I've been MIA for a while due to work, but came back on today. As I was trying to catch up on things, I realized that it looks like @leetlezeetle 's blog is completely gone. I didn't know them personally, but their stories were wonderful, helped me through some rough times, and were some of my favorites. I hope that they're okay and am wishing them well on whatever adventure life is taking them on now.
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aslitheryprinx · 2 years
I've been thinking about @leetlezeetle's catshifter! wilbur au nonstop. Skrunkly borrower man and fluffy cat boy 💖
Here's some art of them sticking their tongues out at each other!
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x-pair-o-dice-x · 2 years
ayoooo,, seven hours later,, all the doodles are done!! tried something different today, mostly since the line art was kinda hard to see when colored in — i used a sharpie pen for the line art!
not sure if this is something i’m gonna keep doing, it’s kinda hard to control it the way i want to, and i can’t erase my mistakes like i can with pencils, but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.
click on the pictures to see them in their full glory!
people from left to right — @kayla-crazy-stuffs, @squishys-soft-stories, @bigshota, @hollypop, @colossal-red, @leetlezeetle!!
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quackxolotl · 1 year
I have decided to kidnap you , you are mine.
Unfortunately, you aren't the only one who fell victim.
I can list a few on top of my head, what I really mean is only two because I am lazy and I have kidnapped alot.
@wendy130 @leetlezeetle
There are a lot more, I had previously stopped.
But now I'm bored you are my first victim of 2023.
From 1-10, how concerned should I be-
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orchid-harmony · 2 years
Hewo, my name's Orchid!! I like writing about g/t mcyt, rarely I like creating some original stories when I feel up to it. I may sometimes write about noms, if you're nsfw please politely DNI. I'd rather not be involved with that.
(If you're uncomfy with the type of content that I do, please go visit another blog)
Few facts about me is that I use both Female and Non-Binary pronouns, I also use Neopronouns, which are Duck/Duckling. I'm a minor since I don't want my age out there.
And my sexuality is Pansexual.
I'm always free to chat so if you want to chat just go to my ask box and then we could chat.
I also have a discord that is dedicated to my ao3 so if you want to join in, dm me if you can.
Cannon Oc Stuff
C!Orchid design
My Stories That I've Wrote
The Cycle of Rebirth
Abandoned Stories
Giant God Statues au
Summary: Tommy is working the night shift as a night guard in a museum, tho on his first night, while walking around, the sbi statues somehow turn human.
1st Part: The Night of the Giant Statues
2nd Part: Getting to know of Each Other
Giant Imposter Brothers au
Summary: It was Tommy's first day in space!! How cool was that? He made at least two friends while on his first day. But once the lights when out, the captain of the crew, Dream, was murdered. Tommy doesn't trust anyone except for Ranboo. But Tommy is starting to get a lot of attention from Wilbur and Techno, they probably didn't cause Dreams death, right?
1st Part: First Day in Space
Heights for Wilbur, Techno, and Tommy.
Giant Imposter Brothers heights
Gifts that I have given
My mcyt gt summer exchange 2022 gift
A Helping Hand
And a prompt that wendy gave me permission to use.
Getting a new brother in a Giant Zoo
My mcyt gt secret santa exchange 2022 gift
Adoption Comes in All Sizes
A prompt that Becky has given me
Warning: This prompt has mentions of hard vore, safe vore, and fearplay
My Instincts Adopted you So Who am I to Deny Them?
Gift(s) that have been given to me
Leetlezeetle's mcyt gt summer exchange 2022 gift
A Soft Kind of Feral
A prompt that I have given to Brick
I'll Run Away and Hide with You
A prompt that I have given to Becky
Mine to hold close
x-pair-o-dice-x's mcyt gt secret santa 2022 gift
Neapolitan Trio drawing
Stories that I have created so far that weren't mentioned:
Giant Possessive!Bur, I Saw It With My Own Tiny Eyes, Short Story
More to be updated sooner or later.
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I posted 135 times in 2022
That's 101 more posts than 2021!
42 posts created (31%)
93 posts reblogged (69%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 135 of my posts in 2022
#reblog - 91 posts
#mcyt g/t - 75 posts
#tw language - 54 posts
#l speaks - 33 posts
#tw vore - 26 posts
#my writing - 25 posts
#mcyt - 22 posts
#dream team - 21 posts
#tw vore mention - 21 posts
#dragonshifter story - 21 posts
Longest Tag: 76 characters
#so i copied the text from this into notes and deciphered it letter-by-letter
My Top Posts in 2022:
(tw: vore below the cut!)
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Submitted by Anonymous:
“Hi!! I really enjoy the story you've made and totally forgot to send this when I made it (I think it was sometime before the second part was done) but this is just a little sketch I made based off the designs you made :0) Hope you like it and I'm excited to keep reading the story!”
Dude I am in LOVE with this. The accuracy of the designs paired with the beautifully detailed linework, it’s just gorgeous! also George’s grumpy little face is sending me
I can’t thank you enough for creating this, Anon!
