#laurent & makedon
ninicaise · 9 months
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exact same energy
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mklinaaa · 11 months
my fav part of kings rising is where makedon basically adopts laurent
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dontyoulistentome · 8 months
You’ve sent riders to announce your plans?’ said Laurent.
‘This is the Akielon way,’ said Makedon, as he might to a favoured nephew a bit slow at learning.
Laurent finally getting the uncle he deserves.
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metalandmagi · 10 months
I just realized I've never encountered any My Big Fat Greek Wedding AUs for Captive Prince, and that's something this fandom must rectify immediately. Damen with an enormous extended family (mostly comprised of people named Nik) is too good to pass up.
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heythereokaybye · 5 months
What do you do when you love your king? 
What do you do when it is not a love owed to the motherland or the throne? Instead, it compels you to give freely to the object of your love. You give, give, and give, and a time comes when you give away so much that you have nothing left. Tonight was such a night for Nikandros.  Read more on AO3!
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Nikandros: ... why can you draw the Prince of Vere from memory?
Makedon: he can what
Damen: this means NOTHING
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wingsau · 2 years
My favorite thing about Kings Rising, is we find out that the moment that Laurent isn't trying to stay alive, he becomes incredibly awkward. And unfortunately for him, the Northern Akielon forces find him incredibly endearing.
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tschulijulesjulie · 1 year
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ive read and reread this scene countless times but it still is incredibly hilarious to me
also, Nikandros definitely doesn't get paid enough for this
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ches-grinner · 1 year
Day 25 - What Happened
A year has passed since Aimeric overheard his father speaking to - plotting with - The Regent, as he’s styled himself. He better understands, now, why Auguste was so angered and horrified by what Aimeric repeated. A coup meant to frame Auguste, and shift the political landscape for the most powerful Veretian and Akielonian Families.
-The same day Aleron and Hennike’s plane crashed on the return trip from Marlas, Theomedes and his retinue had been gunned down as he exited his own plane in Ios. But something had gone wrong.
Laurent hadn’t been on the plane with his parents. Damianos hadn’t returned to Ios with his father. Weeks passed and both remained unaccounted for. Along with the sons of several prominent Akielonian Families. 
And Auguste fought back, garnered support from both Vere and Akielos. Though mostly confined to shadows and back alleys, the war was no less bloody.-
Aimeric has known he had a part to play, he just wasn’t sure what until Makedon places a newspaper down on the table in front of him. His gaze is fixed on the lurid headline: Auguste of Vere Accused of the Abduction and Murder of Prominent Politician’s Son. Beneath is a photo of a casket, a funeral. And beneath that is a picture of Aimeric, his own name.
Idly, a bit numb with shock, he wonders who is in the box.
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nuttersinc · 6 months
So, thoughts on a five days Captive Prince marathon reading:
The writing: I hadn't picked this up because I'm not that much into slave fic, but I read some quotes last week and thought: this sounds so good and the writing is brilliant... Let's have a look. Hooked after 1 page, I think. The writing is masterful. Both lush and sparse, light and dense. Achingly beautiful, then simplistic.
What's it about: Starts out like slave fic - Prince gets sold into slavery to the enemy court to serve as bedslave to the enemy Prince - but veers off into a highly convoluted political conspiracy with a million twists and turns. Keeps you entertained until the suspenseful end.
Damen, our hero and POV: at first you think he's a himbo - broad shouldered, strong and tall, very physical with an animal intelligence about him, but if Laurent wasn't there to be the cleverest person in the room, he would be. Strong sense of duty and loyalty and what is right (in his society's limitations), fiercely protective. Tends to mindlessly shed blood if someone he cares about is threatened.
Laurent, the enemy Prince, whose uncle is regent: Laurent is cruel and seems cold hearted. He's a manipulative bitch, and he's always - with one notable acception - the most clever and cunning person in the room. He's a survivor and he does everything it takes. He's usually a step ahead of everyone, planning for contingencies. He's also sassy and talks like he was raised in a brothel, even though he takes noone to his bed. Contrary to Damen who is a fighter with honour, Laurent fights dirty. He's a perfect parcel of deadly and cute.
Some things that I had massive feels about: (Spoilers ahead!!!!)
