#like = plots 💙
thdimory · 23 days
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┌ ă…€đƒđˆđŒđ€đ’ đ•đˆđ‚đ“đ˜đă…€/ ă…€đ‘‘đ‘–đ‘Žă…€.
homem cisgĂȘnero. vinte e cinco anos. filho de nikĂ©, Ă© residente do chalĂ© dezessete desde os seus primeiros meses de vida. estĂĄ no nĂ­vel iii de suas habilidades gerais. atua como instrutor de defesas variadas e tem o poder de manipular memĂłrias.
mapa do personagem:       timeline.        cannons.        conexÔes.        tasks.
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Signo: Libra. Sexualidade: Homossexual. Nacionalidade: Dinamarquesa. Status de relacionamento: Solteiro. AniversĂĄrio: 02 de Outubro de 1998. Apelidos: Dia (Ă­ntimos) ; Victya (comum). AparĂȘncia: Possui cabelos loiros e olhos azuis expressivos, nariz afilado e maxilar bem desenhado. Sua pele Ă© branca e povoada por sardas em alguns pontos, e o seu porte fĂ­sico Ă© esguio e bem estruturado. Mede cerca de 1,83cm de altura.
Alinhamento moral: Lawful good. Passatempos: Fazer crochĂȘ e bordado, praticar esportes. Qualidades marcantes: Leal, atencioso, aventureiro, carismĂĄtico. Defeitos gritantes: Emocionalmente distante, teimoso, excessivamente indulgente, comodista. Adora: MelĂŁo, Ă s estaçÔes, filmes, hortelĂŁ, pizza, nadar, observar o cĂ©u. Detesta: Injustiças, mentiras, cereja, perder a hora, ficar sem sobremesa. Trejeitos: Costuma rir quando mente; se chateado ou incomodado, costuma suspirar repetidas vezes; estala os dedos quando ansioso. Curiosidades: Tem o hĂĄbito de pintar as unhas; Gosta muito de fotos Polaroid; Sua cor favorita Ă© azul; Adora sucos e smoothies. Personalidade: De personalidade suave e ensolarada, Dimas Ă© alguĂ©m que oferece sempre a sua melhor face aos outros. Racional e justo, Ă© difĂ­cil vĂȘ-lo envolvido em brigas ou em situaçÔes desagradĂĄveis dentro do acampamento. Embora seja receptivo e acolhedor com terceiros, nĂŁo Ă© adepto a se abrir sobre seus prĂłprios sentimentos, tampouco gosta de receber esse tipo de apoio, e por isso as vezes se fecha em uma concha emocional.
ă…€ă…€ă…€ă…€âŸĄïč•đ‚đ€đŒđ 𝐇𝐀𝐋𝐅 𝐁𝐋𝐎𝐎𝐃
Habilidades: Força e agilidade sobre humanas. Maldição ou benção: Nenhuma, atĂ© o momento. Chegada: Foi deixado no acampamento ainda bebĂȘ por sua parente Olimpiana. Ali, de onde sĂł saiu para realizar missĂ”es, cresceu. Atividades no acampamento: É Aprendiz de Curandeiro e Instrutor de TĂĄticas de Defesa Variadas. TambĂ©m participa da Parede de escalada (individual) e da Canoagem (equipe azul). Profecia: Estava presente no jantar e viu toda a cena. Ao fim, acabou, estava com a boca seca pela aflição. Se preocupa com Rachel e deseja sua recuperação, assim como se alinhou na busca por soluçÔes. Tem muito apreço pelo Acampamento e por muitos dos semideuses ali presentes, entĂŁo quer ajudar no que puder. Arma: Lyorn Ă© um simples anel dourado feito de bronze celestial que se transforma em um grande e forte escudo. Em sua forma completa, o escudo Ă© repleto de entalhes dourados que desenham a figura feminina de NikĂ©, com as protetivas asas abertas. É pesado e de difĂ­cil manuseio, mas com habilidade pode ser usado tanto em defesa quanto em ataque visto que Ă© possĂ­vel diminuir seu tamanho para que seja lançado como um bumerangue afiado. O recebeu de NikĂ© em seu aniversĂĄrio de quinze anos e o preza imensamente.
ă…€ă…€ă…€ă…€âŸĄïč•đđŽđ–đ„đ‘đ’ 𝐃𝐄𝐓𝐀𝐈𝐋𝐒
Despertar: Seus poderes vieram a tona quando tinha quatorze anos, em meio a uma aula de combate fĂ­sico. Ao tocar em sua dupla, memĂłrias passaram diante de seus olhos como flashes desconexos. O que viu o deixou perturbado e por algum tempo evitou contato fĂ­sico com outros semideuses. Quando, meses apĂłs o acontecido, decidiu tentar entender o seu poder, tinha no coração o desejo de se tornar capaz de ajudar as pessoas atravĂ©s deste. Fundamento: Como Curador de MemĂłrias, possui certo nĂ­vel de controle sobre as memĂłrias e as suas funçÔes, e por isso pode interagir e alterar atĂ© certo nĂ­vel as suas prĂłprias ou a de outros indivĂ­duos. Quando o poder estĂĄ em uso, uma aura brilhante, de dourado suave, emana de Dimas. Dizem os mais sensĂ­veis que Ă© possĂ­vel se ver penas flutuando ao derredor quando ele usa sua habilidade. ConsequĂȘncias de uso: Por se tratar de um poder de extensĂŁo mental, Ă© comum que Dimas se sinta exaurido em momentos de utilização prolongada. AlĂ©m disso, como resultado da conexĂŁo tĂŁo Ă­ntima com as memĂłrias de outros, seu emocional e psicolĂłgico muitas vezes pode se encontrar abalado, e enxaquecas fortes ou mais necessidade de sono podem surgir. No mais, se as pessoa em quem usa os poderes tentarem impedir ativamente o seu acesso por razĂŁo consciente ou nĂŁo, o processo pode ser muito doloroso para ambos. Capacidades:‌ Dimas pode encontrar memĂłrias de seres sencientes, sejam elas antigas ou inacessĂ­veis ao alvo; alcança as lembranças de atravĂ©s de gatilho espontĂąneo dados pelo toque ou por gatilho intencional de cunho mental.‌ DetĂ©m a capacidade bloquear lembranças negativas na intenção de amenizar ou curar traumas — a depender da extensĂŁo destes — ao longo do tempo. Devido a isso, conecta-se, atravĂ©s das reminiscĂȘncias, empĂĄtica e temporariamente com os sentimentos de terceiros e pode chegar a compartilhar de sensaçÔes e aprendizados por eles vivenciados.‌ TambĂ©m Ă© capaz de ver as memĂłrias diante de seus olhos, que ficam perolados e sem foco, ou mesmo de as manifestar para outros seres por um curto perĂ­odo de tempo (habilidade de alta demanda e de grande limitação). As memĂłrias vistas ficam armazenadas e cabe ao usuĂĄrio determinar se as mantĂ©m em mente ou em objetos fĂ­sicos.
