#like having to work at a random shop that you’re not even interested in is just uggggh
nanowrimo · 1 year
4 Tips for Autistic Writers
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Autistic writers can face unique challenges when it comes to writing. NaNo Participant Auden Halligan has tips to handle some of those challenges!
So, you’ve just sat down at your desk, all ready to work on your next chapter, but you just can’t seem to start. Something is itching at your brain, and no matter how hard you think, you can’t figure it out. For autistic writers, that itch might be even harder to get around when compounded with autistic inertia, introspection issues, and sensory processing disorder — even if we were super excited to get started, sometimes the stumbling blocks are enough to keep us from going anywhere at all.
Here are four tips to identify your struggles and work around them rather than against them as an autistic writer!
1. Schedule your writing time appropriately
While keeping a schedule can help you stave off unwanted change in your routine, the need to switch to another task when the clock strikes the hour sometimes feels like a monumental task, one that eventually becomes detrimental to your creative pursuits.
If switching tasks is the biggest hurdle to your writing, setting a designated writing time with no other plans around it could do the trick. Oftentimes, just one hour of time to transition from doing dishes to sitting down at your computer to write is exactly what you need to get past that point and find your writing headspace.
2. Make sure your sensory environment is right
Sometimes getting into that writing headspace is harder than normal, but you can’t put your finger on a reason. Chances are, you’re not quite ready until you have your sensory needs met and you can fully focus on your story.
Personally, I like to be on the couch with my water bottle, a playlist at just the right volume, and a comfortable jacket or hoodie on. For you, the ideal sensory space might involve a desk and a snack, a pet nearby, and a quiet room. For others, it could be outside or even at a library or coffee shop. Autistic people are all different and so are their sensory needs, so this one is super subjective — do what works best for you!
3. Take breaks often
Writing can be exhausting, and if you’re struggling to keep going, you might need to take a pause. If you’re like me and struggle with remembering to hydrate and eat once you’re deep in a task, use your break to get some water and a snack. If you’re having trouble staying focused, get up and move around and stim or go outside to give your brain a reset. If you feel like you’ve gotten some good progress done, however small, reward yourself — do something related to your special interest, dance with a pet, and celebrate your little (or big!) win!
The pomodoro method is a good way to keep yourself from working too long without a break, and if that doesn’t work for you, methods like the Eisenhower method with breaks interspersed and even simply inserting breaks into your scheduled writing time are just as valid.
4. Don’t be afraid to skip around
Another thing that often trips us autistic people up is needing to follow the story down its natural progression, from start to middle all the way to the finish. But inevitably, once we’ve gotten past the initial excitement of having the project started, we hit a stumbling block…and the project gets abandoned. I’ve left behind countless projects because I lost interest after hitting a scene I wasn’t excited for after just a few chapters.
To combat this, try writing out of order! Skip ahead to the scene directly after your stumbling block. You could also skip to the next scene your favorite character is in or even to the climax if it helps you move forward. If you’re having trouble putting your first words down, try writing a random scene in the middle of your story to get into the groove of writing your characters.
Alternately, if you can’t abide by the out of order method and really need to get your characters from Point A to Point B, try putting the scene you’re stuck on in brackets. For example:
[Character 1 and Character 2 fight over the decision to kick Character 3 off the team. 2 leaves in anger.]
It’s simple, efficient, and gets you out of that particular rut so you can keep moving toward that sweet, sweet conversation you’ve wanted to write since Day 1.
Now go forth and write, my friends!
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Auden Halligan is a creator through and through. She’s been writing her entire life, but didn’t start participating in NaNoWriMo until 2017–right now she’s working on developing a TV series (or two!) and has several novels and short films in the drafting phase. Auden is currently a college student studying film production and hoping to minor in disability studies. You can find her on her very sparse Twitter at ink.and.spite. Photo by Lisa Fotios from Pexels
If you’re an autistic writer, check out the Pillow Fort in the NaNoWriMo forums! It’s a group for people who are neurodivergent, have disabilities, mental health concerns, or physical challenges that affect their lives.
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latenightdaydreams · 1 month
Please do part 2 of Mechanic Konig. I'm begging you!!! Your writing is AMAZING! I have to reread your writing every day because I can't get over it 😩
Thank you!!! I'll be writing a lot more this week, so there will be more! I finally made a part 2!!! I hope you enjoy!!🥰
Mechanic!König x Reader Part 2 (fem)
Part 1 here! 🚗
Master List!
>cw: fem/afab, pregnancy, p in v, oral
1.4k word count
You sit in your car holding your newest ultrasound pictures. You made a last-minute appointment to see the doctor assuming you might have the flu, but being a few days late on your cycle the doctor asked for you to take a pregnancy test. Once it came back positive you were sent to the women’s health center for an ultrasound. You’ve been celibate for almost a whole year, other than your random hook up with that mechanic… You let out a long sigh before driving off.
You pull up in front of his shop, putting the ultrasound photos in your purse before stepping out of the car. Walking up to the open garage door, it’s almost like déjà vu. There König is wearing a white shirt and jeans, covered in oil. He looks up and meets your gaze for a split second before he looks down, realizing who he just saw, his head snaps back up.
“Y/n?” König speaks softly as if surprised to actually see you again. The last few weeks you’re all he has been able to think about. He’s been waiting for you to call or show back up and now here you are. His eyes drift down your body, taking in how amazing you look, and back to your eyes.
“Hi, König.” You walk closer into the garage. “Are you busy right now?”
“No,” he gently shakes his head. He closes the hood of the car he was working on and grabs a rag to clean his hands off. “Do you want to go to my car?”
Yes, you think to yourself, but you came here to talk. “No, I think we should talk.”
König tilts his head when you say no. He drops the dirty rag on the bench behind him and he looks at your cleavage again before back to your eyes.
“Is your car running okay?”
“Yes, its fine.”
“So, what is it?” He leans back as his blue eyes keep glossing over your body. All he can think about is how good you felt and looked naked in the back of his car.
“Um, so, I went to the doctors today.” The word doctor piquing his interest. “And she did a few tests on me…” You stall nervously not knowing how to tell him. What if he reacts poorly?
“Are you pregnant?” König asks, hurrying your story along.
“I am,” you nod softly, “I have ultrasound photos.”
“You do?” He perks up. “How far along are you?”
“11 weeks,” you go into your bag and pull out the ultrasound photos.
König quickly steps forward and grabs them from you.  His eyes glued to the image of a tiny fetus shown on the ultrasounds.  He studies every photo, a flood of emotions rushing through him at this moment. He can’t believe he actually got you pregnant.
“I came to be responsible and tell you. I don’t know what I’m going to do-” he cuts you off.
“I said that I would support the both of you and I meant it.” His eyes meet yours. “I have a big house, I make great money, and you’ll never have to work again Schatzi. You can just focus on raising our baby.”
You don’t say anything as you stand there taking in what he has said. Supporting a whole family is a huge responsibility. You don’t even know him, could you really build a life with him?  
“You laid down with me, you let me get you pregnant. Please, let me take care of you. Both of you.” He reaches a hand out and gently caresses your upper arm. His eyes showing genuine intent as they fall to your stomach even though you aren’t even close to showing yet.
“We don’t even know each other…”
“We will learn,” He looks back down at the ultrasound photos in his hand. “Please.”
König runs his large hands over your swollen stomach, softly holding it as his eyes watch your growing breast bouncing. Your nipples have darkened and areolas enlarged. You’ve even been gaining weight, making your thighs and ass bigger. Your changing body is a beautiful sight to behold and it’s changing all because of him. Small moans of pleasure leaving his lips as he watching you eagerly bounce on his cock. Since you entered your second trimester, your hormones have been all over the place making you extremely horny. König is loving every second of it.
“König,” you whimper his name out as you feel yourself getting ready to reach your third orgasm.
“Ja, Liebing, there you go, let it out.”
He moves one of his hands down and begins to rub your sensitive clit with his thumb. He moves in slow focused circles making your legs begin to tremble. You slow down and lean forward slightly, letting out loud moans as your velvety walls flutter around his cock. König takes deep breaths and tries to focus his mind to not cum yet, he knows you aren’t done. Once he feels your body relax, he moves his hand away from your clit.
He gently lifts your body and leans back, grabbing a pillow and putting it under your head before laying you down gently. His eyes roam down your body as he bends down to lick your nipples, softly sucking on them as he feels your fingers comb through his short hair. He lines his cock up with your entrance and pushes himself back into you, mouth still latched to your breast.
“Oh yes, please.” You push his head away so he can sit up. “Fuck me harder.”
König nods his head as his hands wrap around your thick thighs, he pulls your legs apart and back making sure to be careful with your baby bump. König can’t believe how beautiful you look; how tight your cunt feels. He can’t believe how he got so lucky with you.
Your eyes trace the shape of his muscular body, seeing how his muscles flex under the light sheen of sweat covering his body. Your hands gripping the bedsheets as he fills your small cunt completely. You feel euphoric burst of pleasure every time he thrust forward; you clench down on him. König lets out a loud moan in response.
“Meine Liebe, I’m going to cum.” König’s voice cracks as he doesn’t slow his motion. His toes curling and eyes fluttering.
“No, please don’t stop, I’m not done yet.” You pant, feeling your next orgasm just beginning to build.
“Es tut mir Leid,” König chokes out as his hands drop your legs and move up to your full breast and squeezes them. His motion slows as his cock throbs inside of you.
Once he finishes, he pulls out and drops to his stomach, placing his head between your legs. He begins to lick your clit, his tongue flicking back and forth causing you to squirm and moan softly. One hand rest on you stomach as the other pushes two fingers into your cunt full of his cum. Curling his fingers up, he begins to finger you, quickly moving his arm. He tastes the mixture of your creamy cunt and his salty seamen.
“Right there, please don’t stop.” You moan in a whiney tone; König loves to hear it.
He doesn’t stop as his lips wrap around your swollen clit and sucks. His fingers rubbing against your g-spot rapidly as your back arches. Listening to you moan out his name as your squeeze his head between your plump thighs he lets out a satisfied groan into your cunt. Finally, you orgasm, he licks long laps up and down your pussy before pulling his fingers out.
He looks up and smiled at you as you lay there catching your breath. He has an air of arrogance about him, being able to make you cum so many times.
“I’m going to go clean up Liebling, I’ll be back with a towel to clean you too.” König leans in and kisses your belly before standing from the bed and going to the bathroom,
Once he was all clean, he grabbed a towel and began to walk back to you in the bedroom. Once there he sees you fast asleep, cuddling the blanket. König can’t help but to smile. He leaves the towel at the edge of the bed and tries to cover you the best he can without waking you up.
König decides to get dressed and goes to the nursery to continue painting, what he was doing before you ask to be fucked. He opens up the can of paint and pours some in the tray. Getting the roller covered in paint, he begins to cover the last white wall in the room with a pale pink color.
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boyfhee · 2 months
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featuring ⋆ bf!heeseung, established relationship
warnings ⋆ satirical mentions of dying, suggestive undertones maybe but nothing too serious he's just flirting >//< , a lil bit of kissing ( 0.8k )
notes ⋆ for @isoobie i luv u bae & i hope u like this. pls excuse any typos i wrote it directly on blr ><
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“it’s been fifteen minutes,” heeseung sighs, arms crossed as he walks into your room. “you said you’d be done in t—” a pause, his mouth hanging open as he stares at you, eyes raking all over you, top to bottom, taking in all of you.
“sorry, i was a bit unsure about the dress,” you say while still looking at your reflection in the mirror, twirling a little to the side while examining your dress, or rather how it looks on you. “do you like it?”
nothing comes out of his mouth for a good minute.
heeseung traces your features with his gaze, how well the dress fits you and compliments you. you’re waiting for a response and he’s standing speechlessly, gulping ever so slightly before looking at you in disbelief. “are you trying to kill me?”
“why on earth would i try to kill you?” you frown at his words, turning away from the mirror to look at him.
“by wearing that dress, you definitely are,” and you automatically back against the dressing table when he walks towards you with a scoff, hands instinctively resting on his chest while his arms rest on the table on either side, caging you in between. “and you have the audacity to say you’re unsure,”
“do i look that good?” you ask, lips curling up in a smile. he knows you’re fishing for a compliment— which you don’t have to. he’s always down to shower you in praise, it comes naturally to him.  
“you look that good,” and he responds with another smile, fingers playing with the pendant of your rose gold necklace. “so good, it makes me want to kiss you,” he breathes, burying his face in your neck, inhaling deeply and planting a soft kiss, “like here,” with his lips trailing down to your collarbones as he mumbles between words. “and here,” he looks up at your lips, pecking them sweetly. “everywhere,” 
you giggle, definitely appreciating his words as you get lost in his sweet and tender kisses. “we’re going to be late,”
and suddenly, heeseung doesn’t mind being late for the dinner reservations anymore. 
“i’m thinking we have dinner at home,” he wraps one hand around your waist while the other fiddles with your earring. with the smirk dancing on his face, you know dinner is just an excuse. “just you and me,”
“and food?” you chuckle at his words, knowing the very reason you two made the dinner reservations was your empty fridge and the lack of willingness in both of you to go buy grocery this evening.
his lips press into a thin line as he pretends to think, tilting his head to the side while the eyes stay focused on you. he snickers, humming thoughtfully. “food is. . .not that necessary, if you ask me,”
you know exactly what he’s trying to say. the way he’s talking while his eyes are lingering all over you as if undressing you with his eyes, worshipping every single part of you. it’s beyond his understanding how you manage to look good in everything. he might have to take you shopping more often if this is what he’s in for. 
“you’re acting up,” you poke his cheeks, squinting your eyes at him, pretending to be annoyed. 
“your fault, angel,” and he swiftly shifts the blame to you, both his hands on your waist now, caressing and drawing random patterns over the cloth. 
“so, it’s my fault now?”
“yeah, you chose to wear this dress knowing absolutely well how much i love it on you,” he nods with a pout, trying to look innocent as if you’re the bad one here for having him wrapped around your fingers. “and now you’re driving me crazy so you don’t get to complain,”
you laugh— heeseung never really fails to amuse with his words. it’s interesting to see how his mind works. not the first time he’s blaming you for making him ‘act up’ and definitely not the last. you would argue it’s just another dress, but heeseung would say otherwise. it’s the dress made for you, and you— made only for him. 
the clock on the wall behind him manages to pull you out of your thoughts. you two were supposed to leave fifteen minutes ago. you gently push him away, although his grip around your waist tightens, refusing to let you go. “okay, i won’t. now can we leave?”
he looks as if contemplating something, still not letting you go. “how about i steal a kiss first?” he suggests with a click of his tongue, the smirk climbing its way back to his lips.
“how about no?” you tease, removing his hands from your waist.
“too bad,” and he tilts your chin up with his finger, backing you against the table once again, pressing himself against you. he leans in with a scoff, brushing his lips against yours. “i’m going to do it anyway,”
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dizscreams · 1 year
Romantic headcanons with lil ol hobie
Absolutely 🫡
Romantic Headcanons with Hobie Brown — ★
I don’t think you guys would go out for dates I think a lot of the time it’s hanging out in each others room
Like he’s strumming his guitar and you’re studying or drawing whatever JUST YES
I think he’d definitely prefer that than taking you out to a fancy restaurant or smth like that
Maybe even movie nights?
