#laser tattoo removal dark skin
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Fractional CO2 Laser Treatment - Alma Hybrid by Alma Lasers can do skin treatment with fractional co2 laser. It's YAG 290 nm technology care remove any skin tags.
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revopions · 2 years
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worseforwords · 1 year
Exposed (Ona Batlle x Reader)
Thanks to @footygirl114 for the title idea! Buckle up everyone, this is a long one.
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“Heads up!” Ona’s voice called from behind you and you felt her leap onto your back a moment later. Today was a good day. United had just beaten City 2-0 in a home game and you had even managed to score one of the goals. Your girlfriend waved at the supporters as you strolled past the stands, but your gaze drifted towards an unusual figure sitting some way down the row. With black hair tipped in blue, striking make-up, dark and frayed clothes, and a plaited choker around her neck, she seemed out of place in a football crowd. You were intrigued, something about her felt familiar, though she was too far away to say exactly what it was. As you caught yourself staring at her for a little too long, you noticed she was staring right back at you, and as you drew closer, she gave you a wave. You suddenly recognised her, and your smile faded. She must’ve noticed your sudden revelation, as she sent you a quick wink. 
Your stomach dropped and panic set in as you considered what to do. Ona still sat on your back, basking in the glory of victory. You knew you had to go say hi to the girl who was now smiling broadly at you from the stands, but you wanted to do so discreetly, without any teammates, especially Ona, joining in on the conversation, or any cameras for that matter. You let Ona down on her feet, to which she send a quick pout your way, before turning her face back towards the fans to continue the walk around the field. Waiting until everyone was distracted, you hastened to the railing to greet the mysterious girl. 
“Hi” you said, quiet as a whisper. “Hey Y/N, long time no see.” she replied, leaning over the barrier to pull you in for a hug. You smiled uncomfortably, scanning your surroundings before reciprocating her hug. As she pulled away, she chuckled, “So, soccer, huh?” “We call it football here.” you answered, trying to match her laugh.
The conversation was short-lived as Ona wandered over, curious as to who you were speaking to. “Hey, who’s this?” she asked, her attention fully on you. “This is Nia, erm- an old friend.” you answered quickly, avoiding eye contact. “Nia, this is Ona.” Ona looked at you confused for a second, probably expecting some sort of label in your introduction, before she brushed it off and quickly shook Nia’s hand. “Hi, nice to meet you.” “Likewise.”
The small interaction sent shivers down your spine. Until now, you had managed to keep your past safely hidden. You had traveled a lot when you were younger, which had allowed you to leave certain things behind, and it had never caught up to you until this moment. It hadn't been hard, as you just omitted certain parts of your youth, namely the two years you spent in LA as a teenager.
Nia broke the silence, turning to you. “So,” she said, “you do remember my name. I was afraid you’d forgotten about us for a second there, Picky.” You froze. Picky. You hadn’t heard that nickname in ages. You avoided Ona’s questioning expression as you tried to laugh it off. “Of course I remember you. It just took me a second, what with your hair and make-up.” you said, pointing at said attributes. “Fair enough,” Nia giggled, “I’ve probably changed my hair about 40 times since we last met. I’m not the only one who’s changed though.” she continued, eyeing your bright red Manchester United shirt. You laughed, “Yeah, I suppose I have.” “Do you still have the tattoo at least?” Nia asked, causing Ona to look up with surprise.
The tattoo. It was the one and only thing you had left from your previous life, a permanent mark etched onto your skin. You had planned to get it removed at some point, but the laser removal was quite expensive, and since the tattoo wasn’t often visible to others, you never bothered to actually get it done. When you started dating Ona however, you knew she was bound to notice it at some point. When she did, you had momentarily forgotten about it when she started pulling down your underwear (really who could blame you for your mind being elsewhere), and you were taken aback by her immediate questioning about the small violet on your hip with the words “can’t take back the bullet” scribbled underneath it. Luckily you were still quick on your feet and you made something up along the lines of it being a reminder to not let your emotions get the better of you and Ona let it slide after that because she too had other things on her mind.
“Yeah, I still have it.” you said with a shy smile, still avoiding Ona’s gaze. “Good, me too.” Nia said, making Ona turn to her sharply. “By the way, Picky,” she started, changing the subject, “you still owe Casey some money, remember?” This was the final straw for you.  Too much had already been said, and you needed to get away as fast as possible. You took advantage of a group of fans who called out your names to excuse yourself, pulling Ona with you towards them. After signing a few shirts and taking selfies, you hurried inside.
“What was that all about?” Ona asked as she caught up with you. “What was what about?” You stalled, trying to come up with an excuse for your strange behaviour. “Why are you being weird?” she asked directly. “I’m not, just tired from the game, that's all.” you said, unable to come up with anything better as you headed towards the changing room, avoiding eye contact, gaze straight ahead. “Shit,” you muttered as you sat down, “forgot my coat, be right back.” 
As you walked back onto the pitch, you couldn’t resist checking if Nia was still there. To your dismay, you saw her talking to Millie. “Mills!” you yelled, running towards them. “Come with me, now.” You grabbed her wrist, pulling her away from the conversation. “Woah, Y/N, calm down, what’s going on?” she asked, shocked by your sudden intervention. “It’s just that,” you paused to think as your eyes scanned the stands, quickly finding just what you needed. “I saw some little girls over there who want your autograph, and I think they’re about to leave without it,” you said, pointing towards a group of young girls holding up a sign with Millie’s name on it. “Oh, thanks. Maybe next time, don’t be so intense about it?” she chuckled. “Noted.” you said, walking with her towards the excited children. “So, erm, what were you talking about with that girl?” you asked carefully. “Nothing really. I just told her I liked her style, and then you pulled me away. Why?” You scanned her face, trying to see if she was telling the truth. For a moment, you thought you saw a small smirk in the corner of her mouth, but you decided not to dwell on it as it would only arouse suspicion. “Nothing, never mind.”
Ella’s voice resounded through the changing room like a joyful bell. “Woooo, party at mine ladies!” she exclaimed. As she settled beside you, she turned to address you. “You coming, Y/N?” she asked, a friendly grin etched onto her features. “Sure, but I have to pop home for a quick shower, forgot my towel,” you replied, hastily pulling on your joggers and coat. Ona began to offer her towel, but before she could finish her sentence, you had already bolted out of the door. 
As you plopped down on your bed, trying to recover from the events of the day, your mind raced with thoughts and questions. You tried to make up reasons for your strange behaviour earlier, but nothing seemed to make sense. You knew that no one could know about what happened. It would change how they see you, and you couldn’t bear that. Those two years in LA were supposed to stay in LA, and thus far, no one had a single clue about it. Nia suddenly showing up made you terrified that someone would find out, so when she messaged you asking if you wanted to hang out, you ignored her. You couldn’t risk anyone finding out your secret.
You went to the party, hoping to take your mind off things. However, things only got worse. Ona made quick work of pulling you aside to interrogate you about earlier, asking a series of questions that made your heart race. “Can we talk?” she said. “Who is she? Why did she call you Picky? Why do you have matching tattoos? Why were you acting so weird? And who is Casey, and why do you owe them money?” 
You knew that you couldn’t tell her the truth, so you made up some stuff on the spot, hoping that it would be enough to satisfy her curiosity. You told her that Nia was just an old friend from LA that you hadn’t seen in years. You added that she was always a bit of a weirdo and that you weren’t that close. You explained that the matching tattoos were just a silly thing that you and Nia did when you were young and naive and the money thing was just some inside joke. You hoped that Ona would buy your story, but you couldn’t shake the feeling that she was still suspicious.
