches” >> (basically a promise that he’d fight FOR her and WITH her)
“But I'm a fire and I'll keep your brittle heart warm If your cascade ocean wave blues come All these people think love's for show But I would die for you in secret“ >> (THIS IS THE PART THAT HITS ME THE MOST BC so much of Klaus’s love is shown not spoken, so yeah, he dies for her in secret all. the. time. already. There are 5 other ways I could interpret that as well. But I will spare you haha)
“The devil's in the details
“Would it be enough If I could never give you peace?” >>With supernatural enemies everywhere, there won’t be much peace, will there?
I get walloped with Braime/Jaime and Brienne feels every time I listen to epiphany. Like, it’s actually rude how much this song makes me think of them. I can close my eyes and hear their swords clanging, taste the blood of their injuries on my tongue; feel the ash claw their throats, sting their eyes. Just--ah! The two of them serving, fighting back-to-back, two knights with an unspoken oath to protect a love they haven’t even voiced out loud yet...*cries*
“Only twenty minutes to sleep But you dream of some epiphany Just one single glimpse of relief To make some sense of what you've seen
“With you, I serve With you, I fall down Down Watch you breathin' Watch you breathin' out Out“
invisible strings makes me think of Shirbert/Anne and Gilbert. I love the pluck of guitar strings and how it has this air of innocence and sunshine and green grasses about it even though it’s being told/sung from a hilltop of experience. There’s so much imagery in this song, so much color and figurative language, that I can’t help but think it’s perfect for our imaginative dreamy-eyed girl and the boy who’s adored her since he first tugged her pigtails and called her Carrots in that schoolroom:
“Green was the color of the grass Where I used to read at Centennial Park >> (Can’t you just picture Anne lying in the grass, a book in her hand, flowers in her hair?) I used to think I would meet somebody there Teal was the color of your shirt When you were sixteen at the yogurt shop“
“Time, curious time Gave me no compasses, gave me no signs Were there clues I didn't see?“
“Wool to brave the seasons One single thread of gold Tied me to you“ >> (Love the warmth and vibrancy of this. The wool makes me think of Avonlea blanketed in snow; the gold has me drinking sunshine, smelling goldenrod in October)
“Time, wondrous time Gave me the blues and then purple-pink skies“
“And isn't it just so pretty to think All along there was some Invisible string Tying you to me?“ (Love the idea of the string representing their friendship, how it never snipped. How it only braided together, growing tauter, closer, all the time.)
august hits me with a waterfall of Darvey/Donna and Harvey feels. There’s a wistfulness about this song that settles in my gut, twisting it with longing, with musings of all those Almosts in relationships that were so close to coming to fruition then never did. It’s so incredibly reminiscent of how Donna and Harvey toe the lie between friends and almost lovers who-are-nearly-there-but-not-quite for 12 years. IT HURTS SO GOOD.
“Back when we were still changin' for the better >> (THIS IS SO EMOTIONALLY RESONANT IT HURTS) Wanting was enough For me, it was enough To live for the hope of it all Canceled plans just in case you'd call”
But I can see us lost in the memory August slipped away into a moment in time 'Cause it was never mine And I can see us twisted in bedsheets August sipped away like a bottle of wine 'Cause you were never mine >> (Obviously I’m swimming in the angst of this until my fingers get all pruny.) 
Finally there’s mirrorball which is Jisbon/Jane and Lisbon all the way! It’s funny because when I first listened to Folkore I thought that’d be one of the last songs I’d pair with a ship?? YET HERE I AM. Jane was in the carnival circuit growing up and I cannot, for the life of me, stop attaching him to all the descriptions of the circus/revelry. So much of his schtick throughout the show comes down to trickery and observation, which he uses to size people up, and sarcasm, which he often employs as a defense mechanism to keep people at an emotional distance. I like the theme of this song for him and Lisbon. As the mirrorball, he’s shining his true self only for her. She’s the only person who sees his “shattered edges”; she’s not distracted by all his “glistening.” Here are my favorite lyrics that are applicable to them:
“I'm a mirrorball I'll show you every version of yourself tonight
“I can change everything about me to fit in You are not like the regulars The masquerade revelers Drunk as they watch my shattered edges glisten” >> (Okay, so this makes me think Jane’s on camera confession to Erica Flynn: “I’m looking for someone who…uh, someone I can trust. Someone strong. Someone at peace with themselves. Someone better than me. Someone who knows the…worst side of me and still loves me.")
“And they called off the circus, burned the disco down When they sent home the horses and the rodeo clowns I'm still on that tightrope I'm still trying everything to get you laughing at me”
“I'm still on that trapeze I'm still trying everything to keep you looking at me“
I will stop there because otherwise I could sit here analyzing songs and ships for the rest of my life, boring you to tears haha. Thanks for this, lovely! (And obviously I’d love to hear some of your song/ship matchups as well!) xx
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steve0discusses · 5 years
Yugioh S3 Ep 44-45: Bakura‘s Back for More of This Nonsense
Man, I can’t believe we’re closing in on the 4th season of this show (still in shock I’m still able to make these.) Seems like just yesterday I felt like I had no idea what was happening, and now I’m like “they put in freakin Sans into Smash but not Bakura???” I’ve become one of those people now.
It’s been interesting how, because I have slowed down to watch these, I think I’ve been able to have a much more positive experience with the show. People have been talking about how binging has kind of changed TV from a place where fandoms could chat to a place where...you just watch it all in a weekend and hope no one spoils it and then wait for the next big thing to consume a week later.
But, when you’re watching a 15 year old anime you don’t have to worry about any of that. So it’s like a kind of nostalgic experience of a pre-streaming era despite the fact I’m totally streaming this.
But back to the show, now that the deep and reflective moments for Marik are over, my favorite storyboarder went home and left the rest of this to the night team who are clearly in a real rush to get this all finished. Again, the Yugioh whiplash is going from that high of “damn this is so goo-” then to the reality that the rest of the art direction in this show is “-acceptable. I meant to say acceptable. It’s perfectly acceptable”
Yugi Muto is still strung up by weird shadow magic restraints that must also be around his legs for some reason. I mean...it wouldn’t be so kinky if it wasn't also around his feet. More bits and pieces of Our Boy have been removed over the course of this endless card game, and he’s doing pretty good considering.
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Joey has decided he’s had Enough Of These Damn Ghosts.
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And so Marik decided that he’s been shamed by Joey Wheeler enough that he will just go away like Joey asks. This may be the only person who was actually bothered enough by Joey Wheeler to walk away in all of Yugioh.
(read more under the cut)
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Legit no one told her what had just happened.
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Just want to note that while Yugi’s leg burst out a stream of weird purple gas and Yugi screamed in pain, when his crotch disappeared, he did nothing but patiently look over at Pharaoh, who awkwardly winced. I guess the animation team knew better than to animate gas exploding out of that one particular spot, but it is still a rather funny contrast.
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Marik has achieved his final form of so many veins, and it is a still frame every time it’s on screen. You cannot animate this. You cannot.
On the other end of the field, Odion has somehow made it down these extremely steep stairs, only to look up and see so many more stairs.
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And back on the field is so many cards. So many cards, including the Card Poem. This awful Card Poem I tried so hard to forget.
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Bro brings up that maybe this poem sounds way cooler in Japanese but like...I doubt it, right? Like this was a poem that the writers threw together in 5 minutes and were like “we’re never going to actually say the shame poem, right?”
But anyway more cards things happen but why talk about cards when this eventually happens.
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I feel like Pharaoh was attempting to use Shadow Magic on Marik like just a few episodes ago so he could have done something now but...maybe he forgot? I dunno. Pharaoh didn’t feel like participating in this particular fight, maybe because his alter ego is holding on to life solely by having extra long emo bangs to count as lifepoints.
and so, Odion gives Marik a pep talk--and I kid you not, this is all Marik needed the entire time.
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That was it.
Like maybe Odion had to be awake since Odion has a spell or whatever on Marik but still it’s like...all you had to do was say “This guy is not even a person, Marik--you are the person, just nix him and we’re good”
And so the two alter ego’s fight with eachother in the same body and that must have been a treat for everyone watching.
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Man, it’s a good thing Mokuba already has so many PTSD situations under his several belts up to this point, because otherwise I’d be somewhat concerned about this very young kid who is privy to all this type of magical abominations every time his brother just wants to play cards.
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and then...Yugi plays a bunch of cards and...um......
......don’t ask me what happened........
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After the big group hug, Marik and Marik switch places.
This was because bad Marik was fused with a monster card--which turned bad-Marik into...the definition of a Monster.
So, if you kill the monster card then you can...
...switch places with your alternate half...
Basically it’s a more complicated version of what Pharaoh did to Ryou and Bakura in S1, except in S1, Bakura played Ryou as a card and Pharaoh just slammed his hands on the table and was like “Screw it, Bakura! I’m so tired of this! We’re all so individually tired of this! I’m just going to use my Shadow Magic and switch you with Ryou and then we’re all going the HELL BACK TO BED!”
This time it just had to be so much more complicated although we have seen Pharaoh willy nilly switch souls before just two seasons ago.
