#la morte
illsadboy · 5 months
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Ho letto da qualche parte che davanti allo specchio vedrai il tuo miglior amico e il tuo peggior nemico. Si può essere ma io ci vedo per lo più un morto vivente, con l’aspetto degli altri ma l’anima spenta.
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saax2 · 6 months
La Morte
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The sick child, 1896 | Edvard Munch (1863-1944, Norway)
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Funerale bianco (White funeral), 1901 | Edoardo Berta (1867-1931)
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Autoritratto macabro (macabre self-portrait), 1899 | Carlo Fornara (1871-1968, Italia)
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Tombe romane (roman tombs), Concordia (Venice), 1887 | Filippo Franzoni (1857-1911, Switzerland)
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Miseria, 1886 | Cristóbal Rojas (1857-1890, Venezuela)
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Böcklin's grave, 1901-02 (Staatliche Kunsthalle, Karlsruhe) | Ferdinand Keller (1876-1958, Germany)
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The widow (detail), 1882-83 | Anders Zorn (1860-1920, Sweden)
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The funeral of Shelley, 1889 | Louis Édouard Fournier (1857-1917, France)
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La peine de mort | Félicien Rops (1833-1898, Belgium)
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Funeral at sea (on the death of the painter David Wilkie), 1842 (Tate Gallery, London) | William Turner (1775-1851, England)
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La mort de Marat, 1793 (Musées royaux des Beaux-Arts, Bruxelles) | Jacques-Louis David (1748-1825, France)
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Le jour des morts, 1859 (Musée des Beaux-Arts, Bordeaux) | William Adolphe Bouguereau (1825-1905, France)
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Death on the pale horse, 1865 | Gustave Doré (1832-1883, France)
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Roman widow | Dante Gabriel Rossetti (1828-1882, England)
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Cemetery in the moonlight, 1822 | Carl Gustav Carus (1789-1869, Germany)
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The plague, 1898 | Arnold Böcklin (1827-1901, Switzerland)
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Ophelia, 1851-52 (Tate Britain, London) | John Everett Millais (1829-1996, England)
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Grief, 1902 | Anna Ancher (1859-1935, Denmark)
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The plague of pestilence, portfolio (two of seven etchings), 1920 | Stefan Eggeler (1894-1969, Austria)
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The plague of pestilence, portfolio (three of seven etchings), 1920 | Stefan Eggeler (1894-1969, Austria)
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Dr. Nicolaes Tulp's anatomy lesson, 1632 | Rembrandt (1606-1669, Netherlands)
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La sepoltura del conte di Orgaz (El Entierro del conde de Orgaz), 1586 (Chiesa di Santo Tomé, Toledo) | El Greco (1541-1614, Greece)
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Woman on her deathbed, 1883 (Kröller-Müller Museum, Otterlo) | Vincent van Gogh (1853-1890, Netherlands)
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illustratus · 2 years
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The death of Count Josselin de Montmorency in Ptolemais, Palestine.
by Massimo d'Azeglio
Galleria Civica d'Arte Moderna di Torino, Turin, Italy
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anarco-misantropo · 1 year
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lu2211 · 2 years
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A mimir solitos.
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divaricca · 2 years
The I, as we are knowable.. as flowers, as seeds from which the flowers sprout always contain the potential, the presence of the I, not known or knowable in form.
The seed of this rose hold the experience of the rose within itself.
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Think of a caterpillar dissolving within the darkness of a pupa into a sticky substance from which a butterfly is generated.. the caterpillar lets go and surrenders to deeper forces so subtle to us that we perceive them as a state of existence that ceases to exist.
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What if the I ever merges into the Great 'One'? Do we disappear then? When many atoms together in perfect harmony, subtly form a knowable form, they no longer seem to be recognized as separate entities.. When many cells together make up your body, do these cells really disappear? Will they not lead a life of their own as total independence with a special development of their own?
I suspect that if we were to merge with God, we would still exist in this way.
I view the spiritual and physical as a series of dimensions or layers.
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la-venere · 2 years
oggi fresco ragazzi solo 34 gradi
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artofalassa · 2 months
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Wedding Night
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spilladabalia · 11 months
Karl Biscuit - La Morte
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illsadboy · 3 months
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Troppo dolore bussa alla mia porta quindi mi faccio e non mi sento in colpa perché se avessi sofferto quanto me anche tu avresti problemi di droga. Mi vuoi uccidere ma ci sto già pensando da me, non chiedermi per te cos’è la felicità fosse per me sarei già morto qualche anno fa. Gli scrivo che vorrei uccidermi ma poi cancello la chat, la tristezza rende un uomo fottutamente goth.
~Shama24k & Cry.Lipso~
Ore 03:05. Terza notte insonne, sto uscendo un po’ di testa! Fottuta mente del cazzo!
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vampalpatine-archive · 9 months
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sharp objects (2018) dir. jean-marc vallée // la morte vivante (1982) dir. jean rollin
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dominousworld · 1 year
a cura di Sandro Consolato “L’uomo è come una bussola sulla nave: gira intorno al proprio asse e, così girando, vede tutti e quattro i punti cardinali, ma sopra di sé e sotto di sé non vede e non gli è dato vedere niente. Ma proprio lì si trovano le due cose a cui tiene e di cui vorrebbe sapere qualcosa. L’amore sotto di sé e la morte sopra di sé. Esistono vari amori. Gli uni possono essere…
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illustratus · 2 years
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The death of Count Josselin de Montmorency in Ptolemais, Palestine. (Details)
by Massimo d'Azeglio
Galleria Civica d'Arte Moderna di Torino, Turin, Italy
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anarco-misantropo · 1 year
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lu2211 · 2 years
Alle volte ti sogno.
Nei miei sogni non è mai esistita quell'ultima parola che ha sancito la fine della nostra relazione fraterna.
Alle volte ti sogno. Parliamo.
Chissà se anche tu sogni me...
E se il sogno non sia poi così diverso dalla realtà.
A volte i sogni, i pensieri, le fantasie e le ossessioni sembrano così reali da non farci distinguere il mondo onirico da quello tangibile.
Alle volte sogno.
Altre volte ho incubi. Ad occhi aperti e ad occhi spenti.
Ho incubi e vorrei spegnermi. O vorrei vivere.
E alle volte non so quale delle due cose richieda più coraggio.
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