#linha azul
gritocontido · 10 months
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4 notes · View notes
runwayrunway · 1 year
No. 7 - A jetBlue FaMintly ReBluenion - The Quest for the Bluest Plane
And now, for something completely different.
We're done with jetBlue. I said that and I meant it. But we're not done with this train of thought. This post might not be what you expect. This is a very long post (and I do mean very long), a journey through the history of the US low-cost airline, the cognitive dissonance of the everyman millionaire, the thinly-veiled cynicism of the start-up airline, human kindness squeezed through cracks of a soulless machine which can never stop churning, and above all one man's quest to make the bluest planes he can, and my quest to tell you all if they look bad or not.
Let's begin here: have you ever wondered how new airlines are started? Well, when a wealthy individual or group of individuals love making money very much, they get together and incorporate a publicly traded company, lease a few airplanes, buy some airport slots...
I'll get to the point. Readers, there's somebody I'd like you to meet.
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"Never speak to me or my daughter ever again." image: Rick Maiman
This is David G. Neeleman. He's jetBlue's dad. And jetBlue...has siblings.
David Neeleman is a Brazilian-American-Cypriot businessman I would best describe as a serial airline founder. Normally the description 'serial entrepreneur', to me at least, implies flakiness and perpetual failure to get anything properly off the ground, but that's not the case for Neeleman. He's very successful. He's probably some sort of pioneer. I've seen him compared to Howard Hughes. There's really only one stain on his record, one failure to speak of, and it's been over ten years. He has a net worth of 400 million dollars.
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image: bloomberg
He's an...interesting person. Very interesting. He was born in Brazil and raised in Utah by a wealthy Mormon family. There are many very funny images of him available through Google. He has ten children, an ADHD diagnosis, no university degree, a whole lot of money, and a weird, weird, weird personal philosophy.
This interview is hard to sum up, but there's clearly a lot going on here. This is a guy who wants so desperately to be down to earth and kind and generous, who thinks he is down to earth and kind and generous, but who just can't take the extra step to realize the implications of the truly obscene wealth involved in venture capital and the inherent contradiction of that with his own ostensible charity and drive towards a fair and comfortable experience for passengers. In a way he seems like he's just too wealthy to really understand what being wealthy means. (It's also an older interview, and I imagine any scrap of genuine convictions he held through cognitive dissonance are now long-gone, given the CoViD thing.) He's also clearly got a chip on his shoulder about being fired from jetBlue. To be fair, having seen what they've done with their livery...I get it.
What else...he's also been CEO of airline booking program Open Skies, was involved with bizjet charter airline Superior Air Charter (then known as JetSuite), is founder and chairman of security company Vizgul for some reason, and is a minority owner of TAP Air Portugal. His nephew Zach Wilson is quarterback for the New York Jets. Oh, and he funded a study to underestimate the prevalence of CoViD. Classy, David. Real classy.
This isn't about David Neeleman. Not really. Not yet, at least. At some point it becomes about him, about his journey, but even then it isn't. When you have 400 million dollars you cease to become a meaningful subject as a person and become a meaningful subject as a distilled effigy of the things which the money came from. I dislike the Tony-Starkification of real people and I refuse to approach him in a way that supports that view of him. His life only matters to me in the context of the airlines he makes, and in what the way he changed over time represents. There's at least one biography out there for anyone particularly interested in the lives of Mormon multimillionaires who take issue with making people die less because they want the line to go up more. He is worth 400 million dollars, which is roughly a million dollars times what I make in one paycheck, delivered every two weeks. He's a creature in a suit who owns an absurd amount of wristwatches, each of which could pay for some sort of surgery for someone out there. There's a bunch of those in the world and this one happens to have made something which eclipses him, and that something is what's been occupying me since Wednesday.
If you're a book-reader - and I recommend being one - I think you're probably better off reading Barbara S. Peterson's "Blue Streak: Inside jetBlue, the Upstart That Rocked an Industry", which talks specifically about jetBlue and the way it pioneered what we now consider normal for aviation in the US. Reading it brought back memories for me of seeing adverts for jetBlue's planes on television, guaranteed to have a TV screen on every seat, and having my little mind which was still scarred by hours upon hours of complete boredom flying all the way from Tokyo to the American Northeast completely blown. Air travel really is unrecognizable from what it was when I was a child, although 20 years feels a lot shorter than it really is when you've lived it. There was no one factor that changed aviation so much in my lifetime, but there were a lot that contributed. ETOPS, 9/11, the recession, geopolitics, gas prices, the internet, legacy airline mega-mergers, privatization...and the jetBlue way of doing things.
It's easy to forget from our current vantage point but low-cost air travel wasn't always like this. Southwest did a lot to pioneer the modern low-cost model but jetBlue is probably the second-biggest player in the airline industry's shift to a culture which tries less to be glamorous and tries more to be fun and approachable (they by no means invented the Fun Airline, but PSA had been gone for 20 years at that point and the market had a gaping hole). They were a huge player in the rise of in-flight entertainment as standard even on low-cost flights. They helped keep aviation going after 9/11, when it was one of the few airlines to actually make money. And jetBlue's story isn't Neeleman's story, even though he founded it. I literally just listed four other major involvements of his, and he hasn't been involved in the business side of jetBlue since 2008. His story involves the founding of four - count em! - other airlines. Let's take a look through them and see if we can spot any patterns.
Morris Air (1992-1994)
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sources and further reading: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13]
Never heard of Morris Air? Can't blame you. jetBlue's oldest sibling existed for two years in the 90s. Two years. That's pretty miserable. ValuJet was around for twice that. That said, you're actually probably more familiar with them under a different name: Southwest.
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No, Morris Air did not become Southwest. Southwest existed at the time, and it was in fact Southwest which gave birth to Morris Air.
Morris Air was named for its founder, June Morris, who operated one of Utah's largest travel agencies. In 1984 she partnered with a then 25-year-old David Neeleman to launch Morris Air Service. The two had realized something that was about to shake the airline industry: plane tickets were really expensive, and you could charge even less than major budget carriers like Southwest by just buying all the seats on a charter flight and selling them on to customers at an attractively low price. If you did this, even regular working-class people trying to book a trip to Hawai'i or Disneyland could actually afford a plane ticket. This worked successfully, enough that Morris sold off her travel agency, until they incurred a large fine from the DoT for pushing too far and fraudulently passing themselves off as a scheduled airline (which mattered because commercial charters are operated under Part 135 regulations while scheduled services are governed by the much more restrictive Part 121). In response, girlboss queen June Morris and her investie David Neeleman went and started up Morris Air as an actual, genuine, fully certified part 121 carrier, making June Morris the only female jet airline CEO in the US. They operated a fleet of 21 737-300s around the west coast on both scheduled and charter flights, pioneering such cost-cutting measures as e-tickets (wrongly attributed to Southwest, they were actually first used by Morris). This fleet included N75356/N764MA/N697SW, the airframe involved in the TACA 110 incident, which was successfully landed on a levee after losing power in both engines.
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image: Richard Silagi
Now, I don't know about you, but these planes don't scream 'vacation' to me. In fact, they don't scream anything. They barely whisper. They breathe lightly on my ear. There are a couple planes in their fleet with weird features, like multicolor painted noses or cheatlines, but these seem to be one-offs and I wouldn't even be surprised if they were just leftovers from previous paintjobs (the one with the cheatline does look suspiciously like the one used on Sierra Pacific planes, one of the operators Morris chartered from). So they don't count. What counts is this.
Maybe if Morris Air didn't want to be instantly forgotten they shouldn't have made their planes completely generic. I'm not sure they cared, though. They wanted to make money and they made money.
A D- for Morris Air.
In 1992, less than two years after gaining its air operator's certificate, Morris Air merged with Southwest and the brand was retired. Despite having posed a legitimate threat to the titan that was Southwest at the peak of its relevance, it's since largely been forgotten. June Morris and David Neeleman both worked in Southwest's upper management for some time, but it was only five months before Neeleman left Southwest for other ventures. Soon, something more familiar would spring up, fed by the dying rays of Morris Air's gargantuan profits.
WestJet (est. 1994, began operation 1996)
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Not exactly a deep cut, is it? WestJet is actually the second largest carrier in Canada and the ninth-largest in North America. They carry over 25 million passengers a year. I've never been one of them, but David Neeleman probably has, because he was one of the group of absurdly wealthy individuals who founded this incredibly successful airline in 1994.
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WestJet operates a primary fleet of over 100 Boeing 737s of various models and seven Boeing 787s; in the past they also operated the 757 and 767. They operate both scheduled passenger and charter flights, as well as having a cargo division, a fully-owned regional subsidiary, and a Delta Connection/United Express-style brand name under which Pacific Coastal Airlines operates.
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These all use more or less the same livery, which has only slightly changed since the beginning of operations in 1996. Pictured above is the original livery. I like the colors, I like the angularity on the tail, but I despise the style of livery with just the isolated tail colored in. This said, they introduced a new, updated livery in 2018.
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I am a very predictable person. Given a livery mostly seen on 737MAXes and Dreamliners, I will always pick the Dreamliner to use as a visual example. This is not a slight to the MAX. They are nice looking planes, but the Dreamliner's planform is just on another level. Look at that wing sweep. Immaculate.