ă…€ă…€ă…€ă…€âŸĄïč•đ‹đˆđ…đ„ 𝐏𝐀𝐂𝐊
Jorgen era um bom atleta, mas por sua origem humilde nunca esteve Ă  frente dos mais abastados por conta do trabalho que o impedia de treinar. Apesar de sua personalidade imprudente, ele emanava determinação mesmo quando nenhuma porta se abria para si e isso fez com que os olhos de NikĂ© voltassem em sua direção. A deusa o observou por algum tempo, sempre curiosa sobre o destino do rapaz, e acabou por escolhĂȘ-lo para ser o pai de sua criança apĂłs assistir seu um ato de extrema justiça e abnegação em uma competição cuja a sua vitĂłria era certa. O envolvimento foi breve. Ela o acolheu e, ao contrĂĄrio quem era, prometeu uma honra maior do que a vitĂłria assistida pelos homens. Jorgen aceitou o que que fosse, ficando assim Ă  espera do que achou ser uma promessa divina que mudaria seu trajetĂłria sĂłrdida. Quando NikĂ© de repente sumiu, escapando por entre os seus dedos, ele perdeu a linha. Praguejava e cobrava a deusa dia e noite, mostrando a ela sua faceta transtornada enquanto se embebedava para aturar os prĂłprios fracassos; havia perdido a grande chance de sua vida por conta do que chamava de lampejo inĂștil de empatia, entĂŁo julgava-se merecedor da oferta de paz trazida pelo ĂĄlcool. NikĂ© viu e observou cada ato perdigo de Jorgen. Ela se sentia intimamente derrotada por suas escolhas que pareciam ter sido guiadas por nada mais que vislumbres momentĂąneos que levaram a um falso julgo. Apesar disso, nĂŁo se permitiu ser injusta com o menino que carregava no ventre. O gestou com cuidado e dedicação, e poucos meses depois o nascimento o deixou no Acampamento. Dimas teve uma infĂąncia pacĂ­fica e, na medida do possĂ­vel, alegre. Gostava de tudo ali. Gostava ainda mais dos sonhos vividos, onde costumava passar um tempo com a mĂŁe. Cresceu a se questionar sobre seu pai, mas nunca obteve de NikĂ© uma resposta. Embora fosse essa uma curiosidade com a qual andava de braços dados, nĂŁo se incomodou muito e continuou a dar o seu melhor no Acampamento.
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milkbreadtoast · 8 months
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OC💙🧡 (drops w no context)
edit: ok some context.. it's all the same girl! Her name is 읎섀/Yi Seol. the long hair is a disguise/fake identity (for plot reasons)... I think I'll make her fake name êč€ë…žì„/Kim Noeul
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zenmom · 5 months
May I present this concept au idea:
The main cast lives in Mickey’s luxurious cruise ship and he takes his guests and customers all over the world.
I’m thinking that this will be like a tv or comic series. It is a mix of reminiscents of Mickey Mouse clubhouse, funhouse and the House of Mouse, all in a new setting.
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ifindus · 6 months
Is blĂ„fjell au gonna make a comeback this year?đŸ—»đŸ’™
Maybe?? Don't think we really have a plot or anything, but drawing Norway in blĂ„nisse attire is always fun 💙
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wayward-sherlock · 7 months
it’s time.
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rexscanonwife · 4 months
Ok so on the topic of the last post...I know it doesn't REALLY seem like something Rex would do because he's so nervous about the relationship. What if he needed to submit his blasters for inspection and he were found out?
So let me hit you with this...
Rex carves his and Brea's initials into his blasters AFTER Order 66, before he finds out she's still alive đŸ„ș😭đŸ„ș😭đŸ„ș😭
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voided-selfships · 8 months
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More Gastby! [Distant Lands editon]
@comfycozycirrus @ghost--girlfriend @wanderers-wife @fireborns-kin-blog
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macabreblublu · 1 year
GhostSoap fic
It’s a break day and Soap is bored and moping about in his room. His pal Gaz comes to see the pitiful sight of his friend and tries to cheer him up. A certain someone comes marching down the hall and Gaz unintentionally becomes sort of a wingman which none of them were aware of
Fluff and a teeeny bit of angst
Please be kind, it's my first time sharing a fic I wrote publicly (even though I've written many unposted fics in the past for many fandoms and my writing skills are just ehhhh *cough) but I really do hope you all will enjoy it! And constructive criticism is appreciated but no negativity in the comments
And this is my first time writing for them as well so if it is OOC in any way or the written accents are butchered, please be patient I’m getting the hang of ‘em
Awrite let’s throw my anxiety out the window and let’s get into it-

Soap was bored. Bored to the point that he couldn’t even muster up the energy to mess with Gaz.
He was currently on his creaky cot, upside down as his legs rested on the wall and his back and arms spread across the thin mattress. He looked like a child but being in the 141, no one would dare question him.
Except for the ones that are actually in the 141.
Speaking of.
“Oi Soap. The hell are you doin’?”. Gaz, his teammate and beloved friend, came into his room silently and unannounced. Soap must have forgotten to lock his door for whatever curious recruit to catch the undignified sight of him.
“‘M bored Gaz. Bored out o’ my miiind”. Soap whined, knowing fully Gaz saw right through his bullshit. The other man only crossed his arms, his lips upturning in a subtle frown.
“Mate, you never ge’ bored. You normally have plenty of things to do”, Gaz emphasized by extending his arms out, representing the number of things Soap would do or planned. The Scot could only roll his head to the side on his bed, grumbling in a fatigued manner.
“I knowww, but now the purpose of causing chaos has been drained out o’ me. I dinnae feel like myselfff”.
Gaz could only rest his face in his palm, used to his friend’s antics but he still couldn’t help but feel exhausted whenever Soap decided to act like this.
“What’s gotten into you mate
”, Gaz mumbled under his breath, massaging his temples and sighing heavily.
Gaz clicked his tongue.
“Alrigh’, how about you
 sketch somethin’?”
“Mmm?...”, Soap only tilted his head upward, his body still in its listless position.
The sight of Soap laying on his bed with such a lethargic atmosphere around him was quite pathetic and almost pitiful if Gaz was honest, and he usually knew what to do to cheer his friend up in rare times like this. But his pocket of ideas were quite dusty now. Soap was the one who routinely had all kinds of turbulent schemes.
As he was pondering on what to propose to Soap, Gaz heard heavy steps outside of the room, where the narrow hall was. And with the weight of the individual, he almost felt it through the floor.
He knew who it was and he knew it was just the right person to cure Soap’s severe case of boredom. But he decided not to say anything, hoping Soap was not responsive enough to notice the person in the hallway until the last second. When the steps were just a few feet away from reaching the small room, Gaz tilted his upper body closer to the door and raised the back of his hand next to his cheek.
He coughed loudly on purpose.
“A–HEM- Eyy is that Ghost I hear?”, Gaz waited for a response from the man outside. In a few seconds, the heavy footsteps slowed down as they reached the door but didn’t stop.
A gruff but clear voice replied from the outside of the room, “Evenin’ Gaz”. A short answer, very much like Ghost. He didn’t stop to peer in the room and see Soap’s miserable state, he just strode past in a marching stance.
Wonder where good ol’ Ghost was headed. Probably off to traumatise faint-hearted recruits for evening drill sessions. Gaz personally wanted to see the result if it ever happened.
At the sound of Ghost’s distinct voice and accent, it was like watching a child hearing the jingle of an ice cream truck tune, moving at breakneck speed. Soap scrambled to roll onto his stomach on the bed, his legs swinging and hitting the thin metal bed frame.
The man didn’t even wince. Once the previously sluggish Scot was now standing in front of the other man, face beaming. Gaz could see how dishevelled his appearance looked. The type of t-shirt that Soap loved to wear that hugged his sturdy form was wrinkled and his usually prominent mohawk wasn’t prism-like. His hair more likely resembled a guinea pig’s ruffled fur.
Gaz wasn’t given any time to react as Soap rushed around his room, harshly opening one of his drawers that stored his coffee-brown sketchbook the size of his hand. He plopped the sketchbook that had many dog-eared pages and corners of dirty or singed sheets of paper poking out in every direction onto his desk. He looked in his cracked mirror and fixed his mohawk and straightened his navy blue t-shirt.
As Gaz stood there stunned by his friend’s astounding speed, Soap said with renewed energy.
“Well Gaz, that is a pure dead brilliant idea! And there goes my muse!”, Soap searched his drawers once again for his pencil. Once he found it, he slammed the drawer close and leapt across the small room to find Ghost. But not before sticking his arm in the room with half of his body outside, “Thank ye Gaz, byee!”. The man in the room could practically hear the wide genuine smile in the sentence. And with that, off went the now cheery Scot.
