So i feel like the nakshatras that carry the most 'sex appeal' -
and in that order lol
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marsprincess889 · 2 months
Basic themes of nakshatras
May edit this later, this is as far as I understand and have observed them, and I think it's pretty nice to see them simply.
Newness, freshness, the unmanifest, speed, energy, vitality, instinct, healing, fast healing, unlimited energy, self-expression, selfishness, blocking outside noise, trusting yourself, self-empowerment, unfiltered actions.
Things that remind me of Ashwini: bees, the sun, horses, two white horses, golden deserts, horses gallopping, honey, long hair flying in the wind, apples.
Love, death, sex, the female, the feminine, limitations, the material, fate, destiny, coming into the body, struggling against limitations, struggling against fate, mind trapped in its own hell because of the inevitable, dealing with the harshness of life, harshness of mothers and mother nature, the hierarchy, privileges and deprivations, desire, going after your true desire, the immortality of the soul, adapting to changes, passion, tragic love, bravery, facing the truth, choicelessness, nessecity, revenge, violence, gatekeeping, reduction, denial of access, conquering your fate, everlasting beauty.
Things that remind me of Bharani: hot pink and black, darkness, roses, the yoni, gateways, keyholes, caverns, boats, rivers, the damsel in distress, fantasy, high fantasy.
Adam, the main character, naming things, language, rationality, precision, sharpness, criticism, the poet, the "it" person, simplicity, cleanliness, expressing oneself, selectivity, the heat, the knowledge, the light, masculine ideals, stoicism.
Things that remind me of Krittika: knives, razors, lighers, sparks, fire, hearth, cooking.
Eve, sugar babies, growth, receptivity, enjoyment, pleasure, unrefined, doted on, subconcious, absorbtion, sharing, union, creation, the youngest daughter, naivete, feeling no shame.
Things that remind me of Rohini: sugar, stickiness, sweetness, heaviness, red, pink, flowers, the A.I(lol).
Distraction, realization, fickleness, adventure, running away, chasing, the hunt, excitement, softness, pleasure, altering conciousness, magic substances(iykwim), curiosity, fulfillment, insatiability, teasing.
Things that remind me of Mrigashira: silver threads, deer, green forests, green and blue, running in the woods, alcohol, the moon, Shakespeare's "A Midsummer Night's Dream".
Disillusion, crying, lamenting, awareness of others, awarness of other's expectations, hyper-awarness of everything, intellect, the rational mind, pressures from society, rebelling against society, anxiety.
Things that remind me of Ardra: tears, water, storms, technology, teenage angst, emo culture, the rain, sad songs, dogs.
Mercy, forgiveness, permission, freedom, flying, expansion, gentleness, regrowing, realigning, returning, home, unconditional love and nurture, celebration, peace, peacefulness, centering oneself, sunlight, warmth, fostering, taking care, being taken care of, luck, unlimited fertile space, shelter, genuine kindness, believing in humanity again, cycles, patterns, seeing the cycles and the patterns, predicting future, openness, second (and third, fouth...) chances, a comeback.
Things that remind me of Punarvasu: staying at home, pets, plants, cats, gentle rain, a bow and arrows, a target.
Asceticism, routines, self-restraint, servitude, control, self-control, working, working on yourself, patience, simplicity, striving for perfection, nurturing, nourishment, quiet ambition, symmetry.
Things that remind me of Pushya: milk, milkmaids, country life, milking, symmetry, goats, sheep, agriculture.
Manipulation, abuse, poison, emotional abuse, blackmail, resorting to everything for safety, protection, pent up energy, the nervous system, purity, water, sensitivity, cleanliness, energetic build-up, tension, restraint, preservation, self-preservation, virginity, feminine tactics, being "mean" for protection, lying for safety, sensuality, mother issues, agitation.
Things that remind me of Ashlesha: the color white, transparent things, cats, poisoning, snow white, Sofia Coppola films, teenage girlhood, ties, strings, knots, snakes.
Royalty, power, ancestry, family trees, history, the past, regality, honoring the past, honoring the elders, honoring the authority, religion, traditions, customs, confidence, ego.
Things that remind me of Magha: crowns, thrones, churches, goth culture, the smoke, big hair(like the lion's mane).
Purva Phalguni:
Pleasure, enjoyment, being spoiled as the feminine, loving to spoil as the masculine, procreation, sex, leisure, art, holidays, parties, exclusivity, pride, charisma, sexual dispersion, love as a method of self-expression, admiration, directness, active pursuit of your passions, indulgence.
Things that remind me of Purva Phalguni: fruits, eating fruits topless, rose gold color, the "rizz"(lol), the phallus, dramaticism.
Uttara Phalguni:
Favors from friends, family and partners, contracts, beneficial agreements, the perfect wife, likeability, popularity, friendliness, appearing cool, stoicism, beneficial arrangements, gaining power through partnerships, self-expression through relationships.
Things that remind me of Uttara Phalguni: the "chads", simplicity, genuine friends, loyal companions, the perfect male stereotype, the "rich heiress running away" trope.
The earth, the veiled feminine, manipulation, denial of access, materialism, cheating, everyday matters, empowerment of women, deception, skill, seeking knowledge, wanting to be in control, activism, street-smarts, manipulation of masses.
Things that remind me of Hasta: the hand, Goddess Persephone, skilled hands, thieves, easy money, fairies, witches, scammers.
Crafting, building, perspective, truth, law, gems, sacrifice for your craft, vanity, stereotypes, aesthetics, the truth in stereotypes, building based on the law and the truth, the surface of things, the appearance of things, the substance reflected in the vessel, gossip, cliques.
Things that remind me of Chitra: the god Hephestos, martian gods in general, jewelry, fashion, make-up, drama, pettiness, the coquette aesthetic, pranksters, Olivia Rodrigo(ig).
Space, the cosmos, shifting realities, love, rebellion, alternate realities, possibilities, seeing beauty in everything, inspiration, art, the cosmic egg, creation of the world, creation of worlds, microcosm and macrocosm, freedom through love.
Things that remind me of Swati: video games, the wind, plants beggining to sprout, the sword, technology.
The lightning, snapping, splitting, joining opposites, compromise, marriage, repressed anger, repressed aggression, alter egos, passion, enthusiasm, standing up for yourself and others, repression and then expression, energy, love and hate.
Things that remind me of Vishakha: lighning bolts, Zeus, Thor and other lighning gods, superhero "Shazam", celebrations.
Friendship, devotion, depth, loyalty, unconditional loyalty, bonds, the occult, sex with love, numbers, gatherings, friend groups, groups, gentleness, humbleness, discipline, seriousness, organizing society, social groups.
Things that remind me of Anuradha: the color burgundy, dim lights, bunnies, "Sex Education" (tv show), sci-fi (for some reason), "The Vampire Diaries" (and very similar teen shows), frat boys, cheerleaders.
The battlefield, war, hunger, thirst, insatiability, conquering, the underdog, street-smarts, competition, strategy, extreme independence, mind games, the art of war, survival, ruling, rising above, self-reliance, wisdom, becoming the authority, the eldest, dryness, trust issues, enemies, destroying enemies, outsmarting all enemies.
Things that remind me of Jyeshta: grandmothers, owls, eagles, dry places, flags, marching, chess.
Horror, the abnormal, the truth, the core, the center, the absorbing darkness, the black hole, the roots, violence against falsehoods, seeking the truth, seeking the cause, seeking roots, uprooting, chaos, from chaos to order, the unchanging truth, taming beasts, holding to your truth.
Things that remind me of Mula: "Phanton of the Opera", "Twilight", final girls, horror movies, dark murky green, the wilderness.
Purva Ashadha:
Art, beauty, alliances, artistry, ideals, fighting for the ideal, discrimination, exclusivity, philosophies about beauty and art, passion for love and art, attachments, secrecy, luxury, vitality, vigor, going for victory.
Things that remind me of Purva Ashadha: the sea, seafoam, goddess Aphrodite, seashells, mermaids, sirens, fans (the ones you hold in your hand lol), Arwen from LotR.
Uttara Ashadha:
Victory, loneliness, individuality, government, empowerment, independence, being looked up to, composed self-expression, ease, simplicity but regality, confidence, self-assuredness, melancholy and hardships of aloneness but contentment, stoicism, invincibility, unapologetic behavior.
Things that remind me of Uttara Ashadha: earnest people, goddess Nike, mint color for some reason.
Connecting everything, secret knowledge, interest in everything, reading between the lines, subconcious access, extreme sensitivity, holding the humanity together, secret agencies, percieving what others can't percieve, saving humanity, navigating, receptivity, mysticism.
Things that remind me of Shravana: Superman, Geralt of Rivia, Aragorn, King arthur, pathways, footprints, ear, color blue, spies, astrology, outcasts, fringe societies.