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I like this color scheme a lot. I just happen to really like sea-green-adjacent colors, this is not the first time I've mentioned this. The font is nice, big, legible. I like the all-caps, I like the descender on the J. I think removing the logo mark on the wordmark and making it solid color was fine as a choice, makes the whole plane feel more balanced between the turquoise and the dark blue. The 'l'esprit du Canada' feels utterly pointless and is blocked by the wing and too small to be clearly read anyway. Tail design not limited to the tail, but mostly white fuselage regardless. Boring, but there's nothing here I can really call...bad? It's what they don't do that feels like the issue here, not what they do. Like, some sort of design on the nose and directly above or below, maybe? I didn't even realize there's any paint on the engines until I was editing my first draft and from most angles you just can't see it. Come on.
Grade: D+
Before I move on, there is something I have to mention. And that is WestJet's sub-brands. WestJet Encore is a fully-owned subsidiary which operates a respectable fleet of Bombardier Dash 8 Q400s, and WestJet Link is a brand name under which Pacific Coastal Airlines operates a couple Saab 340s. And that is...fine, normal, even, but...
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Is this a joke to you?!
Change your name to WestProp. Now.
Hey. Wait a minute.
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David! The large blue plane is coming! It has no engine power because it ran out of fuel and is about to hit you on the racetrack during family day! Oh no, he has airpods in! He can't hear us! image: Cean W Orrett
This guy. David Neeleman. Yeah, him. We were talking about him. I mean, it's been a minute since he came up because as far as I can tell after founding WestJet he did nothing of note related to it again, but...what's he been doing? Wait...wait a minute. This is becoming a habit, David. All your airlines are...well...they share a certain trait, in a very specific area.
David knows what I'm talking about. After all, his next move, in 1998, was to found NewAir, which would shortly become jetBlue.
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I have not stopped to count how many words I have written about jetBlue this week. It is a lot. I already delivered a verdict. We are moving on.
Because David didn't stop here. Why would he? It's 2008 and he just got fired from his own company because a winter storm went Southwest-holiday-scheduling levels of horrendous for the airline he raised from infancy. He's got time to kill and money to burn and he wants the line to go up, damn it! Well, maybe he can be in the right place at the right time again. Make a second jetBlue, win back what he's lost. After all, he's got something else up his sleeve - dual citizenship.
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Just your regular average Mormon, lurking in forests with a model plane. Nothing sinister about that. image: conde nast traveler
I did mention earlier he was born in Brazil, right? That's always been part of his life. When he was in charge, jetBlue was actually the launch customer for the Embraer E190, an incredibly popular mid-sized regional jet made by Brazilian manufacturer Embraer.
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Is it just me, or do the men in this picture somehow look like cardboard cutouts holding a real airplane? There is something very strange about this image. I would go so far as to call it unsettling. image: The Gainesville Sun
So, figuring he'd bled the US dry, I suppose, he moseyed on down to his birthplace with his millions of dollars and presumably a couple little blank model planes waiting to be painted and shown off at a press conference. If you've seen a pattern emerging, prepare to see it continue.
Azul Linhas Aéreas Brasileiras (est. 2008)
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Mmm. Helvetica Neue Heavy. Not impressed.
Okay, sure. Technically there was a 'naming contest' and this name 'was the most popular'. But I think at this point I would believe that David Neeleman botted his own vote years before I would believe that Blue Airlines of Brazil just happened to be the winning name.
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Okay, all else aside, I would really love to gently hold a plane like this. There's a certain caressing nature to the way he's holding this plane's snout which I crave to someday replicate with a similarly sized model aircraft. image: Paulo Whitaker
Much like jetBlue, Azul began operating Embraer 190 and Embraer 195 aircraft before expanding its fleet to include Airbus models, a handful of ATR 72 tubroprops, and two Boeing 747s for cargo. They started with just five aircraft but grew rapidly, absorbing a bunch of other airlines and securing large investments from the likes of United and Hainan Airlines. Today they operate a fleet of over 150 planes to 161 destinations and are the third largest airline in Brazil. They have a set of crossover liveries with freaking Disney. (I might review those sometime.) They also have a crossover livery with John Deere for some reason. You know, the tractor company. In 2020 TripAdvisor named them the world's best airline.
In addition to the name of the company, they also name their airplanes. I do not speak Portuguese, but thankfully a close friend, @ametri-e, does. I asked him if the names were silly puns like jetBlue's are, and I got this response:
some of these are puns but not particularly funny, some of them just have the word blue in them, and one was funny
So there you have it!
Unlike Morris, which no longer exists; WestJet, which he seems to have minimally contributed to past its founding; and jetBlue, which tossed him unceremoniously on the tarmac with his bags, he remains the chairman of Azul at time of writing.
I find myself briefly wondering if this is all an attempt to recapture his lost glory. Is jetBlue, larger even than the impressive heights Azul has reached, the one that got away? Is he now forced to go forward modeling his work in the image of that which he was robbed of, that which he can never go back to?
I don't know and I don't care. I care about if the livery looks good or not.
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Well, I wasn't just going to leave the John Deere plane out. It's a bit underwhelming, though, isn't it?.
So Azul is pretty different from jetBlue at first glance. Mainly, it uses a much darker blue and has a logo to go with the wordmark - a cute little pixel Brazil that looks a bit like a heart to me because of the specific way it's drawn. Everything is scaled nicely so it looks pleasing on the turboprop and I think the dark underside and the way it curves around the ventral fairing actually looks really good with the ATR's airframe, which has a very pronounced ventral fairing relative to similarly-sized props. But, okay, let's look at a jet.
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This...is not terrible. I really like the highlights on the trailing edges of the winglets and the end of the rudder, and bordering the deep blue belly. Not crazy about the Helvetica Neue still. Why doesn't the 'u' being cyan carry over to the actual livery? Also, Detached Tail Syndrome. In fact, although it has features beyond this which make a further discussion worth having, the basic layout is what I call the 'Deltalike' because that's the airline I associate with it despite them certainly not being the first to use it - detached tail, painted engines, painted underside that's large enough to see from the sides. It avoids a lot of pitfalls of the other popular archetype, that of the very tail-heavy (which WestJet fell into), but has its own loathesome features. All said, though, I do think Azul is one of the better takes on the Deltalike.
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In the first picture the highlights look green, but in reality they're one line of green and one of yellow, for the Brazilian flag. I think they look really nice with this particular blue color, but I am exhausted of this man naming his airlines blue and then having the planes be majority white. They have such a nice shade of blue here, couldn't they make that the primary color of the body?
That aside, the way that the line curves up towards the middle of the plane combined with the tailing-edge highlights creates a sort of aerodynamic feeling. You even see them in other colors sometimes, like the pink ones on the E190s and blue ones on the E195.
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It also comes in pink! Were this not a one-off I would ask them to change their name to Rosa Linhas Aéreas Brasileiras, but it is a promotion.
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It seems like reconnecting with his origin has given David Neeleman the creative push he needed to beat jetBlue in at least one way - livery. All said, Azul Linhas Aéreas Brasileiras clocks in at a final grade of...
Aww, not quite a B for Brazil. Better luck next time! Though I'll admit I considered putting it there for a bit. This is a very high C+. Still, no cigar. Next time try putting less white on the plane. If you're all about blue, why are all your planes still so white? Come on, David. You are spreading blue paint on every airline you've ever touched but never letting it get past the tailfin. Who are you kidding? You know you're holding yourself back. There's a desire deep in you. You know it's there. I know you want to. It's just a matter of when. You are going to give in to your most animal urges. This isn't enough for you.
You need a bluer plane.
You can feel the thirst for a plane blue enough that you might as well own a piece of the sky straining against the bonds you've tried so hard to impose on it all these years. When will you finally unleash it?
Breeze Airways (commenced operations 2021)
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image: inc. usa
Here we are, David. Time has almost caught up to us. It's just you, me narrating, and a very, very blue plane indeed. We have finally reached jetBlue's youngest baby sibling.
"Together, we created Breeze as a new airline merging technology with kindness," David Neeleman said. ​"If you can just be nice, the people will be nice to you in return and your job will be more fun.”
This is an interesting pitch. When Cape Air, with its fleet of tiny airplanes and its founder who started the airline with himself as pilot just to fly one route that he found himself needing to travel regularly, makes their motto Make Our Customers Happy And Have A Good Time Doing It (Mocha Hagodti), it feels...well, it feels like the person who said that didn't understand yet what a company was. Cape Air is its own story with its own contradictions and the vicious cognitive dissonance of capital on stark display but you can sense the desire in its inception to provide a service before running a company. It is the opposite of cynical - it is naïve. It is hopeful and human and starry-eyed.
When a man on his fifth airline makes a pitch like that it's like trying to cloud-watch looking at the ceiling.
That's not the only pitch for Breeze. I mean, even if you've started four successful airlines already and it seems like everything you touch goes on to revolutionize some part of the industry I think that would be a hard sell to investors in 2021. There's a bit more going on here. I'm going to start with the bit that's boring and makes me roll my eyes.
Ever since JetBlue, Neeleman has, like the kid peering into the circus tent, longed to get back into the U.S. airline industry. 
Bill Saporito writes for Inc. USA. I let out one tepid physical laugh. Yeah, David. You've got something great going in Brazil right now, but you want more. You want jetBlue and you can't have it. So instead...you give us an app.
The Breeze app is designed to eliminate chokepoints between passengers and planes. That means fewer people on the ground and lower cost.
