#like you know. i know. but plausible deniability.
catboybiologist · 2 days
Re: tumblr bans of transfemmes.
Let's ignore PhotoMatt for a moment. Manbaby tech CEO doubling down on a stupid decision and making himself look like more of an ass doing so is not a new phenomena.
Tumblr has consistently said, in both public statements and leaked internal communication, that they're essentially running a skeleton crew.
They keep saying that they don't have the resources to moderate, manually review posts, have any kind of appeal process, or anything. So, as people have widely received communications about, they seemed to have automated a significant portion of the moderation to operate solely on the quantity of reports (probably with a basic filter, eg quantity of reports regarding a certain post, within a certain timeframe) to automatically ban or shadowban accounts.
And so, they wipe their hands, both to the users, the public, and their own consciousness, and go about their automated operations.
All of this is likely true. Tumblr, at this point, is essentially abandonware internally, a kind of weird vanity project/dumpster ground for server infrastructure for Automattic. Likely, they don't want the bad press of "shutting down" fully. Or maybe the trickle of revenue they get here just barely exceeds operating costs, so why not keep it around?
Whatever is the case, the bans are a result of an automated process working in the background. I'm giving them some benefit of the doubt here, of course, we can't know anything for certain- but it seems like the individual bans are not based on any specific, manual action.
And that doesn't fucking excuse anything.
Because at some point, multiple people sat down at tumblr, and decided how to cut costs.
And they decided that the bare minimum of report abuse prevention was one of the first things on the chopping block.
Before the boops. Before GUI reconfigures.
They decided to cut something that is necessary to manage online communities.
They decided to cut something that ensures any targeted group will have any kind of community online.
And then, after all of that, the only manual intervention is doubling down on the shitty decisions that the automated systems make, and plucking reasons out of their ass for why they were the right decisions all along.
It's pure silicon valley brain. Blame the computer often and always. Use it to shield the active decisions you made when designing the computer that way. Treat it as a fact of life as opposed to something they actively made decisions for.
Is tumblr staff hitting the banhammer on each transfemme one by one? No.
Is tumblr staff deliberately crafting a system that allows TERFs and other conservative bigots to get rid of the "undesirables" for them? Yup. But they sure as hell are trying to not say the quiet part out loud. If they can always point the finger somewhere else, to the advertisers, to the automated systems, to the TERFs, then they can always have juuusssttt enough plausible deniability.
But being the "queerest place on the internet" requires concious acknowledgement that queer people will be targets of harassment, and you will have to protect against that.
Side note, this is why I do try to keep my blog at least somewhat SFW. Its one of the main reasons why I choose not to reblog all of the posts I'm tagged in- if the post is overtly NSFW, I've probably seen it, appreciated it, and consciously decided my level of interaction with it mostly based on how "tumblr friendly" it is. Is that bowing down to them? A little. It's also my choice. I value the community I have here. The pushes that y'all have given me gave me the strength to transition, and honestly gives me a lot of motivation to research HRT biology as much as I can, among many other things.
Yeah, I post pictures that are clearly meant to be found attractive in ways that are generally not socially acceptable , but never actual NSFW. I would like to think that I'm pretty safe from bans, but hey. Who knows. I don't want to lose my follower base, and the community around it.
And yeah, I'm gonna annoyingly remind you of the other places to find me, make sure to check my pin. If you don't know where to go, just find me on reddit and go from there, I'll post about it if anything happens.
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accio-victuuri · 1 day
xz chongqing photos candies 📷
thank you to xz for sharing some shots from his homecoming! he honestly didn’t have to, he could have just spent time there as he deserves but he is so amazing so we got so many photos!!!! i also think this has something to do with him trending, cause some people saw him eating at a roadside stall.
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which kinda reminds us of when wyb was seen in the wild, eating food and just chillin. they both have that simple happiness ya know. doing normal things and i hope they get to that as they are in the same city right now. 🙏🏼
now let’s look at some clownery ⬇️⬇️⬇️
gege is really out here making us all suspicious! 😂 cause look at his lovely selfie. so handsome! but in the background? i mean— it might be yellow or the a different color but the lighting makes the notes behind him look pink and green. the same combo that yibo wore during the olympics event!
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and he has plausible deniability again because it’s just behind him — how could he know? he was only taking a random selfie! but is he really?
i swear sometimes he is so sneaky. 👀
since it’s live photos, there was also a flash of green after for this other one. and ✌🏼sign which is wyb’s usual too.
