#kylux rp
roleplayfinder · 4 months
Hello there! I’m 26, f, and I’m looking for an RP partner who’s 20+ and who writes in a 3rd person style over on Discord. I’m currently looking for the following characters and/or pairings:
Kylux: Kylo
I’m looking for a Kylo to write with my Hux, I have a few ideas but all RPs will be set before the events of the Force Awakens. I’m also happy to write Phasma and Snoke as needed. 😊
Frostiron: Loki
I’m also looking for a Loki to write with my Tony. I haven’t seen the Loki show as, tbh, it wasn’t my cup of tea so I’d be better suited for a more old school Loki of the Thor/Avengers/Dark world era. Both more mythological and advanced alien Lokis welcome 😊
Mystrade: Mycroft
This one’s a bit more of a long-shot but if there are any former/current Mycroft’s who fancy RPering please let me know!
That’s all the current pairings I’m looking for but I’m open to discussing alternatives for Loki as I also play a few other MCU characters although, tbh, I’m best at Tony. 🤭
I’m also not too fussed about post length, just give me enough to work with. 😊 I’m also NSFW friendly but it isn’t mandatory.
So, if you’re interested, please like this post and I’ll reach out to you Asap
Thank you for reading! 🥰
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little-gingersnap · 7 months
The way that I would sell my kidney for some active kylux rp rn. (Top Kylo Ren, bottom Armitage Hux). I would play Hux!
I have some AUs (like GoT esque cause they would be so cool as royals), and some plots set in the SW universe!
Literally desperate so you can either reach out here or my discord "littledoveheart" if you're interested in some kylux rp!!
Thank you!!
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alani-lynn-rp · 2 years
Starwars RP Starter Call
Trying to get back into the RP game after about a year away. 
About the mun: 23f, queer. I do not RP with anyone under 18, and would prefer to only interact with folks 21+. I am a literate RPer so you can expect full paragraphs, unless I’m really stuck. 
Where: Discord, feel free to add me: Blue_Feather#7380
Looking for/interested in:
Kylo?/OC- happy to do doubles and play a character for you as long as I am familiar with the character. 
Kylo/Hux- happy to play either character
Hux/Poe- I’ve never written for this pair but I think it could be fun. 
As for plots, I’m happy to talk canon related ones or au’s. I have some ideas but would love to hear yours as well. I’m also happy to talk about other characters/ pairings you may be interested in. 
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symphonyofthieves · 11 months
Chapters: 3/? Fandom: kylux - Fandom, Star Wars - All Media Types Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Kylux, Armitage Hux/Kylo Ren, Armitage Hux/Ben Solo | Kylo Ren, Armitage Hux/Ben Solo, Armitage Hux & Kylo Ren, Armitage Hux & Ben Solo | Kylo Ren, Star Wars - Relationship Characters: Ben Solo | Kylo Ren, Armitage Hux, Brendol Hux, Snoke (Star Wars), Phasma (Star Wars), Armitage Hux's Mother, Leia Organa, Kylo Ren, Maz Kanata, Ben Solo, Han Solo, Rey (Star Wars), Finn (Star Wars), Poe Dameron, Knights of Ren Additional Tags: Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Emotional/Psychological Abuse, Physical Abuse, Sexual Abuse, Dissociative Identity Disorder, Violence, Blood and Violence, Revenge, Illegal Activities, Rescue Missions, Alternate Universe - Hackers, Implied/Referenced Character Death, Psychological Trauma, Childhood Trauma, Family Drama, Abusive Parents, Drama & Romance, Angst and Drama, Angst and Romance, Anal Sex, Oral Sex, Rough Sex, Semi-Public Sex, Explicit Sexual Content, Ben Solo Needs A Hug, Armitage Hux Needs A Hug, Kylo Ren Needs a Hug, Soft Ben Solo, Virgin Ben Solo, Armitage Hux Has Issues, Kylo Ren Has Issues, Protective Kylo Ren, Boys In Love, Aftercare, Angst with a Happy Ending, Plot, Action/Adventure, Roleplay Logs, Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe - College/University, Eating Disorders, Brutal Murder, Heavy Angst, Happy Ending Summary:
Survivors... With a mental disorder caused by a sinister past, Kylo Ren fights for his ideals while seeking revenge. Son of an abusive family, Armitage Hux is an ambitious young man, capable of anything to achieve his goals. But when the voice of the heart calls and souls touch, both discover how much they are really capable of supporting, and also defending, those they love.
