#like a book and quill in minecraft
noodles-07 · 2 years
something I think ALL video games need is a built in journal or fucking. sticky notes or something that you can manually write on. something to remind you what you were doing last time you logged on or keep track of items you need to collect and whatnot. please. game devs some of us have adhd and can’t remember shit. let us WRITE-
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waz-glowstone-here · 9 months
Finally got the determination to watch a Joe Hills episode for the first time pretty much ever and noticed him streaming like 2 minutes before his stream ended. His glasses and shirt and kind of hair are transparent, and now the end of his stream is glitching out for me so that it's on an infinite loop of "keep adventurin'...stop- streamin'" in irregular intervals which has been going on for me as I type this post. Is this the Joe Hills experience?
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sketchtxt · 5 months
"Oh, they made DLC Eclipse after the arcade machines"
you fool. Steel Wool watches Spiff's videos. AND THERE'S A GLITCH THAT MATCHES HIS DEFINITION
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also there's the SB Eclipse lore :3c
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myriad-of-things · 1 year
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Retirement Home SMP or, the Book and Quill 1.19 June 2022 - Jan 2023 (6 months)
From left to right, then top to bottom if people overlap: Dice (@dontrollthedicesideblog), Squish (@squish--squash), Schleep, Alias, Faded, Myriad (me), Light (@lightns881), Ryan, Cyngus, Lumo, Pack Yak. Missing is ZodiacLight who joined a bit later.
I'm almost a year late putting this out. I drew everyone in like 2 days but hated coloring so I never finished :(
The new server name was a reference to how we were all once a bunch of mcyt writers and now we’ve “retired” and dispersed into other fandoms. The spawn area contained two villages: one in a plains biome, and the other in a mangrove swamp. The server was mostly split into two factions depending on where players resided: the Grove and the Plains. There was also a third “faction” of wanderers who belong to neither village.
This season contained the original Book and Quill members, and also some of my irl friends I invited. Yes, it was briefly a social nightmare but I survived.
Below the cut: character notes about the server members, in the order of the list above
Dice: The Warden Affiliation: Wanderer
the first thing they did on the server: stab fish and dig a hole
an End Busting god???? went on their own and didn’t die.
built a PRISON. made people very concerned about who it was supposed to hold
Squish: Guardian of the Grove Affiliation: The Grove (leader)
has a fox form. used to have wings but lost them when The Grove briefly fell into disarray
local prankster. Hid 18 skulk shriekers around the common areas after the ancient city raid, then moved them to new locations when found. Gave the entire of server war flashbacks
escalated into a prank war with Schleep
built giant gunpowder farm over an ocean
goat horns! got goat horns for everyone so that the two villages could call to each other!
Schleep: The Anarchist Affiliation: Wanderer (duh)
anarchist, has been convicted of All the Crimes
residential minecraft sweat, carried the server
made a powerpoint presentation on how to raid an ancient city
the techno to Myriad’s philza
filled the Grove with chicken bombs and bells after Squish left one too many shriekers around the Plains
Alias: Wanderer of the Wastes Affiliation: Wanderer ("leader")
skin suggests a relation to the warden glow squid
accidently jump scared a bunch of people (namely, me) during the ancient city raid because their skin looked so much like the warden
Faded Didn't make it onto the server but had a cool skin design
Myriad Affiliation: Plains
on their retirement arc
founder of the Plains village but not in any positions of power. trying to keep a low profile
the philza to Schleep’s techno
kept getting rickrolled by Light with the lyrics of Mask
god complex. Light and Schleep built a giant statue of them while they were offline
Light: The Executioner Affiliation: Plains and the Grove
local redstoner. built most of the farms on the server, such as: iron farm, melon and pumpkin farm, lava farm with rotating cauldrons????
built like, 70% of the buildings in the Plains.