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So, just like Bakura did to his evil side in S1, Marik banishes his evil side to the shadow realm in a card game.
Which worked super good last time, amiright?
I guess we’re all just going to assume that this works now? Even though this absolutely did not work in season 1? Like Bakura went right back to a life of murder immediately?
Then again, Bakura’s an actual dude, and Marik’s alter Ego was a figment of his anger or something?????? Maybe that’s the difference? Maybe that’s why we can be rest assured that this works now?
Maybe they’re just tired of the Marik plot line and are like “listen, he’s kind of hard to draw and we don’t want to do it anymore. He’s dead now.”
For realsies though, from what I’ve been told, Marik never goes cray again and gracefully exits the show. But, if they ever want to continue Yugioh back in this direction, you can just have him snap at any time you feel like, we all know this type of exorcism is wholly reversible.
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Anyway, the clouds are lifted and we are reminded that it is still hardly even lunch time.
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It is at this point that Marik turns to his Brother and his Sister, who all three have no world skills outside of scamming museums and filtering sewer water, and waxes long about all the great times they’re about to have in the future.
Like what future though? You have to go to 20 years of actual real deal school, Marik, you can only read one Egyptian text. Hell knows how many people you possessed in order to get that motorcycle permit. You for sure aren’t ever allowed to play cards ever again. Like what are you going to do, Marik?
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...dude what if he just goes back on the boat and just sails away for the rest of his life with his cultists who are equally unqualified to live in the real modern world. OMG what if that’s the real Marik’s Boat Time all along?
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I almost forgot about you, Bakura.
Just in time for the British Bake Off to start updating episodes on Netflix, just in time, Bakura.
And following this is actual real thing that happened which, if you told me about, I would have just assumed was a joke or an edit to make it appear like this is happening. But no, it’s strip time.
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the hell?
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Yo can you believe that like a week ago I was like quoting “One Week” for kicks in these recaps and then this week Marik is, indeed, “in the history of taking off his shirt” ?
Anyway, Marik reminds us that his only purpose in life is to uh...be a book. A book that no one can read because Pharaoh didn’t have the foresight 5000 years ago that no one would be speaking Egyptian anymore and also that his reincarnation would be a 14-16 yo Japanese boy who’s entire brain power is used for selecting cards and selecting matching belts.
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I just...Pharaoh’s mind must have been in a real place 5000 years ago and that was before he ever became a ghost.
Also, it is kind of amazing how many times it has come up how illiterate Pharaoh is over the past season and he still hasn’t decided to do anything about it. Like, he’s just kind of hoping that someone else (probably Kaiba) will feed the answer to him like a baby because that’s just how this show has been up to now.
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In this case he has a one-ness moment with the tablet and gets the sense of “It’s fine, we’ll figure this out later” which um...
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I’m really happy that in this scene, Pharaoh is still tripping balls but everyone else is so used to him doing stuff like this, they just completely ignore it.
So glad I had 2 seasons to build up this back tatt in order to figure out that Marik’s back didn’t help Pharaoh at all. The tablet yes, the back tattoo--no, completely unnecessary. Congrats, Pharaoh’s mole people servants, you screwed up and did this weird ass ceremony on 12 yo’s for 5000 years trapped underground for NO REASON.
Anyways, preteens rejoice, Marik without a shirt is randomly 10 lbs more buffed now, which I’m pretty sure was never a thing when he was wearing that itty bitty pink hoodie. Like maybe the animators are just used to really buffed anime and this is them toning it the hell down, but uh...no actual 16 year olds will ever look like this, sorry to break it to you, preteens.
Man, the horny line running through this show lol.
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Letsee, Yugi now has the puzzle, Ishizu’s necklace, the Ring, the Rod, the...
...where’s the freakin eyeball?
Did...where is it? Where is the nastiest of the golden objects?
Did Bakura never bring the eye with him to this trip? Like...is it just hanging out in his desk at home near his secret stash he super hopes that his Mom doesn’t find?
Guys, where’s the eyeball?
Anyway, now that Mokuba has decided Seto can feel joy and smile again, he gives Seto the A-OK to blow the hell out of this moneypit island that has already been violently blown up just a few years previously.
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Like this begs the question, why even build this tower if you wanted to blow it up? But then again, that is the equivalent to a small child that builds block towers just to knocks them over, right? Like that part of Seto just never grew up?
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My bro, while looking this over, gave me the best spicy bro headcanon I’ve ever heard, and it’s absolutely too ridiculous for this blog that is mostly about what actually happens in the course of this show, but I’mma gonna share it with you anyway. I’m pretty sure this isn’t a common headcanon, but if my bro got it from some random fic he read off Ao3, I don’t know any better. So bro kinda squints at Roland, Seto Kaiba’s most incompetent bodyguard (if “bodyguard” is even an accurate description for the weird fake not-a-job that this guy has to do) and is like “do you feel like Roland has Noah’s hair color?”
and I was like “Bro, if you are suggesting that Roland is the illegitimate son of Gozobura because his hair is the same shade as the darker parts of Noah’s hair, that is one wild headcanon and I love it”
So--using Bro’s logic, lets say Gozaboro had a really stupid illegitimate son he had to hide from his wife. So he just...gives him a fake job. Considers “maybe I can use this son on A.I. Noah?” but Roland ends up being too much of a dumbass to intimidate Noah, so instead, he keeps Roland around on low-tier jobs so he gets keep an eye on him, torture him, etc.
And as the company falls out around him, Roland gets slowly promoted, as Seto and Mokuba fire basically everyone who worked with Pegasus and the Big 5. And Roland, who is just so bad at everything, forgot to attend the Pegasus coup (and would have no idea what is ever happening), so when the Kaibas returned from Pegasus’ island they still have Roland...sitting there at that long table covered in 4 identical idiot salads and orange juice he laid out for them in his patchy green moustache and his huge Gozaburo shoulders, they’re like “well.....I guess we have to take care of him now.”
And that’s the story my brother has in his head now every time Roland is on screen. It’s not canon at all that Roland is the secret 4th Kaiba brother but damn. What if he’s just the 4th Kaiba brother but has no idea, and Mokuba and Seto do, and that’s why they drag him all over the world with them? Hilarious.
I mean...Seto and Mokuba fire everyone. But they don’t fire Roland, their biggest dumbass. What a headcanon. (and if this joke ends up being real I’ll be very happy)
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ALSO, new thing, the necklaces around their necks with the cute picture of eachother that they had up till now to remind eachother of their forever brotherly love--also keys used to blow up things very violently.
I should have expected this.
Anyway, lets check up on Mai---oohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
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Y’all this was WEIRD.
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So after that extremely insensitive joke that made us doubt if bringing back Mai was a good thing, lets have a reminder that we brought back someone else even worse, who, like a parasite, was devouring everything that they love.
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(Bakura’s font color has been changed to blue stripes because before he was just too similar to Joey’s yellow and my white. Eventually I will find the right system for coloring everyone’s font legibly, although I know that the patterns are sometimes harder to read for people that aren’t colorblind.)
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Ah, local nasty boy is back. I’d love if they had shown more of the food he ate, but they wisely decided to crop that huge spread out of frame. Bakura eating all of the donuts is canon though. Somehow every donut aboard this blimp fit inside of that small boy’s endless stomach.
PS Kaiba Corp makes their own milk. At some point, Seto Kaiba was just leaning back into his work chair, Mokuba on the couch watching TV, Roland completely unable to reload the Keurig, and Seto was like “But what if...I made CHEESE.” (BECAUSE YOU KNOW HOW MUCH THESE KIDS LOVE CHEESE) and Mokuba was like “OMG you could sell the company back to them at 2 times the price for each share” and he was like “I KNOW.”
and so he marched down to the nearest cheese fields to buy some cows, only to find out that the agriculture market is so strained you can’t sell the shares at a times-two profit now and he‘s like “Ah dammit! I have to do real business! This freakin blows!”
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Makes you think.
Anyway, then Ryou throws some shade at us about “PS, I was in Hell! I love you, too!”
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Anyway, so it’s about time we ended this season, so how about it? How about we take off, watch it all blow up as a symbolic representation of all the hopes and dreams Kaiba had at the beginning of this tourney, and end this crazy ass season?
Oh wait, that relies on Roland being able to do even one thing competently.
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So, that’s where we leave off.
Really truly, honestly, we need to get everyone on this show matching cuff radios because the number of times they’ve needed to call Kaiba is insurmountable. Could have solved so many problems. Really surprised that Roland can’t like...call the Kaibas right now, but now that I think about it, we clarified several episodes ago that Mokuba forcibly kicked Roland off of the radio because he was unable to work it properly.
Good job Roland, the best Kaiba son.
Anyway if you just got here this is a link to read just the Yugioh recaps in chrono order
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s-driesen · 5 years
hey - ‘yellow curtains’ and ‘21:21’ from the ask list thingy :)
(Thank you so much for sending this, I’m on a long ass bus journey and this is giving me something to do other than brood and listen to music 💓)
21:21: When/where did you first hear about SKAM?