* the reveal that Laurent knew he was Damianos all along. I squealed. (I mean, he nearly had him flogged to death, and at some point early you realise that Laurent is usually cruel with intention, not with sadism)
* their little adventure in the inn: their roles reversed, Laurent as the pleasure slave, Laurent's helpless giggling as they are pressed up against each other on the balcony, nearly detected, Damen overwhelmed and confused by Laurent's body shaking against him
* all the times Damen stayed, after he realised what was really going on in Vere
* Jokaste and Laurent trying to out bitch each other and being severely unpleasant towards each other
* the renowned veretian cloth merchant imposter thing - fucking hilarious.
* Laurent appointing Damen his captain
* Damen making sure nobody disturbs Laurent when he's in a mood
*Damen being a bitch about being interrupted kissing Laurent, even as they take him away
* Laurent, all hot and bothered, when Damen returns victorious from naked oil wrestling
* Damen, all hot and bothered, when he sees Laurent in a chiton for the first time
* Laurent's smile the morning after
* Damen's smile the morning after Laurent drinks to win over Makedon...
* all the fights and all the softness. Their camraderie 😥😁😍
* so much more, will add later...
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aurorawest · 5 months
"Laurent!" said Makedon, greeting Laurent warmly. "I am glad to take up your invitation to hunt with you in Acquitart when this campaign is over." He clapped Laurent on the shoulder. Laurent said, "My invitation." Damen wondered whether he had ever been clapped on the shoulder in his life. "I sent a messenger to my homestead this very morning to tell them to begin preparing light spears for chamois." "You hunt with Veretians now?" said Philoctus. "One cup of griva and you slept like the dead," said Makedon. He clapped Laurent's shoulder again. "This one had six! Can you doubt the power of his will? The steadiness of his arm in the hunt?" "Not your uncle's griva," said a horrified voice.
Kings Rising, pp 165-166, C.S. Pacat
Honestly Pacat doesn't get enough credit for their comedy. Prince's Gambit and Kings Rising in particular have some laugh out loud moments.
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ninicaise · 9 months
charls & makedon ADORE laurent the same amount but on complete opposite ends of the adoring laurent spectrum which are [laurent is a genius master of manipulation i wish i knew how his mind works] and [laurent is dumb like a baby deer how he survived this long in the wild is beyond me i simply must instruct him]
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merrivia · 1 year
Makedon and Laurent aka thee comic duo:
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Unbeatable comic timing award goes to ‘horrified voice’
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Laurent - trying to figure out whether to macrame a friendship bracelet for the Akielons or not…Is zis...ow do you say…cámaraderíe? Non?
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Makedon- he can hold his drink but he’s not too bright 😔
Laurent- (digging his nails into his thigh under the table so hard he's bleeding)
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We never got to see Vannes and Makedon interact?? A Tragedy.
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pourcap · 2 years
thoughts: kr chapter 9
The next morning, they had to sit next to each other. ‘had to.’ guess we’re off to a good start then
i wonder about loyse. she’s mentioned so often but never really does anything (i am kind of hoping she’ll murder her horrible husband for what he let the regent do to aimeric)
A part of Damen acknowledged, a little guiltily, that Laurent probably hadn’t deserved to get thrown around the training arena as a result. that made me smile a little
Nikandros said, without looking next to him, ‘Your uncle has wiped out half of our army with two hundred men.’ ‘And a belt,’ said Laurent. nikandros talking to laurent without even looking at him... laurent once again needling damen for his rash decision to declare makedon a traitor... makedon and all of his men deflecting... i see things are going great <3
i would like to announce that i am a little bit in love with pallas now
Damen rose from the throne, and put his hand to the gold brooch at his shoulder. His garment dropped and the crowd roared its approval. (...) On the grass, he reached his cupped hands into the receptacle held by the steward, and scooped out the oil, smearing it over his naked body.  i just wanna be able to read laurent’s thoughts while he’s watching damen wrestle naked 
He waved over some wine. ‘What is it?’ ‘Nothing,’ said Laurent, and found somewhere else to put his eyes. (...) lol i knew it (and can 100% relate to laurent)
There was no one in the tent. Damen turned to see Nikandros advancing on him. nikandros??? 
