#like i enjoy the simplicity of everything else abt him
braisedhoney · 1 year
bolo ties are cool as hell. wonder if my narry could pull off one of those or if it'd clutter his design... hm.
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your writing is so cool!! how abt the hashira's + tanji, nezuko, inosuke and zenitsu's favorite boba drinks? 🧋🤍
Awww thank you love! This is such an interesting concept though... maybe we can expand this farther from boba!
Muichiro 100% seems like a person that would enjoy anything blue. He's a kid after all. However, most natural foods aren't blue 😅 Therefore, I think for a go to flavor he might branch out of the box a bit and go for something new. Perhaps maybe pineapple? He looks like someone that would enjoy tropical fruits, despite being a bit of a picky eater.
Mitsuri is by no means a picky eater. Yo girl will eat anything and everything in sight no hesitation. However, given that her favorite kind of mochi is sakura mochi, her boba wouldn't stray away from that ideology either. However I think she might go for the occasional matcha or strawberry boba every once in a while. Just so that way she doesn't get sick of the sakura flavor.
Obanai, well, he doesn't really eat much. But one things for sure; he drinks plenty of fluids. How else could he go three days without eating? He'd probably not get anything fancy, and stick with generic flavors or even no flavor at all. He likes the simplicity of black milk tea with the tapioca pearls. Though, I don't doubt that he's tried the sakura boba that Mitsuri likes at least once, just to get a feel for what it's like.
Gyomei is probably the type to like really floral flavors. Due to the fact that he's blind, he relies on his other senses to really get a feel for things. Therefore i think he'd have quite the expanded pallet when it comes to food. So not only does he indulge in boba (his favorite flavor being, get this, lavender), he also enjoys aloe drinks. He likes the orange and raspberry ones. But he will get the original aloe drinks if he's really in the mood for one.
Rengoku is definitely a spicy man, both in breathing style and personality. And his drinks of choice always reflect that. But I'd imagine he does have a bit of a sweet tooth. So his go to would be caramel milk tea with mocha popping pearls. Ah yes, the flame hashira never fails to amaze it seems. However, he might indulge in a mango boba every once in a while.
Tengen Uzui, omfg the pallet this man has is 1000000% EXPENSIVE- but I digress. For a flashy man, he's got flashy taste... except when it comes to his boba. He's like a kid with it, although he'd probably just get some tea with the popping pearls for flavor. He likes iced black tea with raspberry popping pearls. Or he'd just stick to matcha boba. Like, yes he likes flashy things and wouldn't usually settle for less, but with some things he just enjoys them simple and easy. And boba is definitely something that he keeps simple.
Shinobu, like Gyomei, has a knack for floral flavors. However I don't think she'd go for something as exotic like lavender. She likes oranges, mainly because of the vitamin C and when its in milk tea it tastes like a dreamcicle! Although if she really wanted to branch out she'd go for something like dragon fruit or star fruit.
Giyuu has never been one for anything sweet, but one time Shinobu finally bugged him enough to the point where he gave in and got himself some boba. He got the taro flavor and was pleasantly surprised at how smooth it was. However he didn't really like the tapioca pearls and vowed that next time, and every time after that, he wouldn't get the pearls lol. But if he's not getting taro, he's getting melon milk tea. No ifs, ands, or buts about it.
Sanemi is a force to be reckoned with, especially when it comes to boba. Like Muichiro, he's a child when it comes to food. Always a little picky and particular in what he likes. So yes, this man loves strawberry boba with strawberry popping pearls. No I won't elaborate, because thats simply the way he likes it. And if he doesn't get strawberry, he gets the next best thing. Which in his eyes is just regular black milk tea with caramel popping boba.
Tanjiro is definitely a tea fanatic. Having grown up in the mountains it's helped keep both him and his sister warm. Therefore I think he's developed an appreciation for all kinds of tea. But his kryptonite is Thai tea, it's sweet and spicy, kinda like cinnamon tea that has a bit of cardamom in it. And when its mixed with the milk and the pearls he just slips into a state of bliss. He just finds it very comforting.
Though Nezuko is a demon, that doesn't mean that she can't indulge in human food. I mean come on, she sleeps for sustenance, the girl is practically invincible. But with that said, she'd definitely appreciate human food whenever she gets the chance to have it. She doesn't really like boba or milk tea, so she prefers iced tea with the popping boba so it doesn't leave residue on her teeth or a sticky feeling from the boba pearls. She likes iced green tea with lemon or ginger popping boba. It helps her rehabilitate her throat after all of the grunting and growling she does all day.
Zenitsu has always indulged in expensive foods like eel and whatnot. But like Tengen, he likes his boba simple. And half the time it's not milk tea, it's actually lemonade! He likes the classic lemonade with either strawberry or blackberry popping boba. He can't help himself, its his guilty pleasure. He'll usually reward himself with it after a long day of training, or after a major mission was accomplished.
