#let's hope it's not 84 more
zeb-z · 5 months
At a surface level, Gillion always putting himself between danger and his friends just makes sense, because he’s noble like that, isn’t he? Gillion Tidestrider, Champion of the Undersea, Hero of the Deep, Riptide Pirate - he can tank a hit, or two, or three, and swing back just as hard. He’s protective, and he’s sturdy, and he’s stubborn. Then just a little deeper, Gillion would without question sacrifice himself for the greater good. For a friend in need, for a good hearted citizen, for the net positive - he’s noble, with a heart of gold, who’s courage knows no bounds, right? And then just a little deeper, Gillion would actively harm himself just to make someone feel better. Just to take the edge off of someone else’s misery. He’d take their own pain, or even unnecessary pain, so they might have some sort of relief. Even if it isn’t guaranteed, he’s so ready, so eager, to jump at the chance.
Gillion Tidestrider is someone born to meet impossible standards, constantly told he’s not good enough, taught that his suffering is necessary and through this his people will survive. He’s all these things, kind and courageous and chivalrous, with a heart that beats to help others in need - but he’s also self sacrificial. Dangerously so. He takes personal risks without second thought, he pushes his limits for even the little things, he helps to the point of his own detriment. He will bleed himself dry on the off chance it might help a good soul who needs it. He will do worse for his loved ones. And it isn’t just from the all encompassing need to help at any cost, but also this feeling deep down inside that he deserves it. It’s his destiny to save people, no matter the personal cost.
It’s pushed to the extreme with Felipe after the Feywilds. Gillion, still off center, freshly traumatized from his time in that god forsaken orb, still awaiting the verdict on if he’s guilty in the eyes of the council while fully convinced he is, finds out it’s technically his fault his new friend is filled with insatiable bloodlust and wants to stab him to death. Of course he encourages the stabbing. Of course he’ll mind control to keep the peace. And when all is said and done, and it hurts and it doesn’t help, he still wonders about pushing it further - fully behind this idea of him dying and being brought back, even if it’s not sure to work. Even if it’s not sure to bring him back.
And I just keep thinking, that for all the healing Gillion does - all those sick people from Joaldo, Chip and Jay countless times in their battles, members of the crew, various people hurting and in need of aid - he’s never once used lay on hands on himself. It’s a pattern, made noticeable in Edison Kingdom, where he heals Alphonse for half of a joke instead of his own 1 hp - which subsequently downs him on the way down - and it’s continues to the end of the Feywilds, where Jay and even Felipe heal the stab wounds he bleeds out from. He’s a healer with the power just at his fingertips, so easily within reach, and he doesn’t heal himself.
So it does beg the question - when will the line between ‘selfless’ and ‘self sacrificing’ be drawn?
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usodeshou · 1 year
My School Prince President - Ten Minutes Ago Music from Rodgers & Hammerstein's Cinderella (1997)
My brain attacked me this morning yesterday (uploading this was an odyssey 🙈) with the revelation that the music in the dancing scene gives me similar vibes as this song and I kept wondering what would happen if the two were put together.
Shockingly, this is how I ended up spending the rest of the day listening to the movie soundtrack and editing this into a thing lol The deed is done now, I may finally rest 😌
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reiderwriter · 6 months
hi! I just wanted to say I think your writing is so good and you seem like a lovely person 🥰 I’m hoping to request a post prison Spencer smut. Basically it’s when he’s just been released and he’s so touch starved and possessive over you? I’m such a sucker for prison Reid I can’t 😅
A/N: Nothing hotter than a man who looks like he has been through hell, and dear GOD, is post-Prison Spencer DELECTABLE. Thank you for your request!
Warnings: 18+, minors dni. Penetrative sex, creampie, slight dom/sub themes, use of pet names, spoilers for s12 of Criminal Minds, mentions of prison, mentions of blood/ wounds and injuries sustained in prison.
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The seconds ticked down as you waited for the key to be pushed into the lock, the door to swing open and for your life to be put back together. 84 days and you were on edge, almost three months without him.
Your leg shook as you waited, heard the footsteps coming up the hall. You stood, wiping the sweat off your hands and taking a deep breath.
You hadn't been allowed to visit Spencer in prison, his teammates taking priority as they worked to keep him safe, to get him out. You hadn't seen him in three months, though you'd moved yourself into his house to be able to wrap yourself in his scent, haunt yourself with his presence.
He wasn't a ghost anymore, as he opened the door and you found your eyes on Spencer Reid for the first time in too long.
“Spencer,” you voice was pathetically small, as if you didn't trust him to be real anymore. You supposed that was probably justified. Your entire body was on edge as you looked him up and down.
Before, he'd keep himself clean shaved, but you found yourself greatly appreciative of the stubble framing his face. He'd never been the best at taking care of his hair, and now it looked perfectly ready for you to run your hands through. His clothes were still messy and by god did you want to grab the lapels of his jacket and pull him back into you.
“You're still here,” his voice was nearly as weak as your own, as if he'd not used it for nearly as much as it should've been used. “I know they said you were but… god I'm so happy you're still here.”
He took a step closer to you and pulled you towards him. You weren't used to Spencer initiating physical contact like this, his hands strong and certain on your hips as he grabbed you, one hand coming up to the back of your head to cradle it and push you further into him.
You melted into the touch, finally feeling warm after the coldest spring of your life.
“You can't get rid of me that easily, Spencer.”
“Good,” he said, tilting your head up and not hesitating even one beat before he pushed his lips against yours. His grip was hot as you let out a soft moan into his mouth, taken aback by his sudden affection.
Before prison, you'd been quietly intimate. A soft kiss here and there, and some awkward and tender sex. While you didn't mind your earlier boundaries, you certainly weren't mourning them now, gripping his shirt tighter as his tongue began exploring you. You'd been happy just to be in his presence before, but now you needed to be so close that you could no longer find where his body stopped and yours started.
When you lifted your leg, he instantly took your hint and pulled you up, holding you in his arms as you wrapped your legs around his waist.
Not breaking from your kiss for longer than a breath, he dropped everything to carry you back to the bedroom.
“84 days.” You gasped between kisses as he dropped you on the bed, falling down with you as he moved his attention to your neck, your chest, your bared throat.
A growl was all the reply he had to that, knowing instantly what you were talking about, but needing to feel you more, to pull comfort from the warmth of your body.
“84 days and I thought with each of them that I would never do it again. You're never leaving me again, I wouldn't survive. I'd refuse.”
“84 days, 7 hours, 23 minutes. Every lone moment thinking about this and you, and being here again,” he said, pulling back again to stare directly at your bared soul.
“I need to feel you now, Y/N. Please, be a good girl and let me.”
If you could will your own clothes away, you would've at that moment, already aware of the mounting pleasure pooling between your legs.
Instead, Spencer handled it for you, tearing where he couldn't unbutton fast enough, divesting you of shirt and skirt and beginning to work your underwear slowly down your legs. At the same time, you pushed yourself up, scrambling to unbutton his own shirt, moaning in frustration as you struggled to get it pushed off his shoulders.
“Spencer, clothes off, now,” you begged, and he finally paused for a second.
“I'm different. Not a lot, but there are some…wounds. Don't be alarmed.”
“Spencer, if you think a few cuts and bruises are going to dampen the absolute desire I have burning for you, you are dumber than I thought.” Taking his momentary surprise to your advantage, you pushed him up and straddled his lap, sitting together with him as you rid him of his clothes.
You traced hands over every ridge of his skin, trying to document every change and appreciate every line. Tracing your way downward, you let your hand disappear into his lap as you looked up at him again, catching his eye as your fingers unbuttoned his pants.
His hand stroked lazily across your cunt but his eyes locked with yours and you found yourself aching with a need for him.
Before, he'd been thorough about foreplay, making sure you were absolutely ready for him, ensuring your pleasure and bringing you to climax before he even palmed himself through his pants.
It was generous, and everything you didn't want right now. You needed him to get everything he'd missed, needed to see him relaxed, pleasured, sunk deep inside of you and losing himself with each stroke.
You softly pressed a kiss to his lips, releasing him from his pants. A few strokes was enough to have him at full mast, and in another moment you were pushing yourself up on your knees and sinking back down.
Three months and you'd almost forgotten how perfectly he filled you, steadying yourself with hands on his shoulders as you bit back a whorish moan.
“Good girl, just like I remember…” his words came out slurred, as of he were drunk on the feeling of you, intoxicated as you began rocking your hips up and down his length.
“I'm better than you remembered,” you mumbled, stroking the small soft curls at the base of his neck. It was ridiculous being jealous of your past self, but god did you want to grab the you of January and shake her within an inch of her life.
You'd tell her to grab Spencer Reid and never let him go, to make him spend his entire life filling you up, to pleasure him until he hadn't a single thought of going anywhere.
You kept up your pace, riding him at an even pace, making sure to lower yourself down as far as you could manage without becoming a moaning mess, but soon the pleasure became overwhelming.
Spencer kept one hand working over your clit, and you had to resist falling apart in his hands, determined to pleasure him before you thought of taking that same ecstasy for yourself.
“It's okay, Y/N, you can let go. I know how long you've waited for this,” his words were soft but his tone was demanding, ordering you to cum on his cock. He lifted his hips slightly, grabbing your hips in his hand as he took charge of the pace and strength of your thrusts, going harder and faster than you'd been able to manage.
You loathed to give up control, bit your body betrayed you, thighs shaking as you gave into his wishes, cumt clenching around him as you rode out your orgasm.
“That's it, nice and tight for me.” He grunted the words into your ear as he really took control. Tipping you until you were again flat on your back, he lifted his hips up and let his pace speed up, rutting into you deeply as he breathed in your scent, head buried in your hair, arms tight around your waist.
You moaned for him, knowing he loved every sound that passed your lips, knowing that he craved the knowledge of your pleasure.
He, too, didn't hold back. His voice filled your ear, filling your brain with every fantasy, every memory of you that had kept him alive for 84 days of hell.
Each story was lustier than the last, your mouth dropping open in a moan as you, too, imagined him in each of the scenarios he'd spent time on in prison.
You across his desk, his head between your legs in the morning, you in his cell, him inside you in public, the red scratches your nails dragged against his skin that had been commented on in the showers.
You'd guided his through 84 days of hell, and you were finally embracing him on the other side.
“Y/N, I'm gonna cum, I'm gonna- shit.”
To your surprise, he didn't pull out as he usually would, but instead slammed himself deeper as he began releasing string after string of his sperm into you.
“Shit. I'm sorry I should've asked if that was…”
“I don't care. Just next time, make sure you do that again.” The feeling of his cum inside you was enough to push your body over the edge once again, and you panted as the aftershocks continued milking his cock.
“I missed you.” He whispered, pushing a few stray hairs behind your ear as he stared at you with all the love in the world.
“I missed you more.” You whispered back, and you meant it.
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7ndipity · 4 months
Namjoon x Reader
Summary: Joon loves the way you take care of him and wants to be as close to you as possible.
Word Count: 1.6k
Warnings: +18 mdni, smut, vaginal fingering, unprotected sex, swearing, not proofread
A/N: She finally wrote another drabble! It only took 84 years!🙃(I know it was only like a month, but it was pissing me off) A big thanks to @coffeedepressionsoup for this request! Sorry it took me a while to get to, I hope you’ll still like it!
The late evening light that filtered through the bedroom curtains was just bright enough for you to make out Namjoon’s features as you lay against his chest, waiting for your breathing to return to normal.
Two weeks apart hadn’t really seemed that long of a time until you were back in his arms, and suddenly it was like he hadn’t felt you in months. The cozy dinner you had planned together had long been forgotten, finding a far more fulfilling reunion instead in feverish touches and strangled cries of each other's names.
It might not have been the exact way you planned for the night to go, but as you looked up at him in the cool glow of midnight, you couldn’t imagine a more perfect evening.
“You okay?” You asked softly, noticing the still unsteady pace of his heartbeat beneath your fingertips.
“Yeah, that was…” He let out a deep breath. “I needed that.”
You caught the thin strain in his voice, the tone you knew he used when he was stressed but trying to hide it.
“Rough week?” You asked, reaching up to comb your fingers through his messy hair.
“Mhm.” He hummed, closing his eyes, leaning into your touch.
“Wanna talk about it?”
“Not really.” He laughed humorlessly. “Honestly, I’m so fucking tired, I don’t even wanna think right now,” He pulled you closer, letting his lips brush against yours as he spoke.”Just wanna be here with you.”
You connected your lips with his, parting them at the faintest probing of his tongue to grant him access to lazily explore your mouth.
As you rubbed his shoulders soothingly, he couldn’t help wincing into the kiss as you passed over a particularly sensitive spot.
Feeling him flinch, you pulled away, looking up at him with concern.
“Is something wrong?” You asked.
“I just twinged my shoulder earlier, it’s fine.” He said quickly, trying to brush it off.
“You want me to give you a massage? It might help?” You offered.
“I’ll be fine.” He tried again, leaning in to claim your lips once again, but you weren’t having it, dodging his lips and sitting up on your knees.
“Sit up.” You said, tugging his arm.
“Babe, I’m fine, really.” He argued, following your request anyway.
“Yes, but you could feel even better,” You said stubbornly. “Now let me take care of you.”
He sighed, caving easily to you. “Fine, but I want you here.” He patted his lap.
You straddled his lap without argument, letting him hold onto your hips out of habit, and giving him a quick peck on the lips before setting to work, trying to gently knead out the tension and soreness in his shoulder without causing him any more pain in the process.
You weren’t an expert by any means, but whatever you were doing seemed to feel good at least, earning soft, appreciative grunts from Joon as he let his head droop forward to rest against your chest.
You were always so good to him, so ready and willing to take care of him in any shape or form, whether that was making sure he slept and ate properly, or letting him use your body for his own pleasure. Even now, when normally he would be fussing over making sure you were okay, you managed to look after him as well.
He’d never felt so completely safe in someone’s arms before, so completely loved. He didn’t know what he’d done to deserve you, but he was beyond thankful to whatever forces had led him to you.
Tilting his head up, he started peppering soft, lingering kisses across the expanse of your neck, sucking lightly at the still blooming marks left over from his earlier ministrations, making you squirm as his grip on your hips tightened.
“Joon.” You whined, feeling the growing weight of his hardening length against your core.
“Hmm?” He hummed, still focused on trailing kisses along your neck.
“I thought you were tired.” You said.
“Who said that?” He said, smirking against your neck.
“You did! Five minutes ago.” You giggled
“That was five minutes ago,” He said, coming back up to your lips. “You were right, I’m feeling much better now.”
He kissed you deeply, rolling you both over so that you were now caged in under him, your legs falling open naturally for him to settle between as his lips trailed down your front.
He loved you like this, all spread out and willing, any trace of shyness or hesitance completely absent from the way you whined out his name again as he latched onto one of your nipples, arching further up into his touch.
His fingers ghosted between your thighs, teasing your wet folds and making you shudder from sensitivity.
His gaze darted back up to your face, mirroring your earlier concern.
“Is this okay?” He asked, suddenly worried about pushing you too far.