This fic is the result of my RP with @kyloren_sl (Twitter/Instagram) Made with great care, and we decided to open it to the public.
Our wonderful @kyloren_sl and I posted a new chapter of our RP-Fic  🧡🖤🥰 .We hope you guys like it! 
@kyloren_sl did the whole editing job, because he is simply the best  🧡🖤🥰. I don’t know what I would do without you!  🖤🧡
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parsnipping · 2 years
A Kylux rp excerpt I adore
Just a quick excerpt from one of my fave rps with my partner, who plays the best Kylo ugh love him so much.
Please be aware that it's in rp format! Also we're playing fast and loose with canon. It gets spicy later on but it's still ongoing so no full fic form yet!
It was the third time in as many days that Hux went back to his office in a rage, holding back the fury just until the door was closed. The moment it made the soft click he rounded his desk and opened up a cabinet, pulling out a scotch glass and the half full decanter of the brandy he had been nursing over the past year. Normally he didn't allow himself to drink while angry, not wanting to follow in his father's footsteps, but he needed something after that disastrous meeting with Snoke. Delays in his Starkiller project due to his perfectionism were grating on Snoke's patience, meanwhile that damnable beast in black received nothing but encouragement and praise. He refused to say he was jealous. He was simply annoyed at the favoritism. He was annoyed that his hard work was only seen as a nuisance because it hadn't yielded physical results. He drained the two fingers of brandy he'd poured, then refilled it with another three before pulling up the blueprints and scouring them again.
Kylo didn't need to scan the Force to know exactly where Hux was; as cool as the general could be in front of Snoke, his anger burned like a tower beacon once the communication array was cold. It was this beacon he followed, his path winding to the office door. He didn't knock, the Force flexing gently around him to activate the door and he strode in without warning. In his hands was an unplugged caf machine, very clearly stolen from the mess hall, the wall mountings dangling with stubborn chunks of wall plating still attached.
As he heard the door opening without warning, Hux startled and immediately yelled, "Who the hell do you think you are--" Oh. It was him. Hux's brows tightened together when he saw Ren carrying something, and once he realized what it was the incredulous tone in his voice only shot up even more. "Is that-- you stole a caf machine?! Why?!"
Kylo waited for the door to shut before depositing the machine on the opposing chair, beginning to work the mount screws out of the wall panels as if he had not just done something extremely weird. "You don't have a caf machine in here." As if that explained it entirely.
"I--" Hux was flabbergasted. He didn't even know where to begin. Finally he managed to string together a decent enough sentence that he wouldn't embarrass himself. "And just where are you expecting to install it? And how?"
Kylo's blank mask turned towards Hux, tilting slightly as if confused. "The wall?" He dropped a panel piece to the floor and placed the mount screws on the desk, working on the next set as he nodded towards the blueprints. "Starkiller, yes? That's why you're angry?"
Hux blinked, then promptly ignored what the man was doing. Ridiculous. Why in the world would he be installing a caf machine-- "I see. This is an underhanded message isn't it? Telling me to get this project done already. As if I haven't poured every second of time I have away from the bridge and my other duties into this project!"
Kylo snorted, the sound distorted in his mask before it faded into a chuckle. "Underhanded is not a word people use for me, General." He lifted the unit, holding it out to gauge its location on the wall before setting it down again, approaching to look over the wall panels critically. "Supreme Leader Snoke is the one worried about time tables. I'm not concerned with such trivialities."
"So you're saying this isn't some message he's had you bring me? I find that hard to believe." His eyes raked up and down Ren's figure, less out of any attraction and more searching for any signs of danger. "To answer your question, of course I'm angry about Starkiller. This is my life's work, my magnum opus so to speak. It must be perfect, even if that means delays."