Random thought but a little self care night 🤭
Maybe face masks (which he was reluctant to do but you made him anyway), painting each others nails, etc etc
Not really self care but him helping you dye your hair!!! Can’t get that thought out of my head
OMG SHOPPING WITH HIM!! You dragging him shopping and he acts like he doesn’t wanna be there but he actually kinda likes helping you pick out stuff
Don’t even get me started on you making him carry all of your bags or you showing off to him in the dressing room 👀
UGH OMG I HAD A CUTE THOUGHT!! One time he watched you do your makeup and he wanted to learn how to do eye liner
So you taught him one day and he likes doing eye liner every now and again
Maybe you were on his lap and did it for him one day! (He wouldn’t let you do a full face of makeup on him though 😔)
Likes picking out jewelry for your outfits
If you guys are opposites I can see a lot of playful arguments about each others music tastes
He definitely likes at least one song you showed him but wont admit it cause he’s stubborn!
If we’re gonna talk about physical touch I’d say he likes it just definitely not in public
Maybe a hand on your shoulder sometimes but other than that I’m not sure
In private though he’s always leaning his head on your shoulder or putting his head on yours
Likes to tease and make fun of you
Jokingly ofc he’d never let it go too far
He issss in a band so ofc you’re going to almost every performance of his
Veryyy protective when it comes to his job and you
Doesn’t like letting you come to fights with him or trying to help cause he’s terrified you’re going to get hurt
If you’re also a spider person you guys make a rlly good duo
He’s just a really laid back guy in general so he doesn’t raise his voice at you
Maybe on accident a few times but he always apologizes ofc
He’s respectful 🫡
WHEWWW imagine you both got done with a fight and you just need to rest so you take a nap together! Or if you’re not a spider person then you both had a hard day and wanted to take a nap together
I don’t think he gets jealous thaaat easily. Like someone would have to be THROWING themselves at you and he’ll step in.
He wouldn’t be starting fights or drama honestly I think he’d just wrap an arm around your waist and walk away with you
I think he’ll go on random tangents about stuff he’s interested in or even abt stuff he doesn’t like 😭
You’re just listening to him like “yeah totally” because he’s talking so fast
He’s proud of your guy’s relationship and he’s caught himself talking about you a lot to his friends
He tries to shut up before they say anything but they’re already teasing him
BUT ID SAY OVERALL he’s just a really chill dude who likes spending time with his partner :)
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All I can think of rn so I hope you enjoyed! and ty for all the requests I’ll be working on them all day <3 🫡
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kentopedia · 4 months
౨ৎ ˖ ࣪⊹ IN ALL THE LINES I'VE READ — nanami kento
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summary . . . coffee shop meet cute with literature professor nanami <3
contents . . . sfw, written w f!reader in mind, lit prof nanami tehe, fluff, grumpy nanami, reader is a barista, age gap (nanami early 30s, reader early 20s) — 1.4k
notes . . . selfship coded :,,) this is such a random idea from rylie's brain (and drafts) bc i must post something for my most beloved for valentine’s day <33 i have some other ideas for this so let me know if you like it !!!
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The first time you meet Nanami Kento, it’s in a dimly lit cafe in your hometown. 
The evening is just dawning upon you, the grey of the dreary sky turning into a muted black. It’s just after 5pm; the sun already fading into the horizon, drizzly rain coating the windows like crystals. 
You’ve been busy all day — it’s always busy on rainy days, when people seem to recall that the ambience of rain pelting outside mixes well with a cup of warm coffee between your palms. The tables are all full, now that people have gotten off work, and it’s a favorite study spot of many students. 
It’s tiring work sometimes, and there are days where you get weary of the same routine. When saving up money seems like a fruitless effort, and you feel like your life should’ve begun already.
But it’s also good to be around people like this… Seeing them laugh and smile, while you only wonder what they’re talking about. The job pays less, but it’s better than being cooped up in a office all day. 
“Hey,” one of the other baristas sets a latte down, a pattern of milk sitting just on top. “Can you run this to the man over there,” she points to a blonde in the corner of the cafe. 
Wordlessly, you take the mug, wiping the drops of coffee that have spilled over the sides of it. The customer had ordered a pastry as well, one of your favorites. There is a small puff of steam wafting off of it, the bottom of the plate still hot.
The man’s back is towards you, facing the window, and he’s bent over a pile of papers. You can’t see his face — but his hair is done up nicely, and his white button-down sleeves are rolled up to his elbow. There’s a nice watch on his wrist, silver and black; one that’s probably more expensive than anything you own.
It’s a balancing act, weaving through the tables with the pastry and mug in hand, and when you get to his, there’s no room to set his order down. Papers are scattered across the table, and there is a stack of well-loved books beside him. A few are titles you recognize, ones you’ve read, ones you own but haven’t gotten to. Some you know only vaguely. 
“Here’s the latte,” you say, distracted, scanning the spines of the books. The man mutters an apology, and moves his papers so that you can set the coffee and plate down. 
He doesn’t look up at you, offering only a dismissive thank you. But the sound goes unnoticed by you; you’re too preoccupied by your excitement. So few people walk in here with with books you’re actually interested in discussing. 
“I’ve been meaning to read that one,” you say, pointing to a title that is on your long list of books to be read. 
He hums — it’s obvious he doesn’t care, and the sound is just one of acknowledgement.
Embarrassment heats your cheeks as you realize this is probably something he gets often. Upon second glance, he’s attractive… breathtakingly so. He probably fends of hoards of woman, ones who use books to gain the key to his heart, even if they’re only pretending to be interested.
“I enjoyed his other books,” you continue, highlighting the ones that you’ve read and love. At least, then, he’ll know you’re not an idiot, even if he stays silent, eyes glued to the paper. 
His pen stops scratching marks into the sheet, but only for a second. Then, he carries on, unimpressed by whatever slim knowledge you’re able to supply. 
“Are you a teacher?” The words leave your lips, once before you can stop yourself.
He doesn’t care. You aren’t sure why you’re even still bothering. 
“Nope,” he replies, finishing up his summarized commentary, scribbled in a penmanship that is something in between messy and elegant. “A professor.” 
“Oh.” You’d thought he was too young to be a professor, but when you look at home closer, there are faint lines around his eyes, ones even more obvious on his forehead. Around thirty, you’d guess. Maybe even older than that. “That’s interesting.”
You should probably leave him alone. He’s busy, and you’re supposed to be working, and he probably thinks you’re a child, the way you’re talking to him like a brick wall. Yet, there is something about him that keeps you glued to your spot, so intrigued by the stack of novels and the way his hand flexes around the pen. 
“Is it?” There is a hint of irritation in his voice when he finally glances up at you from under the round, wire-rimmed glasses, perched on the bridge of his nose. The pen drops onto the table with a soft click. “Because, I find that—”
His lips part. Whatever he was going to say next seems to die, abruptly cut off, and he blinks at you. Two dark eyes scan your face with a hint of surprise. 
You’re cheeks warm, and you suddenly feel uncomfortable. It’s not typical of you to make conversation with strangers, and you’re certain he notices how awkwardly you’re standing. 
“I’m sorry,” you say, clearing your throat, and pointedly ignoring the lump in it. His silhouette had been striking enough, but it’s nothing compared to the entirety of his face. He’s beautiful — like he’s stepped right out of the pages of a novel himself. He feels like everything you’ve ever wanted, with his stack of books and piercing irises. “I’ll let you get back to grading.” 
“No need to apologize.” The tone shifts a bit, his voice not as rough. Maybe you’re just delusional, but his eyes appear to soften. “I’m almost done, anyway.” 
You nod, and a little smile pulls onto your face. It’s not quite true; the stack of ungraded papers is twice as large as the ones he’s finished. “Well, I should … Get back to work. Enjoy the coffee.” 
He smiles, amused; your heart flips, then sinks all the way down to your stomach, pounding. “Alright. Thank you.”
“Have a good night!” you say, far too quickly, before turning on your heels. Your hands are sweating, and you hope he never comes in again, because you’re not sure that you can stand the embarrassment you feel. 
The blonde professor, name unknown, lets you go, and you slink off to hide in the kitchen, cursing yourself for acting like a fool. With hot cheeks, you down a glass of water, big gulps from your shaking hands, and glare at your co-worker when she grins to herself. 
Thirty minutes later, your shift ends, and the professor has made his way out the door, walking down the sidewalk. As you leave the cafe, your bag over your shoulder and hair undone, you notice that he left one of his novels, the one you’d pointed out to him in the beginning of your conversation. 
You rush out to stop him, carrying the book with you. “Hey,” you shout, waving it to the stranger. “You left this.” 
He glances over his shoulders, bundled up in a coat to combat the brisk air. There’s a redness on his cheeks from the cold, a hint of a smile on his lips. “I know,” he says, hands firmly tucked in his pockets. “You can keep it.” 
“But—” you start, swallowing as the pages rustle with the wind, the cover snapping open. 
“You wanted to read it, didn’t you?” he shrugs. “I’ve got lots of copies. You can give it back to me when you finish.” 
You start to question him, but he’s already turned around, heading away. 
Which means he’ll be back, won’t it? You haven’t scared him away completely. 
You shout something at him, and turns, just halfway, making a face that tells you he didn’t hear you.
“That’s my name,” you say again, repeating it, licking your lips. Your only hope is that he’ll offer his. 
But he doesn’t — he keeps walking down the sidewalk, before he answers a phone call, and crosses the street.
You sigh, gaze dropping down to the book. The pages are filled and filled with his handwriting, notes in the margins, highlights and lines across the words. So much thought had been put into it, that you wonder how many times he’s read this book, if maybe, it’s a favorite. 
The wind flicks the cover back to the front title page, the publisher underneath. In the top right hand corner, Nanami Kento is smoothly written. As if he’d wanted you to discover it yourself, instead of hearing it from his lips.
You trace it, and smile. 
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gnar-slabdash · 2 years
I suddenly woke up stupid early on my day off with multiple weird random aches and pains and a revelation about the Leverage chess metaphors.
They’re all wrong.
Look, I obviously adore the white knight/black king motif, and it works really well for that very specific discussion of Nate’s shift in morality and position at the opening of the series. But the show as well as I and other fans have then tried to take that equation and apply it to other jobs and to the crew as a whole. This is fun and awesome, but I believe you’re going to get it wrong every time if you start from the white knight/black king line. 
Because in all other situations, Nate is not the king.
Couple important things about kings in chess: 1. They don’t move much. They can only move one space at a time, and for most of the game they stay in their own little box, well guarded by other pieces. This is because 2. When the king is checkmated (threatened with capture and no possible escape), it’s game over. There is no more hope. This is the sole requirement for losing the game. No matter who else is in play, if the king is down, you lose.
This is NOT how Nate operates. Yeah, he makes the plans, but he doesn’t just hide in the office while everybody else carries them out. He’s almost always right up in there playing the most obnoxious guy you’ve ever met or smashing windows or something. And if Nate gets captured, it’s not game over, in fact, it often isn’t even a PROBLEM. Let’s look at a few times that happens, just for fun: - In The King George Job, Nate’s getting beat up and Eliot slightly panics and is about to run to help, when Sophie says “NOPE, don’t do that, I can fix this without blowing our cover” and saunters in at her leisure. The jig isn’t up and she’s not even particularly concerned about him getting punched. I love it. - In the Maltese Falcon Job, Nate sacrifices himself to save the team. This is a classic thing to do in chess and chess metaphors, but, I cannot stress this enough, you cannot sacrifice your king. That’s just called LOSING. -In The Long Goodbye Job of course the whole con is structured around Nate getting caught. I guess this one kind of makes sense because the whole point is to look like they HAVE completely lost, but then at the end it appears that Nate’s going to secret prison and everyone else is escaping WITH the black book, so they STILL would be losing Nate but winning the job. 
So if Nate isn’t the king, who is?
Let’s look at our points about kings again:
1. Doesn’t move as far or as quickly: Yes, Hardison ALSO gets out there and participates in the cons, everybody does. But Hardison does stay in the background more often, because that’s where his power is. He does the behind the scenes tech stuff and the remote stuff, he can wreck your shop without showing up through the power of the internet. He also does the forgeries of identities and objects, which are also done in his own space. At the same time, he has less physical power and less range -- you don’t want him in a fistfight, or a gunfight, and his grifts are notorious for being a little. . . uh. . . interesting. So he has limited physical range and power but at the same time. . . .
2. The game is over if you lose him. That far-reaching behind the scenes power is absolutely vital for 90% of the jobs. He does the massive amounts of research and hacking legwork needed just to START a job, even before you get to actually completing the job. You are pretty much dead in the water without Hardison. But that’s just from a practical standpoint. Losing Hardison is also a crisis from an emotional standpoint. He’s our moral compass and our sweet baby brother and when Hardison gets in trouble there is no “well he’ll be fine for a few minutes” and no “well he kinda had it coming.” No, when Hardison is in trouble everything else grinds to a halt and everyone comes running. (See: The Experimental Job, The Grave Danger Job, The Long Goodbye Job.)
So like, yes Nate is in charge. But the king isn’t in charge on a chessboard, the king is just a piece with a very unique role, which Hardison fills much better than Nate does. So, now that we have our real king, who are our other pieces?
Queen: Parker. This has nothing to do with her dating Hardison. The thing about the queen is she can do a little bit of everything -- she can move in any direction, making her the most dangerous piece on the board. Parker’s whole character arc is about learning all the different roles and how to access the whole playing field. She’s the only one who plans and executes an entire episode-length job by herself (okay, with a little help from her girlfriend). Plus, the other cool thing about a queen is she has a built-in transformation story -- a pawn that crosses the board can become a queen, which Parker mimics by initially being dismissed as “the crazy one” and ultimately becoming the mastermind.
Knight: Sophie. I know, I wanted Eliot to be the horsie too, but this makes more sense. The knight’s deal is that it’s sneaky -- it’s the only piece that can turn corners -- and it can jump over obstacles. Sophie’s whole philosophy of grifting is that she shouldn’t need to know about safes or security systems, she should be able to bypass (jump over) all that by insinuating herself with the mark (being sneaky by playing a character to get behind enemy lines)
Rook: Eliot. This is the straightforward one -- it goes in a straight line. It also literally represents the castle walls. It’s also so, so fucking helpful to have around, I fucking hate losing my rooks. It’s your solid right hand man, basically. Is this a little reductive of Eliot? Absolutely, but I’m jamming five complex characters into five predetermined boxes, it’s not all gonna be nuanced. And I think Mr. Punchy would like being seen as the fortress that everybody depends on, and to let all the nuance go under the radar. That’s where he likes it. 
