#like research on media and media reception can be interesting
kosegruppaa · 7 months
idk is it just me. or is this whole max sending out surveys about its shows (including ofmd) kinda .. icky???
in some ways. cool that they care about what people think and want. to some extent.. i guess.
but on the other hand. a fucking survey like that from the company itself. like it's a product you ordered online and the company is asking "how valued do you feel as a customer at h&m?" (which is also fucking ridiculous and silly don't get me wrong).
i really really don't want tv shows to cater to some kind of statistical average (or unhinged people who are gonna write essays in the write in options). i want talented showrunners and writers to get good budgets and good teams to tell stories they are actually passionate about telling.
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david-talks-sw · 3 months
How should I format this? (poll at the end)
OK, so a big post is being written about how the Prequels' initial reception shaped the fandom at large's perception of the meaning of those films (aka how EU authors and fans re-envisioned the original narrative of the Prequels so that it became a commentary about the Jedi, like they had always wanted).
The text is about 70% done, and I've commissioned illustrations from ginovanta, I'm in the middle of coloring them.
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Yes, it's previously-covered ground for this blog, but I'm writing it anyway because I never properly addressed the subject outside of poorly-formatted rants, and I'm trying to put this in a more analytical & less whiny way. Because at the end of the day it's also such an interesting subject to me, as it speaks to how we, as an audience, consume media.
Now, this post is comparable to my EU post, in terms of length and research. Plllllllenty of quotes. Which brings me to my question.
How should I format this?
Option 1: indented text.
Text here where I narrate what's going on. Followed by
quote/quotes supporting it.
Downside: More scrolling for the reader. Example:
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Option 2: "David's signature quote pictures".
You know the type, again you can check out my post about the EU. Stuff like this:
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Downside: could also be overwhelming for a reader? But maybe less than Option 1? Also there's 16 illustrations in this post, so that means I'd only be allowed to put in 14 quote pictures. I might be able to fit it, but yeah, that's a factor.
Option 3: linking the quotes.
Uploading the quotes onto a different post, then linking it as such:
Could be all in one post, or multiple posts. So in the section covering how George's narrative frames Anakin's fall and the Jedi's involvement in it, I could end it by linking to this post, for example.
So there's the options. If you can think of alternative solutions, let me know in the replies. I'm just really trying to make it look pretty. because it's such a big subject that the least I can do is make it entertaining.
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foultastemusic · 2 months
Power of noises and vaginas - a thought
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For two decades now, post-hardcore has been considered a sub-genre descended from hardcore, which in turn was considered a sub-genre descended from punk, and which in turn... well, it's not important to put musical genres and sub-genres into boxes purposely organized to fit people and their ways of dressing and other useless aesthetics promoted by media/digital cultures. But for two decades now, post-hardcore has been asserting itself as a well-defined genre, with well-defined textural characteristics, as well as certain types of chords and experimentalist riffs in the nostalgic-depressive world, heartfelt screams with a poetically sad story to tell in the most imperfect and dirty way possible, where D.I.Y. is valued in the various arts that embrace recorded and live music.
In 2003, music researcher Jessica Hopper wrote the review "Emo: Where the Girls Aren't" for a column in Punk Planet 56. It was already in the cradle of the emo thing at the beginning of the century that we noticed an absence of girls at concerts - at first there was no mention of them playing or making music, but even their absence from the public as listeners / active participants in this subculture and community. Girls began to enter this world in a very controversial and unrevolutionary way, but always with all the freedom.
Obviously, through the promotion that took place on the internet on the various platforms, the genre reached more stages, more people, more musical cultures and gained a large structure. Girls (like everyone else) start going to these places, often through an interest they already had in other genres such as indie, punk, metal, etc., and as soon as they buy a ticket to go to a concert, we have a group of 50 young men talking about love, depression, nature and other "weaknesses" seen through the eyes of toxic contemporary masculinity. And girls are welcome here. They will always be welcome until they start making music out of fear, because in punk they've already had the chance to revolutionize themselves and post-hardcore/screamo gives voice and space to boys who also suffer from prejudice.
Hopper talks about this band that dedicates a song (Strike Anywhere - Refusal, 2001) to the girls about their problems and lives, and claims that we need more of that: protection and respect. But this hasn't happened and girls still don't feel encouraged and empowered: they are an inspiration for the experiences and texts of this subculture, they are desired as artists and recreationists, and even though they aren't sexualized or repudiated in all cases, they feel obliged to get on the boys' knees to make it too, perhaps even better. A fight against meritocracy, male dependency in order to learn or be promoted and supported, where we are ALL programmed to think that we have a sex organ between our legs and that public reception is influenced by this: either in a positive or a negative way.
«And so I watch these girls at emo shows more than I ever do the band. I watch them sing along, see what parts they freak out over. I wonder if this does it for them, if seeing these bands, these dudes on stage resonates and inspires them to want to pick up a guitar or drum sticks. Or if they just see this as something dudes do, because there are no girls, there is no them up there. I wonder if they are being thwarted by the FACT that there is no presentation of girls as participants, but rather, only as consumers – or if we reference the songs directly – the consumed. I wonder if this is where music will begin and end for them. If they can be radicalized in spite of this. If being denied keys to the clubhouse or airtime will spur them into action».
- Jessica Hopper (2003)
Girls are not yet part of this music, or at least not in a direct or comfortable way. Perhaps through music promotion, the organization of concerts, photographs and poster designs, perhaps through their words adopted by these boys or the desires and utopias of an all-embracing subcultural milieu that, although they may all agree and share the same idea, refuses to accept that they are not welcome altogether, completely. Perhaps they are, but ever since men began to dominate this music or all music, they have needed reasons to pick up a guitar without the issue of sexual gender being brought into the listening experience or even to politics. Would it be better to ignore the gender issue at all costs (until this argument is normalized) or to promote the importance of giving girls a voice to help empower them, as has been happening in punk and hardcore (until this issue becomes part of the contemporary elements of screamo)? Maybe no one has the answers, but the reality is that girls continue to enjoy and consume this music without drumsticks in their hands.
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timothylawrence · 5 months
How do you explain to people that their disdain for Wyll is racist without them breaking down into a TED Talk about how they're not racist?