built a guillotine. ended up becoming the only person to have ever been executed by it after she got too impatient and decided to try it out on herself
built a cute little cottage on the side of a hill with a secret doorway in a waterfall that could only be opened by triggering skulk sensors hidden midair in hot air balloons with an elytra.
went to extreme lengths to prank Myriad with the lyrics of Mask (and got me every time. see her post about it here)
“Ryan”: Director of PASA (Plains Aeronautics and Space Administration) Affiliation: Plains
the only normal person on this server
hasn’t played minecraft since like 1.8. tried to get out of a boat once by ramming it in hopes that it would break. has died multiple times due to new game mechanics.
player with the most deaths on the server. Responsible for 11 out of the 17 collective deaths during the ancient city raid
built a scale model of the NASA Artemis moon rocket. went to space before we went to the End
Cygnus: Pontiff of the Plains Affiliation: Plains (leader)
insane builder
built the titular Retirement Home. also serves as a city hall and their personal manor
the Honorable Judge Cygnus. serves as judge to the like 50 court cases against Schleep that we never got around to holding yet
Lumo Affiliation: Wanderer
just vibing
Packyak Affiliation: Plains (he just happens to live under it)
spends all his time mining. only resurfaces occasionally to upgrade his tools. rarely seen otherwise
bomb disposal robot during the ancient city raid.
ZodiacLight (not pictured)
the other Light on the server
minecraft sweat
With summer rolling around again and 1.20 coming out soon, Retirement Home SMP Season 2 is on the horizon!
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randomwords247 · 5 months
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There is something wrong with my librarian. I managed to upgrade him from Expert to Master but it only showed the bar updated when it was full, and all he gained was selling name tags?
What the heck
What happened
Who did this
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sackfoo · 2 years
Watching Musk speedrun Twitter’s bankruptcy in real time. Twitter is pretty rapidly approaching the point of being the social media equivalent of a desolate wasteland where survival has become physically impossible due to toxic waste dumping, all the creatures still able to live there are horrible mutant creatures that should not exist and are likely to die off as the land around them pretty much sinks into the earth. and is lit on fire by the big greedy corporate business man who turned it into an uninhabitable hellhole to begin with.
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marblejack · 2 months
Watching RTGame Minecraft playthrough and Daniel's genuine fascination with vanilla experience made me reflect on how I view this game. It reminded me how I first discovered it decade ago, had the ultimate Minecraft experience of trying to figure stuff on my own (and miserably failing), then having a knowing friend behind my back teaching the basics™ and slowly getting on track from there. Surely, it's not a new game. And I feel like over the years, as I grew up, Minecraft-the-game slowly morphed into some hybrid virtual medium to hang out with friends for me. It became less of a world I get immersed in and more of an algorithm I'm really good at navigating and using its restrictions to my advantage. In a weird fashion, the only thing I can compare what modded Minecraft is to me is Hatsune Miku, an entity who functionally is an avatar with million faces and myriad stories for you to tell. In the same manner long ago modded Minecraft became a neutral base to create any game in (almost) any genre I felt like playing. It's a welcome development, but what I ultimately gave up in exchange is appreciation for simplicity of vanilla, and I became desensitized to it. Watching Daniel discover all these novelties with almost childlike wonder, I can't help but get nostalgic over how I used to see it, and how I never will be able to go back to it. That's so obvious, but so many decisions he makes I wouldn't, if I was playing. I'm probably one of those people who kept suggesting creating new world, until Daniel put effort in exploring it and discovering all those gorgeous places that I wouldn't. Seeing him roleplay and genuinely engage with the world surrounding him reminded me how decade ago I used to have a small house with a single dog on the edge of the cliff in the snowy taiga. I didn't really do anything to progress the game and was too scared to go into the caves to upgrade my tools to iron, so I tended to my little garden, fed my dog with chicken and wrote something in my only book and quill as a diary. It was all these same actions every single day, but I never felt bored. I felt isolated, but never lonely with my dog by my side, and as soon as sun had set, I was racing to my tiny hut, afraid of mobs, and my dog would feel really sad if one day I didn't return, after all. For some reason, decade later I remember everything to the tiniest detail. The layout of the house, the surrounding forest and what I wrote down back then. Since those times I had countless worlds and multiple projects, I used to speedrun Minecraft for fun and competition, but I remember so little about it all, a blurred memories of something that vaguely happened. But seeing Daniel build his tower, having beef with villagers stealing his sleeping spot, parting sea and for shits and giggles, spending two hours trying to draw a circle that functionally doesn't work for an assumption he lowkey gaslit himself into believing is true, filling out the maps of surrounding areas and looking for Bubblegum to lead home make me feel those exact feelings again. Maybe that's what it feels like to be the knowing friend sitting behind someone's back and teaching the ways of Minecraft. I never got to know what it feels like. After all, who hasn't played Minecraft nowadays?
