lavandulacosmos · 26 days
My Top Five Ults:
Tagged by @excitingsound Thanks, Linnea! 💛
Well, well, well, I'll do my best and try to keep it down to five lol
Seonghwa (ATEEZ)
Junho (2PM)
Jay B (GOT7)
Ken (VIXX)
Yunho (TVXQ)
Tagging: @snug-gyu @seonghwacore @irlkpop @dawnofus @gymleader @halavibe if you want to~
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neurotypical-sonic · 5 months
HAPPY NEW YEAR i hope it brings you joy and fun and more steps forward toward your goals 💛🎊🎉🥳🥂🍾
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THANK YOU LINNEA!!!!!! ily and I hope the best for you too!!!!!!!! 💗💓💞💘💕🧡🔥🎉
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dr-beetus · 2 months
Do all of them!!! 🥳🎊🎉☀💛🌈💕🪩🍜🍝🚀🤘🥌🍔🐹🐯🐅🐯🍥🦈🦦💕💕😍 💛 ^w^ <3
I got this ask, then the same from my wife, so I'll just answer this one and send it to her. Here's a link to the ask game:
1: If Crimson Was Your Colour by Witchcraft
2: Cosmonaut of Three by Orchid
3: Sea Shanty 2 from Runescape
4: Oblivion by Mastodon
5: Cirice by Ghost (start low, volume increase around 23 seconds, then again around 45 seconds)
6: Dance by Kontrust
7: Victory Song by Ensiferum
8: March to The Sea by Baroness (Song about losing loved ones to opiates)
9: Musette Maximum by Igorrr
10: Bright Like The Morning by Stoned Jesus
11: In The Garden by Red Vox
12: I Hate Everything About You by Three Days Grace
13: Rock Me Amadeus by Falco
14: Lempo by Korpiklaani (Finnish god of love and passion, we want a ren fest wedding)
15: Blue Turns Red by Fleshgod Apocalypse
16: Moonlight Sonata by Beethoven
17: Hole in The Sky by Shining (Nor) featuring Linnea Dale
18: Black Hole Sun by Sound Garden
19: Dialogue With the Stars by In Flames
20: Gateways by The Halo Effect
21: Vianna by Eluveitie
22: Nemesis by Arch Enemy
23: Eyrie by Ne Obliviscaris
24: All of Them Witches by 3 Inches of Blood
25: Fame by David Bowie
26: The Silver Sister by Eluveitie
27: Last Days Here by Pentagram
28: World Through My Fateless Eyes by Lost Horizon
29: Bolbous Bouffant by The Vestibules
30: Dawn of a New Day by In Flames
If anyone would like reasons as to why I chose these, feel free to comment or send an ask. This post is long enough as is.
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libelelle · 1 year
welcome to my blog!!
call me Linnea or Libelelle 💛 any pronouns
donate to my ko-fi or commission me!
Please read through the info below before following please!
Don't follow if any of these apply:
- proshipper/anti-anti
- incest shipper or otherwise
- all the usual stuff, homophobic, ableist, racist, etc
- Terf
- ship characters with alternate versions of themselves/selfcest
- create or engage in sexual or suggestive content of minors, fictional or otherwise
things to keep in mind
- I mostly keep things clean but I might rb suggestive content
- blank blogs PLEASE do something that lets me know you aren't a bot, I don't want to block you accidentally
- don't try talking to me about shipping unless I say something first. Not interested
tags I use:
for my art: #sonic artventure
for my text posts: #talk tag
for my time twins au: #time twins au
for my underground au: #tcof AU
my side blog for birds is @waxwinging-it if you like birds and want to see birds that I reblog 🐦
thanks for reading <3
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eggthew · 3 months
Hey egg : ) i just wanted to let you know i care about you a lot. You're really cool and sweet and im very glad to know you. It sounds like you're going through something really hard and scary right now, but im rooting for you. Theres a lot of people who care a lot about you and we're all on your side. I love you 💛 heres a picture of Juno!
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He says he hopes you have a good day 💛
Thank you linnea 🧡 i love you lots too
omg juno hiiii I am giving him the biggest smooches
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a breadroll
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Fixing the Heater
For @justtuesdays 💛 thank you for letting me be a part of this. I adore you.
Henrik x MC
It had been….Henrik wasn’t even sure he knew the exact number of years anymore. The number of years Linnea had been his best friend. The number of years he’d been in love with her. Neither had a number to him anymore. She was just an integral part of his life now. Linnea was there for him through everything. She had been since he’d tumbled down a hill into the creek behind her house when he was eight, off exploring, and she’d run out to check on him only to start giggling as the mucky bottom clung to him as he stood up.