When Ona finally left you be, you quickly checked your phone, which had been buzzing in your pocket a lot. You’d received a series of messages from Nia, the last one of which being: 
“We need to talk. Where are you??”
As you felt increasingly anxious about Nia’s persistent messages, you decided to leave the party early to meet up with her. You quickly came up with an excuse to your teammates, telling them that you suddenly felt unwell and needed to go home to rest, and you texted Nia your address.
Shortly after arriving home, a knock resounded from your door. Hastily, you answered it and welcomed Nia into your apartment. “You’ve got a lovely place here, very grown-up, Picky,” she remarked as she stepped inside. “Please don’t call me that.” you muttered in response as you finally snapped. “Why not?” Nia asked, looking with a confused expression. Mentally debating how to deliver your message, you began, “I’m not the same person anymore.” “Obviously.” She mumbled. “When I got my chance to make it in the football world, I left my old life in LA behind. The person you knew back then is gone, I am no longer her.” you explained. “I don't believe that,” Nia responded, “you can't simply leave and become a completely different person.” “Well, I did,” you answered coldly, “and I’d like to keep it that way. So, please, don’t talk to my teammates again.” Nia remained silent for a moment as her eyes widened.
“They don’t know about us, do they?” she asked, her voice growing louder. “No, they don’t.” You replied quietly. “Woah, are you ashamed of us?” Nia practically yelled. “Of course I am!” you answered a bit too quickly before immediately regretting it. “Sorry, I mean- I didn’t mean it like that, I-” you stumbled over your words, but Nia continued to stare at you with disbelief. “Alright, got it.” she said as she turned back towards the front door. “No, Nia, please, I’m sorry, I-” “Good luck with your new life, I guess, Y/N,” she said, purposefully emphasising your name, walking away before you could finish your apology. Despite feeling guilty, you didn’t make an effort to chase after her. You convinced yourself it was better this way.
“What was that all about?” a voice called from beside you, making you jump. “Ona, hey, what are you doing here?” you asked. “You left the party so suddenly, and I came to check on you,” she explained, “but I suppose you had company.” “How long have you been standing there?” you inquired, curious about what she may have overheard. “Not long, why? Are you afraid I heard something?” Ona asked suspiciously. “No, I just- it’s chilly out here. You should come inside.” you said, holding the door open as she walked inside.
As Ona stepped into your home, she immediately turned to you with a look of frustration etched on her face. “Y/N, what happened with Nia?” she demanded, her voice tinged with anger. “You’ve been so secretive lately, it’s hard not to feel like you’ve been lying to me.” Despite her annoyance, there was a note of confusion in her tone, as if she couldn’t quite understand why you were behaving this way. Once again, you brushed off Ona's concerns, insisting that there was nothing to worry about and that Nia had just wanted to chat. However, Ona was insistent and demanded to know why she had seemed so upset when leaving your apartment. 
You found it hard to articulate your thoughts, feeling caught off guard by the sudden confrontation. “Please, Ona, can you just trust me on this. Please just let it go.” you pleaded, hoping to avoid any further conflict. Eventually, she relented and let the issue slide, but an air of concern still hung around her. The two of you went to bed in a tense silence, the events of the day lingering in your thoughts.
Two days later, as you were getting ready for training in the changing room, Millie approached you. “Hey, do you know that cute girl with the dyed hair from Sunday?” she asked. “You mean Nia?” you clarified. “Yeah, that’s the one! Ona told me you knew her. Can I get her number? I want to ask her out.” Millie explained. You hesitated before responding. “Sorry, Millie. I don’t think that’s a good idea. Nia’s bad news.” Millie looked confused. “What do you mean? What’s wrong with her?” “I can’t really explain, but trust me, she’s not someone you want to get involved with.” you insisted. Millie looked rather disappointed. “Okay, I guess. Do you have her number though?” “No, I don’t.” you replied, putting an end to the conversation as you quickly finished up getting ready.
As you entered the changing room after training, you noticed Millie with a smile on her face, gazing at her phone. Ella also spotted her and inquired her about it. “Who’s got you grinning like that, Mills?” “No-one.” Millie quickly replied, and attempted to hide her phone. However, Ella had already caught sight of it and snatched it from her hand. “Who’s Nia?” Ella asked, looking at the screen. You felt a pang in your stomach as you worried about what she could find out. “Millie, what did I tell you?” you asked, annoyed that she had contacted Nia despite your warning. “How did you even contact her?” “I slid into her DMs. Y/N, did you know sh-” Millie began to say, but you cut her off, worried she might reveal too much information. Grabbing her wrist, you dragged her out of the room to talk in private.
You pulled Millie into an empty room as she struggled to free her wrist and kept asking what was going on. “Y/N, what's the big deal? Why can’t I talk to her?” she asked. “Millie, I need you to stop contacting Nia. She’s bad news, and I don’t want you getting involved.” you explained firmly. “But Y/N, she seems so cool.” Millie protested. “Please, Mills, just trust me on this.” you pleaded. After a moment of hesitation, she reluctantly agreed. “Okay, I guess.” she said with a sigh.
You returned to the changing room and took a seat next to Ona. “I suppose that was nothing too?” She remarked sarcastically. You simply sighed in response, feeling unsure of what to say. You gathered your belongings and shot a final stern look at Millie before making your way out and heading home.
During training the next day, you warmed up with Millie, passing the ball back and forth, when suddenly you heard her hum a familiar tune. The sound of her humming that melody made your heart race faster. “What’s that you’re humming Mills?” You tried to stay calm as you asked Millie about the song whilst continuing to pass the ball to each other. However, your clenched jaw gave away your anxiety. Millie stopped humming and looked at you, seeming caught off-guard. “Oops." she said, looking down at the grass. You repeated the question, trying to sound composed, even though your anger was simmering inside you. She looked up with a slight smirk on her face. “It's a nice tune, innit?” You cursed under your breath. “Fuck.” 
You gave millie a pleading look as you took the ball in your hands and walked over to her so you could whisper. “Mills, please, I don’t know what you know, but please don’t tell anyone, I beg you.” you said quietly. “What are you talking about? Are you okay?” she asked innocently, but you didn’t buy it. Before you could answer however, Marc called for all of you to gather together to start the first exercise. You desperately tried to compose yourself as the team gathered, your mind racing with thoughts of what Millie might know. Throughout training, you couldn’t shake the feeling of paranoia that someone might find out your secret. Every time Millie came near you, you were on edge, wondering if she was going to reveal what she knew.
That evening you were sitting on the couch in your living room, lazily flipping through the channels on TV when the doorbell rang. You weren’t expecting anyone, but when you got to the door and opened it, you found a package sitting on your doorstep with no return address. Your curiosity piqued as you eagerly brought it inside and began to open it up. As you lifted the lid, you found an old, tattered photograph of yourself with a group of people, all dressed in black. You couldn't believe your eyes as you stared at the photo, realising that it was taken during the time you lived in LA.
You started to feel a sense of unease as you examined the photo more closely, trying to remember the people in the picture. You could recognise a few faces, but most of them were unfamiliar to you. You began to wonder if this was somehow related to Nia, who had recently reappeared in your life. You had a sinking feeling that she wasn’t going to let go of your earlier outburst, which made her getting closer with Millie even scarier.