I saw a few GIFs of Isak and Evem floating around on Tumblr, around the time the O Helga Natt clip dropped. I didn’t really get it, and wasn’t into watching stuff with subs at that time, plus the clip things seemed complicated to me. So i kinda left it for a while, and then when i saw some hype for season four on instagram, literally a few days before the trailer dropped, i started to do more research. I watched Season 3 first, in split up clips on YouTube because I didn’t know DailyMotion/GoogleDrives were a things. Because of that I missed half the story and thought the show was nonsensical bullshit, but I just put that down to not watching seasons 1&2. So i watched them, on GoogleDrives this time and it all went uphill from there. Watching Season 4 in real time was so cool, all the theorising and texts sucked me in immediately.
As for finding the remakes...I fell out of love with SKAM for about a couple months after Season 4 ended. I found the fandom toxic, after the whole shipping Henrik and Tarjei happened, and people theorised Lea was a stunt girlfriend...that shit was wild. So i got into other stuff (mainly IT and Stranger Things) and turned my nose up at the concept of remakes, I heard about France first and then Italia. I watched s2 of Italia first and just though, meh. I didn’t like it that much, so I left the remakes alone for a while until all the ones we have now had at least one season. I found SKAM France’s Season 3 in my YouTube recommended, the full length episode 1 and then 2, and thought ‘fuck it’. I watched SKAM Fr S3 clip by clip after Episode 2 and I was fascinated by the idea of remakes thereafter.
Yellow Curtains: Rank the remakes.
(I’m giving reasons because there’s still 30 minutes to go on my bus ride)
1. Netherlands
Right, I know i don’t show it much on this blog but SKAM NL is my all time favourite. It just feels so unique and like a totally separate entity to SKAM og. The characters are so painfully relatable it makes me laugh, like Isa licking her phone screen. The girl squad reminds me of me and my friends and our collective stupidity, and the fact that it didn’t get renewed for Season 3 breaks my heart. They could’ve done wonderful things with Lucas’ character and the Isak/Even storyline, and the fact that we’re missing out on that makes me so sad. I hope one day it does get renewed, but for now, we have 2 amazing seasons.
2. France
My entire blog is dedicated to Lucas and Eliott. Are you surprised this ranks as high as it does? I’m so attached to this cast and characters, and the dramatics of Season 3 are forever in my heart. There isn’t much to say, except that I believe Season 4 was crappy and they did Imane dirty, because I think my blog speaks for itself. I’m SO fucking excited to see what Season 5 and 6 will bring, because new plot lines take me back to when I first got into SKAM.
3. WTFock:
So this actually moved from like spot number 5 to 3 within like 2 weeks. Can you guess why? Season 3 so far is actually my favourite remake of Isak/Evens story. Sander and Robbe are amazing characters, and I’m utterly obsessed with the both of them. Although Lucas and Eliott are nearly taking their spot as the no.1 Evak remake, the cinematography of WTFock knocks them down a peg (as well as the soundtrack). Plus Zoë and Senne are my favourite Noorhelm, which is shocking because I dislike ALL noorhelms (even the OG).
4. Druck
Controversial opinion, but I don’t like Druck that much. I don’t know why, but I just don’t. Maybe it’s because Matteo’s character hit too close to home or because I didn’t like Season 2 at all but, I’ve got no interest for it. It’s good, a brilliant remake and I love my baby David (+ Lukas is the sweetest human) but I found myself growing bored midway through Seasons 3&4. Not awful, not disgusting or controversial just mediocre. Still entertaining and original, just maybe not my cup of tea?
5. Italia
So where do I begin? The show itself is good, albeit a little safe, but all in all did a good job with all storylines. The cinematography is amazing and you can tell the people working on it are utterly passionate about the product they’re putting out. My only issues with this series are the actors and actresses. If i didn’t get into the cast, or follow them on social media, Italia probably would’ve ranked higher than Druck or WTFock. But I did and here’s my issues. Number one: White Sana? The casting choice was poor, and made a character I adore unlikeable. It takes away from the roll and diminishes it entirely, which makes me uncomfortable. I’m glad the show got cancelled before Season 4 was made, that would’ve been a shitshow. Number two: Rocco Fasano does my head in. ‘whitewashed is a racist word’ ass ‘says the n-work IN THE TV SHOW’ ass ‘supports the idea of white sana’ ass and ‘is generally annoying’ ass. All his topless pics and obscure instagram captions made me unfollow, which sucks because I’ve drawn him and he was nice enough to repost it and call me talented. But when I found all this out...yikes I had to unstan.
6. Austin
Watching SKAM, in my own language? weird. Haven’t watched it, will probably watch it when Shay’s season comes out (pun intended)...Because I’m GAY and she’s BABY. Next.
7. Es- 🤢 Españ- 🤮
Dirty ass. I hate this fucking show, and the audacity it has to denounce pansexuality with such hatred. I watched Season 2 as the clips dropped, excited for the first WLW Evak remake and was gutted when it turned out shitty and panphobic with a terrible fucking cast. Joanas mental illness was handled badly, Cris calling her crazy made me sick to my fucking stomach. I stopped watching after that clip dropped. Then hearing they denounced the existence of pansexuality, making fun of it even, in THE SHOW ITSELF. AT THE END OF AN LGBT SEASON? DISGUSTING. The cast is a clusterfuck. Irene makes me ill, with her boldness and ignorance, her entitled attitude makes me so fucking angry. And Rizha (idk her name) even though her music does SLAP i feel like she only used the show to gain more popularity in that aspect. ‘Cute Bitch’ was a whole ass publicity stunt. The SKAM Es fandom is a plague. I cant mention the show negatively without getting a string of fucking bread emojis and the words biphobic and transphobic getting thrown about. GRIM.
Thanks again, and if you read this all...why? my opinion doesn’t mean shit.
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captainlenfan · 5 years
Apple Watch Nike+ Series 3 42mm Smartwatch GPS/Cellular MQLF2LL/A
New Post has been published on https://fitnesstech.website/product/apple-watch-nike-series-3-42mm-smartwatch-gps-cellular-mqlf2ll-a/
Apple Watch Nike+ Series 3 42mm Smartwatch GPS/Cellular MQLF2LL/A
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Apple Watch Nike+ Series 3 + Extra Belkin Sport Band + Avoda Tempered Glass Screen Protector Bundle Brand New
Apple Watch Nike+ Series 3 42mm Smartwatch (GPS + Cellular, Space Gray Aluminum Case, Black/Pure Platinum Nike Sport Loop)
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          Key Features
Aluminum Chassis with Ion-X Glass
1.5″ 312 x 390 1000-Nit Display
Activity and Heart Rate Monitoring
Changeable Faces with Widgets
Stay connected in style with the 42mm GPS and cellular-equipped Apple Watch Nike+ Series 3, which comes with a Space Gray anodized aluminum chassis and a black and Pure Platinum Nike sport loop. Designed for users looking for the next generation of connectivity, Apple’s Watch moves your iPhone’s apps and functions to your wrist, so you can do more while leaving your phone in your pocket.
    Apple Watch Nike+ Series 3 Overview
3Cellular Connectivity
10Time Travel
13Health and Fitness
14Heart Rate Monitor
15Force Touch
16Taptic Engine
17Digital Touch
18Apple Pay
24Activation Lock
Stay connected in style with the 42mm GPS and cellular-equipped Apple Watch Nike+ Series 3, which comes with a Space Gray anodized aluminum chassis and a black and Pure Platinum Nike sport loop. Designed for users looking for the next generation of connectivity, Apple’s Watch moves your iPhone’s apps and functions to your wrist, so you can do more while leaving your phone in your pocket.
Apple Watch connects to your iPhone via Bluetooth 4.2 and displays notifications, apps, and more on its 1.5″ display. It can also connect directly to the Internet thanks to 3G and 4G LTE cellular compatibility and 802.11b/g/n Wi-Fi. The internal battery lasts for up to 18 hours of normal use and is recharged with an included inductive magnetic charger.
The Nike+ version of the Apple Watch Series 3 comes with a Nike sport loop and exclusive Nike watch faces, which let you launch the Nike+ Run Club app directly from the face by tapping it.
Cellular Connectivity
The cellular-equipped Watch Series 3 uses its screen as an antenna, connecting you to wireless networks without the aid of your iPhone. Leave your iPhone in the car, at home, or in your gym locker and stay connected, with 4G LTE to keep notifications rolling in from your favorite apps. Your phone number carries over so you don’t have to give out a new number to receive calls and text messages from your contacts. Note: Requires service plan to activate. Not compatible with all wireless networks in all countries. May result in additional charges to your wireless bill.
Enjoy the iOS apps you love on your iPhone, tailored for Apple Watch.
Leave your phone in your pocket and view notifications on your wrist. Apple Watch displays alerts from your iPhone so you can respond or dismiss them at will. Its Taptic engine gives you a gentle tap on your wrist or an audio cue when notifications come in.
Built-in GPS lets you navigate and get accurate workout data — no phone required. It connects quickly to GPS satellites and records distance, speed, and pace for your workout as well as the route you traveled and whether you’re walking, running, or cycling.
The Apple Watch Series 3 is designed to withstand the pressure equivalent of being 164′ underwater (5 ATM), meaning that it’s suitable for rain, spills, showers, pools, and oceans at shallow depths. Its internal speaker uses its own vibrations to force water out once it’s clear of the waves.