Bishop: Finally, here’s where Nate is hiding. While the rook can only go straight (lol), the bishop can only go diagonally. Nothing can be straightforward for the bishop, he always has to come at things from an angle. Like, you know, constantly looking at all the different angles of a situation and finding the right angle to come at a mark from. Also, the bishops sit right in the middle right next to the king and queen. I don’t know that this is historically accurate, but when my dad taught me to play he told me that was because the bishops were important councilors to the rulers, they were the ones who had important wisdom that would tell them the best plan of attack. So the king here isn’t necessarily the one making the plans -- that’s the bishop. And finally, apparently the bishop is called lots of different things in other languages, but we’re operating in English, which means it makes Nate a priest, and that makes me happy.
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solarnomoon · 11 months
random things about enhypen that you love (^.^)
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༻ heeseung >>> singing whats on his mind
no the WAY you probably have heard every single song in the history of the world come out of heeseung's mouth like it's genuinely insane how he knows so many fucking tunes
you thought it could've been like a nervous thing but nahh he just loves singing and honestly, he does it to impress you too (though he would never admit that)
ofc this mfer has perfect pitch so once he hears a melody it's pretty hard for him to forget it, leading him to sing songs that come to mind just because he'd rather sing it out then keep it stuck in his mind for the rest of the day
even if he's working on something else, cooking, cleaning, even just talking to friends on the phone, you hear him sing songs even if he doesn't realize that he's doing it
bro almost always gets embarrassed when you mention it to him and he swears that he'll never do it again, but lo and behold, less than 10 minutes later, you hear him singing airplane pt. 2 after talking about bts with you
he loves it when you sing along with him or even try to harmonize (it's his love language!)
more under the cut!!
༻ jay >>> telling you everything he eats
one day after you and jay hadn't seen each other in like a week or two cause he was in japan, you asked him what he ate that week and if he had tried anything new or tasted anything bad (just small talk cus you guys were bored and you wanted to be a good partner to him)
he just lit up and told you all the foods that he tried, the things that niki had recommended, all the things sunoo hated, the spicy things heeseung loved, literally everything during that week relating to food
you didn't realize that it was that serious to him but you just smiled and asked questions because at some point it was interesting even though it was a simple question
ever since then he just explains atleast one meal that he had with you, either in person, or texts you if he can't see you
you think it's super cute that he always reaches out because you asked him randomly that one time, and honestly you're glad that he does because soon enough you look forward to it
༻ jake >>> getting head ruffles
jake will never beat the puppy allegations to be quite honest
every single time he wakes up early because of his schedule (much earlier than you) and he ends up having a light breakfast
he times it so that your alarm goes off when he leaves as to not wake you up
and every single time, he comes back into your guys’ shared bedroom and lowers his head toward your lying body just so he can get a hair ruffle from you before he leaves for practice or promotions or whatever is going on
and it’s not just in the morning, but also when he comes back, even finding you in the home no matter where you are or what you’re doing to get his hair ruffled later on in the evening
it’s become routine at this point: when you forgot one day and woke up a little later than you expected because of a late night, he was all sulky and pouting the entire night, leading you to have to cuddle him and watch an entire series with him
even then he was still sad (although, with how much he had to hide his smile when you were in his lap, how sad could he really be?)
༻ sunghoon >>> remembering the little, niche things about you
you know that chocolate that you ate with him in paris a few years back? no? well sunghoon remembers, and he brought it back for you when enhypen went together because he remembered that you quite literally lit up when you tasted the melty goodness
this dude remembers everything and sometimes it scares you
he knows that you hate the fourth step on the way to his dorm because that one happens to be a few centimeters longer which causes you to trip, so everytime you walk together he places his arm on your waist just so you don't fall
he remembers that you can't stand the smell of sage, so one time when the rest of enhypen went inside of a small crystal shop, he walked in before you and made sure to stay outside with you with the excuse that he "gets allergies everytime he's near rose quartz"
sometimes he tells you these things, like how he told you he loves everytime you smile because he loves seeing how your eyes crinkle when it's a genuine smile
most of the time he just keeps it to yourself though, but you know he knows things about you regardless
it's how he loves!
༻ sunoo >>> playing with your hair
you're like 99% positive that if sunoo wasn't an idol, he would actually be a hairstylist as his job
no because how come he can do your hair better than you can do your own hair?
you're literally in control of your body and hands and know your hair yet he just does it better no matter what you attempt to do or even replicate like how he does it on his own volition
at first you were bewildered when he just started touching your hair for fun because no-one else had ever just touched your hair like that so it was just shocking???
but now it seems to just be a force of habit because whenever you guys are sitting together for extended periods of time (like watching scary movies together at 3 AM just because he requested it), he needs to have his hands in that scalp of yours otherwise he literally cannot focus on anything else
honestly though you're happy about it because not only is he gentle with his hands and your hair, but it's really comforting to you now... especially after being jumpscared one too many times in the witching hours
༻ jungwon >>> saying your name
you don't know what it is about your jungwon saying your name or what it is about your name that's just so appealing to him but he loves it and you love hearing it
everytime he talks to you he almost always starts out by saying your name, then saying a pet name after
when he's in a loving mood he says your name then the word "baby" "sweetheart" "my love" and other things of that nature
to be honest, that's how you know when he's annoyed or even upset at you because he'll just say the pet name but not your own name
those days scare you the most, and you spend the rest of the day making it up to him with whatever you did
even when he talks to other people, he never refers to you as his partner, but rather your name every single time
speaking of that, he literally brings you up in every conversation he has ever, even when it has nothing to do with you (but that's a whole different topic)
he just loves you and your name so much that it brings joy to him when it comes out of his mouth
༻ niki >>> sending pics that remind him of you
it's become a little game for you to predict whether or not the pictures niki sends will be outlandish or not
one time it was a cute little kitten he found on the street
"look babe i thought of you <33"
next day it was a piece of torn up plastic that came from cabbage with only the "b" "a" and "e" still legible
"babyy it's literally youu >.<"
some days you feel honored and absolutely loved and other days you wonder why you even like the guy to begin with
like... once he took a picture of the inside of a literal garbage can and texted that the inside reminds him of you whenever you finish crying after a sad movie
you didn't know whether to feel offended or not because honestly that was kind of rude but at the same time he sent it with a heart and a cute emoji so clearly he didn't have any negative intentions regarding that text
you still love it, you just hope the next day will be… nicer…! with what reminds him of you
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digitaldiarystuff · 6 months
Good 4 U
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note: I don’t know what it is about pedri that makes me write angst but he has a special place in my heart and here’s another story, there’ll be a part 2 if you’re interested 💕
summary: you and pedri broke up months ago but you didn’t realize he was back out there dating new girls while you couldn’t even enjoy anything
pairing: Pedri Gonzalez x Y/N
genre: angst
“Oh my gosh I’m so glad we did a shopping spree.” you shouted to your friends walking ahead of you.
“Girl, yess at least now we have something to wear to the party tonight.” Ana said to you.
“Party, what party?” you asked and they looked at each other like they were caught.
“Umm, Y/N we were going to tell you, we’re invited to a party tonight.”
“Oh, have fun!” you said softly, you weren’t ready to go out and have fun since your break up with Pedri. You knew it had been 3 months but getting drunk and making out with strangers didn’t interest you at all. You loved him and always thought it’d be disrespectful.
“Actually, you’re also invited and highly encouraged to go with us.”
“What do you mean?” you asked confused.
“It’s at Gavi’s house and he made us promise to bring you.” Ana said while Lucia gave her a look.
“I’m not going.” you said determinedly, there was no way you were going to see Pedri. Ypu weren’t ready.
But after 2 hours of convincing and telling it would break Gavi’s heart because you liked him, here you were getting out of the cab in a dress that felt too tight and too short. You had a sour feeling in your stomach about tonight, Pedri would be there you were sure but you haven’t spoke with him in 90 days. What is there to talk about, you fought a lot, he wanted to end it you wanted to work it out he said no and walked out. Typical break up. Your friends were walking to the gate but your heart was pounding and you didn’t move. Lucia came to you, sighing.
“Look honey, I know it’s not easy seeing him in there but you deserve a fun night. You shouldn’t be the one hiding, he should. And worst case scenario, find some random guy and jam your tongue down his throat.”
“My suggestion would be Ferran.” Lucia chimed in.
“Yeah but Ferran’s not a worst case scenario, he’s more like the best dream I ever had.” Ana went on.
“I’m not hitting on Ferran.” you said sternly.
“Can I?” Ana asked and you laughed at how obvious she was.
You thanked them for their support and went in the house arm in arm. It was the typical house party with dimmed lights and hiphop music, you remembered being with Pedri at these types of events, his hand in yours and laughing at his friends. You stumbled upon Gavi carrying 4 cups of drinks in his hand and tried helping him laughing.
“It’s been so long, thank you for coming.” he said and smiled genuinely.
“Thank you for inviting me.” you smiled back and carried the cups over to Ale and the other guys while your friends followed.
Ale was just telling you about the recent game, which you already seen but didn’t tell anyone when suddenly his words came to a halt and he just stared behind you. You tried following his gaze and saw Pedri and Micah. Micah was an influencer that followed Pedri a few weeks before your break up and you were bothered by it, not because she followed him but because he followed back. You’ve had a few fights over her and he assured you he’d never do something like that, well I guess until now because he had his arm around her waist and they were laughing while coming to meet the boys. He didn’t look up and saw you yet but you knew he would just about any second so you fixed your expression and tried to be as nonchalant as possible.
You didn’t know Pedri was dating anyone, you figured he’d have the same respect you had for him but guess you were wrong. When his eyes met with yours it was like his heart stopped. His movements slowed down and he retreated his hand from Micah looking at you dumbfounded.
“Hi” he said softly not sure about your reaction.
“Hi” you said smiling because no matter how much it hurt, you wouldn’t show him. He looked at you confused and said they were going to get drinks. You could feel everyone’s eyes on you but smiled at them reassuringly.
“Are you okay?” Ana asked whispering.
“Yeah, I’ll be.” you said and took the drink out of her hands and downed it.
It was a few hours into the party and you were getting looser by the second. You had too much alcohol in your system for your liking but it helped getting your mind off of them. Pedri’s mood seemed to be getting worse and worse, he was sitting on a couch while you were dancing with everyone around you like you didn’t care. You didn’t even glance at him, not giving him any satisfaction and kept on dancing until you needed to use the bathroom. You said you’d be back to girls and went on the second floor bathroom because the guest one was occupied.
It wasn’t until you were standing in front of the mirror looking at yourself that you start processing the events of tonight. You couldn’t even glance at another man without imagining him and he was living his best life with influencers on his arm like he didn’t care. You felt tears burning your eyes and blinked to stop yourself and step out.
“What are you doing here?” you asked Pedri because he was waiting at the door.
“I came to check up on you.” he said.
You laughed gaining some power from the alcohol in your system.
“As you can see, I’m okay Pedro.” you patted his back and tried walking past him but he stopped you.
“Y/N wait, I didn’t know you were going to be here. I’m sorry” he said.
“It’s okay, we’re broken up. You can do whatever you want.” you said trying to be as polite as possible because you didn’t want to show him you cared.
“Really, you’re okay with this?” he asked not believing.
“Yes, it’s been months of course I’m okay. Enjoy your night Pedri.” you said and caressed his arm knowing your touch made him feel things. Your break up had nothing to do with your physical connection, it was always strong and you also knew the best revenge you can get is showing he doesn’t even matter to you like standing centimeters apart from him doesn’t affect you at all.
You went downstairs to find your friends until you saw a familiar face.
“Oh my god Diego I didn’t know you’d be here.” you exclaimed and hugged your friend. Diego was someone Pedri introduced you to but soon you became good friends, and he was so jealous. He even went as far as asking you to unfollow him on insta but unlike him, you didn’t go to Diego after the break up as rebound. You were just good friends.
“It’s been too long.” he said and embraced you in his arms and spun you around happy to see you. You giggled at him and started a conversation all while Pedri came downstairs and watched the whole ordeal. You knew you shouldn’t but knowing he’s watching your every move, you were a little too clingy around Diego and stuck by him throughout the night.
You sometimes felt Pedri’s eyes on you burning a hole into your head but didn’t even look up at him once, which must be killing him. Soon after you decided to call it a night since your whole body felt numb and you couldn’t wait to get out your heels. You grabbed Ana and Lucia and went over to Gavi to let him know you’re leaving.
“Oh okay, do you have a ride back home?” he asked.
“Yeah I think we’ll call an uber.” you said looking over your shoulder and seeing Ana chatting up with a guy from the party. She might not be with you anymore, you thought and Lucia was on the phone with his boyfriend telling him to pick her up which meant you were riding on your own.
“You shouldn’t be alone, I can ask my sister to drive you she didn’t drink anything.” he said looking around to find Aurora.
“No no it’s fine don’t worry I can go on my own.” you reassured him and started walking out. You picked your phone up to order a taxi until your phone was snatched from you.
“What the- What’s going on?” you looked up and saw Pedri placing your phone in his pocket.
“I’m taking you home.”
“No you’re not, can you give my phone back?” you asked trying to remain calm.
“C’mon” he just said and started walking to the garage.
“Pedri I’m not getting in your car, you’re drunk you can’t even drive.” you said trying to think of any excuse to get him off of your back.
“I didn’t drink.” he simply said and opened the car door for you.
“I don’t want you to drive me.” you said and crossed your arms.
“Worried about your boyfriend seeing us?” he lifted his brow.
Take a deep breath Y/N, don’t let him see you got to him.
“It’s none of your business and you know it, please give my phone back to me.” you said as cordial as possible.
“No it’s my fucking business, I knew he always liked you and you treat him this good when you don’t even care about me!” he finally snapped.
“Honestly Pedri what were you expecting, you broke up with me. Should I cry and beg you to take me back after I’ve seen you with some girl? I don’t think so, you’re free to do whatever and so am I!” you said and decided not to tell him anything about Diego just being your friend because you knew this would only get him more riled up.
“So what, are you together now?” he said quietly.
“I’m saying that’s none of your business. I didn’t ask you anything about your date and you shouldn’t either. If you want to make a big deal, fine but don’t bring me into this mess. I’m finally healed and don’t need your negativity around me anymore!” you shouted at him and got your phone from his pocket to finish calling that uber. He stood there motionless like he was a statue and looked at you not daring saying a word. You didn’t even realize how much your words meant to him and crushed him that you said you’re healed. That means you forgot about him but he was so far from forgetting you that it hurt.
note: there’ll ofc be a second part because i can’t stop once i start lol lmk your thoughts please
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steddieas-shegoes · 1 year
Chapter 4
Chapter 1  / Chapter 2 / Chapter 3
Steve arrived home to Robin anxiously pacing.
“Steve! Oh my God. I thought you died.”
“Robin, I literally talked to you an hour ago.”
“You could’ve died in the last hour!”
He smiled at her dramatics. She had his location the entire time, and she easily could have called him any time in the last hour if she was that worried.
She wrapped him in a hug, which was shocking enough on its own, but Steve couldn’t help his confusion when she also kissed the top of his head.
She held him for over a minute and Steve started to wonder if someone had died and she didn’t know how to tell him face to face.
“Is everything okay?”
“Are you okay?”
Steve realized Eddie had probably told her everything. Oh for fuck sake.
“I am begging you to never bring anything of this up to me ever. Like, even if you think it’s okay to talk about it, assume it isn’t. I am never going to talk about this with you. Not ever. Not even on my deathbed. Not even when I’m drunk.”