As you sat on the couch, staring at the old photo, the sound of the door opening made you jump. Ona walked in, surprised to see you home so early from training. You quickly tried to hide the package, but fumbled with it and ended up dropping it on the floor. Unfortunately, you weren’t quick enough and she caught sight of the old photo. “Who are these people? And why are you all dressed like that?” Ona asked, pointing to the group of figures in black, their clothes torn and frayed. You tried to play it off, “Oh, that's just me and some old friends in our Halloween costumes. We used to go all out, you know?” Ona laughed at the idea, but then noticed the date on the back of the photo. “But it says April on here, that’s not Halloween.” she pointed out, looking at you suspiciously.
You felt your heart pounding in your chest as you tried to come up with another excuse. “Oh, right, that must have been some other dress-up party we went to. I can’t really remember.” you said, hoping she would buy it. Ona raised an eyebrow, clearly not convinced. You could feel the weight of the secret bearing down on you more and more with each thing that happened.
That night, as you closed your eyes and drifted off to sleep, the fear and anxiety that had been brewing within you all day finally caught up. Your mind raced as you tossed and turned, and soon the nightmares began. In one particularly vivid dream, you found yourself playing in a huge match, the stadium packed to the rafters with cheering fans. You were playing well, confident and in control, until suddenly the crowd began to chant a name - a name that you hadn’t heard in years, a name that made your blood run cold. “Picky, Picky, Picky,” they chanted, and you felt your heart drop to the pit of your stomach.
As the chanting grew louder and more insistent, you tried to block it out, to focus on the game, but it was no use. You were Picky, the name you’d tried so hard to leave behind, the name that had haunted you for years. And now, in this nightmare, it was back, threatening to undo everything you’d worked so hard for. 
You jolted awake, your heart racing and your body slick with sweat. For a moment, you lay there in the dark, trying to steady your breathing and make sense of what had just happened. “Are you okay?” Ona asked, clearly awakened by your midnight antics. “Yeah, just had a nightmare. Go back to sleep Ona.”
The next morning, as you mindlessly scrolled through Instagram, you noticed Millie’s recent close friends story. You felt a knot form in your stomach as you saw a picture of her and Nia together, smiling at the camera. You knew that if Millie didn’t know your secret before, she definitely did now. You frantically searched for any clues in the photo, trying to see if there was anything that could give away your past. The fear of losing everything you had worked for began to consume you, and you couldn’t shake the feeling that your world was about to come crashing down.
You quickly called Millie, hoping to get some answers about the previous night. When she answered, you could hear the sound of a bustling coffee shop in the background. Millie sounded chipper, but her cheeriness quickly evaporated when you brought up Nia. You explained that you had seen her in the Instagram story and asked what happened. Millie hesitated before finally admitting that she had met up with Nia last night. As you listened to Millie defend Nia, insisting that she wasn't a bad person, you felt your frustration growing. It was clear that Millie was taking Nia’s side, and you couldn't believe it. How could she not see what Nia was trying to do? You tried to explain your side of the story, but Millie wasn’t hearing it. “Well how would you feel if someone called you an embarrassment, Y/N?”
You felt your stomach twist with guilt as Millie’s words hung in the air. She was right, you shouldn’t have said those things to Nia. You knew that now. “I’m sorry, Millie,” you said quietly, feeling ashamed. Millie took note of your silence and sighed. “Look, let’s meet up and talk about it, okay? You don’t have to apologise to me, but you should probably make it right with Nia,” she said, her voice softening. You agreed to meet up, feeling grateful for Millie’s kindness and for the opportunity to set things right. As you hung up the phone, you couldn’t help but feel a sense of dread. How were you going to face Nia and explain yourself?
That night, you met up with Nia and Millie at a bar to try and make amends. You felt nervous as you sat down with them, but you knew you needed to do this. You told her you were sorry for hurting her and acting the way you did. She seemed to take it well at first, but then she asked, “So have you told anyone about us?” “No, Nia, I haven’t.” You said quietly, which seemed to frustrate her. “Well, well, well, there it is. So nothing has changed, you are still just as embarrassed. Is your apology supposed to mean anything to me?” 
Luckily, Millie stepped in and suggested some drinks to lighten the mood. You all took some shots and Millie brought up some lighter subjects as the alcohol was starting to kick in. Before you knew it, you were singing karaoke with Nia, belting out some tunes you hadn’t heard in years. It felt liberating and for a moment, you forgot about the tension between the two of you. The music brought back so many memories, making you realise your embarrassment had overshadowed all the good memories from your time in LA. You wrapped an arm around Nia as you yelled, “I really am sorry Nia, I will make it up to you, promise.”
The next morning you woke up with a raging hangover, but a small smile grew on your face as you recalled the events of last night. You strolled towards the living room to be met with Ona, who had clearly been waiting for you. “Where were you last night?” She asked coldly. “I was out,” you said, “do you know where the paracetamol is?” “Out? Where? Who with?” Ona quickly followed up, voice stil frigid. “Millie, and also Nia.” You mumbled. “Mia? I thought you weren't that close with her.” 
You stumbled towards the kitchen, wincing at the pounding in your head. “Nia, not Mia. And it was just a night out with Millie, nothing more.” you say, searching through the medicine cabinet for paracetamol. Ona followed you, her arms crossed tightly over her chest. “Y/N, you’ve been acting strange lately. Is there something you’re not telling me?” she asked, her voice laced with suspicion. You swallowed the pills with a glass of water and turned to face her. “No, everything’s fine. I just needed a night out with friends.” Ona gave you a long, hard look, once again clearly not convinced.
“I can’t keep pretending I believe these lies you tell me. I think I might need some space, Y/N.” You felt a pit in your stomach. You knew she was right. Your recent behaviour had been mysterious, and you hadn’t been entirely truthful with her. You took a deep breath and tried to explain, “You’re right, I haven’t been completely honest with you. I promise I’ll tell you everything soon, I just need some time to figure things out, okay?” Ona looked at you, her eyes softening slightly. “You can’t keep pushing me away like this, Y/N. I need to know what’s going on.” You nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation. “I know, and I will tell you, but I need a little more time to figure out how to say it.” Ona nodded, and you felt the weight of your recent actions settling in.
The inevitability of revealing the secret had finally caught up with you. You had kept it buried deep within yourself for far too long. As you recovered from your hangover, a plan began to form in your mind. You reached out to Millie, knowing that she likely knew everything at this point, and asked for her help in bringing the truth to light. 
The next day, with the help of Millie and some staff members, you gathered the whole team in a conference room before training. Everyone sat down and as you stood in front of them, a big screen behind you, they all sent you confused glares, especially Ona, whom you told very little about your plan for this morning. Millie hushed everyone, and your nerves began to take hold. “Greetings, everyone,” you began, “for a long time I have kept my past a secret to all of you, but today that changes. What you’re about to witness might be shocking at first, but rest assured, that stuff is in the past, I am no longer involved in such practices, and I am not the person I was back then.” 
You took a deep breath as you moved away from the screen, giving Millie a small nod, who then hit play. You sat down on the front row, not wanting to face any of your teammates reactions. A video started playing, showing a bunch of alternative looking teenagers in a car. “We are on our way to Vegaaas.” One of them said. You cringed as you waited for the realisation to dawn behind you. “OH MY GOD,” Ella shouted suddenly, “Y/N, is that you with the pink hair?” You buried your face in your hands as a song began playing in the background.
You kept your face hidden in your hands as the video kept playing, showing you during the most embarrassing period of your life, singing and dancing with the members of the poppunk band you used to be a part of. The laughter and screaming of your teammates rang loud in your ears as you endured the three-minute video, each embarrassing detail pointed out feeling like an eternity. When the last chorus ended, which everyone had sang along too, Millie yanked you by the wrist, pulling you out of hiding and into the spotlight. Your heart pounded as you stood before the team, their eyes fixed on you, most of them still recovering from the laughter. “It’s time for some questions.” Millie declared, a sly grin spreading across her face.