Glances are scannable summaries of the information you need most. Simply swipe up from your watch face and you’ll instantly be able to do things like see what’s next on your calendar or find your location on a map.
Complications are small widgets that appear on the face of your Watch and provide quick access to frequently used data. You can customize which complications you’d like to appear, including built-in complications like weather, calendar, and activity, or complications from your installed apps.
Time Travel
Turn the Digital Crown to scroll through your complications and see what’s happening next or what already happened.
Talk to Apple’s digital assistant Siri just like you would on your iPhone to launch apps, record notes, search the web, reply to messages, and more. Simply hold down the digital crown or raise your wrist and say “Hey, Siri” to hear her respond.
Customize the face of your Apple Watch to fit your needs, from chronographs to digital faces to a model of the solar system. Add the complications of your choice to the watch face so you can see the information most important to you.
Health and Fitness
The Activity app displays progress made towards your daily activity goals with three intuitive rings that grow the more you move, finally closing when you hit your targets. The Stand ring shows how often you’ve stood up to take a break from sitting, the Move ring shows how many active calories you’ve burned, and the Exercise ring shows how many minutes of brisk activity you’ve completed. Swipe up from the bottom of the Watch to view active calories burned, steps taken, and distance traveled. You can also compete against friends and family and respond to notifications of their progress.
With more than 12 indoor and outdoor workouts to choose from, including lap and open-water swimming, biking, running, and elliptical, it’s easy to stay fit. The Watch learns swimmers’ strokes automatically, and wheelchair users can take advantage of chair-specific workouts with a variety of pushing techniques. A barometric altimeter logs stairs climbed and helps runners, cyclists, skiers, and snowboarders on their routes. There’s also high-intensity interval training for people who want to push even harder. Switch between back-to-back workouts and see a comprehensive summary of your results.
Your Watch senses your activity on its own, so there’s no need to enter it in manually. Goals can be adjusted manually or based on weekly suggestions from the Activity app. Third-party app support lets you interact with favorite fitness apps directly on your Watch, taking advantage of its heart rate sensor and motion sensors.
Heart Rate Monitor
Check your heart rate at any time with the Apple Watch’s built-in heart rate monitor. It uses an array of LEDs and sensors to photoplethysmographically determine how hard your heart is working. Every ten minutes, it attempts to take a reading, which is then stored in the Health app. Certain conditions, such as movement, extreme temperatures, and tattoos can interfere with readings.
Force Touch
Apple Watch senses how much pressure you use when you tap on its face, adding a new dimension to the ways you can interact with it. Press firmly to see additional controls, change watch faces, and more.
Taptic Engine
Instead of a vibration, the Apple Watch “taps” on your wrist to alert you to new notifications and respond to inputs. It gives different types of taps in different situations, so you can feel the difference between a call and a text message without looking.
Digital Touch
Connect with other Apple Watch users with Digital Touch. Users can send drawings with Sketch, gentle tap patterns with Tap, and even your heartbeat.
Apple Pay
Apple Pay is a secure mobile payment method that lets you pay for goods and services online and in-person without reaching for your wallet. You can add credit cards and rewards cards to Apple Pay, which does not store card numbers on your device or share them with merchants.
To pay with your Apple Watch, simply double-click the side button and hold the display of Apple Watch up to the contactless reader. A gentle tap and beep confirm that your payment information was sent.
When your iPhone is in range, you can use your Apple Watch to control what’s playing. You can also listen to locally-stored music without an iPhone when using Bluetooth headphones or AirPods.
Take a call with your Apple Watch’s built-in speakerphone or transfer it to your iPhone. With cellular access, you keep your iPhone’s phone number.
Thanks to the power-efficient S3 processor and W2 communications chip, your Apple Watch lasts up to 18 hours on a charge.
Place your Apple Watch on its side and connect the included magnetic charger to activate Nightstand mode, which displays the time, date, and alarm when you touch the screen, digital crown, or side button. When your alarm sounds, press the Digital Crown to snooze or the side button to turn it off altogether.
The Apple Watch is made from aluminum and is designed for strength and light weight. The display is covered by Ion-X aluminosilicate glass, which is molecularly fortified through ion exchange. The back panel is made from ceramic for durability without interfering with cellular transmission.
Activation Lock
Activating your Apple Watch requires your iCloud Apple ID and password, so your information will stay safe even if your Watch is lost or stolen.
In the Box
Apple Watch Nike+ Series 3 42mm Smartwatch (GPS + Cellular, Space Gray Aluminum Case, Black/Pure Platinum Nike Sport Loop)
Magnetic Charging Cable
USB Power Adapter
Black/Pure Platinum Nike Sport Loop
Limited 1-Year Warranty
  Apple Watch Nike+ Series 3 Specs
Watch Operating System watchOS 4.0 Compatible Operating System iOS 11 and later CPU Apple S3 Dual-Core GPU PowerVR RAM 768 MB Storage Capacity 16 GB Sensors Accelerometer, Altimeter, Barometer, Compass, Gyroscope, Heart Rate, Light Sensor Activity Tracker Yes Microphone Yes Built-In Speaker Yes Vibration Yes
Connectivity Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, NFC, 3G, 4G LTE Bluetooth Protocol Bluetooth Bluetooth 4.2 Supported Bluetooth Profiles A2DP GSM 3G/3.5G UMTS, HSPA+: 850, 1700, 1900 MHz 4G LTE LTE: 2, 4, 5, 12, 13, 17, 18, 19, 25, 26, 41 Bands SIM Type e-SIM GPS Yes, with GLONASS
Dial Shape Rectangle Dial Size 1.65″ / 42 mm Dial Type Digital Display Technology OLED Display Resolution 312 x 390 Pixel Density 326 ppi Backlight Yes
Battery Life Normal Use: Up to 18 hours Charging Method Magnetic Connector, Wireless Charging
Watch Crystal Material Aluminosilicate Glass Case Materials Aluminum Water Rating 5 ATM Band Material Nylon Wrist Size Fits wrists 5.7 to 8.7″ / 14.5 to 22 cm Case Dimensions 1.67 x 1.43 x 0.45″ / 42.5 x 36.4 x 11.4 mm Weight 1.2 oz / 34.9 g (Watch Only)
Packaging Info
Package Weight 1.175 lb Box Dimensions (LxWxH) 5.75 x 5.7 x 3.4″
  Belkin Sport Band for Apple Watch (42mm/44mm, Blacktop/Flash)
MFR #F8W730BTC03
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          Key Features
For All 42mm/44mm Apple Watch Versions
Ridged for Improved Airflow
Dual-Locking Buckle
Personalize your Apple Watch with the Belkin Sport Band in Blacktop/Flash. Designed to fit all 42mm/44mm versions of the Apple Watch, this band is made from silicone and features wavy ridges along the inside to improve airflow and keep you cool while you’re active. A dual-locking buckle keeps it in place. The band resists sweat and discoloration from UV rays, is hand-washable, and has a coating to preserve its appearance and texture between washes.
  Belkin F8W730BTC03 Overview
Personalize your Apple Watch with the Belkin Sport Band in Blacktop/Flash. Designed to fit all 42mm/44mm versions of the Apple Watch, this band is made from silicone and features wavy ridges along the inside to improve airflow and keep you cool while you’re active. A dual-locking buckle keeps it in place. The band resists sweat and discoloration from UV rays, is hand-washable, and has a coating to preserve its appearance and texture between washes.
In the Box
Belkin Sport Band for Apple Watch (42mm, Blacktop/Flash) 
Belkin F8W730BTC03 Specs
Compatibility 42 mm/44mm Apple Watch Material Silicone Dimensions Not specified by manufacturer Weight Not specified by manufacturer
Packaging Info
Package Weight 0.15 lb Box Dimensions (LxWxH) 7.1 x 3.6 x 0.95″
    AVODA Clear Tempered Glass Screen Protector for Apple Watch 42mm
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        Key Features
Silicone Adhesion
Touch Sensitivity
Dry Application
Easy to Install and Remove
Protect your Apple Watch 42mm with the AVODA Clear Tempered Glass Screen Protector. This protector guards your watch screen against scratches and bumps with tempered glass and features an anti-static coating and low-reflective, high-transparency glass. Its dry application is designed for easy installation and removal without leaving residue or impacting touchscreen sensitivity.
  AVODA AVD-IW42TG Overview
Protect your Apple Watch 42mm with the AVODA Clear Tempered Glass Screen Protector. This protector guards your watch screen against scratches and bumps with tempered glass and features an anti-static coating and low-reflective, high-transparency glass. Its dry application is designed for easy installation and removal without leaving residue or impacting touchscreen sensitivity. 
Material Tempered glass Dimensions Not specified by manufacturer Weight 0.1 lb / 0.04 kg
Items come exactly as shown in the pictures, if you see it in the picture it comes with it If you have any questions please email me via Ebay
Please pay within three days or you will be filed to Ebay for non payable bidders
Shipping only to the lower 48 states no Alaska, Hawaii, etc.