“Eddie said you should.”
“I will. With Eddie. Not you.”
Steve turned to walk to his room and ignore Robin for the rest of the day, but he could hear her footsteps following him.
He sighed and turned around.
“I’m fine. Eddie took care of me. I’m going back there tonight so we can talk. I’ll keep my location on and you can check in with both of us, okay Mom?”
“Wait wait wait wait. You’re going back there tonight?” Then, she seemed to remember how he even ended up with Eddie. “WAIT! Your tattoo! Show me!”
Steve could do that much at least. He’d been talking about this tattoo for so long and he was really excited about how it turned out.
Eddie had unwrapped it and done the first round of cleaning and moisturizing, making sure Steve was paying attention so he could do it by himself today.
He hadn’t been able to look away from it for nearly ten minutes, the colors more beautiful after the redness of his irritated skin went away.
He held his wrist out to Robin, unable to keep the smile from his face as she looked at it and smiled up at him.
“He did great with this. Will is gonna flip.”
“I hope he likes it. He has an appointment with me tomorrow so I’ll be able to show him.”
Will was one of his best kids. He never had to actually worry about his future, Will knew exactly what he wanted, got good grades, had nearly perfect attendance, and worked towards his goals without any help from Steve. He’d been through a lot though as a child, and his mom had insisted that he regularly meet with Steve just to talk.
He came to appointments once a week, but him, along with his two best friends Dustin and Mike, would often spend their lunchtime in Steve’s office. They weren’t exactly popular, and bullies targeted them often for their size and their interest in more nerdy things. Steve let them, even though the principal had told him he was setting them up for failure in real life. Steve always said this was real life and feeling safe wasn’t a failure.
But this tattoo would really mean a lot to Will. He hoped so, at least.
“When are you going to Eddie’s?”
“Bring protection.”
“Nothing’s gonna happen.”
Robin just gave him a look and walked away.
Nothing was gonna happen. Eddie said so.
– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
When Steve got to Eddie’s place, he was already home, and…cooking?
“Something smells good.”
Steve made his way into the house, brushing past Eddie and looking around. He hadn’t spent much time noticing things earlier, but now he could.
There was a lot of art on the walls, but none of it looked like what was at the shop. This looked more abstract, with a few random watercolors sprinkled in. He noticed pictures frames along the shelves and bookcase that held more records than books. The coffee table looked cluttered, mostly books and sketches spread out along the top.
The couch was old, but looked comfy, and the armchair in the corner seemed mostly unused. A few hats hung from the corner it was placed in, none of them looking like anything Eddie would wear.
Did he have a roommate? Is that how he could afford a house?
“You can set your stuff in my room if you want. You remember where it is?”
Eddie’s voice being so close behind him startled him, but he immediately relaxed when he felt a hand on his hip.
“I remember.”
Eddie squeezed his hip once before letting him go, walking towards the kitchen instead of following Steve.
Steve took in the pictures hanging up in the hall, but didn’t get a close look at any, already rushing to get back to Eddie so they could talk. Robin had given him another look before he left that said there’d be more than talking happening tonight, but he really trusted Eddie when he said they’d be taking it easy.
He dropped his bag on Eddie’s bed, smiling to himself when he saw that the bed was made.
Eddie didn’t seem like the type of person to make his bed, so maybe he was trying to impress him?
Steve shook the thought away. Nothing is happening tonight. He may not even want you in his bed after you talk.
He made his way back out to the kitchen, where Eddie was closing the oven door and placing a casserole dish of something that smelled like heaven on the stove.
“What did you make?”
“Breakfast casserole.”
“Breakfast? For dinner?”
Eddie smirked. “No laws can hold me down.”
Steve resisted the smile he felt trying to creep onto his face.
Eddie really did a number on his whole “I don’t smile for anyone” exterior.
“What’s in it?”
“Well, normally I do a french toast one that has fruit and maple syrup, but you didn’t seem like the type to enjoy that.”
“Excuse me? That sounds amazing,” Steve crossed his arms across his chest and stared at Eddie.
“We can have that next time.”
Next time, next time, next time.
“This one is hashbrowns, cheese, eggs, and bacon with biscuits as the base.”
“That sounds…heavy.”
“We can eat heavy. We don’t have any physical activity to commit to later.”
Steve couldn’t help it, he started pouting.
A small part of him had hoped that maybe after they talked, something would happen. Not necessarily sex or even subspace, but some making out, maybe some handjobs? Yeah, he’d hoped.
But he recognized the boundaries Eddie was setting, and he respected him for sticking to them, even if he really wished he didn’t.
Eddie poked Steve’s bottom lip playfully.
“No need to pout. If our discussion goes well, maybe next time?”
“You’re gonna be trouble, aren’t you?”
“I dunno. Am I?”
“And a brat. Noted.”
Steve had never, not even at peak spoiled rich kid, been called a brat. Not even jokingly. He was a little offended, but he could see the hint of a smirk on Eddie’s face letting him know that would be part of their discussion.
“Are we gonna talk during dinner or after?”
“That’s up to you. I’m happy either way, sunshine.”
Steve felt warmth spreading in his chest at the nickname. He’d never been called sunshine either. Being terminally grumpy since your teenage years kind of eliminates that possibility.
“I have some questions so maybe we could start there during dinner?”
Eddie nodded and turned to grab plates and forks for dinner.
“Before you start though, I wanna make sure you know that I will always be honest and do my best to answer your questions, but there are some things I don’t know. I’m not a professional. I’m certainly experienced, but there may be things you want to know that I’ve never done. I don’t want to mislead you, so if there’s stuff you still need to know after this, I have contacts who can probably help.”
Steve felt so out of his depth here. Eddie had fucking contacts for this.
“Stevie? You okay?”
Steve shook himself out of his thoughts. He couldn’t let himself feel nervous about this. Eddie was kind and wanted him to understand and wouldn’t expect anything of him. He could do this.
“Yeah, I’m okay. Sorry. Just feels a little overwhelming.”
Eddie paused mid-scoop and glanced at Steve. He set the serving spoon in the dish and walked the few steps over to Steve, wrapping his arms around him gently and hugging him to his chest.
Steve quickly found his spot, nuzzling against his collarbone like he belonged there.
“That’s why we’re taking this slow, having discussions first. You can’t go into all of it the way you did last night. It’s dangerous.” Eddie rubbed his back slowly and Steve fought back the noises trying to escape from his chest. “I won’t feel comfortable doing anything at all with you until we’re both comfortable, okay?”
Steve nodded against his chest.
Eddie pulled back and tilted his chin up to look at him.
“You have to use your words, sunshine.”
“You understand what I said?”
“I understand.”
“Good boy.”
Steve couldn’t contain the whine he let out. Jesus Christ, what was happening to him? He’d never been like this. He’d never made that noise before in his life.
“Alright, sunshine. Let’s eat.”
Steve didn’t want to separate from him, but Eddie didn’t go too far. He made sure Steve was right next to him as he grabbed their plates and walked to the table, setting them down next to each other instead of at the chairs across from each other.
“Don’t want you too far,” Eddie said with a fond smile.
Steve hated the way his heart skipped a beat. Eddie was going to send him into cardiac arrest if he kept this up.
But he did his best to ignore it, take a deep breath, and sit down in the chair.
His anxiety was high, and he was worried he may not be able to even eat, but Eddie took a bite and looked at Steve expectantly.
Steve picked up his fork and took a bite.
“Damn, this is good.”
“Thanks, sunshine. It’s hard to fuck this one up, but I’m glad you like it.”
Steve smiled at him and took another bite.
Where to begin?
He knew Eddie would let him lead, acting as more of a guide for the conversation than anything else, but Steve suddenly didn’t know where to begin.
“Um. I guess I kinda wanna start by saying something?”
Eddie nodded, smiling softly at him and showing him that he could be patient with whatever Steve needed to say, even if it took him some time.
“I’m not, like, a virgin. I mean I know when it comes to this stuff I kind of am, but I’ve had a lot of sex. With women and men. I mean, I almost got engaged once. I’m not new to that.” He ignored the amused look on Eddie’s face and continued, though his voice wavered. “And I’ve seen some stuff in porn or whatever. I’m not completely oblivious to how this works.”
“I don’t think you should go off of what you’ve seen in porn.” Eddie cleared his throat. “Sorry to interrupt, I just didn’t want you to think that’s accurate at all. Most vanilla porn isn’t even accurate, let alone any type of BDSM stuff. I don’t want you to think I have a dungeon or something with whips and chains attached to the walls. That isn’t what this is about for me or most anyone, really.”
Steve felt himself flush.
He’d said he wasn’t a virgin, but he’d never talked so openly about sex with anyone. He reminded himself that Eddie was still very much a stranger to him, and this kind of talk is something that close friends or significant others might have.
“What is it about? For you, I mean?”
There. That was a good start. Learning more about what Eddie did might help Steve understand what he was trying to accomplish.
“I mean, for everyone it’s about power and control or submission. But everyone has different ways of accomplishing those things and things they’re comfortable with.” He took another bite and chewed while he seemed to think of his answer. “For me, it’s about being in charge of someone’s release, whether it be sexual or not. Making someone feel good in a way they can’t experience on their own or with someone else. Having the power to know exactly what they need and give it to them or hold back. Find what makes that person tick and use it to make them feel better than ever.”
“That’s what you like? Seeing someone else get off?”
Eddie let out a small chuckle.
“I guess in a simplified way, sure. But that doesn’t always happen. You didn’t get off last night did you?”
“No, but I was dropping apparently.”
“Before that though. You still got to subspace, and you stayed there a while, even though you never got sexual gratification from it. You just felt good. Sometimes feeling good just means a plateau, not a peak and then fall, ya know? I like to help someone maintain that plateau as long as possible.” He took another bite and nudged Steve to do the same. “I love helping someone peak, too. But that isn’t always on the table.”
“What if I want it to be?”
“Getting ahead of yourself, sunshine. How about you have a couple more bites while I talk?”
Steve nodded and took another bite, watching Eddie as he formed his thoughts.
“Sex is obviously a part of this. I won’t say it doesn’t end that way most of the time. But there are parts of this that aren’t sexual at all that are still just as good. Your tattoo wasn’t sexual at all, right?” Steve shook his head. “Exactly. But you got there. Sometimes, it’s more just giving up the control. Some subs don’t even like the sex parts, you know. They like someone to give them rules and tasks to follow and punishments for when they don’t. I have a friend who is a sub who doesn’t even take off his clothes during his sessions. It’s different for everyone and it’s usually trial and error. That’s why safety and trust is such a big part of it.”
Steve felt like his head was spinning.
“Is that why people use safewords?”
“Yeah or the stop light system, or in some cases, just physical signs. That has to be agreed on before you ever go into a scene, even if it's someone you’ve done scenes with before and trust. You may love being spanked until you bruise on Saturday, but end up hating it on Monday if you’re not in the right headspace for it. It’s not just the sub trusting the dom with everything, it’s the dom trusting that the sub will use their safeword if they can’t keep going. Sometimes that’s hard for people to understand. It goes both ways. Both parties have control, just in different ways.”
“You know a lot about this.”
“I’ve been in a few serious relationships with the dynamic and all my friends have been part of the scene for years. What I don’t know firsthand, I’ve heard plenty about.”
“Okay, but what if I do want the sex stuff to be part of it?”
“If you do, then you have to be open about hard limits before you start. You have to have a safeword and use it if things start to go bad. You have to let yourself test the waters, but not jump into them if that makes sense.”
Steve nodded. It did make sense. He was probably jumping the gun a bit, but he felt like maybe he could trust Eddie to find and test his limits.
“So you wouldn’t wanna do that with me?”
“I didn’t say that, Stevie.” Eddie turned to him and placed his hands on his knees, massaging them lightly. “I’m not a jump right into anything kind of guy, even with just plain vanilla sex. But I’m really careful about starting with sex stuff right off the bat. Oh, stop pouting, sunshine. I’m not saying no.”
“But you’re saying no now.”
Steve knew he was still pouting, and maybe being a bit unreasonable. He normally took things slow too, at least when it came to more than random handjobs or blowjobs at the club. It still made him feel like Eddie might not be interested in him the way he was interested in Eddie.
“I’m saying not yet. There’s a difference. I’d love to be able to do that with you. But you need to experience more first.”
“Like what?”
Eddie studied his face for a moment. Steve felt like he could see right through him, which would have alarmed him more if he wasn’t certain that Eddie was going to be able to make him float again.
“You like to be praised.”
It wasn’t a question, but Steve nodded. He’d figured that much out at least.
“That’s a good start. You can be praised for a lot of things. Sometimes just being told to sit still and being told you’re doing good can make a person float, you know.”
Steve didn’t think he could do that. He certainly believed some people could, but he figured it would take a lot more for him.
“I don’t think I can do that.”
“Do you want to try?”
“Now? I thought we weren’t doing anything tonight?”
Steve was suddenly overwhelmed with nerves again. Despite the fact that he’d wanted something to happen when he first got here, he was now wondering why the hell he thought that was a good idea.
“It doesn’t have to be now. But it would certainly be a good start when you’re ready. Simple, non-sexual, easy to safeword out of if you get uncomfortable, unlikely to drop from it. It’s just an idea. You can always say no.”
Steve didn’t want to say no. He was nervous, sure, but he wanted it. He wanted to try. He wanted to make Eddie proud.
“Could we try tonight?”
“If you finish your supper and we talk about a safeword, yes.”
Steve took three more bites and ignored Eddie’s laughter at his clear excitement.
“So, what can we use for a safeword?”
“Up to you, sunshine. Mine is Metallica.”
“Can I use yours?”
Eddie thought about it for a moment.
“For tonight, yes. But you should have your own in the future.”
“Don’t like sharing?”
Steve smirked at Eddie, who rolled his eyes but smiled fondly back at him.
“More like you may not want to keep doing scenes with me and having your own safeword is best.” He got up and brought their plates to the sink while Steve waited patiently in his chair. “You can go sit on the couch. I’ll be there in a couple minutes.”
Steve sat on the couch with his hands folded in his lap, trying to push away any nerves he had over what they were about to do. If all went how he hoped, he’d maybe go to subspace again. Eddie sounded like he could get him there, but he didn’t know exactly what Eddie would have to do.
He didn’t have to wait long.
Eddie came into the room and sat down next to him, wrapping an arm around his shoulders and pulling him into his side.
“Alright. We’re gonna relax for a few minutes first. You’re tense and you won’t be able to just go right into it.”
“Oh. Sorry.”
“Nothing to be sorry for, sunshine. Just let me hold you for a few minutes, okay?”
Steve wanted nothing more than to never leave Eddie’s side, his arm wrapped just tight enough around him so he felt like he couldn’t escape, his body warming him up just enough for comfort.
He didn’t know how long they stayed like that, and he didn’t really care, all he knew was the next time Eddie moved, he had to open his eyes.
“Alright, sunshine. Gonna move you a little so your head is in my lap, okay?”
Eddie adjusted him so he was laying with his head in his lap and his legs out along the length of the couch. He had a hand in Steve’s hair, scratching at his scalp gently, while his other hand was tracing circles on his arm.
