#linda hayes
gatutor · 7 months
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Linda Hayes-Roy Rogers "Romance on the range" 1942, de Joseph Kane.
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peninsularian · 2 years
LA R&B, 1956
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letterboxd-loggd · 1 year
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The Spellbinder (1939) Jack Hively
January 22nd 2023
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It Takes A Village
Fandom: YJ98, Flashfam, DC Comics
Summary: After witnessing Bart murder someone, his friends scramble to cover Bart's tracks and stumble upon an international scandal as a result.
(Minor background: Bart took a gap year, and Conner did two years of community college. This starts shortly after Bart's 19th birthday. So, Conner and Jenni are 20, Bart and Cissie are 19, Tim and Cassie are 18, I made Greta 17 for the sake of the fic, and Judy is 15. I decided to make Owen 22 and Thad 16 for plot reasons. Clark and Conner are brothers in this fic, and Clark is 12 years older for the sake of this fic, so he's 32.)
Chapters: 1/?
Characters: Bart Allen, Conner Kent, Judy Garrick, Jay Garrick, Joan Garrick, Cissie King-Jones, Cassie Sandsmark, Tim Drake, Greta Hayes, Jenni Ognats, Thad Thawne, Owen Mercer, Meloni Thawne, Clark Kent, Wally West, Linda Park, Courtney Whitmore, President Thawne
Relationship(s): KonBart, CissieCassie, WallyLinda
Additional Tags: Serial Killer AU, No Powers AU, Angst, Dark Comedy, Bart Allen Kills in This Fic, Minor Thad Thawne, Separated in Childhood, Some Smut in This
Chapter One: Bubbling
It burned through him like a fever. Rage. A persisting bloodlust bubbled just beneath his skin, whooshing in his ears, twisting his insides, and tightening his throat and jaw. Rage. The emotion that clothed his grief and buried the ache that came with it. Nothing soothed the wildfire burning beneath his skin the way inflicting pain did. It started when he was a child, coming home with scraped knees and scuffed palms. Helen picked up on it when he was a high school freshman, poking and prodding at him for an explanation. Instead of answering, he found more discreet ways to quell the unspeakable rage inside. He turned to sports, training until his hands were calloused and his chest burned. Cheer and track pushed his body to its limits time and time again. Then he injured his knee in high school. 
The emotional pain he felt flooded his system. Not to mention the struggle of being uprooted again. He started living with Jay and Joan Garrick when he landed wrong during a cheer competition. Jay and Joan tried to support him through it, but he retreated into his mind. All through high school and the summer after graduation… Bart retreated into parties and people and eventually found himself across state lines in his best friend’s room, soaking wet, and trembling with fury. Conner touched his arm, trying to find Bart under layers of thought. He came to, feeling Conner’s gentle hand cupping his face. “Bart, did you hear me? You’ve gotta take off these wet clothes before you freeze half to death,” Conner whispered. Bart swallowed hard and nodded. He stripped off the wet clothes, tossing them in Conner’s hamper while Conner pulled a sweatshirt over Bart’s head. “What happened to you? How’d you get here? Why’d you come here?” 
“I don’t know… You felt—. It felt like the safest place for me to be,” Bart shook his head, smiling gently, smiling for Conner. No rage for him. Never for Conner. And Conner in all his wonder was unrelentingly kind. His eyes searched Bart’s for something to latch onto, to love… And he found something. Conner always found something to latch onto. Conner was a bottomless pit of love and affection—part of his unending empathy for others.  “What are you—? What are you looking at?” Bart asked. 
“You said it was safe here… It is safe… It is,” Conner reassured him. “I’ll get you something else to wear. Take a shower. I’ll explain to Ma and Pa in the morning.” Bart obeyed, still feeling hazy as he took the clothes Conner handed to him. He showered but blacked out between the shower and Conner’s bed. Conner watched Bart with big concerned eyes as he parted Bart’s bangs. “Conner? Are you scared of me?”
“No… I’m not scared,” Conner answered, “Why would I be?” When the rage quieted, Bart usually struggled to feel anything. Reaching forward, Bart felt a heartbeat. Not his. It wasn’t until he looked where his hand was that he realized… It was Conner’s heart. 
“This is my favorite feeling,” Bart breathed the words like a neverending sigh. He couldn’t feel anything internally, so he reached out for something in Conner, and Conner reached back. It wasn’t the first time Bart spent the night at Conner’s. He allowed his hand to drift from the warm fabric of Conner’s pajama shirt to his neck and then his lips. He swiped his thumb across Conner’s bottom lip to his cheek and smiled. “You’re my favorite.” 
“Bart, you’re high… You’re high,” Conner warned him. He took Bart’s hands and hummed gently. “Nuh-uh… We’ll talk about it in the morning.” The warmth of Conner’s hands grounded Bart’s little fists. It reigned him in and allowed him a moment to rest. He fell asleep holding Conner’s hands. 
Conner and Bart spent every moment of that summer by Conner’s side. They were inseparable, but he didn’t dare to speak on that first night after the incident. Conner’s bedroom set the scene for their summer. Sometimes their friends visited, but Bart sought something different that summer. That’s how it started. It might’ve saved his life. They sat in his window when Mr. and Mrs. Kent weren’t home, sipping beers and hanging outside the bedroom window. Rage quieted inside him, blossoming into something sweet. Perhaps it was infatuation. Behind locked doors,  Bart discovered a wealth of different emotions. Things he’d read about but never felt. 