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the next one i noticed too cause the installation (p1) is interesting so he could have shared the whole thing right? for the artistic value. but he focused on the expression and that orange ball — making it look like a meme you could use or maybe edit it out. it reminded us of the popular memes related to wyb lately. yes! this is real! even verified accounts and others are using these cuteee wyb memes and expression packs. 😂😂😂
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i wouldn’t put it pass him to edit it into wyb’s (p3) then use it while texting him. lol. cpfs are cackling over this one cause it proves he knows how people are loving his memeable boyfriend!
not sure if it’s true or some bug, but apparently the set of photos was posted twice 10:31 and 10:32. why are you absent minded xz? who are you with? where are you??? tho i think xz has staff who can do this for him, i feel like for personal posts and when he is off work — he does it himself.
the photo he took, it has an ad screen beside it where apparently wyb’s milkground is playing!!! 🥹
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it was a short trip for xz back home but i hope he had fun! now he is back in Beijing with the love of his life!
i’m kinda nervous what will happen after their time together lol. they might go crazy again 🙃🙃🙃
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castiel angel of [dean] aka the worlds most insane passenger princess ever. i just know he pops his watermelon bubblegum on repeat and plays (with plausible deniability, of course. he was stretching) with the soft little hair at the back of deans neck when he gets pissy at idiot drivers. some people shouldn’t be behind the fucking wheel, cas, they’re a danger to others on the road- driver picks the music! oh you’re giving me sad wet pathetic eyes and touching my knee? fine you can blast good luck babe on the aux for the 69th time this week. why is there a bee in the car? oh she’s your friend? she lives in your pocket? get out of my fucking car and walk your ass home i don’t care that her name is susan. cas eats all the funyuns because he likes the texture once he gets past the molecules. dean can’t stop smiling. susan the honeybee gets to sit right up on the dash in the best patch of sun. cas sings along to the radio two whole octaves down and stares happily out the window when he isn’t looking at dean with unbearably tender fondness. dean loves him and he doesn’t even navigate
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anthonycrowley · 4 months
the thing about shipping is that it’s fine if you ship things and it’s fine if you talk about shipping things and it’s even fine if you ONLY talk about shipping things on tumblr. because to be honest this is the space you go to talk about shipping. it’s the shipping website. the problem arises when you talk to someone who talks about shipping and you’re like oh okay you’re only here for the ship. to the exclusion of everything else. and then you’re like. hm. and to be honest even this is somewhat acceptable on the shipping website but sometimes certain people will want to eviscerate you for it. and that’s okay.
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neofelis----nebulosa · 6 months
Po and Tigress's relationship is so funny because they're written like a queerbait couple but like. its a male character and a female character. like theres some stuff that is obviously written in a way that can be interpreted as romantic but like the movie never actually backs it up with any further development of a romance between the two. there's always that plausible deniability so they dont actually have to follow up on it.
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wouteke · 4 months
If i wrote really unhinged mathieu/avg. rob would you all support me
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gayofthefae · 5 months
The way Mike does not have love songs for El on his playlist. The closest he gets is season 1's "She Blinded Me With Science". He has songs that are promising like "I love her-" and you're like cute stop there and then he doesn't and says "-so I guess I'll force myself to date her" CHILD NO
Meanwhile Will...gets described as "tempting, can't get enough, like religion" in his first love song and eventually as explicit as "I was falling in love I was falling in love Falling in love Falling in love Falling in love". He even gets thirsted over at thirteen. (still on that. was not expecting it but hormones yk that's fine)
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coldshrugs · 5 months
pairing: io laithe / estinien varlineau word count: 4.6k summary: [modern au] estinien meets io in a support group for grieving youths. set five years before this.
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Estinien is early—the first one in the room, as usual, even before Counselor Miounne arrives. It’s part of the ritual.
Hit the lights and dim them to three-quarters. Turn on the fancy instant coffeemaker, make sure there are enough of those little fucking pods for everyone. Sugar and powdered creamer too. Music on, some unobtrusive classical harp thing he doesn’t care for. Then he arranges nine chairs in a loose circle and, selfishly, puts the least squeaky one in his spot across from the window.
It helps, to do these tasks before their sessions. The work allows him to mentally prepare for this, because when is it easy to circle death’s drain for two hours?
With the space set up, he slings his backpack over his claimed chair and waits.