Your order will be shipped within 3-4 business days after payment has cleared no weekends or holidays no return accepted, no exchange no refund etc, this is a final sale
I only ship to confirmed Paypal addresses. Please make sure your address is correct No P.O. Boxes Please!! You may have to sign for packages
0 notes
theworstbob · 7 years
the thing journal, 5.14.2017-5.27.2017
the pop culture things i took in over the last week, and also the week before that this week because last week i couldn’t make a post. last week: american ultra, take this waltz, freddie gibbs, direct hit!, the wild reeds, jackie kashian, rory scovel, sam outlaw. this week: mary j. blige, diet cig, smino, shalewa sharpe, bad suns, room, groundhog day (the musical), brooklyn nine-nine s3, in transit, interstellar
1) American Ultra, dir. Nima Nourizadeh: This film wanted to be like five things all at once. It wanted to be a stoner comedy, it wanted to be a send-up of action thrillers, it wanted to be just a straight-up action thriller, it wanted to be an epic romance, it wanted to be an indictment of the surveillance state. I don't think it was any of those things. It was a largely enjoyable hodgepodge of ideas. There were moments it took seriously that could have been served with some comedy, there were moments it seemed like it was making fun of the stupid idiot characters when it needed to be there with them, like, I'm not gonna call it a failure because I never felt like it was wasting my time or like it was aggressively awful, but I couldn't get a handle on what I was supposed to be getting out of this film. It tried to be so many things and ended up feeling like nothing. If it had stuck with one idea -- if it were JUST a movie about this stoner idiot who suddenly sees everyday objects as instruments of death, and it was just about him and his idiot girlfriend running from the CIA and there wasn't this whole other plotline involving drama at the CIA, if it could have just been THAT, they might've had something, but they had this, which was fine, but it wasn't something.
2) Take This Waltz, dir. Sarah Polley: I discussed this on the Fall Out Boy blog, but that scene on the ride at the theme park is such a cool scene. I can see how an older Bob or a younger Bob might think this movie's kinda bullshit, it is very much a Pretty White People with Problems movie, but it's also a movie about being in your late 20s and only just realizing, oh shit, I HAVE to be an adult now, the things I do today might be the things I do forever, I need to figure out what I really want while it's still permissible for me to figure things out, and it really speaks to me. Sarah Polley's a rather dope director! Let's see if sh -- oh okay cool one more movie, wellllllllllp.
3) You Only Live 2wice, by Freddie Gibbs: Y'know what if this gets billed as an album, I'm gonna treat it like an album, length be damned. Eight songs is enough to be considered a thing IT WORKED FOR KENDRICK AND CARLY RAE DAMNIT. The opening track has maybe my favorite lyric ever: "No sleep, bags under my eyes are designer." I am going to remember that lyric for the rest of my life. It seems like a fine enough intro to Freddie Gibbs, who is a thing I am given to understand I would enjoy, and I'm excited to get into his meatier offerings.
4) Wasted Mind, by Direct Hit!: ...So remember how my computer got partially zapped last week and I lost Internet access and thus the motivation to do Internet-related things such as write my assigned blogs? Yeah so I completely forgot about this. I vaguely recall it being fine. I sort of recall it dealing with alcoholism, or lyrics relating to alcoholism, and wanting to structure this capsule around how this songwriter is recounting his pain and struggle through the thing he is best at doing, and my reaction to it is "You get a B!" but, like, I listened to this on a bus ride home ten days ago, and I wasn't too into it as I was listening to it. Only so much room, ya know? If I remembered every (pop/)punk album I ever listened to, I wouldn't remember all the tennis fun facts. And those are much more valuable. Tennis fun facts could conceivably be answers to bar trivia questions. No one was asking for this capsule.
5) The World We Built, by The Wild Reeds: The harmonies on this album are fucking nuts. This is an album I've listened to three times in the last couple weeks, and I liked it more with each listen, found new things to dig with each spin, some music thing I'm not smart enough to relay, some lyrical twist I was too preoccupied to notice. I'm sitting down with all these capsules on a Saturday night, trying to hammer a bunch of these out so I can get this sweet hot content to y'all as promised, but I kinda wanna shove this deep inside my wormholes again Sunday morning just so I have it fresh in my mind what makes this album so awesome. If you're reading these words, then of course I said "nah" and wrote my Saturday night post, which is "dope af country girl group plays songs that are hella good," and while I think the statement itself has merit, it could use a few more points of support.
6) I'm Not the Hero of This Story, by Jackie Kashian: Definitely my favorite unit of comedy released in 2017 so far. Like, the beginning, "I'm not a political comedian, but uh, I guess I have to be now?" is among the best opening bits I've ever heard. And the political comedy doesn’t feel forced, feels of a whole with the material prepared before we all went to hell. Like, the joke about being told by a minority friend trying to assuage her post-election fears, “Jesus, have you never been disappointed before?” is as much about her Midwestern emotional unavailability as the jokes about visiting her father in the hospital. (I might be over-analyzing this. Everything is either over-analyzed or under-analyzed here. ONE DAY I’LL ACHIEVE BALANCE.) It’s a strong album.
7) Dilation, by Rory Scovel: I think this was fine! As far as something I listened to because I recognized the name from Competitive Erotic Fan-Fiction goes, it was greatly enjoyable. I'm not sure how much value can be derived from a deep critical look at a six-year-old album by a dude who may or may not still be active, but if you need 40 minutes of comedy, and you've exhausted all the known brands and don't wanna revisit something you've already heard, this will provide adequate amusement.
8) Tenderheart, by Sam Outlaw: Definitely more Tender than Outlaw. I sort of shied away from Sam Outlaw for a little while because he has a stupid fucking name, but I always knew him as a dude I'd like if I gave him a chance, so I gave him a chance. My instinct was right. It's not a bad album? It's just, I dunno, soft. And that's OK. I can see it was intended to be soft, and it is not its fault I prefer to be hit with a sledgehammer than with a pillow. It did its thing, and it's a mostly good thing, and it's a thing better than 99% of the country music offerings. It just didn't do my thing.
9) Strength of a Woman, by Mary J. Blige: I think in YAS I mentioned that I appreciated Shakira's latest thing because it was specifically Shakira on the track; it was a Latin pop music veteran making a Latin pop song, and the floor on that sort of thing is insanely high. I got a similar sort of vibe from this album. I knew going in that this wouldn't get anything lower than a B+ from me, because the name attached to this album is such a strong name that it would have to take an extremely weird departure for me not to be into this, like a Metal Machine Music-level noise experiment for me to go "enh, I don't know." This kinda sounds backhanded, I think sometimes I use high floor when I mean low ceiling, but trust I loved every second I spent with this album, like this album is legit great, I listened to it twice over the Internetless weekend, I guess I just took 100 words or whatever to tell you that this thing you can tell is great from the artist turned out to be great.
10) Swear I'm Good at This, by Diet Cig: I thought this was nice? It's a nice indie/punk album about being young in 2017. I think, when I mention the floor of a Mary J. Blige album, I'm discussing the floor as it relates to the general population; there isn't a soul alive who'd come away from a Mary J. Blige album and not give it a B+. (Well, OK, there are, it's called Strength of a Woman for a reason.)  For me, the floor for this sort of album is a B+, and it rests comfortably on that floor, sprawled out under a sunbeam like an adorable kitty cat. I love this! I can understand for a lot of people this would be nothing. It's slight, a little wispy punk thing, not the statement of purpose provided by The Bombpops or Bad Cop/Bad Cop, but by gum, if Amazon is going to tell me I'll like something because I enjoyed Paramore, by gum, I'm going to enjoy it.
11) blkswn, by Smino: This dude can do some crazy things with his voice. I usually check my phone to see what the song title is when I listen to an album (I like to know where I am), but I had to turn the screen on multiple times during each of this dude's songs just to make sure there weren't any features. I don't know about his range, I'm not here to discuss the technical aspect of singing, but he has this wide array of voices he can channel, so you never know quite what you're gonna get from song to song apart from a surprise. This is a talented kid. I'm excited to see him harness that.
12) Stay Eating Cookies, Shalewa Sharpe: So, I was raised on Comedy Central Presents specials, right? So many of the big names in comedy, I became first acquainted with via their half hours on Comedy Central. Does this mean there was a time when I thought Mitch Hedberg and Dane Cook were equally funny? Of course. But it also means I forged a deep enough love for the medium that I could eventually suss out who was Good and who was Bad. And this is what I love about 2 Dope Queens: it's positioned to be Comedy Central for a generation that has little use for cable, to fill for dorky kids the same role Comedy Central filled for me, except better, because they're going to be a tad more diverse. There's so many cool comics I might not have heard about without 2 Dope Queens; I think I listened to the Michelle Buteau album after I started the thing journal and loved it, and I haven't been able to get Kevin Yee's "I Fucked Your Dad" out of my head since I heard it. But this. Holy shit. Shalewa Sharpe is the best comic so far I've come to by way of 2 Dope Queens. I'm legitimately angry this woman's outlook has only been in my life for six days. Like, she has one line, one throwaway line, that elicited a noise from me I legit have never made in fifteen+ years of being aware I enjoyed comedy. This is the best unit of stand-up I've taken in this year, and y'all need to get up on it.