“Mmmm. ‘S good,” Steve mumbled against Eddie’s thigh as he let his eyes slip closed again.
“Good.” He felt a gentle tug on his hair and his eyes shot open. Eddie was smirking down at him, but went back to gently scratching at his scalp. “Just testing. You remember the safeword?”
“Good boy. You use it the second you feel like you have to.”
Steve ignored the flutters in his stomach at being called a good boy again.
It went on like this for a little while, nothing new happening. Steve started to wonder if Eddie understood what the purpose of this was, when he suddenly felt Eddie stop all movement.
He whimpered, then felt Eddie’s hand tug at his hair harder.
“You have to stay quiet, sunshine. Keep being a good boy for me.”
His tone was different. Not quite stern, but not as soft as before either. Steve didn’t have to know him better to know that he should listen to him.
“I’m going to watch a show. You just sit right there for me and look pretty.”
Oh. Jesus Christ.
Steve was already hard. From that? Really Steve?
He managed to stay quiet this time, but he knew the second Eddie touched him again he would moan.
But Eddie didn’t touch him again.
He turned on the tv and casually looked for a channel. When he found one, he watched with his hands by his sides, not even resting against Steve’s skin.
Steve knew this must be part of it or they wouldn’t be doing it, but he felt himself growing frustrated at not getting any attention.
Minutes passed like that. Steve wondered when Eddie would acknowledge him again, but didn’t want to risk saying something.
Then a hand was in his hair, playing with the ends as if Eddie had never stopped.
Steve let out a content sigh and closed his eyes again.
“Being so good for me, sunshine.”
Steve smiled to himself, keeping his eyes closed so he could relax fully against Eddie’s lap.
The noise from the tv turned distant, but the fingers in his hair felt like fire. Or maybe ice. Both? Could be both. They just felt nice.
Steve drifted, not realizing he was going until he was already gone.
Eddie knew the moment it happened’ Steve’s entire body relaxed entirely against him and the couch, and he let out a sigh that could’ve been held in for years with how loud it was. He didn’t open his eyes, but Eddie didn’t need to see them to know they’d be glazed over.
“So perfect, Stevie. Feeling good, huh?”
Eddie smiled down at him, even though he wouldn’t see it.
He wouldn’t let him stay down for long, just for the rest of the show.
Not that he was watching the show.
Not when he had Steve in his lap, floating away because of his gentle touches and words.
Chapter 5
TAG LIST:  @invisibleflame812 @inmoonywetrust @captain-daryn @carlyv @lillemilly @spectrum-spectre @raisedbylibrarians @estrellami-1 @gregre369 @mightbeasleep @imhereforthelolzdontyellatme @bornonthesavage @loguine-linguine @bejeweledbaby @bisexualdisastersworld @eddiemunsonswife @sadcanadianwinter @messrs-weasley @i-write-stories-not-sins-bitch @maya-custodios-dionach
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fruitsoxs · 1 year
Having Vash and Wolfwood as roommates would include;;
warnings;; i don't define a relationship, but it kinda hints at all three of you being together, lots of fluff, nothing nsfw (but I'm thinking about doing some nsfw headcanons for this in the future if anyone is interested)
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How it happens/Meeting Vash
You’re basically desperate when your plans for moving in with your ex best friend fall through, leaving you basically homeless right before the semester is about to start
Looking online, in the newspaper even, you’re searching for any place that doesn’t look scummy, creepy, or charges you up the ass
Knowing full well that living without roommates in this economy is impossible, you’re hoping to find some nice people-
And boy do you luck out
Posted on some stupid roommate finder website is an add for a three bedroom apartment that’s in a sort of sketchy part of town, but offers protection for anyone willing to brave it. The guy that posted it seems nice, the ad is kinda funny, and the rent is cheap
You decide to try it out
When you first meet Vash, it’s in a little coffee shop near the uni you’re attending. It’s a safe spot to meet with a stranger, and he was cool with whatever you suggested. Green flag.
He’s pretty nice, funny, and insanely cute. He tells you that the other roommate, a man he calls “Nicholas” is at work, but from the way Vash talks about him you assume he’s a chill dude too
You can’t help but feel a bit intimidated by how attractive Vash is. He’s blonde, with a cute little mole, and his eyes are like…woah
Plus he’s got a cute little piercing !!!
No guy this good looking should be this nice
You decide pretty quickly this feels like a good match, and bam the deed is done
You move in next week, get your stuff situated and suddenly you have two new roommates
Meeting Wolfwood
It’s almost disappointing how little you see of the other roommate in the first week. Vash explains that he’s been taking on extra shifts at work but you still kinda feel like maybe the man is avoiding you?
All you know of the man is that he smokes, drinks a little, and has weird taste in movies
You see random objects strewn across the house that belong to him and you start trying to figure out his personality in your head
You decide that he’s probably some skinny stoner, and you’re pretty confident in that hypothesis until you actually see him
You bump into him in the morning right before you head off to start your first day of class
You literally bump into him-
As he’s leaving the bathroom, you’re in the hallways and a collision occurs. To make matters worse he’s shirtless
And he’s hot
He’s wearing sweatpants, his toned torso out in the open, and his hair is a bit of a mess. You can tell it’s sort of a short wolf-cut though- and it’s definitely working on him 
He kinda smirks down at you and says it’s nice to finally “run” into you
And fuck- how are you supposed to survive having TWO hot roomates
General Chaos
You find out pretty quickly that these two are not the most normal people
And you freaking love it
Once Wolfwood’s insane work schedule chills out, you finally get chance to see the duo in action
They kind act like an old married couple. It’s a bit scary at first, and you fear you might be third wheeling but you soon mix into their dynamic quite nicely
Once wolfwood starts calling you some funky nickname you know you’ve wormed your way into their hearts
Your schedules all clash a  bit, but you all find time to see each other throughout the day. Wolfwood has a morning class like you, and so you end up eating breakfast together most days. You start taking turns making food for each other
No matter what you both at least drink an entire pot of coffee together, and complain about life
Vash and you meet up in the afternoon, since your afternoon classes are close to each other. He’s the one who texts you the first time to ask if you want to meet up- and your heart does a little flip
It has become a habit. Whenever you two aren’t busy with other things, you’ll sit outside on a grassy area and talk for a second
All three of you hang out at night when Wolfwood isn’t working insane night shifts
Saturdays are movie nights. You HAVE to attend movie nights
It gets crazy. Especially when Wolfwood graciously shares his stuff.
The first time they see you cry- you’re pretty sure they might explode
You’re stressed from school, whatever job you might have, and probably a few family problems too. Vash walks in to your room to ask you what you want for dinner, sees the tears and whips out his phone to tell Wolfwood
He then immediately rolls you up in a blanket and makes you cuddle him on the couch to destress.
He’s insanely patient with you, rubbing your back and letting you vent
Wolfwood kicks open the door with your favorite comfort food moments later, and the three of you sit and watch a stupid movie
Wolfwood keeps his arm around you, and lets you rest your head on his chest
Vash’s hand is in yours
They’re pretty respectful of your privacy at first- but they’re both like the clingiest friends ever
Vash doesn’t mean to- and will apologize if he oversteps boundaries 
Wolfwood on the other hand just doesn’t care. He’ll waltz into your room and go “Hey- stop screaming- I need you to make sure I got this math correct.”
Crazy competitive game nights, that sometimes end in you pulling Wolfwood off of Vash as Vash screams for his life to be spared (he like staking stars from Wolfwood in mario party) (It ends in bloodshed every time) (He should really stop)
Grocery shopping is just Wolfwood acting like a dad while you and Vash are off shoveling sweets into the cart (He secretly puts his favorite treats in the cart too though)
You and Vash stage an intervention for Wolfwood when he gets a little bit too into buying random jewelry covered in crosses (“we know you have religious trauma- and yes you look good in them- but come on-”). He walks into the apartment, sees the sign, and then walks out
Vash invites his brother over once and you’re pretty sure you’re about to be cut. (“No Vash- Knives is nice…he’s just scary.” “He just has a resting “I want to murder” you face!”)
Feelings bloom?
They really warm up to you. One day it becomes clear that you’re just…part of them now. Like they can’t imagine you ever leaving their side
It’s the same for you. You walk out one day, and grab your mug of coffee from Wolfwood and…you just kinda spot and think that you really like these guys. Things feel right
I think overtime things just slowly get intimate- 
like you start holding Vash’s hand just casually throughout the day
And sometimes Wolfwood will come rest his head on your shoulder from behind, and you’ll reach up and run your hand through his hair
Casual soft touches just become a thing you know?
Vash lets his hand rise under your shirt a bit when you’re sitting with him on the couch
And eventually…maybe they become less casual?
Wolfwood puts his hand on your waist as he passes by behind you
The sexual tension is like palpable 
I don’t really know who finally kisses who- or how things go from wholesome to spicy- but it gets there eventually
And soon you three are more than just roommates, more than friends, and even if you don’t know what it is- it’s kinda perfect
You renew the lease for the next year, and you’re pretty damn happy you were homeless for that little bit now
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heartbreakprincehbk · 5 months
is there anyway that you can write a dating headcannon for kevin? thank you for all your work it’s literally all so good🙏
Kevin is not perfect, but he tries harder than any man to be. He takes every commitment in life seriously, and being a partner is definitely something he holds in high esteems.
Kevin would meet you away from his hometown while he’s on the road for wrestling. He was in your area for about two weeks, and while exploring the sights on a day off, he would see you in one of the shops.
It would be unlike anything he’s ever felt or experienced; his world would just stop and all there was to him was you, standing oblivious to his stare.
He would continue to watch you, going back and forth in an argument with himself about whether or not to approach you.
Finally, just as it appeared you were about to leave, he would hurry after you.
“Hey!” You would look at him in alarm, this very buff man yelling would throw you off, but he would immediately apologize in that soft voice of his.
“Sorry. I, uh…I just wanted to catch you before you left.”
His smile is so warm and kind and unassuming, so even if you normally wouldn’t, you asked him what you could do for him. From there, he would almost sheepishly admit he was in town for “work” and unfamiliar with the area. He would ask where’s the best local food joint, and that’s how you sat side by side in a booth eating cheeseburgers.
A whirlwind of two weeks would ensue. You offered your services for the rest of his time in your town. Kevin wouldn’t admit immediately what his “work” was, afraid it would scare you away.
He would fall so FAST, but he would keep telling himself to calm down and try to play it cool. He just thinks you’re the most interesting person he’s ever met. He loves your mind and outlook on life and how he always felt infinitely happier with you.
Every day was like a new adventure. It felt like an entire lifetime had been lived by the end of each day��museums, landmarks, roller blading, random jeep tours and sightseeing, hiking, antique shops.
He was so nervous to admit he was a wrestler, but his time in your town was coming to an end, and he wanted to invite you to his last match, where he would be pulling off a win. He figured it was now or never and if it wasn’t meant to be, he would be leaving anyways.
You had an inkling Kevin must have been some sort of athlete due to his size as well as his coordination, but wrestler wasn’t something you would have ever guessed.
“I’m a wrestler, okay?” He would say in the same tone as if he were admitting he committed crimes. You would just blink at him like ???
He was happy you didn’t run at least and merely had you sit front row as an explanation. You were absolutely floored watching him; him flying from the top ropes and how strong he was blew your mind. (Plus, he looked very good)
Kevin definitely showed off quite a bit, showing off his best moves and athleticism. Lots of crossbody dives from the top rope, headscissor take downs, flying through the air. He felt so proud afterwards after winning with the claw to see you standing on your feet, clapping and cheering just as ferociously as the seasoned fans.
“This is your real job?” You would ask incredulously, your voice full of so much awe and wonder that he couldn’t help but laugh. All he would do after the match is wrap you in a hug, melting into your arms.
“I really like you, Y/N. Gosh, you just have no clue. I don’t even want to go back anymore; I didn’t want to come here and now I can’t imagine if I hadn’t.” He would tell you the morning of his departure. He wouldn’t let go of the goodbye hug for a long time, and only left when they were doing last calls for his flight.
He would beg you to write him, and you would exchange addresses and phone numbers.
Without planning or agreeing, everything basically turned into a long distant unofficial relationship.
To Kevin, you’re his freedom. There are times he feels trapped and burdened, but whenever he sees you, it’s always a breath of fresh air for him. Suddenly, he remembers he can breathe. Suddenly, there was something to work towards in his life.
You both would write letters every week, never running out of things to talk about. Kevin would call you every night, even when he had matches.
Sometimes when you called, a new brother would answer. You were able to get a flavor of their personalities with each interaction.
“You’re calling for Kevin?” One brother had to repeat twice in great surprise. That one had been Kerry.
“Oh, you must be Y/N. We’ve all heard lots about you.” There would be the sound of rustling, then two people grunting, a loud noise of the phone being dropped, and then finally, Kevin got on the line panting.
“Sorry, that was just Dave messin’ around.”
Kevin would be really protective of you and kind of shield you from his family at first, just like he did with wrestling; he was desperate not to mess anything up and protect what he had. However, eventually you went to visit him in Texas and by this point, his entire family was demanding to meet you.
“If it’s too much just let me know and we can go somewhere just the two of us.” He kept telling you once he picked you up from the airport. “Kevin it’ll be fine! I’ve already talked with your mom on the phone.” “What?” “One day I called and you weren’t there. She’s so nice.”
Kevin was probably more nervous than you. Doris made a great spread for dinner, you joined in with Kevin and his brothers in football, and sat outside in the grass with them, laughing and talking. It went better than expected.
“She’s lovely.” Doris told Kevin when it was just the two of them in the kitchen. He and his mom watched you listen with great interest to Fritz in the living room explain how he got into wrestling, with David and Kerry jumping in with details. Kevin would just smile.
“Yeah…I think she’s the one.”
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pt 3 to the taylor!verse or they definitely learn how to communicate. 
content: not entirely smutty, but alludes to smut so 18+ only please, hurt no comfort, matty lies :/
matty’s departure for a tour usually pans out in one of two ways: a. you aren’t even privy to the fact that he’s left until he sends you a random dick pic in the middle of the afternoon, claiming it's two am his time and he misses you so so so much, or b. you’re getting woken up at six in the morning because he’s conveniently forgotten to secure a ride to the airport.
so, you sit and wait for the text. either one would work at this point, (though you’re a bit impartial to not being woken up with a picture of his dick).
you don’t just get a text however, you get multiple. a slew of messages wake you up from your slumber. multiple are him just asking if you’re awake because he’s bored out of his mind without you. others are him telling you all about the city he’s in and that you have to come visit because there’s so much good food and record shops and the vintage store he found has the best band tees he’s ever seen so he needs to know your size as soon as possible so he can buy you one. there’s an interesting use of emojis, too. you laugh to yourself as you begin to reply, but you’re immediately cut off by an incoming facetime from the man in question.
this continues for a few days- him in constant contact and you both ending your night on the phone together with him making promises of sweet nothings and baseless love. it's like he took a page right out of the “how-to-be-a-boyfriend-without-the-label handbook”, the perfect page at least to make you feel that deep down maybe in some parallel lifetime you were his and he was yours. and when he talks you through a mind-numbing orgasm later that night, having you puppeteer a ghost of what he would do to you had he been there, he asks you if you're his. and like you always do, you say yes through gasps for air and contorts of pleasure. you never ask if he’s yours though, the thought slips your mind at the moment. but you don’t need to because you know.
the next day, he calls and asks what your schedule looks like. you tell him there’s a lull in filming at the moment and that you’re free until a little over a month from now. he giggles, deviously, and you have half a mind to ask him what that’s all about. but he ends the call before you can. your confirmation comes about an hour later when you receive a text message with hotel and flight information and a cheeky “see you soon x”. you don’t push the envelope by questioning his intentions. instead, you make sure you tie up any loose ends for the next week and pack a bag.
he picks you up from the airport in yet another rented red convertible.