The demonizing, adultification, lack of empathy, lack of interest, nitpicking (while not batting an eye for the same things when it's a white counterpart), braging about killing or ignoring him...
Yeah, that will ring a bell into POC's ears so loud that they might start bleeding.
man. This is something that transcends fandom, media, etc. their are people who just won’t listen, who refuse to look inward and at least try to hear someone out. It’s nearly impossible to get them to address their internalized racism + anti blackness if they themselves refuse to acknowledge it.
It’s frustrating and exhausting and I’ve yet to find a way that doesn’t end up like your speaking with a wall.
Frankly, I just tell people their perception and treatment of Wyll makes me uncomfortable and echoes a lot of anti-black and racist sentiments. At that point, if they’re receptive, you can dive deeper. If not, well, they can sit with that information and you can only hope they’ll try to learn and change. Blocking is my go-to as well.
as always, listen to black fans and what they have to say and do your own research!
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fanhackers · 10 months
Thinking Through Feels
One of the amazing perks of my job is that I often get to read, review, or blurb fan studies work in progress, so I can give you a sneak peek of books that are forthcoming. One of these is Jessica Hautsch’s Mind, Body, and Emotion in the Reception and Creation Practices of Fan Communities (Palgrave, August 2023; link goes to Googlebooks, which has a substantive excerpt available for perusal), which takes approaches to fandom derived from the disciplines of cognitive psychology and performance studies.  The book’s original title was Thinking Through Feels, which was more of an upfront declaration of the book’s interest in feelings and embodied emotions (keysmash!). Hautsch looks to the body as a place of thinking, making the feminist, performance-based case that emotion and analysis are not oppositional—certainly not in fandom! Her central idea is “critical closeness” (as opposed to our old friend, “critical distance”); she defines critical closeness as “a mode of reading and response that is deeply emotional, embodied, and communal." In this way, Hautsch’s work vibes with those strands of literary theory that are trying to develop new, more emotion-based theories of reading. But perhaps because of her interest in the body, Hautsch is not interested only in fic:  this book also has a refreshingly broad approach to fanworks, with chapters on GIFs, fancasting, and vids. 
Here’s a sample from the introductory/theoretical chapter, in which Hautsch lays out her arguments and contexts:
The bodily and emotional traces of fan reception can be tracked through the fanworks posted to sites like Tumblr, YouTube, and AO3. Fic, gif sets, and vids are not evidence of thinking, but acts of thinking. These fanworks form part of the cognitive system of fandom; when we read fic, look at gif sets, and watch vids, we are not just looking at examples of what other fans have thought, but are invited to participate in a dynamic exchange, encouraged to think with and through these fanworks. Thinking is not something that happens in the disembodied mind of the individual fan, but is an embodied, emotional, and communal act that emerges from fans’ interactions with media texts, technological interfaces, and fan collectives. By posting fanworks, by commenting on and reblogging them, fans form networks, create and engage with communities, and generate and shape the cultural environments in and through which they think. Research in the cognitive sciences—arguing that our minds are extended, embodied, and distributed—can help us to understand how fans construct communities of practice and rehearse critically close strategies for engaging with and responding to texts.
–Francesca Coppa, fanhackers volunteer
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thedaytheworldburned · 3 months
Happy 9 3/4 Day!!!
I can’t believe I’ve been a MOA for four years now!
I remember writing, a few years ago, after FIGHT OR ESCAPE was released, about how I felt TXT were in the best position in the industry - they have longevity, creativity, a great concept, and a balanced lineup. And then, they went on something like an 11 month hiatus.
I then wrote that I felt they were no longer in the best position in the industry.
And while I don’t think they’ve risen again to being in the best position, the past few years have DEFEINITELY made them rise up again. They’re getting back into the intricacies of their concept, they’re getting wins, they’re popular internationally, they have English collabs and songs, and they still have 3-4 years left in their career before the military. It’s been a combined effort of the company, members, and fans which has brought them up again, which is great. (That said, it’s interesting that they’ve had several dips in fans/interest - after Crown, after Loser Lover, after GBGB - an interesting phenomenon to be researched further)
And to top that growth off, and mark a half decade of their existence, they close out the third chapter of their career with the announcement of Minisode 3: Tomorrow.
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This is all we have so far, but you know that I’ve analysed TXT’s logos before, and I think we can see concept from logos.
This one is doodly - a return to a schoolboy attitude or life - perhaps to the magic school, youth in general, or the magic island they rediscovered in school. The roses and angel wings are obviously romantic, but also have classical and religious connotations. They evoke religion, Romeo and Juliet-esque stories, and classics like Beauty and the Beast and The Little Prince, all of which have already influenced TXT’s storyline and concepts, to varying extents. We of course also have our mandatory stars.
The combination of roses and angel wings also reminds me of two of their comebacks, or, kind of 3. CROWN and Angel or Devil both had explicit angel imagery (Eternally also included this, and GBGB contrasted it). Meanwhile, GBGB used roses - and specifically, burning roses a lot to show how their love and life had died. It was also a stand in for cigarettes, often a symbol of degeneracy and lost hope in media, but obviously one that the Korean GP would be more receptive to.
So, a lot of potential meaning here. To summarise my predications; a romance concept, maybe forbidden romance. Religious concerns, and neither a dark nor light concept - think LOVESONG and Sugar Rush Ride rather than CYSM/GBGB or Blue Hour and Blue Orangeade.
The black version is my favourite - it looks nice and clean and has a good balance, I think. Hence why I used that version. Interestingly, black, red and orange are used, reinforcing my belief in a middle of the road concept - red is romance, black is a neutral, and has ALL THE MEANING but can also be dark, and orange is light, lacking specific commonly accepted meaning. Very balanced.
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saltymongoose · 1 year
Saltymongoose player + yansofie soldier = player! soldier, how do you think it would go ?
Oh, this is certainly an interesting idea. I think it'd be very complex, to say the least. The mentality the S!Reader has, as well as cosmetic details in their uniform and knowledge of weaponry, is reliant on what "timeframe" they fall into. I know that yansoftie tends to go for a WWII Soldier, which is great and I love them, but technically it would make more sense for a more modern soldier to end up in the game (it's not like someone who fought in Normandy would be playing M:PN2 lmao).