"I'm not a message boy." For once, Ren seemed entirely harmless, beyond the sheer imposition of his frame and the fact that he walked into the office carrying the prize of his destructive force. He was intently focused on the wall for a moment longer before he drew his saber, the plasma hissing and spitting briefly before he took the crossbar to the wall and carefully bored a hole into the metal. The reek of melting metal and ozone filled the air and just as quickly as it had started, his lightsaber was back at his side and he was wrestling the caf machine back into his hands. "I am eager for it would be done, but I do not expect you to be faster than the minds behind the Empire's Death Star. You're building something far greater. I would be displeased to see it vulnerable due to hastiness."
"What in blazes are you doing?!" Hux didn't dare try to stop Ren physically, but he desperately wanted to. "Stop putting holes in my ship! I didn't ask for you to rip a caf machine from the wall to install it in my office you great beast!!"
"You like caf." As if that made all of it make even one iota of sense, Kylo lifted the machine up to the wall and pinned the mount points against the holes he had made. The screws flew off the desk into his free hand one by one as he began to screw them into the half-melted slag in the wall. It would be significantly less likely to fall off a wall with the screws, especially if they ended up sealing into place with the molten remains.
Hux was left speechless, and he poured himself another bit of the liquor, draining it in one go. "Stars above what is going on... Why do I need one in my office though?! I have one in my quarters and I'm perfectly capable of walking to the officer's mess hall!" Only then did Ren's words about his project really sink in, and he stared down at his empty glass. "You..." He paused, then pursed his lips, setting the glass down on the desk a little harder than he meant to. "Of course you don't want to see my design vulnerable. Because it's benefiting you and Snoke as much as the rest of the Order. And that's all you two really care about, isn't it?"
"If Supreme Leader Snoke and I perceive the same value in your work, why then do we have separate opinions on it?" Kylo continued working on the machine as if Hux had not gone through the five stages of grief behind him, patting the sides of it to ensure its stability before nodding to himself. Stable and not going anywhere any time soon. He turned his attention to the dangling wires and tubing, beginning the delicate process of reconnecting all the necessary bits as he spoke. "Walking to the mess hall is an excursion that leaves you open to distraction. More than once, you have been diverted. This-" he patted the front of the machine again. "-will allow you to stay sequestered until you truly require a change of scenery." He paused then, lifting his helm to gaze blankly in Hux's direction. "You think very loudly when you do not see me, and I have overheard your anger when you're taken off track."
Frowning deeply, Hux regarded the work being done and scoffed. "This is going to look ghastly. Do you even know what you're doing?" Time for another drink, he thought, though he made sure to pour less and sip more this time. "I see. So I'll have to keep a closer guard to my thoughts no matter where you are? Though anyone would be irritated to be taken off course. Especially on their off hours. Hence why I have one installed in my quarters."
"More than you think I do." Kylo fingers found the edge of a wall panel, wrenching the small panel aside with an atonal squeal to reveal the wiring he would need to get the machine powered. It was Ben's knowledge he was using, if he was honest with himself, but even at his angriest, he couldn't deny the usefulness of some of Ben's lessons. "You've been delayed between here and your quarters as well. This is to keep you unbothered when you are at work." The live wire scorched his glove as he worked the pieces together; it was not seamless, as he was without tools, but it was functional and safe. What did it matter, if it was going back behind the wall anyway? "What troubles you now? Is it Snoke's haste or is there something in the design?"
Hux almost looked to be pouting. Almost. He took another sip from his glass before replying, "Both. There are sections I need to restructure, to make up for some power losses. It'll bring up the heat, and that will require extra cooling, and that takes time to redesign and test. Your master thinks I've taken too long as it is, and wants me to move forward with the building. It's not ready. And I refuse to piece it together as I go with full size materials."