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The Seven Deadly Sins if they played Minecraft
I love minecraft. Imagine this is like a modern AU but they also have all their abilities and stuff still.
-They all have a realm together. Meliodas owns it.
-Ban and Meliodas can’t build for shit and have little dirt houses.
-Elaine, Elizabeth and Diane have a cute girl house that they share (they looked up the design on pinterest) and they let them sleep there in exchange for mining goods and loot
-King builds the most extravagant house ever and Diane eventually moves in with him. He has a dog named Oslow
-Merlin knows how to make all of the potions by heart
-She absolutely stole a villager’s house and sleeps there
-I like to imagine Escanor (daytime) would hype his house up so much and be like “This house is the pinnacle of our village” and it just looks like this
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-Gowther builds a humble little home. It’s very beautiful but it’s not very spacious. It’s simply good for what he needs. He got a cat called Nadja.
-Gowther is also CEO of farming crops. King is CEO of farming animals (Ban breeds them and kills them for meat when he’s not looking because King finds it cruel)
-Meliodas also has a parrot named Wandle
-Escanor writes poems in books and quills and leaves them signed as “Author Unknown” and leaves them in an item frame on Merlin’s doorstep. She knows it’s him but doesn’t have the heart to tell him she knows.
-Merlin somehow has every single rare mob in the game in little glass cases.
-Gowther doesn’t need to sleep so he stays up all night mining and everyone will wake up and he’ll be like “Hey guys i’ve got 269 diamonds you want some?”
-Merlin forces Orlandi to take over the computer and strip mine for her while she does her real life work and experiments
-They invited Zeldris and he was like “Minecraft? That’s a game for little babies. Call me when you’re playing Fortnite like real men”
-Meliodas and Ban probably fought the wither while everyone else was offline and they just came onto their game to find their village blown up and a beacon in the middle of the wreckage.
-King dies all the time to the most random shit. Lightning strikes, fall damage, baby zombies. Once he tried to prank Ban back by leading a creeper into his dirt hut but in the process the creeper got struck by lightning and became charged and absolutely demolished King.
-Diane can’t build to save her life but she takes designs off Pinterest and then pretends she came up with them all on her own
-Elaine is a god at building. She decorates their whole village with lanterns and cherry blossom petals
-Elizabeth can somewhat build but often needs inspiration
-Ban has a horse he named “Young Sheldon”
-They have a discord server and King is the mod. He has constant power trips. The only one who has admin privileges is Diane.
-Escanor kills every mob he can and puts their drops in item frames on his wall as “Reminders of the ones who couldn’t pass him”
Idk why i wrote this, I hope you guys are having a lovely day 💙💙💙
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gardenergulfie · 1 year
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for the ask thing. you can write anything you want, just make it joe hills related. #joehillssweep
"Ah, Ozymandias! Good to see you here on this fine day, and good to face you in one-on-one, democratically-decided combat!"
Wilbur raises his eyebrow at the strange, ghostly neon-green figure approaching him. The round has barely started and Wilbur assumes he has good chances, but this strange greeting has thrown him off his game.