She was his rock, even as actual rocks became his focus. When his family didn’t understand it, she did. She not only understood, she encouraged him and took his classes until she was skilled enough that they could take free climbs together.
Linnea was there with ice cream when his heart was broken as a teenager, and again with alcohol when it happened as an adult. When an ex girlfriend tried to make a scene in public, Linnea calmly but aggressively shut it down, all with a smile on her face. Where Henrik would attempt to deescalate, she was never afraid to throw a punch to defend him, even if it was a larger man she was throwing it at.
As far as he was concerned, he couldn’t be faulted for falling in love. But that didn’t mean he was any more willing to tell her.
When winter led to the radiator in her flat acting up, and her building manager was taking weeks to look at it, Henrik was more than happy to take a look himself. Especially when she’d end up staying with him if he couldn’t get it fixed for the night.
Thus, a game began. To him, at least. He knew exactly was the problem was, he’d seen Gary fix enough things to know what needed to be done to fix it. But if he acted like he didn’t then she’d end up next to him on his couch watching movies way too late into the night when they had to work the next day. Lucas told him it was dumb. Told him that if he just admitted to Linnea how he felt, the two of them could and would be happy together. But Henrik wasn’t willing to risk it.
Henrik always thought that having her as his best friend was enough. They had fifteen years of friendship they’d built together, that wasn’t worth losing when she didn’t feel the same way. He’d met enough of her dates and short lived boyfriends to know he wasn’t her type. So for now, he would settle for his game.
But he didn’t expect his own game to backfire on him during the coldest week of the year.
Henrik was fiddling with a release valve on the radiator, pretending not to know how to fix the issue of the lack of warm air, “I don’t know, I think you might need to order a new valve.” She didn’t. “This one looks a little old.” It was only a year old. He had replaced it without telling her when she first moved into the flat.
Linnea groaned where she was buried in blankets on her couch, “Ugh, I’m so sick of this bloody thing.” He watched as she scrunched up her nose in distaste, glaring at the radiator like it was personally ruining her life- of course, she’d never think it was him. They trusted each other too completely, it was the only thing that made him feel guilty about doing this. “I guess I’m not staying here tonight.” She flopped back against the couch, sprawling out within her blanket cocoon. As he opened his mouth to invite her over like always, she was lifting her phone to her ear, “Hey, Arjun. Mind if I crash at your place tonight? My radiator still isn’t working.”
Henrik started to feel the cold seep deep into his bones. He hadn’t thought about her having someone else she could stay with. Hadn’t thought about her having someone she could cuddle into without it being purely friendly. He couldn’t get his mouth to work.
As they walked out together that night, and her overnight bag being tucked into her car instead of his, he realized that it really was the coldest night of the year. No matter how high he turned up his heat that night, the deep seated regret that chilled him wouldn’t melt away.
The next night, the same thing happened. He pretended he couldn’t fix it, and before he could offer to take her to his place for their usual movies on the couch, she was packing things to stay with Arjun.
So after a full week, he finally fixed the problem for real. Hoping, praying, that he’d be able to keep Linnea from staying another night with her boyfriend. And he very nearly hid behind his own hair so she couldn’t see his pout when her phone call turned into happily inviting Arjun over.
He wanted to leave, to run back to his own flat and avoid seeing her be happy and in love with someone that would end being more her type than he could ever be. But as he went to leave, she caught his arm with a pout, “Aren’t you gonna stay? I need a movie cuddle buddy?”
All he could think about as he caved was how unfair that pout was. He’d never been good at saying no to her.
He remembered Arjun well enough from visiting her at uni, it’s where most of their friend circle came from. But he was surprised to see another man arrive with him, and as Linnea bounced her way into the kitchen to grab them all a beer, he heard the other man muttering to Arjun, “Did she ask him to come?”
“I already told you,” Arjun chuckled quietly, “She’s going to bring him. You don’t get one without the other.”
Henrik’s brow furrowed. What kind of weird sex thing was supposed to be happening tonight that he was now stuck here for?
“Arjun!” They heard her voice call out, “Babe, I have most of the plans for the night finished.”
“I can’t wait to see them!” He called back, giddy smile lighting up his face.
Henrik was still very confused, even as the other man leaned around Arjun and introduced himself as Elijah.