“Joon,” You pulled him back down to you. “Stop thinking.”
You kissed him deeply, your hips up bucking against his hand all the encouragement he needed to continue.
He slipped his fingers between your folds again, his movements so soft and gentle as he spread your slick over your cunt, as if it was the first time he touched you.
“Fuck baby, how’re you always so wet?” He said, almost in disbelief. You were literally dripping, making a mess of the sheets beneath you as he toyed with your clit, pulling the sweetest little noises from your lips as he let two fingers sink into your wet heat, curling them inside of you to find the spot that made you see white.
He loved the way you fell apart for him, head thrown back as your eyes closed in bliss, clinging to him for stability as he pushed you towards your release.
He could feel his cock hanging heavy between his legs, twitching and begging for any sort of attention, but he chose to ignore it, focusing solely on the way you clenched around his fingers, your breath stuttering as your orgasm threatened to overtake you.
“Joon.” You tried to warn him.
“I know, Baby, it’s okay.” He breathed. “Let go.”
You let out a choked cry that faintly sounded like his name as you came, your back arching off the mattress and pressing you closer to him as your whole body shook from the intensity of your high.
"You did so good, baby.” He said softly, pressing a soothing kiss to your temple as you came down. “So fucking good."
“Joonie,” You whimpered in that soft tone that made him feel dizzy with need. “Want you inside, please.”
“Are you sure?” He asked gently. “It’s okay if you wanna tap out or take a break.”
You shook your head. “Need you, please.”
How could he deny you when you ask so sweetly?
He drew his fingers out slowly, letting out a deep groan as he wrapped the slick coated digits around his aching cock, jerking himself a few times to spread your wetness over the length as he stared down at the mess he’d made of you.
He guided the head of his cock between your puffy lips, tracing around the outside of your entrance teasingly, resisting the urge to slip in yet, loving the way he could feel you clenching around nothing.
“Joonie!” You whimpered, squirming impatiently.
He chuckled at your desperation, as if he wasn’t already nearly as gone as you were. “Alright, Sweetheart, I’m sorry.”
He repositioned himself, hovering over you as he eased himself into your weeping cunt, eyes shut tight as he felt your fluttering walls stretch to accommodate him. He was amazed at how you still managed to feel this tight even after he fucked you less then a half an hour ago.
He forced his eyes back open as he bottomed out, staring down you with complete adoration.
“I love you so fucking much.” He sighed, kissing you softly, your arms coming up to wrap around his shoulders, cradling him even closer to you.
If there was a way to preserve a singular moment to exist within for the rest of your life, this was where Namjoon would want to be; not a single thing in the world mattering other than you and him and the way you connected together so perfectly.
Eventually, he started to roll his hips into yours, earning a soft moan from you against his lips.
He kept his movements smooth and unrushed, not fully chasing his own high, just enjoying the feeling of you around him, the way you sucked him in with each thrust, the way you twitched in his arms when his cock brushed against that gummy spot inside of you just right.
Far sooner than he anticipated, he felt lower abdomen beginning to tense, his hips beginning to speed up as his release rapidly approached.
“Fuck, ‘m close.” He warned through clenched teeth.
“Cum for me, baby, please.” You whispered, clutching onto him even tighter.
Your words were the last thing he needed to push him over the edge, his hips slamming against yours with a sudden intensity as he thrusted as deep inside of you as he could manage before cumming, filling you to the brim and making you twitch with sensitivity.
He slowly fell down on top of you, his head coming to rest against your chest, your positions from earlier now switched, his eyes beginning to droop closed on their accord.
“Are you tired now?” You asked, grinning as you caught sight of his sleepy expression.
He chuckled drowsily. “Yeah, I think so.”
“Good,” You kissed his forehead gently. “Go to sleep, Joonie-bear.”
“I love you.“ He mumbled, letting his eyes fully drift closed.
“I love you too.”
He slept better that night than he had in weeks, knowing he was back in the safety of your arms.
Taglist: @sopebubbles-replies @btsw1fe @this-must-be-my-tardis @whitefoxgirl @bethanysnow @coffeedepressionsoup @main-bangtansmauyeondan @feminympho @a-gayish-unicorn @captainorangegoose @k4ngelz
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maximotts · 28 days
Are you just doing x reader drabbles? Because like 84 sorority Wanda and frat Natasha. “This is a one time thing” ahuh whatever you say bbgirl
hello hello here's your thing! It got to be like, twice as long as expected but that's okay!!
cw: 18+, minors dni; smut, soft dubcon, touchy Natasha, light spanking, oral from behind (w receiving), a hint of nerdy Wanda if you squint
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“Nat.” Wanda called, the barest hint of warning in her voice, so little that Natasha had no qualms with ignoring it.
She didn’t miss a beat, sliding Wanda’s too tight gym shorts from her hips, catching the hem of her underwear and removing them in one fell swoop. When the brunette sent a text declaring her incoming arrival a few hours ago, Natasha assumed she’d end up in bed with the girl— just not like this. Wanda surprised her with needing a place to take her Russian Literature quiz, claiming both that her fellow sorority sisters were being too rowdy at her place and her distaste with walking across campus to the library for a simple online module.
But now she faced an unexpected distraction: Natasha’s constantly roaming hands. “Natasha…”
If Natasha heard Wanda, she was good at feigning ignorance, keeping her spot on her knees between Wanda’s legs, exploring her impossibly soft thighs with calloused hands. By all standards, she considered herself gracious, letting Wanda set up her bed, books sprawled around while she laid on her stomach in front of her laptop. She’d kept her hands to herself until now, even given Wanda answers to parts of the quiz; Natasha held out as long as she could.
“Natasha, stop it.” Wanda drew the line as Natasha’s warm breath hit the small of her back; she had no hope finishing her assignment if the other girl continued on. Not that her body agreed with her decision, the experimental touches drawing her attention much more than the last five questions on the screen in front of her.
The redhead pouted, an action Wanda would’ve been oblivious too if it hadn’t been accompanied with an indignant huff. Wanda might’ve been stubborn, but she was more predictable than she thought; even as she stood her ground, Natasha grazed one finger over the juncture of her legs and she twitched. “But if I stop, you’ll just lay here and make my duvet sticky.”
“I would not!” The protest was strong, but Wanda cursed her counterpart for being right, having been subtly rolling her hips into the mattress since Nat first sat next to her and started sneaking in those treacherous touches. And so what if she had; today was the last day to finish her quiz and Natasha be damned, she never missed a deadline. “Can’t you go play your game in the corner? I’m almost done.”
“Aww, but I’m playing with you right now, baby,” Natasha grinned, giving Wanda’s backside a painfully hard squeeze. She fell silent in favor of kissing over the round globes of Wanda’s ass almost reverently, covering the expanse of skin as dutifully as the brunette was typing. She took her time, savoring both the lack of resistance and clear frustration the girl under her fought with.
She thought she could deal with it, focus long enough to complete the last quiz question, but of course it had to be an essay question… just as Natasha nibbled along the crease where her ass curved into her thigh. It was so sudden and sharp Wanda didn’t think about hiding her shriek, “Tasha, please! I can’t think!”
In their months as whatever they were, Nat survived multiple kicks and elbows when she happened to push Wanda too far; a squeaky plea more desperate than dangerous didn’t fool her for a second. She wasn’t a bit surprised when she pushed Wanda’s knees up as easy as she would a doll’s, not a defiant push or shove to be found. “I’m only helping, princess. How are you gonna focus when you’re so needy?”
“I was focusing just fine without your help!” The tail end of her sentence fell off into a yelp, the sharp sting of Natasha’s open palm striking her proffered ass. Spanking was a fairly new thing to Wanda, not that she didn’t know what it was, but being on the receiving end… she liked it more than she’d yet admitted.
As if Natasha couldn’t tell after the first time she had her over her knee and was left with a whimpering mess.
She’d only done it now to watch Wanda’s thighs twitch, her sex now completely devoid of friction as she stayed in the air. Nat couldn’t wait any longer, had to get her mouth on the object of her own desire. She dived down, bending deep to kiss the other girl’s mound. “I’ll finish your stupid quiz for you later, just let me taste you.”
“Don’t you understand the word no,” Wanda sighed, well aware she was done for as Natasha’s tongue slid through her folds. As soon as she found her clit, Wanda was rocking back onto her mouth, spreading her legs further just to feel more. She knew she looked wanton, sounded just the same with all her moans, arms sweeping away her laptop to stretch them out and scramble for something to hold. “Would’ve been done by now if you weren’t so horny all the time.”
“You’re the one who came over looking good enough to eat, not my fault,” her voice was muffled, speaking an afterthought to sucking the sensitive bud into her mouth, sucking and slurping lewdly as Wanda’s back arched into the bed below. It didn’t take long for Wanda to drip down Natasha’s chin, hot and messy. “Fuck, I’ll finish your entire course this semester if I can taste this sweet pussy.”
“T-This is a one time thing… ‘m not a cheater-” Wanda prided herself in her good grades, earned all on her hard work alone. Natasha wasn’t the first person to offer their academic services, but she surely was the most convincing. She felt akin to a live-wire, her entire being shuddering each time the rough surface of Nat’s tongue dragged over her most sensitive areas. This was the first time she’d been taken from behind, but she knew better than to believe her own words that it’d be the last.
Thankfully, she didn’t have to work too hard to give Natasha a reason to fuck her.
“Inside… want your mouth..” Nat uttered a strained groan at Wanda’s request, licking the length of her one last time before backing up just enough to change course, sinking her tongue into Wanda’s waiting entrance.
Wanda wasted no time fucking herself on Natasha’s mouth, fingers curling into the sheets as she panted out her need. “Oh god, yes! Just like that, don’t move-!”
The redhead complied, perfectly content to let Wanda lose herself atop her, stiff fingers patting her full thighs to encourage the brunette on. Curling her tongue was Wanda’s downfall, thick muscle teasing her walls and forcing her over the edge. She held Wanda still, trapping her as she writhed and jerked, catching her name amidst Wanda’s cries and selfishly hoping anyone passing by the room could hear them. “Still want this just once, Wands?”
“Shut up and fuck me properly,” Wanda muttered, wiggling her ass against Natasha who was already pushing her sweatpants out of the way. One look back at her not-exactly girlfriend and the generous strap on set at her hips and Wanda knew this too would end up more than a one time thing. “I’d better get a perfect score on my quiz or I won’t suck you off until the next one comes around.”
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jo-harrington · 1 year
Freaky Friday - A Stranger Things Story (Part 1)
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Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5
Word Count: 3.5k
Pairing: Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader, Steve Harrington x Fem!Reader, Eddie and Steve (Enemies to Friends)
Summary: Eddie thinks that Steve has everything in life handed to him on a silver platter (including his new girlfriend who Eddie has a crush on). And Steve just can't believe that the kids look up to Eddie the Freak, or that he lives his life without giving a single fuck.
Must be nice. But you know what they say, the grass is always greener.
Warnings/Themes: AU with no Upside Down. Body swapping, dark magic/alchemy, unrequited love--some crushes at least, Babysitter Steve, No Upside Down means slightly still King Steve, unresolved feelings, manipulation/deception, Reader gets a nickname (Honey), no Y/N if I can help it, no smut in Part 1 but liable to be in other chapters
Note: After a very hot and fast suggestion by @shiftingtherain, this mini-series was born. And instead of working on Store Manager Verse like I wanted to, here we are. This part is a little shorter...it's the intro, sue me. Next few parts will be a tad longer.
Credit for the header partially goes to me for the design and the logistics but I was tired, so I may have borrowed gifs from @emziess and Netflix itself as a jumping off point (with permission from Emzies and Netflix is a corporation so they can rot). I can only do so much guys, I also had to write this thing too.
You can find my masterlist here.
Please do not interact if you are not 18+.
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If Eddie never saw Steve Harrington again in his life, it would still be too soon.
He didn't always indulge in rentals from Family Video—if it was too cold and wet to have band practice in Gareth's garage, or if he was having an especially bad week at school, or if he needed something a little more realistic than the illustrations of Heavy Metal magazine to help him satisfy his needs—but today just had that special feel to it.
He'd gotten a B on his math test, Rick had been feeling a little under the weather and let Eddie make the rounds to his usuals for a sweet little cut, and he had found a dusty old book about alchemy and occultism at the library that was going to help him put the finishing touches on tomorrow night's Hellfire session.
For all of that, Eddie thought a little reward was in order.
A little Dark Crystal, a little pizza from Lou's, a little weed...he'd be having the best Thursday night.
For the past twenty minutes, he'd pretended to hem and haw over the selection of movies just so he could glare across the store at the counter, where Steve stood, flirting and making grandiose promises, with you.
He burned with jealousy, and God, it took almost everything in him not to gag as Steve reached across the counter to slyly hold your hand. And everything else for his heart not to break as you just let it happen.
Eddie didn't know how or when or why this started—when Harrington had gotten his claws into you and how he had managed to charm his way into your heart—when it should have been Eddie instead.
Eddie'd had a crush on you for years but had always been too nervous to do anything about it.
You were a year younger than him, and friends with his pal Mickey's younger sister, so he'd seen you around quite a bit. Smart and funny and pretty; maybe not as unpopular as Eddie was, but certainly not in the running for homecoming court or whatever other social hierarchies were in place at Hawkins High either. He figured...you know, maybe once he got to senior year he'd get the courage. Maybe take you to prom or something; who wouldn't want to go out with a senior?
But he'd gotten the notice from Higgins that he wouldn't be graduating with the rest of the Class of '84 and it really put a damper on his plans.
He had been hopeful again the following year, actually had a few classes with you and sat with you for partner work when no one else wanted to work with him, when they laughed at him. You weren't even afraid to go up to him in the cafeteria to ask a question, or walk with him in the hall if you had to go in the same direction for your next class. You'd talk about assignments mostly, but he savored every little fact he could learn about you. What books you'd been reading, the fact that you watched Svengoolie on Saturday nights—just like he did—or that you'd had some squabble with Mickey's sister over a scrunchie of all things and were no longer speaking.
But Eddie knew how bad his grades were—somehow even worse than the year before—and aside from the work you did with him, he knew it wasn't gonna be enough for him to graduate. So he wasn't gonna put himself in the position for you to laugh in his face—not that you would but...just in case you did—by asking you out.
He thought you would disappear from his life after you graduated. Get the hell out of Hawkins the way everyone else wanted to. But no. You took a few classes at the community college and worked the dinner shift at Benny's a few nights a week. You'd been there every Tuesday night, when he and the guys grabbed food after their gig at the Hideout. The usual booth reserved, drinks already poured by the time they sat down, and their usual orders already written in your little order pad.
You usually gave him extra whipped cream on his slice of cherry pie too.
The guys always urged him to ask for your number...but he never did. How could he? Even if you were stuck in this town the same way he was...he just couldn't bring himself to do it.
And now...here you were, listening to Harrington talk about some great surprise he had planned for your third date the next day.
Eddie wondered why you hadn't screamed in outrage when Steve mentioned how much Nancy Wheeler had liked it when he took her to this mystery place. He would have definitely expected you to at least flinch at the mention of his ex-girlfriend's name.