If we go with the modern-day soldier from America, they'd probably mainly have the mentality of "I don't really want to be in the military, but I need some way to pay for college. :/" or something like that. Or perhaps they joined for a sense of discipline, or because their respective country requires mandatory service for a number of years. Regardless, the Player would probably have extensive experience with weaponry and the hierarchy that comes with being in the military. If we're under the assumption that they've yet to be discharged, and they're in the army, then it's likely that they only stream when they're on yearly leave. This could be really interesting, since I can see the Player being one of the more niche social media personalities that usually do short videos (on Tiktok, Instagram, and the like) while in the military, and their fans attend the live streams that they hold on their breaks.
So to get more into the actual meat of this AU, you'd likely start playing this game because you thought your fans would like it (and you probably had an interest in Madcom's animated series/the classic game too). While the experience of feeling your control and your strings wouldn't be any different, once they start to actually hear you, it will start to branch off.
It's highly likely that you would use a lot of references to your work in the military just to be "on brand" (and because it's pretty much your life at this point), which means bringing up gun calibers and commenting on your favorite weapons to use, as well as telling stories about interesting things that have happened to you while in the service.
The boys will immediately notice your observational skills and combat expertise from your comments and will spend most of the time silently awing over you whenever you say anything about their guns and their tactics. (When they're not fighting for your praise and attention, of course.) They take your words to heart, and you'll begin to see them using your preferred weapons in their default load-outs, even if you didn't think those specific guns or melee weapons were even in the game. (A result of them begging Doc to special order them, no doubt.)
They live to impress you; every tactic you mention is researched and studied relentlessly whenever you're away, all so it's perfectly executed upon your return. Furthermore, they'll practice day in and day out with your weapons (some of which they've even named after you/references to you) to see if you react to their increased skill with them. 2BDamned is not as receptive to this because of his role off the field. But this doesn't mean he won't ruminate over your every word and revere the sheer level of expertise and discipline you have. If anything, the fact that you're a soldier only confirms for your grunts that you're the perfect person to help them in Nevada. They love you for it even more, in a way.
And don't even get me started on when they actually see you. If you're in uniform during some of your streams (maybe you just got back or smth, or chat wanted it and met a dono goal), and they happen to have broken into the Auditor's office at the time, they're just sort of gobsmacked. Like they didn't think uniforms could be so attractive on someone before this, and it's sort of this combination of being flustered at your ethereal features and genuinely stunned by how you are in general. You're everything they expected and more.
They're beside themselves, truly (and falling deeper into their obsessions with you, let's be real). And you just know they're taking some of those flattering photos and stills the Auditor has and tucking them into their pockets so they can look at them out on the field, sort of like how you do with your loved ones when you're deployed. (Ironic, considering they look at them the most when you are. The days pass by so slowly when you aren't there.)
They aren't the most zealous of grunts by far, but they would consider worshiping their own god of war if it were you.
As one would expect to become self-evident once you actually meet them in person, of course.
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likealittleheartbeat · 2 months
this is more of a personal ask so if you do not feel comfortable answering it, feel free to ignore.
what did u mean in your previous post about 'finding your lane finally'? what profession/outlet did u find for writing about your interests if i may ask?:) it just sounds interesting!
So I really have never enjoyed the career I’ve been in, and I’ve been considering grad school for a long time (even did a semester in a professional track counseling program that I did fine in but really did not enjoy). I read academic texts for fun, which no one else I’ve met does, so it seemed like the best path. But I have always struggled to feel confident in figuring out which field would really let me integrate all my interests that I could reasonably break into without having to do a whole bunch of extra work. I’ve considered studying Literature bcuz I love literary fiction, thematic analysis, structuralism, and literary hermeneutics; Film Studies bcuz I love a lot of tv and film but I’m not super into the more masculine parts of the canon nor as many technical aspects of the craft; Gender and Sexuality Studies to get at the focus on queer subjectivity and dynamics that are a core interest for me; History since I was a history major in undergrad and still really enjoy that type of research; Religious Studies so ai can dive into Buddhist and Reformed Christian religious ideas; even American Studies so I can touch on indigeneity, colonialism, and gender in American contexts, which is another special interest of mine.
But none of those fields felt like they’d let me obsess over the contemporary tv and movies that form the hub from which all those other interests spring. American studies felt close, but I really wanted to study media beyond its American context when applicable, and I really don’t care about a lot of political and legal mechanisms tbh unless the stuff I’m watching is engaging with them.
Today while reading a book of essays on the development and impacts of the Boys Love genre in Asia, I was looking at what each of the scholars studied in (I’ve done this a lot as I’ve been trying to figure out what to do) and one of them, whose writing and analysis was inspiring me, had studied Media Studies. A lightbulb turned on.
It’s wild because media studies was my sister’s major in undergrad, and I even edited and helped develop her essays throughout college and her final thesis. It had never occurred to me, though. I realized media studies would let me explore the development, content, conveyance, and reception of all the stuff that makes me feel the most fulfilled 🥰 And I could take it toward working in the tv industry or, probs more likely, a career in academia (which I know has plenty of it’s own issues and criticisms but it also seems like it might possibly be a great fit for me personally).
But yeah, that’s the realization I had today. Just feels good to have some clarity.
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karizard-ao3 · 26 days
It's fun to think that Shinji has the boy's trio with Kensuke and Toji. But he also fits in very well in another trio with Kaworu and Rei (even if I think it's arguable how much Rei would really like Kaworu). And then you have the most difficult of them all, which is Asuka and… whatever it is she is to Shinji. I do think Asuka and Hikari's friendship is the unsung truest friendship in the show. All of in a high school au or whatever au you want to fit them in is so interesting
I definitely think Shinji would be the glue holding the trio together when it comes to Kaworu and Rei. I really get a kick out of the idea of those two being off-putting twins. For some reason, I'm trying to picture them in an office setting. I wonder how that would even work. All I can picture is the tv show, since my most office-like experience is just working at a library and that's it's own thing. I think Misato would be the branch manager and Gendo would be corporate. Ritsuko would be R&D. Kaji would be sales. Asuka transfers in from a different branch office. Hikari is office manager. I think Asuka or Kaworu would be great social media managers but I think it would be way more funny if that was Rei's job, so I'm giving it to her. Let's put Kaworu at reception. I think Asuka and Shinji need the same position for the competition but I don't even know what their company does or what they could do for work. How big is their office? I mean, they have research and development and a social media presence. Does anyone with more office experience have any ideas?
