#le moire
maria-taiwin · 2 years
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The Moirai (The Sandman netflix)
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aita-alternia · 8 months
FACinAtED By thE shEEr lACk oF rEGArD For thEir livEs thAt this BloGs Anons hAvE?? its honEstly imprEssivE At this point how littlE you iDiots sEEm to CArE iF you gEt CullED
AnywAy if yourE GoinG to ADmit to trEAson on FuCkinG GruBBlr oF All plACEs i Am BeGGinG you to mAkE CErtAin yourE ComplEtEly untrACkABlE -your loCAl (inCrEDiBly ConFusED) hACkEr
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Hugo sexy bracket round 1
Match 11: Combeferre [les mis] v. David Dirry-Moir [lhqr]
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chic-a-gigot · 2 years
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Le Petit écho de la mode, no. 28, vol. 16, 15 juillet 1894, Paris. 1. Corsage de ville en satin duchesse noir. Ville de Paris / Bibliothèque Forney
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sonic-nancy-fan · 8 months
S'aimer est interdit~Le Roi Soleil English Trans-lyrics
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These are my English trans-lyrics for S'aimer est interdit from Le Roi Soleil! Finally got around to finishing these. Now there's only a few songs left :)
All of the Le Roi Soleil songs I have written lyrics for
Download Lyrics
People believe that nothing is stronger than love That it’s a gift we get from heaven up above A Good more grand than treasures of the earth all while People believe that you can save it awhile How could one think, love can be undone once it’s here? And when it’s gone, forget who had made it appear? Whether or not I’m allowed to Be there, I will be there with you Are these promises always the same?
It is forbidden, you and me Impossible love Lasting infinity It is not allowed, you and me Love must be kept inside That is what we’ve learned to believe
If I had known that no good end was out there If I had known that I would make you feel pain Feeling the warmth of the metal rings we wear How can I know where dislike can become disdain? I would have made the first step to you I would not fear what it could do Are these oversights always the same?
It is forbidden, you and me Impossible love Lasting infinity It is not allowed, you and me Love must be kept inside That is what I’ve learned to believe
We can part now without leaving everything We can stay together without forgetting We can love so, much that, we set us free Set us free
It is not over, you and me Impossible love Lasting infinity It is not allowed, you and me Love is invincible That is what we’ve learned to That is what we’ve learned to believe Believe
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dduane · 2 years
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I’ve got crabs on the brain at the moment -- because Tumblr -- but also for other reasons.
Over the last month or so I’ve started working with an AI-assisted image processing platform called Topaz Studio. It has some interesting tools that allow you to do things like sample images up -- making them bigger without losing image quality, and in some cases improving it -- or otherwise improve them by interpolating new pixel patterns to replace ones obscured by the moire patterning that often appears in scans of old printed material. Topaz can apparently also improve the quality of old video, though I haven’t really started getting to grips with that as yet. One thing at a time...
There’s some fertile ground for experimenting with image improvement in the tipped-in color images by H. J. Ford that come in the various Dover paperback editions of Andrew Lang’s [Color] Fairy Books*. Above is one that I’m kind of fond of. It comes from a story in the Orange Fairy Book called “The White Doe,” which is a translation of a story from Comtesse d’Aulnoy’s collection Les Contes des Fees. I took a preliminary run at it with Topaz, and sharpened and improved it significantly, even though I wasn’t terribly sure about what I was doing.
The unnervingly large crab** is actually a fairy called “the Fairy of the Fountain”, whose human shape is that of a dapper little old lady dressed in crimson and white, “with green ribbons in her hair”. However, the Fairy of the Fountain has a temper, and exhibits it quite openly when (in yet another manifestation of a familiar trope) she turns up in a snit at the royal christening to which she hasn’t been invited.
...The illo below suggests that fucking around with the Fairy of the Fountain can expose one to a seriously nontrivial quantity of Finding Out.
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...Anyway, if you start seeing a lot of H. J. Ford illos here in the days to come, don’t be surprised. (Unfortunately, though, they won’t have crabs in them...)