It was the week before Bart had to leave for school that he decided to revisit the feelings that had stirred inside him months before. “Keep this quiet. Keep it mine,” Bart muttered in his mother tongue one night. He withheld that part of his life from Conner until that moment. It was a fragment of his shattered past, but he offered it without expectation. Conner stared into his eyes, finding whatever it was that he liked, and cocked his head.
“What does that mean?” Conner asked. Bart’s lips twitched, threatening to form a smile as he touched his chest. 
“Keep this quiet,” Bart whispered in English, pausing to tap to the rhythm of his heart. “Keep it mine.” He touched Conner’s chest, making a circle where his heart was. “It’s a quote my uncle taught me when he used to visit. It’s from a poem about two hearts beating as one… It’s about love.” Conner’s smile faded. 
“Bart,” Conner whispered. Bart looked into Conner’s eyes and leaned forward. Conner met him halfway, sliding his hand over Bart’s shoulder. “Are you sure?” 
Bart nodded, allowing Conner to cup his cheek. Fingers tangled in loose, soft curls. Bart’s impatience won over, and they knocked foreheads as Bart rushed a quick kiss. Conner pulled back, wincing as he rubbed his forehead. “Easy there, cowboy,” Conner chuckled. Conner offered a few quick pecks. Each one increased in length until Bart’s lips parted. 
Bart gasped, pulling away to clutch his chest. It pulled him from the numbness of the moment and forced him into a slew of conflicting emotions. Laying back on Conner’s bed, he stared at two trembling hands. He stared at his trembling hands. “Bart?” Conner whispered. “Are you having a panic attack?” Bart didn’t answer as he struggled to catch his breath. He hid his face under one of Conner’s pillows. Conner lay beside him, rubbing circles on his hand. “We don’t hafta—.” 
“It’s not—. It’s not that,” Bart interrupted, “My heart’s beating so fast.” 
Conner lay his head on Bart’s chest. “Yeah… That’s pretty fast. I’d almost mistake you for alive,” Conner teased. Bart laughed. It wasn’t fake. Bart often feigned emotions to blend in and hide the person he was inside, but Conner made him feel things he didn’t have to hide. “Let’s check under the hood.” Conner lifted Bart’s shirt and kissed his way up Bart’s stomach to his chest. “We’re getting there.” 
Bart tossed the pillow to the side, laughing as he pressed his palms to his eyelids. Conner pulled the quilt over his head. “Conner?” Bart whispered. 
“Want me to stop?” Conner asked. 
“No… Keep going. I’m okay now,” Bart answered, “But aren’t you hot under there?” 
Conner sat up, removing his shirt before giggling against Bart’s neck. He straddled Bart’s waist, waiting for Bart to sit up and meet him halfway. Conner peppered Bart with kisses. Neck. Cheek. Mouth. Neck. Breathlessly holding on to each other as Conner pulled away, staring into Bart. Bart stared back, chewing his lip as he looked down between them. “How far do you wanna go?” Conner asked. 
“I can’t… get naked… while your parents are in the next room… But I don’t want you to stop,” Bart panted. 
“Alright, is this good?” Conner asked as he nipped at Bart’s earlobe. Bart’s body lit up. His skin was aflame as he searched for something to say. “Maybe this one.” Conner nibbled his other earlobe. He moaned. Conner panicked and covered Bart’s mouth. The dark-haired boy laughed. “Shhh… Okay?” Silence. Stillness. “Are you getting hard?” 
“Is that not okay?” Bart asked. Conner laughed into Bart’s shoulder. “What?”
“You’re so hot,” Conner chuckled as he pushed Bart down. 
Bart raised his good leg, pushing against Conner as Conner wriggled against him, trying to find a comfortable position. Bart kissed Conner’s neck, his ears ringing as he struggled to stay in the moment. Guiding Conner’s face to meet his gaze, they shared a kiss. Bart’s eyes remained open. “Conner,” Bart whispered. 
“Does something hurt?” Conner asked. 
“No, it doesn’t hurt,” Bart whispered as he focused in. Conner looked at him. “Talk to me… I like to hear your voice.” 
Conner leaned close to his ear kissing his neck before whispering, “I had a dream we fucked once.” Conner slid a hand down Bart’s shorts. “I like the real thing better.” 
Bart’s heart sped up as his hips stuttered. Conner thumbed at Bart’s tip, smiling at the little bit of precum drooling from his head. Bart bit his lip and swallowed hard. “Are you close?” Conner asked. No answer. It took everything in Bart to suppress another moan. Conner removed his hand, spat into it, and returned to Bart’s dick. “How do you like to touch yourself? Do you like it here?” Conner slid his hand down Bart’s shaft and cupped his balls. Bart groaned from the back of his throat, trying to stay silent. “Or maybe you’ve touched here.” Conner put pressure on Bart’s taint with his thumb. 
“Aah,” Bart moaned lazily at the sensations that flooded his brain and body. Conner started rubbing against him as he felt Bart up. 