There’s the Soap we all know.
Gaz, arms crossed back, chuckled to himself.
“Heheh, have fun mate”.
Soap roamed the base, trying to find his gloomy lieutenant. Sketchbook and pencil in one of the large pockets of his cargo pants.
He quickly waved to many of his fellow soldiers who passed by, not stopping for a quick chat. Dead set on his mission to find his muse. He asked a few people if they have seen the whereabouts of Ghost and most of them pointed to the shooting range.
Of course, he was there, most likely letting off steam. Soap jogged to his destination.
Once there, he spotted Ghost immediately. Who wouldn’t from a mile away?
Huge tall lad, built like a bloody fridge and clad in tactical gear even though he was not on a mission. His infamous skull mask ever-present. While others shivered at his presence, Soap felt warmth when near him.
He called out from the entrance of the shooting range, “Ey Ghost!”, to not startle the big man. Not that it was even possible to startle The Ghost but he had a rifle in his hand. Best to be extra careful.
Ghost halted, his neck straightening from its bent position beside the firearm. He looked over to Soap who was making his way over to him.
“Evenin’ Soap”, Ghost lowered his gun but still stood in his prior stance in case Soap just wanted to say hi and he could go back to shooting. But with how the Scot was jogging to him, he might as well put the gun back to entertain whatever Soap was about to do.
“Evenin’! Aye, I’ve got a favour ta ask of ye”, Soap stopped in front of the tall man, a respectable distance between them.
The lieutenant cleared his throat briefly. “What is it, Johnny?”. Now Ghost used his real name, seeing that no one was around to eavesdrop and he felt a bit more comfortable calling Soap his name.
“Could you be my muse? Just for a wee bit o’ time, I feel like sketchin’ somethin’”, Soap pulled his small sketchbook out of his pocket, showing it to Ghost.
Ghost was
 surprised? He knew the sergeant asked all kinds of things at the most random times but this was not what he expected.
The Brit tossed that train of thought aside, not wanting to be rude and leave Soap unanswered and seem like an idiot standing there wide-eyed at the man’s request.
“Sure, why no’?”, Ghost simply replied. He walked to the mounted wall racks that had numerous types of firearms lined up next to each other, dusted off the one he just used and placed it on the rack. The shorter man stood there stunned for a moment but then his eyes almost twinkled at that.
“Wow, dinnae expec’ ye ta actually say yes”, Soap smiled. He rubbed the back of his neck, now feeling a strange sense of giddiness.
“I’m no’ doin’ much now, these shots were too easy anyway”. If Soap didn’t know any better, he would think his lieutenant was blatantly showing off. But he had all the right to do so.
He was the epitome of a soldier; executing feats with deadly military precision, efficiency like no other. And the dummies metres away in front of them proved it.
Headshots to each, dead centre and flawless. Maybe one or two bullet holes to where the hearts should be.
“Well, you are the best L.T.”, Soap chuckled. He resisted the urge to rock on his heels, now unsure of how to proceed so he waited for Ghost.
“So ehh, righ’ now then?”, Soap decided to cut the silence before it got any longer. Ghost squared his shoulders, his way of “shrugging”. “Lead the way Johnny”, the taller man raised a hand, pointing to the exit. “Well, to my room then! It’s easier fer me ta concentrate”, Soap spun on his heels smiling but not before realizing what his choice of destination could’ve implied. He coughed after that, feigning it as though he just needed to clear his throat. Definitely not because he felt his face flush the tiniest bit. Luckily his back was turned to Ghost.
He didn’t notice how Ghost’s shoulders jerked at the same sentence, almost immediately after Soap said it.
Did he hear that right? Did Soap have to choose his own room? He felt like backing out and going back to shooting shotguns loud enough to drown his thoughts. But before he knew it, his legs moved him forward, following Soap. On their journey to Soap’s room, Ghost tried his damnedest to not fidget and seem like a teenager on their way to the closet for a ‘seven minutes in heaven’ session. While he tried, thoughts began popping back into his mind.
How did he agree to this? Why did he even agree to this? Sure he humoured Soap a little here and there, especially after Las Almas and became a bit more fond of the fiery Scot but

Why did he choose him? There were other better looking
 people that Soap could use as a muse. Was he ugly? Strange? Maybe that’s why Soap chose him as a muse because he was unusual. Stood out from everyone.
Then a blaring thought came last and flooded his mind.
Soap was going to be closer now that he wanted to sketch him
 What if he wanted Ghost to take his mask off agai-
“Alrighty, we’re here!”.
Without even realising it, Ghost was already in front of Soap’s room together with the man. Why did it feel so
 he didn’t know how to describe it.
Oh for God’s sake Simon it’s just Johnny and his room. It’s the same as bursting into a room to wake up a measly recruit sleeping in like a-
Soap called him out of his thoughts, opening his door to signal that he is indeed going to have to go into his room.
He took a step in as his thoughts erupted once again.
Right Simon, just get in
 Hell what is he supposed to do? Pose? Just stand there? Well, Johnny is going to guide me. Oh hell, why did that sound-
Ghost stiffly stood in the small room, in front of Soap’s bed as the owner shut the door and switched the lights on. He squinted at how close the light was to his face, his height betraying him. “You can sit down Ghost”, Soap gestured to the chair by his desk. The cushion looked flattened, probably from the times when Soap spent doodling in his sketchbook during break days.
It took him three steps to reach the chair. He sat down and then noticed the other man has not sat down anywhere. He seemed to be scanning something, his eyes gliding occasionally to him and around the room.
“Where ‘re you goin' ‘a sit?”. Maybe Ghost should have switched with Soap and sat on the floor or something-
“Ah, ‘m just tryin’ ta see where is the best spot to get the right angle”. Soap seemed to be really serious about this. But then again, Ghost knew that whatever he was passionate about, Soap would do his best to go about it.
“I can just sit on the bed”, Soap finally decided and plopped onto the bed, the frame creaking from the sudden weight. Ghost almost winced at the awful sound of it but he sat still, composed and waiting for Soap’s guidance.
As his companion flipped the many messy pages of his sketchbook, Ghost sat on the chair stiffly, his shoulders tense, his forearms resting on his thighs. He thought about the poses he could be in and which was best for a reference and the least awkward for both of them. Then as if Soap could hear his internal thoughts, he told him, “You can pose however you want Ghost, ‘m just tryin’ ta practice something simple”.
At that simple statement, Ghost tried to think of a pose he could get into long enough for Soap to get the whole gesture and comfortable enough for himself to not think about the awkward tension in the air.
He took a while and thought long and hard about his choices. Until Soap broke his concentration.
“Ah, that’s good Ghost, you can stay like that for a bit”, Soap gave him a thumb’s up and immediately started sketching away.
Ghost looked at himself. The chair’s back was turned to the table and he must’ve unconsciously got his arms onto the desk, leaning back as he did so. His legs were just man-spread in front of him. Overall a very casual pose. And Ghost didn’t even have to think too hard.
That’s one step done correctly Simon. He smiled to himself.
Ghost allowed the tension in his shoulders to dissolve, breathing evenly to steady his nerves. He took in the scent of the room.
Even though Soap was infamous for carrying all kinds of explosives, his room didn’t smell anything like it. It was almost aromatic. Soap did like to spend a little-more-than-normal amount of time in the showers and always came out of the steaming hot room with a pleasant scent and a beaming smile.
Not that Ghost was close enough to smell him directly and definitely not because he even made the effort to remember the specific shampoo he used.
No, it was the heat from the shower room diffusing the smell all around.
Yes, that.
Ghost estimated that he had been sitting here for at least three minutes and noticed Soap’s quick scratches on the paper slow down to more controlled strokes. But then he stopped. He had a pout on his face, tapping the pencil on his chin.
Ghost half-expected the next request coming from Soap but was still taken aback.
