#like i'm really not trying to make this funny or anything but like my gawd
allpromarlo · 2 years
LMAO oh nah
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crabonfire · 1 year
I’m usually on the tf2 spectrum of things… BUT HOLY SHIT MAN ITS THE SPECTACULAR SPODERMAN OH MY GAWD-
ehm. So i would like to request something! How about some Flash Thompson x shy around a lot of people reader? But reader is more happy/expressive with less people around??? and then they slowly realizing they are both falling in love hc’s? I’m sorry cuz like, Flash is so 💗💗💗
Tssm! Flash and a shy reader!
dawg I fucking love flash sm 😭 I love dumb jocks with big hearts (he's a little bit of a bitch but he's not thay bad guys)
character: Tssm Flash Thompson
note: ALSO I'm not a shy person myself??? I'm far from it actually lmfao but I'll try my best to write it
warnings: none :)!
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♡Flash Thompson♡
• So he never noticed you, even after all your years of being in the same class with him but you never really stuck out. It wasn't until Hobie Brown introduced you to him, and he kind of found you cute.
But unfortunately at first he found you a bit boring. You didn't talk much, what was there to you anyway?
During social conversations in the group, you'd always just laugh or nod along, anytime you reply it'd be short or subtle. It wasn't until the both of you went home late after school that he decided to talk to you, walk with you home since you both lived on the same block.
• "Hey, uh, what's your name again?"
"Oh uh...Y/N."
"Right. Don't blame me for not remembering. you're like a wall when it comes to conversation."
He chuckled, then quieted down when he saw you didn't laugh along.
"Since I'm so nice, I'll walk you home. Your down this block too right?"
"Knew it, I see you here a lot you know. Whyd you never talk to me?"
"...Well, uh..."
There's an awkward pause.
"...I don't know actually. Its hard to explain."
"Oh. Well, okay weirdo."
You turn to him again as you walk, with furrowed eyebrows, a little offended.
"What? I don't mean it in a bad way."
"Really? How is weirdo not a bad thing."
"Geez I don't know," He laughs, "I expected you to have some long answer, you paused for a long time I thought it was some deep geek stuff or something."
You smiled at that, finally a smile.
"...Your fault for assuming."
• The rest of the walk was surprisingly really nice, he spoke to you more over...Well, anything really! It was fun to talk to you, to his surprise. You had so much to say, it was such a different experience from when you'd just nod along to what the group said.
• "No way." Flash said, an amused grin on his face as you told him a story in such a dramatic way. Hands being used to convey more emphasis, making the mood feel like you guys have been friends forever.
You continued with a laugh, "Yeah! It was so funny, he literally walked around with a huge hole in his pants and the most serious expression on his face- like this!" You shifted your expression to something so incredibly stupid. He burst into laughter, echoing through the neighbourhood.
• From then you two really hit it off. Walking home alone became a regular thing, and he'd even ask you to more personal group things, something the others in the group would've never expected from an asshole like Flash.
• It wasn't until he became more touchy with you, having an arm wrapped around your shoulder to be more protective or looking at you and listening to intensely, is when they all realized he had the fattest crush on you.
And, they could also tell you felt the same way.
Because whenever you two were together, they'd see the way you'd laugh so loudly, grinning with the sweetest and most excited smile. Oh boy, you two were head over heels for each other.
"I guess you could say that was...un-EGGspected."
Flash snorted, shaking his head with a small smile. "That might be your worst joke yet, Y/N."
• When Sally saw that conversation she KNEW yall liked each other like it was so obvious Flash usually replies to bad jokes with Sarcastic remarks but he actually SNORTED at that.
• Randy approached him one day,
"So, when are you gonna ask them out?"
He grinned in confusion, "What? Them who?"
Randy smiled, "Y/N. You've hung around them a lot."
His cheeks went a little red, raising his shoulders defensively and laughing nervously.
"What? No way-I don't like them like that. They're a geek! I pity them."
Randy gave him a look, crossing his arms. It was quiet, Flash was putting the pieces together in his head. He can admit, you two have been spending a lot of time together, and yeah, he does love it whenever you laugh or smile at him with that cute grin, maybe he likes the way he can make you blush so easily when you guys are in big groups, and yeah maybe, he wants to kiss you.