They stroll into the meeting in ones and twos. They make their coffee, ask about their weeks (in the casual way, where you’re supposed to answer “fine” even if it wasn’t; the real answers will come later). Eventually, Miounne enters and everyone finds a seat.
He isn’t great with names, but he knows a few by now. Lyse, the one with the sister and dad, and one of the youngest members. Leofard, the one with the mom. He knows all the faces though, and the one hovering by the door is new.
She’s tall, but slouching a little, crossing her arms like she’s scared to take up space or trying not to be seen. Inky blue hair is piled into a loose bun on top of her head, with long wavy strands hanging around her freckled face. Her eyes are bloodshot, almost too focused. She must be new.
As he watches her, her gaze cuts over to him—
“Estinien,” Miounne calls. His attention snaps from the girl at the door to his counselor. “Another chair, please?”
“Yeah, sure.” He quickly grabs one from the nearest stack, looking for a decent place to put it. Two kids slide their chairs apart so he can fit this one between them. Right in front of the window.
He sits again and Miounne claps softly, still standing in the center of the circle.
“Hi friends,” she says, more gently than usual. “It’s been a while since we’ve welcomed a new face, hasn’t it? I know we’re all capable of extending warmth and patience to those who need it, so let’s be mindful of that as we welcome Io to our group, okay?”
She gestures to the door, beckoning the new girl in. Io. He’ll try to remember that. He wonders who she lost and when, and tries not to wonder how. The how never matters anyway. Gone is gone.
“Welcome to Haven: Youth Grief Counseling, Io. Take a seat, just there, sweetie.”
Io sits down and Estinien regrets this seating arrangement; he’s lost the window view. She glances around the circle, her polite smile is a tight line. Her eyes flick to him once more, then back to the floor.
Miounne sits too. She claps one more time and they begin.
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Next week starts the same. His chin is in his hand, elbow propped on his bouncing knee as they arrive. Lyse. Leofard. New girl.
Leo takes his seat next to Estinien and leans over. Oh god.
“Estinien,” he whispers loud enough for almost everyone to hear. His eyes flash to the new girl making coffee by herself. “I found out what her deal is.”
“Happy for you,” Estinien says. That’s not his business. But he stupidly glances at Leo anyway.
“She’s like you. Total wipeout—we’re talking mom, dad, two younger siblings—about a year ago. Just now going back to school, apparently.” He looks at her again, taking a bold head-to-toe survey, and Estinien follows. She’s tall, willowy, and there’s something disciplined about her posture; the set of her shoulders feels intentional even in her depression slump. Her ears tilt, and he turns back around. Leofard is still staring. “Wonder what else she’s ready to get back into…” He winks at Estinien.
“Probably best to leave her alone. She’s not here to find a date,” he says.
Leo huffs in fake offense. “Well, neither am I but if it happens, it happens.”
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A month passes, one week bleeding into the next, and Estinien is always early to Haven. But someone is earlier today, of all days. The door is open, the light is on, and the chairs are in their circle.
Io is waiting.
He remembers her name now. It’s easy to remember the girl who hasn’t said anything in five sessions. It’s unusual, but understandable; they’re all strangers to her, and if what Leofard said is true, he’s impressed she’s showing up at all.
Estinien recalls what his loss was like a fresh wound—the anger throbbing in his chest, sobbing his voice raw for days, not eating or sleeping. He wouldn’t speak to Alberic at first, either. It feels so childish to him now. But looking at her… those feelings echo in his chest, and he is sharply reminded that grief doesn’t shrink.
He shoots her a courtesy smile as he starts the coffeemaker and CD player.
“Sorry about the shitty music,” he says as the sound of softly plucked strings fills the space. When he looks over, she’s staring at the floor again, eyes wide—that awkward “what the fuck” face—and his stomach flips. He said something wrong.
He takes his seat across from her, trying to bury the urge to wait on the bench just outside the room when his chair squeaks. Great. He takes a deep breath and rolls his eyes. To deal or not to deal? He is, unfortunately, too big for the noise to keep from happening and he can’t be annoyed for the next two hours. What does he care if she thinks he looks crazy?
He stands up and jostles the next chair, which is better but not great. He tries the next. Even worse.
“What are you doing?”
The rasp of her voice is so quiet that he doesn’t fully catch the words.
He looks up from the red plastic in his hand. “What?”
She looks like she wishes she’d not asked at all, rubbing a hand anxiously over her arm. She sighs. “With the chairs. What are you doing with the chairs?”