Celebration, celebrities, fame, visibility, aggression, agitation, action, bringing people together, idols, propaganda, wealth from fame, that which attracts attention, public image, benefits and downsides of fame, openness and flashiness, branding.
Things that remind me of Dhanishta: supermodels, Princess Diana, dancing, rhythmic drums.
Complexities, seeing everything, lurking in shadows, holding the knowledge, secrets, secrecy, hiding, technology, innovation, being ahead of your time, advising but manipulating, society, the collective, trends, the conciousness of masses.
Things that remind me of Shatabhisha: midnight sky, stars, the seas, water reservoirs, the circle, the all-seeing eye of Sauron(lol), Lord of the Rings, rings, the movie "Stardust" (the book too).
Purva Bhadrapada:
Notoriety, expansion, uncontrolled expansion, persmissiveness, growth to ruin unless restrained, fighting for your soul, the scapegoat, going against society, getting tested, the point of no return.
Things that remind me of Purva Bhadrapada: gangs, famous criminals, laziness, femme fatales, the grotesque, deserts, werewolves, the black sheep.
Uttara Bhadrapada:
Finding grace, hardships, working, inner strength, steeliness, resilience, patience, restraint, contol, self-restraint and self-control, bravery, honesty, stubbornness, fighting for your truth, perfect control, freedom through limitations, seeking a permanent foundation built on truth, working for the foundation, long-term goals, innocence, purity of soul, stillness, refinement.
Things that remind me of Uttara Bhadrapada: butterflies, clouds, baby blue color, Cinderella, warriors, knights, ice, coldness, queens, ice-queen, dragons, water dragons, deep waters, deep sea and its creatures.
Ultimate freedom, creativity, wisdom, gentleness, compassion, guiding, herding, fun, laughter, mischief, lightnness, ease, finding peace, reaching the end, enjoying what you have, contentment, nurturing, open-mindedness, conclusions, gratefulness, freedom and free will, having choices, diversity, finding the truth, true wealth.
Things that remind me of Revati: shepherds, everything easy and light, the tricksters, the fool, jokes, Loki, The Joker, fish, comedy, the movie "A Fish Called Wanda", caring for everyone and everything.
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chitra111goddess · 4 months
(Can apply to any planet placement)
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⚡️Ashwini women always stand out to me with their creativity especially in acting , they rly know to embody the character they're playing to the fullest even irl it may be easier for them to shift thro different identities or alter-egos just for funsies
⚡️There's smtg about purva phalguni women , they're gorgeous but for some reason I noticed they get hate esp from other women like they're called fake or pick-mes or they make up stories hmm
⚡️Purva ashadha women are so inspiring like they're always the ones to be teaching or preaching or saying smtg inspiring/motivational. They're beauties with soul and a mind of their own ! If u know a purva ashadha better take notes 📝
⚡️Magha women love wearing black and something about their looks or style is unconventional/gothy, it suits them
⚡️Uttara-phalguni women are so headstrong bruh and they have this leadership aura about them, they're gonna do what THEY think is right. Like other sun-ruled nakshatras they easily get attention
⚡️Mrigashira women love the push & pull , cat &mouse game, they either attract this dynamic or they create it themselves. There's also smth about Mrigashira and obsession 👀
⚡️Jyestha women embody the wild feminine archetype imo, when evolved theyre truly empowered and have this idgaf energy. people may be threatened by their power or skills. Their voice or the way the speak is commanding and naturally charismatic
⚡️Swati/ardra and their eyes 👁👁 most captivating eyes imo I'm in luv
⚡️Purva bhadrapada women seem to attract or be drawn to men with dark nature or men who carry trauma ? Or they know how to bring that out in a man
⚡️Dhanishta women love dancing and they appear to be friendly or have many acquaintances but very little people they relate to. Popular girlies
⚡️Rohini women feminine energy is undeniable , something about them feels innocent yet erotic. They just give off this juicy fertile vibee lmao💦 unlike jyestha which is more dry (not in a bad way its just different 💀)
⚡️Anuradha women are secretive as hell even if they tell u shit don't think u have them all figured out. there's so much to unpack with them , they're generally intriguing complex characters
⚡️Most bratty nakshatras are mrigashira and chitra lmao
⚡️Revati women are pretty privilege girlies also they're master manipulators 👀 they know how to use their femininity to get what they want
⚡️Pushya women have big MOMMY energy. they seem/look mature. They're either the ones taking care of others or others take care of them
⚡️Uttara bhadrapada women have dualistic nature they're either the sweetest ppl u know or ur worst nightmare depending on who theyre dealing with 💀they're like a mirror projecting and reflecting back ur inner self back at ya (Pisces energy) also don't forget the karmic saturn influence.. u don't wanna mess w them or any other saturn ruled woman
⚡️Viahaka women go through intense ups and downs , starting from their good girl phase then they snap and go wild then they mature/become spiritual
⚡️Chitra women secretly (or not so secretly) enjoy drama , they're either the ones caught up in it or they play the role of the "judge" where they can solve conflicts between others. Somehow they're surrounded by it.
⚡️Don't underestimate krittika women especially when it comes to survival 💀 these women can be dangerous and will stab a bitch if they rly had to (whether its for defending loved ones or them surviving) their symbol is 🔪 after all and taurus/aries gives them that survival instinct
⚡️Ardra women can make great poets/song writers , their creativity and inspiration stems from their own 'tragic' experiences
⚡️Punarvasu women remind me of that quote "home is where the heart is" they always end up coming back to their origins and what they feel in their heart
Lemme know ur thoughts & what I should make next
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moonastrogirl · 6 months
💘 Some important tips for each Nakshatra : Never to Do Tips 💘
DISCLAIMER The author name is at the end. I do not remember where I found it unfortunately (it was in my notes app for months fr 😭) tho I know I am supposed to share my knowledge as much as I can and not be a gatekeeper so here it is . I hope it will help you (if you know the author let me know too with the name down below) 💜
Ashwini : Never loose an opportunity to help people in your life, you will meet and learn some very important techniques from a reputed and respected person.
Bharani : Do not share your secrets with anyone. Self control is must.
Krittika : Stand by Truth. Do not entertain, liars, fakers or cheaters or not even try to possess those traits.
Rohini : Don't get too much attached with anything, attachment will cause havoc.
Mrigashira : Do not get disconnected with your parents or family.
Ardra : Learn to work under distractions and pressure. Stay calm in chaos.
Punarvasu : Never disobey Dharma (purpose), always stick to your commitments, you get divine support of universe.
Pushya : Do not ignore your family or your dear one needs while handling bigger responsibilities or social cause. Take out time for them.
Ashlesha : Never misuse your power & Never Curse anyone.
Magha : Never ignore your Pitris (your ancestors). Always do charity in their names.
Purva Phalguni : Avoid getting too much indulgent in pleasures, do your duty faithfully.
Uttara Phalguni : Never break your relationship & Be Kartavya Prayan (loyal).
Hasta : Never get carried away with failure, that's ladder of success for you.
Chitra : Never doubt your potential & don't act impulsive, else you will end up hurting with self.
Swati : Do not poke powerful authorities. Try to stay away from leg pulling.
Vishaka : Never leave the Marg of Bhakti (total faith and devotion) & Keep remembering Bhagwan (the Most High/God).
Anuradha: Never get distracted with too much darkness, sooner or later it's worth experiencing.
Jyeshta : Never misuse your authorities & power, one single mistake can ruin everything.
Mula : Don't get panic, when burdened with lots of negativity, that's the process of bringing clarity, like storm before calm.
Purva Ashadha : Not every war is to win, some are supposed to lift you up. In both victory or defeat you gonna be the same.
Uttara Ashadha : Following Dharma (career/purpose) is right but having a superiority complex can harm you in longer run.
Shravana : Tied up with lots of responsibilities & helplessness, we are born to live or die for a divine purpose, just give your best.
Dhanishta : Never boast or avoid beating the drum of success before its completion.
Shatabhisha : Never sell your soul for gains and profit. Things will turn negative for you.
Purva Bhadrapada : Never rush into conclusion cause what looks on the surface might not be real, try to see deep within. There lies solution.
Uttara Bhadrapada : Simplicity beautifies you, wear it and own it.
Revati : You are the Messenger of God & Bhakt (faith/worship/love). Showing path to directionless people is your real gem. Never sell superstition or blind faiths.
Author :
Mann ki Baat Trishna
Note from the author : Above points are just an observation with my best of understanding.
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veronicawildest · 2 months
Nakshatra series: Observations from different Nakshatras
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Disclaimer: These observations are based on my personal experiences with individuals I know (including celebrities).