"Hello? Sorry, I think you have the wrong guy here. It's Wilbur, Wilbur Soot."
"Hm?" The man(?) pulls a book and quill out of the air and riffles through the pages. "Oh I knew that. Wilbur Soot, sometimes of the Minecraft family, sometimes an editor, sometimes from death games and sometimes a ghost like myself."
"And you are...?"
"Joe Hills, coming to you live from Nashville, Tennessee."
Joe speaks as if they're reciting from a long-since memorized script. It shouldn't be off-putting, but it is.
"I see. Well, I'm wishing you luck on this round Joe Hills of Nashville Tennessee." Wilbur shakes his hand out for a handshake.
Joe's hand passes right through it.
"Whoops! Sorry 'bout that." Joe looks apologetic. "Hmm, it would be unsportsmanlike to not give you some gesture of good faith for the fight ahead. Would you accept a poem or haiku instead?"
"Another time, maybe. I must be going now, lovely to meet you." Hand still unnaturally cold, Wilbur excuses himself politely and starts power-walking away.
Nope nope nope nope, he's not dealing with that.
Suddenly, Wilbur's actually quite worried about his chances.
Joe still smiles politely as Wilbur leaves. "Cleo was right, unnerving the enemies before a match works quite well. I'll have to thank her after this."
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echotunes · 1 year
@royalarchivist your dms seem to be turned off but I took some timestamp notes for Quackity's very late night stream! in case you can use these for your timestamp archive
6:33 "I need to go really far away before I explain what I'm doing here. Okay?" (teleports to his Richarlyson area)
7:45 "all admins, now that the eggstatistics have been posted, are gone" he also says he thinks Forever is using an autoclicker which is illegal; Q wants to break rules to see what'll happen, so he reads them all out:
do not abuse glitches or game mechanics
do not utilise unintended minecraft features such as iron golem farms, dupe glitches, villager breeding, gold farms, tnt machines - "I don't know how to do any of that"
do not travel to the end dimension, it's currently locked - "I don't know how to find that either"
"I'm gonna save rule 4"
no hacking
use common sense and try not to ruin other content creators' content "I could go into badboyhalo's room and mess up his content but he's not streaming right now so that doesn't count"
if you find a bug or a game-breaking mechanic please communicate it to staff - "I know none as of now"
you are allowed to play off-stream, but try not to make significant progress - "I could grind all night. actually that wouldn't be offstream that doesn't make any sense"
you cannot get more than two rows of hearts - "anyone know where [the hearts-providing statue] might be? metagaming is against the rules so I'm already breaking a rule here" -> he decides to go to Tallulah's garden to use her statue
12:20 he breaks into Wilbur & Tallulah's house to look for the statue
13:00 he gets himself six more hearts "this is fucking fun, what the hell, no admins are on, this is fun"
13:36 4. do not travel to the nether, it's currently locked "well to hell with that" - he goes back to the Richarlyson place and wants to make a Nether portal because "I just wanna see what happens"; he doesn't want to use the favela Nether portal because he "doesn't want to be near there"
14:50 BBH notices in chat that q is online - q responds "ignore me" and starts building a nether portal
18:11 (after yelling at chat for making fun of him about his limited nether portal knowledge) "tiktok's gonna have a field day with that one. they're gonna say like… quackity explodes on stream"
19:28 (after misplacing obsidian) "I misclicked. It can happen with JuanaFlippa, it can happen with me."
23:34 he tries to enter the Nether portal and is teleported back to spawn instead, which gives him the advancements We Need To Go Deeper and Subspace Bubble since he's so far away from spawn. he immediately starts wondering if there's a way to glitch it and make it send him to the Nether anyway
26:40 while he's breaking his portal to rebuild it somewhere else, one of the faceless Cucurucho construction workers shows up and starts punching him, then gives him a book & quill saying "stop breaking the rules!" he asks where the "normal" Cucurucho is and says "can I just try?"