“Trying to find one that doesn’t squeak. I usually—”
“I took that one.” She glances up at him, grimacing, but there’s a light in her eyes. It’s the least miserable he’s seen her so far. She thinks this is funny. “Sorry. You can have it back.”
He puts a hand up when she stands. He’s not taking the chair from the sad girl. “Uh… no. No, you can take it. There’s probably another one that isn’t annoying as fuck, I’ll find it.”
“Then let me help you. It’s only fair, since I disturbed your whole—” she gestures slowly around the meeting room— “process.” God, her voice is in shreds.
He can’t say no when this is the first sign of life she’s shown in over a month, at least here. He nods. “Sure, if you want.”
They go through the chairs in the circle, then the others neatly stacked in the corner. They don’t really talk, besides simple directions: “I tried that one already,” and “will you pass me another,” and “holy shit, that’s the worst one yet.” Estinien is keenly aware of her shifting around him, slowly at first, and then with less hesitation. Finally, they find a chair that doesn’t creak when he sits or moves. It goes in his spot and they clean up the rest.
“Hey,” Io says, and the word is conspiratorial. She catches his gaze, and something about hers makes him feel like glass, like they almost know each other. Like he’s seen her before, a blurry smile littering the backgrounds of photos in the album he managed to salvage, only viewed in profile or half out of frame, obscured by the barely remembered vacation or birthday party in the foreground. He swallows as she reaches into her bag and pulls out a black marker. “Should we make sure we never lose these again?”
“Vandalism? In our therapy group?” He squints, shoving down the fondness she’s conjured in just a few minutes. “Do you even need to ask?”
She laughs, or tries to. It comes out weak and cracked as she crosses to his side of the circle and kneels beside him. She pops the cap off the marker. “It’s Estinien, right?”
He nods, “Yeah.”
“I’m Io. The other total wipeout”—she air quotes Leo’s label—“but you already knew that.” She scribbles a small “E” on the side of the chair then heads back over to her own, where she writes an “I.”
It’s almost time for group to start.
“Are you gonna talk about it today?” Estinien asks. It’s just them sitting directly across from one another, surrounded by empty chairs.
Io shrugs, and her body seems to fold in on itself. Making herself small again. “I don’t know. It’s hard to talk about it at all. I’ll try?”
“You don’t have to. But it does help, in a weird way.”
The others drift in at the usual leisurely pace, Miounne claps, and they begin.
First question: “How are you feeling today?”
They go in a circle starting at Miounne’s left. Some answers are simple, like Leo’s.
“Pretty good. I started planning a trip for fall break, somewhere I think Mom would’ve liked to see. I’m looking forward to telling you guys about the trouble I got into when I’m back.”
Sometimes there’s a follow-up, sometimes Miounne will let it hang. Estinien has no idea how she gauges that, but it feels right.
He’s third to answer.
How does he feel today? He picks at the frayed edge of a hole in his jeans.
“I’m kind of anxious today. I declared my major this year so everything feels… more real, I guess. I’m trying to study for a couple of tests next week but I read the page and it may as well be blank. Nothing sticks. I keep worrying I might…” He pauses. This is normally when he’d look out the window; when something heavy rises to the surface, it’s easier to look outside, but for five weeks, Io has been sitting in front of him. The broken habit means he shares less. But how can he encourage her if he can’t bend a little himself?
He looks up, and there she is—dark, curious, and strangely calming, her eyes burn a hole right through him. Behind her, the trees in the courtyard are starting to take on shades of autumn, gold and bronze intensified by the sunlight filtering through the leaves. It’s a view he can deal with. Io gives him an almost imperceptible nod.
“I worry I might let them down. It feels stupid to say out loud,” he laughs with a short snorted breath. “It’s always in the back of my mind though: what would they think of me now? What does this action mean to them? I guess it doesn’t mean anything and I should just study for the damn test so I can actually be someone they’d be proud of. Anyway… yeah, I’m anxious today.”
Miounne reclines a little in her seat. “Have you tried anything to help you study, to shift that focus on what your family would think towards something more current?”
He nods, looking from Io to Miounne. “Yeah, uh, I’ve asked a friend to join me. We’re going to try that today. He’s been pretty supportive since learning about all of this, and his grades are better than mine anyway. And I try to think about Alberic, my former guardian, I guess. I think he’d be proud of me no matter how I end up, so that helps.”