*BTW, as far as I can tell, all the [Color] Fairy Books are available for free download (or online reading) at Project Gutenberg. Check Andrew Lang’s author listing here.
**Some translations have her appearing as a lobster. Bearing in mind that this is a forest area, maybe what was meant was a crayfish. A question for another day...
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virtchandmoir · 9 months
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Considered one of the greatest skating pairs of all time, Tessa Virtue and Scott Moir spent nearly a decade at the top of their sport to become the most decorated ice dancers in the world. Over more than two decades of extraordinary athletic partnership, Tessa and Scott became the first and only ice dance team to win every major international junior and senior skating competition. At the height of their success between 2008 and 2019 they took home a record-setting five Olympic medals, three World Championships, eight Canadian National Championships and won the Four Continents Championship three times. The pair first skated into the hearts of Canadians at the Olympic Winter Games in 2010, thrilling crowds in Vancouver as they became the youngest athletes and first North Americans to win Olympic Gold in ice dancing. Nearly a decade later Tessa and Scott secured their iconic status with a beguiling Gold medal performance that smashed the world record for overall score in free dance at the 2018 Olympic Winter Games in Pyeongchang.
Growing up in London, Ontario, Tessa took to the ice at the age of six after deciding she didn’t want to be the only student in her class who couldn’t skate during a school field trip. Raised in a figure skating family in nearby Ilderton, Ontario, Scott had been skating since he was three years old, coached by his mother Alma and his aunt Carol. First collaborating in 1997 when Tessa was seven years old and Scott was nine, the pair were initially so shy they could barely talk to each other. Building confidence while developing undeniable on-ice chemistry, Tessa and Scott shared a commitment to excellence that continually helped them overcome adversity. The two made enormous sacrifices to hone their craft, embracing success and failure as equal opportunities for growth and turning vulnerability into compelling artistry. Training rigorously to perfect innovative choreography, they pushed boundaries by approaching ice dancing as both creative expression and high performance sport, skating with an emotional sincerity that captivated audiences around the world.
After raising the profile of ice dancing to breathtaking new heights, Tessa and Scott retired from competitive skating in 2019. Since then, Scott has served as head coach and managing director of the Ice Academy of Montreal’s satellite program in London, Ontario. He has also been a vocal advocate for diversity and inclusivity in skating. Tessa completed both an MBA from the Smith School of Business, and a Master of Applied Positive Psychology from the University of Pennsylvania. Tessa is an executive advisor at Deloitte, where she helps to unlock the potential of the Canadian workforce in the realm of high performance and wellbeing. She also serves on the board for Her Mark, a charity that empowers young girls through the power of sport, and Motionball, an organization that fundraises for Special Olympics athletes.  
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Considérés comme l’un des plus grands couples de patinage artistique de tous les temps, Tessa Virtue et Scott Moir ont passé près d’une décennie au sommet de leur sport pour devenir les danseurs sur glace les plus primés du monde. Au cours de leur partenariat sportif extraordinaire qui a duré plus de deux décennies, Tessa et Scott sont devenus la première et la seule équipe de danse sur glace à remporter toutes les compétitions majeures internationales de patinage artistique junior et senior. À l’apogée de leur succès, soit entre 2008 et 2019, ils remportent un nombre record de cinq médailles olympiques, trois Championnats du monde, huit Championnats nationaux canadiens et ils remportent également le Four Continents Championship à trois reprises. Le couple a conquis les cœurs des Canadiens lors des Jeux olympiques d’hiver de 2010, enthousiasmant les foules à Vancouver en devenant les plus jeunes athlètes et les premiers Nord-Américains à remporter l’or olympique en danse sur glace. Près d’une décennie plus tard, aux Jeux olympiques de 2018 à Pyeongchang, Tessa et Scott consolident leur statut emblématique en donnant une performance enlevante qui leur vaudra la médaille d’or et qui pulvérise alors le record du monde pour la note globale obtenue en danse libre.