Inosuke is, uh, unhinged to say the least. But when he gets his hands on boba of any kind, he goes feral. You know what this dude likes? I'll tell you, but you gotta promise me you won't have a heart attack. This boy likes iced cold brew with caramel and mocha popping boba. There. I said it. It's nothing but pure, unbridled caffeine and sugar. But I think it's quite befitting for him, because before you know it, he'll crash and get so worn out after training is over. So it's kind of a win-win situation lmao.
Aaaannnndddd another headcanon done! How is it possible that I can get my asks done in less than an hour but when I plan my headcanons they take a whole ass day? Lol either way I hope you enjoyed! Feel free to send in any other requests you might have!
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salemorbit · 3 years
If it isn't to much trouble may i have (male) botw matchup please. My pronouns are she/her. Im a Capricorn, my Mbti type is infj-a/infj-t. I tend to be shy around new people but I can be somewhat loud with people who im close to. I have medium length brown hair, green eyes i wear round glasses,pale skin and a lot of freckles. My height is 5'0. My aesthetic would be cottegecore mixed with oversized sweaters. Im not very athletic and im not a big fan of sports but i love to go roller and ice skating. I also love to read books and to also cook and bake food. I also like to garden. I've been playing the violin for 6 years. I love animals and im planing on becoming a wildlife veterinarian. I like to Watch nature/animal documentaries. I also like sweets. Some things i dislike are people who bend or ruin my books and people who speak over me when im trying to talk. Sorry if i spelt anything wrong. Hope im not bothering you :)
hey!! no ur literally so okay don't worry :) i love matchup requests tbh bc i get to learn a little bit abt each one of u guys and it's really nice! hope you like this :D
BOTW Matchup!
Based on your characteristics, I think you'd do best with....
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okay okay i knowww this seems a little odd because you guys give off very different energies
but hear me out
revali was drawn to you because you had an opposite energy to his
even tho he doesn't act like it much, i think revali would really be into the domestic lifestyle that you would be able to give him
since you like to ice skate, he would show you the best hidden places to do so in hebra
you love the tabantha region because of the diverse wildlife and the scenery, which is great because revali doesn't do too well if he's far from his home
he's usually a picky eater, but not to your food
no mater what you make he'll love it
revali will go to zelda, your best friend, to consult her about books you might have been wanting to read and the best places to get them
often zelda would just give him extra copies to give to you, which worked out great because she keeps her books and libraries in great condition
he knows how much you like to keep your things nice, which is also great because he's not a messy person himself
if he ever does interrupt you or speak over you, you make sure to give him a piece of your mind about it, and he'll make sure to try not to do it again (keyword: try)
he likes to keep it simple, and he enjoys you because you're able to bring him a feeling of simplicity when everything else feels chaotic :)
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barrysjumpsuit · 4 years
blindsided - oc x rafe cameron (ch. 2)
me??? posting chapters two days in a row???? (who is she)
part one
word count: 3k
warnings: abuse and mentions of past abuse, cannabis use, cocaine use, mentions of sex, plot/timing holes (just dont think abt canon too much it’s pretty loose)
synopsis:  christy is a lifelong resident of the outer banks. after a series of hookups with rafe cameron, kook royalty, she’s smitten. what she doesn’t know is about what her boyfriend and brother are involved in behind her back
a/n: really enjoying how this is coming along bc i’m totally just making it up as i go. ya boy jj makes an appearance in this one!! and BARRY!!!! next chapter has more plot i PROMISE 
The sun was about to set as Christy arrived home.
“Home” was a relative term. She lived in a trailer with a leaky roof, messy yard, and weird smell. Strange people she didn’t know were always there, and it was hard to truly feel at peace when she was there. The only thing that kept her coming back, especially after getting with Rafe, was her brother. 
Barry truly was the only thing she had left. The two of them had always been as thick as thieves – they still were, but their own respective businesses had changed them. Christy just grew and sold a bit of weed. She made a couple hundred bucks here and there, mostly targeting tourists. Barry’s dealings were much more illegal, and all the bad things that came with selling blow naturally happened at her house. 
She could hear the crackling of a fire as she rounded the corner of the trailer. Barry and a couple others sat there, whooping and hollering. “Look who finally decided to make an appearance,” she heard her brother yell. He raised a beer in the air as if to make a toast. “My favorite sister!” 
“Just making sure you’re not twitched out somewhere, B,” Christy said back, not altering her path to the door. Right as she went to pull open the screen door, someone pushed it open, stumbling out of the trailer. “Excuse you.” 
“Watch your mouth when you speak to me, little girl,” the man growled at her. 
“I’m the one who lives here,” Christy replied flatly, not budging, and the man suddenly had her pinned to the wall of the trailer, a forearm pressing against her throat. 
“Yo Luke, lay off of her!” she heard Barry call. Her hands were grabbing at Luke Maybank’s arm, her eyes forced to meet his. His pupils were blown up and delirious. “What the fuck, man!” 