14 notes - Posted September 26, 2022
Chapter 35 - Dragon Hunters
[Previous] ~ [Next]
[Word Count: 2638]
[Content Warnings: Injury and Blood, Non-Graphic Treatment of Wound]
The dragons had both swiftly rushed in to snuff out the fiery monsters, all while more continued to ignite from the spawner. At every opportunity, the Enderfolk was loosing arrows that almost always met their marks, while the human would hold them frozen in place so someone else could deal with them. Before long, Sapnap had managed to fill the satchel with a couple dozen rods.
“Dream, I don’t think I can fit any more blaze rods in here,” he mentioned to the green beast, who had just been poised to strike as soon as the next wave of living infernos appeared.
“We probably have enough, then,” Dream mentioned, relaxing a bit as he knelt down further for the dark-haired man to climb up, “let’s get outta here.”
The blue dragon did the same, though his wither-scaled paw moved gingerly. It still hurt somewhat, but it also felt partially numb, and that almost worried him more.
“George, you good to fly home?” the other beast inquired suddenly, concern in his voice.
“Yeah, I think so,” George hummed, standing as he felt Bad get situated on his back, “I have no idea where we came from, though.”
“I know the way,” Dream declared, unfurling his wings, “just follow me.”
Respective wingbeats sent the two dragons soaring upwards and away from the fortress, warm thermals rising beneath them and bearing them back the way they’d come.
The red, cavern-like landscape sped past on all sides. The flight was shaping up to be just as uneventful as it had been the first time through, though the group did notice a pale, ghostlike creature floating lazily in the distance, barely visible through the thick fog. It didn’t pay the pair of dragons any mind, which was probably for the best.
Soon enough, the giant black-bricked bastion came in view once again, and the two beasts took a sharp turn to follow the bend in the cavernous terrain.
They had just barely gotten past the crumbling structure when a thunderous roar rang out all around them.
George let out a startled shriek, jostling Bad as he faltered in mid-air, frantically trying to look around to see what could have made such a sound. Was it some giant creature that they had somehow missed entirely? Was it what Dream had really been afraid of in the Nether?
The green dragon had panicked momentarily as well, slowing his flight to drop behind the other beast as he glanced quickly around for the source of the terrible roar. To his ears, it was vaguely familiar, but it had sounded nothing like George. Were there more dragons nearby?
And then, the faint snapping of a crossbow string heralded a sudden pain exploding in one of Dream’s hind legs, something hard and sharp piercing through his scales and embedding itself in his flesh.
There was a second, terrible squall – and this time, it had come from him.
“Dream!” Sapnap shouted from his back, panic and worry in his voice.
“What was that?!” he distantly registered the Enderfolk questioning.
“What happened?” George demanded.
They needed to get out of here!
“Go, just go!” the green dragon bellowed knowingly, flapping his wings to propel himself faster, thermals be damned. “Back to the portal, hurry!”
He peered behind them as they sped away, briefly catching a glimpse of two humanoid figures – one appearing mostly beige and the other one light blue. They definitely weren’t Piglins…
Up ahead, the portal was a gleaming beacon of purple that shone through the red, ember-filled haze. They were nearly home! They just had to survive a little longer, and then they’d be safe!
George glided down ahead of Dream, landing somewhat shakily, but not losing his footing this time.
The green beast came down to land beside him, but as he prepared to meet the ground, white-hot agony surged through his stricken hind leg. His wings wavered as he tried to steady himself, flapping clumsily as he descended the last several feet. As his strength gave out entirely, he ultimately crashed down hard against the uneven crimson stone underfoot.
Thankfully, the human perched on his back hadn’t fallen off despite the rough landing, instead hurriedly scrambling to climb down and figure out what was going on.
Dream didn’t get up, his aching leg stretched out to the side to avoid aggravating it further. Streaks of red glistened in the lava-light as they dripped down the once-pristine green scales.
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15 notes - Posted October 1, 2022
Chapter 23 - Dragon Fire
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[Word Count: 2355]
[Content Warnings: Fear | Brief Smoke Inhalation]
After the Dragonshifter’s disappearance, Nick couldn’t bring himself to pick up magic again. It just wouldn’t feel right, knowing the two of them had gotten so far, only for everything to come collapsing down. He hadn’t even told his family what had happened, fearing what terrible things they might say about Clay out of ignorance.
He had only been a part of Nick’s life for a little while. And while he still cherished the memories, time marched on. No more spellcasting. No more best friend to share it with.
He spent a while trying to figure out what he wanted to do with his life. He’d considered the town guard, but he didn’t really want to be associated with the same people that took his best friend from him. A few other small jobs came and went, but nothing really spoke to him. Finally, he took up simple sewing and stitching. His mother was already one of the best tailors in Hearthview, and with his sisters picking up the trade in order to branch out into embroidery and dressmaking, he was in a good position to learn.
As his sisters found success, the whole family would end up moving to a few other towns, each with bigger and better opportunities than the last. One way or another, they ended up in Bronzechill. It was a fairly large settlement, and business was even more booming than it had been at the prior town. It was less than a day’s walk to a large city, Knightport, which boasted a rich and thriving market district. His family was ultimately aspiring to run a market stall there, or even better, a whole brick and mortar shop!
Nick helped wherever he could. He would help with a lot of the busywork, such as pinning patterns, cutting fabrics, and stitching seams together. That wasn’t to say the rest of his family didn’t work hard, though – in fact, they were probably far more involved in the process than he was. They’d poured their hearts and souls into their work, but he could never seem to do the same.