His eyes widened in realisation, making Randy crack a smile. He simply pat him on the shoulder, "Goodluck man. Hope they say yes." Then he walks away, leaving him standing there stiffly and unresponsive.
• I think you realized you liked him back when he would actually listen to you, and when he would tell you such sweet things without even realizing it. There would be moments where his voice was softer somehow, quieter, and he was so serious in these moments.
When you were upset over something he'd listen, a hand rubbing your back as you'd cry. He never knew how to deal with people that cried, so it always started out so awkward with him. But he'd listen, give you a hug, and actually help.
That's something he usually never did. Listen. He never listened to people, but it was you. Of course he'd listen.
• The fact he was an ass to most but really cared about you I guess...that's one of the things that made you fall for him.
But do you have enough confidence to tell him? And does he know you like him back?
haha cliff hanger 🤣🤣🤣🤣‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️💯💯💯
if you wanna see the confession scene yall have to wait I got like 7 requests to get through 💀
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soul-music-is-life · 1 month
PLL: Summer School Random Recap Ep 1 & 2
*read at your own risk: THIS HAS SPOILERS*
Tag spoilers if you're going to share.
Just a few of my favorite moments from the first two episodes of PLL: Summer School (PLL: Original Sin, Season 2):
Faran being right all the time:
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Ripped out of the headlines. Faran...PREACH, girl. (side note: Sullivan really annoys me. I'm salty AF that she still has a license to practice psychology after not being an adult for the girls in PLL. I get it...A apparently threatened her kid, but woman...YOU ARE THE ADULT!). Also I don't trust her. And I don't like her.
Noa also being right, but in a more blunt manner:
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Ah, Noa. Still my favorite. Perhaps it's her characterization or perhaps it's the way Maia portrays her...but I feel like she steals the screen when sharing it and when alone. No surprise given she was my favorite in the first season (still get chills watching that scene with her running through her complex to the roof with A chasing her). But she's upped the game this season. She comes across as so natural in her delivery. Nothing against the others. But sometimes I can tell I'm watching an actor play a character with them, but Maia is Noa. A+. No notes.
Imogen Emison reference?
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Wait...wait WAIT...was this an EMISON reference? Am I the ONLY one who saw this?! "Pip gets Estelle in the end." Plus it was an LGBTQ couple who adopted her baby!!
Mouse is coming into her own and I love it:
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Mouse and Ash are my OTP. And they play well off of each other.
Calling out the OG PLL:
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Was this a shot at PLL and how easily Mona and Charlotte just cruised out when they wanted? Because I love it.
Greg is so not here for this shit:
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The first time I laughed so hard I had to pause. Greg is an asshole, but I feel his frustration on the cult shit. And Kelly's "Quiet!" afterwards...peak comedy.
Kelly channeling her inner Alison DiLaurentis:
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Oh my GAWD. This was some straight up Dark Alison DiLaurentis on crack shit (or Mona, since..ya know...she ran her best friend over with a car). I'm developing this theory that perhaps Kelly is in on Bloody Mary (goddamn, am I blanking on the Big Bad's name? I think I am). I'm fairly certain her mother and the pastor are evil. I paused when Mouse was reading something on the Spaghetti site and it was word for word worship talking about Bloody Mary being the second coming of Jesus. Also, I just hate religion as a whole. Like Greg, I too, am an atheist.
Mouse's Grandma being the "fun" Grandma:
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Okay, so I was super excited that we might have been getting a semi-Grandma Marin character, but after watching I have this awful feeling that this might be a dementia story in the works (I don't know if I believe the "sleepwalking" bit). But she seems like she's going to be a wonderful addition.
Tabby's very pointed reference within a reference:
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Tabby out there breaking the 4th wall. And I'm here for it. Given that the writers retconned/rewrote the Ezria adoption due to backlash, I'm kind of glad they read the criticism of Tabby making too many references that piss the viewers off and basically flipped a middle finger at the people who will find positively anything to bitch about. I think it's funny writing. Trolling AF, but still funny.