The Ashwini girls I know have youthful, baby faces (e.g., India Eisley, Kim Chiu, my classmate). They are much softer and more likable compared to other Nakshatras ruling under vimshottari lord Ketu due to the Laghu Nakshatra quality.
Ashwini men are more impulsive compared to the women. I must add that the men of this Nakshatra are also quite cocky.
Ashwini individuals are smarter than they are often given credit for, especially in academics. They are usually overachievers and can accomplish anything they set their minds to.
If you have a Bharani friend, they are dedicated and loyal friends.
The romantic and sensual traits often associated with Western astrology Taurus actually belong to Bharani. While Aries are typically assertive and action-oriented, they are not usually associated with laziness. It is beacuse of the individuation and selfishness correlated to the first sign of the zodiac, Aries.
It is true that Bharani individuals love ancient mythology and history, particularly about Egypt and themes related to death.
Bharani individuals often have a resting stern expression on their faces.
Krittika doesn't get credit for how funny they are.
They're also fashionable, and both genders of Krittika natives are able to attract the opposite gender (sex appeal to them).
The Krittika symbol is a knife, so there's no wonder why they're blunt and cut-to-the-throat. That's why some of them have a reputation for being "rude".
Krittikas also love politics. The ones (that I know) who are actually interested in helping some people.
Most of the Rohini individuals are actually physically GORGEOUS. Their charm is because of their looks and style.
The reputation of "Geminis (western astrology) are opinionated and talkative" actually applies directly to Rohini natives. They like to troll people and have the last thing to say on things. (Azalea Banks)
Rohinis are actually humorous too. They have this vibe of not taking anything seriously and being innocent.
Rohini and the connection to possessiveness/obsessiveness of their partner or someone romantically. (My mom has this placement, Most of my parents' arguments stem from the fact about jealousy of my dad because of some random man)
The Mrigashira men are actually very reactive to humor if you get what I mean. It's connected to their expression and body language (Ishowspeed).
Mrigashira have actual sex appeal oozing from them, and the natives of this nakshatra have many admirers.
If a woman has this nakshatra (despite the fact that some of them are villainized by women), they actually advocate for things like "women's equality, women's rights."
Mrigashira doesn't have any problem being with the opposite gender than any other nakshatra.
They don't like to admit this, but they love drama.
Arda natives are underestimated in that they can adapt to such social cues and reach heights despite many people hating them. Taylor Swift and Drake are Arda natives who are some of the most influential people (as of when I'm writing this observation), yet other people tend to hate them because they don't take them seriously. The backlash stems from the fact that "Taylor only writes breakup songs from her teenage years when she's 30" or "Drake is too mainstream compared to his peers in the rap/hip-hop community." Something like that. (The ones I quote are the ones I've seen on Twitter.)
Their words can actually hurt a lot. Ardas are actually good roasters. Many comedians are Arda natives, and their comedy often comes from criticism and humiliation of others (pointing out insecurities, etc.). Claire Nakti has a survey about comedians, and this nakshatra is one of the prominent ones in comedy.
The Arda natives that I observe personally have thick eyebrows. The deity has a correlation to eyebrows (I usually can't remember, I'm sorry).
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youremyheaven · 2 months
The Astrology of Doppelgangers
I know the astrology behind the physiognomy of people is a very popular niche in astrology but its truly crazy how so many people who look eerily similar share the same nakshatras or planetary dominance.
Heath Ledger & Joseph Gordon Levitt
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Heath- Revati Sun & Rising
Joseph- Ashlesha Moon with Sun Conjunct Mercury (in Dhanishta)
Both men are very Mercurial looking
2. Sarah Snook & Cari Cakes
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Sarah- Anuradha Sun, Mars in 1h, Mercury in Vishaka in 2h, Moon conjunct Jupiter (in Revati), Mars in Swati in 1h, Saturn in Jyeshta atmakaraka
Cari- Anuradha Rising, Mars in 1h, Vishaka Moon, Mercury conjunct Mars in 1h (in Jyeshta) and Sun conjunct Rahu (in Purvashada), Mars in Jyeshta atmakaraka
3. Janhvi Kapoor & Laura Harrier
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Janhvi- Shravana Moon, Saturn & Ketu in UBP, Mercury conjunct Venus in Shatabhisha (Horse Yoni)
Laura- Mars conjunct Rahu in Shravana, UBP Sun, Ashwini Moon (Horse Yoni)
5. Francis Bean Cobain & Alexandra Daddario
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Alexandra- Venus in Jyeshta atmakaraka, Purvabhadrapada Sun
Frances- Revati Moon, Venus conjunct Jupiter (Jup in 1h)
They have a Mercury and Jupiter influenced appearance
7. Hozier & Chris Evans
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Hozier- Anuradha Moon, Sun in 1h, Shravana stellium
Chris- Anuradha Rising, Sun in 2h, Mars in Rohini in 2h
They have Saturn, Sun & Moon influence in their lewkzz
8. Tom Hardy & Logan Marshall Green
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Tom- Mars conjunct Jupiter in Ardra, Venus in Ashlesha
Logan- Swati Sun & Mercury, Shatabhisha Moon, Venus in Jyeshta
They have Rahu & Mercury influenced lewkzz
9. Fiona Apple & Ty Dolla Sign
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their birth times are unknown
Fiona- Sun atmakaraka, Mars conjunct Jupiter in Ardra, Ketu in Revati
Ty- Sun atmakaraka, Venus in Shatabhisha, Jupiter in Swati, Sun in Revati
Their eyes are soo Rahuvian, I wish I knew their rising signs :(
10. Solange & Orlando Jones
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Orlando- Sun conjunct Rahu (in Revati)
Solange- Ardra Sun
They have a Rahuvian appearance, wish I knew their birth time because I feel like they have other aspects in common
11. Boy George & Sam Smith
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Sam- Mula Moon (dog yoni), Venus atmakaraka (in Krittika)
George- Ardra Moon (dog yoni), Venus in 1h (in Bharani)
13. Myrna Loy & Deva Cassel
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Myrna- Purvaphalguni Moon conjunct Mercury, Ketu conjunct Asc in Shatabhisha
Deva- Purvaphalguni Sun, Magha Moon conjunct Mercury, Rahu in 2h
Claire had mentioned how Rahuvian women have serpentine features, I see that in both of their eye area and face shape, especially the pinched back nose, they also have Purvaphalguni in their big 3 (Rat yoni face shape) and Ketuvian influence as well
14. John Malkovich & Austin Butler
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Austin- Anuradha Moon, Mars in Purvaphalguni amatyakaraka, Jupiter in Ashlesha atmakaraka, Ketu in Punarvasu
John- Mercury conjunct Venus in Anuradha, Purvaphalguni Rising, Jyeshta Sun, Ketu in Punarvasu
In my post about the absorptive quality of Venus I had mentioned the two of them, Austin pretends to be Elvis irl (made worse by the fact that his atmakaraka is in a water sign) and John pretends to be European lol
Venusian men give me the creeps ngl, idk why Claire made them seem like the most ideal type of man ugh
15. Denise Richards and Doutzen Kroes
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Denise- Dhanishta Sun, Vishaka Moon, Krittika Rising
Doutzen- Venus & Mars in Purvabhadrapada, Saturn & Ketu in Vishaka, Uttarashada Sun conjunct Jupiter
They have Lion Yoni (Dhanishta & PBP), heavy Jupiter influence and Sun influence (Krittika & Uttarashada)
16. Leighton Meester & Minka Kelly
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Leighton- Mercury in Purvabhadrapada atmakaraka, Revati Moon amatyakaraka
Minka- Vishaka Moon amatyakaraka
Jupiter, Mercury & Moon seem to affect their appearance
17. Christopher Walken & Scarlett Johansson
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Christopher Walken- Revati Sun, Shravana Moon
Scarlett- Mars in Shravana 2h, Mercury in Jyeshta 1h (atmakaraka), Venus & Jupiter in Purvashada in 2h
I think their Monkey Yoni (Shravana + Purvashada) along with Mercury influence (Revati & Jyeshta) contributes to their facial similarity.