Nikandros said, ‘Your back.’ Damen flushed. Nikandros was staring at him as if he had needed to see it up close to believe it. The exposure was a shock. He knew . . . He knew there was scarring. He knew it extended across his shoulders, down to his mid-back. (...) oooh, okay. for a second there i was scared nikandros would be just another person to screw damen over :/ god, this must be horrible; seeing your best friend’s scarred back, and knowing how much pain he endured as a slave
‘Who did this to you?’ ‘I did,’ Laurent said. no go away nikandros is going to fight you
Laurent stood in the entryway of the tent. He was arranged with elegant grace and his lazy, blue-eyed attention was all on Nikandros. Laurent said, ‘I meant to kill him, but my uncle wouldn’t let me.' well... laurent really isn’t ever going to make anything easy for anyone, including damen, and least of all himself. i wonder why he’s actively seeking out conflict here because there is no way he doesn’t expect nikandros to hate him for hurting damen. is he doing this out of guilt for what he did to damen, or is it him letting his self-hatred sabotage him again? i don’t really get it because i remember laurent hoping to get along with nikandros well enough to have his aid in his fight against his uncle. then again, he doesn’t really need nikandros to like him anymore now that he’s got damen as an ally... 
Laurent said, ‘He sucked my cock too.' oh my god. laurent. shut up. 
Nikandros said, ‘Exalted, I beg permission to challenge the Prince of Vere to a duel of honour for the insult that he has done to you.’ ‘Denied,’ said Damen. hhhh
‘You see?’ said Laurent. ‘He has forgiven me for the small matter of the whip. I have forgiven him for the small matter of killing my brother. All praise the alliance.' god. (auguste *sobs*)
‘Not personally. I just watched while I had my man do it.' what the fuck is laurent doinggggg
‘How many lashes was it? Fifty? One hundred? He might have died!’ Laurent said, ‘Yes, that was the idea.' i am just sitting here gaping (honestly why am i even still surprised though? this is laurent)
‘Should I have told him I didn’t enjoy it?’ said Laurent. ‘But I did enjoy it. I liked it most near the end, when you broke down.' oh hey book 1 laurent makes an appearance (i know he’s the same laurent and that he’s always going to have this temperament and it’s not like i dislike this part of him since i know where it’s coming from now but man, we’ve come so far that seeing him and damen talk like that hurts even more now)
‘I came to collect you,’ said Laurent. ‘Nikandros was taking too long.’ ‘You didn’t have to come here. You could have sent a messenger.' the way damen sees right through him :( i miss them so much
In the pause that followed, Laurent’s gaze shifted involuntarily sideways. A strange prickling passing over his skin, Damen realised that Laurent was looking at the polished mirror behind him at the reflection of his scars. Their eyes met again. Laurent wasn’t often caught out, but a single glance had betrayed him. They both knew it. oh, the guilt :( i am so sad. 
Damen felt the hard ache of it. ‘Admiring your handiwork?' i love damen's cutting remarks. he’s always so precise in the way he delivers them (not too unlike laurent, so, once again: they’re such good matches for each other)
‘I’ll join you after I’ve dressed. Unless you want to step closer. You can help stick in the pin.’ ‘Do it yourself,’ said Laurent. ... flirting? now? or was this comment aimed at hurting laurent because they’re not /doing this/ at the moment? but that wouldn’t make too much sense considering damen criticized laurent for using their intimacy against him during the “hello lover” scene
oh, makedon is back??
‘I will pledge,’ said Makedon, ‘if the Prince will ride.' honestly, fair.
Humiliating as it was to refuse, it would be worse to accept—to have his inadequacy made explicit on the field. Makedon’s eyes said that was exactly what he wanted: his return to the fold conditional on the discrediting of Laurent. i know exactly what will happen and i can’t wait for laurent to awe them all with his athleticism and strength and just overall coolness <3
‘Why not?’ said Laurent. pretty sure damen is just going to fall in love with him all over again after this
But the true challenge of the okton was this: if you missed, your spear might kill your opponent. If your opponent missed, you were dead. wow, sounds like a super fun leisure activity! :)
Laurent could also throw a spear. Probably. (...) :)))))  (remember when damen threw a sword at this one guy who tried to kill laurent? because i do. good times <3)
literally WHO would happily participate in the okton if you could just die any minute...?