“Or maybe you twist your hand like this when you jerk it,” Conner suggested as he rotated his hand up and down Bart’s shaft. Bart’s propped leg dropped to the bed, and he rolled his hips, arching into every stroke. Conner moaned as Bart’s body collided with his. “That’s it isn’t it?” Bart kissed Conner’s neck, raking a hand through thick black curls. Conner laughed from the back of his throat.
“Keep going,” Bart whispered. Bart’s stomach heated up as he felt a tight sensation in his balls, and his dick twitched in his shorts. 
The bed creaked as they rubbed and frotted against each other. Bart’s throat tightened and his body tensed, going rigid as he orgasmed, drooling cum through his shorts. He bit down on Conner’s shoulder. “God,” Bart grunted as he came in Conner’s hand. 
Conner let go, grinding against Bart as his tip peaked out of his shorts. The friction hurt, but it wasn’t enough to stop him from frotting against Bart. “I’m sorry… I’m almost there,” Conner whispered between grunts. Bart smiled, gently tugging Conner’s hair. “Harder, I’m so close,” Conner whimpered. Bart gave his hair a yank. It was enough to get Conner all the way there. Conner moaned, throbbing as he shot a few ropes onto Bart’s sweatshirt. Conner rolled off of Bart, covering his face as he trembled. 
“I shouldn’t have—. I don’t wanna get you in trouble,” Bart whispered. Conner chuckled. 
“I’ll start the load in a minute… I’ll tell them I spilled queso in the bed,” Conner replied, “Are you okay? I thought I was losing you for a second earlier.” 
Bart cleared his throat. “Mhm… I—. I’ve been spacing out a lot… Going numb. Sometimes I lose time… Thanks for talking me through it,” Bart whispered. It was the first time he’d mentioned the numbness to anyone. 
Conner furrowed his brows and went wide-eyed as he touched Bart’s shoulder. “That must be scary for you… How long has this been going on?” Conner questioned as he leaned over and used tissues to wipe himself off. 
“A few months,” Bart confessed, “That night… Remember when I came here soaking wet a few months ago?”
“Yeah… You tried to tell me something that night, but I thought you were high… Why didn’t you tell me before?” Conner asked. 
“It didn’t matter… You always look after me. I have to tell you now because—. Well… You should know just in case we do this again,” Bart replied. “What did I say?” 
Conner pouted as he studied Bart’s face. He sighed before pulling out his phone and playing a voice recording. 
“I will never be free as long as my family remains separated by people in power. We’re all innocent victims… I won’t stop until I’ve paved my road home with their blood,” the recording of Bart was in Interlac. 
Bart hugged his knees. “I don’t think I said that to you. It was something I remembered,” Bart replied. He masked the internal horror he felt. Horror at the secret delight that filled his stomach, leaving him guiltily full. So full of hope at those vengeful words. 
“I gotta shower, but we can talk—.” 
“Can I come with you?” Bart asked. Conner kissed him. Bart’s skin tingled with excitement, rage, and lust. He pulled away, shivering excitedly as he shook his hands out. 
Conner nodded, taking Bart’s hand as they snuck down the hall holding a change of pajamas. They went to the restroom, and Bart sat on the counter, watching Conner run a bath. Bart crossed his ankles, fidgeting as he tried to stop the shaking. “What’s the matter?” Conner asked, stopping to push Bart’s bangs out of his face. “Shaking?” He nudged Bart’s cheek with his nose before kissing his cheek. “Still with me?” 
“Yeah… I’m here. My thoughts are racing, but I’m okay,” Bart replied. Conner smiled, studying Bart’s expression. Bart grinned. “I’m okay.” Conner nodded. “Hey? Conner, can I ask you something?” 
“Yeah, sure,” Conner replied. 
Bart chuckled with his tongue in his cheek. “How do you jack off?” Bart asked as he pantomimed masturbation. Conner grabbed his hands, laughing as he hid his face in Bart’s shoulder. 
“Shut up,” Conner giggled as he stripped down. Bart took his sweatshirt off. “Want me to wash your hair?” 
Bart nodded as he jumped down and undressed. Conner got in the tub and reached for Bart. “Water’s nice… Come on,” Conner whispered. Bart stepped into the tub, and Conner wrapped his arms around Bart, kissing Bart’s cheek. 
“You said you’d wash my hair,” Bart reminded him. Conner took a cup and covered Bart’s forehead.
“Tilt your head back,” Conner gently commanded. Bart obeyed while Conner wet the freckled young man’s hair. The warm water kept Bart present, and he shut his eyes. “Did you wash this morning?” 
“Uh-huh,” Bart answered as Conner reached for the conditioner. 
Conner squeezed the contents of the bottle into his hand. “I sleep better when you’re here,” Conner whispered. 
“You have trouble sleeping?” Bart asked. 
“No, but—. But it makes it easier to dream about you when you’re this close,” Conner answered as he massaged conditioner into Bart’s hair. Bart hummed pleasurably. “Remember when you shaved your head?”
“Don’t remind me,” Bart chuckled. 
“Why’d you do it?” Conner smiled. 
Bart’s smile faded as Conner rinsed his hair. “I wanted to look so different no one would notice me,” Bart answered honestly. Conner’s fingers raked through his hair, and he tapped Bart’s shoulders. 
“Um… You can open your eyes. And Bart… You’ve been a popular guy my whole life,” Conner whispered, “I never thought you had a problem with it. Why didn’t you say anything?” 