Tessa a grandi à London, en Ontario et a commencé à patiner à l’âge de six ans après avoir décidé lors d’une sortie scolaire qu’elle ne serait pas la seule élève de sa classe incapable de patiner. Élevé dans une famille de patineurs artistiques, non loin de là, à Ilderton, en Ontario, Scott a commencé à patiner dès l’âge de trois ans. Sa mère Alma et sa tante Carol ont été ses premières entraîneures. La première collaboration du couple survient en 1997 alors que Tessa a sept ans et Scott neuf ans. Ils sont alors si timides qu’ils arrivent à peine à se parler. Gagnant en confiance au fur et à mesure qu’ils développent leur complicité indéniable sur la glace, Tessa et Scott partagent un engagement envers l’excellence qui les a constamment aidés à surmonter l’adversité. Ils ont tous deux fait d’énormes sacrifices pour perfectionner leur art, en embrassant les succès et les échecs comme des opportunités égales de croissance et en transformant la vulnérabilité en un style artistique saisissant. S’entraînant rigoureusement pour perfectionner des chorégraphies innovantes, ils ont repoussé les limites en abordant la danse sur glace à la fois comme une expression créative et un sport de haute performance, patinant avec une sincérité émotionnelle qui a captivé les publics du monde entier.
Après avoir élevé le profil de la danse sur glace à de nouveaux sommets époustouflants, Tessa et Scott ont pris leur retraite de la compétition en 2019. Depuis lors, Scott occupe le poste d’entraîneur en chef et de directeur général du programme satellite de l’Académie de glace de Montréal à London, en Ontario. Il a également été un ardent défenseur de la diversité et de l’inclusivité dans le patinage. Tessa a obtenu un MBA de la Smith School of Business ainsi qu’une maîtrise en psychologie positive appliquée de l’Université de Pennsylvanie. Tessa est conseillère exécutive chez Deloitte, où elle contribue à libérer le potentiel de la main-d’œuvre canadienne dans le domaine de la haute performance et du bien-être. Elle siège également au conseil d’administration de Her Mark, une association caritative qui autonomise les jeunes filles par le biais du sport, et de Motionball, un organisme qui recueille des fonds pour les athlètes d’Olympiques spéciaux.
Canada’s Sports Hall of Fame is honoured to be presenting Tessa Virtue and Scott Moir with the prestigious Order of Sport award on Thursday, October 19, 2023 as a member of the incredible Class of 2023.
—Order of Sport
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macaroni-rascal · 4 months
Until recently the only DW programs I’d ever watched was their Olympic performances, as well as 08 and 09 worlds. Then I found a full(ish) replay on YT of 2012 worlds FD- VM won obviously with Funny Face which was phenomenal, but even they said maybe wasn’t their very best. I had known VM won both the short and FD, and I knew they won by a fairly big margin. I figured DW must’ve had a fall or missed an element entirely for there to be like a.. I think 4 or 5 point gap.
Then I watched their FD..
O M F G. I had never appreciated what you and others say about their shit skating skills till this point (I’m a dancer so my ice dance judgement comes from the waist up and performance quality- skating skills I can’t quite pick apart as thoroughly).
It was sooo fucking frantic. They did not stop for one second. THE RUNNING TO GAIN SPEEED 😵‍💫. Her arms swinging all over the place. It is genuinely a miracle they didn’t trip over. Her leg lines were god awful! Constantly bent and toes not pointed. He skates like he just snorted 5 rails before getting on the ice. I was actually dumbfounded.
On what fucking level could they have been considered in the same realm as vm (fairly)???? I for one adore Funny Face and think they performed it to near perfection. Not my fave free dance but even if you knew nothing about ice dance and watched the two teams you’d see VM’s ease in holds, calmness, control over their edges, their rock solid lifts. Tessa’s ballerina arms. They perform to the back row of the arena, they are believable and genuine. It’s LIGHT YEARS difference. I really was left quite speechless.