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I haven't read anything by Eliezer Yudkowsky for a few years, mostly because he was, well, weird in a way I was not equipped to tolerate. But also because there's really no good way to put what I've been seeing on Twitter, so here goes.
Eliezer Yudkowsky has been on Twitter for years now, and I've seen him posting long lists of questions he's been meaning to ask various academics about various subjects he is interested in. His writing style is clearly aimed at the general public, and he doesn't write in such a way that academic jargon is inaccessible -- indeed, he's often using terms that come up in academic writings, and I'm pretty sure he is familiar with their academic meaning.
So what's different about his question lists now is this: they've become very short. They are almost unreadable. The number of questions he asks now is just astonishing.
Here is the first tweet I picked at random among many:
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Okay, that's not entirely a parody. It's actually a question he asked that day, about a paper about "social networks of influence". (The paper was very long and kind of unclear -- see this introduction.) Here's another question he asks on this list, again about this paper:
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That is a truly bizarre number of questions.
Now, I am sure there are two sides to this equation. There are many, many academics doing interesting stuff, but as far as I can tell they are not very good at communicating it to the general public (or perhaps even to their own colleagues). And there are a lot of very general questions for which there is very little research-quality material available to the general public. It is hard to keep a large community alive in either of these circumstances.
But it's hard to explain how it comes to be that it's more common for research ideas to not be communicated to a large number of people than to be, without getting some very particular facts wrong. It feels as if this could only have happened if one (or many) very specific group(s) of people stopped being interested in communicating ideas that general-audience audiences were attracted to. And this seems very odd. What's going on there?
Some notes:
Many of the academics he's trying to reach may have very large audiences -- if they are popular writers, journalists, etc. -- and many may have blogs or other places on the internet where they will be much more receptive to questions from the public than they are to questions from grad students or postdoctoral researchers. (It does seem like this pattern happens even on social media, despite the popularity of these sites as venues for interpersonal interactions.) If this is in fact what is happening, there may be some sort of explanation, but I haven't seen one offered yet.
Many academic fields have cultures of discouraging question-asking, in a certain sense of the term "asking questions." Often, grad students or postdocs are expected to ask questions, but if they do it wrong, they will be punished. For example, if you want to write a long list of "what if" questions, a common complaint I've heard is that you should be writing much more than you did -- or, rather, much less than you did -- rather than trying to ask too many questions. For those familiar with the literature, I suppose it's easier to see why this might be a good idea, but you don't have to do this if you don't want to.
There are plenty of (fairly technical) books that have detailed lists of questions at the end of each chapter. Maybe there are lots of (fairly technical) papers that do this too, and I've just never seen them. (If anyone knows of such papers, please let me know.) If they exist, I suspect many of the people he's been asking are going to find them quite unenlightening. But there are also people like me, who don't like books with questions at the end of every chapter.
I'm curious whether Eliezer is talking to the researchers directly (e.g. with emails) or just via Twitter -- or perhaps both. Twitter isn't really a good way to talk to academics at all, especially not in detail. But I imagine there may be something in there for the ones who might be interested.
So -- I'm very curious as to what's going on here. Is this a situation that comes up all the time, or is it rare and special? Is this the kind of thing that always happens, but often gets covered up by the sheer number of academic papers that exist? Is it a special feature of science and not the rest of the humanities?
It would be odd if we can't have a fruitful academic conversation unless the right things were being asked, but that's not a very strange idea. For that matter, the "right things" might be many different things. But I do think that many people who talk about the "culture of not asking questions" have a strange focus: they don't seem to think that being asked questions at all is enough, and they want very specific conditions, which are not common in science, that have to be met in order for a question to be asked at all, let alone answered. They might be thinking something like "every paper I've read about this subject, every discussion, every conversation that I've ever had, has concluded in the negative, but there are some very good things out there, and some of those are just really hard to find, so I have to assume the
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jeanjauthor · 1 year
ok not about writing but i saw your comment on the amber pins post and i was wondering, what are your top 3 favorite fun facts? i’d appreciate any knowledge you care to share ^-^
Oh good lord, just 3??
The problem with me is that I'm a terminal research junkie, a perpetual student, a collector of information hopefully will some day be useful in a story (or possibly in real life)...so I know so much random shht...
Okay, first fun fact:
David Canterbury (one of the more well-known figures in the survival & bushcrafting worlds in social media, youtube etc) constantly talks about the 5 Cs of Survival: Cutting tool (knife, axe, etc), Combustion device (ferrorod, bic lighter, whatever), Cordage (rope, thread, etc; paracord is often suggested because you can break it down from a sturdy rope to many fine fibers, though Canterbury also recommends bank line, lightly tarred twined rope or cords that can sorta do the same thing), Cover (clothing being your first & foremost form of shelter against the elements, followed by tarp, tent, etc), and Container (canteen for holding water, metal cup or pot for boiling it, etc).
He also talks about an additional 5 Cs (for a total of 10 Cs) of survival tools: Candling device (flashlight, candle, oil lamp, etc, so you can see at night), Compass (literally, a way to determine magnetic north and to determine degrees in a circle so that you know where you're going and where you've been), Cloth sail needle (also called a Canvas needle, a strong sturdy needle with a largish eye you can put thread through, or even improvised cordage made from plant materials, etc, which tends to be way thicker than the usual thread), Cotton kerchief (useful for turning into a makeshift sling or tourniquet, as bandaging material, as a filtering device to get coarse materials and sediment out of water, and in a pinch, tinder material for lighting a fire), and Cargo tape (duct or duck tape, which can be used in the usual ways of sealing things, but can also be used to make a waterproof bag, and can be burned as a form of fire starter).
(If you're interested in the 10 Cs, this article covers them, too: https://blog.ucogear.com/the-10-cs-with-dave-canterbury/ )
But did you know there are additional Cs of advanced survival?