“Ey Ghost? Could you take off yer gear? I can’t see the anatomy clearly”, Soap said but added quickly after realising he might’ve made Ghost a bit uncomfortable.
“Only if yer okay with it though, I can manage-
“No, I can take i’ off”.
Ghost still sat in the chair but proceeded to unbuckle his chest gear and laid it down on the desk behind him. Then he moved to unbuckle the ones on his legs until Soap stopped him.
“No no just the top, I can figure out the legs just fine”, Soap made an ‘okay’ sign earnestly before adding, “Thank ye Ghost, you can put it back on once I’m done yeah?”.
Ghost hummed in response, rising from trying to unlatch his knee guards. As he got back to his prior position, Soap “ooh” ed in approval.
“Ahh, that’s braw Ghost, now I’ll get the sketch done nicely in no time!”. Soap grinned and gave him a double thumbs up before sketching away again.
Another thing done correctly Simon, better not mess this up.
Also, what did “braw” mean?
“I gotta say Ghost, you do look good. Without all that tactical gear blockin’ ye”.
Soap continued like he didn’t just compliment Ghost about his looks.
After spending some time with the Scot, he knew he was unabashed at dropping borderline flirty lines or compliments here and there but that didn’t stop Ghost from blue-screening whenever it was directed at him.
Still, he remained composed.
“Keep it tactical, sergeant”.
Soap chuckled. “Just accept it Ghost, why else would I choose you to be my muse?”.
Again, the bloody bastard does it again. Thank god they were having a break day, this would go on forever.
Not that Ghost minded it.
But normally he would be used to people fearing him and whispering all sorts of things about him being the infamous Ghost, lieutenant of the 141 Task Force that made even mercenaries stain their pants.
But this? Small words of admiration from a man who seemed to thaw his cold heart like no other? He felt like he wouldn’t have enough of it. And if he had to be honest, he didn’t want it to stop.
 liked it-
Stay focused on the objective Simon.
Soap’s pencil strokes seemed to be more minute now, his pencil only focusing on some areas before moving to another one. His wrist rotating, the butt of the pencil moving up and down constantly.
How long has it been? He must’ve been finalising the sketch, he should be done soon.
Ghost checked his watch; it’s been 45 minutes. He didn’t realise time passed so quickly. For some reason, he felt like he could stay a bit longer. Being a muse wasn’t so bad.
Flattering even. Soap didn’t think he was “ugly”, he complimented him twice.
But Ghost knew that Soap was almost done with his sketch and somewhere from deep inside his cold heart, he felt
Before his thoughts could continue, Soap called out.
“All done Ghost! I have ta say, I think I did a good job”. The proud artist widely smiled to himself, admiring his work. Extending his book away from his face, viewing it from different angles.
If Ghost dared to think it, it was almost amusing.
“Can I see it?”. Ghost’s voice came out soft, not wanting to interrupt Soap’s joy.
“You sure?”.
Ghost huffed slightly, but no bite behind it.
“I didn’t just sit here for almost an hour just to have a drawing of me butchered”.
I know you did great Johnny. He wanted to say.
“Awrite then, here ye go”, Soap handed the book to him, his calloused fingers almost brushing Ghost’s covered ones. None of them mentioned it. Ghost gently took the book and felt the roughness and smoothness of the papers.
Some pages felt like sandpaper and others as thin as the softest leaf. If he even knew. He can’t recall the last time he felt a fresh plant, being in the military and all only allowed him to feel coarse sand and rough tattered fabric.
He looked at the page Soap was sketching. He was something of an artist himself –having designed his whole left sleeve– and Soap’s sketch was almost a replica of him. And his little touch-ups were quite nice.
Soap got all the shading right, maybe dramatised it at some corners but that gave it a bit more life in a way. Almost like those comic book styles he’d see when he would pass by stores on urban missions. He did get inspiration for his tattoo sleeve from that. Then he looked at the overall pose he was drawn in.
Soap got quite the angle. Ghost could see that his torso looked to be almost exaggerated. Especially his chest and arms. From his shoulders down to his waist, he could see that his long-sleeved shirt was drawn to be snug around his figure. Well, at least that wasn’t far off from the truth. He was a big man and if Ghost had to be honest, most of the attire he owned had always been
 just nice. His shoulders were drawn to look strong and sturdy and his arms, lean but a few curves of his muscles were accentuated. And then, his mask. Ghost wondered how he didn’t notice the details put into the darkest part of the sketch. The angle of his head was tilted upwards, just the slightest bit and the folds of his balaclava were sketched delicately. The skull face plate was a nice contrast to the dark shade of the balaclava and inside the eye holes, he could see that Johnny actually cared to add his eyes in.
He even got the shape and proportions right.
It truly was flattering to see the hard work put into this mere sketch of him. And to think this was done on a roughly A6-sized sketchbook in less than an hour.
“Uhh, Ghost? Is the sketch too ugly for ye-
Ghost cleared his throat.
 incredible Johnny, really. I’m
”. Ghost felt speechless. So many thoughts went through his mind and he couldn’t even begin to get one of them out to properly express his gratitude.
He had seen a few posters of himself and his team drawn to look serious, deadly and overall hardened. In Soap’s sketch, it was quite the opposite.
Instead of the rigid stance he would normally be in 24/7, he was relaxed. Soap captured the tension melting away from his shoulders and unclenched fists hanging off the desk’s edge as if it was alive that he felt a sense of serenity just by looking at it.
It was almost, dare he say, tender.
“You sure? You were frownin-
“Yes, I’m sure. I just can’t get the right words out
 wonderful, Johnny”.
Ghost was quick to catch the unfamiliar tone of uncertainty in Soap’s usual proud voice. He wanted to kill that tone that didn’t fit Soap at all.
Now it was Soap’s turn to be left speechless. His mouth was left slightly agape and his eyes widened at how softly Ghost praised his work. He knew his lieutenant wasn’t the best at words besides barking orders that leave you quaking in your boots but he knew Ghost was honest when he got like this. Las Almas thought him that.
Thank ye
 Ghost. I’m glad ye like it”, Soap smiled, beaming once again. Ghost felt his heart thump at that smile that resembled the happiest of puppies. He huffed, his version of a chuckle and handed the book to the owner.
“Glad I was done justice by you Johnny, knew I could trust you”. Soap chuckled.
“How about ye keep it then? You seem ta like it a lot”. He held the book in his hand, tapping on the hard thin cover in anticipation.
“I’m no’ a narcissist Johnny, you keep it. It’s your hard work”.
I’m not worthy enough of your gift.
“Ahh c’mon, it’s one of my ways of sayin’ thanks for putting up with my bullshit haha”.
“It’s no trouble”.
Only for you Johnny.
“You keep it. I recognised the work you put in for me. Thought you might want to look up to it when I’m not around”.
Soap chuckled.
“Heh, what do ye mean by that L.T.?...”, he asked, brows beginning to furrow. Soap hoped Ghost didn’t mean anything by that.
“By wha’?”, Ghost replied nonchalantly.
“What do ye mean by ‘when yer not around’?”.
Ghost’s eyebrows rose. That’s what he was focused on?
“You should know Johnny”, he tells him with no bite behind it, “Solo missions for hell knows how long, a stray bulle’-
Ghost was taken aback at Soap’s immediate change in tone, his eyes widened. By then, Soap had lunged from his bed and grasped Ghost’s biceps firmly. Almost like he was about to fall off a cliff and Soap was just in time to save him. That was the force Ghost felt and he had to admit, it hurt.
But not as much as seeing Soap’s expression. He looked like he was afraid of losing him.
He’s sure that was the look. That was what he felt back at Las Almas. When he foolishly separated from whatever was left of his team.
From Soap.
Ghost was extremely tense in Soap’s solid grip and he stayed that way, unsure of what to do in this situation. The other man realised his actions and released his grip, resulting in the both of them sitting in their respective places in awkward silence. Soap resorted to tapping on his sketchbook and Ghost was just about ready to leave the room.