I hate it when writers cave to the viewers. And as much as I hated the idea of Ezra getting Imogen's baby...I thought it was so dumb to cave to the viewers whining about Ezria getting the kid. People harped on that so much. Ezra can die in a fire for all I care, but I'll go to my grave thinking that the people who complained about Marlene caving to fan service in PLL with the couples in the end are the same people praising the fan service here. And I hate hypocrisy more than I hate fictional characters. I'm a cynic.
Noa being real:
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Noa complaining about the fitted sheet was ironic given I was trying to do laundry while watching. Accurate. Side note: I don't know how I feel about this Jen character. I feel like Shawn (Sean? How is it spelled?) is one of the few non-toxic partners in the show (Ash is still bae). I'm all here for bi-representation, but I don't like love triangles and I don't want them fucking with Noa and Shawn/Sean.
And speaking of love interests:
I love this kid and want to protect him:
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I've seen buzz of people not trusting Christian...and I get it. First of all...this is PLL. And second of all Christian is a very...themed name for a show that is most likely going to have the faith-based cult be psychopaths.
But I am going to be pissed AF if they make him a bad guy after everything Tabby went through. Also, let's not make the first prominent black male a problem please (not counting the Dollar Store fake Eddie Lamb or Faran's dad, who hasn't really been villainy).
Final thoughts: Goddamn, Sandy ate it hard, bruh. I was kind of excited to see that rivalry between her and Kelly.
Loved seeing the power of speaking up about the sexual assault. HATED Wes still being a character and also telling Tabby to have sympathy for her rapist's mother? No. Sorry. She raised a rapist...who raped TWO girls. And she was victim-shaming Tabby. Where is that Bloody woman with the knife when you need one?
Speaking about someone I hated seeing: Sean's mother is a raging thundercunt.
Also: I've seen mixed thoughts about the couple setting a firm tone with Imogen about the baby, but I'm not going to lie...I get it. Most likely they know the shit going on in their town (move, MOVE NOW WHILE YOU STILL HAVE THE CHANCE!). I do think they were kind of snappy with her, but as viewers we have no idea how often she shows up after having signed a legally binding document about the adoption.
Love interest wise: Don't know how I feel about Ash following the girls to that cabin, but also...why TF would they even GO there?! I like this Christian guy for Tabby. Henry kind of annoyed me crossing Faran's boundaries, but Faran punching Greg out was *chef's kiss*. And Shawn(Sean)/Noa are adorable.
Parents: I'm shifting to Tabby's mom being a favorite just because I think she's going to have the most screen time. It was nice seeing Lea Salonga again though. I still hate Faran's mom and I hate that they are all buddy-buddy after everything she did to her child.
New characters: Please don't let this swim coach turn into a creep, please don't let this swim coach turn into a creep. Also curious about the guy Imogen met at the Ice Cream place. And well...I'm already in love with Christian (but then again I love Noah Alexander Gerry). Jen is a bit wooden. Can't tell if it's the character or actress.
Curious about everyone's thoughts.
Honorable mention I forgot to screenshot and caption:
Mouse: "You're like Linda Hamilton from the Terminator movie. Don't ask me which one, I'm not Tabby. And you (Noa) are basically the Flash." Faran: "Fair." Noa: *shrugs* "Okay."
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windydayey · 2 years
1000th Heart shot
Suna Rintarou x GN!reader
Yep. Suna Rintarou was a prick. He would always say something to make you seem like an idiot but the thing was that you weren't one to back down either. You guys got along and didn't get along at the same time.
You were basically gossip buddies. Well not exactly gossip more like bitching about the people that don't pass the vibe check of you guys at all.
"I don't like to judge people but-" Suna rolled his eyes when he heard you say that, of course you were going to shit talk about the Karens in your colony again, but you know what? He was totally down for it. You two loved shit talking about the people you two found annoying. It was like a match made by the devil.
"Is it just me or she seemed off these days?" He started "Holy! Same I thought it was just me oh gosh" you always made aggresive gestures with your hands when expressing something. He found that funny, usually people don't move that much when walking in public cus it's embarrassing but you told him that you can't express yourself well if you don't do that. Which reminded him-
"by the way did you know your reputation is going really down?" He told you and your face of laughter turned to one of an irritated one "Well yeah I mean" you rubbed your neck "Who told those guys to get on my nerves? I had to........"
