#la guerre
jloisse · 9 months
Ca fait 2 ans qu'on le répète, que nous l'avons systématiquement prouvé.
Il fallait une preuve formelle pour prouver que Zelenski tire sur son peuple civil en faisant croire, aidé par la communauté internationale et les médias corrompus, que les frappes viennent de Russie.
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klimt7 · 2 months
La guerre
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a-room-of-my-own · 7 months
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Va pas tarder de nous expliquer que les premières victimes de l’antisémitisme c’est les musulmans lui.
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beyondthespheres · 10 months
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it won't probably get more kinetic as in La Guerre by Thomas Cadène and Loïc Sécheresse...
well, with this sequence taken from Manuele Fior's L'Intervista being the sole exception
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you can read what I wrote about it here
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zbrelion · 4 months
La haine et la colère, la guerre et la paix.
La haine est une colère qui ne peut être raisonnée par notre humanité.
La haine nourrit la guerre et pourchasse la paix. Dépasser la haine nécessite du temps et de l’empathie que la violence de l’agression nous empêche de voir et de ressentir. Et avec le temps qui nourrit un ressentiment permanent, annihilant la possibilité de paix.
Quelle serait la colère sans haine ?
Celle qui ne se traduit pas en actes de vengeance mais celle qui se traduit en actes de libération par la guerre , par la négociation, par la documentation historique, par la réparation aux victimes et enfin par le devoir de mémoire , afin de cheminer victorieusement vers la paix avec l’autre.
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energiologue · 7 months
Guerriers de la Paix
Alors que je continue à travailler dans les royaumes éthériques avec les guerres dans notre monde, cela peut parfois ressembler à une trahison d’être dans un état de joie alors que tant de personnes souffrent et que de plus en plus de vies innocentes sont prises. Mais c’est en réalité ainsi que nous pouvons travailler avec l’énergie de la situation.  Voici ce que Michael nous…
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laxmortxmulticolore · 2 years
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nihylumbra · 9 months
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kebriones · 5 months
Always thinking about that french play where someone tells hector that the sacrificed birds' guts are saying something and he goes "I'd love to see what the guts of the priests say"
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carbone14 · 1 month
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Le porte-avions La Fayette (ex USS Langley) de la marine française prêt à catapulter un bombardier-torpilleur Grumman TBM-3E Avenger - 1950's
©Naval History and Heritage Command - NH 92501
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jloisse · 1 year
Sergueï Lavrov : « Kadhafi était trop informé du financement de la campagne présidentielle en République française »
Lors d'un entretien avec RT International le 26 juin, le ministre a déclaré que l'OTAN avait éliminé le dirigeant libyen Mouammar Kadhafi qui en savait trop long sur les détails du financement de la campagne électorale française. Il a également spéculé sur les conséquences de cette situation.
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fidjiefidjie · 1 year
The Evolution of War : From Stones to Atoms 🦴 🪨 💣
Source: © Fabio Comparelli/ fabdream.ai
Bel après-midi 👋
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mllenugget · 3 months
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Fuck it ! Warrior Cats trend
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beyondthespheres · 2 years
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La Guerre. Par Thomas Cadène (scénario) et Loïc Sécheresse (dessin). Delcourt.
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ionlytalktodogs · 7 months
This is the fifth overall time I’ve come out as a lesbian (to myself among others) and I keep asking myself… why do we need to keep having this conversation? Why do I keep hoping, PLEADING, that I could make it work with a man only to come back here again?
Accepting I like women was so easy. I was five years old. My best friend’s older sister was the love of my life. From then on I knew I liked girls.
Accepting I DON’T like men is one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to do. Through so many broken relationships with men where I’ve kept thinking, “if I just keep trying eventually I’ll be attracted to him,” “if I pretend he’s a woman then I can kiss him,” “he likes me so much I should at least give him a chance,” the concept of being a lesbian has been this terrifying thing. It’s like…if I’m a lesbian then I’ll never have that perfect little life that I’m supposed to have with the husband, 2.5 kids, picket fence, whatever.
Do I even want that life? I’m not sure. I want to work. I want to travel. Writing is my life. But it’s been so drilled into my head that, because I’m a woman, my worth is DEFINED by being the object of a man’s affection. A woman is worthless unless she can serve a man…
I don’t know. I’m trying to break out of the patriarchal mold of linking my selfhood and worth to a man’s approval but it’s so hard.
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nils-elmark · 9 months
First African American in the Great War
Brave men and women from my new book
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The young man on the drawing is Bob Scanlon. He was the very first African American, who joined the First World War where he showed extreme bravery. Here, he is drawn by a fellow-volunteer, the artist John Jocob Casey who like Scanlon 'for the duration of the war' joined The French Foreign Legion in Paris on 25 August 1914.
Bob Scanlon - whose real non-artistic name was Bob Lewis - was a talented boxer from Mobile in Alabama and came to Europe in 1907. Most of his boxing career was in France, where he amongst others sparred with the legenday Jack Johnson.
'Jack' Casey was an illustrator and artist from San Francisco. He had studied at the Mark Hopkins Department of Fine Arts of the University of California, the Art Students' League in New York, the Boston Museum and the New York School of Fine Arts. He had frequently exhibited his paintings with success at expositions in America and in Paris at the Salon des Artistes Francais.
Casey was wounded at the Battle of Champagne in 1915 and ended drawing maps for the French Army, and Scanlon  - who otherwise was considered to be born under a lucky star - was wounded at Verdun in 1916 when his famous left hand was hit by a shell case. But they both survived the war.
Bob Scanlon plays a key role in my book: Fighting for the French Foreign Legion.
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