“I don’t know… I don’t always—. I don’t have a problem with being popular… I just—. I don’t get it,” Bart replied. 
Silence fell between them as Conner rested his forehead against Bart’s neck. Bart yawned without meaning to. “You can pull the plug so I can shower this conditioner off,” Conner whispered. 
“Right… Okay, do you want me to—?” 
“No, I just wanna—. We can swap spots for a second,” Conner awkwardly replied. They shuffled around in the tub while Conner grabbed his loofah and turned the shower on. “Have you called Jay and Joan lately?” 
It’d been weeks since Bart went home. Their missing daughter resurfaced, and he had to leave for college anyway. “Nuh-uh… Their daughter came home six months ago… And I’m leaving. It’s a weird time,” Bart answered. Conner frowned. 
“I thought the same thing when Clark visited home the first time… They’re gonna miss you. You’ve lived with them for three years,” Conner reassured him. Bart scrubbed his skin, trying to ignore Conner’s kind words. “You mean more to them than you think. You were with them for some of the toughest years of their life… That means some—.”
“I lived with Wally for a few weeks, Roy for a few months, Max and Helen for two and a half years, and Jay and Joan—. Well, you learn after a while that things like this aren’t meant to last. Conner, tonight was fun. I don’t wanna talk about home,” Bart muttered. 
“Okay… But—. But Bart, was tonight just fun?” Conner asked. He turned to Bart with his big blue doe eyes. 
“What? No. I didn’t mean it like—. I feel stupid. I meant—. I’ve wanted this for forever,” Bart clarified. 
Conner grinned. “Are you gonna miss me?” Conner asked. 
“That’s an extra hour’s difference. I’m sure I’ll manage,” Bart joked. Conner grinned. A joke was a good sign. “Who’s helping you move?” 
“Clark, Tim, and Cassie,” Conner answered. Bart knew that already. Their friend group was tight-knit from the moment they met, all outsiders in their own right. Bart loved them for it. Bart would never admit it, but he needed them. “And you?”
“Roy, Cissie, and Greta… Well… Technically, Cissie’s not helping. She’s moving into the dorm with me,” Bart replied. They switched spots after Conner rinsed off, and Bart washed up quickly with Conner’s loofah. Conner squinted. 
“Hey, Bart?” Conner asked. Bart turned facing him. “Did you ever use my loofah before this?” 
“I always use your loofah,” Bart answered before turning around. 
“Hm… Uh—. Okay. Do you like—? Do you use people’s loofahs at their houses all the time?” Conner asked. 
“No. That would be weird,” Bart replied matter-of-factly as he turned the water off. “Thanks for washing my hair… It felt nice.” 
Conner kissed his cheek. “Anytime,” Conner replied, slipping on boxer shorts. Bart buttoned a pajama shirt before putting on a pair of boxer shorts. Conner preened in the mirror, before noticing the marks on his neck. He turned to Bart and pushed his hair away from his neck. “We might’ve gotten a little carried away. I’ve been a little—. Well… It’s been a few days.” 
Bart turned the bathroom light off. “I haven’t in a few months… Not consciously anyway,” Bart mumbled as he headed down the hall. Bart noticed the hall closet was cracked at the end of the hall.
“Months?” Conner whispered. 
“A couple of times in my sleep, but other than that… Nothing,” Bart whispered. Monotone as he started fading out again. 
“Was it okay?” Conner asked. Bart stopped at the door, trying to remember what it felt like. “You can be honest with—.” 
“I—. I have to help you change the sheets… But I can’t—. I didn’t want it to end,” Bart answered. It sounded technical and not emotional at all. Conner turned Bart around and caressed his cheek. 
“Bart? Are you with me?” Conner questioned. The soft tone of Conner’s voice wasn’t enough to pull him back. “I’m about to sit you down, and I want you to tell me how you feel. Are you cold? Is it warm?” 
Conner changed the sheets quickly and put a different quilt down. “Conner? I don’t know… Can you—?” 
“Bart, it’s okay. Are you tired?” Conner asked. He hugged Bart, rubbing his back and whispering gentle reassurances. Eventually, Bart went limp in his arms. “Oof… Okay. I’ve got you.” Carrying Bart was easy, but the ordeal left him nervous. He held Bart and listened to him breathe until it lulled him to sleep.
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orange-s-mario · 2 years
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I think they should interact (I don't think they did?)
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osteocupcake · 1 year
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You know why you and Sidney don’t have my back?
Cos you’re weak and inferior to me. And mine.
You guys are fucking baby killers. Where is the joke
Sidney are you going to go to Sydney Australia and you’re going to be the new aboriginal ha, ha ha you stupid American Cunt. No, you’re not.
Linda Hamilton, if any of those fucking black ass low class trash balls mess with you call the neighbourhood dog or whatever I’ll bring a knife to the party.
Sidney better get a sand which because that ingrate is going to hell.
Jokes, you get fresh bread and joke with me.
You’re going to hell with aboot 35% of the low class black populous.
You’ll be my spur dog then, Sidney jokes jones.