Suna took a deep breath "Beat the crap out of them so bad you now have to patch your cheek and bandage your hands?" The walking pace of you both started to speed up a little "Yes- wait no that not the point tho- wait what huh!?"
He stopped and cupped your face in his hands "You thought I was trying to jab at your reputation instead?" You held one his wrist with your right hand "if not then what else?" You raised an eyebrow. He inhaled, and started pulling your cheeks "Ah! ah! hEY-! thwat hurs oh my gawd what is this fow?"
He swore he felt an arrow on his chest for the 1000th time you looked too adorable.
And for the 1000th time if he gets so lost staring at you he'll forget to confess again, it's now or never.
"Listen cupcake you always have so much to talk about you run out of breath and run your mouth around others too." He stops pulling your cheeks but his hands are still holding your face "So much I get carried away hearing you talk about even the weirdest things, so I'll say it before I get carried away again."
"huh...huh?" Poor you, you were geniunely confused.
"I want to be with you not only during school hours but everywhere" he smiled.
"You do know I don't keep my doors closed when you come to my home during the weekends right?" You giggled.
He then flicked your forward and inter wined his fingers with yours, the hand you were using to hold his wrist. "Are you playing with me right now or?"
Your neck was heating up from the fact he held your hand but you didn't back down from the daily banter "Weren't you yourself who said I'm slow at picking up anything?"
He smirked "ahhhh oh okay you daughter of the devil" he playfully pushed you to the side "I like you, what are you gonna do about it?"
"Oh coming from Mr Rintarou? That's rich" You gave a proud look.
"Mhmm" he just hummed in response and sighed "So how did you find her off as well again? Continue, go on."
He could hear you talk for another thousand years.
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tabithak · 2 years
Am I blank enough ? I wonder. And right now, you should asking yourself the same thing. Because one of the hottest looks for a girl is being completely empty and vacuous. The less thoughts you got, the more hot you are. I know. I like totally know ! I can’t forget feeling that way. Feeling hotter the less I think. Normally, I spend so much time trying not to look dumb. At work and stuff. But right now, I *want* to look stupid. Because honestly the dumber i look, the sexier i am. It’s true. And i want to be sexy. To feel stupid hot. Like so fucking sexy. The dumber I look the sexier I get. The sexier I act, the dumber I seem. And the dumber I look, the sexier i am. More empty and obedient as i drop. As I drip. Thinking only how the dumber I look, the sexier i am. That phrase swirls around in my empty, open, soft, obedient mind until there is nothing else. The dumber i look, the sexier i am. The dumber i look, the sexier i am. The dumber i look, the sexier i am. That’s right; keep it going. The dumber i look, the sexier i am. My feminine brain is so easily programmed. The dumber i look, the sexier i am. Repetition is the key to learning. The dumber i look, the sexier i am. Every time i read it or say it, i make another copy in my brain. The dumber i look, the sexier i am. Until it fills me up more and makes me have less room for anything else. The dumber i look, the sexier i am. The words imprint deeper and deeper every time, making me softer, more susceptible, more suggestible. The dumber i look, the sexier i am. I feel them inside me as I say or read them. The dumber i look, the sexier i am. And it’s always there, that feeling. I might not hear or see the phrase now but i know it’s there between each period or comma or pause or stop. Endlessly copying itself. A part of me repeating it always. And it’s so very easy to look dumb and be sexy. When i feel that in me all the time. The words settling deeper and deeper every time. Until i can’t forget them. Until i can’t not believe trust them feel them like my heartbeat or my breathing. That is a very well-believed scientific theory. And it is a harmless phrase, really, The dumber you look, the sexier you are. Because even if i’m smart, it's okay to look dumb every once in a while. I know im not dumb all the time. So really, looking dumb is just for fun. In fact, it's a challenge. To see if i can look so dumb that it would fool anyone who saw me. Like right— am i smart enough to know how to look dumb ? i let my face go slack. My mouth arranges itself into a dopey smile. My head lolls to the side. i giggle like an airhead. And my brain just says. The dumber you look, the sexier you are. And when i look suuuuper stupid, i can say "I'm so fucking dumb" in this super cute ditzy hot way. And then i can laugh stupidly at myself and get even dumber. Cause dumb is fun. Fun is sexy. Getting dumber is really funny. And getting dumber is really sexy. Looking dumb makes you feel so sexy. And looking sexy makes you feel dumber. So now Im getting dumber. Im just getting dumber and dumber. Omigawd I’m like almost like too dumb to read. So0oo00 dumb. It's really funny how dumb i am being. I cant stop giggling about it. How dumb i am. It's so funny how dumb i am ! And so fun and so nice. I just get lost in how nice being dumb feels. How sexy being dumb feels. How I dont have to think just have to not think just keep repeating oh my gawd right. Just keep repeating. Keep getting dumber. Keep feeling sexier. And let your eyes glaze over. Until I just whisper, “Bye bye brain!”