“Excellent,” she says, looking around at the others before spelling out the lesson. “Leaning on others is a great way to remind ourselves how loved and valued we are, especially when lower moods may make you want to isolate. Re-establishing bonds of friendship, or building new ones, helps bring your focus to just how strong your current support system is, or where it’s lacking. I think you’re doing that beautifully, Estinien. Thank you.”
He exhales, shying away from the praise and returning his focus to his frayed hem. Maybe that’s enough sharing for this week.
They keep going. Io is second to last, and though everyone expects silence by now, Miounne asks anyway.
“How are you feeling today, Io? Anything you want to share?”
He looks up again—will she actually say something today?—and she’s focused on him now. The room is empty again, except for the two of them in the empty circle. Fresh sharpie smell rising from their initials on the chairs.
“Hey,” she says, raising her hand in a little wave. “Sorry for being weird. I’m trying.”
“No such thing as weird in this room,” Miounne offers.
Io doesn’t look away from Estinien. She brushes a stray lock of hair from her eyes, and the tiniest hint of a smile pulls at the corners of her lips.
“I’m feeling okay today. As okay as I think I can feel right now, anyway. I cleaned my apartment this morning. And I’ve been working really hard on a piece for my school’s symphony showcase before fall break. I even invited some friends I haven’t talked to in… too long.”
“That’s wonderful, Io!” Miounne leans forward, elbows on her knees. “I read you major in music at RSU? What do you play?”
Her eyes fall to her lap. “Pedal harp. Mostly classical, but sometimes I make arrangements of new music, for fun.”
“Thank you for sharing today, Io. We appreciate the opportunity to get to know you.” Miounne moves on, and so does everyone else.
But Estinien is stuck on this one thing. His stomach ties itself in a knot. Without knowing, he insulted her, and then she helped him with the stupid chairs… And it doesn’t even matter, because she doesn’t know him. They don’t go to the same university, and the only things they have in common are their dead families and the two hours a week they spend in this room. He has no notions of being friends with her, and definitely nothing like what Leofard has in mind. Still, he can’t stop it gnawing at him.
The session wraps and he approaches Io before she leaves.
She turns to him, for once standing at her full height, and they’re almost eye to eye. The almost-smile is back, and that gnaws at him too. “Hey, thanks for the nudge earlier. You were right.”
“Yeah, well,” He fidgets with his keys. “I’m sorry for calling the music shitty. I didn’t know harp was, like, a thing for you.”
Her laugh is stronger than before. “Wait, are you serious? You had no way to know that, and I’m not the music police. You don’t have to like it.”
He shrugs. “Still not a cool thing to say. I mean, I only really know it from this place anyway.”
“Would you… want to come to my concert?” She asks slowly, then shakes her head. “That might be dumb. That’s all the way across town and we basically just met. I—”
A strand of hair falls into her eyes and his fingers twitch as she tucks it in with the rest. She’s still rambling when the words rush out of him before he considers them.
“Yeah, I’ll come.”
“—Oh.” Wide, surprised eyes blink up at him. “Okay, great! You can bring a friend, or a date, or whatever. I’ll bring tickets for you next week?”
Estinien pockets his keys. “Sure. I’ll see you then.” Despite his clumsy apology to someone who may as well be a stranger, as Io leaves, he feels the same wave of nostalgia from earlier. Some things are true no matter how you fight them.
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Estinien enters his dorm with two tickets in hand. Keys in the bowl by the door, backpack under his desk, shoes in the closet. He falls onto his bed with a little bounce, holding the shiny slips of paper up to the light.
“What took you so long?” Aymeric asks from his bed on the other side of the room. He’s reclined on a few pillows, and it looks like he’s alternating between two books. “I’m starving.”
Estinien shrugs. “Got caught up talking to someone after the session. She invited me to her concert in a couple of weeks. Wanna go?” He holds the tickets out for Aymeric’s inspection.
He looks them over, brows raising in slight surprise. “You actually want to go to this?”
“I don’t know, but I said I would.” Estinien sits up. “It can’t be that bad, can it?”
“Is she cute, whoever she is?” Aymeric lazily passes the tickets across the canyon between their beds. “Can’t see why you’d want to go otherwise. I mean, I definitely want to go, it sounds kind of fancy, but you… Hmm.”
“Shut up,” he laughs. There are other reasons, but the most important is making amends for being a dick, even by accident. “Her name is Io. She’s nice, seems cool now that she talks. She’s new to the group.”
“We can go, but you didn’t answer the question.”