28:10 "what are you? what the fuck are you?" he tries to start breaking the portal again but they keep punching him
28:40 he attacks and kills the Cucurucho construction worker (BBH in chat: o_O what the fudge, quackity what are you doing) and loots their corpse, notably finding 113 Netherrack, 7 ancient debris and 11 quartz in their inventory. He logs off because he killed an admin, saying he'll go back tomorrow and sell the Nether blocks they were carrying to Foolish; he says he'll be playing with Vegetta at 12pm PST, and ends stream
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sunnpii · 6 months
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shes a drowned!!! i was originally gonna make her an allay but i decided theyr too small and i wanted the gang to be relatively all the same size
lore under here ☟☟
SOO drowned actually dont have much lore. theyre pretty much just drowned zombies. they tend to guard and live around ocean structures bc they feel compellex to guard rhem due to like some supernatural force but thats aboyt it
sayori actually doesnt have much lore either she just kinda chills in the ocean,, she loves making friends, though because theres so few mobs in the ocean that can like. talk and understand talking and stuff, she has a hard time😞she still tries her best tho peeking up from the sea temporarily to talk to passerby on land, but shes yet to make an actual friend (untkl she meets yuri and natsuki and monika anyeay)
she LOVES writing!!!!!! 1!1!1! shes gone thru quite a few book and quills, though its hard for her to get the materials for new ones when she lives in. the ocean. so she tries to make each one last at least a little while
and yah...... hmmmm thats prefty much it for lore on her. pre-story anyway, tberes WAY more when it comes to the main story but im mostly just writing abiyt their background information ajd stuff in these captions ANYWAY i might make more backstory for her becaus right now its pretty scarce compared to the others i think even if theres not supposed to be a lot because again the MAIN STORY has more info but AGHHHDHSH u know
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sayori 🤝randomly being in possession of rare and powerful artifacts🤝 yuri
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sewer-ravioli · 29 days
doing that my version of the SCU (fanon) lore post because why tf not
to save people from being forced to look at a giant post because ohhh boy this is a lot i'll be placing everything after a read more :)
Storyline: Basically Schlatt, also known as the demon of the storm is an elder god of natural disasters that went insane over time of being a god and trapped 3 mortals (Slime, Condi, and Grizzly) in a world. The apples that were eaten were infused with bits of his power and Charlie's powers first manifested when he fell the first time from the button. Cue everything that happened all three of them manifested powers slowly and then the volcano battle and then Charlie stole Schlatt's powers away and...ended up sparing him. He banished him but Schlatt was powerless after they stole his powers from him. and someone needed to teach these three new gods how to be gods. That is basically what blocks fight back is (Charlie is very bad at controlling his powers at first) They end up resetting the universe after giving Schlatt a world of his own to just retire to and to manipulate to whatever he wants. But with the universe reset the universe saw a missing part in the gods and created Bizly (who also used to be mortal just the universe went lol become a god now) as a new god in order to fix up the gap. Cue Hardest difficulty. 100 days hardcore is just a what if situation if any of the three left tried to use their powers to revive Grizzly after his death. Gods: Charlie Slimecicle: god of Magic, Creation, Harvest, Hunting, and Smelt -Usually wears a green cloak with netherite shoulder plates with a heart engraved on each with a single half heart cloak clasp. Under he has a white dress shirt, some dress pants, and boots with the crafting table grid on the sole. He uses a woB as a weapon. He has green tattoos of enchantment ruins on his arms like bands and is able to summon slime wings with his magic to fly. -He was also the one gifted Vanishing Mist (Grizzly's god sword) but refuses to use it I chose magic for him as a basic all encompassing of Enchantment and it sounds cool to me