“you have a type, don’t you?” you laugh.
he shoots you a look, tossing your bag that he insisted on carrying for you into the backseat. “piss off.”
it only fuels your laughter, watching the way his face scrunches up as he rounds the car to get in the driver’s seat.
“mean it. I’ll leave you here,” his tone sounds serious, but there’s a hint of a smile on his lips and a glimmer in his eyes.
you roll your eyes as you hop in the car, “who’s going to get you off then, hm?”
he doesn’t respond. his hand finds itself on your thigh and that’s the answer you need.
for the first few days, it all seems normal. you fall into a sense of routine quite easily; waking up in a new hotel room, eating the hotel’s excuse for breakfast, lounging by the pool for a few hours, getting ready, going to the show, leaving for the after-party, leaving said after party early with matty whispering filthy promises in your ear, ending up in his room yet again, and then sneaking back out to your own hotel room before anyone would notice you were missing. it’s easy, to fall into this routine with him- especially on the days he has off and you two muck about in new cities, acting like tourists and finding new vintage stores. it’s like there was no ignoring and pining, just two friends (who happen to know each other’s bodies like the back of their hands) exploring and having a grand old time. painless, fun. easy.
until it isn’t.
she shows up on the fifth day of your trip. a woman mirroring your features. she’s an actress with a name that sounds like yours.
you had hardly noticed until you go to breakfast the next morning and she’s sat next to matty. your seat. he’s laughing at a joke she’s telling, wrapped up in her effortlessly. you don’t blame him. she’s funny and beautiful. you don’t blame her either for the way she looks at him because it's the same exact way you do.
he introduces you as his friend, with his arm wrapped over her shoulders and a permanent smile on his lips. the knife is twisting deeper. the wound only grows larger as she giggles out how matty’s told her so much about you and how much she loved the last movie you were in and did you know that matty and george had a hand in the soundtracking, they’re so talented, aren’t they? through a pained smile, one that matty would’ve picked up on (should’ve picked up on) had he been paying any attention to you, you’re nodding and thanking her. you excuse yourself before you can endure anymore, blaming it on a conference call. you feel stupid. used and stupid and confused.
you don’t notice matty’s eyes following you out of the room, a sallow expression overtaking his once gleeful smile.
there’s a knock at your hotel room. It’s just after two-thirty in the morning. you’re barely even opening the door before he’s pushing his way in, taking you in his arms and kissing the breath from your lips, sucking all of the air out of your lungs. you melt into him as you always do, fingers tangling in his hair and whines vibrating onto his lips. he takes you apart bit by bit with his tongue like his life depends on it, building you up to a blinding finish over and over and over again. you’re practically pulling him off of you in an attempt to hold onto whatever sanity you have left. and when he kisses you again, you taste yourself in his mouth; a small sliver of the remnants of your fantasy. he kisses you like he’s yours; your own perfectly curated shade of blue, a color mixed so tenderly and carefully like no other you’ve ever known.
you don’t ask him if he is yours, because you don’t have to. you never have to. not with the way he looks at you, a reflected image of your own dazed smile.
the last girl leaves and is replaced with another mirror of you. his late-night visits become far and few. time’s slipping away as quickly as he is, and there’s only three days left before you’re due back home for a photoshoot.
you didn’t notice it all until george brings it up as you two share a smoke on a balcony overlooking a new city. the air is crisp and the warmth brought by the blanket over your shoulders is a necessity.
“where’s matty?” he asks, exhaling the cloud of smoke in front of him with an outstretched hand holding the joint out to you.
you gladly accept, shrugging your shoulders and taking a hit, “haven’t seen much of him besides when he’s on stage.”
his eyebrows furrow and a tilt of his head comes soon after. you don’t like that look. it bubbles a deep feeling in your chest that radiates throughout your body and out into the air. you exhale as a means to eradicate it all, trying to push it away but there’s no use.
“weren’t you with him last night? i called and heard a voice in the back, sounded like yours.”
with the look you give him, he knows he’s ultimately shit the bed. your mind starts racing to matty telling you he was going to be busy for the next few nights, something about rewrites and creative processes but your mind was too hazy from the pleasure induced matty high to have it really resonate with you. you remember how he answered a phone call in the other room, just out of earshot so you wouldn’t be able to hear him. the feeling only grows.
“i uh, i wasn’t. i thought he was with you,” you swallow, thickly. your throat feels dry, but you’re accepting the joint again anyway.
george just shakes his head, offering you a solemn glance.
you feel sick. he’s on tour; singing songs he’s written about you yet, still shacking up with girls that aren’t you but look and act like you at the end of the night. so what's the matter with you, exactly? he makes you promise him that you’re his and you’ve never once asked him if that was reciprocated. he’s never once said it. but he acts like he’s yours in the middle of the night and under the covers and over text messages at ungodly hours. he tastes like he’s yours when he kisses you with so much fervor and longing that you forget how to breathe.
there are two days before you have to leave now. after the revelation on the balcony with george, you find yourself packing your bags, hurriedly. deuxmoi is calling her his next girlfriend, going on and on and gushing about how happy he looks for once. you’re sick to your stomach, excusing yourself from the gig that night with a lie about some casting call with your manager.
it’s late when they get back and matty is still riding his stage high. when he sees you outside the hotel, hushing furious secrets on the phone, it all comes crashing down. bile rises to his throat and he approaches you with a cigarette tucked between his lips.
“so we lie to each other, now?”
you jump, not expecting to see him until morning. your scoff falls into the air, ignored as he stares at you indignantly awaiting your response.
“you’re one to talk, matt.” the name feels foreign on your tongue, syllables that haven’t escaped your vernacular recently.
“if you didn’t want to come tonight, why lie about it?” it was a blow to his ego, no doubt, to not have you there tonight. but he deserved it.
“i’m not the liar here.” your words cast a heavy dark cloud over him, “why have you been avoiding me?”
“i didn't... i’m not avoiding you,” he sputters.
your reserve breaks, another lie.
“did you invite me here just so you could sleep with me if one of your friends didn’t feel up to it?”
the words leak out of your lips, dripping with malice like white-hot venom. they’re out in the open now, there’s no way for you to take them back as you wait for his response. the end of his cigarette illuminates as he takes another hit, eyes forward now. he didn’t dare make eye contact, too afraid of the nonsense that would boil over if he did.
“it’s not.. it’s not like that-”
“then enlighten me, matty.”
matty looks at you, finally, pensive as if waiting for you to go on, “i don’t understand.”
“why did you invite me here?”
“i think it’s pretty obvious?” an awkward laugh falls from his lips.
“god, i’m so fucking dumb,” you groan and run a hand over your face, wishing the earth would just swallow you whole, “i’ve been here waiting for a sign that maybe just maybe things were changing and i didn’t waste years of my life pining after a man who doesn’t care about me but instead sees me as an opportunity to get laid when his long line of women runs dry.”
“that’s bullshit! you were off doing the same things i was-”
“yeah, but i stopped because i…”
“you what?”
“i fell in love with you,” you confess.
you watch as his mouth bobs up and down. the air feels as if it’s been sucked out of your lungs, yet again, and you so badly want to just take back everything you said, beginning with your inquisition and your later revelation to him. you’re not sure if you even want him to say anything at this point, knowing that whatever he says is not going to help you lick the self-inflicted wounds or heal the mess you’ve so brilliantly perpetrated.
there’s an utterance of your name as he tosses aside the ember of his cigarette. you shake your head though, don’t want to hear what he has to say. the moment has come and gone, fleeting like a flash of lightning before a clap of thunder. he steps towards you, hands shifting as he wonders if he should touch you or just keep them to himself. he chooses the latter and you have to swallow down the tears as they sting at the corners of your eyes. you’re not about to give him the satisfaction.
“you don’t have to say anything,” your voice permeates the thickened air. his eyes search yours relentlessly, but you remain stoic in how you speak. “but if it isn’t obvious. this,” you gesture between the two of you, “i can’t do it anymore. at least not like it was before. and i’m not about to push you into something you’re not ready for. so, i’ve decided to just take myself out of the equation.”
“well that’s hardly fair,” he scoffs, his voice laced with his own thick emotion.
“i need to do this for me, though.”
“if you just give me some time-”
“matty, i can’t. if it’s taking you this long to even remotely have a response towards me telling you how i feel then it’s not going to happen and we both just need to move on.”
“but,” he swallows, “i want you to stay.”
“i can’t, not like this.”
“you knew what this was when we started, so i don’t know why you’re getting like this. can’t we just forget this happened? i won’t see her again if that makes you feel any better,” matty’s eyes are red and bloodshot and you watch as he blinks a few times as if to ward off tears.
“you can’t treat me one way behind closed doors, telling me you’re mine and kissing me like that and filling my head up with this faithless love and then make it out to be like none of that has ever happened.”
“that’s how it’s always been!”
“why can’t you just face the fact that things have been different between us?”
matty looks down at his shoes, “i didn’t notice that…”
“that’s bullshit, matty.” you cry out.
“i don’t want you to leave. not like this.”
“then give me a reason to stay. tell me that it’s not just in my head, that you feel what i feel, and that i’m not just imagining it all,” you plead, “tell me you want me the way i want you.”
matty stays silent for a minute or two, you’ve stopped counting. instead you’re holding your breath to put off crying, trying to will some kind of higher being to reverse the clock. you feel your grip on the upper hand begin to slide when his eyes meet yours again. he utters your name, begging with you. but it’s too late, you’re exasperated and tired of the back and forth and on and off and hot and cold. you just want to hear him say it. you’ve never had to ask him before, but your assumptions have left you feeling empty and slighted.
the second utterance of your name is all the confirmation you need. your eyes are stinging and you just shake your head at him, but he keeps speaking anyway. you wish you could stop listening, stop falling into his trap.
“i do want you. always," he steps towards you somberly, hands outstretched.
“you know that’s not what i mean,” you whisper in fear of what your voice would sound like even a decibel louder. you’ve lit the candle from both ends, enjoying the feeling of claiming him as your own and having him around without the vindication that he feels the same way. and now you’re left with the ashes of what was, forced to clean up the mess that’s left behind and hopefully clean up yourself as well. for years, you’ve put him first, let his entire being consume you whole, and paint you a shade of blue. but it was all a hoax, a game constructed by the man who stood before you so he could have his cake and eat it, too.
that seems to be enough for him to drop your hand. you hadn’t even realized he picked it up. and that’s the worst part of it all, you think, is he’s letting you go now without so much of a fight. the war is over, a winless fight, and as the dust settles all you can think about is how you’ve never once gotten the clarification.
you never asked him if he was yours because you never had to. but in hindsight, maybe you should have.
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dreamkidddream · 1 year
Random Domestic Headcanons with Ranpo
Random headcanons bc I needed/wanted some fluff with Ranpo ☺️ reader is gender neutral!
Living with Ranpo may seem stressful looking from the outside in, but it wasn’t surprisingly
…don’t be fooled though, it wasn’t always easy
It wasn’t a secret that Ranpo could be a massive man child, but you both had a set system in the apartment- a peaceful routine that worked well for the both of you, despite his…setbacks
It always amazed you that despite him being the smartest detective alive, he couldn’t do the simplest of things- for example, laundry
If you love your clothes- please I beg you do not let him wash your clothes
He did it once and you were left with an…interesting wardrobe for the entire week- as comical as it was, you would prefer your usual clothes over the mess that Ranpo made (and tried to fix- as comfortable as it was wearing his coat, you couldn’t wear it forever)
So now you’re the one in charge of washing and Ranpo is in charge of folding! Sometimes he would try to wash on his own but you snatch the detergent out of his hands before he could even pour anything
It still baffles your mind at how he managed to survive this long
He complains about doing housework, and sometimes you would have to entice him to get it done (whether it be the promise of extra snacks or a kiss)
But that’s not to say that Ranpo’s useless- far from it actually
Grocery shopping is a breeze thanks to him- anything you think you’re forgetting, he already knows. His memory is scarily accurate to where he’s already putting it in the basket before you could even think about it. Just remembered that you forgot something at the register? Don’t worry, Ranpo already has it on the counter ready to be scanned
He also puts in a lot of snacks in the cart- and I mean a lot- but you let him get away with it since you love him (although you do have to limit him sometimes since he can go a bit overboard)
Your snacks is his snacks pretty much- but he does share (some) of it with you, even if it’s already missing a bite out of it
Ranpo likes to help you cook! And his way of helping is to taste test everything along the way- which you don’t mind since it is one of the ways that you bond and he does give good feedback when his mouth isn’t full anymore
Eating together is a must! Whether he’s bragging about how dumb the officers acted today or the new mystery that Poe wrote for him, it was always shared over meals together. It was one of the main ways you guys spent quality time together
He would help wash the dishes afterwards
Nights after work would include watching a low-budget crime show and solving it before the show is over (even if Ranpo already knew who the culprit was as soon as the show began, it was still fun- same with a movie), playing his game together, giving a hand at Poe’s new novel, etc.- anything to keep you both entertained and that helps de-stress from the day, he’s down to do (as long as it doesn’t require a lot of work)
Regardless, Ranpo is fine just being surrounded by you after work. Even if he didn’t have to put in much effort at the agency, it still felt good to unwind with you- just having you by his side or in his arms was more than enough
You guys have matching toothbrushes!! It’s childish enough to be his idea, but it’s actually yours
He also lets you take a shower first or even better- bathing together. Its not even in a sexual manner- it’s a moment that both of you are vulnerable together and could actually relax. Taking turns washing each others backs and hair was a form of tranquility that couldn’t be replaced, especially on a rough day
Ranpo is fine being either the little spoon or the big spoon, but he’s mostly the big spoon. You guys switch it up depending on what’s wanted, but most of the time you end up tangled with one another anyway by the time morning comes
Before he leaves for the day (or after you drop him at the agency), he will not let you leave until he gets his kiss. He’ll whine if you forget and won’t let you leave until you remember why- he says that it helps him get through the day, and he’s not lying
He can be selfish at times, but Ranpo really does care for you. He makes sure to put your badge with your train card by the door so that you don’t forget, he saves an extra stick of his pocky for you since it’s your favorite, and he waits for you outside of your office to walk home together (even if Kunikida or Atsushi had to lead him there)
Most of all, he makes sure that you know how much you mean to him. Whether it’s through quality time or his words that he would whisper in the late hours of the night after pressing his lips against yours, he makes sure that you know- and that you don’t forget
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Case 143! //h.h.j\\
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HyunjinxPlusSized!Reader, kinda slow burn? Friends to loversssss, she fell first he fell HARDER, flufffff
Warnings: a bit of like self-image stuff but not too much. Not edited as well as it could be. Tooth rotting fluff tbh. Hyunjin is a simp but ofc he is.