When Linnea started pulling a binder out of her bag, he was even more lost. They’d each finished their drink and gotten another, and she flipped deep into the binder to gesture to the page at Arjun, “Let me know if this planned layout is better than the other.”
He glanced at it, gesturing to something Henrik couldn’t see, “Wouldn’t those two be awkward next to each other?”
“See, I thought that too! But then I ran into them in the park the other day. Back together.”
“No!” Elijah exclaimed, glancing at what Arjun had been looking at.
Linnea nodded enthusiastically, “Right? I have a back up plan for a swap if they break up again, though. Don’t you worry.”
“What are we talking about?” Henrik asked curiously.
Elijah smacked Arjun’s shoulder, “I thought you said he would know!”
“I said she’d be bringing him! I never said he already knew!”
Linnea smiled at Henrik, big and bright, “You, my dear Henry,” he groaned at the nickname as she continued, “You are my date for their wedding!”
“Who’s wedding?” He ignored her calling him her date. Arjun had been right. She always took him, even if she was dating someone at the time.
“Ours!” Arjun and Elijah cheered together, and Henrik finally noticed that they were sitting at least a foot from Linnea, but very much in each other’s personal space.
“I- Aren’t you dating him?” He looked at her as he gestured to Arjun.
“Clearly no?” She offered, confused, “They literally just told you they were getting married.”
“I thought you two were dating,” Elijah offered back, just as confused.
Linnea sighed, “I fucking wish!”
Henrik’s jaw dropped open, “What?”
Arjun raised an eyebrow, “You haven’t noticed, mate? First day I met you I could see it.”
“You guys are having me on.” Henrik replied, eyebrows almost disappearing into his hair, “No way.” They had to be messing with him.
Linnea grumbled in her seat, “Is the idea really that bad?”
Henrik watched the way his best friend seemed to shrink into herself, and he realized something. She had never lied to him- not in their whole lives together. Messed with him? Yeah, she pulled pranks. But she never said anything that wasn’t true. And she would never joke about something like that. Even the comments about just ending up together that she made whenever one of them ended up single again- and now that he thought about it she was never dating someone unless he was. “I’m a fucking idiot.” He stated with startling realization. “You’ve been telling me all this time, and I just- I thought it was wishful thinking.” He could see her perk up, clearly trying not to let the hope win. He hated that he was doing this in front of two guys he didn’t really know, but like hell was he gonna miss the chance if it was real. “Linnea, it’s always been you. If you smile, I smile, even when I have no idea what the hell made you happy. Your laugh is my favorite thing, and it’s only better if I’m the one that brought it out. Fuck, if you don’t know how in love with you I am, then you’re just as dumb as I am.” Arjun started laughing at the comment until Elijah smacked him and told him not to ruin the moment.
But it didn’t matter. Not when Linnea was beaming at him like she was just told she won the lottery. “Henrik, you daft prick, it’s always been you, too.”
He didn’t kiss her, not in front of them, but he did welcome her shifting seats until she could curl into his side.
And then he took her to Arjun and Elijah’s wedding as her very real date, not just as her plus one.
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gronds · 1 year
just sending you some love because I can 💛💛
my beloved linnea 🤭🤭 thank you so much for sending this mwah i love u! i was having a bad day but this rlly cheered me up 💖💖
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swarmkeepers · 2 years
Happy sleepover Saturday!! I hope everything is going well! Got any blorbo thoughts??? Any new ehas thoughts/theories??? Anything else that you want to talk about???? 💛💛
happy sleepover saturday sophie! i had a good but busy saturday (interviewed someone for a final oral history project for one of my classes!)
as is apparently my new habit i am building two blorbos at once, one for witchlight hopefully and one for a fantasy postal service campaign that linnea's running! unfortunately my blorbo building efforts have not been helped by wikidot being down 😔 i really want to sit down and brainstorm more but i'm challenging myself to play classes i haven't played yet + more spellcasters! i'm thinking a stamp collector creation bard for the postal service campaign could be fun but witchlight is much more up in the air
for ehas i'm in a super fun place where i just realized that with the whole summer ahead and the season finale where we left it, i might have time for a big summer project like a fic or a partial cosplay or an animatic and that i could probably do it for either thi or sum since we're right in the middle. tbh most of my ehas thoughts rn are about that kind of creative stuff and not trying to puzzle out plot or write out character things.