18. Dimple Kapadia & Sandra Bullock
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Dimple- Chitra Moon, Rohini Sun, Mercury in Krittika atmakaraka
Sandra-Dhanishta Moon, Venus & Mars in Mrigashira, Moon amatyakaraka and Jupiter in Krittika atmakaraka
They have Mars, Moon & Jupiter influence, Rohini & Mrigashira's Serpent Yoni can also be seen
19. Collin Ferrell & Emraan Hashmi
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Colin- Sun in Rohini, Purvabhadrapada Moon, Venus atmakaraka (in Punarvasu), Jupiter in Pushya (exalted) & Saturn in UBP (hella Saturn energy)
Emraan- Moon in Shravana, Purvabhadrapada Mars (amatyakaraka) & Ketu, Venus atmakaraka (in Dhanishta), Sun conjunct Mercury in UBP
They have Moon, Jupiter, Saturn & Venus influence, Dhanishta & Purvabhadrapada's Lion Yoni can also be seen in their appearance
20. Raveena Tandon & Twinkle Khanna
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Raveena- Chitra stellium (Mercury, Venus, Mars)
Twinkle-Dhanishta Moon
Mars dominant bombshells<3 fun fact Raveena used to date Akshay Kumar in the 90s and Twinkle is married to Akshay, I guess he has a type lol
21. Minhyuk & Soobin
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Minhyuk- Revati Moon, Venus in Jyeshta
Soobin- Jyeshta Sun
Two Mercurial kings <33
22. Priyanka Chopra & Eva Mendes
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Priyanka is Punarvasu Sun, Venus in Mrigashira, Mars & Jupiter in Chitra (heavy Mars energy)
Eva is Purvabhadrapada Sun, Mercury conjunct Jupiter (in Dhanishta), Saturn conjunct Ketu (in Mrigashira) (basically a lot of Mars influence)
They both have heavy Jupiter + Mars energy in their chart, both of these are masculine planets and if you watch their interviews you can see how tough or kinda fierce, zero bullshit they can be BUT all that said, Priyanka has Rohini Moon (exalted) and some Hasta placements as well, whereas Eva is a Pushya Moon, Moon influence makes you very Yin and Pushya is the most feminine nakshatra so while they have a strong, intimidating, "don't mess with me" attitude & influence going on, they're both also very feminine, very refined, very poised etc, I think its especially reflected in their street style as well.
23. NingNing & Jennie
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Their similarity is their facial shape and overall facial harmony
Ningning- exalted Jupiter (Jupiter exalts in Cancer), Mercury conjunct Mars (in Hasta), Chitra Sun (Tiger yoni)
Jennie- Vishaka Moon (Tiger yoni), Sun conjunct Mercury (in Uttarashada)
The tiger yoni resemblance + Jupiter inverted triangle face shape + Mercury influence giving delicate features is <33
24. Taeyeon & Karina
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Karina- Punarvasu Moon, Mercury & Venus in UBP, Mars conjunct Jupiter (in Bharani)
Taeyeon- Purvabhadrapada Sun, UBP Moon, Mars conjunct Jupiter (in Krittika)
They have Jupiter, Saturn & Mars influence in their appearance
Its interesting because Karina's conjunction (look out for conjunctions in your chart btw, they have a major influence on you) is in a Venusian nak which is yin whereas Taeyeon's in a Sun nak which is yang, I think this reflects in their appearance as well since they look similar but Taeyeon has a bolder vibe, along with a pronounced Yang appearance (Dramatic/Gamine in essence theory)
25. Hrithik Roshan & Bradley Cooper
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Hrithik- Purvashada Sun & Mercury, Pushya Moon, Anuradha Rising
Bradley- Purvashada Sun, Chitra Moon, Anuradha Rising
They have the same big 3 minus their Moon naks. Their appearance is affected by Venus & Saturn.
26. Disha Patani & Penelope Cruz
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Disha- Mrigashira Stellium (Sun, Venus & Ketu), Ashwini Mars, Jupiter in Magha, Rahu in Mula
Penelope- Mrigashira Saturn & Ketu, Ashwini Sun & Mercury
Disha & Penelope have a similar combination of nakshatras with a strong Mars + Ketu influence, Penelope has Ashwini (Ketu ruled) in her luminaries whereas Disha has a Ketu stellium in 3 different nakshatras (I don't count this as a stellium in the traditional sense but having that much Ketuvian energy in your chart is bound to have an effect on you)
27. Julia Michaels & Soha Ali Khan
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Soha- Swati Moon & Mars, Venus in Vishaka atmakaraka & Ketu in Purvabhadrapada
Julia Michaels- Swati stellium, Vishaka Sun & Moon
They have a Swati & Jupiter influenced appearance
28. Anushka Sharma & Julia Michaels
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Anushka- Swati Moon, Sun conjunct Jupiter (in Bharani)
Julia- Swati stellium (mercury, venus & jupiter), Sun & Moon in Vishaka
They have a Swati, Sun and Jupiter influence.
29. Ryan Gosling & Ranbir Kapoor
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Ryan- Purvashada Sun, Shravana Ketu, Venus & Saturn in Hasta
Ranbir-Shravana Moon, Purvashada Ketu, Sun & Mercury in Hasta
They have strong Moon influenced appearance along with Shravana & Purvashada's Monkey Yoni
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moon8th · 6 months
Astrology Lookalikes 🧝🏽‍♀️🧝🏽‍♀️
Has anyone said this before? Lol
Cassie and Zendaya look so much alike, both Tropical Virgo Suns
Taurus Moons
with Libra placements
Cassie Magha Sun/Krittika Moon
Zendaya Purva Phanguni Sun/Ashwini Moon
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I always see little similar mannerisms between them like their smiles, hair, playful, models, musicians, etc.
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azure-cherie · 7 months
𝑵𝒂𝒌𝒔𝒉𝒂𝒕𝒓𝒂𝒔 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒃𝒊𝒓𝒅𝒔 𝒕𝒉𝒓𝒐𝒖𝒈𝒉 𝒎𝒚𝒕𝒉𝒐𝒍𝒐𝒈𝒚 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒊𝒏𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒑𝒓𝒆𝒕𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏
✵ 𝗖𝗿𝗼𝘄 /𝗞𝗮𝗸𝗮
Crow is the animal associated with krittika , pushya , hasta , jyestha , dhanistha
Crows are associated with being the vahan of shani dev , they are a connecting link between the human world and The spirit world , it is believed that our ancestors come in the form of crows to get food and offer us blessings , it is also believed that the caretaker of the crow will achieve blessings from all gods and reach salvation after death
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Mythology and lore :
The black crow, also known as a raven in some regions is said to possess clairvoyance by which he can see different worlds,is the tale of KakBhushundi, mentioned in Tulasi’ Das’s epic poem ‘Ramacharitamanas’. Bhusundi who was an ardent devotee of Ram had no respect or devotion for any representation God other than Lord Ram. His guru sage Lomas tried to correct this attitude by teaching him to develop devotion for nirguna brahman or the formless aspect of God. But Bhusundi ignored his guru’s teachings and kept on worshipping Ram as the Ultimate Truth. In a fit of anger Sage Lomasha cursed Bhusundi to become a crow because of his repeated rejection and arguments against the sage’s guidance and advice. When Lord Ram intervened on behalf of Bhusundi, Sage Lomas relented and recalled Basundi who was now in the form of a crow as ‘KakBhushundi’ or Bhusundi the crow and taught him Ramcharitmanas, stories about Rama’s spiritual journey. Thus KakBhusundi in the form of a crow became the ultimate narrator of the events in the life of Lord Rama. He was also blessed with the ability to travel through time and recreate the story of Lord Rama.
He witnessed a cosmic vision in Rama's mouth, observing millions of suns and moons within, and a vision of the sage himself in Ayodhya within each celestial object. He resided within each of these realms for centuries, and returned from Rama's mouth to find himself return to the same moment in time as he had left. Bewildered, he begged for Rama's salvation, and was promptly blessed with the same. He chose to forever remain in the form of a crow as he had been blessed by his favoured deity in that form.
during the shraddha ceremony or oblation offered to ancestors, a ball of cooked rice ( pind) is offered to the dead ancestor. If crows eat ( touch/peck) it, then it is assumed that the dead ancestor’s soul has been released from his or her bindings with the physical body and has embarked on the continuation of the soul’s journey to the next level of existence. In this rite, crows touching the rice ball is considered auspicious and is also seen as a good omen.they are of particular interest in Tantric narratives and Tantric rituals. In the general Hindu context, the crow is often stereotyped as inauspicious and its role limited to that of vāhana (vehicle of a deity). Conversely, in Tantric ritual manuals, the crow’s sphere of influence is based on a broader concept. Such scriptures imply ominous and ‘dark’ aspects of agency in crows, but they do so in a strikingly different way than Hindu classic mythology. Tantra emphasise an ambivalent potential in crows as beneficial to certain rituals and occasionally incorporate a ‘crow potency’ in ritual instructions.
They are the very powerful healers who are able to locate the shadows that create distress for people and bring blind dark spots to awareness in people so healing can ensue. Spending long periods in the dark gives one this Siddhi.Shuni Kah is the Crow of the Dark Moon who has access to the never regions. He is the one in us to bring the eye to the underground sediment that toxifies our lives. If this unresolved sediment it is left in the unseen world there is no healing.Shuni Kah the Crow and gatekeeper to the world of dreams is the grand healer. Just singing his name is a powerful mantra that causes us to see in the dark.