"It sounds really great," you said instead, smiling and nodding. "I get out of class at 3 on Fridays...should I be here around 4?"
"4 is perfect, honey," Steve grinned.
Eddie couldn't stand to hear whatever sickeningly sweet goodbye you both would come up with so he just grabbed whatever tape was in front of him and approached the counter. You and Steve both flinched when Eddie slammed his selections down on the counter to be checked out.
“Uh…I’ll see you tomorrow then. Bye Steve,” you muttered, eyeing Eddie with a half-smile that felt a bit sad. “Bye Eddie.”
"Bye honey."
“Bye honey,” Eddie mocked once you were out the door, then turned back to Steve. “You gonna try and make goo goo eyes at me next Harrington? I don’t have all day.”
“Jesus Munson. What’s up your ass?” Steve scoffed, grabbing the tapes.
“I’m just trying to get my videos and go.” Eddie rapped his knuckles on the counter. “Not really interested in the kind of customer service you're trying to provide."
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Steve wondered what the likelihood of getting fired would be, if he just punched that smug look right off of Munson's face.
Keith hated the guy too, he always left the Adult section looking like a mess. Maybe Steve would get a promotion instead.
For years Eddie roamed around Hawkins being a general menace with his gaggle of friends. Causing trouble, shouting at people, making faces at old ladies. He’d gotten “taken in” to the police station one too many times but always seemed to make it out without actually being arrested. Which baffled Steve; Eddie was a drug dealer for crying out loud.
And yeah, Steve had even asked him to come and deal at a party or two but…people like that were bad. Simple as that.
Even after all of that, after you got past the “bad boy” persona….he was a fucking nerd. He wasn’t even cool like the bad boys in movies were. Steve felt like someone was tricking him the first time he had walked past the Hellfire Club’s table in the cafeteria. For all the leather and chains and band tees—all the talk of satanic rituals and blood sacrifices—there was sure a lot of talk about elves and…and bards and Star Wars.
So it shouldn’t have been a surprise to Steve that the kids would flock to Eddie by the time they made it to Hawkins High.
But it had been. A huge shock.
His unexpected little gaggle of morons…weren’t really his anymore.
Steve had dropped Dustin off on the first day of school and said “don’t get into any trouble.” Even made Robin promise to keep an eye out for him. He expected the kid to…join the mathletes or something. Get roped in with the science nerds.
But by the end of the week, the kids were all clamoring about how they would need to reschedule movie nights with Steve so they could go to Hellfire club with Eddie.
Steve couldn’t understand it. Eddie was a freak, a punk, some good for nothing…and now the kids were suddenly following him like he was some sort of prophet. Spreading the word of Obi-Wan Kenobi.
See? Steve could do the nerd talk too when he wanted...thanks to Dustin.
Who, much to Steve's annoyance, was apparently Eddie's biggest fan. The guy could do no wrong in Dustin's eyes, and it really irked Steve.
Will and Lucas were spending Saturdays at the library—not for homework, but for research because apparently Eddie really liked incorporating mythology into his campaigns. (Whatever that meant.) Mike was growing his hair out because "Eddie's hair was cool.” What about Steve, whose literal nickname was The Hair? Shit, he'd even seen Eddie give Max a ride to school on a few occasions when he was late dropping Robin off. And he knew Max and her mom had been having a hard time since her step-dad skipped town and Billy...
Steve knew some of the town gossip about Eddie was just a bunch of bullshit...but if Max Mayfield was cool with him?
Yeah, he just couldn't help but be suspicious of the guy.
Regardless, the sooner Steve could get him out of the store, the better his night was gonna get.
"That's gonna be $10." Steve announced dryly.
"Woah, $10?!" Eddie scoffed. "I have a membership."
"Since when?" Steve asked, hands immediately landing on his hips.
"I use one every time I'm in here."
"Yeah you use Reefer Rick's."
"New policy," Steve lied, hoping it would get Eddie out of his hair for a good while. "No sharing memberships outside of your family. Last I checked, your last name isn't Lipton. So you either cough up the $25 for a new membership Munson, or the $10 for your rental. What's it gonna be?"
Eddie grumbled and dug his wallet out of his pocket, slamming the money on the counter.
"Any candy?" Steve asked mockingly before grabbing the cash.
Eddie grabbed the tape and grumbled under his breath as he exited the store.
Yeah, Steve wasn't gonna be dealing with him any time soon.
For a second though, as he went to start processing returns, he wondered...
If Eddie was in some ritualistic cult...what kind of curse could he possibly put on me?
But that was a dumb thought to have.
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Eddie's night just went down hill from the minute he left Family Video.
He didn't notice that they'd given him the wrong pizza at Lou's so now he was stuck with some specialty veggie pie with broccoli on it, the tape he had grabbed indiscriminately had been some artsy foreign romance crap, and just now he'd just spilled Dr. Pepper all over his Hellfire notebook.
"Fuck," he shouted as it spilled over the side of the coffee table and onto his sock-clad feet. He couldn't give a shit about the carpet, he could even ignore his wet socks, but his notebook. Weeks of work, planning and toiling over the most sadistic campaign.
He liked to keep all of the notes of Hellfire's completed campaigns, a sort of...record for future kids to look back on and reference. And now this specific masterpiece would be lost to memory.
He cleaned everything up as best he could before making a quick trip back to his room for an extra notebook or something he could use to salvage his plans for tomorrow's session. He had always been really bad at...keeping spare notebooks on hand. Even the ones he'd used for class always ended up covered in his drawings or notes, little bits and ideas of dialogue he could use for speeches or NPCs.
The best he could find was his math notebook from last year which, surprisingly, sat relatively untouched.
Eddie knew why: that was a class he shared with you. And as he opened to some random mostly-empty page, he saw his little scribbles in the margins surrounding half-faded, penciled-in algebraic equations. Daggers and hearts and his and your initials intertwined together.
It was the one class where he would never encounter partner work with you, so he felt compelled to fill the pages with his daydreams instead of fantasies and lore. You would never see it.
"Well," he huffed as he dropped back down onto the floor and slapped the notebook onto the coffee table. He grabbed his pen and scribbled over the drawings on the page. "Now that she's with Harrington, no use living in this fantasy. Fuck, I was stupid, so stupid to ever think she would want anything to do with me."
He grabbed the dusty old alchemical book from the library and found his place, staring at old sigils and runes and text indiscriminately until he came upon one that looked too perfect for the campaign. Concentric circles, arcane lettering, angular lines...
While Eddie would usually use a clean page for something like this—something he would hand off to his players—he drew a copy of the sigil onto the page and planned to rip the edges off, maybe singe them with his lighter to make it look more authentic.
He kept staring at the still-noticeable doodles beneath the pen scribbles and his heart ached a little in his chest.
Yeah, he would definitely want to burn those too.
By the time he was done copying the sigil, a wave of exhaustion overtook him and he glanced down at his watch.
It wasn't much later than he usually went to bed on a weeknight...
He stared at the half-ruined notes for tomorrow's session that he still needed to rewrite and sighed.
"Fuck it, I'll just redo them in the morning." He got up and stretched his arms over his head. "I can just sleep in tomorrow. Skip class. Show up for Hellfire. Who cares anymore.”
He put the rest of the pizza in the fridge for Wayne and then headed to bed, only to be plagued with dreams of scribbled out love hearts, movie theater candy, guitar solos, and big red gum.
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When Eddie woke up the next morning, he felt...honestly felt like he was floating on a cloud. Every muscle in his body felt looser, yet somehow tighter at the same time. His skin felt tighter, like it wasn't right, like it didn't fit somehow, it was suffocating him.
He must have died but he wasn't quite sure if this was heaven or hell.
His eyes burned and blurred slightly as he opened them and what he saw was...unexpected.
Gone were the off-white walls, his posters, the piles of his crap, and that concerning patch of probably-mold in the corner of the ceiling. Instead there was a sturdy ceiling, plaid-papered walls, and matching curtains?
Eddie groaned and rolled over.
What the fuck was this place?
There was a slam of a door somewhere that practically shook the walls surrounding Eddie and as he sat up, he found himself only wearing...briefs? He didn't wear briefs.
This wasn’t his bed, wasn’t his room…wasn’t his… body?
He looked down at his chest, his arms, his hands…his fingers weren’t right, he didn’t have this many freckles and moles, he didn’t have…abs, if that’s what you could call the slight definition on his torso. Still it was more than his body had ever had. His skin…was itchy and mostly hairless.
Eddie reached up and touches his hair—shorter than he was used to, not curly…at all—then his face, as if that was any indicator to what he—
“A mirror!” He exclaimed. His voice…sounded familiar, but different. Fuck what kind of dream was this?
Because it had to be a dream right? It had to be. How else did he wake up in someone else’s body?
He pushed himself out of the bed, walking slightly off-cadence, which…yeah probably came with the territory of your brain needing to get used to a new body. Fuck…was his brain even his brain or did his mind just get transported what was happening?
Ugh it was too early to think about that.
Eddie slowly cracked the bedroom door open and peaked into the rest of the house. He spotted a bathroom just across the way, otherwise…shit, this place actually looked a little familiar. Where the fuck was he? Who the fuck was he?
He quickly crossed the landing into the bathroom, slamming the door shut behind him. He heaved a breath and leaned back against the door for a moment to calm himself; his hands were shaking and felt cold. Could he even feel his fingers? Nice to know the occasional nervousness that snuck up on him at his lowest moments hadn’t been left behind in his old body, that they’d followed him to this one.
His body…would it still be in his bed? What if he really had died and…had jumped into his new body? Was this reincarnation?
Fuck, if he was dead…Wayne would find him. Could he even…see his uncle again? How could he ever explain who he was?
Eddie felt the tears prick his eyes and his throat tighten and he slapped his face a few times.
“Come on man, come on,” he muttered. “It’s not that bad. It’s only…mildly awful. Fuck, ok. Just go, just look, just…rip it off like a bandaid.”
Eddie took a deep breath and nodded, then crossed the short distance to stand in front of the sink. He stared at his new feet, wiggled his new toes. You never…appreciated the toes you had until you have new ones.
That was awful and you’re an idiot. Just look.
Eddie closed his eyes again and turned his face up towards the mirror. He could do it. He would do it.
He opened his eyes.
“Jesus H. Christ!”
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Steve woke up feeling like absolute shit. Everything ached—like he had pulled a muscle or something by sleeping crookedly—he had awful cottonmouth, and he had inhaled…some yarn or something because he woke up coughing and gagging until he got the intrusive strands out of his mouth.
“Gahh, shit, shit,” he said and scratched at his throat. He sounded hoarse. Ugh was he getting sick? He’d have to ask his mom to bring home some soup or something.
Could he call out of work? Shit he had to take Robin to school. She could walk today, he felt awful.
Steve blinked his eyes open and took in the unfamiliar popcorn ceiling with growing concern.
He looked around at the…piles of garbage and the cracks in the plaster walls partially covered by band posters...and felt the rise of panic grow within him. He tried to recall the night before.
He’d wrapped up his shift at Family Video, gone home and had a rare dinner with both of his parents, then…felt extremely tired and went to bed.
So how did he end up here…wherever here was?
This was a kidnapping; it had to be. He was…drugged—explained the cottonmouth—and kidnapped. And now someone was holding him for ransom or something to…blackmail his father? Thomas Harrington was kind of a dick sometimes, sure, but still…he was a pretty decent guy. Who would want to blackmail him?
“H-hello?” Steve called out. “Anyone there? C-can anyone hear me?”
There was some shuffling outside of the door of the room.
Thankfully Steve wasn’t tied up or anything. God, what kind of kidnappers were these? He quickly glanced around the room for a weapon of some sort and he immediately spotted...
A guitar? A few guitars actually. Man these kidnappers really liked music huh?
One was a weird shape--he'd seen some hair metal bands use guitars like that in magazines, but he'd never seen one in person--and was a mottled red color. One was just what you'd expect when someone said "electric guitar." And one was acoustic and looked like it could pack a real wallop.
Steve pushed himself out of the bed and immediately jumped because whatever had been in his mouth was on his shoulders now. He reached up to grab it: hair. Long, wavy, messy...knotty and frizzy. Like it hadn't been brushed for days, maybe weeks?
And his arm, sticking out from whatever t-shirt he'd been put in...was lithe and weak and there were tattoos. On both arms. A creepy claw hand and a bunch of bats.
What was this? How long had they held him hostage for? No wonder they didn't feel the need to tie him up! He'd been knocked out cold.
He needed to get out of here. Now. He needed to get home.
Steve crossed the room to grab the guitar when he noticed it. At first he thought it was another person. But no, it was just a mirror...and in the mirror...his reflection.
Only it wasn't...his reflection.
It had startled him and he had jumped. Then he moved his arms a little and watched the figure in the mirror mimic him. Over and over.
A wave, a turn, a funny face.
He couldn’t believe it. This had to be a joke. A dream. A nightmare.
Because it was him, his reflection. But it was not his—Steve Harrington’s—reflection.
It was Eddie Munson's.
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thesunfyre4446 · 2 months
84 years ago i've promised an alicent and rhaenyra post, and i've finally got around into making it.
so book!rhaenyra and alicent is not that complicated. alicent was fine with rhaenyra when she thought that viserys will name their firstborn son heir, and when that wasn't the case they started beefing & despised each other.
the show's decision of making them former friends is actually a good choice. it adds depth and tragedy into their relationship & makes the entire conflict more personal. instead of the stepmother x stepdaughter dynamic we get 2 childhood friends, destined to become enemies.
young!rhaenyra and alicent arc was actually really good. alicent got married to viserys and tried to mend her relationship with an angry rhaenyra. and just when things were getting better the realization that things can never go back to the way they were & they were destined to become enemies = alicent becoming the green queen & the rivalry truly begins.
and that's where... thing got... messy
because in ep 6 we see alicent and rhaenyra fighting. they seem to hate each other & constantly trying to undermine each other. then we get to ep 7 & driftmark, and we all expected that from that moment on we will get book!alicent and rhaenyra rivalry and hatred. but no? all of the sudden, one dinner and they're friends again?
i'm sorry... what?
and then alicent refuses to hurt rhaenyra and her family, rhaenyra's crying over a piece of paper (i was with daemon going "the fuck is this") rhaenyra shocked over alicent's betrayal & both women do not want to hurt each other.
so, you're telling me that after driftmark - after rhaenyra wanted to have alicent's maimed son tortured & tried to get alicent accused of high treason and after alicent demanded luke's eye these women feel anything but hatred towards each other?
you're telling me that alicent - who has spent the entire show believing that her children's lives will be in danger if rhaenyra became queen suddenly goes "you'll make a good queen" (again, i was with otto giving her the side-eye because GURL) one dinner is apparently all it takes to fix 20 years of rivalry and hatred?
and that's the problem. the show doesn't seem to be able to tell the difference between "friendship" and "relationship". rhaenyra and alicent's relationship can still be the center of the show even if they are enemies. even if they're no longer friends. look at magnificent century, hurrem and mahidevran's rivalry is the center of the show & it's very clear that these two women were forced into becoming enemies and that the real villain is the sultan.
hotd wants to force the "friendship" narrative on the show, but they still have to stick to certain book canon events, so it comes off very forced and unnatural. they're unwilling to let these 2 women become enemies, so they take their agency and give it to otto and daemon. otto and daemon are the ones who want war, rhaenyra and alicent just want to go back into being friends :( look at this page from ep 1 that you've prob forgotten all about!
they literally have to sacrifice their agency. because alicent being the leader of the green council & rhaenyra being the one wanting to go to war against the people who took away the crown she was promised doesn't fit the "friendship" narrative. so let's make alicent unaware of everything & rhaenyra doesn't even want to go to war :( it's all daemon and otto and the eViL mEn. it's honestly such a disservice to their characters. they're stripped of their ambition and agency for the sake of forcing their "friendship".
and the thing that truly made me lose hope is ryan saying that "there's still hope".
my dude.
from the first moment we see the girl. from that first scene where they're sitting under the tree - there was no hope. there was never hope. they're doomed.