"Something of your proposed size will generate plenty of its own heat even without power loss. Where the Death Star was a satellite, your Starkiller aims to be its orbiting planet." Kylo chuckled, his mood lightening slightly as he imagined the sheer affront some of the Old Guard would feel over the very notion of the Death Star as a mere moon-shadow. "Perhaps instead of cooling systems, you should look into creating its own ecosystem. I imagine ice-caps would certainly assist in keeping certain systems cool." He leaned back on his knees, looking over the tangle of wires appraisingly before tucking them back into the panel and forcing the metal flat again. It was, as expected, ghastly looking. But the caf machine powered up perfectly fine and began running through diagnostics. "All that water would likely destroy the terminals though..."
Hux idly listened as Ren spoke, but the more he elaborated the more Hux's eyes widened. It felt insane, but it might be one of those insane ideas that work. "Ren... I think you're onto something there." Suddenly he was up and pulling out his datapad, fingers flying over keys as he searched, pulling up hundreds of possible candidates, looking for something that was habitable, cold enough to keep from melting immediately upon firing, and wouldn't encroach on any Republic or other territories. The last thing he needed was a full blown fight over a planet. Finally, he settled on three candidates, and his eyes glittered with excitement over the possibilities.
"What?" Kylo blinked, his attention drawn from the caf machine as Hux began tapping through screens rapidly. "Current terraforming technology doesn't work particularly well when the bulk of a surface is metal. I don't think ice caps are all that feasible." Without looking, he reached to the caf machine's buttons and set it to brew, one of Hux's unused brandy glasses zipping through the air to settle where a mug should be.
Despite being enraptured in his search, Hux flung out a hand in an accusatory point. "Hey! Careful with those!" Although he supposed the glass being floated through Ren's Force bullshit was safer than the man actually handling it. "No, no you're on to something. Why terraform the surface? The planet's crust is already meant to protect the core and survive in space. This... this is brilliant."
Kylo blinked, Hux's thoughts just open enough for him to catch the edges, those edges just enough to bring realization crashing around his shoulders. "....you're thinking of restructuring your weapon into a planet." There was a measure of awe in his voice, his vocoder dulling the sound but not killing it. The caf machine dinged and he automatically picked up the glass, setting the black caf onto Hux's desk as he stalked forward to get a glimpse at the datapad. "A planet's core would certainly solve your power loss problem..."
Surprisingly, Hux didn't seem to mind the sudden close proximity, and he absently grabbed the caf, taking a sip from it before startling into a pause. "This... you made it work. You seriously just installed a working caf machine in my office... with zero tools." He leveled a glare at the other. "So not only are you some sort of Force prodigy, but you can engineer enough to do this. What other secret skills are you hiding? Perhaps you're not so incompetent in anything outside of your Force nonsense as I first pinned you."
Kylo turned his blank mask towards Hux, the intensity of his stare hardly dimmed despite the tinted glass and metal hiding his expression. "I have many skills beyond the so-called Force nonsense. Perhaps I will show you my other talents, some day." The vocoder stripped enough of the waver in his voice to remain aloof, though his heart was pounding frantically. That was practically a compliment, and from Hux that was rarer than a smile. "On the other hand, you are implying you are planning to retrofit a planet into a superweapon. Which one of us is hiding skills?"
Hux's eyes lidded in thought as he sipped the caf again, his free hand opening a different folder on his datapad and flicking a file up onto the small holo projector at the end of his desk. It was another set of blueprints, much more crude and clumsy than his current plans, and down at the bottom was a line of very shaky Aurebesh reading 'Mouse Trap', clearly written with a stylus by a child. The corner of his mouth twitched. "I've always been an engineer. My other skills were learned out of necessity for survival." He didn't elaborate, but the look on his face as he gazed at the very simple plan was distant, and not entirely happy.
Kylo turned to view the blueprint, so to speak, his brow cocking invisibly as he looked it over. He could sense the storm somewhere under Hux's skin and he straightened his shoulders, the desire to pry overwhelmed by his will to seek a more intimate connection. "Did it work?" He gestured to the holo. "Your trap."