One night, after he had retired to his room and attempted to get some embroidering practice in before bed, he faintly registered a knock at the door of his family’s home. He didn’t pay it much mind. Sometimes people would stop by late at night to see if they could get a seam mended or a hole in their clothing patched.
From the other side of the house, he could hear his mother talking to someone. Everything sounded friendly enough, so he turned his attention back to the scrap of shoddily cross-stitched fabric, leaning back in his bed as he attempted to block out all of the outside world.
He would’ve succeeded as well, had the door to his room not suddenly been pushed open. Nick quickly sat up, raising his head to regard the person standing at his bedroom door.
His eyes widened nervously.
During his family’s several moves over the last few years, he’d heard many accounts of dragon slayers across the continent. They came and went wherever they pleased, slaying dragons for profit and for glory. These people were heralded as heroes, their names being passed around with the same reverence typically reserved for deities. Many villages had tales to tell of the slayers that hunted down the dragons that had attacked them for years, complete with the typical embellishment that came alongside each retelling, of course. Usually it was easy to disprove the wild claims, or at least figure out which parts of the story had been exaggerated in the telling.
And then there was the figure known only as ‘Dream’. Whispers of this mysterious slayer had spread far beyond many of the towns he had apparently rid of dragons, and the stories that came with them were very different from the standard tall tale. The slayer was said to wear shades of green, always had the hood of his cloak pulled over his head, and was never seen without his bizarre white mask emblazoned with a smiley-face.
But the strangest part of the stories was how in-line they remained with each telling. It didn’t matter who the account came from, they all seemed to match up in one way or another – where most slayers carried swords and bows, Dream carried a wooden staff, and he felled the dragons by magical means. Additional details came and went, about how he could bring down the beasts with ease, how he could track them for miles if they somehow got away, how he never let a single one live…
And now, that same terrifying slayer was standing in the doorway to Nick’s room, staring him down with that ever-smiling mask.
“Hello,” spoke the mysterious stranger, “may I come in?”
“Uh, sure,” Nick choked out, setting his work down as he hurriedly stood up, still unable to take his eyes off of the masked figure. He was in awe at the fact that the slayer he’d heard about in so many stories was standing before him.
But there was also a small sliver of worry twisting in his chest – after all, he’d once been friends with a Dragonshifter, and he didn’t imagine that fact would go over well with this individual.
“Nice place you’ve got,” the slayer commented, the end of his staff lightly thunking against the floor as he stepped forward into the bedroom. “Your mother said you and your sisters are doing clothing, mainly dresses. Your family seems very nice.”
Nick couldn’t come up with a reply, having no idea where Dream was going with this. The way he spoke seemed off, like there was some hidden intent behind his words. The way he carried himself was just as strange, appearing far too still and deliberate for it to be natural.
“…did you ever tell them?” Dream went on after a significant pause, his head tilting slightly, his body language unreadable and unnerving.
“W-What?” the teen asked, baffled.
“About your Dragonshifter friend,” the slayer answered with a slight edge in his tone. There it was. The one thing he’d been most scared to hear brought up.
“Uh,” Nick tried to stifle his shock and confusion, aiming instead for cluelessness, “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Oh, don’t you?” the stranger’s tone lowered, and he leaned forward threateningly against his staff.
“Um,” panic bubbled to the surface as he struggled to find his words.
“Don’t tell me you’ve forgotten, Sapnap,” Dream huffed.
“I-I really don’t—” Nick had begun, only for his mind to blank as he processed what the slayer had just said. “Wait. How do you…?”
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22 notes - Posted February 12, 2022
Chapter 24 - The Dare
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[Word Count: 2527]
[Content Warnings: SOFT/SAFE VORE, Mouthplay]
[Once more, the following chapter contains VORE – feel free to skim, skip, or block the tags ‘tw vore’ and/or ‘extreme cuddling’ if this makes you uncomfortable!]
Something was wrong. The blue dragon hadn’t paid much mind to his wings at first, whirling and flapping after his target with reckless abandon, flames breaking forth from his jaws whenever opportunity favored. The art of flight was coming much more easily to him these days, which made sky-battles like this far less one-sided, and a lot more fun. But as Dream once again whipped around to slap at one of George’s wingtips with his own, the appendage suddenly felt as though it had been struck by lightning, white-hot agony surging through his whole body for a moment.
“Dream—!” he shrieked, faltering in mid-air, before managing to even out into a glide, but that didn’t stop his wings from hurting.
“What?!” the green beast called back, circling back around to steady his flight alongside George.
“My wings,” he whined, “they hurt…”
“You should take a break, then,” Dream replied matter-of-factly, “give your wings some time to rest. Why don’t you head back to where we left Sapnap?”
The blue dragon nodded, eyes skimming over the range before managing to spot the ledge where they’d left the human. He started to bank towards it, only to realize that the other beast was veering off.
“Where are you off to?” he questioned.
“I’ll be right back, gotta check something,” was the only explanation he got, before Dream gave another powerful flap of his wings to speed away, soaring toward the direction of Aureus.