Cartography would be maps and navigation skills, but it can also includes things like astronomy for gauging latitude & longitude, and how to use landmarks to navigate terrain. (aka "You'll see a huge black oak, bigger than anything, at the fork in the road, so you'll want to take the left-hand path if it's daylight because the way is rough, but if it's nighttime or bad visibility, take the right-hand path, but it'll take you about five miles longer to reach your destination, since that goes arount the mountain...") GPS and Google Maps, Life 360, etc, are great if you can get cellphone reception, but sometimes even a satellite phone cannot get a signal out...and if your cellphone gets destroyed or the battery dies, you'll need a backup plan.
Care covers things like medicines. If you have to take medication daily, always have 2-5 days' worth of extra meds on you when you go hiking. It also covers a first aid kit, tick removal equipment, and more, but even so much as a simple bar of soap in a waterproof container, or a bottle of hand sanitizer, can save your life, because you will want to clean any scratches to prevent infection (which has killed more soldiers throughout history than combat itself ever has). (Plus the hand sanitizer can act as a flame extender when starting a fire.) Mostly, though, I want folks to remember that if you take medication, you need to have an extra supply on hand when you go hiking or camping or on a long trip, just in case you injure yourself and can't get back home again quickly. (Also carry your prescription information! Most prescription documentation from pharmacies have a summary section similar to the lable on the bottle that you can snip out and stick into your wallet; if you run out, get rescued, and need to be checked out by the nearest clinic or hospital, it's good to have this information instantly on hand!)
Courage is one of the least acknowledged yet most important aspects of survival. Thankfully, courage is something everyone can carry with them, even if they've been stripped buck-nekkid. The will to survive has been the deciding factor more than once in whether or not a person makes it out alive. Courage helps you get past the fears of your situation to find the strength and the wits to survive. You can find your strength and determination when focusing on your own survival, or you can find it when you think of your loved ones and not wanting them to suffer, or you can draw comfort and energy from both sources. Fear saps energy, and despair drains it away into a sense of hopelessness. Your mentality of courage will help you to search for what you need, and help give you the strength to do what must be done.
Contentment is another intangible survival skill. This one is even more subtle, because it means letting go of expectations of higher comfort levels & better conditions. If you have a tarp to keep you dry in a rainstorm, don't whine about how you don't have an RV to hide in, or worse, a 5-star hotel. You're going to make yourself miserable and feel hopelessness & despair if you're constantly comparing what you don't have to your current conditions and whining about it. If you've got the first 5 Cs, you've got a tarp and cordage to set it up to keep the rain off you, a campfire to keep you warm, a container to boil water to keep you from getting dehydrated (and also warm you up from the inside), and a cutting tool to keep the wood going and to defend yourself against attacks. You're alive, and you're going to get out of this fine. Contentment is acknowledging you could be suffering but are not, and allowing yourself to be happy with the fact you have shelter, heat, water, etc. If you don't release your expectations of a higher level of comfort, you're going to waste your remaining energy, and you'll be too stressed out to rest.
Composure is another intangible skill. Are you the sort who panics in an emergency? Nothing to be ashamed about because lots of people do that, but the big difference lies in practicing in advance what to do, and how to do it, and how to think about it. Bystanders leap into action to save a toddler about to toddle off the sidewalk and into traffic because they've run it through their mind that "If X happens, I will do Y to fix it." Having a game plan, a pre-hike mindset, will help you stay calm in an emergency, which will allow you to conserve your energy, figure out what to do, and do it. You can have a nervous breakdown afterward when there is time & the luxury to do so, but in the moment, practice until you can think and act during an emergency. You can be an absolute mess and still be courageous. You can find contentment in a survival situation...but usually only after the scary bits are over and done with. First you gotta get through those scary bits. Composure--keeping a cool head, forcing yourself to think your way through your options quickly & realistically--will help you to survive.
There are other Cs as well, but those are the main ones off the top of my head...and yes, I have weird tastes in fun facts. Speaking of which!
Second fun fact:
There are over 20,000 edible plants around the world. We only really cultivate about 100 of them in earnest (and 20 of them provide 90% of our plant-based calories), but there is so much more that we could be eating, it's amazing!
Did you know that maple seeds are edible? Yes, you have to remove the husk-and-wing part, but the seeds themselves are edible! And do you know how many leafy greens we aren't consuming? Carrot greens, beet greens, radish greens, chock full of micronutrients and vitamins, trace minerals and the like. Acorns used to be a huge part of the human diet. They need to have the bitter tannins leached out of them (a tedious step that manufacturers didn't want to bother with on an industrial scale until somewhat recently), but they're also full of nutrition as well as carbs and fats.
Common weeds in the cracks of sidewalk can also be eaten, like the vaguely pineapple-looking "fuzzy" wild chamomile, juicy purslane, or even clover, with edible leaves and roots (which can be eaten raw like beansprouts being cleaned, but really should be cooked low & slow to convert their inulin into more digestible sugars). Clover roots were considered a huge springtime feasting delicacy by the indigenous Coastal Salish peoples of Washington & British Columbia, which they would dig up and pile up in huge mounds, then put them into roasting pits with hot rocks to bake all day.
Corollary: Food forest savannahs are a sustainable permaculture way to get a wide variety of foods growing in healthy harmony in a modest space. Monoculture is great for mass production of food, but it isn't sustainable because it robs the soil of vital micronutrients, and wrecks the local ecology. Standard fertilization techniques really only restores half a dozen or so macronutrients (phosphorus, nitrogen, etc) in monoculture fields, but creating a system of narrow grassy fields (to grow grains, etc) between beds of trees, bushes, and groundcover plants allows leaf litter from the trees to fall on the field and restore some nutrients. Grazing your livestock in those grassy alleyways allows their dung to be deposited where scarab beetles and other forces of nature compost and redistribute that biomatter into the soil.
The bushes and trees growing on the margins have access to more sunlight overall (heavy forest canopies don't exactly allow enough sunlight to reach down for good growing health for the shorter plants), and companion planting helps restore the soil naturally--clover and beans for fixing nitrogen into the soil, for example. Adding in species that flower at different times of the year helps support a healthy pollinator population. Perennials such as fruit & nut trees and berry bushes can remain, but annuals or biennials (leeks, garlic, and other plants that take 2 years to mature & seed) can be cycled in and out every few years...