You and Mr. Gregg you’re going to get some heavy heavy screws he already has you know that you don’t understand how serious these crimes are because you’re on low class nothing
Mr. Gregg, he already knows he’s in the shit and he already knows that I know everything but he’s gonna lie and I’m not gonna give a shit he is going to always be stuck right here
Meanwhile, some asshole I’ve never met officially wants me to be stuck right here so I called Linda Hamilton and I called Fiona apples auntie and I went ahead and called Fiona and you know I just need to hum
Fiona yes yes I agree that everybody needs to come sometimes that’s not the problem but I do encourage healthy sexuality and healthy expression of sexuality
Jokes against innocence and class.
Claws. Awe.
Severe anxiety.
Whose claw?
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Jammu and Kashmir.
Man say, “I’ll always have you.”
You know… I believe that.
The Laura’s ask about mars bars and Tennessee Williams.
Lemonade. Taffy.
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And claws. The moon, she hangs out with those twinkly foreigners from places like Austria and France. Bulgaria, some. Lol
Rosewater and delayed grins.
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Sendhil and Sidney are envious and jealous.
Wanting to see young girls suffer from severe anxiety. All the people they will never be.
A bear claw, a free fall.
Almost 130 degrees outdoors and
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I’m connected to black child African spurs.
Deliver those babies.
But Sidney and ramamurthy didn’t understand.
Lower intellect, low EQ
You’ll take nothing from the Indian tribes in the end, Sidney.
Hitting, they do. Low class. Get out and never return. But so help me god, if we need detectives because of those low class blacks,
African Americans HAVE asked for a war which they will undoubtedly lose.
And African men wink at me. Royalty, you know?
Do you?
Those two are sporty and the dumb drone wife literally dressed in a head dress out of spite, like the other greasers.
No, Olga. You dumb cunt.
And what is your husband compensating for? Lol.
0 notes
wally-b-feed · 2 years
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Anthony Fineran (B 1981), Jacob Hayes Linda, 2022
0 notes
omegaremix · 16 days
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Spring 2001 Mixtape.
All City: “Move On You” (RMX)
Roots Of Orchis: “Building Peaks”
Einsturzende Neubauten: “Was Ist Ist”
Nobodys, The: “Fuck You Too”
Pharcyde: “Oh, Shit!”
Isaac Hayes: “Buns O’ Plenty”
Sonic Youth & Yamatsuka Eye: No
AxCx: “Morbid Flowers”
Devola: “Pigeon Fight”
Chicks On Speed: “Mind Your Own Business”
Starflyer 59: “Wherever You Go”
Fidel Villeneuve: “I Wish I Was Dead”
April March: “Chick Habit”
Mr. Oizo: “Flat Beat”
Boards Of Canada: “Petina”
Ahmad Jamal: “I Say A Simple Little Prayer”
Sea And Cake, The: “Afternoon Speaker”
Company Flow: “Linda Tripp”
Heat, The: “Play The Drums”
Alter Ego: “Nude Restaurant” (Exploding Plastic Strings RMX)
Staple Singers, The: “Let’s Do It Again”
DJ Scud: “Mash The Place Up”
Smiths, The: “Panic”
Tristeza: Dream Signals In Full Circles
Chris Connelly: “Destestimony III”
Jean-Jacques Perrey: “E.V.A.”
Isaac Hayes: “A Few More Kisses To Go”
April March & The Makers: “Sometimes, Sometimes”
Einsturnzende Neubauten: “Fiat Lux / Maifestspiele / Hirnlego”
Camera Obscura: “Theory Of Sex As An Art Form”
Download: Effector
Unsane: “Vandal-X”
Elastica: “Mad Dog”
Autechre: “Flutter”
Gil-Scott Heron: “We Almost Lost Detroit”
Yoshinura Sunahara: “The New World Break”
Dorothy Ashby: “The Windmills On Your Mind”
Cutthroats 9: “Dirty”
Marvin Gaye: “After The Dance”
Chicks On Speed: “Stop Records Advert”
Donny Hathaway: “Singing This Song To You”
David Axelrod: “The Warning”
Company Flow: “Funcrusher Plus”
Wu-Tang Clan: “Cutting Heads”
Isaac Hayes: “Hung Up On My Baby”
Vision Of Disorder: “Pretty Hate”
Einsturzende Neubauten: “Styropor”
Geoff Farina: “The Rights”
Devola: “Well-Oiled Machine”
Peaches: “Fuck The Pain Away”
Johnny Rebel: “We Is Non-Violent…”
Death Cab For Cutie: “Company Calls Epilogue” (ALT)
Slits, The: “Typical Girls”
Ida: “Shrug”
Pharoah Sanders: “The Creator Has A Master Plan”
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gatutor · 7 months
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Linda Hayes (Sac. City, Iowa, 11/10/1918-Palm Desert, California, 19/12/1995).
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the-secret-garden1 · 23 days
I've seen lot's of videos and articles highlighting which politicians are supporting Israel. So I'd like to highlight some of the politicians in Australia that are on the right side of history. So when you get in your booth you can look for those that share your values, and that actually represent you. The one's that aren't for supporting a genocide.