Is this revolutionary? Is this destined to end in a Southwest-tier scheduling catastrophe? I'm not sure. I think David Neeleman's history suggests he could make this work, and I think the history of apps being used for things that didn't have apps before suggests that this could horribly blow up in his face. It seems to have gone fine so far, as I haven't heard anything else about it. To be fair, I wasn't exactly invested in the idea, so I haven't been looking. There's always time for some situation to happen nobody had foreseen and it all to go belly-up. Saying you never cancel flights works fine until a blizzard hits and then you have to start all over again, but he didn't build jetBlue by being afraid to take risks.
More interesting is the service they offer. Breeze has a bit of an identity crisis. Breeze wants to be an ultra low cost carrier with a first class cabin. That sounds contradictory because it is. The ULCC model as used by airlines like Ryanair and Spirit fundamentally relies on charging a low fare upfront with the expectation that customers will not receive a crumb extra without paying for it. Everything from seat reservations to snacks to anything else you can think of, you can pay extra for or you can do without. Breeze also follows other trends common with ULCCs, like a lack of seatback screens (the very thing jetBlue pioneered!) and flying point-to-point to smaller airports located outside of major metropolitan areas rather than routing through hubs. Yet Breeze insists it wants to have a first class cabin!
It does have a first class cabin, apparently. The classes are called Nice, Nicer, and Nicest. I wish airlines wouldn't do this. Air travel is the floorboards of stand-up comedy. Everyone already hates flying except weirdoes like me who spend enough time looking at pictures of airplanes to write reviews of their paint jobs, and even I get pretty tired of it if I go too long sitting there without the plane doing some sort of plane thing. You can be honest. You can call the classes Bearable, Unpleasant, and Painful. We all understand. It's okay. I would rather buy a ticket for Miserable But Cheap class than Nice. It probably won't actually be that bad, since Breeze doesn't do long-haul, which makes the presence of first-class even more bizarre. If you want first-class short-haul and have that sort of money just charter a private jet! And David Neeleman has been involved with at least two private jet charter companies too, so...what is he doing?
In 2011, almost exactly 10 years before Breeze began operation, Neeleman was interviewed for Business Jet Traveler. I linked the interview above. It's a powerful display of the cognitive dissonance of a man who considers himself a regular everyday Mormon dad, who donates his salary to his employees, who insists on calling his employees crewmembers, even as the line goes up, and up, and up. I've heard anecdotes about him sitting in the backs of his own planes at jetBlue, observing what he could change to make the experience better for the cabin crew and passengers, noticing a lot of those things could even save money, and I have no reason to disbelieve them.
As the head of a company he is by necessity exploiting those under him, as a businessman he is providing a service not from altruism but because he knows that people need it enough they'll give him money, and the more comfortable the experience for both the less likely he'll lose their labor and their money. Conscious or not, altruism is a means to an end, but it is still startling surrounded by airlines which don't even go that far. 'Nice' as a name for economy class is a pretty good summary of the man David Neeleman was, and the one he still tries to present himself as. But there's a specific question, and a specific answer, which I feel the need to place here.
The airlines have been cutting back on frills and first class, which is driving more people to business aviation. Do they need to find ways to treat their high-end customers better? Well, JetBlue doesn't have first class. We treated everyone the same. Maybe it's funny I'm in the JetSuite market because it's so weird to me that on a plane with 150 seats, you give 12 people a great ride and you stick it to 138-squish them all back there because of 12 people. There's something about that that just feels wrong.
Does it still feel wrong, David? Did something change about you between the first million and the 400th? When did this transformation happen? Was it the Ship of Theseus effect? Or...was this what you inevitably were working towards all along? Was it a fool's errand to pretend that there is a difference between what you do and what you are? Aviation is not immune to the society which it is built to serve - it is shaped by it. It feels wrong for 12 people to have a nice ride while 138 are squished in the back, but if you think about the life that 5 million Americans live and the life the other 326 million have to live, all squished back there so the lucky few can have a nice ride, doesn't it feel a little less wrong? After all, you've got the reclining bed. You can just pull the curtain closed. You've probably known what you were all along.
The airlines are a tough business. Why start another after JetBlue? Well, I've done this three times. It's what I know. I've always made money at it, always been successful. I figured out a formula that works and Brazil really needed it. And I had this idealistic view of trying to make a difference. I've got 3,000 people in Brazil that work for us and love their jobs and we flew four million people this year and a lot of those people had never flown before.
Air travel is life-changing. It's not just for those of us who stand outside airports and take a picture of every airplane we see. It is a faster, safer, easier way of getting people and things from one place to another. There are people who live in the remotest places in the world, who deal with mountains and oceans and even just being so far away from anywhere else. They can travel now, and they can do more than that. They can visit their family. They can get places even if they're somewhere railroads don't run to. Cargo planes bring these remote communities necessities. They take their children to university and its sick to lifesaving treatment. It's a lifeline and a fundamental part of infrastructure. Once we invented it we stopped being able to go back.
It isn't an inherently cynical thing to start an airline - not more cynical than starting any other company, anyway. At least, it shouldn't be. But I think it's an inherently cynical thing to start five. To have your position at Azul, which is both massively successful and your own brainchild, which you think is doing good...and to say to yourself "I need more. I need America. I need what I was robbed of when I lost jetBlue."
Very few people have ever started one airline successfully. David Neeleman started four and sat at the helm of Brazil's third-largest airline and decided it wasn't enough for him. He's always made low-cost airlines. To a not-insignificant degree he made the low-cost airline what it is today. But he needs a first-class cabin.
The Inc. piece on Breeze continues to discuss the airline's planned operations. In 2011 Neeleman's employees were crewmembers.
Breeze is also introducing a program in which it will hire college interns from Utah Valley University and mold them into customer-service machines. In exchange for salary, free tuition, and housing, the students will undergo training and then work 15 or so days a month while taking their college courses online. "The big thing is we are going to provide a great service with kind people on a beautiful airplane with a fun atmosphere," says DePastino.
In 2021 they are customer-service machines. They will spend not just their days but their nights in Breeze's living spaces at one of the most vulnerable times in a person's life, learning how to be cogs in a machine right when they're transitioning from being students to entering the turbulent world of trying to find a job. And all of us want a job that makes us feel like we're still us, doing something that makes the world better and that helps us touch the tip of Maslow's pyramid. Almost none of us get it. Most of us slog through something utterly pointless that is entirely separate from our own self-identity to just keep our heads above water. Breeze turns this into a machine and it starts its cogs young.
Would I take this deal if it was offered to me? I'm a university student with barely enough money to keep myself afloat in a very expensive city while paying for university and for medicine and for anything else that may suddenly come up. I love aviation. I have customer service experience. I work in customer service right now and will probably continue to for a long time. I would hypothetically be an ideal candidate for this sort of program. Would I take this offer knowing that nobody, myself included, says to themself as a child that they want to be an airline customer service representative when they grow up? College is supposed to be the place you lay the groundwork for trying to start a career. Nobody wants their career to be 'customer service representative'. Nobody wants their obituary to say 'beloved son, husband, middle management at an airline's call center'. Sure, lots of people end up there, and plenty of them are happy and fulfilled and they have nothing to be ashamed of, but nobody's 18, going into college, and thinks that's what they want to live and breathe for years. They want to intern in the accounting departments, to shadow engineers, to see the sleek jets and peer in on the lifestyles of the people who built this. They want to be David Neeleman. But that's not an option for most of us.
So what would I do? Live this concession to the inevitability of automation which overtakes much more than the flight deck? I might, because at least it's a guarantee of shelter and stability that I don't have trying to stumble my way through an utterly shambolic job market caught between the price of school and the need to earn that money and the costs inherent to autoimmune disease and the number of hours there are in a week. I want to write, or even just to do something that involves words, because even a data entry job might let me pretend I'm still the person I thought I would grow up to be, and even that seems off the table. But it's one thing to know your dreams are never going to be realistic and another to say it out loud and yet another to commit to it in a place that even refers to you outright as a machine as if they don't understand the weight of that word when you provide someone's lodging and pay and everything else they rely on. This is a few steps short of being a company town populated exclusively by the young and vulnerable who think they're going to be entrepreneurs one day.
"When I started JetBlue, it was a customer service company that just happened to fly airplanes," Neeleman says. "Breeze is a technology company that just happens to fly airplanes."
He was talking about the app when he said this, but I think it comes through in a broader sense. jetBlue was a customer service company. Humans interfaced with humans. The idea was in nature lively, giving names to inanimate flying machines. It was a corporation, it made money, it did not actually care about people and it could not because it was not itself human, but it did not wear this fact proudly. It was a regrettable necessity of running an airline, and the CEO donated his salary to the employees. jetBlue under Neeleman and beyond clung to the human element, and to kindness and to making low-cost flight fun and comfortable even though there was nobody on the plane with a first-class ticket. You might be part of a fundamentally unethical system known for cutting corners and lying and sweetheart deals and never suffering consequences when something as simple as a jackscrew nobody lubricated kills 88 people, but you're going to at least try to dampen that impact. It might kill you just as dead but it can hurt less, maybe so much you never realize jetBlue occupies the same slice of the world as Pan Am and as ValuJet.
Breeze Airways lodges young individuals and molds them into machines. It is an ultra-low-cost carrier with a first class cabin. It presents a scenario where people are optimally herded by an app, served by employees who go home at night to the same place they work, and all of it can be reduced down to numbers so easily. It takes the human and it makes it technology. It makes it profit. The human element is gone. It doesn't matter how much it hurts you because if you aren't a person there's nothing to kill. It says the quiet parts out loud and makes you get on the phone and tell your family you're happy here with a gun to your head. It is a machine built of anonymized mannequins who, irrelevant to their role in it, happen to be alive, and it calmly tells you that this is a good thing, and that is a threat. The lowest category of experience you can have is 'nice'. Breeze Airways does not name their planes.