You can grow enough of these things to be commercially viable as a farm, but you don't have to have the acreage of a farm to benefit. An apartment balcony would be fine, or even a table in front of a sun-facing window would work. You can grow a variety of things in pots and planters. And if you have a house with a yard, you can replace your non-food plants with a variety of species that will help you and your family (and neighbors!) have healthier diets and healthier lives. (If you have an HOA and it blocks this sort of thing, attend the meetings, get on the board, and work to change the highly restrictive rules to allow food gardens.) Work with your neighbors in educating them on the many benefits and beauties of food forest style landscaping.
(Fun bonus side-fact: Dandelions have such long, strong tap-roots because they are trying to draw calcium up to the surface from the depths of the soil...so if you have a lot of dandelions in your garden, consider investing in a bag of bonemeal, etc, because it means your soil is calcium-deficient!)
Fun Fact #3:
You can be best friends with someone you've never even met. *waves at the entire internet and its many ways to connect with people around the world* BFF status is not dependent on physically meeting a person.
I have 3 BFFs. One of them I met in school and lives just a couple miles away at most. One of them I met in school and she lives almost halfway around the world from me. One of them I've met online, lives on the far side of the continent, and I may never ever see her in person (q.q for not being able to share hugs in person), but each of us supports the other through hard times as well as good ones.
Fun Fact #4:
(an extra one just for funsies...)
Humans have been humaning for tens of thousands of years. The grafitti scrawled on the walls of Pompeii & Herculaneum is very very similar in content to the grafitti scrawled on the restroom walls of the AFK Tavern a dozen miles from where I currently live.
The first signs of civilization wasn't agriculture or writing or even domesticating wolves. It belongs to a skeleton from tens of thousands of years ago where the person lived with a badly broken leg for over ten years afterward (as judged by the post-break healing done by the bones) before finally passing away. That injury was so bad, someone had to help take care of them for all ten of those years just so they could survive, and that means humans have been caring about other humans for a very long time.
And Ea-Nasir. Oh, how we tumblrites love Ea-Nasir! Not for his craptastic quality copper ingots! We condemn Ea-Nasir for his craptastically poor quality copper! No, we love Ea-Nasir because someone complained about his craptastic-quality crummy copper...a very human thing to do...and because he kept the clay tablet of that complaint as a proud piece of correspondence. Also a very human thing to do. (...And quite possibly for ancient arson, since the clay tablets in his house were baked because his house caught on fire...which could have been an accident, but which also could have been not so much an accident...because he had several other complaint tablets as well!) This one complaint tablet and the fact its recipient proudly kept it is so very human.
Compassion, complaints, and correspondence showcasing cultural attitudes. Humans have been humaning very undeniably for tens of thousands of years.
For us writers, this means that though we may have to watch which words and phrases we use...we can still confidently write someone from Ancient Babylon and have them act in believably human ways.
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pillbugtarot · 2 years
Minor Arcana: Wands
For those of you having a hard time understanding what the Wands from tarot are representing, just remember that the Wands are the hyperfixation suit.
The Ace is that first glimpse of something you just know you're going to be obsessed with for the next week or so.
The 2 is that period of time when you are the most receptive about the new interest. It's when you are absorbing everything you can: binging a show, watching youtube videos about the new craft, getting a feel for this new fixation. You're just enjoying without necessarily joining.
The 3 card is when you've moved into the more intentional research stage. Now is when you find out which equipment you can buy or when you've moved on from just enjoying a piece of media and are now reading fan theories.
The 4 card is the time in a hyperfixation when you are telling everyone that "this is my thing now." THIS is the obsession that is going to last a life time.
5 is when you buckle down to really practice your new obsession. It's the first action whether that's the first time you argue with someone about your conflicting media theories or it's the moment you actually use all the tools you've now collected. It's potentially the first conflict.
If you didn't give up the fixation at 5, the 6 card is when you really feel that dopamine hit. You've accomplished something! Everyone is celebrating your new skills with you.
The energy of a hyperfixation can only last so long, and by the 7 card it's starting to feel like work. It's still something you want to engage with, but your new hyperfixation is now running more on cortisol than dopamine.
8 revitalizes your interest. From out of nowhere your hyperfixation is resurrected.
9 marks a wariness. You can feel that your interest is slipping away. You are on the look out for the next hyperfixation or way to keep this one going, but you haven't spotted it yet.
10 is when you are forcing yourself to keep engaging with an interest your brain has moved past. This hyperfixation has expired. It was fun while it lasted and you need to let yourself move on without shaming yourself no matter how short your discipline lasted.
For the most part, the even numbered Wands cards are when you are just letting the hyperfixation take its natural course and letting yourself enjoy yourself. It's only at the odd numbered cards when you try and force your attention or productivity that conflict and exhaustion happens.
Obviously this is just a metaphor, but it's easier to feel what the wands cards are saying if you think of it as the natural, fun energy of a hyperfixation that might get spoiled if you force it too much.
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marc-carney-1 · 2 years
Week 7 post 1
After completing the Hootsuite/Podium modules 3 and 4, I'd like to discuss how effective content is developed and shared.  
There are 4 key components of a Social Content Strategy: Research and analysis of current content reception and strategy, your target audience identified by platform, a list of content-specific goals and objectives, and plans for the distribution of your content.  The best practice for social media is to have a planned calendar for the month and a planned event/ theme for the posts or content. The planner should match upcoming launches and big events that impact your content strategy in addition to a detailed weekly calendar with specific copy and assets. The most important part is to make sure that the content posted matches the company vision statement.
What does becoming a social organization have to do with the principles of effective content development and sharing?
You can't be a social organization without having effective content. Companies can have attempts at social media content and its fail due to not being able to attract the target market with the correct content, The content needs to match the target market's interests as well as show the customer the value added that your company has of they choose you.
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theloftworkspaces · 1 month
Coworking Space South Melbourne
Unlocking Productivity: Key Factors To Consider When Selecting Coworking Space
In recent years, the concept of coworking spaces has gained significant popularity among professionals and entrepreneurs. These shared workspaces offer a flexible and collaborative environment that can boost productivity and foster networking opportunities. 
However, with the increasing number of Coworking space Melbourne available, it can be challenging to choose the one that best suits your needs. This article highlights some key factors to consider when selecting a coworking space.
The location of a coworking space plays a vital role in your overall productivity. Consider a space that is conveniently located near public transportation, major business districts, and amenities like restaurants, cafes, and shops. 