After a few minutes passed by which felt like an unbearably painful amount of time for them, Ghost slowly rose from his seat. He let the familiar tension consume his form again and addressed Soap in an authoritative tone, the way a superior dismissed themself from their subordinate.
“Sergeant.”. He nodded briefly and he turned to the door coolly, unlike his emotions within. Until the man behind him called out.
“Wait!”. Ghost turned. Soap was standing now, an arm shot out towards him but now that he was looking at him, Soap’s arm slowly fell to his side. His fist clenching and unclenching. Like he was unsure of what to do or say. He held his head low, unable to meet his lieutenant's eyes. He shouldn’t have done that, now his efforts to get to know his lieutenant were foiled-
“Johnny”. Soap’s head shot up and was met with the closeness of Ghost’s figure, mere inches away from each other without him noticing. He craned his neck to face Ghost. If his internal emotions weren’t clashing, he would’ve called him a bawbag for being a tree.
“Are you
 worried for me, Johnny?”. Ghost asked calmly, standing still but willing his body to release the tension to seem relaxed and not unnerve Soap. He looked uncomfortable enough. Ghost didn’t know what to do. Should he leave? Forget this ever happened to save Soap from prolonged embarrassment? He could do that but it felt wrong to just leave Johnny there. He had to do something.
“You could say I am
 We’re a
 team, no?”, Soap folded his arms behind his back, not trusting his fidgety fingers to be seen by Ghost. He didn’t know exactly why he burst out the way he did but the way Ghost dropped that so casually as though he accepted his death was literally right around the corner
 triggered something in him. He brought his head back down, unable to hold eye contact with Ghost. He felt the slightest bit of pressure behind his eyes, it made his eyes sting.
“Yes we are, but you know casualties should be expected. It should be second nature by now
”. Ghost hated how he couldn’t find the words to comfort Soap but it was the truth. The military was not a place of promises but inevitable death was a well-known fact there. And being in a task force specially formed to handle deadly missions only increased the chances.
Soap stayed silent, his face hidden from Ghost who hadn’t done anything to make a move. Ghost could hear the other man’s soft breathing, that was how quiet it was in the room. Not even the sound of the vent up high in the walls disturbed them. Until Soap mumbled under his breath.
“After what we’ve been through
 all that time we spent
 all those jokes you shared just to keep me company at Las Almas
 Hell, you even distracted me from my bleedin’ arm, practically forgot about it at the time. And now you drop that like I can just forget about it? Like you
 you don’t mean anythin’ to me
Ghost stood absolutely stunned. He didn’t even bother to control how his eyes widened at that confession. It pinched his heart unpleasantly.
“Johnny I didn’t- I didn’t know that you felt that way-
A pair of thick, warm arms crushed him before he could even finish. He let out a sound of surprise and pain, the embrace unintentionally squeezing a bruise on his back from a mission that had yet to heal. But he ignored it, in a way relieved that Johnny made the first move. Despite letting out a metaphorical sigh of relief, he didn’t know what to do with his arms as they were trapped by the other man. Ghost’s left arm instinctively twitched and it caused the other man to loosen his hold, allowing Ghost to move. But to Ghost’s bewilderment, his own arm moved to Soap’s back in an attempt to return the embrace as best as it could. Soap’s face was buried in Ghost’s chest and even though his expression was hidden from him, he noticed the small gesture from the taller man and moved his other arm to allow Ghost to fully embrace him.
He did. As awkward as it was, Soap seemed content with it because his crushing hold relaxed, shifting to a comfortable pressure for Ghost. The taller man kept his arms on the other man’s back, steadying his nerves in hopes of calming his increasingly rapid heartbeat.
Ghost swore he felt his face heat up but he chalked it up to his racing heart pumping blood throughout his body at a concerning pace.
They stood there for a long while, a comfortable silence blessed upon them. Soap chose to keep his face nestled and Ghost felt at peace feeling the pressure of Soap’s warm hug.
 that’s a nice sound
”, Soap uttered, a smile evident in his voice. Ghost snapped out of his reverie.
Soap chuckled before answering, “Your strong heartbeat next to my ears
 assures me that you’re here and alive
Ghost has been to many bars, too many for his liking and he has heard countless sweet drunken confessions. This was almost like it, but it didn’t sound fake. And he felt satisfied, delighted even that it was directed at him.
“Are you drunk on something Johnny? Are you bein’ for real?”.
“Nah”, Soap turned his head so that his ear was directly on Ghost’s chest, “I’m bein’ serious”. And to tug at the taller man’s heartstrings, he looked up with his eyes and in Ghost’s eyes, he swore he saw them shining.
Yeah, Ghost felt his heart soaring that he got to see this tender side of Soap. And he wanted to waste not a single drop of this sweet taste he didn’t get to savour much as a child. Or in a long time for that matter. He was glad that he got to share this moment with Soap.
More silence before Soap spoke once again.
“Ey Simon, what time is it?”, Soap asked while his cheek was pressed against Ghost’s chest, his arms still around the taller man’s torso.
Ghost felt his heart pick up the pace at the mention of his name. He didn’t want to lift the arm that wore his watch so he searched for a clock in the room.
None. How in the hell can Soap function without one?
He inwardly scowled at the fact that he had to lift his arm to check his watch.
He almost did a double-take. Good lord, it was already 20:00. How long exactly had he spent time here? It didn’t matter, it was a break day and not many knew Ghost’s whereabouts when they were given those days. People think he either isolated himself in the gym or shooting range or somewhere deep within the base and honestly, they’re not wrong. But today, he already had his daily amount of shooting heads off dummies and if it weren’t for Soap pulling him out of his boring routine, he would have gone back to his dark room to drown in his troublesome thoughts.
“It’s 2000”. He wished he didn’t tell the time.
He felt the warmth slipping away from him as Soap unlatched his arms from his torso and Ghost almost stopped him from doing so, his hands faltering mid-air from where they were situated on Soap’s back. He swiftly put them back down to his sides but unclenched his anxious fists to seem composed. He hoped Soap didn’t catch his actions.
“Well, I guess you’ll be off then eh?”, Soap folded his arms behind his back again. He almost had a wistful look on his face. He didn’t need to know that Ghost returned the same feeling internally.
“Righ’... I’ll see you tomorrow then Johnny”. Ghost turned to head out the door but something left in him stopped him. His brain gave him an idea, a chance to spend the rest of the day with Soap.
“Oh hell, I just remembered
A long pause before Ghost replied. “They’re
 renovatin’ my room”.
Ghost turned as he heard Soap made a sound of mocking disbelief, a mix between a laugh and a huff.
“The hell are they renovation’ yer room for?”.
Ghost’s gears grinded in his mind, punching it to come up with a credible reason.
“The ceilin’ fell through
 Must’ve been the new recruits causin’ a ruckus above”. He cringed at how that sounded like complete and utter bullshit. But Soap didn’t seem to catch on it. In fact, he seemed pleased at it.
“Ah, you know how kids are nowadays L.T. Breakin’ a few buildin’s here an’ there!”, he chuckled before adding, “You’re welcome to bunk in my room for the time bein’ Ghost, I don’ mind”.
Soap didn’t even question it.
Ghost almost clapped his hands at the success of his half-arsed idea that came in the spur of the moment.
But he kept cool to not expose his excitement, threading the waters before diving in completely.
“You sure? Not afraid that I’ll kick your arse out of bed if you slept in in the mornin’?”.
Soap let out a hearty laugh, “Try me Simon, I sleep like a rock”. The smirk that Soap had only accentuated his face and gave Ghost all the more reason to stay in Soap’s room the rest of the evening. He wasn’t planning on going any further than that for tonight – that was for another time and he didn’t plan on it for a while – but for now, he wanted to savour this sweet feeling he had blooming in him before he had to shove it down during the day.
Ghost lightly chuckled, “Oh I’ll try Johnny”.