When I was a child I thought airlines were people and airplanes. I've flown many times in my life. There aren't many other ways to get from Japan to the East Coast these days. The world is huge but we can see it all so easily, assuming taking us there can make someone money. I remember being eight and having the pilot standing by the door to greet passengers, having him hand me a little pair of plastic pilot wings I still have now. I remember the stormy night I flew alone for the first time and the stewardess who let me sit next to her for a little bit and answered all my questions about the noises the plane was making. I remember the first time I flew on a propeller plane and the pilot who explained to me what all the gauges meant, and who insisted there was nothing to be afraid of and pointed out all the landmarks we flew past, who clearly knew this route by heart.
That's not what aviation always is. That's not what it usually is. People don't usually start airlines because they wish they could fly everyone around in their little single-engine plane on a commuter route from Boston to Provincetown, from Hyannis to Nantucket, provide that service to the people who don't have a plane and a license of their own, but they just can't do it all themselves. People who start airlines aren't usually intrepid pilots searching for new heights to push themselves to or flight instructors looking to fly people around in a single rented DC-3. They're businessmen. They want money. Juan Trippe was a businessman. Howard Hughes was a businessman.
The corporation is where passion goes to die if it existed to begin with. They build machines to suck the life out of pilots, exhaust them, put them in planes that are falling apart and let them take the blame when they fail to do things they failed to teach them. These people aren't your friends and they don't care about aviation, and if they do it's in the way an American child plays soldiers at the same time a school in Syria is being bombed. They're usually not even pilots. They're people with a lot of money who want even more money. jetBlue isn't unique in that sense and neither is Breeze. One just says it a lot louder.
Sometimes an airline is a technology company that happens to fly airplanes. That's true. Every single positive experience you have is with people, not airlines. I've never once spoken to jetBlue, just a matrix of pilots and flight attendants and customer service representatives who make up its many limbs. Maybe it should come as a relief, a sort of coming clean, that Breeze is tearing back the curtain and reminding you that the time a stewardess calmed you down during turbulence isn't really any different from the time a drugstore cashier let you off even though you were a few cents short of your total and said they'd take care of it. It's not CVS doing that. It's always people.
So many businessmen say they're here to do good, to make the world a better place, to reconcile kindness with venture capital. Any of them could build a tower that reaches all the way to the edge of the solar system and let us all know how many beautiful things there are that we can reach if they can find a profitable way to get us out there, and yet it's still the people who see your transit card is out of money and scan you in using theirs that make me remember that we are capable of kindness despite our surroundings. It is up to all of us whether we wish to be kind or not and it's not something anyone else can build for us.
Companies can't build a kinder, softer, funner, more human place. They can make money. They can provide a service. A service you need, at a cost you can afford, predicated on the fundamental question: whether they think you can make them money. Desperation, need, giving people a non-choice, that's how you make money and kill criticism. That isn't kindness. That's finding a gap in the market. Always has been.
I read that at JetBlue, you also didn't have your own parking spot and you donated your entire salary to a crewmember crisis fund, saying, "It seemed hoggish of me to have all this stuff when others didn't because every time I would get something someone else would have less." Yet then I read about your $14 million mansion in Connecticut. It's my wife's mansion. I never would have built that, ever. I think she's repentant. It was a project for her and it kind of got out of hand. But we all felt funny moving in. That's why we want to sell it.
I'd wondered how you reconciled the mansion with your philosophy. I don't.
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image: Bill Bernstein
Okay, Marx or Megatron or whoever you think you are, that's enough of that depressing schlock. You are a tumblr.com airline livery review blog. We're here to answer if the plane looks good or not.
It's not like Neeleman's only goals are money and vapid personal satisfaction. We've been with him from the start. It was just an unacknowledged bit of the tail. He probably didn't notice it at first, but we did, with the gift of hindsight. It germinated. It took root. It grew. It became identity. It became his white whale. Are the planes blue, though?
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Well, everyone, meet N206BZ. She's an Airbus A220-300. She's just a year and a half old and was delivered brand-new to Breeze Airways. She doesn't have a name, just a registration, but that's sure one blue plane if I've ever seen one!
The color scheme is visually pleasing. It's all over but it keeps visual interest with the darker tail and rear fuselage, the darker engines, the big white check-mark that serves as an instantly recognizable emblem for the airline. The repetition of it on the winglets is a nice touch.
I hate the wordmark, honestly. The text feels like it's located too low, the lightest blue blends in with the main fuselage until it borders on illegible. As far as I can tell, the typeface is custom. I hate it. It's ugly. The text is bad and it weighs down the rest of the plane.
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A lot of how a livery looks depends on the lighting. So let's look at another example. I'd like to introduce you to N140BZ. She's an Embraer E195-200 and she's coming up on 15 but she hasn't slowed down any. She flew for Air Europa for a long time, but from 2016 on she was in limbo, all sorts of holding groups leasing her to each other but nobody putting her into service. Now she's with Breeze. They'll retire their E190s somewhat soon, but for the moment they like to have them. It allows them to operate shorter routes and free up time for charters on other days, just to maximize productivity. She doesn't have a name either. I'd say she still looks pretty blue. A lot of the concept art has a very metallic and reflective feel which I'm glad isn't as present in the actual planes, because it looked a bit sci-fi movie and not in a campy way. It was very blue chalk marker.
I like these colors just as much in this sort of washed-out environment as I do in direct sunlight gleaming at full intensity. Maybe more, even, since the text of the wordmark is so much more legible now and you can even see that the checkmark itself is blue. There's almost nothing on this plane that isn't blue. The only thing not blue about this airplane is that she doesn't have a name to revel in it.
The Breeze livery gets a B-.
It is a competently executed version of the thing it wants to be. There's visual interest. There are choices made. It's more than a logo slapped on a tail and sent off to sit on the tarmac with hundreds of other primarily white airplanes. I like it, I think this is the best Neeleman livery. It's also the bluest.
I find myself thinking the checkmark is an apt logo. Azul wore the shape of Brazil - a country full of people. Azul Linhas Aéreas Brasileiras S/A is a company. It cannot have a soul. But its founder says it does. He wants to make something better for people. Breeze Airways is a checkmark. It satisfies a need. It is 'nice' but there is no pretense that it is people.
The pilots will be kind all the same, and the stewardesses. People will agree to swap seats so families aren't separated. People will compliment strangers' outfits and help the person in line in front of them who's fifty cents short for a bottle of water. We will hold the door for elderly men with canes and exhausted women with strollers. We will take every little chance we can to be kind. We do this because we are people, and not because of where we work, and it's definitely not the people with 400 million dollars to put down on a shiny new airline making that happen. Everything is scheduled through an app, minimizing contact with humans even as the ones we do talk to are 'molded into customer-service machines' over the course of years. N140BZ wears her blue colors well, and not having a name doesn't make her any uglier. So what is it that's changed?
David Neeleman can't make jetBlue a second time. But he doesn't know that. To a man with so much, maybe it makes sense how he could fail to realize that. When you're high enough in the air a thriving uptown and an area of condemned slums look more or less the same, just little blocks of color all the way down there. He doesn't even realize he's given up the ghost. This is only a tragedy if your definition of a happy ending was us believing someone is better than they are instead of being left no room to continue failing to recognize what money is and what money does. The corporation wears two masks - the mask that it wears when it is a corporation wearing a mask, and the mask it wears when it is so close to human that you mistake it for your friend. The businessman wears these masks too. To be sad they've taken them off is to invest more in the virtue of these men than they ever do in the life or death of the 138 people squeezed in the back.
There it is. Two decades, five attempts, the bluest plane. If you've kept reading all the way to the end let me know in the replies what your favorite Neeleman-proximate livery is. I'll see you all tomorrow for our regularly scheduled Runway Runway livery review, and I hope you all have a wonderful night.
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ichigoohinatsuma · 1 year
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keiteay · 4 months
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Blue sky
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cciiyy · 1 year
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aviator-lover1 · 8 days
Aviões Pousando e Decolando no Aeroporto de Lisboa @RuiPlaneSpotter
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somosprojetoamigos · 1 month
Empresas se mobilizam para enviar ajuda ao RS
Diversas empresas têm se mobilizado para enviar doações e ajuda para pessoas atingidas pelas enchentes no Rio Grande do Sul, a pior da história do estado. A Azul Linhas Aéreas enviou voos com mantimentos e anunciou a criação de um Fundo Social para arrecadar doações e reunir pessoas interessadas em dar apoio ao transporte e às famílias atingidas. O Itaú Unibanco anunciou a doação de R$ 10 milhões…
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walkingintheamm · 1 month
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estagiário eu percebo o que queres dizer, mas a linha verde não passa no marquês 😭
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josiaswattrelos · 8 months
#GRU #
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Belo Horizonte ganha novos voos internacionais fortalecendo seu hub aéreo
O BH Airport anunciou na última sexta-feira (23) o lançamento de voos diretos para mais dois destinos internacionais partindo do Aeroporto Internacional de Belo Horizonte. A partir de agora, Fort Lauderdale, nos EUA, e Curaçao, no Caribe, passam a ter voos semanais saindo da capital mineira. Com essas inaugurações, aumenta para sete o número de destinos internacionais atendidos por Belo…
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portalnaynneto · 1 year
Governo articula a ampliação de voos da Azul em Pernambuco
A governadora de Pernambuco, Raquel Lyra, e a vice, Priscila Krause, receberam a visita do diretor de Relações Institucionais da Azul Linhas Aéreas, Fábio Campos, e do diretor institucional da companhia, César Gandolfo, nesta quarta-feira (18), no Palácio do Campo das Princesas. A consolidação e ampliação do hub da Azul em Pernambuco e a regularidade da frequência de voos para Fernando de Noronha…
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drrafaelcm · 2 years
Azul é condenada a indenizar clientes por cobrança excessiva na taxa de cancelamento
Azul é condenada a indenizar clientes por cobrança excessiva na taxa de cancelamento
Tarifa cobrada foi de 40% do valor das passagens; decisões foram publicadas no Diário da Justiça Eletrônico desta segunda-feira (2) (more…)
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runwayrunway · 11 months
No. 29 - What is the Flag Carrier of Brazil?