Whatever expression Hux had on his face was wiped clean and he once again threw up that facade of ice and steel, closing the holo and switching his screen back to the three planets he was reviewing for candidacy. "No. Even after five overhauls in the design and mechanics. Because I didn't factor in that despite being animals that run on instinct and not intelligent choice, they're smart enough to know danger when they sense it. I didn't factor in their innate will to survive." Offering a wry but soulless grin, Hux leaned back in his chair. "I never made that mistake again." His hand moved again, and in a motion that signaled he was clearly done with this topic, flicked up the three planets onto the holo projector. "These are the best suited for your crazy idea. What are your thoughts?"
Kylo felt the steel as keenly as a blade against his skin and he nodded, his arms crossing over his chest as Hux diverted their conversation back to the original topic. "Humans are more apt to ignore their instincts. I imagine your transition was smooth." He considered the planets carefully as they slowly rotated on their axes, tracking what little information was beside them. "I am unfamiliar with these worlds. Are any of them inhabited by sapient species?" His eyes lingered on Ilum, the name catching his mind as quickly as his eyes. "...I have a good feeling about Ilum. According to those coordinates though, Hydrus V is the furthest from Republic patrol routes and less likely to catch any eyes."
Hux's eyes narrowed, not in ire but in a wicked sort of glee. He pulled open a larger map with a pin on Ilum, then slowly drew a straight line directly towards Republic space. It made a direct shot through the Hosnian system. "You and I are of similar mind, it seems. Your instinct about Ilum might also be from the vast deposits of kyber the planet is known for." He didn't need to elaborate. Kyber was all but sacred to Force users, not to mention the power it generated.
Kylo's shoulders tightened at the mention of kyber, his eyes tracing the outline of the planet before nodding abruptly. "Ilum, then, would be my recommendation. Kyber can be tricky to work with, but it is without peer in focus and clarity." He paused, a small sigh escaping his vent. "Provided it is uninhabited. I do not doubt our ability to handle such a concern, but sapient species have a terrible tendency to get messages away when they feel death approaching."
"You needn't worry. It's in fact uninhabited. Nothing but snow, forest, and rock. Apparently there's mostly flora and very little fauna." Hux looked all too smug with himself for this, and sipped the last of the caf in the glass before pouring a bit more brandy into the one he'd been using before, lightly nudging it towards Ren. "That was a plan changing idea in the best way. I'm impressed, Ren."
"Then my recommendation is tripled. Provided there is an adequate survey of Republic patrol schedules and routes, it would be child's play to slip ships and equipment planetside." Kylo tilted his head slightly as the brandy was nudged into his range, confusion bubbling up before he reached out to touch the edge of the glass. If he looked closely, he thought he could still see the print of Hux's lips on the rim. He took a long moment, before his other hand released the catch on his helm and he removed the whole unit with a sigh. "It was not my intention, General, but I am pleased to see your main construction concerns resolved." He brought the glass to his lips, hesitating for a moment before taking a draught. It burned his throat like acid-fire and his skin felt hot where his lips touched the skinprint left behind.
Hux blinked and found himself quite stunned. He'd seen glimpses of Ren's bare face here and there, but only at a distance and only in short flashes. Now, seeing it up close like this, he was startled first by how young the man looked, then by the depth to his stare. He could already tell that a puppy-eyed look from this man could very well fell an army, but as they were now, serious and focused, there was an unfathomable depth there that Hux felt he needed to stay away from, lest he slip and fall into the void. The third thing that caught his attention was the plushness of his lips and how they molded to the glass, and he noticed with a tiny flicker of warmth that Ren had used the exact same spot where Hux had been drinking from. Judging by the hesitation and subsequent twitch in Ren's face, Hux could draw a few conclusions, ones that actually had the corner of his mouth quirking up. "You don't drink often, do you? Well savor that then. This decanter cost more than some of our officer's monthly salaries."
Kylo frowned slightly, though it was mostly directed towards the drink than Hux's words. "No. I usually avoid consuming anything that affects the faculties." His face was more open than his mask, confusion flickering over his eyes as he kept the glass close to his face. "Is alcohol really that expensive? Seems a lot of trouble..." He took another sip, neatly draining the sample and setting the glass back down on the desk; for all the burning, the flavor ultimately settled on his tongue rich and heavy, much like liquid amber or ozone. "I have no reference for the quality, but it isn't foul despite the burning. I would dare to say it tastes good after it bites."
