#life in miniature
libraryofgage · 25 days
Life in Miniature (Two)
Part of: Steve Deserves Good Parents, Actually
Debbie and Fester Addams One | Two | Three | Four | Five Rick and Evelyn O'Connell One | Two | Three Harley Quinn One | Two 10th Doctor and Rose One | Two (on the way!) Scooby Gang (there are plans for this one lmao, so plz be patient with me orz) Jedidiah and Octavius (from Night at the Museum) One | Two (you're here!) Queen Clarisse Renaldi One | Two | Three
So, I'm not dead, despite any suspicions otherwise lmao; life just got a little wild and I needed a tiny break from writing, but hopefully I'll be back! We'll see! I'm literally on my knees begging my brain so maybe it'll stick lmao
Anyway, this part was line-jumped on Ko-Fi! If you want to line jump your favorite series, you can learn more here
Also also! I actually commissioned a wonderful friend of mine (@gamanyne) to draw Emperor Steve! She also did my current header and icon, so you know her art is fucking peak. Anyway, it'll be attached at the bottom of the fic so have fun getting there
And, as always, if you see any typos, no you didn't ;)
"Heard the guard mention you've got some new blood in your display, Ocky."
Octavius glanced over as Jedediah sauntered through the hidden tunnel that connects their displays. It had been built during their admittedly embarrassing courtship, a gift from that time's night guard.
He'd been waiting for exactly this moment, and some of his nervous energy drained when Jedediah stood close enough for their shoulders to brush. He turned to face Jedediah, staying close so he can keep his voice quiet. "Yes, a new battalion and..."
"A young emperor."
Jedediah whistled lowly, eyebrows rising as he looked over Octavius's shoulder at the buildings across the display. It was all pillars and domes and aged marble, but newly added splashes of color could be spotted here and there. "He a brat?" Jedediah asked.
"He is my sovereign!"
"Yeah, sure," Jedediah said, shrugging as he met Octavius's eyes, "but is he a brat?"
Octavius felt indignation rise in his chest but quickly subdued it. He knew Jedediah meant well. And then he saw the smirk on Jedediah's face. "Lover or not, I can not tolerate insults to the emperor," he said.
Jedediah hummed and held his hands up in surrender. "Still ain't answered my question, Ocky."
"I don't know!" Octavius finally exclaimed, looking away when Jedediah blinked at his outburst. "Admittedly, I was more focused on seeing you than meeting him."
"Gee, almost sounds like you've got a crush on me, Ocky. That's kinda embarrassing, don't you think?"
"We have done things that would make satyrs blush, Jedediah. Are we not past embarrassment?"
"Still embarrassing," Jedediah said, grinning wider when Octavius finally looked back at him. "Don't worry, Ocky. He's just a kid. You've got nothing to worry about."
"Child emperors do not have the most...positive reputation," Octavius said. He frowned, looking away as Jedediah glanced over his shoulder again. "Many are spoiled and unaware of how politics should be conducted."
"Ocky...," Jedediah whispered, reaching out to tug on Octavius's cape.
Octavius smiled, appreciating the comforting gesture. "Short tempers are also common, and I worry about any palace staff that anger him. They are just as likely to have their head cut off as they are to walk away."
"Uh, Ocky," Jedediah said, tugging on the cape again.
"And perhaps I am getting ahead of myself, but I don't look forward to measures that may need to be taken if my soldiers are terrorized by a, well, as you put it, love, a brat."
"Ocky!" Jedediah shouted, grabbing Octavius's shoulders and spinning him around.
"Ah," Octavius said, a cold sweat covering him at the sight of the young emperor staring at them. Strands of brown hair fell over the golden laurels at his temples to curl around equally brown eyes. He's taller than Octavius expected, nearly reaching his own height, and older, too. He was, perhaps, around 20, meaning he had several years' experience as emperor.
Above all, though, Octavius managed to see the brief flash of...insecurity? Perhaps it was self-directed disappointment and acceptance? Whatever it was, it vanished the next moment as the young emperor pressed his lips into a thin line, rolled his shoulders back, and said, "General Octavius."
Hearing the young emperor's voice finally freed Octavius from his frozen shock. He cleared his throat, placed a fist over his heart, and bowed to the emperor. "Your Majesty," he said, "What can I do for you?"