Then hilariously, in the kc DW score was like 4 points below their SB, with no obvious mistakes, and meryl says ‘that’s abit low’.. I’m thinking omg babe how much more could you possibly want for that burning trash heap of a skate??? (The cynic in me says that was the moment Marina set out burning VM’s career to the ground for her future daughter in law 🫠)
So ok that was an easy win for vm. But then how could there have been such a shift the other way in less than a season?? Like actual legitimate shift in skill in talent?? (there wasn’t, and the impending shit show through to 2014 (and beyond) on the judging side was proof of that) DW’s heads (and scores) were clearly being inflated through their asses enough by marina for them to start so easily winning without actually improving.
If vm make big mistakes that cost points fine. But they were rock fucking solid performing the most difficult programs ever attempted in the sport, only minor booboos (4CC excluded). Ok seasons was not the most stand out program but the performers and dancers and skaters they are could make even the most mundane Bock program an Oscar worthy performance. Charlie’s flailing fruit bat/butterfly at the end of sherizarde (I know what it is I just cbf spelling it right) is burned in my fucking brain and yeah ok Scott’s heavy breathing at the end of seasons wasn’t great and idk where I’m going with this at this point but even looking 12 years back this sport manages to shit me off.
Sincerely.. the gal who made the ‘Madi’s bad skating skills’ meme yesterday
Your lips to god's ears! You spoke no word of a lie and I clapped half way through. I could not agree with you more. D/W being V/M rivals would be laughable if it wasn't so rage inducing. Personally, I wish it had been a Virtue/Moir and Pechelat/Bourzat rivalry, that would have been far more interesting, not to mention, made infinitely more sense. Le sigh.
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youre-ackermine · 23 days
Coucou Val ! Ça va ?? 💖
Bon, je n’ai pas vraiment de questions sur la France xD Néanmoins, j'adore l'initiative donc je me suis dit… pourquoi ne pas parler de Levihan avec une touche française ? ;)
Sur ce (si tu veux), je me demandais…
As-tu des chansons francophones qui te font penser à Levihan ? Tu peux nous les partager ?
Merci et gros bisous !
ENG translation:
Hi Val! How are you? 💖
Well, I shouldn't have questions about France xD But I love your idea so I thought… why not talk about Levihan with the french touch ? ;)
On that note, I was wondering…
Do you have any French songs that remind you of Levihan? Can you share them with us?
Thanks and big kisses!
Coucou Flo ! Je vais très bien, et toi ?
Merci de participer à cette journée (désolée de répondre aussi tardivement d'ailleurs 🫣)
Soyons honnête, j'écoute peu de musique française/francophone & il s'agit souvent de vieilleries! Du coup, je me suis creusé la tête pour trouver quelques chansons qui m'évoquent Levihan. Certaines sont déjà dans ma playlist Levihan qui dure 24h, j'y ajouterai probablement les autres.
J'espère que ça te plaira !
Bonne soirée & gros bisous 💕
Avertissement: pour la plupart, c'est pas mon style de musique habituel 😄
(Ia première est ma préférée: après la guerre, Livaï pense à Hansi 😭)
English translation:
Hi Flo! I'm doing very well, what about you? Thanks for your participation to this event (sorry for the late reply 🫣)
Let's be honest, I don't listen to much French/French-speaking music & it's often old stuff! So, I racked my brains out to find a few songs that remind me of Levihan. Some are already in my 24 hours long Levihan playlist, I will probably add the others to it.
I hope you'll like them!
Have a nice evening & big kisses 💕
Disclaimer: most songs are not in my usual style of music 😄
(the first one is my favourite: post war, Levi remembers Hange 😭)
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philcollinsenjoyer · 4 months
tagged by my loverly wife @riverdalepolycule to tag the first ten songs that come up on shuffle <333 (i assume in my liked songs)
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gavroche-le-moineau · 5 months
This evening I'm catching up with Les Mis Letters so here are some language notes from the last few chapters:
LM 5.5.6 - The Two Old Men Who Do Everything...
1. A fun pun! Marius says: “The men of the revolution are so great, ... and each one of them seems to me an antique memory.” In French the last part of this line is: “... et chacun d’eux semble une mémoire antique.” M. Gillenormand then responds with “Moire antique!” meaning antique moire - a rippled or wavy fabric - and the next day he buys a dress of this fabric for Cosette. If you haven't spotted the joke yet, "antique memory" in French is "mémoire antique" so M. Gillenormand either only heard or only chose to hear the very last part of what Marius was saying and interpreted it as Marius talking about the fabric.