Here's a list of the 49 members of Parliament who signed the latest petition:
Dr Anne Aly MP, Federal Member for Cowan
Mr Adam Bandt MP, Federal Member for Melbourne
Hon Linda Burney MP, Federal Member for Barton
Hon Mark Butler MP, Federal Member for Port Adelaide
Ms Terri Butler MP, Federal Member for Griffith
Senator the Hon Doug Cameron, Senator for New South Wales
Ms Lisa Chesters MP, Federal Member for Bendigo
Ms Sharon Claydon MP, Federal Member for Newcastle
Senator Sam Dastyari, Senator for New South Wales
Senator Richard Di Natale, Senator for Victoria
Senator Patrick Dodson, Senator for Western Australia
Mr Steve Georganas MP, Federal Member for Hindmarsh
Mr Andrew Giles MP, Federal Member for Scullin
Senator Sarah Hanson-Young, Senator for South Australia
Mr Ross Hart MP, Federal Member for Bass
Mr Chris Hayes MP, Federal Member for Fowler
Mr Julian Hill MP, Federal Member for Bruce
Mr Stephen Jones MP, Federal Member for Whitlam
Senator Skye Kakoschke-Moore Senator for South Australia
Ms Justine Keay MP, Federal Member for Braddon
Ms Susan Lamb MP, Federal Member for Longman
Dr Andrew Leigh MP, Federal Member for Fenner
Senator Sue Lines, Senator for Western Australia
Senator Gavin Marshall, Senator for Victoria
Senator Nick McKim, Senator for Tasmania
Mr Brian Mitchell MP, Federal Member for Lyons
Senator Claire Moore, Senator for Queensland
Ms Cathy O’Toole MP, Federal Member for Herbert
Mr Graham Perrett MP, Federal Member for Moreton
Senator Louise Pratt, Senator for Western Australia
Senator Lee Rhiannon, Senator for New South Wales
Senator Janet Rice, Senator for Victoria
Ms Michelle Rowland MP, Federal Member Greenway
Ms Rebekah Sharkie MP, Federal Member for Mayo
Senator Rachel Siewert, Senator for Western Australia
Senator Lisa Singh, Senator for Tasmania
Hon Warren Snowdon MP, Federal Member for Lingiari
Ms Anne Stanley MP, Federal Member for Werriwa
Ms Susan Templeman MP, Federal Member for Macquarie
Hon Matthew Thistlethwaite MP, Federal Member for Smith
Senator Anne Urquhart, Senator for Tasmania
Ms Maria Vamvakinou MP, Federal Member for Calwell
Senator Larissa Waters, Senator for Queensland
Senator Murray Watt, Senator for Queensland
Senator Peter Whish-Wilson, Senator for Tasmania
Mr Andrew Wilkie MP, Federal Member for Denison
Mr Josh Wilson MP, Federal Member for Fremantle
Senator Nick Xenophon, Senator for South Australia
Mr Tony Zappia MP, Federal Member for Makin
For more information check out:
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Bee Story vs. Crack that Whip
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Bee Story
Summary: While Phineas and Ferb get the wading pool for Linda ready, Isabella and the Fireside Girls attempt to get their Beekeeping patch by turning themselves into bees and rescuing the entire bee swarm from the power vacuum that Doofenshmirtz captured them in. Meanwhile, Professor Poofenplotz gets rejected by L.O.V.E.M.U.F.F.I.N. and tries to become queen of the world by stealing and consuming massive amounts of royal jelly.
Personal highlights: Poofenplotz
Crack that Whip
Summary: Betty Jo Flynn and Hildegard Johnson have a roller derby rematch: Betty Jo, Ferb and Candace against Hildegard, Jeremy and Suzy. But Candace is worried that if her team wins, Jeremy might not like her anymore. Dr. Doofenshmirtz is out to destroy a statue of Rutherford B. Hayes, but is plagued by a terrible headache.
Personal highlights: Doof having a headache and as a result doing basically nothing so so relateable
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moontrinemars · 2 years
Atma Karakas of Old Hollywood: Sun
Researched for me, recorded for you. Disclaimer in my bio.
The most common in my informal survey of female stars from the inception of Hollywood to its classic era, with 16 of the 75 having the Sun as their Atma Karaka. Of those 16, 5 were awarded with a spot on the AFI's List of Top 25 Greatest Female Screen Legends list. Their placements are listed by their name in parentheses.
As far as placements go, Virgo was the prevalent sign; Chitra, the prevalent Nakshatra and the 3rd, the prevalent house.
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Katharine Hepburn (#1): Sun in Aries, Krittika, 7th
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Claudette Colbert (#12): Sun in Leo, Uttara Phalguni, 12th
Lillian Gish (#17): Sun in Virgo, Chitra, 1st
Carole Lombard (#23): Sun in Virgo, Hasta, 5th
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Hedy Lamarr: Sun in Libra, Vishika, 5th
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Mary Pickford (#24): Sun in Pisces, Revati, 3rd
Angela Lansbury: Sun in Virgo, Chitra, 3rd
Helen Hayes: Sun in Virgo, Chitra, 2nd
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Lana Turner: Sun in Capricorn, Dhanishta, 8th
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Linda Darnell: Sun in Virgo, Chitra, 1st
Rhonda Fleming: Sun in Cancer, Ashlesha, 9th
Laraine Day: Sun in Virgo, Chitra, 9th
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Loretta Young: Sun in Sagittarius, Purva Ashadha, 7th
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Mae Clarke: Sun in Cancer, Ashlesha, 3rd
Maria Montez: Sun in Taurus, Rohini, Unknown House
Penny Singleton: Sun in Leo, Uttara Phalguni, 3rd
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oldbaton · 1 year
Hi Max!