13) Disappear Here, Bad Suns: It makes me happy to know there's always going to be dudes making music like this. This sounds like someone gave Jimmy Eat World a more adventurous rhythm section. So like, my usual mode of consumption when I listen to music on the bus is, I'll queue up an album, and when that album finishes, I'll look for something else. I try not to have anything queued up, because I don't want to spend time with the thing I'm currently listening to wondering what I'll listen to next. (I think this was something they discussed on my beloved, departed Nothing to Write Home About, how from the second you purchase/add an album online, your preferred streaming service is already telling you to move on and buy the next thing, and I try to catch myself in those moments where I'm a distracted listener. Everything deserves my attention, and for the most part, everything gets it, even if half these capsules are more about how I take in pop culture than about the actual item of pop culture.) I put this album on repeat, because I wanted to spend another 50 minutes with these songs. It's not the same reaction I had to The World We Built, where I wanted to catch all the things I missed. I knew what in this album worked for me, it was emo-tinged post/punk about depression that absolutely grooved, I just wanted to be with this album longer.
14) Room, dir. Lenny Abrahamson: I was a little uncomfortable with this movie, because while I think they coaxed a great performance out of the kid, I don't know how aware the kid was of what he was doing? Like, when a horse wins the Kentucky Derby, the horse has no fucking clue it won the Kentucky Derby, it's just a fucking horse standing there, and it makes me uncomfortable to watch an event where the principal players aren't aware of what they're doing. The kid is more aware of his surroundings than the average horse, I'm sure, but is he going to watch this movie in 11 years and be proud of what he did? I dunno, I think every film should be animated, I'm going to mention this again when we get to Interstellar, THIS MOVIE WAS GOOD NONETHELESS. As someone who didn't have the greatest childhood, this movie was dealing with parenthood in a way I thought was powerful: it was asking, "How does a parent justify to their child the decisions they made when raising them?" It's a question the mom is asking herself all throughout the movie, and she's so lost in looking for the answer that when other people ask her questions along those lines she hits her low point, but it also asks, "How do kids accept the decisions their parents made?" The kid is obviously five years old and isn't totally aware of his surroundings, but he does have some vague cognizance that his situation prior to the events of the film was pretty fucked up; the film never jumps forward in time to when the kid is an angtsy goth looking for pot outside the mall, so we don't see how he deals with the full realization of his parentage and his upbringing, but he has some clue, and the film shows that kid accepting his situation as best he can while learning earlier than most of us that his mom is a flawed person. I loved a ton about this film, though, real talk, if I had known my computer could stream movies in 1080p without ever buffering, I might have picked a more technically impressive feature. "Wow, first time watching a film in HD, let's see this indie drama about familial relationships! You can see every detail in the shed!" (Also, that scene where the best cop in the world figures out how to extricate Ma from the shed with like seven words from the kid was so well done.)
15) Groundhog Day, from Tim Minchin et a;: This didn't land for me. It's more than the fact they wrote out Ned Ryerson, though OBVIOUSLY that didn't help. I think Groundhog Day is just... Like, that's a hard film to write, and in film, you get the luxury of being able to cast a Bill Murray as an irascible gentleman. You can't be irascible on Broadway. It's hard to be sarcastic when you're projecting. I think they did an admirable job of trying to adapt the film, which truly does not lend itself to a musical, into a musical, but they shouldn't have been asked to do that very stupid job. Of all the films. There's barely music in it.
16) Brooklyn Nine-Nine s3, cr. Michael Schur & Dan Goor: For 3/4 or so of this season, I was having a chill time, if not a great one. I thought it had set their sights on "enjoyable cop hang-out sitcom," and I can get behind that, if not necessarily be stoked on a potential s4. And then they added the Jason Mantzoukas character, and the show found a gear I would never have guessed it had. The mob storyline is EXACTLY WHAT THIS SHOW SHOULD HAVE BEEN DOING THIS WHOLE TIME, a Hot Fuzz-esque parody of cop movies/shows told with love for both the genre and the characters. It let the characters be good cops, like in the final two episodes where they have to foil the mafia and the FBI, but it allowed just enough room for them to be adorable dum-dums, like in "Cheddar," easily my favorite episode in the series to date. ("Cheddar" had so much, not the least of which was Boyle finding his home as an actual Mr. Magoo for 20 hot minutes.) Plus, at one point, Andre Braugher says "I can't even," and he manages to find the exact syllables in that phrase on which to put these subtle but undeniably incorrect inflections. Like, even when the show was settling for B-s, it was worth sticking with just for Andre Braugher (and Terry Crews and Stephanie Beatriz). The end to s3 was so strong, I'm psyched to see how they take s4.
17) In Transit, by Kristen Anderson-Lopez et al: So here's what's cool about In Transit, right? So like, I was never into Hamilton, but I do love the concept about a hip-hop musical about a Founding Father, because what better way to recount a nation's origin than through a genre of music which originated from the nation? The a capella musical takes a similar tack: it's a musical about a mass of people in New York, being sung by a mass of people. Like, none of the stories are really new: someone has anxiety about the future, other people have anxiety about relationships, this dude needs to come out of the closet but hasn't, it's all been done, but the a capella arrangements seem to indicate that the writers know these are things everyone goes through, so they have everyone sing them. It's not just the lead who's frustrated by the arc of her professional and creative careers, it's everyone in the office lamenting that they work in an office and not where they want to work, and the fact there's a chorus of people having these problems helps make this musical something more than "we're in New York and don't know what we're doing," which isn't my preferred thing to listen to. I don't know if that was the intent, it might not be given that I implied the stories being told were generic and unambitious (like I've said what I wanted about Hamilton, but that's a musical with chutzpah far beyond just the hip-hop influence)? But it feels bigger than it does.
18) Interstellar, dir. Christopher Nolan: I was always gonna watch this film, but no doubt the impetus behind adding this to the end of the week was, OK, NOW let's christen the new computer. Let's get this Christopher Nolan sci-fi epic, and let's see the true power of HD. (HD, surprisingly, looks a lot like regular TV but slightly fancier. I do wanna watch Kubo and the Three Strings again tho.) First of all, this did not need to be three hours long. I did not need to devote three hours of my life to this film. At the same time, though, I'm not sure what you cut from the film; it's over-long, but it never felt bloated, it at least felt like every scene had purpose. And while I'm never THAT into films where actors are acting at things that aren't there, I think there was enough of a human element established that I never felt unmoored from the film's world(s); there was always Matthew McConaughey's relationship with his daughter keeping this film grounded, even in the scenes where the characters recited science at each other. (I do wish the film hadn't asked me to believe Matthew McConaughey and Jessica Chastain were the same age. The age gap is narrower than I would have expected from Hollywood, but eight years is STILL A FUCKING LONG TIME.) And, man, it is rough times watching a movie about the earth beind destroyed and science being devalued in 2017. It's kind of amazing that this dystopian society being imagined in 2014 is, like, today's society, we are ten years away from only eating corn and failing to find new planets because we stopped being curious and started hyper-farming.
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captainlenfan · 5 years
New Apple Watch Series 3 38mm Space Gray Case Black Sport Band Cellular Unlocked
New Post has been published on https://fitnesstech.website/product/new-apple-watch-series-3-38mm-space-gray-case-black-sport-band-cellular-unlocked/
New Apple Watch Series 3 38mm Space Gray Case Black Sport Band Cellular Unlocked
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New Apple Watch Series 3 38mm Space Gray Case Black Sport Band Cellular Unlocked
Item Description
Stay connected in style with the 38mm GPS + Cellular Apple Watch Series 3, which comes with a Space Gray anodized aluminum chassis and a black Sport band. Designed for users looking for the next generation of connectivity, Apple’s Watch moves your iPhone’s apps and functions to your wrist, so you can do more while leaving your phone in your pocket. This particular Series 3 Apple Watch also supports cellular connectivity. After setting it up with your carrier, you can use the Apple Watch without your phone at all.
Apple Watch connects to your iPhone via Bluetooth 4.2 and displays notifications, apps, and more on its 1.5″ display. It can also connect directly to the Internet thanks to 802.11b/g/n Wi-Fi. The internal battery lasts for up to 18 hours of normal use and is recharged with an included inductive magnetic charger.
Cellular Carrier Support
Connecting the Apple Watch Series 3 to a cellular network requires that it share the same carrier as your iPhone. Please note that some carriers may support the iPhone, but not the Apple Watch. Please confirm with your carrier that it supports Apple Watch on their network. Also note that cellular connectivity of the Apple Watch is setup independently of your iPhone. For any other questions regarding cellular functionality in regards to the Apple Watch, please contact your cellular provider.
Enjoy the iOS apps you love on your iPhone, tailored for Apple Watch.
Leave your phone in your pocket and view notifications on your wrist. Apple Watch displays alerts from your iPhone so you can respond or dismiss them at will. Its Taptic engine gives you a gentle tap on your wrist or an audio cue when notifications come in.
Built-in GPS lets you navigate and get accurate workout data — no phone required. It connects quickly to GPS satellites and records distance, speed, and pace for your workout as well as the route you traveled and whether you’re walking, running, or cycling.