Barry pried Luke off of her, and Christy leaned against the cheap railing on the front steps to catch her breath. “Get the fuck out of here,” she heard Barry tell him before he turned to her. “Bro, you good? Where have you been the past few days?” 
“I’m fine,” Christy said. Her heart felt like it was going to beat through her chest. Barry reached out to grab her shoulder, but she instinctively flinched away. “I’ve been staying with someone.” 
She was aware of Barry watching her as she pulled open the screen door and went into the trailer. It was hot and stuffy. Inevitably, somewhere, something was growing mold, and they would have to deal with it like they had to almost every other time a storm knocked out power. It made her feel guilty as hell, knowing she was staying with Rafe in his kook mansion, while her brother was stuck here, alone, with whatever coked out friends he had with him. 
After deciding there was nothing she wanted to eat, Christy made her way through the messy living room and down the hallway to her bedroom. She kept the door locked. Fishing the key out of her back pocket, she unlocked the padlock and stepped into her bedroom. 
Her plants were moved hastily in front of her window, since the power knocked out the lights they normally sat under. They took up most of the space in her bedroom, and they also occupied her parent’s old bedroom. Christy couldn’t be bothered to water them; she just took off her shirt and laid on her bed, sweaty and with nothing to do. 
She rolled over, pulling out an already loaded bowl and lighter from her nightstand. Pushing herself up, Christy brought the pipe to her lips and lit up, breathing deeply and bringing the smoke into her lungs. She blew out a thick cloud, almost having to cough. The greens were strong but tasted good. She took another hit, then another, before leaning back and closing her eyes. 
It was almost unnerving to think about how quickly she had fallen for Rafe. They sporadically hooked up throughout the past couple years. A lot of times they were each other’s rebound. Other times, it was at parties. Despite being from the Cut, Christy was often welcome at kook parties, going where her brother wouldn’t dare going to move product. She didn’t like having a middle man. Grow, harvest, sell, consume. That’s how she liked her bud to go. 
She knew Barry and Rafe had a history. But Barry has beef with a lot of people, and so did Rafe. Christy didn’t side with either. Rafe hadn’t paid Barry enough, failing to hold his end of the deal. But Barry had ripped Rafe off, knowing his family had more than enough money to repay him. It spiralled from there until they fought and beat each other an inch from death. Since then, Rafe had cleaned up his act as well as sobered up, and she hadn’t seen him at her place since. It was better that way. She didn’t have to worry about the crossover between her relationship with him and her relationship with her brother. 
Barry was a shitty person. Everyone knew that. He moved more cocaine than anyone else on the island. It was impossible for him to hold onto a relationship for more than a week or two. He had a temper, and a mouth and fists to back it up. Despite this, Christy knew he was her lifeline, and she was his. Whenever they had to run errands or go anywhere on the island, they tried to go together. Safety in numbers. 
Both of them had people that hated them. 
Barry more so than Christy, but they both had enemies. It was just how the politics of drug dealing worked. Christy mainly targeted tourists, playing her cards smartly. In and out, one and done. She premeasured the bud into $10 bags, or as joints using cigarettes. It was a big hit. At each kegger she went to, she could usually pull two or three hundred bucks. 
Christy took another hit before inspecting her pipe. A friend of hers had blown and crafted it for her birthday this past winter. It was a swirling design of pinks, yellows, and oranges. It looked like a sunset; every night, she would smoke on their west-facing dock and watch the sunset. 
Except tonight. The sky was dark by the time she made her way outside. Barry was no longer by the fire, which was dying. Two of his buddies were still there, laughing at something funny only to them. Christy walked past them, down the dock and onto their little boat. She sat down next to Barry, their shoulders lightly touching on the small bench seat. 
Her mind was still racing, and she lit her bowl again. “You’re not going to that kook party tonight?” Barry asked, his voice still with its disinterested tone. 
“Nah. With the power out I’m not sure how much bud I’m going to able to get through this. They need light to grow.” 
“I’ve been rotatin’ them in front of the windows for you. And watering them,” Barry said. She could tell he was coming down from a high he had likely been riding all day. 
Christy could also tell he brought this up for a reason. 
“How much short are we?” she asked quietly. “I can see if I can pick up extra shifts.” 
He shook his head beside her before putting his head in his hands. “I don’t know man, but we’re short. Fuckin’ Agatha fucked us over, man. I can’t get any more for another couple weeks and I don’t have much left.” 
“A lot of mine won’t be ready to harvest for a few weeks. Shit, B, why didn’t you tell me?” 
“It’s not like you were here,” he said. His words stung, and I knew he was right. “It’s not like you’re ever here anymore except to smoke pot.” 
“Barry,” Christy said, trying to be as stern as possible. “I’ve been working every fucking day. Agatha scared people away, so I’m not making good tips. It’ll bounce back soon, okay? I’ll make ends meet. Every time I come home you’re just blitzed to high heaven off your own product. You’re as guilty as I am.” 