“Look, it’s nothing like that. She even said I could bring a date.” Estinien places the tickets in his nightstand drawer, regretting the decision to ask for company.
Aymeric shakes his head and returns to his reading. “You poor, sad muppet. Order a pizza already.”
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They stand outside the theater in their untucked button-downs over jeans. Estinien hasn’t been on this campus before, but Aymeric has; thanks to an on-again-off-again thing with some miqo’te guy who goes here, they were able to find the place quickly.
“Are we meeting her before the show?” Ayms asks, scanning the crowd. He’s been eager to learn more about Io in the days leading up to this.
“Nah, she’s backstage, but said I could text her after. It’ll be quick. She has other friends coming, so I’ll just say hi.” It sounds simple enough, but anxiety prickles across his chest.
Inside, they find their seats in the front row of the balcony—a surprisingly nice view.
“Not bad,” Aymeric admires the architecture, comparing things to this venue to the one on their campus, but Estinien hasn’t been in that one either. He only catches half of what’s said, eyes focused on the stage. Aymeric nudges him with an elbow. “She’s the harpist, right?”
He nods. “Yeah, she has a solo at some point.” He rubs his hands on his jeans, sitting forward in the seat a little as the lights go down and the musicians file onto the stage.
“Relax,” Aymeric whispers. “You might enjoy it if you chill out. Look, there she is.”
He points through the dark as she approaches the harp in the back center, almost directly in front of him, and he’s reminded of how they sit during Haven. She’s wearing long black boots and a short dress of the same color, with loose sleeves he can see through. Her hair is down tonight, but pulled back from her face. She’s pretty, even from here.
“Whoa.” Aymeric sits forward too. “You couldn’t just say she’s cute, could you?”
“I told you, it’s not like that. She just lost her fami—”
Aymeric’s smile is infuriating, cradling his chin in his hand. Estinien shoots him a dark look, then passes a hand over his face as anxiety twists into hot embarrassment, thankful for the darkness as the music starts.
And it’s the music he can’t look away from. There’s more movement in it than he expected, a rawness the CDs or digital streams just don’t portray. Everyone is working to build part of a whole, and each of them can be heard in the larger sound.
Then there is Io.
Admittedly, his experience is limited, but he’s never seen her like this. Every motion is fluid, yet deliberate, even while supporting such a heavy-looking instrument. She is focused, on her hands, on the sheet music in front of her, on the others playing around her. And she looks… serene. Happy.
The tempo slows during the fourth song and a godlight falls on her, a little spot of brightness that eclipses all else. Her solo. Estinien holds his breath.
She builds suspense with sound, then her hands move faster than he can make sense of. Sometimes she places a hand flat against the strings to still them, and that is what hollows out his chest. The elegant control in what he thought was so simple. This is nothing like the CD in their support group. He could listen to this forever.
The rest of the orchestra gradually rises around her until the lights on them lift once more. He might be disappointed if the whole thing didn’t work so well. They bring the song to a close, then stand to take their bows while the audience applauds.
Estinien pulls out his phone. He’s supposed to text her, but how does he follow that? Aymeric hovers over his shoulder, watching him type and delete the same sentence three times.
“What do I say?”
Aymeric rests his chin on Estinien’s shoulder, loudly um-ing and ah-ing, and he almost regrets asking. “How about this: ‘Loved the show. I’m still around if you want to meet up.’ Simple, right? And contextually open-ended, in the unlikely case you get a grip.”
He rolls his eyes but types and sends it while she’s still on stage. It’s several minutes after the musicians exit the stage that he gets a reply: “I’m so glad you came! Take the exit to the left and the door immediately to the right, and tell the attendant you’re with me, see you soon!”
They follow the instructions to a cramped backstage area. People are carrying flowers. Should he have brought flowers? Too late now.
They wander the crowd aimlessly, and his anxiety creeps in with each passing second. There’s a touch at his elbow, light but guiding.
“Estinien,” Io’s voice. Her quiet rasp is familiar to him now, and she sounds far more healthy than when she first spoke to him. He turns to her, and she beams. “Thank you for coming!”
He isn’t sure what to do, and he has no token of congratulations to give her. “Thanks for inviting me. Inviting us, I guess.”
“Us?” Io looks over his shoulder, where Aymeric is practically buzzing as he waits to be introduced.
