#leisure park
tobiasbruns · 1 year
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Bremen -2022-
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bryonyashaw · 10 months
𝙎𝙪𝙢𝙢𝙚𝙧 𝙨𝙩𝙖𝙮𝙘𝙖𝙮 -
The family and I had a lovely time in the sun (and rain) while staying in the caravan at (was has become) one of our annual summer activities.
There was a music festival on too - where my mum grinded up against a fake Robbie Williams - called Grange Fest so it was a whole afternoon and evening of various tribute acts and a DJ Set! Always fun to watch. Other activities wise we went to a kids disco, there was a nearby park to play in, Arcade and a little water area with sand to keep them busy.
On site at The Grange there is a range of on-park activities, including fishing and golf, as well as cafes, bars and even take-away restaurants.
The kids weren't fussed by the evening entertainment as by 8pm after a long day playing they were done in but loved being able to have the freedom to play safely in the sand and park. Featured here are some happy photos but it wouldn't be a typical staycay without kids having their tantrums!
📌 𝘈𝘭𝘧𝘰𝘳𝘥 𝘙𝘰𝘢𝘥, 𝘔𝘢𝘣𝘭𝘦𝘵𝘩𝘰𝘳𝘱𝘦.
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harbinger-archives · 10 months
Commander Shepard? Garrus Vakarian.
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I romanced Garrus in my first playthrough and now in my second playthrough, I noticed that there's just something funnily romantic about the scenery between their first meeting. LIKE-
These are their POV's when they first saw each other:
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The way Shepard's red complements with the cherry blossoms and Garrus infront a fountain, sparking that adventure that Shepard is looking for at the start of her story - there's just something poetic about it. 🤣🤣
and I love it even more because there's some genuine irony, that the ME developers never expected Garrus to be so popular and the end product of it all turned out to be more like a romance story between them by the fans. 🤣 I love them both sm!! Their 🔴🔵 chemistry is just so perfect. 🙏
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eelhound · 11 months
"It’s easy to take the city’s parks for granted. But when more and more social interaction takes place from behind computer and phone screens; when fewer and fewer people meet their romantic partners through real-world social networks; when fewer Americans report having close friends than ever and more say they’re spending less time with those they do have and feeling increasingly lonely — the very existence of public spaces for leisure, open for all to enjoy free of charge, is something to cherish.
Those spaces haven’t always existed. In the United States and elsewhere, public parks, recreation centers, and swimming pools were the product of social turmoil and political struggle, with socialists often playing key roles in creating and defending such spaces. Nobody’s thinking about class struggle as they flip hotdogs on the public grill. But because they serve the collective good rather than private profits, public parks are a challenge to the logic of capitalism...
Because public parks and recreational venues are publicly owned, operated for the common good rather than private profit, and generally open to all without regard for ability to pay, they do not obey the logic of for-profit capitalist enterprises or commodities. And as socialists from Milwaukee to Malmö have recognized, they provide rare spaces for collective enjoyment, discussion, and education of the kind we’ll need to build a better world. Green spaces where we can toss frisbees or soak up the sun, it turns out, have political value too.
My first spring park excursion this year was an evening a couple months ago, when the air was still brisk but didn’t require a coat. I picked up a tall boy from a corner store and made my way past the food trucks in front of the Brooklyn Museum and the pedestrians and bikers crunching together near Grand Army Plaza, eventually getting onto the walking path that leads into Prospect Park from the north side.
After wending onto a small trail that led me to the main lawn, I found my friends drinking beers in a small circle, listening to music on a small speaker; similar groups were scattered around the grass, along with dogs and people playing catch and flying kites. It was a totally ordinary scene, but being there — enjoying the park’s respite from the atomized concrete chaos of the city — filled me with a sense of relief and gratitude. You only need a few moments like that on a warm spring evening to know that socialists have been right to care so much about public parks."
- Nick French, from "Socialists Love Public Parks Because They Belong to Everyone." Jacobin, 24 June 2023.