"You can raise your head," the young emperor said. When Octavius did, he saw tensed shoulders, and he was briefly overcome by the thought that someone so young should not, in fact, look as if they carry the weight of the world. "I intended to have you introduce me to the soldiers, but I see that you're busy."
Octavius cleared his throat and stepped aside so Jedediah was easier to see. He then placed a hand on Jedediah's shoulder and said, "My liege, this is Jedediah, Cowboy King of the Wild West, and my close companion."
"Woah, woah, cowboy king?" Jedediah whispered, glancing at Octavius like he might be crazy.
"Ah, I see," the young emperor replied, nodding respectfully to Jedediah. ""I am Servius Tullius, Sixth King of Rome, son of Vulcan, weapons master of the gods. I look forward to making your acquaintance at a later date."
"Uh, yeah, acquaintance making and stuff," Jedediah said, nodding back with a strained smile. "I'll be sure to pencil ya in."
"Yes, well," the young emperor replied, his jaw ticking slightly like he wanted to say something but held himself back. "Until then."
Octavius watched as he turned on his heel and walked back to the palace. It wasn't until the emperor was halfway there that Jedediah leaned closer and asked, "He seem a little off to you?"
"Yes, a little."
Steve glances at Eddie, both to make sure he isn't about to fall off Rexy and just because he wants to. Eddie's hair is a little frizzy and his cheeks are flushed, but Steve assumes that's just from performing in front of such a large crowd earlier.
"So, you are a performer," he says as Rexy makes his way to the stairs. "Who did you apprentice under?"
"I didn't," Eddie replies, frowning slightly. "I mean, I just taught myself. Like, with YouTube and stuff."
"Oh! Yes, YouTube, I have seen many cat videos with Robin. I was unaware there were other kinds of videos available."
Eddie snorts, and Steve thinks it's a surprisingly endearing sound. "Yeah, definitely more than cat videos, Stevie," he says, drumming his fingers along Rexy's skull before asking, "So, uh, you're an emperor...does that mean there's an empress?"
"No," Steve says, glancing away and returning Attila the Hun's wave when they pass him. "I should have, but it just never happened."
"Why not? Is it okay to ask?"
"I don't mind. It was naive and bullheaded of me, but I wanted an empress I actually liked."
"Nothing wrong with wanting love, sweetheart," Eddie says, bumping their shoulders together.
"I agree."
Silence settles over them, and Steve wonders if feeling this awkward is normal. He's never had a problem keeping a conversation going with Robin, and his fathers are plenty good at bantering. But here, he's not sure how to proceed. Robin once told him that he can come off as arrogant, someone others don't want to be around, and he's trying to not do that with Eddie.
He thinks Eddie is handsome. If Steve could only convince him, he's sure a chest-plate and shield would make Eddie look particularly dashing. Steve also likes the way Eddie looks at him. It's not quite the devotion he's seen from people under his rule; Eddie's gaze is far more heated than that, making Steve's skin prickle wherever it lands.
"Hey," Eddie says, pulling Steve out of his thoughts, "how's all this coming to life stuff really work? It's not actually that tablet thing, right?"
"It is," Steve replies, nodding once. "Ahkmenrah's tablet was a gift from his parents, who wanted their family to stay together even in death. It harnesses the power of noble Luna and the stars that surround her to breathe life into everyone here. Without his presence, you and I wouldn't be talking right now."
"That's....kind of crazy," Eddie says, trying to wrap his brain around it. "I mean, magic?"
"How else might we be alive right now? According to Robin, you and I are but plastic, perhaps wax or wood depending on our manufacturer."
"But I don't feel like plastic or whatever," Eddie replies, poking at his own arm before poking at Steve's as well. "Neither do you. You feel, like, warm and alive."
"Yes, because of the tablet's magic. Would you like to see it? Ahkmenrah is very understanding of new exhibits that wish to look upon it."
Eddie looks like he's about to nod when he suddenly stops and tilts his head. Steve looks in the direction his gaze has gone and smiles when he sees the temporary exhibit about the history of party fashion. It's only in the museum for a few more days, and the people inside have been partying even harder in the face of their fleeting mortality.
Steve assumes Eddie's attention was attracted by the music, so he looks back and asks, "Would you like to join them?"