“Why do I keep getting attracted?? I cannot explain this reaction.”
Hyunjin thought he would never see you romantically, that is until he realizes too late that he’s fallen head over heels for you.
The day you met Hwang Hyunjin was chaotic from the very start. You had managed to sleep through all three of your alarms, barely made it in time for work, and thought your bad luck was over when you arrived at the coffee shop. However, as you quickly turned from the counter after grabbing your large iced macchiato, you ran directly into Hyunjin, who had been waiting his turn.
“Oh my god! I’m so so sorry!” You apologize profusely, looking for the nearest napkin dispenser. He was still in shock, looking down at his now stained sweater. “Um, I can buy you a new one?” You suggest, trying your best to clean up your mess without being weird and gropey.
“This sweater was a custom limited edition Prada.” He muttered, looking sadly down at himself. You felt your heart drop into your ass at the realization that this sweater was probably worth more than your entire existence.
“Oh, uh, well…” you trail off, still dabbing napkins against his sweater as your face flushes bright red.
“Don’t worry about it.” He gently rests his hands on yours and pushes them towards you. “I have a really good dry cleaner.” He gives a small smile and turns to leave.
“Let me at least buy you a coffee?” You grab his arm, stopping him before he could leave. “I need a replacement anyway.” You shrug sheepishly. He gives you a once over, trying to decide if you should be trusted before shrugging and agreeing.
“I’ll take an iced americano.” He replies softly before taking a seat in the corner.
Thus began your wonderful friendship. Hyunjin made it clear pretty early on that you weren’t his type, talking to you about the girls he liked or hooked up with. Almost in too much detail at times. He didn’t see you romantically, just as someone to hang out with. Someone who listened to him and liked to sit in silence with him while he painted.
At first, of course, you thought he was cute. You have eyes. But realizing he wasn’t interested in anything like that with you was enough to push you past those feelings quickly. Now, well over two years later, you two have settled into a comfortable platonic relationship.
“What do you need, Jinnie?” You answered the random FaceTime from your best friend, applying makeup to your face.
“Huh? What are you getting all dolled up for?” He asked, clearly forgetting whatever reason he had called you for before.
“I have a date tonight. One of my coworkers set me up with a friend of hers.” You responded simply, dabbing on some lipstick and not even looking at your phone.
Hyunjin was quiet for a moment, watching you with furrowed brows. What was this feeling stirring in his stomach? Surely it wasn’t what he thought it was.
“Have you met this guy before?” He finally asked, clearing his throat.
“Uh, no. But I trust my friend. She wouldn’t set me up with anyone weird.” You shrug, now glancing over to see his concerned look. “Hyunjin, you go out with girls all the time. Don’t tell me you’re suddenly being protective.” You tease, laughing and shaking your head.
“No, it’s not anything like that. I’m just concerned… as your best friend…I want you to be safe.” He tried to argue, but the feeling in his gut kept growing and latching onto every fiber of his being.
How dare someone else get to see her beautiful smile. See how pretty she is with all of her makeup done- Oh my god, what? Get a hold of yourself, Hwang Hyunjin.
Hyunjin shook his head and dismissed the weird thoughts.
“Why did you call, Jinnie?” You asked, eyes narrowing on him in concern.
“Oh, I was just wanting to hang out while I paint. But you have plans, so no worries. Guess it’s just me and Spotify tonight.” He gives you a smile that doesn’t quite reach his eyes and waves before signing off.
A few weeks later, the two of you met up for a late night movie night. You wore what you normally would, a t-shirt and baggy pajama shorts, since you had no one to impress. When Hyunjin gave you a questioning brow, you teased him by saying,
“Changbin isn’t here, so there’s no point in dressing up.” Which earned you his signature side eye and made you laugh. You found your spot on the couch, scrolling through your phone while Hyunjin grabbed the snacks from the kitchen.
“They didn’t have the chips you like, so I-“ He stops short when he glances up at you sitting on the couch. His eyes locked onto your bare legs, which he had seen a million times at this point, and felt his heart lurch. You looked up at him in confusion, your brow slightly furrowing.
“Which ones did you get?” You reached out for him to hand you the chips, but he was frozen. You stand up and gently pull the bag from his hands, narrowing your eyes at him. “You’re being weird.” You mutter before turning and taking your seat on the couch.
“I’ll be right back.” He quickly leaves the room, heading straight for the bathroom. Once inside, he splashes his face with cold water, patting his cheeks frantically. He then looks himself squarely in the eye through the mirror. “Get a grip, Hwang. This doesn’t even make sense. You just haven’t been with someone in a while. Yeah, just touch starved. That’s it.”He whispered to himself, taking deep breaths to steady his heart. After he finally calmed himself enough, he reemerged into the living room with a small smile on his face.
“You okay, bestie?” You looked up at him in concern. “I’m sorry if I took it too far with the Changbin thing. I was just joking.” You had clearly spent the last ten minutes wondering what could have upset him.
“No, it’s not that! It’s nothing, actually. I just had a weird stomach cramp.” He smiled assuringly and took his seat beside you. However, he almost immediately realized that he had sat too close and your arms were pressed up against one another.
“Feeling a bit clingy, are we?” You teased while leaning into him and he could feel the red slap its way onto his cheeks and quickly spread down his neck and up to the tips of his ears.
“Sorry, I didn’t realize-“ He moved to scoot away, but you grabbed his arm and stopped him.
“Oh, c’mon. It’s not like this is the first time we’ve sat this close.” You rolled your eyes and turned your attention to the movie. He, however, couldn’t look away from your side profile. The curve of your nose, your lips that pouted without even trying.
The second you left his apartment that night, he basically ran to his studio and began sketching you from his memory. Putting love and care into every single curve and freckle. It was frantic- his heart racing the entire time, his fingers trembling. As he sat back from his drawing, gasping for air, it finally dawned on him.
“Oh my god, I’m in love with her.” He muttered, all of the pieces of the puzzle clicking into place. He was wracking his brain trying to understand when this happened, how this had happened. He swore he hadn’t been interested in you, that you were far from his type. He immediately stood up and began pacing his studio, muttering to himself and trying to figure out how this could have occurred.
Before he knew it, morning had come and he hadn’t gotten a minute of sleep. He entered dance practice that day looking like a zombie, especially with the dark bags under his eyes. The guys kept asking him what was on his mind, but he waved them off and gave excuses. He had barely grasped what this was, he wasn’t going to have them teasing him on top of it.
To make matters even worse, they had a comeback right at that time and so he wasn’t able to see you even if he had wanted to. Time seemed to drag on but he soon realized that it had been a month since he had last seen you. Since he realized his feelings. He found himself missing you, scrolling through his camera roll and looking at the photos he had of you. Textbook definition of lovesick (even though he hadn’t confessed his feelings yet). Being ever the observant one, Seungmin caught on rather quickly. He also had happened to glance over Hyunjin’s shoulder and see him sketching your smiling face on his iPad.
“Does y/n know you like her?” Seungmin asked quietly one morning over breakfast. Hyunjin choked on his soup, looking up at his member with wide eyes.
“What are you talking about?” He tried to ask cooly, but the terrified look in his eyes was dead giveaway that Seungmin was right.
“Hyung, it’s written all over your face. I’m guessing you haven’t confessed then.” The younger one nodded to himself and took a bite of his rice.
“I… I don’t know if I should. We have a good thing going right now. I think I’m just being greedy.” Hyunjin shook his head and sighed.
“You’ll never know how she feels until you tell her, Hyung.” Seungmin warned as he stood from the table and took his dishes over to the sink.
It had been at least a week since you had spoken with Hyunjin. While you missed him a lot, you also wanted to check in on him. He had been distant lately. So, you grabbed your phone and sent him a message.
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He quickly stood up and quietly went to his room, shutting the door behind him. Just like magic, your face popped up on his screen. He opened the FaceTime call and smiled softly.
“Hey bestie! Haven’t heard from you in a while, so I just wanted to make sure you still liked me.” You teased, laughing. His eyes widened, afraid you had found out his secret. “Not like that, dummy! I already know that one.” You were sure his reaction was because he was shocked you made that assumption.
“R-right. Yeah, you’re still my bestie.” He smiled, his heart rate slowing. He felt like he was going to melt into the floor at the sight of your relieved smile. Had you always been this pretty? It seemed amplified now that he was pining for you. “Uh, have things been good for you?” He tried to seem normal as to not key you in to the fact that he was definitely memorizing the way your hair fell into your face right now so he could draw it later.
“It’s been good! I miss you, though. My work friends are okay, but who am I supposed to watch dramas with when you’re gone?” You laughed at yourself and felt a little sheepish at your admission. “Can we do a self-care drama night when you get back? I just got some nice face masks.”
“Yeah, that would be nice.” He smiled dreamily as he thought about it. He definitely wouldn’t feel nervous the entire time, no way. He’s the rizz-master.
His hands trembled so badly when he tapped on your door that he nearly dropped the drinks he was holding in his other hand. Why was he so nervous? He had done this a hundred times by now, if not more. His mind went completely blank when you opened the door in your baggy t-shirt and sweats.
“Bestie!” You pull him inside and wrap your arms around him in a tight hug. The sudden skinship had his heart pounding even harder than it was before. You pull away from the hug and smile up at him. “I’ve got everything ready! I’ll stick these in the fridge.” You take the drinks from his hand and disappear into your apartment.
Hyunjin wandered over to sit on the couch, wiping his now clammy hands on his sweats hoping you won’t notice. You sit beside him and excitedly begin pulling stuff out for your self-care night.
“Your headband, sir.” You hand him the llama one you had picked out for him a while ago, then you grab your frog one and you both push your hair back from your faces. “You’ve been traveling a lot, so I picked this one out for you.” You explain as you open a face pack and lean over to put it on his face. Normally, he leans in and closes his eyes, “sitting pretty” as you mentally called it. However, this time he moved out of the way with wide eyes.
“I-uh- I can do it!” He reaches for the mask, but you pull back frowning.
“We’ve always put them on for eachother… why are you being weird?… Do you have a new girlfriend?” You searched his face for answers, only to see his eyes somehow go even wider as his head shakes quickly.
“No! Definitely not!” He makes an “x” with his hands and aggressively shakes his head. “I just- whatever. Just put it on.” He leans in, his eyes closed and waits for you to gently put the mask on. Every touch feels like shocks of electricity, so much so that he finds himself holding back shivers.
“There we go.” You say slightly and sit back, admiring his handsome face before he opens his eyes and looks back at you. He quietly grabs your face mask and opens it, hesitantly reaching forward to put it on. Your eyes are closed, complete trust in him as you lean forward slightly.
“How did that double date go?” Hyunjin asked later as you two were letting your masks set and watching a drama.
“That was like forever ago, Hyune.” You tease, rolling your eyes. “I mean, it was fine. But he just wasn’t really into me. I could tell he didn’t expect me to look like this,” she gestures to herself as a whole, “when he agreed to the date. I guess I’m a bit of a catfish.” She giggled, shaking her head. His brows furrowed in confusion as he looked you over.
“There’s nothing wrong with you, so I don’t get what his problem was. And you look nice in all of your pictures, yeah, but you look just as lovely in person. He must be an idiot.” He grumbled, focusing on the tv.
“Jinnie! People are allowed to have a type. You have one and I’ve never said a word about it.” you tried to reason, looking at him in shock.
“Your type doesn’t determine whose name your heart chooses to call.” He says seriously, looking into your eyes. You feel the mood shift, see the intensity of his gaze. “I… I have been… realizing some things lately. About myself. And uh… about you.” His hands are trembling in his lap, but he knew he had to get this out now. “Y/n, you’ve been by my side for so long now. Through a lot of things. And I’m sorry it took me this long to see you. Truly see you.”
“Hyunjin, what’s happening right now?” Was all you could muster, eyes wide as you watched him carefully. “If this is a joke, it’s not funny.” You warned, frowning.
“It’s not a joke, y/n. I… I love you. I have for so long that when I finally realized it, it hit me like a ton of bricks. My heart calls your name. I find myself doodling sketches of you without even realizing. I-” He pauses, realizing his rambling and looks down. You sit there in stunned silence, your brows furrowed and eyes set directly on him. “Please say something. Anything. I-I know this is sudden, but I can’t help-“ before he can finish, you cross the space between the two of you and gently place a kiss on his lips. He lets out a squeak of surprise but melts into you immediately after, his hands holding your face tenderly.
When you finally pull away, you can almost see the hearts swirling in his eyes. There’s no need for words as the two of you smile at one another, gazes full of love.
“Thanks for finally seeing me, Hyunjin.”
(I got the Inspo for this from a “would skz date a plus sized person” tiktok and now we are here. Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed! Comments and reblogs are greatly appreciated! 💗)
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trashytoastboi · 16 days
Day of Faith - Simeon
~SFW Alphabet~
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A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
🖋️ Gentle and endearing are the keywords for Simeon and how he shows his affection. He’s a bit shy when showing his affection and they are gentle. He’ll initiate contact, a little kiss on the cheek. Nuzzling against you while hugging, or wanting to hold your hand but being a little too hesitant to do so. Simeon always works up the courage eventually, he’s not the kind to surprise you with a sudden make out session or something of the like and he gets easily embarrassed by himself. 
B = Best Friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
🖋️ The gentle and encouraging friend. Simeon has a very soft heart, especially for you and he’s empathetic to your pain and struggles. He’ll comfort you, offer advice and suggest ways to distract yourself in a positive manner. He encourages your hobbies, things you like and takes genuine interest when listening to you and will always ask questions. Some activities include baking together, coffee dates, shopping (for hobby stuff) and chatting. 
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle) 
🖋️ Simeon is soft, he is loving and he craves close affection. He’s fond of snuggling into you, when you’re talking about your day, or something you found out. Maybe you’re recounting memories from the human world- Simeon likes cuddling, you notice the way he sometimes pulls you a little bit closer and his arms tighten around you. If you play with his hair he’s guaranteed to fall asleep however, there’s something so calming about having you playing with his hair, feeling your fingers brush through the strands. Sets him at ease. 
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?) 
🖋️ 10/10 Simeon has the perfect balance of all things domestic. Cooking, baking, cleaning, sewing and random DIY to spruce the living space up with ease. He adores being able to do things for his partner. Mainly if it helps them to relax and rest. He truly does want to settle with you, he didn’t realize it before he met you, the idea of settling down with someone didn’t seem to suit him. Then he met you and his whole mindset changed, he wants to be yours as you are his.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
🖋️ He cares more about your feelings in this equation. He’s trying his utmost to be as gentle as he possibly can with the news he’s going to convey. Simeon is firm enough to not buckle or seem like a pushover, and he will say what needs to be said. You know he’s trying to be considerate and you’ll not let your feelings show all that much or else Simeon will try to comfort you and prolong the process. 