In part two of what is at this point going to be a three-part post, let's look at some history, which happens to include a bunch of liveries, on a quest to answer the question...well, it's the title.
We've talked a lot about flag carriers on this blog. I believe, quite emphatically, that flag carriers should have particular considerations when designing liveries, which I've discussed in my Icelandair post. After all, these are a point of national pride, at least in theory. This is one of the reasons most countries have them, and I've mentioned the US as a rare exception. The United States have never had an official flag carrier, and this persists to this day.
But what is the flag carrier of Brazil?
I asked this question on my recent questionnaire. I got a lot of answers. This one was my favorite.
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But aside from that, the answers I got were all over the place, and only one of them was correct (while a handful of people did know the correct answer for Switzerland). In fact, the majority weren't real airlines, and none were airlines that currently exist. In order, the most common responses were:
An explicit admission of not knowing
Some variant of "Brazil Air" or "Brazilian Airlines" (not real, has never been real, at least not as anything except a lengthened official name to an airline which goes by something else, i.e. Azul)
Things that are just totally silly, like Green
Airlines that were real, but no longer operate, specifically one guess of TAM and one of VARIG, the latter of which was acknowledged by the submitter as being defunct
Embraer, which as far as I can tell does sort of fit the same spot for Brazil as Boeing does for the US
Rainforest Airlines (not real)
"Something Portuguese", which was a fair bet and I wish was true (you would have been right if you'd gone for the reliable Latin American answer 'an abbreviation', though)
The correct answer, from an actual Brazilian: is this a trick question?
Yeah, Brazil...doesn't really have a flag carrier, not in a way that matters. But 'what is the flag carrier of Brazil' has been an interesting question for a while now. So it doesn't have a flag carrier - what does it have? To answer that question, I first have to answer another one. It hasn't always been this way. So...where did Brazil's flag carrier go?
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Founded just a month after Pan Am and slightly before Iberia, VARIG (Viação Aérea Rio-Grandense, Rio Grande Airlines) was Brazil's first airline, its largest, and its main bridge to the rest of the world. In short, its flag carrier.
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Well, technically, VASP existed too. I feel like people forget about VASP. Viação Aérea São Paulo (São Paulo Airlines), known better as VASP, was founded in 1933 by the state of São Paulo.
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They flew this awesome-looking plane, the General Aircraft Monospar.
Since São Paulo is nowhere near the ocean, they used only landplanes, which was pretty unusual for the time. Early on this meant they were using dirt airstrips and 'airstrips', presumably just some grass that had airplanes landed on it until it got all smushed down. Eventually an airport was built to accommodate them, though.
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São Paulo–Congonhas Airport (CGH/SBSP) is Brazil's second-busiest airport. It is known for its gorgeous terminal building and being one of the most dangerous airports in the world due to crowding and runways which become unnervingly slippery with even the slightest rain, which contributed directly to it being the site of Brazil's deadliest air disaster. It now has a very low cap on operations and no longer serves international destinations, but that might be VASP's single biggest contribution to history - an airport that caused a mass casualty event after VASP had already stopped flying. In its defense, landing at Congonhas was still probably nominally safer than putting a 737 down in an empty field, and tore up the landing gear less.
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VASP was pretty dominant domestically for most of its history (while VARIG was essentially the only international airline), until it entered an incredible death spiral. The decline began in the 80s, in a way I would not describe as an incredible death spiral. That portion was initiated when VASP was privatized, attempted to expand into international destinations, gave up on that within a decade, stopped flying altogether and existed only to provide maintenance for other airlines, and then went bankrupt in 2008.
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I prefer its livery to VARIG's, I think. I like that they didn't promptly shift the wordmark all the way forward like a lot of airlines did, and I like their shade of blue, but I sort of miss the old blue stripes. I mean, jetBlue could try that on for a tail? Still, always quite simple. It has one or two things I'd call 'features' in every iteration, but it never goes above a C- for me.
So, yeah. I would feel like I was omitting something if I didn't at least mention it, given it was a nationalized carrier and a huge chunk of Brazilian aviation history. I just feel like everyone forgot VASP the moment they went out of business, and that almost makes me sad.
Oh, well! There's other airlines.
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Like VARIG! I feel like VARIG's older tramline blue livery was somehow pretty iconic despite being deeply, deeply generic. It does the layered, multicolor cheatline thing Lufthansa did but with blue-on-blue, which I actually quite like, and indeed this does feel a bit like a monocolor Lufthansa of the time period. I'm unsure if I actually think it's iconic because I'd be able to pick its old livery out of an identity parade or just because it was massive, but I'm going to just give it a C, I think, which would probably be higher if I were alive in the time period, but I don't believe I was. Let me know if you know anything I don't on the subject.
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Their modern livery (designed in 1996 by the prolific Landor Associates) was also pretty alright. I like that weird little inexplicable divot, feels like it keeps me on my toes - not an airline I can rely on straight lines with! Nice legible wordmark, gold contrasting symbol (though I think they could have done something on the main body with it), it's all nice, it's all cromulent, C airline. This was designed at a point where full white fuselage wasn't done to death the way it is now, or I'd be harsher, but it feels a bit like beating up a corpse, given the rest of this post.
VARIG was Brazil's only real international airline for literal decades. It existed until 2005, other airlines gradually cropping up to chip away at its monopoly, until it finally went under and was restructured into two companies. One, the judicial successor known colloquially as "old VARIG", became the quickly-defunct FLEX Linhas Aéreas, which lasted all of another five years; the brand, meanwhile, was given to "new VARIG", which was purchased by GOL Linhas Aéreas Inteligentes.
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GOL haven't been using the VARIG brand, which I generally think is the better move when it comes to acquiring old trademarks; better to build something new than attempt to resurrect something dead. Besides, they have their own brand, using the unusual color scheme of grey and orange and with a very memorable and simple logo (though it does look a bit like it says GOOL).
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Judging by the reactions of a couple Brazilians I know in person who I told about this airline, the name is a love letter to Brazilian culture. Flag carrier material? Well, let's pause. How do they look? Are these planes a country can be proud of?
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I like the loops a lot. While I prefer the scribbly feeling of the old GOL wordmark (the first two planes pictured) I think the new livery (immediately above) is an improvement in every other way, namely a somewhat clever solution to the Detached Tail Syndrome problem. I like how the wordmark is centered on the fuselage, and the fact that there are loop details on the winglets as well.
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And, honestly, people underrate how hard it is to make a design like this look good consistently from different angles, but I think this does. I like it.
Do I wish there was more orange and grey and less white? Yes, but do I think it uses what little color it is very well and is more than the sum of its parts? Also yes. This could definitely improve a lot but it's very well thought out - just think even more outside the box and you'll get there.
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B-. I like this, even though orange is my least favorite color and doesn't feel like it should go with grey at all. Good job, GOL.
Even though new VARIG wasn't the same company, surely it was part of VARIG, so this would make GOL its successor? That does make sense, hypothetically, but isn't how it shook out. For one, GOL is a low-cost carrier, which flag carriers usually aren't, particularly because LCCs tend to fly shorter point-to-point routes. (In 2019 GOL was Brazil's largest domestic airline with nearly 40% of the market share, and its third largest international airline, with nearly...four percent.)
The second, and I think potentially more damaging event, one which kept it in this mostly-domestic state, was a codeshare agreement with Portuguese flag carrier TAP Air Portugal falling through. TAP is a major international airline which flies basically everywhere within A330 range of Lisbon and which I constantly see as a codeshare option on flights to places that are definitely not actually in Portugal. GOL is the sort of airline I'd call...nominally international, in that it does fly to other countries, but those countries aren't particularly distant. They fly to other destinations in South America, a few in the Caribbean, and also Florida. It would be tricky to manage anything else given their all-737 fleet; they seem to have owned and operated 767s for just long enough to realize that this 'being a flag carrier' thing wasn't going to work out for them. TAP? They fly to South Africa, Venezuela, Norway, Guinea, Macau, Montreal - basically everywhere, including eleven destinations in Brazil. GOL flies to 17 countries in total. This was followed up with a failed attempt to join oneworld which also fell through for some reason or another, after which GOL said 'well, that's fine, we didn't want to be part of an alliance anyway' and then just went back to minding their own business domestically and making heaps of money, while the last vestiges of even new VARIG became thoroughly extinct to the point that I didn't know GOL technically had the trademark until maybe a month ago.
TAP did codeshare with a Brazilian carrier, though, one of the other three largest in the country.
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If you feel something ominous building up, sense a certain presence...