Her brother’s shoulders shook with a laugh, and he wiped his nose with a forearm while she took another hit. “I suppose so. You’ve got something on your neck, by the way. Who’s that from?” 
Christy stiffened and almost launched into a coughing fit, and Barry knew he caught her. He looked over at her, expecting an answer after she exhaled the smoke. “Some tourist I met the other night at a kegger. Thought he could strike a deal with me.” 
“Hmmm,” Barry mused. She couldn’t tell if he was buying it or not. “You’ve gotta be careful with them tourons and kooks, never know how they’re gonna use you.” 
The weed had hit her enough so that Barry’s words didn’t fully register in her brain. “They’re always up to something,” she agreed. The swaying of the boat underneath her was an odd feeling and she leaned back in the seat, throwing an arm on the back of the seat behind Barry. 
The stars were brilliant on the south side of the island, with no light pollution to drown them out. Two nights ago, she and Rafe sat on the roof of the Cameron house, looking at the same sky, but the lights were so bright you could see only a handful of the stars. 
It was the simplicity of being a pogue that Christy liked. She didn’t have to worry about her social life or schedule outside of work. She didn’t have to worry about her image. She didn’t have to worry about businesses or making people happy or petty things that Rafe worried about. She could do what she wanted, when she wanted.
With the sky stretching endlessly above her, she felt like she was inside a dome. Like she was in a snowglobe. Agatha was the shake, mixing everything and everyone up. Now, the snowflakes were settling into new positions. Some were unstable, perched on plastic trees or people or houses, bound to fall to the ground. Some were already on the ground, back to their original positions. Others still, small little pieces of glitter, swirled around in the liquid inside. 
She didn’t want to inevitably settle back into her old life. It was too mindless and mundane. Wake up, work at The Wreck, sell weed to tourists, hook up with random people. It was repetitive. Christy wanted something with meaning and risk. What was the view like, perched on top of the tallest tree in the snowglobe? Sure, it had potential to fall back to the ground like all the other pieces of snow. But there was also potential to stay there, seeing things no one else could and experiencing something it hadn’t experienced before. 
Maybe Rafe was her tree. Holding her up with supportive branches, his roots deep into the soil of Tannyhill. He was here to stay, at least for now. 
Maybe it was Christy’s turn to join him.
By four in the afternoon, Christy was done with her day. 
She woke up early, tending to her plants before locking up the two rooms and heading to work. The morning shifts were her favorite. Less asshole tourists and more local residents. Christy knew them well, making polite small talk with the older people and getting plenty of tips. Working at The Wreck was nice. It gave Christy a sense of anonymity, making her feel less like a pogue and more like a normal person. For her work shifts she cleaned up nicely, interacting with people who didn’t know about her relation to Barry or her side hustle. 
After Christy clocked out for the afternoon after her ten hour shift, she shouldered her backpack and lazily threw her apron over one shoulder. Under her work clothes she wore her swimsuit, ready for an afternoon of surfing with Rafe and his friends. 
Stepping outside into the bright sun, she saw Kiara talking with her friends. Christy liked Kiara – she was one of her closer friends, but their relationship didn’t touch the bond she had with those three boys. Christy was friendly enough with them, and she gave them a wave as she walked past. 
“Hey, Christy!” 
A voice called out behind her and she turned around to see JJ jog up to her. John B rolled his eyes as he left the group to follow Christy. “Yeah, JJ?” she asked. 
“Hey, uh, we’re going to have a kegger at the Boneyard tonight, if you’d like to come. I’d like to do some business with you.” 
“How much you want?” Christy asked, ignoring any euphemisms people often use when asking for weed. “You better claim yours now, I’m running low.” 
“You and everyone else on the island,” JJ said, smiling. “Five grams?” 
“You got it, I can bring it to you tonight.” Christy pulled her cigarette carton from her pocket, taking one out and lighting it. “By the way, tell your father it’s rude to assault people at their own home and my brother doesn’t want to see him again for some time.” 
JJ’s face dropped. “What did he do? Did he hurt you?” 
She blew out the smoke before answering. “Pinned me against a wall. Nothing that hasn’t happened before, but… B’s stressed out and it won’t be good for either of them or for us if he sees him any time soon.” Christy lowered her voice slightly. “If he needs any blow, let me know and I can be a middle man. Okay?” 
“He’s a piece of shit,” JJ muttered, not answering her question. 
“JJ,” Christy said sternly, and JJ’s wandering eyes returned to meet hers. “Give him my contact information. I’ll deal with it so you don’t have to. Okay?” 
“He’s not your problem,” JJ said, but Christy knew she got through to him as good as she could. “Thanks, Christy. I’ll see you tonight?” 
“You got it,” Christy answered, giving him a playful salute with the hand that held her cigarette. At that, they turned away from each other and she started off to where she told Rafe she would meet him to go surfing. 
The cigarette gave her a slight buzz. It felt like a warm hug, enveloping her. That little bit of pep was what she needed, coming off an early morning and long shift. Pretty soon, the pavement turned into sand, and she could see several figures ahead holding surf boards. 