The entrance to Shuni is through the femminine. His Mother is Chaya, the Shadow Woman, and his father is Surya, the Sun. His Mother was not able to realise her power beside her Husband, the sun, for his glow burned and make her feel overwhelmed and insignificant and so she fled leaving behind her shadow.This signifies how the Feminine is brought into insignificance when the Solar or active force is ruled over her.Having left her Shadow with her husband, Shuni’s mother whilst still pregnant performed prayers and yogic austerity to Shiva under intense heat. Her effort was so great and the heat generated became so hot that her child, Shuni, was burned black.This signifies how heat and tapasya (yogic purifying Fire of austerity) reveals the darkness within the unconscious recesses of one’s being.When Shuni was born and seen in his blackness, his father was shocked at how dark he was refused to recognise him as his child, accusing his wife of being unfaithful. He raged greatly and insulted his wife. Seeing his Mother thus insulted raised Shuni’s wrath. Thus Shuni’s gazes is ever down in the underworld and arouses suffering.He Rides on the Crow and his wife rides on the Swan.One is the bird of the underworld and the other is the bird of the Celestial spheres
The completion of Tantrais known as the Kiss of Crow & Swan.The meeting of opposites.She rides a chariot pulled by crows and has a flag with crow emblem (Kak Dwhajini). She has a voice of howling jackals. Dhumavati
In Celtic mythology, the warrior goddess known as the Morrighan often appears in the form of a crow or raven or is seen accompanied by a group of them. Typically, these birds appear in groups of three, and they are seen as a sign that the Morrighan is watching—or possibly getting ready to pay someone a visit.
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In some tales of the Welsh myth cycle, the Mabinogion, the raven is a harbinger of death. Witches and sorcerers were believed to have the ability to transform themselves into ravens and fly away, thus enabling them to evade capture.Odin is often represented by the raven—usually a pair of them. Early artwork depicts him as being accompanied by two black birds, who are described in the Eddas as Huginn and Munnin. Their names translate to “thought” and “memory,” and their job is to serve as Odin’s spies, bringing him news each night from the land of men. For the ancient Greeks, the crow was a symbol of Apollo in his role as god of prophecy. Augury—divination using birds—was popular among both the Greeks and the Romans, and augurs interpreted messages based on not only the color of a bird but the direction from which it flew. A crow flying in from the east or south was considered favorable.Genesis tells us that after the flood waters receded, the raven was the first bird Noah sent out from the ark to find land. Also, in the Hebrew Talmud, ravens are credited with teaching mankind how to deal with death; when Cain slew Abel, a raven showed Adam and Eve how to bury the body, because they had never done so before.Philo of Alexandria (first century AD), who interpreted the Bible allegorically, stated that Noah's raven was a symbol of vice, whereas the dove was a symbol of virtue (Questions and Answers on Genesis 2:38)In the Story of Bhusunda, a chapter of the Yoga Vasistha, a very old sage in the form of a crow, Bhusunda, recalls a succession of epochs in the earth's history, as described in Hindu cosmology. He survived several destructions, living on a wish-fulfilling tree on Mount Meru.[24]
The Lesser Key of Solomon: Goetia, The Book of Evil SpiritsStolas, the 36th demon in the pantheon, will first appear as a raven when summoned. Once he becomes a man, he teaches the arts and astronomy, as well as the properties of precious stones and the healing properties of herbs. Malphas, the 39th demon, appears as a crow and won’t change form until ordered. In his human form, he can build homes and fortifications and can give his summoner a familiar
Raven overheard the old man talking to himself about a box he possessed. The box contained a series of ever-smaller boxes, and inside the smallest box was all the light in the world—which Raven decided to steal.There seemed to be no door into the house, so Raven waited until the man’s daughter went to a nearby stream, then changed himself into a hemlock needle in the water, which the girl drank. Raven changed himself into a baby once he was inside her, and once he was born (an odd-looking half-bird, half-boy creature whose true nature was hidden by the darkness), he demanded to be allowed to play with the boxes. One by one, Raven demanded the first box, then the second, and so on. Finally, he convinced his grandfather to open the innermost box and let him play with the ball that was the light. As soon as Raven had the light, he took off with it gripped in his beak.The light spilled from the ball and over the world, but it wasn’t long before Eagle gave chase. As Raven fled, pieces of the light fell to the ground and shattered, bouncing back into the sky to create the Moon and the stars. Other pieces of the light slowly fell as Raven made his way around the world, which is why the light travels across the sky the way it does.Theories suggest that the three legs represent the three ancient clans of Japan or the three virtues of valor, benevolence, and wisdom. Some suggest that the three stands for mankind, heaven, and Earth. Regardless of why Yatagarasu has three legs, he’s seen as symbolic of the navigator, physical and spiritual, and he’s even been adopted by the Japanese soccer association in the hopes that he’ll help navigate the ball into the goal. He’s also closely associated with Kumano, the birthplace of the founder of the sport in Japan
The raven is considered one of the smartest birds. In fact, the raven’s brain is among the largest of any bird species. Ravens also happen to possess an extraordinary number of brain cells compared to the brains of other birds.3When the raven is your spirit animal, you are being called upon to rely on your wits in a given situation or when you are faced with a challenge in your life. Often in life, we can go on automatic pilot, accepting things the way they are, or thinking we don’t have the capacity to change them.The raven spirit animal tells you that with innovation and creative thinking, you can influence outcomes that affect the course of your life. Even if you feel emotional about a situation, remember to rely on the gift of your intellect to solve your problems. This is how you gain deeper intelligence and wisdom.\
Charles Dickens’ Barnaby Rudge: A Tale of the Riots of Eighty. In both tales, the raven is at first disturbing to the character who interacts with him. But then he provides important insights. Indeed, the raven expands both of the main characters’ level of consciousness.
In many Native American legends, the raven is the wisest of birds, even possessing the ability to speak.8 (In fact, this is an interesting parallel between Native American legends and stories from other cultures, such as Edgar Allan Poe’s The Raven, in which the intelligent black bird is capable of human speech.The Egyptian goddess Nepthys, who is the sister of Isis, was the goddess of the dead.13 It’s clear that the ancient Egyptians also connected the raven with death, as they associated Nepthys with this intelligence black bird.
Meaning: Survival and Adaptability
Intuition – Because the raven is so closely associated with clairvoyance and prophecy, on a spiritual level, they remind us of our own ability to connect with our Higher Power and higher spiritual entities through our own minds.
Spiritual Guidance – As they are associated with insight and guidance, the raven is also a symbol for spiritual education. We are all works in progress. Learning about spirituality from more enlightened souls can lead to our own spiritual growth.
Spiritual Transformation – As a powerful symbol of transformation, the raven also embodies the idea of shifting consciousness and opening our minds to greater awareness as we navigate our spiritual journey. reflect on the areas of your life that they might relate to. Even an anxious raven dream can be a gift. It can prompt you to take the time to be an objective observer of your own thoughts. Then, you can improve situations without getting pulled in every direction your thoughts might take.
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Through various nakshatras
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Interpretations are solely based on my understanding and you can have your interpretation as well ❤️
Krittika nakshatra
Krittika is a churner of perfection under the fire of Surya that gave birth to Shani through his mother chaya the first conception of the birth of a crow comes through while Shani is associated with crows , the struggles of not being seen enough is associated here , the outcast themes come through. Along with that the perfection theme while a crow collects the most beautiful stuff to keep in it's nest , it knows what's valuable like krittika sees the value in things , they know what they want and they attempt to take it . Here this relates to the story of yatagarasu believed to be an incarnation of the sun in Shinto mythology. This also associates with Apollo being the god of prophecy and taking the form of a crow , shows that where there exists light ( Surya ) there Exists chaya , they aren't on a scale of horizontal extremes but the flip sides of a coin, one cannot exist without the other , in krittika lies the light so lies the dark , lies the beauty of creation so lies the pain of change .
Pushya nakshatra
Pushya nakshatra ruled by Saturn comes in through the first liberation through pain and trials in the lives of the natives , like a crow one suffers despite what others say , people say various things without knowing about the wisdom of the crow , this forms the initiation of intuition . While pushya relates to the nourishing aspect of a crow , how they hunt for their young ones , how they know pain because they have been the one experiencing it , being outcast only affects them for a small time because they pick themselves up like a true winner. . Here the intelligence and creativity given by the raven shines through with the light of the moon .
Hasta nakshatra:
The playful nature of mercury- moon shines through the crow in being a lover for finer things in life , they are the intelligent ones the smart ones , they are often called deceptive , but that's just cleverness put to use , while the significance here can be seen through the story of raven (mentioned above) stealing the box which contained all the light of the world and convincing the old man to open the box , natives have great communication skills and can easily convince people. As the eagle chased the raven the moon and the stars were created , signified by the moon hasta creates their own pathway through their own efforts. By hook or by crook they get what they desire .