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riseatlantisss · 1 year
I love your king of hearts fic! Could you maybe do a fic where chishiya is inexperienced (due to lack of previous relationships) so he’s insecure and shy. Maybe worried he won’t please reader or isn’t big enough or doesn’t know exactly what to do. So reader has to take control and just really wholesome sex. F!reader please.
Chishiya x female!reader - 1,3k words.
A/N : I’m so sorry it’s been 84 years but I hope you like it, anon. Also I’m sorry if I didn’t emphasize the inexperienced side too much, I feel like Chishiya would know exactly what he’s doing, no matter what! Enjoy:)
TW : -18 explicit content, unprotected sex, oral sex (female receiving), and adorable Chishiya Shuntaro <3
English isn't my first language, sorry for the mistakes.
 ♡ ♢ ♤ ♧  ♡ ♢ ♤ ♧  ♡ ♢ ♤ ♧ 
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“I don’t know if I can do this, y/n.” Chishiya whispered as he pulled away from your kiss, even though he was thoroughly enjoying it. You immediately picked out the hurt and doubt in his voice. His arms were wrapped around your waist and he leaned his forehead against yours, letting you feel his hot breath on your lips.
“What’s wrong ?” you asked, smiling softly as to reassure him.
“Before the Borderlands, my life was my work. I never felt the urge to be with someone…until right now.” His voice was husky and he kept his eyes down. The man that you had always known to be so confident suddenly seemed so shy, like he was showing one of his weaknesses. You felt your heart soften. Seeing him vulnerable made you love him even more. “I don’t have a lot of experience in that area, and I don’t want to disappoint you,” he added with a sigh. His hands slid up your back, around your neck and he placed them on your cheeks, brushing his thumbs over your skin.
“With you I feel like I have my one shot at happiness” he muttered nervously, “and I don’t wanna blow it.”
You remained silent for a few seconds, trying to process what you just heard. How could he be the one afraid to lose you when he was the one keeping you going ? Keeping you alive ? When you found yourself in the Borderlands, frightened and alone, Chishiya took you under his wing. He cared for you, he protected you and got you out of a whole lot of games that you probably would have lost without him. Against all odds, trapped in this fucked up world, you both fell in love with each other. Experience or not, you weren’t just about to give up on a love that precious. You wanted to tell him all that and even more, but at this point, you figured actions were better than words.
You wrapped your arms around his neck and the heat of his skin radiated through your whole body. He finally looked at you and from the moment you made eye contact, it was as if lust gained control of your senses. You leaned in for a kiss that was soft and gentle at first but quickly became hungrier and sloppier. Chishiya slid his hands down your spine, pulling you closer, deepening the kiss even more and groaning into your mouth in a rough, almost invasive way that made your heart jump out of your chest.   
“Inexperienced boys don’t kiss like that, Chishiya.” You moaned between two breaths as he squeezed you tighter, allowing you to feel his erection rolling across your abdomen.
He grinned and shushed you before claiming your mouth again. You ran your fingers over his chest, along the curve of his ribs until your hand snaked around to his shoulder blades. A moment later, Chishiya climbed right on top of you and between your thighs which fell open for him as if on command.
Inexperienced ??!
You closed your eyes and felt his fingers slowly sliding down your panties and pulling them down as you squirmed under his maddening touch. You heart raced and you kept moaning loudly into his mouth to encourage him but also because you clearly couldn’t help it.
Chishiya finally set your lips free and lowered his head, planting kisses down your throat, along your breasts and around your belly button.
“Is this ok?” He asked in a labored voice, trying to control his own arousal.
You grabbed his hair to pull his mouth closer to your dripping wet pussy. “Please, I’m begging you” you cried out, “don’t you dare stop.”
Placing his hands on your thighs, he let his lips find your throbbing center. His tongue ran slow circles around your clit at first before speeding up the pace. He applied just enough pressure to send you on the brink of orgasm without falling completely off the edge. There was NO WAY that man had never done this before. The truth was he had been with women before, but none of them twisted his emotions and set his heart to pounding the way you did.
After several minutes of bliss, he pressed a tender kiss to the inside of your thigh and moved up, letting his lips find yours again. Completely unable to wait for it anymore, you adjusted your hips and wrapped your legs around his waist to get him right where you needed him. He pressed the head of his cock to your wet and wanting pussy, blindly searching for entrance as his breathing became heavier and heavier. Your body gave way to his intrusion almost automatically when he pushed ever so slightly, gliding into you in one go, slowly but steadily. He was so big it could almost have been painful if it wasn’t so immensely pleasurable.
You moaned beneath him and held his fiery gaze as he braced your legs against his chest to leverage himself more deeply into you. He grinned with every moan elicited by his every thrust and progressively picked up the pace.
“Harder”, you cried out as he traced the shell of your outer ear with his tongue.
Chishiya obliged and groaned when he felt your pussy tighten around him, continuing to slide in and out. He felt his peak creeping up but refused to give in just yet. He needed to see you come before. And lucky for him, you couldn’t hold it much longer. Around you everything started to freeze and you suddenly felt weightless. Pride erupted on Chishiya's face when your head rolled back with a desperate moan from the bottom of your lungs as the orgasm overpowered you, turning your body into jelly. He held you tightly around the waist as you threatened to collapse before releasing his own pleasure deep inside you with one last thrust.
“Oh god, y/n” he cried out in a low, shaky voice while his cock pulsed rhythmically inside you, extending your own orgasm for several idyllic seconds, leaving you weak and exhausted, but most of all amazingly happy. He and he only had the power to make you feel that way.
You snuggled up to Chishiya’s chest, basking in the warmth of his body and the way his arms were wrapped around you protectively. As he pulled you even closer and smothered you with kisses, the sun dipped below the horizon of the Borderlands followed by a sky full of reds, pinks and purples. You could have stayed that way forever. The world around you didn’t matter. The games didn’t matter. Not as long as you had each other.
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smolsawyer · 3 days
Golden Swan (Zlatá Labuť) - The complete Irlena story (0/84)
A miracle happened in our country and we got an actually good show with very well-written and interesting wlw representation. I really want to spread this amazing story, but because Youtube is homophobic and won't let me upload the videos I decided to share their story with you here.
I will be posting a new video every day (at 8pm CET), so buckle up and enjoy the ride with me, it is a wild one.
Please even if you are not interested yourself, if you can, reblog this post so it may get to some of your followers who might want to see this :) Thank you
This first post is about the introduction to the premise and the characters, a lot is happening and I will do my best to keep you in the loop. If you wanna know or see more, don't hesitate to hit me up in my asks :)
Synopsis: The show begins in 1939 during the protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia under Nazi occupation, at the beginning of World War II. The story centers around the rich Kučera family, who own a newly opened luxury department store in the center of Prague called Golden Swan (Zlatá Labuť)
Characters: Irena Mašková - a daughter of the head of the Kučera family, a very hardened, ambitious, and ruthless woman, who is fighting hard for the approval of her father who often dismisses her based only on the fact she is a woman. She loves the luxury of her life, and staying at the helm of their family business is the most important thing to her. She has an estranged husband Lukáš with whom she has two sons
Alena Zimová - a very kind and warm-hearted young woman who starts working at Golden Swan as a salesgirl. She left the small village she was born in for Prague in hopes of escaping her homophobic parents and life in the anonymity of a big city. She is dating a waiter Jakub from Swan's restaurant, who wants to marry her
Also huge thanks and credit for english subtitles goes to @ ScorpiStraub on twitter. At least I think :) I tracked them down through multiple ppl and accounts, reached out, but didn't get any answer. But I'm like 90% sure they are the ones who made the subtitles :)
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unsoundedcomic · 2 months
Genuine praise and applause here, you've achieved something unprecedented to me as a reader: I feel shaken and uncertain about a protagonist I once liked, but also still completely invested in their story.
Right now (I've just read 18-80 to 84) I feel you've struck a great balance of surprise (at Duane) and trust (in your story). Perhaps because no single choice of Duane's felt out-of-character, as they slowly added up? I honestly can't predict how I'll feel about him and his flaws by the end of Unsounded, but for once, I'm enjoying that unease! Because of the care you've taken in building your characters so far, I at least still have faith in *you* to reach a satisfying ending.
Oh this should be a question, hmm. Were you at all tempted to foreshadow Duane's recent/future choices more obviously (by character or plot), softening a bit of the impact for a smoother story? Because again, I'm glad you didn't – perfectly threaded needle to keep me captivated.
So glad you're having a good time!
I hope Duane's current state is pretty well telegraphed, though I know it can be hard to remember past instances when the webcomic delivery spaces everything out. He's repeatedly shown himself to be hypocritical and selective in regards to kids. The army story ended with him continuing to train babies in the killing arts and accepting a false narrative that he had never let one of them die. This led right into him turning a blind eye to the Litriya twins for the sake of helping the Aldish invaders get to the construct facility. He felt AWFUL about this - we saw it - and tried to make up for it, but even that very action was already going against what was said in the black water: God is not attainable by transaction. Duane was trying to erase that debt to Litriya. It doesn't work that way! Like Claggart said, you got to acknowledge your mistakes and keep moving.
Duane started to. He truly did, when he spoke to Lori and the Peaceguard, then moved to go defend the shrine. But then Mikaila was there in the sky and all development was cut short in tandem with his poor rotten head.
What did he see when he and Toma and Elka approached Port Morstorben's ravaged gate? Not all the dead bodies. Not a vision of Sara asking him to help defend her people. Instead Duane saw Lemuel and Leysa and Mikaila. The eels have always known exactly how to steer Duane towards his worst self, and they use his best self to do it. They use his blind love for his family, his loyalty towards his homeland, and his faith in God. These can all be fantastic attributes or they can make a monster.
So yeah, I feel like the foreshadowing is there pretty thick. What makes it still compelling, I hope, is Duane's selfishness and reluctance to change are so often counterbalanced by his earnest desire to make things better and to help the people around him as individuals, in the moment. There's not an ounce of real malice in the man, but when Duane stews, he often talks himself into making the wrong choice. When he acts with all the compulsion of a big-hearted protector, he tends towards selfless compassion.
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luvtak · 1 year
Dating TXT
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❀ this is the fluffiest of fluffs i swear
❀ a/n i hope i was successful in making this super super gender neutral, but if anything needs to be changed lemme know!!!
❀ w/c 1414
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Yeonjun: Everything is fond and over the top. Everything is heightened. He squeezes so tight when he holds your hand—which he is always doing, and whenever he hugs you, he takes up every bit of breath in your lungs. He fusses over you like a mother hen, making sure you’re eating well, and your jewelry is placed right. Yeonjun always needs to be touching your skin, his hand on your thigh at restaurant, back hugs while you’re waiting in line at a café, arms wrapped around your shoulders or waist even if it inconveniences you both. So so so corny; sings love songs to you and whispers lines from romance movies, it makes you laugh but you can never tell if it’s because you actually like it, or you just love him. He is so in awe of you, sometimes the boys will catch him staring at you and whispering “wow” under his breath; he thinks you’re so beautiful and cute that when you wake up and your face is swollen and crusty he thinks you’re the most adorable thing. If he notices you’re even a little bit cold he’ll burrow you in all his warmest clothes and blankets until you are sweating and on the verge of heatstroke. When he kisses you it’s so sincere that you can feel every bit of love coming off him, even if you’ve just been fighting—especially if you’ve just been fighting. He always lets you pick the restaurant and never gets mad if you can’t make up your mind about where to go, in his mind he’ll take you anywhere as long as it makes you full. He is sweet and silly and never lets you think any less of yourself than he does, and he thinks a lot of you.
Soobin: The most domestic relationship ever. Seriously you guys are 20 going on 84, matching sweaters and in bed by 8. It’s a very earnest love—it’s maybe not overtly passionate or earthshattering, but it’s so fulfilling, and he makes you feel so safe. The kind of boyfriend to carry a picture of you in his wallet. Always so shy, whether you’re in front of a dozen people or it’s just you two alone, he will be timid about his actions—in a very sweet way. Hesitant to touch you, but when he does it’s so careful, like you might break. Learns how to do your hair: if it’s short he figures out how to clip fringe back so it stays out of your face… if its longer he tries his very hardest to learn to French braid, its always messy but done with love. Holds your hand while you cross the street to make sure your safe. Gets matching lanyards and phone cases, and takes dozens of pictures of you both with them. Making you bread and pastries on a free weekend fresh from the oven and telling you its only so good because he made it with you (though you didn’t do anything to help). Rides the train with you at night time so you don’t get scared, even if that means he has to get back on to go all the way back to the dorm. Sends pictures and funny stories every hour while he’s on tour. Tells you he loves you so much you need to adopt Odi. Cherishes and honors you like no one before, makes sure you never go a day without knowing he adores you.
Beomgyu: the silliest man you’ve ever come in contact with, and yet you’ve never felt more understood by anyone. Being with Beomgyu means you’ll never feel unwanted or alone. He has a way of knowing what you need before you do; texts you when he thinks something bad has happened, orders what you’re craving before you tell him, tells you he loves you too right before you say the words. Lays in bed with you at night joking but being so honest about all of his big feelings for you. Thinks you’re the most interesting person he’s ever met, is always telling the boys something he learned about you and saying “isn’t y/n so cool” when all it is an animal fact you learned from national geographic and told him about. Listens to every song you tell him you like. Starts wearing clothes that are your favorite color just so he can hear you say “you know Gyu, that shirts my favorite color.” Listens to everything you say and can recite it at a moment’s notice. Becomes friends with all your friends and all your family. Makes fun of you but never goes far enough that it hurts your feelings. Will watch movies and shows that he hates if you like them, while he can’t keep quiet about the complaints, he never actually turns it off. Will give you the most sincere and lovely compliments out of nowhere—he needs to make sure you know he appreciates you… he loves you so much he can’t contain it, and everyone who knows him knows.