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1moreoffkeyanthem · 2 months
Actually highkey bummed that I had to stop donating plasma after that last time. Yes bc it made me feel like I was contributing to the world but also because I was getting paid to lay there and read South Park fanfiction. Now on my days off I just lay in bed reading fanfiction instead, not getting juiced or paid lmao
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ojirojika · 7 months
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kajonuma leisure land
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professionalfacesitter · 10 months
I just spent the past hour making a doc titled: Things my husband can say to make me fall more in love with him and Chile 🥵
Make one and I'll bet you'll find out!
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chansondereste · 2 years
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consumerism, art of contempt
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dankovskaya · 8 months
walking speed feels so crazy fast in mk1 what the hell
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tobiasbruns · 1 year
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Bremen -2022-
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igasbagels · 9 months
Daniil girl I’m sorry you are not gonna win playing like this
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askseriousrainbow · 1 year
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Alrighty, here are games 90 to 81 on my list! If you haven't read part one yet, the link's under this sentence now! Here we go!
Link to part 1. Link to part 3. Link to part 4. Link to part 5. Link to part 6. Link to part 7. Link to part 8. Link to part 9. Link to part 10.
90. Saints Row IV
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I love the Saints Row series, and Saints Row IV is my favorite of the Steelport games, because of the ridiculousness of it all and meta aspects. I do love meta when it's done right. Also, the flight mechanics just flow perfectly. The gameplay is fantastic, as well.
89. Serious Sam 2
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Damn, I love Serious Sam, obviously, and Sam's third adventure (though second game since The First Encounter and The Second Encounter are part of the same game, that's how I reference it) is wacky, insane, and just a blast. You don't have to care about the story, because the game doesn't care about the story, it's just silly. It's not my favorite favorite, but it's still good.
88. Prison Architect
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Ah, the building genre, one of my favorites. Prison Architect takes the familiar formula and applies it to prison building. You really need to keep track of your inmates and guards, and make sure no one dies. The story mode isn't too bad either, it helps you learn the mechanics of the game.
87. Shantae: Half-Genie Hero
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Shantae, Shantae, Shantae. I love me some Shantae, and Half-Genie Hero is great. This is the best game to start with if you've never played the franchise. It's not a true metroidvania, but that helps players acclimatize to the style of gameplay.
86. Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines
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Ah, Bloodlines. It's an underrated cult classic that's been fixed up by its unofficial patch, and it's a great RPG that has wonderful characters and multiple endings. The voice work is great too, getting some real talent like Grey DeLisle and John DiMaggio. Definitely get this if you're into RPGs.
85. Leisure Suit Larry in the Land of the Lounge Lizards
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Sierra adventure games are just good, for the most part, and the first Leisure Suit Larry is a fine, if short, game. The remakes aren't too bad either, so go with any version.
84. Theme Park
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Ah, Peter Molyneux. One of those creators you have to wonder if they had any talent at all nowadays because of their lies. But in the Bullfrog days, he could actually pull his games off, and Theme Park proved that, especially with the code being written by Demis Hassabis. It's a hardcore management sim with a whimsical coat of paint, and one you shouldn't miss.
83. The Outer Worlds
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One of Obsidian's better RPGs, The Outer Worlds takes the Fallout formula, transplants it into space instead of Post-Apocalypsia, and makes a great RPG. While it was partially Epic-delayed (I played it on Game Pass first.), it's still a fun adventure.
82. Blood
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I live, again. One of the holy trilogy of Build Engine titles, Blood is as great as Duke or Shadow Warrior, and has its own personality, with Caleb being more “evil” than Duke or Lo Wang. It's basically a Villain Protagonist against an even eviler group, to use TV Tropes language.
81. Hotline Miami
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“Do you like hurting other people?” It's a question asked a lot in Hotline Miami. Sure, you feel exhilarated while taking on each level, but you have to walk back through your carnage with a drone of dread. Add the mind-screw of the story and you have one unique game.
Part 3 will be up tomorrow! :D
Link to part 1. Link to part 3. Link to part 4. Link to part 5. Link to part 6. Link to part 7. Link to part 8. Link to part 9. Link to part 10.
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so i just discovered recon mode on splatoon 3
i will never be normal again
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breslicht · 7 years
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scrapbuuk · 1 year
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Taman Bukit Cerakah, Shah Alam - February 6, 2014.
Captured with Sony Ericsson K810i
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ojirojika · 10 months
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oakwood leisure park
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