In a surprising turn of events, Hux laughed. It was a short, singular 'ha!', but there it was nonetheless. "That's where it gets you. Then you get used to the burn and only taste the flavor. Next thing you know you're waking up in an alley or in a strange bed with a strange person next to you. It's why I tend to avoid drinking publicly."
Kylo snorted openly, the vocoder unable to disguise his voice now that he was in the open. "Oh? It's hard to imagine the great General Hux waking up anywhere but his own berth. A confession of youthful indiscretions, General?" His lip quirked into a smile, somewhat uncomfortable-looking, as if the muscles weren't quite sure how to manage it while exposed to the air. "I think I will keep to my decision to abstain, if that is a common concern."
"It's only common if you're stupid about it." He pondered for a moment about being that open about his past dalliances - and mistakes - but decided to keep at least some of his dignity. "I'm afraid you'll just have to wonder about any of my youthful activities, Ren. I'll not confirm or deny any of them." Now that he was settled by the three glasses of brandy and one of caf, he felt his shoulders relaxing a bit as he flicked away the information on Ilum and the map, and instead pulled up the Starkiller blueprints, putting a semi-transparent layer over them and redrawing them from scratch with his stylus.
"I see. I suppose then, it was not as common for you as it was for others." He lifted his helm back over his head, the pneumatic quickly sealing him back inside obscurity, before anything else could show on his face. There was a vent of air and his shoulders relaxed briefly before he nodded. The caf had been delivered, Hux's frustrations handled, best to leave before he made some sort of spectacular error. "I will leave you then, General. Rest assured that the Supreme Leader will hear of your breakthrough before he next decides to summon both of us." His tone suggested a small vein of pride, as if the idea of Hux showing up Snoke's expectations so rapidly was of personal delight.
Hux was a bit surprised that Ren was leaving of his own accord before being told to get out. "Hm. Very well." There was a pause as he thought about whether or not to say the next thing on his mind, but ultimately he bit his tongue. He'd been too personable as it was; showing Ren his rudimentary childhood blueprints, but also letting himself be seen almost relaxing. Not to mention sharing his brandy, which was unheard of. He let Ren go this time, getting back to work and neatly packing away any errant thoughts about the man.
Kylo was quick to leave the office, the Force thrumming behind him to ensure it locked in his wake. Exactly how he had found it, plus one pilfered caf machine. His steps took him just far enough to no longer be sensed or heard, and within an instant he scrabbled his helm from his head, breath coming quickly as his trembling hand brushed over his lips. He had helped Hux, directly, intelligently. He liked the caf machine. He had shared a glass with him. He felt like screaming. He felt like puking. It was a start! Heart pounding, hands still shaking from the force of repressing it, he struggled to get his helm back into place before he left.
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larriestyless · 2 years
I'm looking for roleplayers
Star Wars mainly. Armitage Hux and Poe Dameron against my Ben Solo! Please Find this post!
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stylesmilky · 1 year
Imm looking for some Poe Dameron Role Players! I mainly rp as anyone!
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sunnflow3rshowers · 7 months
Rp Search
In this year of Our Lord 2023, Omegle has fallen. (RIP) So here I am, laying all of this out, desperate to find more rp partners. I am 27, so I am only really interested in rping with people that are 21+. I am interested in both fandom and OC rps, depending on the mood and all of that. I will list the fandoms I'm looking for, as well as who I play, and general themes. I am a third person, literate roleplay, I stick to 1-2 paragraphs, but the length can always fluctuate depending on the roleplay and my roleplay partners. When it comes to RPs, I like them light and soft. I also like them dark and heavy, with lots of Whump, Angst, and Hurt/Comfort, as well as some darker themes that would require trigger warnings, all of which will be discussed privately, of course.