Taehyun: the most charming boy you’ve ever met. Knows everything about you—from your favorite food to what you want your epitaph to be. Takes you on dates to science museums and 5 star restaurants. Comes with you to all your little appointments, you need a haircut? He’s sitting with you. You need to get a cavity filled? He’s in the waiting room. Cooks you dinner and makes you rate every bite, with threat of no dessert. Giggles with you over stupid things one of the boys said to him that afternoon. Wears the same outfit again and again because you complimented him on it once. Learns the words to your favorite songs so he can sing them to you like a lullaby. Always always always pulls out your chair and opens the door for you. Helps you study and grants you a kiss for every right answer. Wraps you up in his arms when you’re sad, whispers all the things he loves about you right in your ear. Charms your parents ten minutes into meeting them. Tells you he loves you at the end of every conversation. Buys couple rings and tells everyone about them. Kisses every one of your knuckles when he holds your hand. Stocks up the dorm with anything you might need—hair ties, your favorite snacks, the pain meds you prefer—he’s got it all. He never goes a day without telling you how happy he is you’re in his life <3
Kai:  Dating Kai is like being with your best friend every day, nothing is a big deal—it’s all easy peasy. He picks up habits from you sooo fast: sooner or later you’re saying the same phrases and telling the same jokes. Everything is cozy, it was at least 9 months in before he ever saw you in cute date clothes because you guys are always wearing pajamas. Perfect date for him is watching movies or playing games with good food. The easiest way for me to explain what loving him is like is listening to a pop song, while it may be repetitive and mindless it makes you so happy and feels so familiar. He brings you to lunches with his sisters where you all make fun of him  and he just cracks up because he’s so happy you all get along. You can tell him anything, and he’d never judge you: it could be the most embarrassing thing you’ve ever done and he’d say “that’s cool dude, why were you so worried?” Also the boyfriend to never call you pet names, he’d think calling you babe or honey would be so cringe his mouth can’t even form the words. You leave a hair tie at the dorm once and now he never takes it off, it’s his favorite bracelet and you can’t have it back. Will not tell you he loves you if anyone is around, and if you tell him he will turn beet red. However, he is constantly draped over you and touching your skin, like you know he’s upset with you if he’s not literally on top you at every moment. With all of his awkward squabbling’s throughout the day, as soon as you’re laying in bed together he tells you how much he loves you and how good of a day he spent with you. Loves you so much even if can’t always find the words <3
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© luvtak
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milesdickpic · 5 months
His Little Girl | Bradley Bradshaw x Reader P.84
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Hi, besties! First, I would like to start off by thanking everyone for still being here with me. I can't thank you all enough for everything. I love you all so much! I hope you are all enjoying the story still! I love you all so so so much! 💕Without further a-do... Happy reading and enjoy! ❤️
A/n: Dadley Dadshaw comes to the rescue after a long long week back at work. Leia Rey's 7th birthday is just over the horizon 🫣
Word Count: 3.8k
Warnings: crying, tiredness, slight anxiousness, sadness, some disappointment, but a whole lot of love 🥰
Please don't take my work, I will find you. 
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Bradley’s POV
I had been back at work for my first week of the full 12-hour shifts. In the morning I would go to training and go through the vigorous exercises to help my body get ready to withstand Gs again. I had been working on breathing techniques for the first week. It was hard because my abdomen was still healing. I knew I had to take it slow, but also put my 100% effort into it. Next week I would continue to work on my breathing because I failed the breathing maneuvers practice test. It really discouraged me, but I thought about you and the kids. I knew I had to just trust the process. 
I came home from the last day of training for me for the week. I was beyond tired. I would go to training, then do some paperwork for my officers, go back out to the tarmac to instruct for flying, go back and do more paperwork, meet with each of my LTs to get them up to par with codes and protocols, train some more, then push more paperwork. Being a senior officer was tough and tiring. I’ve never had to do so much instruction and paperwork in my career with the Navy. 
I came home more tired than I had been in a long time. I just wanted to take a shower, eat, and lay on the couch with the kids and you. When I walked into the house, it was like I walked right into a zoo. The boys were crying in the arms of Phoenix and Hangman, Austin was trying to console Leia, the house looked like a tornado hit it, and it smelled like rotting cheese in the house. I stood in the doorway frozen.
“Guys? Guys??” I was trying to catch at least one of them’s attention, but they were all frantic and focusing on each child they had. “Hello!”
They all looked over at me and Leia came running over to me, “Daddy!” She had tears in her eyes. I picked her up and held her close to me as I rubbed her back. The boys were still wailing while Phoenix and Hangman were trying to get them to stop. 
“My girl. What happened? Where is momma?” I brushed Leia’s hair from her face and kissed her forehead. I looked at my daughter concerned. 
She sniffled and wiped her nose with the back of her hand, “Momma went to her doctor's appointment and had to go to the store, Braddie pulled my hair really hard when I was playing with him and Luke. It really hurt.” She started to rub her head, “I know he didn’t mean it, but it really hurt, Daddy!” She started to cry hard as she held her head. 
“Oh, my girl!” I held her close to me and kissed her head over and over again. “How about we get you some ice and a PB&J? How’s that sound, Leia babe?” 
She sniffled and nodded. I brought her over to the counter and sat her on the top of it. I pulled out an uncrustable from the freezer and placed it on her head. “Let it thaw out on your head while I get the toaster.” I gave her a little smirk and poked her belly. She let out a little giggle and nodded. I brought out the toaster and I grabbed an ice pack. I replaced the sandwich with the ice and placed the uncrustable into the toaster. “Okay, my girl. Stay here. I need to check on your brothers, okay? Help your Aunt Nat and your Uncle Jakey.” She nodded and continued to hold the ice to her head. 
I jogged over to my wailing boys. “Oh, what did the bad people do to you boys?” I chuckled as I went over and gave them both kisses on their hot ass heads. “Jesus Christ, how long have they been cryin?” I grabbed Bradley from Hangman and started to bounce him in my arms. “Daddy’s here, Bradley boy. It’s okay.” I started to shush him as I continued to soothe him. 
“They’ve been crying for probably 10 minutes. They both have clean diapers, and both DEFINITELY fed, played with, burped… everything. I have no clue what happened.” Jake rubbed the back of his neck as he tried to think of anything else. 
Bradley started to settle down in my arms and I chuckled. “They probably just miss their daddy is all.” I pulled Brad back to look at his face, a little smirk appeared when he looked at me. “I am so sorry for leaving you boys here with these strange crazy people!” I said in my mushiest baby talk. “Daddy promises to not stay this late at work again. I’m so sorry, baby.” 
Bradley started to giggle in my arms. I handed him back to Hangman, so I could help Phoenix with Luke. He was still ballistically crying. “Come here my Lukey-bear.” I grabbed him from Phoenix and started to bounce him as he screamed at the top of his lungs. “AWHHH! I KNOW!” I agreed with him in my once again muckiest baby talk. “You were stuck here with the bad people! I am so sorry, my love.” I rubbed his back as he cried into my shoulder. 
“Daddy! Can I eat my PB&J now? It popped out of the toaster!” Leia called over to me. 
I nodded and made my way over to her. I grabbed the PB&J and unplugged the toaster. I placed the sandwich on a paper towel. “Let it cool off a little bit, babe.” I kissed her head and continued to place the toaster away as I continued to console Luke. 
He started to calm down little by little as I kept telling him it was okay and I rocked him in my arms. I pulled him from my shoulder and looked at him in his tear-filled eyes. I continued to talk him down. “Hi, my handsome boy. You’re okay. I promise. Daddy is here now. It’s okay.” His little lip kept quivering and I kept shushing him. “You’re okay my boy. I love you. Daddy loved you so much.” I placed little kisses on his tear-stained cheeks causing him to give me his first pair of puppy dog eyes. 
“Oh, man. Those are going to be the death of me. Courtesy of myself. Shit.” I sniffled as I tried to hold back my tears. It was the cutest thing I had ever seen in my life. “You’re okay, I’m here, babe.” I gave him a couple of kisses on his lips and he giggled from the tickling of my mustache. “There’s what I love to hear.” I smiled at Luke as he continued to giggle. 
“Damn, Bradshaw. Who would have ever thought?” Phoenix laughed and shook her head. 
I squinted my eyes at her and jerked my head back as I handed Luke back to her. “What are you talking about, Trace?” I made my way back over to Leia to check her head. 
She held Luke against her hip and bounced him. “I mean who would have thought that you over a year and a half ago, would be such a good and responsible dad of three?” Phoenix started to laugh. 
“Yea, seriously, Rooster.” Hangman laughed. Austin just looked at the three of us confused before he made his way over to Phoenix to play with Luke. 
I checked Leia’s head and removed the ice pack. “Feeling better, babe?” I raised my brows at her and she nodded. I smiled and handed her her PB&J.” Good!” I kissed her forehead and put the ice pack back into the freezer. 
I leaned against the counter next to Leia, “You guys suck. Out of all of you, and I mean the WHOLE squad. I was most responsible. Straight from the get-go, I was gonna be a great and responsible dad.” I rolled my eyes at the both of them. “Now. The real question is… Why the…” I covered Leia’s ears, “Fuck does my house smell like spoiled and rotting cheese?”
The three of them looked at each other and looked over at the pile of diapers near the trash can. I followed their gaze. “Guys. Really? What the hell?” We all started to laugh together as I went and cleaned up the pile of death to throw away outside. 
I went upstairs to clean up and get out of my work clothes. After I was finished, I sat on the edge of the bed and took a little breather. I sat there and thought about how you have been such a good mom and have been handling all 8 of the kids that are in this house. I sighed and smiled. I was so lucky to have someone like you. I just didn’t know how you were so good at it. 
What if I’m not enough? Am I lacking? Are Phoenix and Hangman actually really shocked that I can be a dad?
Hangman came into the room and sat next to me. “You alright, Rooster?” 
I nodded and chuckled. “Yea. I’m good. Y/n home yet?” I looked at him with a raised brow.
He shook his head. “Nah, not yet. Maybe she’ll return the favor. She’ll be back when the boys are 7 and Leia 14.” He raised his brows at me and gave me a devious smile. 
I gave him a blank stare and blinked my eyes at him. “Fuck you, Seresin.” 
He started to laugh and winked at me, “When?”
I rolled my eyes and shoved him off my bed. “You’re an asshole, dude.” I started to laugh as he got up off the floor. 
“You know. It was a good joke, Bradshaw.” He laughed and slapped me on the back.
I stood up and shook my head at him. “Yea, Yea. Fuck off. Where are my kids?” I started to chuckle as we made our way downstairs. 
“MOMMA!” Leia yelled as you walked through the door. 
Jake nudged his elbow into me. “She’s 7 years early, bro.” 
I scoffed and shoved Hangman down the remaining steps of the stairs. You looked up at us as he stomped down hard trying to hold onto the railing so he wouldn’t fall. You looked at both of us with wide eyes as you kissed Leia’s head. 
“What’s going on here, boys?” You started to laugh as you removed your shoes. 
I walked over to you with open arms, “Just Bagman being Bagman, babe.” I kissed you over and over again. “I missed you so much, sweetheart.” I held you tight in my arms and embraced your warmth against me.
“I missed you too, Brad.” You hugged me a little tighter. You pulled back and smiled at me. “How was work today?” 
I laughed and shook my head. “Babe, forget work. Guess what I walked in on when I got home today.” I looked at the three stooges. 
They all looked at me with wide eyes and shook their heads at me. I looked at them with my brows raised and my head cocked to the side. I mouthed at them, “Oh really, now? You don’t want me to?” As I pointed at you. They all waved their arms to signal “NO!”
You turned around and looked at all four of us. All our shenanigans stopped. You smiled at all of us, “What did you walk in on?”
I sighed. “Oh, you know.” I looked at the three of them as they grew nervous. “Just the best godparents in the world taking care of our children.” They relaxed in relief. I squinted at all of them. 
You smiled at the three of them and went over to give them a group hug, “You guys are the best! Thank you so much for watching our babies while I went to my appointment and Brad was at work. I knew I could count on you all!” 
They all hugged you back and they all looked at me nervously. I shook my head at them all and laughed because none of them had the guts that Daddy Bradley had to come to their rescue. Leia came back over to me and jumped into my arms.
She got close to my ear and whispered, “Are we just not gonna tell momma we were all crying?” She looked at me with big eyes. 
I chuckled and nodded. “You got it, babe. This stays between us.” I poked her nose and she giggled. 
She saluted me and nodded, “Yes, sir.” We both laughed and I squished her tummy before letting her back down. 
Later that night, you and I brought Leia to her room to tuck her in for bed. You kissed Leia on her forehead and smiled. “So my Leia Rey. Your birthday is in a week. What do you want to do for it?”
I smiled at her and raised my brows. “What you think, my girl?”
She pushed her lips together and looked around the room. “Hmmm. I don't know?” She giggled. “I just want to spend time with everyone and my brothers. I don’t wanna party or anything. I just want to watch movies.” She smiled at you and me.
You and I looked at each other with raised brows. “Sweetheart, are you sure? You don’t wanna invite your friends over for a party?”
She shook her head at me and looked down as she played with her fingers. “Can I have a party in San Diego? With Papa Mav, Penny, Amelia, and my uncles?” 
You and I looked at one another again. Our poor girl was homesick and missed everyone back home. You sighed and placed your hand on Leia’s hands. “I wish we could go back right now, Leia.”
She smiled and held your hands, “It’s okay, momma. I understand that Daddy has to work. I just thought I could ask.” She kissed your hands and got comfortable in her bed. “I’m sleepy now. Give Luke and Braddie a kiss good night for me. Night momma and daddy. I love you.” 
We both gave her another kiss and left the room. We went back into our room and laid down. The boys were fast asleep in their bassinets. I looked at you sad and you looked at me the same. 
“Sweetheart, If you want, You, Leia, the boys, and Austin can go back to San Diego for Leia Rey’s birthday. I don’t want her to be sad.” 
You sighed and laid against my chest, “Bradley.”
I shook my head and then laid it on top of yours. “No, sweetheart I am serious. I can ask Mav and Penny to come and get all of you so you can have extra help. I just want her to be happy for her birthday.”
You looked up at me and shook your head, “Bradley. That is sweet of you, but I think Leia would be even more sad if she didn't have her daddy with her to celebrate.” 
I played with your hand in mine. “I just don’t want her to be sad. I know she misses everyone back home. I just want what’s best for her. Even if that means you guys go back home for a while.”
You shook your head and kissed my cheek. “We aren’t going anywhere without you, Bradley. And I assure you, Leia would say the same.”
I pushed my lips together and kissed your forehead before we fell asleep. “I love you, babe. The offer will still stand if you change your mind.”
Your POV
Over the next week, you and Bradley had been prepping something for Leia’s birthday. On the day of her birthday, you had asked Jake, Nat, and Austin if they could take the kids to Evelyn and Phantom’s house as you and Bradley set everything up for Leia’s party.  
You and Bradley didn’t want to not celebrate your daughter. It would be her first birthday in another state, with her dad, and her brothers. You wanted it to be extra special for her because you all wouldn’t be where you are now without her. 
You and Bradley loaded up the truck with all the party supplies and headed down to the beach. This year for Leia’s birthday theme, It was going to be Leia’s Luau. You and Bradley picked a spot on the beach to set up.