As he slowly came in to land, he saw Sapnap perk up, quickly standing to move out of George’s way. At least the human had that much common sense. Pain flashed through his body once again as he gave a couple quick wingbeats to slow his return to the ground. Soreness pulsed through them as he finally landed, tucking them back up against his sides.
“George!” Sapnap exclaimed loudly. “Where’s Dream think he’s going?”
“He said he had to check something,” the dragon replied, rolling his shoulders in what was almost a shrug. At that, he settled down into a sitting position, deciding not to transform back right away. In the distance, he could barely make out the winged form of Dream, now a dark speck that could easily be mistaken for a bird.
In the midst of his staring, he was startled to feel something land on one of his paws.
“Wha—Sapnap!” he yowled, glaring down at the human that had jumped onto his right paw, lying splayed across the back of it and giggling like a madman.
George sat up slightly, raising his left hand and moving it closer. He’d been about to pry Sapnap off of his other paw, but he couldn’t help but pause with uncertainty at the sight of his dark gray claws. His hands were so much larger in this form. If he wasn’t careful enough, if his grip was too loose or too tight, if he just happened to twitch wrong—
He’d apparently hesitated for too long, since he soon found the human pouncing on his raised paw, grabbing ahold of the topmost finger and leaving his legs dangling.
“Cut it out,” Geroge hissed, lowering the paw closer to the ground so Sapnap could properly stand, “you’ll hurt yourself.”
“Make me!” the human retorted challengingly, whirling about to wrap his arms around the beast’s thumb, pushing against the ground with his feet as he tugged at the scaled digit.
George blinked, stunned. Was Sapnap actually trying to wrestle with his hand? He’d seen the human play-fighting like this with Dream in his dragon form before, but George had never even considered doing the same. It was far too risky, and he hadn’t had nearly as much practice at being so careful as the other beast had.
“C’mon, fight me!” Sapnap bellowed insistently, twisting his whole body as he grappled George’s thumb. It was then that the dragon realized the position that the dark-haired man had put himself in, and he felt the faintest spark of boldness surge up within him.
He promptly tipped his paw over on top of Sapnap, effortlessly pinning him.
“Ay!” the human yelped indignantly, though he was still laughing under his breath as he squirmed under the scaled palm.
George snorted in amusement as Sapnap shoved fruitlessly against the paw holding him down, grunting with the effort. He wasn’t getting very far though – the hand was just too heavy to move, even if it wasn’t exerting enough force to do more than hold him down. At last, he slumped defeatedly against the ground.
“Geoooorge,” he wailed, “lemme uuuuuup!”
“Hah, no,” the blue beast chuckled, before glancing back towards the last place he’d seen Dream, scanning the distant sky in search of where he’d gone.
The next thing he knew, he felt a firm pinch against the side of his pointer finger, and he reeled his paw back with a loud shriek.
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26 notes - Posted February 19, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Chapter 21 - Trapped Together
[Previous] ~ [Next]
[Word Count: 2620]
[Content Warnings: SOFT/SAFE VORE, Mild Fear]
[Once more, the following chapter contains VORE – feel free to skim, skip, or block the tags ‘tw vore’ and/or ‘extreme cuddling’ if this makes you uncomfortable!]
With a flickering lantern in one hand, Dream had led the other two down the dark staircase and into the connected cave. Everyone was utterly exhausted after the prolonged game that Dream had sprung on them, especially George, who had not had the hour or so to rest that the slayer had, and was already feeling phantom pains in his currently nonexistent wings and tail. At least they’d all taken the time to eat dinner before Dream got his ‘reward’.
At the base of the stone staircase, the man in green rushed several paces ahead of the other two, setting the lantern down in the center of the cave before shifting back into his dragon form. He carefully turned around on the spot, settling down and letting his legs stretch out to the side.
“Hang on,” Sapnap murmured, reaching up to untie his headband and toss it aside, also tugging off the tunic he wore with orange and yellow scales sewn into it. He was left wearing his dark trousers and long-sleeved undershirt.
“You should take off those glasses, George,” the green beast added, “and probably your amulet, too.”
The other Dragonshifter tensed a bit, but regardless obeyed, pulling his tinted glasses off of his face and removing his fire amulet, setting them alongside where Sapnap had left his own possessions.
“Alright, who first?” Dream asked, glancing between them both. George visibly shrank back, whether he meant to or not. That settled that. “Sapnap?”
The human rolled his eyes, stepping towards the dragon. It wasn’t until Dream was about to open his mouth that Sapnap suddenly jumped and landed on top of the green beast’s snout, pinning his jaws shut.
“H-Hey!” the dragon huffed, having to lift his head a bit to be able to talk – and the dark-haired man was still holding on.
“Ooohohoh, you thought!” Sapnap goaded, grinning like an idiot and kicking his dangling legs without a care in the world.
Dream let out a playful growl, angling his snout downwards and shaking his head slightly to break the human’s grip.
As soon as he’d let go to plop back onto the cave floor, the beast was swiping a paw down towards him, which Sapnap dodged without much effort. The second swing came much faster, lightly bowling the human over.
Sapnap yelped, rolling to the side to avoid the clawed hand that came down where he’d just been, and he hurriedly staggered to his feet to face the dragon.