In the end, both men turned in for the night, freshly showered and tucked in Soap’s creaky bed. They started out with their backs turned against each other but as their slumber deepened, they ended up wrapped in each other’s arms.
Warm and content, smiles subconsciously formed on their peaceful faces whenever their soft breaths tickled each other’s necks.
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acacia-may · 1 year
The plot of Black Clover according to my sister who has never seen it, folks:
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I feel like I am actually a corrupting influence
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kindahoping4forever · 5 months
Dear Crystal,
I come to you in this moment of crisis and joy, hoping my words won't bother you or make you feel pressured, but I really hope all this new (endearing, loving, heartfelt) new content inspires in you some words of that (precious, gorgeous, funny) man in fic form.
It's beyond my understanding why all of the sudden I'm writing to you like I'm a victorian lady in distress (perhaps because I am, and I have been on the verge of tears since he posted earlier today), but alas.
With love,
Dearest Ana,
I am ever grateful for your correspondence and I hear your plea. I pray it brings you joy to know that I could never deny any blessings the artful muses choose to bestow upon me should they grace me with their presence. I appreciate your steadfast encouragement despite my recently regretful absence as a litterateur. It is my hope better, more fruitful days are ahead in regards to this matter.
Until we meet again (likely at the next summoning of our most favored yet fiendish gentleman bard),
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everysongineverykey · 2 years
glass onion: a knives out story is rather over-the-top and ludicrous and is maybe not as good a movie as the original knives out but i can say with complete certainty that it was absolutely more fun than knives out. not better, mind you. just more entertaining. and while i don't really take to mysteries in which a solid quarter of the second half is spent in an expository flashback, and having your movie end in the giant explosion of a massive rich asshole paradise in greece while the literal actual mona lisa is destroyed in a fire is probably the least subtle thing you could do, i was NEVER bored, not once. it's mediocre but it's HILARIOUS mediocre. 7/10! would recommend if you want a fun way to spend two and a half hours.
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1980ssunflower · 1 year
if i dont see my husbands passionately kissing eachother RIGHT now im going to run into oncoming traffic
#ot3: ❀rhyme💛easy💙#tape entry circa 1980#their love for eachother makes me want to scream and cry like the entire plot of them being soulmates is so insane to me#and its INSANE thats its not TECNICALLY canon#so theres some people who are like 'errmm why do they have to be GAY?? đŸ€š cant two guys just be FRIENDS anymore??'#like oh im sorry that two guys being born on the same day and spending their entire lives together and PLANNING THEIR WHOLE FUTURE TOGETHER#SAYING 'OUR LIFE' and only ever having eachother then being separated and longing for eachother and only thinking abt the other#one of those two going through girl after girl to try to fill the void in his heart w/o his other half#and only being miserable through it all until he just uses the last of his money to go home and LIE to his friend to get him to run away#w him cause he NEEDS him THAT badly that he CANT LIVE W/O HIM#AND all the BLUSHING and FLIRTY LINES AND TOUCHING#like SORRY if that isnt ENOUGH for you#im SORRY saying shit like 'i... i thought when we played music in the bathroom... you & i were like... uh... yknow...'#AND 'we BOTH go or NEITHER of us do' followed by the other BLUSHIGN RED WHILE LOOKING SO IN LOVE#AND 'you stuck with me. so now you're STUCK with me!'#SORRY THAT SOMEHOW ISNT ENOUGH TO THINK THEYRE GAY????#jesus christ theyre so in love w eachother it makes me emotional#and they both love me sm too đŸ„ș💖💙#the three of us have a bond that outshines everything
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anxiousbabybird · 4 months
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Love and Deepspace men x fem!reader slightly unhinged and NSFW HCs, PART 2!
Once again, minors do not interact! I made you guys a part 2 of my current thoughts. No plot or card spoilers in my comments or reblogs, please and thank you 💙
Part 1
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Have you met this man? He wants to know where you’re at and who you’re with at all times. So jealous. It’s probably in your best interest to forget other men exist once you’re dating him
Convinced you to suck his dick while he’s painting to see if it helps convey emotion into his painting—he accidentally pushed the paintbrush through the canvas when he came
Loves when you ride him—it’s so cute watching you bounce on him and use his body for your own pleasure. This also allows him to sit back a little and enjoy every sound you make, every facial expression, every feeling. Of course he does eventually get bored and flips you onto your back for his turn
Before you’re dating, he persuades you into being a nude model for him. He takes his time caressing your skin and telling you he has to “feel” the art, lets his hands wander and linger as he moves your body little by little until you’re in the exact position he wanted. Spends hours staring at your naked body, pretending to draw it (he finished his sketch hours ago but he doesn’t want you getting dressed yet)
Kinks/fetishes: biting, marking, breeding, spit, primal, spanking, mirror sex, praise, wax, shibari, choking, exhibitionism
Loves a pussy job—just sliding his cock between your folds and tapping at your clit like he’s knocking on a door until he cums all over you. Loves this for two reasons: 1) you look exquisite with your clit swollen and body spattered in cum, and 2) the banter between the two of you during a pussy job is top tier. It’s not quite degradation, but you’re both going back and forth in the most teasing way, riling each other up.
Has the biggest praise kink. He thinks he might actually die if you don’t tell him how amazing he is at least 12 times a day
Part of the pretty dick club. It’s actually perfect—thick but not too thick, long but not too long, nice veins wrapping around and well groomed at the base. Some would say it’s perfect.
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Sometimes when he’s flustered by you, his body emits a soft glow because of his evol. You notice it for the first time when you surprise him with a kiss to his cheek. He glows a little brighter the first time he kisses your lips too.
He’s fallen asleep during sex before. Usually after several rounds, he’s cum twice already, and you’re laying on your sides on the bed and he’s lazily thrusting into you from behind and all of a sudden he stops. Sheathed inside you and an arm around your waist. When you look over your shoulder, he’s sounds asleep and already softly snoring. You have no choice but to do the same, falling asleep in his arms and keeping his cock nice and warm all night
His favorite position is missionary where your legs are wrapped around his waist and he’s slowly, deeply thrusting into you. He likes seeing every expression on your face, really feeling you sucking him in, hearing every breathy moan you try to hide from him. And he likes that he can kiss you whenever he wants
Likes to read at night, even though he falls asleep doing it. When you start staying nights at his place, he convinces you to read out loud to him and you do that every night until he falls asleep with his head on your chest.
Kinks/fetishes: hair pulling (he likes when you give a little tug), overstimulation, marking, cum play, face sitting, cockwarming
Loves fresh flowers and brings you new ones every week. He thinks they’re pretty and hopes you appreciate them the way he does. Sometimes he buys them or sometimes he picks them from some lush patch in the forest. Always takes some for himself so he knows when they start dying and he needs to get you new ones.
Loves to lay his head in your lap so you can play with his hair
The kind of guy who will keep his hand holding yours no matter what because he wants to make sure you’re staying beside him. Sometimes takes one of your hands and puts it in the pocket of his sweatshirt with his just so it stays warm.
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He was very opposed to fucking in the hospital at first but then on a day he was super stressed, you stopped by and sucked him off under his desk while he reviewed charts and he was able to successfully perform a surgery other doctors thought was inoperable—he was more lenient on sex in the hospital after that
Kinks/fetishes: size kink, spanking, brat taming, choking, degradative praise, impact (spanking/flogging/paddle), breeding, edging/denial, thigh riding, dirty talk
Has absolutely bent you over his knee to spank you when you’re being a brat and talking back to him all the time with no regard for your own well being. All he wants is to take care of you because you never take care of yourself. And he would take the best care of you.
Cunt smacks. No further explanation needed.