You had invited some of Leia’s friends from school and Bradley invited some of his pilots and their families to celebrate Leia on her special day. It was going to be a small gathering for her. You and Bradley wanted to surprise her. Bradley played music as you both continued to put the party together. 
You and I by Rebelution (I fuckin love them and this song 😭) starts playing-
Bradley put down The last tiki statue by the entering pathway of the party and ran over to you. He took the tiki torch from your grasp and threw it on the ground as he spun you around into his arms. 
“Bradley Bradshaw! What the heck?” You started to laugh. 
He chuckled as he held you close to him. “Sweetheart, I owe you this little dance for everything you’ve done for this family in the last year. You deserve more of a break, but let's take this little one right now, together, and dance.” 
You grabbed his hand and held it in yours. “I’d love to.”
I can’t deny my heart beats for you… You can’t deny these sparks, set the mood. Here’s my hand forever. Hold it tight together. You and I.
Bradley kissed the back of your hand and held you close to his chest as you both slowly danced to the song in the middle of Leia’s party setup. You closed your eyes and listened to Bradley’s heartbeat and the way his chest vibrated as he sang softly. 
“You and I. I wanna waste some time. Right by your side. Watch the day fly by and not even mind. I can’t deny my heart beats for you.” He laid his head on top of yours and gave it a kiss. He placed both hands on your back and rubbed it slowly. It was nice to finally have some alone time for you and Bradley. You both hadn’t had something like this in a long time. 
“I love you, Bradley, Always.” You smiled as you held onto him tighter. 
You could hear him smile. “And I love you, Sweetheart, forever.” 
I’ll wait for you my dear, for the day. You say I do, my dear, and drift away. Hold my hand forever, fly away together, You and I. 
You and Bradley finally finished setting up Leia’s Luau. You looked at your phone and it was almost time for everyone to start showing up. You and Bradley did one more walk-through of everything to make sure you hadn’t forgotten anything. In the front, Bradley had set up two tiki statues to signify the entry point of the party. Then there was a walkway that was lit up with tiki torches on either side and flowers scattered all over the walkway that led up to the party set up. When you got to the party area, there was a sign that said, “Aloha! Please take a LEI-a!” And it was full of pretty colorful Leis on each side. Then there was a picture moment area with a backdrop for all guests to take pictures with the Polaroid camera. Next to the picture set up was another pair of tiki torches with string and clothes pints attached so everyone could add. Their pictures as memories for Leia to look back on. Then there was a tent set up for the food and drink area. There was a drinks table for kids and one for adults. There were pineapple bouquets set up on each table. There was a food table where food would be placed for serving and then another table for Leia’s cake and other sweets. 
You and Bradley smiled at each other and sighed. “We are all set, sweetheart. Hangman and Phoenix will bring the games when they come with Austin, Leia, and the boys.” 
After a while, all the guests started to show up. Everyone was dressed for the Luau. Some of the kids were already making their way to the ocean to play and build sandcastles. Jake and Nat had texted Bradley to let them know they were all on their way. Phantom and his family arrived. Evelyn had made some cupcakes for Leia’s cake table. She brought them over to you and smiled. 
“Honey, it was so hard to hide these from Leia. She kept wandering the house as if she were looking for them!” She started to laugh as she placed a kiss on your cheek before placing them on the cake table. Bradley went and greeted Phantom. They all brought gifts for Leia. She was loved by so many people, she was going to be spoiled here like she was back in San Diego. 
Phantom and Bradley came over to you and Evelyn. “Where is the birthday girl? Are they all on their way? They left a little after we did.” Phantom came and gave you a hug.
You nodded and smiled. “Nat and Jake said they are almost here. So she will definitely be surprised when they arrive and she sees there is a ‘Luau’ going on.”
Phantom smiled and patted you and Bradley on the back. “You both did such a great job with little time! I wish you would have asked us for more help. But we are happy to be a little distraction while you both came out and did this for her.” 
Bradley laughed and shook his head. “How did she react when you all wished her happy birthday when you saw her?”
Phantom recreated Leia’s face by slapping his hands on his cheeks making his eyes super wide and opening his mouth. You and Bradley started to laugh. “That’s our girl. We didn't get to say anything to her because we were unfortunately already gone before she woke up to head over to your house.” Bradley pushed his lips together. “So hopefully this’ll make up for it and she doesn’t think we forgot one of the most important days of the year.” 
And with that Bradley's phone buzzed and he looked at it. He looked at you and Phantom and smiled. “They’re here. You know what that means.” 
Bradley called around to everyone and got them all in order. “Alright everyone in your stations. The birthday girl will be here any minute now!” 
Everyone gathered around and waited for Leia to show up with Austin, Nat, Jake, and the boys.  You and Bradley stood patiently and eager to see Leia’s face. Bradley slung his arm over your shoulder and held you close. 
“Here she comes, sweetheart!”  
I CAN'T BELIEVE OUR GIRL IS 7!! WTF 😭 Are you all ready to party? I'll see you babes in the next chapter! 🫶🏼
Party guests are in the comments 🎉
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mysticmunson · 1 year
can we have a blurb about reader returning to school and being cornered by jason? 🙃
so funny enough i almost wrote this in the original post but i decided not to last minute so this is perfect. i hope you enjoy this darling! i wrote this in one sitting so just let me know if i fucked something up lol.
tw: language, a/o/b dynamics, unwarranted touching (not assault)
word count: 2.1k
Waking up just as the sun peeked behind the huge oak trees in the yard, you woke to an empty bed for the first time in days, Eddie returning to his place before you both made your return to school. 
Nerves had kept you tossing and turning, wondering who knew or who would notice. You felt different, physically and mentally, and when Eddie came back from presenting, most figured it out, although an alpha’s transformation is more drastic visually.
The warmth of your sheets comforted you as you stared at the popcorn ceiling, making shapes from the ridges. The birds outside chirped to each other, rustling by and landing on a branch. Your smile at the peaceful scene was cut short by your alarm clock, jumping out of your skin before slamming it to snooze.
Applying makeup with shaky hands and putting on a blue, cotton dress with sneakers, you tried to regulate your fears before they got the best of you. Grabbing a snack on your way out, you took a long exhale once on the opposing side of your front door, wishing you could hide for a bit longer.
Your stride gained momentum as you neared Hawkins High, grateful to see Robin being dropped off by Steve, rolling her eyes at something he said from the inside of his BMW. She caught your gaze and let a grin spread across her freckled cheeks, signaling you over as Steve drove away.
“Hi Rob, thanks for your help last week.” You said as you approached her, feeling blood flood to your cheeks at your compromised state. She snorted, swinging an arm around your shoulder, her jean jacket rubbing against your bare arm.
“Anytime, just owe me a movie night this week since it didn’t happen on Friday.” She compromised, making you laugh and agree, knowing she didn’t say this with accusation. The tiled halls were bustling with students, not taking much note of who was coming in and out of the doorway.
Thankful for the busyness, you felt a significant weight being lifted from your shoulders, but still kept your eye out for Eddie. He was notoriously late, so you figured it would be awhile till he returned. 
Robin rambled about her movie night with Steve and how he hogged the popcorn and burnt it, something you always managed not to do. As she continued her rant, you saw a quick glance of a basketball player whose name you couldn’t recall. He quickly disappeared into the sea of teenagers.
Trying to shake it off, you figured it was awkward eye contact, knowing you usually cowered away with awkwardness yourself at that. You bid goodbye to Robin as you entered your first period, taking a seat at the end of the middle section, attempting to garner as little attention as possible.
As class went on, you could feel sets of eyes lingering longer than usual, blaming it on your heightened nerves and that it would all calm down soon enough. The math equations scribbled in your notebook were barely legible, foot bouncing beneath your metal seat until the first bell rang. 
Grabbing your bag, you took one step out the door until a hand grabbed you, yanking you into their chest. While the action startled you, the recognition was instant as you saw his curls, smelled his potent aura, and the lips pressed to your cheek.
“Hey pretty girl.” Eddie greeted, intertwining your fingers as you both descended down the hall. He was in an Ozzy Osbourne tour shirt from ‘84, a pair of black ripped jeans, and bracelets on his wrists with one dangling cross earring in his right ear. You wanted to bite him.
“Hi Eds.” You smiled, quickly wrinkling your nose, “Did you skip first period?” Your question made him scoff, shooting air as if he couldn’t care less. While you did care about his education and making sure he graduated this year, you both knew this past week was eventful to say the least. 
Forcing glares to anyone giving less than a smile or not looking at all, Eddie was on high alert with you on his arm, his chest puffing in authoritative nature. He had the urge to stay by you in every class, but knew the teachers would either give him detention or kick him out. 
So he dropped you off at every class, racing back when class finished to repeat the action. The only time he didn’t was when they were going to lunch as the cafeteria was right between both rooms, a bit of distance between it. 
The fluorescent lights felt more intense as your exhaustion settled, rubbing your upper brow as another scientific theory was explained poorly by the P.E. teacher who was brought in to substitute. As he began to describe Newton’s laws, the bell signaled lunch, your stomach grumbling as if on cue. 
Filing in with the array of overly energized underclassmen and chronically stressed upperclassmen, you went in the direction of the lunch room until someone called your name. Walking to the side to fully turn around, you didn’t see anyone looking your way besides for quick glances, making your brows furrow. As soon as your back turned, you heard it again, this time closer until a majority of the students were down the walkway, getting their daily dose of cold meatloaf.
“Well hi there sweetheart.” You heard a chilling voice, not belonging to the one shouting your name previously, only to notice Jason and two of his teammates beside him. Their looks made you feel two feet tall, biting the inside of your lip to avoid crying which made you even more frustrated. 
The influx of emotions were too much, if this would’ve happened weeks ago, you’d just walked away with no comment. However, your feet now felt cemented in place as he loomed over you, a few strands of his blonde hair falling out of place.
His friend backed away, continuing a conversation aside from you as Jason smiled, leaning against the lockers beside you. His eyes sparkled with mischievousness, unable to read his direct intentions.
“So a little birdie told me you had a life changing weekend…” He trailed off, his fingers trailing against your elbow, “I could take care of you, would never have to lift a finger or be scared ever again. I would keep you safe.”
Swallowing the lump building in your throat, you could only muster up a whisper, barely recognizing your voice. “Eddie takes care of me.”
This made him chuckle, rolling his eyes as he grabbed your arm lightly, his golden skin warm against your tricep. His rough fingers brushed against your dainty dress, feeling much too thin at the moment, making the tears come to your waterline.
“I could truly take care of you, want you to be my omega,” He cooed, his free hand catching the stray tear, “No need to cry, I’ve got you. I’ll drive you home today.”
As he finished his sentence, you felt your feet be lifted from the figurative quicksand,  turning on your heels. A burn blossomed within your ribcage providing you a shortness of breath as you wiped away the dampness on your cheeks. Breezing through the now empty lunch line, you bought a lemonade and treat from the end cart, the older woman giving you a look. One that meant you better eat something better tomorrow, you smiled at her in appreciation, knowing her for years.
Eddie was looking amongst the crowd before he met your sight, shoulders relaxing visibly as you walked to him, sitting at the seat saved beside him. The boys of Hellfire gave you a kind smile and a hi before going back to their campaign talk. 
“Where’s your lunch?” Eddie questioned as you popped open the plastic covering the small rice krispy treat. You shrugged, taking a bite of the sugary snack as Eddie began quietly reminding you how important it was for you to eat well, particularly after heats.
The anxiety didn’t leave as you took a sip of your drink, nearly choking on it as you saw the basketball team sitting at their typical table, including their MVP. His touch taunted you, his voice grating as he spewed false promises, but nothing felt worse than seeing his false smile and almost trusting him. 
You didn’t like Jason, but the nature aspect of alphas and omegas was irrefutable in the beginning stages. He was telling you what you wanted to hear, things Eddie didn’t have to directly vocalize because you already knew he was your alpha, knowing he would provide for you.
“What’s wrong? You’re scared.” Eddie interjected your psychoanalysis as you twisted a sticky piece of puffed rice in between your fingertips. Shaking your head, you tried listening to Gareth describing their next attack, but Eddie reigned you back in.
“Hey, talk to me, please.” He whispered, his hand grabbing your knee in a comforting manner, the best feeling you had experienced all day. Yet the whiplash of feelings made the tears resurface, opening your lips to speak before clamping them shut and scurrying out of the lunch room.
You didn’t look back as you went straight to the parking lot, inhaling the fresh air intensely as if you hadn’t breathed in a minute. The sound of sneakers followed behind you, feeling Eddie behind you mentally until his hand reached your lower back.
“It’s nothing.” You muttered, wiping your black stained tears, sniffling. It was naive to believe you could hide things from each other anymore as every interaction was more intense than the last, feeling your bodies mush into one cohesive response system.
He didn’t need to edge you on, only raising his eyebrows and staring down at you. Damn those soft, brown eyes that always made you melt, enticing you with every blink. He hugged you close to his chest, hearing his heartbeat evenly. 
“Jason talked to me in the hallway,” His body instinctively tensed, “S-said he wanted to be my alpha, drive me home, and take care of me. I don’t want that, you’re my alpha.” Nuzzling deeper against his band tee, his jaw clenched in an attempt to reign in his anger.
“He’s not going to lay a hand on you, baby doll, but let me pay him a visit.”
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The final bell rang to signal everyone out for the day, escaping as fast as you could for the gravel filled parking lot. You waited near the steps for Eddie as cars sped off, blasting the newest Billy Joel or Soft Cell record, much different from your alpha’s taste.
Peace only lasted so long though as Jason drove around the road, looping back to pull up in front of you. His car purred to a stop, hopping out and pushing his sunglasses to his hairline. 
The green letterman jacket on his arms squeaked as he outstretched his arms, waiting for you to come closer until he saw your hesitation, sauntering a few inches closer. His breath fanned against your face, tickling your lower lashes to make you blink harshly.
“You have two seconds to back the fuck off, Carver.” Eddie all, but growled at the shorter man before him, leaving the double doors a foot behind you. 
Anger was laced with every word as his disdain for the spoiled rich kid interfered with his newfound alpha protectiveness. His knuckles cracked as they clenched at his sides, only opening a hand to push you behind his frame. 
“How about you learn to treat your girl right-” Jason began until Eddie grabbed him by the collar, lifting him from the ground. 
While they both were newfound alphas, having an omega meant enhanced results, like an increase in strength. He saw the flash of fear in his light colored eyes, making his brain produce serotonin. 
“Say one more thing to her and you’ll never speak again or be able to have children, got it?” He ordered, watching as the boy in his grasp rolled his eyes before he slammed his body into his car, grunting in pain.
“Eddie, please.” You begged softly, not wanting to risk suspension or a crowd of people who couldn’t give less of a shit of his well being. Thankfully Jason nodded, making Eddie release his firm grasp before walking you back to his van.
The ride was quiet as he drove down the winding roads of Indiana, the leaves going from green to orange, some scattering the ground. His hand rested on your upper thigh, tight as if you would vanish right beneath him. A part of him feared you would really leave him for Jason, someone who could take care of you financially and not have the town's eyes on them in a negative light.