“Alright, go on then, ask away.” You said, knowing an intense interrogation would be inevitable at this point, to which several hands shot up immediately. “You, pink shirt.” Millie said, pointing at Ella, pretending to be hosting a press conference. “Oh my god, where to start,” Ella began, “just- what was that?” You sighed. “When I was a teenager I lived in LA for two years. During that time I joined a band, this was them.” you answered. “What instrument did you play?” Alessia inquired. “Bass, next!” “Were you famous?” Leah asked, to which you chuckled. “We had one minor hit, but not really. They did have somewhat of a breakthrough after I left though.” Some people audibly gasped at that. 
“Do you still talk to them?” Maya asked. “Not really. When I left I kind of dove into my football career, never looking back. Although recently I have been getting in touch with one of them again.” You answered. “Do you have any regrets?” Millie, momentarily losing her role as moderator, caught you off guard with her question. You pondered the question for a while before stating, “No. I don’t.” A small smile growing on your face.
As the interrogation about your past came to an end, the staff interrupted, signalling that it was time for training. The teasing followed you into the changing room where your teammates continued to poke fun at your previous life, singing the song and scouring the internet for embarrassing photos. Despite their laughter, you couldn’t help but notice the quietness of your girlfriend. She remained silent throughout the morning, refusing to participate in the banter, and you knew something was wrong. Trying to be discreet, you quietly approached her as you laced up your shoes, “Ona, can we talk after training?” She nodded, but the unease lingered in the air. Training couldn't end soon enough, as the jokes persisted, and Ona seemed to avoid you at all costs.
When training was finally over, you and Ona hastily left to your apartment. As you sat with Ona on the couch, you couldn’t help but feel guilty about the way you had been acting lately. You knew why she had been quiet all day. You had hurt her by making her think that the secret from your past was something far more sinister than it actually was.
“I’m sorry, Ona,” you began, turning towards her. “I should have told you about the band from the start, instead of acting all suspicious and making you think it was something terrible. I know I hurt you and I feel terrible about it.” Ona remained quiet for a moment, her eyes fixed on her lap. Finally, she looked up at you and spoke in a soft voice. “I was just scared, you know? I thought you had done something really bad, something that would change the way I saw you. But now that I know the truth, I just feel silly.”
You took her hand in yours and squeezed it gently. “You have nothing to feel silly about, Ona. I understand why you were scared, and I should have been more open with you from the start. I promise to be more honest with you in the future.” you said genuinely. “You made me think you were secretly married, or something, or a murderer!” she chuckled, playfully smacking your leg with her hand. “Wait, you really thought that?” you gasped. “Well not really, but I just got confused and my mind went places!” she said, looking a bit embarrassed at her confession. “I’m really sorry Ona.” you said once more.
“So bass, huh?”, Ona said, changing the subject. “Can you still play?” “I do still have my old bass hidden away in the back of my closet, but I haven’t practiced in a long time. Though I guess playing an instrument should be like riding a bike right?”
It wasn’t. You opened the old hardcase to reveal your beige fender precision bass, covered in old stickers you had picked up whilst touring and attending concerts back in the US. “Wow, you were such a loser.” Ona teased. “See, this is why I didn’t want anyone to know!” you replied, sending her a pout. “I’m kidding, I love it. Now play something for me!”
After tuning your bass for what felt like minutes (it was so out of tune you were afraid a string might snap), you tested your muscle memory by attempting to play one of your old songs. You cringed at the sound of the first few notes and quickly stopped playing. Your fingers fumbled over the frets, struggling to find the right notes. The song that used to come so naturally to you now felt like a foreign language. It was like trying to reconnect with a version of yourself that no longer existed. 
“Hey, keep going!” Ona encouraged as she noticed your defeat. “What, you didn’t think that was terrible?” you quipped, raising an eyebrow. She laughed, “Oh, your playing was definitely terrible, but the bass looks good on you.” she said, sending you a wink.
With Ona's encouragement, you kept playing for a bit longer, trying to remember the bass lines. Gradually, it started to come back to you, and the song began to sound more familiar. Ona watched you intently, her smile growing wider as you got better. “You know, I like getting to know about your past,” she said, still smiling at you. “Even if it's embarrassing to you.”
You felt a little pang of guilt wash over you again, but you were grateful for Ona's understanding. You decided to take the opportunity to show her more about your past, and pulled out some old photos from your teenage years. As you scrolled through them together, you told her about your experiences touring with the band, the crazy things you did on the road, and the friends you made along the way. Ona listened attentively, asking questions and laughing at your stories. It felt good to finally share this part of yourself with someone, and you were glad it was with her.
“So this Nia girl, are you guys good? Things seemed so intense with you two.” Ona inquired. “Yeah, I may have hurt her in my embarrassment.” You answered, looking down at your feet. “I know just what to do to make things right.” Ona said as she shot up to grab her phone.
That evening, you sat in a bar, taking a sip of your beer whilst nervously wiggling your feet. You couldn’t believe you had agreed to this, but your girlfriend had convinced you it was the right thing to do. “You didn’t tell me the whole team was coming.” you said, frowning at Ona. She grinned back at you. “Don’t be nervous, querida. You’ve played to bigger crowds before.” You couldn’t help but feel like this was some sort of payback for your recent behaviour, which you definitely deserved. “They’re here!” Ona exclaimed, making you turn around to find Millie and Nia walking into the bar, Nia’s eyes widening when she saw you. 
You made your way to the small podium opposite the bar. You grabbed a microphone and signalled to the sound guy that you were ready. “Hello everyone,” you said into the microphone, taking a deep breath. “Could I have your attention please?” You grabbed your bass from behind the curtain, causing several gasps from your teammates and, of course, Nia. “I have an apology to make to an old friend of mine who’s here tonight. Nia, I'm truly sorry for the way I acted. If you can forgive me, please join in with me.”
As you began to play the bass line from one of your old songs, you could feel the weight of everyone’s attention on you. You were nervous at first, but as you played, you started to feel more confident. After a few bars, Nia hesitantly joined in, her voice blending perfectly with your playing. You shared a smile, both of you finally letting go of the tension that had been building between you. As the song progressed, you could see the your teammates tapping their feet and nodding their heads along to the beat. By the end of the song, the whole bar was cheering and clapping, and you felt a sense of pride and relief wash over you.
As the song came to an end, the bar erupted into applause. You looked out into the crowd and saw your friends, including Ona, with wide grins on their faces. But it was Nia who surprised you the most. She walked up to you and hugged you tightly, whispering in your ear, “I forgive you, Y/N.” “It’s Picky.” You smiled.
As you walked Nia towards the bar to order her a drink, you casually asked, “By the way, that photo was yours, wasn’t it?” Her face broke into a sly smile. “Photo? I have no idea what you are talking about.” she retorted. You raised an eyebrow, unimpressed with her denial. “Really? So it was just some random stranger leaving that package on my doorstep?” you inquired, your tone laced with sarcasm. Nia’s grin widened. “I guess so. Perhaps they got a little mad after being called an embarrassment and were hoping to remind you of some positive memories.” she suggested. You playfully nudged her elbow. “Some insightful stranger they were.”