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0606-hyuck · 3 years
♡ before the relationship
♡ becoming comfortable/humour
♡ relationships with other members
♡ jealousy/pda/flirting
♡ disagreements
♡ dates/texting/social media
♡ languages/"i love you"
wc: 1.5k
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♡ before the relationship ♡
you'd been friends with ten for ages before you actually started dating
you were both in each others social circles and because you saw each other so much you ended up being really close friends
ten was always so random and fun to be around
like he was always encouraging you to do wild stuff and embarrass yourself with him
or like sit and gossip about people you knew
and eventually you started getting feelings for him
you don't even know why and you were cursing yourself for having a crush on your weird-ass best friend
one day you were at his for a sleepover and he asked you whether you had a crush and you simply said it was him
you knew that ten was really easygoing and if he didn't like you back then sure, things might be awkward for a little while, but you'd go back to acting like nothing happened pretty quickly
he was surprised but didn't really show it, instead he confessed that he'd liked you for ages as well
"omg wow thats so cool that we both like each other, who knew"
"does that mean we're dating now?"
lmao and just like that you started dating
♡ becoming comfortable/humour ♡
the way ten treated you when you started dating didn't change much
he clowned you and teased you as much as possible
but he was also more affectionate with you
like you'd had a comfortable relationship before and would cuddle together
but now he felt really proud and confident about doing stuff like that
is just so smug that he gets to call himself your boyfriend
a LOT of teasing in your relationship
to the point where everyone is like "do y'all actually like each other or are the jokes about ten's tiny pp just for lolz"
also play-fighting where you'll both end up in a heap of giggles
and it literally comes out of nowhere too
you just be chilling and oop suddenly you're wresting with your boyfriend
you know he's getting a lil too comfortable when he will just fall asleep on you
literally no matter what you're doing, if he's feeling tired he'll just flop on you
lowkey crushing you but it's fine, he's comfortable
"babe, i need to finish this thing"
"i know, lemme just have a quick nap here"
and you'll end up not being able to move because he's fully fallen asleep on you
on the topic of sleeping/cuddling, ten doesn't really mind how you sleep together
he's totally fine being the big spoon
but also he won't say no to sleeping in your arms if you want to be the big spoon
lots of random whispers into your ear to try make you laugh
you're lying there like "??? what is this boy even talking about" but it's entertaining
he'd also randomly poke you in the sides as you're trying to sleep and make you squirm
maybe even tickle you just for fun lol
you two will lie together anywhere
okay so since you're dating ten, you're stuck with yangyang for life
i'm talking in his bed, the couch in the wayv dorm, the subway, everywhere
♡ relationships with other members ♡
since ten is such an older brother figure for him, you automatically become an important person in yangyang's life too bc you're always with ten
but don't be mistaken, yangyang now has another source of material to tease ten with
yangyang loves to pretend that seeing you and ten be affectionate together is physically sickening, and will sometimes bring hendery in on the teasing
likes to tease ten that you're only with him because you're actually secretly blind
but you know that yangyang is really happy for you and ten
likewise, the other members all accept you really fast
probably because you're always at their dorm with ten lol
they all like to tease him and say "omg this must be the end of the earth because ten is dating someone!" but they would be really disappointed if you guys broke up
♡ jealousy/pda/flirting ♡
ten is sooooo greasy with his flirting
he's always pulling really cringey lines out of nowhere
and he KNOWS they're cringey, that's why he says them
also he's really cocky with it too lol
but the second you flirt back he's like "oh my god" and doesn't know how to act
ten absolutely loves showing you off
loves giving you kisses in public, holding your hand, just generally showing the world that you're taken
i reckon it would come from a slightly possessive part of him
like "this is my partner and no one else gets to have them" type beat
but obviously not to the point when it gets abusive lol
he just wants everyone to know you chose him and he's with you
i get the feeling that ten would get jealous if he saw people getting too friendly with you
if he saw someone flirting with you he'd stop it right away
he wouldn't confront the person about it, in fact he probably wouldn't even acknowledge them
he'd just walk over and get your attention and drag you away
♡ disagreements? ♡
honestly i could see his jealousy causing disagreements/arguments sometimes
ten would joke about how you're trying to ditch him for someone else, but you know it's coming from a place of insecurity
he could feel insecure that he's going to lose you
because GAWD DAMN you're so wonderful and you chose him out of everyone??