The beast’s jaws closed over him before he’d had time to react.
As quickly as it had happened, it was still an incredibly careful and calculated move on Dream’s part, if the tongue resting between the bottom teeth and Sapnap’s legs was any indicator. In any case, he found himself pressed gently to the roof of the mouth as the world around him tilted, gravity shifting to slide him entirely into the dragon’s maw.
He struggled halfheartedly against the tongue as it proceeded to slather him in drool, answered only by a deep thrumming note that rattled his bones. The human chuckled a bit under his breath, allowing himself to relax into the soft, cradling warmth. All the while, he was carefully lapped and prodded at with nothing but necessity and care.
As the rippling movements began to slow, he knew exactly what was coming, and he promptly stretched out and went limp. There was no need for any further communication – the two of them had done this often enough that it was basically second nature.
The tongue squeezed against him as everything turned sideways, and he was swiftly swallowed up with ease and sealed away from the rest of the world.
George was at first relieved that Sapnap had gone first, wanting to savor his last few breaths of fresh, cool air before he was inevitably shoved into a cramped, sweltering, and terribly muggy space, probably for the rest of the night. Though he couldn’t fully suppress his horror at seeing the faint bulge traveling down the dragon’s throat.
Even with the knowledge that it was safe, it was still rather disturbing to watch.
“C’mon, George,” Dream called softly, his verdant eyes gleaming in the light from the lantern, “your turn.”
The other Dragonshifter stiffened as he approached the green beast, his golden-brown eyes were lowered towards the floor as he attempted to hide how scared he was. The dragon bent his head down, letting out a gentle rumble in an effort to reassure his friend.
“How do you wanna do this?” he asked. George looked up, surprised. Dream went on after a pause, “I could let you climb in on your own, or I could put you in, myself.”
“I think… I think I’ll crawl in,” the other Dragonshifter managed to choke out. The beast offered him a concerned look, but nevertheless rested his chin against the stone floor, stretching his jaws wide.
He’d had to shove down the wave of instinctual terror the moment he spotted the massive, glistening fangs, resisting every part of his being that was telling him to run as far and as fast as he could. For several seconds, he couldn’t even move, paralyzed with indecision and dread – it was a wonder he didn’t pass out.
But at last, as the dragon patiently continued to hold still, George made up his mind and approached warily.
See the full post
30 notes - Posted January 29, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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crystalk17 · 3 years
This is my super late submission for the MCYT gt gift exchange. I am really sorry for it being so late. I hope it is up to your standards!!!
This gift is for @leetlezeetle
Their promt: Giant dragon hybrid kidnaps a tiny/human to watch its young while they hunt.
As soon as I read this I thought "OMG PHILZA!!!"
So here is a fatherly, Giant, halfbreed dragon named Philza. Who kidnaps a young knight in training named Tommy. Maybe he can handle the young ones? Or maybe he will become the next meal. Who knows?
Tommy remembers the first day he was brought here. The teen was working on his stances and swings. Not even hours ago his face was shoved into the dirt by Dream. "You will never be a true knight. You can't even strike down Niki and she's a woman!" Tommy felt a heavy boot across his back shoving his body and pride even further into the mud. "You will quit or be killed."
Picking his body up the young-looking blond whipped the mud all over his front and face. If he was rebellious he would flick it at the superior, but now was not the time. After cleaning the brown thickness from his eyes he saw Dream holding his silver sword out to him with one hand. Tommy didn't say another word, even though so many were boiling under the skin to be screamed out. With a swipe of his hand, he grabbed the sword storming off.
Now he was in the field making sure he was perfect. Every swing of the sword, every shift of his body, had to be just right or he would restart with a deep growl. He would not leave until he got this perfect.
At least that was the plan.
Instead, he swung the sword jutting it straight out. The invisible enemy crippled back from the fatal stab. He was holding the wound begging for mercy.
"No foul creature. This is your last day on earth." Sliding his foot back he prepared for the final blow. Ramming the sword forward with such speed he had to close his eyes. He knew this was not the correct way to stab someone, but he was just practicing and he would try again. He expected the sword to slide through air. He would open his eyes and he would be holding his sword with one hand straight out and a perfect stance with the ghost enemy on the ground. But...but...he struck something.
Opening his eyes just a peek, his blood ran cold. Standing inches away from him was a black dragon with dark green scales sprinkled in. He thrust his sword forward hitting only the beast's clawed hand. The beast was humongous. Tommy had to look straight up into the air to even see the Creature's surprisingly blue eyes. What startled him, even more, was the fact that if the dragon wasn't looking its head over Tommy then he wouldn't even be able to see his eyes very well.
He could feel his body freeze. It didn't want to move. He felt the sword drop from his hands when the creature got even closer sniffing at his head. His hair flew up a bit then landed on top of the sweat already traveling down his face. The ground seemed to be shaking...oh wait that was his feet shaking back and forth. His pupils went wide when the blackish dragon nudged him with its claws. Maybe to see if he was alive?