"Aren't we, uh, a little small for that?" Eddie asks.
Steve grins as he knocks on Rexy's skull twice. The dinosaur comes to a sliding halt outside the exhibit and lowers its head until its jaw is touching the ground. "Do you trust me?" Steve asks, standing and offering his hand to Eddie.
"Uh, yeah, I think," he says, taking Steve's hand.
His grin widening, Steve tugs Eddie to his feet and then leads him carefully down Rexy's skull. When they reach its snout, they're still a few feet off the ground. "Please don't say I have to make that jump," Eddie says, frowning at the distance.
"Don't worry," Steve says, letting go of Eddie's hand in favor of simply picking him up instead. "You're not the one jumping."
Eddie's eyes are wide as he clings to Steve's neck, glancing between the floor and Steve like he might be insane. Steve flashes a bright, reassuring smile before walking to the edge of Rexy's snout and simply jumping down.
"Holy shit!" Eddie shouts, holding onto Steve tighter and flinching when he feels the jolt of Steve landing. "You're crazy. How are your legs not broken?"
"I am the son of a god," Steve says, carefully placing Eddie on his feet once more. "A mere jump wouldn't harm me."
Eddie is quiet for a few moments, his face red as he looks at the entrance to the exhibit. He takes a deep breath, nods once, and says, "Man, they'd better have tequila in there."
Tag List (if you'd like to be added, please let me know!)
@itsall-taken, @acaademicqueer, @mx-jinxous, @y4r3luv, @daydreaming-mood, @just-a-tiny-void, @villainousalair,
So, as promised, here is the art I commissioned from my wonderful friend @gamanyne of Steve in his Roman outfit!
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newmusickarl · 1 year
Top 50 Albums of 2022
9. Life In Miniature by Low Island
We're finally into the single digits now and I couldn't think of a better way to start than with the brilliant second album from huge blog favourites, Low Island.
Much like The Amazons, the Oxford-based electro-pop outfit are another band I've followed from their early days, first discovering them off the back of their incredible early single That Kind of Love. It was love at first listen as they say and since then, I've enjoyed watching the quartet further finesse and elevate their sound with each new project. Last year's debut was exceptional, storming its way into my Top 20 Albums of 2021 and you may remember their Just Another Dreamer EP landed in my Top 5 EPs of the year earlier in the countdown too. However as great as those two projects are, Life In Miniature is for me their best release to date.
A hugely inspiring response to a painful and difficult period marked by grief and change, Life In Miniature is a tightly-produced whirlwind of electronic flourishes and hooky pop melodies, securely anchored in heartfelt, beautifully written lyrics. Here is what I said about the album in my original review for Gigwise at the start of November:
“The thing that makes Low Island’s output so impressive is the fact that they are truly an independent outfit. Self-financed and self-produced, their work is released on their own Emotional Interference record label and incredibly their debut album was not even recorded in a professional music studio. In fact, the vocals were recorded in a bedroom cupboard of all places! It is this DIY nature that has brought a rawness and an authenticity to Low Island’s music that has helped to set them apart from some of their peers. Now, just over 18 months after delivering one of the best debuts of 2021, Low Island have returned with their excellent sophomore outing – Life In Miniature. 
As the name of the record suggests, it is a snapshot of the last two years in which frontman Carlos Posada seemed to encounter all of life’s blessings and curses during one quite intense period. From love and loss to happiness and grief, to sad endings and new beginnings, here Low Island present a beautiful tapestry of treasured memories that, although personal, impactfully resonate out of the audio through lyrical gut-punches and life-affirming sonic uplifts.
The emotional heart of the record then lies in the two songs which both pay tribute to Carlos Posada’s late grandfather, Robin, who sadly passed away earlier this year just days before the release of their Just Another Dreamer EP. The first ‘Forever Is Too Long’ initially bares a slight resemblance to Radiohead’s ‘Weird Fishes/Arpeggi’, until Posada’s gorgeous falsetto gracefully guides the listener into a bright, heartening chorus, the words of which echo those of a poem his grandfather once wrote for him: “Always know, I’ll see you through, life’s ups and downs, my love is true.” 