“I wouldn’t dream of leaving you, handsome.” You spoke as if to his thoughts as he smiled, eyes still trained on the black road before him, lifting your hand to put a gentle kiss on your soft skin. 
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tare-anime · 11 months
SxF Mission 84
(Beware of spoilers)
Oh woooooowwwwwwwwww!!!
Wheeler is really one capable spy!!!
Totally love him, Endo!!!
He can easily defeat 3 WISE agents!
Turning the table when it seems like he was already arrested
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Using a small knife to nullified gun threats
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And not falling for Twilight's tricks, even beat him down!!
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Yea I know Twilight is already injured. But Wheeler really is a league of his own
With that kind of stamina, agility, skills, and adaptable analysis accuracy, are we sure he is not triple agent? That he's actually part of Garden?? Because I don't think SSS can have an agent of this caliber 🤣🤣🤣🤣 (sorry SSS).
Anyway, the chapter end with unhinged Fiona.
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After unhinged Melinda back then, now we have unhinged Fiona. Endo sure loves his female characters, eh?? (And I love Endo for that 🥰)
Now the questions are, what is the reason for Fiona's rage? Is it:
1. A simple fangirl getting angry because her idol is hurt? Which is, tbh, rather meh. I really hope Endo use this narrative to develop Fiona's character. Which make possible reason no.2 is more interesting. That is...
2. Fiona's ideal or perfect Twilight (in her fantasy) is being broken to dust. She has to accept a bitter truth that at the end, Twilight is just another human and that's he is not invincible. So she better stop putting him on pedestal, and worship him. It is about time she surpass her mentor.
"Ambitious Fiona" is still a far more interesting characterization rather than "crazy fangirl with crazy dreams Fiona".
3. Fiona that has realized that Twilight is just mere human, now change her target to Wheeler. She has to kill this man (but Wheeler survive) and thus begin the cat and mouse game between the two. (What? Fiona and Wheeler? Don't you guys see it in that panel? How Wheeler flirt with Fiona by mocking her incapability? Fiona-Wheeler--> Feeler? 🤣🤣🤣 lol, I'm joking. Or maybe not 👀)
4. Fiona and Yuri first meet! She is upset cause Yuri is getting beaten down! (Ok, this is just my YuriIona impossible wish 🤣)
Ahem, what? Twilight is destinied to be with Yor. So let's make harem for Fiona instead.
Ok ok.
Angsty thought now.
What will happen when Yor heard the news that both of her boys has now been hurt and hospitalized? They might tell her that both got in a "totally happen in different place" car accident. But Yor herself is not a stranger to martial arts. She would definitelly recognize the wounds on Loid's and Yuri's body as a result from fighting. She will be devastated for sure. But her reaction can be:
1. She blame herself, and then start to do her night job harder. Kill harder. Clean the place harder.
2. She connects the dots and realized that Loid and Yuri has fight the other. She might be very upset at both of them. Yor herself might be not thinking about the boy's secret identity, but this will lead Yuri to realize who Loid really is.
Either way, this arc is getting more and more interesting!!!
I can't wait to read more, Endo! 🥰🥰
223 notes · View notes
supernovafics · 1 year
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pairing: steve harrington x fem!reader
word count: 5.3k words
summary: in which during the summer of ‘84 steve visits family in chicago and meets you at a record store. the two of you immediately have a sort of pull towards one another and decide to start something that’s only meant to be a summer fling. as the end of summer nears, you realize that you may be in way too deep, and you take a step back from it all. however, maybe things can actually work out in the end for you two? or maybe not
warnings: explicit language, implied smut, some fluff, a lot of angst
author’s note: very much inspired by the song “end of beginning” by djo (the entire decide album fully makes me wanna sell my soul lmao) this started out as such a small idea and then somehow expanded to being over 5k words…. hope you enjoy! lol ((already working on a part two so don’t hate me for how this ends :0))
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。
It was pretty obvious that you were avoiding Steve like the plague. Phone calls to your home were left unanswered, messages from him that were relayed to you by your parents were left unresponded to, and when he showed up at your house looking for you, you told your parents to tell him that you weren’t home. 
However, if anyone were to call you out on your current behavior, you would deny it. 
Because technically, everything was completely fine between you and Steve.
There was no defining moment that made you start avoiding him. In fact, the day before you stopped talking to him, the two of you had spent the night watching a movie at the tiny old theater in the next town over. Well, actually, “watching” was an overstatement because you two mainly did other things that did not involve really paying attention to the two-hour movie. 
And although that entire night had been good, great even, you still spent the next three days avoiding Steve. It was an impulsive decision, but it was also one that you knew, or at least felt like, was the right one.  
You were starting to like him too much, and that concerned you because he was leaving Chicago in less than a week to go back to Indiana, which meant that what you and he had going on was going to be over. 
It was a fact that both of you were well aware of and had agreed upon at the start of the summer. 
However, as it got closer to that date, the thought of actually having to let him go and end things felt painful. Therefore, you decided that the “going cold turkey” idea was the best way to protect yourself. And although a part of you missed Steve, you forced yourself not to think about him. 
However, it turned out that not thinking about someone was much easier to do when they weren’t standing right in front of you, which Steve currently was. 
Now that you truly thought about it, you could see that it was only a matter of time before he showed up at your job. The record store was where you met him in the first place, and he practically knew your schedule as if it were his own since he had picked you up at the end of almost all of your shifts for the past month and a half. 
Your mind and heart felt conflicting things at this specific moment. As much as your heart wanted to see him, your mind knew that he was only making things harder. A tearful, heartbreaking goodbye was what you truly wanted to avoid. 
It was then that you wished that the store was much more crowded than it actually was because since there was barely anyone browsing around, it made it easy for Steve to walk up to the front counter, which you stood behind.
“Can we talk?” He asked, and instead of meeting his gaze, you busied yourself with grabbing the Hall and Oates vinyl that someone was going to buy, but ultimately decided not to, and moving to place it back on its rightful shelf. 
“There’s nothing to talk about,” You ultimately told him, still evading his eyes and beginning to pick through the shelf even though there wasn’t anything to organize or fix on it. 
“I think there’s a lot to talk about, actually.”
You finally looked at him, and when you saw the look on his face that was a mix of confusion and sadness, for a moment, you finally felt bad for not talking to him and giving him no explanation as to why. 
“I have to do some stocking in the back,” You told Steve, knowing that he would be able to easily read between the lines of what you said. 
He knew exactly what that “code” meant, but with what had happened the last few days he wasn’t sure if he should follow you to the back room. The last time the two of you had been there was a week ago, and in Steve’s mind, things were much clearer then, than what they were like now. 
You placed a bell and sign on the counter that said, “Ring if you need help,” and then began heading to the back. When Steve didn’t start following you, you looked at him. “You coming?”
He gave you a small nod and finally moved, following you the few feet to the room that said Employees Only. He softly shut the door behind you both, and you flicked on the light switch that turned on the one light bulb hanging in the middle of the room that did almost nothing to provide the space with any light. 
Maybe coming back here wasn’t the best idea because being in the place that surprisingly held pretty fond memories of you and Steve made it feel way too easy to fall back into the dynamic you’d become so used to with him. It almost felt like second nature to slot your lips against his in the barely lit room, and you really wished you could allow yourself to do it. 
“Where have you been these past couple of days?” Steve asked, pulling you out of your conflicting thoughts.
A silence lingered for a brief moment as you thought of what to say in response to that. Ultimately, you settled with, “I’ve been… busy.”
“I leave in four days,” He said, reminding you of a fact you truly wanted to forget about. His face softened, and you had to pull your eyes away from his. “Is there any way you can be not busy?”
“The fact that you’re leaving in four days is exactly why I’ve been making myself busy,” You muttered, but Steve heard you clearly. 
A confused look crossed his face.“What do you mean?”
A small sigh fell from your lips, and it was funny because, at that moment, you wanted to tell him nothing but also everything circling your mind. “I– I know what we agreed on at the beginning of the summer, but it’s just… I don’t know. It just feels so hard now? In the beginning, it was so easy, and I honestly liked that we had an “expiration date” set for this, but it all just feels so different now. Because I can feel myself liking you way too much, and I simultaneously love and hate that because you’re the first person I’ve ever truly liked. But you’re leaving, so obviously, I can’t allow myself to like you too much because I would be an idiot if I did, and I would just end up hurting more than I already do right now. And the thought of having to say goodbye to you makes me actually wanna throw up.” 
You knew that you were rambling at that point and that you should stop because what you were saying probably wasn’t making a lot of sense. But Steve had always been insanely easy to talk to, so it was pretty understandable why you were word-vomiting all over him. “So yeah, that’s why I’ve been avoiding you like the plague for the past few days, and I would’ve continued if you hadn't shown up here.”
During the entirety of your ramble, your eyes were looking everywhere except for Steve, and when you finally let your gaze land on him, you noticed a certain look on his face. “Why the hell are you smiling right now?”
Your incredulous tone only somehow made Steve smile wider. “Because for the past three days, I thought you hated me for some reason. But now I know it’s the exact opposite.”
“Honestly, I wish I hated you,” You told him. The statement was mostly a lie. “It would make things so much easier for me.”
“Well, I’m really glad you don’t,” He said softly and moved a bit closer to you, placing his hands on either side of your waist. 
You almost leaned into his touch, as you’d done what felt like a million times before, but you refrained from doing so and instead backed up a bit. “Steve…”
You could feel yourself slowly falling back down that hole of wanting him, and although it was a path that could only lead to heartbreak, your motivation to push him away and never talk to him again was declining. 
Still, you managed to find your voice at that moment. “You should go.”
Steve disregarded your words because he could hear how much you didn’t mean them and instead asked a question of his own. “Am I really the first person you ever really liked?”
You could feel your heart hammering in your chest, and you suddenly felt annoyed by all of your previous honesty. But you also wanted to roll your eyes at the question because Steve knew the answer; he knew pretty much everything about you. “You know how I was before we started this.”
For most of your life, you had always been completely content with being alone romantically and having only a handful of friends you loved and would die for. There was never anyone that made you want to step out of the bubble you created for yourself. Somehow Steve was the exception. 
However, the immediate pull you felt toward him wasn’t enough to change you. Instead, it was your best friend Vanessa, who also worked at the record store, that noticed how you were around Steve and gave you the much-needed nudge to actually attempt to pursue something with him. Because just the idea of you having feelings for him had felt utterly foreign to you. 
“You randomly came into the picture and changed everything for me. And I think I’ll probably always be grateful for that,” You said after a brief stretch of silence. “But, I can’t allow myself to see you again after we leave this room. It’s too fucking hard for me.”
In the beginning, you convinced yourself that a situation like this couldn’t lead to heartbreak because of the fact that the ending was set. However, now you thought that maybe that made things worse because everything you felt for Steve was still right there, and it also wasn’t gonna go away any time soon. 
“I don’t wanna end things.” 
“Me neither, but you leave in four—”
“I don’t want this to be over,” He interrupted you. “I want to make it work with us when I go back.” 
You were rendered speechless for a brief moment at his words. Too many things started running through your mind, and although your immediate thought was to let yourself smile at his statement, there was a question that you knew you needed to ask. “What about Nancy?” 
Her name felt foreign on your lips because, for the entire summer, you kept her pushed to the back of your mind. 
Steve told you about her, and the fact that they were on a break for the summer, once you and he grew closer, which was something that happened insanely fast. And that was where the arrangement between you two started. 
Nancy was a big reason why you now saw the “summer fling” you agreed on with Steve as doomed from the start. 
The life Steve was living with you while he was in Chicago for the summer wasn’t his real life. He was always, always going to go back to Indiana and pick things up right where he and his girlfriend had left them off.
That is what you kept telling yourself, and that upsetting thought only aided in your need to avoid him for his last week in Chicago. Maybe that assumption was wrong, though. 
“I’ve barely thought about her the entire summer,” Steve said, and you could hear the honesty dripping from his words. “And when I have, it’s only been about how to end things for good with her because I only want to be with you.” 
His words contradicted everything you convinced yourself of, and you didn’t know how to respond to that. Your mind was running in a million different directions, allowing no coherent sentences to form. The only thing you could say at that moment was, “Oh?”
“Yes, and I know that we’ll be able to make this work,” Steve began explaining, and you forced your mind to shut off for a moment and solely listen to him. “We’ll both be seniors, so our schedules with school won’t be too bad, and we probably won’t have a shit ton of classes. Also, the drive is only three hours, which will be like five for you to do since you’re a bad driver, but that’s still not too crazy. I’ll happily drive up here most weekends. And then there are the holidays too.”
For the first time since the conversation with Steve started, you smiled. Not at the bad driving comment; in fact, you gave him a light shove for saying that. But, it was endearing hearing how certain he was of the fact that the two of you could actually make things work, even though you’d be in two different states.
“You’ve been thinking about this a lot, huh?” You asked, a smile still planted on your face as you shifted closer to him and let your arms circle loosely around his neck. 
His hands found their rightful place on your waist and squeezed lightly. “Yes, and I wanted to say it that night at the movies, but you just wanted to make out with me the entire time, so it was hard to get a serious word out.” 
You could hear the jokiness in his tone, but you still rolled your eyes. “Oh, shut up. You were the one that initiated it right when the lights went low, and the previews started.”
“And then you just couldn’t get enough of me, baby,” He said before fully closing the space between you two and slotting his lips against yours. 
You had wanted to laugh at his previous words or give your own sarcastic comment back, but you let all of that melt away, and instead, you simply kissed him back; something that had been done many times in that back room. 
One of Steve’s hands was cupping your cheek while the other slipped under the t-shirt you were wearing, and feeling his cool hand against your warm skin sent a slight shiver down your spine. Your hands found a home in his hair, and you loved hearing the low groan erupt from his throat when you gave it a light tug. 
The two of you were so lost in the kiss and making up for the time lost since you hadn’t seen each other in days, that neither of you heard the door open or saw Vanessa open it.  
“Y/N, what do–” The rest of her question stopped short when she saw the two of you. She had known that you had been avoiding Steve for the past few days but refrained from calling you out. However, at that moment, she gave you a look that said, “You better explain everything when we’re alone,” and you gave her a small nod before shutting your eyes in embarrassment. Surprisingly, in the many times you’d brought Steve back there, something like this had never happened before. “Oh, um, sorry to interrupt… this. As you were.”
The door softly clicked shut, and when Steve leaned in to kiss you again, you immediately pulled back, detaching yourself from him and letting your hands fall limp at your sides. Your body was on fire at that moment, but you refrained from doing anything about it.
“Nope. No more of this right now,” You told him. The embarrassment from the situation had yet to wear off and allow you to continue kissing him, even though you had been thoroughly enjoying it. “I’ll see you tonight, though?”
“You’re not gonna start avoiding me again?” Steve asked, and you knew he was mostly kidding, but you could also hear a tad bit of seriousness behind his words, which made sense to you. However, things were completely different now. You actually surprisingly felt hopeful about what was to come instead of dreading the next four days before he left. 
You looked up at him and leaned in to press a quick kiss to his lips. “Never.”