so he's always worried that you might be looking for other options even when you're just having a friendly conversation with someone
initially you'd tell him to give you space and not be so jealous all the time
but when you actually realise where the jealousy is coming from, you'd feel bad
it would hurt your feelings that ten would think you'd ever cheat on him or flirt while you were dating him
and it would probably take a while for you to understand where each other are coming from
but after awhile and a lot of honest conversations he'd relax and you'd have a better understanding of his insecurities
♡ dates/texting/social media ♡
your dates are always very unplanned and spontaneous
he will just text you something like "meet me down at the store in 15 mins, we're having a picnic at the park"
or you'll go shopping together and pick ugly outfits out for each other
ten is really good at texting you regularly
the texts are...all over the place sometimes, but at least they're consistent
likes to send you pictures of funny things he's seen that day
like maybe a funny hat someone's wearing or a dog with a colourful vest on
also writes really long paragraphs about embarrassing things he's done today
you never get a good morning text
it's always something like "i tripped and accidentally pushed a pregnant lady down the subway stairs and then ran away because i didn't know what to do"
but always very entertaining
around 40% of his social media is pictures of you two together
like don't get me wrong, he loves showing you off, but he also likes showing himself off too LMAOO
he takes really good selfies of you two together though
and they're always really aesthetic with good lighting
likes to do homemade photoshoots with you where you get all dressed up and take pics for insta
even if you don't want to be in a photo yourself, he's making you be his personal photographer
throughout the course of your relationship your photo taking skills have increased tenfold due to the amount of photos he gets you to take of him
but it's always heaps of fun
♡ languages/"i love you" ♡
i think ten would probably prefer to speak with you in english or korean, simply because i feel like he is the most comfortable with them
if your native language was something other than that, i feel it could go one of two ways
either he'd just say "fuck it, what's adding another language to my collection" and learn it really quick
orrrr he would try his best for a little while but be too tired from speaking literally four other languages and just kinda eventually give up lol
it's not because he doesn't want to, it's because he can talk to you in a language you both already know and so he's not worried about a language barrier
ten would be the first one to say "i love you"
you wouldn't be doing anything exciting or unusual when he said it
you'd just be cuddled up on the couch and he'd just say it out of nowhere
mind you this dude is hella whipped for you, so you're not really surprised lol
it would be such a peaceful moment and you'd say it back
and neither of you would make a big deal out of it but you'd both feel really content afterwards
ugh anyways this is cute, stan wayv pls
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other members: kun | winwin | lucas | xiaojun | hendery | yangyang
© 0606-hyuck 2021. All Rights Reserved.
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books--andt · 7 years
Before I Fall by Lauren Oliver Review and Discussion
Hello lovely book people! Hope you're having a terrific reading year so far.
So Lauren Oliver was one of the first authors I read that gripped me. I was so attached and obsessed with her Delirium series; I couldn't put it down and it introduced me to the bookish community! That was nearly two years ago and since then I haven't read anything more by her. I know! Crazy!
Before I Fall is about a popular high school girl named Samantha Kingston. To the blind eye she has it all; popularity, a cool group of friends, a hot boyfriend. But Samantha soon realizes that these are not things that will be on her "greatest hits" list. On February 12th Samantha and her friends hit up a party and on their way home suffer a car crash. The peculiar thing about it is, Sam wakes up the next morning as if nothing happened, and once she checks the date and realizes that it's still February 12th, she understands that nothing really did happen. Sam lives February 12th over and over, frustrated and finally accepts that she must change events that happened that day to make things right.