2. In one of M. Gillenormand's long speeches he says “... I am always harping on your people, but do look favorably on my dealing a bit of a slap to the bourgeoisie. I belong to it.” The last sentence is exactly the same wording in French that Grantaire uses in his line "Vive la République! J'en suis." translated in Hapgood as "Long live the Republic! I'm one of them." It's such a common phrase that I don't expect much was meant by it but I found it to be an interesting parallel.
3. “[Aunt Gillenormand] went regularly to service, told her beads, read her euchology, mumbled Aves in one corner of the house, while I love you was being whispered in the other,” This is just kind of interesting- the "I love you" in this sentence is written in English in the original text. I'm not sure why.
LM 5.6.1 - The 16th of February 1833
1. There's a missing sentence in Hapgood's translation after: “Collé, Panard and Piron flow from it, enriched with slang.” The sentence after it is: “On crache de là-haut sur le peuple le catéchisme poissard.” which I would translate as "One spits vulgar catechismes (summary of a religious doctrine) on the people from up there."
2. Very shortly after the previous sentences, there's the line “Uproar reigns in front, tumult behind.” I feel like Hapgood didn't really capture the vibes of the language correctly here because the words used for "uproar" and "tumult" are "Brouhaha" and "Tohubohu" respectively. Brouhaha can be kept as-is in English, and apparently Tohubohu can be translated as hurly-burly although I've not really heard that expression before, but both give a more accurate sense of the onomatopoeic nature of the words being used.
3. I can't comment on all of it right now but there's SO much fun argot being used in the conversation between Thénardier and Azelma- my version of the French text has a ton of its rare footnotes to explain all the slang. One tiny thing that's bothering me about the Hapgood translation is Thénardier ends with “That don’t matter. You must try. You understand me, Azelma.” but the French ends with “Entends-tu, Azelma ?” so it really should be "Do you understand, Azelma? / Do you hear me, Azelma?"
These chapters are a bit longer as we approach the end here! I think I'll have to save the next one for tomorrow, but now I'm only one behind.
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merionettes · 5 months
rubicon program references
due to the slow death of twitter i'm collecting my program links here. (almost) none of the rubicon skates are meant to be identical to real life programs, but some of the inspiration is pretty one-to-one… and some is a little less direct.
if you find yourself region blocked, try a free vpn - i recommend the veepn browser extension (firefox | chrome) or proton. 
if you only have so much time, i've starred the most important ones. if you want more… i have so many more.
chapter one
**tessa virtue/scott moir - mahler no. 5 (olympics 2010)
chapter two
tessa virtue/scott moir - carmen (worlds 2013)
kaitlyn weaver/andrew poje - the way you make me feel (canadian nationals 2017) | bonus worlds finish
chapter three
nadia bashynska/peter beaumont - romeo & juliet (gp espoo 2023)
maia shibutani/alex shibutani - smile (4cc 2011)
**michelle kwan - tosca (us nationals 2004) | music
chapter four
**meryl davis/charlie white - scheherazade (olympics 2014)
shizuka arakawa - turandot (olympics 2006)
**alexei yagudin - winter (olympics 2002)
chapter five
daisuke takahashi - blues for klook (worlds 2013)
mirai nagasu - pirates of the caribbean (olympics 2010)
chapter six
miki ando - the mission (4cc 2011)
meryl davis/charlie white - my fair lady (olympics 2014)
chapter seven
katarina witt - where have all the flowers gone (olympics 1994)
chapter eight
mao asada - bells of moscow (olympics 2010)
shoma uno - dancing on my own (internationaux de france 2019)
chapter nine & ten