A well-connected location not only saves commuting time but also provides easy access to essential facilities, making your work experience more efficient.
One of the primary advantages of coworking spaces is the availability of various amenities. Look for spaces that offer high-speed internet connectivity, comfortable seating arrangements, private meeting rooms, printing facilities, and a dedicated reception area.  Additionally, amenities like stocked kitchens, free coffee, and wellness areas can enhance your overall work experience and help you stay motivated and focused.
Community And Networking:
A thriving community is a significant factor in the success of a coworking space South Melbourne. Consider the type of professionals and businesses that frequent the space. Are they from diverse industries? Do they share similar interests or goals?  A diverse and vibrant community can provide valuable networking opportunities, collaborations, and knowledge-sharing. 
Look for coworking spaces that organize networking events, workshops, and seminars to facilitate interaction and professional growth.
Flexibility is a key aspect of coworking spaces. Evaluate the flexibility offered in terms of membership plans, pricing options, and working hours. Some spaces offer 24/7 access, allowing you to work according to your preferences and schedules. 
Additionally, consider the scalability aspect. If your business grows, will the coworking space accommodate your changing requirements? Ensure that the space provides the necessary flexibility to support your evolving needs.
Work Environment:
The work environment significantly impacts productivity and overall well-being. Pay attention to the ambiance, lighting, and noise levels within the coworking space. 
A well-designed and well-lit space with a balance between open areas and private sections can enhance creativity and focus. 
Additionally, consider the level of noise and distractions. Some spaces offer designated quiet areas or phone booths for uninterrupted work. Choose a space that aligns with your preferences and promotes a conducive work environment.
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Reputation And Reviews:
Before finalizing a coworking space, research its reputation and read reviews from current or past members. Online platforms and social media can provide insights into the experiences of others. Look for positive feedback regarding the management, facilities, community, and overall satisfaction. 
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Conversely, negative reviews can indicate potential drawbacks or issues that may impact your productivity and satisfaction.
Selecting the right coworking space is crucial for unlocking your productivity and professional growth. Consider factors such as location, amenities, community, flexibility, work environment, reputation, and cost to make an informed decision. 
By carefully evaluating these aspects, you can find a Serviced Offices South Melbourne that aligns with your needs, enhances your productivity, and fosters a supportive work environment.
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piqueconcentration · 2 months
Questions That Actually Prompt Conversation
Originally posted April 30, 2023
Moving is hard. Moving is hard for a lot of different reasons, but one of them, and the one that I've been running into most often considering my relatively recent relocation, is making friends. I'm honestly pretty good at it, too- as much as I like the idea of being the strong, silent type, I tend to not shut up nearly enough which is, ironically, one of the best ways to get to know people.
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My partner, having been so shy as to be nearly selectively mute for a while, has much more difficulty on that front, even though she goes to school, something that I have decided not to do for the time-being, under-achieving as I am known to be. School, in this case, provides the benefit of the time-honored shortcut to friend-making- going to the same place on a regular schedule (which is honestly the best advice that I can give on this subject; if you go back to some sort of public place daily or weekly, you will eventually make friends).
Regardless, the difficulty in question has impressed upon me of late the importance of being able to make conversation. I'm not talking about "small talk," as poorly-defined as it may be, as those conversations tend to hit the dirt within a few sentences, I mean I've gotten interested in questions that you can ask people that can actively prompt an entire conversation. Kind of a "get-to-know-you" kind of thing, but odd or off-beat enough that it feels less like an interrogation and more of a brainstorm.
Anyway, here are some good ones from the far-reaching depths of my samsung notes app:
(These will be structured with the question in bold above, and my own responses/examples just below.)
1) If you were to create a piece of media/story to reflect certain themes, which themes would they be, and why?
- Love that takes work
- How to live without regrets (without believing in fate)
- Breaking past the barrier of the self (creative resistance, cognitive distortions, time blindness, etc.)
- How cool it is that everyone is interested in different stuff
2) What is a topic that you have a special connection to because you did some sort of academic assignment about it; what did you learn?
- Tapirs
I don't remember too much, but I definitely did a big project about them in elementary school.
- Basking Sharks
How they're rad, giant , and harmless; how they used to travel in gigantic schools of hundreds of individuals; how fishermen got pissed at them because they would get stuck in nets all the time, so the people started putting giant blades on the fronts of their boats and ramming into the sharks, cutting them in half.
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- The Satanic Panic and Dungeons & Dragons
I wrote a research paper that I was really proud of about how parents' fear of the roleplaying game in question at the time may have been misplaced concern about mental health issues.
3) What is a topic that you pretend to know less about than you actually do?
- Anime & Video Games
I am insecure and these feel embarrassing- I feel like I need to make sure people know about my personality before they make judgements based on the things I like, and how other people who enjoy similar things may act/be perceived.
- Herpetology (Reptiles & Amphibians) & Wildlife
I have a tendency to just start regurgitating information at a high speed; I need to make sure the others in the conversation are actually receptive to me verbally launching my interests at them.
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4) What is something in pop culture that you would change the representation of?
- Committed Relationships
New love/infidelity is romanticized a lot and I think that it encourages dissatisfaction and a "grass-is-always-greener" attitude, I think solid partnerships built on mutual trust and effort should be romanticized more.
The only piece of media that I can think of that kind of does this (albeit imperfectly) is High Fidelity, and I don't like that movie very much.
5) What is something that you would tell your younger self that is only important to you? (Avoid things that would drastically alter your life trajectory)
- "What you think is Generalized Anxiety is actually OCD, what you think is a Depression symptom is actually an ADHD symptom, and it's called 'Executive Dysfunction.' The right people will understand more easily when you call it that."
- "You do not dislike mayonnaise- you like aioli and those two are the same fucking thing, one just sounds better. The bread you're eating with savory sandwiches is too sweet and your parents are not bothered by it, but you are. Switch to sourdough and put olive oil on it."
6) What habits/motions/idiosyncrasies do you notice about your friends/the other people in the conversation?
- My partner does a thing when she plays video games where she scrunches up her face and relaxes it in quick succession. It is adorable.
- A friend of mine will sometimes tilt his head to one side and then the other when he is about to respond to a question.
(This is best when you can imitate the motion or manner of speaking, but be sure that everyone involved is comfortable with the topic, as this can be a sensitive subject for some people.)