Condifiction: God of Realms and Death -black horns that fade into purple, ender dragon wings. Dark purple cloak with an eye of ender clasp but prefers what is essentially his minecraft outfit
-has a Scythe that is essentially his anchor to the overworld if he goes. Plus cool scythe and death imagery basically I added death because i feel like afterlife can count as a whole new realm and Charlie literally blows him up at the start of hardest difficulty Bizly: god of Life and Fate -a shapeshifter who's default is a winged humanoid with deer antlers. Has a cloak like the other gods and it's dark blue with white fur hems but mainly wears a blue hoodie, jeans, and sunglasses -weapon is the gun Grizzly gifted him and it's also linked to the afterlife which like Condi as his domain is life he physically can't enter the afterlife without the gun -Beewee is canon to me he gets a dog
-bizly also has a book detailing every single life and used to have a quill to edit it but he broke it reasoning behind domains is like Slime I branched out mobs into life as a whole and fate because he is in control of the levers of the universe
Grizzly: god of Nature, weaponry, tools, and helps co-run the afterlife after his death -A wolf hybrid with Black wings. He has a red cloak with golden shoulder plates. He often has poppies on him at all times and you do NOT want to fuck with any plants around him -He has a lesser powerful vanishing mist he uses as a main weapon but he isn't as keen on immedietly resorting to violence. After his death Condi immedietly went to visit him in the afterlife to see how he's dealing and offering to help run the part of the afterlife for spirits of animals facts for all of the gods: -Condi and Slime still keep their poppies from Grizzly always on them
-Condi made it so all dead who get gifted poppies at their graves get poppies brought to them in the afterlife
-Bizly is the most often pranked. He has many times had items places on his antlers as he's sleeping -Slime likes to run off to mortal worlds to be around mortals. for examples look at all the minecraft stuff he's been in Demigods and Champions: - the gods can't maintain everything in their domains by themselves so they have Demigods (immortals created by the universe in order to have smaller parts of the domains of the gods and also help mortal tasks) and Champions (Mortals granted immortality to help essentially be spokespersons for the gods and do smaller tasks then the demigods in the mortal realm. max is 2 per god and most champions are granted minor powers)
-Grizzly has two champions decided on by all four council gods that essentially split his domain and run essentially what Grizzly cannot in the afterlife Worshippers and temples: -There are 5 main temples. one for each and one for all four. cities tend to be built around where temples are and the temple for all four in the center. -Worshippers of Magic (Slime) are magicians. They are very tech savvy and live in essentially giant cities with defenses against the monsters and offer this technology and magic to other cities to help facilitate peace and alliance. They also lead agricultural lands. -Worshippers of Life (Bizly) are more woodsy folk. They live in the woods around animals and are often sought out for those looking for pets or aid to their animals. They also hold a lot of the best hospitals. Some live in a co-habitation with Worshippers of Nature -Worshippers of Nature (Grizzly) live in the woods. some in cities co-run by worshippers of Life, and some have their own areas. Their cities are built into the trees and they have the best weaponry across all. Some Worshippers of Nature hate worshippers of Magic and Magic himself. They often fight back against their god's will to forgive Magic and his worshippers, and have been found to have ruined alters to Magic they find. Because of this Worshippers of Nature also supply their own food and also help provide food to others and refuse anything being offered by worshippers of Magic -Worshippers of Realm (Condi) don't completely have their own cities. They have one but it is mainly ran to help teach other worshippers of Realm. They are in every city and help run grave yards and do death rites for the dead. I have more but this has already gotten so big...might do a part 2 if i have anything else to talk about!! If you have any questions feel free to ask!