I prefer MxM for fandom rps, although there are some small exceptions for specific ships. I"m more open to MxF and FxF, and other pairings with more OC rps. With most Fandom Rps, I am looking for Shipping Rps, aka a Merthur rp, Kylux Rp, etc
Fandom: Who I play
Teen wolf: Stiles Stilinski The Old Guard: Nicky Star Wars: Luke Skywalker, Armitage Hux Umbrella Academy: Klaus Stranger Things: Jonathan Byers, Steve Harrington The Hobbit: Bilbo Baggins The Witcher: Jaskier Kingsman: Eggsy Unwin ATLA: Sokka Our Flag Means Death: Lucius Spriggs Gotham: Oswald Cobblepot Merlin: Merlin Criminal Minds: Spencer Reid Hannibal: Will Graham Arcane: Viktor Spider-Man: Peter Parker (NOT MCU) GOT: Sansa (only paired with Sandor Clegane) The Eternals: Makkari (only paired with Druig) Detroit Become Human: Connor Good Omens: Aziraphale Agents of Shield: Fitz (as gay and not paired with Simmons) FAHC: Jack (fem) Yugioh: Joey Wheeler Person of Interest: Harold Finch Haikyuu: Suga, kenma X-men: Charles Xavier The Boys: Hughie White Collar: Neal The Goldfinch: Theo Hunter X Hunter: Kurapika, Shalnark Barry: No-ho Hank IT: Eddie Hawaii 5-0: Danny Daredevil (netflix): Foggy, James Wesley Fantastic Beasts: Credence Vikings: Athelstan OC Fandoms! Hit me up if you want to talk about rps in any of these. In these sorts of rps I am 110% down to double up if you play canon against my oc, all of which can be talked and discussed privately! Marvel Xmen GOT Star Wars Barry General Rps! I am a huge fan of brainstorming rps with general themes! Fantasy Horror Drama Sci-fi Cyberpunk Etc! Please please just reach out and I'm always going to be happy to brainstorm! If you made it this far, thank you so much! If you are interested, like this, leave a comment, send me a dm, or add me on discord @ sunnflow3rshowers !
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unicornbutchery · 6 days
Kylux roleplay partner search
I’m looking for a literate roleplay partner
Replies do not have to be extremely long and I won’t fault you for typos but please don’t give any few sentence replies.
Must be 18+
Messaging will be conducted on tumblr as I do not use other socials.
My preference is to write aus. As they give me an ability to expand outside of the restrictions of the canon universe.
I will accept suggestions for aus & plotlines we can build one together if preferable.
I do not require writing samples but if you’d like to submit them please do! It be a pleasure to read your work!
I do not mind darker themes, I am personally a fan of horror. But I will need preface and a warning in advance. Along with your own discomforts and triggers so I can avoid them.
I am willing to write for either character but I do have a preference for Hux.
NSFW is welcome of course but I’d prefer it not to derail or kill the plot.
Replies are never rushed, I understand being busy.
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genderlessgae · 9 months
Hello! Im a 22 they/them Agender but AFAB (I also prefer my RP partners to be AFAB and20+) I'm currently looking for long term partners to RP a couple M×M ships in fandoms such as:
Kylo Ren × General Hux (Star Wars)
Edward × Stede (Our Flag Means Death
Steve × Eddie (Stranger Things)
Sirius Black × Remus Lupin (Harry Potter)
Spock × Captian Kirk (Star Trek)
Aziraphale × Crowley (Good omens)
Sherlock Holmes × John Watson (Sherlock BBC
Mycroft Holmes × Gregory Lestrade (Sherlock BBC
I'm hoping for a wholesome romance/Slice of life rp where everyone can have a happy ending. I'm perfectly fine with smut. My responses are usually a paragraph or two long. (More if I'm inspired) I RP in third person. My time zone is EST and I can respond to RP all day every day except when I have things to get done or need to sleep. Feel free to send me a message. You can also comment on or like the post and I'II reach to you!