“How was work, baby?” Rafe asked as she walked up to them. He pulled her into a kiss before she could answer. Christy’s hands rested on his bare shoulders, standing on her tiptoes in the sand to reach his lips. 
“It was good,” she replied. “Glad I’m here and not there, though.” 
Kelce fake gagged at her words, and Rafe rolled his eyes at him. “Fuck off, Kelce,” Rafe said, kicking sand towards him. Rafe was wearing his sea foam green board shorts, the color glowing against his tanned skin. 
“He’s just jealous,” Christy cooed, walking away from Rafe to give Kelce a hug. “It’s okay Kelce, I love you too.” 
“Oh wait a second, was that the L word?” Topper asked, breaking Christy and Kelce apart. Topper looked from Christy to Rafe, raising his eyebrows. 
Christy looked at Rafe, who jumped in. “Sure was, Top,” he said nonchalantly. “Now can we shut the fuck up and get into the water?” 
Kelce gave Christy a confused look at Rafe’s short temper, and Christy just shrugged. They had brought her board, which she left at Rafe’s house. After taking off her clothes, much to the boys’ delight, she slipped the band around her ankle and the four of them started towards the water. 
It was a good evening for waves. The water was refreshing, and it was nice to do something normal after Agatha. Rafe’s idea of a date defaulted to a ride on the Druthers, as if to wow her, followed by expensive wine and sex on the boat. It was nice, and she enjoyed it, but Christy had had sex on plenty of boats and it was never her favorite thing.
Surfing with Rafe and his friends was much more up her alley. She was a good surfer, and Rafe knew it. While they were on the water, Topper and Kelce gave him shit for having his ass owned by hers. Christy countered right back, pointing out that she was also owning their asses. It gave her a small victory: something she was better at than the kooks.
They tired quickly, and Christy mentioned the kegger at the Boneyard. “Bring Sarah, it’ll be like a double date,” she told Topper, much to Kelce’s dismay. “And Kelce, look at you. You’re gorgeous, all wet and glistening and half naked. Just stand in the water like that tonight and the girls will be all over you. I’ll make it my personal mission to find you someone.” 
The kooks were never one to turn down a party, especially one with easy pickings for both fights and girls. Topper called Sarah while they were walking back to Rafe’s truck; they put their boards in the bed and Christy climbed into the front seat, while Topper and Kelce crammed into the back of the cab. 
“She’ll come,” Topper reported. Rafe dropped off Kelce before driving to the Cameron estate.
Topper left to find Sarah, while Rafe took Christy to his bedroom. “Can I shower?” she asked, and he nodded. 
The Camerons had hot running water. Another thing she didn’t have on the Cut. It brought up those conflicting emotions again, as she remembered hearing Barry grumble about not being able to shower, which was a very non-Barry thing to complain about. Christy had insisted he use some of the distilled water she had for her plants, but he refused. 
She would have to swing back home before the party tonight to get weed, both for JJ and the tourists. Not much was left – she wanted some to keep for herself, but she needed money. 
Christy really didn’t want Rafe anywhere near her place. 
She just had to hope Barry was out, and that no one was there, or things could get bad.
taglist (reply, reblog, or ask to be added!!!) @stargazingstarkey @letsgofullkook @macchiatohno @ampanonyg @hoeforpankow @jjsmentalpolaroids @drewstarkey @obbx-tings @bricksatanakinswindow
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bug-ocs · 3 years
OC Interview
tagged by @aban-ataashi omg thank you!! i’m gonna post it on this blog bc i’m sure my regular followers don’t give a fuck abt my kids lmao i’m gonna go with danny for this one!! for simplicity’s sake, this is happening post-story
Pick three companions who know your OC/muse well. Answer the questions from at least one of their companions’ points of view.  Name the three companions who will be answering here:
Gen - best friend
Eli - boyfriend
Emory - new friend/instigator/patience-tester
Are they ready to be candid with their responses? Don’t worry, this is totally private. Danny will never read it. (as if Emory wouldn’t screenshot everything and send it to him)
1. First Impressions. What was the first impression you had of Danny?
Gen: Well, I met Danny in early middle school. I remember getting paired with him on a project and immediately, there was this sort of unspoken agreement that we had to stick together. We were both kinda nerdy and reserved, especially at that age. Danny was twice everyone’s height at the time so he came off as unintentionally intimidating, which of course worked in my favor as a nerdy kid. And I think Danny was just really craving any sort of positive-leaning relationship, and I could definitely give that to him! I did initially feel a little sorry for him. He did seem pretty lonely. But he really came out of his shell once we started hanging out more. We just sorta clicked, and it was like... “Did we just become friends?” “Yep!” *chuckles*
Eli: *clearly not wanting to answer the question*
Emory: Well, Eli, if you’re not gonna answer, I’ll go. First time I met Danny was at Molotov and he was a sad, drunk, piece of shit. Snarky and sarcastic as all get out. I wanted to deck him so bad. And I did! Many times!