Laurent took up his first spear and faced the course with a calm aspect. There was something intellectual in the way he assessed the field, and it set him apart from the other riders. For Laurent, physical pursuits were not instinctive, and for the first time it occurred to Damen to wonder if Laurent even enjoyed them. Laurent had been bookish as a boy, before he had re-formed himself. well... now i am sad again. laurent literally spent his whole entire childhood/youth suffering the regent, and training to one day kill damianos, constantly haunted by the death of his brother, when all he probably wanted to do was read and study and spend time with auguste :(
It was quickly apparent that if Makedon had hoped to prove Veretians inferior, in this, at least, he had hoped in vain. Laurent could ride. Slender and balanced, the beautiful proportions of his body were in effortless communication with his horse. His first spear soared, blue-tipped: a bullseye. laurent is so hot i love him sm*
Damen avoided Pallas expertly, his eyes on the field; he didn’t need to watch his own spears land to know that they were hitting dead-centre. (...) *damen as well ofc <3
(...) Laurent dealt with the danger of the okton by simply behaving as though it did not exist. i am grinning from ear to ear (for the sake of my sanity i’m just going to ignore the implication that once again laurent is a little bit too indifferent about his own life and appreciate this sentence for the humor)
oh my god
i can’t believe damen just caught a spear that would’ve otherwise landed right in his chest and laurent simply jumped onto pallas’ horse????
makedon will eat his words <3
(...) Laurent reached down and neatly filched Pallas’s last spear for himself. And, keeping Pallas’s horse at a gallop—as the sounds of the crowd swelled to a crescendo—he threw it, sending it flying right into the centre of the final target. oh my god
Completing the okton one spear ahead of Pallas and of Damen, Laurent drew his horse up in a little circle, and met Damen’s gaze, his pale brows rising, as if to say, ‘Well?' my heart doubled in size
Damen grinned. He hefted the spear he had caught, and from where he was on the far side of the course, threw; let it go sailing over the full, impossible length of the field, to thunk into the target alongside Laurent’s spear, where it rested, quivering. damen is so in love with laurent and laurent is so in love with damen and they just had a cute moment and i can’t believe it <3 my heart is full <3 my skin is clear <3 i am happy <3
(...) There was a warmth in his chest whenever he looked at Laurent. He didn’t look often for that reason. aaaand i’m sad again
‘You have the mind of a snake,’ Makedon said. ‘You have the mind of an old bull,’ said Laurent. They stared at one another. laurent’s impudence always makes me laugh :’)
‘I will drink with you,’ said Makedon. are they... bonding? am i really going to end up liking makedon now?
Laurent picked up the cup in front of him, drained it, then returned it to the table. Makedon gave a slow nod of approval, lifted his own cup, downed it. And said, ‘Again.' laurent will be so wasted by the end of this night, won’t he?
Later, when a great many overturned cups scattered the low table, Makedon leaned forward and told Laurent he must try griva, the drink from his own region, and Laurent downed it and said it tasted like swill, and Makedon said, ‘Ha, ha, true!' (...) i can’t believe laurent won makedon over by 1) being great at sports, 2) getting drunk, and 3) being a little shit
Later, Makedon leaned in and gave Damen this serious advice: ‘You shouldn’t judge the Veretians so harshly. They drink well.' i bet damen had an ‘office’-stare-into-the-camera moment here
Laurent maintained a scrupulous posture until they were all gone, his eyes dilated, his cheeks slightly flushed. Damen spread his arm over the back of his own seat and waited. After a long moment, Laurent said, ‘I’m going to need some help standing up.’ i LOVE that damen probably spent all evening thinking ‘that’s not going to end well, he’ll be so drunk by the end of this’ <3 
He wasn’t expecting to receive Laurent’s full weight, but he did, a warm arm slung around his neck, and he was suddenly breathless with the feeling of Laurent in his arms. His hands came up to steady Laurent’s waist, his heart behaving strangely. It was sweetly, impossibly illicit. He felt the ache in his chest. oh, we’re doing this. and by ‘this’ i mean more heartbreak, and more angst, and more of my sobbing bc i just want them to be together and happy and in love !!! (also, i feel like i need to mention that damen is really such a huge sap <3)
‘Technically, it was a draw,’ said Damen. hhhhh
‘Technically. I told you I was quite good at riding. I used to beat Auguste all the time when we raced at Chastillon. It took me until I was nine to realise he was letting me win. I just thought I had a very fast pony. You’re smiling.' oh god. oh god. that is so cute. i am so sad. auguste letting his beloved younger brother win <3 laurent thinking he had a fast pony <3 so much innocence <3 so much love <3 damen smiling as he listens to laurent’s drunken rambles <3 i am sooooo sad
‘I made an exception,’ said Laurent, ‘that night. Two and a half bottles. I had to force myself to get it down. I thought it would be easier drunk.’ ‘You thought what would be easier?’ said Damen. ‘“What”?’ said Laurent. ‘You.' well. i guess i’ll cry again. i don’t think i’ve really realized just how traumatizing and painful suddenly seeing auguste’s killer in vere must’ve been for laurent. delivered to him by his uncle. i don’t know if laurent already knew by that point that the regent wanted to get rid of him, but if he didn’t, what a way to announce his intentions. i seriously don’t think i’ve ever hated a character more than i hate the regent; literally everything he does is vile and cruel and horrible.