After using his grandfather’s words, Posada then cleverly incorporates samples of old family recordings and his grandfather’s piano into the touchingly titled Robin, which once again pulls hard on the heartstrings thanks to lyrics like “cling to the thought of you, can’t quite believe it’s done, I miss all of your stories, every single one.” The sincerity in the songwriting really shines through on both tracks and you’ll really struggle to not be deeply moved.
With Life In Miniature, Low Island have successfully built on last year’s debut with another strong collection of songs that simply radiate with electronic majesty whilst also frequently moving you to your core. The songwriting really is the star of the show this time, gifting a beautiful reflection on life, love, death and memory that is just stunningly poetic in its blend of joy and melancholy. This may be Life In Miniature but the lasting impact is closer to the max.”
Read the full review for Gigwise here
Best tracks: Forever Is Too Long, Robin, Kid Gloves
Listen here
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ghostinghome · 11 months
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more kuriko :3
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webdiggerxxx · 6 months
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deerspherestudios · 5 months
If Mychael had the Internet thanks to Y/N (somehow it would have turned out to provide him with all this), which sites would he like to visit more? Scientific? Gaming? Or sites with different videos like YouTube?
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I love him so muuuch! The cutest mushroom boy!
I want to kiss his whole face and hug him tight!🍄 ≧▽≦
And I tried to draw him ● 3●
I think he'd be into arts-and-crafts or recipe blogs mostly, asking you to look them up when he's in the mood haha!
He's more of a reader, so he wouldn't find much enjoyment out of videos. It feels weird for him to be looking at people talking to the camera and not feeling a sense of hostility from them. Feels too jarring for him.
But! He'd be absolutely obsessed with DIY candy kits.
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zorrpu · 5 months
My Mii figurine!!
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(WIP photos under the cut)
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(My concept art)
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The cans + designs I made for them (free to use)
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plastic lesbians, my beloved
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jupitervega · 10 months
tiny trans zine?
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tiny trans zine !!!
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a-random-painter · 6 months
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Here is a Reef stalker painted for dnd!
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hiddenintheveil · 2 months
oh yeah i forgot to post these
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all the clay creations related to Third Life so far! I still need to make Bigb's base, so I'll be doing that soon, but i have the rest of the factions! closeups and details under the cut:
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the crastle! fun to make, i had to mix up a special blend for the roofs but otherwise quite straightforward.
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dead bush hill! once again, i had to mix up a specific color for the granite edges, which was a little difficult. Also had to watch Joel's third life series to make this. which i am not going to complain about, he's fun.
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the flower valley! strangely enough, the most irritating to try and format into a diorama, as the houses pictured here are on opposite sides of a valley. fully 180 degrees difference.
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the swamp castle! i hate it. it was made of wool. white wool. it lasted for like five minutes before being burnt. never work with white clay. NEVER, you hear me? it's malevolent. a good reference was hard to find, but i figured it out eventually :)
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renchanting! yes it has another name but that's related to a franchise i do not approve of. finding a good reference for this diorama-thing meant i had to listen to so many references to that franchise which automatically makes this really annoying. also it looks shrinkwrapped because i was a FOOL and thought coating it in liquid clay could do something cool.
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the sand castle! the first one i made! fun, but i think not finding my own reference for this diorama-thing makes it a little less impactful than the rest. :/
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lastly, a banner of the Red Army! self-explanatory, i think.
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iambittythings · 7 months
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Today's beast is the Vaquita Porpoise! The smallest cetacean you've ever seen, they're extremely endangered, so please spread the word on these little guys. The more people know, the more they can care.
If you'd like a tiny porpoise, please check out Bittythings and Beasts.
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mjsidd · 10 days
Staying in a hotel (fight club reference) and I’m enjoying using all the free mini things (fight club reference)
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squirmydads-creations · 7 months
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No such thing as too many Gretchin. I found this coffee pot in my bits box and now I'm up to 73 painted Grots. Here is the non-poster version;
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augustpoem · 8 months
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teacup necklaces
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sweetbunbakeshop · 2 months
All of our products have officially been bun-approved ✔️
PS, meet our CEOs: Waffles (uppity ears) and Basil (floppy ears) 🐇🐇
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rammingthestein · 8 months
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Minni Landers on Paul's instagram 💓 photos by Jens Koch (more than likely) 💕
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