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No. Stop smirking, David. You won't be involved in TAP until 2015. At this point in the David Neeleman timeline he was still at jetBlue. Wait, does this make TAP jetBlue's step-sister?
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To be totally honest I think by force of branding alone Azul Linhas Aéreas Brasileiras should get to be the flag carrier because clearly they want it and nobody else does, but they have the same issues GOL does and given David seems to have moved on I can't imagine that changing anytime soon. B+ for the Brazilian flag livery, by the way, that looks awesome.
No, this post is not going to become about David Neeleman, it's going to become about TAM Linhas Aéreas.
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TAM originally stood for Táxi Aéreo Marília. The airline was later named TAM – Transportes Aéreos Regionais, and operated a subsidiary called Brasil Central Airlines. When restrictions on destinations for domestic carriers were lifted in the 90s this subsidiary rebranded to Transportes Aéreos Meridionais. You may notice that this means there are two TAMs, owned by the same holding company (only distinguishable by their differing IATA codes, KK and JJ - they even had the same livery).
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They solved this issue by just becoming one carrier, TAM Transportes Aéreos (with the code JJ). They tried to buy VASP, didn't manage to buy VASP, and then sort of became the flag carrier anyway.
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I hate TAM's livery because I like it but also hate it. They did the Lufthansa straight-tail back when that was a major innovation over Detached Tail Syndrome, I like the way the trim on the tail goes all the way over the top of the rudder and widens as it slopes down, I like the little bird on their wordmark a lot, and I love the red and white with just a hint of blue. This color scheme is just fantastic. My only criticism is that they stopped and forgot to do anything with the rest of the plane.
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I mean, like, it looks okay, right? This looks fine?
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Hmm, okay, flattering angle, still looks decent-
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This livery looks so phenomenally back-heavy despite the huge wordmark. This is an A321. This isn't even a long-looking plane by any stretch of the imagination. I'm going to say it outright: this is why you paint your engine cowlings.
C, but the concept is good!
There's a lot to work with if you just commit to the bit! Given the timeline we're working with, TAM would actually probably be overhauling their livery sometime around now...you know, if they still existed.
TAM got the codeshare deal with TAP. TAM joined Star Alliance. After VARIG went under and GOL dropped the bag TAM became Brazil's de facto flag carrier. They were full-service, flew to Europe and North America, and they had the Brazilian flag on their planes, which were registered in Brazil. They became the largest airline in Brazil. Then the largest in Latin America.
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Average state of Congonhas pre-2015, assumedly back when it was still allowed to land international flights.
They were also rated runner-up for least safe airline in the world by the Jet Airliner Crash Data Evaluation Centre in 2013.
...what a note to go out on, huh?
For a few years now, something has been building, far from the prying eyes of those watching the liveries of the planes taxiing by them. Soon the parasite inside TAM will burst out, and the largest country in South America will no longer have an airline of its own.
Something very big is about to happen. Something which casts a shadow over all of Latin American civil aviation.
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mywritingonlyfans · 3 months
Kuku, pai de menina! 🩷🎀 // Esteban Kukuriczka X Fem!Reader
words: 1,4k.
eu percebi que não curtiram mt minha primeira fic, mas infelizmente tenho mais algumas e vou aparecer nas tags, mas vai ser temporário!
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Suas mãos estavam geladas, e você lembrou da sua mãe, sua mente rapidamente recordando a necessidade de curativos em casos de ferimentos quando era criança. No entanto, algo parecia mais sério do que o usual. Quando Esteban ligou, você estava prestes a encerrar uma reunião. Sua voz denotava tremor, e você podia imaginar seus dedos nervosos bagunçando o cabelo. Isso naturalmente te deixou apreensiva, e à medida que você fazia perguntas, ele parecia ficar ainda mais perturbado. Por fim, ficou claro que você precisaria buscá-los no hospital.
 Um nó incontrolável se formou em sua garganta, e a tensão era palpável. A busca por uma vaga no estacionamento parecia levar uma eternidade, e fazer a baliza foi uma das piores experiências de sua vida. Sentindo o quão rígido seu corpo estava, você se reclinou no banco, fechou os olhos e respirou fundo. Sua mente foi desacelerando conforme pensava em como Esteban acalmava ela, seja quando ela sentia dor, nervosismo ou sonolência. Ela segurava o dedo indicador dele em sua mão pequena e repousava o rosto, repleto de sardas, em seu peito, buscando conforto. Ele era habilidoso em fazê-la sentir-se ouvida e especial, e você o amava ainda mais a cada vez que testemunhava essas interações. Esse pensamento momentâneo trouxe algum alívio; afinal, você confiava em seu marido.
A cena que você observava naquele momento era familiar: Mia, com o rosto corado como o de Esteban, segurava firmemente a camiseta do pai, enquanto seus olhos pequenos demonstravam preocupação. A sala, decorada em tons de azul claro, exibia alguns desenhos de bichinhos nas paredes, e na mesa havia agulhas e linhas grossas esterilizadas. Esteban parecia ainda mais apreensivo do que Mia.
"Olhe para mim, está tudo bem, baixinha," ele sussurrou suavemente, segurando-a e tentando acalmá-la da melhor maneira possível. Seus olhos estavam inchados, e lágrimas inundaram-nos assim que ele encontrou o olhar doloroso dela. 
Ela entrelaçou os dedos na camiseta dele e fechou os olhos; a voz dele ainda era suave, assim como a mão que estava carinhosamente em seu ombro. "Você é muito corajosa", ele disse. Aquilo fez você sorrir levemente. Conforme o médico se afastava, Mia notou você ali. "Mamãe?!" Esteban olhou para você mais relaxado, e você assentiu para ele antes de ir beijar sua pequena. Ela estava com os olhos miúdos, claramente cansada, e você a deixou se aninhar em seus braços. "Como está se sentindo?", você perguntou. A bochecha dela encostou em seu ombro, evitando que o curativo tocasse algo, e ela balançou a cabeça. "Bem, eu chorei bastante, mas papai estava certo, não doeu tanto, e me sinto melhor agora que já passou", ela disse em pequenas pausas e com as mesmas escolhas de palavras do pai; você achava aquilo tão fofo. Kuku costumava rir disso, mas ainda falhava em esconder a preocupação.
"Eu quero ir para casa, por favor?" Mia choramingou. Assim que a pergunta veio, você olhou para Esteban, e ele concordou, pedindo para você ir indo para o carro enquanto ele pegaria os medicamentos que ela precisaria. A fala breve e os olhos baixos mostravam que ele se sentia culpado, e por isso você concordou em esperar por ele.
Você ficou ao lado dela, segurando-a pela cadeira e colocando seu casaco para apoiar sua cabeça e evitar que ela balançasse demais. "Quer que eu dirija, vida?" Você acariciou os ombros dele, e mesmo distraído, ele virou o rosto para receber um beijo seu. "Ela está bem", você disse assim que ele afirmou não ver problema. Ele suspirou pesadamente, como se estivesse prestes a dizer "Mas, e se..." em protesto, mas desistiu.
O caminho foi rápido, e às vezes ele olhava para vocês pelo retrovisor. Ele não podia negar que ser contemplado com seu doce sorriso o fazia se sentir mais seguro. Ao entrarem em casa, com Mia nos braços, ele finalmente desabafou: "Eu a deixei cair do brinquedo", ele olhou para ela com pesar, uma pausa amarga em seu peito. "Eu estava de olho, sabe? Pensei que seria bom dar autonomia a ela, mas continuei por perto. Tentei ajudá-la antes que caísse, mas não deu muito certo." Você o ouviu atentamente; ele estava ofegante e você entendia sua aflição.
Ele a colocou na cama, soltando aos poucos a mão dela que se enroscava em sua camiseta. "Não poderemos protegê-la para sempre, Kuku. É importante que ela também entenda isso", você disse, criando uma barreira com lençóis ao redor da cama para evitar que ela se machucasse enquanto descansava. Ela estava tranquila, o cabelo bagunçado como o do pai, assim como os olhos um pouco inchados de chorar. Você sorriu para si mesma.
“Tenho medo de que ela pense que não poderei ajudá-la quando precisar, que não confie em mim. Não gosto da sensação de não ter evitado que algo ruim acontecesse com ela", ele disse em um choro baixo, e você sentiu o nó em sua garganta.
"Não fale assim", você negou, indo até ele, ficando nas pontas dos pés enquanto usava seus dedos para afastar as lágrimas. "Você tem noção de que sua preocupação sobre isso te faz ser o melhor pai do mundo?”
“Você está chateada?" A ponta do nariz dele tocou o seu, os fios de cabelo dele te fazendo cócegas. Ele era um bobo que se preocupava demais.
"Óbvio que não, não teria tido uma filha com você caso não te achasse capaz." Ele riu, permitindo que você o abraçasse.
"Eu não gosto de vê-la machucada ou saber que está com medo, mas não é como se eu achasse que foi sua culpa, sei que não foi. Crianças são imprevisíveis, e ela confia tanto em você, isso não vai mudar agora. Dentro da salinha, ela estava tão concentrada em você, na sua voz e calma - que eu sei que você estava atuando - fazendo ela saber que tudo ia ficar bem." Ele não havia refletido sobre isso, mas percebeu que era verdade.
Ele tinha medo de Mia estar chateada com ele de alguma forma, mas tudo, como você disse, indicava que não. "Mas você pode conversar com ela amanhã, o que acha? Pode falar o que sente, e deixar ela saber que pode contar com você quando precisar porque você vai estar lá por ela." Ele assentiu, parecia uma boa ideia.