Ayms extends a hand, “Io, it’s wonderful to meet you. I’ve heard so much about you—”
“He asked constantly. I didn’t want to tell him anything—”
“—and it’s nice being able to put a beautiful face to a beautiful name.”
Estinien covers his face with his hands. “A merciful god would’ve killed me by now.”
Io accepts the handshake, “And you are?”
“Aymeric. Estinien’s roommate and, because he won’t say it out loud, his best friend.”
“Well, it’s nice to meet you, Aymeric. I’m glad you guys came; I know it’s a big ask and it’s not everyone’s taste but—”
“It was amazing,” Estinien’s mouth moves before his mind catches up, something that seems to be common in her presence. Io and Aymeric stare at him, brows lifting in unison. Her neck has flushed red. “I just… didn’t know what to expect, but it was impressive.”
Io’s half-smile, the one he’s learning she wears when she’s nervous, lifts the corner of her lips. “Thank you. I wasn’t trying to change your life or anything. I just thought it’d be cool to show you what I do, and maybe get to know you better too. You know, the “bonds” Miounne is always talking about.”
“Io!” A group of people call out from several feet behind them, waving her over.
She waves to them, then turns to him with an apologetic smile. “Sorry, those are my friends. I’ll be right back.” He watches as she walks away and they sweep her into a noisy group hug.
“Dude,” Aymeric whispers, “Should I go? Do you want me to go?”
“Go where?”
“Go! Home!”
Estinien glances back at Io, and her friends are definitely looking over at them. “And leave me with them?”
Ayms grimaces, balling his hands into fists. “With her!”
Estinien shakes his head. “No, just give me a second and we can both go.” Aymeric silently fakes a scream.
Io returns, wringing her hands as she says, “We’re going to grab some dinner from a place nearby; you guys are welcome to join us.”
He hesitates. Maybe Aymeric is right and he should stay, or maybe assuming someone working through her grief wants anything more than a friendship with him is not in either of their best interests. “We should probably get back. We’ve both got to pack before break starts.”
Io’s expression dampens. “Oh, okay. Well, thanks again for coming out. I’ll see you at Haven in a couple of weeks?”
“Yeah.” He nods. “See you there.”
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Estinien turns on the light and adjusts the dimmer. It’s been a while since he’s been first, but Io shows up right after him.
“Hey,” she says quietly, heading to the CD player while he starts the coffee maker. The ritual is no longer just his.
“Hi.” He’s rummaging through the cabinet beneath the coffee station, gathering the supplies, when she starts the music. It’s not their usual instrumental album… “This is from your concert?”
She starts on the chairs. “I hope it’s okay. I emailed Miounne when I got the recording to ask if I could bring it in, to show everyone what I’ve been working on and that I’m kind of normal outside of all this. But I can switch it back, if you’d rather keep the routine.”
His eyes fall closed and he is back in the theater, watching her play in a beam of light, arms unfurling around the strings like flightless wings and he doesn’t think “normal” is a good description of her at all.
He opens his eyes.
“No, this is fine.” He stands and arranges the little coffee bar. “I meant it. I thought it was great.”
“That’s a relief,” she laughs a little. “I mean, I believed you, but…”
He frees the rest of the chairs from their neat stack. Their initials are on the last two. He passes her the “I.”
“But what?”
Io crosses her arms behind her chair, bites her lip. The early evening sun illuminates the courtyard, and as it streams through the window little specks of its light catch in her hair. “I don’t know, I always feel nervous trying to make friends.”
It’s like he thought. He can tell Aymeric once and for all there’s nothing else going on here. Which is fine, of course. It’s fine. He wants to learn more about her, and let her get to know him too. He doesn’t have a ton, but he thinks he’s a decent friend. He could be a good friend to Io.
“Yeah,” he says, ignoring the heavy, unnameable thing settling in his stomach. “Me too. But it kind of feels like we’re already friends, right? So don’t worry about it too much.”
Io’s smile pokes through her bitten lip as she takes her seat across from him, the sun at her back. “Yeah, I guess we are.”
She is still smiling when everyone joins them, when the session begins, when Miounne asks how she’s feeling today, and when she bids him goodbye with the promise to text him this week. He knows because he can’t help but look at her.
Some things are true no matter how you fight them.
