#let them be gayer
im-not-a-sidekick · 3 months
Unpopular Glee opinion: In season 3, they should've cast Kurt as Maria to go with Blaine's Tony.
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lokiiied · 9 months
i literally cannot with this scene. i decided to count how many times there’s a steddie glance/eye/contact and i just cannot believe what a fucking gold mine it is. first up: double side glance from eddie
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(please excuse my own shitty gifs) then we have mirrored full head turn:
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next up: (my personal fave) is we noticed eddie’s hand on steve’s shoulder AFTER the moment was over but I have just realised that eddie’s hand was ALREADY there before they were celebrating the “hi” -> you may need to look closely here but trust, eddie’s hand does not move from steve’s shoulder this entire duration. and then we have steve touching eddie’s shoulder for a moment - which means their arms are definitely overlapping/there’s mutual contact- ITS THE LITTLE THINGS OKAY ??
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just gonna drop this much better quality gif (from @jeysuso) here as well for the moment eddie & steve both realise his hand is still there and eddie immediately becomes self conscious and doesn’t touch him again lol.
and then of course we have this moment where they’re being dustin’s dad’s but then eddie is also just gawking and the way the scene cuts between their two lines looks like there was definitely a take where they were looking at each other the whole time lmao and basically i’m really mentally unwell okay you guys. i’m just. they are down bad. this whole scene (including robin and nancy)…? is just a fruit salad.
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writer-room · 2 months
I think the funniest thing to come out of Dragons Rising is the fact that both seasons have a character with at least one explicitly queer-subtext moment. Sora with her name and rejecting the society that she didn't fit in with, Bonzle worried no one would accept her for who she is now when compared to who she was "supposed" to be, my friends the closet is made of glass.
I've decided this is now mandatory, at least one queer allegory every season. I'm enlisting all of you to help me enforce it. Onwards, lads, to victory
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mishapen-dear · 6 months
I think we overlooked the fucked up polycule dynamic potential of team bolas x the dog that hunts them
they gave him a house. he paid rent. he hunted them, picked them off one by one, but when they sought to hunt him he ran. the tormented and the tormented. the hunters and the hunter. them huddling around a fire, burning themselves as he lurks in the dark to devour any that stray too far from the light. when they gather their rocks and throw them as one he flees, tail between his legs as he hunts for his own safety
is there not familiarity in that? is there not love in the violence? let me kill you, i will return your greatest treasure. let me kill you, you’ve already destroyed me and mine. there is loneliness to the dark and hate in the bloodshed. what is hate if not the other side of love. what if obsession if not love driven too far. all of them bathed in the blood of the others, baptized by sin after sin after sin. mothers carry their litters in their mouths- when do the teeth at your throat start to feel gentle? bad once said about cellbit, “it was like throwing a ball, and saying fetch.” that went wrong for him. cellbit once said about bad, “you’ve gone soft.” that went wrong for him, too.
do you remember the slime kills? slime was bad’s first blood, his first taste of oncoming violence. bad was slime’s last kill, an end to the desperation that was sparked with the first base raid. do you remember that first day? bad on the water, slime on the shore, calling him in like a siren. ‘look at me, look how killable i am’ says the bait, desperately trying to build a trap even as the prey fears the untied-noose wrapping around its throat. do you remember the tension? do you remember how the sun punished them both?
‘look at me, look how killable i am,’ says the poisoned frog to the wolf. the bird to the dog. do you remember the kindness? the killing and the killing and the killing, and the laughter. the killing the killing the killing, and the earnest offer to help? remember how jaiden fed herself to the dog. remember how the dog listened. ‘where is your stuff? i’ll take you to your body.’ thousands of blocks away. then more blood, no screaming, just laughter.
do you see? do you see? they built him a dog house, and he paid them rent. hunters snd hunters. he killed them to bring back their children and he failed and they brought back his instead. how can he ever repay that? their blood coats him. his blood coats them. all of them animals. all of them desperate. remember the familiarity of teeth and the taste of your own death. when its all said and done what will they miss the most- being the hunters? or being the hunted?
and then they all make out and take turns getting beaten to death by jaiden. shes part of the group murder but not the romance of death. instead she gets to go to the club (the Spawn Rave)
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thirdsonofeve · 8 months
unhinged hannibal/bcs crossover bc i feel like lalo would absolutely eat a man if given the option and hannibal would be so torn between immediately killing him and accepting him into the gay murderer with younger grumpy boyfriend club
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agnesandhilda · 2 months
forever going to be obsessed with how kaiser laying on the floor thinking about isagi and choking himself until he drools is canon. not even like spinoff canon that happened in 4k surround sound in the main story. babygirl what the fuck is wrong with you
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queerquinnn · 2 years
dustin forces steve to drive him to eddies, has a shovel talk with him all the way there, and as soon as he’s at eddies and steve has left, he has the same fucking talk with eddie
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cannibalspicnic · 1 year
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THE OUTER LIMITS (1995-2002) 2.01 "A Stitch in Time"
AMANDA PLUMMER and MICHELLE FORBES as Dr. Theresa Givens and Agent Jamie Pratt
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torgawl · 8 months
it's been like 3 hours and i can't stop thinking about xiao and aether. you guys don't get it. it's the way the heart in qixing is likely referring to aether. it's because aether dedicated his poem and his dreams to xiao. it's because xiao smiled when he heard it. it's the way he's always looking out for aether. it's because even though everything was okay xiao made the effort to be vocal about how worried he was when aether pretended to drown. it's because aether is the only person capapable of persuading xiao, to the point others are aware he would do anything for him only and use it to convince him every chance they get. it's because aether is the only person capable of relieving the pain of xiao's karmic debt, not because of his powers but solely by being a part of xiao's life. it's because during the lantern rite instead of looking at the sky xiao looks at aether. it's because everytime they're together everyone else always comments about how close and fond of each other they are. it's because xiao is the only character aether is able to have alone time with without paimon. it's because as long as aether says his name xiao will always answer his call.
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dobercorgis · 9 months
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There is no straight explanation for this
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lady-a-stuff · 1 year
I just think that
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frauenfootball · 11 months
A lot of players have already been asked about it and had different answers, I really liked this interview with Harder.
Harder vender ryggen til Fifa, men regnbuefarverne må blive hjemme
Sam Kerr said the same thing with regards to the consequence falling on the team and not just on the individual captains.
It's a shame that some of these players even feel bad for not wearing the armband. Taking Harder & Kerr as examples--and all the other LGBTQ+ captains in each team--they don't need to wear the armband for us to know where they stand.
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truegoist · 1 year
Why are you like this
I didnt choose to be a slut life forced me to it
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homoneurosis · 2 years
If I could read this book for the first time again every week until I die I would never need antidepressants
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stillgotlipstick · 2 years
fe3h best strategy: recruit the best warriors and get their skills high enough to decimate the enemy based on statistics and intricate, purposeful choices
my personal fe3h strategy: I like you, you get to fight. I don’t like you, your training gets neglected and you never get put on the field. then we auto-battle and if you fall you fall ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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crashed-keys · 2 years
ok so karen and erika are like. actually gay
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