Jyestha nakshatra:
In Jyestha nakshatra comes in the prophetic and astrological nature of the natives . Jyestha nakshatra is associated with the 8th house , hence death and through the mahavidya Dhumavati who is also associated with crows , this nakshatra gives grounding, astrological talent to the one with this nakshatra. When the ceremonial rites of a dead person is performed offering food to a crow suggests the offerings being accepted by the dead , which is suggested here with Jyestha being in Scorpio. In tantra crows are seen as potent symbolism of intuition and transformation in various mythologies, crow is seen as transformation as is seen in Jyestha nakshatra.In the lesser key of solomon a crow reaches the art of divinitions and healing properties of crystals . A Jyestha native transforms throughout their lives and gains knowledge to become a spiritual centre of creativity and intuition. They bring in spirituality and astrology as 8th being the origin of astrology, they are potent in magical arts and healing others as well as themselves.
Dhanistha nakshatra :
When in dhanistha can be explained through the story of kakbhushundi , the disciple who turned into a crow in devotion to Rama , the solar avatar of Vishnu, kakbhushundi explores the spritual aspect of the crow , kakbhushundi who recited stories through ramacharitamanas . Dhanistha associated with Hanuman also shows the infinite devotion the crow bird and the natives of dhanistha have towards their adored and admired one , being a symbol of loyalty they are blessed with spiritual powers like kakbhushundi could travel through time and various realms , Dhanistha are blessed with the power to see various perspectives . Dhanistha natives are associated with the celestial form of a crow , the loyalty , the devotion and the spiritual salvation.
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Thank you so much for reading, I hope this thread provided you valuable insights, please know that this is based on my understanding and interpretation I'm open to suggestions and corrections
Have a great day / night ahead 🤍
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cleopheanne · 3 months
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Chitra : the Power to accumulate merit and the star of opportunity
Chitra is associated with the bright star Spica or "Spica Virginis" the ear of the virgin" wich contrasts the vixen-like status of Chitra celebrities like Kim K or Amber Rose.
The ruling deity is Vishwakarma the divine architect and craftsman reason of Chitra association with manual arts like couture.
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Hey, so I've been more focused on the nakshatras lately.. and love getting into how sensual, flirtatious, raw and powerful some of the nakshatras could be. I may start this off with just the nakshatras itself, focusing on the sign and its energy as opposed to the planets in each of these naks. So yeah. Lets get into it ;)
So first is up, Hasta. There the ones who really inspired me to do this so here we go.
Hasta - Delicate. Refined. Opened Hearts. Very sensual beings who know how to ease you into to their souls. They have a replenishing auras that could fulfill the desires of another. Oop, did I say that? They are indeed the temptress, the ones that will make you fall in love with, as they know you will never get anything from the in return. Having been hurt in the past, they usually carry themselves with a tight armor, only this time they know they wont have to... Because someone will always take the bait ;)
Hastas are truly amazing at crafting their hearts into the desires that they want. So much so, they'll utilize their sex appeal in order to get what they want. Very smart, coi and productive... Their like the jaguar you dont see coming. They always get what they want, because others are more than likely to give to the hastanian babe whenever they please.
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Rohini - Ooooooh! They are sooo seductive. They have a quiet temper that is aroused when the right soul meets into their arms. They're only lovers for the plot. If it gets too deep and on the wrong foot then their outta here. Sorry busta!If you don't give it to them the right way, then they won't be here for long. They are only here for one purpose, and that is to fulfill their desires in more ways than one. Like their hasta friends, they know how to go for what they want, and they'll get it by any means necessary.
There temptress powers they carry can attract an audience if they let it. There touch can last for hours, penetrating into the skin like magic. They are the doorway to salvation. Pleasure is their profound language. It is a blessing and a curse to be this type of delight. A special occasion, they keep anyone anyway who is not deserving of their love.
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Anuradha - I feel like this one deserves a round of applause ONLY because they do not share these gifts so easily. The people could want more but that isn't enough. Once they get a hold of your tempting magic people will definitely try and take you to the pits of hell. So its kept in a jar, locked away for a while until the anuradha babe is ready to go for the kill. When she wants it, she will. And when mama's hungry, shes gonna eat ;) Siren-like eyes that can penetrate into your soul. It can spook you ;) But all the Anuradha wants is to entice, it is how she gets what she desires. She has a flow that is naturally pulling like the Jyestha, we don't know what it is but its powerful, convincing, and its rare. The anuradha is the type to pull yu in, to the point that when she catches you in her spell.. she will eat you alive. Its better to stay away if you dont want to be bit, but her allure is just so damn powerful. It'll have you begging for more.
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Krittikas - Their raw sexuality will pour into your skin, and before you know it.. they've already gotten you into their mini web. Darling.. the ones who where this nakshatra on their sleeves use every bit of their power to seduce the right one.. sometimes it catches others too. There striking presence keeps the others wondering where have they been all of their life. The one who moves to the beat of their own drum, tameless. It is why so many try to focus on wooing you in order to make you into what THEY want you to be.. and you beat em at their game every time. The seductive prowess they carry show a reflective force from the moon down to the sun, with its rays being so powerful it has everyone looking at them.. waiting to explore what is deep inside the krittika, only to be found later in their dungeon. Taking their souls, and never to be heard of again.
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Shravana - They have a very powerful aura that pushes the narrative about themselves. They have the gift that keeps on giving. They know what to do with their seduction, its the one that gets them the highest bidder! What shapes you, is the power of the mind, the soul and the spirit. So they do themselves the diligence to create from within, and not without. They are hungry to learn more about their presence as their gifts connect to the souls of thousands.. What I mean is that these babes have a gift of opening up the godlike force that many try to emulate.. but many can't do. There seductive prowess inspires thousands to watch them as they watch to the shravana native, craving for their affection.. As they can be so very giving, but with a price. It all comes down to them wanting to be at the top, and they'll whatever they can to get it. It comes with a sense of ease, and they'll choose their favorite worshiper to teach ;)
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Mula - HOT HOT HOT!!!!!! They don't even know how deep this goes.. but they penetrate into your skin with no effort. There gift is in spiking you with their mind, and leading you in with their heart.. They know how to entice you into doing for them and fitting to their needs.. You wont even blink an eye and yet wont even care. You'll just be glad to be in their presence is all. They have a special aura that most find pretty enchanting, and their souls spark a conversation one what makes them so unique.. because most people are mystified by them and begin to take notes.. but they will never know what that is to be exact. Which is what makes their seductive prowess just that damn good. It exists for them and them alone.. if they decide to share this with you consider yourself LUCKY.. Because they like you more than the rest, and who they are and how they carry themselves is a gift you when they want to share it.. Whew.. they'll really touch you in ways you won't forget.
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I will post on the rest of them soon. Let me know in the comments how you feel about the nakshatras !!
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marsprincess889 · 9 months
I think yoni animal matching works in friendships too and is just an important factor in liking or disliking someone. And not just moon nakshatra yoni, sun and ascendant and other planets too.
Bharanis are not that childlike? I know this may be subjective cause i'm bharani moon myself but most bharanis, inclding me have an air of a martyr and innate strength and seriousness despite their youthful and passionate behavior.
Uttara Phalguni girls are seen as "girlfriend material" by men? (Can someone please confirm?)
Punarvasu are the kindest people, unlike moon nakshatras they never blow their trumpet, but they make up for it by being angry about it 🙃 (understandable and relatable, very iconic of them)
Shravana in your primary placement often gives long, dark, straigh hair (or darker hair in general), lighter skin tone and in general length to features, especially limbs.
Mrigashiras are often different from other mars nakshatras, their aggression is more prevalent in their stubbornness and defiance, also they're rarely bitchy even thought it may appear otherwise. Chitra and Dhanishta have big cat yonis and mrigashira has a snake yoni, so that's another difference there.
Dhanishtas, on the other hand, can become combative in otherwise calm situations and they often feel so passionately about certain causes that it may come off as unnessecarily starting drama. They also have probably the most martian demeanor while speaking or interacting in general.
Ashwinis are sometimes so unaware that they can be deaf to other people making sense. Like you can talk all you wish, they won't hear a word you say and I don't think it's intentional. I believe this protects them, though.
Krittikas are very feminine? Like they're so particular about everything and nurturing eveytime they need to be. I'm talking about all genders here. This might be because the Pleiades constellation, which is in krittika is known as "the seven sisters". They also may come off as masculine but at their core they're one of the most feminine nakshatras.