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quickly would they want to get married.)
🖋️ Simeon likes commitment and the idea of marriage. He knows what it symbolizes and stands for, a promise of forever to each other and vows that declare your love and intentions for the other person. It’s something that he wants you to think about and decide for yourself, so while Simeon does express his intention to get married he puts no pressure on you whatsoever until you’ve told him that you feel ready for the next step. 
G = Gentle (How gentle are they? Both physically and emotionally.)
🖋️ It’s hard to find someone who is more gentle than Simeon honestly. Emotionally, and physically he’s so soft. You know you can entrust him with anything because he makes you feel safe, his gentleness is not weakness and you love that even more. Because he’s still a pillar to support those around him while maintaining his soft demeanor. Emotionally he acts with intention and consideration and would never say anything untoward or nasty. If Simeon has to be honest about something that’s not the nicest thing to hear he does it in a way that gets the message across without hurting the other person. 
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?) 
🖋️ He’s a bit shy when asking for hugs, and he truly likes them. He’s just a bit hesitant to ask sometimes. His hugs are very warm and comforting. Simeon gives those hugs that last a little longer, a quick hug isn’t normal for him and he’ll hold you close for a few seconds before letting you go and acting a little bashful. He doesn’t hurt you when he squeezes, also gets a little shy to wrap his arms around your waist. 
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-Word) 
🖋️ He’s quick to think it, but not speak it. Simeon knows his feelings were love early on in the relationship, he didn’t want you to think he was saying things lightly or without thought behind them and so he waited. He’d say I love you in his head everyday, every time he saw you. He’d think it. He’d type it in his messages and quickly erase it before sending them off to you. (Aside from the few times he forgot) You were aware of Simeon's feelings and appreciate that he waited to prove his sincerity with his actions before his words. 
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they're jealous?) 
🖋️ He’s not that acquainted with jealous feelings, especially those that stem from romantic roots. Simeon didn’t fully understand the unpleasant tugging in his chest when he saw you standing really close to the brothers, Mammon even grabbed your hand to drag you away. Simeon didn’t say anything, more because he didn’t know how to. He’s silent about his jealousy and it irks him. When you noticed Simeon acting out of sorts you spoke with him until you discovered the reason behind his discontent. You were quick to comfort Simeon, and he learned his first encounter with jealousy. 
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
🖋️ Innocent and sweet. They’re light, butterfly kisses. He kisses your cheek, forehead and the top of your head. Sometimes you’ll get a surprise peck on the lips but it makes him shy so he doesn’t do it often in public rather when you’re alone. He gets antsy when he’s nervous and you swear he melts into a puddle every time you kiss him first. He likes it when you kiss his cheek or lips. 
L = Little Ones (How are they around children?)
🖋️ He’s patient and nurturing, kids naturally gravitate towards Simeon and find his presence to be a very pleasant one. Simeon is good at handling kids even the most stubborn of them eventually listen to Simeon without complaint, he speaks to them on their level and they like the respect they feel from Simeon. He’s attentive and creative with keeping them busy in productive ways such as arts and crafts, cleaning up their play area or hide and seek. 
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
🖋️ He gets up relatively easily, he’ll wake you up with a kiss telling you the time. If you get up then he’ll get ready slowly and talk to you. Asking how you slept, if you had any interesting dreams, what did you dream about, if you have plans for the day. If you don’t want to get up and sleep in a little more, Simeon will leave you to rest a bit more. Making sure you’re tucked in and comfortable. He’ll go start breakfast and make sure to wake you up with enough time left to get ready and eat breakfast with him. 
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
🖋️ If it’s a quiet night he’ll want to be close, cuddling and reading together. Maybe watching a show or some random videos on your D.D.D. It’s calm and quiet, at any moment either of you could fall asleep. If it’s busier, maybe Simeon had been bitten by a creative bug and he’s writing- he appreciates your silent support, when you rub his back to let him know you’re there and bring him a warm drink or a snack knowing he’s going to be up until the A.Ms. You do this knowing that if the roles were reversed, Simeon would be doing this for you and he does. Whenever you’re studying for a test or working on something he supports you.  
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while and reveal things slowly?)
🖋️ He’s transparent. Simeon never felt a need to hide things about himself from you, if you asked he’d answer. He doesn’t ramble on about himself. But if invited or reminded he’ll tell you about his memories, experiences, something he likes and why he likes it. The things he worries about and fears. So the process of him revealing is slower but not for a reason of secrecy or otherwise. He knows he has time, and as he learns about you gradually he hopes you’ll learn about him too. 
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?) 
🖋️ He is patient and it’s hard to actually rile him up to a point of being angry. If something does successfully rile Simeon up you honestly find yourself at a loss because he’s rarely irritated by things like that. One thing that Simeon has no patience for is technology. It’s complicated and annoying and it drives him mad if it doesn’t work or does it’s own thing. 
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing or they kind of or forget everything?) 
🖋️ Simeon has a mind for details, he likes learning about you and remembers them. It’s obvious through the things he says or does, if he buys you something like candy and you notice it’s a flavour you enjoy but it’s not your favorite and Simeon answers “They were out of your favourite but they had this one and I know you’re fond of it.” It makes you warm inside to know that he pays attention even to the little things. 
R = Remember (What is their favourite moment in your relationship?)
🖋️ Your first date is his favourite memory. Everything that could have gone wrong on the date, went wrong. Now it doesn’t sound like a pleasant experience if he left it there. The restaurant got the dates mixed up and the place was full so you couldn't eat at the place you mentioned wanting to try, you went for a walk and then it started pouring down with rain, you and Simeon looked like two drowned rats and were huddled together under a random roof, Simeon stood on the other side to shield you from the rain and did so subtly so you wouldn’t notice. When the rain calmed down you ran off to grab some warm drinks and you ended up laughing at the misadventure. Simeon loved that, how you made the best of it, and put more importance on just being with him rather than what you were doing. 
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
🖋️ He’s the first person to put himself in harm's way to protect you. He’s not over protective but will protect from things he deems as real threats. He’s gentle and subtle unless the situation calls for otherwise. The only time you see Simeon being overtly domineering is when he doesn’t want to worry you but protect you. Simeon didn’t expect you to protect him back,  believing it was his role. He’s happy that you want to protect him and values the thought of the action. Because the intention is there and you’re not putting yourself at risk. 
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
🖋️ He puts in max effort into everything. Luke might gripe about how you get cute little heart pancakes while everyone only gets regular pancakes and Simeon would get all shy over that because he knows it’s true and he let his favoritism show. Everything Simeon does for you comes with that extra bit of care and effort. When planning dates he always doubly confirms everything from bookings, weather, tickets - everything. Even has to go against his old enemy- the self service ticket computer. 
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
🖋️ Takes care of others but never of himself. It’s a habit you noticed early on. Simeon never says anything about it and when he does things he never complains or mentions he’s struggling. When he’s got breakfast duty in the morning, but also took over Luke’s lunch duty, he’s cleaning and trying to help you study in the day, doing his work for RAD and then staying up late to write for another project he has going on. He’s tired and bogged down but he still never asks for help. You can see the relief on his face when you help out, maybe he oversleeps a little due to the exhaustion and you wake him up with breakfast already taken care of. 
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?) 
🖋️ He wears clothes and has a face. Simeon is not at all vain, and he does take care of himself but he’s not fixated on his appearance. Only time he’s really paying attention is when he wants to dress up a little for your date. That’s the only time he provides himself an extra bit of attention towards his appearance and really likes it when you compliment him. It’s not for the purpose of wanting to be praised for his looks but he just wants to get complimented by you. 
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
🖋️ Yes, he’d be listless and sad. He’d mope and just lack that energy in his step. He’d be dragging his feet all over and sighing a lot. Everyone was out of sorts when you were back in the human world but Simeon just lost touch with reality for a little while. Talking to you always helped and put that little spring in his step but he missed you so much and felt sad without you. He’d always cook your favorite meals without realizing it. 
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them)
🖋️ Doesn’t know how to receive gifts but it’s the sweetest thing when you give him gifts and he’s so genuinely surprised that you did that for him. He’ll insist on paying you back for the gift and you keep telling him that’s not how it works. You got him the gift because you wanted to give him a gift, it didn’t even have to be something big. It could have been his favorite drink that you randomly bought for him and he’s so genuinely touched. 
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn't like, either in general or in a partner?)
🖋️ Simeon doesn’t like selfish people in general, he can’t understand how self centered people can just go about doing things to make life harder for others for the sake of their own petty enjoyment. Certain things are not to be misunderstood as selfish but Simeon just doesn’t like nasty people who are fixated only on themselves with no concern for anyone else. 
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habit of theirs?) 
🖋️ He has a terrible sleep schedule because he’s up until the early hours writing, he says time gets away from him and sometimes it does. If you’re there you’d gently remind Simeon to come to bed to actually make sure he’s not pulling another all nighter. If he’s really into his creative mode you’ll leave him but if he’s trying to force it you’ll rather have him rest and look at things from a fresh perspective hours later. When he does sleep he wants to snuggle you, and he’s more worried about you being comfortable that he won’t mention that you’ve taken all the blankets- or that he’s on the cold wall and you’ve taken over his side of the bed, even pillaged his pillow 😞
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Taglist: @completelyshatteredbrokenmschf @roninfromtheops
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enderpearlll · 2 years
Yandere!Kevin Headcanons.
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Needed a break from writing Bob. Pretend Kevin isn’t dating Streber in for the sake of the story, please. Sorry if this is too OOC, based it off of the song “Go-Getter Greg” by Ludo.
Gender-Neutral reader.
TW/CW: Yandere content, harsh language, stalking, harassment, creepy behaviour, etc…
• Kevin was a friendly guy at first, rather awkward and off standish. It was oddly charming in a way. When you first started working at the Candy Club he was more than eager to show you the ropes. The place was always short staffed so Kevin was overjoyed to have a new coworker that was reliable.
• The two of you clicked quickly, seeing as you two were the only competent employees there. Now, you liked Kevin but you weren’t willing to take the friendship out of work just yet. But Kevin couldn’t help but fall for the cute new employee. You were just so amazing and he felt the need to impress you, to get to know you better.
• Now Kevin is usually an uptight cynical guy that had no patience for bullshit, but around you he just becomes the most mushiest, soft, and attention seeking guy. You just have an effect on him that he doesn’t understand. It’s like Cupid shot him in the head twenty times over and over. Kevin is the most lovesick fuck around you and it’s sort of terrifying because everyone can tell he has a crush on you.
• He always helps you out around the shop and will let you take longer breaks than him. Kevin is a fucking simp. He is glad to do anything for you if it means you’ll give him attention. Are you struggling with restocking the shelves? Don’t worry, he can handle it! Gotta clean out the back? It’s okay, he can do it by himself! Kevin will happily sacrifice his own time for you.
• You feel bad, but he is really, REALLY persistent. You’re essentially getting paid to sit on your ass all day while Kevin does your job for you. It’s sort of creepy in a way… You try to tell him that it’s okay but he’s stubborn. Weirdly stubborn. Kevin does it to impress you, can’t you see that?
• He is an anxious person, so it’s only natural for him to worry about you 24/7, it’s normal behaviour for him. So he starts to follow you home. It’s just to make sure you make it there safely, honest! Oh, sometimes he’ll bump into around town when you’re both off of work, what a coincidence! Or you’ll even cross paths at one of your favourite cafes, and wow, he can’t believe that you both like the same drink!
• Kevin usually butts into any conversation you have with other coworkers, and will often pull you away with an excuse. Even if you’re having a friendly conversation with a customer Kevin will always interrupt or intimidate the customer. Especially if they’re a guy. “You’re holding up the line. Hurry up already. ” “… There’s no one here, dude.”
• Kevin is secretly a nerd and is into a lot of movie franchises and comic book series, so if you even mention or reference one of them he is on your case immediately. He can’t believe his crush likes the same stuff as him, it’s unbelievable! But if you have any other interests that Kevin doesn’t know about, he will pour hours of dedicated research into it. Then when he brings up random facts and what not, you’ll definitely want to talk to him more!
• Kevin blushes at just the tiniest amount of physical contact with you, it’s unbelievable. You could reach over to grab something from him and your skin will barely hover over his and he will explode internally. He stutters and stumbles over his words when you get remotely close to him, especially if you have a huge height difference.
• Kevin is definitely one of those people that dress to impress, so he always makes sure to look his best around you. He feels embarrassed if there’s even a string out of place on his uniform, since he wants you to see him at his absolute best. If you compliment him, Kevin will literally melt.
• Kevin is always trying to invite you to do stuff outside of work, but you had other friends and what not so it was always a no. He feels defeated at times but that doesn’t mean he’ll give up, no way. You think it’s scary, since he does it almost everyday.
“S—so, um, d—did you want to go watch a movie tonight?” “Um… Not tonight, Kevin.” Your friends also think this is creepy behaviour.
• Hell, your stuff even goes missing at work because of him! You’ve lost more lip balms than you could count, you lost your wallet, gloves and hats go missing, and you even lost your favourite hoodie! You quickly begin to suspect Kevin, but when you ask he vehemently denies it. He’s a horrible liar, by the way, if you didn’t notice. Kevin feels horrible, but it’s so wonderful to have your stuff for his own.
• Now, one can’t see all of this and not pick up on the ungodly obsession he has with you. Especially if you’re the target of said obsession. You slowly start to avoid Kevin when you can help it, and you begin to distance yourself from him. Your friends constantly beg you to quit but your budget was tight at the moment and you couldn’t exactly find another job immediately.
• So you tried to make excuses for Kevin, desperately trying to delude yourself into believing that he was a good guy. It wasn’t until you witnessed him dig through your jacket that you finally snapped under the pressure. You felt like you were going to puke. You quickly gather your stuff and leave, ready to call your boss in the morning to report everything that was going on. You were done.
• Kevin quickly notices you approach and is mortified. You pull your jacket on silently, before leaving the store without a goodbye. He quickly followed you out like a lost puppy, pelting you with a million apologies. You’re trying to stay rational, but dear god you wanted to punt him. This is also when you begin to notice that he was the one following you around, and when he tries to lay a hand on you that’s when you snap.
• “You’re a fucking creep, Kevin! You better knock it off before I call the police on you!” You screamed, pure anger in your voice. Kevin is frozen in his tracks, disbelief evident on his face. No, this couldn’t be… “No, wait! I can explain, please!” Kevin cried, falling to his knees and clutching onto the fabric of your pants. “I love you so much it hurts, please!” He rasped, tears welling in his eyes.
• “What the—?! Get off me, you sicko! I hate you!” And with those three words, Kevin’s world came crashing down around him. You… Hated him? After all he’s done for you? You kicked him off of you and ran down the street, leaving Kevin behind with a broken heart.
• No, no, no, no, no— This couldn’t be happening! He needed you to live, without you he was nothing, he’s never felt more alive when he was with you. Kevin needed to do something to win you back, and quick. Before he loses you forever. He doesn’t care if he loses his job, he doesn’t care if he gets in trouble with the police, all he needs is you.
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