Favorite sex position is prone bone. He likes hitting it from the back because sometimes the prolonged eye contact that can come with facing each other makes him uncomfortable. But doggy style isn’t what he wants because he wants to feel your body against his, holds you as close as possible. This position works best because every inch of him is atop you and he can feel your body there beneath him, he gets to tuck his head into your neck to bite or kiss or moan into, he’s close to your ear and can whisper filthy things or tell you how close he is or how good you feel around him, and most of all, this position has him so fucking deep inside you that he swore nothing in this life felt better the first time he entered you in this way
Allergic to saying nice things to you 98% of the time.
He runs cold because of his evol and sometimes when he cums, it feels like ice inside of you. Made you scream in surprise the first time but leads to some fun temperature play where he uses his tongue to warm you up after. He’s also often cold and loves to curl up against you and tell you that you’re his heater.
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@luffysprincess @seraphofthesimps @adaurielle
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rexscanonwife · 2 years
Ggghh đŸ„ș Rex...💖💖
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sapphire-writes · 15 days
the winner takes it all
Art x Reader x Tashi
summary: winners deserve rewards, and Tashi is more than happy to spoil her star athlete with the help of her ever-dutiful husband.
word count: 2.7k
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rating: mature/explicit/18+
warnings: porn no plot (deep breath) m/f/f dynamic, threesome, dom!Tashi, switch!Art, sub!Reader, p in v, creampie, overstim, hair pulling, titty play, use of toys, praise, teasing, spanking, orgasm denial, oral (fem receiving), oral (reader giving fem), face sitting
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note: hope you enjoy! my first non-HOTD related fic!
link to other stories from me!
To be notified when I post something new, be sure to follow @sapphire-writes-updates & turn notifications on 💙
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Your match had taken place several hours ago. You’d been anxious the entire time, but ended up winning, much to you and your coach’s pleasure. The ride back to the hotel was torturous, as well as the following mandatory ice bath, sauna, shower, and footage review. It was the routine you’d followed ever since Tashi began coaching you.
She was nothing if not thorough.
After tying up several loose ends, including Tashi grilling you for every point you missed, every fault she could see when she paused the footage, you now found yourself in a more pleasurable position. 
Art held your legs open as he continued his even thrusts, cock sliding against the walls of your pussy at a torturous pace. Tashi sat beside you, clad only in a silk robe and lace panties, brushing some hair from your face that was sticking to your forehead with perspiration.
You had the suite to yourself for the night. Tashi and Art’s little girl was safely tucked away with her grandmother in another elegant suite on the other side of the hotel. Another part of the routine. 
“You did well out there today,” she interrupts, reaching beside her to the end table drawer and pulling out her Hitachi wand. It buzzes to life as she turns it on and a strangled whine leaves your throat as she presses it to your clit,  “See what happens when you put in the extra time? That backhand of yours is a lethal weapon now.”
“Fuck!” is the only response you’re able to give as Art moans at the vibrations as he continues to pound into you. 
She likes you best like this, fucked dumb on Art’s cock, mindlessly agreeing to her plans for future matches, eyes rolling back in your head. Different moves she’ll have you practice. How hard she plans to work you on the court the following morning. 
“Come on, come for me,” Tashi insists, hand trailing over your breasts, “What’s my girl need to come, hm? Need these pretty tits attended to?” She pinches your nipple for emphasis and your jaw slacks, a pleasurable current in your gut winding tighter and tighter with the continuous stimulation.
Art slings your left leg over his shoulder, pressing a tender kiss to your calf as he does so. 
The new angle sends him deeper inside of you and you clench, mouth falling open with an uncontrollable moan.
“That’s it,” Tashi murmurs, eyes never leaving your face, “Feels so good doesn’t it? Art knows how to treat his girl, huh? Don’t you baby?”
“Yes,” he hissed between clenched teeth, beads of sweat forming on his brow, “Fucking perfect pussy, god—”
Tashi removes her hand from your breast, taking hold of your chin.
“Look at me.”
Your eyes water with pleasurable tears but you do as she asks, always keen to follow her instructions. The tennis court, the bedroom, it was all the same playing field in the end.
“Come on baby,” she murmurs, leaning down and pressing a kiss against your lips, “Come for me, you’ve been such a good girl, you deserve it.”
“Fuck!” Art courses as your pussy tightens around him, “Oh uhhh—”
“I’m cumming,” you helplessly whimper, the words nearly a sob, “Tashi
.Art fuck feels so—-“ your abdominal muscles tense as your reach your peak, white-hot ecstasy flooding your body as a shudder rolls through you. 
Tashi smiles as you come, fingers dancing down your neck. Art fucks you through it, leaning forward to pound into you at a harder rhythm, chasing his imminent release. It’s only then Tashi glances at him, her smile dropping slightly.
“Don’t cum.”
Art’s hips stutter as your walls continue to flutter around his thick length, his jaw slacks, eyes watering as he looks at his wife.
“I said no,” she insists, shutting off the vibrator and throwing it to the side. Leaning forward, she captures your lips in a kiss. She sits up, a smile on her face as she kisses Art as well. He whimpers against her lips, hard and pulsating inside you still. But Tashi never changes her mind.
“You want to come, you should try winning.” 
“Tash please,” Art’s voice was strained, Adam’s apple bobbing, his expression pained, “please let me come.”
“Yeah?” She taunts moving up to kiss him. She brings her lips close to his, his eyes fluttering shut as she barely brushes the soft pout of her mouth against his. His lips part, head tilting to chase her. 
You watch from below them, still trying to slow your breathing. You like watching them dance, this push and pull they have. It’s hypnotizing, the effect she has on him. On you. Tashi pushes his chest and his eyes flutter open.
Tashi nods to the chair in the corner of the room. Art hesitates and she raises a brow when he doesn’t move quickly enough. Teeth clenched, Art unsheathes his aching cock from your warmth, hissing as he pulls completely out. Your breath hitches at the loss of him, and you gaze up at Tashi waiting for her next instruction. 
Fully naked, Art walks to the chair, cock hard and swinging between his legs as though he’s nothing more than a scolded pup. 
Tashi stands walking over to him, and Art tilts his chin to meet her eyes. Slowly, she lets the silk robe fall from her shoulders, and she takes her time removing it and placing it on his lap. You can see his erection through the soft purple fabric. 
“Hold that for me, would you?” she asks, turning back to face you.
You can’t help it as your gaze falls to her breasts; supple and mouth-watering, dark nipples taunting you. The dip of flesh between her abdominal muscles, a spot you’ve run your tongue along countless times now. Tashi rejoins you on the bed, lying next to you, looping her thumbs in the waistband of her lace panties. 
“You want a taste, baby?” she asks, smiling slightly at you.
You nod eagerly as she beckons you with a tilt of her chin. Scrambling into a kneeling position you slot yourself between Tashi’s toned legs, replacing her fingers and gently pulling off her lace panties, tossing them to the side and revealing her glistening sex.
Two things turn Tashi on. Telling you and Art what to do, and tennis.
Tashi brings her hand down her front tracing down her toned stomach until she reaches the soft curls that frame her pussy. She takes two fingers and spreads herself before you. 
“Come on, baby,” she murmurs, her voice low and seductive, “Eat up.”
She’s an enchantress, you swear, using some sort of siren song to pull you in. Even here between her legs, she’s in charge; it’s you who’s helpless. You lower your face toward her pussy, already drunk on the scent of her even before your tongue reaches her warm slit. 
You couldn’t hold in your moan of pleasured relief even if you tried as your tongue dipped lower, parting her lips and dipping inside her right entrance. There’s something about her, how she feels, how she tastes. You’ll never get enough of it. You nuzzle closer to her, nose bumping against her clit and she rewards you with a breathy sigh. 
“Art,” she calls as you eagerly continue lavishing her pussy with attention, “How’s the view?”
“Fucking breathtaking,” he answered, his voice strangled, “Tashi please
“She’s so good,” Tashi praises, nails taking against your scalp sending pleasurable tingles down your spine, “Put that pretty mouth of yours where it counts. Show me how badly you want it.” 