Don't forget to interact with me if you found any of this interesting, take care 🤍
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chitra111goddess · 5 months
Vedic astrology notes
Based on my own experiences
• shravana girlies are loved by other women and the type to attract both genders. Their femininity is strongly felt 🎀
• anuradha is strongly associated with spiders , spiders become mostly significant for them when they're conquering their fears and owning their power 🕷
• bharani women make rly good leaders as they seem grounded but also people tend to look up to them. Venus energy is elite ✨️
• tiger yonis (chitra/vishaka) are fierceee badass bitches they can come off as Intimidating but ppl can't help but notice them 🐆
• vishaka women start out as "good girls" from a young age but the more society or people try to control them they bottle it up and then lash out or spiral out of control at one point becoming destructive, these women grow more into themselves later as they find it important to be authentic and true to who they are , thats how they shine🌻
• ashlesha women can bring out the worst in someone like they really know how to push someone's buttons lol
• mrigashira women are very smart and intellectual they tend to follow their logic rather than their heart when it comes to relationships 💭 they also can keep secrets v well
• krittika women tend to have messy love lives with love triangles or cheating but they're also v attractive to the opposite sex
• revati women have 2 sides to them they're either badass from the outside and soft from the inside or they show their softness but internally they're badass and smarter than they led on
• jyestha women have so much sex appeal and they're not afraid to show it. They tend to have issues with other women whether its jealousy or competition but that doesn't take away from their success. Jyesthas end up being on top they make sure they win 🔥
• purva phalguni fr are sex freaks both men and women , but they can also channel all that sexual energy and passion into their creations which makes them very passionate and creative people overall
• shatabhisha women are so smart especially when it comes to getting info and secrets out of people but its mostly not for personal gains but for the highest good 👀
• can we talk about swati women and how they're strongly associated with cosmetics and beautification? 💄
• purva bhadrapada women hate being controlled or restricted especially when it comes to ideologies, concepts or beliefs. They don't like to be put in a box or labeled and would push against those barriers
Let me know if I should make more of these or if anything resonates
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The Nakshatra Colors
In Astrology, every Nakshatra has a color which it is associated with. The color of the Nakshatra works in two primary ways. Internally and externally. This article piece focused on the Internal.
On an internal level, the color of the Nakshatra has a psychological effect. According to color theory every hue, shade, and tone affects the spirit and consciousness. Every Nakshatra color internally takes on the psychological traits of color, integrating into the consciousness and personality.
The colors of Nakshatras internally are best applied to the Nakshatra placement of the Sun, Moon, Rahu, and Ketu. This is because all 4 of these planets relate directly to the internal consciousness.
The Traits of a Nakshatra Color brings the following traits into the inner self or personality:
Ashwini - Blood Red
Active Excitement Energy Invigoration High Metabolism Fearlessness Intensity Power Passion Fire Love Lust Arousal Affection Aggression Anger Violence Warfare Terror Survival
Bharani - Blood Red
Active Excitement Energy Invigoration High Metabolism Fearlessness Intensity Power Passion Fire Love Lust Arousal Affection Aggression Anger Violence Warfare Terror Survival
Krittika - White
Independence Youth Innocense Completeness Openness Blank Slates Possibilities Creativity Purity Virtue Cleanliness Simplicity Peace Tranquility Cleansing Efficiency Order Soothing Isolating Empty Boredom, Criticism
Rohini - White
Independence Youth Innocense Completeness Openness Blank Slates Possibilities Creativity Purity Virtue Cleanliness Simplicity Peace Tranquility Cleansing Efficiency Order Soothing Isolating Empty Boredom, Criticism
Mrigashira - Silver Grey
Fluid Sensitive Soothing Calming Restorative Reflection Intuition Clairvoyance Wealth Prestige Quiet Reserved Compromising Blending In Unemotional Indifferent Loner Isolated Depressing
Ardra - Green
Going Motion Equilibrium Balance Harmony Health Wellness Nutrition Vitamins Fitness Growth Fertility Prosperity Progress Wealth Freshness Renewal Stress Relief Relaxation, Nature Inexperienced Envy Greed Jealously
Punarvasu - Lead Grey
Intelligence Wisdom Dignity Experience Neutrality Balance Impartiality Clear Thoughts Compromising Faith Truthful Formal Modern Future Advancing Technology Protective Private Reserved Blending in Loner Isolated Background Existence
Pushya - Black Red
Power Control Protection Elegance Formality Professionalism Standing Out Mystery Dramatic Enigmatic Aggression Anger Fear Anxiety Grief Despair Anxiety Sadness Evil Death Mourning Loneliness Lethargy
Active Excitement Energy Invigoration High Metabolism Fearlessness Intensity Power Passion Fire Love Lust Arousal Affection Aggression Anger Violence Warfare Terror Survival
Ashlesha - Black Red
Power Control Protection Elegance Formality Professionalism Standing Out Mystery Dramatic Enigmatic Aggression Anger Fear Anxiety Grief Despair Anxiety Sadness Evil Death Mourning Loneliness Lethargy
Active Excitement Energy Invigoration High Metabolism Fearlessness Intensity Power Passion Fire Love Lust Arousal Affection Aggression Anger Violence Warfare Terror
Magha - Cream
Openness Seriousness Intense Respected Esteemed Admired Durability Sophistication Refinement Humility Athletic Ambitious Competitive Cautious Held Back Adversarial Sore Loser Antagonistic
Purva Phalguni - Light Brown/Tan
Natural Organic Warmth Comforting Cozy Calm Relaxed Logical Analytical Creative Artistic Security Luxury Elegance Conservative Dull
Uttara Phalguni - Bright Blue
Optimism Enthusiasm Bright Alert Peace Clam Tranquility Relaxed Meditative Zen Recharging Intelligence Concentration Focus Connection Strong Values Integrity Honesty Attractive Connection Helper Assister Rational Capable Composed Competent Precise Responsible Reliable Trustworthy Loyalty Social Cold Sad Down
Hasta - Dark Green
Bold Controlled Steadfast Conservative Edgy Fertility Drive Desire Money Materialism Hunger Indulgence Moody Oversaturated Overwhelming Flooded Overloaded Gluttony Excess Resentment Spite
Chitra - Black
Power Control Protection Elegance Formality Professionalism Standing Out Mystery Dramatic Enigmatic Aggression Anger Fear Anxiety Grief Despair Anxiety Sadness Evil Death Mourning Loneliness Letheragy
Swati - Black
Power Control Protection Elegance Formality Professionalism Standing Out Mystery Dramatic Enigmatic Aggression Anger Fear Anxiety Grief Despair Anxiety Sadness Evil Death Mourning Loneliness Letheragy
Vishakha - Gold
Optimism Positivity Charisma Passion Wisdom Understanding Enlightenment Success Knowledge Wisdom Great Understanding Triumph Achievement Reputation Wealth Quality Giving Compassionate Loving Selfishness Over-complexity
Anuradha - Reddish Brown/Maroon
Warmth Beauty Primal Emotional Passion Power Strength Determination Confidence Courage Spirited Depth Ambition Force Risk Creative Wise Spiritual Impulsive Anger
Jyestha - Cream
Openness Seriousness Intense Respected Esteemed Admired Durability Sophistication Refinement Humility Athletic Ambitious Competitive Cautious Held Back Adversarial Sore Loser Antagonistic
Mula - Bright Yellow
Happiness Positivity Cheerfulness Inspiring Illuminating Optimism Hope Promising Striking Insightful Wise Humerus Vibrant Stimulated Engaged Overpowering Intense Excessive Warning Caution Deceit Restless
Purva Ashadha - Black
Power Control Protection Elegance Formality Professionalism Standing Out Mystery Dramatic Enigmatic Aggression Anger Fear Anxiety Grief Despair Anxiety Sadness Evil Death Mourning Loneliness Lethargy
Uttara Ashadha - Copper
Down to Earth Warm Homely Wealth Comforting Impassioned Lively Energetic Strong Determined Supportive Genuine Classy Successful Accomplished Egotistical Cheeky Envy Hypocrisy Cynicism
Shravana - Light Blue
Feminine Welcoming Soft Comfortable Safe Calm Gentle Ethereal Peaceful Tranquil Soothing Refined Cultivated Stylish Approachable Concentration Focus Connection Strong Values Integrity Composed Competent Precise Responsible Reliable Trustworthy Superficial Delicate Frail Cold Sad Down
Dhanishta - Silver Grey
Fluid Sensitive Soothing Calming Restorative Reflection Intuition Clairvoyance Wealth Prestige Quiet Reserved Compromising Blending In Unemotional Indifferent Loner Isolated Depressing
Shatabhisha - Cyan/Aqua
Rational Liveliness Nature Healing Therapy Restoring Correcting Mending Remediation Stability Tranquility Clarity of Mind Emotional Balance Serenity Creativity Spirituality Dreams Fantasy Trances
Purva Bhadrapada - Silver Grey
Fluid Sensitive Soothing Calming Restorative Reflection Intuition Clairvoyance Wealth Prestige Quiet Reserved Compromising Blending In Unemotional Indifferent Loner Isolated Depressing
Uttara Bhadrapada - Purple
Power Wisdom Inspiration Creativity Imagination Fantasy Spiritual Devout Philosophical Future Minded Resourceful Selfless Humility Wealthy Luxury Nobility Extravagance Impractical Immature Arrogance Cynicism Melancholy
Revati - Brown
Sensual Sensitive Warm Comfortable Stability Reliable Secure Steadfast Natural Wholesome Dependable Structured Homely Sincere Reassuring Genuine Practical Supportive Dull Mundane Boring Predictable Inexpensive
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maghamoon · 10 months
Krittika Nakshatra Women: Affairs, Cheating and Appeal
Note: Karthikeya (Warrior god in Hinduism) was nurtured by 6 Krittika. This is where the scandals of affairs, pregnancies, etc. come from. Of course not all women or natives go through this, this is simply a study.