mao asada - rachmaninov no. 2 (olympics 2014)
kazuki tomono - one more time (rostelecom cup 2018 gala)
tessa virtue/scott moir - what's love got to do with it (niagara ice show 2016)
yuna kim - les misérables (all that skate 2013)
ensemble - uptown funk (ice fantasia 2019)
chapter eleven
madison chock/evan bates - touch/contact (olympics 2022 team event)
chapter twelve
yuzuru hanyu - romeo and juliet (worlds 2012)
chapter thirteen
tatsuki machida - east of eden (worlds 2014)
johnny weir - the swan (olympics 2006)
kaitlin hawayek/jean-luc baker - feeling good (us nationals 2017)
tessa virtue/scott moir - prince medley (worlds 2017)
chapter fourteen
**jeremy abbott - lilies of the valley (olympics 2014)
nathan chen - le corsaire (us nationals 2017)
chapter fifteen
yuzuru hanyu - heaven and earth (olympics 2022)
denis ten - the artist (worlds 2013)
chapter sixteen & seventeen
ashley wagner - moulin rouge (us nationals 2015)
chapter eighteen
kaori sakamoto - elastic heart (worlds 2023)
shoma uno - dancing on my own (japan nationals 2019)
**adam rippon - arrival of the birds (olympics 2018)
chapter nineteen
michelle kwan - fields of gold (olympics 2002)
**tessa virtue/scott moir - moulin rouge (olympics 2018)
tessa virtue/scott moir - long time running (olympics 2018 gala)
the rippon lutz (quad edition)
stationary lift BASE?
f/f ice dance feat. madison hubbell and gabrielle papadakis
best of kpop in figure skating
fs dynamics 101
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t-annhauser · 1 year
Hai visto Zelensky che va a Sanremo? Sì, tu devi tener presente che a un certo livello non c'è più niente da salvare, diventa tutto avanspettacolo: Zelensky in mimetica sui fondali in chroma key, Putin Papà Natale che ci salva dai nazisti, Macron e le foto con la barba di un giorno imitando Zelensky, Biden in ipocinesi con gli occhiali da Top Gun, non c'è niente da salvare. Noi del mondo di sotto dobbiamo solo sperare che le misteriose moire che reggono i fili dei nostri destini non abbiamo cucito per noi un bel vestitino di legno, per il resto possiamo benissimo sdegnare tutti questi saltimbanchi affetti da ipertrofia dell'ego e dedicarci a cose più umane, come per esempio le nostre vite, che sono in genere così trascurate.
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Sexiest Hugo characters: survey results
1. enjolras [les miserables]
2. esmeralda [notre dame de paris]
3. montparnasse [les miserables]
4. djali [notre dame de paris]
5. gwynplaine [l’homme qui rit]
6. la pieuvre [the toilers of the sea]
7. cimourdain [93]
8. bahorel [les miserables]
9. gilliatt [the toilers of the sea]
10. javert [les miserables]
11. hernani [hernani]
12. phoebus [notre dame de paris]
13. gauvain [93]
14. feuilly [les miserables]
15. courfeyrac [les miserables]
16. josiana [l’homme qui rit]
17. marius pontmercy [les miserables]
18. don carlos [hernani]
19. dea [l’homme qui rit]
20. combeferre [les miserables]
21. homo [l’homme qui rit]
22. cosette [les miserables]
23. fantine [les miserables]
24. bishop myriel [les miserables]
25. valjean [les miserables]
26. don ruy gomez de silva [hernani]
27. grantaire [les miserables]
28. claquesous/le cabuc [les miserables]
29. dona sol de silva [hernani]
30. jehan frollo [notre dame de paris]
31. ursus [l’homme qui rit]
32. eponine [les miserables]
33. prouvaire [les miserables]
34. claude frollo [notre dame de paris]
35. joly [les miserables]
36. ebenezer caudray [the toilers of the sea]
37. houzarde [93]
38. fleur de lys [notre dame de paris]
39. sister simplice [les miserables]
40. pierre gringoire [notre dame de paris]
41. fauchelevent [les miserables]
42. clopin [notre dame de paris]
43. bossuet [les miserables]
44. michelle flecharde [93]
45. david dirry-moir [l’homme qui rit]
46. radoub [93]
47. mabeuf [les miserables]
48. col pontmercy [les miserables]
49. fibi [l’homme qui rit]