Faster than he thought the creature could move, its clawed hand struck out grasping the young knight. It easily encompasses the human hiding it from the world. Tommy's whole body was encased by leather and claws that were larger than his own body. Was he seriously getting kidnapped like a princess? For what seemed like five minutes, most likely longer, Tommy banged against his rock-hard prison. He looked down seeing the monster made the mistake of allowing him to keep his sword. As if it was an instinct he grasped it in two hands and shifted his body forward. One. Two. Three hits. Even a stab and nothing happened. He wouldn't be surprised if he looked at the to and it was bent. He was going to be here for a while. -------------------------------------------------------
That very day was three months ago. On this very day, Tommy was sitting on the dusty ground of a cave, light reflecting off the walls from the fire he built. There was always plenty of food and the cave even had a small stream running through it. He was always surprised no other creatures tried to claim this area as theirs, but at the same time, he understood why.
Behind him, the sound of running feet hitting rock made his head turn. At this point, he was used to this. Looking outside it seemed about that time when the young ones started to stir.
"You can't catch me!!" Running up behind Tommy a child with short brown hair and a rugged jacket came into view. The child decided to run right behind Tommy's back even though his body was way too big to be covered up by the teen. The child looked like he could be a very young adult in stature, but in fact, this was a young halfling.
Two other forms came running out, but instead of humans like this child one was an actual dragon the size of a horse and the other human-looking but with dragon features. These three were young dragon halflings. Tommy found out through experience and reading in books halfling children had no control over their body. The younger they were the more dangerous they were.
When halfling babies are born they are very small compared to their parents. They are the size of a human, some can even be the size of a human toddler. As they got older their bodies morphed into the proper size. This is the exact reason why most halflings do not survive. They have dangers around every corner because of their vulnerable size and accidents do happen between the older halflings and their young. Throughout the years, the children would get used to their shifting abilities, so it wasn't uncommon for siblings, like these three, to look completely different.
The human-looking child keep moving back and forth so he was covered up by his 'shield'. The human with dragon features was trying to get around the sitting human to get to his sibling. With every movement, Tommy flinched a bit because the dragon halfling had claws that were digging into him every time he touched Tommy's skin while trying to get around him. He knew it was an accident, probably didn't even think about it, but he had to learn.
"Michael" he winced once more as his claws touched his shoulder. "Michael." he raised his voice a bit more to get the child's attention. The volume seemed to get his attention cause he froze in his actions. "Michael. What did we talk about playing."
"To be careful." Tommy watched as the pink flaps he had for ears drooped down showing he was upset.
"Yes, kid. You unlike your brothers have claws, wings, and these cool horns." Tommy grabbed one horn and shook the child's whole head making him smile. "I can't have your dad coming back and I'm filled with holes from your claws. He would kill us both. Just make sure next time-"
As he was talking the third child jumped right on top of Tommy. The Third was a black dragon like his father but had specks of dirty yellow scales on him. Somehow the third child learned to turn into a full dragon, but couldn't control turning back very often. He was the size of a horse and as heavy as one. "Tubbo! Tubbo get off!" Tommy was using all his strength to push the little dragon off, but all it accomplished was a face full of dragon licks.
This was how it was every single day. Tommy was left in the cave with three halfling children named Wilbur, Michael, and Tubbo. Every day it was him watching as the three played tag or roughhoused with each other while their father was gone. Who was the father? That was the black dragon who kidnapped him three months ago. Every day the giant black dragon would go out hunting, leaning poor Tommy to watch and protect his young. At first, he hated it and wanted to escape himself, but after a few days of being stuck here, the seventeen-year-old fell in love with Phil's children. Anymore he couldn't picture it any differently.
"Tubbo this is the last time I'm asking. Get off." his face was drenched in dragon slobber. The most he could do was push against the black dragon's body but he wouldn't budge. All it accomplished was the young one started to nuzzle and push up against his face to show affection. Michael ran behind Tommy's head and put all his weight on the human's arms. He was pinned to the ground and he was not going anywhere. His legs would flail up and down, but that was about it. He couldn't even do this much in fear of kicking one of the halflings.
"Get off!" Through his shouting and torturous affection, Tommy heard wood breach at the opening of the cave. The three children must have heard it too, because all three of their heads whirled to the opening as well. Tubbo started to growl and Michael's eyes grew wide. Tommy could feel the young dragon slowly stepping off his body, but he had to be ready for action now. Gently pushing him all the way, Tommy grabbed his sword from the ground. This was why he was brought here. His job was to protect and help with the young ones when their father was gone. All this training had to come into play. His heart started to beat faster as he watched the three halflings hide behind his body as if they weren't bigger than him, as if he could protect them from whatever dared to come into a dragon's den. His grip tightened on the hilt as his eyes glared at the opening. Tommy put one hand out to assure the young ones behind him.
Tubbo started to sniff the air, then his tail wagged like a dog's. He was excited about something. He ran forward with a determined speed. Tommy tried to reach out and grab his neck, but he was just dragged forward when the pup ran at full speed. Tommy dug his feet into the ground, but it didn't seem to help.
Tubbo came to an abrupt stop, flipping Tommy's body onto the ground. He frowned in irritation. He couldn't even stop a running five-year-old, how was he supposed to protect these guys?