Would love to hear your thoughts on the Tony noms if you feel like sharing :)
Ok sorry to you and the others who asked I wanted to digest them.
Sharron D. Clarke's snub is unforgivable at the level of Gideon Glick's snub for Significant Other. Just like Gideon she should WIN. Like yes Linda shouldn't be in featured, but its what happened and she should have a Tony for that performance. And after last year's loss too.
Actor in a play is likely Sean Hayes... but it is a dynamic category and there is room for an upset by Wendell or Stephen.
Jefferson's snub was also horrendous. My fav performance of the year. I never thought he would win because it is a holiday show. But what I was not expecting was a nomination snub. And they didn't forget about the show because it got some technical nominations. One of the most cherished experiences I have had in the theatre. Favorite show of the year.
I always though Some Like it Hot would get the most noms even though I haven't seen it. I know enough to know that it has a lot of actors for noms, and it is one of the stronger ones so it was a lock for a lot of categories it was a lock for. Shocked about Borle getting in based off of those performances on TV. I was hoping for Burnap for that spot specifically. But I'm being a fanboy, I'll get back to this when I see Camelot on Sunday. Everyone is going for Platt or Groban... but it's totally gonna be J Harrison Ghee. They have the narrative. Platt a Groban will split the vote. I have doubts SLIH will take musical but they'll want to give it something. I bet it will win actor and maybe choreo
I actually thought Camelot wouldn't get a revival nom. So shocked that it did. Donica's nom was expected. (Early this season I thought he would get an easy win but Shucked coming out of nowhere and Alex getting put in actor instead of actress threw a wrench in that). The lack of a Soo nom is really a snub (especially with her pulling double duty this season), I was so impressed by her charisma in the Today performance. Again, Andrew Burnap is one of my favorite male actors in the GAME so I was rooting for him big time. So weird to see it get a revival nom but not a nom for the book or direction? Feels contradictory.
Jessica Hecht out of nowhere nomination. There's always one though.
Jodie Comer is probably the easiest lock out of all acting awards. I also think Uranowitz is a lock. That said, I wonder if how hyped Prima Facie is could backfire and they could go for Chastain who is magnificent and worthy of the award. I'm not seeing it until the end of June though... talk then.
Leopoldstadt will sweep and it will be done. Life of Pi may have a chance of sneaking in for direction? Maybe.
I don't know how I feel about score, but KA should get musical, book, actress, featured actress. The score isn't great though. There are a couple good ones... but if it wins it will win from a KA sweep in the writing categories and best musical. I know best actress in a musical is competitve... but Victoria is giving a masterclass. Annaleigh, while fantastic, doesn't reach the depths that Victoria does. And Victoria has lost her previous three noms, which I feel increases her chances. Micaela is really amazing from what I've seen but I think this is gonna be a platform for her to move on to other meaty roles.
I need to see Parade.... but like I don't understand why these very nice concerts are being lauded as great revivals. I adored Into the Woods! It is a very nice concert though. And that's not being dismissive, I know that these can be impactful. The revival of Chicago is a concert that was expanded into a slightly fuller staging and it is MASTERFUL. So concerts CAN be great revivals.... but I just don't see it like everyone else does. But I am a little at a loss at the fact that either Parade or Woods will win revival. (I'll be so pissy if Sweeney wins).
I loved Shucked. It's dumb and unsubstantial but a blast. Glad ti got love. It should win direction, set, and featured actor. And it has a good shot at set and after seeing Alex Newell... there's no WAY they won't win. It's a textbook featured performance win. Taking one song and shaking the house DOWN with it. And they found some great dramatic beats in a duet in the second act. And it's such a thin show that it made it more impressive.
SO happy that Ruthie Ann Miles got in.
Prima Facie not being nominated for Best Play after WINNING the Olivier is gaggy
THREE new pulitzer prize winners for drama in best play. Gag.
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ginevrastilinski-ocs · 7 months
New Glee OCs!
When I will I stop making Glee ocs? For sure not today. Most of these live on vibes only but whatever
Veronica "Ronnie" Nell - part of an all-girls band (lead singer); New direction Member; baby lesbian; socially awkward but really nice; Quinn Ship Her fc is Maya Hawke!
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Susan Cole - part of the band (guitarist and second voice); Cheerio and New Direction Member; Her faceclaim is Vanessa Morgan!
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Harper "Honey" Hayes - part of the band (drummer); not ND Member; called Honey but ain't sweet Her faceclaim is Sophie Thatcher!
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Lula Delaney - part of the band (kayboard player); not ND Member; Her faceclaim is Saoise Ronan!
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Audrey Clay - part of the band (bassist); not ND Member; into witchy vibes (you should see her room lmao I love her) Her faceclaim is Barbie Ferreira!
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Connie Sanchez - future star; joins Glee in season 2 with Sam (but she's a Freshman!); basically just New Directions baby; basically no plot just vibes Her faceclaim is Madison Reyes!
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Linda Berry - Rachel's half sister; named after Glinda from The Wonderful Wizard of Oz; totally a Diva; oblivious as hell (aka "this girl hates me/ we're total enemies" when the other is highkey in love with her) Her faceclaim is Victoria Justice!
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Jennifer Glynn - "Beware The Quiet Ones" Trope Queen; doesn't know how to express feelings bc of shitty parents; angry face is her basic face (Is she angry all the time? No. Does she look like it? Absolutely); doesn't understand why the girl she likes hates her but she's sure she deserves it (no, you don't dear 🥺) Her faceclaim is Liz Gillies!
