#la llorona au
adi-writes · 2 years
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carpetbug · 2 months
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darling duusu my beloved
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dxzziie · 2 years
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mama llorona 😧 and joltik banana
mama def didn’t steal these clothes
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Cried some big fatass tears reading the latest chapter of @undercoverpan 's ghost Spider fic, and I need to take some time to examine why this ghost nocorro au just really hits me in the dick every time.
There really just has to be something about doomed love, and especially children, that just gets me. The remnants of something that was once beautiful and now will never be whole, it just hurts. God, okay, I gotta go watch The Midnight Club again, this is THE vibe of that show. I cried seven full times just watching the last episode of that show. Grief and tragedy irrevocably intertwined with inevitability and acceptance.
Speaking of this, dON'T EVEN GET ME STARTED ON THAT FIC FROM LAST NIGHT Follow Me Down to the Peach Tree by famed nocorro oneshot writer CherryApollo. Took the ghost nocorro au and tragic soulmate aus and made it 1000000 times worse??? Like I was crying agAIN, twice, over these goddamn ghost nocorro aus.
I have so many questions. Do the other Sully's know about Spider? Would they have been the same age, so ghost Spider just popped up around when Neteyam was like five and when Neteyam started playing with and noticing him Jake and Neytiri were devastated? I can't even fathom how sad it is that Neteyam is just doing his best to forget about this. This soulmate au world is so tragic, like my mind went instantly to a buddy cop type thing where Neteyam is trying to solve Spider's murder as soon as he's old enough to realize what happened, and it's all this way to throw himself into ignoring that even when it's solved Spider is still dead. I'm writing that as a concept on my novel ideas doc, but I'm mad about it. Fuck, why do we always do this to nocorro, I'm crying again I have to go. I'll write some ghost au headcanons that will fix this tragedy for me tomorrow because I can't handle it rn.
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msweebyness · 6 months
Weeby Updates- New Ghoul Squad AU Character!!!!
Here's this, I guess! @imsparky2002 @artzychic27
So, ya girl was just randomly thinking, and came up with an idea for Jesse in the Ghoul Squad AU. He is, obviously, Mylentasma's childhood friend, but in this AU, he is the ghostly son of the famed spirit, La Llorona. He is a VERY emotional boi, cries when he's happy, sad, excited, etc. He also has a haunting singing voice that's so beautiful and yet so full of sorrow that you can't help but cry when you hear it. It's said that he sings with the sorrow of both himself and his mother. And since you know he needs that tragic backstory, the reason La Llorona weeps in this world is because Jesse's bastard father, before he was banished to hell by the other Ghoul Squad parents, cast a curse that forced his wife and son to be separated, forever unable to reach one another. So she weeps with the pain that the son she loves so much is out there, but forever kept out of her reach. Yeah...
Leave your thoughts in the comments and reblogs!
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gamerbearmira · 2 years
Ain't there a la llorna Mirabel AU??
I think so? I've seen one around but I can't remember who created it off the top of my head.
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0ketlyn-s · 4 months
Brotherhood AU
(by me and @tea0w0stache ) Riff og idea by @Nebel_Isis
"No sabe lo que es martirio..."
(Riff would sing a more rock version of La llorona :D)
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plvtosun · 8 months
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we were messing around with picrews on discord, one thing led to another, aaaand now i have an AU where blanca is la llorona and toki’s rural norwegian audacity makes him fearless enough to just go up and start talking to her
in this version of the story though, she just drowns the husband who cheated on her. no kids lol
i mean whats he gonna do, NOT talk to the pretty river lady who’s shrouded in mist??? pff
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obi-wan-catobi · 9 months
thanks for the tag @thecrimsondandelion 💜💜💜
rules: shuffle your "on repeat" playlist and post the first 10 tracks, then tag 10 people
Sacred Oath - Beth Crowley
Legendary - City Wolf x Rachel Lorin x Hollywood Black
La Llorona - Karliene
Deep End - Joel Robertson
Black Annis - Karliene
Turn the Tide - 2WEI, Edda Hayes, Kataem
The Ghost Who Is Still Alive - Beth Crowley
It Had To Be You (dark version) - Tommee Profitt x Tiffany Ashton
Tragic - Tommee Profitt ft. Fleurie
Six Feet Under - Givwits & Waves And Rocks
NPT: @starrrgazingbunny @commander-sunshine @thestarwarslesbian @sunkissedclones @starrylothcat @lune-de-miel-au-paradis @wolffegirlsunite @starasal @rebel-ezra @moobrvoobl-moobmoob-oobmpoobroom @nobody-expects-the-inquisitorius @kixs-husband
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adi-writes · 2 years
i have a new favorite line from my fanfic Dhdhsjaka
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look at that dumptruck.
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anonymous-dentist · 6 months
I can imagine that Slimecicle is the Boogeyman while El Mariana is la Llorona in ouat au
In traditional Once Upon a Time fashion, let's see
Charlie is the Boogeyman who is also the Mad Hatter (from Alice in Wonderland), who has a crush on Puss-in-Boots and who is married to La Llorona, who is Mariana, who is also one of Peter Pan's Lost Boys who left Neverland after the evil takeover and grew up into a very sad, very tall mess of a man who is in love with the female version of Sleeping Beauty, who is Roier in drag
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carpetbug · 3 months
la llorona au la llorona au la llorona au la llonora au la llornaa au la llroona au la llorona au la llotkena aiddjtifjtjrofbd dkdkss. LS LLLRONA AU
she is slowly coming together! honestly super super super excited to share this when it’s all done but for now enjoy this snippet!! :D
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stephy-gold · 7 months
Fic Ideas (some im working on and others are just things that came to mind and I write just to revisit them some day)
Agents Miller, Einstein, Mulder and Scully go undercover as a family in a cult 
agents Miller and Einstein / others, are the new generation leading the x files
Mulder discover TikTok 
Agent William Mulder is paired with a short temper and reckless Agent Astrid Vega; scully and mulder doesn’t like Astrid because she put Will in danger but he trusts her with his life. 