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the sanskrit root word krit literally means to cut, divide or destroy.
krittika women have been in situations where other women in relationships felt threatened. they divide people in relationships due to their own appeal.
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Priyanka Chopra (Krittika ASC) rumored to have an affair with Shah Rukh Khan. She was banned in the bollywood industry due to Gauri Khan, the wife, resenting her.
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Cher (Sun in Krittika) talks about her own wealth in an interview. Krittika rules over gold.
She also mentions how men are like dessert (not a necessity). I found this to be such a Krittika moment, seeing how they have strong passion for the opposite gender, but are also high skeptics and critics.
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Halle Berry, Krittika ASC. She got cheated on Eric Benet. Concepts of cheating, taking in someone else’s children and affairs are common for Krittika Nakshatra.
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Keira Knightley, Krittika Moon. In her debut movie “Bend It Like Beckham,” her best friend gets with the boy she likes.
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Recently, Anna Kendrick, another moon native opened up about finding out year long text messages of her partner cheating.
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Katharine Hepburn, Krittika Moon. She was rumored to have an affair with Hollywood Co-star Stephen Tracy.
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venussaidso · 11 months
I notice how Sidereal Aries (Ashwini, Bharani and sometimes Krittika) women don't like to be trapped in a power dynamic relationship. They're less likely to date men older than them because they feel open to manipulation that way, or feel unsafe around men of higher status that may abuse power over them. You'll see them dating people on 'their level' if not a slightly higher level. Although there will always be exceptions of course, especially if there's any kind Saturn influence. But this is what I've seen. This can apply to those with Mars Atmakaraka or dominant Mars. You don't want someone above you pressing on you in a vulnerable/intimate relationship.
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azure-cherie · 4 months
Oracle reading
Advice for each nakshatra for February
Hii loves hope you're doing well , please check for your sun , moon and rising. This is based on vedic astrology and nakshatras so check accordingly<33 hope it helps
Masterlist | paid readings | paid readings 2
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1. Ashvini/Aswini
Your advice for February is to connect to your inner self, your child self . Enjoy your days resting and taking care of yourself. Some trips and adventures to nearby places is also encouraged . There's happy energy, visit the doctor if you're having stomach problems .
2 . Bharani
There are various ways to meditate and so should you find ways to even dance and writing are forms of mediation engage in the soft and focused energy that you embody , watch the moon more often . If you're reading try reading up about mythology for February.
3 . Krittika/Krithika
For February speak up , tell people about what you need tell people about what you don't like tell yourself what you're capable of. Get into affirmations and stay away from negative self talk . You're gonna meet new people don't be shy when you need to engage into discussions.
4. Rohini
For this month you need to get disciplined with your body , are you drinking what you need to are you eating what you should . Your body is a temple and you should treat it like it . You don't need to make excuses for others I just saw 1111 , it's a good time to work on your body goals .
5. Mrigashira
Engage into self love this month , you might have a sexual encounter or just feel more energetic towards self pleasure this month , remember that your energy is divine and choose your partners wisely. Appreciate yourself this month you're such a capable being .
6. Ardra
This month choose embodiment are you listening to advice after advice but not trying it out , choose your gurus wisely and take the seriously and try to implement it . It's a good time to engage into creative endeavours and really be in it . Visit a beach .
7. Punarvasu
Study/dance/sing this month with outmost dedication, you're blessed this month , you need to work on your root chakra and be more grounded . If you have a special occasion this month wear the colour red . Okay for some of you , you might get a proposal.
8. Pushya
This month you're gonna be in loveee , I feel the valentine's is going to be very fruitful for you you're getting flowers compliments and gifts . If not you'll be more into loving and pleasuring yourself. You'll be learning new perspectives about love your advice is to appreciate all forms of love around you be it romantic platonic etc.
9. Ashlesha
For the month of February get into creativity more , learn about more forms of creativity it's not just physical like dance and arts but also of your minds and concepts . Learn to let go of limiting beliefs and create your own reality
10. Magha
Take actions this month , if you want something go get it , i hear that no one is coming to save you , you gotta save yourself, don't be scared of anyone you're blessed and protected . Also take care of your documents
11. Purva Phalguni
You might forget something important this month so take extra care . Buy yourself things and work on your sacral chakra energy by cultivating self pleasure and self love . Wear more yellow or just yellow for a specific occasion
12. Uttara Phalguni
Sometimes to attract something we need to become the thing like they say dress for the job that you want you need to be the aim that you are desiring if you wanna be confident don't wait on it rather decide that from the moment on you are
13. Hasta
Be at your home more this month, along with that ground yourself be in the earthy plane , avoid being in your head or daydreaming too much I sense you might get an accident or make a wrong decision if you're too much in your head
14. Chitra
Learn that sometimes we need to adjust for others i know that boundaries are something that one should maintain but sometimes your friend might need a listener more than your 20 hours of rest that doesn't mean an unhealthy sacrifice but a good one where you are helping someone who has helped you .
15. Swati
You're in conception of a new life for yourself this is the month to dream and achieve it all believe in the power of your mind and look for bird symbolism . Pray to the sun and drink from the moons radiant cup.
16. Vishakha
Refrain from any kinds of problematic situations this month , don't argue just detach not everyone understands perspectives and you should just leave them on their own. Work on your anger issues.
17. Anuradha
You're a perfect blend between being soft and nurturing and agressive when required don't let anyone gaslight you into thinking that's manipulation or being two faced, people can be different with different people and that's how it is don't complain don't explain.
18. Jyeshtha
Lean more into prayer and meditation this month , is there someone you have been wanting to worship or a guru you have been wanting to follow this is the time to start doing that , everything starts with small steps you're seeing synchronicities in everything
19. Mula
This is your divine month , you're gonna be dancing in storms with the devil's you're gonna be great at any cost , you took this decision with yourself that you're gonna be happy no matter what and that's what this month is about healing and dancing and rejoicing.
20. Purva Ashadha
Serenity is a place that can be often found in one's mind if you're feeling worry some write things down infact make a list of thing that you allow yourself to worry about if it isn't in the list don't worry about it , believe that nature can heal , hug a tree today .
21. Uttara Ashadha
Softness is beauty softness is virtue , if you're delicate and vulnerable give yourself credit that you are, not everyone can be soft in this harsh world . You're just so appreciated and admired and you don't even know that but you better start believing you are the it girl .
22. Shravana
It's okay to take space you're a human and sometimes things can be overwhelming, know that the right people will stay and be there for you when you can't give anything. Some people genuinely wanna be your friends.
23. Dhanishtha
Nourish your spirit with knowledge and knowing about your own self , write down your good qualities your hobbies your likes and things that you'd like to do in the future every day is a new chance to love yourself more you're transforming in the most beautiful manner
24. Shatabhisha
This month you're literally gonna rise from ashes I see you exploring your qualities and your talents your vibrations are high your mind is clear you are creative . Call upon your ancestors to guide you .
25. Purva Bhadrapada
You're gonna embody love this month , you're gonna be looking beautiful and lot of people will be admiring you and your perseverance what completely shines is your heart and your dedication. Someone notices you always keep working hard and never think you're less than anyone
26. Uttara Bhadrapada
Flow in the direction of life this is the time that the power you believe in has taken hold of your life be more based on observation than action see people as characters rather than problems see things as solutions more than tasks change your perspective you're healing glowing levelling up
27. Revati
Believe that you're in good hands of God and do each task in life as a divine human being a child of the goddess she's over you always protecting you and destroying the evil. Look within yourself is there something that you would like to change ask her to help with it she will show you the right path .
Thank you so much for reading
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