50. azelma [les miserables]
51. quasimodo [notre dame de paris]
52. barkilphedro [l’homme qui rit]
53. hardquanonne [l’homme qui rit]
54. babet [les miserables]
55. vinos [l’homme qui rit]
56. gillenormand [les miserables]
57. thenardier [les miserables]
58. deruchette [the toilers of the sea]
59. lethierry [the toilers of the sea]
60. mme thenardier [les miserables]
61. gudule [notre dame de paris]
62. lantenac [93]
63. mlle baptistine [les miserables]
64. clubin [the toilers of the sea]
if i mispelled anything no i didnt
if you disagree with where your favs are, i’ll be holding a bracket soon! so look forward to boosting them with your votes
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chic-a-gigot · 3 months
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Le Petit écho de la mode, no. 9, vol. 19, 28 février 1897, Paris. 18. Toilettes de cérémonie. Ville de Paris / Bibliothèque Forney
(1.) Toilette de mariée en satin. Jupe à traîne ronde, garnie devant d’un volant de mousseline de soie, surmonté d’un cordon de fleurs d’oranger, remontant en quille sur les côtés, corsage froncé devant, croise à partir de la taille garni d’un cordon de fleurs d'oranger terminé par un bouquet. Ceinture drapée. Manches froncées dans toute la longueur, recouvertes du haut par deux volants mousseline de soie, col droit et ruche. Voile de tulle de soie et diadème de fleurs d’oranger, gants suede blanc.
(1.) Satin bridal ensemble. Skirt with round train, trimmed in front with a silk chiffon ruffle, topped with a cord of orange flowers, going up in a keel on the sides, gathered bodice in front, crosses from the waist trimmed with a cord of orange blossoms finished with a bouquet. Draped belt. Full-length gathered sleeves, covered at the top by two silk chiffon ruffles, straight collar and ruffle. Silk tulle veil and orange flower tiara, white suede gloves.
Matér.: 20 m. satin, 2 m. mousseline de soie.
(2.) Toilette en bengaline gris nickel et entre-deux dentelle. Jupe ronde, garnie d’entre-deux, disposés en seconde jupe. Corsage blouse froncé à la taille, garni d’entre-deux. Ceinture suissesse en pointe, col droit en velours rubis, collerette de dentelle. Manches garnies d’entre-deux avec petits ballons bien enlevés. Chapeau feutre gris orné dentelle blanche, velours gris, plumes et aigrette blanches.
(2.) Ensemble in nickel gray bengaline and lace insert. Round skirt, garnished with in-betweens, arranged as a second skirt. Blouse bodice gathered at the waist, trimmed with inserts. Swiss point belt, straight collar in ruby velvet, lace collar. Sleeves trimmed with small balloons well removed. Gray felt hat decorated with white lace, gray velvet, white feathers and egret.
Matér. : 15 m. de bengaline, 0m50 velours.
(3.) Toilette en moire brodée noire. Jupe ronde unie, montée à fronces derrière. Corsage blouse en bengaline jaune orange en serré daus une haute ceinture-corselet en satin noir, petit figaro très court garni de deux rangs de dentelle. Manches unies avec petit drapé dans le haut, volant au bas. Capote de jais ornée de dentelle et chrysanthèmes.
(3.) Black embroidered moire ensemble. Plain round skirt, gathered with gathers at the back. Blouse bodice in orange-yellow bengaline tightly fitted with a high corselet belt in black satin, very short little figaro trimmed with two rows of lace. Plain sleeves with small drape at the top, ruffle at the bottom. Jet hood decorated with lace and chrysanthemums.
Matér.: 15 m. de moire, 0m50 satin. 5 m. dentelle.
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aita-alternia · 6 months
oOoOoOh, soO are yoOu oOne oOf thoOse troOlls whoO believes we all have like, certain troOlls oOut there whoO are destined toO fill oOur quadrants? doO yoOu crave the meet-cute broOught oOn by serendipity? noO judgement, my moOirail believes in all that fate stuff toOoO
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