Gen: *slaps forehead and sighs*
Emory: What? The question was first impressions! It’s not like I still feel that way about him. Mostly. Uh...Eli! Your turn!
Eli: *sighs* Is complicated. Next question?
Emory: *nudging him* Noooo, it’s not! First impression is all you gotta say!
Eli: *with desperation* Next question.
2. Danny walks into a bar. No, it’s not a joke - what does he order? If you give him a credit for the jukebox, what kind of music would he put on?
Gen and Emory: *turn to Eli*
Eli: *sighs* He loves his red wine, the bolder ones, not sweet ones. Cabernet Sauvignon, Syrah, Zinfandel, things like that. If he’s actually the one paying, though, he’ll stick to cheap, watered-down beer to save money. If someone else is paying, he’ll ask for top-shelf tequila. Wine is his favorite, though. He seems to be the most happy when he has a glass of red.
Emory: *hums* That’s cute that you pay that close of attention, Eli.
Eli: Torres, I was his bartender for 4 years.
Emory: What about music then, huh? In those four years did he ever do karaoke?
Eli: Dasha has been drunk many time but never enough to karaoke. I think you both know that. Besides, he likes sad, crybaby music. Doesn’t translate well to karaoke...or bars. I’d slap his hand if he changed the music to Goat Mountain or whatever.
3. How does Danny spend a day off from work?
All, in unison: Cooking shows.
Gen: *laughs* He loves his cooking shows! A perfect day for him, if he doesn’t have to think about anything else, is waking up and spending it all day baking and cooking with his shows on in the background.
Emory: And a bottle of wine in hand!
4. What silly superstitions or funny traditions does he observe?
Gen: Hmmm...I wouldn’t say he has any funny traditions and he’s not terribly superstitious, at least not in the compulsive way, but he’s horrified of ghosts...I keep trying to get him to come on ghost hunts with me but he refuses to engage in that stuff.
Emory: *laughs* He’s scared shitless of ghosts. It’s so funny. Remember that time I made it look like La Llorona was outside his window? *laughs hysterically*
Gen: That was you? He wouldn’t shut up about that for weeks! I had to go get him some holy water and sprinkle it around his window so he would go to sleep.
Eli: *stifles a laugh* I remember that. Good one, Torres.
5. What does Danny wear to bed? And just how do you know that?
Gen: *rolls her eyes* He’s so modest, it’s ridiculous. I’ve very rarely ever seen him in his actual pjs. Loungewear, sure. But pjs? It’s a mystery.
Emory: It’s a tanktop and boxers.
Eli: *shoots her a look*
Emory: What? I can’t tell you how many times I’ve walked in on him. You think he’d learn to lock his door.
Eli: Or you could learn to knock.
Emory: *snorts* Yeah right. Couldn’t tell you specifics tho. He always ends up yelling or throwing something at me before I can get a good look. I’m pretty sure his shirt is white, but...
Eli: Blue and white striped boxers. And I think you know exactly why I know this.
6. Your favorite memory of Danny?
Gen: I can’t really say any one memory in particular. Being friends with him for so long, we’ve had so many good times! I just really enjoy when he’s doing well and we can just hang out and not really think anything of it. Like, I’ll do his makeup while he rants about hot food takes, or I’ll cut his hair while he clips Peaches’ nails. I just enjoy being with him.
Eli: Ah...ya, that’s nice. He’s usually very quiet, but if he likes you, he’ll talk your ear off. It really makes you feel special. I think my favorite moment was when he finally apologized to me after all these years, even though I didn’t need one from him. I loved the way he carried himself in that conversation. Felt like I was seeing him as himself for the first time in years.
Emory: *pauses* Yeah, imma go with when I first met him and punched him and he bled so hard he passed out. *laughs* I still can’t get over it.
Gen: *slaps forehead*
Eli: *stifles a laugh*
7. A time you very nearly almost kissed Danny?
Gen: Danny is...*looks to Eli*...surprisingly affectionate, for someone who comes off as so grumpy. *chuckles* He gives me forehead kisses constantly, b-but it’s all very chaste! P-platonic! I promise!
Eli: *laughs* Yes, Gen, I know. He’s very sweet like that, especially with people he loves. He won’t do it in public much, but in private he can be very...liberal...with his kisses.
Emory: Danny accidentally kissed me on my forehead once when I did something nice for him. I think I broke him and he didn’t know what to do. I thought it was funny, but he promised me not to tell E--oh...shit!
8. Vacation time! Where do you take Danny for some R&R?
Gen: Anywhere in the world? Wow, probably Italy. So he could just sit around and eat pasta and drink wine all day. I think he’d be in heaven.
Emory: Yeah, imma mooch off that answer. It’s perfect.
Eli: You probably just don’t have an answer.
Emory: Okay, well, what’s your answer, then?