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luvring · 2 years
off topic but after reading your micah yujin bf hcs (the minecraft one specifically) I imagined like after possibly YEARS you get married and after like irl marriage Micah prepares a server FOR ANOTHER MARRIAGE like its just u,him,ur and his friends vibing on a server (U DONT KNOW SHITT ABT WHAT OTHERS R PLANNING)
Then they decide to give u a task or a quest or smth idk and they prepare the wedding ceremony's place as u struggle,after coming back tho YOU COME ACROSS A WEDDING CEREMONY HALL (before there was something cheesy planned by Micah probably,idk like a tiny puzzle he prepared for you and as you go along you read the signs he wrote,THEY'RE ALL FUCKING SAPPY AND WHOLESOME)
U r now married both legally irl AND on minecraft,u bet he celebrates both of those events' dates even after YEARS AND YEARS
— minecraft wedding with micah hcs
micah has been planning this longer than you think. he's been laying down the steps while you were asleep or busy with work.
^ burying chests in places you've visited and made bases in—at world spawn, your first house, that one super big ravine that shocked the both of you, etc etc
as for the reasoning for sending you off on a quest,, it'd probably be something like, under the guise of getting all the achievements and needing resources. or he's literally just like, here's a quest for an incredible secret prize from me ;))
^ you going "oh do i get to marry you again?" as a joke and he laughs like "oh? you want to make it official again? renewing already?" but he can feel his heart rate increase
you end up reading his thoughts on different events both in the game and in real life. you know for someone who already had irl wedding vows, this guy sure has a Lot more to say.
^"this is the stuff i had to cut out so my vows wouldn't be 3 hours long." is somewhere in a book by the way. he's real for that!
( ^ still manages to write his mc vows with a book and quill. finishes the book after you say i do)
imagining there's signs at every location too with cheesy pickup lines that he's used on you in the past. the most iconic ones (the ones he genuinely spent time to think of and planned when to drop on you) plus the casual ones he'd drop throughout the day
he does something silly in a double chest like strategically placing flowers in a heart shape with diamonds/something special in the middle
micah downloads specific mods on both of your desktops to make sure that you can get the Perfect Experience
^ i'm thinking mrcrayfish's furniture mod and pam's harvestcraft kind of deal if those are still updated. i have no idea i haven't played minecraft in a Long time
you realize it looks familiar and like,, he definitely tried to mimic the original wedding venue in the game. it's actually kind of shocking how familiar it feels
I Know You Have Cats. there's a cat that's supposed to be skrunkly/skrunkly's long lost relative, um,,, skrinkly. for sure. every pet is in the audience!
micah setting up fireworks to go off, your friends shifting and throwing flowers at you, etc etc
^ has a big firework show during dinner at night. literally sprints around so he gets hungry and can eat cake
oh my god sorry but like,, you guys all being in a discord call singing and it's the vc lag would be funny. a memory for sure. but there's also those proximity based mic mod things (i watched sykkuno) which would definitely make it all more realistic!
makes a whole thing of crafting beds and putting them next to each other
makes sure there's a time slot somewhere for screenshots . there has to be a folder made and shared for screenshots of the wedding and it has a silly name i think.
^ would not hesitate to print the photos because he thinks they're cute and also a little silly. puts them with the real wedding photos and scatters them around your house
^ sorry but you having an irl wedding photo that's professional and gorgeous then a (still gorgeous) minecraft screenshot right next to it. shaders and everything like that is so perfect to me personally.
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an-t-hiho · 1 year
It's been a while since everybody realized that I'm Second Coming's Creator.
..Needless to say, plenty changed.
"Hello?" Came somebody's muffled voice, at least three knocks sounding from the other side of Alan's room. He was writing in a Book & Quill he deemed as his journal, but as the stick figure on the other side interrupted unknowingly, Alan shut the book and hid it in its usual secret compartment.
"Red?" Alan called out, a more questioning tone in his voice. Although he's been living in his sleeping PC for quite the while, it's still a bit difficult to recognize everybody's voice. They all kinda sound like his own, in a way, and it felt rather odd to listen to a version of his own voice talking even though his own mouth is zipped shut in a straight line.
"C-Can I..." Alan gave a sigh, "How many times do I have to say this?" He gave an awkward chuckle, "You're welcome anytime. Come in."
The stick figure came in.