(...) Laurent, intensely private, would not want his household present while he dealt with the effects of a night’s worth of drinking. can you believe it’s damen laurent feels closest to? in all those years of auguste’s absence, there has been not a single person in vere who could be what damen now is for laurent and it makes me so angry that it’s all the regent’s doing (i mean, i’m sure laurent wouldn’t have made it easy for anyone to get close to him but if damen managed to, despite laurent knowing who he was all along, i’m sure someone in vere could have as well, if they’d made the effort and not been manipulated by the regent.)
‘Attend me,’ Laurent said, unthinkingly. ‘For old time’s sake?’ said Damen. nooo i am so sad (sorry about repeating myself so often but i am experiencing severe heartbreak. also, one of my absolute favorite fanfic tropes is exes who are still in love getting back together so this level of angst is right up my alley) 
Under the fine fabric of Laurent’s shirt, Paschal had bound Laurent’s shoulder to strengthen it. (...) He thought of sixteen spears thrown, with a constant effort of arm and shoulder, after rough exertion the day before. it is pretty telling that damen is guilty of the exact same thing (never letting his body properly heal) but seems to have an issue with laurent doing it... 
Damen took a step back, said: ‘Now you can say you were served by the King of Akielos.’ ‘I could say that anyway.’ i love them <3 
They were gazing at each other. they’re ALWAYS gazing at each other :’)
‘I miss you,’ said Laurent. ‘I miss our conversations.' OH MY GOD
laurent :(((((
oh wow
my heart broke
laurent just broke my heart
i can’t do this
i just want them to be happy :(
‘You don’t like me like this?’ ‘You’re really . . . not yourself.’ ‘Aren’t I?’ ‘No. You’re going to kill me when you sober up.’ ‘I tried to kill you. I can’t seem to go through with it. You keep overturning all my plans.' this is too much. they’re both so sad :( that last sentence laurent said made my stomach drop
(...) he found that before he poured the water it took him a moment to catch his breath. He put both his hands on the table and leaned his weight on it, only a little breathless.  damen physically feeling his heartbreak :(((((((((
Laurent, falling through scattered thoughts into sleep, said, ‘Yes, uncle.' oh.
that ending broke something in me
for a second i forgot that damen doesn’t know about what the regent did to laurent and now i am once again nervous for when he finds out :( 
i hate the regent so much i can’t even put it into words
(that was such a good chapter!! and i think i’ve mentioned it like three-hundred times but: i am so heartbroken!!)
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ao3feed-damenlaurent · 4 months
Eat It Up
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/6UMCVpx by CastIronBitch Laurent, overwhelmed in a crowded bar, tells Damen to dance. Damen delivers. Words: 2293, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Captive Prince - C. S. Pacat Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M Characters: Damen (Captive Prince), Laurent (Captive Prince), Auguste (Captive Prince), Nikandros (Captive Prince), Makedon (Captive Prince) Relationships: Damen/Laurent (Captive Prince) Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Modern Era, Belly Dancing, Auguste Lives (Captive Prince), POV Laurent (Captive Prince), auguste is a bro read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/6UMCVpx
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cyberphuck · 2 years
Makedon was explaining the virtues of iron tea to Laurent, and when Laurent massaged his own temple with finely bred fingers, Makedon remarked, rising, ‘You should have your slave fetch you some.’ ‘Fetch me some,’ Laurent said. Damen rose. And stopped. Laurent had gone very still. Damen stood there, awkwardly. He could think of no other reason why he had stood up. "Pass the salt, daddy"
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