The colonization happened; mulder and scully fought and then stay behind as leaders to plan strategies; 17 years old William found them and take the lead, they didn't like the idea. 
Domestic MSR. They gave 3 kids, Emily 25, William 18 and Sophie 15. 
Domestic MSR. Mulder and scully deal with the most difficult thing they ever encounter their own strong will, very intelligent and reckless teenagers (Emily, William and Sophie). They never saw that coming. 
Mulder took scully to a lana del rey concert because he thinks she is a witch. (It’s a dump idea. Disclaimer I love lana) 
William took his girlfriend to Taylor Swift Eras tour. Scully discover Taylor swift music.
AU Time travel. Grown Emily visit her parents before william was given, to stop her mother. 
Baby #3 (revival baby) learn to drive 
Mulder take scully dancing for her 60th birthday 
Will is a professional baseball player 
Senior agents mulder and scully go undercover they get kidnapped and younger agents are sent to save them. Generations battle between the agents
Case fic. They come to san Diego for some sightings of what happens to be an apparition (la llorona) of some sort that kidnaps children from Mexican backgrounds 
Uncle Skinner likes to give mulder and scully kids a free pass whenever they come asking for help
AU melissa didn’t die so when scully is about to put william for adoption she change her mind and sends him with her sister instead. 
Mulder wants to do a sappy TikTok with scully 
MSR now live a very normal, boring American middle class life much to mulder dismay. 
mulder discovers Reggaeton (bad bunny, arcangel, something like that) scully isn't a big fan when they look for the lyrics translation
feel free to use them if you like :)
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veloursdor · 3 months
Writing Patterns (Tag Game)
Rules: list the first line of your last 10 (posted) fics and see if there’s a pattern!
Tagged by @tideswept. One of this isn't posted per se and only Winter knows about it, but let's see what these fics reveal of my patterns 😉
Obi-Wan Kenobi remembered the day he lost Anakin Skywalker as if it had happened just the day before. (Emperor-Wan fic)
It was hot, heavy, and intense. (Cheating-Wan fic)
Anakin hurried his steps, the clock in his phone mocking him by showcasing he was five minutes away from arriving late. (CEO Obi-Wan signs a contract with intern Anakin)
Obi-Wan awoke with a splitting headache and a parched mouth; his eyes struggling to focus. (Saw AU)
A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away there exists the legend of a man who had everything – beauty, power, money, and above all, love – until he committed an unthinkable atrocious crime due to a broken, corrupted mind. (La Llorona AU)
It was big. (Stepdad Obi-Wan AU)
They only found a lightsaber when all was said and done. (Thought dead AU)
“You want me to do what?” Anakin asked Master Windu, as he stared, dumbfounded, at the pouch containing pieces of flimsi folded in half. (Secret Santa Exchange fic)
Anakin Skywalker met Mr. Kenobi when he was 16 years old. (fslseaes)
Obi-Wan could only stare as Anakin was driven away by the ambulance. (Criminal Minds (the show) AU)
tagging (no pressure): @amadwinter, @bunnywan, @palfriendpatine66, @anakinsthot, @posthumousvigor, @somethingsteff, @jedibongrip, @deathbyobiwan for as many fics as they'd like to put and i don't know who else to tag.
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gamerbearmira · 2 years
have you read about that la llorona au on ao3?
I think I have! There have been several, but I'm not sure which one your talking about. I have my own, but it hasn't really been worked on in a hot minute.
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troutfur · 9 months
Hay Mentor Trout, can we do a Halloween special with switching out cats with Halloween terrors or cryptids? (Like spanning blogs idk how to do this.)
Like what happened with the Shinning twins AU? (Also do you think THEY killed Mistystar and Reedwhisker??)
If you want to share your horror concepts go right ahead! I'm not much of a horror guy but I enjoy a good creepy story or two. I'll do my best to play along with the bit.
Let me kickstart this with my own concept. So, are any of y'all familiar with La Llorona?
For a quick summary: high class socialite lives the life of her dreams with her rich husband and has three kids, husband dies abruptly on her leaving her with only her inheritance to see her through, very quickly she burns through the cash and ends up living in poverty so in order to cut on her biggest expense she drowns her kids. Yeah. After she got done doing the deed she was horrified and now she is doomed to forever wander the earth lamenting having killed her own children and kidnaps other people's to fill the void.
Ok so what if that but Mapleshade?
WAIT WAIT WAIT BEFORE YOU RUN ME OFF WITH PITCHFORKS AND TORCHES! I know Mapleshade 100% didn't intend to drown her kids and that this is a big point of discourse. BUT! I think there is a certain tragedy that could be tapped into slotting her into this plot. The desperation one must be in so that drowning one's own kids seems like a rational choice, the regret that literally keeps her soul anchored to the realm of the living, the cruelness not only of the individuals but of the system in place that leads her to think just ridding herself of the inconvenient children is a good solution.
Plus, I think these cats deserve to be spooked the same way my dear old grandma used to scare the lights out of me about the weird noises outside the house at night. Ah, memories.
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