#legitimately kind of devastated 馃ゲ
successionable 1 year
if you're wondering why all my posts are gone, please call me the world's biggest idiot because i just accidentally deleted my entire tumblr account while trying to remove a secondary one i made as a test......... RIP 馃槶馃槶馃槶馃槶馃槶
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saintobio 3 years
I'm honestly glad Gojou is finally opening his eyes to reality and somewhat seeing what sera truly thinks of him. Here are few of my questions and opinions/statements.
Firstly, I'd love to say that your writing is fantastic and out of this world I would give up my life 10 times over because of your irreplaceable writing.
1 ) We know for a fact that Gojou will learn about y/n's heart condition, will it be soon or a little while before he finds out about her chronic illness?
2) Would Sera actually think about keeping a baby with what's going on in her life? Like her family and the fact that Gojou would loose his job and would have to pay attention to his money if her were to provide for a possible child.
3) Does y/n feel somewhat bad for how she's treating Gojou? I know she's doing it for her health, but does she still feel love for Gojou?
4) Is Gojou legitimately feel remorse for how he's treated y/n or are his intentions for his future CEO position only?
5) Also, how do Getou and Leiri feel about Gojou wanting to make things right with y/n?
6) The detestation y/n's family would feel once they find out about her sickness, they're bound to find out in the future. I would like to know how Gojou's mom would feel if she were to hear word about y/n's health.
I'd like to say a few words to all the Toji simps. Sorry but I have a feeling y/n and Toji are not going to have anything more than a good mentor and student kind of friendship y'know? Like the one between Naruto and Kakashi or sumn' along the lines of that. So they most likely won't have any type of intimate connection. Let alone that Toji lost his wife, he is surely in a great pool of devastation even if it had happened years ago, even y/n isn't over her mother's death. So it's probably not going to happen, then again I'm not the author, just stating the obvious I suppose.
Lastly, I would just like to add that I do feel a bit of sadness for Sera, she lives with an alcoholic parent. That aside though, it's obvious her family overall lives her and is more than grateful for her, it's like the lifestyle of Gojou and y/n is stuck in her head and because she is the mistress she needs to be treated like a queen. You know what she really needs though? To grow up and accept reality. She should just live her life without allowing envy to takeover for the stupidest reasoning possible. She is acting like a child, never once did she stop and think about the ones around her and what they may be going through, no. It always has to be about her. It's honestly unbearable to even read about her at this point. Sera may be the most selfish and self indulged character in this franchise. Even more selfish than the devil himself, Gojou.
Honestly, I don't know why Sukuna is called the king of curses/demons, it should really be Gojou. Sorry for rambling so much, enjoy your day/night ai, remember to take care of your wellbeing, because that is what should always come first. So should your social life, and work and whatnot, just make sure you do what you have to, to not die. Bye!
1) can鈥檛 answer :P
2) sera is torn but she鈥檚 leaning more on keeping and raising the baby w gojo
3) yn feels extremely bad, you how she is 馃ゲ like she鈥檚 tempted to just give in, hug gojo and forgive him but then she rly has to protect her heart now and she will stick by that (hopefully)
4) he feels genuine remorse, the ceo position isn鈥檛 even his priority atm. he rly wants to win yn back.
5) geto and ieiri are neutral. they wanna see first how willing gojo is to make amends with his wife, or if he鈥檚 even genuine enough to right his wrongs at all
6) can鈥檛 answer
thank u for reading and supporting the fic <33 please take care of urself as well :D
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jimkirkachu 3 years
Crush advice! Can't send links here but google "Metro How to handle a crush without losing your mind" for some handy tips - but also; if it's a celebrity or personality, DO let yourself enjoy their work and energy; "relax into it"; have private fantasies (it doesn't hurt anyone); just don't beat yourself up. Talk it over too. Google "vinazine HOW TO DEAL WITH HEARTBREAK OVER A CELEBRITY CRUSH" and take note of point #1 xxx
(yet another long/questionably-triggery response)
Anon, I need to buy a vowel because omg you're so sweet 馃挏馃槶 It really is easy to hate myself for all of this... especially when you throw major depression, anxiety, ptsd, etc. on top of it all. 馃う
There's so much confused humility in this whole equation for me, honestly, because I still can't actually pin down any truths concerning my identity. Am I really demisexual? Am I only using the label to try and make myself feel better about how undesirable I am/have always been to all other humans? Am I just afraid of being attracted to anyone because I was abused for so long? The imposter syndrome is at hull-breach levels these days, particularly now that it's Pride month. Do I even fit into any of the Pride categories? (I've never fit in anywhere else, so why start now?) I don't understand my gender, or my sexuality, or even the slightest thing about my place in the world. I've almost never been proud of anything I've ever done or been. I've never been comfortable in my body or mind. I've never had a legitimate "romantic relationship." I've never in my life felt that I was "enough," whether for family or friends or crushes or professors or employers... So am I attracted to this person because they at least appear outwardly to be so confident in their identity? Have I confused attraction with jealousy over their career, since they're succeeding at the "dream job" it took me 15 agonizing years to accept I was perfectly *un*suited for? Is it purely a physical thing, and I'm just being idiotic and shallow? Or... was the black hole gradually dissolving my will to live not large enough already, so the universe stepped in to mockingly remind me for the millionth time of all the beautiful types of experiences and relationships out there that I have for at least a decade been painfully, abundantly aware I'll never be able to have? I wish I knew.
...yikes, sorry to get all depressing and dark. 馃槬馃挃馃
All this considered, though, I love the content they post, I love all the positive energy and enthusiasm they bring to the fandom, and... the thought of them *not* being precisely who they are, *not* having their blog, or in any way *not* being their magnificent, authentic self is devastating. And for all the anguish of a crush, it is addicting/exciting to think about them and what they might be like in person, what the rest of their life is like outside of their blog, what it would feel like to be in their presence, etc. *sigh* Obviously I'm bad at the fantasizing thing, lol. (And besides not wishing myself on anyone, I also have no idea what their sexuality or relationship status is so... I feel weirdly guilty about that. 馃ゲ) I blush just imagining making eye contact with them, having them run their fingers through my hair, holding my hand, smiling at me... SCANDALOUS!!! I feel like I should mark this as an explicit post now 馃槀馃檴 It's so bizarre being touch averse and touch deprived all at the same time!! 馃馃挜
Thank you so much for the links and advice, sweet anon. 馃挏 I'm so grateful for everyone who has tried to help me get through this; I just wish I could repay the favors and be as supportive and kind to all of you as you've been to me. Anyway--thanks again and LLAP, dear. 馃珎馃挍馃挋馃枛
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