Walking into the entrance of their hidden cave was the same black dragon who grabbed him all those months ago. With the creatures massive body in full view Tubbo ran full speed towards his father wagging his tail. Tommy had to just release or be dragged with him. He watched as the dragon very carefully dropped a dead cow, probably stolen from the villagers. The sheer black beast very carefully nuzzled Tubbo with the end of his snout getting a small squick in response.
Michael and Wilbur ran over, but straight to their dinner. Tommy watched in disgust as the two would burn the carcass with their fire than eat the pieces they tore off like hamburgers.
"Not hungry?" a deep rumbling voice asked with a surprising gentleness to it.
Tommy's scrunched up in disgust. "I'll stick to my berries and properly hunted meat. He looked up to see where a black dragon was standing was now an adult half breed human. The half dragon was smaller then the dragon form, by 20 feet to be exact. He still had black dragon wings, his tail, razor teeth, even his claws on his hands, but everything else was the perfect imitation of a human.
Tommy grabbed his sword to head out and find his own food. He would allow the family their time and he could practice with his sword. He marched to the opening when the tail curled around him blocking his path. In irritation, he looked up at the smug blond-haired male who looked 30 with horns. He had his wings tucked away, but Tommy knew they were there. He attempted to climb over the tree truck-sized obstacle until it started to move dragging him closer to the half-breed.
"What! I'm just getting food unless you want your protector to starve." The tail didn't stop herding him until he was right back to the other three dragonlings. Tommy knew he didn't need his sword so he let it drop while he yelled up at the beast. "This isn't funny Phil."
"You know I appreciate you right?"
Since he was close enough now, Phil gently picked the young knight up with two fingers. He could feel Tommy squirming, but both knew nothing would happen.
"If I didn't think you could handle yourself, I wouldn't have chosen you to watch my young."
Tommy looked back in those deep blue eyes before he spoke. "Yeah well... I know."
Phil put the human back down beside the other three. He curled his tail closely around the four. His four kids.
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betmyfortune · 2 years
I really truly wish tumblr had a guest mode where you could let your friends work on your dashboard for the sole reason of the fact that many of my friends don't have a writing masterlist and i'm this close to hacking into their account and goddamn making one for them
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toriowlfluff · 3 years
More „above average au“ (by @leetlezeetle !) doodles because it’s been living rent free in my smol litol brain.
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I’ve discovered just the sheer amount of LOVE I have for Minigiants-
Here, have Ranboo just passing out on top of Tubz because of Jetlag.
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# Free Tubbo! Ah!
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brick-a-doodle-do · 1 year
16. an artist whose work you like!
okay there's a large category here, but i'm keeping it to a minimum of the mcyt g/t community to which i reply @eyes-eye-eyes
they have made some of my favorite works in this community :D
also i rlly like leetlezeetle but i'm scared to tag them cuz they're a big blog lmao
ty for the ask :]]
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corysmiles · 2 years
Little streamer au, Wilbur catches a minor cold and one day he's too tired to get out of bed, so Tommy decides to show off how epic he is and brings him headache medicine, manages to roll a water bottle to the room, turns the lights off and closes the curtains for him, etc.
Basically Tommy showing off his borrower skills to take care of his bother 💖
Caring for the Sick
Little streamer au
Notes: THIS IDEA IS AO CUTE I COULDNT PASS IT UP THANK YOU ZEETLE @leetlezeetle my beloved sibling
Wilbur could barely open his eyes when Tommy’s sharp voice woke him up. The midday sun pored through the window to the side of his room. From outside the sounds of people and cars rushed by. The cold medicine he’d taken a few hours earlier still hadn’t worn off all the way, making his body feel like a lead weight. And even though he’d cocooned himself with all the blankets he could find, his skin still felt icy.
When Tommy called out to him again he tried to get up, but sleep still tugged at his limbs and forced him back down against the sheets. It was almost like he was glued to his mattress. He was so exhausted he felt like if he closed his eyes again he could sleep for hours. Maybe then he could ignore how sick he felt.
“Hello,” Tommy yelled again as he walked closer to Wilbur’s face, his feet leaving small indents in the mattress, “You alive in there?”
Wilbur groaned and tried to block his ears, but the tiny just got even closer, his attempts to wake him up unrelenting.
“I didn’t drag all this shit over for nothing big man, get the fuck up,” Tommy said as he tried to pry open Wilbur’s eyelids with his hands, “I’ve got medicine dumbass.”
Wilbur flinched away as tiny fingers prodded at him. He tried to shove his face back into his pillow, but before he could one of Tommy’s fingers landed square in his eye. The sharp pain was enough to make him get up; however, the urge to throw the tiny across the room grew as the boy laughed.
“You fucker,” Wilbur groaned as he rubbed his eye, “I’m sick let me rest.”
Tommy shrugged, “Yeah and I’ve got medicine for you. Now stop bitching and let me help you.”
Once Wilbur could open his eye again without it stinging he spared a look to the tiny on his sheets. Really, he thought Tommy had been joking about helping him through his cold. Tommy has argued that Wilbur always helped him, but Wilbur couldn’t see any way tommy could help him in a human-sized house. It wasn’t like Wilbur could help him grab things when he was stuck in bed, so as much as Tommy said he wanted to help, Wilbur didn’t expect much.