After your performance, the evening blossomed into an unforgettable night out with your team. The occasional teasing towards your past, fuelled by Nia’s humorous anecdotes, only added to the lively atmosphere. Everyone hit it off with Nia, and you were relieved that she decided to forgive you. The night was filled with music, and your teammates kept requesting your old songs to the DJ, who was gradually becoming visibly annoyed. It was heartwarming to witness everyone having such a great time, and it felt freeing to let your hair down and revel in the moment with your friends. As the night came to an end, you walked out of the bar with your arm around Ona, feeling grateful for the amazing people in your life.
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shit-talk-turner · 25 days
But like laser hair removal, isn’t pale skin with dark hair the ideal candidate? We doubt he’s ineligible for removal
if you have sensitive skin you can’t. In this case I think he just doesn’t want to remove the Taylor tattoo. it is so icky. Imagine being a public home wrecker and fast forward 6 years later, the guy who ruined his ex still has her name on his arm. Not exactly a part he can hide. Louise has to see that shit daily. 😬😬😬😬😬😬 it’s really fucked up the more we think about it. It’s so small Alex . Easily covered up.
wino forever
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jvstheworld · 9 months
The Buffy Re-watch: S2E8 (part 2)
The Dark Age
Oh look, an emergency. Shift your arse Giles!
Phillip is not so naked now. At least the demon had the good sense to put clothes on before he left the morgue.
Jenny is evil now.
Telling Buffy to stay out of it. Giles, as if she is going to listen to that. You're in danger, she cares about you and will help you as best she can.
Buffy is quick to lead, giving people jobs to do to find out what is going on.
Giles being a gentleman not wanting to take advantage of his girl friend in her weakened state.
The photo Xander finds is real. Holy hell! 21 year old ASH is gorgeous.
Even in season 2 magic was discussed as something addictive, long before season 6 and Willow's descent into it.
How did Ethan get behind Buffy? She walked in through the front door, and he somehow gets behind her.
Ethan is a twat. Enough said.
The tension between Cordy and Xander is reaching boiling point. Give it a couple more episodes.
Go willow for shutting them up and being a boss. Go girl.
Putting acid on your skin to bur off a tattoo? Dude, that's fucked up. Couldn't you have just got it lasered off years ago?
Why does the area around possessed Jenny turn green? Where is the light coming from?
Willow's idea- use Angel because he's already dead. So it would have to fight the demon inside him. A 200+ year old demon would beat out one made 20 years ago.
Tattoo removal is expensive. As someone with a tattoo and hoping to get more in the future, be careful about what you get and make sure it is something you can live with. It's just cheaper that way.
Buffy watching Giles and Jenny in the background knowing what it going on with them. She accepts that Giles is a whole person with a past and mistakes which creates common ground for them to get to know each other better. It shows how alike they really are, Buffy is young and more prone to making mistakes than Giles is, but knowing that he isn't perfect allows them to become a bit closer. She doesn't judge him for his actions and instead wants him to forgive himself because he needs it to be able to move on.
The first proper 2-parter. And a bit of heads up, one point I make accidentally turned into a monologue/rant about how education pushes kids to know their lives before they fully know themselves. It does get a bit personal but it was to illustrate my point. Feel free to agree or disagree with it as much as you like, but that will be tomorrow's post.
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dollinsideabox · 2 months
3 weeks ago i got an unprofessional tattoo done by a friends friend who wants to be a tattoo artist. it obviously looks like shit. but whats even worse is that this tattoo gave me extreme health anxiety.
my therapist said that hypochondria typically has a specific trigger. i have had an anxiety disorder for basically my whole life, so it was probably just a matter of time.
still, i feel terrible. i feel so stupid for making this decision. i thought that it wouldn't bother me if the tattoo came out bad. i thought it would be easily covered up, since its really small. i was so happy when it was freshly done, but the more time passed, the more i felt the fear creeping up on me.
it started with me feeling like it would turn out ugly and getting scared, but it quickly turned into a horrible fear for my life. i was going to the doctor in the middle of the night, thinking i might have sepsis. the tattoo wasn't even infected and the doctor sent me home.
the following week i felt like i was poisoned. i thought that the tattoo was releasing toxic ink into my bloodstream and that i was going to die. i knew how stupid it was, but i couldn't calm down. in an attempt of calming my nerves, i googled and it made things a lot worse.
now i have had my first appointment to get the tattoo checked for laser removal. the lady there is a doctor, and she told me that allergies and bad reactions are very rare and that the worst case would probably be that the tattoo is hard to remove and needs many sessions. the "artist" went too deep into the skin and its pretty dark.
and while i'm scared that it might not fade easily and that i will have to live with this, i am even more scared that something could go wrong. i need to constantly remind myself that this woman is a professional, this studio has a great reputation and over here only doctors are allowed to remove tattoos. there is nothing i need to fear, but i can't shake the fact that something could go wrong.
i know that the ink used is not the best. it is allowed to be sold over here and there are pretty strict rules in the eu when it comes to tattoo ink, but i'm just so scared of the unknown ingedrients that i put into my body.
it's so stupid and i feel like a total idiot. i made such a stupid decision and i am so ashamed of myself. and this stupid decision left me with a mental illness. ever since i got this tattoo, every little scratch scares me.
i have a 3mm long scratch on my hand and i am so scared of it getting infected and killing me. it's truly horrible.
i pray to god multiple times a day in hopes of him protecting me. i need to calm down and i need to move on from this.
i need to live my life, but i constantly think i might die.
i hope this will get better. and i hope i can move on from this. i will never ever do something this stupid again.
i can't let this ruin me.
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yourfellowhuman07 · 1 year
Where Do We Go Now?
A She-ra: Princess of Power 2018 fanfiction
The war is finally over. Prime is dead, the hive mind is broken, and everyone is reunited with their loved ones. However, there are some questions left unanswered. What will be the fate of Catra and Hordak? What are these new memories Wrong Hordak has? What is Etheria's place in the wider universe? Where do we go now?
Hey guys, here's chapter 25. I wrote most of this morning, so I'm sorry if this is so short and not the best quality. This past week had been hectic for me. Still thank you for the support I have gotten.
I'll say this again if you have any questions or need to say anything to me please comment it or use my asks box (or whatever it is called I'm new). Have a great rest of your week.
Chapter 25: System One
The six brothers walked into the mountain. Hordak led the way through the winding pathways highlighted by the map Entrapta made him. The lights in the cave were dim, which wasn’t a problem since they could see just fine even if it was pitch black. When they turned the next corner, they shut their eyes at the sudden abundance of light illuminating the larger cavern. After letting their eyes adjust, they saw rows of shops and vendors coming out of every nook and cranny bathed in soft blue and purple lights. 
Many of the smaller vendors sold handmade crafts. Most of it was jewelry made from the gemstones found deep in the mines of Dryl along with other amenities made from leather, iron, and even clothing. The larger shops in the center had more professional brands that could be found in some of the other countries across Etheria.
The six brothers made their way through the winding roads of the market. Whispers wove their way through the hustle and bustle of the masses. The glances and glares from the crowd unsettled the brothers, all except Hordak who was used to looks of disgust and whispers of contempt.
ZD tapped Hordak on the shoulder.
“What is that?” ZD pointed at a black building with silver trimming. Just inside the window, a person was sitting in a chair while another person made black marks on their skin with a pen-like device.
“It is a tattoo parlor.”
“What is a tattoo?”
“Come with me,” Hordak guided his brothers to the shop’s window. “A tattoo is a permanent piece of art embedded within the skin. This is achieved by puncturing the skin with needles and inserting ink.”
“Can I get a tattoo?”
“I would advise against that. A tattoo can only be removed with lasers, otherwise, it is completely permanent; thus, much thought and consideration must be put in before attaining one.” ZD’s ears drooped. “However, if you can come up with a fitting design with ample thought, I will pay for it.” ZD’s face lit up.