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It wasn’t surprising that you were the first one to wake up. For some reason, your body would never allow you to sleep too far past nine o’clock, no matter what you’d done the night before. 
You carefully detangled yourself from Steve’s warm body, not wanting him to wake up just yet, and headed to your bathroom. Once you finished brushing your teeth and showering, you slipped the grey t-shirt that Steve had shown up in last night back on your body because you loved how it looked and felt on you. 
When you walked back into your room, you mentally saved the image of Steve in your bed. It wasn’t the first time you’d snuck him into your room, but it would be the last for a while. And you were glad that your parents were gone for the weekend at some business conference so that you didn’t even have to sneak him in this last time. 
Steve looked peaceful, and you didn’t want to have to wake him, but it was his last day in Chicago, and you wanted to make every hour count before he left that night. 
You slipped back into the bed and faced him on his side. You ran a hand through his hair and pressed soft kisses on both of his cheeks, his nose, and then his forehead before finally landing on his lips. 
He was surprisingly quick to kiss you back, and you smiled, which allowed Steve to deepen the kiss further before he abruptly pulled back. “Mm, minty.”
“I wish I could say the same for you,” You joked, and he immediately poked your side, which made you laugh. You leaned in to kiss him again to show him that you really didn’t care about his morning breath.
Steve’s hand trailed under your, his, t-shirt and began rubbing your bare side in small circles. You sighed contently into the kiss at the feeling of his warm touch, and you wanted to move even closer to him, but you had to force yourself to pull away before things moved further, as they had last night.
You pushed some of his hair away from his eyes, and then your hand lingered on his cheek. “You leave tonight.”
He gave you a small nod. “Yeah.”
“So, we need to get up now,” You told him. “I have a lot of things I wanna do with you today.”
Steve let out a soft groan before turning his head a bit so that he could kiss the inside of your palm. “Why can’t we just do more of this?”
“Because I want to be disgustingly cheesy and sentimental with you today and just drive around and go to a bunch of the places we’d always go to this summer.”
He smiled at your words. “You’re never cheesy and sentimental.”
“You bring out this cute side of me, Harrington,” You told him and pressed a quick kiss to his nose. “Also, I’m gonna force you to finally try deep dish from my favorite place.” 
“You’re evil,” He said before finally sitting up in the bed. His gaze suddenly shifted away from you and instead focused downward as he ran a nervous hand through his hair. “But, um, last night… Last night was good, right?”
You couldn’t help but smile at his sudden shyness. “Yes, very good.”
During that summer, you’d done everything else with him, so last night was kind of the final piece of the puzzle. It was honestly a bit surprising that it'd taken this long. And although you never necessarily cared too much about your virginity and losing it, you were glad that your first time had at least been with someone that you truly cared a lot about, and you knew he felt the same way toward you. 
“Okay, I just wanted to make sure,” Steve said with a nod as he continued to expertly avoid eye contact with you. “Because I know we’ve done a lot of stuff, but I just wanted to make sure that last night was good and everything, y’know? And that it was great for you and how you wanted it to be for your first time and–”
You stopped his rambling by pressing your lips against his. “I know. Everything was great, don’t stress. And I’d happily do it again with you right now if you weren’t leaving tonight and there wasn’t a bunch of other stuff I wanted to do with you today.”
He smiled at that and muttered out a soft “Okay,” before giving you a kiss on the cheek and getting out of bed to head to your bathroom. 
You slipped on a pair of dark denim jeans and your old pair of black Converses. When Steve exited the bathroom, you silently admired him and the fact that he was only currently in his boxers, and you resisted the urge to go up and wrap your arms around him and kiss him for what felt like the thousandth time that morning. 
“As great as you look in my t-shirt, I need it back,” He told you as he pulled on his jeans. 
You were quick to shake your head. “Nope, it’s mine now. But…” You walked over to your dresser and started rummaging through the second drawer until you found the band tee you were looking for. The shirt was pretty oversized on you, so you knew that it would more than likely fit Steve just fine. “You can borrow this.”
Steve slipped the shirt over his head. “This is also mine now. Although I do feel like a fraud since I’ve never listened to the band before.”
“If anyone asks your favorite song from them, just say, ‘Anything from their first album. I can’t decide which one,’” You said as you moved toward him, now allowing yourself to wrap your arms around his neck. 
“Got it,” He nodded and smiled as his arms circled around your waist. 
You pressed your lips against his, giving him a quick peck, before finally forcing the two of you to leave your house. 
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。
Although it was one of those days that you knew you’d remember forever, it saddened you how quickly it all flew by. 
From going back to the park where you and Steve played basketball during one of your first few hangouts with each other (and you surprisingly beat him, but you knew that he let you win) to laughing at how much he hated the deep dish pizza you finally convinced him to try. And then next thing you both knew, it was night, and you were sitting in the driveway of the house he and his family had been staying at for the summer. 
A comfortable silence that felt sad, at least on your end, lingered in the car as music softly played, and Steve held your hand in his lap and traced mindless circles on your palm. 
When he looked over at you, he intertwined your hand with his and pulled it up to his lips to kiss it. “Don’t have that look. Remember, this is only the end of the beginning. I know I’m leaving now, but we’ll have so much more time together. Once I’m back in Indiana, we’ll figure out the best time for us to see each other again, okay? You can’t get rid of me that easily.”
You smiled and laughed at his last statement before leaning over the center console and pressing your lips against his. The position was entirely uncomfortable, but at that moment, you didn’t care.
“I have something for you,” You told him when you pulled away and then reached into the backseat and grabbed the brown paper bag that you had been looking for, which was folded at the top to hide the contents inside. It was upsettingly the only thing in your house that could double as a last minute gift bag. 
Steve eyed the paper bag for a moment before his eyes lifted to yours. “You packed me lunch?”
“Shut up, no,” You said with a small laugh. “Just open it.” 
He unfolded the top of the bag and looked inside. His gaze met yours again for a brief moment before he pulled out the five cassette tapes that were inside the bag. “No, these are all your favorites.”
You could only smile at him. “Yes, I know and I’m not giving them to you, just letting you borrow them for the time being until I see you again. Mainly because you told me you never listened to these albums before, and I have a feeling you’ll like most of them. And when you do listen to them, you’ll think about me, which is a small plus.”
He placed the tapes back in the bag and then leaned in to kiss your cheek. “I’ll always be thinking about you. Also, I now feel like an idiot because I didn’t get you anything.”
“I don’t care. This was a last minute thing I thought of anyway,” You said with a small shrug. “But, I’m now expecting a really big gift when you come back.” You kissed his lips. “And I’m only slightly kidding.”
He laughed, and you smiled, wishing that you had a camera to take a picture of him and the two of you at that moment. It was that right time when the sun was starting to set and made everything look just perfect. You desperately wanted to have so many more perfect moments like that one with Steve, and the only thing that could curb your sadness at that moment was remembering the fact that, eventually, you would. 
You glanced at the time it said on the dashboard. “You should go before I get sad again, and I want this goodbye to end as happily as it can.”
Steve nodded and then leaned in to slot his lips against yours one more time. “See you soon.”
“See you soon,” You nodded back and watched as he opened the car door, grabbed the paper bag, and stepped out. “Wait.” 
You quickly got out on your side and rushed over to where he was now standing by the shut passenger side door, staring at you curiously. You wrapped your arms around him almost immediately, and Steve didn’t hesitate to hug you back and hold you tight against him. 
No words were said, mainly because no words needed to be said as you simply held each other and let the tender action speak for itself. Your eyes screwed shut, and you forced yourself not to cry because even though it felt like it, you knew that it wasn’t goodbye forever. 
You pushed up on your toes and kissed him for what you knew would be the final time for a while. It was a slow kiss that was long and drawn out, and you would’ve kept it going forever if it wasn’t for you needing to catch your breath after about a minute. 
“Okay, I just needed to do that real quick,” You told him, still pretty breathless.
“I’m really glad you did,” Steve said softly before pressing a kiss to your forehead. 
You returned to your car and watched as he gave you a wave and smile and then walked inside the house. You sat idly for a moment, simply looking at the red door he just stepped into and closed behind him, before forcing yourself to drive away. 
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。
Hours later, you were sat on the couch in your living room, mindlessly scrolling through television channels, unable to settle on anything, when you heard the phone ring. You almost didn’t answer because you weren’t necessarily in the mood to, but you decided against it when you realized it was probably your parents.  
“Hi,” Steve said, and you could hear the smile in his tone. “We’re stopped at a gas station right now, and I just wanted to hear your voice real quick.”
“That’s very disgustingly cheesy and sentimental of you,” You told him, letting a smile take over your features. 
“You bring out this cute side of me, Y/L/N,” He said, and you laughed a bit. “Okay, I gotta go, my mom’s giving me a look. I’ll call you when I’m home.”
And when the phone rang a few hours later, around two in the morning, you were smiling as you answered it on only the second ring. You talked for over an hour about nothing but also everything, and the only thing that made either of you want to hang up was the fact that you both were insanely tired and could barely keep your eyes open. 
You both said your goodbyes, which lingered longer than expected because neither of you truly wanted to hang up. And finally, things ended with Steve saying, “I’ll call you tomorrow.”
That “tomorrow” call never came, and you let a week pass before you allowed yourself to get worried and nervous. It didn’t take long for you to want to start overthinking things, but you tried your hardest to refrain from doing so. However, you failed miserably. 
You called his house on the ninth day, and when the call connected, you immediately breathed out a sigh of relief. However, when a male voice that wasn’t Steve’s, and instead it was his dad’s, said, “Hello?” your immediate relief was wiped away. 
“Hi, is Steve home?” You asked. You were sat cross-legged on your bed and nervously playing with the phone cord. After a week of radio silence, you were essentially questioning everything that you had just felt so certain and sure of. Even though, when it came to Steve, you had almost never been nervous, right then, you truly couldn’t help it. 
“No, he’s out right now,” His dad answered, and you were about to simply say “Thanks” and then hang up, but you could hear the phone being pulled away a bit as if he was talking to someone else but still wanting to keep you on the line. “He’s out with Nancy, right? Was it this? Their third date this week?”
You assumed he was talking to his wife, Steve’s mom, and you couldn’t hear her response to his questions, but you knew it didn’t matter; you had heard everything you needed to, which was actually more than enough. You hung up without saying anything else, mainly because words couldn’t form in your throat right then. 
Although you’d never gotten in a fight with anyone, what you were feeling in that moment felt equivalent to a punch in the gut. You truly wanted to pretend that none of this was happening while simultaneously screaming and crying.
However, you didn’t do any of that because the only thing circling your mind right then was one of Steve’s final words to you. “Remember, this is only the end of the beginning.”
Turned out he was wrong and a liar; more so the second one. It wasn’t the end of the beginning for the two of you. Apparently, it was only just the end. 
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。
let me know ur thoughts<333
(((part two here!)))
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raineandsky · 5 months
There’s been a new series of attacks on the city. Nothing that anyone can blame on current villains, no—this is the work of someone new. Someone crueller than the rest.
The hero can’t catch them. No one knows why. The hero always shrugs and promises to try harder when people ask. No one knows. No one can know.
A building blows up, the hero gets called in, she’s always too late. The superhero is slowly losing patience, but appearances matter—the hero always throws them her best winning smile with a pledge to bring the fist of justice down on the vigilante, and her word on it seems to calm them down a little.
Easy. Keep up appearances. Stay alert. Don’t get caught.
This is the hero’s mantra that she always repeats to herself, minutes before she gets her inevitable call to the crime scene. 
Keep up appearances. With a flick of her wrist a match lights, pushing the gloom back slightly. Stay alert. She carefully holds it to a long fuse at her feet. Don’t get caught. The light sparks, and the hero starts to make her getaway before the bomb sets off and the building collapses on her. She sets her stopwatch—three minutes. Okay.
Across the hall. Downstairs. To the main door and out—
“Fancy seeing you here.”
The hero whips back, with barely contained horror, to face the villain, leaning against a doorframe and smirking at the hero like he knows something. The hero’s insides twist nervously at the expression. “Didn’t take you for a derelict building kind of gal,” he continues casually.
“All the city is under my watch,” she snaps a little too quickly. “Derelict buildings are in my care, too, just as much as the populated ones are.”
The hero can hear the hissing of the fuse upstairs, even from here. The villain can too, from the way he tilts his head thoughtfully. Or maybe she’s imagining things and he can’t hear a thing.
She moves to get past the villain. He leans across the doorway as if that can truly stop her. It wouldn’t, but catching the villain in an about-to-be-blown-up building was not part of the plan. She fixes him with a hard glare instead. “I suggest you move,” she spits, but the villain only laughs.
“What, no time for a dance with your favourite criminal?”
He holds his hands out to her like he’s serious but she bats him away. “Leave, [Villain],” she demands, praying it sounds more like a command than a warning. “You shouldn’t be here.”
She shoves past him and he thankfully moves this time, stumbling back into the doorframe as she skirts around him. He follows her as she lets herself out the main door, and she’s distantly thankful that he’s so persistent. 
“And you should?” the villain snaps harshly. “The agency sends its finest out to wander about buildings five seconds from collapsing?”
The hero would laugh at the irony if she wasn’t so worried about how close they are to the door and how short that fuse surely is by now. She turns to him and hopes her usual heroic smugness is sitting in its place.
“If you want to dance,” she says, quicker than can be played off as smooth, “we can do it where everyone can watch.”
She turns to run but the villain catches her arm, uncharacteristic concern etched into this expression. “What’s going on with you?” he asks softly. “You’re acting weird.”
Fuck, he knows. He’s going to carefully pry a confession out of her like he’s the good guy. Okay, I’m the big scary villain everyone’s looking for! I’m the one bringing the city to its knees! Then the villain will arrest her or some shit. He’s an undercover hero. He’s– he’s going to tell the superhero, her life is over. He knows, he knows he knows he knows—
The hero’s stopwatch beeps cheerfully from her pocket, and before she can think what she’s doing she tackles the villain to the floor.
Whatever noise of surprise the villain made at the contact is lost to the deafening boom of the bomb erupting, gutting the building without a care. She can’t see it—doesn’t want to, not really—but the debris scatters across the street like a taste of the carnage behind her. She can see some of the disaster in the reflection of the villain’s widened, startled eyes—fire, smoke, and merciless, cold-hearted destruction.
The villain finally manages to tear his gaze from the mutilated remains of the building and back to the hero. She can’t meet his eye. He knows. There’s no doubt he does. She stares at where concrete is jabbing into her palms instead.
“Did you just save my life?“ His question almost sounds offended. The hero almost laughs at the unexpectedness of it.
“You’re welcome.”
His gaze flits back to the building crumbling over the hero’s shoulder. “You—” His voice catches on nerves. She’s never seen him actually scared of her before. “You did that. You’ve done all of them.”
No point in lying anymore. “I have to do a lot to get the agency’s attention nowadays.”
Something pulls at the corner of the villain’s lips, and it takes her a moment to realise that it’s a smile. Unabashed, delighted, like he’s just stumbled across a pile of gold.
“You’re on the wrong team,” he says. “There’s a place for someone like you with us.”
And, to be honest, the hero knows he’s right.
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