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Melody Wells - Lyra's twin; Little Miss Sunshine; pure vibes Her faceclaim is Dove Cameron!
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Lyra Wells - Melody's twin; Little Miss Badass; ready to kill you in any moment lol; just like her sister... pure vibes Her faceclaim is Dove Cameron!
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Cosette Chamberlain - Actress; Rich Bitch Energy; her and Cooper briefly dated when they were in high school; still good friends; will eventually end up together again Her faceclaim is Tilly Keeper!
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Chrissy Chamberlain - Blaine's best friend (due Cooper and Cosette); Crawford Country Day's student (at least at first); Hair of Gold, Heart of Gold until you piss her off (she can totally kick your ass so don't try it trust me) Her faceclaim is Peyton List!
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Carina "Cara" Fabray - Quinn's "less popular and weird" sister; a sweetheart; lowkey acts dumb on purpose; wants to be a photographer; Rachel ship Her faceclaim is Aimee Lou Wood!
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Kathleen Bao - Hopeless romantic; firmly believes bakery is a form of art; looks sweet, is sweet, still doesn't take anyone's shit; Artie ship Her faceclaim is Lana Condor!
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Garreth Duke - English teacher; sigle father; also basically ND's honorary father; a bit man-child but would die for his honorary kids; Emma Pillsbury ship His faceclaim is Paul Rudd!
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Ramona Solomon - Cheerio; McKinley's Queen Bee; lesbian princess who comes from a queer rich family; Quinn ship Her faceclaim is Sarah Jeffery!
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Kipp Hudson - Finn's twin brother; silly loveable jock; mainly lives on vibes His faceclaim is Milo Manheim!
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Linda Lee Danvers, Matrix, and their daughter, Ariella (R’el)
The story of Linda and Matrix is the story of two and of one; no longer entirely one or another, she was reborn as DNAngel of PROJECT’s Cadmus Branch, part of the Luthor Family’s attempts at proving the Thorulian Hypothesis. Who she was before is not entirely clear.
While her sister DNAngels accepted their programming entirely, Matrix dreamed of past lives: a girl growing up in a household and a town surrounded by images of a tortured, bleeding god; a fluid being dancing between stars until they were trapped in a body of electricity and metal; both bound by a single image seared into both their minds, a mind that was now one, the sigil of the House of El.
Escaping from Cadmus, Linda settled into a dual life not unlike many heroes before and after her. By day, Linda Lee was an art teacher in National City, until her very blood, bone, and skin began to warp and change, reshaping itself into her true body. Sometimes referred to as the “Biblically Accurate Supergirl” she found kinship among her adopted cousins, Kara and Alex, and love for a brief time.
Their daughter, Ariella, is a mystery unto herself. While she possesses her parent’s various abilities, she seems to have more besides, in addition to being able to become “unstuck” in hypertime. Ariella’s powers less resemble advanced Kryptonian abilities or the Thorulian DNAngels, and something closer to Greta Hayes or Pariah....
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usafphantom2 · 1 year
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Tap pictures to enlarge,👆 word for the program) would know that you were informed about more than what had been publicly disclosed.
The thrust in excess of 30,000 pounds in just one engine of the SR-71 delivered more than the combined thrust of all six engines on the B- 47. Several early pilots were previously B-47 pilots, as told in the book “Velocity speed with direction ” about General Jerome O’Malley, written by Al Casey, who said,” The B-47 was the minor league's SR -71 was in the big leagues.
In 1968 Senior Crown prepared to go 0L-8 OL stands for operation landing. The location for the operations landing was Okinawa. This began the theater of operations for the SR 71 during the Vietnam War. 9th SRS Commander Doug Nelson was transferred to Omaha. The new commander was Bill Hayes. His operations officer was Hal Confer they had a list of who would make the first combat sortie from the OL.
My father, Butch Sheffield, was not on the list. Several crewmembers that were still drying out from being briefed could not be placed in the operations theater because of their extensive beyond top-secret briefings about the still-secret A-12. They could not risk being captured by our enemies.
The first SR-71 pilot on the list was a Buddy Brown with his RSO David Jensen; this was the select team. Second, on the list were Jerry O’Malley and Ed Payne.
Third was Robert “Bob” Spencer and Ruel Branham. The backup crew was Jim Watkins and David Dempster.
On Monday, March 18 0L-8 was ordered to fly the first combat mission. The crew was Buddy Brown and David Jensen but higher-up headquarters canceled the combat mission. Then the backup crew of O’Malley and Payne were next on the list. They flew the first mission over North Vietnam, and the demilitarized zone DMZ. Ed Payne ( RSO) reported his defense equipment tracked FAN- SONG radar associated with SA-2 SAMs, with fortunately no lock-on. They made it on the way home to Kadena. O’Malley was dismayed to learn. The Kadena base was totally fogged in, and after a flyby, a Kadena, they were deferred to Taiwan. The mission was successful. The SR 71 continued to fly operational missions until 1990. all of the brave men that flew and their tremendous support team behind them are heroes.🇺🇸🇺🇸
written by Linda Sheffield Miller
Source, Al Casey‘s book “Velocity, speed with direction.”
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