Yet to his surprise, laying next to Tommy on his wrinkled sheets, were a handful of pills and a bottle of water at least three times the tiny’s size.
“You gonna stare more or are you gonna take it?” Tommy laughed, shocking Wilbur out of his haze.
“What-” Wilbur’s brows tightened, “How the fuck did you get all this?”
Tommy leaned his arm against the water bottle and shrugged nonchalantly, as if the mere idea of him moving the bottle wasn’t insane to Wilbur.
“I don’t know big man, just dragged it out of the fridge and rolled it over,” Tommy tilted his head, “Not really a big deal.”
“But how the hell did you open the fridge?” Wilbur’s eyes widened as he leaned closer to the tiny, “And how’d you get the medicine out of the cabinet- how the fuck did you even reach that?”
Wilbur was barely aware of how close his face was to the tiny until Tommy laughed and spit landed right on his nose. He recoiled in disgust, but it only earned more laughter from the amused tiny.
“Just used some string. I tied it to a clip and threw it up to the cabinet. Then I just dragged all the shit down. Don’t tell me, is the Wilbur Soot impressed with me?” Tommy asked in a sing-song voice.
A nagging part of his brain told him this was probably nothing more than a cold-medicine influenced fever dream. That there was no way Tommy could do this, or want to do this, for him.
His body ached as he slowly pushed himself up onto his elbow. His muscles cried at the strain from staying in bed all day, but he forced himself to take the water and the medicine. Tommy watched proudly as he threw the pills in his mouth and gulped down as much water as he could. He hadn’t even realized how thirsty he had been until the bottle was completely empty and his body still ached for more.
The bottle crinkled as he put it back down next to Tommy before he let himself fall back against the sheets. Instantly he relaxed into the sheets, wanting to curl around himself like a child. The bustling sounds from outside his apartment became a haze in his mind as the new dose of cold medicine kicked in. He was about to fall back asleep when he heard a loud shout from Tommy.
He had been so comfortable he didn’t even realize he’d knocked the tiny over when he laid back down. Tommy grumbled in frustration from where he was pinned under Wilbur’s arm, but the human couldn’t help but smile in amusement. His grin only grew as he pressed down a bit more until Tommy was completely stuck between the sheets and the back of his arm.
“You asshole let me go,” Tommy hissed as he pounded at Wilbur’s skin, “I help you and this is what I get?”
Wilbur nodded lazily and reached forward with his other hand so he could wrap his fingers around the tiny. Tommy struggled for a second and tried to push the massive fingers away, but when Wilbur’s grip didn’t loosen, he relaxed and let Wilbur pick him up.
For about the a-millionth time Wilbur was awe struck by just how small Tommy looked between his fingers. Tommy was about the same size as his thumb, and he was dwarfed by his other fingers. Carefully, he pulled the tiny closer to his face and ran his thumb over his head. Even though Tommy tried to hold on to his angry demeanour, Wilbur didn’t miss how he leaned into the touch.
“See, you like it,” Wilbur laughed softly.
Immediately, Tommy’s attempts to escape increased as he tried to free himself from Wilbur’s fingers. However, his effort was useless since Wilbur just held him a bit tighter to keep him still.
“This is unfair,” Tommy pouted, with one last punch to Wilbur’s thumb.
Wilbur just hummed in response, the haze from the medicine taking over again. Carefully, he pulled the struggling tiny to his chest so that he could feel his small breaths against his skin. And even though Tommy kept fighting he could tell he didn’t actually mind by how he stopped prying at Wilbur’s fingers. Instead all he got were a few curses thrown his way before Tommy relaxed and let himself be held. Once the boy stopped his wiggling Wilbur curled himself around his cupped hands and pulled the sheets over so Tommy would be warm too.
“Thanks Tom,” Wilbur whispered sleepily.
He just barely heard a whispered response from Tommy before sleep took hold of his mind. With the warmth of his sheets and the haze from the medicine Tommy had brought him he was finally able to drift to sleep.
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goosedawn · 3 years
One day while playing chess Eret is super tired and just, falls asleep mid conversation in his chair. Wilbur gathers enough courage to get a closer look at his chess mate while he sleeps.
And before going back to the walls he moves a bunch of the chess pieces around just to mess with Eret.
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@leetlezeetle sjvjhsbhbghvdjhd thank u for the prompt💛💛 (once again set in @plant-gt-thought-box 's royal garden au :>)
even though wilbur moved the pieces around, eret managed to win anyway...
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icewolfstar · 3 years
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@leetlezeetle tiny son baby boy
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janylicious · 2 years
Mcyt g/t creator #3
Thank you leetlezeetle for your request!!
With outline
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No outline
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x-pair-o-dice-x · 3 years
school doodles!!
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made a little g!monster/dragon shifter phil! plus tiny bench trio.
phil’s designing the right is inspired by leetlezeetle’s phil design!
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crime time >:DD!!!
annnnd that’s all the actual requests i got,, but i got one more doodle,,,
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a little randrider!! heavily based off of @aslitheryprinx’s itsy bitsy drider au!! i really wish i had more than just that one shade of purple dkdndkdmkfj,, feels too dark.
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betmyfortune · 2 years
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thanks @leetlezeetle for the stunning shaders!
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