Water Resistant
The Apple Watch Series 3 is designed to withstand the pressure equivalent of being 164′ underwater (5 ATM), meaning that it’s suitable for rain, spills, showers, pools, and oceans at shallow depths. Its internal speaker uses its own vibrations to force water out once it’s clear of the waves.
Glances are scannable summaries of the information you need most. Simply swipe up from your watch face and you’ll instantly be able to do things like see what’s next on your calendar or find your location on a map.
Complications are small widgets that appear on the face of your Watch and provide quick access to frequently used data. You can customize which complications you’d like to appear, including built-in complications like weather, calendar, and activity, or complications from your installed apps.
Time Travel
Turn the Digital Crown to scroll through your complications and see what’s happening next or what already happened.
Talk to Apple’s digital assistant Siri just like you would on your iPhone to launch apps, record notes, search the web, reply to messages, and more. Simply hold down the digital crown or raise your wrist and say “Hey, Siri” to hear her respond.
Customize the face of your Apple Watch to fit your needs, from chronographs to digital faces to a model of the solar system. Add the complications of your choice to the watch face so you can see the information most important to you.
Health and Fitness
The Activity app displays progress made towards your daily activity goals with three intuitive rings that grow the more you move, finally closing when you hit your targets. The Stand ring shows how often you’ve stood up to take a break from sitting, the Move ring shows how many active calories you’ve burned, and the Exercise ring shows how many minutes of brisk activity you’ve completed. Swipe up from the bottom of the Watch to view active calories burned, steps taken, and distance traveled. You can also compete against friends and family and respond to notifications of their progress.
With more than 12 indoor and outdoor workouts to choose from, including lap and open-water swimming, biking, running, and elliptical, it’s easy to stay fit. The Watch learns swimmers’ strokes automatically, and wheelchair users can take advantage of chair-specific workouts with a variety of pushing techniques. A barometric altimeter logs stairs climbed and helps runners, cyclists, skiers, and snowboarders on their routes. There’s also high-intensity interval training for people who want to push even harder. Switch between back-to-back workouts and see a comprehensive summary of your results.
Your Watch senses your activity on its own, so there’s no need to enter it in manually. Goals can be adjusted manually or based on weekly suggestions from the Activity App. Third-party app support lets you interact with favorite fitness apps directly on your Watch, taking advantage of its heart rate sensor and motion sensors.
Heart Rate Monitor
Check your heart rate at any time with the Apple Watch’s built-in heart rate monitor. It uses an array of LEDs and sensors to photoplethysmographically determine how hard your heart is working. Every ten minutes, it attempts to take a reading, which is then stored in the Health App. Certain conditions, such as movement, extreme temperatures, and tattoos can interfere with readings.
Force Touch
Apple Watch senses how much pressure you use when you tap on its face, adding a new dimension to the ways you can interact with it. Press firmly to see additional controls, change watch faces, and more.
Taptic Engine
Instead of a vibration, the Apple Watch “taps” on your wrist to alert you to new notifications and respond to inputs. It gives different types of taps in different situations, so you can feel the difference between a call and a text message without looking.
Digital Touch
Connect with other Apple Watch users with Digital Touch. Users can send drawings with Sketch, gentle tap patterns with Tap, and even your heartbeat.
Apple Pay
Apple Pay is a secure mobile payment method that lets you pay for goods and services online and in-person without reaching for your wallet. You can add credit cards and rewards cards to Apple Pay, which does not store card numbers on your device or share them with merchants. 
To pay with your Apple Watch, simply double-click the side button and hold the display of Apple Watch up to the contactless reader. A gentle tap and beep confirm that your payment information was sent.
When your iPhone is in range, you can use your Apple Watch to control what’s playing. You can also listen to locally-stored music without an iPhone when using Bluetooth headphones or AirPods.
Take a call with your Apple Watch’s built-in speakerphone or transfer it to your iPhone.
Thanks to the power-efficient S3 processor and W2 communications chip, your Apple Watch lasts up to 18 hours on a charge.
Place your Apple Watch on its side and connect the included magnetic charger to activate Nightstand mode, which displays the time, date, and alarm when you touch the screen, digital crown, or side button. When your alarm sounds, press the Digital Crown to snooze or the side button to turn it off altogether.
The Apple Watch is made from aluminum and is designed for strength and light weight. The display is covered by Ion-X aluminosilicate glass, which is molecularly fortified through ion exchange. The back panel is made from a composite.
Activation Lock
Activating your Apple Watch requires your iCloud Apple ID and password, so your information will stay safe even if your Watch is lost or stolen.
UPC: 190198803917
Watch Operating System watchOS 4.0 Compatible Operating System iOS 11 and later CPU Apple S3 Dual-Core GPU PowerVR RAM 768 MB Storage Capacity 16 GB Sensors Accelerometer, Altimeter, Barometer, Compass, Gyroscope, Heart Rate, Light Sensor Activity Tracker Yes Microphone Yes Built-In Speaker Yes Vibration Yes
Connectivity Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, NFC Bluetooth Protocol Bluetooth Bluetooth 4.2 Supported Bluetooth Profiles A2DP GSM 2G GSM, GPRS, EDGE: 850, 900, 1800, 1900 MHz GSM 3G/3.5G UMTS, HSPA+: 850, 1700, 1900 MHz 4G LTE LTE: 2, 4, 5, 12, 13, 17, 18, 19, 25, 26, 41 Bands GPS Yes, with GLONASS
Dial Shape Rectangle Dial Size 1.5″ / 38.1 mm Dial Type Digital Display Technology OLED Display Resolution 272 x 340 Pixel Density 326 ppi Backlight Yes
Battery Life Normal Use: Up to 18 hours Charging Method Magnetic Connector, Wireless Charging
Watch Crystal Material Aluminosilicate Glass Case Materials Aluminum Water Rating 5 ATM Band Material Fluoroelastomer Wrist Size Fits wrists 5.1 to 7.9″ / 13 to 20 cm Case Dimensions 1.52 x 1.31 x 0.45″ / 38.6 x 33.3 x 11.4 mm Weight 0.9 oz / 26.7 g (Watch Only)
Packaging Info
Package Weight 1.215 lb Box Dimensions (LxWxH) 13 x 2.95 x 2.3″
We accept PayPal and all major Credit Card payments. We do not accept non eBay approved payment methods. Credit card payments are processed safely and securely by PAYFLOW a PayPal company. New item will ship the same or next business day after receiving approve the payment. We reserve the right to cancel any order that is deemed to be high risk. Payment is required within 4 business days.
All of our products are shipped fully insured against total loss or physical damage. In the unlikely event, your purchase arrives with visible physical damage, please refuse delivery of the item and notify us immediately. If there is concealed damage, please contact us within 48 hours so we can file a claim with the carrier. By purchasing this item from us, you are agreeing to cooperate with our requests, and our carrier's requests for information regarding the damaged item, and to have the item available for pick up or onsite inspection. Once the damaged item is either picked up by the carrier, or received back in our warehouse, we will provide a replacement, or a full refund if a replacement is not available
Our feedback system is automated. Once positive feedback is left for us, it is automatically left for the buyer. If for any reason you are unhappy with any aspect of your purchase, please contact our customer service department and we will respond within one business day. Our goal is to be a 5 star seller and we strive to meet that goal.
Returns are accepted within 30 days of receipt of the product for any reason. Please request a return authorization through eBay messaging before shipping your item back. Items shipped back without a return authorization (RMA) will be refused or returned at your expense. For NEW, NEW (OTHER), or MANUFACTURER REFURBISHED items, which include a manufacturer?s warranty you must contact the manufacturer for warranty service, technical support, and repairs. Item must be in the original unused condition (if applicable). Any NEW, or MANUFACTURER REFURBISHED items that are sold factory sealed must be returned in the original unopened packaging. All non-defective returns are subject to a 20% restocking fee. Initial and return shipping charges for all non-defective returns are not refundable. This also applies to items listed with "FREE SHIPPING". The published shipping rates will be deducted from the total refund. The buyer is fully responsible for the return of the item in good condition. We are not responsible for any damage of the item while in transit back to us.
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captainlenfan · 5 years
New Apple Watch Series 3 38mm Space Gray Case Black Sport Band Cellular Unlocked
New Post has been published on https://fitnesstech.website/product/new-apple-watch-series-3-38mm-space-gray-case-black-sport-band-cellular-unlocked/
New Apple Watch Series 3 38mm Space Gray Case Black Sport Band Cellular Unlocked
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New Apple Watch Series 3 38mm Space Gray Aluminum Case Black Sport Band Cellular Unlocked
Item Description
Stay connected in style with the 38mm GPS + Cellular Apple Watch Series 3, which comes with a Space Gray anodized aluminum chassis and a black Sport band. Designed for users looking for the next generation of connectivity, Apple’s Watch moves your iPhone’s apps and functions to your wrist, so you can do more while leaving your phone in your pocket. This particular Series 3 Apple Watch also supports cellular connectivity. After setting it up with your carrier, you can use the Apple Watch without your phone at all.
Apple Watch connects to your iPhone via Bluetooth 4.2 and displays notifications, apps, and more on its 1.5″ display. It can also connect directly to the Internet thanks to 802.11b/g/n Wi-Fi. The internal battery lasts for up to 18 hours of normal use and is recharged with an included inductive magnetic charger.