“Thank you, HK.” ZD gave a small bow.
“What are they doing there?” LD pointed at two people in the back of the shop. One was sitting on a stool while another person held a device to their ear.
“That person is getting their ears pierced. Many beings decide to make harmless holes in their body, and insert jewelry.”
“Is that reversible?”
“I believe so, once the hole is healed up.”
All five gave Hordak a pleading look. He sighed and pulled out his wallet.
“JJ, did you seriously have to yelp when the woman pierced your ears?” TD asked as they exited the shop.
“I just didn’t expect it to hurt.” JJ’s ears drooped in embarrassment.
“It didn’t even hurt!”
“I- uh. Shut up!”
LD walked up to Hordak.
“Hey HK, do you think maybe we could get She-Ra to grow our hair out too? Just whenever is possible.”
“I will ask her about it.”
“Thank you… where are they going?” LD pointed to the rest of his brothers running off into the crowd.
“Come on, let’s go chase after them.” LD ran off to find them and Hordak tried to follow him, but something was holding him back. He turned around to find a short middle-aged woman with lilac skin and dark purple hair holding onto one of his overall straps. As he looked into her cerulean eyes he saw a kind of wisdom that reminded him of his mother.
“You are the former Lord Hordak, are you not?” She asked, letting go of him.
“I- I am, madam.”
“I had a feeling. I’m Morella, the overseer of System One of Dryl. Many people call me Mother Morella.” She stuck out her hand for Hordak to shake. He took it nervously, trying to regain his stability.
“Ah yes, Entrapta has mentioned you before. It is an honor to meet you, madam. May I ask what you require of me?”
“I simply wanted to meet to person our dear Princess was in a relationship with.”
“How did you know?”
“Word travels fast within the mines of Dryl. Besides, by the way, she spoke of you, it was only a matter of time before you two got together.”
“What did she say?”
“It was more how she said it. She spoke with such admiration about you. I can’t describe it, I just know things.” Hordak’s ears flicked down, and his cheeks flushed.
“Is there anything else you need, madam?”
“I only ask that you protect Princess Entrapta. You of all people should know how reckless she can be.”
Hordak looked into her warm eyes.
“Rest assured madam, for as long as my heart beats Princess Entrapta and all she holds dear will be my priority.”
By the way, Morella is whatever species held that party/ trap in season five. I don't know if the name was mentioned because I haven't watched the show in a while. Oops.
Update: It was Elberon
Also fixed the errors that Grammarly pointed out after I posted this.
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skinssencekota · 8 months
"Unlocking the Secrets of Youthful Skin: A Comprehensive Guide to Skinssence Clinic's Cosmetic Dermatology Treatments"
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Are you longing for flawless skin, free from the signs of aging and the burdens of common skin issues? Look no further! Dr. Ashima Madan and the Skinssence Laser and Skincare Clinic in Kota, Rajasthan, are here to bring your skincare dreams to life. With a rich portfolio of cutting-edge cosmetic dermatology procedures, Skinssence Clinic is your gateway to a world of beauty and confidence. Let's explore the treasure trove of services that make Skinssence Clinic the ultimate destination for skincare perfection.
Anti-Aging Solutions: Rejuvenate your skin and defy the hands of time with specialized anti-aging treatments tailored to your unique needs.
Deep Peels: Deep chemical peels can revitalize your complexion by removing damaged skin layers, revealing a fresh, radiant look.
Facials: Indulge in a luxurious facial experience, from the Korean Glass Skin Facial to the HydraFacial, to achieve a radiant glow and improve your skin's health.
Laser Hair Removal: Say goodbye to unwanted hair with advanced laser hair removal techniques, ensuring long-lasting smoothness.
Laser Skin Therapy: Address various skin concerns, from pigmentation to scarring, with the clinic's state-of-the-art laser treatments.
Mesotherapy: Stimulate your skin's natural healing processes with mesotherapy, a minimally invasive treatment.
Microdermabrasion: Achieve smoother, younger-looking skin by exfoliating the topmost layer, removing dead skin cells and imperfections.
Pigmentation Solutions: Treat hyperpigmentation and uneven skin tone with tailored solutions for a radiant complexion.
Skin Tightening: Experience the magic of skin tightening procedures to regain youthful firmness.
Acne Treatment: Bid farewell to acne troubles with personalized acne treatments, showcasing Dr. Ashima's expertise.
PRP Treatment: Harness the power of Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) to stimulate hair growth and rejuvenate your skin.
Mole and Wart Removal: Banish unwanted moles and warts, restoring a blemish-free appearance.
Acne Rosacea Treatment: Find relief from the redness and discomfort of rosacea with specialized treatments.
Sensitive Skin Treatments: Gentle care for sensitive skin, ensuring it remains healthy and vibrant.
Dandruff and Hair Loss Treatments: Combat hair loss and dandruff issues with advanced solutions, including PRP treatments.
Body Acne Cure: Address body acne with targeted treatments, regaining confidence in your skin.
Glutathione Drip for Skin Brightening: Achieve a radiant complexion with the power of glutathione.
Prewedding Skincare Packages: Brides and grooms-to-be, discover personalized packages to look your best on your special day.
Laser Tattoo Removal Treatments: Say farewell to unwanted tattoos with state-of-the-art laser removal.
Keloid Scar Treatments: Restore your skin's texture and tone with specialized keloid scar treatments.
Microneedling: Promote collagen production and skin rejuvenation with microneedling therapy.
Skin Lightening: Transform your complexion with skin lightening treatments.
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Skin Analysis and Consultation: Dr. Ashima and her team offer expert skin analysis and tailored consultations for your unique needs.
Dark Circle Reduction: Rediscover bright, refreshed eyes with dark circle reduction treatments.
Melasma Treatment: Combat the challenges of melasma with effective solutions.
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Collagen Induction Therapy: Stimulate collagen production for smoother, firmer skin.
Korean Glass Skin Facial: Experience the magic of the Korean glass skin facial for an enviable glow.
Chemical Peels: Choose from a variety of chemical peels to address your specific skin concerns.
Hair Rejuvenation: Restore hair health and vitality with advanced rejuvenation techniques.
Radiofrequency Skin Tightening: Achieve a youthful lift and firmness with radiofrequency skin tightening.
Scalp Micropigmentation: Regain confidence with specialized treatments for hair loss and thinning.
Hand Rejuvenation: Your hands deserve care too – rejuvenate them for a youthful appearance.
Sun Spot Removal: Bid farewell to sun spots and achieve an even skin tone.
Anti-Aging Treatments: Discover a range of treatments designed to combat the signs of aging.
Open Pore Reduction: Achieve smoother, tighter skin by reducing the appearance of open pores.
Photofacial: Rejuvenate your skin with photofacial treatments, promoting a fresh and radiant look.
Dermaroller Therapy: Stimulate collagen and rejuvenate your skin with dermaroller therapy.
Body Polishing: Indulge in luxurious body polishing treatments to reveal silky-smooth skin.
OxyGeneo Facial: Experience the benefits of the OxyGeneo facial for a radiant glow.
Pumpkin Peel Facial: Revitalize your skin with the nourishing properties of the pumpkin peel facial.
Salicylic Acid Peel: Treat acne and rejuvenate your skin with salicylic acid peels.
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Hyperhidrosis Treatment (Excessive Sweating): Find relief from excessive sweating with targeted treatments.
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Hair Mesotherapy: Restore hair health with advanced mesotherapy treatments.
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Personalized Skincare Regimens for PCOD Patients: Tailored regimens for individuals with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOD).