O nariz dele roçou em seu pescoço e ele beijou o local, seguido por seu rosto. Você o abraçou mais forte, "eu te amo, muito." Ele suspirou, e você pôde sentir que ele estava menos preocupado. "Eu também, te amo tanto." Os lábios dele tocaram os seus e ele riu levemente do gosto salgado.
“Quer comer alguma coisa? O que almoçou?" Você tentou quebrar o ar melancólico. "Não cheguei a almoçar, embora tenha feito Mia comer na espera do hospital e ela tenha me obrigado a comer pedaços dos sanduíches que fiz pra ela." Ele te viu morder os lábios e houve uma comunicação entre olhares que fez ele não precisar acrescentar o quão parecida com a mãe ela era.
"Tá bom, a gente vai comer agora, antes que você fique louco sem nutrientes no corpo." A risada dele foi descontraída e te fez bem vê-lo bem.
Na manhã seguinte, ainda sonolenta, evitando ao máximo ter que se levantar, você ouviu a voz de Mia, falando baixo com ele. Ao abrir os olhos, você viu os dois ao seu lado, as mãos pequenas nas bochechas de Esteban, apalpando a barba dele que segurava um sorriso.
"Tudo bem, eu insisti para ir no escorrega sozinha, mas mesmo assim você estava lá comigo." Ela descansou o rosto no peito dele e ele beijou a cabeça dela em múltiplos estalos. Ela esticou a mão ao te ver acordada, segurando a sua. "Bom dia, mamãe." Ver ela feliz também te deixava contente.
Era tão bom ter os dois. O corretivo da vez era rosa, e você se amaldiçoou um pouco por ter perdido a interação de Kuku com ela enquanto trocava. Ela pulou em você, te abraçando forte, e ele te olhou com os olhos brilhando e um semblante que te dizia silenciosamente "você estava certa e eu estava hiper preocupado à toa".
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luludohs · 27 days
oie amigas do tumblr! voltei bem mais rápido que o planejado. fiquei muito feliz com os comentários positivos que eu recebi, ainda mais pq eu tava bem insegura de começar a falar por aqui
por isso queria pedir que vcs tenham um pouco de paciência comigo porque eu ainda não me sinto confiante o suficiente pra publicar alguma one shot, então por enquanto vou ficar só nos cenários mesmo (que são praticamente uma one pq eu me empolgo). mas minha mente ta sempre pipocando de ideias então vou tentar aparecer aqui o máximo que eu puder! 🫶🏻🫶🏻
enfim, queria contar pra vcs de um cenário que eu nao vi ninguém falando e que na minha cabeça faz muito sentido (se alguém ja tiver falado me perdoa, tenho uma memória de peixe e esqueci ou as vezes nem vi). faz muito sentido pra mim existir o pipe!mochileiro que ta viajando pela américa do sul e acaba se esbarrando com a reader em uma das viagens dele
indo mais fundo nessa do pipe!mochileiro eu pensei em um cenário realmente muito específico e queria compartilhar com vocês!
e mais uma vez eu me empolguei MUITO e sem querer isso aqui virou praticamente uma one shot 🫣🫣
você e sua família estão viajando de férias pra alguma cidadezinha litorânea bem paradisíaca e pequenininha. no seu segundo dia de viagem, quando você acorda pra ir tomar o café na pequena pousada em que está hospedada, da de cara com toda a sua família interagindo horrores com um rapaz muito bonito
você se aproxima envergonhada por estar com a cara toda amassada de sono e dá um bom dia todo contido e senta na mesa pra comer, o pipe ja fica assim 😏😏 pq te achou uma gracinha toda tímida. sua mãe te apresenta o felipe e diz que ele é um argentino que ta fazendo um mochilão por toda américa do sul sozinho, quando você olha pra ele de perto fica hipnotizada. o olho azul, o cabelo com os cachinhos nas pontas, a pele queimadinha de sol, o abdômen todo definido, você foi descendo o olhar até ir parar na linha v 🫦🫦 e parou quando viu que ja tava secando ele demais. porém é ÓBVIO que essa secada monstruosa nao passou nem um pouco despercebida pelo pipe que ficou com o ego lá em cima
com o passar dos dias ele foi se aproximando cada vez mais da sua família, se deu bem com seus pais, seus tios, brincava com seus priminhos mais novos, a noite saia com os mais velhos, dançava pagode com a sua vó, sempre se oferecia pra buscar cerveja pra turma quando via que tava acabando, basicamente sua família adotou ele naquela viagem
você e o pipe conversavam as vezes, você ficava mais tímida com ele (muito porque a beleza absurda dele te intimidava), mas ele sempre era atencioso, principalmente quando seus primos te chamavam pra dar um mergulho no mar e você sempre negava porque tinha medo, mas com a ajuda do pipe você foi entrando aos poucos. ele sempre pegava sua mão e entrava aos poucos com você. no dia que ele conseguiu te fazer ir até a água bater na sua cintura foi uma vitória imensa para ambos, e quando a onda enorme vinha na direção dos dois você entrava em desespero, mas ele por já ser experiente te abraçou pela cintura e te impulsionou pra cima e vocês pularam com a onda. a partir desse dia você começou a entrar no mar sem aquele medo de sempre
sua paixãozinha pelo pipe era muito óbvia pra todo mundo, seus primos viviam rindo quando ele aparecia e sua mãe e sua vó até se juntaram pra tentar te convencer a chamar ele pra jantar fora, o que obviamente não funcionou porque você negou qualquer quedinha por ele. o pipe também ja tinha notado que você tava afim dele, ele adorava te ver toda tímida quando ele chegava perto, ou quando ele pegava na sua mão pra te ajudar a entrar no mar e ele achou uma graça em como você ficou toda vermelha quando ele acidentalmente entrou no seu quarto bem na hora que você estava trocando de roupa. nesse dia ele conseguiu ver um pedacinho de você que ansiava em descobrir e desde então ficou com mais vontade ainda
até que em uma noite da viagem, você e sua família tinham pedido pizza pra comer na pousada que estavam hospedados e você reparou na ausência de pipe e perguntou para os seus primos onde ele estava, “ele foi sair com uma menina tá passando uns dias aqui” um deles te contou esperando uma reação sua que não apareceu, você se conteve o máximo que pode mas sua vontade era fazer uma cena e ir atras do pipe e gritar com ele, mas obviamente você não podia até porque seria bizarro e ele nunca demonstrou interesse por você
perguntando mais você descobriu que ele conheceu a garota em uma das noites de bebedeira com seus primos e ele acabou ficando com ela nesse mesmo dia e pegou o instagram da menina e eles vem conversando desde então. você fingiu pra todo mundo que tava cagando pra isso mas na real tava toda borocoxô porque tava realmente apaixonadinha pelo argentino charmoso que sem querer sua família incluiu na viagem
depois de terminar de comer foi pro quarto tentar - e falhar miseravelmente - dormir, você só se revirava na cama pensando no que o felipe tava fazendo com a moça. você saiu do quarto se sentindo patética e foi em direção a praia tentar esfriar a cabeça. quando tava chegando só ouviu alguém te chamando e lá estava o dito cujo todo alegrinho vindo na sua direção
“por que ta acordada?” ele perguntou com o sotaque arranhando, sotaque esse que você normalmente achava um charme mas que agora tava servindo pra te deixar mais puta ainda. você disse que tava com insônia e saiu deixando ele todo confuso, mas o bichinho é insistente quando quer e foi atrás de você te seguindo até você estender a canga que pegou no quarto e sentar na areia “quer companhia?” ele perguntou todo meiguinho e você sentiu vontade de dar uns tapas naquele rosto bonito
você aceitou a companhia porque nao saberia negar, então ele se sentou ao seu lado todo feliz mas você não falou um ‘a’ sequer até que ele começasse a puxar assunto, você respondia na maior secura possível porque tava real puta com ele, tava pouco se fudendo se parecesse uma criança mimada.