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bahoreal · 9 months
im gonna go off on one in the tags pls enjoy
#ive been going by jay online since i was 13 irl since i was 15/16 and my mum cant get used to it#me my friend and both our mums hung out last week and i heard my mum telling his mum 'i just cant get used to [their] name. they want to be#called /jay/ but i just cant do it' literally everyone else including my brother and my dad uses my chosen name#apart from when theyre around my mother! because her force of disgust is definitely more important than my agency and want to be called by#my own name... i have been thinking about wanting to be called another name like. interchangably with my name#and i think id go with yasha. its the diminutive of jay so like. if we friends i want to be yasha x#but also realising how much i want to have autonomy over my name came from picking a name in 2021 for practise in chinese#and my friend helping me decide between something that sounds similar (林植 cos the first character kinda sounds like my eng surname) and a#more literal translation where i was like the translation of jay is 松鸦 i could use that haha and she went but the 鸦 character is awful#you could be 松雅! its then a pun and makes me sound fancy. and i was so happy just making choices and getting to like#pick my own name that peoplw could use. really a revelation. anyway i was kinda on hold for a bit living at home but now im freer hearing#her go on that 'jays choice of name is so hard on me' rant really made me..... start thinking and reminiscing about my name. and me. u know#jay wasnt even my choice its just my initials that i started going by as like. plausible deniability that i wanted to change my name#i remember thinking more about it when i was younger and deciding against other names Specifically because it would be easier to go#'its just my initials!' yeah. im 25 is it too late to change names#sorry for long rambly disjointed rant. hope this was enlightening if u made it this far
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mastersoftheair · 6 months
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some now-deleted comments from a reddit thread about the MotA intro credits/music. get excited, musicheads!!
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forbiddennhoney · 2 months
im so fucking tired of seeing ppl say "i love bigger ppl" "bigger women" "bigger butches" "bigger femmes" "bigger dykes" - like y'all know you can say fat right. y'all know its not unethical to be attracted to fat ppl enthusiastically right? y'all know fat isnt a fucking slur right?????
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finnlongman · 11 months
My favourite moment of the ICCS so far is having somebody go, "Oh, you're Finn? I'm so excited about your paper! I love Láeg!" And then we talked for like 20 minutes about how great Láeg is and how neglected he's been in scholarship and it was fun. 🥰
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gonchmovie · 1 year
Goncharov is so good because technically there is found family, but all that happened before this (they grew up as street urchins), so now you're left with a group of "old friends" who are like "yeah I found my chosen family (and then we joined a crime family). We're close but you know what? Fuck them." And then everything falls apart in the most tragic way possible. Like don't forsake the magic of friendship besties or it will forsake you.
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sysig · 10 months
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TVAU Outfit, coming someday (Patreon)
#Doodles#Just Desserts#Villainsona#True Villainy AU#I still have Zero ideas that I haven't already touched on and rejected lol#I know what I'm Not looking for but a design that I'm happy with all the way around eludes me#It can't look too Queenly and it can't have too much of Charm's original colours or shapes#But it also can't Just look like Kaiein either!#The whole point is that he's influencing her from the shadows - he doesn't want his fingerprints to overshadow hers#Mostly for plausible deniability but it's also an ego thing for him#A kind of ''Look what I've made'' without it just Being Him Again#The real problem is that his ego is in conflict with itself he always wants the impossibly high expectation met#He both wants it to be her and not him as well as having an obvious influence but not So noticeable fdlsafjdf#He's infuriating#But that is by design :/ Damn it lol#The middle two could probably be from S2Classic! No AU needed! Wowie!#Expectation and High Standards and Living Up To Your Potential are some of his big themes - external validation thaaaaanks#Charm is under no obligation to live up to standards or expectations set by someone who's not actually interested in her happiness#''Potential'' pff just because you Can doesn't mean you Should - that's kind of her whole villainy deal lol#But that's why he's a great reinforcement-lesson for S2#Archive - Uploaded June 22nd 2023#There have been a few developments since then :3c#The biggest blockades to fully publishing this was the last two panels of the minicomic lol - they were in limbo for like a month#Finally finished! A sort of sequel to the set of them trying to come up with an outfit and him shouting her down#He deserves to get things thrown at him
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starswordartblog · 8 months
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Shininginktober Days 2 & 3 - Bowie & Oddeye (+ Peter)
Quiet guy carrying the world on his shoulders, quiet guy with demons on his past, and a chicken who talks enough for three people. I love them. I also have no idea if I wanted Peter to be this big but it's too late to go back now lol
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skaruresonic · 4 months
kinda ironic that I'm listening to Forces' version of Rhythm and Balance rn, huh. "Shadow don't make me upset" indeed
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