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hieee, dont mind me, just making an rp ad. looking to rp lokius (mobius preferance), spirk (kirk preference), or kylux (hux preference). i can write either dom or sub, 18+, like to work with paragraph(s), 3rd person, past tense (but can do present) and i like to have plot that interjects with smut (so if ur not comfy with writing smut, which, totally valid if u arent, this is not the ad for you sadly). i also prefer to write on google docs while chatting on discord about OC/plot stuff so we can like. have two separate places and so the replies dont get lost to chatting haha. its also fun to use gdocs to leave notes and stuff. hard to explain but i can give examples.
that’s it! if u want examples of starters i’ve written or replies im more than willing to share, and you can contact me on discord @ SamichMachine#7368
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roleplayfinder · 1 year
Hey! I'm 22! Looking for 20+ Star Wars Role-Play! Anything from Poe Dameron to Kylo Ren. Also Kylux! I mainly am on discord so if you want too find me their like this post and we can get to know one another! I am very interested into wanting to get back into RP!!
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sinewmutt · 8 months
I’m looking for a long term kylux rp partner.
I prefer well detailed and literate responses but I’m not judgmental of typos or mistakes!
My requirements for a partner are that you are 18+
My preferred method of contact is discord, we can exchange usernames if you are interested or chat here
I do my best to get out quick responses!
NSFW welcome
Predetermined plot lines and aus are wonderful and encouraged.
I’m comfortable if not pleased to write for either character!
Please disclose any discomforts or triggering topics you’d like to avoid. 🫀
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acrimsoncurse · 2 years
Partner Search!
I am back searching for some rather specific pairings that are hard to come by. I've finished some shows and have some extra time so lets get to it!
A little bit about me, I’ve been writing for over 10 years and consider myself a lit roleplay but don’t let that scare you away as it’s not an end all be all for me as quality is better than quantity. I prefer to write on discord since I receive the notifications but I don’t mind discussing other places! I prefer if my partner was 18+ as I’m 23. I do prefer to talk OOC and get to know my partner more as well as plot/discuss HC’s!! My timezone is PST. I am a full time student so it might take me a moment to respond to you.
If you don’t get a response back just @ me on discord! Totally okay and appreciated but please respect the fact that I may take a bit of time to reply, I am not ignoring you, I do have a life outside of the internet and that gets in the way quite a bit and I lose track far too often and feel terrible for not noticing.
➢Star Wars -Damerey/JediPilot / Poe x Rey -Reylo -Anything involving Obi-Wan!!! -Obikin -Anything involving Ahsoka!! -RebelCaptain -WinterWidow -Kylux -GingerPilot -DarkPilot -Rey x Jessika Pava ➢Marvel -MoonScarab / Steve x Layla / Marc x Layla -Bucky x Yelena -Logyn -Fandroki / Dashing Frost -Sylki -Valkyrie x Sylvie -Romanogers -Spideycat (I am not interested in this solely being a smut filled rp. Genuinely looking to develop a story.) -Peter x Gwen / Spidergwen -Miles x Gwen
➢Overwatch -Gency -McAshe -BunnyRibbit -Moicy -MercyKill -Mercy76 -Tracemaker ➢Misc -Hades x Persephone -Patrochilles / Achillies x Patroclus -Thanatos x Zagreus -Stancy - Eddie x Chrissy -Literally anything D&D related -Jude x Carden - Miraith / Mirage x Wraith -OC x OC (can be discussed) -OC x Canon (can be discussed)
I have a handful of ideas I've been wanting to do for some of these parings especially enemies to lovers or soulmate tropes and some angsty stuff!
If any of these catch your interest shoot me a dm on Discord Crimsoncurse#5997 ! As well as there's a bit more info on my carrd https://crimsonrpinfo.carrd.co plus there is also a list of other pairings I may be interested to take on. Don't see one? Just ask!
This is just a feeler post and doesn't invalidate any rps I have going on at the moment! If I have by chance missed you please @ me! I don't always see the notification!
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dumblittleladman · 1 year
Bro somebody should RP Kylux with me, it would be hot if someone did 😎
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aonunetesupremacy · 1 year
Looking for a long-term RP Kylux partner!
Specifically looking for (Top!) Hux, third person, around 600+ words per posting, NOT hate love and not smut focused, via discord preferred
Story ideas there, just write me a message if you’re interested please c:
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