Eli: ........Italy.
9. Danny’s sense of humor -is it dry, immature, sarcastic, self-deprecating, physical, witty, dark, or…?
All, in unison: Sarcastic
Emory: *continuing* self-deprecating, witty-but-i-refuse-to-admit-it, dry-as-the-devil’s-asshole humor. He truly gets me.
thank you so much for the tag omg!!! this was a ton of fun and exactly what i needed to do since my stupid tablet just died haha!!
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carelessgraces · 4 years
𝙽𝙾. 𝙾𝙵 𝚂𝙿𝙾𝙺𝙴𝙽 𝙻𝙰𝙽𝙶𝚄𝙰𝙶𝙴𝚂: 1 / 2 / 3+   
grows up speaking english, italian, and veneto. fluent in all three. conversational skill in irish, spanish, french, portuguese, and romanian. reading fluency in latin.
𝙰𝙲𝙲𝙴𝙽𝚃:  yes / no
everybody’s got an accent. she has a slight dublin accent when she speaks english; she sounds like aidan gillen here. (dublin with a hint of london !!) when she’s doing business, she plays that up. i’ll talk abt how she sounds when she speaks italian when i learn more abt italian accents.
𝙳𝙴𝙼𝙴𝙰𝙽𝙾𝚁:  confident / shy / approachable / hostile / other
astoria is approachable above all else, not because she isn’t confident but because she needs to reel people in. the best way she can do this is by giving them what they want: if she’s talking to someone who’s shy, she’s gentle; someone wants to feel important, she’s awed; someone’s argumentative, she’s either giving it right back, if they enjoy a fight, or she’s trying to mollify them. under everything she’s pretty confident, but she’s a good mirror.
𝙿𝙾𝚂𝚃𝚄𝚁𝙴:  slumped / straight / stiff / relaxed
poised & graceful, but always approachable and a little bit like she’s just waiting to break a rule.
𝙷𝙰𝙱𝙸𝚃𝚂:  head tilting / swaying / fidgeting / stuttering / gesturing / arm crossing / strokes chin / er, um, or other interjections / plays with hair or clothing / hands at hips / inconsistent eye contact / maintains eye contact / frequent pausing / stands close / stands at distance / other
a lot of this, again, depends on who she’s talking to — it’s about giving people what they want and making them feel like they’re in control when they’re not. when she’s perfectly comfortable with someone and is being more herself, she’s very expressive, and she’s very physical when she speaks — touching their arm, leaning into them, bumping their shoulder with hers — if they’re also comfortable with it.
𝚅𝙾𝙲𝙰𝙱𝚄𝙻𝙰𝚁𝚈:  ⬛  ⬛  ⬛   ⬛  ⬜
𝙴𝙼𝙾𝚃𝙸𝙾𝙽:  ⬛  ⬛  ⬜  ⬜  ⬜
𝙵𝚁𝙴𝚀𝚄𝙴𝙽𝙲𝚈:  ⬛  ⬛  ⬛  ⬜  ⬜
𝙲𝚁𝙴𝙰𝚃𝙸𝚅𝙸𝚃𝚈:  ⬛  ⬛  ⬜  ⬜  ⬜
arse. ass. asshole. bastard. bitch. bloody. bugger. bollocks. chicken shit. crap. cunt. dick. frick. fuck. horseshit. motherfucker. piss. prick. screw. shit. shitass. son of a bitch. twat. wanker. pussy.
christ on a bike. christ on a cracker. damn. goddamn. godsdamn. hell. holy shit. jesus. jesus christ. jesus h christ. jesus h. roosevelt christ. lord have mercy.  jesus, mary and joseph.  sweet jesus.
contractions or enunciation? straightforward or cryptic? jargon or toned? complexity or simplicity? finding the right word or using the first word that comes to mind? masculinity, neutrality, or femininity? formalities or abrasiveness? praise or equivocation? frankness or lies? excessive or minimal hand gestures? name-calling or magnanimity? friendly or blunt nicknames?
i don’t know what ‘masculinity, neutrality, or femininity’ are referring to, but she tailors how she responds to people based on who she’s talking to and what they’ll be most responsive to. her nicknames and terms of endearment are very gentle: ‘sweet thing,’ ‘sweetheart,’ and ‘darling’ are the most common. with romantic & sexual partners, she’ll eventually graduate to ‘cuore mio’ and ‘my love.’ with children, she uses the silliest little italian terms of endearment she can, and this is STRICTLY bc my grandparents used to call me a little potato for no discernible reason and i want to pass that along. 
𝙳𝙾 𝙿𝙴𝙾𝙿𝙻𝙴 𝙷𝙰𝚅𝙴 𝙰 𝙷𝙰𝚁𝙳 𝚃𝙸𝙼𝙴 𝚄𝙽𝙳𝙴𝚁𝚂𝚃𝙰𝙽𝙳𝙸𝙽𝙶 𝙾𝚁 𝙷𝙴𝙰𝚁𝙸𝙽𝙶 𝚈𝙾𝚄𝚁 𝙲𝙷𝙰𝚁𝙰𝙲𝚃𝙴𝚁?  almost always / frequently / sometimes / rarely / never.