mostly bc i've been actively trying not to plan out sum's stuff too much over the summer, i'm so excited for them to like. get to be a real character who exists outside of my head and google docs but also y'all know two (2) things about them right now and i really want to see how their relationships are going to develop organically. since it's going to be a while until i actually play it i Will overthink things if i let myself so instead i am on thi lockdown and new blorbo lockdown <3
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nevercouldhurt · 3 years
8, 22, 52 and 98 🎶💜💛💜
thanks linnea :)) !! ily
8. money machine by 100 gecs
fun nd bouncy,, also incredible intro Also looking this up on yt just now is the first time ive ever seen the music video
22. ringtone (remix) by 100 gecs
absolutely hilarious that u got two 100 gecs songs dsfjlk these might b the only two in the playlist, i think this song is pretty cute
52. pristine by snail mail
this is in my playlist for lwj <3
sick as hell
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babyyatusabes · 4 years
Daniela ☺️
Babeeeee ily 💞
again idk if this is comprehensive as a playlist but I tried to choose songs with a somewhat similar vibe and that I like so I hope you enjoy!💛💫 
also my Spotify is apparently not supported in Korea so these are from my iTunes where I have like a different selection of music so hope thats ok!!
Daft Pretty Boys - Bad Suns
Ambitions - Donkeyboy & Linnea Dale
No Puedo Olvidarte - Maluma & Nicky Jam
I Like It - Cardi B & Bad Bunny & J Balvin
Eden - The Script
Love - BTS 
Alone - Halsey
send in your name and I’ll make you a playlist
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lavandulacosmos · 2 months
fifteen questions for fifteen friends! 💖
Thanks for tagging Linnea! @patchanons
are you named after anyone?
My name was a compromise, but it is also the name of my grandmother so yes
when was the last time you cried?
I usually just tear up a bit - I can't quite recall when was the last time I really cried, but it could be more than a year ago
do you have kids?
what sports do you play/have you played?
I was part of a few school teams like handball and basketball despite my atrocious relationship with ballgames lol My longest-running sport is wing tsun tho
do you use sarcasm?
what’s the first thing you notice about other people?
Their eyes and their overall energy, or aura if you prefer
what’s your eye color?
Dark brown
scary movies or happy endings?
Scary movie with a happy ending? But mostly happy endings
any talents?
Drawing, systematizing and finding connections
where were you born?
what are your hobbies?
Drawing, writing, photography
do you have any pets?
how tall are you?
172cm or about 5'6"
favourite subject in school?
History, biology and literature (once we fought our battles with the teacher about our different interpretations lol)
dream job?
Right what I'm doing as a hospital pharmacist, but there is always room for improvement
tagging @natures-marvel @veterveter @hongjoongpresent @butternuggets-blog @choienthusiast @seonghwacore @snug-gyu @gymleader @dawnofus @irlkpop @mobiusismyspacename if you want to~
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lavandulacosmos · 21 days
4, 8 and 26 for the ask thingy!
Hi, Linnea~ Thanks for the ask! 💛
Weirdly specific ask game:
4. mythical creature you think/believe is real?
Not an exact creature, but sometimes you stumble upon pockets of nature where anything seems possible
8. do you change into specific clothes for the house when you get home?
Yep, something comfy that consists mostly of a band shirt and leggings (rn it's The Rose one 😉)
26. how’s your spice tolerance?
Pretty good actually, but I prefer to actually taste things instead of abusing my capsaicin receptors so I only consume spicy food moderately
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libelelle · 2 months
HAPPY BIRTHDAY LINNEA!!!!!! 💞💞💝💕💖💓💕💕💟💞💝💓💖💞💝💕💝💞💞💟
THANK YOU ‼️💥💛💥💕💖💛❤️💛💥‼️❤️💥💖💥‼️💛💛‼️❤️💥💛💛‼️💥‼️
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swarmkeepers · 2 years
💛 happy sleepover saturday sola!! if you were a cartoon character what would your default outfit be? (mine would be my black overalls and a t-shirt with a flannel tied around my waist) And what are your favorite things about each of the seasons? 💛
a very happy sleepover saturday to you linnea!! i hope your day's treating you kindly today <3
default outfit would be black jeans, my black zipper docs, this one short-sleeve button up i have that's really soft, and a chunky cardigan it is truly my default outfit and i love it
and oooh okay seasons! fall - my personal favorite. hot cocoa and leaf piles winter - snow!! the warm camaraderie when people arrive in the entryway at the same time and are all taking off coats and hats and gloves spring - jumping in rain puddles, people deciding to go hang out in parks and lie on the grass when it's still cold but it's sunny again, goddamnit summer - farmers' markets, rocky beaches!
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