I enjoyed this book. I had some problems with it here and there but all in all it was an interesting read that grabbed my attention and I really wanted to know how it ended. I have some deeper thoughts so I'm going to move into some spoilers now! If you haven't read this book read no further!
Alrighty hey spoiler people! So first things first- Samantha. What. A. Bitch. I had a hard time reading from her perspective and actually liking her just because of the things she'd say or do. That goes for Lindsey an her other friends as well. While Elody and Ally may not have been as mean as Lindsey, they were followers and didn't stand up for themselves or anyone else. Samantha kept saying how much she loved Lindsey ad how great she was, despite all of the things she's done wrong. But for me I just couldn't see the goodness in her. She was fake; she could drop Sam any time she wanted and make her the least popular girl in school; she was mean to others and frankly didn't give a shit about their feelings. Sure she had problems of her own, but she would never face those problems because she was scared that others would find out and *over exaggerated gasp* she'd become less popular!!
This book can really bring back memories of high school. But for me, high school wasn't about popularity or parties or any of that. So I didn't relate to that level of the book either. I've always believed in standing up for others or what you believe in, no matter what, so when Samantha would laugh until her stomach hurt about a joke that Lindsey or Ally would make about Juliet Sykes or Kent I just.... Didn't find it funny at all.
However Sam did grow on me as the story progressed, which I guess is kind of the point. Sam lives the same day, February 12th, seven times. And I get that she had to relive the same day for an entire week before she comprehended what she needed to do, but sometimes the story just felt tedious. It didn't drag for me, I thought the pacing was actually quite good, but just certain things were said over and over and it bothered me a bit.
Okay so now for the elephant in the room; the ending. OH. MY. GAWD. I honestly wasn't expecting it and I don't really know what to think or feel and I'm slightly confused. Did she actually die on the seventh day???????? Or was she dead the entire time and just had to "make things right" before she could be fully accepted in the afterlife??????
I was waiting and waiting and waiting for Samantha to have this epiphany at Kent's party and STAND THE HELL UP for Juliet in front of EVERYONE. I personally think that would have been a lot more powerful; her telling Lindsey to back off and stop people from shouting "Psycho! Psycho!" and pouring their drinks on her, rather than her just following her to the highway and saying all this crap that made ZERO sense to Juliet and trying to stop her from jumping in front of moving vehicles. Maybe my preferred ending would have been too cliche, but I just think it would've been more powerful and would actually show us readers that Samantha HAS changed.
And alas... Samantha realizes that in order to make things right, in order to stop herself from living the same day over and over, she must sacrifice her LIFE for Juliet. I understand this and Lauren Oliver did a good job surprising me and making me FEEL something but like.... gahhh!!! What about Sam's little sister?? She would be devastated. What about Kent???? He's SOOOOO confused about everything that happened between them since, to him, they haven't spoken at all in years! And Sam was always such a bitch to him, then all of a sudden she's nice, but then NOPE PSYCH she dies?????
And what about her friends??? Does she really think that killing herself is going to stop Lindsey from being a bitch to others? I'd hope that Lindsey would make the connection, and realize that Sam saved Juliet Sykes but... I just don't know.
And of course, how is Juliet Sykes supposed to feel??? She'd probably feel horrible that someone else dies for her, and she probably doesn't understand the half of why she did it!
I can only hope that all is pieced back together after Samantha sacrificed herself. But what if she was dead all along? I'm only wondering this because Samantha says something at the end of the book like, "I saw hair so bright and white it looked like a halo" and she also says she can hear Juliet saying "you saved me" and "why did you save me?" sooooo was Juliet dead all along? Did they all die in that first car crash this whole time???
All in all I liked this book. If a book makes you think about it after you've read it, if you hate some of the characters, or if you really want to know what will happen next as you read it, then the author did something right!
I'm happy I read this book before the movie comes out and I can't wait to see it. I'm liking the casting that I've seen so far. The girl who plays Lindsey looks spot on, and I think Zoey Deutch will do a good job playing Samantha.
What are your thoughts on this book or on the casting for the movie? I'd love to know!
Star rating: 3.5/5 stars.
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