Your tummy flutters with excitement and you suction your lips around Tashi’s clit, sucking the sensitive button as you hear Art stand up. 
“Put that ass up,” Tashi instructs you, her voice airy, nearly breathless. You arch your back, leaning forward into her as Art’s hands cup the front of your thighs. 
You wiggle as he kneels behind you, his breath on your pussy before his lips meet your pussy. You moan against Tashi’s cunt as Art trails his hands up your thighs, spreading your cheeks wider as he feasts on you, tongue dipping inside of you and then up to circle your clit. 
“I’ll make you a deal baby,” Tashi purrs, back arching off the bed slightly as your tongue circles her pearl, “If you make her finish before I do, I’ll let you come.”
Art groans against you, finishing with a frustrated whine as Tashi chuckles. You glance up at her, drinking in the blissed-out expression on her face, that sly smirk that reaches her eyes. 
Art doesn’t hesitate, he simply redoubles his efforts, tongue entering you with desperate precision. Your lips falter, the pleasure messing with your coordination as Art ups the ante. You feel him pull away from you, and hear the wet pop of his fingers entering his mouth and leaving just as quickly. Then he’s breaching you, fingers slipping inside you with ease from the continued attention following your first orgasm.
“Oh fuck,” you whimper, squeezing your eyes shut as Art fingers you. He sets a rough pace, placing his opposite hand on your asscheek and squeezing the soft flesh. 
The two fingers he has plunged inside you to the knuckle curl perfectly against your spongy walls, hitting that sweet spot inside you every time he curls his fingers. 
“Come on,” Art murmurs, slapping your ass, “I know you want to come again.”
“Yes she does,” Tashi agrees, unable to help herself. 
“Greedy girl, never satisfied with just one, huh?” Art teases and Tashi chuckles at his efforts. Art never speaks to her like that, only you. Tashi prefers the more dominant role over both you and her husband.
Still eager to please her you sloppily continue eating her out, lost in the sensation of Art's fingers in your pussy, Tashi’s fingers in your hair—
“Come on baby,” Art encourages, though there’s a hint of desperation in his tone. He wants to come just as badly as you do.
“Such a messy girl,” Tashi coos, propping herself on her elbows, “Oh but so so good. I’m getting close
Art slaps your ass again, curling his fingers against your g-spot, and it’s no use. Your jaw slacks and your head lolls against the softness of Tashi’s inner thigh as your walls clench around Art’s fingers, your release barreling through you like a freight train. It knocks the air from your lungs, a desperate cry leaving you as Art makes a noise of triumph. 
“So you are capable of winning,” Tashi snaps, a little too cold to be simply a bedroom taunt. Art stares at her, before she sits up, “I haven’t come yet.”
“Let me,” you murmur, looking up at her, still lying on her thigh. She smiles down at you, stroking your cheek.
“You’re a sweet girl,” she praises, “But Art won. I think he deserves to finish in that sweet little pussy of yours. Would you like that?”
I can’t,” you whimper, still sensitive and tingly from your previous orgasms, “I can’t come again.”
Her smile fades back to that familiar smirk. She glances at Art, nodding at the bed. Cock still standing at attention Art joins you both, lying on his back. Tashi’s hand winds its way in your hair, tugging you not so gently from your resting place. You follow her lead like a puppet on a string. 
“Don’t be ungrateful,” she accuses, pushing you towards Art’s lap, “This is a reward. You deserve this.”
Art’s cock pokes at the soft plush of your inner thighs as you straddle him. His hands move automatically towards your hips, rough thumbs brushing against you leaving goosebumps in their wake. 
He looks at you with wide, watery eyes, blonde hair a tousled mess.
“One more?” he asks, and you know at that moment if you tapped out, he’d respect it. Art was never one to make you feel uncomfortable in any way, shape, or form. 
He rubs your hips again, a soothing motion, and you lean into his touch. Something deep inside you tightens with want. You need him. You need her. You inhale a shaky breath and lift your hips, lining the swollen head of his cock with your entrance. Sinking onto him slowly like this is something else. The way he stretches your insides as you come to rest against him is a feeling you’ll never get used to. 
“Good girl.”
Art’s head falls back against the pillows and then Tashi pulls them from underneath him. Her husband knows immediately what she’s after and tilts his head back as she climbs onto his face. 
Tashi sits on her husband’s face as though it’s her throne. As though he was made for her and no one else. 
She pulls you closer as you lazily begin to ride Art. Lips crashing against yours she kisses you passionately, rolling her hips at the pace you began. Soon you find your rhythm, moving in sync together as Art moans beneath you, happy to pleasure both his girls at once. Tashi’s hand finds your hair again and she tugs your head back, latching her lips against your neck.
She’s fond of leaving marks. Art is hers through their marriage, but she likes to remind you that you belong to her as well. 
Art bucks his hips up into you, the head of his cock nudging perfectly against your sweet spot, just as his fingers had moments before. A whine leaves your lips and Tashi laughs against your neck. 
“He’s good at that, yeah?” she murmurs, placing soft kisses up your neck and returning to your lips, “Good with his cock, good with his
his tongue.” Her eyes squeeze shut in ecstasy as Art does something you can only imagine.
He moans again, fingers digging into your hips hard enough to bruise as he decides the pace you’ve set simply isn’t enough. Art’s hands dip below the curve of your ass right where it meets your thighs, lifting you with ease up and down on his cock. He meets you halfway, thrusting up into you as he slams you up and down. 
Your whines increase in volume, turning into elongated moans swallowed by Tashi’s kiss. You can feel her nipples pressing against your own and you reach out to caress them. Tashi gyrates her hips on Art’s face and his pace becomes more frantic as he plants both feet on the mattress fucking up into you harder, faster, deeper.
Words are lost to you as your mind goes fuzzy; that familiar pressure in your gut builds, a wave of pleasure cresting deep within you. Tashi’s mouth captures yours once more as she snakes a hand down your front, nimble fingers circling your clit giving you just what you need to reach your end. Again.
With that the rubber band in your belly snaps and you come with a startled cry, pleasured tears leaking from the corner of your eyes as you clench around Art’s thick cock. His hips falter only for a moment as he chases his own release, and soon you feel his cock twitch within your warm walls, his spend blooming inside of you.
Tashi smiles proudly as you and Art ride out your highs, the pair of you moaning, limbs jerking from the exertion. Everything’s a game to her. And she always wins. 
“Just like that,” she murmurs, hips still swirling around Art’s face, “Oh god I’m—” 
You watch as her thighs tense, her head dips and her eyes squeeze shut as her orgasm crashes over her at last. 
Carefully you ease Art’s softening cock from within you and lay between the both of them. Tashi on your left, Art on your right. You’re facing Tashi, watching as she comes down from her high, feeling Art’s chest press against your back.
It’s quiet for a moment, the soft sound of a kiss being pressed to your shoulder the only noise in the room. Art snakes a hand around your waist, fingers brushing the soft skin of your tummy. You giggle slightly at the ticklish sensation which causes him to bite down gently on your shoulder. Tashi simply watches, wetting her lips. 
“On the courts at five tomorrow,” she says, before standing, “I’ll run us a bath.”
Art sighs and you can’t help but agree with his subtle frustration. Back to business.
“Whatever you say, coach.”
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likes, comments, and reblogs are appreciated but never expected đŸ©”
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heymrspatel · 1 year
ily j i think about u i manifest happy things for u today i rip and tear what gets in the way ily ok?
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you just say these things, huh? just dropping in here bright and early with words and big big eyes and a little curl on the side of your face. fucking... how dare you? who allowed you to be this cute? my god đŸ˜€
ok, but what about this - did you know that i love you too? huh? did ya? so much it's dumb. all big and goofy. silly and squishy. and i'm creating a big shield around you that'll zap any bad thing that comes your way. did you kNOW?! i love you too?? ok. 💙
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