“o que houve com você? ta toda emburrada” ele perguntou e você não respondeu “ta com ciúmes?” nessa hora você congelou, felipe riu quando viu sua carinha toda assustada “seus primos me contaram” ele continuou dizendo e você nem piscava direito “relaxa, cariño. eu nao fui encontrar mulher nenhuma” nessa hora você finalmente olhou pra ele assim 😧 “foi ideia dos seus primos falar que eu fui ver uma menina, eu só fui encontrar um amigo meu colombiano” você ficou toda sem graça, se sentindo a menina mais burra que existe
o pipe reparou que você ficou daquele jeito e logo já tava te acalmando e dizendo que tava tudo bem, você desconversou e fingiu que não ligava (mesmo ligando muito!!!). “para de pose, nena. eu também te quero” foi o que ele disse quando colocou a mão no seu queixo e te puxou devagar pra um beijo. o beijo dele era lento e molhadinho, você se sentiu toda molinha conforme ele ia se deitando por cima de você. ele passava a mão pelo seu corpo inteirinho bem devagar, apertava seus peitos, arranhava sua coxa, fazia carinho seu cabelo
desceu os beijos para o seu pescoço junto com os toques que foram parar na sua buceta coberta pelo short do pijama, ele massageava seu pontinho por cima do short justo enquanto marcava seu pescoço. você agarrava os cabelos dele enquanto gemia e se esfregava nos dedos dele. desceu a própria mão até o pau duro do pipe e apertava de levinho. “porra eu preciso muito te comer” ele falou se ajoelhando entre as suas pernas “aqui não pipe, alguém pode ver” você disse relutante “já é de madrugada, nena. ninguém vai ver não. deixa vai” você continuou negando, nunca tinha feito nada em um lugar tão publico “deixa eu colocar só a cabecinha então” ele pediu, dizendo que tava com muita vontade, você compadeceu por causa da carinha de coitado que ele fez
pipe tirou seu short do pijama e sorriu ao ver que nem calcinha você tava usando “que putinha hein, e ainda com esse papo de que alguém pode nos ver. como se você não quisesse ser vista” ele nao mentiu, você tava morrendo de tesao ao saber que em qualquer momento poderiam ser flagrados. felipe só tirou o pau pra fora da bermuda, ele colocou só a cabecinha mas quando viu sua carinha cheia de tesao empurrou um pouco mais, você percebeu mas estava tão perdida no próprio prazer que nem ligou, ele empurrou tudo pra dentro sem dificuldade alguma de tão molhadinha que você se encontrava
pipe começou a te foder to jeitinho que sempre quis, desde a primeira vez que te viu. você gemia tão alto que ele teve que tampar sua boca com a própria mão, sem parar de meter. quando ele sentiu você apertando ele sem parar percebeu que estava perto e acelerou os movimentos, acertando sempre o lugar certo. assim que você gozou ele saiu de dentro, olhando sua carinha toda acabadinha
você sentiu dois tapinhas no seu rosto e abriu os olhos devagar “ta toda burrinha de tanto levar pica, né?” ele riu da sua cara “mas eu ainda nao gozei, princesa. vem cá me ajudar, vem”
depois dessa vou me segurar mais 🫠🫠
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kyuala · 1 month
♡ cast de lsdln como pensamentos intrusivos pt. 2 ♡
digamos que eu não tenha me aguentado e tenha começado a escrever essa parte aqui no máximo uns 10 min depois que finalizei a primeira 💭 "ah mas vc falou que não ia escrever com esses" desfalo. sou geminiana, tenho local de fala para mentir 🎀 enfim, ainda inspirado no hino da maior (vivam as mulheres brasileiras, viva a ebony) e seguindo a mesma linha do primeiro post, espero que gostem! 🤍 avisos: linguagem adulta, menção ao consumo de bebida alcóolica, sexo explícito (cosplay, leve encenação/pet play, masturbação masc., fetiche em ser "pisado" e por salto alto, tapas, penetração anal, cuspe, uso das palavras "papi"/"papito", consentimento duvidoso, "penetração" entre as coxas; não interaja se for menor de idade) e sem proteção (não façam!), comportamento obsessivo, espanhol fajuto, homem gamer 💔 não é necessário conhecer a música para ler <3
blas polidori
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ele ficou nervoso, tá todo travado me olhando andar pelo palco / ele diz que é meu fã, então eu quero ver quando eu pisar nele de salto
"você me ama mesmo?" você pergunta, fazendo uma vozinha inocente para encantar ainda mais o garoto que te encara com os olhinhos marejados.
"amo," ele responde simplesmente e num suspiro, claramente já sem fôlego - não sabe se pelo tempo que está com os braços amarrados à cabeceira da cama ou se pela excitação avassaladora de te ver vestida como a personagem de videogame favorita dele. os cachinhos já se desfizeram há tempos e agora grudam na testa, completamente regados de suor.
"o quanto você me ama?" você indaga novamente de onde está sentada entre as pernas do mais novo. apoia-se sobre o colchão com as mãos, estendidas e espalmadas atrás do teu bumbum, e percorre novamente a extensão do cacete duro - tão duro que chega a doer - com a ponta do salto que escolheu usar para a convenção.
"muito," blas choraminga, parecendo estar à beira das lágrimas - e, conhecendo o perfil de gamers virgens com quem se envolve, você presume que ele está mesmo, "eu amo muito a minha coelhinha."
você sorri com a declaração e pende a cabeça para o lado, a peruca loira acompanhando o movimento, e pressiona a ponta da bota azul, que simula a pata de um coelhinho, contra a pele do garoto, lhe tirando um gemido vergonhoso. se lembra de tê-lo avistado na plateia do desfile de cosplay que participou, observando como só a tua imagem já era o suficiente para deixá-lo de boca aberta e de mente vazia, congelando onde estava sentado. se perguntou o que ele deixaria você fazer com ele, o quanto se entregaria às tuas vontades - e agora tem tua resposta.
"e você é meu fã, não é?"
"eu sou," o rapaz fraqueja, se esforçando ao máximo para não se derreter ali mesmo e melar tua bota tão linda e cara inteirinha de branco, "eu sou seu fã número um."
teu sorriso dobra de tamanho e você libera a pressão no pau de blas, voltando aos movimentos de vai e vem com a bota enquanto observa as marcas vermelhinhas aparecerem na pele por baixo do calçado.
"bom garoto."
fernando contigiani
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eu ando sedenta por leite de hom-
fernando estala um tapa ardido na tua bunda, não parando de meter no teu buraquinho menor nem por um segundo. teus gemidos sofridos preenchem o ambiente e ele utiliza as mãos para afastar as bandas do teu bumbum, expondo ainda mais a entradinha maltratada e esticada ao redor do pau que a fode sem dó, e deixa escorrer um filete de saliva sobre a cena suja debaixo de si.
"que cuzinho guloso, princesa," teu noivo arfa em cima de você, acertando mais dois tapas sincronizados, um em cada lado, antes de voltar a te expor para ele e fazer um carinho na bordinha com a ponta do dedo. "'tá me engolindo inteirinho hoje."
você geme, sofrida, apesar de se manter quietinha na mesma posição pro homem te foder como quer - deitadinha de bruços no sofá de vocês, as pernas juntinhas e o rabinho empinado para ele; os quadris apoiados num conjunto de almofadas enquanto teus dedos brincam com os biquinhos dos seios esquecidos e necessitados de atenção.
"'tô com sede, papi," você faz manha, forçando a cabeça para trás a fim de encarar o homem que te come com força com seus maiores olhinhos de dó. "quero beber teu leite."
"quer que eu te dou leitinho, é?" fernando questiona, aumentando o passo com que soca em você à medida que a conversa suja aumenta o tesão e a vontade de gozar. "pode deixar, meu amor. seu papito vai te dar tudinho pra você beber."
jerónimo bosia
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na mente desse bofinho tenho um triplex
"por favor, minha bonequinha," ouve a voz desesperada atrás de você, sentindo as mãos gigantes te apertarem tanto que com certeza deixarão marcas, seguida por vários outros por favor, por favor, por favor, por favor.
"ai, jerónimo, de novo isso?" você pergunta num tom que claramente já indica o teu saco cheio - a esse ponto não sabe mais se é genuíno ou não, mas sabe que a dinâmica entre os dois, de algum jeito, funciona. "toda vez essa porra."
"é que eu não consigo te esquecer, minha princesa, você me deixa louco" o rapaz continua te apertando onde alcança, te mantendo pressionada e empinada para ele na pia do banheiro contra a qual te encurralou há não muitos minutos atrás, enchendo teu pescoço de beijos molhados demais para o teu gosto e esfregando a virilha dura e volumosa no teu bumbum. "sinto tanto sua falta..."
sempre começa assim. desde que ficaram a primeira vez - uma única vez - durante uma chopada da faculdade, jerónimo simplesmente não te esquece. você mora de graça na mente do rapaz, que tem todos os pensamentos cobertos por você e te segue aonde você vai, atônito aos arredores e fixado só na tua presença. desde então ele tenta "continuar de onde pararam", nas palavras dele, sempre tentando te convencer a dar a ele o que não conseguiu na primeira ficada - quer te comer. e já tentou de todos os jeitos: sendo romântico, sendo safado, sendo respeitoso, fiel, direto, cafajeste, grosseiro. nunca dá certo mas você também nunca demonstrou interesse em dar um basta na perseguição, afinal, qual seria a graça? incorpora totalmente aquela aspa da gloria groove: piso nesse macho, ele é chato mas é gostoso.
"então seja rápido, vai," você finalmente cede, sentindo o teor alcóolico das bebidas que consumiu na festa e o tesão acumulado de semanas sem transar te alcançarem, nublando teu julgamento.
jerónimo imediatamente se descola de você, até atordoado com a permissão que finalmente recebe. "é sério?" ele questiona sem querer, recebendo um olhar de indignação em resposta e logo se apressando para se ajeitar de volta às tuas costas. "vou ser rapidinho, minha vida, prometo," ele afirma, sem questionar novamente, abaixa as próprias roupas de baixo e levanta tua saia em tempo recorde, revelando tua intimidade já sem calcinha. "você nem vai perceber."
"mas não pode meter no meu rabinho," você se empina mais e faz graça, o vendo assentir freneticamente pelo espelho, e continua, na intenção de ver até onde ele vai: "e nem na minha bucetinha."
o rapaz agora te encara desnorteado pelo reflexo, completamente sem entender, e você sorri, tendo plena certeza de que finalmente o deixou desconcertado o suficiente para desistir e te deixar em paz.
"sem problemas," o argentino se recompõe e te assegura, logo em seguida arrancando um gritinho de surpresa da tua boca quando o sente enfiar o pau duro por entre tuas coxas e começar a estocar no espacinho vazio logo abaixo da tua bucetinha. "eu vou meter onde for preciso pra te foder."
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