Treatment for PCOD-Related Skin Concerns: Address skin concerns related to PCOD with expert guidance.
Pregnancy-Safe Facials: Pamper yourself during pregnancy with safe and luxurious facials.
Postpartum Skincare Consultations: Regain your pre-pregnancy glow with postpartum skincare consultations.
SPF Recommendations for Pregnancy: Protect your skin during pregnancy with expert-recommended SPF products.
Pregnancy-Specific Skincare Tips: Discover valuable skincare tips to ensure your skin remains healthy during pregnancy.
Body Firming Treatments: Achieve firm, toned skin with specialized body firming treatments.
Skin Tightening Procedures for Expectant Mothers: Experience skin tightening procedures that are safe for expectant mothers.
Hydrating Sheet Masks: Hydrate and nourish your skin with the benefits of sheet masks.
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Smoking-Related Sun Damage Repair: Reverse sun damage caused
by smoking with expert solutions.
Smoking-Related Skin Maintenance Tips: Receive guidance on maintaining healthy skin while dealing with smoking-related challenges.
At Skinssence Clinic, we're dedicated to bringing out the best in your skin and helping you achieve the confidence and radiance you deserve. Whether you're looking for anti-aging solutions, advanced acne treatments, hair rejuvenation, or any other skincare need, Dr. Ashima Madan and her team have you covered. With a commitment to excellence and a reputation for delivering results, Skinssence Clinic is the go-to destination for those who demand the very best for their skin.
Unlock the secrets of youthful, radiant skin at Skinssence Clinic. Book your consultation today and take the first step toward a more beautiful you. Your journey to skincare perfection begins here.
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Hey! Could you do the Org XIII members as Katy Perry songs? Or BTS if the former was already done?
I'm not very familiar with BTS so have some Katy Perry songs
Xemnas - E.T.
" You're so supersonic. Wanna feel your powers, stun me with your laser."
Xigbar - By the Grace of God
"Was full of secrets, locked up tight like iron melting; running on empty, so out of gas."
Xaldin - The One That Got Away
"Someone said you had your tattoo removed, saw you downtown singing the blues. It's time to face the music, I'm no longer your muse."
Vexen - Chained to the Rhythm
"Aren't you lonely up there in Utopia? Where nothing will ever be enough."
Lexaeus - Wide Awake
"I wish I knew then, what I know now. Wouldn't dive in, wouldn't bow down."
Zexion - Dark Horse
"So you wanna play with magic?"
Saix - Never Really Over
"Oh we were such a mess, but wasn't it the best?"
Axel - Rise
"When the fire's at my feet again and the vultures all start circling, they're whispering, you're out of time, but still I rise."
Demyx - Firework
"If you only knew what the future holds, after a hurricane comes a rainbow."
Luxord - Waking Up in Vegas
"Shut up and put your money where your mouth is."
Marluxia - Cry About it Later
"And it's half past three and I got angel wings but a devil's grin."
Larxene - I Kissed a Girl
"Us girls, we are so magical. Soft skin, red lips, so kissable."
Roxas - Roar
"I let you push me past the breaking point; I stood for nothing, so I fell for everything."
Xion - Daisies
"They tell me that I'm crazy, but I'll never let 'em change me, til they cover me in daisies."
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tf2fansderogatory · 2 years
Spy has at least one embarrassing tattoo, I firmly believe that. Probably the name of an ex or just a very poorly done animal. If anyone found out he’d hide away for years like a cicada
by virtue of being who he is spy has many tattoos because they are cool and also edgy, and most hail from an unfortunate time in his life when his espionage method of choice was "seduction"--which it seems it only occurred to him that was a horrible idea sometime relatively recently, considering how many tattoos and piercings he got before that to contribute to that storied-and-yet-mysterious-dark-eyed-lover look he was going for. there's reasons he covers his body so completely besides simple, abject paranoia--including a tattoo right under his neck, resting over his sternum: a heart containing the name of a certain woman from Boston he expected he was fated to be with. theoretically it would be fairly simple to get these removed if he threw enough money at it as many things are, except I don't think laser tattoo removal was an option in the seventies and as much as Medic would normally jump at the opportunity to do some sort of entire-body-skin-graft or something, watching him squirm is way funnier
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Painless Hair Removal Machine - Alma lasers's Suprano Titanium performs body hair removal that tackles 3 layers. This painless hair removal machine uses Trio 4 cm2 & Quatro applicator for smaller & bigger size respectively.
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revopions · 2 years
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prvtocol · 2 years
FIRST MEETINGS MEME. a meme for first meetings and introduction threads, aka a ‘what you will notice about my muse first’ cheat sheet. repost, don’t reblog. bold what applies. fill in details.
(please do not remove the credit + blank meme link)
tagged by: @valheri. tysm 💛  tagging:  sorry if i double tag people! @dunadaneth; @neokitsched (a cbp muse you want to flesh out more atm); @mindsmade (vince) ; @yorinobu ; @bellytochin ; @cyberpawn ; @punkunlimited & you too :)
blank meme: x
gender: both: cis female.
race: both: caucasian (half-british, half-french)
complexion: b: fair and flawless. | v: pale and freckled.
height: b: 5′5″. | v: 5’9”.
body type: b: very thin, petite frame. | v: thin, athletic.
body hair: both: laser hair removal.
head hair: b: dark brown and wavy. length varies but kept at shoulders or above post-2070. worn down and curl or in a low bun. | v: black and straight. hits below shoulders but usually tied up in a ponytail or messy bun.
eye color: b: sky blue, kiroshi optics mk. 3. | v: gray, kiroshi optics mk. 3.
scars: b: one from a c-section a decade ago. faded. | v: lots of injuries considering the job but all are cosmetically vanquished.
fashion style: both: neomilitarism. no neo-kitsch flash or too much ostentation. vez verges slightly into entropism but most her wear is relatively clean cut.
color palette: b: neutrals. blacks. whites. rarely color for the office |. v: all black.
typical clothing: b: form fitting, knee-length power dresses. long pencil skirts and high heels. | v: combat boots and cargo pants. tanks and leather biker jackets.
piercings: b: none. | v: several lining her earlobes.
tattoos: b: none. | v: pair of crows on her back shoulders blades.
other information: both are modest. never showing too much skin; b: classic. feminine and ladylike. | v: tomboy. always packing iron.
general facial expression: b: polite smile. bright eyes. attentive gaze. | v: vapid gaze. cool disinterest. judging eyes.
default body language: b: hands folded at front. pin straight posture. | v: arms crossed. relaxed posture.
general movements: b: measured and balanced. probably could walk with a book on her head anywhere. | v: not graceful like sis. doesn’t tread lightly except for lynx paws cyberware making it so.
presence: b: inviting. warm. | v: intimidating. cool.
appearance: b: put together. unassuming/weak. | v: corpo cyberninja.
scent: b: perfume would be very light but effervescent. sunlit citrus, soft rose and/or apple. | v: cigarettes probably. no perfume. don’t worry. she is still a rich girl who likes her long baths.
voice description: v: clear as cut glass | v: husky, coarse (i wrote a description of their voices here)
accent: b: british (contemporary rp). posh. | v: understated french accent and some british intonations.
speech mannerisms: b: formal. use of esoteric terminology. avoidance of slang and curse words. will use british english regardless of location. | v: casual. adopts slang and cusses in language of choice (i.e. french)
anything else to add?  b: office mom. | v: trash corpo.
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shit-talk-turner · 25 days
Dude but getting tattoos hurts
I have plent of tats and laser tattoo removal isn’t an option for all skin types. I can’t get my horrible ones I got as a teen removed because I’m not a candidate.