𝙳𝙾𝙴𝚂 𝚈𝙾𝚄𝚁 𝙲𝙷𝙰𝚁𝙰𝙲𝚃𝙴𝚁’𝚂 𝙿𝙾𝙸𝙽𝚃 𝙲𝙾𝙼𝙴 𝙰𝙲𝚁𝙾𝚂𝚂 𝙴𝙰𝚂𝙸𝙻𝚈 𝚆𝙷𝙴𝙽 𝚃𝙷𝙴𝚈 𝚂𝙿𝙴𝙰𝙺? almost always / frequently / sometimes / rarely / never.
she lies constantly, so there are times when it’s worse if they DO understand the point she’s making. it’s rare that she doesn’t make herself clear in what she wants to be understood, whether or not that’s what she’s actually saying. a master of doublespeak. 
𝚆𝙾𝚄𝙻𝙳 𝚈𝙾𝚄𝚁 𝙲𝙷𝙰𝚁𝙰𝙲𝚃𝙴𝚁 𝙸𝙽𝙸𝚃𝙸𝙰𝚃𝙴 𝙲𝙾𝙽𝚅𝙴𝚁𝚂𝙰𝚃𝙸𝙾𝙽𝚂? almost always / frequently / sometimes / rarely / never.
𝚆𝙾𝚄𝙻𝙳 𝚈𝙾𝚄𝚁 𝙲𝙷𝙰𝚁𝙰𝙲𝚃𝙴𝚁 𝙱𝙴 𝚃𝙷𝙴 𝙾𝙽𝙴 𝚃𝙾 𝙴𝙽𝙳 𝙲𝙾𝙽𝚅𝙴𝚁𝚂𝙰𝚃𝙸𝙾𝙽𝚂? almost always / frequently / sometimes / rarely / never.
𝚆𝙾𝚄𝙻𝙳 𝚈𝙾𝚄𝚁 𝙲𝙷𝙰𝚁𝙰𝙲𝚃𝙴𝚁 𝚄𝚂𝙴 ‘𝚆𝙷𝙾𝙼’ 𝙸𝙽 𝙰 𝚂𝙴𝙽𝚃𝙴𝙽𝙲𝙴? yes / no / only ironically.
𝚈𝙾𝚄𝚁 𝙲𝙷𝙰𝚁𝙰𝙲𝚃𝙴𝚁 𝚆𝙰𝙽𝚃𝚂 𝚃𝙾 𝙼𝙰𝙺𝙴 𝙰 𝙲𝙾𝚄𝙽𝚃𝙴𝚁𝙿𝙾𝙸𝙽𝚃. 𝚆𝙷𝙰𝚃 𝚆𝙾𝚁𝙳 𝙳𝙾 𝚃𝙷𝙴𝚈 𝚄𝚂𝙴? but / though / although / however / perhaps / mayhaps
𝙷𝙾𝚆 𝙳𝙾𝙴𝚂 𝚈𝙾𝚄𝚁 𝙲𝙷𝙰𝚁𝙰𝙲𝚃𝙴𝚁 𝙴𝙽𝙳 𝙲𝙾𝙽𝚅𝙴𝚁𝚂𝙰𝚃𝙸𝙾𝙽𝚂?  walk away / ask if that’s everything / say that’s everything / give a proper goodbye / tell their company they’re done here / remain quiet / they don’t.
𝙷𝙾𝚆 𝙳𝙾𝙴𝚂 𝚈𝙾𝚄𝚁 𝙲𝙷𝙰𝚁𝙰𝙲𝚃𝙴𝚁 𝙰𝙳𝙳𝚁𝙴𝚂𝚂 𝙾𝚃𝙷𝙴𝚁𝚂? titles / first names / surnames/full names / nicknames
in most cases, she uses titles until she’s invited otherwise, and then it’s first names. with certain people ( primarily, shaw ), she uses last names and titles exclusively ( “frain” and “warden” and “commander”; he typically just calls her “girlie” and she’d be surprised & maybe a little uncomfortable if he used her name ); using a first name with him implies a degree of intimacy.
𝙸𝙽 𝚆𝙷𝙰𝚃 𝚆𝙰𝚈𝚂 𝙳𝙾𝙴𝚂 𝚃𝙷𝙴 𝚆𝙰𝚈 𝚈𝙾𝚄𝚁 𝙲𝙷𝙰𝚁𝙰𝙲𝚃𝙴𝚁 𝚂𝙿𝙴𝙰𝙺 𝚂𝚃𝙰𝙽𝙳 𝙾𝚄𝚃 𝚃𝙾 𝙾𝚃𝙷𝙴𝚁𝚂?  accent / vocabulary / tone / level / politeness / brusqueness / it doesn’t.      
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