Cellular Carrier Support
Connecting the Apple Watch Series 3 to a cellular network requires that it share the same carrier as your iPhone. Please note that some carriers may support the iPhone, but not the Apple Watch. Please confirm with your carrier that it supports Apple Watch on their network. Also note that cellular connectivity of the Apple Watch is setup independently of your iPhone. For any other questions regarding cellular functionality in regards to the Apple Watch, please contact your cellular provider.
Enjoy the iOS apps you love on your iPhone, tailored for Apple Watch.
Leave your phone in your pocket and view notifications on your wrist. Apple Watch displays alerts from your iPhone so you can respond or dismiss them at will. Its Taptic engine gives you a gentle tap on your wrist or an audio cue when notifications come in.
Built-in GPS lets you navigate and get accurate workout data — no phone required. It connects quickly to GPS satellites and records distance, speed, and pace for your workout as well as the route you traveled and whether you’re walking, running, or cycling.
Water Resistant
The Apple Watch Series 3 is designed to withstand the pressure equivalent of being 164′ underwater (5 ATM), meaning that it’s suitable for rain, spills, showers, pools, and oceans at shallow depths. Its internal speaker uses its own vibrations to force water out once it’s clear of the waves.
Glances are scannable summaries of the information you need most. Simply swipe up from your watch face and you’ll instantly be able to do things like see what’s next on your calendar or find your location on a map.
Complications are small widgets that appear on the face of your Watch and provide quick access to frequently used data. You can customize which complications you’d like to appear, including built-in complications like weather, calendar, and activity, or complications from your installed apps.
Time Travel
Turn the Digital Crown to scroll through your complications and see what’s happening next or what already happened.
Talk to Apple’s digital assistant Siri just like you would on your iPhone to launch apps, record notes, search the web, reply to messages, and more. Simply hold down the digital crown or raise your wrist and say “Hey, Siri” to hear her respond.
Customize the face of your Apple Watch to fit your needs, from chronographs to digital faces to a model of the solar system. Add the complications of your choice to the watch face so you can see the information most important to you.
Health and Fitness
The Activity app displays progress made towards your daily activity goals with three intuitive rings that grow the more you move, finally closing when you hit your targets. The Stand ring shows how often you’ve stood up to take a break from sitting, the Move ring shows how many active calories you’ve burned, and the Exercise ring shows how many minutes of brisk activity you’ve completed. Swipe up from the bottom of the Watch to view active calories burned, steps taken, and distance traveled. You can also compete against friends and family and respond to notifications of their progress.
With more than 12 indoor and outdoor workouts to choose from, including lap and open-water swimming, biking, running, and elliptical, it’s easy to stay fit. The Watch learns swimmers’ strokes automatically, and wheelchair users can take advantage of chair-specific workouts with a variety of pushing techniques. A barometric altimeter logs stairs climbed and helps runners, cyclists, skiers, and snowboarders on their routes. There’s also high-intensity interval training for people who want to push even harder. Switch between back-to-back workouts and see a comprehensive summary of your results.
Your Watch senses your activity on its own, so there’s no need to enter it in manually. Goals can be adjusted manually or based on weekly suggestions from the Activity App. Third-party app support lets you interact with favorite fitness apps directly on your Watch, taking advantage of its heart rate sensor and motion sensors.
Heart Rate Monitor
Check your heart rate at any time with the Apple Watch’s built-in heart rate monitor. It uses an array of LEDs and sensors to photoplethysmographically determine how hard your heart is working. Every ten minutes, it attempts to take a reading, which is then stored in the Health App. Certain conditions, such as movement, extreme temperatures, and tattoos can interfere with readings.
Force Touch
Apple Watch senses how much pressure you use when you tap on its face, adding a new dimension to the ways you can interact with it. Press firmly to see additional controls, change watch faces, and more.
Taptic Engine
Instead of a vibration, the Apple Watch “taps” on your wrist to alert you to new notifications and respond to inputs. It gives different types of taps in different situations, so you can feel the difference between a call and a text message without looking.
Digital Touch
Connect with other Apple Watch users with Digital Touch. Users can send drawings with Sketch, gentle tap patterns with Tap, and even your heartbeat.
Apple Pay
Apple Pay is a secure mobile payment method that lets you pay for goods and services online and in-person without reaching for your wallet. You can add credit cards and rewards cards to Apple Pay, which does not store card numbers on your device or share them with merchants. 
To pay with your Apple Watch, simply double-click the side button and hold the display of Apple Watch up to the contactless reader. A gentle tap and beep confirm that your payment information was sent.
When your iPhone is in range, you can use your Apple Watch to control what’s playing. You can also listen to locally-stored music without an iPhone when using Bluetooth headphones or AirPods.
Take a call with your Apple Watch’s built-in speakerphone or transfer it to your iPhone.
Thanks to the power-efficient S3 processor and W2 communications chip, your Apple Watch lasts up to 18 hours on a charge.
Place your Apple Watch on its side and connect the included magnetic charger to activate Nightstand mode, which displays the time, date, and alarm when you touch the screen, digital crown, or side button. When your alarm sounds, press the Digital Crown to snooze or the side button to turn it off altogether.
The Apple Watch is made from aluminum and is designed for strength and light weight. The display is covered by Ion-X aluminosilicate glass, which is molecularly fortified through ion exchange. The back panel is made from a composite.
Activation Lock
Activating your Apple Watch requires your iCloud Apple ID and password, so your information will stay safe even if your Watch is lost or stolen.
UPC: 190198803917
Watch Operating System watchOS 4.0 Compatible Operating System iOS 11 and later CPU Apple S3 Dual-Core GPU PowerVR RAM 768 MB Storage Capacity 16 GB Sensors Accelerometer, Altimeter, Barometer, Compass, Gyroscope, Heart Rate, Light Sensor Activity Tracker Yes Microphone Yes Built-In Speaker Yes Vibration Yes
Connectivity Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, NFC Bluetooth Protocol Bluetooth Bluetooth 4.2 Supported Bluetooth Profiles A2DP GSM 2G GSM, GPRS, EDGE: 850, 900, 1800, 1900 MHz GSM 3G/3.5G UMTS, HSPA+: 850, 1700, 1900 MHz 4G LTE LTE: 2, 4, 5, 12, 13, 17, 18, 19, 25, 26, 41 Bands GPS Yes, with GLONASS
Dial Shape Rectangle Dial Size 1.5″ / 38.1 mm Dial Type Digital Display Technology OLED Display Resolution 272 x 340 Pixel Density 326 ppi Backlight Yes
Battery Life Normal Use: Up to 18 hours Charging Method Magnetic Connector, Wireless Charging
Watch Crystal Material Aluminosilicate Glass Case Materials Aluminum Water Rating 5 ATM Band Material Fluoroelastomer Wrist Size Fits wrists 5.1 to 7.9″ / 13 to 20 cm Case Dimensions 1.52 x 1.31 x 0.45″ / 38.6 x 33.3 x 11.4 mm Weight 0.9 oz / 26.7 g (Watch Only)
Packaging Info
Package Weight 1.215 lb Box Dimensions (LxWxH) 13 x 2.95 x 2.3″
We accept PayPal and all major Credit Card payments. We do not accept non eBay approved payment methods. Credit card payments are processed safely and securely by PAYFLOW a PayPal company. New item will ship the same or next business day after receiving approve the payment. We reserve the right to cancel any order that is deemed to be high risk. Payment is required within 4 business days.
All of our products are shipped fully insured against total loss or physical damage. In the unlikely event, your purchase arrives with visible physical damage, please refuse delivery of the item and notify us immediately. If there is concealed damage, please contact us within 48 hours so we can file a claim with the carrier. By purchasing this item from us, you are agreeing to cooperate with our requests, and our carrier's requests for information regarding the damaged item, and to have the item available for pick up or onsite inspection. Once the damaged item is either picked up by the carrier, or received back in our warehouse, we will provide a replacement, or a full refund if a replacement is not available
Our feedback system is automated. Once positive feedback is left for us, it is automatically left for the buyer. If for any reason you are unhappy with any aspect of your purchase, please contact our customer service department and we will respond within one business day. Our goal is to be a 5 star seller and we strive to meet that goal.
Returns are accepted within 30 days of receipt of the product for any reason. Please request a return authorization through eBay messaging before shipping your item back. Items shipped back without a return authorization (RMA) will be refused or returned at your expense. For NEW, NEW (OTHER), or MANUFACTURER REFURBISHED items, which include a manufacturer?s warranty you must contact the manufacturer for warranty service, technical support, and repairs. Item must be in the original unused condition (if applicable). Any NEW, or MANUFACTURER REFURBISHED items that are sold factory sealed must be returned in the original unopened packaging. All non-defective returns are subject to a 20% restocking fee. Initial and return shipping charges for all non-defective returns are not refundable. This also applies to items listed with "FREE SHIPPING". The published shipping rates will be deducted from the total refund. The buyer is fully responsible for the return of the item in good condition. We are not responsible for any damage of the item while in transit back to us.
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