One of them was my ex’s name with a little heart. And it was bigger than Alex’s Taylor one. I easily got something drawn over it. His is even smaller. He’s kept it her name on him for 6 years????? It’s so small and tattoos aren’t exactly foreign to him. That rose Sheffield one is 4 times bigger. He is not over Taylor. If he could have he would have covered it up but he chose not to. Taylor did it publicly. She had it filmed.
But like laser hair removal, isn’t pale skin with dark hair the ideal candidate? We doubt he’s ineligible for removal
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poirierdustin · 23 hours
Upgrade Your Clinic: Explore Top Tattoo Removal Machines for Sale
Tattoo removal has become a sought-after service in the aesthetic industry, driven by evolving trends and changing preferences. As demand for tattoo removal continues to rise, clinics and medspas are seeking advanced solutions to meet the needs of their clientele. Investing in top-quality tattoo removal machines is essential for clinics looking to offer effective, safe, and reliable tattoo removal treatments. In this comprehensive guide, we explore some of the top tattoo removal machines available for sale, examining their features, technology, and benefits for aesthetic professionals.
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Understanding Tattoo Removal Machines:
Tattoo removal machines are specialized devices designed to eliminate unwanted tattoos by targeting and breaking down tattoo ink particles in the skin. These machines utilize various technologies, including laser, radiofrequency, and intense pulsed light (IPL), to achieve desired outcomes. Laser tattoo removal is the most commonly used method, employing high-powered laser beams to fragment tattoo pigment, which is then gradually eliminated by the body's immune system. Radiofrequency and IPL devices may also be used for tattoo removal, though they are less commonly employed due to their lower efficacy and increased risk of side effects.
Technology Overview:
Laser tattoo removal machines utilize different types of lasers, each designed to target specific colors of tattoo ink. The most common lasers used for tattoo removal include Q-switched Ndlasers, Q-switched alexandrite lasers, and Q-switched ruby lasers. These lasers emit high-energy pulses of light that are absorbed by tattoo pigment, causing it to break apart into smaller fragments. Other technologies, such as picosecond lasers, deliver ultra-short pulses of energy for more efficient ink fragmentation and faster tattoo clearance. Advanced cooling systems are often incorporated into tattoo removal machines to enhance patient comfort and protect the skin during treatment.
Benefits of Tattoo Removal Machines:
Investing in top-quality tattoo removal machines offers numerous benefits for aesthetic professionals and their clients. One of the primary advantages is the ability to effectively and safely remove unwanted tattoos with minimal risk of scarring or damage to surrounding skin tissue. Laser tattoo removal machines are highly precise, allowing practitioners to selectively target tattoo pigment while minimizing the risk of side effects. Moreover, these devices offer customizable treatment parameters, allowing for tailored treatments to suit each patient's unique tattoo characteristics and skin type.
Versatility and Efficacy:
Another key benefit of tattoo removal machines is their versatility and efficacy for treating a wide range of tattoo colors, sizes, and types. High-quality laser devices can effectively target dark, stubborn pigments such as black, blue, and green ink, which can be challenging to remove with other methods. Additionally, laser technology can penetrate deeper layers of the skin, making it suitable for removing tattoos of varying depths and complexities. This versatility allows practitioners to achieve optimal results even for large, multi-colored tattoos with minimal risk of complications.
Customized Treatment Plans:
Top tattoo removal machines offer the flexibility to customize treatment plans to each patient's unique needs and goals. Practitioners can adjust treatment parameters such as laser wavelength, fluence, pulse duration, and spot size based on factors such as tattoo size, color, depth, and location. This customization allows for precise targeting of the tattoo pigment while minimizing the risk of side effects such as scarring or hyperpigmentation. Additionally, practitioners can optimize treatment protocols to maximize efficacy and minimize discomfort for each individual patient, ensuring a positive and satisfying experience throughout the removal process.
Enhanced Patient Experience:
Investing in top-quality tattoo removal machines can enhance the overall patient experience by providing safe, effective, and comfortable treatments. Advanced cooling systems and built-in skin cooling technologies help to minimize discomfort and protect the skin during laser tattoo removal procedures. Moreover, customizable treatment parameters allow practitioners to tailor treatments to each patient's comfort level and tolerance, ensuring a positive and satisfactory outcome. By offering top-quality tattoo removal services, clinics can attract new clients and retain existing ones, building a reputation for excellence in aesthetic care.
In conclusion, investing in top tattoo removal machines is essential for clinics looking to upgrade their aesthetic services and meet the growing demand for tattoo removal treatments. These advanced devices offer a range of benefits, including precision, versatility, and efficacy, making them indispensable tools for aesthetic professionals. Whether removing small, faded tattoos or erasing large, multi-colored designs, top-quality tattoo removal machine for sale provide safe, effective, and comfortable treatments with minimal risk of side effects. By investing in the latest technology, clinics can enhance the overall patient experience, attract new clients, and build a reputation for excellence in aesthetic care.
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litonlaser · 2 days
New High-Power Portable Tattoo Removal Equipment, One-Time Tattoo Removal
LiTong Laser’s latest professional tattoo removal machine
Article source: https://www.litonlaser.com/new-high-power-portable-tattoo-removal-equipment-one-time-tattoo-removal/
Using 1 lamp 2 Rods, the small machine can also exert high power and achieve tattoo removal in one go.
Tattoos are very popular among some people now. The cool appearance and unique meaning make many young people unable to stop. Therefore, many young men and women will choose tattoos. But many things have opposites. Since there is a tattoo industry, there will also be the choice of tattoo removal.
It may be because of many reasons that many people will feel headache about tattoos after growing up, so they need to remove tattoos, or it may be that the previous tattoos are not good-looking and need to be removed. Regardless of the reason, tattoos and tattoo removal often exist at the same time.
For the principle of tattoo removal, perhaps many people don’t know much. If you are engaged in the beauty industry, you may also know that we usually use picoseconds, nanoseconds, Q-SWITCHED NDYAG LASER to remove tattoos. In fact, these technical machines mentioned above belong to the same principle-pigment explosion principle.
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The so-called pigment blasting refers to the use of high-energy laser beams to continue to indiscriminately hit a specific area. The target cells of laser in the human body are pigments, water, hemoglobin, and most importantly, pigment cells, especially melanocytes. Then the energy is released in a short time to disperse the pigment, and then the pigment is removed with metabolism.
For tattoo removal, 532 and 1064nm wavelengths are commonly used. The 532 wavelength is used to hit light tattoos, and the 1064nm has stronger penetration and is suitable for removing dark tattoos.
For tattoo removal equipment, the most important two indicators are the pulse width of the machine and the energy of the machine. Narrow pulse width means that the laser acts on the human skin for a relatively short time, and high energy means that the energy of the machine’s beam is relatively strong. When the tattoo removal machine achieves these two points, it will get the best treatment effect.
The latest portable high-power professional hair removal device launched by Litong Laser is very suitable. Its pulse width is only a few nanoseconds, and it uses 1 lamp 2 Rods, which is twice the energy of the traditional portable one. When a portable portable machine has the energy and pulse width of a large machine, its value is unquestionable!
The machine needs to do three things: effective, fast, and safe! These three are what every tattoo removal machine needs to do. As a manufacturer that has been producing machines for more than 20 years, Liton Laser has a very good control over these three indicators.
If you need to know more information parameters and videos about this machine, you can click on the product page: https://www.litonlaser.com/product/5321064nm-professional-tattoo-removal-equipment/
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