Oh, Alan thought. It was Blue. ..That's just embarrassing.
Blue was carrying a block-made tray (it doesn't seem to come from Minecraft's normal database, Alan gave a silent hum as his eyebrow ridges raised slightly, did they figure out how to use mods?) that held a mushroom stew and some steak. Judging from the way it was shaking slightly, to which Alan frowned internally at once he noticed, the ex-human could tell that Blue was nervous.
Alan, externally this time, gave a frown. "Why so nervous? I'm still Alan, y'know?" He tried to joke with a faltering smile, but it slowly contorted to a worried sigh when his words didn't seem to do anything to console the other.
Silence fell into the room, the muffled noises of whatever was going on upstairs serving as white noise. As it too came to a stop, Alan bit back his lip and gave a sigh, standing up from his seat and shooting Blue a grateful smile. "Thanks for the food, Blue. ..Uh, tell Sec I said hi."
Without a word, Blue left.
Alan groaned and fell back onto his bed, exhaustion and annoyance biting deeply into his muscles (do they even exist anymore in stick-figure bodies?) after the exchange from earlier. His right hand sprawled to the side in search for something, anything, to distract his untreated anger, and found himself hugging a pillow tightly against his face. If I died in the PC, would I wake up and finally be back outside?
Alas, he was too afraid of death, so he sat back up and gave an annoyed groan. Alan's eyes wandered around his lavender-painted room (or, rather, it had a custom texture pack). Other than the fact that it's oddly colored, nothing else seemed to stand out. It was still somewhat empty. There was just a bed somewhere on the left, a desk next to it, and a nightstand to the south of the bed (he started using the map-y directions out of boredom).
...Although, now that he's focusing on his lack of furniture, Alan could tell that the so-called "secret compartment" isn't exactly secret since it's just inside a drawer under the desk. With his unfinished entry in mind, Alan got up and sat on his desk's chair, taking out the Book & Quill, going back to writing with his purple ink.
..Sometimes, I miss the days where I was just "Purple" in their eyes. I remember going on adventures with them all, not having to worry about my true identity. Although I had to get the real Purple to comply to not show their face near them ever again...
Alan stopped, hesitating ever-so-slightly with his next choice of words. With a few thumps, he shook his head, scribbling over a few letters he started writing.
...No, they should know that I'm Alan Becker. I've always been Alan Becker. Purple.. The true Purple shouldn't have been dragged into my mess of an identity crisis.
Another pause.
Then, a melancholy sigh.
..I just wish they treated me the same.
[Entry End, see you tomorrow, PC]
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antimony-medusa · 3 months
have you ever tried the just roll with it podcast? if I not I def recommend it
i just think you'd enjoy that flavor of charlie slime (tho it is a dnd podcast, not everybody's thing)
but it's like. charlie got three of his friends who have very similar energy and humor to him and they built a story that is both funny and heartwrenching (sometimes literally at the same time)
it's jrwi propaganda time sorry
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I'll consider jrwi as mcyt-adjacent for the purposes of this blog. :D
I have considered jrwi! I used to be really into actual play (Dimension 20 and Critical Role and Rusty Quill Gaming), especially on my commute. Unfortunately my brain is broken however and I can't focus on long-form media that requires concentration, like I'm not reading books any more and I struggle to make it through minecraft videos rn. If I ever get that skill BACK I promise jrwi is on my list— a friend of mine's gotten super into it recently, and I've had other friends who've been into it for a while, and it looks great. I just can't do long-form audio rn though, brain has declared it illegal.
I WILL say there is hope on the horizon because I made it mostly through Tubbo's No Dice, only drifting off to stare at the wall a few times, so maybe my brain will work with me and we get that skill back. I live in hope.
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celestialorcas · 1 month
FUCKING CRYING OMG- Went to copy and paste something into a minecraft book and quill, but i must not have actually hit copy cause the last thing in my clipboard from like 2 hours ago popped there instead and-
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