7) In what ways are you glad that you're different from how you used to be?
- I've always been really prone to showing off how much I know about specific things, but I used to be way more insufferable about it. Now, I try to be really transparent and genuine about the things that interest me, and practice Intellectual Humility whenever I can.
- I used to be really concerned about my sexuality and making sure my gender identity was solidly masculine. I no longer give a shit, and thank god for that.
8) Which albums were the most influential in your life? What are some memories that you have of them?
- Songs in the Key of Life by Stevie Wonder
- Say I Am You by The Weepies
- Random Access Memories by Daft Punk
- Awaken, My Love by Childish Gambino
9) What are your favorites of the compliments that you've received?
- "I've never once felt judged by you."
- "You make it feel really easy to jump in." (In reference to playing music and improvising)
- "Your sweeping form is impeccable."
10) What crime would you be most likely to be arrested for?
- No comment.
These next ones are bonuses because I did not come up with them, rather I've found them on the internet over the years. The list on my phone is more of a compilation than a canvas:
If anything, what would you change about the way you were raised? - More emphasis on the results of hard work as opposed to talent
- More fluid views on gender
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Thank you, Skweezy.
Para mi: lanky, nerdy, effeminate, no driver license
What are your tiny hobbies?
- Wire-wrapping rocks and pieces of sea glass for jewelry that may or may not get made; making little wire rings
- Taking cuttings from plants and seeing if I can get them to root
- Finding rocks that I like and putting them in a bag to give out to my friends when they hang out with me
Ideal rocks: ones that fit comfortably in your hand and pocket; soft enough to wear down after a long time of keeping them in your pocket and rubbing them when you need something to do with your hands (I check the hardness); rough enough to feel a difference when they start to get smooth, but not so rough as to be uncomfortable
- carrying around my notebook
- making lists in my phone's notes
Funny animal names
Band/song/album names
Things I like
Gamertag ideas
Story/Fantasy/DnD ideas
Restaurants of whatever area I'm in
Good movies/shows to watch with a group of friends
Websites to return to
Fruits I want to try
Conversation-starter questions
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Elegant and Alluring: Strapless Fishtail Wedding Dresses You'll Love
Choosing a wedding dress is a momentous decision for any bride-to-be, and a strapless fishtail gown can be a stunning choice for those seeking elegance and allure on their special day. Birmingham, renowned for its diverse bridal offerings, features a variety of boutiques and shops where you can find exquisite strapless fishtail fishtail wedding dress strapless Whether you envision a classic silhouette with a modern twist or a timeless design with intricate details, Birmingham's bridal scene has options to suit your style. Let's explore why strapless fishtail wedding dresses are beloved by brides and where to find them in Birmingham.
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The Appeal of Strapless Fishtail Wedding Dresses
Strapless fishtail wedding dresses are celebrated for their timeless elegance and flattering silhouette. This style features a fitted bodice that hugs the curves and flares out dramatically at or below the knee, resembling the graceful shape of a fishtail. The strapless neckline adds a touch of romance and sophistication, showcasing the shoulders and neckline beautifully. Here's why brides are drawn to this captivating bridal style:
Flattering Silhouette: The fitted bodice and flared skirt of a fishtail gown accentuate the curves and create a stunning hourglass shape, flattering a range of body types.
Timeless Elegance: Strapless fishtail dresses exude classic elegance with a touch of contemporary flair, making them a popular choice for brides seeking a sophisticated yet modern look.
Versatile Style: This versatile style can be adapted to various wedding themes and settings, from formal ballroom receptions to intimate outdoor ceremonies.
Showcases Details: The simplicity of a strapless neckline allows intricate details like lace appliqué, beadwork, or embroidery to shine, adding texture and visual interest to the gown.
Finding Strapless Fishtail Wedding Dresses in Birmingham
Birmingham offers a wealth of options for brides in search of the perfect strapless fishtail wedding dress. Whether you prefer a designer gown or a custom creation, Birmingham's bridal shops and boutiques provide a curated selection of dresses to explore. Here's how to begin your search:
Research and Explore Boutiques
Start by researching bridal shops and boutiques in Birmingham that specialize in or feature strapless fishtail wedding dresses. Utilize online platforms, social media, and bridal directories to discover establishments known for their quality and style. Look for customer reviews and testimonials to gauge the reputation and customer service of each boutique.
Schedule Consultations
Once you've identified potential boutiques, schedule consultations to view their collections and try on dresses. Many bridal shops operate by appointment to provide personalized attention to each bride. During consultations, communicate your preferences and vision to the consultants to help them guide you to suitable strapless fishtail dresses.
Consider Your Style and Preferences
Think about your wedding style, venue, and personal preferences when selecting a strapless fishtail gown. Consider details such as fabric, embellishments, and silhouette to ensure the dress reflects your unique style and complements the overall theme of your wedding.
Try Different Designs
Be open to trying different designs and variations of strapless fishtail dresses. Explore dresses with different levels of flare, neckline styles, and back details to find the one that makes you feel confident and beautiful. Trust the expertise of bridal consultants who can recommend dresses that suit your body type and preferences.
Customization and Alterations
Inquire about customization options and alterations to personalize your strapless fishtail gown. Many bridal boutiques offer customization services such as adding straps, adjusting neckline heights, or incorporating unique embellishments to make the dress uniquely yours. Plan ahead for alterations to ensure a perfect fit for your wedding day.
Accessorize Your Look
Complete your bridal ensemble with carefully chosen accessories that complement your strapless fishtail gown. Consider adding a veil, statement earrings, or a delicate belt to enhance your look without overwhelming the dress. Accessories can add a touch of personality and elevate your overall bridal style.
Final Thoughts
Choosing a strapless fishtail wedding dress strapless is a beautiful expression of style and sophistication for any bride. Birmingham's bridal scene offers a diverse selection of strapless fishtail gowns, ensuring that every bride finds a dress that captures her vision and makes her feel stunning on her wedding day. By conducting thorough research, scheduling consultations, and exploring different designs, you'll embark on a memorable journey to finding the perfect strapless fishtail wedding dress in Birmingham. Embrace the process, trust your instincts, and enjoy this special moment of selecting the dress that will make you shine on your wedding day.
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